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PONTARDULAIS PARVANIMITY.—DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. Our account of the sad affray that took place last week between the police and some persons who pulled down the Pontardulais gate, seems to be substantially correct, and is confirmed in all its main facts by the respective reports both of the London Times and the Swansea Cambrian. Some further particulars including those relating to the shocking sequel are now supplied :—It appears that Mr. Chambers, jun., of Llanelly, having received information that there was to be an attack made upon the Pontardulais and Hendy Bridge gates applied to Capt. Scott of the 76th Regiment of Foot, stationed at Llanelly, to furnish h m with a sufficient number of soldiers to protect the Ilendy gate. Captain Scott and Mr. Chambers accordingly sallied out in search of a Rebecca adventure; nor were they disappointed. Four stragglers, fugitives or fun-loving folks, it does not clearly appear to which class they belonged, were taken prisoners, brought to the workhouse where the elder Mr. Chambers, with Messrs. Rees and Neville, took the younger Mr. Chambers' deposition and also that of Sergeant Gibb. The prisoners were William IIuyh, a lad of 15 years of age, the son of a very res- pectable farmer of Talyelew, dressed in woman's clothes- Thomas Williams, a servant to a farmer at Llangennech- Henry Rogers, a farm servant at Penllwyngwyn, and Lewis Davie-T, farmer of Scybor Ucha, near Pont- ardulais. After all, it does not appear that any others than the two prisoners have been wounded. It ought to have been mentioned before that on the arrival of Mr. Chambers and the party of the 76th at Pontardulais, they mistook a party of the 4th Dragoons for the Rebecca- ites, which mistake was shared in by the Dragoons. They were preparing to charge the Infantry and the Infantry had fixed bayonets to receive them, when it was discovered that they were friends. On Monday last these four persons underwent an ex- amination at Swansea, whither they had been sent for further inquiry into the charge preferred against them. John Hughes, David John, and John Hugh were also examined. The following is the copy of the depositions and the depositions and the evidence of course are in effect the sanic.-Tlie depositions taken on Saturday last at the House of Correction, before Lord James Stuart, Chair- man, and several other Magistrates of the County;— Captain Charles Frederick Napier examined: In con- sequence of information I received, I proceeded, accom- panied by Superintendent Peake, two serjeants, and four police constables to Pontardulais. We arrived there a little before one o'clock on Thursday morning. Just before we entered the village I heard a noise as if of a body of men on the other side of the river which sepa- rates the two counties. I also heard horns blowing and a great many guns fired off. I also heard a voice like that of a woman call out—" come, come, come," and a voice like the mewing of cats. Those sounds appeared tome to proceed from the direction of the Red Lion Inn, which is at a short distance from the Pontardulais turn- pike gate. Immediately after this I heard a voice call out aloud—"gate," and in a very short space of time af- terwards I heard a noise as if the gate was being des- troyed. I then proceeded with my officers and men to- wards the gate, and on coming in full view of the gate, I observed a number of men mounted on horseback and disguised. Some had white dresses over them others had bonnets on. Most of them appeared to be dressed like women, with their faces blackened. A portion of the men were dismounted, and in the act of destroying the gate and the toll-house. About three of the num- ber, who appeared to take the lead, were mounted having their horses' heads facing the gate with their backs towards me. At this time there was a continued firing of guns kept up by the parties assembled. I im- mediately called to my men to fall in, and proceeded towards the parties who were on horseback, and who ap- peared to be taking the lead, and called upon them as loud as I nossihl v stnn. I used the word stop" three or ur tiiies. Upon coming up to them, one of the mounted men, who was disguised as a woman, turned round and fired a pistol at me. I was close to him at the time. I moved on a few paces and a volley was then fired by the parties assembled in the direction of myself and of my men. I should say the volley was fired at us this was my impression at the time. I then endeavoured to take the parties-the three mounted in particular-into custody; and myself and the men met with considerable resistance from them and other parties. The three men on horseback rode at us as if they intended to ride us down and get us out of the way. The three prisoners, John Hughes, David Jones, and John Hugh, were amongst the parties assembled on this occasion and were taken into custody, after very considerable resistance on the part of John Hughes, and David Jones. When taken into custody John Hugh was dressed in what appeared to me to be a gown and a bonnet, having something stuck in it, which then had the appearance of a feather, and his face was black- ened. The other two prisoners were dressed in white. I had seen the prisoner, David Jones, with a stout stick in his hands, with which I saw him aim a blow at Lewis Llewelyn Dillwyn, Esq., a magistrate who had accompa- nied us but whether the blow took effect or not, I can not state. After the pistol had been fired at me, and the volley in the direction of myself and my men, I discharged a pistol at, and shot the horse, upon which the man was mounted who had fired his pistol at me; and my men returned the fire of the parties, and a ge- neral skirmish then took place, in which a number of shots were fired on both sides, but in a short space of time the rioters dispersed. Three of the horses ridden that night, by some of the parties assembled, were de- tained, and are now in my custody. After the parties had dispersed, I found that the turnpike gate, with the exception of the posts, had been broken down and des- troyed. The gate-house was gutted the windows, win- frames, and door driven in, and o portion of the wall of the house pulled down. I found the marks of small shot on the sash of one of the windows of the toll-house. I also found on the ground, near the toll-house, amongst the ruins of the gate, two sledge hammers, two crow bars, a pick axe, and a number of sticks, which I directed my men to take possession of. Cross-examined by John Hughes: To the best of my belief the prisoner, John Hughes, is the person who fired at me. I believe him to be the man who took the most active part from the commencement of the affray, from his dress, and the appearance of his figure altoge- ther. There was but one man completely covered with white that I saw, and that one wasjthe prisoner John Hughes, to the best of my belief. To the best of my belief the prisoner, John Hughes, is one of the three persons who rode at us. Cross-examined by David Jones: The prisoner, David Jones, had on what appeared to me to be a white smock frock. I did not observe his head-dress. I saw him very violently resisting Mr. Lewis Dillwyn, the ma- gistrate, and the police officers. He was struck several times on the head before he was taken. Cross-examined by John Hugh I did not see the prisoner, John Hugh, do any thing. The examination of William Jenkins of the parish of Oystermouth, in the county of Glamorgan, taken upon oath this 9th day of September, 1843, before, us six of her Majesty's justices of the peace acting in and for the said county, in the presence and hearing of John Hugh, David Jones, and John Hughes, who saith :—On Wed- nesday night last, the 6th of September inst., I accom- panied Captain Napier and others of the police force to Pontardulais. We halted within a field of the turnpike gate, and in about a quarter of an hour I heard horns blowing, and trumpets playing and all sorts of noises, and the sound of a great many horses coming over the road. They halted opposite to the Red Lion Inn, where they fired a volley, and then advanced towards the gate. I then heard a noise as if the gate was being broken down, and the sound of fire-arms. We then advanced towards the gate, and when we arrived there the magis- trates and Captain Napier called out" Hold, hold," Some persons in the crowd thcn called out Fire away," when John Ilughcs, who was OIl the Swansea side of-the turnpike gate, and who was on horseback, fired off a gun towards us, and others of the party then fired a volley. The lfashes were in the direction towards us. We were then ordered to fire, and we fired two rounds at them. The prisoners David Jones and John Hugh were apprehended between the turnpike gate and Pontardu- lais bridge. The prisoner John Hugh was delivered over to me, and he wished me to let him go, stating that we had done plenty to them already. Cross-examined by the prisoner John Hughes: The prisoner John Hughes fired with a gun. We were in the field where I first heard them coming, about a hun- dred yards distant from the gate. I never saw him before, to the best of my knowledge, before that night. I saw him shoot towards us I know it was him, be- cause I never lost sight of him until I left him with Captain Napier. I did not apprehend cither of the prisoners. I was on the bridge when the prisoner John Hugh was delivered into my charge. I cannot say who apprehended John Hughes. I cannot say whether there was any other person dressed in white or not. They were dressed in all colours. I cannot say whether he was on horseback or on foot when he fled. He was horseback when he fired. I never lost sight of the prisoner John Hughes, from the time he fired until I left him in the crowd struggling with Captain Napier. In about five minutes afterwards I saw him in custody on the Carmarthenshire side of the bridge. Soon after the prisoner John Hughes fired his gun, his horse sprung round twice or thrice, and the prisoner got off, but whether he was pulled off or not, I cannot state. This was about a yard from the'gatc, on the Glamorgan- shire side. He came to the ground on his feet. I did not see the prisoner John Hughes strike Captain Napier at all. I saw them scuffling together. I did not see Captain Napier strike the prisoner John Hughes. I do not know who was next to John Hughes when he came off the horse. It was in the county of Glamorgan that I saw the prisoner and Captain Napier struggling toge- ther. Cross-examined by David Jones: I do not recollect having seen him at all until he was in custody. Cross-examined by John Hugh; I cannot say that I saw anything in his hand. The examination of Henry James Peake, of the town of Neath, in the said county, taken on oath, this ninth day of September, 1843, before us, six of her Majesty's justices of the peace, acting in and for the said county, in the presence and hearing of John Hugh, David Jones, and John Hughes, II-lio saith:-I am superin-j tendent of police of the Swansea districts, in the said county. On Wednesday night last, the sixth of Sep- tember instant, I accompanied Capt. Napier, the chief constable of the said county, to Pontardulais, in the said county. We arrived in the neighbourhood of Pontar- dulais between half-past 12 and I o'clock. Shortly before we arrived at Pontardulais, I several times heard the sound of fire arms and horns blowing. When we got to the field in the immediate neighbourhood of Pontardulais, we heard shouting and the sound of fire- arms, which appeared to me to proceed from the direc- tion of Pontardulais inn. Soon after this I heard a noise as if the turnpike-gate was being broken down. onoruy attenvarus Uaptaiii Napier and the magistrates told me it was time for us to go there, and Capt. Napier gave us orders to keep together, and when within a short distance of the gate, I heard some person call out to them to stop firing, but who it was I don't know. Im- mediately upon this three or four of them rode to us, and a volley was discharged. The policemen and myself then fired, and a regular scramble then ensued. I was close by when the prisoner David Jones was taken, and I believe I wounded him on his head on the bridge. On the following day a white dress and two powder flasks, each being about half full of gunpowder, a large flan- nel sheet, a red handkerchief, and some letters and papers, two sledge hammers, two small hammers, a pickaxe, two crowbars, one gun, a plaid cloak, two can- vass sheets, a coat with the sleeves turned inside out, two straw hats, a black hat with a piece of white cloth tied round it, another hat, an old flannel apron, a shirt and some other articles were delivered to me by Thomas Jones and other police officers, who were present at the affray at Pontardulais, the whole of which articles arc now in my possession. Cross-examined by the prisoner John Hughes. One of the policeman also delivered to me written paper, containing five shillings, which I delivered to Captain Napier this morning. Cross-examined by the prisoner David Jones: I did not see the prisoner David Jones raise a staff to strike Mr. Dillwyn. I did not see a staff in his hand. I did not see him doing anything about the gate. Cross-examined by the prisoner John Hugh: I did not see the prisoner John Hugh do any thing about the gate. I did not see anything in his hand. Re-examined When I first got near to the toll-gate, there were from one hundred to one hundred and fifty persons assembled there, most of whom were on horse- back. It was a moonlight night. As we were proceed- ing on our way to Pontardulais, about two hours before we arrived there, I saw a rocket explode in the air, and heard guns firing and the sound of horns. When we got near to Pontardulais, I saw another rocket explode in the air. At the rising of the Court on Monday evening, Mr. Hugh Williams lequested the Magiitoutes to liberate the prisoners upon finding bail. The Chairman said the Magistrates would give no reply to the request until the close of the examination oil Tuesday. On Tuesday evidence was heard in proof of the unlawfully beginning to demolish the dwelling-house of one Wm. Lewis. To the charge brought against them the prisoners severally replied-" I have nothing to say now." Mr. Attwood then informed them that there was a second charge against them—namely, a charge against John Hughes of having feloniously, unlawfully, and with malice afore-thought, committed an assault upon Captain Napier, with intent to kill and murder him; and the prisoners David Jones and John Hugh were charged with aiding and abetting John Hughes. The prisoners severally said-" I have nothing to say till the trial." The prisoners, William Hughes and LetOis Davies, were informed that they stood charged with having un- lawfully thrown down a turnpike-gate—to which they replied, they had nothing to say. The Chairman then addressed the prisoners as fol- lows:—"John Hughes, David Jones, John Hugh, William Hughes, and Lewis Davies, I have now to in- form you that you are committed for trial at the first Assizes held for this county." Mr. Hugh Williams: My Lord, may I request your Lordship will inform me what the decision of the bench is with respect to liberating the prisoners under bail ? The Chairman: The magistrates, anticipating that you would make the application, have taken the subject into their serious consideration; and I have to inform you that they determined that bail cannot be taken for the prisoners Hughes, Jones, and Hugh. Mr. Hugh Williams Perhaps, my Lord, your lord- ship will inform me whether the magistrates were unanimous ? The Chairman: There is no occasion for it. Mr. Hugh Williams: My lord, will the other two pri- soners be admitted to bail ? The Chairman Yes the magistrates have no objec- tion-Lewis Davies to enter into his own recognizances in the amount of £ 100, and, to find two sureties at £50 each. William Hughes, being a minor, will be required to find two sureties in the sum of F.100 each. Mr. Hugh Williams I wish to call your Lordship's attention to one circumstance. It was stated yesterday that the sum of JE3 Is. lOd. was taken from the prisoner Hughes I beg to apply to the court for an order to have: that;lmoney restored to the prisoner, for the pur- pose of preparing his defence. The sum of 5s. was also taken from John Hugh, which I also apply for. I beg also to request that the horse taken at Pontardulais be given up to its owner, the father of the prisoner who rode it at the time it was taken, but who was not at all a ware of its absence from home at the time. The Chairman, having consulted the other magistrates said-The JE:3 Is. lOd. may be returned, and the horse may be returned; but the five shillings and the papers containing them cannot be returned. Colonel Cameron, addressing Mr. Hugh Williams said-He (Col. C.) was not in favour of admitting the prisoners to bail. He was in favour of liberating the family of Mr. Morgan, of Cwmcelli, under bail, because he was sure they would appear when called for; but he (Col. C.) felt confident that, if the prisoners were liber- ated, no consideration would induced them to appear and take their trial, and, therefore he opposed their liberation. Some friends of the prisoners having entered into the necessary recognizances, the two prisoners were discharged. INQUEST—THE HENDY GATE TRAGEDY. On Monday last, an inquest was held at Pontardulais by W. Bonville, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Sarah Williams, aged 75; the jury consisted of the following persons Griffith Henry, Thomas Samuel, John Thomas, Wal- ter Hopkins, John Bowen, jun., John Thomas, John Jones, Jenkin Henry, John Bowen, John Pugh, David Davies, Samuel Griffith, David Evans, Richard Davies. John Thomas, labourer, sworn: Is a house carpenter, residing near the Hendy Gate toll-house, in the parish of Llanedv, in the county of Carmarthen. Knew the deceased, Sarah Williams, who was the toll-collector at the Hendy Gate, and has been so for about a week. On Saturday night last, about 12 o'clock, or early on Sunday morning, I was alarmed by the report of five or six guns near the Hendy Gate. I was then in bed, and soon after the deceased came to my house and called me and my family to assist in putting out the fire at the toll- house, which had been set on fire and was then burning, but we did not go as we were afraid to do so. In about a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes afterwards I heard the report of another gun and about a minute after, the deceased came to my house, and my wife went to the door and saw deceased coming towards her. She (the deceased) was crawling along by the wall to support herself until she came to my door, when she cried out dear, dear" and fell down, and I found she was dead. The deceased has been toll collector at many gates for years. Margaret ThorrT, wife of the last witness, said that between 12 and e-clock I. i-, Saturday night last, the deceased came to otx house and asked my husband and me to get up- direct as sOJfîe one had set the toll-house on fire. I went out to the door and told her to carry her things out to our house. She went back to the toll- house and took her furniture out on the road. I asked her several times to come into our house, but she did not come. I heard the report of four orfive guns afterwards, and the deceased in about three quarters of an hour, after I had first spoke to her, came towards my house, at which time I was standing within the door which was open. The deceased did not speak a word that I heard, and seeing that she was exhausted I laid hold of her round the waist, and she sank down at my door on the outside. My husband came out and we took her into the house, but she did not speak a word. My husband held her and put her in a sitting posture on the floor, and she died in about two minutes. I did not see any blood except a little on her forehead. I thought at first that she was frightened to death. I did not hear the noise of horses, or footsteps, nor did I see any persons from the beginning to the end. I did not hear any horns blown, or any shouting. My husband was in the house all the time. By the jury: I did not think from the blood on the forehead that she had a blow, and that that had been the cause of her death. From what I saw, I did not think she died from a blow but by suffocation from loss of breath. By the Coroner About eleven o'clock I saw the toll- house on fire. That was when the deceased called us up to put it out, and in the morning I found the house and gate both pulled down, there being only the walls standing. The house had a thatched roof and contained two rooms. The toll board had fallen down some time back, and was then in the house in pieces. Mr. Benjamin Thomas sworn: I am a surgeon, residing at Llanelly. I have, with Mr. Cooke, inspected and made a post mortem examination of the body of the deceased Sarah Williams, noW lying at the Black Horse, Pontardulais. We examined the body externally and internally. The anterior view of the body whilst the corpse was lying on its back, from the feet to the breast there did not appear to be any mark of violence. The marks of shots were seen penetrating the nipple of the left breast, one in the arm pit of the same side, and several shot marks in both arms. On the external end of the left clavicle there were two shot marks, one on left side of the wind pipe, several on the forehead, and one in the external angle of the right-eye. There was blood on the cloths covering the breast, and the marks of blood having escaped from the mouth. In moving the body to a sitting posture, a considerable quantity of fluid blood escaped from the mouth. The back view of the body did not shew any mark of violence. On removing the integuments of the scalp, the shot marks observed on the surface were found in the bony structure of the skull, but not penetrating through it. Upon removing the bone covering the brain, the external covering of the brain, or dura mater, was exposed entire, and appeared slightly vascular, as also did the entire structure of the brain, both cerebrum an5 cerebellum. The lateral ventricles contained no more fluid than is generally found in them. On opening the chest the left lung pressed higher up than is natural, and was darker in colour, and on cutting into it, the substance was found considerably congested, with marks of some shots on the surface, two of which we found in the substance of that lung. In the right lung, there was an adhesion to the side, on nearly the whole of its external surface with a considerable effusion of dark coloured blood into its substance. In the cavity of the left pleuora there were about three pints of blood, a large portion of which was in a coagulated state, and the remainder fluid. The head was natural, and we did not proceed further with our examination, being sa- tisfied as to what was the cause of death, which was the loss of blood anli the state of the lungs and pleuora ar- ising from the shot found in the substance of the lungs, and which had caused this extravasation of blood. Mr. John Kirkhouse Cooke, of Llanelly, surgeon, ex- amined the body of the deceased with last witness- found no external marks of violence except some gun shot wounds. The shots were found in the bony struc- ture of the head and in the breast. The lungs on the left side protruded considerably, and also had the ap- pearanee of having a considerable effusion of blood. On removing them we discovered an immense effusion of blood into the cavities of the chest the greater portion of it in a fluid state, but a considerable quantity was coa- gulated. It amounted altogether to about three pounds of blood. On tracing the surface of the lungs on the interior part of it, I discovered distinct patches of effu- sed blood, also openings which had the appearance of being made by shot which I traced into the substance of the lungs, and extracted two. They were the ordinary sized shot. This examination was sufficiently satis- factory to shew the cause of death, which would have been produced from the large quantity of blood effused into the chest, and which impeded the motion of the lungs, as well as by the large quantity of blood lost, des- troying vitality. There was also a large quantity of blood escaped through the mouth. There was no other cause to attribute this effusion of blood into the cavity of the chest but by the shots penetrating the lungs and injuring its vessels. The jury then retired to consider their verdict, and in about a quarter of an hour returned the following ver- diet,-That the deceased died from the effusion of blood into the chest, which occasioned suffocation, but from i% liat cause is to this jury unknown. A FIRE LAST NIGIIT broke out in High-street, Swansea on the premises of Mr. Taylor a plumber &c., S%vansea oil the pi-eii i ses of' in the workshop which is partially consumed there was a large quantity of turpentine and other combustible articles the progress of the fire was stopped by the fire engines and the exertions of some of the 76th regiment. COLLISION BETWEEN THE MILITARY AND POLICE. -RIOT ACT READ.—Swansea has been the scene of extraordinary excitement during the week, in conse- quence of a serious affray between the military and police. The following are the particulars :-It appears that on the night of Monday a policeman of the name of Jones (alias" Tom Below ") accosted a female who was in company with one of the 4th Light Dragoons in very rude terms. The soldier, it seems, did not resent the insult at the time but the following night, whilst the policeman was on his beat, the Dragoon espied him, and pouncing on him like a lion, demanded of the police- man an apology on bended knees for the insult of the preceding evening. The policeman thereupon called out for aid, but no aid came, though there were many persons on the spot, amongst whom were some of the infantry. Shortly, however, a number of the police force arrived, and a furious collision took place for some time—the combatants amounting to 30 or 40 persons. The piquet arrived soon afterwards, ani terminated the affray. Every evening since the station house has been literally besieged with persons, yelling and hooting the police, and cheering the military. The riot act has been read several times by the Mayor. All, however, is quiet now. Several persons are in custody for withholding their assistance to the police when called upon in the Queen's name." COTPER-WORKS.—The Crown Copper works, Neath, and the Upper Bank Copper works, Swansea, are the ones not in full operation those two are not to be reopened at present. The copper ores kept back on ac- count of the strike have been sampled this week. The strike may be considered as at an end. Llanfirnach Mine Works are we hear now likely to be worked to advantage, the chief obstacle which impeded their progress, has lately been removed, as the engine has dra ned off all the water.

Family Notices
