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- - - - - - -I I THE WEDDING…

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THE WEDDING DAY. On Tuesday the marriage ceremony in which the Eng- lish nation feels so deep an interest was performed with fitting pomp & solemnity at Windsor. At 11 o'clock the Royal carriages with an escort of the Horse Guards, left the Castle, and proceeded in the direction of St. George's Chapel ST. GEORGE'S CitiPEL. -Simple, lofty, and cold, it is difficult to light up the Nave of St. George's. But the difficulty was overcome by the hues and colours so rich and bright that from the floor half-way up the fluted pillars the effect was like that produced by a piece of gorgeous tapestry, or by a grand oriental carpeting hung on the walls. It would be vain to make an attempt to describe all the incidents which took place, before the chancel became the scene of more interesting proceedings, short as that was. On a sudden-far remote, indeed-are heard from the world beyond the walls the dulled bars of God save the Queen," and as they are yet sounding nearer and nearer, the purple curtain is drawn back, and there enters the Nave the procession of the guests, including the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, the chief members of the family of the Bride and Bridegroom, &c., &c. The representative of the glories of the Khalsa, the descendant of the Lion of Lahore, is resplendant in cloth of gold kirkob, with collar of pearls and sheen of yellow satin and it is strange to see him here among the fair-haired Norsemen and Teutons whose boldest adventures had never led them within half the world's circumference of the land we have made our own but without offence to the distinguished throng, it may be said it is in the nature of the day that the greatest at- tention should be attracted by the mother, the young sisters and brothers of the Bride, who are received with such deference as could be shown to them by the as- semblage. They all passed in to the chapel. And then come the young Princesses of England, with that frank, simple, gentle girlhood, reminding us of an anniversary so fraught with blessings for many years, we can but make our best prayer that the like shall be granted to us in a future reign, who, bowing in return to the lowly salutations of ladies and gentle- men right and left, glide noiselessly on before the young Princes, who, in the garb of old Gael," walk side by side in the interval between their sisters and the Princess Helena, with placid composure. They pass on, one by one, the fair daughter of the House who has been given to the young Prince of Hesse, and the Crown Princess of Prussia, who is followed for ever by our respectful solicitude and affectionate loyalty. When Her Royal Higness appeared, leading his little Royal Highness Prince William of Prussia, whose tiny gait was revealed fully by the Highland costume in which he was dressed, another murmur a soft rustling sound-stole through the Nave, which the genius of the place alone repressed from an enthusiastic developement. But it was, nevertheless, the index to the feelings of the whole English heart. Soon after 12 o'clock the Procession of the Bride- groom appeared. Once more the trumpets sound, the drums roll, the curtain once more opens, and, headed by the drums and trumpeters, enters the Procession of the Bridegroom — THE BRIDEGROOM, Supported by bis Brother-in-law, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Prussia, K.G and by his Uncle, His Riyal Highness the Ratlins: Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, KG. His Royal Highness, whose mantle of the Garter con- cealed his uniform so far that only the gold-striped over- all and spurs can be seen to give an indication that he wears his uniform below, bears himself as one who has a light heart and princely dignity. Every eye speaks its blessing, and every head pays its willing homage as he passes along, returning the reverences of the people on both sides with scrupulous and zealous observance of courtesy. The head of the Bridegroom's procession is in the chapel, which is now sparkling more brightly still, and as drums and trumpets cease the march from Athalie takes up the joyous strains. It was half-past twelve when the drums and trumpets again sounded, and the curtain, raising for the fourth time, gave admis- sion to the procession of the bride. PROCESSION OF THE BRIDE, Herald. Herald. Master of the Ceremonies, Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir Edward Cust, K.C.H. Mr C. A. Gnsch, Ciip,ain de Falbe, The Danish Minister, M Torben de Bille. The Vice Chamberlain The Lord Ch ltnberl an of the of the Q ipen's Household, Queen's Household, The Viscount Castlerose. The Viscount Syduey. THE BRIDE, Suppoi ted by her fath; r his Roya) Highness Prince Christian of Denmark, And by his Royal Highness ttie Duke of Cambridge, K.G. THE TRAIN OF HEK ROYAL HIGHNESS, Borne by eight unmarried daughters of Dukes, Marquises, and Earls — I The Lady Victoria Scott The Lady Elma Bruce The Lady E nilv Viiliers The Lady Feodire Wellesley I The Lady Diana Beauclerk The Lady Victoria Howard The Lady Aneta Y rice Tile Lady Eleanor titre Then followed the Ladies au 1 Geutlemeu in attendance on the B, ide. For the first two or three minutes after the doors were opened there were apparently no claimants for admis- sion but after that short interval the hurried buzz and constant rustling of silk showed that they were coming in fast to the Nave—though none passed beneath the screen which gave admission to the more exclusive precincts of the Choir reserved for Royalty or high officers of State alone. It looked a sanctuary wcrthy of such high presence as was there to assemble, and its dim religious light became its grand old history and associations—rich and soft, without being sombre, suffi- cient to show it all, yet not to give a glare upon its quaint old monuments and glittering heraldry. The Knights of the Garter, and the corps diplomatic enter, and suddenly there is just a perceptible move- ment-a kind of consciousness that something has occurred which tells at once that the Queen is either coming or has come, and all eyes are quietly directed towards the quaint old pew in the wall. In another instant the Queen herself appears, accompanied by his Royal Highness the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the brother of the late Prince, and, as we all know, so like him as to make the resemblance almost startling as he stands by the side of Her Majesty. The Queen wears the simplest and plainest of widow's weeds-a widow's cap, a black silk dress, white collars and cuffs, and black gloves. The only colours which appear upon her are the Star of the Order of the Garter, and its blue riband, narrowed to the width Her Majesty usually wears, across her left shoulder. She looks well in health, but thinner and older, with the permanent traces f deep grief and care stamped on every lineament of her features. At last, with a great clangour of trumpets, which at first are muffled into a rich indistinctness behind the curtains, the long looked-for procession of the Bride en- ters, and the Prince, giving one look to satisfy himself of the fact of the arrival, keeps his eyes fixed upon the Queen, and never turns his head again till his affianced stands beside him. The hush was now so deep and breathless that even the restless glitter of the jewels that twinkled everywhere seemed almost to break it, and, despite the stately eti- quette which had hitherto regulated every word and gesture, all now bent far and eagerly forward as the hum and rustle in the Nave beyond showed the young Bride to be drawing near. In another minute she had entered, and stood In gl,ss of -.atin and gli,nmer of pearls, Queen lily aud rose in one," the fairest and almost the youngest of all her lovely train that bloomed in fair array behind her. Though not agitated, she appeared nervous, and the soft delicate bloom of colour which ordinarily imparts a look of joy- ous happiness to her expressive features, had all but disappeared as, with head bent down. but glancing her eyes occasionally from side to side, she moved slowly up towards the altar. From the way her features are now shaded by the veil and her look bent forward it is diffi- cult to see her features more fully, but as she nears the altar she drops her arm, and for the first time appears beneath the folds of her veil a large bouquet of orange flowers, carried in a princely gift from the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh. On these occasions, we believe, the dress of the bride ranks in general estimation as only second in importance to the celebration of the ceremony itself, which is to be regretted, for a lady's dress, like a lady's beauty, can only be described by its effect. It is embroidered white silk, trimmed with silver, which can just be discerned in rich designs glittering between the snowy folds* The traditional white is not however, departed from, though over all she wears a slight boddice with open sleeves of white silk, embroidered with silver, and which, falling tight, sets off her tapering waist and faultless symmetry of form to absolute perfection. Her gorgeous train of white and silver is borne by eight young ladies between the ages of 15 and 20, the very choice and flower of the fair scions of our most ancient houses. Slowly the Bride reaches the haut pas, and as she stops 1to bow to the Queen, some of her fair attendants, who are apparently even more nervous than herself, attempt to kneel, but, finding their mistake, THe quickly and move on as if they did not mean it. Then, and then only, does the Prince turn as if to receive her, but checks himself as he sees them all bowing to the Queen, and for the first and only time, he seems irresolute as to what he ought to do. The long bent scrutiny seelos to have disturbed his com- posure at last, though only for a second, and the Anthem ceases, and all retire a little apart while the Bride and the Bridegroom are left standing in the middle of the haltt pas, the latter alone, the former, of course, closely surrounded by her attendant bridesmaids, s > closely indeed, that in that [ gorgeous mass of scallet and purple and gold, they were the only group on which the eye could turn with a feeling like rest, from the surrounding gtitter. Handel's march from Joseph had been played at entering, but all music had ceased as the party stood round the altar, till its strains broke out with the solemn words of the ichorale.- This day, with joyful heart and voica To Heav'n he raised a nation's pray'r J Almighty Father deign to ifant Thy blessing to the wedded pair, S,) shall no clouds of sorrow dini The sunshine of their esrly days_; But Happiness iu endless rouud Shall still encompass all their ways. The exquisitively soft music of this chant, at once solemn and sorrowful, was composed by the late Prince Consort. As the solemn chant, ended, the Prelates ad. vanced to the communion rails, and the Primate, in a rich clear voice, w"ich was heard throughout every part of the building, Choir, or Nave, commenced the service with the u,ual forrau arv, D ;*r!y beloved, IVtJ are gathered to- gether here in the si^ht of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy m;itrimony, There is a solemn pause after that dreadful adjuration in which they are charged to ans,ver if there was any impediment to their marriage, and then, after a moment, the Primate passed on to Wilt thou, Albert Edward, have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy state of matrimony ? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live. To this the Prince rather bowed than responded, his utterance was so indistinct. To the same question, Wilt thou, Alexandra Carolina Maria, have this man to thy wedded husbahd ?" the reply was just audible, but nothing more, though, as usual. every ear was strained to catch it. But to the words, —" I take thee, Alexandra, to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth," the Prince repeated clearly word for word after his Grace, though now, again, when it was the turn of the young bride, she could be heard only to answer almost inaudibly, and her cheeks were suffused with a crimson flush, and she seemed very nervous. To the question Who giveth this W iman to be married to this Min," the RJHl father of the Bride only bowed and moved towards the Princess, who was removing her glove hurriedly. Then the Primate joined their hands, and in a clear, soft voice, firmly and deliberately repeated the words: With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee wor- ship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." All then knelt down while the prayer commencing 0 Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life send Thy blessing upon these Thy servants, this man and this wo-nan, whom we bless. in Thy name," was solemnly re- peated, and then the Primate joined their hands and said the final words Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder." With these words, which in law completed the marriage ceremony, the service was continued to the 67th Psalm, the solemn strains of which came like a relief to what seemed almost the overwrought feelings of all within the Choir as the words were pealing softly through both Nave and Aisle. Then was continued the usual prayer and exhortation, during which the izuns in the Long Walk were heard boom- ing forth, and the steeples throughout the town seemed to Hlltheairtithaound. The Primate was then beard con. eluding the exhortation. Then, raising his voice he so- lennnly pronounced the benediction, during which the Queen who had been more deeply affeuted, knelt and buried her | face in her handkerchief. The bride and bridegoom then joined hands, and turning to the Queen, gave more a nod of kindly friendship than a bow of state, which the Queen re- turned in kind. In another minute the Queen, giving a a similar greeting to the Princess, quitted the closet, & tho whole pageant went pouring in a georgeous stream or flood of colours, of waving plumes, and flaming jewels, out ot the choir. None can tell but those who were there pre- sent how grand and silernn was the whole ceremony, or with how much deep hope and true devotion the marriage of the second Prince of Wales was celebrated in St. George's Chapel Windsor. Tne wedding party returned from St. George's Chapel about half past one, to Windsor, where they were received by the Queen. Luncheon waA served in the dining ro,m and nearly 400 were present. The wedding-cake on the Royal table was divided into three compartments the mid- dle, of octangular form, containing a. square altar in the centre, with a Cupid at each angle holding a piece of wed- dingcake. The second wedding-cake was placed in the mid- dle of the table in St. George's Hall. It weighed about eighty pounds, and formed an octagon, covered with white sitin each side displaying alternately medallions of the Prince of Wales, the arms of Great Britain, medallions of the Princess Alexandra, and the arms of Denmark. The curnice was formed of large pearls. The cake was decorated with orange blossom and jasatnine, and the top was sur- mounted by a vase filed with a jasamine bouquet. R');al Hi.¡hness,'s tue Prince and Princess of Wales took their departure for her Majesty's marine residence, Osborne, Isle of Wight. The illuminations in London were on a more than usual scale of grandeur, and the whole passed off well, the night Deing fiue.

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- - _- -.- -_- - -MARRIAGE…