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CAPITAL FARMS, MILL, *C., TO BE LET. PEMBROKESHIRE, TO BE LET, And entered upon at Michaelmas, 1841, nnilH commodious Dwelling-House, offices, and X Excellent Farm, called HIGH TOCH, comprising 317A. 3R. 2P., in the Parish of Slebech; and the Dwel- ling-tiouse, Mill, and Stores, called BLACK POOL MILL, with the Wharfage, Fishery, and about 50 Acres of capital Land, usually holden therewith, in the Parish of Newton. The whole now in the occupation I of Mr. John Rees. For further particulars apply to William Evans and Powell, Solicitors, Haverfordwest. I JUST PUBLISHED, In Demy 8vo., BY MESSRS. PERRY and Co., CONSULTING SURGEONS, 4, Great Charles-Street, Birmingham, and 44, Albion-Street, Leeds, ILLUSTRATED BY EIGHT FINE ENGRAVINGS, THE SILENT FRIEND, A Practical Treatise on Venereal and Syphilitic Diseases, in their mild and most alarming forms, shewing the different stages those deplorable and often fatal Disorders, including observations on the baneful effects of Gonorrhoea, Gleets, and Strictures. The work is embellished wih Engravings, representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the external appearance of the Skin, by Eruptions on the Head, Face, and Body; to which are added very extensive Observations on Sexual Debility, Seminal Weak- ness, and Impotency, brought on by a delusive liabit, all its attendant sympathies and dangerous con- sequences consider! d, with the most approved mode of Treatment and Cure, without confinement or interrup- tion from business, the whole accompanied by ex., planatory Engravings, with general instructions for ¡ the perfect restoration of those who are ircapacitated from entering into the holy state of MAKIUMit, by the evil consequences arising from early abuse, or yyphilitic infecti This itivaltial)le Work will be secretly inclosed wIth each box of Perry's Purifying Specific Pills ( f rice 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and I Is.) and the Cordial lia/m of Syriacum, (Price I I s. and 33s. per bottle), and isi P"i»te<i out to SUFFERING Humnfiity as a SIIJKJ\1 Fill ENI), to be consulted without exposure, and with assured confidence of success. Perry's Purifying Specific Pills, Price 2s. 9d.. 4s. 6d., and lis. per box, are wclllmown throughout Europe & America, to be the most certain and effectual cure ever discovered for every stage and symptom of the Venereal Disease, in both s.ixes, inclu- dingG 'iiorrhce.i, Gleets, Secondary Symptoms, Stric- tures, Seminal Weakness, Deficiency, and all diseases of the Urinary Passages, without loss of time, confine- ment, IIr hindrance from business. They have. effected the most surprising cures, not only in recent and severe cases, but whell" salivation and all other means have failed and when all early application is made to these Pills for the cure of the above complaint, frequently contracted in a moment of inebriety, the eradication is generally completed in a few days. The rash, indiscriminate, and unqualified use of Mercury, has been productive of infinite mis' lin-f. Under the notion of its an antidote for a certain disease, the untutored think they have only to saturate their svstem with Mercury, and the business is accom- plished. Fatal ert-fii Thllusal,tis are annually either mercurialized out of existence, or their constitutions so broken, and the functions of nature so impaired, a* to render the r, sidue of life miserable. The disorder we have in view owes its fatal results either to neglect or ignorance. fit its first stage it is always local, and easy to be extinguished by attending to the directions fully pointed out in the Treatise, without the smallest injury to the constitution but when neglected or improperly treated, a mere ILeal affection »viM be converted into an incurable and fatal malady. Wha't a pity that a young man, the hope ot his country nnd thp darlw of his parents, should be snatched from all the prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of one unguarded moment and by a disease which is not in its own nature fatal, and which never proves so if properly treated. It is a melancholy fact, that thousands fill i-jetims to this horrid disease, owing to the unskilfnlness of illiterate men, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the constitution, cause ulcerations, blotches on the head, face, and body, dimness of sight, noise in the eats, dealness, obstinate gleets, nodes on the shin bones, ulcerated sore throats, diseased nose, with nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, till at length a general debility of the constitution ensues, anll a melancholy death puts a period to their dread- fuisnfrerinits. These pills are mild and effectual in their operation, without mercury, or mineral, and require no restraint in diet, loss of time, or hindrance from business, possessing the power of eradicating every symptom of the disease in its worst sta?e, without the least expo sure to the patient, they are particularly recommend?_ to be taken before persons enter into the ™ sourcp ?tate. Itst the indiscretions of a parent   of vexation to him the remainder of his g19,«nc«; b1 v[ amirti.? his innocent but unfortunate offpriiig with the e"ii eruptions of a ma)i?nant tendency, and a ?he c ? of X complaints that are most assuredly ?rod?c?d by the same ne?'ect and imprudence. ir?? ?y by ptlntymg the *ltal stream from .n- •id"iou disease, that the body can be preserved in h.ilth and vigoor. Hencetheinnmtevar.etyofcom- ? K and infected state of the biood induces, and hence the new and deceptive forms a tainted habit puts on which often deceives the eminent of the faculty, and baffles the best intentions towards a cure 1 those DISORDERS wherein SALIVATION has left the patient uneurd, weak, and disheartene when no other remedy could restore he unhappy sXu? fferer to that health which he unfortunately lost, the rURTYt?G SPECIFIC PILLS will be found the ol?ly effectual and radical n>medy; and h!ave ever been successful, though administered in man}| despe- rate cases of Evil, Scuri,y and Leprosy, as well as re moving pimples from the face, Rore Les, or other dh.agreeabJe Eruptions on the head, face, and body. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d.. and 1 h. per box. Prepared onh- by Messrs. FERRY and ( o.. Surgeons, 4.(?tC).ar]es.strect, Birmingham, and 44, Albion- r(?et, "i'('lls. ??b?rve, none arc genuine without the signa- ture of ?3? ¡/JJ:hn JÚ'/J Vj/t'(/b impressed in a stamp on the outsid" of each wrapper, to HTlltate which is felony of the deepest dye. May he had of all Booksellers, Druggists, and Patent Medicine Venders in Town and Country throughout the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, and America. Messrs. PERRY expect when consulted by letter the usual Fee of One Pound, without which, no notice whatever can be taken of the Communication, (post- age pre-paid.) Patients are requested to be as minute as possihte in the detail of their cases,- as. to the duration of the complaint, the symptoms, age, habits ot living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world; no diiffculty can occur, as they will be securely packed, and carefully protected from observation. The Cordial Balm of Syriacum is intended to relieve those persons, who, by an immo- derate indulgence of their passions, have ruined their constitutioiis, or in their way to the consilium ..tion ot that deploi able state are affeeteii with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach RS the virion* affections of the nervous system, obstinate p;ll'l"ts, ..XI"eS, irre"ularity, oh,;uut'ti..IIS, weaknt'sst's, total impotency, barrenness. &c. A perseverance m its nse has been the happy means of relieving many housands, and of nJo.ing a ereat number to the permanent er.jovme.it of life. It is remarkable for iis HVicaev i,n a.d?.f th.?t.w?.'? is eessppeuciiaaltliv y rrt ecommended to those, who, from the irre- f('ularitits of yout hful i1¡{e, Iraldts of stil(li,,Ils pulai ities o tion, or a life ?t p |(.as„re, have 1/lIe" into a despondent state of n"?"??"?; "/?? of symptoms ..?b rlcnul1linatl'd nervous. !n'.uch persons commonly are not less cnfeC'bleli than the cllrpl/real, the mental are n«.t { ](JSS eunrnfe- ebled than the corporeal, ,«,• without 15 lH"CUli;irly d"Si" So1d i:1 pdtles, price Ils. each, or the quantity of .Perry s and Co. s wen k R 338. (inelurlin Iessr. .Porry? and Co.'s wrll known Treatise on Secret Vie¡, &c.,) by which 0" Ils. lottle is savd. (Ohsern ht' signature of R. an^d L. r?n"? and Co. on the outside of each Wrapper.) The Five POUDrJ Cases, (the purchsl!1. of which w;n be a ?v;n?of One Foun't T? ShHtin?,) aiay behad as usual, at • tlreat Ch^a ,^Lt, Binning- be had AS Usual, at 4, (ire-at liam, and 44, Albion-street, Leeds -tnd I'atierits in the Country who req?re a c°ulh f this admlra,Je Medicine should send Five P.'un? letter, which ?in entitle them to the full benefit of >u(« l( V Ult;lge. Mc?'-s. Perry and Co., burgeons, may ^DconsuUed, as usn ai, at 4 Oreat harles-Street, (four doors from Easy-row), Birmingham, and 44, All" treet> I,ds. Only one personal visit is required from a j,M d .s. Of.iy "ne persona) v  .t ts ?'? 'Y.  ?. to pat?if!ilt, to 11 alld Co. to give such advice as will be the .n?.'sof eR-L?t' ?a pern?nent and ?..ctnr.! cure, after all other ?.u?? liave proved ineffectual Ptteiit il N. B. Country D.-u^g.isf-S Booksellers, ™Rn. •vfp,i: cine Venders, and every other Shoplipcper, ean W supplied with anv quantity of Perry's Pur, ying Spe fie Pills and Cordial Balm of Synacum, with allowance to the Trade, by most of the priucipall Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London. Agent for Carm-artlieti-Ntr. Williant Eratls, ,Journal OScv. Just published, in royal 18 mo., cloth, price 3s.; and sent in Town or Country free, by post, 3s. 6d. MANHOOD t the CAUSES of its PREMATURE 1 L DECLINE, with Plain Directions for ITS PERFECT RESTORATtOX: addressed to those suffering from the destructive effect of Excessive Indulgence, Solitary Habits, or Infection: followed by Observations on the TREAIMENT of SYPHILIS. GONORRHOEA, GLEET, &c. Illustrated with Cases, &c. By J. L. CURTIS and COMPANY, Consulting Surgeons, London. Published by the Authors, and sold by Balliere. I Medical Bookseller, 219, Regent Street; Machen and Co., 8, D'Olier Street, Dublin; Duncan, 114, High Street, Edinburgh and to he had of all Booksellers. r The 'Work which is now presented to the public is the result of very extended experience in a class of diseases and affections, which for some unaccountable reason have been either altogether overlooked, or treated with apathy, and almost indifference, by thr ordinary practitioner. To enter into the details ot these affections, to point out their causes, and to mark the terrific consequences, social, moral, and physical, which are sure to follow from indulgence in certain habits, would be entirely out of place in an advertise. ment. We have no hesitation, however, in sayinir that there is no member ot society ny wnom mi, uoon will not be found interesting, whether we consider such person to hold the relation of a PARENT, a PRECEPTOR, or a CLERGYM AN. The PARENT, who beholds his beloved child pining away, and fast approaching to a premature grave, in consequeiice of some disease, which for want of a care- ful investigation of its real cause, has been set down to the score of consumption, will, on perusing this work, he astonished to find that in nine-tenths of the cases of young persons of both sexes, who perish of what is called pulmonary consumption, heart disease, tabes, &c., the sole and exclusive origin has been th indulgence in certain destructive habits, practised by youth much more frequently than is at all suspected. The PRECEPTOR, also, who holds temporarily, at least, the relation and responsibility of a parent, will, by perusing this work, be directed, and very much assisted in investigating and detecting the too-often concealed practices so often introduced into schools, whereby the health and ultimately the lives of his pupils are sure to be compromised, unless the evil be checked in proper time. He will here find a clue to guide him through the intricate mazes of thai^ s moral labyrinth, and a standard whereby to judge, when delit-acy Clf health should appear to attack any of his young charges, what the real calise of such attack may he, ald thus he will bt enauled to cheek the evil in it3 inciuientstate. The CLERGYMAN, in whose sicred character is at once concentrated the twofold relation of parent and instructor, will here be directed as to the nature of these habits to which youth is addicted; he will also he enabled to point out the disastrous consequences which are sure to follow from them, if not relin- quished.— Sun, Evening Paper ( Extract.) Messrs. CFRTIS and CO. are to he tonsulterl daily at their residence, No. 7, Frith Street, Sohd, from Ten till Three, and Five till Eight in the Evening and Country Patients can be. successfully treated, on minutely describing their cases by letter, which, if enclosing the usual fee of IL for consultation, will be replied to, without which no attention can possibly be paid to applications. N.B. Seven doors from Soho Square. REDUCTION IN PRICE. Howqua's and Dlowqua's celebrated Teas. BY APPOINTMENT. BROCKSOPP, HOW, & Co., while gratefully ac- knowledging the distinguished and extensive pa- tronage which has been accorded to those delicious TEAS, beg to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, that they have just received a very l,to-ge ct)iisigni)ieist tliiec from the wetl-/cnoiv.i Hong Merchants, Houv/itn and Jjouquu, under such favorable circumstances as enable them to make a material reduction in the price. The llowqua s Mixture of rorty rare niacK ltas is uow sold at lis y- lb. and the Mow qua small-leaf Gun- powder at 8s Hd 1t fb. CAUTION.—The above Tea- can only be had genuine in the original Chinese catty, half-catty, and quarter- catty packages. A catty contains one. pound and a third of a pound, being nearly 22 ounces English weight, and to prevent fraud and adulteration are se- cured with the seals of llowqua and Mouqua, Mer- chants at Canton. These delicious Teas have been so long before the Public, are so well known for their superior strength and flavour overall others, and are so thoroughly esta- blished, that to describe their qualities or enlarge on their merits is perfectly superfluous suffice it to say, that conlloisseurs III Tea drink no other sorts. BROCKSOPP & Co., 1233 and 231, High Street, South- wark, London, Sole Importers of these Teas. Agents specially appointed for this Circuit. Abergavenny—Mr. B. T. Davies, Boookseller. Bryrimawr—Mr. David Edward, Tea Dealer. Welshpool—Mr. Moses Evans, Tea-dealer. Wrexham—Mr. J. S. Jolitisoti, Town liill. AGENTS WANTED AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES:- Brid-end, Carmarthen, Cardigan, Carnarvon, Chep- .?to?', "?''?''??'???'-H"??S'  pool, Swansli,  ?k, H dy?e)), Uandoverv,!   other place (,f lIUpUI tauce iu \Vales and the vi(illitv. ?" ?' <X'?'?<'ct:?ers. Stationers, &c. desirous of becomin Agents, may apply as abcn ? H.-?any applications '?.ns be.adeef_ron our nnmerous agents to sell Teas of a different class from those described above, we have undertaken to (to so and have selected Teas which we have expressly imported from China, and will ensure general satis- faction to prevent the possib lity of adulteration with inferior sorts, and to accommodate our friends and the public we have packed them in lead cases, of a pound, half Dound, and quarter, with price in one end and our seal on the other. BROCKSOPP, & CO. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND GRAZIERS! GROWTH OF WOOL. THOMAS BIGG, CHEM'sr, &C,, 15, CRAWtonnsTnEET. PotT?AK SQUARE. LUNDu, bcg to call ihe attention of Fa.mc.sa?C..?rstuhi?ah.ab? SHEEP DIPPING COMPOSITION, For eff(?citi?illv < i e^ 1 > ;<" r tLe TICK, LICE, amI all other inlets i,)"? '? th ? ??nti? th.).u..n? atu.c? of FLY to t J44?, Fl-?k and it,g li?,! Ski,?, ti?,b), g,-catly -I -,n(t Qt A 1, 1'r Y, and „„„ in-?he   th <.? '? ?'' Q?Lt-t-Y.d NNOOEb,)tl? h.Hhtycu.U.-butt? to ?? CT t> ,neial luallb of the animal, 'ihej nun 1 be dipped ti"t, > t dnrini; mild weaiher. Ie trn>ls from lhc M)..hU? c.) ,el),?litti COMt'OsmU?.. which from the estahlis' ed ie[ ? ^ea-ons, and has been n.,iver-.«Hy h..s 1.? stood t c t??t )e|y „„ its continued tise from a))t..m'?. t ? hc 'y l,onn"III.) ,e? "s cc..)ih..ed use froll' alpipr ioved, t at he may con! i■ and Pat-t"f. whose support i,, is yt.» year, by those "e O.?.s shall at aU tin.? have ?,.bi)i«us to inauita' t km.,Ptcrs h.?i? sn?a.ed s. uo.is his be.t ;tite.1ti?, Many Flocklllast..r" h:1\ wsllslawcd porting ).? t?n 'he I?e )I, "?? ?.-ratio?. i..??"'? P"??" to he h. the l:'ropne'"T )f ?.e C..n.)' '? ass.ne  /?". <? M.? ? /? preparation them that no injur!/ can »«J ■« .-J,^ uhu;h uc. oinpany il" pcitoniicd a< conhii j b „ t(> observe thai Mi. each packet; in '?e; i? tI", '?e of ?"c?'y. P?'?-'y Jlatson, an stated at the h.n?h,'?h? .t ?,)' /Show of 18 W, that dmn.gthe)a-t three or f<'nr years h? had ? t'H')'"? k5S than 10,000 sheep wuh tl'rce 01 tour yea^ nc had i this Composition, and had nut ° L* DIRECTIUNS FOR USE ACCOMPANY EACH PACKET. Prppred (only) and Sold by I HOIAS nIU(;, C¡I<'misl, &c. 1;1, C lC\ WF01{U :-TlLE E r, PORT \IA" SQl:l\itJo;. 1,°" l)()N' at 8d. per ib.,or in quantities of 10011"" cask .ch-dcd-b?. ampl) sumcient to (hess .500 Sheep -i' 3s. Orders, ptr post, attended to. T.B.ha.the 1)le,isti I t- ()t 'I) ')Oil lie It I, e I' 1 of s.tnoKintj Ih.- following .tislin^iii-hfd individuals »ith hi:- C'm- l>silion,se?« ivl of whom have r..rnish.i lo«. ithhi»hly Hatte.ins; It sumo' ials. winch .(t\C niosliy a, p.-ared, Inllll tllUt to ti 111 j?t./r.t" t?e? ?M'M??.?/?'-A- /??? A'?'-fM.t ..t).f-r J<,ut- ,?-H.s U.cct?.i)..k?.. N.h,?;t?-'?.?.?D..?.. !He.it.);H..t..f\Vi..c?i?;H.,)..fH??"?"?'?. i Aylesford; Kisht Hon. Lord Kia>biooke; l.«"'d H.ooione.f tvich tl.e Hon. P. i'leydt'li lionvtrie, iir> .nore, K''d-i.1 S.n..) Crumptn. Matt., Tin. sk, 1 o. ksl.n e ??""??" H..ker. K'< Hainhli;dou. m ar HenleyTh- ti" > '■ ?q,H?J,am. C.H..hri.?.hHt.i.U. k? H"?'?' ?- Sii John Cope, Bart.; Elmtind I»eel, Esq., M P- i Aljul v' I%I.P.; H. N. Sir J. Ai-P 1; si.F. It. H.? on. C..)t?r.' H..it: Si.- J. Kt'iinavvay, la,n %k? B t., C,, I,, 11, N t 1, i S I, %N'i I Kempstou Bniy, Beds.; Robert (Jwilt, Es(]., IckluiK'am ir Ka-I Geer^e Clayton E" Hart., Hall-place. Be.ks; J. 0, m.d?.Thwat?.C?..?.?);Krv. Dallkl f»« lit, lo '"S 'al", S,?i',?,lk J. T. H. Bak. r, KS.| Ha.dwieke C?" GlotictMcr; Si. R.?bc.t H.t.h.t?), Om..? t?rk..?..u Ipswich Lieut. Gem ial SI"kr R?..w. Wivei.hoe Park, l ok-l este. H. P«.tridge, ?' Hockham Hall, near Thettord K?.h..rd\Vc?b'? '??''?.. CotteMiiore John flluskett, E-q., furnha.r), Suho.k John Jlat- son, Esq., East ll-"?'y C,,(,k, Fs,l., ll'il- Icsboro, Kent; Thomas Kingscot' K>.| Kn.??tc P,.? k, Gi. )(.r?i?;Juh,.T).m.,s C; N,), f,,Ik 11. S. Thompson, E"h Kirby Hall, York-hire ?'? ??:' Crolls, '?' C!.u?ht..n Ho..?. Char'<viU?R,.v.W.D<?'?. Delatneie R?-tu.y. K.th.?ich; R<-v.T.?h?iber. Mr.?-n Lod^e, nea. 1 Jlaidon Ila Al;?3 fiel,l, S??s?ex.. Rev.1\J. G. Ed 'ar. Red House, near I P\\Îch, &c. &c. ?' T. m? "?-? "? paiticuiar ..?'t'.o" of his Friend' to his SUPERIOR SH?B OINTMSMT, I Prepared only by him a, "bon', and sold in Tin Canbler" at I 6d 3s. Cd., and l«. Od. each, the <,«a..nty tor each sheep i U iwiiiw Upon tho extent and progress ot the dif-ease. t?.)?n't<n?"P?" ?,?1erc\ists)<s'"?'t:?"?'"??"' .?'F?b'.r.?'.?.?..p.d..u/hi.?.?????????? „H ,Vrh^ii.B wcllcxamiiied, the diseased p"rl:,n ro be selected from thosc tl/at are fre,, and folded ^parateiy e,|;f ,,r "J we,'k the u-mnionis coniinne, the ahabbed >iuep sh"lIld be tin' ?t.!j-'  ?co.<'h., to the printed d.reeuons which aCCOrn¡lan\" each package. aC rTi'l'i0N-InTSucnce of the principled attempts at imitation of •ertain parties known to the |o..net»r, and in onter to obuin the abovc Composilion and OIUIUhut, genuine all VV lk mastl ers and Br"cdels of Sheep are arnestly requested 10 ? ,h' n thIVoprieto.'s Signature (THOMAS BIGG) app.ars on a |Labi eI l, V 1 ich will in future be affix. to each package,to imitate ?ch ? ?'-??"y -?'"? ? "?"" so "e^^vld be lia.Kiiii.ely,,warded. ?A?..AP!-AKAT.)S".0!t'?'-f'KG SUPPLED. 't;con. Mr. John Duncan, Druggist Cardiff. Mr. Griii.ith ,Ihil -ps. DnWi>t Carmarihen, Mr. Samuel lard.ew, Rr?.hPh.t?sU.???/???j?;?,?,,?,.?Cu?b.M?, Messrs. Hay ward and Hum, Mr. ThomasL stc M?. ??"'? Go!d..??, &, U?h-?re?. I CARMARTHENSHIRE, AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF CARMARTHEN. SALE OF IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES. MR. OEO. GOODE takes leave respectfully to an- nounce the sale of the following highlv impor- tant and exceedingly valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE^, which he will have the honour of submitting for SALE BY PUBLIC COMPETITION, on some day in the month of JUNE, in lots. COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN. All those exceedingly valuable FREEHOLD FARMS, called GLANTOWY, in the parish of Abertrwilly WAUNFACH, in the parish of Llanboidv; PLACE- PARKE, WAUNFAWR, TYRNUEL, PLACEBER. LLAN, and LLANYGOITRE, in the Parish of Llan- winio; PARKEBACH, and PENBANKFACH, in the Parish of Mydrim all of which Farms are most respectably tenanted. COUNTY BOROUGH OFCARMARTHEN. All that most desirable, and exceeding well-situated House, Shop, and premises, in the occupation of Messfs. George and James Bagnall, Wholesale Drapers and Grocers. Further particulars (in whit'h the time and place of Sale will be given) are now preparing, and every information I rimy be obtained, of Mr. Davies, of Ffrood- vale, near Llan- dovery or of Mr. George Goode, Land Agent and Auc- tioneer, at his ofifce, near the Cross, Carmarthen. Croft Cottage, March 26th, 1841. SWANSEA AND LIVERPOOL. FIRST CLASS POWERFUL Stram Vetmb BRIGAND, JAMES BECKETT, Commander, rS intfnded to Sail between SWANSEA and LTVER- JL POOL, with Goods and Passengers, calling at Bristol in her way from Liverpool to Swansea, in the month of J PNE, on or about the following days, wind and weather permitting:— From Swansea to Liverpool. Tuesday, June 1.. 2 A. M. Friday 11.. 8 Tuesday 22..6 From Liverpool to Swansea. Saturday, June 5th Tuesday 15th Friday 25th FARES TO and from Liverpool.—Best Cabin, 20s.; Deck, 7s. 6d. H« rses, 30s. Pour-wheel Carriages, 40s.; Ditto one Horse, 25s.; Two-wheel ditto. 20s. Dogs, 5: Pigs, 2s. 6d. Sheep, 2s.; Lambs Is.; Horned Cattle, 12s. 6d.: Horses, Cattle, and Carriages, at Ship- pers' risk. Apply to Wm. Moyse, Swansea Robert Bruce and Co., Bristol; and Thomas Ale Tear, No. 25, Water- street, Liverpool.  BRISTOL CEXERAL ?<?????[??? Steam Navigation Company, Office 1, Quny, BRISTOL. THE following STEAM VESSELS are in- J. tended to Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, to the undermentioned Plares, with or without Pilots, and with liberty to tow Vessels. Intended Days and Hours of Sailing during the Month of JUNE, 1841. PO"" 3DUn-.Ir-.T SIIAMROCK, Fridays.—Returns Tuesdays. Friday, June 4 ->i after j Kiiday I '<» I,1 4 alter | Friday, June 25 i0 morn Friday, July -> 4 after pon. coax OPFES. Tuesdays, VICTORY. I 7 Tuesday June I Sk after I Saturday, 5.C? morn  s S morn Tuesday morn Saturday '?. "?'"?" Tu?day.?.? alter  Saturday June 19 5 aftpr 1 uesday -JJ morn Saturday, 2" .11 TlIesda y 29. 2 after Saturday, July 3 5 after Return Tuesdays and Fridays. I FOR WATERPOK3 NORA CREINA, Tuesdays. OSPIIEY. Fridays. I Tuesday, Jane 1 r after Friday 4 5; after Tuesday 8 morn Friday II 1(1 morn Tuesday ¡5. I i after I Friday June 18. 4 after Tuesday, 22 "i morn Friday 2a. 10 morn Tue day 29 2 ft,r  Fiiday July 2. 4 after Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FOB. SWANSEA COUNTY OF PEMBROKE, Tuesdays and Fridays. I BRISTOL, Thursdays and Saturdays. Saturday, May 29. 2 o, n Tuesday June 1 41 mo>n Thuisday 3. Fiiday 4. Gt morn Saturday 5. tit morn Tuesday 8. 9 morn 1 Thursday. 10. 9 morn Friday 11. II morn Saturday 12. I O moltl | Tuesday June IS. 2J morn Thursday 17. 4 mon) Fdùa,y 18. {, morn Sa'urday 19 Si morn Tuesday .— 22 9 morn Thursday 24. 9 morn Fiiday 25. 1 I i morn Saturday 2h. II morn Tuesday 29. morn The County will take in g-oods at the Quay every Monday. r..on:E SWANSEA COUNTY OF PEMBROKE,Thursdays & Saturdays. BRISTOL, Tuesdays and Fridays. Saturday, 111 y 2 9 I after morn Thuisday 3 61 morn Friday 4. 6 J morn Saturday 5 7 morn Tuesday 8. Hi mon, Thursday JO ]<) morn FJiday, 11.10; morn Saturday 12 ] 1^" morn I Tuesday June 15. 3 morn I Thursday. 17. 5 tiiorn Friday 18" 5tniorn Saturday 19.. morn Tuesday 22 sh mom Thursday. 24. I O morn Friday 25. I I- n ) Saturday 2tr. 12 nnon Tuesday 29. 31 morn To and from NEWPORT, USK, and GLAMOIKJAN daily, Sundays excepted. TEHJBY PAXES. AND HAV33 FOHBWEST FROM BRISTOL. STAR AND PHOENIX. Tuesday, June I 4 morn 4. 6 morn Tuesday 8. 8 mom Friday. I I. 9$ morn Tuesday. I: I after Friday, .Tune 18. 5 morn Tuesday 2 2. 7 1 mom F> iday, 2;). IJ mum Tuesday 29. 2 after  I FROM HAVERFORDWEST. I STAR AND PHOENIX. Tuesday, June I 3 morn Friday 4. 5 morn Tuesday. 8 7 morn Friday 11 r<) morn Tuesday 16 1 alter | !l Friday June 18 4 morn I Tuesday 22 7 morn | .riday 25 9$morn I Tuesday,' 29 1 after  I FROM TENBY. I I STAR AND PHOENIX. I Wednesday, June 2.. 5 morn Saturday. r, 7 morn Wednesday 9.. 9 morn Saturday. 12.. II morn Wednesday 16. 3 morn I Saturday, June 19.. fi morn I morn Saturday 20.. It* morn Wednesday z;o.. 3 j monl I FOR (LFRACO:\IBE.-Torridg-e. I Friday, June 4.. fif morn I Friday 11.. 10| morn I Friday June 18". 51 morn Friday 25.. 10 morn I FROM ILFRAO'O.MBE.—Torridgc. Saturday, June 5 8 morn I 11 Satu?d?y .I2..)2noon j Saturday, JUlie 19 7 morn Saturday 26. 1 after I FOR BIDEFORD. Calling off Ilfracombe weather permitting. TORRIDGE, I Tuesday, June I 4 morn Tutsday 8 8 morn Tuesday 15 I after I Tuesday, June 22. morn Tuesday. :W. 2 alter I FROM BIDEFORD. I Calling off Ilfracombe weather permitting. TORllI DOE. I Thtirs. June 3 4 morn rhllrs.10. morn Thurs. 17 2}inoi 11 Thurs. Jnne 2 8J morn I Thurs. July 1 3 morn I FROM SWANSEA TO ILFRACOMBE. I BRISTOL. Mondays.—COUNTY, Wednesdays. I Wednesday June 2. morn Monday 7.. (" Wednesday 9-. 9 marl! I Monday 11. Il i I I 1(; 4 mon I Monday, June 21.. 5 morn Wednesday 23.. 9 morn 1 Monday vs.. I 11morn Wednesday ;)0.. 4 ilium I FROM ILFRACOMBE TO SWANSEA. I I BRISTOL, Mondays.—COUNTY, Wednesdays. I Wei'nesdax June 2 2 after I Monday 7.. 31 t't?r I Wednesday !< 4 atler Monday 14.. 2} atter I I Wednesday I Monday June:!I, after Wednesday 23 4 after Monday 26.. -,1 after Wedzies(lay So., I after I I FOR CARDIFF. I LADY CHARLOTTE, Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up fur the conveyance of Passengers and (")"(-is.- Felt) ill t- Stew- ards on Boal'o.('anïat'S and Horses shipped with care.— Horses aiid Cai-riiiges to be Shipped T,i) Hours before Sailing. Kgp" Particulars may be obtained by the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, L Qtaav, Bristol where all Oioods, Packages, Parcels, &c should h" addressed :-for Swansea, to W. Terrell and Sons, 33, Back; J. C. Jont-s. 12, Quay Stnct :-for Cardiff, to R. H. Johnson, Clare Street Hall, Marsh '!r Newport, to J. Jon?, Rownham Wharf, IIntwdls. AGENTS. —Mr. Oleo. Hughes, Tenby; Mr. Hitch- ings, jun., Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford Mr. I.mven Pater M r l'adley, Swansea M r. Ili-idliati., Bidefoid Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe and Air. J. Davis, Lynton. i> NOTlCE.-r;1e Propi-it.tors or the above Steam a^ciikVe^ ts will not be accountable for any Cabin Pas- senger s1 Luggage, (if lo:>t or damaged',) above the value of rive pounds; nor for any Deck Passenger's Luggage, (if lost or damaged,) above the value ot 20s. unless 111 each case entered as such, and freight in pioportion paid for thesame at the time, of delivery, nor will they he answerable for any other parcel above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged,) tittit-ss entered as such and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time of de.liverv. I N. B. Not accountable for any witli,,tit ",Iiip- oing Notes.—All Letters set-king information to be lKist paid To be Peremptorily Sold, Pursuant to a Decree of the Hih Court of Chancery, made in a cause of Lewis v Tin ker, with the appro- hation of Samuel Duckworth. Esq.,one of the .Mast ers of the said Court, at the MARINERS' HOTEL, in the town of Haverfordwest, in the County flf Pem- broke, or. Saturday, the nineteenth day of June, at twelve o'clock, in the afternoon, IX ONE LOT. A Va]unbteFREEHOL!) ESTATE, situate in the parish of Mathrv. in thestid County of Pembroke, lale The property of Mary Tucker, of Cleddv Lodge, in the County of Pembroke, deceased particulars may be had (gratis) at the said M aster's Cham bel's. South- ampton Bui'dings, Chancery Lane, London of Messrs. Jones, Trinder, and Trudway, of No. 1, John St wet., Bedford Rotv of Messrs. William Evans and Powell, Solicitors. Haverford west; of Messrs. Evans and Morgan, Solicitors, Olardisran of Messrs. Norris, Allen, and Simpson, Solicitors, Bartletts Buildings, London of Mr. Morgan itice Jaines, Solicitor, Haver- fordwest; and Mesrs. Ooode and Philpott, Land Surveyors, Haverfordwest. CARRIAGE HARNESS MANUFACTORY, lIIGH-STREET AXD STRAND, SWANSEA. ELIZ4 EP55A"XC-ISi FEELS a grateful pleasure in returning thanks to t the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, who, tor a period of upwards of 30 years, have so liberally patronized her late Husband, and trusts that the same patronage may be extended to his eldest Son, who will now carry on the Establishment, and who has been in the ma- nagement for upwards of two vears. GEORGE GRANT FAiClS, in succeeding to the above long-established Business extensive Premises, ami well-seasoned Stock, hopes, by carrying out the principles of executing the best work with punctuality and moderate charges, to merit the support and patronage so extensively accorded to his late Father. Persons in want of e ther New or Second-hand Carriages and lliirness will find this a most advanta- geous opportunity of purchasing, as the stock of Lan- daus, Chariots, Britzskas, Cabs, Pheatons, Gitfs, Chaises, and Flies, will be sold at a considerable reduction, ill order to make room from a New Stock in the course of the Spring. NOTICE. All persons having Accounts against the Estate of the lat., John Francis are requested to forward them to Nir. (i. O. Fraoris for examination and settlement; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are request- ed to pay the amounts forthwith to .Mr. (i. H. FranciN. ELIZ. FRANCIS, Administratrix, LLANFIHANGEL-ABERCO WIN PARISH. TITHE commutation. ?l U T A'if I THE A?reem'? for tlie, ,f the Tithes T,?f this Parish having been con firmed, the Land- owners interested therein are, to meet at the (XHce of Mr. Charles Henry Hughes, Solicitor, Car- marthen, on SATTKDAY, the 19' '• day of JU-NE next, at nOOIl, to give tiie -^PPortioner instructions as to the furtherance of the saidComn utation, whether to adopt the survey recently made by Mr. Lewis, or to proceed in accordance with the Act relative to the adoption of old maps, and other business connected therewith. MORRIS SAYCE, Apportioned Capeldewi, May 21th, 1841. TITHE CG8i?,lji3SI3M.-M0TlSE. Parish of Llanllater, in the County of Pembroke. THE TITHE COMMISSIONERS for England and TWales hereby No'fl('Eg that on the Third day of June next, they will proceed, either by them- selves or by an Assistant Commissioner, to ascertain and award the Total Sum to be paid by way of Rent- charge instead of the Tithes of the Parish of LLAN- LLAWR. in the Countv of Pembroke, according to the I provisions of the Act for the Olominutation of Tithes 1 in Enland and Wales am! that the first Meeting for this purpose will be liolderi at the O'OSIMF.itctAi IVN, in the Town of FISHGUARD, in the said County, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon of the day above mentioned, when all Persons interested are desired to attend.— Dated this Tenth day of May, IS 11. By Order of the Board, J. !>. HOVENDEN, Secretary. Tithe Commission Office. TITHE CDM:,13SSHJ?J.-NOTiCE. Parish of Llandyssil, in the County of Cardigan. 11HE TITHE COMMISSIONERS for Enlanil and Wales hereby give NOTICE, that on the Fifth day of June next, they will pruceed, either by them- selves or i)v an Assistant O'onimissioner. to ascertain and award the Total Sinn to be paid by way of Rent- charge instead of the Tithes of the Parish <>f LLAN- DYSSIL, in the County of OJaidigan. according to the provisions of the Act for the. Commutation of Tithes in England and \Vales and that the. first Meeting for this purpose will he holJen at ALLTYRODYN ARMS, in the said Parish, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon of the day above mentioned, when all Persons interested are desired to atteiid.-I)ated this Tenth day of May, 1811. Bv Order of the Board. j. K. HOVENDEN, Secretary. Tithe Commission Omce. Eglwysfair-y-cherrig Tithes. CARMARTHENSHIRE.  WALTEH LLOYD, the Apportioner duty ap? I ) pointed to apportion the Rent?-har?e. in heu of Tithes, for the chanelry of Eglwysfair-y-cherrig, in the County of Carmarthen, under the provisions ot the Act of his late Majesty King William the Fourth. 6th and 7th, c. 71, intituled '"An Act for the llommutation of Tithes in Englandand Wales do hereby call a PAROfHtAL MEETINGS tlw propridors of Lands in the said chapHry to be liolden at the FARMERS' ARMS, in the Villag of Llanboidv, on Tuesday, the i i (lay (, f 3 tlfl(, at 12 o,clocl% at noon, at %Iiieh 15th day of June, next, at 12 o'clock at noon, at which m cting all proprietors of Lands, having any Maps or Plans of their respective Estates in the said chapelry, or of such Estates as are subject to Tithes in the said chapelry, are requested to produce the same and such proprietors wi)) ttien and there be required to instruct the Apportioner as to what Maps are to be used for the purpose of the Apportionment, and upon such other points as are required by the Acts Glh and 7th William the 4th, c. 71. and 1st Victoria, c. Ijg: and in default thereof I shall'proceed to such Appotti.m.oent under the powers vested in me by the said recited Acts.—Dated this twenty-first day of May, 18U. WALTER LLOYD. PELYCAN LIFE OFFICES, 70, Lombard Street, and 5 7, Charing Cross. MIIUXTORS Matthias Attw< o»d, Ksq. AJ. I'. \V.St..?)c\C?k?,??)F.R.S. J"I.,? Cool,e, )?). C,?it, E,q. F. R. S. "i, Curtis, 13arl, William Davis, Ksq. A.?urdun. K.'q.M.D. F.R.S. SirW Ileygafrt B^rt. anol Aid. Kirkmun U. Hodson, Esq. Kd. Menshaw Lawrence, Lsq. J. Petty Aluspratt, Esq. Miuin Stones, Ksq. G, 1I,'II'I"I('n '1'111"11' 1. Ks:|. Malltiew WUitui^, THE Directors of this Company present to the 1. Public—TWO DISTINCT MODKS OF ASSURlNOi LIVES-hy wbich all the advantages de- rivable trom the business of Life Assurance may be se- Insurances tovin?a determinate object, may be effec- cured. 1):iv i ) ? a ( ] ,term i nite ol) j cct, in-i v be efrec- ted in the ordinary mode at Rates of Premium, as low as III e consistent with safety, and commensurate with the nsk incurred — or, I'ersons Assuring upon the RETURN SVSTEM will participate in the surplus Premiums, which surplus (alter deducting expenses) will he ascertained and ap- portioned septenniallv and all Puhcies for the whole I term of life, which have been in force five years, or which shall be afterwards continued till they have been in force for t ii a t period, shall, at the option of the Assured, be entitled to share therein, in manner fol- lowing, viz I 1st. By an immediate payment of the sum so appro- priated ;— or, :nrlJy. By an equivalent reduction in the future An anal Premiultls ;-or, 3rd!v. Bv an equi? atcut addition to the amount of the ) all( ] i.4 lli()i,e, l,ai,ticti)arl y Policy: (HIIJ I)ayabl(? tliei-e"-it, 'i, more particularly detailed in the' prm?'! Prospecms of the Comp,my, which, with the Tables of Premiums, and any informa- tion required, may be obtained at tile )!Hces -,in(I from the Agents in every City and principal Town throughout the Kingdom. 1. Permission to pass in time of peace, by sea or land from any part of Europe to any other pait, without pavintj any extra Premium, and without licence of the Directors. 2. Extension of time for payment of renewal Pre- miums to SO days. Purchase of Policies on the most liberal terms when the object of an Assurance has been effected. 4. Payment of c'laims in three months after satisfac- tory proof of death. By order of the Board, it. TUCKER, tcrctary. AGENTS. r?w?r//?M, S. Awberv Swansea, Levi Michael; Haverfordwest, Cardiff, John Bird C/ipp.stoiv, Monmouth, (vacant); ;'ewport, Storehouse, and Williamson Hereford, H. Be'laoy.


[No title]