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THE BALHAM MYSNRY. I CONTINUATION CF MR1. OOX'S I BVIDBNOE. IMPORTANT STATEMENTS. I FIFTEENTH DAY. I He Inquiry Into tha death of Mr. Bravo WM n.umcd en Monday momiM.MtM Mr. Vllllim Cuter, at 1I.tda¡e:û:tl:te'1:'h:: The C<"6BM WM Mtht.t?d by Mr. R. Burisigh Mnlr of DeweM Chambers, Temp!e. M hh MMMM. "'d the oolaxel engaged In the am wen Nr GeMt. Q a, Md Mr. PetMd. Wimoked by Mr a K. btepho-ol. Iidtore to :t: Treasury; Mr. George L?wtx for the Parents of the d=' .„ H. J.me.. Q,O" MJ NU. Bimn for Um Florence Bravo, widow Mr. J. P. Murphy, Q 0., and Mr. R. II. Bray for Mn, CX 111114 Mr. Berjaant Perry, with Mr. Archibald Smith, appeared (or D?. ° Nis. Oox arrived icon after half-past ten Volock. aoeompanled by her friends, Mr. Harford and the Rev. Paplllon, and the ooart WM opened In dae form, and the proceeding) commenced. Mr. Murpby, Q,O.: tIn, Oox, I omitted the other day to aik yoo whether yoa obtained any of the medicine* let down In Dr. Galty's tr"tment lor the ague ? witmen: No, I did Rob. Yoa did not go to Jamaloa and the oooailon for them had not wileil ?—Ju.t to. Had you at any former time had "trntments" for different ailment. from Di. Gaily ?-Yes, I had. Ju-S see If that is a eopy of one 1011 reselved In it II the original. What Ia Its hlttory ? -The small pox mu very bad at the time In Jamaica, and I asked Dr. Gully If be would kindly give me a treatment to mend oat to mT aant in J_aloa, .ad he gave m.t p-p-1. ?h?e )nMtDt h h 1-Vr, Gatty't. T?t b mere than two year* ago. (The paper was put In and marked as one of lie document. In the case.) Did yon ever let from fclm any other treatment ? Y ta, at the time of Mrs. Joseph's illame. I saw 1\1<. B.?o In the city, ad he told me ho* vMy ?) .? WM and when I retuned home I asked Dr. Gull, whether he eonld presorlbe any treatment, and he kindly wrote out one whloh I sent to her. I fancy that to about two years ago. bat I oannot exactly xewcmber. What was It wblcb occurred between you and Mr Joseph Bravo III to your returning to Ja, 111801080, the last time you say you saw him !-Toe last time I saw him wai the last time they went to Se, Leonard's. I went over to breakfast with them. That was in Matoh this tear. I then spoke to him, and oontralted him about my going out to Jamaica. I had heard my aUllt we. Dot .0 well. I don't remember all the conversation, but I agreed I thontd have to go. He thought I ought, to go as soon as possible, but I eiks- not remember what be said. After that I had a more urgent letter-I mean that of March 21. Was there any difference between yon and Mr. Joseph Bravo or hi* wife on that oocMlon T—Not the slightest. He lent me 215 at the time to pay my quarter's rent. We will come now to the occurrence on the night of the 18th April. You told u. you had lent for Mr. Harrison, but before he olme Dr. Moore, who was a stranger to you, arrived ? -Teg, that Is (| He wa* a stranger to me. Z had not teen Mm Tell 111 what occurred between you and Dr. Evore?-l can't remember the conversation which pasted between 111, I was in the room wbell he "DW In. I was rubbing Mr. Bravo* ohest with ..Mpb.r. '? ??*[ tMotleotton clear that you were aptt?rt In the room when you first saw huu ? Y 811 quite clem as to that. Tell n., ss sear as you can recollect, wnat oc- cumd between you. Who else WM In the room? — Mis Bravo, and I tslnk one of the servants, was there, Lut I am not sure, I told Dr. Moore what I bad done—that I had glrtn him an emetic of mus- tard and water, that I had put his fact In hot water Kid mustard, and that I was then rubbing hUohest with camphor, I told him that he had been sick out cf the window and also slok in the bed. Did yen tell Dr. Moore anything as to what Mr. Bravo bad said ?- No, I did not. Why did you not doxo*?-l expected Mr. EluTUou every moment. Dr Moore wa* a stragar, and coming from Balhnm I did not like h tell blm. I thonght It would be moh a dreadful sctndal in the place, and that If Mr. Bravo recovered he would be so SDITY with me for doing go. Mr, Harrlaon had attended the hmUy before?- Yes, and he had also attended Mr. Cbarlp* Bravo. Did yoa and Mra. O. Bravo remain In the room Mil Mr. Harrlion arrived ?—Yes, we did b 'th, I bslleve. I don't remember any one leaving the r^on, Did you carry out his Imuucthas as far as yoa Gould 1- Yea, The next peri cm who arrived was Mr. Hamu: ? -yell In what put of the house did you first see blmo —In the bfiij then I went with him to the mora- 11D rconi, tell us u nearly "I yun can ree?ieet what o. curred between you and Mr. Harrison ?-I toU Mr. Harrison of Mr. Bravo having been slok out of the window, and of what I had done for him. What further did you tell him 1 -I told him I WL. quite sure Mr, Bravo had taken ohloroform, How came Y11 to say that ?—Bsoauie it was my Impression be had taken it. I saw the bottle empty, and I knew of no one elee who could have sake. It. Where was the empty bottle ?-On the ohlmuey piece. Did you remain In the room whilst Mr. Harrtsan wa* there until the other doctors arrived?—We went out occasionally by Mr, Harrison and Mr, Moore's wlab. Were you in the room at any time when any brandy and water was atsunpted to be adminis- tered ?—No, I was not. Did) 00 tell Mr. Harrison what yoa had done for Mr. BravoYi a j I Uld biro Mtii I had do IB, and he said I hud done quite right. Then Mr, bell and Dr. Johr.»»n ware sent lor1- Yf.. wa^that done !'t the :fq'a<t of Mn,Oh.tbl Bravo and yourself, or either of you ? I tliluk Mr. --I., ..L. .1..a 1U. +n.11 In t\t.nø.1" 'n:lJ J:1SrIUiOD 1IU 1iUtl7 .u\n.u"" uao wv "a —— cal aid, and IIn. Bravo laid she knew her haiWd would prefer Mr. Koye* Ball. I went with M?, Harrlion, and he .t" a note to Mr. Kjyes 8;11, which was taken by the coachman to London. Did you see Dr. Johnson aad Mr, when they arrived ?-I saw th"m on the ttttn as they were coming up. I said, I am so glad 70u have come," and went into the room with tuem for a little, # Was Mr. Bravo unconsolous at that time?-He was beginning to recover a little, Had he been unconscious from the time he aant at the window until just about that 'lDIe?-Yel, You went, you say, into the room for » little why did you not remain In the room?—We re- mained a tittle time In the room, but I think thay war-ted to make some examination, and we. left the In what atate wam Mr. Bravo when you left the rorm ?—He seemed to be recovering himself. What next occurred?-Mrs. Bravo and X went to her room and, II soon II she got Into It, I loft her there and went blck to the door of Mr. Bravo's rcom. I called Mr. Ball once or twice baforo he beard me. At last he repeated my words, Mr. &11," In an Impatient tone, M If annoyed at b3tat t ted. When he came out of tho room I <6tj to h i::Ia: bek::for:.o:nD'îi MMence." Mr.BeUrepUed. '• You had tMtt?tett Dr. Johnson that. It's no me your bringing us down here and our working in the dirk." He went for Dr. Johnson, who came out, and I repeat jd the same thing to him. What did Dr. Johnson s!.y ? -I don C remaoibar j he returned into the room. What next did you observe with reipaot to tlr. Charlie Bravo?—We went into the room some little time after-he seemed very ill and we did not stay very long, I think he was oomclous, bat I am not lure, Did the lIoewfI makuDl farther laqlly of yoa M to what Mr. Charles Bravo had said ?-I do nit tkACDibfiVi How lesg after Mr, Rajea BL,11,m arritftl dtd thl. conversation take pl^oe ?—I should thiiii no. nuro tbmn ft quarter of an Lout. Do ,"U recollect whether yon told: Mr. Boyes Beil atd Dr. Jobnaon about tile vomiting irom too wIndow 1- Yel. I c i i. I told Mr. ftofeiBiUjbat leo rot remember vtt ether I told Dr. Johason. rid ten tell them what JOIl had dofio wltet the vcmit ? Yet, I did. Did you tee lib. Cha-Ilte Bravo g;i. thilot nl¿h\ ? Did yon go to bed that night? I never undresied flam the Tuesday until the Saturday morning. I occustonally threw myself down on a bed cnalr that WM In the rcoia. Were you present when the will who mida ,?—Ho, IWMEOt. Did )01:: lee hIm after he became .enllI.? Yd. Iwas in the room a good deal after that. He re- cosn'itd me and spoke to mo. Do yoo. remember what he «a!i. ?-Yes, perfeoHy, On Wednesday I went Into the room, and Air, Ro.. Boll asked me If I wntlld stay ta t to room a UtIle with Charlie. As soon as Mr. Ball was out of the room, he turned rnuad to me and said, to WilJ did you tell them ? D.>e* Fi jranca know I hne pO/loned ml.e1f?" "What have you takes, Charlie?" He turned his head round aun sold Iroiiatlently, I don't know." ImmedHtsly after that. his wife alme Into the room, and I maae no observation by way of reply to hi 0, When he aid, Why did Ton tell the. v what did yen say ?—I said, "I was ob' ged to tell the- I coulrl not let JfltI dte." When Mr*. Bravo mi In he meemedvery pleaied to woher, tkud the *erv<>n. csmo In scon after. Bowe was In attendance tha 1 mrrnloe, and Was going In and out of the room. la COlille of tbat afternoon I law him movaral tltnea » &. before hi* father and mother alms I 14 I remained in tha room for a lsag ttme afterwards. i Did you mention this Metnd S..Temuea with Mr. Bravo to any of the MMMntt-Nt. 1 dM not Why was that t—Because I thought he did not with me to doic. Did the doctor my to you at any ttoo tfeat he bad so raeolleotion of any eenvemtlon with JOII? —Mr. Bales Bell BId he would not acknowledge "wastliat all he laid ?-That II all I remember. U Wa* It eyer IUlleeted that you ahould be brought fa. to faee with lir, Bravo to have this matter ex- plained ?—No, I only wish It had been. Did the doetori from first to last ever say any- thing implying that they doubted the aeouraoy of what ten had ..Id?- No J never for mo- menk Afiter the arrival of 1111. Joseph Bravo the ISo pressed a wish to take oharge of her on; but did 'OU still go ooe?eMUt into the room !—Yt', "e 1ly '??htre My tttStMnee In the ?htdBt-w)? which he had previously treated ,oa ?-No, not the Youremembtr the arrival of SIr William GuU? ?d' y.v.y??????'? GUU ?-I wai ^(tending 0. the Inding when the dctfor* Mme dOWD. ?d Dr. ^dS^GutO;  and, I beHlft Mr. IL?yes Ben; and Dr, Johnson ..14 '0 SIr' WUIIIID GA TM. Le U"6 Oos the 10 whom N. Bravo ^jaW be bad bken PoigOE4" I uked 81, William Mat^adXn; ? ?.t tew.? ?.n)..b.t he wH.?  and 1 ..Id, "Onad you get hIm to say "bat he hu real" taken. Sir wIlium Onlliald. •'I cannot prew dylog maa Iorther." When I told him about bb being *lok out .fthe?'.dew.SttWmi? Gull said, Ha* that btt. MnecteJ?' Md he or D, Johnson std It had better be collected, and Sir WiUhm Gall could tike it with him, As far an you know, had that vomit been Inter- fex.d with ?-No, not at SIL AI I understand, you had mentioned the faot of, the vomiting before both to Mr. Harrlion and all the other doctors?- Yee, I had. I don't know whether you were in the room when Mr. Bravo died Yes, I wa*. Now, with to ask you a word or two #A to the elrocmmtaioce. under which you went to Dr. Gully on the morning ol-flr." what day was It?-On the Thursday. Tell us how It was yon came to go to Dr. Gully on that occasion, and first of all let us bIIlDIO what time It w.t!-Ii was before our breakfast, about r.it.o'?l?ck. MM. ChMletBmvo told me to go and ask Dr. Gully U he could presorlbe anything, M the doetcM eould give no hope of hh rewety. We were alone when thh eenvermtton took Visa& She ntd she should never :Dh:J:1f me was not taken to live him. I believe at thai time all hope of saving him had been given up by the surgeon* in attea"uoa? ye.. What did you say to her when she made this proposition said jou had bettsr not send to Dr, Gnlly. She said tbe knew he had saved one pa%IeLt'a ILle who had been quite given up by other Wh, did you I., that h would be better not to send to D" Gully's.—Because I knew that Mr. Brave would not like 14 I thought that under the olrcuicatences It would be better not to send to In consequence of what Mrl. 0. Bravo said to you did you go yourself to Dr. Gully's !-Yee. Did you walk along the road, and kDoe.k at his door, so that every one could see you?—Yes; X went out by the garden gate. Bad you to wait at Dr. Gully's gate before the door wa* opened !-A short time. After some conversation with Prltohard, Dr. Gully's butler, did you see Dr. Gully ?-I went into the drawing-room first, and then PrltoHard oame and ssked me to go Into the doctor's library. You are lure this wa* in the morning ?—Yes; the breakfast bell rang just before I went out of the Priory. Tell us what the conversation was between yoa and Prltohard, a* nearly as you OlD remember It 9 X told him Mr. Bravo was very 111, that I was afraid he would not live, and that I wanted to see Dr. Owl" What did he say to you?-I forget what he maid. Did be let yon in at oLoe?-Yes. When you saw Dr. Gully, what ocourred between you ?—I told blm Mr, Bravo had told me lie had taken poison, Did jou say whether or not be was llktly to live at that time?-Yes. I told Dr. Gully that Mr. Bravo was very 11l Indeed, and was not expected to live. I laid Mr., Bravo was very anxious to know whether he could prescribe anything for blln. Er. Grlly a>k?d. Re bow be was cuSenng, and I told Hill of his tlcknerl knfl {'f tie tgoay he m In. H- said he thought te Wilt quite amenable to hillUoo). pathlo treatment. He told me to give him two drops of arsenicum In a decsert spoonful of water, He told me how often this was to be repeated, but I catnot remember now how frequently. Mr. Bravo was also to have a mustard plaaior down the spine and a oompren over the belly. Tint was all the treatment. What did yoa do OD lenlng Dr. Gully ? -1 want directly home to Mrs. Bravo' and told her what he had said. Were you present at any d„ iscussion bt et^ween the dsctors as to whether ibis treatment might b3 ap pttedt-Yet; I was present when Mr*. Bravo to:d the m about it. What did the tell them ? She said they had had their way, and that now, an his wife, site would have hers, She then told them what Dr. Gully had ordered, Was Dr. Gully's name mentioned "-No, it was not, It would not have been a pleasant name to have mentioned there?-No, Do you know whether Mrs. Joseph Bravo ad- ministered any of theae remedtM !—I saw her administer arsenicum. lid you hear what Dr, Johnson* opinion was as to the remedies you have mentioned !-lla oopatsd to the mustard piaster. On what ground, Eteesue Mr, Bravo could not beoriit. Dr. Johnson also said the compress was about the ssnie thing nl be warm fomentations they had been using, but which Mr. Bravo could not bear, What did he say about the other remedies I-1 forget exactly but I think he tald they woald du Mr. Bravo neither good nor harm. Were any persons present besides Dr. Johnson when this conversation occurred ?-'jfes. I talnk ur, Royes Bell was present, and alio Mr, Joieph Bravo, Did you get theie modlclnf* mada up, or how were they got ?—I had a bottle of arsentcam In my medicine ohest, which had brought from Jamaica. I looked In Mrs. Bravo'i medicine chest and could not find any argu [cum, and then I went to myown. Did you ever know of Mr. Bravo having a habit of drinking water at nlgbt 1-1 did not knoir. Wit o you have any opportunity of knowing N?cth, is ?.bit 1. Li? ..V..t W"I?- We generally went npstalrs first, and I do not know what he did. I have no knowledge of my own. My meaning rather it this-was there anything to take you Into his room so that you could joe whether he used the water bottle or noc ?—Oh, no of oourse not. On the night of the ISth do you re-caHeot at all whether the decanter of water had been aaud at the time you went into his room ?—I never noticed- When you administered mustard had water where was the water taken from 1-1 do not recol- le,ct. Mary Ann brought It In a glas s, Was It hot or cold water that w JI put In 01 te glass?-Hot. Do yon know whether the water balils was tued at all that niah! !-N Jt that I know f. i do not know one way or the ther. Are you of opinion that you did not use It at all for any purpoae that night?—No, I did not. I don't remember anything about the bottle, Have you the allghtest knowledge of anybody going to It, or having changed it, or interfered with, or emptied It ?~No I ahould not know anything about that. It was the housemaid's duty. You have told us that the cetaclne bottle was not nsed by Mr., Bravo. Where Willi that bottle at the time of the death ?-In the medicine cupboard 10 my room. It was unopened, and in the same state In which it had been reoeived. Do jon remember any coavsnatlon about that bottle after the death of Mr. Bravo?—Yes, When was the first time anything waa tald about It ?-The first time I remember I was looking in stw cupboard and saw it, and I said to Mrs. Charles Bravo, who wtt ic the room, "Here Is that battle of stuff Dr. Gaily rent to make you sleep. Wnat Is to be done with It?" Mo. Brava satd "You had better throw It way I shall not take it now, and perhaps they will sy that's polsop." That was what Mrs. Charles said ?—Ye«. She said so beaause Mr. Joseph Bravo had said thnre were poison* In every room in the house. He called all the homoeopathic medicines poison*. In the course of her cross examinmttoii by the Attorney-General (the representative of the Oiowd) wltnos said, after some (light hesitation and aft-or being questioned more than once, that the did look upon Dr, Gully III Uri. Rioardo's lover, and that oho had frequently seen them kiss etch otot, Was told that Dr. Gully "as married, bn1: that ha bad not seen his wife these 30 ya"fI. Knew that the latter was not the case. After detailing various visits paid to the continent by Mn, Kloaido and Dr, Gaily In the company of her- .elf, witness said the believed that their lntersoune was innocent, and was auto that thof had never lived together as man and wife. Had never heard that during a visit paid to Italy before witness entered the service of IIIn. Ricardo that the lat *r and Dr. Gully passed tbere as man and wife. Had understood that. Mrs. Gully Willi over 90 years of age, and that she hd, barn suffering for the lut 30 yars, Was aware thit Bin Kicardo had consented to marry Dr, Gully as loon 18 his wife died. The cause of the nparatio t. M?, Df. <M!y? M? B?J''J?*' latter wished »• koon lbom"d $0, %Of fsm*- WltMM "11 Ut. zmvv bsd? Imon 49, .(_) had Wd WWO Dr. 04UY *bat 16 wasm have pe"mid so msnbgn Oomins to the might v" beaw4 w" "lieD witnew that knowb i ast Ke ??'S.?Snmttht h.etM.whM?tnnm?rei. vsS i b8, tile YO'" in wdor to neerw* what poIIolI b84 bee8 uW. It 414 not strike im, and adored the Ito *brow It .wa" 10 t the might be aim when ..aID nqokol gB .X .M.Dt.O?y ?M do 4ul M W" be poom '01' do 'AttMnerQineral bad ..tt?M hh ?<?- e:t:ra:o. for the day.


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