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SONG.-BASS'S PALE ALE. I A few friend s (says the Derby Reporter) having lately been on a contmental tour and delighted with the splendid buildings, monuments, gardens, statues. &< with which the continent abounds, but disgusted with the nauseous beverages generally found there, and longing for a draught or their own native homebrewed, they agreed for a smail friendly wager, that each should on returning to England, produce something written on the subject of English beverages. None of the parties consider themselves ca- pable of setting Parnassus on fire, cr disturbing the equanimity of Apollo, hut we give below the bagatelle that was considered to have won the wager. Fair Yen us, the Goddess of beauty and love, Arose from the foam of the storm-troubled sea Minerva I 't out of the Cranium of Jove, A coy, sullen slut, as most Authors agree And Bacchus, they tell us, the Prince of good fellows, Was his natural Son-but attend to my tale, For those who thus chatter, know nought of the matter- lie sprung from a barrel of BASS'S PALE ALE. Then having survey'd well the cask whence he sprung, And found no companion- disconsolate grew, Until VEX us arose from the FKUTII AT THE IJFXG, And with her to Olympus he instantly flew But when they look'd down, and saw Burton Tewn To pay them due honors, not likely to fail, They swore, of all Earth, that the place of their birth "as the best and no liquor like BASS'S PALE ALE. Ye Bishops, and Deacons, Priests, Curates, and Vicars, Come taste, and you'll certainly find it is true, That BASS'S PALE ALE is the best of all liquors, (And who understands the dear creature" like you ?) It dispels every vapour, saves pen, ink, and paper, For when you're disposed from the pulpit to rail, It will open your throats, you may preach without notes, If inspired by full bumpers of BASS'S PALE ALE. Ye doctors who more execution have done With bolus, and potion, and powder, and pill, Than hangman with halter, or soldier with gun, Or miser with famine, or lawyer with quill; To dispatch us the quicker, you stop our malt liquor 'Till our bodies are thin, and our faces are pale. Obey you who pleases,—what cures all diseases Are comforting doses of BASS'S PALE ALE. The Soldier who fights for Home, Freedom, and Glory, Leaving England's fair shores for the plains of the Czar; Or in battle's rude strife, with his sword red and gory, He rushes to fight in the front of the war On returning to camp, tir'd, and weary with slaughter, And with bleeding, and pain from his wounds looking pale, Tho' cool and refreshing's a draught of pure water, May he ne'er lack a bumper of BAss's PALE ALE. Give" Sandy" and Paddy" their dew of the mountain," Grim Tartars their Bouza, the Chinese their Tea, Peruvians Mascado, Teetot'lers the fountain, Arabians their JTurica, the Russians Raki, The Feegees the Ava, the Kalmuks Ai-i-accat May each drink his fill, and his stock never fail But give ME a Friend and a Pipe of Tobacco, And a ne'er failing Barrel of BASS'S PALE ALE! a—■ iiTII II 111 —I— MIXED ENGLISH RACE IN TURKEY. The children of Englishmen who hate married Armenian or Greek wives are very interesting specimens of humanity. They are generally pretty, and very quick and intelligent. Thdeed, to English people they appear remarkably clever, from the extraordinary number of languages they can all speak. Their nurses are chiefly Greek, and they, of course, talk to their nurslings in their own beautiful language; daily intercourse with the natives around in- structs them in Turkish the father speaks to them in Eng- lish, and the mother probably in Armenian every visitor teaches them in French, and Italian is learned as easily; 80 that by the time our children at home begin going to school, these little things are conversationairy perfect in five or six different languages; and have thus already mustered a great deal of that knowledge our school children toil so painfully after, and so seldom attain. Another characteristic of this class that struck us was the wonderfully large appetite they are blest with fortunately the necessaries of life are cheap out here, or the house- keeping bills would be something frightful.—Chamber's Journal. HIGHLAND FEELING.-IVATERFALLS, I The delight of the Highlands is in the Highland feel- ing. That feeling is entirely destroyed by stages and regular progression. The waterfalls do not tell upon sober parties-it is tedious in the extreme to be drenched to the skin along high roads—the rattle of wheels blends meanly with thunder-and lightning is contemptible, seen from the window oi a glass coach. To enjoy mist, you must be in the heart of it as a solitary hunter, shooter, or angler. Lightning is nothing unless a thousand feet below you, and the life thunder must be heard leaping, as Byron says, from mountain to mountain, otherwise you might as well listen to a mock peal from the pit of a thea- tre. The falls of the Clyde are majestic. Over Corra Linn the river rolls exultingly; and recovering itself from the headlong plunge, after some troubled struggles among the shattered cliffs, away it floats in stately pomp, dallying with the noble banks, and subsiding into a deep bright foaming current. Then what woods and groves crowning the noble rocks How cheerful laughs the cottage pester- ed by the spray and how vivid the verdure on each ivied ruin The cooing of the cushats is a solemn accompani- ment to the cataract, and aloft in heaven the choughs reply to that voice of the forE'st.- Wilson's Noctes Am- brosiance. DELICATE ATTENTIONS IN THE GOOD OLD TIMES. William the Norman was a mirror of knighthood, and he is known to have knocked down the gentle Matilda of Flanders, even in the days of their courtship. The blow did not put a stop to their wooing, nor did it delay a merry wedding, which, one would think, could hardly have been merry under such auspices. Then there was that paragon of chivalry, the elder Aymon, sire of the Quatre fils Aymon of the romantic legend. That gallant gentleman was not only accustomed to matreat his lady-wife, by thumping her into insensibility, but when his eldest s n, lleinold, once ventured to comment upon one of those pleasant little domestic scenes, to the effect that they interrupted conviviality, and that his respected sire should etther chastise the speaker's mother more gently, or else- where, the knightly father was so enraged at this approach to interference on the part of a son, in behalf of a mother who was lying senseless at his feet, that, taking him with one hand by the hair, he beat his face with the other and mailed hand into that pulpy consistency which Professor Whewell says, distinguishes the interesting inhabitants of the wide and desolate plane of the planet Jupiter. From this contest, however, the old knight came out as little re- cognizable as his son, so chivalrously had they mauled each other. So much for precedent. The example has been followed in Germany since the days of George Louis. Louis XVIII. informs ua in his memoirs, that when the daughter of Louis XVI. found a refuge at Vienna, after her liberation from the Temple, she was urged by the Empress to consent to a marriage with one of the Imperial Archdukes, and that the Empress at last became so enraszed by the firm and repeated refusal of madame royal" to acquiesce in the proposal, that on one occasion her Im- perial Majesty seized the royal orphan by the arm, and descended to voies de fait, in other words, visited the young and destitute Princess with a shower of hard blows. THE LEOPARD'S ATTACK. The power of a leopard is wonderful in proportion to his weight. I have seen a full-grown bullock with his neck broken by the leopard that attacked it. It is the popular belief that the effect is produced by a blow of the paw this is not the case; it is not simply the blow, but it is the combination of the weight, the power, and the momentum of the spring, which renders the effect of a leopard's attack so surprising. Few Jeopards rush boldly to the attack like a dog; they stalk their game, and advance crouchingly, making use of every object that will afford them cover, until they are within a few bounds of their prey. Then the immense power cf muscle is displayed in the concentrated energy of the spring he flies through the air and settles on the throat, usually throwing his own body over the animal, while his teeth and claws are fixed on the neck this is the manner in which the spine of the animal is broken, by a sudden twist, and not by a blow. The blow from the paw is, nevertheless, immensely powerful, and at one stroke will rip open a bullock like a knife but the after effects of the wound are still more to be dreaded than the force of the blow. There is a peculiar poison in the claw, which is highly dangerous. This is caused by the putrid flesh which they are constantly tearing, and which is apt to cause gangrene by inoculation.-S. W. Baker's Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon. THE BISHOP OF SYDNEY. The following extract of a letter written by one of the merchants of Sidney, and a dissenter, to his sister, will give much satisfaction to the numerous and warmly attached friends of the former incumbent of St. Mary's, Edge Ifill -11 His Lordship is a very loveable person, a genuine earnest Christian man, although he is very lordly and dig- nified in his appearance, being six feet four inches high. He is so kind and gentle in his manners you feel at your ease with him at once-he will be a great blessing to the Colony, for he is sound and true on all points, and has no sympathy with Puseyism or Formalism. The poor Pusey- ites who have so long held sway among the Episcopalians here, and held all other denominations of Christian in great contempt, now feel that their reign is over, and are in great dismay that the bishop should so far degrade himself as to hold intercourse with other sects. Some of them have taken to bed in consequence, and are wishing themselves in the neighbourhoood of the Pope's toe, We had a glorious meeting of the Bible Soctety the other day, the governor in the chair. The bishop was on the platform along with all the ministers of the other denominations The largest hall in the town was crowded to overflowing long before the time of meeting, and nearly two thousand persons went away unable to obtain admittance. You would see by the papers the full account of it. Such a sound, interesting, overflowing meeting has never been held on this side of the world before. It was acknowledged that the two best speeches of the evening were those of the bishop and my brother-in-law, the Rev. But I must conclude with telling you something of his lordship's wife. She is extremely frank, affable, and agreeable, and admirably qualified for the important station she will have to occupy in this community. She has very pleasant ladylike man- aeia, and is qtnte a p&ttcru uf love anil good wokka. They mahoct, tMNtde&glhtfel pur."—Awppoof Qwicr. PARISIAN MARRIED LADIES. < In the various trades of Paris there are very few, ex- cepting those exclusively devoted to men, such as tailors, saddlers, and so forth, where the wife and husband are not together, in the shop and couuting-house, from morn- ing till night. They have their home above their shop, and there they repair together, leaving the shop in the care of the premiere demoiselle, to take their meals with their children-enjoying this family meeting as a moment's respite from the daily toils, and talking of their future plans, or the amusements which next Sunday is to bring forth. Now the husband has no need of a confidential friend to whom to confide his perplexities or embarrass- men's his v-ife knows all his liabilities, all his resources. She will advise with him, devising the best means to meet them, or with the ready wit and quickness of a woman, find some resource or expedient which he has never thought of. Then he has no anxiety as to his cash, for his wife is cashier, and makes up the books; all fear of being cheated or robbed is, therefore, removed from his mind. Their interests are mutual, so he can attend to the an d selling in the wholesale outside trade, the buying and selling in the wholesale maiket, in perfect security that no one is taking advantage of his absence. Madame, however, though she is a woman of business, does not forget that she is a woman, and does her best to be an attractive one, both in her dress and in her manners. In this class a dereliction from virtue is almost unheard of. The change in society which has taken away the pomp of circumstance from the nobility. and reformed its morals, has taken away the only danger to which this class of women was exposed. The seduction of a marchande by one of her own class has, perhaps, never occurred-and were it to happen, the justice of society would fall as severely on the man as on the woman. A merchande, therefore, desires to please universally all that come into her shop. She is amiable, cheerful, agree- able, polite, and graceful to all-making no distinction of sex, though perhaps taking a little more pains to please the women than the men, because it is a more difficult task. Flirtation, intrigue, or passion, never enters her well-regulated head-she has no time for them-she has no moments in which she feels that life is a burden, that her husband is not so elegant as Monsieur that she is an unfortunate woman, misplaced 011 earth, understood by none. She never sets her grief to desponding rhymes for she has her double entries to make. She has very little time, too, to give to literature in general but after the shop is closed, and her children have said their prayers, kneeling at her feet, she just reads a page or two of the feuilletons which her careful husband cuts out of the papers and pins together for her especial use. She is fond of music, too, but then it is only of a certain kind, and we are afraid to say it is not of the best, and certainly not of the most scientific kind. Her idea of music con- sists in those wonderful little tunes introduced into the French vaudevilles at the most critical and exciting moments. These, words and all, she catches up with the most extraordinary rapidity, and carolling them about in the most joyous manner, with a tiny little canary bird voice, to the delight of her children and her husband—the former loving the air, and the latter the little epigram at the end of each verse.- Bentley's Miscellany. SIR ROBERT HARRY INGLIS. I The following is a portion of an interesting letter from the late Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart.: Ad- dington Park, November 15, 1854. Thinking of you so often as I do, I am surprised at mvself for having so long intermitted the practice of letting you see that I did so think of you. My silence has been the rather common effect of the question. What can I say worth sending half round the globe." But I have begnn and will go on. We are now staying on a short visit with one of the most valuable of men-living or dead-whom I have ever known, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who gives—ex- tempore to his family and friends—in his chapel every morning such expositions as, happily for the rest of the world, he has printed in his eight volumes. He is him- self as active, as well, as upright as ever, and not only retains all his early love of out-door and country life, but resumed the exercise of one art connected with it- that of landscape drawing, to which the scenes of his own park furnish perpetual objects and attractions. We may well thank God for preserving to us his meekness of wisdom in the discharge of the immediate duties of his high office. By getting up very early, and often lighting his own fire, he has done half a day's work before public prayers; and has therefore and thereby gained time for the social cntertainmeuts of his hospitality. His house at this season is daily full. We have :eason, I am told, to be thankful also for the way in which some of the later church appointments in church patronage have been filled up, particularly the sees of Sydney ar.d the Mauriti- us. The appointment of Dr. Jackson to the see of Lin coin is now an old affair; but the importance of it and its blessing are felt perhaps increasingly. lie has lately printed a very remarkable volume of seimons preached before the University of Oxford. That word reminds me of my own long and happy connection with the Univer- sity, and of the deep regret with which I relinquished it, but Dr. Watson, who attended me, and from whom I re- quired directions in writing before I would take the step, told me that I could not discharge my duties as before and I felt that I could not be content to undertake the nominal discharge of the whole, knowing that I could not fairly fulfil one half. My friends in and out of Ox- ford have loaded me with kindness-one mark of which is their desire to have my portrait for the gallery in the Bodleian. It is now nearly finished by Mr. Richmond. Enough of myself, except to add that the death of my last surviving and beloved sister Louisa has placed me as a country gentleman in Bedfordshire. She had discharged my duties of property there for many years and now, when my public duties have diminished in London I have the occupations-and leisure for them-of a county. Lady Inglis-I ought to be thankful to say it-enjoys fair health and the greatest energy, both for work in London -where she is quietly invaluable-and for her schools at Milton Bryan. And now to some of your other friends. Lord Glenelg dined with us in Bedford-square on Monday last, having breakfasted with us on Saturday. It is the meal which, if men can afford time for it, is the most agreeable reunion of all. No bore is ever asked to break- fast, as Macaulay said at Lady Trevelyan's (in the scene described by Mrs. H. B. Stowe in "SunDY Memories") You ask a man to dinner because you cannot help it. He is your colleague in Parliament, your partner in business, or your grandfather's friend; but a man is asked for his own sake only to breakfast. Certainly no man paid ever so much for a meal as Macau'tay pays to whatever you ask him. He was one of our party with Lord Glenelg on the llth, and he is more than ever re- markable. One thing especially distinguishes him-he never leads a subject, but is always content to follow ano- ther, certain to overtake him and to beat him, whether he introduces comets, lotteries, Greek tragedians, English ballads, nonsense of the old world, nonsense of the new. His two next volumes will bring down his history to the peace of Ryswick, and will go to the press in May and be published in November, 1855. Marianne Thornton was also of our party on that day, as, of course, she is often. She has undertaken the charge of the two orphans of her sister Henrietta, the widow of the late Richard Walter Synad a boy, Robert Harry Inglis Synad—a girl a won- derful yonng woman of a girl's age, Henrietta. They will, I trust, be worthy of her care. Our eatly friend John Thornton has his house full of grandchildren. There were, I think, ten under his roof when Lady Inglis and I called there last week. He dined with us the day before yesterday in full force. One day I went to the Committee where you were so long and so faithfully our guide, -the London Church Education Society. None of its original members survive. Your loved and honoured co- secretary Haldane Stewart was called to his rest about a month ago, and was in the spirit on the Lord's Day, dying on Sunday morning; but the Committee contains many admirable and trustworthy men. We meet at Mr. Auriol's at Mecklenbugh-square. The list addition is Mr. Fenn, of Blackheath; another, not long before him, Mr. Barber, the son of the good man long connected with the Jew' Society—I mean the London Society for their conversion. Henry Venn remains the inclefatigable and invaluable Se- cretary of the Church Missionary Society-unlike any other man ia the combination of piety, judgment, and labour in the mixed spiritual and quasi secular interests which he has largely to direct. The Puseyite system is checked, but, alas not so much by the increased develop- ment and power of the evangelical principle—though, thank God, it has grown and strengthened but by the introduction of the more fearful evil, N eulogianism. Six or seven years ago Archbishop Whateley said to me, Your danger at Oxford, believe me, is not now trac- tarianism, but Neologianism And yesterday, at the Committee, I asked, But why cannot we send our young men to such a College" (naming one of the best). The last of places-their great tutor is a Neologian." I must not conclude without adding Lady Inglis's and my own af- fectionate respects. Ever your's, ROBERT II. INGLIS.

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