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TO THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, CLERGY, FAR- MERS, AND INHABITANTS, OF THE COUN- TIES OF CARMARTHEN, CARDIGAN, AND PEMBROKE. MR. WILLIAM EVANS "]% M OST respectfully announces to the Nobility, Gentry, .l?jL Clergy, Agriculturists, and Inhabitants of the above Counties, that, having been solicited by some of the most itifluential and leading gentry to commence the business of Auctioneer, Land Valuer, and Estate Agent, it is his intention to open offices, for the above branches in Carmarthen, in the first week of October. Mr. W. EVANS, in respectfully announcing his in- tention of commencing business as above, begs to inform the Nobility, Agriculturists, and others, that he has had izreat experience in the management of land, and will be found in every respect fully competent to discharge the j duties of an ESTATE VALUER, having had very ex- ) tensive practice in this important branch of his profes- sion. Mr. Evans also possesses the advantage of fully ( nden;taudin, and speaking with the greatest fluency, the Welsh Language, which he has found so essential in the Western Counties of the Principality. From the .accurate knowledge as a practical Farmer which Mr. Evans possesses of the value of STOCK and CATTM>, growing Crops, Timber, Agricultural Implements, &c., he trusts that the greatest confidence and reliance may be placed in his skill and matured judgment in the valuation of Estates, and every description of Farming Property. In soliciting the support and patronage of those Gen- tlemen who may place either ESTATES, STOCK, or other Property, in his hands for sale, he most respectfully begs to intimate that it is his intention to conduct his business on the strictest principles of honour and inte- grity. and in order that confidence may be fully reposed in him, he begs to announce that the proceeds of all Sales entrusted to him will be rendered to his employers with the least possible delay, so that there may be a Prompt Settlement of Accounts between the Employer and the Employed, an arrangement he flatters him&elf which must give the highest satisfaction, and which will 1)' the chief and leading feature on which lie purposes to conduct his business. It is therefore with the greatest confidence he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Lhvyncadfor Farm, near Newcastle-Emlvn, Sept. 12tll, 1850. FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. Price Is. lid. per box. I "1'HIS excellent Family PILL is a Medicine of long- tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, the common symptoms of which ire Costiveness, Flatulency, Spasms. Loss of Appetite, Sick Head-ache, Giddiness, Senseof Fulness after meals, Dizziness of the Eyes, Drowsiness, and Pains in the stomach and Bowels: Indigestion, producing a Torpid I;tate of the Liver, and a consequent inactivity of the Bowels, causing a disorganisation of every function of the frame, will, in this most excellent preparation, by a uttle perseverance, be effectually removed. Two or three dozes will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength II. healthy action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys will Rapidly take place: and instead of listlessness, heat, pain, Jaundiced appearance,—strength, activity and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this medicine, According to the directions accompanying each box. These Pills are particularly efficacious for Stomach Roughs, Colds, Agues, Shortness of Breath, and all Obstructions of the Urinary Passages; and if taken kfter too free an indulgence at table, they quickly restore the system to its natural state of repose. Persons of a full habit, who are subject to Head-ache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and singing in the Ears, arising tom too great a flow of Blood to the Head. should never be without them, as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off b-y their immediate use. for Females, these Pills are most truly excellent, tetMVingan obsirnc*'imfl, the distressing Head-ache 110 very prevalent wit]; the sex; Depression of Spirits, fulness of Sight, Nervous Affections, Blotches, Pimples, j nd SallownesB of the Skin, and give a healthy and JUYenile bloom to the complexion. To Mothers they are confidently recommended as the medicine that can be taken during prcgnancy and for children of all ages they are unequalled. As a pleasant, safe, easy Aperient, they unite the ;tecornmendation of a mild operation with the most plccessful effect, and require no restraint of diet or con- "lenient during their use; by regulating the dose ac- fording to the age and strength of the patient, they beeotne suitable for every case in either sex that can be Quired, and for ELDERLY PEOPLE they will be oUnd to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto spared. q Sold by T. Prout, 229, Strand, London. Price Is. I i d. ))lld 2s. 9d. pcr box. Also by Mr. J. W. White, and Mr. 87ies, Chemists and Druggists, Carmarthen Morgan, 4"ies and Stephens, Merthyr Tydfil: Phillips, Car- ("ff Williams, Brecon Morgan, Abergavenny; Phil- vjP8, Newport; Goulstone, Llandovery; Farror and eELth Alonmouth; Jones and Williams, Brecon; Phil- Ips, Milford j French, Neath; Dawe and Son, Wilson 473d Evans, Swansea; Thomas, Cowbridg-e; Bassi t, N ew- ge; Humphreys, Aberystwyth; O. E. Davies, Hicks &. tld Harries, Haverfordwest; J. S. Evans, Cardigan, by the vendors of medicine generally throughout the Ingdom. Ask for FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, and Oserve the name and address of "Thomas Prout, 229, London," on the Government Stamp. CURES FOR THE UNCURED! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. 44 Extraordinary Cure of Scrofula, or King's Evil, » Extract of a Letter from J. H. Alliday, 209, High- ri lteet, Cheltenham, dated the 22nd of January, 1850. ir 0 Professor HOLLOW A v. J,'»~Mv eldest SOil when about three years of age, was ?cted with a Glandular Swelling in the neck, wmoh after -?tW Ort time broke out into an L leer. An eminent medtcat S1? pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula, and pre- ?bed for a considerable time without effed. The disease ? W? for four years went on gradually increaiu in virulence, 5, 11 besides the ulcer in the ned" another formed beloa? left knee, and a third under the ey, besides seven others ?thp )g? a?? k with a tumour between the eyes, which wa,? ex-  to break Durin?the whole of the time my sun'?ringhoy "dlf-'Cei?-ed the constant advice of the most celebrated mcdica! ? K piemen at Cheltenham, besides bein for several months the General Hospital where one of the Sureùns said that ??ou)d amputate the left arm, but that the blood was so ?Pure, that it' that limb were taken off it wou:d be then even ,Possible to subdue the disease. In this desperate state I ?fmined to ?iv yo"r Pills and Ointment a trial, and after L° months perseverance in their use, the tumour graduate ??ii to disap?ar. and the discharge from :dl the ukers I)el:- t?Mibh decreased, and at the expiration of ei?ht mon'h t?Were perfecth healed, and the bnythoroushh restored t, the blessms of heaith, to the astonishment of a Jare circle <v,4tquainta:ioes, who could testify to the truth of this mira- tuOil" case Three vears have now c)apsed without anv re- !wer,°e of the malady, and the boy is now as lle;lltfi,- as 1 :t Can wish Under these circumstances I consider that %s>uld be truly ungrateful were I not to make you ac- ?'nted with thiswon?erfu) cure, en-ectedbyyourmediemes every other means had failed (Signed) J- H. ALLIDAY. of acute Rheumatism of four years' standing. PIttract of a Letter from Mr. John Pitt, Dudley, 19th "h, T, 1850. mfessor IIOLLOW.IY. .T??'-Jt is with the greatest pleasure that I writ? to thank Vtlq for the beneut I have received from your Pills and Oiot- tAL? I'?, ?hich have comp'etetv cured me of the Rheumatism. ?4 4er M,Iiieh I suffered for this lat four vcars: at times I was tt)?ad as hardly to be ab]e to walk I had tried every kind tt "'Pdicille that was recommended without receiving any Inn t. I at JMt thought I would give your medicine a trial, I, Purchased from M». IVllm, Chemist, of this Town, two 11,):' "fpills, ami tin. i ■ tim nt. and in three weeks, h.?"'?!t )'?''? th'- btt?. of d, I was restored to 1 h ;;no stre-.f/th, and rm I" well able to walk as ever in mv i: I am well I A í" this parish, having 1: "xtv ¡he Ye; ii v. an "(epbon of ten years 1 Hi'/jne 1'cciiU' •'»>«. V JOlIN PITT. < -if,. r. -/>;•»• f/ Sixty icars k (r ???P?:'?/,o? Xo. Cm! I'Jf.fp. Drypo?l, near ''tifi' ulcers OH his tiv' age of eighteen 4'11.11 ?P"f?:?'?'?"?,h !:)rmany year, he ? ???! the In'st&dvict: ?); <?e ? ?umry, nothing was f" c"re very often suffered most ex- for long 1)(!rio(is er, which inca- Sft,ed him from ttenling w hi:; business. He had ti, ell up s! hopes 01 ^ettins e cure, when at last he was ttt08 ?4ded to try H?!owav's Pills and Omtmcnt. which id, and however wonderful it may appear, the leg to I< tborough!y healed by their means, and by continuing  the pills alone after hM leg was well, he has be- t?r4" in health so hale and hearty as now to be more \'e than most men of fifty. W B.—The truth of this extraordinay statement can \°Uched for bv Mr. J. C. Reinhardt, 22, Market- e» Hull. February 20th 1850. I C'u"C of a desperate case of Ringworm, of six years' standing. ft Lima, 13th of November, 1849. ?fa of the most eminent Surgeons in Lima (the capi- ?? Peru) had a child covered with Ringworm for ( e than six -ears in vain he exhausted all his art in ?)t ?favours to effect a cure. Not succeeding, he con- ce a.mong bis brethren, the most celebrated medical iiS r doners of the City, but nothing was found to do '???d service. When he was persuaded by Mr. A? P. Ha?ue, the English Chemist and Druggist, idir, .9 at No. 74,Cni]ede Palacio, to try H'?ov.uy's ? 111% ?? Ointment, which was done, and after using six k?R e Pots of ?? ointment, with a proportion of the pills, t4? ?hildtv"aI s radically cured, to the surprise of the whole A'?rofessi°n- The name of the parent, from mo- 0 delicacy, is withheld. '!)Id b  ?y the Proprietor, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bm) lid, 11, and by all respectable Vendors of Patent Medi- ?- ldbrouhout the civilized world, in Pots and Boxes, lid-, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s., 22s., and 33s. each. There It 4,, er? considerable saving by taking the larger si?es. ktkltl Directions for the guidance of Patients are ? to each Pot and Box. WORKS OF JOHN OWEN, D.D. NEW ISSUE OF FIRST VOLUME. § OHN S IONE & HUNTER have to intimate, that owing to the numerous orders received within the last few weeks for their NEW EDITION of the WORKS or DR. OIVEX, their first impression of upwards of Three Thou- sand Copies is already entirely exhausted. They will not begin to print off another impression till the 1st Xovem- ber next and have to request that, in order to regulate the impression, and prevent further disappointment, all who still intend becoming Subscribers will forward their names and subscriptions on or before that date. J. A: H. beg also most cordially to thank their large body of Subscribers for the support given to their Scheme, p.,? taneouslv addressed and to express their great gratification at the numerous communications "hidflfeve been spontaneously addressed to them by Subscribers, testifying to their entire satisfaction with the firsbMjlHwnow published. The whole Edition is to consist of Sixteen volumes, large octavo nies to be issued during each of the fii-si two years, and Six during the third. Subscription—One Guinea annually (payable in advance): or, when thelOle is Subscribed for by one payment, Three Pounds. Edinburgh, 1.5, Princes-Street,. Sept, 10th, 1850. PEMBROKESHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT THE BLACK LION HOTEL, IN THE TOWN OF CARDIGAN, On SATURDAY, the 12th day of OCTOBER, 1850, At two o'clock in the afternoon, (subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced), THE FOLLOWING V VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES: j Lots Names of Farms. Acreage. I Tenants. Terms of Holding;. Rents. -¡- 1 Tyhir 159 3 3C Margaret Jones.. From year to year 105 0 0 2 Clawddcam .178 3 14 Jacob Hughes From year to year 70 0 0 This Farm is considera- bly underlet. 3 Dincwd .125 3 0 Mrs. James From year to year 6.5 0 a?fhe Timber upon this arm is to be taken it a valuation, in ad- j t dition to the purchase money. 4 Bryndu 15 1 19 John Lewis From year to year 23 n?bf 5 Gianteifon. 4 2 21 Kees Kees From year to year 7 0 0 j 6 Penywheip .1 George Bo wen Under lease for two lives. 910 0?!? 7 Parkybedw 5 0 3? George Bowen.. From year to year 12 0   8 Old  8 OldBrincws 19 3 2 John Owen { reTpIcUvcly 86 & 60 } 9 9 Pat-kydoctor1 Thomas Jenkins. From year to year 5 2 0 Muclinicor ) ¡ 1 Also, Sixteen Houses and Cottages with Gardens and Orchards attached, in the Village of St. Dogmell's. The above Estates are situate in the Village and Parish of St. Dogmell's, and close to the Banks of the Navi- gable Biver Tivy, and within a Mile and a half of the Market and Sea Port Town of Cardigan. The first five lots are within the Borough of Cardigan. I The Respective Tenants will shew the Premises, and for further particulars, apply to Messrs. Evans and Morgan, Solicitors, Cardigan, at whose Offices a Map of the Estate may be seen.- j Cardigan, Sept. 17th, 18-50. >< CARMARTHENSHIRE. Kidwelly, Saint Mary in Kidwelly, Saint Ishmael, and l'embrcy Inclosure. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT THE PELICAN INN, In the Town of Kidwelly, in the said County, On FRIDAY, the 2.jth of OCTOBER, 18-50, At two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, f,) 11 owing Lots or Parcels of Land, on PINGED MARSH, in the Parish of Pembrey — LOT 34 D.—A piece of rich Marsh Land, bounded on the North by Lot 3 D on the South and West by an intended occupation road and on the East by Lot 2 D containing by admeasurement OA. 3it. 7P. LOT 35 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by an occupation road; on the South by Nantstoney River on the east by Crossog-bach and on the West by Lot 36 D; containing by admeasurement 4A. 3U. 10P. LOT 36 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by an occupation road on the East bv Lot 35 D on the South and West by Nantstoney River containing by admeasurement 4A. 3R. 10P. LOT 37 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North and West by Nantstoney River on the South aud East by an intended occupation road containing by admea- sure men t 6A. 3R. 17p. LOT 38 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by Lot39 D; on the South by Nantstoney River; on the East by an intended occupation road; and on the Wpst by the Lands of the Earl of Ashburnham, and the Cor- poration of Kidwelly; containing by admeasurement 7A.14F. LOT 39 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by Lot 40 D; on the South by 38 D on the East by an in- tended occupation road; and on the West by lands belonging to the Corporation of Kidwelly; containing by admeasurement IJA. 2K. 4p. LOT 40 D.-A piece of Land, bounded on the North by Lot 41 D on the South by Lot 39 D; on the East by an intended occupation road; and on the West by the Corporation Lands; containing by admeasurement 5A. 2u. 4P. LOT 41 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by Lot 42 D; on the South by Lot 40 D on the East by an intended occupation road and on the West by Corpora- tion Land; containing by admeasurement 6. 7P. LOT 42 D. —A piece of Land, bounded on the North by Lot 43 D on the South by Lot 41 D; on the East by an intended occupation road and on the West by the Cor- poration Land, and the River Gwendraeth-fawr con- taining by admeasurement 6A. 13P. LOT43 D.-A piece of Land, bounded on the North and West by the River Gwendraeth-fawr on the South by Lot 42 D; and on the East by Lots 10 and 11 D; con- taining by admeasurement 7A. 2R. The above Lots comprise very fine Marsh Land, lying near the New Turnpike Road leading from Kidwelly to Pembrey and Llanelly, and close to the South Wales Railway and as this will be the last Sale under this Inclosure. the public will not have another opportunity of purchasing more of this very Rich Land. ALLTCYNADDA. LOT 44 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by part of the said Common and on the South and West by intended occupation roads: and on the East by Lot 45 D; containing by admeasurement 7A. 2II. LOT 45 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by part of the said Common on the South by an occupation road on the East by Lot 43 I) and on the West by Lot 44 D; containing by admeasurement 7A. 2R. LOT -16 D.—A piece of Land. bounded on the North by part of the said Common; on the South by an occupation road; on the East by Lot 47 D; and on the West by Lot 45 D containing by admeasurement 7A. 2R. LOT 47 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by a part of the said Common on the south by an occupation road on the East by a road, and on the West by Lot 46 D coii-La i ii i n, D containing bv admeasurement 7A. 21L 26. I his is sound dry Land, with a South aspect, and is within One Mile and a half of the Town of Kidwelly. TOWYN BACH. A. R. P. T In D' A. ]to P. I <19 D.-(.)J)tnl!ling by adme3surempnt 0 3 1 I¿T .O D:=D: d!tto 0 2 0 T ™Un ri~ £ '"0 ditto. 0 2 0 LoTolD.-DItto ditto ?? 0 3 12 LOT D 2 D.-Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 L('T.?D.-D)tto ditto. 0 2 0 LOT ,? D.-Dtto ditto. 0 2 0 L')T 55 n.-Dtto ditto 0 2 0 j LOT .6 D.-Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 I Lor 57 D.—Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 I ditto. 0 2 0 LOT 59 D.—Ditto ditto. 0 2 3 LOT C)O T).-Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 LOT 61 D.—Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 LOT 62 D.—Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 LOT 63 D.—Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 LOT 64 D.—Ditto ditto 0 2 0 LOT 65 D.—Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 LOT 66 D.—Ditto ditto. 0 2 0 These Lots are marked by Pegs placed in the ground, and are bounded on the North by the South Wales Railway on the South by Mr. Daniel Watkins's land on the East by an occupation road; and on the West by the Burrv Port Company's Land, and are intersected by the road leading from Burry Port to Llaneliy, and have each good Frontage for Building. PEMBREY MOUNTAIN. LOT 67 D.-A piece of Land, bounded on the North by Lot 68 D on the South by part of the said Common and Emlyeh Farm on the East by an occupation road leading towards Emlyeh on the West by a part of the said Common containing by admeasurement OA. (JP. LOT 68 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by the road leading from Pembrey to thelvidwelly and llan- elly road on the South by Lot 67 D and on the East and West by two occupation roads containing by ad- measurement 5A. 6p. LOT 69 D.—A piece of Land, bounded on the North by the road leading from Pembrey to the Kidwelly and Llanelly road on the South by the said Common on the East by an occupation road and on the West by Lot 70 D containing by admeasurement 5. 7p. LOT 70.-A piece of Land, bounded on the North by the road leading from Pembrey to the Kidwelly and Llanelly road; on the East by Lot 69 D; on the South and West by part of the said Common containing by admeasurement 4A. 12I\ LOT 71 D.-A piece of Land, bounded on the North and East by a part of the said Common on the South by a road leading from Pembrey to the Kidwellv and Llanelly road and on the West by Lot 31 D, purchased at the last sale by Mr. Richard Basselt; containing by admeasurement IIA. Gp. Plans, Conditions of Sale, and other Particulars may be seen for Fifteen days before the Sale, with Mr. Blath- wayt, Surveyor, Pelican Inn, Kidwellv; Mr. Griffith I-lai ries, Surveyor, Llanelly; at the Offices of Mr. Geo. Thomas, jun., Solicitor, Carmarthen or of the Commis- sioner, Mr. D. Davies. iteir 1.1;)ndf,vpry, loth September, 18"O CARMARTHEX. t OCTOBER QUARTER SE NS, 1850. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thS the next Gc- j neral Quarter Sessions of the Peace wr this County will be held tlt the Shirehall, in the Town of-Carmarthen, in the said County, on Thursday, the 17th day oOctober next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at mk&i hour and place all County business will commencf^Knd be proceeded with; and that at Twelve o'Clock on that day, the Court will proceed to the adoption of suclPprovisions of the several Acts of Parliament relating to the Ru- ral Police of the said County as shall be necessary, and to the transaction of all business relating to the assessment, application, and management of the County Rate; and will pass all bills examined and approved of by the Finance Committee; that on the same day the Report of the Committee appointed at the last Quar- ter Sessions as to the distribution of the Rural Police Force throughout the County, will be received and con- sidered by the Court and the Court will be moved that David Jones, late Trumpeter of the Quarter Sessions, be re-appointed to that situation. A motion will also be made that Mr. Penson, the Bridge Surveyor, he required to reside within the County of Carmarthen, and that in the event of his not doing so, the further payment of his salary will be objected to. And notice is hereby also given, that all appeals and traverses to be tried at these Sessions must be entered in the Clerk of the Peace's Office on or before 10 o'clock on the morning of Friday, the 18th day of October next, (the second day of the said Sessions), and that on the said 18th day of October at the hour last aforesaid, all Grand and Petit Jurors, Bailiffs of Hundreds, and per- sons hound by Recognizances, must attend and answer to their names; and the several Magistrates of the County are requested to cause all depositions taken before them, and relating to Felonies and Misdemeanours to be pro- secuted at the said Sessions, to be transmitted to the j Clerk of the Peace on or before the 12th day of October j next, and in all cases arising subsequently, imme- diatelv after being taken. And Notice is hereby also given, that the Court Will proceed with business on the said 18th day of October in the following order:-First, Trials of Prisoners; secondly, Trials of Traverses Thirdly, hearing appeals and common motions. Notice is also given, that all persons having claims against the County, must send in their accounts to the Clerk of the Peace's Office, at Carmarthen, on or before the 7th day of October next, and must attend before the Finance Committee of Magistrates, on Thursday, the 10th day of October next, at the County Grand Jury Room, in Carmarthen, at eleven o'clock in the morning, for the purpose of having such claims audited, if re- j quired, otherwise they will not be paid.—Dated this 23d day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty. BISHOP, Clerk of the Peace. CARMARTHENSHIRE Courts of the Revising Barristers. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpHAT ROBERT CHARLES NICHOLL CARNE, Tatid FLORANCE JOHN BENSON, Equires, the Barristers nppointeù to Revise the Lists of Voters in the Election of Knights of the Shire for the County of Car- marthen, or one of them, will hold Courts for the purpose of Revising such Lists, at the several Parishes hereinafter mentioned, and for all Townships, Hamlets, and Places within the same respectively that is to say,- On MONDAY, the 21st of October, 1830, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Town Hall, Llanelly, for Revising the Lists of Voters in respect of Property situate in the several Parishes of Liatiody I Llanelly I Llangennech Llanon I Pembrey. On TUESDAY, the 22nd day of October, 1850, at 10 ol cloelc in the forenoon, at the Farmer's Arms, LLAN- GENDEIRNE, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the several Parishes of St I shmad I Kidweliy Saint Mary in the Borough of Kid- welly I Llanddarog I Llandefeilog Llangendeirne On WEDNESDAY, the 23rd day nf October, 1850, I at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Shire Hall, I CARMARTHEN, for Revising the Lists of Voters in (he several Parishes of -1 Llangunnor ) Abergwilly Abcrnant Con wil Elvet Saint reter in Carmarthen Lh?n?ain Llangunnock Llanllawddog I Liianpumpsaini Llanstephan Merthyr Newehurch Treleach arbettws I On THURSDAY, the 24th day of October, 1850, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at. the Blue Boar, SAINT CLEARS, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the seve- ral Parishes of highvyscitmmin Eglwys-Fair-a- cherig Egreinont Henllan-amgoed Kiffig Cilyrnaenilwyd j Llanboidy Llandawke I Llandilo Aber- I cowin Llanddowror Llandissilio Llangan ) Llanginning | Llanglydwen I Llanfihangel- I I Abercowin I Llansadwrnen Han fall teg Linn winio Laugharne LaugharneTown- ship Marro" My d rim Pendine Saint Clears On FRIDAY, the 25th day of October, 1850, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, at the Salutation Inn. NEW CASTLE-EMLYN, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the several Parishes of Cenarth Cilrhcdin I LInnfjhangcJ-ar- Arth I Llangeler Penboyr On SATURDAY, the 26th day of October, 1850, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Black Lion Inn, LLANSAWEL, for Revising the List of Voters in the several Parishes of Comvil-Cayo L1anfihangel rhos y-corn Llansaivel LLtoUwny Llanybythcr I Llanycrwys Pencarreg Talley On MONDAY, the 2Sth day of October, 1850, at 10 I o'clock in the forenoon, at the Town Hall, LLANDILO- FAWR, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the several Parishes of Bettws Brech fa Llanarthney Llandebu- I Llandefeisant Llandilo-fawr j Llanegwad Llan f¡'hanel.Ab- erbytbich Llanfynydd Llanfihangel Cil- fargen Llangathen On TUESDAY, the 29th day of October, 1850, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, at the Castle Inn, LLANDO- I VERY, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the several Parishes of Cilycwm Llandingat Llanddausaint I Llanfair-ar y bryn Llanganock Llansadwru Llanwrda I Mothvey I And the Lists of Voters for any Parish, Township, or Place, not herein-beforc mentioned (if any) will be Re- vised at the nearest Court to the same. N.B. Tue Overseers of each parish, township, and pl.ivic must attend, as required by the act, at the opening of the Court at which the lists of their respective pa- rishes, &c., are hereby appointed to be revised, and bring with them copies of their Lists and all notices of Claims and of Objections, and other papers which they have re- ceived concerning the Registration of Voters for the Connty of Carmarthen. i CHARLES BTSHOP, Clerk nf the Peace. September 17fh, 18-50. COUNTY OF THE BOROUGH OF CARMARTHEN. CORPORATION PROPERTY. TO BE LET BY AUCTION, BY MR. MORRIS EVANS, At the GUILDHALL, in the Borough of CARMARTHEN, On Saturday, the 28th of September inst., At two o'clock in the afternoon, for One Year certain, (Subject to fuch conditions as shall be tbeu and there produced),—In One Lot: THE CRANE and the QUAY DUES.-The J. Rate of Charge may be seen at the Town Clerk's Office. N.B-The highest Bidder must ba prepared with responsible Sureties. Carmarthcn, Sf-pt. Iltb, 18-50. EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. New Line of Packets from Liverpool.  L> EDUCED FARES 1st Cabin, 945, f?'' ?\ R21;d Cabin, 925, futermedate, £t5, "'¡,' ?? S?ra?e, EIO. Afcprnmodation, Provh;icmjn,& Equip- :????? ment, second to none. qUA PETREL 1300 Tono.To Sail 10th October CONDOR. 1'00 10th December OSPUEY 1200 10!h February. j A 1, new Ships, coppered and copper-fatened-Com- manded by Masters accustomed to the trade. ) For further particulars apply to the OviiE-rs, Gibbs Bright, and Cu., Bristol or Liverpool. NO TIC E.-From 1st of October and during the | Winter, the J U V E R N A will leave Bristol for Cork on Tuesd-iv instead of Wednesday. Goods for Newport, Chepstow, Swansea, and Cardiff, will in future be received bv W. A H. Hartnell, corner of St. Stephen's Avenue, on the Quay, instead of Clare- street Hall; and for Swansea and Cardiff by E. T. Turner, 12, Quay-street as usual. -?Rl.TOL GENERAL ????STEAMKAV!SAT!OMC8'MPAMY U-.?. ? ofi,-e 1, Q?y. Bnstol. rriHE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to A Sail from CuitceRLANR B KSIN, BlIISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of SEPTEMBER, 1850. Bristol to Carmar- then, calling at Tenby. PHOENIX. Tuesday Sept. 3 2,,morn Frida 6 5n-? o rii. Tuesday 10 ? 8'morn Thursday 12 9'night* Tuesday 17 1 morn Fri(la\' 20 5niorn* Tuesday ;)1.. 7 morn Thursday. 26 8,night8 • dulling at Tenby. FOR CORK. JUVERNA, Wednesdays. SABRINA, Saturdays. Wednes. Sept 4 4 after Saturday 7 7 morn Wednesday 11 9 morn Saturday H II morn Wednesday 18 Staffer Saturday 21.. 6 morn Wednesday 25 7i,morn Saturday 28 10 morn Return Tuesdays and Fridays FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK, Fridays, Friday Sept. 6 r)iarter Fridav 13 10 morn 1 19 .1 7 9 morn Frida3 ?7 9 morn Returns Tuesdays. FOR TENBY. OSPREY. Tuesday Sept. 3 2 J after Fridav". 6 51 morn Tuesday 10 8 morn Thursday 12 9Uiiglit Tue,day 17 3 alter Fri(lav :>0.. 5 morn Tueg,lay 24.. 7 morn Thursday M 8n FROM It A VKR KORD WEST. OSPREY. j Friday. Sept. ♦> 6JTnorn Friday 13 10 morn 20 ¡g Fri(Lay 27 9 morn ( FOR SWANSEA. j C 0 U N T Y Tuesdays and Fridays. BERESFORD—Thursday and Saturdays. BRISTOL-Wednesdapl. Tuesday Sept. 3 3 morn Thursday. S ^morn Friday- 6 6 morn Sattirda Y. 7.. 7 morn Tuesday 10 9 morn Thursday 12 10 morn Fridav. 13 10'morn Saturday, 14 10i(morn 3 morn Thursday 19 r, morn Friday 20 5 irr-orii Saturday 21 6 morn Thursday 26 8imor0 Friday .27.. 9 morn Saturday 28 10 morn FROM BRISTOL TO CARDIFF. STAR x rlnCE of WALES. Monday Sept. 2.. 1 i after Tuesday 3 2 after Wednesday.. 4.. 4 atier Th,irsdaj, r) 41 after Friday 6 5 1 morn Saturday 7 G morn Monday 9 7 ;Morn Tlledar. 10 8 morn 2 ..mt-,rn Ttitir,,I.i 9' morn Friday 13 10 morn Saturday 14 10 morn 1 gaiter Tuesday 17 2'after Wednesday !S 3] after Thursday 19 4 after Friday. 20 5 after Saturday .21.. 5!morn Monday 23 6 morn Tuesday fi|morn Wednesday 25 7 morn Thursday 2f> 8 morn Friday .7 8 imorn Saturday 28 Dhnorn Monday 30 11 ?'morii FROM BRISTOL TO I NEWPORT. LADY CHARLOTTE & VSK. Mondav Sept. 2 Iafter Tuesdai, 3.. t', after Wednesday 4 3-after Thursday 5.. 4 after FridaN S ti morn Saturday 7 7 morn Tuesday 10 9 morn 11 9 morn Thurs., 12.. 9mor,.i Fri,lav 13 lO'^morn Saturday 14 11 morn I Monday tfi — 1 i after Tuesday 17 — 2 alter Wednesday— 18 — 3; after Thursday 19 — 4 after Friday 20 4 after f(i,: 21 — 6 morn Monday "23 — 7 morn Tuesda:, 21 7 ;murn Wednesday 25 — 8 morn Thursday 2t> — 8>morn :Fritlav,r; 9 morn Saturday 28 91,morn Monday 30 11 mom FROM SWANSEA TO ILFRACOMBE. BERESFORD-Mo:-tD.\ Y. COUNTY—WEDNESDAY. Monday Sept. 2 Lmorn Wednesday 4 2 morn Monday f) < 7 morn Wednesday U 7 morn }\Ionday 1Ii.. gmom Wednesdav 18 2 morn Monday 23 7 morn Wednesday 25 6 mom Carmarthen to Bris- tol, calling at Tenby. PHOENIX. Wednes. Sept 4 3 morn- Saturday 7.. 5\morn Wednesday 11 8 morn- Saturday 14 I) morn Wednesday 18 3 morn- Saturday 21 5 morn Wednesday.. 2:; 6mum. Saturday 28 9 morn Calling at Tenby. FROM TENBY.—Three hours after leaving Carmarthen. FOR WATEllFORD. VICTORY, Tuesdays. ROSE, Fridays. Tuesday Sept. 3 2', after Fridav 6 )) i after Tuesday 10 B morn I Fridav. 13 10 morn TuesAa3 17.. 3 after Friday. 20 after Tuesdav 24 7 morn, Friday 27 9 mo?n FOR MILFORD, PAT EH & HAVERFORDWEST. OSPREY. Tuesday Sept. 3 Scatter Tuesday ]0.. 8 morn Tuesday 17 3 after Tuesday 24 7 morn FROM TENBY. OSPREY. Wednes. Sept. 4 5$mora Saturday 7 8 morn Wednesday 11 10.'morn Friday 13 lHnight Wednesday 18 5 imorn Saturday 21 7 moru Wednesdav '23 9' morn Friday. 97 10 night FROM MI i,FORD. OSPREY. ,Satur. Sept. 2 morn F,idav, 13.. 6 night Saturdav, 21.. 1 morn 27 4 after F r i d a y FROM SWANSEA. BERESFORD-Tuesdays and Fridays. C 0 V N T y Thursdays and Saturdays. TnMdav Sept. 3.jmorn Thursd*5 inorn Fridav. C 6^morn ?turd? 7 S mom Tuesdav ■ £ >  Tbursd?y '2 ?mom Fhd'3.0,morn sS.v. 14 'l?orn Tuesdav I I 3\morn Thursday 19 •• Fridav 20 6 £ morn St ]v 2t"???" ..I 7 morn TuesdaŸ 21.. 7¡morn Th°Sd!iyv 26 8 morn Frid ?.. 9i'? Saturaay :28.. ??o? FROM CA, R D I F F TO BRISTOL. STAR & PRINCE Ol Mondav Sept. S Tuesday. J..  4. aftpr .?dne?y.. 4 KS 3after Saturday 7 j TSISV.V.V. <0 ■■ «'«"> Wednesday -• ■■ W?n?'? Thurs. ;?- ? Pri(lav !3 s mon ?- '?, 9!morn MondaV 'li'Xr TnMd.'v ?- '? Wednesday M.. H? Thursday 19 Frid?- 20 3 after ra a?, 21 41'after li,,n .135 a.ter T??:?: %lm0r Wednesday 2* £ m0" Thursday 26 g'.morn Fridav 27 '.morn ?tu?tav 28 — 8 morn Monday' 30 9>orn FROM NEWPORT TO BRISTOL. I.ADY CHARLOTTE 81 USK. Mondav Sept. 2 >3 noon 3 1J after W*?dnos(latr 42i. after Thursday Fridav 6.. 4. after Saturday"7 5 after ?onday 9- 'mom ?'"psd.n' 10.. mom ?' ''dr.esd.iy.. 11 7 ,morn lav ,'inorii riorn Friday ?.. 8'morn Raturilay 11., lO'morn Monday tS— 12 noon "la, l? 11-1 fter Wednesday 18 2 after Thursday. HI after Friday 20 — 3\nftN I 'Iy 21 41 alter Monday2.'t — S aft,T Tue«day ?4— f)?f!e- Wednesday !5 6morn Thursday 26 — C'mom Friday 27 7 morn Saturday 8 8 morn Monday30 — 10 morn FROM ILFRACOMBE TO SWANSEA. B ERESFORD — M ONI) AY. COUNTY—W EDN ESDAY. Monday Sept. 2 6 mom WedlWsday 4 7 morn Monday S* ll^morn Wednesday 11 11 morn ,4onda? 16 /m.m1 Wednesday 18 7 morn Monday 2. ll\morn Wednesday 25 10 morn Monday 30 5 morn The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the sonvevanee of passengers and goods.—Female Steward on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sai Ii nl!. Particulars may he obtained br applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Ofiiee, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, Ac., should be addresse,l: for Swansea, to W. Terrell & Sons, o3, Hack: and E. T. Turner, 12, Quay street:—for Cardiff, to R. II. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh streetand for Newport, to J. Jones, Rownliam Wharf, Hotivells. AGENTS.—Mr. It. STACEY, Carmarthen; Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tenby; Mr John Rees, Haverfordwest, Mr. Palmer. Mil ford Mr. Boiven. Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. J. W. Poekett. Swansea: Mr. I'ridham. Ilideford Mr. Martin, Ilfracoinbe and Mr. J. Clarke, Lynton. NOTIOT-—The Proprietors ofthe above Steam Packers will not he accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Lnsrffasrf. lost or damaged above the value of £ ■>■ nor for any Deck Passen- ger's Lua:! (if1ost or damacred) abo^e the value of:Is. Ull- less in each case enl.p.rpdas such. and freiirht 111 proportion pa d for at tii" time of delivery nor will they be answerable for a,, v other parcel above the value of 40s./if lost ord&ntatred) unless entered a* such. and freight in proportion raid for the same at t he time of delivery. Not aeconntabie for any f.:oodsHthout Shipping Notes Ai i letters spoking information tn he pn.» pr-r3:.