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PHEPAIB SCALE, *t' 'd cr Wnn,< Apartments. T»t «n4 rroouutnydl, vMi.v-ielnlaiiwiii \tiI'm;;¿ I 'Ør 81l l} VKKPAID and ord"Td f consuti™ J^frtionj are ip.t;'rt{d tb "W ('f.tm Mail" ind *r*3-nK Eipress" a the followinz ratea:- WORD OKC*. THR' 'I o.:JX O}l;('£. 'l'[MF.S. ']ntP:. — i «. d, ,<1, s, d. 12 or Joss 0 6 1 0 1 6 13 to 19 J 0 9 1 6 2 3 20 tQ 26 1 0 2 0 3 0 27 to 33 1.3 I 2 6 3 9 34 to 40 | 1 6 3 0 4 6 Kaoh extra 7 Words or, 0 o 0 6 0 9 t"1nf ID aE CùlN name R: addrow ere counted 1M part cf tho advertisement. If a:ttrnate insertions are required o;1ï.Ad-;rti;: I ment iq not prepaid credit lut vri1 hp charged, and no Advertisement will be looked for II less amount than THREE SHILLINGS "hi ,ac dfi not apply* to K«»;utry OtIW "nd Bus.ir.psa Advert. c?n»-nts. or to Ad'dt_sewent8 emanating from Put\i- it -die*. remittances f\Qnf>8 r Valllt Office Order* shou'd bP rermttM pr> t< re rice to Pr\«tft*e Stamps. i\vsta?:e Stamps 'Hal.'pennv- j*re not refused, but, a* they are often 1«*« iT1 t1\;> 1\I.t they must, if remitted, bo $t'11\ at i the "nril'r'q r¡ 1,: Cheque* and PO.'s should l vrouo* .r:J n.ase payable tj) D W. T.H""S, Tb. Clerks at the T»ri»n« Offices nf thr "Weston "Mail" have instructions tn render every assistance to Advei* t'sera !n prrp.ir;r.2 aid drewtne IIp their Advertisements, '0 as to pi?»» th," fuuest inti..lrm3:ioD la the least p06slbe number of «ora*. ANSWERS 1'0 ADVERTISEMENTS R'Plte.s to direct,d t., the "Wwm Mail" Offlre w11 tip handed out on production of a ticket, which may b* obuiued when the advertisement is ordered, or they .U: bo forwarded to the Advertiser's A fdreas, provuliug stamps to cover postage are AU". Ii i..ti \T>VFRTT^KP.S are rnutiorpd thr.t Postmasters ar NOT allowed to Politer Letters Addressed tv Initiaa • F > us Naraes øt any rot-ofthJ letter* "!H' "1 tll Initials or Fi< titiotis 1\ro"8 miwt bt-ar 1h* ftddrn, of m* \dnrtiser or one of Offices tbo ••Wojit^rr Mail" Tn Teplyin? to AdTertisftnenta fhnaid JPfl\t'm1-pr nat., as & rne. AdHnirs reijmro tl1e folJow- b¡; information* — INDOOR 8F.RVANT^ Ap». height, experier^e. rl:we d pio^ent and fonnei employer, aDd ,ç1\¡. r"'1::Ti',1 OrTDOOtt SF.R"T. A. experience mtrr^d or !oIm:I', number (If hmll1 It n;:Hrfd LJ[t:"6-:nt RDd former employer, aud waci."8 len-Tt d O!n"i.L TKSTIMONIAT.S sbr-nld rever b e: • o«hJ with repair* to adTertif»fmont-» addressed to tbe* Ma.l" oeivca OLY SllOUW In: 'EX1' ^ngonaU ■TiriTAM OXIiFY, «.IV.^ft:re-sfT3eant PaM-.f? "T IIÍ"r-,?t .¡ l; t 9:I' :tti::t,: a,:) t1: T' T¡\rnal! wi3;[lt: frii-ndi trar(d.lI!drt'8S 6. Lower t';t..I"drnl-r(:d. C'aid.ff. illatrimonmU r p \V(> M-r.-Tor A W:d. «. r, 43. « rhi!d poiv.j '¡ W? ¡¡:"Ir/11nè'h(\ ,i;t' w;:h iVo V 01 juufaMe as-. Ww t » )1utrmwu/. r^ij' h-sn ••r. Uimcoed. lu'ar CiuJîft 2l85a6 î{iQ: iii v-Iookirjjr, with iuconip. Wisht* to Mevt L'idy Sou:e Means. th<>roush!y respect* 8:.1, of quiet dt.nii!titicn: {lprf<:>d!y t'1mlat" and con*, h^nt-.ii.-Apply M S3. Wesfcra MuU. Cardiff. ZJ0615 G. }:TI.}O1%A. 27. f0nd « f t'1.les.. Ui. Wishes to M- ?t a resfieftab!«^ Lid?, View to Matrimony.— :\1 55. \V itHn Mai'. Cardiff. 195:,17 Ogt riitii jfûun11. ..r- "1:'d-'LC'\t, ic Cbaaiborrnniho ")(\.1. I ff:v f"1 "•«'"•• t':1 Au-n.-t 3Cu. » Uot! \<1otdl. «ith Shot* < na as-i Trinkets att.'1t b«d.—Abon> r-ward mil 1,0 ,0 fidtr on returnio^ fon;» to 14, l.url:»time- '• rra. e. 75437 It)ST, Browti Hjisp, 15 h-luda; switch tail; white J f-vld:- rjjrk. ot: c3 front lo_- iittlc knot above t r"(;k: find.r Tfwó1rùed,1ddrus John Dar[.-s. AIx. 1I'T:rna.d. Swaiuca. 2156a10 LOST. I'jrdiSI lliHlut I«t inat., thiciwt Wh.te F, x Terrivr Btt.-b: bj«fk f.nd tan ou head aid ear. d!;?:?târ;3K£2: Mail d 9 211M LOjlT. \lt-2i-tI\[uII-Y-orkbire-T-rrit..t; Unlet rt waid.d —34. Catbror81.rod. Cardiff. 20°9;il3 T 0>T* i**J«nkM J O:'T, Terri( r Dv; white breast iMtoh; _f ro;!ch .uk prey and hrowu coat; ",wnrd- ;rner. 48. t )(t\f.tr£(t. Cardiff. 2û11a5 S TIUYKH from Cats»«n" ..a Auitiu» '^dT'liriw J K*n'K«nx P-v: answer, to name 1 r™ "■ reward.—Tud r l'rintics Works Tri.S-ir- • 7CS71 iBusiral. v, J', 'v. I ■• rT', \ty :(:¡:. t'rJja;)-.w:; "'plcmbet 10th.—52, De Buuh-strevt, \;r-J. :¡E2:;t:¡:: >■ c u ertitu. and Pmno; nearly new- 2 4 Kldoo-atrwt. Birkenh d 2253-»6 \ln\ T- Pww. AB.C.o A.Mt i i». Trin. ColU Lon- v i. don. I. > M Resumes Ie\«.«<»n§ ThU We^t Vio'in t:[£}t;il'i,; i "fl- 200MI PX— AXOKORTB TuBint-H. f. Webb Mate »ith H«nb aa. 1 S 'iif): t.ras-Cardiff, .I s. (d. r "1b F«nauvd; estlWQts giren.— Address 8. (':1r!t< "t, (,d; 1925>t7 T T A^l S Bou"ht- s?c': d d 26 ycars* pmetic-a Z L experience!.—MilWr. 16. An-od.\ Bristol. 70362 "J L\XOFOnT': (rjr.gi»t Iron Grand;.—Medi. nl ^Mtler.\«*i, !3"¡r. for o,at of War. Ot!N.4 f. iutifu! Walnut anli Marqueterie Piano ,pn octaves, full triohord. check aotinn; n<*w this -• u-oti: n¡¡.:wa.! 1 rirp 5\) iaiinoa?. take 20 ::ll.nn: ftt ,I.y dI,1.1I'w:r'a; 110 P!lf' (.'I"d .i'l'ir.' a b,IL(I. ';hr "a a h.u:d- ,lr:r,'lI!: ':Ir-L:" ¡,¡ 'I' i1 !:qt :t; «■ t-r.-M-di-. 193. S.w l.-nd. ii T.17CS4 .;t'tlcl;nr al. r pO 4 U Mnaa-jer »r A^ist^nt: riua' TO ;u:ri\}J :r r ;'rth:I: r: a' d trustworthv; JlfrU:ln"n{ f dÜ":rJ; r>utdoors; at ,rty one IIlOl1b from nnv !is"1i ¡htè; (.1C'U'"nt f(ft:. w-X 91. We?t.r:, Ma", C'8r,Jitf, 2173«20 C^HEMI>TS As#i<tai»t immediately," Branch. Colliery District; W*L*h; «Utaia^r.—X 4, Western MhsI Cardiff. 2235"11 "r Cl:[:.ríi; c. tooth ff ♦■xTivtur preferred.—Ctark, Chemist, C«»bnru. BTfet. Cardiff. 2153.10 D -1.r:I:t.m1-i:t; • Cardiff, has a Vacancy for a w*U*dtirat.vj fJ'Vitlemanly Youth 88 Appreutice. 18)486 FO:1ítruli: Sale. Practice, nituuted ftIJta p «»a- *ant country. South Wa!i-s: r^'urns about £ 300 • :th scope fùr increase; iII.h"!Ith ran«e of dispo«V — Acply M 34, Western RiI 0111"" Cardiff. 1867»6 •fTTAXTKD 'indoor or out) Sunjica] Pres?er and » Di^r-iwrship; lone exp^ri-^cfi; etite salary.— Apply M 30. Western ail, Caidiff. 183936 LOrrr>I Tenons; d:«*r.?a?ed; experienced.—M 79, ^Vp^rra MaiU ('I!f. ZI07"6 MKDICAL Pra:tice V\ant"d to Purchase ia Cá drff; about £ 600 to £ 9?9-—Addre^a Box 98, v. !< :-r.s .\r.; rti-ir. Ogi^. h-^ f-r 2064«3 <Clertcal. J^XPKHIl-IXCED Lay Acent Se«»k3 Emploympnt EX:{;llLJ:t f'rEg});t:: -Apply M 56, Western Mail Office. Cardiff. J956»7 C"1ÂHD!F¡.rrkt Wanted for i"if'n Church in Piri«h of Canton S. ,Tnn' stipend £130- Apply !{••• t' r M C.1n!(!, Caru.u. I3" £ al3 LtJ¡t. W.-W.tnt" d, Clerk; must bo w.m i shorthand 14 A ¡;;dtriL:¡¡DrJme ::f)W:f' t::1 t;itíns salary required, ftt K A., Western Mail' Nnvport. 3177*10 F1d'\COli':lt-fft:r::A! C!» rk; tO'-dfr.Uc preiniuui for intelligent youth; small •alary.-M 86. Western Mail, Cardie. 2121a10 LAW —Clerk :24l Desires to Reenter Lawyer's Off\ >> In South Wa!»'?; 10 years' experience; shorthand etr.d typHt; h¡!:t.lf8t rr forence.s; moderate salary to -<7. E., 4. Loudon, SK. *5 ^rholajtic. B °ii/ )',7II;;¡I;; £3P;- I;ttl:- and Mi<^5 f ''tu k i:.s. ltfiir d '-is, £ 3 l o eiuart* r. -Whitthtdi. s liaise School, Moutj-vlif r, 'MtoU'3u'Yalf' cau rf mam holidays. -_u 2282»ll SKKRRY'S Civû SfTTice and University ColieijeT ("arti;1!w TdW Now Commencing m AU )),>paftru,lJC: preliminary hiW and lu-dical, coUcw fo::ran- ro, awl Civil jj■ rvice f-.taminati(,n-; th.Qrou;;b. 1 ..pid tuition; 1.253 aUI'CCíI:1f'a last year.-O-wult S'I re- tnry. ('o1:p. 203, St. ar..tr, Cu dJtr, as £ 30 tõ £ 35 per Annum.—Pupils Received in &0"d ancj c*J }l1b'y-r('Cl')m[ut'Ld,:rt Schools at Above Fees.— A.iply to n 25. Western Mail, Cardiff. 69921 1->1: \"ATK Tuition (Lady Teach'rv-i'upito Carefully X Ud, LX;'UU-Y 76, "estern a¡[, (:u- <1.11. CL::I;I::t: £ ai- £ 450: anir., War. Kxc,5p, Customs OtBci'0; vacancies now; open to 8:1, ft"fl 16.23; 11nnp.C;iary; special tx. plaD"ti,ry pamphlet free.—Secretary, Civil Service Bureau, Albert-hall. Kdiuburfh. Z061aa Teachcrs Wanted. GOOD Home Offend t'^ Lady in Roturn f«*r Morn- in- Tuitioa in French. I'aintin. Musii, ar.d N « tiU having ..ftE<rtloon en^iiiremento Ilrl. ■f- rr-d; al: fnuci ♦xu-pt !auDdry,- 10, Western Mai!, Cardiff 2241a7 PKNCAK National (Mi*4.d) "School.-Wanted. 1st o. itiber, • rtirtcated i8trt"; salary £ 55 and hillf sruut alneod tr rhUdrt-ii; ureteze atU iida:we 30. int lC'a.;t(! quite p^itl"; harmonium; know:;tIe 1)1 Welsh a rt'ulIulDfl<1,hon-pply. with reccnt testi- ¡¡)ortia!. Vicar, Callwcn, Ylitrüd;ynlais. Brceoruhire. ull \SSISTANT Tea-liers of Ahl:. Required f.,t Llanbradach National J>chooU; state salary required.— Apply Rev. H. 6\10[¡¡:aU. Llanbradach. Car* dill. 22390011 J)I1'I\) Short band- Y"un'.J,ii'w"b.. I^ssotw T fK'iu u Lady Tf'alhr.-K14dly et4kte ttnD. W 13, W ""I,rn alL Card,tI 2248"7 X7"AGANCY for Two Assistants (Male);must be competent in all biamhes of postal work and thorough knowledge of 81llg nt-edlt'l)os.hnB8tfl, Masateu* -u_- 70429 WANTKD. a Useful Nursery G:r!i isix. eight); must be willin? to assist with child Dearii two; mWHC. drawincr, driliing, needl woman; Chorrbwom:¡n.-State aue, salary, eDclo8 pbr.to, witb JefenD(;e&, Mis. Ge..Hg. Cartref, Hir* Teachers Wantod Contlnuo-J. PONT J l'OOIi Town SchooL—Assistant Mistress 'Art oO; Want«-d immediately.-State salary quired A^ A. VVilUams, Mat-sderwen, Ptiiitypool. 17/J.iio I^L^orN'ti l,;vdv Kn-Hv-cmMit Uaily Gnv.ni^a L ''hldi. n, 'ard.ft or .V h boniho-d; 1-1 t.u- l^h. niu.nv, 1* rciith, diawin^- M 80. WevMeru Mail, C'ani,t T 2132ul0 IjlXPKlUKNCKP, Qualitled tioven„«M IVsircs lte- J enia^un-'it. Couutiy House.—Uovernew, 30. Part- r.d-v-roa d Cardiff. 2170«12 "IT7"ANVEI). Situat fon ae Daily Govern' iu the Ab^rdare. Pontypridd, or Merlhyr Valleys; ex- J'- r, -!(T( 11cert:?ic:»ti* d cx(.*l!c!it refer* nc.. >. M 33, W.'tem M r. Cardiff. 186^6 C«<MI-OltTAlil.K Ol!l Tvi.i I,ailios, 10-T v" k ,f.'Ui.try Awist I'iani f. k tii«, ,1'in lireMiiiakiiii; ) .-M 10, \t.rn "l\^ANri'.D, I'sefu Help; farmer' dauirhter prL- ? I ferred; ho Servajit.—lu., Stamp Ollice, Aher- b'tttcun y 2'j54*i8 W^ANTKr^ 1 .H f ul H.ip; quiet place; family two? ?? Ciiur.-h; n-iishin*: ut; h.»v kept.- M rs..T.>u..g, hitchnr. ii Vi^ aracc. ijoiva, Pembrokeshire. 2033;*6 K0 ':KJ''FPKR f«>r Workiui? Man; no fumily; 4j.-t)9; cinmtrv place.—Leopold, Briton Ferrv. ad nOFSKKKKPKU Want.d; able to ,no k {p!«ui\ with littlo knowltd^e of diessmakiii^; poo<l refe- r 'u.v; wi d ow (uo cbildren) no ohjeet; p»o(i home — >>rit.j J<-hn Protheroe, U. yal Oak Ilottd, Trcher'-ert irAXTKD, Working Housekeeper—State iu:«\ f f lef^rcneee Oweu Roes Pcnyvui. Briclj;- "VrTANT.H. I* a superior Girl, not under 1§] to so to v t Ih-ul-va .Switzerland).—For all particulars npply 26. I.r>n« l '"ti-roa d Neath. 1426*5 Houoekoopora, Companions} &c.f Want l,adv a3 Companion and ILlp where per- X vant k-pt; f-.ud of diLidrcn.—tApply Miss U hitc, r-rr Lea, Penarth. 217^10 VS Working Housekeper; pooid cook; 33: two }"ears' TetTC!af.-R., 2, llerbirtstowu, Crmulin. 2215^11 WANTKi>, by Younp Lady, Situation as Com* panion aud Useful Help.—Apply M 95 Western KNT1J-1MAN S pjivhttr as Companion or House* T Utvpcr; bnelit. douu-stirated. and musical '.piano ft:I sijiu'iiii. Frtuch •a.^UiKd abroad;; excellent lefe- re* M 71. \V»*8tcni Mail Otfice, Cardiff. 2067*5 POST Housekeeper Requiretl. by Widow >>xpo. rit-ae^ l t<> Clerctyman or Others; well r««>nu- ?t>ndcd; dfetfusafttfd.—V., 14. Pkton-place, Canu:-r- HOUSKKKKPElt to Gentleman <^r T.ady w h ere per* \aiit u ni-d d 't -a^cd; trood plain couk; :ir'y r.ser; p«»o d rtfeiemvs.— L., Mcs. Allen, Coppice U;d, t ra< fo rd-o n Avon. igog t X^ANTED. triistworihy, lapaKe Nurse f' tl r- o h i' > f sl:^u: ciitire ehar^ of .xoun^ baby; uf. I- r;. e required.—Mrs. Davey, Sh<done, Bntou Ferry, all "V rRSL-llouafiiiaid Wi.ntid; not undvr 18; c«nk and lioikit-pa.ourutaid k«11; wa^cs £ 14 -App.y, a.- e exptiivu.v. and icieren-vs. U. Wu..«, 18, WANTKD immediately, Nurse-Housemaid; one little gill of 7—State uce. wa^, with r-ie- r< Mr. Lloyd-Harru«, l.lau0*aduck, Car;i. ir: a- "ITTANTKD, experienced Nurse for Baby Six W e. ks v —State wua'es Mrs. Sampson, Poulurdulai^. a7 WTANl'Kt>, thoroughly goc»d Nurse for Two i'hil- » v dien (eldest 4 J must have good reference. a -red aUrnt 24; «ood needlewoman.—Apply H. P., Wes* V Tti Mail Oitice. Swansea. 2153«10 CHILI) LKN 'S Nurse; experienced; yoo d necdK woman; wages £ 1 8 .-Mrs. B., Treholford. Bwlch, WANTED, a respectable Young Girl t.^ Look After T> Ou Child, 2J; tble to stw.-Hali Moon Hotel, NURSK Wanted immediately; a?ed about 20 —2 7 Corbctt-road, rark-place, Card.tt. J777a3 WANTED, ah-uit 29th September, thorougblv eood i' o- k k.teheRmuid kept: country M?uati%n; n resist;y: slate wa^s.— Address Mi?. Samsou, Scotch* "fTTANTKD, Youug a»ok-G n-ral at once.-Apply ff Kin/s Acre, Field's ParU, Newport. 2269*11 PLAIN Cook Wanted; two in family; boy kept for kiuvts and boot. (.-oo d rof,'reiict.* r-sjuir. d. -• Apply, stating waits aiid all particulars, Vach«\Nest House, Lla:;twit Ma j or. 2233*11 CtOUK-Ut-neral Wantetl in a Gentlsman's Fam 'iy; J wa^-s. £ 20-—Apply Mrs. Elhs, 12, Pittnlle-lum WA-\i.tiD. in quiet Country Yicarage T steady, re^ •pettable Woman, Plain Cooking; also Girl to Tram as House-Paviourmaid.—Apply, stating wa^es, iU^ h riK> d L'vswcn, Bre^nshiiv. 214ja6 PLAIN Cook Wanted; kiichemnaid kept; baling; able to niaua<ti ismall dairy.—Apply, with parW-u* Urs, to Mrs. Lmdu?r, Nautygroes, Llaudrindod, Had- WANTED, Cook-Oeneral; iraws £ 15. Also House- uiaid; £ 13.— 2 1. Uiehmond-road. Cardiff. n5 COOK igood Plain) for Newport? variy^i T mberT three in family.—Apply Mrs. Moxon, Duoraven Hotel, Southemdown, Glam. COOK-ticuera! Wanted :romediate!y7 two in family —Apply Mrs. Alfred Stone, Cam Villa, Omherslvy- WANTED, first week iu Oetober, a pood IMain Cook; kiteht-ninuid kept: country place.—Miss llarries, Llauunwas, Solva. South Wales. 70-iQl GOOD Plain C(»o k September 19th.— State v.ugvs -Mrs. 15., Treholford, Bwlch. Breconshire. 70395 I lOH Mumbles, go-hI Cook; hall and one room to do; iious—parlourma.d kept; ^mall family.—H. M., >\estcru Mail, Swan^a. 1959«7 WANTED, a g.« d Pia;n Cook; two In family; ff thro servants kept.-Apply Hillside, WANTED at once, good Ct*k.~Apply Mrs. Ware Riiar Bank. Penarth, Glam. 1855i^6 WANTED, experienced good Piaiu"Cook f«>r quiet country place; kitchenmatd kept; ire^d re:«. Tpnees ir.dwpensab!—Apply, stating wages, Mrs. Howel G!a«rant, Emljn. 1345a6 GOOD Plain Cook; Chuichwoman; countrj* near Swansea; two in family; lib-ral wacea.—Mrs. G. linker Haynes, Brynhir, Penclawdd R. S O 1822^5 COOK-General Wanted for Penarth: smaU family- housemaid kept.-K 79, Western Mail, Cardiff. a5 WA. xEI). for Cardiff, Soptemb^r 5th, good Plain Cook and House-Parlourmaid; good ref<T«?w"ee Indispensable; Cbuuh of Kn^amd girl preferred — Apply M 19. WestTi; Mai!, C;ud;ff. I77°a5 House and Parlour Maids Wanted. PARLOrUMAID or Hoiwe-Parl..urmaid Wanted immediately: som^ housework; y«»od plate-cK-amr arid waitress; undT3tand lamps; experifcountry situation.—stat^ age, wages, particulars N 17. W-?mu XTTANTED, middle September, experienced llousf- f f Pariouvin&td, Geut:eman's House.— O m HOCSE-Parlourm+id Wanted; housemaid ke p t.- Apply, with particulais. Mrs. Harrap, Gwaun- I1XPKKIKNCED House-Parlourmaid Wanted- e«x-» k J and nurse kept; wuge-, £ l6- £ t7.-Applv, giving a-<\ oxperieno*. and references, H. Waira, 18, Cathe- WANTED. Hot^e-Parlourmaid; three in family; Nurs** kept.—State age, wage, experience, Mrs At-chley, WarmJcy, Bristol. 2206*11 WANTED, a strong Housemaid.—Apply J4, N«- w port-ioa d Cardiff. a8332 HOT -KMATD Wanted for the third wee k iu Sep. a-i r^witizmaid, to und»nako parlour- n;a v to Mrs. T. D. Harries, Gtosvcuur SIN' •' Housemaid.—Write, wages and r»> f e- -urs. i; i'reholfoid, Bwlch, Breconshire. WANTED. exreri« uied Honse-Parlourmaid.—App'y Mrs. Alfred Stephens, Brconihill, Kidwelly, WANTED, Nurse-Hr.usemaid or Housemaid.— Apply Mrs. Mackay, 23. Cathedral-road, Car- WANTEi), good General Servant.— Apply at once IvUvaid Kces, Auctioneer, 109, Hoiton-road, WANTED immediately. Trained General Servant; ab<jut 20— Sunnyside, Komilly-road \V<*t, Car- ENERAL Wanted immediately.—Apply, between CI X V) au l 11 a. m Hollautou, Fair Oak-road Roath WANTED, good General; aced 23: or Widow {36>7 a«;eust>>u»;d t.» uhitdren; washing put out; Cf>d wages paid.—Apply, with reference, 106. Llandaff- roa- i Cauton, Cardiff. 223laU "VfTANTED, a g->d < Tenera i Servaut; country; no f f washing.—Mis. Thomas, Boverton-piace. near WANTED, superior General Servant, ased 30—40,' good references, for Lady in Oxford.—F. Jl WANTED, experienced General, Able to Do 1'iai.i Cooking; housemaid kept.—Apply to Mrs. I.eiki^ (with particulars), Underwood House, Pontypridd, all WANTED at once, a good General Servant; able to do plain cookiug.— Appiy. any eveuius iH'twcen 7 and 9» at Bengairn, Niniau-road, Roath Park, WANTED, Young, experienced General; wagee £ 12- £ 14- Also Nurse-Housemaid; £ 10- £ 12; youngest 2k. Reference* required.—15, Edwards-ter* race, Cardiff". 2172a6 EXPERIENCED General Wanted immediately for 1'eiiartn.—Apply 254, Newport-road, Cardiff. o6 WANTED, good General Servant; aged about 22; email famiiy; must be strong and .willing; wa-'vs £ 14— Apply H. O., Western Mail, Swansea. «6 WANTED, an experienced General; wages £ 14; uuiso kept.-Apply 16. Princes-etreet, Roath, WANTED, General Servant; good home; small family; country girl preferred.—Write, stating wiges, Mrs. Thomas, 52, Trafalgar-terracc, Swan* WANTED, experienced General; nurse-housemaid kep^; good character required.—Apply, by letter, e-r ufter eix p. m Mrs. Wakeford, Meadow View, WANTED, experienced General; good eharact*r 7 three in family; no children.—Boeboetan. 52, CUve-p] aeo, Peuarth. 2096^10 WANTED, a good General Servant.—Apply 53, The IMMEDIATELY, good General; nurse lreptT w es r £ 15—Mrs H»rt, Bute-road, Cardiff. 2013«8 WANTED, Yount ? Qirl, about 15, Understands Knitting Machine and to Help in Honso; com- fortable home.—Apply, statins salary and reference, to Harries, Cycio Works, C'aerleon-road, Newport. 1978a7 GOUjj General Wanted immediately; reference re quired.—Apply 50. Conway-road, Cardiff. 1929*7 WANTED, a good General Servant.—Apply Mrs Davies, Lismore, Bassalleg-road, Newport. a6 j fTANTED, a General; housemaid kept^MreT w| I Tbc Gttbt'e, Stow Park, Newport. 1257»5 HEALTHY, experienced General; over 21; help given; good home,— 5 6, Cathedral-road. Car- i i.i j roepectable Qoueral; three in family,— t V *IV l, ,t- r or between eix aad eight li.ni.. 29, Hi. liin.md-ruiii], Cardiff. 1801a! XXTA-VTW) at ome. denil Girl tor ItouM- '11 v' one used to childreo A. Pl> .v 114, KH'liiiiiiinl-rnacl. Cardiff. lSloai Uantort for Country; mi i s f be JLV stioii, state use, eiperiei, cod ie f e. r. RHimrwl-AiMrt*. Buwt, lleuupro, Cowbriitg*. l -irt'HKXM.V J K ltequirnl i«r 291b H-pfcmber T '• ld.~Adiln« Mis. Sainsou, Sei.tihwell, A hIT V I"KM'u, NVant!"1 st "<"■'• ■ «i'"ut 18-Ain)ly to M.rs. UiU. Uplands, Wrinptou C 1X_ 01.K liimded taund F ;« Write n:ago i lmd^ref ? kj relict1 j., Mrs. Ii., Xrelioiford, Bwleb, BreeoiiKhir* Female Servants Want Places. ?0"1 ^ould" Wke""l»4b~i om NMiitli. -N 2. Western Mai!. Cardiff. 2218a? V^ r''Situutiou g'K)d Cook-Geueral.—M 92, ,»r W.stern Jliul, Cardiff. 2183a6 WA J' S n. "u"a «» C.Hif T "di»?ngait«l.-Appl» »¥ 1p.. M., ,1 Cwml.wrla, Knauseu. 2046o5 '■■ Situutiou us r.:i!oiirnmid in Small 'V-e J 23; wages £ l8- £ 2 0 .-W„ s. St. W.H. .wpa. rj n.wp.wt, M o n. 2085»5 l'l-; 1! IKXCF.l") lionse-l'arlf nriuaUi; rhorouu'b; 4 nli.ili!.■: well recommended.-<iiav, 8, Qnoeu- TtXriiinilXCKl) Nurse; a! Housemaid snd »k lt«:!ieraL—Gray, 8, Uuccn-atroet. Cardiff. a8 COOKS, ncuse-l'arlouraoids. Num. Gentri\!a Di». entM.ed; good thuraeicrs—Castle Registrv, Duk*. r 1800« TtrAJCTKD, V.iotmau under butler. ].pl~ ]ii i fw" ? » UlaubrydiiU i'uik, MauordeUo, Carmarth. u- GilOiiM-Ooaehruao; ab» u\bip to Ju.Uk and Mnke lIiLiseil' tii nt nUy Irs,\tul.~Apply to h' « 8 rem Mail Otlk.?, Xewiiort. 2295a7 YOt'XO Mau Wanted for Puriu Work; live in.— Samuel Ko:<e, lllaekpiU, Swansea. 2260a'll /"l ltOOM 1{.quired under Coaebmau r ti. live in T al»"ut 20—Turner, Vennwo.-i d Hereford. 2C13«7 WA 2 TK". ^"rri<Hl Mau' WPl1 »P iu Kitchen and T» H..iwer (iurdenin^; waues, 16s. per week ai.il in iise. l. y,.i.Mt. n M. Clears. 2203a« V y AXTKlt, Two Mm. pood Milkrni T r»4 to Cattle un.l Horses; rfioisr employment; under .over i. n wet weather.—W hiting, Abcrdare. 2141*10 WANIF.1I. Taeful Farm Mau to Look After Cows and (Tird.ii, near Canunrtl.en wa es 15« a W"" j and m>od cott«se.—Apply M 73, Western Mail, "IXTANrKn, a Worki-lit HaW# tor SrunU Dairy "T r: wife to a«ist J'1 llii' Y •' M- it free to suitable Pre,errPd. V. ir,' W •! i 11 l.-aalnaJ'- 1906a6 WA.VTKO at ..ace, smart., active Single Young .Man as I r.der Keeper; must know his work K' ud r, f' rertr.s for honesty and sobrieiv.— M *»j. Western Mail, Cardiff. 70375 WANTKD. Younir or Single Man (indoorsl Used i-arm, (an Mi!k; trustworthy; good rtf»reme; good wagu».— M 57, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1965a7 WAN'lED, a thoroughly experi-nced Gardener.— Ajiplv, etatinc age, wa'^es required, ref»>reuces &c., to Wyudham Thomas, Maindeo Hall, Newport WANTED, a Boy, about 13. tot House and Bur- r'ery.—Apply 9—10 or 6—7» 21, Charles-street Car- Malo Servants Want Places. Situation n* Gioc.m-Gurdouer: 1 0 years' v v ptTieruH; aged 25; ex^vlU-nt charccti-r; out- doors.—Davaw, 20. Spcncer-stivet, Cathays, Cardiff. a7 "T7SRANTED Situatiou. Coachmau or Gioom- C oa.; h ff man; exjhTicnced with hunters or harness horses; single; a^i-d 25; four years' excellent character; time years, previous.—C. Locke, Greeufield Pr.steu-n 2228-7 AS UTmira-Coachmau; good character; able to ride and drtv»» widl; married; small family.—Jamtd John, (iiible Cottage, Manorbier. 2209*11 SITUATION Wanted by Young Man as Gardener ? Riugje-handed pref.frred -vVppty W. Can ley. Tho Gardeus, Northlauds, Winchester. lilS6alO WANTED, Situation as Gardener or Groom-Gar- dvner: mariied; aged 30; good references Apply SW-umn, Park-plucu, Brynmill, Swansea. a6 AS Groom-Coaehmau or Helper; agod 24; life ei- ptiicruoj j;de, drive, pair or single; thoroughly uiui'Tstanda hnnt^rs; good reiercnoes.—C. II. Brown,' "Vl^^VNTED. Situation as Under-Gardener; good 1 V iefor:-ucaa.—Apply J. Fortey, The Stone House, Duffryu illa„'P, St. Nicholas, Cardiff. 2105*10 A>^ !18) Seeks 8itaatinn as Groom T ride and ■I X drive.—Apply Wm. SJocombc, Hcudro Cotfa^e Cardiff-road, I.iandafl* 2092»10 4 S Gardener Head Workingi; thoroughly expe- XX. rieiuvd in all branches; aged 31; single.—A. Smith, Weavers-place, Uwi>;« Harold, Hereford. 2074u5 TITARRJED Man, aced 29, bee to Situation Gar- XVI. doner or Groom-Gard'mer; threo years in last situation: trood n-fironee; disenguTed.—Addr»'<« Bevnon 4. Brynheulog-tcrrace, Tylor^town, Pontypridd. 2034«5 M tuoronghly experienced; excellent ,-haractor; iiuuried, no family; disem:aged.-G. WUliams. T!ie Grovo, v> hitney-on-Wye, IKreford>hire. 2032a*3 GARI'ENEH Seeka IlcH-ngagement T "26 f 'life expe riene; good refereuoes.—Marchaut, Morqa is- towu, liiidyr, Cardiff. 2020«8 AS Single-handed Gardenerl goo( T in aU branche«; leavmir on account present uiasftr giving up; highest nf^rencea; live years in present situation; uiarned, on# child.—Apply James Harris, Blackpill Man and Wife Wanted. T V *ANTED, Married Couple M a n ti^ h iraily V soful f f on I'iirrn or Garden, f 1> ury or Laundry cr H"'ise. Also an experienced Groom and u Stable Hi-iprr.— L«coe d Ferryside. 2071^8 ■^ntTANTKll iun ieriiat^lv, f,V Small FirsA.lii' lloT^ » < nvral Ser«»nt; aide dn pi, ,sk- ills. A'r. str..ui Lad to do SUl.i,. Work mid Assist in H-.use. Apply, all whivult»». l'ier Hotel, IVoibroke 1)0' k' 70440 HOI, SKMAIDS. Staffniaid, nod Pantrymuid lw fjiiiied.—ltoyal Hotel, Cardiff. 2247a7 TTtXPKKIUXCKH l'lain Conk Wanted f end of Sep- UQibti.-Boot Hotel, Aberdare. 2137a6 WAXTKI1. respeetelile Uirl for Housebold Dutii-s and Assist in Bar Apply, evening, Ouan iv, Cri. I>ti>ii4tnvt, Jfnidilf. — 216606 WANTKH, an experienced Co i rec-uwm Wuitress for a small et Family Hot?!; she must have go.j d r< I'eren.s;.— Apply Baiu, bavcruake Forest Hotel WANTKD, good Cook-Oeneral; good v b gca to good girl Also llarmaid.—Manageress, Portheuwl II' M, PorthcawU 2073^8 BAdtM.MDrf (rare ^haacesl Cooks r iinndrcssee — .'sum, 48. Churies-street, Cardiff. Markers. WAXTKI), Two General Servants; ac d about m ■' from the conntry preferred.—Appiy E. Danes Station Hotel, High-street, Swausea. 2047*8 WANTED immediately, Barmaid-I'ianiste; gn.wl vauiyer.—Apply Mrs. Thomas, Ivy Hu<h, WANTED. Housemaid-Wa tresa immediatelv — Apply Mb. Michael, Black Lion Hotel, Abcr- WANTED immediately, Young Lady as Harmud cud Assist in Household Duties; also good General Servant.-Apply, with references and wagee rt.iuii.d, lloya! Hotel, Trealaw. 1825a5 Fomalo Servants Want Places. HOIEI, Conks .good) Disengaged, Chambermaids, good V\ aitress.—Morgan's, 45, Charles-stiet Car- diff. 2286a7 I EXPERIENCED Young Lady Requires Situation J Manageress or Mansieement of Small Hotel- highest reftrcnces.—Apply, by letter, 4, Beauchamp- DO M1^ SIT GATE D Young Lady Seeks Re-cngape- ment in Bar, Assistant Housekeeper,, or Any Position of Trust; references; aged 26-—Appiy D. Z., Western Mail. Newport. MANAGERESS Desires Re-engagfrnent in First claea Hotel or Restaurant; thoroughly expo- rieuctd; good eaterer; eight years' highest reference; di^'opHired middle of September.—Address SI 26. Wes« tern Mail, Cardiff. 18G5a5 Male Servants Wanted. WANTED, Marker, to Drive Oceasiona Ty T mu Vt make himself useful; live in; lQs. week.— Thomas, Bute Commoreial Hotel, Trehurns. 33Q3all REST'ECTABLE Man to Drive 'Bus.—Apply An?e i WANTED immediately, smart, clean Lad as Billiard Marker and Make Himself Generally Usefal.—Apply Mrs. Hislop, Penarth Hotel, Penarth. WANTED, smart Young Junior Waiter; ai;ed about. 20—-Apply Angel Hotel, Cardiff. 2264a7 WANTED, a strong Boy as Boots (18, about); single-handed.—Apply Station Hotel, Llanelly. WANTED at once, Under Boots; must understand billiards.—Mau3ger«s, Beaufort Hotel, Chep- WANTED, respeetabip, trustworthy Young Man as Barman; willing to make himself generally use- ful must produce Rood references.— Apply Ponty- cyuinvr Hotel, Pontycymmer. 19l2a7 Valo Servants Want Placos. BOOTS (Head or Single-handed) Desires Re-ejigas fe- ment; good references; disengaged shortly.—v\pply Head Boots, Pulteuey Hotel, Bath.- 2152al0 CHEF Seeks Ue^ngagcment, Hotel, ciubT 'or Rwtai f* rant; over 10 years last situation.— M 72, Wes- tern Mail, Cardiff. 2065a5 BOOTS Seeks Situation as Head or good Single^ handed; thoroughly experienced in all bote) duties; disengaged.—Apply Boote, 21, Coningsby-street, Man and Wife Wanted. WANTED, a Steward and Stewardess aged"" so l o 45; £ 50 eash security; sto<ktaking monthly; salary £ 7 Ikt month; live out.—Apply, with three recent testimonials, to Secretary, Baden-Powell Con- stitutional Club. Ynishir, Porth, not latex than Sep- tember 5th, 1900. 1819a5 Man and Wife Want Places. RE-ENGAGEMENT Required as steward and Stewardess of Club or to Manage Small Hotel* thoroughly experienced; wife good cook; no ene.um- brame; highest referenoee.— Masonic, Pangbourne Travellers, Agents, &c., Wanted. WANTED, smart Young Mau Unmarried for Inquiries; to travieL-Fartieulara of ape, expe. rieucc, 6»lar)- t«SU. Wtstcm Miii!, Cardiff. 2245a7 -I CfabcUci'5, gtnt. &r. 1 rraveI;A. e. w;to d- C ;1 tinued. S J:LtÂE8'(ntm Newport aud Swansea by Life Assurance Office to Canvass sea-guiag Pt ople j goqd commwsion terms.—N 5, 'Ye!tru- lIilf Cardiff. 2225a7 'a.. Bakers' Supply Company (Limited), 2r:¡; I "re Prepared to Appoint Buying Agents for their wry 5upf>rior English Manufactured Leopard Brulld least; guaranteed absolutely pure, colour, keeping qualities, strength; Alwars reliable. Z279a18 INaLltANCE Agents Wanted iu f:ii.-ifJ; evetiiugs, 35, Inveruess.place, Roath, Cardiff. 2214d WANTED, rushing Man, Calling on Works, Col- heries, &c., to Take up an Additional Agency for Belt Dressing; every fI\(Oura8Iuel1t giveu.— Addl es H. R., Western 18i1, Swansea. ?D?7 INTELLECTUAL, Lucrative, and uitab(J 'Vor f(1/ Educated Woman; all purtkular8 at appointed iutrvirw-M 90, Western Mail, Ctudi1T. 2167u6 ROYAL I.ondon Book for Sale; good uld business, Abertillcry district; 14 cash.—Applj#18. Market^ Abertillcry. 2174al0 WANTED, Two Young Men (single) Credit Drapery; time or wages.— McPherson. Ti\- 4.ar'm.u- 2055a8 Al'rogressive. Up-to-date Firm Requires active, in- liueutia! Representatives; specially pood terms — Address, in first instance, 11 66, Western Mail, Car- diff- L17670 WANTED immediately, Traveller to Solicit Orders from Private Families for Wines, Spirits, and Beers; one connected with S\rart8a and dÜtrjet pre- J fened.—Apply n. N" Western Muil, Swuus, 1958i«7 nilLVVVILLElt, Bags, l'aper. and IJtjiber with X connection. Wanted for itbondda and Aberdare Valleys, &c., by Ehtab'.i>b» d Firm who have worked ground fer years,—Apply, 1H confidence, statins expe* rionce, t.) M 38, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1887_7 Travellers, Agents, &;c., Want Employ, mont. Ton;D;b-r Collected7"afio""ReiTts; con> mission onlv 5 per cent, on amouut actually rcc.'Vpred.—M 82. W^tem Mai), Cardiff. ai 13^10 Clerks ani itfanagrrs. (![:lrrk!Ø anll anatJcr. f WANTED, and Mana.gere Wanted. and \'TA;;J/, :J¡OI\I:n:,le MR;li)ar;: (¡ta7 G> ucral Office \ork.rlJJy, stating agr. experience, and salary required, A. Morgan, Burry Port JtaHwny Khl Dock Company, Hurry IJort. 70447 J\ Nillitt:jrrta¿:n;n, Firm has a Yao#ncy in thi'ir Cardiff Oflli<3 for a Junior Clerk; quick shorthand and 1)"vewritin¡; lWP, expe- rt. r».v, Mnd salary required X 9, \Ve8teIll Mai1. Car- di1!, 2237a? VACANCY Companion-Boarder, G*iret' School, half fees; every advantage.-M 25, Western Mail, £ aTdl* 1799a5 JUNIOR Clerk Wauted.—Apply G. S. Chivers, 133, Stow-hill, Newport, Mon. 1895a6 JUNIOR Clerk Wanted; sharp, careful, active.—Box 23. Po*t-ottioe, \N\ 1811a5 C.rk.ind Manaerere Want Plac, YOLl'H, cged 20, Seeks Employmt nt; know'edpe if book-kkvping. -N 7, WVstern Mail, Cardiff. 222all CLERK; 23; tliorough book-keeper; quick and accurate; shorthand and typist; highest refe- rcno-s; ruodcrafc sUlalf.-Hayw!lll, 34, Lofigeross-street (,<lijf, 2160a6 YUl NG Man, 23, Sf^ek^ Re-engag> ment as Book- keeper, Cashier, or Correspondence Clerk; U; writer; shorthand nnd typewriting; good references • lJIOdNnt\1 salary.—Apply M 60, Western Mail, Car- d;fT' 2005a8 WANTEI!), by ot- Lady, SiiiOarjjffn:7t — Ie*rrneo* Western Mail, Cardiff. u7 r ro Coal ,intn.,s C1:Y Crl(:t:J-ri I riented C.erk Desires Po<t Cashier and Bonk- kioper; excellent rdert'Dt;(,8.-M 16, Western Mail, UuUlg- H66a5 :fjartntrsJJ Ip. PARTNER, with £ 500 aud Office; experience re- quir.d.—M 97, Wt't(m Mail, Cardiff. 22007 PARTNER, w¡t £ 1,500, Wanted in Family Coal Trade.—N 1, Wentein Mull, rarJll! 2201a7 PARTNER Wanted, with £ 150, in sound Tailoring Business- inw^tigatiou solicited; practical know- ledge \H1nlt'arr'111)1y }{11!wr\à.Jull"S Dud Everett, Western Mail-chambers, Cardiff. 2169al0 COUNTY Gent'eman De^irea Partner (or Capital} to 1-.nance New Property; govnl interest; principle .ured-M 95, Western Mail. Carditf, 2119.10 WANTED, a Partner (to re-place sleeping partner) m a Printing and Stationery Business near lirit<tol; £ 800 for luù1 sharp, or \8uatitJn; part cau remain; good opportunity for eucrgetic primer.—M 6, Moslem -Man, Cardig. 1876B6 tJJ)p 5itant5. Shop As&lstants Wanted. DjS:Y :I:w Ti\o Young Ladies for~the bainy; one with two or threw years" experience another wjth four fir l1n': lil'l111arwLlt.-1lJPly, Ktating fua particulars, Jones llrüd, UO. 132, };lIwr(Jaù, Lon- dOll, .1: 22.84"7 DRAPERY.—Wanted, a pushing Young Mau, with four or five years' exi^rieuce, for the General lJrapery; special opportunity fUI one making Ii start ilL I..l'J¡d,)!l,ApIJ1y, 11111 particulars, Jones Bms., 130. 132, Buw-road, London, E. 22ö -|SfaPEilY.Vaut^, Young Lady for the Couuter, V '{ '•rou^; aiso an Apprentice.—Apply to ll E1-.dwards, Mcrthyr. 2277a7 T 0 Assistants.—Wanted, reliable, energetic Youn MUI1 for 11.M.; must have 1irt-í;!u.ss frfe. rt uce.—>end 1llll particulars t D. Edwards, 10. Blaek* inoor-stn.-ct, },"W.lllU, '0 2257all G Ur:;l; Trad- Gent-rally.—A. Jones, Cnmcam. 2263aU DILVPERY.—Wanted, Young tlT8a\to Serve, Through.—Full particulars tlrst lutter, Herbert Jones, Carlislostreet, Cardiff. 2242all WANTED, Youug Lady to Assist in Drapery Millinery; live iu.—Write, stating wagca and refewncf, 192. Ch(;pstüw.rond. Newport. 221687 DRAPERY.-Wanted, "a Junior Young Ma;: Burr'- 2207a11 rro Butchers—Wanted, an experienced BI: j X avn^toined to .shipping and a good Bah^a^n -\¡,(lly, willi 1.1H particu.ais, r-fer«nce«, wages fI'\1/ur>1, a. \I:, M 1t Wi-!»t«.rn Mail, Curdit1'. 21961111 DUAPEltY.-Young Man; four to six )eara' expo* ritace.—Lewis's, BUh'-Mrrd. Curdiff. 2168ul0 G ROCERY.—Wanted immediately, good Improver. J" Appiy, giving fun particulars, Co-opt.-rathc, Sktwen, Neath. 2139u10 Dl';):I;tll\7:- Oit Man W'auted for Dress 1)».p.irtmeiit tiv*5 to eight years' experience; pmd st-iek-kctper, salesman, and aeoustomed to window- dicssiiig.—FuU paiticulars first letter, Woolley, Draper' i'outypool. 2138a6 DRAPERY^ .—Junior for Manchester Depnrtmeut Wanted at once.—state agc, inference and sa1 'arv required {live in), Trotters (Limited), Coieford; Gios. 1\5 G HOf{t;I:i l Provisions.—Wanted, smart, respect- able Junior or Improver at cnee.-John Williams 8ca ('0., lhf'cknock l'rovision Stores, t.1iftun-&tft'd ua rpKA Trade.—Wanted, smart Assistant; also Junior,— X Stato age, salary, and references, outdoors (thoso acrustomed to grocery not (1hjedcd to), London nnd Chin:, Tea Company, Ab ravon. 20571-18 DRAPERY—Wanted immediately, a Uht Junior You'ii; Mau; aUo well-educated Youth as Appren* t»- e lbot4 \Velb).App!r Thomas Lewis and Co., Swau- sea- 2048"8 DRAl'ERY.—Richard Lewis, Swausea, has a • Vaeaney for experienced Y»aug Mau; WMsh. a8 l !EXjtetel-t1pi °1:IS Man as Junior Window Diesser.—Apply A. Walker, 5 Wh..<t"t. Cardiff. 2002a5 1 lb;i, Assistants.—'Wanted, a Married Man, \JT about 30, for General Grocery and Store Trade.— Apply 2.3, Hlltb..I""pt, Bristol. 70391 DR.VPERY.—Hand Wanted immediately;indoors; Welsh.—Stato full particu18I3 JOUl8, Co-opera- II tive. Treorsy. 70393 GIMjCEILY.—SmaTt Improver Wanted; to Mró himself generally useful.—Cash Stores, Morris- ton. 910H7 DRAPERY.—Wanted immediately, smart Junior Youug Man; to live out.— Personal application1 preferred, GriJlltba and Sons, Newport. 1893.16 DRAPERY.—Wanted immediately, a smart. Junior Young Man; also Impro.cr,—Apply to ,Tohn Evans and Co, Drapers, Pontypridd. 190386 WANTED, an experienced Young Lady f; I,, aud Children's Outfitting.—Apply to Johu Evi»ti9 nnd Cn., Drapers, Pontypridd. 190236 WANTED, T-ffo experienced Younl;:ŸPn:-nl.o Two Juniors, fur GEueul Drapery; Welsh; good R;}1e6n.1pplr, giving full particulars rtr6t lcttr, 11, W. Daviea^ Tbo Square, Neath. 1842a6 HUl or 1ree;r'81¡tt.m Junior Wanted immediately; live out.—J. Ingram lteea 54, St. Mary-atreet, Cardiff 1846-6 DRAPERY.—Wanted, Junior Young Man; Wel,h-= Apply John Pnce, New Tredc,ar 18'28"5 GROCERY.-Wanted atonce, smait Junior Assis- taut.—Apply, particulars, Thomas, Auuon House Carmar1hfn, 1764*5 vV AT:U1::t2:- Fancy; pood saleswoman.—Full particulars John 1). Gwytber, High-street, Tenby. 1761a5 MiiMneru and Dressmakers Wanted. l\;Irr¿Íh;,RJr.\ Ir:rl\mi;rh¡, Charge of Workroom; medium trade.—Apply fiu^ particulars. R, Williams, Draper, Poutyjiool. all MILLINER Wanted immediately; must be vers 1.1: .1¡'¡"h.-JeUkm., Draper, Porth 2208a11 STYLISH Millin.r RN¡uired, to Take Charge of I. Workroom.—Stato pre" iúu situations, age, and salary Williams, The Temple, Llaneliy. 70420 MILLINERY.—Wanted, a stylish Milliner,— Applv" full particulars, Thomas, Glasgow House, A her- t¡\Jery, 1900a6 IIttt:;I:=WtOd iho: experienced Milliner.—L. aad N. Thomas, Green-street Ncath- « 1883a6 .:fltlirtllant8us Situations. Situations Vacant. GHOKEIIY.—Wanted, Carter and Warehouseman; good wages to steady man; outdoors.—Apply wih references first letter, Lougher, Ynyshir, Porth 2302a 11 B17f'iitt;i Young Man for Slaughter- ing and Assisting in Shop.—Apply, with reference Jones Bros, Butchers, GOUIwtreet, Tonypaudy. all Young eLO for Hand-loom Weaving and Mill Work. Also Labourers for Skinvard; must be stroug and active.Apply Parry and Rocko /Limited), Swansea. 22731111 WANTED, a thoroughly experienced Man M Classer for a Hide Aud Skin Market ¡good cbaracter indispensable; state wages and cxperience.-Âpply N 14, estern Mail omoo, Newport 2261»11 ,\I An Il All-round Blacksmith.—Apply v V Morrison and Mason (Limited), Contractors, Ludlow. 70446 WANTED, Turner (Iron); used to fittings.—Apply Morrison and Mason (Limited), Contractors, Ludlow. 70445 CA1S and Joiners are Requested to Keep Away from Barry. Strike on. 2238all WANTED, (tn intelligent Man, accustomed to driving, of good appearance and address, to Take Charge of a Milk Round. good character from last plaœápp1y Cardiff Milk Supply Co, Castle-rood, Cardiff. 2227*11 WANteD, a Few good and M Also Bnrners; Aberdare Valley, near Mountain AJob,-H 96, Western Mai Cardiff. 2205117 It Miscellaneous Situations. Situations Vacant—Continued. SHEETERS (12 ()od) W..td for Corrugated (1 I. vanised Rooting; mud bu wen experienced; job or piece.—Apply Hawkins, 6.1d,?' Huts, Frimiey Green, LMF Farnboiough. 1,1768 WANTED immediately, a flrst^elaaa Slaughtermnu; must, be strong, quick, and a good butcher.- t8tc age, references, and wages required, E. J. Poole. °80, Bute-street, Cardiff. 21'Mml GROCERY Trade.—Wanted, steady Man, of some snj^v'imice, !ls Hauiier; I)f'TW?-y and good ^fagea to st1itab! wan-Kldlolaa, Maestcg. 2146-6 I ROCERY.—Wanted, "tf[Jn. till, Y(" Man !pjT about 18, to 1 Afl- Horse and Trap and d. Vf'archouse Work; ge^ud refvrcm^a ?Iql?illd.-Ite?s i i | C".» ".e!ly, Swansea. 2165a 10 TO Butchers.—Good aii-rouud Slatighterman W' t"d; 8iD;I; live indoors; at once.—John Howvll, 20,7-1? COMi U.ITORS Required at "Journal" Office, Car- marthen; EngJish and Wca;h copy.—Apply M:m' E II Y. W ulited-Y oung MÏîï;-Ú8-to 20:e8 G anH Warehouse Work.—Apply to E. MoniR, l'en- rbiw^iber, Mountain Ash. 2052«8 a 0 Mill Labourers.—Wanted, energetic Mau Offal TZ,? ?thtll IV,k in St,? must be used to the work.—Apply, with references and "a¡; Munager, I'sk Vale Mills, Newport, Mon. 85 WANTED at once, to Assist in Bottling Stroes, willing Lad, 17 to 18.—Apply Masouic-buiUhngs, PCD""h, 2019&5 STF,'AI)Y Wanted -36 P.'t?, ..it Warehouseman. —Apply, with references, Hibbert, C. M,?,. ,ht?",?, Castle-street, C?,d?ff. 201o5 HAIRDRESSERS.—Wanteil, good Haircutter and "I,av?r indoors.—Green, 4, Llanarth-street, New- ort. 1994a7 WANTED, tÙl experienced Hhoeins and General IUIUI; country work; indoors; 6tate ?ag,. reqlllrt>d,I»)ly A. Williams, mith, Llangibbv, near Newport, Mon. 1922a7 To Bakers.-Good Bread Hand; cake and smalls; X sober; small trade; wages, 25s. to start; married Indll pref.Tied.—J. II. Thomas, Otocr. Mapsteg. 1913117 G p).:L:¡} m\it: 7t)r() vj .'pc. table l'ersou as Haulier; outdoors.—John Powell Davics, Grocer, 15, Hannah-street, Porth a5 It XT'ANTED. Cari^utcrs and Joiners L,?d t? Steam ? ry.-Bttrry Dock Joinery Works, Barry Barry BAKERS,—Wanted (outdeK»rs), strong, obliging We,t'd (outdm)rsf,et?,- Dough.— fc>tato wugea, experience, reference:, Daniel, Ponty- P^ 18418b IJ1{\n and Improvers Wanted at once.— Apply Bowden and Co., Merchants' Exchange, Unto Docks, CUHhíf. 1836a6 TW1O)T- WL?.t?,d.-Apply H..chon, Tinman X M ,,?t?g. 'V A¿;TJ;.8tlUgÚ: Yo0bg Man, not afraid of work, as Gtoeer's Haulier.—Apply to F. Jamas, High-street. Bonn-pool. 166086 WANTED, good Granite MJ;õt;D:ORCCO no time I"t? wa6 ?, Bid. per hour; g""i accom- modation 1 lese to tiie works -Apply Manager, D. Lank Granite Quarties, near Bodmin. 70333 IonHJO Dad Mason (I,imit>»d), Contractors.—A Few Kood Bricklayers Wanted; wages 9d. bour-Apply G Di?U. Benncta End..?.r L.di,,? 16 Situations Wanted. I ;,V-Cl:)f:1=1:h f Electrical Enlu':enn,AJJply M 21, WVsbTi Mall, Cardiff. 1774a5 gartmtl\t5. Apartments Wanted, APARTMENTS, or Bed-Sitting-room combined!~i2s7 Alz, 150 yards Nc-wput-road tiam; 1ut gentleman.—M 70, We&tcru Mail, Cardiff. 2056a7 IVAN'rl;llbdi?i. good Bed and Si ,I? ? di,tri,t p, f,?, ,I.- Stale term.H N 16, Western Mail, Cardiff, 2270-7 WANTED, Sitting-room and Two 13,d??-; g,.d l"ality.—-M 77, W,?t,r. Wei4C.d?ff. 2108??6 "VT^ ANTEii, a Home for ou Aged Person; would v v furnish 1. !ikoi.iu; terms ,t 1,L moderate —M 27, W\ '1,] :¡\JI. Cardiff. 1807a5 Let. ROATH Park (33, Bangor-street), Cardiff.— Board- Rvsidence for Two Gentlemen; teriuA 17s. 2267all C0M1'(; RT AB LE Furnished Apartments; every convenience; moderate.—Roseland Hone. 85, Newport-road, Cardiff. 2221811 ROOMS to Let, Gentleman dining out, X!u«turtou* avenue.—M 87, \.t11 Mail. CardinT 2124*6 C1l;l'EUIOlt Accommodation, French Lndy's Resi* O dvnee; select; very central — M 62, "-eät,:rn Mail, ff. 20,4-.? PAIUDE.—Exceptionally fine Front Sitting-room end Rcduouj*; shower bath, hot, .!d; no eiiildicu.-M 61. W^tcru Mail, Cardiff. 2010^8 LARGE Sittiug-r'M>m, One or Two Bednioms, With 01 Without lhaid; close to town aud fctatiocs.— 9, Park-phice, Cardiff. 196037 03» Cburlffi5tred.. CardTff.—Superior Ap8.rtweut.s- O Large Front Sitting-roam and Bedrooms; cen- 4raL 1930-7 flit) Let, Too Bedrooms, One Sitting; near sea.— 'l1t) J-1:uJ,;t.;ifi[-{9i: I TO Ix-t, ilrst-ciafs Drawing-room. Btdroom.—Holm D<ne, Cj6, Cthl'dr¡.TOa(t Cardiff. 1849-6 BOARD .,?d th,irnii?hly Lomiortabl?; goOd referencee.—^2, Co\< bridge-road, Cardiff. I861ti6 5,0, cor Twti Bedruc, uit Sitti»g-" It. room. One or Two Bedrooms; 8Ult gentlemen; eveiy 1.i, n. children; Newport-road end. a5 COMFORTABLE WTell-furnished Apartments—Sit- tm;rnom" One or Two Bedrooms; e-very conve- nience; no children.—33, Keppoch-street, Roath Car. a5 1- -cc-c: :=- 0 c='- -=- ='- = seaside and Country Apartments. LLANDRINDOD WVlla.—Apart meats; facing Golf Links; close to Iand JU),k Hotels.—Pro* prictmm, M.. Richards, Sorrento. 2204.11 I Al',r8i\r" House; very pleasant; £ 1 ?,A??lz.-N 3, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2217all 1ou'rnCA WJ.partnte to ct, with" bathhJ\m POIt'rH('AWL.-Apart?nts to Let, with biltlITI)I)M Sinclair, The Poplar*, Porthcawl. 2180al0 Tl, T? ?;,?1. 2181,1?,10 looking Bay).—Board Bud Lodgiugs.—Apply f"r t. row to S. Beynon. 2154"to rp WO Hedrooms nnd Sitting-room, Farm Hmw;' r l i%vo" ,,d,hi,?; terras ,ry mode- rate; fishing aud scenerv.—M 74, W.t,r. Mail, Cur- Jlff- 2093*6 BAK.RY Island.—To Let. Furnished House, Septom* B-18, Plymouth-road. 2069a5 MUMBLES.—Detached Houso, standing on pint 300- x 403ft.; 2 reecptiou, 6 1, room*, bnth- roejin; magnificent view of bay.—Apply Davie*. New- ton-road, Mumbles. 2046a8 TO Let, ,tl:I;;?:CI i*o to s^a, with Attendance; terms D?,,i, (ilanymor. Aberporth, Cardigan. ?077-3 PUii'i Hi AW L.—T 4 I,et, Furnished, Hoasc, contain- ing 10 looms and all conveuience3; terms ni'- d -c- fsift.-k\ppJr Jones. Willow Cottage. 2028,18 SOUTHERNDOWN.—Suite of AP:??t.t. V?,.tt from "?'pt,.b?, 3rd at tho :Manne H?tL ??7 LLANISHEN.-To Let. Furnished. Two Sittiog- Land 'I'hr? Bedrooms; h. and e. bath; gnod cooking and attendance,—M 48, Western Mail. Cnr di1T. 1934a" BARRY I;i8ndFI1rrli_bcd Apartment.s to Lt on B"I' after Saturday, September 1st; best view on the island; near the beach.—Apply Mrs. Richards, Post-office. 1862a6 SOl'THERNDOWN.-To" Let "for September Detached Bungalow, containing four bedrooms, sitting-room, and usual ronvenienoes; uninterrupted sea view; ,n t zE3 3s. weckly,-Apply John Moxon, I Solicitor, Newport. 18l8a5 j pEi";Iii;l;rnIgU:) Let; standing on1 h;~h' st 1 oi'it; ?i" "i,fth, Hitting Hud live bed rooms, bath (hot and cold).—M 24, Western Mail, Cardiff 179185 f;r, near Lacgland -Y;oet;m B l?i S,pt,?b,r 8itting-room ,?,d 0., r T,,? Bed- rnoM8.-Cr0mE'I, r3nfurltf-r08a, Mumbles. 175785 PaNaRTH.—Lanedowae "Private Hotel; opposite i" extensive Channel i??; special t, .rm8Dentl" 423d premises. Dwelllng.houses Wanted. WANTED, on high r;nn nh"-];fil L Modern House, containing not less 3 recc.ptiou and 7 b\"d rnom.-J:'t1n partieu!tu8 to Seel and Iaaac, Theatre Royal-chambers, Cardiff. A8334 WANTED, House (to Rent) within four miles of b dr- p,?f given to place with f"? Qcres of land.—M 39, ,?.Tn Mail, Cardiff -==.-=- 1838"6 Dwelling-houses to be Let. ESSRS. S. HERN AND ?ERTWEE." AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS. SURVEYORS, HOU8g AND ESTATE AGENTS, have the following Hous3ft for Sale or to Let:- CATHEDRAL-ROAD.—Commodious House; 3 recep- tion rooms, 7 bedrooms; principal and eeooadary stair- ca*M to first floor; rent £55- l'A ItK.o ROVE. -C..Tlllilt3 fuome, 7 bedrooms; rent £70. 8699 CATHEDRAL-ROAjD.— Detached, very attractive Re«i- diace to ire Let or Sold; 37 bed, and 1 dressing room, billiard-room, blthrooill. awl usual offices; t.bli'd ??1W.t g.,d? with entran6 to Sophia G.,d",F. l??.t ..d p?i(? m.d?l-tl 8660 THE I' AR.DK-House, with stabling; suitable for doctor or dentist; 3 reception, 5 bed ruoms. and dressing-room; rent £ 60- NEWPORT-ROAD.—To be Let or Sold, an attractive Family Residence, standing in a pretty S'lUden, and containing 39&c.; good 6tabling. Bent and pnee very moderate. IiARGE Assortment Town, Country Houses for Sale. SEVERAL Business Premises to Let and for Sale m ctntre of town. Printed Monthly Regiter (Free) of B.tMw, Ho?, and ?itiess llremis? to be Let or Sold. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT for the MANAGEMENT of Estates, Houst>.s, and Collectiou of Rente. 87497 Offices: Post-office-chambers, 93. St. Mary-et., Cardiff. LARGE DWl'llingbouge aud Garden, ewry con- L.. i," 111, Cmtle-road; very low ?t.-Apply Thatcher, Stamp Office, Docks, Cardiff. f" -7 mO Let, 53 Plymouth-road, Penarth; six bedrooms;" X h.t -1? bath; good g.,de. ?.t ..d,? t, Purnell, bakl?ds, Plymmth-road, Pe?rth. 2230811 To I.-t 63, P"?trid??-roid. Also 22, Miski?,tr-t; bot and .Id bath i.h,-APDIF 21. It?,h.. ?d- road, Cardiff. 2211 L L,Sa:t" Baint Bride; semi-detached• pl(!mant situation; five i..t. fr.. tti. good lawn, with fine view; in b-.?.t-,i_ and coal eellare; ground floor-diniog.room, d,wing>-rooM. smoke-room, kitahen, scullery, chuta pantry, larder; first floor-ftv8 bedrooms, bathroom (hot 8Dd cold), second tloor-three bedrooms; now vacant.— Apply Richards, Birh.wy H. Maeaycwmm.r, 70302 T 0 be Lot or Sold, from the 29th SeI"mber, Court- field, Nc-wpurt'Toad.—Apply D. Thomas, 100, New- port-road, Cardiff. 2176.10 HOUSES to Let, Llanisben-ctreet, Cathays, Ca diff-Apply No. I or 13. 2115a6 166, King'road, Canton; 0,. ,kly.-L?wi. Hop. ki.?, 10, Queen"træt,. Cardiff. 1942a7 27, Patrick-street, Docks; 13s. weekly clear.—Lewis Hopkins, 10, Q.??..t.,t, Cdiff. 1941.7 150 Bud 162, Eldon-road, to Let, each containnig 7 1. in good ..diti- hot and cold tir' rent 8s. 6d. weekly.—Keys at 164, Eldon-road, Cat. cuff. 1935a7 TO Let, 2, North Church-street. Also No. 3 in O,tb"Willi- Kcndale House, Ply.th road, Penarth. 1919»7 To betSQK F.mily Residence; immediate ion; Willows, Mount Ple""t, aw- Appl7, Evsa$Post^fflce, WJu 1156Ç premises. Dwelling-houses to be Let-Contlnued. ri^O J.e. I., Y,i", -Faré-enrï:IlparõoidëD-Grõvè: X four sitting-room*, jht drc?m, laundry; stabling for fivo aories; co vhouse. greenhouse, eons-r I-I.ry furnished; rent" verv moderate to desirib'< :l; Id froet; SId 'hu,?i;? l?olvely view of To" Va ,lt?v with or with- out lad.-Apply to Hsjor L!.yd, Barracks, Brecon. :M6-10 1- ,.õI:t,27-tuë.Mtreet-c;tärs;reDt)'S B week.— Apply J. W.(,d,ill' .d, CIth-Y?. Car- dJa, 1859W5 ,H1!t,;ë:I'ark'v_wœiY 4 Park-place, Cardiff. 1658a6 n Tudor-road, Cardiff. cle>so to G.W.R. Stution; 9 thirtwn rcoros, bathroom (h.t ..d -!d t'll, &c.); rent. £ 1 1s per week, including rates and "7 Apply to Mr. E. H. Czafter. Western Mail, C,rl?ff, ?.? J_J_?_ ?_ _i_7665 D;iiig:h¡;b';f¡-;id; CONNiAUGHT 1 load.—For immediate D.?M)7't? cloi»e an estate, ix Heiuses; 1ü splendid d'di. tioij; nu reasonable otr-er refused; must bt sold with- out dclay-Apply W. C. Clarke aud Dovey, Accoun- tants, Cardiff. 118348 PENARTH.—For Sale, convenient Detached lt« si- deuce; 3.reciption. 9 l/d and dressing rooms, billiard-room; r(,lific b'ard,>u, conservatories, fruit trees, tennis lawll.-S 15, Western Mail, CarJiff 2268all FOR Sale, cheap, HOliub}"J1, Uinf8idr.- Cardiff; large bouse; every moelem convenience; immediate possession.—Apply Owner, on the premises. 2229a 18 FOJ{t(' Sale, that exceDeat, desirable Vifla Rcr.ideme, 6, Gold-street, Ror.th, .'dX' con- taining 2 large cellars, 2 reception-rooms, kitchen, scul- lery, large garden, outside w.c., 5 bedrooms, f'1I!Dl,iIlPd bathroom. lavatory, w.c.; fitted every modern appliance; iju1)"ciQr fi Uiu.8; hot. cold water; recently £160 ex- pended beautifying and t?,?d d -b!' I..Ii. tion; lease 79 years to run; ground rent .£3 This resi- dence good value at £ 600, but to immediate Plir('bwr E. Rodda, the owner and occupier, will .,?ll for the low price of £480. Any person wanting good, clm- venieut residence in quiet, select neighbourhood should nut mÎ.8 this opportunity. Please call and view tame any time between ten a.m. and eight p.m I727etc- (L ATE) Hadfieida, Cross Hand; Newport, containing XJ 5 bedroom?, 2 large tti. h?.d < bath. 3 re- ception-rooms, breakfast-room, scullery, kitchen, coach- house. l'taill, 2 groenhouse*; good garden, J-acre, stocked with fruit, trees; side pctrancf>; freehold.— Apply Palmer, Hadiiclds, or MUtuA L.,tk,, Propprfy Agent, Newport.^ 2178.10 48, (lordon-road. Cardiff.—To be Sol"< r, ~this 4 8, dioaj01t:¡t;O u:i!d, lh  m?n improvements.—Apply on Premises. 2159al0 RENTS Collected. t Commission: Quarterly rl tp per cent., monthly d, weekly 5; excellent refe- ["!HPS: £ 50 security deposited if ?,?q,?i,,d. D,bt? ao Collated.—M 81. WMtftn Mai!, Cardiff. 2U?S*0 °° LLANDAFF—'Twynygliaon.—For Salej this very desirable Residene-e, standing in its own grounds of over two acres, including stables, coach-house, and nnthmSt'I greenhouses .ad vineries, caIntal garden st I('hd wIth fruit trees, & a ti,!d, four acr* adjoiniug may also be rented.—For part;¡u!órs and* joni 'r to view apply 11 W-M Howells, 23, High-street, Cardiff. 2122a 10 BlY tho House You Live In.-Illust,.td Book explaining "How to JAve Rent Free" WiL bo S"lit free on receipt of ?l-d by Manager. 72, Bishopsgate-street Without, Lo"doD, E,C, L17671 1,0 ll)l i(awUt t Claude-road; t¿{:ce;D- 1 good 1,,d T«ioms; bath; con?enatorv; barga n; owner leafing Cardiff.—M 50, Western Mail, Cardiff. 37 c tr-u}:1torr(aBrti3L. well- built House, neighbourhood Park- hiace; 3"p? t:ojv, 7 bed ro)m!; conservatories; sanitation rfct; low giound rent.—Apply M 40, We.itcru )I:l1!, Cur* dl1! 1889a6 i 77^ 1<Te "well-built Leas<-ho!d Cottaces, A; situaie .?d being No. 102 Penrhiwceiber-roid, l cnrhiwceilK r; Nos. 1 a!)d 2. Victoria-ten ace, Tre harns; tied Nos. 23 nd 24, Howeil-street. Ciifvnydd, lifir l'ontypndd. All ere ??eli l?t,-For further par- ticulars apply G. A. Evans, A,t..t. Mountain I Aslu .?.? L ? .?.?_ M? .tL.B'ln'S:P:;Î;c:.bL! SHOP and HOU gp, Castle-road; suitable for vegetable^ fruit, 1i.h, and poultry I)Iminem; double front; luarbte slab, counter, L-, complete; rent very mode* iatc.-Apply_ Heme, W'ordswonh-avenuo, Cardiff, all rp6 Grocers, Drapers, tie.—A very excellent ShopT X with Commodious Warehouse Room: capital Jiving u.u.'ùmmUt1atil)1J; best pvsitiol1 11 rare opening; rent low.—Newlauel, DavL*, and Hunt, Auc. tioneers, Newport. 2296*11 r|>0 Let, First Floor, COIitin; of l1Jadou, l?ft, X room 40ft. x 36ft.. with plate-glass windows, facing tho Cardiff Town-hall and Market •Entrance; edliee aud lavatory accommodation adjuiuiug; modern fireproof building; we>nld '?k? splendid bl'owl- fl, manufacturer, or could be divided into two suites of offices; central position, b"? iu Card -ADpi, Hep- "ùrths, St. MaryI t7.tw-f THO Let, xiouse and Shop, immediately opposite Cross r]10 lAt,-Ilowe at,? auF bu«;- pvsa .and close by Turcot Co!!iery-Apply Gibbon, C,br,' Pply 2ll3.lo r p o Let, House and Shop, Custom House-ftreet. Car- To d,i'fft;- no.-CI40-Appy t. D.,id I''r..?neit<J.tMt.C?;dit[. 2129a17 rpO Let, Lock-up BLOP, Pituatkd 223, Higb.str?t. 'fo 'bcuPb:I;it1%i,¡gbi;: 224, High-tl,?t, T,?.I,y. 70423 TOt;i,:PJfrfo..tõS:-aJEd'Tt¡j: Work £ boD 801'.21f,* and L)MI", St?b'd'2 Liy*o Box, Coach-house 21ft. x f,. lf". '5f-t. d Z?and'?Zlft ? 18't'? l?14 ?r our hn»inr«- within 10 minutes Jrom tJw General Post-officc—For particulars apply Mrs. Brind, Mount Pleasant, Caer- 2041.8 20, Bridge-street, Cardiff.—Shop aud "bweTUug-bou*->; suit butcher, greeugrocer, or general; centre townlfc. wcekly.-Key No. 18. 7C15 m0 Let, Butcher's Shop; double-fronted; marble X slabs fitted; good dwelling-house; Barry; imme- rliatc possession.—Apply Chamberlain, Auctioneer, Port Tu!bot- 1998"B 42, Queen-street, Cardiff.—Shop and""Preni[ses to Let ou Lease; best position in town, *here a success- 1uJ birainess has b«*n carried on for 43 year1l!Apply Lewis Hopiins. 10, Ql1Nn-tltrrd, C?rd!fl. 19457 TO Let, Lock-up Shop. Queen-street; £ l23"~ l annum.—Gottwaltz, Bowring, and Perry. High* .trret, CUditf, Property A¡;tnh 951-7 BAKEHOUSE, with Loft, "It"t C-ldiff; r"D 9s.-Uopkin», 10, Qneon-«treot. 1943.7 SHOPS in -str?t. CMr Pier-h-=-Rõ.pkinø. -ft Queen-street, C?'d'ff' 194487 NEWPORT.—Large, eommanding^Shop. Pituatc in J: the very best business part of the town; imme- diate* possession; #leu#c.—Newlaud, Davis, ?.d Hunt, 19. 'r-n????'t??'?K.?? *ig??' ITOUSE md Rbop, Tem)))Mtrt?t. swnmeb, opposite I. X Ben Evans's —Rhys Harry, Llaneliy. 353d SHOP tn I"t, 3. High-street, Cardiff, from Septem" ber 29th,-Apphe.t,on ro be made at 47, Park- place, Cardiff. S-idi.- 1796a5 R AII4 :-ba::n; r :Ii'P;; l»p Lf- t with Sidin- suit coal merchant or ^olli 'ryy t)r merehant.-K «8, Western Cardiff. 1775?5 SHOP, witli Showroom, handsome front, t,,t pcwi~ tion in Cardiff: moderate Jí.t i good leri«p.— S Hern and PI'tw", ANchun?;.<, 93, St. Marv-etrct 1773&5 11-; 1:=-fdiJ:t;: G;W;n. Stttio?: 5 thirteen rooms, batbr?Tn (b,t .W.TL St?ti" &c.); rent, £ 1 15. per ?lk, .In,' -ld Ap"ly to Mr. E. H. Crafter, Western Mai CardiIY .-— ??_ 17665 Business Promisor to i>a Sold. _n_ IIOR Sale, ],arqe Warehon«o7indOae«>o»er fn }'O r¡;t\- A\ t.h (11:- :rt"i-! ?1M t?r .nnum; Inkú ?2.000-Acpiy N 8, W,In MaiU_Cardlfl. M26?ll Offices to Lot. WdiSTEnN:"stAIL-CHAMBEnS.-Fonr I!omV to Let, Sin:!y. in ra!ra. or A!t?<-ther: hvdmuU.! utt; electric -lit supplied.pplj to Mr. F H "raft"r, WMtem M?l Offl?. ?r?. 50076 Working-street.— Convenient SuiterfourVooms— 8 A L.tt Aliensbank Works, Cardiff. a6 Stablea to Let. T-Obei;(:t-;) r SoJd-:1ít:¡' îI s tab¡-ï,d 'I?rse'?oft'in To Wo?co?-ftrett, Reatb.-ADU!y J. Allan. W.«d- TfUe-road. Cardm. j?)? AerrSculturai Land, WANTED, Small Pasture Farm7b7tweennow^rid 2nd February, with fairly goud bouse and buildings.—M 52, W,?t, Mail, Cardiff. 1940a7 YNYSBWLLOG Farm, Aberdulaia, near Ncath, to be I", I" '?' 29th September. 1,900: ar^a, 54 ,r,, of {)a.snre Jaud-ÂVPly W. J. R?m, LaureLq, Swan- ? ? ?..?. J 2157.6 TL.t, ?ith It Mi,h.1l.?t, Capel o Far.?, adjo1Din town of I.lBDdy; 82 aevs en el- It'nt pMture nnd amhl. land, good bouse aDd biiiid'n- ly; n b rough ra_Apr?y He.' D'planù. near Llane!Jy. ")39 TO Let, Carway J;in: mil« ffriov,m -29ikb- Sppt?mber ned.-Appiy M.?.. Da,?d, 27, Higb.t,,t, C?rd?ff. 17&3-5 sporting. 6,000 cre! Shootin t, L.t, Breconshire; few rrouw' fair partridge, 2.000 pheasants turned out- 1.?dt.?d paya all expeues, and Wk- d,?. game; rent f4M? hotefotKtt&te; &thm:BroctiMMt.-C. Jin'tc?, GI..bury, Breccadbil. 70022 ^uhlte-'botises atth businesses PUblh8.nt_ ADVERTBKll, just rotoraed"Souih ^fSci 'rT- quires yo.Hl Inn or Hotel; .x^mtnands fair ea pital; A,ive b?il .-Only hMa i,i.g fWl de t.ai¡ '"n?d "t.p? N 18, )Zestern Mai? Cardd, 2301a]l j WANTED, in Town or Country ruld Z(" W Hotel or Pubh?ho?.-HtU. Sohcitor cil!rl *"• — 1923"7 T*T ANTED, Moj<.iat<r.i?''Hottfr,ith',om? Ld VV md *ree purred; a few miles cut of Ca,d.< no agents.—Particulars to M 32, W?tern MaU Ci.r. ? ??—— 1851a6 A DVERTISER, ?ith few ??id?4 lvucdi and Eood A D:2\ :pc:f Public-bo?c? gO Glamorganshire or Monmoutheh?.-Fuji particulars' in confidence, to M Zo, W?tera Mail, CM?" 176??' P"blh:1»U8.e for Disoosal. TO Let, Single-licensed House, 'w' as the Black TO-Siift':llO-¿:n:S:ja.1 the ccntre of the tw., and near the market-For par- ti?-1- t apply on the Premises or to Gn1fiths Brothers (Limited), Alex?dr?road, Newport. 2299a11 A Bgr:\?rll. nlD-ceiJt¡ï All-; ?. ythi,?g, t6??, -t.dl investi- ation-C3H HiUwun, Skinner-street, .wport all 13111STIOL (best part).—Excellent Inn; harne hands eight years; owner retiring; preceding tenant 22 years. Several Other HOIl6Ell.-HiUman, 2293&11 RO;Dml:n fine position; £ 110. Another; in- it Hc?s ?100. it?ticu Inu°' taking jSM° «"€k)?, Xl?L Se,en! Other U.C?u Hillman, 2294?ll TO be Let, with possession on 29th inst., the Fuliy^ licensed Public-house called the Aneel HotH Nat* berth.—Apply Mr, Jas. Williams, Merchant, Nar- berth. L 2256.7 TO t, l,uUy-fim?ed Ho in bwy part of New- To I:I¡;:7r= b;ron; E. B., Western Mail, Newport. 217910 TO !n:;r'ro¡;('"¥Aëõ; lï.:àf1i lew.—Apply Proprietor. 20621 ROYAL Oa?A -TOOl!1:- tõ-Lët -&tõ ilce.-AP.PIY to R E. Jonee, Royal Oak, Tonna, Neath. 2060a5 T.- O¡; i'.et, the Grey li?m &?. ?fe?by.-Apply Thm 04at aad Co. (ijtoitcdj, Bwf?n-ou-TreuL 104S4 J B::I: 1 Pubile.house. for DIOPOB&I.-C t'?.ed. To Let, Fulty-lioonwed House in bl't business street- '1'ó:;<:7:d ;;>f ihbr:3i:t:rI(i is ut,Jt"t hy tenant for more than who) rent of premises; poMesfion 101h October, 1900.—Apply .1 Rmf-O,¿;, Spring Gardeus, Haverfordwest. 2û83a8 VILLA(IE 8 miles from Bristol?" present h- 10 years; laige, p" garden and ?"h.,d; 1 t?bli. ouboUM¥ j rent E44; I.Ling. ?E?D monthly under indifferent Dlana(we-nt.; ingoing, every- thing 38 it stands, except etock, £ 425.—Apply Tebhs, Victoria-chambers, Victoria-Street, Bristol 2060aa OMM.ANDING and attractive C,),.?, F. C01[DJ6. Br.t?l; tr:i: preN }:I:; years; taklCí!8 average from LZO to £25 weekly; r. ut £ 50; under brewers beers only; iI1;:oinl; £ 450: *ou:.d-t busiuess iu Bristol; every proof given of trade.—Apply Tebbs, above nddreas. 208J33 SUBURBAN Beerhouse, three miles from centre Bristol; handsome premises; iarge bar, fitted up in London style; yard, garden, orchard, paddock, stabling; pays fliYOarite Bristol rewertl ore-r £ 70 'monthly; ingoing 600, of which £ 200 may remain with bllwerd-Awl; Tebbs, Dristol 2C80a8 BEERHOUSE, near Railway t:1tion; Bristol; living  X.r four ptn.M' cu):- £9-'bb.  2080 rilHREE Fully-licensed Houses in Bristol for £ 150 iM.?'-Appiy'tu'Mts. 208038 TO Let, that Double-licciised House known ns Quc-pu's Hotel, Porthcawl; immediate p. sion.—Apply Thom36, Oldl,ll, Arnis, Spelter. Macs- ??_? 197i)a7 G reli;il)Jp Public-honsp.- vacant- 1Jn1:r: ? p?.n'); JE200-M 5. We,'krn Mail, Cordlt! 67 TO be Sold, Freehold Beerhouse, near Aberdare— TO lr 8tll'l)r:dD:r¡. D&;Yttt('2¡ T I-r full 1,. -Plo!y to 'r. D. Wil;iii9n?,24. BRJS'luii.—funy-liccn^.d House, good comer por- tion en main ..d; near railway station; P-Y- ments about £8 monthly; incoming £ 6tI0-—Alex- ander, Daniel, ?gd Co., 'YEank-c?ambc-re, Corn-f.trt, H'n?). 187M rB^O Let. that Double-li' ensed He»u«e known M ti:e X Cwmd:u" Hotel, Cwmpark. upon 8 Yearly Tenancy; immediate pO:tMi(ln-I)ph- Eagle Br«»w-;jry# C?rdt)! I854a6 N":R Weston-super-Marr'.—Fully-li<-en<ed"lnn; r« )p?itto tl)ree arr? rIch pmtuic,d; in- (,;n b,.t £ 260-—Hancock, High-street, Bristol. 703 PRBTIIC.H p 'in rputr ,I Bristol, with b.?,i. tioml!yhttd ??r' good l?illiard-t(?in, ??. td- room", large diningToom. ull well furnished, íhwHd in most e'ommanding })06ition; every investigation afforded as to trade for the past, fire years; being sold in consequence of the death of fiie late proprietor; incoming £40Q-For further particulars appiy Michael Henry Clark, Auctioneer, 11, CI a re-street. BristoL 7ojX^t Businesses Wanted. A i;64. Coal Collier** V? £ 500.000 ?f necessary.—M 64, w.t,?,. ma?l, Caidiff. =1-8 WANTK D,l)y~Ye»rk«hire~CollierT"Proprjetor, coi>d' 8t-am CL?a Colliery: si/.e ebject, but t haV( bi, taking available.—Reply, ¡¡-in rough d(?t?is M 68, C, di fY- _1973-7 Businosse 9for Di.po.al. Hti, -Appl,. 1). Jiay, Disposal; good posi- tIOD.-Apply D. Hay, Aberdare. lOal1 1.1KCIT and Vegetable Business for Sale; pric, £ 50? 1 99. Western Mail, Cardiff. 2198»7 BOOT Bi:sin«*s for DL^posal; o'd-establiih-.d eash tiade.—M 98-W Mail, Cardiff. 2199-7 FOR Sale, as a Going Concern, anEstablisb.;d Engine-ring and Ship Repairing Works in the BrUtol Channel; owner retiring.—Appiy M 93. Western Mail, Cardiff. 2189all PRINTERS.—New Plant, Power; fnt(; l-argain; ea«y terms.—Jones, 35, Mackintosh-place, CJrdli! 2111-io BOOT and Shoe Trade.—For Sale, good Boot Bnsi- B O;-Dt:)tr-Ii'fo:l for retiring; very good trade; "u- neighbourhood Cardiff—Address M 78, W'estern Mail, Cardiff. alO 17MRST Cla6S Tailoring BU6i.9; 1-d liriu; for 1 practical man; central position; very low price- Apply M 75, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2095*6 COFFEE, RdlPbment ??win?g, centre of Bri,t?l. profits guaranR-ed £ 6 weekly; lent £ 27; chaubed tenant! once in 18 years; incoming for enrr- thing, includiug furniture, £ 160.—Apply Tebbs, vfe- toriai-hi mhers. 76, Victoria-steret, Bristol. 2079^8 QUARRY to Let near Llaneliy, with Steam Cranes and Railway Connection; good from applicants rexjuired.—Quarry can bo seen by applying hi John Waddeli and Sons, Llaneliy. 7OtAJ3 rpO Smiths.—For Disposal, at Ferodaie] General 'TO :t'B;ilP60;Idi:t ;:aeåndG<J trade; excellent opportunity; saiieiactory reasons for retiring; i.Full particulars from Ree* and Williams. 51 Strand, Fercdal^. 1997a5 SOUND B.i. Confectionery^ Chocolate, nnd Sweets; "11(" cash trade; El3 to 1 4 weekly, increasing; good profits; rent, expense low; imm. diate purchaser. £ 355,, inclutiin lease, good inventory, rt "olm selling; uo agents; open strictest investigation.—Jones, Blenheim, Bristol. 1977»7 FOR Sale, Anthracite Colliery: also House Coa!.— M 63, Western C Cardiff. 2022aS DRAPERY and Millinery Businesa^or "Disposal; splendid corner premises; no other dr'aper near; in one of the most growing district* of Cardiff.—M 45, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1952a7 GOOD Bituminous Colliery and Brickworks com: bin d, centra) pjtÚm, for Sa1e ad Gotn C" cern.— H. L., WI-tr. Mail, Swansea, 188486 i FR¿;ROf:te:br;'ll as a Gointr Cc,ucern, Old?tabli,)Ied 13.?i.?? ? in ?.P.,t..t i thoroughf8r in Cardiff; incolnin and rnt Imv.- Apply Hepkius, 10, Qneen<5reet, Cardiff. 185706 rpO Undertaker?, Jobmaster*, and Others —For Sale,' X in C"' of H"'f"d' extensive Fre?bold Pm p'rt nl1,jns, and Stock-in-Trade; the proprietor has worked it for past 45 years, and is now, en account of health, compelled toO relinquish it j 6t()c).in.trade np.to-dnt6, and aU in good, reliable condition; commodious resi- dence attached tA) bUll;D6. pr«mieM; contracts and cevcrnl advantages attached; full particulars given; splendid scope foi further business; references giv«n as to genuineness of .B]e; moderate price.—Write Oliver, Cndcuuker, Herefcrd. 357a .!t11!)ttUantoU£1. Miscellaneous Wants. Miscellaneous Wants. Left- CL¿K{¿L:;t ;m:" ci91;f:if Cardiff. Best prices. Orders punctually attended to 1838ù LEFT-OFF Clothes.—Mrs. Roddy, 9, Saudou-.tre.( Newtown, Cardiff, Pu,,b?. of Ladies' BDd Gen- tlemen's Wearing Apparel, &c.—All orders punctually attended to in town or country. Good prices given. 69 MRS. Gorman, Purchaser of Ladies'. Gentlemen'^ Children's W-?d,ob, Furniture, 33?,.t?, Ac.—13 and 15, Bridge-street, Cardiff. Established 1663. 2181*10 LADIES and Gentlemen's Wardrobes Bought, Town L ,r Country.—Orders plinctu?l?, Ett?nde(I to by m? or M'. 8 Ðr, 30. Caroline-street, C.IDIL Eg'. ?:L,d 1864. 68527d Miscellaneous Sales. }'C.l'elt:rPIi rd{;i.l:=:; ? ? l?, Da?? 'I Lib,y, Bridge-street, New- P,,rt. 2-197. i F! ,ä;d:.e; leaded info truck. at TuU't Wc-l "r Tyn-y-caeau! ?tply, by ic!t??r, Messrs. PrÜe and Wais, T.ff., Weih Cardiff. 2232811 HAIR Destroyed.—Send ine an envelope iBtampeKi II A;D-fd-f r:,ieBt.: ail superguo? hair free of ch:uõe; send no money.— Add, in confidence. Mi. C. A- ?7_. 3, 195' Oxford-6trt'tt, London, W. L17463 T00at. -1 for Years; by chatr? r came across TO ;;i-tIo: rta:Dchuae :afn:m U{i, to 10l 121 ,d I ,I, willingly s<nd particulars free to ..y ..ff?rr ?.?3' itamp-Mu. D. B. rJi. 19^ OdNd!\tn-.?t, London, W. L17464 E XC EITIONALLY Profitable and Safe Mining In* J "t capital required; limited number shares sacrificed at lit. each, worth lOS. withm 12 mODtb.- 1" or particulars write Gold, care of Deacon's, J1f>sdeuw hall-street, London. 2144a6 I :\Gt; -gtl.¡!rif{(O Fixtures. Sun Blind,; clearing out.—Darid Jones and ('0, Drapers, Pontcanna-street, Cardiff. 20^a6 SALE, 8hjttJo ag8teile 'rab; pins, ba}J. ('!J('.I complete*.—Quick, GleDd!jcr Hotel, Cardiff a10 B1¡ltm; -f; Set, Orme and Sons; complete, g. fit, cn«, halls, all 8!JD!i8n(>; cost £ H0; m n" I'?. appointment.— M 69, Western :y an, Cardiff. 2024^8 PLUMS Reduced :q Price.—Eggs, 6sT721bs.; Vic- torias. 12#. ditto; half quantities scut; carnage 12'. dit.; h.?f with order.—F. 811\¡ir. ,,i, jt'ruit Gardens, -,de,-r 2000^8 F"T"T Direct fro?. the GrOwt:-ritoi!a Plums^ Z d" lb,. -?l,?t?d, 3. j cookiug plums, I,. 3d. d(, apples, 14!t.. for 18 3d.; tomstoes, 48. lb,.Ru t beDr,W". Y-A,i. IT^ERRETS for Sale; fit for work and quirt to f-I S.Ie fit f, and QW,tt. Fl dF T $ P"? 5?' -h-E. D.Tl., S"tt. h?,d Penarth. 1962a7 I%Z.7 SAFES. All Siaes.— Stock includes some good Second- hand; one 20io-, £ 3— State eiae required Lord's Safe Works, Wolverhampton. 1953a7 IARGE R,4 Plums, 112ibs~8».T"Wlbs O. "d I. ÀJiv, 4 !U';jbs;60lb;).14, II 1« 2^-w., 1,. 9, 56:b 3-, on rail; packages 1ree.¡ cash ??tL' white, Coleford, 0108, I832a6 I-AtItd Phrenology —Madame Proctor, 17 W,t"'tl-t 1 -I Free Libl-r C-Idly. 1572d SPECIAL D.illay This Week of Dining-room Snit<M m Morocco, ddl,b.0 and Velvet; -I,- B,- Cnrb, .Firr.brassrA, &c>—Samuel Bros., Furnuhers, 70, QUN'I1-st.rcf't, Cardiff. 1758^5 SHOP Window Fittings; latest; best— Griffiths Manufacturers, Dale End, Birmingham Cata- logue free. 1779a5 CURE for Piies— Perfect Cure Guaranteed in t 6tubborn cas. P't ft" 28 9d.,IIId.-L,, Trobc. Chemist, St :Y¡',bael'6-bilI, Bristol HONEY for Sale; from own apiary (Lisvaae); ex- HO,t,d e>r sections; t.k,. several first priaes.— Lion Hotel, Bridge-etreet, Cardiff. 1479*1 FOR Sale, Oil Launch; 22ft.; engine by Tolch; in perfect order; new laet year; used n1y six weeks; now at DiQorings-Addresa Eaton, Daie, Milfori Ua.n. 70233 AN Invaluable Book to All Enga^d in Trade.— Hoaton's Ready Reckoner, containing 135,000 oal- Cul8tîonl; price 2s 6d., postage 4d extra.—Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff. INVOICE and Letter Files. .bef:,titi es.— "Th. Sequence Vllp. "Tlb File, "The Standard File," "The Common-sense File."— Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff. UNION Jack size 30 by 20, in CU!OUI5; priCe!Jnë penny each. P08tafI d: 6«* Per 100, carrla aid-We6tern Mail, Cardiff. 50430 PATffr Automatic OftJce Paperweight and Monthly Calendar foi Four Yfla, St. Deput. -at, .eter!1- Mail, Cardiff. DRBAM B,.k ..d Fortune Teller, l* poet ft- DRA:i.:ír,! P< hi, KHA iT ;'D!-f:7 180c;I.¡': Kb-ki Is. P" 00, postage ,&-W- tern Mail Stationery Department, Cardiff. AD'TE Li.e? Tape f?, Repairing Mujr\ &e., 3d., post f"' per rail—Stationery Dertment, Western Mail. Cardiff. !¡r;elt::o! l:t;e& I extrab—Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff. TIcKETS, in &111 of 1 000 each, for Baanl, Con- T" ZrU' 3d" pol. X-W. M.Ll, L,mit Cardiff. PHIL Philhps' Rbeumstio Cw?,-136ud "Y PH rpLsmpbleu fme. rriOOTHACHE Cure7-^Try~ Phil PhLUips1"Certain X Cure; 1. b ti?, p- Id. PHIL PhOlil., Rheumatic C,?r."dlI11 Pt;.br.tj;: tre:dd;e ¡ 24, St. ,1hr}" street, Cardllr PB ,ill;U:Č8t: 10s. 61L, ,?..u have paid more p.-d. TOOTHACHE or Neur-Igi. Certain Cure.—Phi! Phillips' Tmtb.'b? C-1?, I-. Per b-ttll, by p?.0 Is. Id.—24, St Itory-rtreet, Caitiff. at261 .ft11£)ttlialttous. -'0 Miscellaneous Safer—Cotitlnuea r Miscellaneou8 Sale.tlnuea, THE Latest Improved letter F-.V^ TTbe M v.- S" Tn};eI;at:rf i: M" Cardiff. TD¡v'Pli::L(';k8i: reav W nt"" 6d. Z.-Stti."ry Denart i n AT^ W. Mail. Cud\tr FOUNTAIN Pen; ci rt'iea a wee k 's suppiv; ii« Fo'f.?ee.Sta ioueu Depilrtm,?nt, V?"Wril Mail. C«. pHII. l»h:Hips' Rheaxoatic Cure, 28~ sC Mary:.ln:et: TOOTHACHE Cure.—Note The &, chemist#, or from 24. St Mary-street. Card.ff. CY'ï' Pocket C'«e. containing Pnenmat c 1w Repairing Outfit, Medicated Court Planter a> I Insurance Cocpou for j: months; onp fl.bl::in.stao tionery Departmeut. W-tern Mail. Cardiff. I= :Ol. Money Wanted. £ 1000 cr rpn-nrdK Vantrd. in lrj«ta'ci. f» I.' TcK.p Vro- hold Site in X- w c.V' :šitB5ir!8¡;:i lu;. -iy safe.—M 84 W-tw. Mail. C.'d?ff. 2120al3 e'(:I;l'.é£ and £ 700 e.t s ni lit r^-frf..ho:iis; £ i.F.oo. 4 ilr <vnt., i>, —M 65,^Vest«rn Mail, Cardiff. 20JJa8 Money to Lend MOPTAGF'S —8 Fi- ,.d -il,ri??,R-M, street. Card:?. Mnrtpa;. and iMuraow Rrol,™ hare Numerous Sums yA,?il.b., for Fi»» boldi. I.eascbo!ds. Inversions, and Life Intt"rt. jgj'T .i\. n:aV?') ha.. J-S6.000 Invest i>, il1r> Small Sums .1 4 t,, ft per eent.; lc?al ci)sr»<« ni'»derate.—N 12. Weeters Mail. Cardiff. "7632 £10 i7;)D;i;j, interest low; ^a»y repayments; biils disco:;ntM —S HII1", 5, r8rk4t, Cardiff (ODI't081te New p o » m-;FIx.\xn;-(,Ctl.p.\y-rI.TYITT::n,8a.s- T 119. i'emirth-road, C-rd?ff, Advan-^« Mocrr rm Own Note at Cheap Ra4«s in Any l^ait of the Cc:;t!t*' i £,j;?: f;nm of £ 10 to £ £ 20, OD Note of Hand .ioM. or on 8ny other security, a few hours' notice, \0 altl el8Mt5 fn any part 01 tte country; r3rab': by "'aq Instalment*; W1t ..d -tb,t 5'Qret¡; no f'.ny T^jl old-established Bank d- the !8rft bl!!in in the tind()m- H rfto or call -P-? lb, Yan8f'r V Staa'^ Do" dmg, 1, Queen-*iqn*/e, Briato!. nT Messrs W;]k D and Co., 3. WOrkmi?ts?.t. CardJf! 425i? yUNEY ADVANCED IN SrMs F P") £ 10 to EI,000, On Persona, or Other Security. :S-O DELAY Or Objec't»nable Routine. Trade Bills I^iscountcd Promptly and at IVa.f\nab. Si.ITI:S. Representative' will call with cash if required. Business completed on ffist call if applicant is known. Write or tan UP(jD- W. LIYD, )Jan& :A YE8-BnLDIO, ac&12 CARDIFF. ADVANCES. £ 3 and Upwards. Made by V. W,tk Ciive-chambers, Windsor-place, Cardiff. 1437d N Preliminary Fees—Money Promptly o ;:tiia;J -o F;?T:=-mon Bri,t?l till B-k, L?.ild 'Regurtere-d Ud(,f C,ompaDí Ac. 1862 to 18"). I;a!dvri,?ty?t, B?tL_ I roa; PPJ:sD::rr;7iMat M Hand Or nn L f7t! In"?'. Policies. Reversions. F,.h?,4 .,d L,h.'d P,-perti?, i'? Shares of FIIIF Dcr.j)o tion. PTi.lip.] my f..in It') long S8 in,?,?t i! p. d. No Bills nf Sale take*. Written gt]&raL &! t privacy chvn if 1re& N" eaYy I. of i1l1ret' charged.—Forms, giving aU panic-jirs, free on Ir-¡f;. tion to the M- g?,r, ^23d SW.KN)EA MERCANTILE RWK THE: .;«¡E fr?. Bg .C?OD to all ,P,,tb Householders, on their own Notv of Bar. reasonable rate of iDu>riMt; 6tric\ private and (o!L1lö!>ntiaL-A¡¡pJy H. B. Jones, lhtl1\ IB. Park-*tre>et, Swanaes. -66356 CARDIFF .ad C,ty BXni "'d.lh Cash "?. £ 5 to A?5DO, 1nlhnt P??i-i-7 f. or dedactions, r@-p&rabe &iY i.nJta!mta, to mit eonvenience cf borrower", upon personal secority, life policies. reTfrsions, <tcu—Apply Macagrr, 9, CaroMcs* street, Carè:f:. 7 I^JONEY PROMPT-NO FEES To pcntlibe Persons ltPQnirint Cash Assistance I am Prepared W Advance £ 10 X5,000 on Note o Hand aJone Nfl Bondsmen or Security required. Advances altlo Mad upon Furniture. Farming Stock, Ac., witbont wVHHaL All conf.denees strictly re- speeted. Would wait ca customer if required, acd makb advance immediaet!—Call or write Kr. J. NOTLEY, Rosedale House, 10, Zetland-road. i.ISTOL. 62W PHIL Phillit Pawnbroker and Jeweller, Advance Money on All Ri?d. of Jewellery, fIOde and Shares at Lo" Rataa "t Interest—24, Bt, Yary..tr.t, Cardiff. arm Pi Ö t0 £ 16,000 Lent Bon d smen w l v or ai- f A., ?i?d. t..21 respectable Persons on Note of Han^ alone, and at v*ry reasonable intemt No Lean Office Feel Of Formalities, and No Preliminary Charges ..hateer Strictest Privacy cb&erved, and hoceft and straightforward dealings guaranteed. Distance DO object. Re.II3:'tbt-'Dte &1T3UJ";M to suit convenience. Int.er:t!:n¡ borrowers shouJd write U call at olire before applying elsewhere, and maT rely on immediate attention tit their requirement*. 5211 Apply E MANS, 65. York-road, Montt>elier, Br Worses* fitir tOtftt tr. FOR Sale, HC'ellent Well-bred Bay Mare, 5 ra", Fon,l?out 14.2 bJgh; warrauted every r8lp('t- CO;U1J. Caette Hotel, Caerphilly. 2304»7 IT^OR Sale, thickset WeUh Cob. 6 years old, sound, FO quiet ?id, and d,i,?; F-r-.b,,l Ph?,l ndr w?iht rod ..dti. and B. -.I,! Also Cob, 14 2; ht for Quiet work. Also Pony, broken to carry children; q.i,t in h.-??.; ""Y good-looking. :r: 6iJ,1g;:a/; CS: C:k.4J FOR Sale, handsome W,Ih-po?,- brown. 12 £ hands, rising four; tb,,o. broken saddle and harness: sound; rri-?ihly ?F 17. -Yí, Hilliard, Llaugattock Court, Cnckhowell. a8 SALE, liandr-om<; Pony, LU!;a(> C.,t. and 16. Cu-t- H?).-t-1, Car(h. 2017^3 A tt., T,?,t-P..y, H h..d. 2iu., quit tld? A.UY'J;I: ;D ?,'@.T tiovcraess Car.—Knight and Davics's Works, Caerleetn* road, Newport.. 1990&7 W Ar::n C-1n moe; or"e5d"ing15 to "-l' ""T t. seven 37??" ?!d; Q.? t i? bar good-'ookiug and sound; l):iœ mU8 t?' md?.,?, 42, Western Mail, Cardiff. 70374 YOUNG y f?, S.I? tise«d t? children. A' YOG CV;1:C01N¡-ef'F ail, Newport. 1750a6 I 0 ETTERS,L8r-ie- Knnï);rfcrtT"tJrOk-;n- Do an Puppies ready for breaking for ".I,. ,b?.P-Ap,?:y JIPrlrt, Forrest House, Hayerfoldwœt. Pembroke* hi, _n 2143»10 17\OR Sale, the Winning Bin-? Belton Sett-r, *• Liii -Tne" thoroughly broken; fast; w;-la ranger; staunch on point; £ 10-—Bevans, Wolfs- cattle. 221207 HANDSOMK Pointer Bitch; eigfiteen months; partly broken; three guineas.—Scott, Cwm. Lisa- dyssul. 1999&5 H1!-ë;:etfr-ëd:uétë:r:pi pia !"I ferrets; d worker and companies; winntr Bradford, Leeds, &c.-10r Sale, cheap —T J. Stephen*. I.lanishen, Cardiff. 21361*10 ?il1jÐj-}: Stud7 the SmootlTT> "D^;rs Luck"; winner many fl,,t.d sire *<v;al winners; the best-bred fox terrier living; hy "C:;)m- piion DeT"f":f(-nx" x "Champion Dame Foitun<— ¡.;tf>phf"u. J.ani8hm. Cardiff. 213o^!0 FOX Terrier,t=-<3nïnd Young SmootiPDog f(;1 f'a: clwap; r3te long head, capital body, Jt: !e-rt- St,ph, Ll-iFb,n, cIrdif. 213U!O DALE, pedigree Rough Fox Terrier Bitch; tw> rrirs. SAQ1i('d():r (tr,¡¿i:teb t;{ Carriages, harness, &r. I^OR Sale, Several go/id Bronrham*. ^ne fitted 'O\¡'¡yS;ta:r;lÎ'ye; Dat::? 1r whcel Show Gig, Ch, Ifansoms. &c-{:u:t'1 Ciirriage ComD31lY. Cathedral-road. Cardiff. n83S2 Exceptionally Light Victoria; capital Landau, by Terry; Hansom, equal to new; ermrt Wagonette, first-class condition; a'so One with Hhl; Several good Dob-œrt.s.-Totterctil, C,ol.5wntl1'.t. BristoL 70421 New Break, carry 15; Seoond-bani Wagor.erte, A carry lr;a:é8i;sbb;:rt Knight ..d C?.rlo. -r,d, T" ?,t, MOB. 1989-7 3B2 B? b- W z 1 I I ?-. 3 G,?,,rn Cars, 4 D.g???t., 2 F,?h?, I' carts, 2 Yi<t ;ri;is, Starlhctpe P)Ja"ton, 3 stylish Pory (Ti", 2 Pony Cart? Rtrai Proniptly Executed. PnT- and Co 44. FrKt.ric).:treet, Cardiff, and L8& Stand at Horse 8hnw, 3781 so GOOD Pair-horse Onnibui, .1.. Tight Victoria snd G OnbO:; ::b;ll.b:Dir¿, Coachbuilders, St George's-road, B,uto1. 14d. J., A.Nl) 60'?, NEWPOT. MON., T^ IAKER OF R°'u) VERI¡S GW A T K 6Ali4 largest Stock of Camatres iu Monmouthshire G W A TK Is o-4 -T E W P 0 R T.- T?,. ?39,. t,,li5b thoroughly d^ne up; 17. B jobmast<r or f,J':P:; cheap 6/:V:4 REPAIRS A SPECIALITY. ESTIMATES FREK. Strprles, ¡(nepeltS, &t. WA^TTED, Second-hand Gent 's Bicycle; in ccd w ?T I.t, -T Grice G¿).'¡ B;;n. in x:' Abbey, Neath. 2034-? NELruetLf/ Pneumatic, by Rudge; < <ti N C14 J? Ih year; .?it t?ll lady; take £ 6 C0mpret.f; apvroYa.L-M 47. Western Mail, Cardiff. éJ7 A-T Bevan's. Cattle-street, Card211, a Great c Sale of Crclea and Accessories is Now Proceed- ing. a7725 IneA- S- O;n\-ond-pëCi81 Dualo D -tll6: .AL, £ 14 ,o. 115 A Royal Sunbeam Full w?tti-oil-bath £ 14 l-K. r?du?d to il3 J3« .7725 \-w-:e;n1;ni:,u:D:; Star B; A R. p,, glo 10,, reduced to fg 9* .7723 A LL Machines are Fully Guaranteed for Two Yenm, J\. d t" for Dy -'t be arrang'-d. -725 po', T5d' N'?? m.v, Ll.t. A-c Ladr's CreV 70s CmbloM, 50-; Pneumatic. 90s Rers;r*. Enamelling, Plating One Guinea per Bre>s., Cycle and M0tor Car Works. Pontypridd. S:J4.4 CEIITA"R', from 10. or 21..?,thly; T. rials, X8 8s Tr 17, 6d.Ibly Fr,. Wheels Fitt? to A?y Suitable Make of M.,2hi?,? f:. T r¿, Tub. & Plating and Enamelling. —W Kitehm. Ifi1# Bute-road, Cardiff. a(6f.} ;fflaebtntrJ?, ool. &t. Machinery, TOOl., &e»» Wanted. WANTED Second-hand Double-purchase Har-J Crab W;n'h, 3>uucbing Machine, and Saw Bt-nch.—Apply H@dleys Collieries comp..T. Swansea v7 RAILWAY Sleepers.—Wanted, 1.00P Yards cf 22A t. 3? '?b. B,,de r R., New cr Secr-t#- hond Aieo 600 Sleepers, 4 x 5 x 3—Ap^J Bake, .Io.Ioer4&r..