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b "There is but one way of attaining business—publicity bUt one way of gaining publicity—Advertisement: the Newspaper is the fly-wheel by which the motive power of Cotnmercial enterprise is sustained, and money the steam by which the advertising world is kept going." franks't Specific Solution of Copaiba. THIS Invaluable Medicine was extensively adopted .I.. by the late Sir ASTLEY P. COOPER, Bart., F.R.S. ald is highly recommended in the public and private Practice of Sir BENJAMIN BRODIE, Bart., F.R.S. JOSEPH HENRY GREEN, Esq., F.R.S. BRANSBY B. COOPER, Esq., F.R.S. 14trabers of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons. h H. A. CESAR, M.D., M.R.C.S., crofeslor of Anatomy in the Cork School of Medicine and Surgery, President of the Hunterian Society of Edinburgh, &c. &c. d many other highly distinguished Members of the Medical Profession, by whom it is deemed the only Spe- Qltle for the cure of those diseases to which it is more imediately applicable, and which are particularly des- cribed in the Testimonials accompanying each bottle. The most delicate persons may take it with perfect •ftfety, and with great advantage to the general health. Prepared only by George Franks, Surgeon, 90, Black- friars Road, London, where it may be had in Bottles, at 2k 9d. 4s. 6d.; and lls. each; and of all respectable druggists and Patent Medicine Venders in the United kingdom. CAt:TIOK. Unless" GEORGE FRANKS, Blackfriars fioad," is engraved on the Government Stamp, it cannot "c genuine. *Mr. FRANKS may be consulted until 2 o'clock daily. The following Testimonials are selected from amongst numerous othersforwarded to Mr. FIIA 2s KS:— From Joseph Henry Green, Esq., F. R. S., one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons, Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital, and Professor of Surgery in King's College, London. I have made trial of Mr. Frank's Solution of Copaiba, at St. Thomas's Hospital, in a variety of cases of discharges in the IIALE and FEMALE, and the results warrant my stating that it is an efficacious remedy, and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba. (Signed) JOSEPH HENRY GREEN i Prom Bransby Cooper, Esq., F.R.S., one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons, Surgeon to Guy's Hospital, and Lecturer on Anatomy, &c. Mr. Bransby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr. Geo. ranks, and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the dt'acy of his Solution of Copaiba in GONORRHŒA, for which "?Me Mr. Cooper has prescribed the Solution in ten or t,-elve eases with perfect success. *'om R. W. Meade, Esq., late Colonel commanding the Rifle Brigade in the Columbian Service, and formerly Captain in his Majesty's 13th Light Dragoons. SIR,—Having retired from active life. I feel a strong repug- tance against appearing before the public in any character, Ilt my reluctance has been overcome by a sense of duty I o"t! to my fellow-beings, and the gratitude 1 feel towards 19u. Having served many years in his Majesty's army in ndia, and subsequently in the Columbian Forces, under the "lIant but ill-requited Bolivar, I contracted in those hot JJJhnates a disease which has for years inflicted on me the Post poignant sufferings since, however, I have been for- tunate enough to obtain an introduction to you, and having ,e? your Solution of Copaiba a few times, I have been re- Ibeyond my most sanguine expectations, and am now hrely free from pain, or the obstructions to which I was 80 *?a.y veaM a victim. I am, sir, your obedient servant, ^alham Green, Dec. 4, 1835. (Signed) R. W. MEADE. into and important Edition of the Silent Friend on Human Frailty. Just Published, the 14th Edition, ce 2s. 6d. and sent free to any part of the united kingdom on the receipt of a Post-Office Order for 3s. 6d. THE SILENT FRIEND, A MEDICAL WORK on the Nervous Debility, and *V. Disorders arising from a vitiated state of the blood; bellished with engravings, representing the deleterious "Ifl-ucnce of mercury on the skin, followed by observa- tions on Marriage, the whole pointed out to suffering nianity as a Silent Friend," to be consulted without ..posure, and with assured confidence of success, ljy R. L. Perry Co., Consulting Surgeons, London. Published by the Authors and sold at their residence 4140, by Strange, 21, Paternoster-row Hannay and Co., 63 Oxford-street, J. Gordon, 146, Leadenhall-street, ndon; and by all booksellers in town and country. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. e "The Authors of THE SILEST FRIEND seem to be thoroughly tOnversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which we fear, too prevalent in the 'presnt day. The per- lcuou9 style in which this book 19 written, and the va- luable hints it conveys to those who are apprehensive of t Iltenng the marriage state, cannot fail to recommend it to ¡areful perusal."—ERA. This work should be read bv all who value health and .hd to enjoy life, for the truisms therein contained defy Cl doubt."—FARMERS' JOURSAL. 1 THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM, j gentle stimulant and'?v*ovater of the impaired Q nhons of life, and is, therefore calculated to afford "?cidcd relief to those who have weakened the powers of th eir system and fallen into a state of chronic debility. Possesses wonderful efficacy in all nervous disorders, head-aches, weakness and lowness of spirits, dimness of sight, confused thoughts, wandering of the mind, "apourr, and melancholy, and all kinds of hysteric com- P'aints, are gradually removed by its use. Price 11s. P|r bottle, or four times the quantity in one bottle for  ?- Sold by all medicine venders, of whom may be ?K *d J the SILENT FRIEND." The Five Pound Cases ?ybe had as usual. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and lis. per box, (Observe the signature of R. and L. Perry and Co. on e outside of each wrapper) are well-known throughout Europe and America to be the most certain and effectual eUre ever discovered for scorbutic affections, eruptions on tny part of the body, ulcerations, scrofula, or pimples J11 the face, being justly calculated to cleanse the blood 0111 all foulness, counteract every morbid affection, and lelltore weak and emaciated constitutions to pristine eaIth and vigour. Consultation fee, if by letter, JE1. A minute detail of e'ses is necessary. Messrs. Perry are in daily attend- aIlce, for consultation, at their residences, 19, Berners ltreet, Oxford-street, London, from 11 till 2, and 5 till 8, "d on Sundays from ten till twelve. One personal 8lt only is necessary to effect a permanent cure. Agent for Carmarthen, Mr. J. W White, Chemist, quildhall-Square, of whom may be had the Silent Friend. THE TWENTY-FIRST THOUSAND. J"" Published, in a sealed Envelope, price 3, and sent fret on receiving a Post O?ec 0?-?r,br 3< 6?. 1\;r A N II 0 0 D '?- the C?AUSF-S of its PREMATURE DECLINE ith Plain Directions for ITS PERFECT RESTORA- TION addressed to those suffering from the destructive cts of excessive indulgence, solitary habits, or infec- followed by observations on MARRIAGE, and the atment of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, &c. illustrated with cases, &c. &c. By J. L. CURTIS and Co., Consulting Surgeons. TWENTY-FIRST EDITION. Published by the Authors, and sold by Burgess, Me- scal Bookseller, 28, Coventry-st., Haymarket; Mann, rpj Cornhill; Strange, 21, Paternoster Row; Barth- "ridges-street, Strand, London; Philip, South Castle- street, Liverpool; Pritchard, Chronicle Office, Ches- ter; Fannin and Co., 41, Grafton-street, Dublin; Drum, §*°nd, 5, Blair-street, Edinburgh; Cambrian Office, 13watnsea Ferris and Score, Chemist to the Queen, nion-st., Bristol; Watton, Chronicle Office, Shrews- bury Times Office, Hereford; and sold in a sealed eilvelope by all Booksellers. CAUTION In consequence of the numerous complaints made to the Authors by patients who have been induced to pur- chase spurious copies of this work, advertised by illiterate d designing parties, under titles approximating as 'cl*eely as possible to the word" MANHOOD," the fol- "lng declaration is added to this advertisement, with a lew that the public may not be imposed on their 44ection DECLARATION. bJ,1. William Whinrey Gearing, of Smart's Buildincrs, Holbom, I hthe County of Middlesex, Printer, dQ solemnly declare that jj hare printed Nineteen thousand Five Hundred Copies of f^sig. Curtis and Company's Medical Work, MANHOOD, .(^elusive of the Twentieth Edition now printing by me, and \t the whole of these copies were duly delivered to Mr. "illiam Wilton, Bookbinder, residing at No. 4 Bream's Build- es, Chancery Lane, from the month of May, one thousand b 19ht hundred and forty, to February, one" thousand eight JJUndred and forty-four and I make this solemn declaration, oiiscientiously believing the same to be true. WILLIAM WHINREY GEARING. beclared and subscribed at the WILLIAM MAG?AY, ??nsionHousp, London, this 'th Lord Mayor of "?y of April, 1844, before me, ) London. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. «The numberless instances daily occurring wherein affec- 'ons of the lungs, putting on all the outer appearances oY otisumption—which, however, when traced to their source, ? found to result from certain baneful habits—fully prove .%IIOLT the principle of the division of labour is nowhere more ?Pplieable than in medical practice; and we feel no hesitation v) &aN,iii- that there is no member of society by whom the  ok will not be found useful, whether such person hold the jJHation of a ??' ''eeeptcr, or a lerg?man.-bu? ^N'NO P..?.Ett > Messrs. C rtip's work, entitled Manhood,' is one of the  boo.k now coming before the public on such a sub- t which can lay claim to the character of being strictly ?ressional, at the ame time it is fully int?'Ui?ibIc t? all who te,i-d it The moral and medical precepts given in it, render ?'nva)uab)e. "-M AGN ET. 1'0 the married, as wel as the unmarried, !his little alike affords consolation and cure in peculiar cases,  we are doing a service to society in recommending it to lIeralnohce.-EssEX AND HERTS MERCURY.  Messrs-CuRTii and Co. are to be consulted daily at th eir residence, No. 7, FRITH-STREET, SOHO-SQUARE, ?Dox. V Outry patients arc requested to be as minute as pos- -^1° in the detail of their cases-the communication must ?accompanied by the usual consultation fee of E I 4h4 it? all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be 'd on. ?*hf above Work is Sold at the Cambrian Omcc, Swan- e4, the Journal Office, Carmarthen, and by all respect- Q'ble Booksellers, bv whom it is rent,- post-paid, in a a ed envelope, for 3s. 6d. F s & 'J;. ;0' r.r.;n-Ý'i :('. :I > ,t THE BRITISH HONC-KONC TEA COMPANY, Faithful to their professed principle of supplying the public with none but genuine Teas of superior character, have to congratulate themselves on the liberal patronage they have hitherto received. It would be easy to pretend, as some advertisers do, to sell Teas, at lower prices than charged by the Company, but the very fact that the duty alone amounts to 2s. 2dl per lb. must convince all thinking persons, that much which is offered to the public under the name of Tea, can be no other than a spurious article, andit would be easy to prove that such trash is as injurious to health, as the genuine leaf is wholesome and exhilarating. The Company would particularly recommend their BLACK. Strong and rich flavored wiry leaf Congou at 5s. per lb. being all that for ordinary occasions can be desired. Their Imperial Pekin Mixture at 6s. per lb. is a combination of the rarest and most exquisite Black Teas exported from China, and is peculiarly adapted to the taste of Connoisseurs. The following can be confidently recommended- Genuine Breakfast Congou 4s. Od. Strong full-flavoured ditto 4s. 6d. GREEN. Bright leaf, Hyson kind, fresh and strong 5s. Od. Fine Hyson, with choice flavour • 6s. Od. Pearl leaf Gunpowder 7s. 6d. MIXED. Hong-Kong mixture. 5s. 4d. By those who prefer mixed Teas, the Company feel coti- fident that this will be pronounced unegualted,for strength and flavour, by any combination of Black and Green Teas that has yet been offered to the public at the pricei The Company's Teas are sold in Catty Packages, in the pure state in which they are impor%ed, in quarters, halves, and one pounds. Each package is scaled with. the Company's Seal, and bears the signature of J. CASSELL, their London manager, without $vhich'uone are genuine; Teas at 5s. per lb., and above, may be had in two ounce packets. COFFEES.-In consequence of the numerous applications which the Company have received from their Agents, requesting to be supplied with Coffee of superior quality, they have made arrangements, to supply the following descriptions, which will be found of singularly exquisite flavour, and will be packed in lead, in quarter, half-pound, and pound packets, and scaled to prevent the possibility of the aroma escaping Choice Mountain Jamaica Is. 8d. ) Rich Turkey flavour 2s. Od. The following Agents have been duly appointed:—Carmarthen, D. Ll. Mortimer, Druggist, Cross; Newcastl; Emlyn, Wm. Jones, Printer, &c. Narberth, J. Meyler, Grocer and Bookseller; Llandilo, Rev. Robert Owen. Cardigan, Rev. D. Owen, near the Church; Llanboidy, Evans, surgeon; Kidwelly, Rev. D. Jones; Llanelly, T Powell, Carpenter Neath, Rev. D. Evans; Aberavon, J. Rogers, shopkeeper; Melin-y-coed, near Cardigan, D Davies, Grocer; Treleach, W. Davies Tregaron, J.Lewis, shopkeeper; Haverfordwest, W. Blethyn, Upholsterer; Pembroke Dock, Mr. Clougher, Bookseller; Tenby, T. H. Jones, grocer, &c., Frog-street. Fishguard, Davies Bookseller; St. David's, T. Davies, Draper; Newport, Pembrokeshire, W. W. Loder, Bookseller; Aberystwith Griffith and Roberts, Druggists, Great Dark Street; Brecon, Sillifant and Richards, Drapers. The Company continue to appoint Agents in those towns where one has not been already appointed, and as the Agency can be carried on with a very small capital, with but little trouble and no risk, it is worthy the attention of respectable tradesmen or private individuals. All letters must be addressed, BRITISH HONG-KONG TBA COMPANY,Little Tower Street, London. THE GENUINE ROYAL HOWQUA TEAS. 0. E. DAVIES, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, HIGH-STREET, BEGS to inform the inhabitants of HAVERFORD. WEST and its vicinity, that he has been recently appointed SOLE AGENT for the sale of THE ROYAL HOWQUA'S MIXTURE," imported direct from China, as supplied to HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, AND THE ROYAL FAMILY. One trial of these delicious Teas is respectfully solicited, when they will be found superior in strength and lfavor, and far more economical than any yet offered to the public. Price 6s. per lb. O. E. Davies has also on sale a large supply of other Teas from the "LONDON GENUINE TEA COM- PANY," packed in leaden canisters and warranted free from adulteration, at 4s., 5., and 6s., per lb. WHERE AI.SO MAY BE HAD THE ONLY GENUINB DOCTOR COLLINS'S ANTIBILIOUS & APERIENT VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS, (FOR BOTH SEXES,) A most excellent Medicine for costive and bilious com plaints, disorders of the stomach and bowels, nervous ness, worms, indigestion, pains and giddiness of the head, scorbutic eruptions, jaundice, asthma, rheuma- tism, gravel, and dropsical complaints, &c. These Pills, which contain the most Genuine Drugs, have, for some considerable time, obtained the most uu- qualified approbation of the Faculty, and the Public in general. They req?fe no confinement nor alteration of diet; and their operation (which is promoted by moderate exercise) has been found so beneficial to the several organic functions of the human system by their mild action on the peristaltic motions of the Intestines, that they may justly be considered as a Panacea, or Universal Medicine. They strengthen the tone of the digestive organs, promote a healthy action of the liver, and remove those obstructions of the bowels which so frequently produce HEADACHES, DIMNESS OF SIGHT, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY, WORMS, PILES, and a numerovs train of other disorders. By the occasional use of these Pills, the above diseases are speedily removed, and the body performing its due functions the patient is thereby restored to the perfect enjoyment of health and strength. Sold in Boxes, at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF THE PERRYIAN PENS. QUALITY IMPROVED. JAMES PERRY 8: Co. have the pleasure to announce that in consequence of increased facility in the ma- nufacture of their Pens they have reduced the prices to the level of all other Pens in the market. PATENT PERRYIAN GRAVITATING INKSTAND This novel Invention is exceedingly -el) adapted foi general use. The Patentees strongly recommend it to the notice of Bankers, Merchants, Solicitors, Govern- ment Offices, Public Companies, Schools, &c., as a great improvement over the ordinary inkstands, ft is formed by a cylinder with ? gravitating action, by which means the clipping cup is supplied with clear Ink ai anv mo- ment, and, with equal ease, may be returned into the cylinder, where it s protected from dust or other injury. DOUBLE PATENT PERRYIAN FILTER INKSTAND. Great improvement has recently been made in the Manufacture of this article. The Patentees can with confidence recommend it as complete foi general use, combined with Elegance and Simplicity ia its action. PATENT PERRYIAN PNEUMATIC INKSTAND. Thit Simple, Cheap, and very useful Inkstand insures the Writer a constant and regular supply of clear Ink for several months, without the trouble of replenishing it. Its construction being so simple, convinces at sight that it cannot get out of order. Tirs inkstand is adapted for all climates, and its convenient size renders it suitable for all situations—the counting-house 01 the drawing- room-the study 01 the library—2s. 8d. each, and up- wards. PERRYIAN INK, 6d., Is., and 2s. per Bottle. IW Sold by all Stationeis and Dealers in Metallic Pens, and Wholesale and for Exportation, at the Manu- factory, o7, Red Lion Square, London. WHEAT SOWING & GRASS DRESSING. BRAIN'S GUANO, SUPERIOR to any Imported, being of uniform C7 strength and composition.—See Analysis Farmer's Journal, Oct. 21st, 1844. TESTIMONIAL. Copy of a Letter received from John Hill, Esq., Head- Cop Farm, near Pinner, Middlesex. '?i, Having been induced by your agent, Mr. William Stransom, of Uxbridge, to use some of your GUANO MANURE, together with other sorts, and after a careful application and watching, I must say yours has proved the most useful and far preferable to the Foreign. My land is a strong clay. I should recom- mend it as a top dressing or wheat grass, &c. to be well used in the state you send it out, without any mixture, and to be harrowed in. The difference in the produce of wheat where your manure and the others where used, may be seen at my farm. I think it a duty 1 owe to yourself and the public to state I shall be happy to give any information as to how I applied it, &e. Headstone Farm, near Pinner, Middlesex. Yours, &c., JOHN HILL. October 24th, 1844. To Frederick Brain, Esq. iW I shall try it this year drilled with wheat. Price jE9 per Ton, sacks free of any charge delivered free to any Wharf or Rail in Town. Works, Thomas-St., Duke-St., Stamford-Street, Blackfriar's Road, London. BRAIN'S highly concentrated Liquid Guano, at Is. 9d. per bottle, enough for 80 gallons of Liquid Manure, as usual of all respectable Florists, Seedsmen, and Che- mists, in ToWn and Country. Agents Messrs. Hall, Cardiff. AN EXCELLENT FAMILY MEDICINE for A INDIGESTION, BILIOUS and LIVER COM- PLAINT, &c., &c. In every instance where a fair trial has been made, NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS have invariably given satisfaction, affording permanent relief in all cases of Indigestion, and a speedy cure for Headach, Bilious and Liver Complaints, Heartburn, and Acidity of the Stomach, Depressed Spirits, Distuibed Sleep, Violent Palpitations, Spasms, General Debility, Costiveness, &c. They are mild in their operation, safe under any circumstances, and persons can now bear tes- timony to the benefits to be derived from their use. Sold in bottles at Is. Lid., 2e. 9d., and lis. each, in every Town in the Kingdom. EUROPEAN LIFE INSURANCE & ANNUITY COMPANY, INSTITUTED JANUARY, 1819. Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 48. Office-Alo. 10, Chatham-Place, Blackfriars, London. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. John Elliott Drinkwater Bethune, Esq., 80, Chester- square, Chairman. Thomas Henry Call, Esq., 1, Mount-street, Grosvenor- square. I John Rivett Carnac, Esq 46, Devonshire-street, Port- land-place. John Greathed Harris, Esq., 2, Old Palace-yard. Henry H. Harrison, Esq.. 1, Percy-street, Bedford square. Thomas Hunt, Esq., 11, Manchester square. William Paxton Jervis, Esq., 59, Cadogan-place, Sloane-street. Alexander H. Macdougall, Esq., 44, Parliament-straet. William Sargent, Esq., Treasury Chambers, Whitehall. Frederick Silver, Esq., 10, James-street, Buckingham- gate. John Stewart, Esq., 22, Portman-square. George James Sulivan, Esq., 1, Arlington-street and Ditcham Grove, Petersfield, Hants. John Thoyts, Esq., 8, Foley-place. This OLD ESTABLISHED SOCIETY has recently re- ceived ADDITIONAL POWERS, by Special Act of Parliament, and affords FACILITIES in effecting IN- SURANCES to suit the views of every class of insurers. Premiums are received yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly, or upon an increasing or decreasing scale. Two thirds of the profits are added septennially to the policies of those insured for life one-third is added to the guarantee fund for securing payment of the policies of all insurers. Those who are insured to the amount of £.500 and upwards for the whole term of life, are admitted to vote at the half-yearly general meetings of the proprietors. DAVID FOGGO, Secretary. Prospectuses and every information to be obtained from the office in London, or of the undermentioned Agents:— AnERYSTWYTH. Henrv Humphreys. BA TIL Thos. Bishop, Stuckey's Bank. BRISTOL Daniel Burges, Jun., Council House. LIVERPOOL Widow Sutton and Sons, 17, Exchange Court, East. SHREWSBURY.Charles Hulbert, Bookseller. COMMERCIAL AND General Life Assurance Annuity, Family Endowment, & Loan Association, 112, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. CAPITAL E500,000, in Shares of jEoO each. Deposit, f2 per Share. DIRECTORS, AUDITORS, ETC. Henry Geo. Ward, Esq,, M.P. Chairman John Aylwin, Esq., Dulwich Wm. Bastow, Esq., 20, Surrey place, Old Kent road Robert Bastow. Esq., 20, Sur- rey place, Old Kent road Henry Cornfoot, Esq., Old Palace, Richmond Henry Hind Edwards, Esq., IlePnL? Village East, Regent's park I Adam Duff,Esq. Morden Hill, Blackheath Edw. Evans, Esq., 2, Stones' End, Borough Robt. Mejtgy, Esq., 38, Great Tower Street Richard Pope, Esq., 11, North Terrace, Camberwell John Richards, Esq., 17, New Bridge st. and Reading Thomas Bush Saunders. Esq. 19, Lincoln's inn fields. AUDITORS. Anthony Peck, Esq., B,A., Catherine Hall, Cambridge. Erasmus Robertson, Esq., Serle st. Lincoln's Inn. BANKEKS. Union Bank of London, 8, Moorgate street, City. STANDING COUNSEL. Samuel Warren, Esq.. F.R.S., 12, King's Bench walk. Temple SOLICITORS. Messrs. Elmslie and Preston, 47, Moorgate street NOTARIES. Messrs. Mullins and Paddison, I, Great James street, Bed- ford Row MEDICAL OFFICERS. Geo. Webster, Esq., M.D. Dulwich. Edward Evans, Esq., M.R.C.S., 2, Stones' End Borough James Johnson, Esq., 1. R.C.S., 6, North place, Gray's Inn. SURVEYOR. Thomas Marsh Nelson, Esq., 3, Charles street, St. James's square, Mr. Henry Valentine Smith, 37, Golden square. Frederic Lawrance, Esquire. Rates of premium calculated on as low a scale as is consistent with the safety of the assured and the stability of the Company. A septennial division of the profits either in the way of bonuses or in reduction of premiums two-thirds to the assured and one-third to the proprietors. A system of loan upon personal or other securities, provided the party borrowing assures his life for double the amount he receives. Policies which shall have been assigned six months as a bonafid.e security, not void by death, from suicide, duelling, or the hands of justice. No entrance fee or other charges beyond the policy stamp. All matters in dispute (where no fraud is suspected) referred to arbitration. Claims payable three months after death, or earlier on receiving a discount. A liberal commission to all parties bringing business. Premiums payable yearly, half yearly, or quarterly. Medical referees paid by the office in every case re- erred to them for their professional opinions. Interest at the rate of E;3 per cent. allowed on the j paid-up capital. Applications for the remaining Shares, Agencies, and Prospectuses, to be made to the Secretary, 112, Cheap- I bide, or at the WELSHMAN" Office, Carmarthen. FREDERIC LAWRANCE, CHEAP LIGHT. EDWARD PRICE AND COMPANY, PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE COMPOSITE CANDLES, RESPECTFULLY call the attention of the Public to the fact, that, although the price of these is some- what higher than that of ordinary mould candles, they are in reality much cheap( r than these latter: one real Composite Candle giving the same quantity of light as two of the moulds. They require no snuffing, and burn more brilliantly than the best wax. The purposes of economy and luxury are therefore both served at the same time by the use of these candles. Parties intend- ing to try them for the first time are earnestly re- quested to take care that they are served in the shops with "PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES:" the reason for this caution is given elsewhere. They are sold by most of the respectable tallow chandlers through- out the kingdom, and wholesale to the trade by EDWARD PRICE and Co., Belmont, Vauxhall; PALMER and Co., Sutton-Street, Clcrkenwell; and by jMathews and Co., 400 High-Street, Cheltenham. Liverpool, Milford, Bristol, ]l\ and Swansea. FIRST CLASS POWERFUL STEAM VESSEL, THB TROUBADOUR, JAMES BECKETT, Commander. IS intended to Sail from the Trafalgar Dock, with Goods and Passengers, in the Month of N OTEMBER, 1844, on or about the following days, Wind and Wea- ther permitting:— FROM LIVERPOOL FOR MILFORD & BRISTOL Tuesday, Nov. 5. 6 morn I Friday, Nov. 15.12 noon. Monday, Nov, 25. 9 morn The Troubadour generally arrives at Milford in 21 or 22 hours after the time of sailing from Liverpool, and sails immediately after for Bristol. FROM BRISTOL CALLING AT SWANSEA AND MILFORD. Sunday, Nov. 10. 6 morn 1 Wednes. Nov. 20. 2 after. Saturday, Nov. 30 9 morn FROM SWANSEA FOR MILFORD & LIVERPOOL. Monday, Nov. 11. 6 morn I Thursday ,NoT. 21. 2 after. The Troubadour generally arrives at Milford in five hours after the time of sailing from Swansea, and sails immediately after for Liverpool. PASSAGE MONEY. Cabin, El Steward's Fee, 2s. 6d.; Deck, 7s. Sd. For further particulars, apply at the Office, No. 2, St. Stephen's street, or at the Wharf, CANONS' MARSH, where there is a lock-up Warehouse, for the accommoda- tion of Shippers, and where all goods are landed and discharged. Goods forwarded, free of commission, and no charge made for steerage. AGENTS :—Mr. WM. D. AppLE-BEE, 2, St. Stephen-st. Bristol; Mr. TIIOMAS M'TEAR, 15, Water Street, Liver- pool Mr. JOHN EDWARDS, Swansea,; Mr. DAVID PRO- PERT, Milford and Messrs. KEN WORTHY and Co. Man- chester. November, 1844. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Office 1, Quay, Bristol. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended io Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, and as under mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liber- ty to tow Vessels, during the Month of NOVEMBER, 1844. FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PHCENIX.  I Friday, Nov. 1 8',morn | Friday, 8. 3&after. ) Friday, Nov. 15. 9 morn Friday, 22. 41morii Friday, Nov. 29. 8 mom. FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY, PHCENIX. Tuesday,Nov. 4. ii mom I.. I.Y 12. 5jmurn Tuesday, Nov. 19. llmorn ? I.. I."? Nov. llmo ii Monday, — 26 5.1,aft,?r FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK.  rday, Nov. 1. 8Jmorn I Friday, 8 3}after. I Friday, Nov. 15. 9 morn Friday, 22. 3iatter. Friday, Nov. 29 8 morn Returns Tuesdays. FOR CORK. ROSE, Tuesdays.—VICTORY, Fridays. Friday, Nov. 1 8 mom Tuesday, 5.l2?fter Friday, 8 4 after. I Tuesday, —?.Tmorn Tuesday, 15. 9 morn Tesday, Nov. 19. 1 after. I Fnday, — 22. 4 after. ,d;y, ::I t' 7 morn Tu morn Friday, 29. 8 morn Tuesday, Dec. 3. 1 morn Return Tuesdays and Fridays. I FOR WATERFORD. NORA CREINA, Tuesdays.—OSPREY, Fridays. I Friday, Nov. 1. 8.morn Tuesday, 5.12cafter. Friday, 8. 3after. Tuesday, 12. 7 morn Friday, 15. 9 morn I Tuesday, Nov. 19 I after. I Friday, 22 3Jafter. ?  i,lai Y" 'Ov. Tuesday, — 26 7 mom I Fridav, 29. 8 morn Tuesdav, Doe. 3 U morn I iteturn Tuesdays and Fridays. I FOR TENBY. STAR, Tuesdays.—PHCENIX, Fridays. Friday. Nov. 1. 8?morn I Tuesday, 5.12 .ft,?, Friday, 8 3iafter. I Tuesday, —J2.7morn Friday, Nov. 15 9 morn Tuesday, 19. I after. Friday, 2-2 4Amorn Tuesday, 26. 7 morn rriday, Nov. 29 8 morn. FROM TENBY. PHCENIX, Tuesdays.—STAR, Saturdays. Saturday, Nov. 2.10 morn I Tuesday, 5. 2 after. Saturday, — 9.) morn Tuesday, 12 81morn Saturday, Nov. lb 104 morn I Tuesday, 19. 2 after. Saturday, 23. 5 morn I Tuesday, — 26 8^morn baturuay, Nov. 30 9 morn FOR MILFORD, PATER & HAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. STAR. Tuesday, .Nov. 5.Rafter. I Tuesday, 12. 7 morn t Tuesday, Nov. IV 1 after, Tuesday, 26. 7 morn FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT PATER MILFORD & TENBY. STAR. Friday, Nov. 1. 8 morn Friday, 8.Rafter, I Friday, Nov 15 9 mom (Friday, 2.12after. rriuay, Nov. 29 7jmorn FROM MILFORD. STAR. Saurday, Nov. 5 morn I Friday, — 8- knight Saurdar, No, IG. 51,morri Friday, 22 121after. oaturuay, Nov. 30 4 morn FOR SWANSEA. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Tuesdays and Fridays. LORD BEltESFORD, Thursdays and Saturdays. Friday, Nov. I. 8 morn Saturday, 2. 10 morn Tuesday, 5.1 noou, j Thursday, 7. 3 morn Friday, 8. 3\mor!1 Saturday, 9. 5 morn Tuesday, 12. 7 morn Thursday, 14. 8\morn Friday, 15. 9 morn Saturday, Nov. 16. 10 morn Tuesday, 19. 1 after. Tliursday, 21.. 31inoril Fridav, 22. 4 morn Saturday, 23 .5 morn I Tuesday, 26 6\morn 8 morn Saturday, :10. 9 morn FROM SWANSEA. LORD BERESFORD, Tuesdays & Fridays. COUNTY PEMBROKE, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fridav, Nov. 1.10 morn Saturday, .10 morll Tuesday, 5. 1 morn Thursday, 7. 4morn Friday, 8.5 morr. Saturday, 9. 54morn Tuesday, — 12. 8 moral 1ur8dåy, 1. 9 mom Friday, —15.10murn I Saturday Nov. 16 lOJmorn Tuesday, Thursday, 21. 4 morn I Friday, 22. 5 morn Saturday, 23. 5 morn --26 7"nio?n Thursday, — 28 8 morn Friday, 2:). 9 morn Saturday, 30. S?moni To and from CAltDIFF, LADY CHARLOTTE and PRINCE OF WALES, daily, Sundays excepted. Sec separate Bills. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of passengers and goods.-Female Stewards on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care.— Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigai ion Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &-c-, slioiilj l)eiddres.,e(l:- for Swansea, to W. Terrell & Sons, :,3, Back; and G. C- Glasson, 12, Qiiay street:-for Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson, Clare street Hall, Marsh street:—and for Newport, to J. Jones, ltownham Wharf, Hotwells. AGENTS.—Mr. D. Jones, Carmarthen; Mr. George Hughes, Tenby Mr. Hitchings, jun., Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Bowen, Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, and Mr. E. T. Turner, Swansea; Mr. Pridham, Bideford Mr. Martin, Iifracombe and Mr. J. Clarke, Lynton. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets wil not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Lu^age, (if loss or damaged) above the pIue of £;): nor for any Dock Passen- ger's Lu?.t?e (tt')ost o]-d:m)a?ft)a!?vc the value of JOs.; un- less iu each case entered assu(71i,,iii,,l I'-(,i,,ht in proportion paid for at the time of delivery norwill they be answera b le for any other parcel above the v?ue of 4<)s. (if fo-t or uni(?'ss entered as such, and irci?ht in proportion paid for the same at the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes All letters seeking information to be post paid. Bristol, November, 1841.


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