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CARDIGANSHIRE. ?"kk OIGAN-The few days of fine weather which for- tti,W, ?tervcned last week enabled many persons in i8 l?l bourhood to gather in their potatoes. In some i 4 t}? the growth is plentiful, and the quality good, Quality ?Ps generally appear to be inferior in size and Iiiitlit ?)ve(?'?-0n Saturday last intelligence was re-  town that Mr. Hees, foreman and manager Mrg fillip's draper, had suddenly died in a railway ?Ti?n ??con Gloucester and Chcpstow. The de- ^sed w a^r°turning home from London where ho had ?CQ pu I)e(". I Pilrell.1-119 winter stock. At Gloucester station ta?eff ??" some friends, and appeared well in "? ?Ith, tm Q^re^ a ra^way carriage with a friend who '? ?vellio??? ? railway carriage with a friend who trav("Ili,,9 the Same way other persons were in the ?iace anr) ?en within a few miles of Chepstow, a f?lem? fk^tlen^j, Tu carriage noticed a peculiarity in the ?thiQD J?iLeased, and immediately attended to > hut w1 't^ a groan he expired, death being the result rJ rf apopie The body was removed to the Chepstow Rtalt 1'311, wh medical aid was found to be unavailing. '? decj ? Was much esteemed by all who knew him. ^KDT Gan-—On Monday evening last a public lecture ??8 Hn ??-—On Monday evening last a public lecture ? etl at the New Baptist Chapel, in this town, M???' ??? the American Crisis," by Rev. W.  he I a native of one of the Southern States t ?' 1) onea, and himself formerly a slave. Mr. it. 'Jerikius, presided. Mr. MitcheU eloquently dt,q, be (1 the sufferings of the slaves, whose cause he '?VQ<?'' and for the emancipation of whom, t" ?ffeee???? of the places of worship of those who *?'re 'fe, he solicited assistance. The rev. lecturer liato^5 to with marked attention by a crowded t??ce the chapel being filled in every part. The V It r. Th-la,, of Britton Ferry, gave a short ex- WaVtl' ation YW.elsh, at the conclusion of the lecture, ??tioQ -? Welsh, at the conclusion of the lecture, fn* the inf 0r?a^on of those who did not sufficiently \r er8tanri English. The Rev. Daniel Davies of St. M ?'s C)i ?l'' proposed a vote of thanks to the Chair- ? ?f ht? kIndness in presiding, which was unani- r4a or Is udness in presiding, which was unani- t IJAMP de. ??i8, E E1! 9n Friday the 18th instant, Thomas IFI3,Solicitor, was for the fourth time unani- °U8ly C ected portreve of this borough for the ensuing L1'}: WATER QUESTION.— G reat incon- ??ce -THE WATER QrESTIo:,>Great incon- ??ttUt? o* f8 been felt for many years by the in-  this town owing to the great difficulty obtain water, and particularly whenever a ? ? °?uld take place, it was almost an im- ? ?""?lity '° get a sumcient quantity of water to e^;? ^t a sufficient quantity of water to II.d at!a.ble t, and should there be a pump or two  it ??s soon found that the supply was in- 4, to, ie it Was soon foun d that the supply was in- ??dpi??t? e +_ I?Cet ?? emergenc y Mr. Harford, of in lcondal tneet the emergency. Alr. Harford, of ? t??e is the largest proprietor of property Wf f d a subscription list, heading it with ?20n ??a.td ? Attaining this desirable boon, and a con- Hk' K s v ?t ??8 h ?? entered into with Mr. Bright, of Car- j • to carry out the desideratum, and men are t ? iti ??ating to lay down pipes. ?Pb ?- a CATCnNG FLATS.— On Saturday, the J17a Bt-, EL ?Port was circulated that a man had been aPPreh elld,(, by ?'?' Lyons, charged with having a {)(? ?ount of spurious coin in gold and silver on his ptrsc ill'Th e man war, respectably dresse d an d seem- PetT rJhp man was respectablv dressed and seem- 'in ab h or years of age. He visited this place as a lCi,^ *? k a i^ e5' dealing in brooches, watch-guards, ??' ?? kp Pcrs, and attracted the notice of a great ?n? P?ObIp rap, People who assembled around him by a long that he hLd come amongst them with the inten- t,i,11 of giving  a ??' and was making a tour of \Vai ? for that P?ose th'at he did not wish to take ? ?oney ?? that he did not wish to take U,e-t e8 ^oney awa and began throwing many pieces of the f adon £ rRt Iv he crowd, and asked them which of \vj,. So S?ve him nineteen shillings for a pound, ?h ?Ch soj? e orsons accepted. He then produced from to ?er i Persons accepted. He then produced from ta 'cles in jewellery, and asked the people £ ?! e; t c first parties that made purchases not Y, P-or ing to his assertions, had the goods for one- fo ^th the .Iue of them, but also had their money re- sth??? ?d to? them, which caused P.S. Lyons to be "?Pi cl' olas that e-crytbing was not right. Accordingly ell) tok hitnht ??rything was not right. Accordingly he t Qok hior ? ?gc, and had his person searched, and ti, %ly eXam^°d all his money, gold and silver, of Nvhi,?li th" e Was a considerable amount, but failed to ?1 ?"? slip?? "? ground to convict him the man baffled ?i??tioQ 1 ction all, Lyons was not disposed to let  ??'R?e ?"?ut taking him before a judicial bench, erk 'ttile -Very Rev Dr. Lewellin, W. Jones, Esq., btd ? H ?i. es, Esq., attended. As there was no ?[?id ?G????'-1? convict, the prisoner was liberated.— t? r. ? trick ? [ThIli t '8 now rather stale, having been performed arten 80 c months past.-ED. ?.] 5^VHrHi' ^On Monday evening, the 21st inst., an rit °8tinrj. 111 onday even i ng, the 2lt3t inst., an ?? ?car ?? ?s delivered by the Rev. John lea,rlaildissiliogogo, in the new National koom ?)H? to?? The. proceeds of the lecture were dev^0(l towari ?'l?'?ating the debt incurred in ? th? the ??some schoolroom. The subject ?Y? ?ctur? ?f telettt Was the Milenium." The style was tRtr pa[3sioned w itbout any apparent effort. that v ri,or, ?? ^lenium being one of those ^t* 8° PointNl' n theology, it is not to be wondered vIn th,?.l.g Y, it is not to be wondered ??t?'a? ?ong ?? and interpretations have been ren- ^etod ^° thos Pa8sages in Scripture whereon thIS t Eie passages in Scripture whereon this 4"t tt is f.1,lided, ? ??"y I?rned men who from ? "?gc hav..Tb" estowed their time and attention to the ??cct. ? ? rev. lecturer's views upon this intri- ^'th ?Ject ??? lGTy temperate, and in accordance ,*ith 8e, PtiurO and common sense. He refuted in a ?G y ??Qnf. /v 0sc theorists who have fixed upon Y rna,, 'Or those theorists who have fixed upon ^ho i„ ^llre Was ?? ?s arrival of the Milenium. 1st. ?rc wa? -)?'?.. ? ?? four general heads, viz. l?t. Th e flet that S?itan will be bound 2nd. The time ?hat wiUS t 3rd. The mora l condition of ?Id at ???' ?- The moral condition of the orld ^COmmcnccmout of the Milenium ???h? ? con??n ??'"bending the liberation of "'?tY :ljtlder each of those general heads some ??- h?; ciouMs S?' were ??- The peroration uchir? S tho Milpm" glory was graphic and beautiful. V ?, ?ctmc.? lusi?T? ?' ?'" Sraphic and beautiful. NVeleet Ilrer 'by the vicar, the Rev. I). J Jones ;Ltq, ?ded ?  vica, R?- 1?- J Jones ? ??- P- T- Evans, D.A. Th riHai i»rh °hoir ™panied by Mr. Evans, school- ^te' ? the armoDlUm, sang several pieces.


- "'PEMBROKESHIRE...............…






........ TO THE EDITOlt OF…


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Family Notices