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CARDIGANSHIRE BOROUGH ELECTION. I RETURN OF MR. PRYSE PRYSE, THE LIBERAL CANDIDATE. This election, after a contest of unprecedented severity :-?d unparalleled excitement, terminated on Saturday h8ht by a majority in favour of Mr. Pryse Pryse, over Ilia Opponent, Mr. J. S. Harford, by a majority of 7. '\) From the onset, it was believed that the contest would b e &a extraordinarily severe one, & as the results of the ? '? canvasses became known to the several Com-  d oiittees ?"* respective Candidates, equal confi dence • both Partic and led each to anticipate «r kQth parties and led each to anticipate 16 8uccess. Mr. Pryse's fight was certainly an tiPn -nirilnl one, since rnnn?u-t unexpected circumstances ¡ ? <??pi,ed to depress his cause, such as the reten- ")" of Mr. Lloyd Hall at Newcastle Emlyn, for Mr. ?liarford I the secession of Mr. Beynon, of Adpar, from JJe position occupied bv that ?endeman with regard to I*lr* Pryse's late father; the loss of the support of Col. ^p owell, the Lord Lieutenant of the County, and also 1 of Lord Lisburneall these circumstances com- ?""Pd, rendered Mr. Pryse's chances of success far from ??' ?'"? devolved upon his friends the necessity of ?dmunal exertion and activity. Right nobly did each anù 11 '"? all of them ?cq?it themselves. All that energy and jtermination could achieve was in every Borough "ccmnplished, and Mr. Pryse was perfectly satisfied at  end of his canvassing tour, that a small majority "ould reward his I'Œ,HtS. 1 Oil the other hand Mr. Harford's agents and friends fd. him to believe that he would obtain a DECISIVE ?"rity over his opponent." Backed by the whole 'trength of the Tivy Side gentry, no despicable or unin- Suentiftl opponents, and having the support of Dr -?'ewpHyn? ?t Lampeter. Col. Powell, and Lord Lisburne, &t Aberysiwith, with Mr. Beynon and Mr. Lloyd Hall, ? Adpar. the talented author of The Life of Bishop —f'S?ss," had a legitimate right to be sanguine of "tceesa. The triumph of Mr. Pryse over such foemen Worthy of his steel, is therefore the more remarkable and Otiofaetory. 'Ve need scarcely say that the excitement in all the OUr Boroughs was intense, and we deem it a most for- tunate circumstance that the Bribery and Treating Act Wfts in operation as a preventive to the donation of 8tlmlllating drinks to the excited and tumultuous Populace, otherwise probably in the heat of the contest, dangerous collisions would havf taken place. Every precaution was taken by Mr. W. Phillips, the Mayor of Cardigan, to prevent riotous proceedings, for although the military were necessarily ordered off to Newport, the services of a great number of special con- stables were ensured in the event of being required. THE NOMINATION. I Rarely has itbeen our lot to witness such a scene of over- whelming excitement and uproar as prevailed on Friday last in the Shire Hall, at Cardigan. About 11 o'clock the respective candidates entered the Hall, accompanied by their friends and partizans. Mr. Harford looked cheerful and apparently confident of success whilst Mr. Pryse looked no less "winnin." The former gentle- man's friends occupied the right side of the Hall, and comprised ;-D. A. S. Davies, Esq., M.P., W. A. Lewis, Esq., Clynfiew, D. Davies, Esq., Bridge Street, Cardi- gan, T. D. Lloyd, Esq., Bronwydrl, Captain Prichard, Tyllwyd, Capt. J. R. L. Lloyd, Dolhaidd, J. Beynon, Esq., Adpar, Dr. Jonps, Llar.cych, J. Griffiths. Pant- flwyn, R. G. Thomas, Llwysnewydd, J. Colby, W. O. Brigstocke, Blaenpant, James Bowen, Troedyraur, J. Griffiths, Berllan, 0 Owen, Cwmgloyne, E. C. Lloyd Hall, Adpar, J. Bowen, Plasybridell, R. Lascelles, Noy- ftddurthin, Esqrs.,&c.&c. Mr. Pryse occupied the left of the Mayor, and was accompanied by Thomas Lloyd, Esquire, Coedmore, T. C. Morgan, Esq., Aberystwith, T- Davies, Esq., Cardigan, &c &c. The Mayor, W. Phillips, Esquire, having taken the c b air, Mr. Morgan, the Under-sheriff, proceeded to lead the documents which are customarily repeatel on such occasions, but owing to the turbulence of tha audiiory but little of these formalities was audible. The Mayor then said Any elector desirous of pro- posing a candidate for the representation of the Cardi- gati Boroughs in the present parliament is requested to ZIO'llil,ate him forth%vitti. W. H. Lewis, Esq Cl?nfiew, rose and was received 'th loud applause mingled with some disapprobation f oud applause minU'led with som<! lsapprobatlOll '?Otthe opposing party. In fact during the whole Proceedings the mob occupied themselves with occa- '??? outbursts of Red" and Blue," which cries ,Pletely drowned the various speaker'? voices. 'heQ ?ir. Lg?? succeeded in obtaining an hearing he _?:—Brother Electors, as the Mayor has just stated the time has now arrived when it becomes the duty of j ?''Sector to propose a candidate for your acceptance, 1 ti?I'llf.r, rise with the greatest pleasure to pro- too John Scandrett Harford as a fit and proper person to reprlent these Borougha in the Commons House of 1  'ament. (Loud cheNs and disapprobation.) And J ,j08~reinen^OU8 uproar, with cries of Blues" *nd <tps") °'? I do so from the honest conviction ?hat I ?htertain, that he will in accordance with the Ian- gu '° ?? address be a firm supporter of our glorious Cot' '?PP?"se)—a Constitution which is justly the bo^ lhis country an d the envy of every other Hation ? "? ?'? l ?o'"?''y and the envy of evE'fY ot er ?tion° ?? ?'°''?' (Cheers aud tremendous  ) Let m<  )'? ""? ?" he looks back at the condi- t'on of t? ? "'?rent countries of Europe during the past 12 tnn?, congr-"i" *er he ?'? ?"?'?'?''?'' for COneratu) '"? himself upon living under the blessings of that °n^i,ulion\ (cheers. ) Why, let me ask has England (Cheers.) Why, let me ask has Olear.) "?? triumphantly through the storm ? (Hear) ?? her Constitution is based upon old ?titutiot) B Otue it is not a Constitution of yes- -terday. ,? ???"'l uproar.) Because it is not a Constitut,,),. of ??"sts. but has grown with the growth ?nd Strenfth "? with the strength of England's glory. ( T remendous (T'-ernendous Y?-"?? hisaConstitutionthathas ?nidpntifip '?? the early Hspings of our infant years, and hi« "?'Te progressively attached to our 1. e, '"cr expf,?, ???') It is for these reason" that ?heBrnishr "?'-tntion has been so triumphant during the ?? ?,'??""?y period. (Hear.) Andforth? ^ason 1. "??P"?d to that party in the State who Would r) ????"' S?uious a Constitution. (Cties of "Reda" and ????") Our lot is cast in most event- ful tim„ le 'me of change pervade? nearly all ranks soci t^ meu ph.d?e thmseh'es frankiy and unh? ait?t, y t 1 1. f ? ?'? '"?t-st theories, merely for the love of ?o?eh'v '?? ??'?? their eyes to their inevitable and ?'atu) ??"'t- (Hear.) With regard tooneWd th?- ?'?"? jut ask whether we are not at the pre- '"ent )' '?s tafitin? its bitter fruits-I allude to the beau- tif. Tra0e. of Free Trat!e" continul'ù for a lenltth of ?;'??sud')us uproar which continued for a length of ,tiin a ??? only terminated upon the Mayor exc'.aim- -Ing C'hicirett maeslaic, ?tce?/to nawr." ) r ?""s continued:— Has that beautiful theory ??? ?''? the exPe(;tations which its promoters field ? Dn we find the labourer or mechanic more fuUy °_yed ? I would ask the tradesman, does he find ??'?'?'hieaud rapid improvement in his trade ? To .k of thp f.?rmpr<j of any improvement with .'egard to ?"cuhuratatf.urswoutd be mere!y mocken'. (Hear.s ►j, at "man of una d orne d eloquence" Mr. Cobden had » I man of unadorned eloquence" :Mr. Cobdpn ha IR'L"Y 8tyled hicmelf the farmer's friend." All I can y is, Heaven defend ine from such friends." (Tre- ??"Us uproar,) There were two other questions ery much discussed since the last Session of Parlia- lt"Ilts but I am very happy to find that one of them is *"t eluded lo in the speech from the throne, upon the ?'ening of the present Session-I allude to the endow- 'hnt of the Roman Catholic or Popish Clergy. (Loud ?cerin?.) I only hope that. the Prime Minister, hav- "19 been awakened to a sense of the dan?o-of intro- ??eing any measures of the kind, has seen fit to with- ,raw it, and will n"t again bring it forward. (Cheers.) ?here if:, however, another question which is of ?i'al ?'?'portance to the welfare of the county at large—I *?"*? the repeal of the Navigation Laws. (Tremendous 'T'roar.) This is a measure most materiaUy affecting 'he Borou?h of Cardigan. (Hear), and also that of Aberystwith. (" Hear, hear" from Mr. Pryse.) Our  hu long been the boast of this country, and Eng- ""d has not been inaptly styled the mistress of the Her wooden walls have invariably been her bul- warks, and, as the poet has properly described- Britannia needs no bastion-, No tower along the steep, Her march is on the mountain wave Her home is on the deep." (Treniendous cheering and uproar.) Let but the mea- Oure for the Repeal of the Navigation Laws be carried, and Briton's proud flag will be seldom met upon that tl.,arch, while she herself will be driven from that home 1 he deep which it was her pride to boast that foreign Rations were able to esipel her from, but which will Us been lakn from her by the adoption of the wild theories of domestic foes. (Cheers.) But gent lfmrn, I hope that better times will arise, and that the people of England will arouse from their lethargy and can upon their representatives to oppose the projected R?pea! of a measure so important to British interests, and under the blessing of that Providence which has ever watched the welfare of this country, the vessel of the State will ride over the storms of faction, and when safely in harbour will again become the fear and envy of siirrouniing nations. (Cheers.) Knowing that Mr. Harford's opinions upon these several subjects are in consonance with my own, I have much pleasure in proposing him as your representative. (Tremendous uproar. ) David Davies, Esq., of Castle Green, next presented himself to the electors, but a considerable period elapsed before he could make himself audible in consequence of the tumult that was prevalent. Eventually lie said Ladies—(Loud laughter)—gentlemen, and brother elec- tors. I feel infinite pleasure in seconding the pro- posal that Mr. Harford should becoTie the representa- tive of these B troughs. (Cheers) Mr. Harford is well known to ui nil as a supporter of the Navigation Laws as they af presr-nt s!ai:d, and therefore he is a staunch friend to the s iil.irs. (L)ud cheers.) In fact I may say that it we eleon Mr. Harford, all of us, from the squire in hi" mansion to the poor fisherman in his humble cot, will a fit man to represent us and to promote our mateiial interest. (Cheers.) And this he will do, not in thn irv, hut in practice and execution. (Hear.) He is a gentleman also well acquainted with business, and no person who commences the work of attempting to promote our interests, can ever hope to succeed or to finish it well without properly understanding business and being of thorough business habits. (Hear.) It is a man of business that we wish to have. (Hear.) With his penetration of speech—(Loud laughter, in which the speaker himself joined)—with his power of speech and penetration of mind, he will be enabled to confer great benefits upon the constituency. (Hear and cheers.) By electing Mr. Harford, we shall elect a member who is extensively connected with both Houses of Parliament—both Lords and Commons. (Hear, hear.) I shall sit down, heartily seconding the nomination of so a gentleman. (Liud applause.) Thomas Lloyd, Esq Coedmore, was received with tremendous shouts of applause, and simply said :—I beg to propose my friend, Mr. Pryse Pryse, of Go- gerddan, as a fit and proper person to represent the Cardigan Borough s in Parliament, and in doing so, it is not my intention to trouble you with a tedious speech. (Hear.) T. O. Morgan, Esq., of Aberystwith, seconded Mr. Pryse's nomination, and remarked that as he came from the neighbourhood in which Mr. Pryse resided, he had ample opportunities of becoming acquainted with the high character he maintained in that locality. (Hear.) His sentiments were most liberal, and there could be no doubt he would make a most excellent I Member of Parliament if the constituency returned him. With regard to what had been said by Mr. Lewis respecting the Navigation Laws, he hardly thought it fair to extract a passage from the Queen s Speech, and make it the text for a political attack. It was haroly respectful to Her Majesty herself to do so. (Lauhter.) As far as regarded the Repeal of the Corn Laws he would say that that experiment had not had a fair trial. (Hear, hear, and uproar.) He had great pleasure in seconding Mr. Pryse's nomination. (Cheers.) Mr. Harford next presented himself to the vast assemblage, and a tumult arose which lasted for nearly five minutes, despite the frequent attempts of the Mayor and the Under Sheriff to put a period to the dis- turbance. There were frequent crles of 11 Welsh," "True Blue," &c., &c., and eventually the Mayor de- clared that if the uproar continued he would order the constables to clear the Court, whereupon Mr. Pryse patted his worship on the back, and promptly ejacu- lated "You can't do it." At length Mr. Harford succeeded in making himself heard and said-Gentlemen, after all, Englishmen and Welshmen form one great nation, and on these oc- casions the universally adopted rule is fair play to both sides. (Renewed disturbance.) I can with all sin- cerity say that it is my ardent desire to secure a patient hearine for my honourable opponent, quite as much as I ask you to give it to myself. (Cheers.) All I ask for again is fair play. (Cheers.) It has gratified me much that in my mover and seconder, I have had the honour to find two entlempn, the one truly endeared to all who know him for his many good qualities both of head and heart, and the other at the head of the commercial and shipping interests of Cardigan, and therefore naturally well qualified to judge of the kind of representative who can best protect those interests. (Cheers.) I thank the numerous and influential body of gentlemen who have honoured me vvitn tneir stippure, and also with their presence this day, which convinces me that they coincide with the same opinions that I advocate. No less do I honour alld value the support of that numerous and highly respectable body of farmers who have promised to aid me, as well as the tradesmen, the opertives, the merchants and sailors connected with these boroughs. (Hear, hear), those who by their industry and skill have found the life blood of that enterprise and energy that has created the vast manu- facturing and commercial fabric which has raised Great Britain to such an unrivalled eminence among the various nations of the world. (Cheers.) Gentlemen, my principles are Conservative—(Cheers and uproar), and my great object through life, whether in or out of Parliament, has ever been and still will be to maintain inviolate the glorious fabric of our Protestant Constitu- tion. (Loud Cheers.) Whenever any practical abuse can be pointed out, I will most willingly lend my aid with reverent and tender hands to remove and eradicate it, but the fundamental principles of the Constitution I will uphold and adhere to. (Cheers.) I hate despotism in all its forms, and I earnestly wish that a few if not all of the continental nations could share in the blessings of our Constitutional Government, but constitutions cannot be raised in a day by the breath of popular caprice. How different therefore is our own Constitution from those ephemeral constitutions which in a neighbouring country have successively arisen, and only to perish amidst the most revolting scenes of anarchy, con fusion, and blood (Cheers.) The British Constitution is a g lorious birthright transmitted to us by our glorious ancestors, framed and cemented by their wisdom, and consecrated by their blood. (Loud cheers.) Under it, the inhabitants of this country have enjoyed a larger share of true national liberty, security, and happiness, than has fallen to the. lot of any other nation, ancient or modern. (Cheers.) The British Constitution is fixed upon the basis of Christianity, and if our li- berties were fixed upon any other foundation, depend LL it thev would not be worth five year's purchase in times like tlillc. (Cheen;.) H.nce It IS that we learn ourselves and  olhNs to fear God honour th^ our partICular cse I ought rather 'Queen —whom God for ever bless, 'dY d f. d a ,x>. a—i ■*«-».) o,„ of ??' r' r ?d'an .? (Loud cheers.) O.ecf the ?ea? tdd ?timne e features of the British Constitution is Liberty of Co? nen ?? right ??,.? every man possess t?o \VorS!!1p acci>r,liag to the man posses,ps ) dictates ot own ,,?,t,?. (L')d cheers. ) ?   '??' ??'? '?" ''?? at the per6i- od of f1 the _R Reformation, when, t.ki? the Bible p! le of our faith, we burst asunJer the de- a_.e\r,l" nf the foundpd the a V P*oland i" the ?? ??? ??rt y rs. ?(rCu heer.i ) •> E,,glatid it, t?ie blood of the?lartyrs. (Cheers.) In the exprcise of the same legitimate right, numerons sects of I)i.?;nters have risen numerous ?. the ,?,??f which it may distinctly be afifrmedthatalthough they differ in minor points ? from ?th he E??-tabi I?b? ed Church, yet in the great Cardinal points of fa:th and practice, th"y entirely and cordially po.nts ??-? In my own neiRhb.urhood I have :?.e??r???r.of the  bodies on terms of amity, charity, and mutual good w.U. VIv dissenting brethren who live in the locauty where ?-'?, ''?"? can ti'stify to the truth of this I never forget that although la? a C?ch?n an?hey are Dissenters, yet after .)!.? are C?iristiai r? etire". (Cheers) The points of di?reneebet?en us .re ery ?inor compared with those cardinal points upon which we all agree. I therefore honour and respect all good men and Christians of viiatever deno. mination they may happen to be, and wnerever see works of faith and labours of love, I invariably wish them good speed in the name of the same Lord whose glory I also am anxious to promote, and I am deeply astonished at what has been said of me in relation to the Dissenters. Could you believe it possible that at the last election, I lost the vote of a man who had promised to support tne, because his wife, who was a worthy weU meaning woman, had ?ic_ fu?sed to allow him to record his franchise on my behalf because she had been told that if I got into Par- liatnent I should immedietely do my best to pull down all the Dissenting Chapels. (Laughter.) When I saw this woman during my present canvass, the same absurd rumour had been raised, and what was my reply to her when she urged this objection agains me-" Be assured, my good woman, that I n-otild as sr)oii pull down m. own house about my ears as touch a single stone of your Dissenting Chapels. (Cheers) And gentlemen, if by vour votes 1 should be placcd in the honourable position of your representative sho ild ever feel it a sacred duty to watch over and guard the pd- vileges of Dissenters as well as those of member of mr own C'lurcii. (Hear.) I tl)itik I have nov dispo,,cd of that part of t'ne acca-,atiozi avainst Tnc', and I trust that in future no h-mest man will venture to say that I am either intolerant or bigoted towards Dissen tel's. (Hpar.) If I rightly understand and interpret the spirit of the times and can duly foretel coming even s by t!icir menacing forecast shadows, I should sav ''h? ?\,? about approaching a period when we s?H a ■ men as well as Dissenters, continue together and lar aside and forget as much as possible our mutual ani- mositií's and petty prejudices, while we 1 ,Ig:tizist a far greater enemy, the spirit oflnfi,teiitv & Cliarti,ni- against that implacable, restless, ferocious and destructive spirit which has latterly traversed the whole o 'ur0tl and is constantly aiming t.o o..v.eorrttlnirnon"v the landmarks of order, property, region, and equity, and striving perpetuity to set u? a spirit of Democracy a.>e ) called Liberty. (Clic?,i-, ) Y???i beeli no doubt wiH he to!d ovr and otfr aEa:n—that as I am not a Welshmam I am ?tn?t to re?esent aWels.i con.->U tueney. (Cheers.) I will not meet this charge by saving, as I might truly do, that my ancestors had Welsh blood in their veins. I will nnt rest myanswer to that ob- jection upon any such plea. Mv answer i. that I appear amongst you in obedience to requisitions from Cardigan and Aberyst'.vith, signed by most numerous and influential electors, conveyed in terms far too flat- tering to m' vself", and also in obedience to parnpft per- j sonal calls ftom the other Boroughs, 3nd 1 can trulv j add that in coming forward I am animated by a sincere desire and intention to exert myself in any way in my power for the good of the Boroughs, and of their consti- tuency of all degrees and denominations. (Cheers.) Having thus briefly alluded to this subject, I may also be permitted to add that we in England reason in a very different way on this subject, and provided we are well satisfied as to the zeal and ability of the candidate, we are not over anxious in enquiring whether he is an Englishman, Scotchman, an Irishman, or a Welshman, or whether he was born north or south of the Tweed, or east or west of the Severn. (Hear.) I have been alsa charged with being an absentee. (Hear.) To this charge I merely remark that I most heartily wish that every owner of an estate in Cardiganshire and I may here observe that I do not allude to my honourable I opponent as (the attachment of the tenantry of the house of Gogerddan is proverbial) blessed with a tenantry equally attached to their landlord, and equally contented and happy as my own are. (Cheers.) Gen- tlemen—there is one topic of local interest to which I purpose briefly alluding. We are all aware that on this iron bound coast, numerous frightful shipwrecks are constantly occurring in the locality. (Hear.) I was much shocked on coming amongst you a short time since, at hearing of a recent lamentable shipwreck close to Cardigan Bay, accompanied with much loss of life, and I was likewise filled with much admiration when I heard of the heroic manner in which some of your hardy Welsh mariners headed by Capt. Geo. Bowen, made some desperate attempts to save their suffering fellow creatures who were still clinging to the masts, from the horrors of a watery grave. (Loud cheers.) My reason for touching upon this topic is to suggest whether it will not be possible to induce the Government to have a Harbour of Refuge constructed for these coasts. (Loud applause.) This is a plan that has been much talked of, but no definite result has as yet ensued. Why should the subject be suffered to drop, Surely Government would aid the project, and will not the merchants of Liverpool and at Lloyd's, willingly lend a cheerful help for so important a proposition. (Cheers.) Free Trade is a topic that has been touched upon. I regard that. in the light of a great experiment now on its trial before the ordeal of public opinion. (Cheering from the Liberals.) I hope its results may be as beneficial as its most sanguine supporters could wish. I am very far from pledging myself to a general opposition to the free trade system (hear) but I greatly. fear that unless the sacrifices we are making, are met by foreign Governments on terms of reciprocity (hear), the result will be highly unfavourable to Great Britain, and extremely prejudicial to native industry. (Loud cheers.) I observe that Her Majesty in the speech from the throne states that the abrogation or modification of the Navigation Laws is to be brought forward in the present Session of Parliament and with great deference to the gentleman who seconded my honourable opponent, I would remark that we are not speaking disrespectfully of Her Majesty by mentioning the topic in the. speech from the throne. God forbid that I or any of my friends should hint a disrespect of Her Majesty, but we are merely calling in question the policy of Her ministers. To the general princ:ple of those laws I am friendly, not so much on abstract principles, as from being im- impressed with the belief that any radical changes in them would be highly injurious to the British ship- building interest, as well as detrimental, as far as I can see to the mariners who so gloriously man the wooden walls of old Albion, who have made her name respected in every quarter of the world. (Cheers.) Gentlemen, I am not fond of offering pledges, but as I have already stated in one of my addresses, in consequence of ques- tions which have been put to me; and I here repeat it, that as respects any endowment of the Roman Catholic Church by our Protestant Government, I am conscientiously opposed to any such measure. And now, gentlemen, I am not aware that there is any other topic upon which I should touch, but I cannot terminate my address without seeing that in contests like these there mnst unavoidably exist great excitement, and par- ties are apt to say many harsh and unchaiitable things of each other, as well as to misconstrue motives, I cannot but express my confidence that any angry or hostile feelings which may have been provoked, wil., when the contest which has given rise to them has passed away, in like manner subside and be tranquillized. (Hear.) Then when the excitement of the moment has become evanescent, and we recal in our hearts the hard sayings that have passed, we shall most probably regret them in private if we have no public opportunity of saying so. For myself I can truly say that from the beginning to the end of my canvass, I have not exchanged a single unkind word or harsh expression with any one elector. If any one has refused me his vote, I have invariably wished him well, and parted good friends. (Cheers.) I should be ashamed of myself as a man and a Christian if I indulged in acrimonious feelings towards any man for the deliberate exercise of his right of judgment, (Cheer.) And I am sure my honourable opponent shares those feelings with me, and I sincerely wish him well. [Mr. Pryse here started up and warmly shook Mr. Harford by the hand, at the same time jocularly exclaiming Do you wish me suc- cess ?") Roars of laughter followed this incident, and Mr. Harford resumed—My honourable friend asks me if I wish him success. I wish him success in his kennel, in his farm. and his farming, in his family, in everything but in this contest. (Hear and a laugh.) Wo are told to love our neighbours as ourselves, but we are not told to love them better than ourselves, therefore I certainly do wish myself success in this election. (Loud laughter and cheers.) Mr. Pryse then rose to address the electors and was received with rapturous 8. prolonged shouts of applause. He said, Brother electors, I am not going to make a long speech to you, but there are a few subjects upon which we will with your permission have a little talk together. My honourable friend wishes that his neigh- bour should have the same success as himself, but not more, and therefore according to this calculation we must both win. This you know is an impossibility (Laughter.) Now a great deal has been said about my first address to you. I mentioned then that you knew my political principles, and I hear repeat it. You do know them well enough. You had a model in the person of my dear father for thirty-four years, and the principles which imbued his mind have been carefully inculcated on the son. (Loud cheers). You know that I am a Reformer, and that as long as abuses exist, I shall continue to be so. (Cheers.) I shall also advocate Retrenchment as far as is consistent with the public welfare. (Hear.) I assert that we need a speedy reform in the Army and Navy. I consider it one ot' the greatest abuses in the land that old and able soldiers should be passed over by the pro- motion of the scions of the aristocracy, and left at sixty or seventy years old lieutenants when they ought to be admirals or generals. (Loud cheering.) That is one thing that I think requires reformation. But I do not want to cut down everything. That would never do. (Hear.) Now let us look what has been said by my opponents. The proposer of my honourable friend has told you a great deal about the British Constitution —a Constitution that I intensely revere and adore, but Heaven save me from such friends to the Constitution as my opponents would show themselves. (Hear and laughter.) They term themselves Conservatives, but I call tbem Destructives. (Loud laughter and cheers.) I call them careless gardeners who dig up the roots of the tree and suffer the productive portions of it to go to ruin and decay. (Loud cheers.) Men who profess the greatest veneration and respect for our ancient Consti- tution, and yet unwittingly undermine its glorious fabric and will continue to do so unless they meet with wiser men, who will put a stop to their per- nicious practices. (Cheers and ironical cheers from dr. Harford's friends.) Look here my boys What is the foundation of the British Constitution that has been so much talked about ? Is it not Liberty ? And n'hat is the highest ornament of Liberty and the British Con- stitution, but freedom of election; and in how many cases during mv recent canvass have I been told We won1d vote for .ou with all our hearts Mr Pryse bach, but our !and)ord. will n.t let us." (Tr?endou. c?heer- ing.) We had a great deal of talk about the Naviga- tion Laws. Now let us take the buck by the horns:. (Lauhter.) My honourable friend Mr. Lewis—with whom I have had many and many a capital ride across country, and hope to have many more-says that the repeal of this measure will be the ruin of the coun- try. Will he allow me to asli hirii-(turiiin,!z to Mr. Lewis)—what are the Navigation Laws and what is the Government measure respecting them ? (Mr. Lewis maintained a profound silence amidst the ringmar shouts of laughter from the whole assembly at the fix" into which Mr. Pryse had so cleve-cly put him.) There you see he has been talking about a subject that he does not understand. But I vvill assert that there is not a greater friend to the shipping interest in this country than I am. (Cheers) As regards the endowment of the Roman Catholic Clergy, what is the use of talking of a measure that will never be brought forward. That is all humbug, then. (Loud laughter ancl cheers.) But if it ever should be brought forward, I tell y. at once that I am opposed to it. (Tremendous cheering.) If you want to send a man to Parliament to work for your interest, send me and I will work like a TICK. (This naive expression called forth a heat-ti, burst of laughter.) Mr. Harford has come at this election :n a new oharacter he is now a regular Radical, and a complete free trader. (Laughter.) Mr. Harford:—In what have I stated that I am a I free-trader. Mr. Pryse Y ou state that, you will not oppose free- trade except that yon discover that it injures British interests. (Cheers.) Now, we have heard a great deal about blood, and I should not wonder if the streets were running with it when we leave this llan. I won- der how the rivy looks. (Laughter.) All this con- versation about blood and confusion in foreign countries only convinces me the more, that what has saved Eng- land from similar anarchy and confusion is the pro- gressive Liberty which has advanced with our advancing years, while on the continent despotism has prevailed for y°ars, and that has created the revolution, not the people. (Cheers.) The gradual concession of impor- tant Reforms to the nation lias saved England. Look a,t two countries nearly side by side—England and Belgium. Surrounded as they are by nations plll'l,<1 In anarchy and confusion they alone are calmly digniiied and exempt from the dieadful penalties of popular revolutions. Despotism has in other lands created anarchy.and on the heads of tilest, (lespoti be the perialty4of that anarchv. I will now content myself with thanking you for the kind manner in which you h?ve received m?, and must solicit yon all to come early ro the n«il to-morrow and to vote forme. (Cheers.) voef,,r iii(,. (Cliver,.) to v'ou, let the minds of sympathy waft the feeling* of gi -ijMids with which I am injured lo Aberystwith, and Adpar, and Lampeter. I never shall forget, as long as I live, the kindness I have recpived at the hands of ths electors during my canvass. Each man that I met hae wished me success, and with outstretched hand and hearty grasp has said sut i chwi, heddyu, Mr. Pryse bach, LUCK dda i chwi." (Loud cheers.) Let fate do her worst I shall never forget the kind feelings that this contest has inspired in my behalf. (Cheers.) The remembrance of joy Of affection above you can never destroy, You may break, you may shatter, the vase if you will, But the scent of the roses will cling to it still." Mr. Pryse resumed his seat amidst the most enthusiastic plaudits. Mr. Harford said that he wished to add one word by way of explanation. His honourable opponent had said very good humouredly (and he did not complain of it) that he (Mr. H.) had appeared in the new character or a Free Trader. Now lie begged to repeat, in order that there might be no misunderstanding about it, that he regarded "free trade in the light of a great experiment which was now before the ordeal of public opinion. He sincerely wished it well, but unless other countries es- tablished a system of reciprocity, he feared the conse- quences would be very injurious to the protection of British industry. (Cheers.) Mr. J. Smith rose for the purpose of .asking Mr. Pryse some questions, but it being understood that he appeared as a retained agent of Mr. Harford's, and not merely as an elector, Mr. Pryse, acting on the advice of Mr. T. O. Morgan, declined replying to his queries. The Mayor then called for a show of hands, and de- clared that the choice of the electors had fallen upon Mr. Pryse. Mr. Lewis, of Clynfiew, demanded a poll upon behalf of Mr. Harford, and the Mayor fixed its commencement for 8 o'clock the following morning. The thanks of the meeting were voted to the Mayor for his ability in the chair upon the proposition of Mr. Harford, seconded by Mr. Pryse, and the meeting then dispersed. THE ELECTION. As early as 8 o'clock on Saturday morning the polling commenced at Cardigan, Mr. Harford's supporters put- ting forth their whole strength, and before 11 o'clock securing a majority of 86, which was shortly af terwards increased to 94 but at the close of the poll the total number polled in Cardigan for each candidate was as follows :-Nir Harford, 120; Mr. Pryse, 23, leaving a majority for Mr. Harford of 92. The greatest anxiety now prevailed to learn the result of the poll at each of the other Boroughs, and about half-past 5 o'clock, Capt. Pryse, and Mr. Geo. Thomas j arrived with the Adpar poll-books, which showed the tdmbers to be :—For Mr. Harford, 22 for Mr. Pryse, 40, leaving a majority for Mr. Pryse of 18. Upon the arrival of the Aberystwith poll-books which were conveyed to Cardigan by Mr. Miller (the Mayor) in a carriage and four to prevent the possibility of mistake it was ascertained that Mr. Pryse must have won the election by a small majority, for the num- bers were, Mr. Harford, 71 Mr. Pryse, 180. It was now clear that Mr. Harford's majority in Lampeter could not be sufficient to defeat Mr. Pryse, and loud and long were the cheers that rung through the streets upon this announcement. Eventually the Lampeter poll-books arrived, the numbers being—Mr. Harford, 78 Mr. Pryse, 49. Ma- jority for Mr. Harford. 29 Leaving a majority of 6 upon the gross poll for Mr. Pryse. The following tabular statement will serve to place the various majorities clearly before the reader Aberystwyth .Mr. Pryse. 181 Mr. Harford.. 71-110 ( I. Mr. 1ryse. Adpar Mr. Pryse. 40 Mr. Harford.. 22— 18 Do. Lampeter Mr. Harford.. 78 Mr Pryse 49 29  Mr. Hai-ford Cardigan.Mr. Harford..120 Nlr. Pryse 23- 92( -N l a j or"ty for   "t Mr.Harford Total majorities in Aberys-) twith and Adpar for Hr. Pryse. j 123 Total majorities in Cardigan j j. and Lampeter for Mr. Harford. j Gross majority for Mr. Pryse 7 The ceremony of charing took place at Cardigan, on Monday, Adpar, on Tuesday, Lampeter, on Wednesday, and Aberystwith on Thursday.



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Family Notices
