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[Prom a Correspondent.]—I started from Bristol in tlki Phcenix steamer, with the full understanding that ? fare from thence to Carmarthen (see advertise- ment) was 17s. I was landed at Greencastle, and ob- 4ed to pay Is. for my seat in the car, and Is. for '?&(!e, or be Qbliged to w?'Cpo? enquiry I And -?t Capt. Jackson receives from the Company 6d. each *?t landing money. SWANSEA.—At the Paving and Lighting Commis- liorters Meeting last Thursday, it was ordered (amongst other matters) that the clerk do cause 3,000 copies of the clauses which impose fines and penalties under the 1iew Act, to be printed and distributed." That in order to provide funds for payment of the demands on commissioners, and for effecting necessary improve- ments, it is expedient to borrow such additional sums 4 with the present debt shall not exceed E10,000 or to borrow the sum of LIO,000 if obtainable at £ 4 per Cent. to provide for such expenses, and pay off the Jetting bond-holders." A system of charges for the was adopted.-At the last Police Ztll no less than 15 cases of drunkenness and 5 of laaault were disposed of: they were not of public inte- kat. On Tuesday Rees Williams of Sketty, was char- gtA with assaulting David Edwards, farmer, of the same !e. He was fined El including costs. A mummy kft been unrolled at the Royal Institution of South afea by Dr. Nicol, who delivered a lecture about it 1"* TilLADE.Fdr some weeks past serious appre- tsipos were entertained ill. the iron district that the Lircumstanoes of th. trade, and the depression ex- perienced in Scotland, would have compelled the "*oamasters of South Staffordshire to lower prices. We tre exceedingly glad to find that such a proceeding is 1101 warranted by the state of the trade, and that for the tesent no reduction in prices will be submitted to. ♦Ms resolution was come to at a numerous meeting of the ironmasters, held at the Swan Hotel, Wolverhampton, 1)11 Thursday; when, after a full consideration of the ttate and prospects of the trade, it was resolved to main- tain the existing prices. This resolution will no doubt be adhered to at the approaching quarterly meetings.— Birmingham Journal of last Saturday.

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Family Notices


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