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S'Al.F -'HAKGRS FOR iM^EMES'fS tN Til.1 ■ xv ;• V K r. N MAIL." 1\" nr"nN 1'S ••• ••!>••«< *» • .1. 11:1. IJt,r llu.' fl" tJl" II •>•>« v, .• V u 1.1 .X -ir.-> i\.>\ t.UJLi, aiul 'r M X, lit*. snm-U x »; tbo rata 01 n .?'?'?'?. ?' oft-.li insertion. I'VhJAA lifM IXKCMO-N AI'VlUtn8¡¡. M?? '? ? t?ntt.' ? CM '-MUh.< per I" .I 1\1":11'» '"?h'?'H'?. -? 'M? Opmpmii* '??* .V.. ■■ ik" l.bh. v i >. Iiw.rt-on n, VI. -.Ml n i'.v.l an' d.\l'¡(tltht the o!, 1, ln W r 1'tH' (or each luiorti- n KVSlXlNS AlMHtTLSKMKVrS, n'HUSIW ) L-TS.?f- c ■■■'■ i" > god »! nl" hi )? ))M ?h in- t r '?"? advertisements, h<"v- ??[ e-tC' u* >' i» are ?Y<ut< Ih,? tt<'[tt!MmfM:< M< irfl^h "t"'i?KCCH'AL. MdsCUOCL BOARD AM?o?''e? -to .h..r.<? $ Lb, T?e ol I'hhek- l'l:r" 1\ f' 'h t, 4rt!(ln AUCTION* > ;>' A NSOVNCKMLNTS MO rbA,1 *t the Htf »t 1 u» ivnce pi* line tor each tnsurtion. M?I'H.'?' '"Mt'?MM'TAM '1'??niM, Club f?. f ?. ? M??) Mjt?! K.??MoM. sndovW ■■ t?MUM chMM?r. Mt C?rX' ft*, M r >r One H "r*i *.?? and 11. f-»r e.. )nU)UM'? Ftly w;-rd*. 71**3 paragraphs must to paid tor la •tlvaoc*. M'tl mn»t not exceed Three Hundred words Persons seeding Advertisements In Manuscript mA1 e?X'??t .to IA. *Bd Twdw UnM to m 1.3h The li?t,. not c<'MnM. but all advertisements. Inch,din8 la roe )inM -,I d.-b. are meM'uwt. Md the ')'. cceupu d ch?ed (or a the Mte .1 t? V. lta.. to the lnefv 1 PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT BOALS. i i Oil TlUUB SIX LINEL WOAI)S.IlsERTION. INSEURTIO' ? 8 io fM. 1? Od IB. Od B ? cd. II. M 2L am 4 a m CO. ai Od S8 Od. n 0 Is M !? <M. a& ga P B !? 6t< 8a. Od 48? 6& 7 fl tt, Pa. 8e. e,1 Oa Sc1. B I Srt lia 0:1. Pa Od If ,B._Ai\Yrr!iM!ments of the wanted cl»»e aieoharged at the biisirt s ml" il not prepaid. t "OCCHER r.?'EhS.-r??'u!' req'nnnf: a copy ot the first ivii or ill «hioh tlioir ,nlvetti*onw«t appea'i ,b. fi,.t M. txtr*. ? CUtor c?t ct pos?c. wrspptr, anil I'uper. ?r<OB< n-jvertoK adrertisemeiite "M reqnw to .OMrre the (ollc.jri: K In8tlUcU0n8:- "Address (to ad*»itiaor» name or HHti.?) me<m. <htt application ?e- be made by letter only. W .trfC? M!?«' peMom M?w rlu ?tvort. MtMntt ao»»o send oritlnal testimonials, but copies onl«. AdT<iti? rMn[?< repU.. to be lorwarded {. Uiem 1111"\ ft.mi, ,C:rnf'<l<\ anti (\iroot1 envelop<), ?? ot 0- cm is a»ev1 to the correct• pnntBig 01 ??SSMm?r.'?' ? the publih-? ''d? ?t hcM him-?? responjlblc f,?? int?u?tat. or r. -Y .0.Ocw .rl8íq tbercirom. t ui-office Orden, Ao., mast bs made pay. tbl. H. LASCELLES CARR, Manager, ST. MARY-STRPBT, CARDIFF. .110m ali brslaess sonunoaicatlans should be ad. roMOd. ?iMtMMC. ??????_ HTAJiTi:]», ly a ymng latly, an engagement a* Com- Å¡]: \T. t:'I:J i ngèhi a:a A?ouir?D t?):?''? )Iu'i?, Dewing. &c.- Apply to Mies 31,A?litf?, 4S. 1-?6-BtMt, SW.\DYI0 GOVI;K>h^A Young lady, 1.) desires m En- ?jr EMe?et t to one or two young clùMreu, Ac?tre- ?ta-t?'i-h. -,I the .udimmts .!muno Salary ? .-Add.t? Alice, Pcst-oBice. Cheltenham. SM?y7_ fTTANTED, by a Young Lady, a S^a.Uion aa ?????r"y 'Acq?i'?nt??'E?U.ih. FMnch. music, and dMwiDg -AddMM Mme,  CMdiS '??_ ATcun' z 1 iu'iv desires a Re-<n)t??emeat M Gover.¡ A Y,unz 1.?,,y Dr??i.gou(I ;lll1siC':Ä':¡,t ,eaAI:nÆ'è¡'e:ialI 32^ ANTi"J\ in aiout fonr weeks' time, far an l^faut \V Sth?'iu go avMa? att??Me lt.\ C"tifim tj,l ?'i-.tr?. S??ry 'iber;d, w;th furnished lii'igansbite Cwm Avon, 'Cm bat' ?m,.?dCr.? E.P.M. Cwm Avon, Xmtach, Wa- GOTEKM> —A lady des)ie3 K6-ea p gomiut. G Of/' IrMch. En?h, MM.o, rud?at?f rr?c -i?' ?t?tiewctk. Six y.?' Mptrnnco. First class r.. r?.'? -AddtOM D. E. C H. H^ks- lau, Cant.!l U'), Keut S9?? i T Artic d TujmI required In a good school; pre^ .A1;, :ül;á.ä Ln ,d 'Chi[j: ()tB BL?tb -'??*   OL'lsG required m a f'?J !o?. tu &MMt \1 o;tf: J.Dc-tk i.tiai s J!Otf:lutÿjlin t21t Sn»aU priii.iuui icquired Adù¡eS3 Âii'si:¡Iaut, "Jtxp!'e" Cthce, liath 21).)7jyi ?\ROAX t.T'L lO.-Mmto prMti:e CM be eb!.aM-d U CMB an -Ban T?o Mws of keys, fiweU. and gre&t, :.12f octaye? d bourdon j>edals.—Leaaons ? necessary, at Femley«l:oute. Canton. Cardiff. '•» .v!J°M I\I\ ^AhTtD agcod middle-aged Plain Cook; wagei, 'V At dD, f.tii:ll8T; Jn fer UUJ1th G. ulcharacters iQ¡U:rcnHbl -Api1 ?'' H??"' ?'? K??7?'?'d'BLMt, ?? 905!Jjyl0 «* fA>'lKl\ »(' iH*?al Servant, wko can waeh and \v ifi.ii a .g girl as Nurse, wh? Has been arcwitcincd' to cM'urtn -Apply, person»Uy, tJ Iu. Hnlland, 'C'rch ,treet, Morr?c'n, Swan??. M57jy7 XIUQAVH UnORY, NKWPOllT. -Waited a tjf t) (.m:fh r? use md ParicurocMd ablo to w.?t SI.d cVan l. ".n V-, £ 10, an 'ouiil.-Apply to ?'if Hani", trt Bride E-hill, HaverfurdweaV »Ql(gylO w* t^anT} 1) ? t) f.Tt'nBhly Mpetiene?d Sq!*p, to t?e ? ct.rg?fy ui)gcLiHrM(one from t^e month). Cccd v<c;ga:JJ 0 11,o: tH Vfst ILdws ,y A o:1j}(l'l8u?r:i.c'Ã'¡n: '%IRAN to good p)am cooking. Ag« aboat 20. One fuM t?.c(,.Iltry prt r,.d Ooly two iu famil)'-Anly, %it rdeHoces, OCC, to E J J Ok "ilIa, Gl¡n .'e;lh 32i¡jy:O IlfANll'b, a good Gtneral Servant.—Apply between ▼ f 6 and 7pm tt Warden Villa, Words vcrth-street, Foath, Catx'm. 3i).51jylo \v A;tn A a 0ma? 1 family, a good General Seivaiit Apply at 7, Nel?,u Cardil 32Ujy9 W A ¡;" a t I:W,? !a1 ,mô1J¡;. .Idd?,?, M. B., -,W.ter. Mail" OM, No? pon, Mc? ?JyS KlTCHKN alhu Wanted, at once-Ápply at the j\. Imperial Hotel, Cardiff. 3316jytt_ iTÃ1ED- Young Girl GL ?neml seií0.J ? afsi>k ax.?th,Apply at the G?J'ge HIt,4 Docks, Carditi WANTED, a thcrou¡hly expeti' W AM.h. ?,. ?.g Mt ironing. B."Mi(i kept. Two in family., -Apply to Mr*. Ygl-d 1-1? Myr. W13?19 W Ao1(l:Jh:rtto;fu"'I::1 W Senant wh.rf ano?e is kept ;mnst undsrstaui t>l tin cooking and washing, and h,ve gw Ye e?n?.- Ad^ew, stetio« wages? to M? n" WWte Horse Hotel, Abtn?twith. 5^8jy8 W e;c Waitress Mid a Kitchenm\kl Good references requ?. Apply at the Docks DiBiD? Mh<?, Cardt? 3211jys VV7AJ9TF.D. a jonng girl as General 8ervant.-Apply W?M?' ilk,n't'ft.rê:u.'iiectr: Cardiff. 2j" WANTED a ^ood General Hert?nt m & private W ¡n :í\'it to ?i? B:V; "'i:i .1?l ir,jnbg.-AdC?-P 21, Wuwru Mtd' Oth?. C.r?f! vifANT"FI) jy8- Wp.ixe f.u i" iu CsrdUf.-AdamM V ti, "Western P 2), "Wow'. Mail" Office, Cardiff- | «V■ V r *j7J' a good General Servant.-Apply to I, 'W??' ?', H° S"'e ?t.   W" ANr ED, by a working min, a steady, middle aied Wo.?:" 'Tk'n" -Appl, t,) W?,tki.. K'? HtMi, P.Bycj(x)c? Pontypridd^ ,? WANTE'>, a g<^l Plain Cook, in tho country. \V??' "a(.:dI'eIak:;r<tLlli;d i,Me h. t.'? -ith '?bi"f! Md iromnx; I.ml of (» iiiirtTi jtiitl ;tn early rir ùood loLrt'n't r&- ?,?*'?.? ?? ?' ?J??B??Ad t'M'' H' J. D? Wocdiiije, :i ferry, Glamorganililrf. biiHjy7 ANTKK. "VTtwidy girl as (ieneral Strjint; no nas' init. — AUdreMi, with lelereuce, f Iv»t <,H.re.??? 'd' 3171j,7 WA?NI 11 11 tfiH i;antle Hotel. Swansea, a 1'ty Wy M?td (; Jod r.ftr"D- rquitd ,Vj)c WANI 1:1 a Nnrwnr Maid, Lot uoder 15 years of t't j, I I, M<t lux* lived in service nnd us till Vith her «i..il!e—Apply to Mr. Woods, t, I.lxnda(I. JJce, i,tit c 11.'1" GOiiD l'l 'Mi »anted. Wages «:4. -!t»t» age, (jf with hi. Poat iiji- J, .iwaiso 8J(i(ijyl WAI1 in a -?-U f-ily, g,l 1,1,?-k; W A h:Dlldt"ti:ilu ,c:. .ad i" li ral wab" to K.,d Mn'\tJ(H-App!y t, Mrs. 'B. 1" ,Ii" _'Ib_, :rvft,_ Momhl, WNj,' tt7'A?TEi'. & x"?) (Jmeral Strv?t. -<p:y t'j M.. IT ))a<;M. lcige Uunuu;r Jnn, I' wyn) 1 i, Fontypojl. :iliijyt WAM Kl), a lUxipectsUe Person, as <onk. Must l.bki nil. and be able t> iLan v^g a smiU ilalry.—Addruxs Mrs. Bufcett, Bayutou U<>1 Man- ualr. WANTtii a K' d plain C<K,k, a Waitress, and a W Chau.rniaid. Add. B., Butttb, BrecouHhire KUM AM 1KI >, » steady F erson u Cook. Apply, with ?V ttttroM?, to Mn tbtUtM, Hear HMte). (3- t?M)?*. "'M? \•\V l ANTKI", a nood Needle-woman. Catholic pre- 1 <t<red -AddtM. L It. W«t.m M.U" O?ce. ('ud If. T«0W .\l..Il\tlllh' gmnoto uaut r;'í.:I:I;tî', N;ÎI;Y frtiU'n Maul Good diod^unkof.—Addro-w \\>i Olliro, Wveoon HM7jvT /Nli:i\by a u>>peoUblo uHuUoa{fd widow of v » I"I II txp ritneo, a \hu,ti In as M intlily Nur.^i, rrMiuoto an Invalid (hdy cr g-ii'ldiun). — Appl< to '??' l-dwsnls, m, ?u<(.ro')td. CardiH. 8 8Mjy* 11 ANTK.D, a Kituntion as good ( ook, ;'J:i: a Kitchen v* n,:>id ms krpt; ovc-ellont references. -Ad»lre.« S.. cate of .Mif« Ambnise, 01, CYockhevbtown, Canllff. < !t f?, ?)!'ft)f<aNM. et" 1faøteä. '1' ,¡ ;1;I:I;t'I'l ;e:Î.ít'Î;l;; I. I'iciy. Must lie duly quslitlod, anil able tJ ► ixiik Milsli F ir pxrUculars "? t-> the Cwmsm I vAtit-rdare. SiitOyfl TO J 1;rar.'t;tII:t,ï!:i¡a 1 Jcniot H.,i to the HroMtyMd Protista? Trade. .An!)t"ho<nMThomtf,lM,C<"?mordtlM?, ?..??)\rt. M?n. 322 Ij y4 tit; II: Hmul competent i? to H'?CMe a wot)!K'?n.-A))p)y ? lettor, stating :\g, t').IW1il'l1Ca, Ltc. ,to :&. 811ll.T.lU)'l'. brBPeN, Pøntrd, ront>piiiid. 82!)4jy A!it:)' to J Jt El in t) merchMt'a otHc9; tT Ktnfityto writftthMttmain?bpmMNe—At- drt?h uwnLMdwtiting.attti)? s?ry, Ao.,C_C. ?, 1\ st otlire, Swansea. fcuJ"1 lhoCNRS AND DRAPHRS.-Wmted, M MtiM (X Y.un? M&U.-Apply toYinMnt Allen,  ?' rrOCHOCKHS' ASSISTANT —Wantoil, iinineJiately, 'fo:tr:'<¡lo young xMan —Apply t^Grforge 1)?? '.?t)nT?WM<)wuM.?wm?&. 8Mjy7 AW.Wanted, a food Kogrossing Clerk.-Address J? K. Sweet, Island House, SwMM?. M4 'jys ""° DI1 A]']ŒS"A Junior wmtMt; m?t sp..k Webh To ,?'t b .,? g.d -Apply to O. JMM. T< n> paady, ..r Pontypridd. 31 5 7jy7 r1 inj OVOCKKS.-Wanted, a Junior Hand. Must peak W.l,A.py E,i?i. Moma AUuon Homo, Biynmawr. S17Q)7 DHA PKRY.—D. WUliims, AheTdtte. b- Vacancies DH1oEè-;iDc':RI.g Ä::I;orV:I'; Youth M m App.nti??. S15y7 I)I? -A PEItY.-IV. Elk o.f.,d t.?t, ?'?.,h.M< muMp.tMNe; Personal app i'?a iI-. 3v30ji» HOWHX & Co, thoCtrdittDmptM. hMev-WMCtM 11 for sevemt b?ds.-13 and 14, St. MMy stMCt, l ml' S1*^>'L ?ufAN'JKD, a Dressmaker by the day. M.' b) a W C,,?d tit imJ¡3: i:O'bJe,k toViU, l.nli! S132j¡6 riH> ;J\l;n-g"i;1órbrh5: l: 1 cxpnienctd 1'cuBg Lady for he fancy counter. M?t i.?thWe?h.-App'y to T. A. tlIry.?7A 8114jyll 11 J vKfc^^iAKEK, — Wanted immediately, a tirst Pand. One who can csrve wfcen required. Good t?tr.Ec? — Apply to lh?. G iiffth?,'to" 4 liCHJTKCTl lvAL and Mechanical Draughtsman Aî/¡i'K:.Jn:n.1 Tle,gl', 1' ;9, "WMternM?'.I" Otlice, OMdttr. jy* L^W Wanted ie1g..s:' crrit:' steady Clerk, who can engross, -d It t?, 20 years oh slso, a Boy about 12 or 14 years old, who ?'?Stea?'od b?d.'?Apply by tetttr stating ?r- ticulars? .1.y, &c?, to K 9, WMtem MaU" Ofhoe, Cardiff7S51d "'ituationø u M P~ 1UMANENT EMPLOYMENT.-Aclive. In'eHigent Men can urn £ 6 weekly In taking order. f jt ou, Efcviliits— somttliiig new I..ght by .1 classes. Kur) ;i;ODJ il tr:iJs bkI'g:U:'e1Ir:l!i;¡: jiL,(J. C. S Bike? u and Co 127, Straud7Lq?tir?)1,-Ad- 32IUjy31 «T;^ANTKD [mmei Tiately, a Eilliard Murker.—Apply to D. JK. Williams, 'ircdegar Ainu Hotel, Tredegar. 32¡.¡jy7 \V\V rAKXlil>, about the tnd of July, a Ytung Min to \V Atlrt: two snol t)U; Itim?lf g as us,i -I. One P.?,.i.g SolUO k,,o,l.,?g..f g?,?" it'g pnfeJIe(l-Adùres Dr. Talfourd Jne"l Bec)I1. 3:48jyl0 W",k?a? I w,? gi"?. fr "t,,dy ER Lib" 7IN 1.4str"t, stoadf man. s;¡;Mn':f:trt!dto;j/ri WA1 rjiE S WANTED, ?t 105, l!ut;-ro.v.l Cirdiff 'V Ai'f: Mr., J°tb;: Jo fT 'ANJFD, a good Boiler maker. WLII up in t3in?c \V Alhd:r ':?,'loll;ifJ;'lin ':fer.11t;r: l:ilL B¡Ütol. f 240jj0 *-» Ai.5KD, a rcspectible young Person as B.xrmiid f V Address, stating age and salary, A., Post ollioe, Hav"fJ¡dwst. 3226jyp TO Bilkers and Ccnfectioners.—Wanted, a pi X Man, w h o understands both bianclies —ipply to L. Piuc inbe, 2S, l astle-road, Koatb, Oardilt. 3219.iyD CAHPFNTE S and Jom. Wauterl — Ipply ,t B.?,- boed Ba'dway, DowtÜ. nBar I"rtbyr UJ31j¡9 CARDIFF TnFIUMARY.—Wanted, a stron, active Biy as Messenger, -Apply to the H).?,) .S"V "? 'MMjyi ri-0 TAILORS.—Waeted, a steady Woiking Oattir.— 1 Apply to John Aartn, Brynaman. 8?)iYijy4 'V A', JOBBKltS—Wanted, a tlrst-class Work- man. Situ-t?.- 'Iluvewug expen- H'S paid.—Address IV Lpf. Mill, Jeweller, SW".e3, S959jyT (jo'i AM) SHuK TKADE." Wanted, ;mtiaré Tvro good, .g W?l?hm?. for the Sale hade, t,,lanage Brancb Establishments. Good rafer. emes requirtd -Apply at 10, Caetie-street, Swansea 8j58jy7 TO BAKERS-Wanted, a strong, active Youth who can mtuld, and willing to make himself generally useful,-Apply to lieorge Davis, Castle-street, Swansea. 8956jy7 OTIC Eto SADDL BES .,),I HDEI?ib? SNTITHI to 1., ke(,p?ay from BlBenavon, as the above are now ?ut,?u ??tiike. 9007>y7 "TaII ION.- Tailors are nquedod to kop awiy CA};°ir;;¡J:3 :rloor.2:Xh kelWY TO HAlHDRKSSEKS —Wanted, a Young Man who A can cut hair and ehave well—State terms for in- doors, age, and references, to Daniels, Hairdresser, l". atb. ^iSCiy7 1'A> I"KD immediately, a sober, indaittious Mar- AC. A,N'f D?i-udr.?t,nd? w o;k In all Its branches; "ife to ,k..tb? f"C,t- tag. fre(? must produce \f:e'a::t;f!t:r- ?s.? U? t. J?,.w U- Maescadlawr, e. Np."tl,9. 3lljy7 \V A?Ef¿okUg experienced Young Lady vv lis Bookkeeper and Sama — Apply at tha Wjmlhsm Arms, Bridgend, Glamorganshire. 8173jy7 1 MIOOK Man Servant (under another). .9 Gr.om, and to iiaire himself generally useful— Apply to D. J axvrcnc. F,q., The Priory, at M" 8934j I6 rpo SADDLEf.8. Wanted, Two good Gensral Hands; X. Low ..g?. gi,e.-Apply t6 W, Di?,i. -,I ^on lU)-muey. 8910jy £ rJpL o WAJCHMAKEHS.-ff'anted iiranediatelv, «o 0 wlia(?.ll MAKEM.- n d I. "di"bl?ra' T-.Apply to U. Nlllrt A NI t'p, d B.br.-Apply to T. Jon v 9, '%IPV T. hrLbyr. T. ,T8(j'Yi 9, riio Saddlers and H=? Maker.A good (;eueml TO :3. ir"t:t:b¡jVleeral 813üjy4 lARfKNIERS and JOINERS Wanted.-Apply t. Vy Jackbun and Co., b. W.1y ,t? t, C.rdi W. 3,37 ?y4 Tofr';¡tye.h:a:ee:Co"mJ: X -t.d h. M&distely; Wiinanency for a t?tl b,L Aedrew "Workman's Advocate" Office, Mer- th) r. 3y O Writers, Decorator?, and Grainers. -Wanted, a TO good Hand.—Apply to James Moore, 7, Bute- streetTCardiff. ancjyl TO L?IINERS'SAF IY LAMP MAKE1S.-W"ut.d. a -.p?t-t Man F.re-Al);Iy to Moore and Thomae, Treherbert. 3049jyo rpo S'lONE BREAKERS -Wat?d a f??g.od Stone- J_ ;JSeIpErob ¡'j: :g h: nelr P..typidd. 8446d rANT*D.-Two good steady Wheelwrights, with W tools. One WEeelxvright's Smith, ditto. Con- stant woi k a lib,l wages. Established over 11 "O:P¡¡ e;he;î:?:1 eb;. Ad,l," ? ? J. Rey..Id.% kp.,th,r T,dfiL 804td AiCiNS.—Wanted immediately, good fall ._A ,ply to the O.?. coui..?? y, Li.it.1, Cwmamman, Carmarthenshire; or it:Fch:L:JtD'I7:ë':brla: or 812M W ANTED, 111 married Man willing to make bZfi P. b1..i; g .tk.it-hk..e garden and horse. No? and garden found —Address stating %? refereme, H, &I post?o f,I., C.- marthea  P. T0 !P!tl)¡ Rs. TO ergfi, b ex'S'y.a; d i, ",g 'a A"gIt. -Add, A. K B., 14, Higb stroot, Newport, )l>n. 3iaPjyA L AW.-A gentleman ,?..tly d-ttod requires a LA ;;¡ii:I¡:k'I;e:m ad Po?r=il, on t wis in Cardiff, NewiM>rt, Hwinsea, or tl?, imma- ?(o ;:¡i,¡;:r:!d.rr P. 24, IV.?t?r. Mail Office, Cardiff. 8D74jy8 A LONDON FpYlneeTof"standing, of J I Amay I.AWt-d on »11 matters relating to ste »in power, the cousUuct-lon and efficiency 01 boilers, etc Ad,ipc" e tt wÎDeøt8:t1¡tJ'.Jie,I:.urtentJ-;2"I- d,, P (i% W.A. M.11 Othl., Cardilf. Jy20 !1 iElINEHY,—Wanted, by a Young I;:oi .in & modim ?.. trade perience. Good references.-Addrosa K 19 N" P.? office, Newyott, Mon. 3 !l3jy- aNTUJ). by a Y,, Lady, a i ituatioo I- a St- i-y ?g Ilp?-Add-?s L(, Wti-tam Mall" OtHce, Swansea {)"lY. Vi r ANTKD, an Engagement Iu a Merch mt'n or fehip- W broker's Office. Nine years* expnienea; goo l gAd.Areu yP 18, rjY; Office, Cardiff. j¡ ^IOIUKHV, erperieace, office downwards •inViog, C chemlcaL^c Foreman, l "t,l, A. it, V. UitlmoLialH.—Address M.8 M,, W..t?r. bbU" Offi., Sw.nna. BjQJjyB WANTRI), b -I-g I fidential Clerkttliip under principal s ftuperfision the be**t it rtferemen.—Addrwu 21, 'Westum Miil Office, Cardiff. B076jyS OllftW, Ø.ebtAl1tP, dc" ^VaatSUic«^ rJpL o OROl ERR — Wantid, a KitunU mi Branch Slup r 1 '{) I l \r ïl'J,:f\ 'I\:I,r'I1r.;tl1: lust ilxo yesm, pood rotertncus.-AUilre.M 11. N;, »» new ton Voit-i'ftlM', (hepstuw. It, N:il8 W1'" rJ'Ú'y I\\ I,(:\t, 'lar;lu:II;ri;Illt wmamigi'VuriK-h.-Addro W. Hoar. ^MrlW««i Young Man, a Situation as 'kiuutermiin. HijIWt liwnniitlBith, Mon. b"Jy<- TO yc:1 t..SI\,y.Id:1 tJ:¡ Young Man, aged SI, to the above tni'lo. I'o xl rtforunces—Address D. I' Post ollice, 1 l'clloR'J,i77|yT onrcii'im Wantesl by a rcspoctable young Swansea. HIMjy' jfituntiooJ Wantcfl. A VOURG Lady desl.es a he engagement as Bar- A y. 13g i 8eTI:, a :t"!I; NtWjort, M'n. a Cj 0 W,:D Situation as thorough Groom or Ooach- man "d Ali,,r. ? (? 2, w,tern M.? omc., Cardiff. jy1 *17 ANTED, a Situation as Footman under a butler. W TW hut?, f;o. 1. <t.situation. Age 22 -A(I= G., L'i1U;f, Caimarthcnshl^ B-—ijyu li rANTED. by an experienced young person, a situa- W tion 88 Barmaid; highest references—Address Y. A., Postfti., U.k, Mon. SzrijjyQ r1 F\0 MASTER MILLERS -Wanted, by.Plt-t TO 1SJ¡E:'Pe; af:t! 8 Stu.iooi.tn or General Miller.-Address D. P. Mider, 0.,) torgo Mills, near Monnroutti. 320.); 6 ANTED, sit"%tion Gardener, where "i.hncs is vtln, byi?so r industrious mxn, practical In all k,?-A?id.,?.. A. B., Po-t,(Idi. LII.t,i..nt. 8100jy4 WANTOBD, by a rl.P"tbl. Youug A, a situation as Groom or Coaohman.—Addttss V. U.,inoiin- p,.i?, near C-diff. Sl99jy8 BARMAID —Wanted, by a thoroughly experienced Ycung Lady, a 5i,u,tlo, as above, Good reier- Addg??. A. B. M ,P08t-ofuca, Mrirgato, W ANT1D. by a Young Person, a Situation U r AW, M-ii'  0 in" Newport, mom 9 35j 1 0 rpo t:I:I7;;Jfjght u' _L LMI? ma?, employment f.. two ".tit ,ighl? P..? Firit-c'ass nferwcef.-Addn88 P. 10, W??tlll? .11 Office, Cardiff. jy j TVTV 7 ANTED, a Siti.tio. a. C,?Uie,y M Sub- wB.1di.g ceItl6cate, 4 YOM'" eKperl- <nce in and about collieries, First-class references Add"e.. H ,Post-office, Noath, 8156jyO W,INTII Nvl'eae,?.ti?tomed to r, tb,bthe manag?weiit of a %Vine mid "P"it Vaults —Address S. X, V"tt)rn M11" Ofnso, b aDSO. 80ö8j)" gtl1ritø, SJtavrtUw, tt. WATCH, CHAIN. JEWELL««ir, BFtJEC7, E[1¿:; Pl:fiBtt: BENTSIMONEL'PS CIELCGEA, TK-HILL, LONDON. !'0r<tl'1ea 58 & 60, n<lu;reu at onc in ,Town. SecreLaIle3 required ,or Benson's Watch nub., Secretaries required in Benson's t b.i. Club.. Secretaries requirod for Benson's ''y Clubs, SecrotArle. required for i;,? ?l-i.,pi,c. Clubs teciatuies required for Beusons tlcctro-plate (:Ib?. Secretaries nquired for B^ns^ns Watch Llbs. Seci., tes urec, trIh,i? Cubs, f: tcretaIÏt8 required for B&s?n's Jewellery (h,b8 Secutorirs ,.qulred for Benson's Timopiece (h,b, fecrdaT1e8 requJred for Belloon'. LUctro Irate lIuts Secretaries required for B?mon's Watch iul, fcecretahfs required for Benson's Chain Clubs. ¡:tarcr;i:eJe1ee8ro::I1.gs ei g¡: Secjetaiies lvcu r?d for Beason's 7imepieco Cluos. feae'arie. required for B' n.on'. l<.Jeetro.phte ())Ilb¡.- RkN'ON':J WATCH CLUBS, 68 & 6U, LU,)éUTE- H)i L,I.ON,;to bo "ecolllpmied with IE{eu:ucu, addressed, "Manager," Post-offiod, S^atsea^ 8U!ljy6 GKN1S EVEKYWHERE —; 00 years Perpeiûal A Calendar. Splendid commission. Ternii, press o* iinkns. Etarapcd envelope. —Addrc^I Carlion, Ji03d3. 81&jy7 iniHi AGLNTS Wanted f., the Li tie Wou>er jVv" A:g w: ;Li:gO;lr; 0118 I t ever made; do. not WOOf the clothes, •fcvuy genuine machine stam p ed Bacon's Patent" geots :lne£rtlu"=kmt;d B:Jco: maohiuo. — Address American Novelty Ccmpuny, 127, strand, londw, 3lHljylO GENYS. Wanted immediately, for Jewellery and AGEN"S- Goods. Send dd,??,i envelope for Jllua- hated Catalogue, to James Simmons, Manufacturer, 28, Idgbwton-street, Eiri.ghw.. 31 Ejyl GENTS Wanted, to Sell Wakes Miims' Pipm; ts. ed. per grGS9 Car&dog's Miners', 8s. per rù9. -Apply to Gliomas Wake, Xdertbyr. 6a*J31 atuerøbipø. VW.-Wanted Sh?,c in a good practice in Ghmor- l\an8hir.-Ad resa P. 23, We*tern Mail" O:lioe, C,,rW tgi. a 73jys W A¡r an energetic Man, with about £ 500, as Parti er in a .1l.f??tu,ig Bu?i ).. who wuld trnnl pcefelTed -Addrc. ty 4tt?,, 0 4, "Wœ. tern Mail" Ofucc, Caidiff. d845511 spaidwati to et. CARDIFF.—Furnished Apartments to Let at Sydney CAI,'pill ?Wik f the Ca,dA?ff A-. 3l256jylo 'I C. to", ff it h ??. iri.ut?. walk of the Cardin Arim 325UjylO CARDIFF.-One or two Gentlemen, or ith Etin Gentleman, can be accommodated with a Sitting- ro-.m and Bed-room at 3, Nd.lDn-terrace, Cardiff. 322tjyg CIARDIFF. — Apartments to Let on th. Newprt. CIIIIL !?I?e. ()" Po?t Mee Cardiff r.?,(?. ClAKLIFF —Furnished ApAltmente (dining and d,?- j Iu-rccms with five bedro? together or "P" at 7, WWe e?t o" -cuscent, Cardiff, ??17jy? HEPSTOW -Apartmen "I' rocmp, ,,d SiltiD¡¡-room.-AppJy to U. WblteJail, Steep-street, Cbpstow, 3 3)'4 VIEWPORT.—To Let, D?a?i.g ..d Sitting lto,m N E':fJ;JOFI.fedalpnt ,lt;h; cent, Cardiff-road, N't. 0027jy9 S w fo1: f;;tlt the g¡:f:fft:le:; fo?t.l'ly f.-i?'hd '1'0' ?"g g," el"m' teims moderate.—Address L., 8, Argyle-street, Sffans n. 3»arttImrtI -a. \V A£;:l rL;htlTtn, att:t Address Q 2, Western MaQ" OIBee, Cardiff. jyO pixelling-liouggo to ■ get. CARDIFF.—To 1. Let, a House, No. 15, The P"ra19, 1 r. degarville —Vot patriculars, apply tc> Mr. lb.. Evans, l, Noimm-terrace, Castle-roaa, ll?Iff- 3l45jy6 CIAEDII F.-To be Let, No. 10, Charles-street -Apply j on the p..i,,e. 8303Jy. ARDlf F —To bo Let or SoI<«, three Villas, Numbers 2 3, and Noithcote-street, in the P' 0, 8t. John, Cefetle-road, Card?ff. No. 2 has t rooms, ¡'f:£i1lad4, ¿¡dl:OomO:Fr:t :r°fh"ë building, of G. Db:; or to J. Bmw]4 37, o?.i A?the Rcath 81!«yl0 CARDIFF.—To be Let, Three Large? Hooflea, in Tyndall-street, Car(Uff, with ..d cellarage.— Apply trEd d1-?td?.t' C-'Mff,L Cardüf, 637Id DIl? ? =' C ff.  371d TO -LetrV^verycommodious Villa Residence, Fur- T' -r.%ff:¥'C:r=: Within five minutes' walk of the Poat-office.-Ap 3, Ch.?h-.tet, C.diff. 6083d N E}2¡le Gold å.Of;:r! frti::rŒ f,, i he ,,I, ,I of N,.l, ,ith?r f..ibd or U.I.?.i? b? ?d, a most com'ortable Villa Residence, situated on the Gold Tops.—Apply t. Messrs. C. :d :o 8liii;lfk h=:; port, Mon. 8!JOOjy' A"]?6ANY.-Nrry View to be Let, two ¡B=t'rkr;b'lL:n and J':r¡¡S: Railway Station, pleasantly t"t.d, -d modernly bu?!It .Ili-i n ",a, ? i"iI g tW. dr.?ig-r :101;i:et;hcgá;od?:ftill:: W.Or laid o.Apply to Wm. White, Contractor, Ab- gavenny. &008jy29 TO be Let, with immediate possession, in the suburbs T0'?"' = ".t t,iiit&l on the banks of the U?k where dleo of trout and mlmn nsh- ii;g may be obtained from tho Association; a good ga?- den tbl.d coach house; gas ad w,?te, Iaid on; tbree D¡tjn5'roçD18t s¡x bed-roomw, an excellent kitchen, c«)]ar. end w.c eome shooting may b* had if r""Irad. -Apply to Jam.s Williams, Battl. End, Broo)n. 8010jy4 0 b,, I I, good IDWER -ho?s, ploumtly .Ituated In different parts of t1, Mumbles.—Apply to D, Davle.o and Co., Tim r Mercbarotø, BWda rtmiøtø tk., tø et. CIARDIFF —To 1)6 Let, wi h immediate powession the Pousp, f-hop, and PremiH08 In the a.yo" C>r- diif btu 1. the occup8tlon of Mr. William Ayros, pork butcher.-ipply to Mr. J. H. Mayor,Navigation P..ty. pridd. 2()()jy8 CAltDi ?'F mt-bl. W.r?h.u, to W at the back ,,f Ll.d.u.q-r. Apply at e4 d: 816y7 CJ WANSTCA.—To be Let, Stable and Coach-house.— O Apply to T. ard J. Andrew, maltsters, Swansea. 8998Jy8 Y 9fifAi)' feNb-?n::btJo:f.:ff:: 'It.t. at Heolfach suitable for a owls.water woiks.—Apply to E. Richards, Draper, Pontypridd. 821?Jyl M E,Il; be Let, all those ,lïi Premises n? w I t I ?..r pti, ;a f Mr. i l d, P,rk llu dc and bein4 10S, IIgb_mtre#t._ Ad l. E. X'aWl, 12: 1. ,)C 89a1jyl' I)O;R'F:f.m for buildliu pur- po'is, nesr Fowler's "steam It,. Brick- work. J'onlyprldd-'or particulars, lapoly to Mr W. Fowler, nt the cllmpantH cflice, Pont ypridd, or to Mr. Moiet CuI., LuUaor, eutmbub, near PAydytele.. M$d pcftmloco, tic, irailted. sAIUlll' l'' —Wanted to Vurcln»>i, «r Bent, C/ Heme or Villa, In or neAr 'froJoa"I\I, w lIb oarl1 p.,Mfssfon.—Aadnws P IB, Western Mall QUI ■« J/* /1 Âil J¡í i"I;W;С;ïm¡;jíï;MiIJ)oul;I' lienred Publlcluuso In 'a"liff Of viduity; n .t loo high in price.—Address P. 14, W,,?t" Mail ( Illei' V'arcliir. |y Diouueu, lau4, dc., tor Jnlt. 1A]WI KF.—Houses for "Io in Newportro",I, Wenls- V/ woitll-street, and Coldstream terrace — Apply t, ■ JTi/oopt-r, Florence Home, WonJswurtb" W.IBd CAIIJ)JjÏJ,aleoJ'lveHDPll\De.ltr..t, Boatli. Apply to ,Lewis, Crown Hotel, Bute- street, Cardiff^^ 0.- RCA1H, WordHworth-street.-Two client Gardens; price £ <0.>Apply t» M»H ri J",?? J.llkin.and Co., AUCUOI,"crK, &:c" 20, (!illh-trd.t, Cardiff. 3.'3J —• C /-iANK'I'N-Fight Cottages, will pay nearly 10 par c,Ili,,??pl,(, Arply to Jinkiusand Co,, Auctioneeri>, Sc., Hlgh-striet^ Mriliff. J ,u"roB, 2 we: i'or ..lo, }[OWI<JK tit tboDoeh, }1:IB'PIX:BmtIIe;i., .c Ire'ct;k ——ltK hkiVATK COUOTAO-r, a rich au« li\°f.,Jt ro' ;1: :cI¡rI:to by a "InS I\ream, "djoIDln¡¡ tho l'al.h roo>< and abot ,i. mil.. fIOm Cardlll'. lÐ1m..1int" l'O"¡oo II r()(},ubed.- ttfr l'OOoI'ce an4 (10., Be!1 Oh&mben, Ob\IrO-r:r:" S u::ne r., Ol :f.tk'eé;i':¡ txiosittirg rooms, five tSbln:dk'b.f,Cr; I iTcft ffarden. I?.t!,b,l,(I coach-house. Koi■ Pply to Mr. Waldron, Sohdtor, C.rdiff 9J40jy15 rsTRATrRHONDDA.—For Sale, or to Let Immc- Y digly, a large house and -h, calle! Manchajter Jitue pl?,?did p i?i.Al,ply to G. Upland, 2, Bndgt-street, c.din. 8221jyo n WANSEA.—To be Sold, the Lease, Hitures, Sc., of S) a fpacious d sn t stantially built bliop and lJwellir-g&ûu.e, situate in a capital nKines part of the TL%ID, and i?ell'a(latid f4)rgA tn\refn:l\l:'n:: 'Ifeshcptas a good f?." d b? a c,r,,r n, tns Inrgo r icin wh ,reot. UnoxpIred tonn of Jon,e, 21 years.—Apply to Beynon and Hughcs. flo?i and E^ta'e Agents, Swansea. 893:IJ¡O C>oiLIEBY.—Bituminous flrstclass o.1. Rr. J ,hunce; bona fide. Stamp to B 7, Western Mad Cilice, Swase&, 89.1y7 T-or Kale bv Diivate contract, a valuable Freehold I k?.p,ty, situate in the rwtM of ?tt, of riiiing tovn of Cinderfoid, comprising a Steam Flour Mill, ?itil tIl'. pai 'f FYencn null- ster.es, and other nBces.iu?y K, attached therewith D Cottages and Gardens, n™ let at the low rental f L208 per .nu. also a '?:'l:; I :tO;a:J,n: rl;2or:ill'u; egn sive IJuin( 83, which, from its situation, .t pr.?.. most eliible Invebtment. Satis,actory "mo for Wng S ?- be Iven. Apply to Edwin C.aw?hay Esq Abbet's Woods, h'evnhnm or to S. W, W". Esq., Hewr.ham, Gloucestersliire. 7SóOd 1 -,)D Opportunity for Sm1l Capitalists.—For o Sale, Fr' 'l' I'??t Fireclay and 'ferm Cotta Works complete, with nearly new plant for gnndiug and working the clay. Steam-tngine, elrying sheds, fcilus, blro(Cii,? 21,000 bric k s weekly. It is oituatfd in the midst of tll., fiourl.h1D like wrks, with coal at low figures, and has rail and water accom- modation on the o,to itself. The ciay prnduces the most superior whitefacing bricks, ornnlllonhl terra-cotta wOlks, &:c, With £ 600 iin encrgefcjc man can here mae agenuino fortuno.—Apply to Mr, Watson, 15, Fomyick- Street, Liverpt ol. 7*02tta mo THOSE DESIROUS OF MAKING MO^NEY. — X To be Sold, an excellent Slate (iuarry near Con- way • Icare 21 years. Itb?ut40'0, g? cfgo??. 1,o,? 2 ='?..?tibl, q??.tity of good merc'IDWo slates, .1.,t? slabs, hone, and m,mg"nese, ThL,? excellent r.rcperty (really worth to a compauy f t l??mt £ 5,000) \r¡JIJf:Zin 'XIO¡;hp;rtêd iftig;Il1:dï"f. rmcbafer for *650. It is four miles from IJanwit, and sewn miles frcm Conway; a tramway is made from tho river Conway to tbe quarry, where t!le staga is ere dell for working and shipping t. ?,11 p?rt.Apply to Caleb D. t?;?- and C-, 15, Fonwiek-stre.it, Liverpool. 7403tto S IjSSPX, fl ,ro ?e Sold b, i,? T,.ty, a SU:r'!J'Ii;Ïli' E,:IKK¡' in medæval St)l., built A. restered 1872 con- taining, on the glOuml floor, p 'ich, 21R by 0ft., h"II, £ 3:t by 10ft. by 10ft. high staircase-hall; oimng-room, '51t. by 39ft.: drawing-room. 30ft. by 18ft. library. 3Slt by "t.' e"'I of oriel windows L'?g. and Bpicioos offices, fitted with .11 modern conyeoieoces. ]. bed ..d dressing-rooms, !argest 10ft by 18ft. fxmalleet, 14ft by lift. B.ith ana Unen room. Tha :JJe: a4Jtga::ren1te1r.Ibt ec:'fåH out with great taste, contain ,n cis ,jmgt Jawrs, croquet ground, arbour, gteeuU^use, chnice f(ret and f1uit trees, ?hi,?b? tiower', &c s rookNY in front paddor-k. 'Jhe views of n^ighbouriag doivas are ?CTY Deautiful. Wtr excellent Di?t. from London, 1J hour; Brighten, Nonhaven, Eastbourne, 20 minutes; 'I'unbridge Wells and Hasting^ one hour — liul1 particulars and cards to view maY be obtained on replication to Messrs. Westall, It )b(ts, 30mI Bar- lu, Solicitors, 7, Len'¡en1lI"tl'ee\, Loudon, E 0. 3!04ws rX po MlLl.UtS AND OTHEi-.S Stoke Edith St:am Villi Mills, Herefordshire. For 1,1, by Private Centiact, the Stoke Edith Steara Coin Mill, adjoining tb Stoke :t;:t! on f:\Wo':od Hereford Section of the treat Western 1?-it-Y. ?ti?h i?, the main line cf railway connecting Herefordshire and .tU Birminchripi aid the h ..d ?.t i fg,CS 1i':r.R¡fh"t ?i?u,%t?d in r¿ea'it e: principal coin-gro* iog .11?t-t?t. of 1Lgl.(I, i? ..?.b I r1t airir;t :ci u ::te f r.1 i:as ago, Ii,c stueys In height, "Ih P.wel!ful 25 horie power Hoiler Bnd Engine, ",i.ga Yb..tii- &ix paU'S of Stems, and all modern machinery, and with communi- ti, t. the .ilwy bl) a siding. Connected ,ith Ihe Mill is pieh?b c r.a Ig horses, and t7 h. other outbuildings include Coach hontes, Waggon houses, and Piggeries, and thtre are"uehous..capale of storing 20,000 bushels of gJPln The hou. œHod Sparchell House, Il- but 11 ymils f.rm the mill, and contains t"l'ee receptloa-riwas, wx Icerc?oms, dff""in..room, kitoheD,hackkithn, anl the mual ffi.. and extensive collaring It ii well situate d, and surrounded by Ig?,,I.pi. lawns elegantly planted and cultivated. The ?op?, to i bid ?,.t Y' i-, Foley, for 90 years from Ie I't ?f Januaiy, 1863 Tfce site 0/ the property con- tans fr. Su 1L. in iu be .I,l as a going concern, ;S'U:' &oó;f¡ clOwec !friiOí:J on "ntl completion) wIll be included I" the sale The wUl lDa be viewed at any timo Further pa.,loubrs ..y be ?btainwl cf Mr. Cl?7rles S?mit h,L U"'? te â:"fe{LI ?, rt :Itkuy,.o!¿: Fe ,f.?d, at ?hoio efu?e tLe lw?e of the p'opertv may teLD. Wtttii guougooss tin mloyog; CAFDIFF.—To to Iet, that very deslrilbl, d')\lbl".1 (i li,. ?ed I? PJ.y.1 Graugetowa. —Apply at lrlnlty.h" Brewery, Cardiff. S2»jylO t?4?ii Eiiine.3p, situate In 0 good j l'or fuithcr parii(?ul?, 1homa8 Lewis, Eb, Bridge-street, Cardilf. 15jy4 -lARDiFF1.- To Grocers ard Provision Dealers.—To ba j ( Sold, in Boxth, extensivePremiseein afirst- rIMs .situation.—For pvti(?ulx a ?ppij6 a.Cti(?Leer, < hurch-street, Cdiff. 3113jyl SWMAMAN.— To Let, with imme,U.le pooB08sion, a Sboemakers' Shop, in the thriving village of Cwm aman, ¡.Imorthen.bire, The ,t,,?k to be taken ata valuation •-Apply to Mr. Wiili.. Howells, Crois lun, 1.1u.ti(,. -A ai25jy4 elly.  125jy4 _? SWANSE?L-Putli?-h. free, PO,9".tioa; r.p.t.bl. Highly recommended. C.a.. of town Ktamfa.- ]?ou. LutUng, wlijY8 SW:Th T. l,;ëï.; t:u¿ë -4 ..t?,. -To be INpo,?,l Of, in the b,.t b-i. Part of Sw-E. the remaining p*rt of the Stock-in- Trod and Lease of the premises, 15, Adelaide-street, '-t by 80 feet "P, with two entrasces, -.(I every ;,oaett: :fc;¡ntt oii,:at in the trade, the prop ietor dtcllnlng > nslneas throngh ill-hembh For p.ti,.i, &? pply on tb. premiss —N B' The g.?.1 .Id.g t g, t reduction !oJuc:thee tk an intg purchaser 9yAjyl6 FITI-AND.- Th. tL.11??yWNVin., Spirit, and He- fre8tment Hores, and hitlud Arms, —To b3 Sold tL, -d0f the above Double- Licensed Premises, are within 11 few yards of this Station, which forms an important Junction of the Great Western, Pi mbroke, and Tenby and Whitland and Taff Vale Railways, whero a First-clase Refreshment, Coun- h,t, and Ccminercial T,.d. li? mrricd on For further particnlius, apply to Messrs Green and Griffiths, Soli- cltor.. i aimarthen; or to Mr. J. P. Th. ?. the Premise.—Whitland, 27tb.une.187¡, 888<JJyt I TO t:¡M¡¡;o 1, DJin1 1, by private treaty, a Furnishing and General Iron?nge Business in cio d the moot l1ouri.ing towns in S"ut?: W.I. Tho I tock-In.trade .ad fixtures (about £ 800) to bo t?hen at a valnalion -lIor furtber particulars apply to M.?_. John JcnUns and Co., Au(:ti".eem 20, High-?t,.t, Caidiff 8lC4j 17 ATH.—Spirit N"u't"' Bath; g   "'t"; jfitt? X 1),(tin" frontae; long leaoe, at low rent t.ke. il?, per ?."k Invoices may be teen incoming iE250.Addrom '4ichael Clark, 11, High-street, Bri.bl. 3!27JYI I B DISPOSAL.—The largest wholesale'and refctil :F(/tft;; t:f;h '"Estlli::f over 21 v a None but principal. dWt whh.or full particulars address, by letter, B.. 90, tolt-ollIce, Swnn- s ælM AD:orf.'a:I't oet.:(ili:J.O J' disposed of, capital about £ 1,000.—Address G. W., Puat,o!co, Taibacb.. 8255Jy16 A MALTING BUSINESS to W Let or for Sale, with A :îr 8t:II:fb¡:n ort:I: to won thousand bushels In theDluu??e, ard'II, roachhouse, and tableKllttnchetl A good b," ley district and good connection. The reason of disposal {rif:gugs"nio :n\ø Ir .berth, 8126jy4 JFtocft, etf. AT GWATKIH'S CLYTHAICARRIAGS WORKS A? ClArence-plo. Newpori6 NOW on BALM. New Vis-a-Vls Pony Phaeton (under 4owt) Oi'. Second-band Cab Phaeton (head and front .eat) 2 ew Bachelor's Cart, fOf Pony (to carry 3 only).. 18 1'P..y B,.k.L Car. 16 And .Il.tfC-1 ..lryingtok. "ii719 EDWAB 08 and Son ..Carriage Mannfactureri, Car dlff,PrlM Medallist.of the International Exhibition, 1878, bate the following Beoond-hand Otrriima on 8 tlo. •he property o< gentlemtn deriroua of dlspa.lng of tb(m :-Oua excellent Brougham, ODe Wlllionetfe, a four-wheeled Doc cut, aDd .? a.6eHo.t 0. Ph.t. CARRIAGES WAREHOUSED or received $0 seU GO ocmmtalon. Terms od wpUmUo0. 6198 d &wt», tSmotot&Sivt 1'OIt HALK, two Landau, an,1 Lw, Hansom Ct'w, Ahu 3 Landaulet, to cArry 8 persons. ly4t" G I er, 1, liolpbin street, Bristol. J 1' x)lt ka T,«, a puto ¡;¡:ïÜ;;m-¡;Mï.ïïJ;;¡i-= Ajiply before l'l a m. to W. ColUugdou, St. Mellon fl, near i'ardiff. Y7 I I oNIKl ."1 1)0411 Flll S"I", a Chestnut li mo IJUt::¡;. 'I:fl,ul(: high, six yoM» old, very stroiijj iiHide, >ct veiy iiuiidsoine, 111 to enrry ?lly lioir/ g Mi o- ¡I v:Il,,u;rl"'n fit a ;f: 't'rvfs¡: ,Ix years old. B"U, th." "0 are pcrficlly sound, and free from bbni'sb ))t!rrcdly qiiiet with rmuraahjy 1.rHl knee acthn, and good In all thoir pices Ahw" (()Uje ilog and hltrli, 11 coHt'd Mhuup for A, Hl hring them oil rOUIH you .1,1 ,k t?y xvjrl or m >tion 1 f tL? 111, Ie 9-l a. Roldj aJ." c'pi,1 Hetrl07"r and tInt-rtu Setter, good on snipe an' I all other B«me: also an excellent Mp.ni.1, wlU rttli is from t'?:r: I::I ,,r.ft,I)rt :e 1Yo[í also an excellci.t Tcrrlor will rttrfovo IIplondldl", a,ut will walk at heel like a retriever, irnel a regular luilor at any descriptim of veimln.-Aildress A. >i. F, lont vsnc-hottse, Itttl uloD, Houth Wales. b913Jy7 TiTANTBI'i »(Punch) Cob, about I 11. ø;')lffÇ W tempered, broken to liarnes i anil saddle Un to 10 done. Rt'lId price, age, &:e., to It, J)o"t)mo. JllumIJle., Swansea. =(;jyu I/OB Hale, a couple of first rato It'll.bit Beagles — Addiess Harkaway, Pellt.,lIIeo, Liandilo. 901.rijy9 pumutq, 9to., tot Ja. fX)H full particulars of the following KNOINKS an 1 FMlNypY; ttRLI; D. tirf} Patent ^am^aANS' =" Ab.iD h?N(J 1,;S. Vcrticul F:nglnes for Winding loin, cyllndor, complete. 1.?:. l?,IVinpdini i(jim cylind. lOin C,, h AI(Iiil:l', ?l'tdrlii?. 2ft Uin. Ep -end B iier, 10ft. Ic: 3fo. 8i.. dininctor. ?,,t.Th. b. ?,l ebe .1,1 t .?7 low p?l". I.- i..?,diate douvery to save tmmhipping from Somer- setshire. VerUcal Engine and Boiler; boiler Oft, IIn, by II dla. of cylinder of tnaine, lOin.; stroke, 8ín. Portahlo Engine, 4 b.p" (second-hand). Portable Engine, 4 h.p. (quite n,1.?i Portable 2,2 iL?., by Hornsby tu wood EO new), 1. id ,.nditi.. Ul be 1, t hi, Double Bin. Cylinder Vertical Engine (slwxid hand). 2 .)1 I-Kp. "eltilal Engine., Saw Bench, to take sawo up to 80 Inch. aw Bench, to tale 8W8 up to 48in. diameter. New Mortar Mill, with Oft pan, beautifully Ul?elL I,eadpl¡>e Prers, splendid machins. 1'ooJey Weighing Machine, will weigh up to 8 tno, 2ft lOin 9",e Ck Waster, by UoLin:ûn Patent Umven.ai 'It,?,m I'?mps of all ,ize?,r,,ulyfor sundly St?- and Water PIpea anti Fittings To be seen at CHARLES D. K.HILLILPSIS, Newport, ready fOf delivery, 613411 jyjTACIUNE TOOLS, RKAXlY FOB DELIVERY Three 8 in. Scrcw-cutting l athes, G ft, beds. One 9 it. do. 1[.). 12 ft. „ One to in do. do. lr. ft. II Two 7 in. do. do. O ft, „ 'jliree i in. Punching and Shoinng Machines and othrr sizes. One Plaumg Machine, 4 ft, by 1. ft square. One Planing Machine, 1- fL, by 4 ft. 6 in., with Two ^° Boxes Five Thorne's Patent Portable H"dW DI Ills. One 9 in. stroke Shaping Machine. One Double geared JJnlijng Machine, and single- geared ditto. One 3 cxvt. Sinf Je Standard Steam Hammer, Hadi1Ù Drilling Machine, 6 ft. arm. One improvtd Gencai Joiner. One 80 111 Endless B tud aw Machine; also, Twelve 18 d 26 W of e 10 in and one 11 in. strcko Slotting Machine, and olier EA8'l"ElmnOOK, ALLC:IRD, and WILD, Tool Mnkora and IroDf0Wldcr" Sheftield. 8152d }'OnâÁLE ~(seconifUaud), immediate deli'ei;;Oïië lio- i..?t-I Engine, ??-P 't"it'? ft y-?t'e"L Bhaft, a3rI\C:8, CicocyiOfY2'J- .lwke, one Horizontal E.gie, complete ,ith g?,,? 0', f1y:eN.°rtu:ngi:;m'fr, f:ch ":yif: 21,inch atroke, OncEggeud Boiler 19i feet long by 5 feet diameter. One Cornish Boiler feet loag by 6 feat diameter, one 21-inch tube. May be -eo. a to Pe. Ri.Ld,?, .I C. For price, <S-c., app to PearrJ3, Richards, a., engineers N",po i>ion. 6-337d SECONI1-HAKI) Traction Engines, Ac., lor Sale by Fowler aud Ccn'pany. Two 12 hO,"d-power and t"o 14 borre-power EDgines, with "If.? oing ,Il r._ ver.iug gar, ?t "I with tanks, t.,rg'" 2?i.(:h "he 1 winding lllUID8. selfacting cihng sear, f:pud9, tools, and tool boxes, for steam cultivation aacl traction pur- poses about 800 yards best bard steol rop3 tJ oach engine, with poiters, &c,, f.r same; Cultivators, Plough?, Water Calt', &?., *c tbo whole to be "Ij a greRe bargain —Apply to Bits ?k? Bro3" Eaginears, Brislol 53731 OiV Sale, Second-hand, d "r' M' pair ON li;J;,n:lc1ri6 ey;i.:g:'3Ig{r£l link motIon; ditto pair vith govt?r?om and throttle valve, and turned y.hei?l. teliffe .,?d Son., HawanIcn 8918d ON Sale, Second-hind, splendid pair HorjzonhJ F.gi.?-, 14J-inch cylinders, 20iuch stroke, link motion, and 5ft. drum.- Rz?teliffe and Sons, Hrtwar^en, ON SA F, Seccnd-hand Horizontal Engine, 19 in. 2dc,rb6,, -t?.k,. ) fatc fl7 and S. H." a-. 8918d HORIZONTAL Cordengng Engine, 18-in. cylinder by H?I:,L ;1:i:vifif.eí chfie and Bons, ,awb?d?. 89194 ON SALE, Second ,I Horizontal llgine. 151n. by ON Jtg fr:f;ta\.¡i-hel Ditto 12;n. hy ¡:Oin.-&tch!fo aud Sons, Hawarden 8318d ON SALE, chop, splendid Condensing Beam Engine, SMn. cylinder, Git ftioke Heavy liy-waeel. Little worse than new.—Katcliffe and Sons, 11.don. 89,811 BOILEH8 ON SALE ;— B OJL :tft, :6ïn Two FIu? Tmough. Two 58ft. by 6ft. 6in. „ „ „ One 22ft. by a". „ „ ,> One 17ft. by 6ft. 6in „ „ One 32ft, ly 7ft. „ „ One 27lt, by 7ft. „ „ „ Batclitte and Sons, Hawarden. 8918d SECOND-HAND BOILERS in 8ALE:- One 26ft. by 5ft. 6!n,, one flue through. One IHt, by 6ft. Din,. One 19ft by b?itOj.?: Ore ISft by 5ft. 4in., Cne i by 'i' 'I. „ c,mrletit;fiJ:n{allil:;f founJtion. radY,- RaicJifle and Sons, Hawarden. I 891Wd S.LOND-HAND BOILERS 00 SALE One Fgg ended, 44ft, by 5ft. 6in. line „ 20ft. by 6ft. Oin. One „ 29ft by 4ft. Gin. Ore ,y If? 'ii'n T.o „ "t: by 4ft. Oin. All f!Wog. ':t,°plde'nd pla;töNofd¡Öns redy.- Batcl-ifo and bens, Engineers and Boiler M"kefJ, Haxtaidenlion Works, Ch.der. 818d HORIZONTAL En((IÐM ,f Ufro. 7 inch Hup to 32 i'oh ciameter of cyliu&r,inst?k- Apply to J. W ALto,-u,4?,-L?nL 9018<1 L-OCOMOTIVlf Fglues for We or Hie: the following ready One J0i» cylinders, G coupled wheels. One Hin. c)linders, 0 wheelo, 4 coupled. 3ft 6in. (: III.: ,?id 3ft. diam. Wi; c¿it"8, 4 ;¡ d8' dL&m C"O Hin. cyllndeis, 6 wheels, 4 coupled, 4ft, 61? diarn. Locomotive hgt.e. repat?ed end new Boilers sup- plied on the bhoi ,It One 3" W 0 1neofn :foki\I'if;IJ3 to f.. O; toi?, Bngineer, Asbtm. und,?-Ly.. W174 XTaIR 07 NA)UPLBD HOBIZONTAi WINDING Jt ENOIMBB, with 13-1-Jch oyUmlora, 8 feel ateoke, with d. ad POITTA.B A Iklk% = ::td neoessajy ¡¡, -d ma> b sot to .k In three dajfcand do not require oltterj ;Jbr"e::t .:1 we. n194 PORTABLE ENGINES, new and second-hand,8,8> and 10 b. p., !ith or without ?i.dig gear. Boileis of every description, Wrought Iron Work, C,.b- 't h.'t ?-ti?. E-ti.. t.? on ill", to Fielding and Piatt, Xgin.. _?d 33 Z.- BOF';t: CISTERNS of various 6tw«,.are alwwa 1. BTOOK, t Th.- Will., London Boiler and Tankwotks, Wee' 8lde WIJd Bute Dock OarMft OOLLIBBY TUMB. WINDING BUCKETS, and IRDERB made'" om". Prtoe 111' port tree. 5033 d HORIZONTAL Winding Engines and Boiling Mill Engines in Stock or in progress —Leather. Mat- thews, aud Co., Etigineere, Broughton-road Iron Works, Snifoid, Manchester. 70ö rpo COIXIKRY~ITROP~KIETORS and OTHEkg. -I"lt Sinking.—For Sale, ard ready forlmmodiate ilellveiT, a !4, ,8 25, ."(1 36 horso.power Portable Steom Engine, i, th ft.k .otio,? go, ?la. gear, Ac., complete. A].. a dhorso-power ing crdtiicuaml feLCine, it I linK motIon meriting Rear, suit- able f?",f.11, F,, SaVo, aaeitcelleut !:Ia :te:t':r a feft pan Ñ: Min.-Apply to Barrows an,l bt.a?t, Engineers, Bm. my, 63j6ws D..bl?-Fl.l B.Il. ?d ft. diameter, with nil their mouutiugs and ttttiegs for ?tonn and furnsces complete as wo,ko, in capital con- eition: have had goo dwa or a( ?lreaul? monthly cl?- i??g; i.?,-d at 53 lb,. pr, Wb?? take.t f jr alteration. to ill. Can both be seen in 1anche'ter. Cfcea* fer quick d.liv.r:y,-Wh""Ue:y Kirk <Xr Price, Albert.quore, Manchuw,r, 079. T OCOMOTIVB TANK ENGINES of various aires, on foul L J ?OMOTIVIM TANK ENGIWBBI W.i.. WRO U(41IT-1 (tON EIPVD tu?"=L Hu4IwelJ. Clarke? ad liodgem Ball" d? .5l7fA pAIR NEW OOUPLIID l&4D.h orllnderll, I  W. 2:t"f.'IUIf'o:s I rea4r far 4elJ'i1'¡ ORTAB BCIXiIB ol best oonatruotlon, also PORTABLl ELLSH.1PoniABLig Mo JUGA&f" Alai&-=. ft-dri. bCm.,ddM lbtl,OltTA?' cŒuplete. rrtoe, £1 JUQtrucUUOI øent wfUa each prea. wit 91-. 21??.fT!X I.-d. labX SI.b, haiulblils, io. 1^-ohM reference. ..a amtZLit bl- for t, .U.t1o)J to W. 1,1?me p?m Itorby-oracont. f-\a. 6003. 'i LEVELS and TUBES. Tjonnomotert, Spoo- J tacle*. Ao. Manufactory—li, Ijolth Walk, Kdlnburgh. iwtail fmW Irouuougen tn a I to?.-Lidd?L4 Opt4olau"0. Lgyol M-ke E4IDbuql¡. parbliurij, Coolo, tic., for State, ^I'KCIAL BTKAM PUMPS, for dehTeryfttHWANSKA, o /ruin three inchen diamet<" upward*, A pair of tho"" I "Nlpi,, .nKlno., 32Jn. l1ndo, Jon completed w the ord» r of TANGVE i?t?'MKM! A )(?'Kh, Newcastle, f< r forcing 1H,(K>0 K,dlünl per hour t. verticAl In f( T "'00 1 P", "I i",l,Ikl f! the r ai,t four years at Peace's <'ollierlux, Durhxm. g:II' aH'?)'?'? v"I\lUt'?f l!l r.y'(; r;: PL MP, Q pair 0' which ?w In o>ur*e of eon H!Uf?.')) to Md.r u? KAKK X; CO., OXrOJtO- BlilLDlNGK, HWANMBA. Tt'??I??Y?)KPOT?F<)?"fAN<lY it ft t MM., ?i. ?ftiointnt! oCie<!< ot KAKK A CU KNUtfKKtM. ,-sWANSr.A, where may t*e imiitected at the reduced NILAt? IiiN('J CICAWI ?.14, NPW PA'I'V,*41'SELF- to CO tons; HOfHiiNG CiCAIiH, N;W PATKNT HKLH- ht;STAf'X?'U PULtJtM. WKMtu? t) PUU.'?. Md ItOl'K BLO</KH. I- u -I- -,1 P"W.. to 10 was; HYftHAULK;, buP?HX, <m*f H<??y LUNCH P,KAILS .HM <;HOWH, WAGGOaV T)Pt'K??t, K'j IIA?IP. 1,;r n,t<1W:iu 'f¡!f: T?i?MKD'm'ATtttft tN.)K(/TUKM t?tt' BUtt.ttM. ?JfjmAKKACO. ENGINHURS, HWAN49A. AU the Hires in ?t (?ck 1, and .A iron, original and oaly r*« IUU6 nudu" mnnufactur«d at wIJrk" of Hbarp. Stf wnrt, an I Co and now -tei '?t '?!'l prices. ???<!? <?'T*A?UY?a <:US?:S.-X? P'), M'KOi.M, ill;mps kilmLl"'S N. BLOWING FANS, & 'tir,'kl1;jNI\)N Hl:(E PC Mrs, RATCHET UHtU.!? APPAK- An;K JfAMt H?h?WtMU GEAR, VitJK.? AMV)'?. ¿'A:,JJ,žl' IN)J. Mir y i1i IUBKS, A I.A.J, FOR, (ill?i? prIN ("'i -RAKK; &(;U.. K. FOUlbBPILDINOS, HWANKA. 759Id bPKCIAJ," ISTEAM PUMP, foi raining I'M A G?LLO?M HM MtNUlK a Yfrticat hei?M of 760 FEET 1N ONE DIRECT HFT, tumjuxt tMtn ??.?r?e(? 76OFFF,TI;ONI,I)fl t,?Clllf7NY,, COLLŒRŒi, ABKIlbYCHAN, by Meatrs. STEEL CO., of NEW P(J<tT. who have on Sale, at their W?ehnu?. Trede?tt- likce. Special Steam Pumps, of various useful siz-s; ?m 'IANGYE'8 KKW CONt??MHtt for th? 81'1':<.1 A I, ..y which the nuisance of the exhaust steem is got rid of, aid a large saving in fuel effected. TANGYE BROTHERS have on atle atthe ware- I houses of STEEL AND Co Stock of Patent HYDRAULIC LIFTINi JACKS and DOPLKX S KMV HJN?HIHU MACHINE8 at the re?c.j priMt. V23M r1 iXANOVE BROTHERS have on S.I. at th<\?re- hi 11S03 of STEEL A Co., Tredcgar-placj, tNew- port, i?oD  Miin? Jacks, ?Mtcn't Patent Pulley Blocks the l'attnt 1It1f':iUHtainill¡l Bloch., hh?ve r'h:?n f U i. Hoisting Crabs tnd Lifting Æ!]rutle1ri'I:s. HuiJlt,bø T ANOYE BROTHERS have on Sale at the Wuo 'fAt ¿¡:;l: CaveN toell; WAY 1IAMFS, JIM CR?WS OH BAtL BENDERS, KATCHhT BRAtKS, HYD!:AUUC PUNCHES HCiMAN-8 9ATFNf PUMP.? RAMSBOTTOM S r'!iI'¿>T:'r: lUi'0'k't, R,Iit1 kii.?9. LIBBKAL DISCOUNTS ALLOWED. 7MOd STEM. <t CO., Kexvport, Mon ntrad for Erect;ng ?)? n{OH \jo:vPt1:d 'aft¿n7ut:(M IKON FOOFS' to 701 P o low"t te?' Offices .?,d te,?\édJ!I=,nNeo:i\rtWI, 7Je8 GAS TOVJM for drawing-rooms, parlours, break J f"?'t rlJumt kitchens, hotel bar3, .,)kig &c" 1, may be had from and fi.,?d by D. Gorman, Practical ??-ntte?, Plumber, lku-hmger, &0, 28, Ro} at ,.d.. CardtN. n31mwj pi*«Hi«U0tt0 ?M. I70U S»Ie, gcod Engli h oik-built !-mv;k, in good woiking order, with a new Boat attached to her. I FO'Oi¡(aU% f¡ Ikt at1 i1I gh:r A:crJr;uJi:g siLt? or i:t ajo7:nt H?tt)'' or ''t'u Mr. d" tilet, (,.diff.-D.kl Jal 3rd, lb74. "?J)? j1C 70It 8ALI, ,(Iy Smack (IL,, I4,),i),. 1* wfinoundia?'i'?,&c-F)rp?!.ic??<?p'.y ? 11 Dunlop and Co, 4, Dock-chambers, Cardilf. H 3.5 ljyio ILNER'fl FIRE and THIEF PROOF SAFES. Agen J. S. Ktoue, ])",?kt,.t W.?k., Newport, Mon. GE1TJN C M AJUUED A 1 who 8r on the eve of -t. <jr iMxiatothii) blif,,l tt, .hnuhl PAY a VISIP to SI-.TH 611 FU ItNIS11ING GLASI .(I CHINA ?'A?KH'0'??.? ? 12, HMH-aTimET. BB.BTOL- Sec adVtlti6cWCUt& diit i. tuis paper. a PRIME CIDErt.—Fxtra prime, et for bottling for private customers and the tr.?doin 80 and GO gallon casks.-Apply to Charles Watk .?,, imp,?i.1 Wai-ohousa, ?Mf p?. C.,diff. °' 9?03jy8 SWANSEA.—To be S.-H, Ecod Short b3'He, snita!e o for gardens.- Apply at the Jdlery. Arm., Ox'ord- htretit"' ? MK'Jy4 rs-0 be "-I", a hanOsoire ?"t" of orawing-rojm Fa X t'i?'(walnut)-aix chl'rs two Msy ditto, and lounge w th centre table to match, inlail; also a U;;&n::i";iht'u-t:n:o Sidebortrd, carved ba;k, () f:et 7 inches by 2fest 3 uicnes, tho prjpjrty ot a la iy leaving Cwdfff.-I,'or V:titi?ulars a,.?ly t 6, Castle-roxd, ltoaili, Csroitf. 3193jy8 ri'íf¡)Ÿ coutract, the Manure ia a stable of twenty-four horses —Apply at jlr. Bon t's omce, Newtown ,t?tio-, Cdiff.  395jy CilDElt.- i'or Sale, 20 hd(b. of good family CMe; ? Apply to Mr. Wiw. ?siatmoor, Eardisley, R.SO. ?OJjyi a ard Mrs. BEER, o. SO, Caroline street, Car- ,¿: d'tf. are now prepared to offer the highest price lirL'.dies'and Gentlemen's Left off Wearing Apparel, Boots, A-c Paities waited upon, and P.O.O. remitted for paicels. 905lxng3 U M., ?.d Miss AUSTIN, f 6, Wiiidsor-tcr-aoj .lVl1'.8tI:af:tdB;I;:l,A ll1 r;i:hr-f ttey are now pr?pare? to otter the b;gh?,I ,ripL for iBd!ts', gentlemen's, and children's left- if W.lug Ap- parel, ?'oots  Rnd Sundries, Parties waited upon, or perm's f(?-?,d,d. P,/)O, instantly remitteJ, 697?d rro SHOEMAKERS —A Lot of Cast-iron Lasts, all T °sj lI:t.le:rd I..W.- bouse, bw. 3j5d rJrL o BUILDERS.-A Lot of Hmd? Weights, BM. .L row ?heo)a, Chai.?6 Ac.; oMferent Bhes.-Apply to B. Nightingale, Strand Iron Warehouse, SlVaDù SECOND-Hand Chains, with Loops and Hooks.—Ap b (ly to B. Nightingal??, St?nd Imn Warehouse Swansea. 8077d I'OR SALE, Ten tons of Str?.-Appty to G-onow J' Draper, F,idgt,?d. .8gjy 4, -.OR D' ''G' ll- ,i, J. Bird and Animal Fr<xerver, on Lew and Miea?a pliDeip?. Thetar?.to?.fGt.?SMe?mC?rdiS wh.le.le .d,etad. 801?31 T- 0 FABMKBS.-AtMUt M.MO rMdy-m?je sp?s f,r ? Sale.-Apply to B. W. U?eUin, C??rt colmin, HrMgecd. _?_ 312?? y4_ A7RIlFILIAL MANURES, ??d.Ily prepMei Bonea A for vwe borders, pet vincs, piDe8, Ci?nmbsrs. ?. Specially prepared .;ori:uibl kind, ciga?n crop? Surpa?? G?no. T?mp. sweio, and "gld manates, in small or large quanUUes AericuttMa). de- .a g"? seeds, can b? bt.i..d cif?Md h'. Co?. ;dJa:t:st.j'aet;l RMth, Cardiff. ''?' THREE RICK CLOTHS.-A Bargain.— Size. Price. 10 10 yards  17 6 12 yards by 10 yards 7 00 12 yards by 12 yards o o o ?f?u.???red:?Appty' to' N.' Pam?t?d Pons, 2, Victorja-fctreec, BristoL StS'd AKNESS.-A great 'lr¿tS:kf ullg¡ JO. pl,Ud on G.- silver, E5 I" 9d. A ?t of pony, plated on G, silver, ? 17s. Od. Both quite new. A set of Pony Br? H? =om, priM JU. complete, ail quite -? T. ,e. At P.?-&U m4e d?..Pl.t, v4i'i.- to?t, Br?tol. St3M INDIA-RUBBER HORSE SHOE PADS. Andenon. Abl,tt, -d Anderson, CMtte-etreet, Swanset.— Copy 0, %n. t Testimonial*:—"Gentlemen.-We t tifyi?g W the L?.ti ?l your h.?.?h I' ?bb sh. W. have them pu Pain' InÜuHubber Borse Shoe We have thcm on several of our omnibus horses, and find that they give great relief, particularly if the ia ,r- Y' be seen ?..r. ?. 'L rz k 0t,h.i?,t ?e ?f'er -ull k.?., b= I until we shod her with your shoe* We are, "'c D. C, A Co. From C.?i. C. Baird, Veterinary burgeon, Edinburgh?" 6md —Obe SoTd7a bargain, a new and beautifully-toned T Piano, in elegant '.Iut, -d -.d t-. f., 21 guin- cost 36.- May be seen at F-I.y-b ?T?rn-road? ?nton, Cardiff. 77M AMURICAN ORGAN, by Mason and Hamlin, ?ew T.rk7 6s. a few nnntbs <?o; Seven Stops. Including I-, T.i?, with Knz 87?4 't., 1. riI\IU<Fs ;anlaillt"ntwrt:¡ pi)rftct, and NuO to n?w. P'iceforc.?h, .MS-Addree)) S. B., Pott-offce, LlanaBy, C?wthenshim 8&Lod HARMONIUM for B:gi.; magnificent ,),,h,?tW tone; b-d..? -1?.t case 1'2 stops anil knee w?ll. Al- 4. Pianofortes by BrlnsmeaiL Broad :tlirkrn" c'ii:.r(or:oby:1"t, bKit,i ??, ??,L ply W A)". andorPhipps, r;lg;¡.6;A' ;& Harmoniums, for cottage* or schools, ? Ma.. HARMONILTDIS, to, "o8t = o? el,?= a WV?,di.1I vobt Celeste, 9 ,,eOl 10 atQpø and 2 .ete 01 reeds, 10 r7stor. io dp. -d 2 &&, for organ* and harmoniums. A choice selec t ion of pianofortes always in StodL-J. S. Dane and S<MM, organ buUdM*. SwaMe? MM° 't'g' P'-?'f" 48 *?S'?i ?uScnt.*°Ap?ya< 8, ??'? place, Eouthvit? CoronMMn mM. Bft.t< i!MJ?_  ly.t the F'O:I\: :t.:J;V::{: ,(;'04& I'D].. Naw IIl'd Sec"n,I,t.U\1 slt>M bad Billiard 1' Appty?thel'redegarAnM Hotd. But??. .I.' ami n:Wanll!tèJl. '¡"W. a:"1 Dùhle Honnls, .11 de -ipti4?. -?l b ty :b,l. to ch- t-. _u u a i ic Ua? Ash, Md BMch Timber, Ash t =N,k StavM. Ac., th.,?)u y silisonedaudlt for immediate use far c<rri?ebuUd!n.t.    MM.-Apply to MMtt?M M<t Qu&r?  ^Vnim-s Minebeael, Somerset. 7lii)4agU imhw" &?ki -h: l'inltt."il' hliiit)hesd, SOMMIA. 76LV"gl4 apply to John Bovoy aJid Co., ilold tzj= Xr?.t? Docks, Card«: '?? -WOK SALE, Bait? RaUwty SteoMM ad Tiba. }OrkIr.W- t,<wMi)h,C)m!it! Md ?twport Dcek?-W. RMtdtf. Agent, Newporl SOMnovM lU,nUW"" 'Wautl. Double- W .IDraWNi: :t'too .nd're to the ar.uare Inch, 36 feet long by 7 feet 6 ch.. t'J Sleet diameter. Price to iDctudu mounMt?* complete, Md dethered carriage Mid at Porth Statbu. Taff Vale Railway Ap ly to t;r. J. Tho. YnUhlr St.. C??t.??MtPe?rtdd"*?' MHiTt'" S+ltttllMtUit %'autl. i;;Af.iLÁM;ï;Hfm.¡ ;ý iiMtMT)*Wtmt<.)t«Htre.(t"m)'hJu?t., nth AURult a lar^'o Marquw, to l>e uwed ai a ;¡'P.fl tent. Terms to !>e went so mto Captain PtliiHr, A liu- W,t I,ig:,t I"fk,?ty Stuiti., f. a 7jy?, /<ANKi!.<"mC<,n<-h'.r?..?Wtn'.Mt?''m<.?. ?<iM.-A''d!<mU.J.t'.«tomc'Lliat)iy. ?7?t WANTED, an unlimited nomW of MemWrn t f W?Y?' '??".? ff.on.lon) WitrJj <j ''? f'liruing at the Rsgle Hotel, Adam street, CirMf w Fflo d, «ccr»;tsry..vr*.jj<; tt/t.KTKnJ t/M ?enU.;Hjta Uj send their ,.t,u.M to a aal,?d t 91. 14. W,,rk., 1, krraœ, Cardiff-J"hnMH'<Mo,Hytr. A.; 7?.?3. tttT fHATM tOU?iHON'MtLUtt-?tU "DO' nL?it CO.. CM<tM. who win for?d ?, U 01 ""Ie paper &u4 12 envolopw, sWo.tw-l | v,u-)ru any one, two, or three lett"*s. ot •#* UAft ri.^rcH. Al- !.?"S ?'<)?'<iSSM?S?tt? ?!<K???,? dlSetent desetaa, sent poet free toslJ stomps, for <y,dj-a Mper and 100 envelopes stamped ia any toUo* *,?«•. V. -??B' SlBD'SnH 8ea4ú. M, In X?< to OIms M? On, ('.MIII, wbn wfll_ jwu plate^th yom "ant ortrA ro'i 100 Ivory Oarda. and forsarl th« rn tr** to aos .44-T. MerohanH Tradeeaieb, aud I; raw:' Endonlnc IIacI:aJD8..t!!4 with yrau i^rra-, baaI. 'i«, and addroas, troM IBs. 6d.—YOUR N AMK. HiK? Vo«u umdo engraved on a brass or cine plau> for youi <ionr, tton Ce -Gi8MI BtoaeU VIa- for UW'ÖLa: ULtJ. 4ui IfiitiN'Aaa* uimo &. ocly, 1*. 64. P"'Jilt fr** \0(. ivm on rwlpt of itvnps to (ilva end do, Kn&afi* Id* .1 1,,kt- f;.W. &,?d 4 mm* SHAKES FOR AU:w.n- MMp,.in.< >nf V<tt- l>f<ra Gas— Addre^s.Pfya/ne Estate ?4 y.t. PlltlH<troet. :KP,a. )5;J'. Q?MM? ?BfVAtt.???.!?  S Notes 01 h'M Of HlUs *o r,< fxcw ,Zl?ddA)PI ly » Uoo.)!?o,J,??. f..f??:jt]<)tl?Mttt<<M<t ??C?t!'ji!; MK V' O TDK NEEDY.—A G?.tkWr_ '.lie foliowlnf sum ? o< MONZVo mt tm'Mortt?'?-? ?*M{'? MM, ?MM. tM. ?«..E'.X.??. '? S?O. Im A),DD, LW. IZM. zwl 3"-Tol, IOZ? IL ?-. -U-. S. Choroh^tetet. OsrdlS. T'TMCTLy rMVATH A?D (X?ttjnD?'L&L-iM ") MMbiAtT! CA?M ADVANCES to H,-hoM- raicirnen, Fsncers, Qot'rw-r^ a?:d othw*- Yhe j'; P-'K0t: = J"d"J:' rom £1,) 10 £ 300. whhou' romoval lnO(»VAlec<» In aiso, li wilrod, without jxiblkfty.—Amhr to Ur.L :SObrir:tii'ČI\JJd: t 'nlJlt No charge '\JÙ<8lho 1M' II 04vuae4. &Cia 1 f? HJ¡Au':e;1JIJt""frL'1C:1'd"œ: i-io Bute-road, Caraiit. Jmm^iate Ad- rn^s m p?,l &eClU¡, and to l ou^holders on thdll;a, aiture -d other effects, without publicity or reL'.cval. .11' bill. di,t?d t -,?y rates. A d vance" madt »l3o in plate, dlamonda, WAtcben, uad every dewritti jo of merchand A je. All c-tuLitiilcations sttirtly conn!«;a* ,,a]. The Proprietor way 'b. por*>r.aUy ooon'tM t ,\I \!WeL 7/ !Lag19  FEW'?10 tFKS?LtTES?.PP L tC A H 0 ? £ 10 to £ 300 May be obtained by respectable Honseholders cn their furniture and kfffcl., without removal trcm pr«mI«€H al«o. with"ut publicity, if 'L 'IRADF.SMEN who require yli?i Advanc., m'1 obtain eaite on depoKit of Surplus Stock, or tn^i Jon- able Goods, immediately on application. ADV ANCESar. ak, y 'n ""0 Jew«!Ury. Plate. Old China, Pictures, Fuv&itire, &c at a :¡): Old Chi -t Ap' rIy ?Mr.B. B L?ter, :0, Bate street, C?rl!f. Aprly to bir. ,I ONEY LENT by the National Deposit Bankj from £ 10 to £ 1,000, at a day's notice, for short or loot; perioo., in town or counhy, without publicity, to m..l .r female, ou tbeir note of hand alone, or up,n deed#, life policies, f?ittiae ,ith..t rcmov"¡' trade "1Ck. plaDt, crops, or faming implements (no sureti«i r? ;d)ro¿s[jOa:d\j\;f:t.ail:uri S' ?er ccNt.App'y personally, cr ii by letter, state amount required, to R Paroell. Manager, 87,York-road, WeetminAter-bric'ge road, 6 E. >' B.—Diatince no ¡ )jrlDÎ:-I:;r h""i., a treï'QC<ltb: ..cessal1" no genuine application is r?f.,d. W"t -d Branch, S3, Bloomsbuiy-street, Oxford st,eet, we. rtiBK MEKTH YH OrlHjWi^UV UVlLl>ilSO .JJJETY T/ïrg ¥8u:ffttv.t';i;t Sums of .£100 TO L10,000 REPAYABLE in MONTHLY or QUARTERLY INSTALMENTS. BORROWERS in this Society have SPECIAL ADVANTAGES not b.i.,ad in th.r Societk., fam private Individuals. TLe legal costs are paid uy the ¡;, and 1.1911 1.- so l his >tipiÙatd re-payments are made, is "d by ?e K?trM? nn?? Fhendty Society^ Aetj. The utmost secrecy is maintained. ?? partic\Uars, apply to Mr. E ROBERTA, t!.e O&M o< the i?ciay. M. VIGrjUU-?IKK.T. MERTH Y R. gusiinesiJ T EWIS, LATE BENNETr, 19, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA. This is the OLD CELEBRATED CABI- NET and UPHO! ViEltY MKUFAO- lory, where the BEST GO JD3 are to be found in ??outh W-1. PAI:TŒ8 ?npL'T TO FUR?ISS would do we!! to inspect the large Slock of SUPERIOR CABINET TORVITUfiE, BRASS AND IRON BEDSTE kDS. BEDDING of every de?iption CAR- PETS and FLOOR CLOTHS of all kinds, ..d of the N.t .-f-tu-, including every arhcle requisite fur complete CPHOLSTEKY FURNISHING. 8735ttba HE PEOPLE'S HARMONIUM, By Alexandre, in Solid Oak Case, PRICE FOUR GUINEAS. This Harmonium has been designed expressly to meet the frequent demands made for a =all inay-t of (l qal; ty of tone, and t a price much below these S?? so& ?t <.? g?. By the Md of the newly Invented ..hi.ry, -d the ..bi..d .1 =: Ã1" a1I¡;e :n'OM" Thompson and Shackell now offer the above marvel of cheapness, elegance, and good quality of tone, for Four Gulneas, It will be found invaluable for small Cla*s-rcom, Cottage, P.?l.- or Library. As a musical CBdtCLu it wia be Pprk?iat?d obr oth for Us W.t 6- sud pleating appearance. AGENTS FOR SOUTH WALKS, rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, 101, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. (AND AT CARMARTHEN AND CARDIFF.) 8759irs C 11 L llT 0 N 11 A 11 11 I NUSIC WAREHOUSE, 6, COLSTON-STREET, BRISTOL. PIANOFORTES. HARMONIUMS, AMKKICAfl ORGANS, Aim RAMBSMTS MELODY & PEDAL SUBSTITCTB ORGANS. HARMONIUMS (Mahoewy Cases). Five OslMaft. PROPaiETOR JAMES CLEMENT FOSTER. BMtti pUBLIC NOTICE. KIGHTOM AND CO. B?g to announce that during the Alt. -Uou M,t K> laiKcment o< their own Premises they have RBMOt to?o. 6, iHERtïö7, wh'3m the B??iu?? will lvc;rv'ie on M .?,U mGBTON -,1 ,0. h.v ,t.k of Pi f.rt,, by Kirk. C.U ?,d .I CoUaN. Bo i«l- ,wed, <md othBr Londoo Makrs; Harmtmiüw by Altiar.iro American rL by MMontlUld Hamlin and Geo. Woods and Co. RIGHTON AND CO., PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, AND ORGAN DEATHS, MUSI C-S E L L E R S, PIANOFORTE- ll'NKtiS AND b Bl'.AIRERS. 6' CROCKHgRrTowif, CARDIFT RTHURiLLISÖN:-iï.owäïdoUi- A ???W -< L"t"') A?nt for R?u*i?n? (U?'. M?) M?J?DY Md P3DAL SUBSflTUT* -L.1 9. hM MpiMty MMt H.R.H. ,be Princess Louise, a> S"'='? ? Win,!Joo,>r Caatles, ARTHUR A1.MSO.V3 Karmoninma, from 5 gs. to lW g&  Arihub Aiusons Broad Beed Organ, from egs. »• ARTHbB AliiW» C-ttegs Manwaln. fm t' Q g" A.RT/fUR ALL!rr8 &hod BMBfD? 1t.12 fo? AR T=WO ?S Be_ Ham?aimm. H CL 9& 90 gs. AllTH1:a ALLlSOlÖ B<J1sdoo.. Batmorl11JJ\. U) gate 52ga. ARiHtB Auj^'s Charcfe Harm riiiu, 16 g^to^^ AKmtB Allison's Gcnc<* Barm.o:m. IN ga. t** 140 gs. Arthur Atunon'a Padal Hannoaiom, wiUI- uot two Man.w., from S6P. A.,CH?% A.?oz4 P-i.u MMMtiMtMM, H6. W?tour;:Lmt W, Tin. tn?e mppH?t. WhOll??d ÁV,u':1 ;w;J:i=d RIGHTON, 74, C,.dLh.W-. 69<M 1 B' URNISHING GLASS Asn CHINA W AKa r JMUSR. LICKNSED tlcrUALLKBS' aLAS? DEPOT. SNH THOMAS It & l?' HMM SrKEET. BRISTOL A Discount of Tweuty-flve per eont. 011 French Shades, all Hises. New Lot of Neat Bonier Pattern Dinner Ware, New shape* Dinner Sets, New Shapes and Patterns, 47 Pieces, for 1. fld. A.n Dinner Seta, RkMy a ilk 06 pi" f.l 3" AU thb b.. bi.& Skek Patterns, b* -th.,i any tima OUt China Tea Service, full set of 40 pieces, for I V Euaaelled and Gilt China Tea SeniCG4 ncbl1 p-iinted% from IÓIi. to tlU. DeLvrt qlrvi? from 17L 6L mt. Bedroomï:it :d. W \¡ f JÛ' s::n. fro K?hXt. ?-?