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CARDIFF. TBI UIIJDD OBOIBB or ST. JOHH B PARMH-- For four weeka put the aeveral oholra of ISS. jokwo pariah have been bully emplel in praetlalng the choral aervlce which now forma a leading feature of their anuaal featival, The atrength of these choirs, viz,, of St. John's, at Andrew's, Xredegar- vllle, Cathays, St. John's UlMlon, and BlKkwelr Minion, to represented by a total of more thin 160 votees. last year the faatlval was held at Wilton, near Clevedon, the beautiful Uttle church being placed by the rector it the dlapoaal of the cholra for the pnrpoae of divine emoe. So IUC- oeaifnl was the exooralon from every point of view on that oooaalon, that It was deolded to repeat It on an exactly almllar plan. Accordingly, yeaterday, at 8 am, the sholra and a large number of parlahlonera assembled at the Khymney station. for the purpose of proceeding to the low water pier en mute for Clevedon. Daring the entire night, and. Indeed, at the moment of de- parture, the wind a stiff south-wester—wu Moving a perfect hunlcane, Notwithstanding thla, and the terrible forebodings alwaya attendant In a rough aea passage, a goodly muter of nearly 2001 eraona waa oonvej el to the pier head. Xhlswu eonalderably In. tIwa the whoteDumr to whom tleketi were Issued,If or owing to the universal aatla- fiction reoelved laat year, a feeling of enthulaam had been created which, had the weather been pro- pitious, would have resulted In a gathering of aome 330 people. The party had already thronged the decka of the Lady Hary, when the yloar was com peled, moat reluctantly, on the judgment of captain Sirrow and Mr. 0. M'CJonnoohle, to announce that there WII no hepe whatever .1 effecting a hDdlol at Cievedon Flat. Beaten by aea, it was resolved to try what could be done by rail. The word was therefore given to re- treat, and make for the South Walea ititlon to catch the 9.30 Bilatol train, Moat readily was thla compiled with, and to the mualc of the band the party was gallantly moving towards the atatlon, when, alaa for human calculation, word WAS brought that It was Impossible, under the clroum- atincea, to get the party further than Portskewet. There WM netbict now to be done but to bear the h:v one to tU—mM)faHy well. Before d li mining thcae pRlon' the ?otr, after expreaalng his extreme regret and aympathy with all his lnokleaa and dlaappolnted friends, ftunred the memben of the choiis that an endeavour should stili be made to compenaate them, as far M poaalble, for the loaa they had auatalaed, and wlahed It to be underatood that all who dealred It ahould have their tlcket-mooey rotnraed on application at the vloarage. When It Kstatad thai an excellent dinner and tea had been provided, with a tent and other convenlenoe., at Clove- don, for a minimum of 300 people. It will be aeen that thla untoward occurrence, brides creating deep dlaappolntment, will alio be the occa plan of heavy peculiarly lota, It remains, and ought to be aald, that all demeaned themaelvea II men ever ahould, when atruggllng with clrcum- atincea over which they have no oontrol." PBIBBMTATION TO MB YOBATH,—On Monday evening a meeting was held at the Canton Market Hotel, under the prealdenoy of the Mayor of Cardiff, for the purpose of formally handing over an elegant ailver eiergne to Ur Thomaa Vanghan Yorath, an old and much. relpeoted Inhabitant of Cauton, Among thcae preaent were Messrs Barman, T,lke. StMey. Treseaer, G. Stone, E?HMi- 7?lke. 'Williams, and Solomon Marks, from whom the epergne was procured. The chairman apoke with wonted grace aud humour. In making the presentation, he alluded to the great usefulness of air, Yorath al a repreaentatlve of the Canton rate- payer!, to whom the testimonial was due, and of his good social qualities, Mr, Hurman explained that the presentation arose out of a auggeatlon made at a dinner in oeieoraiion oi tae abolition of the turnpike- Messrs, Tylke, Treaeder, Staoey, Ballantyua, and Scone all "PokO more or leaa of thegreat appreciation which the poor al well as the higher claaaea In Canton had for Mr. Yorath, who was not purse proud, but had a kind word for aU, and who was well-known for his obhging deposition, and general geniality, lIlr. Yorath responded, and Incidentally touahed upon the faot that be had been a resident In Canton for about 30 years, and had been a member of .he late hot! board for a very long tins. The meeting was unawmoum in its appreciation of Mr. Yoratii, both as a public and private gentleman. FJIU LIBBABT.—Acoount of the w irking of this Institution during the past month Bioke taaued Theology and metapbyalcI, 37; natural philosophy and mathematics, 38; natural history and geology, 35;M)eEceMd' art, 34 history and biography, 181; topography and antiquities, 171 geo?r?hy and travels, 159; miscellaneous literature, 184 1 law and politics, 10; commerce and statistics, 1) education, 10; poetry and dramatic literature, 40; fiction, 1,665; magazines and reviews, 234; books of various classes for referee, 88. Total issue for month, 2,733; dally average, 10 ) number of new borrowers, 25 cards given np, 5. Donations recalvedFrom Mr. A. Melville, tlaudaf J Science In Excaliln, Farl Shaftesbury's Spsecn In Bill to prevent cruel experiments In anlmala, Society for Lord's Day Observance, their Annnal Report for 1S75 j Cofcden Club History of Free Trade In TuacasyMaster D. E. Harrto, Cardiff, specimens cf BtlUth cral; Mr. Richards, Cardiff, old coins, medlior&l I!DS hero Taacany, piece of malachite from rlvern In liome, sling mUilles of Middle Ages, and etrnaoan ditto from Florence; blr. J, Rowltudi, OarpWllYJ ai aider, a llzird, and a bat, WMGHIS AND MLIASUBLIS -Wa are requested to state thit tie person aiiucod to as Recnt1 Wari la Tturidb^'s ptp-r WES WHHau litnry Howard, greengrocer, Mctcor-atrect. Eo was fined 201 and ccsts for having In his po-eeselon Incorrect weights, FOCKD BauwaED.—An Inquest was held on Thursday, at the town hall (b.fore Mr. E. B. RJc", coloner) Imith respect to the circumstances attend- Irg the doith of John Bicy, who was found drowned In the Ent ButeDo.k on Tacalay evening. The evidence was to the cffcct that the docesaed was followirg hit ordinary occupation with the ooal trlcmera on Mor;dû:r. Tb1 hit Been of him was when he left the gscg on Monday midnight to jet an order for loading. A vltnern said the only way In whloh be could account for the deah of the do. ceased was that be (tho c'cceased) had mistaken the coal dust wlth lie. tblchly at the top of the water for the path. Headded that he had mistaken coal dust on the Witer fcr a path himself on two diffe- rent OCC HIOLE. Tha veiditt Will" Found drowned."

I EwpoitT.



I -,- - I-.-BEDWELLTY.

[ EBBW _VALE.u_.





1-.- RHYMNEY. - - I






