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AllKUO A VSNNY WPUOYKUUNT rOMMlSSlUNKUS. I,h.Ii" monthly mN'ting ,f th" ."M"?t" t'M'Mt?!<.)tMH))T)mr..?y.r?.ut:Mo'M* Isaacs (ciiaiiu mi). Kimos, Hoskins, Kawy, Gjsieu, !i HMToy.MdM.rcdtth. Th ""?t, ";i tho provious meoUu¡ ""fe mAil by the CLKHK »U I continual. Tift: L.\TK MH. I'HIl.ll* H )R(1AV. II^CHAIUMAN h"l'li,1 whether tlio ,Ile, of '"°' tho ".dow of ?h. I., Mr. rhilij» M, The CI.RKK SVD tho letter h.,l ct, but no acknowledge it.* It ivivimi. AITOINTNKNT or A HV.W MRMMCU OF TIIII IHVIRT>. TbeCHAihMAN taUl that it was now DoooHlny that a now numtwr should bo appointed to till tho "la<XI of the late MI. l'htlip Morgan; and tho matter bad Woo adjourned to the present meeting In order that the members of the b^anl might take the matter in'o cou«Meration. lie wan uot awaro that y ctnt'eman waa prepared t, name p..on or thy"Y:t; b:j I: ;ft:;Oi •peaking to M., William Tucker, of tho Greyhound Uotel-fn old a»nl reapeoted inhabit.mt, who, fram hla poeUlon in the town, pOlle..Nl 1\ deal of ntluenct~and if g^iooteA to bo a membor c! the board w nild accept tho otUee, and as far as bo couU't devo e hi, tinio to tte tfu i a of the boArd, However, he, tit-I not wish that this riiouM in any wq prevent any member of tho board from pN. P.Mg more o igiblo parson nl ho W,'8 ,Ieol 11 destroys of i,?, 1, irg them th.it they wa,,t2? working mem' ers, Mr. MKHSDI i n TAID that Mr. Tucker hftd a large amount of iii?,rty in tho town, and was a l?ery btù1nlIk and fuHy ijualirtod (or the "ffioe -,I h*-•bo il-have mud, pi_UN in P. g-Mr. ,b.r o( t bo Ird, The pM')'<?' '?nd?t by Mr. JW ATKINS, Ina unaiiiniotisN*?% The Cl,k w.- n re 31 <: d to commit* nicato the resvH to Mr. Tuckor. = RILUilOl'* SKHVU'KS IN TUB TOWN MUX, j fcThe CHAIH? AN aikod what had bacn done with I irgard to the r lily to the RAV. Clarke's application to use the T? wa-hU on Sundays for the of holding the se: vioes of tho Independent Caureh. IThe C"RK t,t,d that the hall had bjen ..ed for I fcur Sundays, for thii colob: itioii (?f a special service on the Jhurød.y, I OKU NIDATION OF COMMITTEES, I This matter, which W88 proposed to have been I attended to a' this meeting, was, fit the suggeathm oftheChaiiiu n. deferred to a future meeting. I n\vN ON GAS WORKS. Ilte bonds f?r kl,000 and £ 300, authori?t F?t the last meeting t ho ølsnd, had been signed by Ili, I I,h.irm.n, ?) ? had satisfied hiur,olf that the .0ne?6 ?'a paid to the chairnnn of Via I =:Iir;erio f;dd\ to l'eapecthe paitit s, 0 TOWN IiiriiOYEMSNTS, The CHAIFMAN said that a little mi3conoption had arisen "ih rdrence to the agreement for the removal back i f the frontage of Mr. Biker's house in consideration d their pay, £35. Some or the memben thought that it was inwndel to c IrfY the b'ldin back IS inches from the wcoJwork, while others raci/t'k);d it ,kk f: behind the wo.dwoik. They, howover, coniderad it advisable t" .ake it as measured f,?!. the wood* work, Mr. Baiter refusing to agree to their measur- ing it from behind, and threatening to build in a lile with the (,1"¡ frontage. I /1T0I8TMKNT OF AVDITdlt. The CSAii-.M AN" brieily referred to t'10 Bill which Mr, fcolater B.. th was about to bring before Parlia- ment and $;\1 that Mr, J. G. l'ci3, the solicitJr to the board, l^d, after come difficulty arranged an interview with, the local board, ftnl had written expressing a wish that some iuemb*r3 of the board should attend "ith him. He (the chairman) could not attend, ?.r .l it had been arranged tb:1.! the clerk should wrife 1111-.1 P. i e that Le must endeavour to dispense with their services. Alr. Price acoord- ingly had an interview, and wa1 so far suoceasful a3 to obtain a i\>mi»o that the matter should not be taken into comraitted without fur :htr with reference b Air. Price's argumea^. 1\lr, Price would carefully watch the matter, and would either endeavour to get the Billamcnded or postponed. 0 THL viAS COMMITTEES REPOIir. This report was read by the clerk. The CI1An:i>, iu I'Ommentin. upon this rep>rfc, said that the lighting of the public haips on moin- light nights would be resumed. Tenders for gas coal had been sent, but as the matter was still un. decided he ccjuidered it bpet not to mo.ition prices which were considerably under what th,y were last \*ar; anithe committee hesitated to accept any H nder until the most vigorous tests and inquiries lad been male, Tho t tle gas works wefC procetOinz as rapidly as co"ld be ex pected. He herd th,t the gu t.,?k dtO(I;een cnv-plcte'l thte t:ePir:d hèi;h ond this showed satisfactory progre.3, the vork being done in a mannef "hich was satis- factory to the manager aud clerk of the work3. A payment of k .)0 had b,en ordered to hi made to Mtssrs. Walsh and Son, the contractors. Mr. HOSKINS I hope you will keep a tight rein. I am very sorry to hear the work is being pushed foiward so rapidly; it may possibly not be done so well on that account. he CSAIEMAS ex\,I"iU6d that the contractors were, bv the contract, to finish the work on the 2nd July, but hid made an application (which it was thought desirable to grant), that the work should not be completed until the 2nd August. Mr. WATKISS: What is the reason for reo suming the lighting of public lamps at the full moon? The CHAIRJIAN The pubiio complain that it is often as daik at the time of the full moon as at other times; and it is considorell dv.igerous not only to travelleis but also to property. Mr. MKRKDITH Our attention has ben cilled to it by the superintendent of polioo. The report was unanimously adopted. THE MARKET BOIUMNOS COMMITTEE'S BEPOBT. This report wad read by the clerk. The CUAIBM .\N said with REFERENCE to a revision of charges for letting the Town ball, thlt hethouht a. several members were absent th=\t ti3 question :3r :edl ;ecfuat:eon:ho tllit: Dnsnimou3ly agreed to. It had been advised by Mr. HAGUE (t1,. So.rveyor), that the muht roof should be pbted, and a couple of light ladders should be or Ic e I. Mr, WATKJNS Does our own man do the The CHAIRMAN Yes; duiinglisl?v>uretioi9. The report was nianimoosly adopted. THE FIANÇB COMMITTEE'S K&I'ORT. This repoit was read by the clerk. Ssveral appli- cations for the appointment of aulitor hal been receivw1; but it was thought I under the p iing amendments in te law which might posfeil'» take the appointment out of the bands of the oard, that the matter should b3 de. ferred. The ollector had got in £ 2 ) of arrears of rates, leaving about 1:31 uncollocted, wVch arriarp, lie explained would probably bo col'u^tod in tho course of thi c weeks or so. The CHAIRMAN briefly commented upon this report, which oontained few things of general iatereaN The report w., animously adopted. THE HTREEr "HU COMMLTTMTL'S RSPORT. This report was Ol. ,y the Clerk. As no communication had been received from Mr. Delves (the Earl of Abergavonny's agent) with reference to the commissioners taking into their water supply a new spring, a letter hal tnen sent by the derk, and reply r2c)ived, which was not, however, at all definite. An application to place a letter box pillar at the corner of lion street had been aoceded to. It had been eacertaiued that fdr. Watklns, pro. prietor of Black Mountain Quarry, had effared to I 'y paving W'et 3.. 6d. per squire y.? d and dfJ:i:ffbtoG:C:: Wt,?r. SItic)n, R:d:tr:I had been ordered by way of sample, The ro",lm. i. mIl Ctdletll aplllid f >r all advance of wsje* frau loi. to 2Cs. this, how.mr, the com. mittee bad deoHoed to entertain. A leakage of the ^uing ha I b, t i) disovered at Llwynddu, which was mmiliAtelyr Mi'jdit d. Notices had m-< n ] rinted requesting consumers of wnter to be econom'cal in the me. It bad biti. arr&t.fred to wideo the pwemsnt between PoIr. ,1"0. Watkin's (druggist) and Mf. Last's, in Ili;-h street. Tbe CHAIHMV^ "rielly commented npon this -?t which wa.ubar,imo?lywl@p*-(I. ?o;&Tdothei?low of tbo meeting, the ''HAIRM^N ,&;?d a bill from Mr. Walker, for repairing High- strret, had j.,t been nint in, amounting to £ 11712s. 8d. The account, howuver, had net t3.. checked or the work measured and it was, there- fore, arranged that the matter should be referred to the Street and Water Committee, who could fcuthoiue the payment If they thought fit. Tley had re,ei,-A ? bill from the person who had supplied the oIono to Mr. Walker, aud for which & Walker bad to paT- amounting to C ii 10s. in the total, less some payments mido by Mr. Walker tii acccunt. It was accordingly un%ulmmidy agreed to pfer the matter to the Street and Water Com- ittee.


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