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PREPAID SCALE. I ",to"< Ot!"M "r; Apar+m-nta, Tj<«t and f Miscellaneous Want* anil Sal^s. Bu< tieas- '?:7¿1;ti\;lLr:gf;P:t *,J ordered tor coraeuitive insertion*. are inserted :u t* -VTmi'rn Mail" and "Evening Express" at *n* rate*:— MSM' I ONCI- I S 1 ,w. S. d. s, d. 8. d, 12 or ]"88 061016 13 to 19 0 9 i 1 6 2 3 20 to 26 1 0 2 0 i 3 0 27 to 33 1 3 2 6 I 3 9 34 to 40 163046 Each extra; í W cros or, 0 3 0 6 0 9 nart of in Ad ca^« nacue tn<l address ire counted u part of the advertisement. if alternate insertions ar« required or the Advertise- n>t :•» rot pr°;>iM. credit rates will be tharsrcd. i^' i ro Adv^tf^rucT-t «i!: I> looked lor a less amount •ban THREE SHILLINGS. 4f:c: d•VJ* ;IlJ to Rtry 0., n?l Rll..in" Advertisement*. hT to Advertisements emanating 1m1D PuMii* Rf.,dH>C REMITTAN» E S. Cht1.8 or Post OfR.->: Orders should be rm¡t.v1 4" preference to Pc^M-je Stumps. Postage Stump* (Walfp.onyi ftrrt not refund, but. as they are <>fteu )\*t, ia to* tfcev must, if renutnd, I* w»nt at. be c ^do par^hlA t., TV W. TIr,,t VS. -R. TO ADVERTISEMENTS. .,t',m to AdT.?r-n; vt- dir-i-<l to tV -Western h ;t. -bId] ma N» obtained t*h»-n th adTirtlt'rDf't om," w,lI b* hnr.d-d «ur oU production 'nt' i* Tiered. "r ,1l b* forwarded to thpd\'t.rtlpr R Address, providing stamps to eovtr 08tab'8 ace sup* P¡:n;RTI"£R;\ w cautioned that P??tmmt? •COT allowed 11\ Priirer Letters Addre^ed to Initials or FVnti •'» Name* at any Po-j ffiov. Lci.t-rs «ddre.d to Tn-.tia^ <r Fictitious 57aine« must v-ar rno address nl ft:tf'\dvf!rt.i:6er or one of the Oft1C&l cf ORIGINAL TESTIMONIALS should never W »- •• d vi;h repli-^ t■• rt d v- rrii-T.Knk' art rf-??1 v» th^ Mail" Offices '.COPIES OKtY SHOULD T VI. personal. XVfV TILMAM OSLKT. *x-IVteotive^rseant Carrlifl "TIri!. ,r aX' :;t/;le3n p» r? ica'.Iv; xcisvr. fnenda t,cd.-Addl- 6« I^-wer "r,.d C.-iri: ? 841^14 S.ost flntj jfount). L06T. on 4th April, Colli* Posr; white, with laree ▼el'tw ftpot. on ruht skie; Under rewarded.—1 6 Ryder-nreet. Canton. Cnrd.f! 86>10 LST Li?,l ?.d White Spaniel Bitch I.bi,. t«>p u I o; flad-'r r^ward^d; SZ:rB:t.!t Cattle Hotel, Canton. Crd;ft 771?-9 LOST, from Aberdare, Roan Filiy; heicht h?,,t ]} :f;\dt n be::o¡¡;: —An^or.e giving information for recovp'-y nf same to T. p.:d<»nc-b, Ar- hitect. AS-.rJare, wiU be liberally r"wud retainer prosecut-a, 63220 jl-1U£)lral. VtTANTF.D. Or^anwt f>^r Tabernacle Baptist Ch*;r»"h. "r à:.¡')!i;. B:i:zCht' ar;d full particulars, to D. B. Price, Hausrhmond, J""ort 713^14 Rli.,I( f S:I:1:f!i!1 V'r- f. r Kr: »:n r.ations; prusp^ctnA free. s?3 I\r;i": is Open to Engagements for Ms gh-?l ELtertainmeat .1 Nsw -d 'owi .1 M ici; 'i Fr-ib ?n..« ar,J Vf-i.T'i'onnial Sk^t^hes, Ari!nr\t-d Photographs All the Latest War 8csne».—Addreas 2. T-wcr Haf^Fr^toL 4933d PI-IN-,FORTE r. TT. K. W^bVT fr-m M^rs. H-a*h nd t^rm« 3?. 6j. ?,'hin th^ t-jr;-b-iGr.ss 3, Clar^nre-n, Cardiff. 842:t14 CIrriral. TITIiE Wanted in Diocese of LlandafT for Miohael- Tn;' i: :'ffi o\,L,) {1: lay assistance meanwhile.—Write J. L. Kvans, 17. Piae- tr. T,Imd'1 117183 I-elrbi cal. f A!: tastib .r ,t,'c -Ap:y A^Haylea. Surj*'op, P^ntUfwrdd. 7Q3>* 11 WANTED. Out-door QualiaOsMstanrforBraach, w:ta ;-nowVd £ 9 -f W"b,; A £ 175.-0 50, V. «t.ni )1Bil, CYd;1! 565*10 A X experienced Assistant Requires Post as Suoh or a* ^lV Disp^n^er: Irnff or short eugasemeut; eob» r—P 3, W^st^m Mail, Cardiif. 985016 CAPITAL ¡!:g;7:IJi lt5e'f in Growing in Bit'itnio^ua District: no rest- fl'-nt do'-tor: «e*?ral n-»w works t? be -t?rt4 8hrrt!v; :qhd:Ov: n; pki 1I.;r:: rf; Trho has btlt1'nci.Ap-ply, early, 0 f=- 'Y-<. t..ro Mail. Cardi1!, 742,11 CH^JMTST.—WartPd, to T*tirrhjwp Shop V'ttinc* Drawers. B ff>s, lV.ts. Cn.* -tr.r inter. 4o.—Address C. L., Western Mail FW3:J¿P3. 49:?s9 fIJO!ilttr. VACANCIES litt.j B.-iy Boanl-r* 'I.ailieV frfcooij; Y,.l.it;i:r;a:I:'B: Teaehe;;d:- 4 BKRDARE Town Xationa Sfbool.—\VnDt« M^r =\ B!DIafw8Õ for Si¿t\n;:r ChUTI'bwoman-State a1ary Be:lt!. 7?8,12 G OVEKKESS-Pnpil Rf'Ql1ir A!»o oirt BnaMfrT M moderate terms.—BeUeme School, Cjdoxton- 1!,rrr 653010 WANTED, an Aasiatart M.t" f r L!andaff B?yW 'V la:T_lœr tr iinrd of 7; ?r'9^ 511'9 Teachers Want employment. D;[;ri;t" in""Vew^ prrt as Gcverne«s: Kn?Ush. Gormar), French, 1.i.ng. a?nting, mu,ic.-R., W.t, Mail, ;"V. V? 822-^12 R:;?¿:;r"l7ft: nf, "tifi ,at' music, f?,hll?d draw, jr. ne^d^work.—K., 4& M-ki.t.h-p!?, It,?th Park' r*T*f 77'8012 Fnn:>1I¡i-:rÎë;:etf Holidays: c»ftiHcat«d: 4rawin7. needlework: Mnndry aad 'r-Ililg expenses.-Mdlle. d? larfenille' S; T>,Tsf..n 75509 BT Teacher Ope:} for l^.srwemenet^t Schools or '> Private Hesidenew: t«-rm» r<n application: rood rareness*— F 50. Western Mail, Ncwjvf,rt. 721>11 GOrEPN'KS^V.S anrJ recoinm den by Sop.th Wb!es A?eney, 5, Churc-L-street, Crdiff; • Varies, £ 18— £ 30: h .ps. £ 12— £ 13. 174«11 !OUthffptrf Compaittsns. Housekeepers Companions* &c.t Wanted "1" Åar.:tI;e t::nI » f Cba;« of liaby 18 months old; one aii-ust. m^d 1 needlework, pr^f^tred; t.at eX{)eriL..(;O, aud nle- —Apply Mrs. BiKh-Joiics, Glenview, X..wt{lU, M rnt,:p<t, S.;¡n"3. 929811 W_7qTp.1). f? <r Cook^Jen^ral; small family; other servants keit: 20od L ^n«.—Anon. Luewardine, Hereford. 8.36s14 HOUSEKEEPER or èOM General f?, Business H'-u?-1; ff od cook; reference reqtl1red-Ap:)'y Jo res arti Co, Drapers. Llwynypia. 7s8a9 CARFTAKl'R-H"U«ekeepfr Wanted: g?A 1". and Vome; abstainer preferred—O 68. VVestem Ma.i ff 74M2 T \TANTFP. Workinr Ho'j?ekeep?r; mid i 'e-a^d T T f .I.IT=k.e;¿:Zi < 726011 'Vi;:at8' Mother'^ Help. Also ?oo.J Genera:; -trlt 25; .?4 to pi.i. cookine. — A.p:v 81. C- niaierc:al-road. Newport. 631"10 HOrSEKKKPFR \iíted- fnr Oni:1le WOR1!\D cr widow ab-'nt 40; comfortable home—Apply, w-.t h references, 0'?, W?tem Mai, Card!ff. 497s9 Housekeepers, Companions, &c.. Want I employment >FARMER'S f)3't;: o aY- -.t. 'k'-S It't ¡-¡¡;¡ Jr ''?")H.r-.?y?MBatM..i.Ba:?)wt'Mm. I' mbtl,I", Berelcrd 664&U .i\ S ,;rr ••t«ek^perrRe^nk-awnjeat"tV Gfnt' £ m-»u or' frmall P-ii. 4her& servant is kept; nr de stands cookln: economical, ond n:ana»r; excel- lent r e ,f«jr»'n<"e.—F.. 16, _!an«ttrp.:t. 1.iUo: WANTED, Situation as Houseke«pfr" with Mediral or Clerical G*nt>inau in May; tnorou^hlj tr,:cwr,bre: :8ekDU" O.nl: I ??- '? 78,1Ll T^EFINED, quiet Home, by Lady; light dutiesf _I\ ^lishrest romaneratkn an-cpt-ible; reliable ref-. r. -s; by Mt<r.-73, Fr.kf,,? V.1, C.ter?.'n.r".? N- ort, Moa. 7r>7s9 TADY. aged 32, educated. Desires Position  J ei — p^r: t'U- 'y n:e*t;r:it,- d rnpable E3'! 2 r ML<- P;*rry. 73. I' V,??,1.  477?9  iDomrstir ^ribants. Nurses Wanted. ^TITANTKIJ imme<hately, exp»?ru :ucd Nur»e~f T OUS m mu>t hi*v\« exc- iumt r^ f .»rente.— State a^s A.1 salary p 4. Western ait. Card id. 986816 WANTED, a Y-. of age; vras-s tn c.-mmentx- w £ 16 a year and r.^ a.-« Tding t«> mrit. with t-uam. lodging, washu^, .i uniform; previons experience r.ot a-v-essary.—Apply) p»-r<r.a:iy. to th lIíd¡l S\)perintcdnt, Monmouth- S' Asylum, Abergavenny. 68277 \Tf ANTED, expcher.ed Nurse-Housemaid.—Mrs." f f R %d;rave, 5, Sketty-road. Swan^pa. ^^11 ."r at once, a #rood Nurse-Housemaid; used M to < ai.dren; aged ato.it 2S: ??th ?,d h?,r-. ter — Appiy 238. N«wport-road. Cardiff a6931 Cooks Wanted TVTANTED, for Gentleman's iioii«e, Oardi-'anshire ▼ f >mall Family), good Plain Cook; assis- tance. Also i. Housemaid;  needlew>-man; £ 18—O 1 89. W<*vrn "H Cardiff. 67&14 OOI-> Plain r Wanted —Apnly. witb fnH par^ G O!a; rii¡;i¡H;.lt¡::lar — 67;r? IVAI,TED "I" i, Mav, -ld Plain Cook"—.Apply, II Wifh t«»ferencas. t> Misa Morgan, Beverley 11; !narrh 95&11 "1" R-A Plain lnt;t!s,:ùk1: WA;% liray. 10. Queec«stre,ti 927^16 Co,o i doctor^ house; no family.—Mnw Criift lioase, Crawfhawbooth, Manchrster. 709«16 X"fthoroughly good Plain Cook; a.'so f ▼ Houss-Parlourmaid ,'expenenoed servante), fxr l:td1tcr' Sm&.lt family "Q.-Fu.U partWan to Box 1, F.U.S., Swaa*&4> 6461111 w- ,omfii1 Cooks Wanted—Continued* IV ANTED, for^ouriti f hvu«e gond Plaiu Cook ? "r ai?o rnf;rI:O'll:l- rikgprth. 832014 "r \:l:.SI:Jrl}:!i-i ? v Apply, stating ago. wag<'3, and reference, to i.av G.inri. Lkndaft Houses I18ndatt 811812 w* d n«-r\i.uts W anted—C'ook-Geueral and '1 'Jl:J(J-r:'I:t811íùf:)J(;r\lf I. r v • IY" • M.iil, Swimsea. 819012 WAVl'MI* ,i 11 j:; Cook; references required — ft -Vpi. M:-« Raudale, lVnarth. W-1?12 'V aLsj H-.»u<euiaid; small family.—Apply 22j- New- ]■ r road, Cardiff. 71Sei.12 little wimbi,?g; CUOK-Uinerai Wanted immediately; little washing; C o: f6'YI;d -if:l:;hiti G OlffCa:-f;a-II,, d k- 'Dt'rate wayea.—Appiy Mrs. Williams, r "'m", 8to. Park, Newpc.rt. 717«11 ri. t T f mended; family two.—15, Victoria-road, Penarth. 709^11 j ANTED, a good Cook-Generai; tood refereucte. •- H Apply j58, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 516s9 'V A 7.J'iY  1st, a good Cook-General; f f hutisemaid kept; g,d two in family.— Apply, ?lth particulars, Mrs. Gregor, Hawthorus. near Li?.d?ff Statjon^Llandaff. 548'9 ¡ -H;c.c.n-ted. HOUSEMAID Wanted for Llanellv.Give full par- ti- mars 91. W. Majl. U.,d.d. 678,10 -1YAXTKD, clo;m, active Housemaid; ]>ariouru;a;d f? »»• pt.—.state age, wages, ref«i«noe, Mrs. 3> wi3, Uriiih.-v I.:amsh^n, Cardiff. 924^16 WAII d over21; two f f m f :1 .> _• •■ r -d >» p r< ible; nagt-s, £ 16-Mrs. >. ■• t. •• .-•. 1: 71U16 HOCSKMMl' V \v.t. R- A;r par. tK-Mlar5. c:. Airtivia la^-o^cai roiUw, AU-rdare. 67W r '\TEn:-Bs¡'Parlõi.inw!d.i-p-pYith-¡;8-r: f f ti' uiars, Mis. Nicholson, Cairuside, Il1ra'nmtw. 852-10 WANTED, experienced Parlourmaid for email family. Also strong Girl as Kitehenniaid; Churchwoioen.—Mrs. Pering, Pew?totie C?urt, Breen? BY,14 E- x.rERIF:XCED-Ho-u!t'.laarrnurr:¡ld "-anted; ?w- ia family.—Mrs. George, 2, St. Andrtw's-plsce, C^rdifl^ 750.12 ,-y.XT¡:D:-f.xperienoPd-lfõlî.šprtourm3id; al«o a 8v ¥ouug Hougwa!d to .t 1).rio?,.?.d;I counUy hk;?,.d reference ??quired-S?te age. T,i,^leuJi5' Box 18, P?t?)M?e, Neatb. 'll I "ITTANTED, a Your.g House-Parlourmaid; exp* T > rieruvd.—Apply Airs. Howell, 1, Ra'braoud- ^eiit, Cardiff. 58lsl0 Generals Wanted. TT-ANTED, eipetrienc^d Domestic; good refereuce; f T agod about 2 5 .—Mia. Thomaa, Godreaman. Aber* ,!tre- 979016 "r -vFED, experienced General in May; not under f v 25; quiet fa:ui:y; no young children; housemaid I 9O,.t<:rn Mil, Cardiff. 96&<10 'VIT'ANTED immediately, strong General* Servant7 t f a«jcust'jmvd to pl.?. cookiug; help given.—Apply r,; II.n, Grammar School, Carmarthen. 932,?16 G Er;I;d,aO_ I aPP?y-Fairbolm, 78, Stanwell-road, Pen?h. ?16 GENERAL Servant Wanud, ApriT 20ib,- small famiiy; good waees to suitable girl; plain cook- ing; nurse kept.—Write or apply, after six p.m., Mrs. C.ay, 21, (1.1, fl,.d Cardiff. a^6949 I A General S"t Wanted .m-d,?tly; must have ^JL :rf;st.aai:, 2, Welby-road, Canton, Cardiff. 852614 'V áT;-d:£,praE;ra able 1. do pit. e,-k?.g.-ApplY 24, Albert-road, ?*• 861?14 "1X7ANTED, experienced General by .:tfo; s: If '?, ?,l k Also clean (iirl 14) w Nurse; to sleep out.—Apply, after three, at 71, PJ&3tuItoD-an:nue, Caaton, Cardiff. 858'10 WANTED, good General Servant; another kept.— Apply Mrs. Aktrs, Pentrtbane, St. Fagan's. 812 GENERAL Servant "-aakd; WeL-h; 17 to Ig.-M?' G'?l"il?ia?, 2,1, worlais, Mertby 81Z-12 RESPECTABLE Girl Wanted fcr ifJt H7: no w(vhuij -0 7,' C-Ilidt 781s12 "\1 it;D".j: GVniH'¡;d;l)OCJ(!:); > T Mrs. Wuaams, Vicarage, Troedyrhiw, Glamor* «r8ai 756512 YOUNG GITI Required to ii)a i??, Housework; quick and obliging.—Mrs. P., Panty Xluinan, Gil- wern, AberavnDY 75159 GENERAL Wanted.—-Apply Mrs. Jenkins, Plough I Ir.n, PuntHaufraith, near Newport, Mon. 727?ll 'IT 3.> -Tf;D good General Servant; able to do plain cooking; good wages io a re8I>ecble penoe. A, Wa!?- 'A ?. rth y r. 649?10 \7I7ANTED immediately, eaperjencVd Gene.-al So 7- ¡ "r ÂfD-WlD-¥f:e:Jar Ca rdiff. 489?10 XVTANTF^ imaediately, experienced General Scr* f f vaat.—Addrtas Mr. Al???.d, 1, Talbot-street,' ('01,1'1 520'9 G £ NEI;AL Servant Wanted immediately; two in family.—Apply, after six, Mrs. Charles Hancock, 68^_Claude*road, Cardiff. 484^9 Kltehenmalds Wanted. w1, Cuitom Sewingm-iiOtt Wanted. AN experienced Sewinsmaid Wanted; must be a good dressmaker; references M"i'A.-App'y Mrs I.aI1__t!à:a¡ .6)42 Laundresses Wanted. WA-N'RFD t aO;¡!orL};-I t?? laky Ch?,r, .1 a Country Laundry; h,,??. f,'1:d,-Sloatö 9xpl:itnee and terms O 55, Western Mail, 687«11 Female Servants Want Places. Ho,Igfi-:J.i\ig'};"et General. Good references.—Gray, 10, Queen-street OM'lift. 926s 16 'V á:l¡:I.S'lyi=1l as I'laiil c. ly, by letter only. Alma, 47, Kina- str.et, :¡¡,EU.l""Ob¡, 784?9 ACTIVE Comtry SerTantr oooi nic^!yri5ash, "irouT utaers; -ZIO-ZI6.-C?ntry Ageucv, 10 M?ut. t-inery-street, Iloath Park, Cardiff. ^Stamp.l 73?.11 TJAIiLOL liXIAID ijjfi.?n^aged; good reference; neat JL appearaace.—M. Thomas, 133, East-road, Tylers- ""°' __?._ 7!9eU WANTED, bv experienced Laundress, rWfientE &; ??tm;y WMhms.-App.y 0 25, W??t?'. ?i ?._C.trjm. 49&9 Tno-ASTEU, ati;'er:f>Y 35°O¡m:t » ensed; 6..d ttfeT<mcM.-Dot, 35, Pembroke- terrace, Peuarth. 4?W9 Male S-ant. Wa?t;, WAXTKD, Lad to Help in Stabl» and lakk:; ('*< self ''e?" ??'?''??'y??''?.? H?'?I Lrk&tie, Pontyciun. 68301 S?? Lad as ?''? °?'°?'?'?'??' S t;d.te ;e:o:nb,93tgl¡' \IV iJll: ;:d ':f. willing to assist gardener and make himseif use- fiu: wueee 22s. per week, house, ? garden.—Apply Major BeJ, Crick, Chepstow. 9=>7s16 "TITANTED, Grwcm-Gardener; able ride and 'drive » f references must be thoroughly satisfactory -Apply C-pti. Bi..d, C-tl? MUI_t6 G willing to be wefui r eTngie^lhe indoors,—State age, weight, references, Evan Evans'* 35. Park-p'.8ce,Cardi3. 915*11 WANTT-ID, Workms ?FortmM; Xu?sery ?" and 'V Âtt Gt,den; k?owl ? Of fofMt and om?. rn'Ltat trees; two greenhouses; b,lp sinn; marrie?- State age, wages required, with ?ve?-roOmed house in nur?ry. M?M. Ffynone Hùu, Carmarthm. 683610 Ó¡,nV,,¡,:>iT-'Man Wanled;-mtÏst'!Jilk -W,¡i-í>e useful I., m house .,d garden; lite ?t .,ilk f.-6? Lu??tdine. Herefotd__ __?__ "'°' 8355'1?' WANTED, experienced Ornom; marric-d: req, t<> drive a pair, and willing to be useful; cottage and g-?de,, found.—Apply, stating age, wag?, reference aud fl! .!art!lÙ-rg. W. P., Ch?,l House, B.ilth. 114 GARDENER \\anted; mu^t *ucder.?and'?ows' Md ?JT p.^>, »e.l as ?rd<ain? ia aU ill tmmchM; :j •• -»n d garden provided.—St&to are 1, f:le.c:e't: 1 ?_ 68? I \y ':l:L :,ú}I:rf,l iin'?e ? rin.l «i.. d Make Hirusolf li?r.Ily u«y. ?' ''?"? ?' ? '? ?"c _pd..u!s .?pp! statin- a ad reference, to M. J? W.d[..? U.P,l.y caw:. .-— ..? 82&!l2 "r "\XTI;Ü:-Kih\¡enOardeDer-"nd- Make Himself 1 V Apply OU;bs, Dtn?'ottj<* ? 7? 'V\i:?;" :ft;"rl fy M.?;f..?uft).M:!?E..Hnd,toMaj;eHimMt< Generally Useful; indoors.—Apply T)avi??, PenywsU Faim, Pontypridd. 788^12 "VAn (indoors), tru3tworfhr^ ~Sfngte Man a* C-wman igood milker;; als<< Lad, 16 to 13 t? Hf'p M.?'°?''?:iT?'-J?'D* Star'? ?y'ff?Hn? 747,12 GARDENER \Vautd: marned; no family; Wife able to eook or trash pieferred.—Mrs. p.. Panty Buluaii, Gil',v»-rn, Abergavenny. 752,?g YOITNG Farmer* and Farm Labourers Wanted in id, u?trat?; free pasautje granted.— J'artii.ulaw frow Miitoa Locke, EU,U¡;C8t¡on Offices, Newport. 729ali WANTED, an Under-Gardener.— Apply, staging w » ? required, experience, ..d references, to Ho-h WudJle. Llanelly. 661.11 laF,Q1,111F,D. 1,,d T,.p "°,1 Make H.IU.ll1;.efuL-PP!f O 1,4. W,.t?- M.?l OfKi ■?. Cardiff.^ -U"- 10 \\TA-VTED, General Workman or Younii Mail to H.' :lp on Farm; w»«n £ 1 weekly.—Harris, I Ar:' }'armt_WO!_My 6!3-10- 'V A;f! Farm. Uroom. Make Himself'" UtiiS t 0 raiir Useful; live in.—Apply, ? "? wa^es, &c., t-: o 37. W'. f ra M'li!, r.ar d iB. c80»10 WAN IK! t a: a ar.d Garden Labourer; wife use* \V f 7:1:>:fL:f:r¡:4 "r A/s'an a P' d Gardiner; must thoroughly II understand vecetables, two greenhouses, and frames; help given; must superintend cows and pigs; lt;> who can milk, if required, preferred,—State p ajje, na.-oc, Kaiiton, Hwûf)(j 14odf. Tenby. 470s9 Male &erv..nt9 Waftt Places. YQCXG Man Seeks itu¡.iou A.t in (}ard'D-a!id Odd Wr.rk; «M«> to miik.—Karreii, born Giatt, Tram Inu, nrt>f()rdllhire. 97>9 GARDENER Head or good Single-handed); WPU up in grapes, cucumbers, melons, tomato. stove and srroeahous* p¡8¡t.8. flower and kitchen garden; a::rfd 31; 6iUg:e: highest references; di.MDèugoo.-áddre4!B R:c.hMd Lea, 35. Adam-street, Cardiff. 693*14 AS Groom Coachman; life experience; ride, lrf;: sir.sle r [.air; understands huut'-rs; aped 29: fi?? years last plaec; g.-d references.—Edwards, 9 Sully* t<'rrx?. Peuarth. 703?io RESpEd'ABLE Yoting Farmer Wishes Situation as Farm Bailiff; thoroughly elperlenced.-Addrœs 0 84, Western Mail. Cardiff. 847«14 "V1TANTED, Situation as Gardener; no objection to II <>ow or h^rs*"1; marri^xi; three years' good character.—J. Rope, Engll8b Bicknor, Coleford, 010u eeetershire. 4734611 S Gr^om-Coafhman: ride, drive, or pa-.r: wife could do dairy v.ork; no encumbrance; good refe- rr1l'-e-6. Ship, Ferryside. 473^9 o-t: I Female Servants Wanted. WANTED at I;t Y^ung Ladv f, to Assist ai*o m L;?r»t Housework; co'.)d referents requir-PM'r,1il 8PDlLai:rJn preferred, ilia. Harris, Dyoevox Arms Inn, Merthyr. 938*16 trbant. Female Servants Wanted-ContlnJed. BARMAIDS, Waitresses, Chambermaids, Ooob,K chvum^ids, LaundrywaJds. Housekeepeia.—Davifei'i 84. Chajles-street, Cardiif. 991516 WANTED immediately, a strong~Giil M KiWhen: maid.—Appiy to Proprietress, Great Western HuMt. Canhtl. topnetM, r 93fcll WANTED, General Servant; able to do plain cook mu-; another kept; tcoud references required.— Mrs. nurrss, Djnevor Ilin, Merthyr. 937^16 "l"frANTEl), good <*itxeral Servant, who can cook.— I? Appiy Hilton Hot<-l,J Tenby. 949*16 IV,ITI D- iii t e -I y- ,a- g' jk;rl for II C» inuit-rt,-ial YI t,t" W' and salary; refe- r^-noes IeQuitcd.-PDly I). Harris, Castle Hotel, Maes- ?? 9-1? WANTED, Two Housemaids, kitchenmaid, Billiard Marker.—Appli' C' Park B.t,l, P,t pndd, 707sl0 WANTED at once, Barmaid, Assist Light House- hold Duties; good references indispensable. — ?,)P?y Mrs. Ibbotson, Ct Hotel, Shaltesbury-3treat, ?"? ?__ 69MO V\Tst:RBf-:aÜ(O ;:s in liar; one it k? l,d6,, -1 bar work p- ferrl-d.-App!r Lewis, Beaufort Arms, Newbridge, near Newport, Alou. J 869«14 H(.)(' "SEMAID*Waitress Wanted at once; also good Cook-UenenU; referenees.—Comley, PorthcawL si4 X\7*ANTED, on experienced Ci.K,k ::e:"ä; inst. I I -1"" Ki"" ??d: good ..g. given.—Apply 'A, Beutley, CemtM) U.jt<i,jMorthyf. 829?10 WANTED at on? a good Cecem); able Fo do plain 'V .r(iat1'o: H'mscmaid.—Apply l ,tp Hotel, James-street, r),? k s, ?ardiff. -055 .HOT- Wanted immediately; g-i-ni HO\'(( 1d to ¿re,elnd;i; ¡" We<t.on-fiuper-Mar»>. 827>9 \V Â!J'A :il-r:;E'l iV'Ok; Wflcrs £ 2o. Also smart ^aitress.—Apply 076.W?t.rn'Mai? T'Md? 791?9 "1fA T}<:r< !n- mÙ(ïlUTTY iDn:- ojrj- (16) to Assist H?miifpp? in H.?sehoM D.t?,Apply M? James, Bora! Oak. Pontrilas. 759,12 WANTED, thoroughly experienced Young Lady for IV Luncheon Bar.—Apply Royal Albert. New- port 2i'll i-jr Å :çri;i)t g.A K?t,h,id.-Apply, !?il 1' particulars, M.. Lloyd, S?- H.t?4 Aberga- Tmn? _? 667<U j WANTED, Barmaid for Hotel Bar; experience nõi necessary. Also good, clean Girl M Cook- General.—Apply, personally, Mrs. Aurelius, Navication Hotel, Treharris. 647'10 WANTED immediately, General; wash and irviL— :W;:iiE:rÖae,'7;J'lO Female fer^ants vy%nt Places. BAIIMAID, Desires Re-engagement; BA\iere:n;: :1rP::nie- more-road, Saltley, Birmingham. 968»14 RE'ENGAGEJIENT D,?i,,d i. Bar by ,.p?ri,.od Person; 29; could mane.-O 58, W.t,,i Cardiff 713/111 WANTED, Situation in R-vitaurant in Weston- super-Mare, beginning of May: would give some tlm..pply E. A. J., Western Mail Office. New- port. 637s10 4. S d\:dD Lady (22!, tall, and educated, Desires Re-ensagement; disengaged; highest refere"ces-°.16. Western Mail, Cardiff. 539 Male Servants Wanted. 'Vá-ot:r-pp¡Y Head 13.v??, Crown Hotel, Pontypool. 978,U KITCHEN Porters, r;tl1. Clerk Wanted.—Davies's, 48. Charles-street, CaidiiT. «9 WANTED. Third B??t?; wages id*, per ?,k; ,d 1Î':Pl'; rt Hotel, Swansea. 94j..11 BOOTS.—Wanted at once, Second Boots.—Appiy BooT H" tl. Newport, Mo 690sl0 "TXTANTV^D at once, experienced Kitchen Porter; T I must have good references.—Address O 92, Wes- tnn Mail, Cardiff. a6977 BARMEN Can Easily Earn good Private income Particulars free, Johns, Newnham, Gioe. 794,12 WANTED, experienced Kitchen Porter; must have f' good references.—Apply Culley's Hotel. Barrv Dock- -_n 'u_- a6950 BARMAN.—Smart Youn Man, respectable, sober, and honest.—Apply, letter, with all particulars, photo if r??sible returned), good home, ???d ae8, Smith, Whit? Lion Ho?l, Brytimawr. 5?4,lo .\V;:¡ranri¿:t in good refc- rences required.-Tredegar Hotel, R.?th, Car- jll- 533?9 Male Servants Want Places. S :.lt:J:i¡;Eh:-pe: XjL 5i years ladt situation; highest references and ex p-rience; u6J'd to commercial and private hotels — B., 7 9 Man and Wife Wanted. XT7ANTED immediately, respectable MarriedCouple T I to Manage Double-licensed Public-house; miv<t find deposit and haY good references.—Apply, giving full particulars, to C. R, Western Mail, Swansea. .14 MAN and Wife Wanted to Manage SmaU Public- I i)l t) :intnrtn:r the Docks pre- ferred—Apply 0 77. Western lIail, Cardiff. 739312 Ctabcllrrs, gg-tnt$. &r. Travellers, Agents, &c., Wanted. 'V i2?Ùb we f-kiiown "Firm-oT ^AstjeBt^l i nl N8T Indiarubber- Manufacturers. &c., an O.tid? :Mi:1na.r, with connection amount enrineers and col- liery offices III Cardiff; libr.1 remuneration to 8uitak gentleman; knowledge of the trade preferred; applica- I tiOI1 treated jn l'Ou.fiùenœ-Add.re.ss 0 94, \rt>t"fIJ hil, l'ardiff. a6979 TRAVELLER iti hotel-keepers and o'. h crs, to Dispose of a Quantity of Prime HerefordsliÍre Cd'r in s.?,h VVaks.— Particu- I", to Mr. Jno. Gunter, Huntsham Court, Ross H«re- fordshire. 97lsl6 WA?t,n;r.5tAfr,ù ff f,i'i' least, the Finest British Y,-t Manufactured Apply the B.k?r? Supply Company ?Limiw), Brid^ House, Passage-street, Bristol. n 99^s23 TO Lighting Engineers, Ironmongers, &c.—HiLsson's T Acetylene Syndicate Require District Airent.? to Sell and IMt11 their Sa ?tY Acetylene Plant, Puri- tir:3, and Fitting for Town, \i iliage, Country Man SiOll. House, aud Factory Lighting; the only safe 5rkw; no danger; no smell—Apply for full particular and terms to Gfn-ral Manager, Husson's, 28, Victoria* street. WeitminAt'r, London. L171S9 MANUFACTUllER'S -:ci:li:d Newpurt, aud South W,?l,?, Grates, lend and Art M?t?l Work; t'ûmmi&sion Oniy-A PP¡Y Manufac- turer. Herald Press, Dudley. 93J9- H,r.'D,idl?y. W A':n Sa F of Brewer, Wineand Spirii Merchants, a F,? Travellers for Cardiff and Di"rid; Pl?l.t? i rde.-Apply 0 93, Westrn Mail C.?d?ff. 702.14 4 ll,-n f -pet;-I-)Fh?y. r[! ,brlodol ;:J :I: tion to suitable man.—Address 0 46, Western Mail, Cardifi. 629010 C rie;Járpr:f:0üt¿ for C'ardif i,t i, who would .1? Take Charge .1 their Hon There; must have established connection with buyer* of oils and paintc.—Apply, stating fullest particulars, which will be I.eld in strictest confidence. to Craig and Rose, Edinburgh. 368s9 RESPECTABLE Men wishing to ProiftabTv Emp'uy RE t'b",Eir Spare Time (&Is Few Full Ti@?) ?h..Il write O 21, Westerq Mail, Cardiff. 487s9 rravellors, Agents, &c., Want Employ ment, OITLATION TSanted, aa Traveller or Manager; 28 SIJ,I?, in furniture .d oi:" I y('a in South "'al; good ?lclm with connection -Addr? Traveller, c/o Hotel Vic.,i?,'ith Newport, 'm? n. 974 16 L?TED by a Fi- t the Docks, .? Asency fnj 'V Å bt :-i:s 8a:P oo t "m Mail, <*ardiff, 9°5fill sTtUo-ijna;i:er' for Wholesale (,beInih. &c: well connected in South Wales; most satisfactory references.—0 95, Wes- tern Mail, Card,ú, 712«11 G E.( ;luh-at-;)nlj as Traveller to Represe nt Drug or T?,b (? c, House; excellent refe- rences.—Appy 0 83. W,?Ur. Xii, Card it! a37?14 ;Jartnrn)bíp. PARTNERSHIP Offered to suitable Young Man- p.\t;Skleer,t :Iew ,nfan: an adfanti1¡;e; my bU5itl. ig chiefly with Welsh dairymen throughout Loudon; premium £200 i security ;H; IDr:lII1nrn income ,,?a,at"d £ 130 per annum.- John Davies Morgan, 368, City-d, RC. 680s9 "tfAXT: Jj-J artrler3l1ip- (-)r SOIRINTEFESTLN~LRRW ("Illi,r),; 1't £ 200.000* Carbon, /o ob?t Jones, Esq., Western Mai.i-h^m^rs, Cardiff. 528?9 Clerks! ani i^laitagers;, CJerka and Manacors Wanted. f\¡,nt:: :t¡ëf,1:i!t;t Uh'ncv in and u»ke charge of Mack-piate works in ^outh Wale. ???..d?. "'? mills and '°? ro:u_ P_6, >> extern Mail, Cardiff. ^jqq ARCHITECT S Junior A.isi??nt t;taln Nrw- &f.. poit unni'-diatoiy after Easti-r.——Apply, statin" SUP' &('" to Box, W(.?t?ru Mail, Newpor 943511 WANTED, Grocers' Clerk, Devoe tPartTime 8I tf Counter.—Apply W??t.i-t?r StoM. (;ard?<! en WANTED. Checkweigher at Clydach Colliery ■ wapee S <*»>' -APP,'i'-»t»ons to be sent to Thomas .1(,!¡n J1.aa, C'r\mnuntgoam. lant?IIY, not lat€' than Xhur.-day, 19th April. Tpp)?'M tc b? eroded "< n.« kweigh-r. 9^11 WANTED nnm(.aiat<.?. a'.1unmrcter): 'tor Tic? ?y t.?<- Wurks, As??t with P,?y?, ac??tt?jd \j»urhhridge; shorthand preferred.—0 ?' Weetern ?'' Cardiff. 68M218a WANTED, a thoroughly competent Mining "Sur- ?' ? veyor for a "° Hungary —Addr. stating u;, ?htbtr marrkd or single, experience aud salary required, alio enclosing copies of testimon-ils to X, c/o J W. Vi,k,5, jdwla..s:au. ntlun. E.C. ?12 WANTED, on Barry Island, Youth as Junior Clerk and T:mete€per; fair writer.— Applv, by letter' statlnl; 8. E. It Lester, Nell's Point, Barry Island 68247 "TXTANTED, D,tbi.I 13-Y for Office. — I? Apply, in own '? t«> 0 7^' <!nn Mail, Cardiff. 768>12 *1X7"ANTED, an intelligent Youth; must be an efBci.nt tfT typewriter.—Apply E.uot ..d Jifftry, Card-ff I)o, Li, Cardiff. 769?9 T*TATER Clerk Wanted for Ship Store nllin8 in 'f !'r?tn! (.h.inn? l'o-t; m?tin; captam p?. t d-AddKM </o H. Siicoeke, PiPr head-chambers, Card.f. y?? WANTET), an Improver or Junior Assistant Tn Ar hitect's Ofti?.-4t&te experien? and terms O 56 .W,st-?,. Mail, C??,diff. 6BE?'ll WANTED, experienced MM)M< and Mart?riu ,1 rk f 1, Exporter's \)1ftoe.-Addr' 0 43. ?41,(.,ar ff, 591«10 Clerks and Managers Want PlacoaT ™ SURVEYORS, Land Agents. Contr^torT—WantedT Position as A-ilt..t by Young Man; six years' experience under council; small 6818r,; good rpf?rpn.M.-AddreM 0 63, We?'rn M'ai*. S**a"? sl^ rfpÁ:)diFr¡'Í1:t:r l3 \1nrii:i:cI 'V ('Ttlfi(ate). P?ition ÅMilItant SU1\eTlIlteudtnt ?T Piaee Trust.—O 23, W'estern a¡l, C-,dX. 49a?9 '?TOD E C A E OTE E T H XI If Y. -? them ?lth PHIL PH1I i m,i TOOTH ACHB CUBJB, 1*. pet bottle, Scia by all Chemista. Sou Manafacturer PHIL PHULlPi;. 24, St. UV ttre«fk 0ardi8. $&>IGTANTD I Shop Assistants Wanted. Gnt and Provisions.— anted at once, smart A?i&?t; about 23 year* f as*.—Apply, ,ith,t?ll particulars, to Co-operative, Ferndaie. 976*11 D l:);.iti: a, ;ryJ:Õ:e for () ?tfltti., ad Drapery; five i. y. ex- perience; good reference.—Apply John Jones and Co., Bargoed, Cardiff. 989»11 Gll:lfw.nÇ at onm-Stat,e wa?,,? ioutdwrs) ?d reference J.  ThomM. T- .H?hange, 'M?tM. ? 980s11 DRAPERY.—Wanted, an experienced Young Man good Junior; Welsh indispeusable.—Apply, stating expcrience, salary, aud age, Tbos. Y(JrMh, I'Mpcr? S?Me. ? 94?t6 ? Su-res, Cardiff. 963011 WDJt 8i::tiii\ must l>ear strictest iuvestigatiou.—Westminster JA,\ Ifowell and Co., 'R»e Cardiff Drapers, have a Few Vacancies in their Various Departments for experienced Young en 951sl6 /^1L(JJTHING.—^Wanted, Junior; 1iVëOUt11, vy and ?'°' Pontypridd. 960616 DIatt;c;rvn 1 I)."ti, ?4"" Ev Draper, Clvm?ru. 928 16 GROCERY and Provisions.—Wanted, Bmart Junior,  ?l ""t y ?..rt J..i. wlI up at both cOunt?r', fQr good claN trade; used to soliciting.—-Apply Grift1<hs, 152, Clare-road, Car- difr 920, 6 TO Drapers.—Wanted, a good General Hand; aiso T° a D{.e-¿t a be r; Apply, with particulars, to Evan Cule, Treherbert. 810 WANTED, respectable Young Men for Manchester aud Dresses.—Apply Davia Evans and 1. ?Li. it'd?, Queen-street, (iwdiff. 699014 RESPl^tTTABLE Young Lady Required for Confec- R Êt1'Lfif:eI=orc;:f: DR.\PEBY. -Wanted immediately, Young Lady; thr^e tn five years' expenenœ-Full p.rticulam G Steer. Draper, Ha,e Bridge, ICardifL 814>9 CLr';¿n8Uifm: — Personal application Griffiths and Sons. Nf-w- ''?? J'?9 WANTED immediately, T?. ;-io Cloth- inc —Personal application preferred, J. S EaUl. rMttTr"'? ? 787-12 DnAPER-s-wa?t ed, s J?ior for (lent?. Outfit jjRft-¥ siving :nlt:cnr:t buot <0 E- Hushes, London House, Bridgend. 79509 OUTBTPTING.—Wanted :;j[1k Ju: g(?d writer; abl to keep 1(,,k; id-, or out.— Cooke and Davies, Abergavenny. 79609 DB:l:Y'L:dxelluntr and Two Yoting Ladi?, experim?d Counter Hands; Welsh,-Àpply Evans and Co., Waterloo, Merthyr. 812 )YL?IPEUY.-W.?,t?d, a p.bi.g j_i., for U_p?r, D nEKti:n, o.Junari hert,ert. SU12 MILLINERY.—J. Jenkins, draper, Carmarthen, Re- quires thoroughly experienced IY, ?ith full particulars. '70;1.1'> WANTED, experienced Young Lady for Fancy I ,v ;iê:;T-p.d fO;hO to D Mor?an, Draper, Brecon. 753'12 T*7"ANTED at once, several Young Ladies for Fancy II and -Apply, with full particulars in first iIl3tan, Owen Jones, Bon Marche, 27 and 9, Stepney-street, LlaDelly, 749012 GROCI-,Rl.-IVant(d immdiately, emirIt mpie Apply, stating InU particulan, to 0 70, Weeum Mail, Cardiff. GROCERY.—Wanted, smart AMMmt';uKd?to soliciting.—Appiy C. N., W.t?r. XiL S??.- sea- 734sll OUTFITTING.—A Junior Wanted.—W. Jones. High- street, Abarcarn. 71S.U ASSISTANT, Fancy D-pey, with Knowledge of A Ster-o;:¡'¿;d,i, Royal Arcade, Cadiff. 11 DRAPERY.—Junior Young 'M:¡¡Impro.= pPiy Morgan and Co" Emponum, P?.t.. ,Il DuY-í1 immediately, an ?xperiq?u(?ed Young Man; good salesman -,I i.d-w-dremer; Vrmment sit..tio.A 11- Th. H.,e f.,d t. -L PROVISIONS and Tea.—Smart, experienced Sales- man Wanted; ood referenœ8 indispensable.— 'p,ly Upt.. (Li-ited), N,wp.A. 638A 10 G ROCE ?.t?d, t- w?,t y Hand; accus- t,?.?d to pro"lOn j must have good referenda.— State age and salary (indoors) W. Knoyle, Llanelly. slO EXPERIENCED Young Lady Wanted for Show W?lh .-Apply James Davies, Draper ,Fe?m. d"Jl 605el0 DR.HERY,-Want, a smart JuniorYo""Man; W?l?h.-Apply to John E,- -,d Co., D,.p,m ypridd- 594.10 BOi:;n::O,w::fagu required and experience G?. C.P?, Hereford. 599slQ _??io CLOTHING.—Wanted, ,mart Junior, four or flv< years' experience, to Serve Throub; W?lb.- Apply L. Lewis, D??per and Oulfitt<!r ,r.hrl>e! GENTS' M?rce?.-NVant(?d at on. mart Junior; Gli" Utl -Apply T. Howell, Neuth. 556? 10 GROCERY.—Wanted immediately, TVb Smart GImproven; "o Two Juniom-Phillips, Oro" Ferndale. L ?''? D 11kPERY.-Wanted, Man for M-?b.W D?p. ?,,t accustomed to th..gh; medium class Ira4.Full particulars, George Lurd. 1),.p,?, Tkby. 554810 SHOWROOM.—Wanted, in April, a Yonn* Lady <M Sb.w'.?. S.I.; g-d window-dreesar.—George and Co" London Room, Mountain AAIL 54489 BOOT Trade,—Wanted, practioal Man; food window- ] 1 d,-?, -d .alesman.-T. R-dl., 15. C "I .trfet. SwoDMit. 5?9 TEA Trade—Wanted, ..art Junior; good dd,- TEn;re-;¡:'n '=l;itInllr{: 'a!ary ?Out) Ceylon, Wt?Om Mail Newport. 523?9 lRON(0IGE R Ÿ-Junri-;eïäIŒ- Wa-i?d -L -Apply im.?di.tly 0. M. Jenkins, Ironmonger, Oowlais. J 5015 WÀJ8ioT e=dl::£1 tate age, salary (out- giTe reference, ?"-d photo, B..? R?den and Oo., Family Grocers, Cardigan. 474s9 r)?Mr:?wMtt< imwjKjjawiy, -.?s.? Y?..g M-; Webb; 9-d ~rmfntr ifrrsm. JCat. !oll parliQlara xd cmpmy, K«w Vtetorls. '-?<'? ?' MM& Shop Assistants Want Places. WAN-TED, SittL&tion" .d ?pMTt. Bion.—T. B., HQ, Malpas-r?d, NL?art. SMig Milliners and D8m-ere Wanted. MITIít;af-=; ::f Mil.liner; five or &ix yean' experience; g-d refe- ?-kpply 'T?_[l__J?< ,ll T?ILLIXER W.nttdraMe??rT.' owir ?rde? m- ?p'.ji'. with <un PlltilIl-l- Srtt letter I<w?, Draper, York House, Stepney-street, Llaueliy. 931,,l -r\BEMMAKING-WM<<d imm..a?y?etp<r?<] D D,?s.I good ,.at baud —Mr9' navies, Chepstow- House, lO^GreenSeM, Llanelly. sl4 -14 T?ANTED' immfdmMyT'eYperM,? Miiliner'per- W Maa! Ppli'3ti"n.-ApplY DatiM, T?.Ple of Fashion, Merthyr Tydfil 801?12 ÍI;JElilli:fdar.:ri:: ;ty Li?b itiUiner.-App?, ,ith references, salary find fuU Particulw?, to Edwards aud Co., Drapers Liancl!y. 75089 DUltESsM:iK1NG:=Wantd, expertf.nMd' Dr?m?ker; must be g-d w" ?.d bd?. -.d; outdoors — Dugpan Bros^, BuUth. °" 65S? DRESSMAKERS.—Wanted, Bo^^BodicTl^ 'skirt Dp' ]E'an''dmsA;"aE!so'R'A-pprentic,m; outdoors.—Apply per- sonally, Whitaker ..d Jonea, 19, Weetbourne-crescent ? 648?10 .üR{sG¡;rit1e"d making, also ib.? to Do the Millinery, W ?t,d at once Wli?h; comfortable h-?.-APPly D.,i., '?*P"' Pencader. ??? ? ? °°'?  ?''? 600?10 fI1t, -lI: S. :,eii:nf¡C Milli.?"-Applr, full ul.r,, J. 8. D.,i. and Co. 118, 17Z, 173, High««treet, Dowlais, 517,9 iHtscellanrotts ttttatlonø. Situations Vacant. w???'????'?''??'??'? W7?kL?irs?;' Wt? Pre;c-rre(L-C-p?,ati,(! Stores hrooale. 977?ll W Al- !i i?i?t;. Yard- used to converting round timber.—^pplj- stating wages, to "atton Sawmills, Brecon. S81516 T?'??D. 40 Men Accustomed to ~Steaii Drilling ".d w on 1,,in?; 11,1; ,,1!, Iill day and night* (tüd wages to competent u.-AI)ply pethick Bros.' D"(.k,.Id, l??wbro?-e Doc k. 6?9* WANTED immediatel y, :?x Furnacemen for 'ïV A:i)Jm:;fi :!al:: Steel and Tin-plate Company, Pontymister. 68297 WANTED, thoroughly experienced Blast"Furnace Foreman for Five jjjodem Bl.t Furnaces; one who has worked as founder; must he good manager of men and strictly steady; od wapes will be paid to suitable peron.-Ap¡¡ly, 1fdth full partiru!ar8, giving experience, fee., to 0 96, W tern Mail O.tDœ, Cardiff 68286 GR:eJI;e:. steadv. reliable Man G. .,Ti??i,?d with horses.—A. NiehoKis, Maesteg, si j BAKERS'—Wanted, Y."?!? .Man t<3'"BfAe?I De.iher; d t? h.?. references.—Harries ('Iarb ??t(,a Road, Pew 70-11 CARPENTERS [good tradesmen) Wanted at New llui]diLgs.—1'ump H-t?l, JJandrindod WfiU. «12 A„ DMIRALTY Harbour Works.' Dotf.r.?Wau'tt??t.t once, a Few good Carp?,.t?.; ufed to b,?.??y timber wor; able to use adze; Bid. per hour; good 1(Jbi8 near wcr-App1y 8. Pearson .??l Son (Limited), Contractors, B&t Cliff. 69246 PICTURE Frame Maker.—Wanted, good Man- comfortable and permanent situation; '? wages -Wj\L,. M"I- A,d?, C.,diff. 763<9 LAD Wanted for the Sign Writing and Paintin"'—2fif sign ing =a Alexandra-road, Canton. Cardiff. 760s9 a n'd?ft.760-9 GROCER'S Hauler.—Wanted, a WdT k?dy Young Man; one u^-d to horses P'e""d and 888m in warehouse; li,? in or out; state wages and references.— M.;iu' ?l otit; statt, wages ?iiid r,fer,u,i, ,-pp!y 0 66, W.t, M,], C.?diff. 74, 11 WANTED, all-round. "?'?  Bi'acksmith Apply ?t once to Moseiey Green C.I???", Park- end 6Msl2 WAN'TED, g?;od P?i?" I I work.—Apply R. Lott, D".lr r, Prid end. TTT A NTE D, all-round, experienced Blacksmiths.— II Apply at once to Moseley Green Colliery, Park- end 660012 WANTED, a Butcher's Runner; used to boating f' state age, wages, and references.—Write ° L. Western Mali, Newport. 6351110 en. Stone Drift at Gueret's Graigola Colliery, Glais Swansea Valley; constant work.—Apply to Manager, at th CoUiery. 621*10 £1- "fnm:{)rfit:: week enn be esrned in spare time or evenincs by any person able to write.—Proof sent froe anywhere to tho#,j sending addressed envelope to T. Smith and ('0 (Dpt. 2FI, 16. Shaftesbury-avenue, London, W. Estate 1 ¡.hed 1889 ?i? HOME Work, Either Sex; tond jnM.mt'?Mkty; to ?,wiu%: or anything to )earn, but muim bo.? work.—Stamped addre86ed envelope for reply, A. Jones, BighamVtenace, Upper Race, Pontypool. 987*9 Situations Wanted. yo:iDt:=-n t..dy, R?q ir. Sit'?ti- is Light Business.—0 56. WMt<.m Mail S?dtfr. °° ? ?Sl0 ° 3partmrnts. Apartments Wanted, GENTLEMAN RmuTM m"Dts; easy accsaj Oreat, hwtvrn Railway. p- twren Cardi1! and Chepetow.—Tfrms. PlUticolafS be stated. 0 6jJ. W^trm "a Cardiff. TifcYl Apartments to Let. PART of Un1Un;j.bëd-Honu 2-3 Bt-droomfl. Diig.,o. Y?t?bo?., &r-P 2, we"= M" 0?.' ua?-toom.. a.  9?4«U 2, Apartments. APali-On?6 to Leontlnu'8CI. Charles-street, Cardiff.—Large Prot Sitting- M- l T(?M and good r Bedrmm; good t ?hiztg; punctuality; central. 983slfi por;"i 'I;artFr Ftrrniahed ilo-nw to-T j? -Two Sittu?. Four Bed ttMm? Kitehm! pound weekl¡.-WaUscf>, Hygeia, Chri8ioba.rp!J-r,¡ad, N^POrt- 9533ll LA11GE Front ittjn.roum. On6 or Two Bedrooms! LA With or Without 1?'rd; ct?e t? to?!'t"" ?'d stetiona.—9, Park-pjaw, Cardiff. 687»li4 APt l;; \l1:\r'8¡:f:1:. .7 Unfurnished,; near Barry aud Western Station.— 0 85. West??rn Mail, Cardiff. 851-10 PORTHCAWL GoM SpriBe" Mettine.—EtceUtnt Accommodation, Board, C..I?y'. Temperance Hotel; terms moderate, 86601 pOT;¿t¡'IU:'p-a Lodgings in Comfortable H.u?,Apply, -ly, 0 88, W.- tern Mail, C.udilt 674614 LADY Offers comfortable Apartments to GenGemarTT LA'b).Yt looaHty.—55, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 779sl2 LLANDRINDUD.—Sunnycroft— High-class PeD«ion7 ab?, PnTatf! Rooms for Families Boarding The. *|yM- 799s9 P-oLrn:\ Sitting-room, One or More Bedrooms (Furnished), in Ldy'a uperior R i- d, _o 7, Western MaH, Ca¡din, 764012 C°!i;1ieuSi1t oe: T?. Bed Rooms, in the -C-otintr-y; o-n-?,- mile from station; good boating and fishing Llangorse Lake.—O 50, Western Mail, Cardiff. A o Newport-road.—Board and Residence, or the House to Let (Furnished); best part of Car- diff; central; etlephone. 680sll C10MF0RTABLE Bedroom and SiHing-rvim; !lUlt ntk!ma!l or two fn"nd1\; (Mrdon-road; terms moderate —Apply O 34, W'est-cni Mail, Cardiff. 570?10 COMFORTABLE Lodgings for Two Gejitiemen. ~7, Guild ford-orescent, Cardiff. 499«9 OakfieW-strcet, Cardiff —C-orffortable Furnished ,). Front Rooms: SPJif; onp Dr two 51289 PENAPuTH.-Lansdowne Private oioP: station; extensive Channel riew; special terms permanently. 4234 premises. Dweltlnar-houeos Wanted. WANTED to Rent., a House iO-CouDrY:-nëaTCa;r: diff; five bt?dr,?m.-Apply 0 72, Wr; ? d.. C^rdifL 767s 12 WANTED, Furnished House in the 767-1?_ W A: flfdJ1n:dhÀ8:kfd O 53. Western Mail Cardiff. 684.li w INTFD, to Purchase a SmaTTvilla, with Stahle or Room to Erect One, Roath or Cathayo-O 39, Western Mail, Crdiff. 577-10 Dwelling-houses to be Lot. MESSRS. 8" BERN AND PERTWEE PSSi\AU{ v..S-PF.RTWÉE SURVEYORS, BOUSE AND ESTALIC AGENTS have the following Houses for 8el. or to Let NEWPORT-ROAD.—2 capital Houses; immediate pas- session; rent only £70 and £50. FERRYSIDE.—An exceedingly cheap House; 4 recep tion, 9 bed rooms; stabling; 1 all- grounds. 8534 ROATB PARK and Neighbourhood.—Several Houses; rents .£35 IQ £48 LLANDAFF.—Capital Houses to Let; rents from E4- to £75- PEJ&ARTH.—Detached and Other lluidoDCel, with "S viwa; r?ta £ 35 to £ 100. NEAR ;EWPORT.-Cheap House; 3 lllrtio., bil- liard, and 7 bed rooms; large garden and orchard. 852" LARGE Assortment Town, Country Houses for Sale. 8EVFRAL Bui? Pnmi? to L "tto- 8al. i? centre of town. Printed Monthly Begieter (Free) of ¡;ta!e9, Houses and Business Premises to be Let or Sold. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT for the MANAGEMENT .f ES$atM. H'- and Colctiol1 -1 Rents. a6674 0, P-t-l?M ? -b..bera, 93, 8t Mary-st, r-,dlf Tob.T.t, Ly.d. P.,k Bridgend T' very -.i f,,t.bI, h-.?, ,ith bathroom, ?hi- V.?t,y, we,; ,.t ..d?,.t,?,ly Mr T,,?i?: Caederwen, Bridgend. 947016 WELL Furnished House iu Newport-road to I,.t, O 97, V??t?rn Mail, Cardiff. 917016 WBglpr Part Furnished House toLet71ieat Colle.ge, Howard-gardens, Newport-road, Cardiff -Apply B.. Court, Statjoner, enarth. 698-10 PENCOED.—Country House; immediate possession: PE*, CoFD.c,?? ??ion; three TP?Pti?in-r?? flr« bedrooms, boxroom, bath l'hot water); xcellent garden orchard, greenhouse, stable, cowhouse, 6add!e-room. tennis lawn, field; rent £45.A.pply Reverend Saunders ^wansea- 701*14 Hor?'E t?? \:J,-p¿::r,,i¡;Pli for par- ticulars 49, P-1k, C.r r?iff. 848?14 TO Let, Bay Tree Villa; nine rooms; productive TcLet, Bay Tr? Vi!! a; ninePTOdU(Itive garden; on main road from Llantillio Croeseny mont, .rd, ..in I.,d I'- T,?tiili. to Ab .Y; -t 97 lo,Aplly j. B,Y. Gr.- RADYR.—To Let, Sii-ToomedHouse7ffoodgardeii^- 1. W"odfeld Villas, Radyr. 684614 A Cottage, top of Cathedral-road; rentf6»T»weekT- Apply Mr. G. Rees, Andrews-buildings, Queen- ,Ire" Cardil! 839110 '7 Q Stacey-road 5 rent7£ 40^nuni-S^ions = n u m I 9J9 (Limited). Penarth-road, Cardiff. 844*14 OX: 1o9;rrQ: C.d office; 10. 9d. weekly.—Seward, Queen's-chambers, Cardiff, 843a14 rrof't. small Furnished H7-iiD TO {¡'ih::naf-¡jp e,dtrout it,b? g; ?t"I b li-9-l"-r p.?tiel." ??p-1, H.,?)i d L?g, C- near Chepstow. 831.s14 TO Lef, Broadway Viiia, Cbwbridge, containing n n:nm5, with garden, stable, and coacb.bouse; pleasant itT]stion,-Apply to Occupier. 740811 POIITHCA Let, 7-R-. ,¡n.bi., -P ..d down, on main road from Porthcawl t? Newtou- HofY convenience; I'?t 914; ?,,t. b..t £ 3.-Appl> Kt^" ewis, GlanYmor,-Porkh?l. 737511 GLEIEW, Llanwrtyd, Breconshfri—1To be Let, J'umwhed, F-ill Fruoi be Let, turesque situation; 800 feet abore l?el; contai?? three :œt or:eor: ;ei "Imee i stabling for three; ODitR?ry and '4tr arrange- r"' f'? tgood'?bi-g.-ADply Mad Roberh ana Son^ 40, Oxford-street, Swansea, 81a?ig Tó1JfJrw É,;8jd -;i -ral:dflg: Abb,)tt,, f,,d.e, bui veniently eituaW T111rcidenoe; W'9- portion ti PU roh ?k" money w?nld be allowed on mortgage. Day 73, St Mary-street C-,dilL 693611 167, Newpart-roed; contains three leoeption, six bed rooms; bathro«m.—Hopkins, Queen-street Car- r-; btb,- Quten't t, C. difJ, 702'11 168, King's-road; in good repair; rent 10s^—Hopkins, 10, Queen-street, 'diff. 701?ll po 'Ylyeion'grn, for Summer Months or Yearly, T?,,tc? ou.e, vic,?ria-rom. containing two reception, ftT b?d r. -d nil modem conveniences.—Apply Thomm, Westfield, Not- **?•. K4sl0 CO\IRy.¡:ö: 36. CONWAY-RQAD.—Villa; just renovated. 44, STACEY-ROAD; good ga?d, 11-t ,d?,ed. TELFOlU1-STREET-Small Vill.; weekly. 2. BROOK-STREET.—Double-fronted Villa. 18, CRICHTON-STREET; 9s. 6d. we<kly, C=AIES COM-ON-ST., 6. 6d; SALTME\D RD., 6s.; GOUGH-ST., 7s.: SEVERN.RD" 70 6d.; ETHEL-ST" 41, 6d.: DA-T?:L &?. -6943 SEEL & IS ?% -C Theatre -?hamt*rs. 2: ;Cl:a.itn L;: Coach-houses 2, ?t, 12 h?. ",I Partly covered;, to Let, together or 6erarat?-(iuun We5t.t. ,;h". ?. Cardiff. 656sl0 COMFORTABLE, House, 13 miles frm C.TdLff; 400ft above sea level; teunis lawn s tabling, field, cow-house.—W. Powell, Auctioneer! Bridgend; 19, DUI,?tre?,t, Cardiff. 661bil PPE rry C""t? y Fu' b" bd,iw,, ?it 'M'; close to trout fishing; 11 per week, 1 6d-Mr., Tardy, Kidwelly. 66907 HOUSE to Let, 49, Wellfieid-road.— Apply 13. Wind sor-esplanade, Docks, Cardiff. 676*11 UDrši;U:d near station,con- :U seventeen I-Pti-I ndb?dT '?-, bath- -M, g??,d kith, u'. dh,? d ,bT?.?b.t bv radiators; coach-house and two loose boxes, with three rooms over; pood kitchen and flower dPIl, with glass; the whole, w-tth dra, bM recently been put into thoroughly gojd order.—For further particulars apply G. B. T. Nicholl, Eldon-chambers, Newport, Mon! 6a?10 ST:-V-;¡¡;;D'l'ir-=-Y:BõniR01J&tO-Lët;1ht;-r"ët(O ti, six bedroom (modfT8 ae¡, b?tb. room, W.r. and domestic offices; grDhouae i 8tablhi; fllf t.hree horses, coach-house, harness-room; attractive grounds, including tennis lawn.—Apply Mr. Smith. The Bungalow, St. Mellon's. 583810 A Prettily-situated Villa "to" LeV in caniõ;52.I{;{ 14 Gordon-road, Cardiff. 572,10 TO b* Let, Large Cmintry ResWen^r^th~iiiri5 mil" of Cardiff; good rloblin and every 1I,mo<ta. tion; shooting over 3,01)0 IICrea; larA up to 130 acre* ear be had. with house, if desired.—Apply F*»e 0.11.. 20. Ch.r-3S0 Dwallinir-houses to be soicl PORT D,t-hd i House; six rooms downstairs, seven bedrooms, attics; gnnhOl1.se. 1<I.p ;.¡arrln. shed; price £350.- W allace, Hygeia^ Christchurcii-road, Newport 952^11 FOR Sale, ily within two miles of Cardiff; all modern conve- niences; four reception-rooms, eight bedrooms; good garden and 8tablea.-Knapp, 28, West Bute-street. Docks' '? 919-16 ITtOB Höf -tlb-Jc:t4iA J?. Hp?Mth and Co., E?hMKe. Doe)M Car- eM. 670814 pE,Iôç:r, '?MMhoM Villa, Also Quarry.—Apply, by letter, Olaoymor, Berw- road, ro.t,??,dd. 663sll FOB Sale, a outwtantiaUy-bnilt FamilyBe«iden-e FOR sltuatpd, ti?'n minute! from N?,,p?rt t3tion .?'I Pint-offloe, containing tlirre reception- room, five bedrooms, l1nal nftlçes; fltted tbrn-tihout in first?!mq style; rcater portion purch??- can remain if <ie.'ired.—Apply ?' Weight, Ewetidene, Goath Pa;k, C r,,Iifr. 52 '9 Q1 Riehmond-roai Sfcop, Premises, Clrre-.treet, l=),-(:é:r.f¡¡,C.j'i"' BIMIIMH Premises to be Let, OTTWATTZ, BOWWNOT ANn?r?RRY— iT HIGH-STREET. PROPERTY AtiKSTS. SHOP. DWELUXG-HOCSE. Md BAKEHOfSE 'Wood.dle-road, to I<t: £ S5 per n, VERY I?BQE SHOP Md D WELL rNG.HOUSE Castle-road, to Ld. DWELLING-HOUSES, COWbTid.-r..d, to Let at 10s ?? 16,? ?"ekly. ();?FI1S'I1"I"'et and Chnrfh.strMt; ?jo to £7'1.1 BEDA-ROAD (off Cowbridgc-roadl, 10s. weekly; near trarus; gas; hot and "old bath. HANDSOME SHOP. DweDing-house, Queen-street DWELLING-HOUSE, 11' weMy. SeTo?nrwd. GENTLEMAN'S Country Residence; rent, £1. ,(4F,NTLEMAN?s RESIDENCE. r?rdie. "nt, £ 90 SHOPS. from £ 40 to ?t20. Cowbrid?-rMd. 44. CH.\RLES-STREET. —As Offices or Business Premises. FURNISHED RESIDENCES.—Several a6934 NEW T¡;lIi.Houge ..d Shop. ceritreof town" £ 26 P" annum; any trade but gr?r, or 'butfher't.-Fe6-?. N'e?"Tr<'de?M. ? ?M!6 GOOD Sbop. 'itb mn,enient H?&?-itt-h-d, Roath Park d\tnct; good opening pushmg mm; low price to i=?di-t? purchaser; ..rtgg. if required.- Brett. 10, i?l?.T-Pl-, C.dff ? "?"M?? s-:EL.;JD::llegi 'iO::t: It Cardiff il low rent-Apply ? °"° ?.d ?'?' 9 9^ ?'' Mary^tr^t, Cardjfl. 916,16 BAJVEHOTJPE, m centre of CMd.e; rent &n.? _D km" 10,Qneen-street. 7860:2 BUSINESS Premise.—To I.?.fn. 4.' BntM!Me' 13 (.rdiff Dnrh; oppMite tJie P?t-n'Bce Md phip? pir.g Office; lately nccup1.1 as a reetanrant-Appy J. E Girm, Westgate-strcet, Cardiff 771'12 MOUNTAIN ASH —Business l:d;ral', ?.i. tion; emcially adan?d for .t d, p-?, .?t- fitting, boot stoves; large grooery; rent moderate for Perm-y; tmk optiQn.L 74, Wa*m Mail, Car- ? 773-1? ?rcnue? Business Premises to be Let-Continued EXTENSIVE Shop Premises and Floors; 21 feet frontage, uear y 100 deep; situate 2* Charlf*-street, Qu?eu_street, Cd?ff.ILPPIY Pr?mi. 777-12 CRELTENHAM.-To Let, in best business pmition; frontage 23ft, depth 1801t.; ..it-b)? fr .1..t any 1.. of b.,?i-; -.t ,,d,. rate; possession by arrangement.-Youn.r and Gilling, ?Kfnte. Cholnham. 68262 SOUTHI'ORT.—Excellent Shops to be Let in this 1-bi-,?.b !e and wealthy Watering-place, situated in the Leyland Arcade, l?rd+tre(,t; adaptd to any high-class business; rents from £ 60 per yeaT; unr twenty th-.?d p, h. ? i,i.?d the .d? in 8 day; it is one of the handsomest in Europe; this pre- sents a unique opportunity to an energetic person of (creating highly-snccessfnl and remunerative buiI1: the ,rwd -1?'?d ?ith 8 gl.. r-f. ,.d is heated by hot ..t?, tLruuhout; a hi,-h,i.. band pi??y? in the day, attracting the whole of the ?lit,, rivalling the most famous apm of ?urope.-Apply S. Rd.?, 12() Lord-street, Southport. 823?12 TO Let," Lock-up Shop, Bridge-approach; Newport, TÕ:?; I,ufro;hef e.¥ Incorporated Ac wudtwt, Newport. 68236 CASTLE Road.—To Let or Sell, Corner Shop, with li,i.? ._m.?dtio? and t?bl?.-Add,- 0 -A Western Mail, Cardiff, 689sll To L?i? at low rental, C?rnf?r S'3dif:;£ '70, Broadway; excellently it??t?t?Ed for -Y busi- ness.— Daj\ 29, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 692011 S HOJef.ne.rnpier.¡'Wt-=HoP-k't°- C?ne,tr?et, C?,dift. l DRAPERY.—Shop and P,?.i.tot,?t- ,situated in th C(>ntr of a Busy and Growing Mining Di" trict; best possible position; no stock; fixtures at valua- ,i" ?-1- -PD?rl..ity. -Apply 0 49, W,lt,- Mail. Car- ?'" .?_ —_?__ ? _67?1? TO i?t -up bôP:-it,hwitbnlltLMie Rh?;. room; the b'-st pltl(ln in suburbs nf Cardiff; mm!f of Castle-road and Richmond-road.—Applv OD Premise. 679«1- BUTCHER'S lh?p ..d House to Let—Apply T-, 89 Cardiff-road, Ab,?. 643.10 RAILWAY siding.—Yard, near centre of Cardiff,"to be Let, with siding; enn -.1 merchant or col- liery store merchaDt-NI 48, Western Mail Car.  573ø10 rLet, Lock-op Shop; suitable for branch of -y firot-class business; £ 26 a year.—Shop, Western Mail, Swanses. 619,10 :SM= to be near Crown Inn, N&ntyb?,h, S!t=rLèt.p!çNa: ,ery, T,,d??.. 596-10 Sw:r,£T::17t:, :iUI Premises, splendidly situat?d, comprising well- lighted Shop, Seven Rooms, and Basement; on lease.— Apply John M. Leeder and Son, 46, Waterloo-street. 8" ea. 6Z?,10 S ;E-C::18 .rttí- O mi- ?d W.,h. t?.Uy it??'t, ;d,??111 about 200 feet; entrance on Strand; recently occupied by whol"31e grocer1!Apply John M. Leeder and Sn., Estate Agents, Swansea. 622610 SW'ANSEA, Wind-street.—Commodious Shop, Cellar, and Showrooms to Lt L?. p.6.. m June-Apply John M, Leeder and Son. Estate Agents, Waterloo-street, _Snseô. 610 PONTYPRIDD, Taff"«treet—Double-fronted Lock-up Shop, in best part of town, to Let on Lease.— Apply J. M. LeedeT and Son, Auctioneers, Swansea. !10 Il;-bi:;o:S::{;ne:g '=:. tion; ?it any trade .It grocer, draper, h-t. maker.—Haime, 14, Gordo"CardiJ7. 571-10 TO Let, House and Shop, with Stable, Vere-street, TO Cado t. g.d piti.F., p.rtt4ulan apply Post-office, Car1nxton.Barry. 478*9 SHOPand Premi?, Provision Business.—T?"Beer, 159, Co"bnde-road. CardLa. 488s9 COi' Premises to Let. Custom Hosse-streeT Cardiff? 17!!?t I!- uu f p REDEGAR. Cmstle^treet. —To Let, s most Com- tnR;t:r:;ld:u.&hoo:D8«¡:; Premi?l; 9DI'di4 new lI:du_: immediate P-i'. AppIy Dauncey, Solicitor, Tredegar. 4690d Ti2. :fteit, wcÜit.IA:It!Jf;=, =.. 1 well "ed Wft ?Mte,, b.),m ti- on** windowecass, gas fittings, h: baek entrance to We* "I..t.treet; rooms over; a gocd opportunity for m" Parting in business or for opening branch; teat for continuing the tenacey ..y be .ad, .io opener landlord; rent 4el? per annum.—Apply ¥ n'nl V.r, Western Mail Cardiff. a4W Business Prsmlasa to be Sold. S-I,, ?,? IT. .ad Shp. tb, b,?,,t p.it;?. ii, Rd V.11,y.-Appiy John Thomm, Crumiin House, Tonvpandy. 975016 3 Large Ho ]Am and Sbopm for Sale; ex?llent d, ing; g?d position, ia Lower Cathedral-road. A' Large Corner House, Railway-etreet, East 1I00ro- Apply Bickel and Sons, Queen-street, Cardiff. 593s 10 Offices to Lot. EXCELLENT Suite of Offices to Let, centre of town.—Apply J. Richard Thomas, Auctioneer, Andrews-buildings, Qi'?-etreet, C3rdiff afRl4 8-Workin,i-8trëecar1Wr:='-CO-nYerlinfsUi}r0\1 8 R-?.Lpply Lattey, AlleMbMk Works, Car diff 482d OFFICES "k 18, C-t- li- 6.4 Osrdiff flint Bros. WESTERN MATL-CHAMT5EBS —Four ROAKI < Let, Singly, in Pan. ? klt*gethni hydmnli ft; eledrio Hght supplied.—Apply to Mr. E. P ^rafter Western Mail Offloe. Cardiff. 9W7* Stables to L" TO Let, Tt5il St3bleat- Rawden-piaoe.—For par- To tieulaw apply Stranaghan and StepheM' Stores Limited), Castle-street, Cardiff. 967sll T-St.11 'it?hl, and Lr&,? Hay L,,ft i. W-d 'x>cJr..treet, Roath.—Apply J. Allan, Woodnlle, road, Cardiff. 850?14 CARDIFF.—To Let, Stables, Coach-house; centra' ë-R?':JI:;sIe;nZ:grJ;t:i11 ^flO L?t, t3?ble, with I;o-ftmiti6?(i for workshop; l' T-Ó/:81,1U1=o:.¿:; Cardiff. 776? 12 £ anh» VALUABLE Freehold Lias Limestone Property for Sa'.e.—Apply 0 79, Weetern Mail, Cardiff. 808»12 Building: Land. TO let, abftut 17 Acre«of Land.—Smartr Llina. &D 846»14 FOR Saie, about Eight -k'- -1 ""h"!? Baildinc Tand at Dinw P?w-Ai. lpply 0 a Western Mail, Cardiff- 578610 t3ublíc"lJougtg anb ))UgmtSgt "I" "r- Publlc-houaaa Wanted. WANTED, Management ofHotefbr"bigWy-rM[Ket- able Couple; well known; lushest references security if required.—O 86. Western Mail, Cardiff. 614 MANAGER and .re'bo!: 257 Requirt Mana^?ruenfi f 9.4 Double-licensed H.?-; thoroughly experienced, who!e.sa!e and retail; own 1111- mtnre if needed.-Ai>ply W. T., 341, Cowbridce-rr«d, Canton, Cardiff. 780^12 Public-houses for Disposal. TO Let, Oakfield Hote lT^ Cwmbraa, MonT TDouble T-O :e-tec;rr:= o-õF:=: Brotbrs (Limited); Brewers, &c„ Alexaodra-road, Ducks' Newport, Mon. 9^16 MARKET I-, .t,y tw?; excel l ent takings- I XIn:r:f(::i: £¡e;w t. c-?il Hillman, SkilJner\r""t, Newport. 941- OTEF, w:tb??dre opf=' employing hundrew of hands; 1, JDgOWg EM, )-i.-H?. 94111 BUSY Roaœide Inn (FuU-Uoeneed)rnea7~workr; -.cli for ???O; cheap.—Hillman. 941.1 GL3,E'¡itEt-e Gtlli., ld-tbli.-hd .?d bighly-respectobft! Free, Full-licensed Hotel "m Expire N?t June. The Owners are Prepared to Consider Offers for Rental Thereof or fe" the Purchase of the Freehold Right Out.—Please address, by post only, Jouea, 62, 1)-rwbjtt.ff)Jd, Brockley, S.E., or 8, Wellfield-place, Cardiff. 925*16 TEBBS, Hotel Valuer, Y'idoria-cbambelg, VictTria- street, Bristol, has 1,000 Hotels and Licensed Houses to Dispose Of in Bristol and All Parts of tb* C:)UutrY.-Thœe seeking a genuine b.i.- pply ubov, ad 6%?t4 TEf)bU/t-:8n: of the busiest thoroughfares of BriU)I; under fivouri#? b w,,? for been only; takings average E15 weekly; rent £3: incoming £180 cash; present tenant number of vears, now retiring; highly recommended.—Apply Tebbs, ahün ?dd r?. 695-14 It EBBS.—'Village Beerhouse, nu?.tersliire; taking 'rE'2i-tÆr::it:b tak ",d, ig,,ing LM or offer; thoroughly genuine con- vf,^n' 695814 TEBBS.—FSilly-iicensed House, Cheltenham; com- fortable living trade; ingoing at valuation, about £150 695,?14 ¡ T-E!je-i:Bt:J; T taking newly £ 20 weekly; P-i- £ 250 -I,. 695sl4 TEBBS.—WeU-paying Beerhouse, Bristol; corner"pre* OPIrlu?ity th? with £ 70. 614 TEBBS.—Cummandins Corner Hotel, pleasant suburb Bristol; L.i? bar; f?kig,? approach £ 20 v.-eekly; ingoing £ 450 cash, including stoek. 695sl4 TEBBS.—Free Family and Commercial Hotel, with posting in all its branches; delightful p e tition, overlooking the port and surroundiug eccnery, few miles from Plymouth; fishing, boating, and bathimr; fjtfOUrite resort for tourists; retnTUs £2.200 per aunuw; rent £ 150; long lease; priucipal hotel in diS. trict; large Fpirit trade; ingoing as it stands, including stock, £ 1.500; half Illii1 reaill jf desired; exceptional reasons for disposal.—Principals only apply to Tebbs,' ?ole  695? 14 TEBBS.—Village Beerhouse aid Butcher's Business' Somerset; 111, p.dd.,L, stabling; genuine profitoble trade; i9-i-9 LlW, and stock.-Applv Tebbo  695014 TElS.;l;i1i tD(!ls'u:t;seristIUs: neat the principal business centres, Bristol; suit, b^- C"inIl' admirably; incoming £ 150 cash.-Apply Tel,bs- 695«14 TEBBS.—Roadside Public, near Bradford-on-Avou■, T E acres paddock, :,ngei-f.J-; ii¡ini R-i6o, and .w L?ll,bb,. 69:"14 TEBBS.—Village P.bli,, ith S.,Il -d T B.ki miles from Bath; ingoing, stork inclusive1 ?b,, t _A 1'ebbo 695-14 rBBS. —Fuijy-iicensed House, Jn- th:e-1'!ouril5hing town of 8?i?,d.n; Ywd, ;ts?lintz; profit £ 4 ?«.?. it?oiBK ?irMh'? £ 250.—Apply Tebbs. 69M4 TO Let, the Castle Hotel, Blaeuavon (Double-licensed House), in mam lHn:"et.ppJr Westlake's Brewery Limited), Blatnavon, Mon. 6SZ72 A Perfectly Free House, iathemain rtreeV of Bridg- end a splendid opportunity for a good man — Apply Michael Davies, Auctioneer, Bridgend. 68258 A B:f;.u Free Beerhouse, near music-ball; hand,?metyr concern; £ 150 to immediate ? *?'' bargain.—Duke, 12, Colston- .trect, Bris?L 68iS3 CB¡rG5\lD-b-ttni- monthly .bli draught beers alone; net rent X9; splendid stabling and yard; good garden; £200; cheapest house erer offered.—Duke, as above. 68233 STERLING Free Spirit-nouse, near shipping; taking £ 50 weekly; lease £ 700; fortune-making concern. -Dnke, 12, Colston-street, BristoL 68233 "fa h: the Bell Inn, Aberaman, Aberdare 'Single- X licensed); situated main thoroughfare; immediate pn<icn.-AP1¡l' Buckleys, Llanelly. 68230 DOUBLE Licensed House —A Fully-licensed House, situate in central main thoroughfare Cardiff; takings, c60 per wk; furniture, stock, valuation; weekly rental-^Apply Randall and Co., Soiintors, Bridgend. 68227 rpHE Three Lamps, Swansea.—Very valuable Fully- X licensed Premises, in Temple<treet, to Let 00 Lease, with early possession.—Apply John M. Leedsr and B.. Estate Ag-?t6, 46, Waterloo^treat, Swan- "A M6el0 I ?nMtf?ous? anh fiusmessfrs Public-houses for Disposal—Continued. BRISTOL.—Noted indoor Beerhouse; pays ('rg(>'8 £ 30 M £ 40 u.?tt.?y. Mt r?nt undM £ 10: iRc/»m- £ 130 ~-Thomas Br<'?'M'. WMt-?et. Bristol, .n MASON -Limited), Complete I!?"?tt?.'?r?t?. .d arnishers, Billiard FlttRr Every ENuizito M Stock. T??d Spn S'??A? ? ??t?a'?* Call or write for designs; estimates free. Work*. B;r* j mingham. Buy Direct from ?"?". '?""? House- .ue., Cardiff. ^33 COUNTRY BwhooM to Let; smainigoing. -A)«p y Win H.k nd Co. ?Limited?. Anchor Ht'H. XlwP°rt- ?__?.? M4'a8'' Businesses Wanted. WANTED, 4 ButinM.T'?ithTFf Atret'ot Gn:.und 'V adjjinnig; leasonable distance from station.— A?)' s L: 'Ted, AdtertitiM Utti?. Hamnr. 96M4 £ 500,600.—Wanted, to Purchase Large Colliery; cash j rcj-iy. -•Princ.pals only reply L.y-?k, 14. H- bmk_?M?nt,J?.? _?__ ??_??? Bu?tMMM for Oteoosm?. TEBBS, Bu»iBCM :eDt, Tictoria-cbamVr»r 76, V: tona-strcet, Bristol, has 1,000 Businesses ul A 1: Descriptions for DiVû1.Ihu.e reijuiriii^ a ;e.nlln conoem should ,Ply the abore dd,- ° <o? partÙ. lar. No charge for information. 694«14 TEBE.??.-Cii.ar Tbaccollt\ttr.Ú;e,-lo1JY: titt?d Corner P,??.j i ki. avera g e £15: ;C; /:J; ;'W;I: I eluding ..?ly £ 200 worth of stock, L420; i,t tenant some years.—Apply Tebbs, Drb-wi 694:-14 TEBBS.—Boot and Shoe Business; smart double- fr«-r>ted pn-ruisfs, pleasant suburb, mam thorough- fare, IB" 1,?filbi, tr,d,; averages £ 1.000 l*r arnuin; incoming £ 165. and ?-1, reduced to ^uit pur- -Appl,. T,-b ?1,4[4,14 TEBBS.—Refreshments, T'?' 'Coft?. ?'d Duui'rs. "t-ntrp of Bristol; prnfita about £ 6 wr^klv; jr.. e^;tu;ie as it t't.anrtJ¡, inclurliug all domestic furniture, £ 170. or near offer; last tenant. 15 -kppiy 694»14 1'f;?.ni,i¿FT.- llestaurant. with Free I. Beer (I Wi'. J.ic/ncr. centrally situat.d Bris- "'1; fianged t" one* in 40 Y""HIO;' buo,,?A? should save .00 ? Mnum; m?.n. ? it etands kkw 694,A 14 rrEl?61.?_i:??? -d best J. p.iti?. Br?,'t' ,7 17 years' f- b%, ,,?,d lioenœ; 1hroub domestio Œatvr. I (an sell u:is genuine investment for £ 500 cash just, as it stands; j formerly sold for £1.200; this is a genuine bargain. 614 COAL Depot, Office, and Buin; adjoining rail- way; abundance of stacking room; lmT::U:D8e resi* dential district; good opening for energetic man.—Full 2. igor. Estate eDt. Perry-ro3< Bristol. 14 GROCERY Business to be Disposed of "di G Rf?o;=8lI-Dt::f- I Apply J. E..6958 BUILDING and Decorating Business for immediate ,t Diepneal in West of Engl??d; h?,-b?l.,? and select trade; ood. ""fo 't?L; •mall P!?. every thing in perfect going order; exceptional opl?ortu,%ity.L. Ad,l,- 0 82. W. Mail, C.,d:?, 682fl BOOT Business for Disposal; pretty, anrsctlve -.¡, in b., position ill Wrestern Valley; stock at valuation, reduced to suit purchaser; stock £200-Ront, 1, C111lrch..tre" Biaina. 68253 CO8 c(nm;l:I:y Colliery We. ,?d S-. CIIHilTY.-Ol ri p.i. iDI, Bowen, Weotern Mail, Swansea. ° ? 68252 BAKERY Round and Confectionery Bninl!8; 14 backs v,.ekl).-Ro8Ch, Cu. Cff. — MOll FOR Disposal, nug 1) i Ei i t M!lk I FO'tll;:t5i :àr-;t:, m.il,- c.d,ff.d 677-11 FOR Disposal, owing to ill-beaith7 a flr8t<las8 Boo £ seller's. Newsagent's, Stationer's Business in the most prominent, and best position in Koath, Cardiff; over th years' -t-blih,d 15 )an.-o 47, we. <em Mjiil Cardiff. #6939 GR_EENGROCERY aud Confectionery Business, 'n populous part of clou?ter; do-abl?ttonted shop; ingoing, including everything, £70; excellent oppor- tunity; real bargain.—Apply J. Voyce, Brook-street, G ¡"ll0e0tfL 616«10 COFFEE -d Sweet Business for Dip..I.-47 l-r'ue!ca<i:, Cadif! _u u,- 586-10 BUSINESS for Disposal—Small Grooery and Sweet BzCl5; in .i. thoroughfare; y-U. 1-i., twL -0 42, JVfcetern Mail, Cardiff. 592*10 G_ ROCERY and -l-)iõi!ionáineU-tOLei;!Ck-;¡ valuation: good r'iSlhun-furtber particulaa apply to John Benjamin, High-street. Brecon. 542*9 iflisJrellanrmis. MlecsRanaouo Wants. SAFE Wanted, about 26'n. X 24m., with drawers.— Reply P 5, West^rn 1.,1, C.rd?ff. ,6986 iIn.:i:: ..d 15, Bf;t.-(80 Wynd- h, k ('diff, Purchaser of Ladies' Gentlemen's, and Children's Wardrobes, Boots, Furoi- ture. Carpets, D". Suits, &. Established 1853 921'16 GROUND Rents, well secured. Offer Wanted.— WA,, 1, 0 78, Western M Cardiff. 807»12 '¥A:n::tS!1;.a Price ? rail 0 90 Western Mai), Cardiff. 80%9 WA.dw:'nS'i; siae; good ?.k?,. -0 41, W'.t?r. M-1, Cardiff. ?6 -?RS. 6reen, 32. CttoitM-ttreft. Cardja. PnjchMM j, Ladies', Gentlfturu'g, Children's Wardrobes; highest prices given; town er country; established 1855. 502a WANTED, a Quantity of Mangolds or Swedes.— W State lowest price to -IT 59, Western Mail. Oar- ''<' 68125 CLOTHING.—Ladies', Gent'.enwn* Children's Left- off Clothing B"'ht-M. Rich, 73. C.'tle. C!f!t pri?e?. Ordem ,!u".ttI8uYan'4101"1 r EFT OFF Clother —Mrs Roddy, 9. 8Bn.oDtrt, L Newtewn, c.,dim Ptrrrbuer of Ladies' Gen- .leaien's Wearing Apparel, k, —AU orders punctaally attended to in town cr C"v1t!1t-rr {k¡rtd J"Ticn nn 61 LAD IKS* and Gentlemen'r Wardrobes Bought. T or -014'. pr-ptly atteoded to by 7r. or Mrs. S Beer, 50, Caralina-ctieet, Cardiff. Eitab- lished 68S?7d MlecellaneoU8 Sales. FR Sale, modern Mahogany Plate-git* Front, 16ft. 6in. xm8\ftn;t( Brass Stall Plate. Original cost £75; will be sold bar. gain.—Appiy Alf. Davies, 2, College-street, Swansea. B16 rpO Exhibitors.—For Sale, a S?ll Cowti- f Old TO -:o¿"g B:;iJJ He", (4r,?n. field Cottage* Pc-ncoed, Glamorgan. 604*10 4 STROLOGY.-Your Future F?,, X i.?' Future Partner D?erl Cb?id" J.-?t, Le6a,? Ruling P!t, &S,.d date of bilb, 12 stamps, ..d tzp,?d Mr. Cole, 30, Chelten- I; <UIl-p¡" Brighton, Sussex. 507s9 TT^EATHERS for Bdd,.g; -drT-?boru;bly I' ?urif,?d, ready for ?L; 7d. lb cania,e psi& Feather Beds Made to Order.—Prices on application F. Baker, 25, Cambri3n.p18. Carmarthen. 506s9 CURP for Vil.4 el?? C?? (¡ua,tëed In-mMt stubborn CMOO; post free, 20, i 4, 6d-La T,.b: Cbun.t, St. b.l,.biU, Bi.t.). 14-9 r; OOT) Boridiag and Fire Brieirs Supplied in Any "JC Quantities and Shortest Notloe—Appl* Tradegs/ Ir^r and Coal OmnfMiny XimitedV Tredegar 6?W8 rS~AB RX( JE "Plsn^ETrFbffeahrmr 11.8"0 Nõ T "j tnd Red Pickling, Sa. per IhO, Dnmbeads, 4s ,??b itb ordor-R Mason, Plant Grawer, W¡tlnD w -EL Id.Pimt G,-??. Withinct.? FIVE Hundred Thick R?lf Ojytnp 9b" extra F1Vq;n=i.ir.= for ;1' 1*tt*w; 1 <>tier. 20; footeap, Is 6&-sthn"" Depart ■n»nt, Weste n Mail. Oanltt r p BK "Tryn<)gTaph" Copytnr Appar.»fT«; rr«-»duees J thousands of copies from ott handwriting or t.tc-wrttiBg -Price Uk on applioation to Western Hail Stationery v..psnmKt, Car4HS. PHIL P'lillir" St. Cardiff PHIL Phillips' RbeuoMtio Cue Cures Rheomatisa and Goat PHIL Phillips' Rb- Cua.-I!oeu Its 6& m, P8lT pHIL PhiHips' Rheumatic en"B.!t8 10s. 6d. "pHIL Phfllipt* Rheamatie Cure.—Wristlets Ss. pai; PHIL Phillips* Rheumatic Cure.Send for PHIL Phillips' Rheumatic Cr.rs have cnr*d for IN. 6d.. ?h?. *ou have paid ore pounds. PHIL Philltps' Rheumatto Cure.—Sore Cure for t"\atica PHTL Pb;ll»ps' Rheumatic Cnrs have cored wb«»Q d. ,?d baths have failed.—Note the dd. ¡. St Msrv-«t^ Cardiff rl'o,Á (i¡'b:;T;i.bn1 Fhiflipi* Certain 1. <'ure; 1, bottle, by ?..t 1.? it nnOOTHACHE Ci;7eT^Note ths address :Fri>m aTl I chemists, cr from ?4. St :lr,tr" !rdft T^EURALGLA Care —Why suffer ^hen v<>a can be eur^d for ls^ b.r Phfl Phii'ipg' T- a- h e CnreP TOOTHACHE.-Clean yourT^th with'Ph.r' Pbill' Toothache Cun. and have no more decayed teeth. TOOTH VCHE""OT" NenValgia Certain Oire.^l'hir rhillips" Toothache Cnr !s per boUle. by post Is. Id.—24, Bt. Mary-etreet. Card,!t 67 DREAM Boat sod Fortune Teller, is.; post frae 7 2, W.d Limited. Cardiff TICKETS in Ron« of i.ooo each, fcr Baaaars, C?. certs. 1;0 is. 3d., _1&10> Sd.—W«tern Mail L ,mi t.od. Cardiff. ¡r- -HF: E(E\on-Ximo"Ph-th -Fta;'õur("- D :I:I: Tlff ,F. ,t i -E;r" TA." F?i..?. f, Duplicating Handwriting or Typewriting: price list « n application; mnchise to be se^n at work. —Western Mail Stationery Department, Cardiff — Duplicating Iak> r p HE Latest Impiv'ed Le F11 e 7 Tbe Modern* 'rHf;rIp'ri:f II Moil, Cardiff. PA RI OUB Games, Js, i-oet fr ^r; Obstacle Raca, r QUOI". and the L8tM Snnltr. 'The Penalty Kick'' Table F,ott.all-8tau.n.ry T-).p.men*. tern Mail. Cardiff INVOICE siid Letter Files AU tb feeding style* "The SeQaenes File, 'The Warwick File. "Tbe Standard 'rh;1::r;li: n:tiC j Departinent. Western Mail. Cardiff DHE^TVR Linen Tape for Repairing Music, -i: 3d., post free, per roll.—Stationery Department, W..r. Mail C.?diff. 0_- .NF. Do* "English Make" Blackieads. s,.ti. Department W..tem M*il Ca^ d? -S1tT(' i' e!lIt: 5s, invaluable to evt-ry business man.—Stationery Dtpartment, «*'«*ttrn 1&1\;1. Cardiff PATENT Automatic 0118 -Pape"n,jt;b 811d Monthly I Calendar kr Four Years, ',hh(OÐ. D.rto ment, Western Mail, Canl" I-f TTTO NJ I TICTk,?d a\ post free.-Stationery Dep.rt- Western Mail Cardiff. TE()ÅnDS for dd-.i,, b. & Id -d 2dL k per pack!) M.'? Limited. Cardiff SNSO DIARIES for 1900 Nuw Ready — ^tatiouery Depart- meat, Western Mai Cardiff. SAVE Time Letter Cards. 25 f>i *4d.. post free; an improvement on the (Tovemirent Card. Statluw" Dt,.nlllt. Westers Mail Cardiff jfo"¡; Book, ]"t:.r I extra.—Statlcasry D.pn-t V".t.. U.4 Cardiff. I5.-f, -)-" U- ONE Thou*and-Pag* Lf.P"2-JÚx;kh8tÎ bound calf So 'p""la. li-W k MaU Stationery Department, (".ardill 1 FOUNTAIN P'D;- earn.11: inplY; 1'. poet yE"artmmt, Western Msil Car air. WAR. War, War.—Pictoiral Post-cards of the Various Regiments of the Army and Navy, splendidly printed io brllIiant eoloura 64. per packet, b' ? i.-t f pod free—Western — ail Ststionery Department, Car* diff; THE New Game, Table Football, Is., p«*t trea.— Tmld"t.t ry DepwU..#. W?t.? I"iL 0- diff. TTFORTTMER S Cough Mixturs, Certain < S xre for 1\X Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping CooRhs, Ac.— 80M by all Chemists, Is. and b. M. per bok ifiisfrrllanrous. MtsceHaLnoou? Salea -Continuia. MI"cellaneo. saleontl"U_. T??A'? ?°'<c*p<ri*r'?" packer ?t?" ?-r  K,hak: i Knwlo»« j». ?' ? ""?M'? w M8_nSt..&ry Dpat, Cardiff T,?'?L E..t??. :°M ??-T?,—— 0 ?S'rM'?" ?' '?-?-?' }f&11 r.icjit«l, CArdiJf, rCHAVSTAAr. War JiapaTli-K-r ■- 1 M.?l, Cardiff rpiu'VKI.f.rita Tripli«at»"Or«5~Jto6i,x i.l- 1 M tr.pHMtt. M. <'ct-8<M.MMY Dtptr?? W,t". Mail, C.,diff- nX ^HE KJh.1.I\Xr Ponnta^ l^n- Sn* 'm? ani ro.d po'n; I\t *tJ01*rT p-parttcent^ Weitern Mail. Cardiff. jOOMMKRi'lAT. TiMTe!>r*' Duplies^ OrdTr .I. If. bl.k W ^ifn orms i. i! spheste, "ib P?-htt-fJ, aad ?t  J.ate complete, is. 4d.; refills. 4d each. a.^O mL* and ID'úi Fornis m same stvle and Dri<*s—StWi'inerf De-partmnt. W.,?ru ?. ?'i, ?"?-???? CYI-11.1?ll,Sl C- Bepairinp Outift, Medicated C- P ConD0„ (or 12 DtOtl\b.I, on. a.taIIU,&" tioncry D'p.i.-mrat,JV«otni Msll. Card-J. A K Invaluable J. u> All Unpaged e Tr S T" A B?t<*?B?'')?,?'' ?'t.?? '?. '? T eolations: price 28 Zr 4i URa.s\.at¡JDtr}' ?a'?.t''?? '??d? -°?-????? rDJlTSTAKI.E n:»-er ?—— ? S?t,.n? ?f<?. We.t.n. M?L ?T; ^trptlrs, IrtCt?fg.??' A j\ '('l/r n' £6 10. -Rn<i;ldt,rtb tl.rM,t.<!), loa. t>r :iI. I'tr'd, CHrt:ff 't?"??"?'T" Rnaa Wr;W'— 'rr "'5: fr*me; anyfha?h??j?r,, fitted ilarje g*hT wh?,. ?rr t.fM ?<M.?Q.I. e^ua) to riflW; vr rr little 18 rria<hin^- ii'W ?]?.Wtut'.? fLmi? l(? ?t'* Mi ry-s. ?: d,ft. frame; Palmer tyree; Do,»j traii-rarent ;ea'-c^ T npturiy.'d handle-bar; in exoelient condition- had *< ht.11 use; own*r b?FilZ -T t- »hee) machine -? fi'-e £ 9 17.. 6d.—Rudg^Whitwonh iXunited) loa. 01. Ma1)'-<.rec1, Cardiff. if r\: d1; ?. t)rM; ??tw.tod now; pnttT dropped h«'!? baœ; just re-plated and nallf-d: we;sht 24h great bargain, £ 8 10f —Budge-Whitwortii iLunitedi 1i(UMifcL St. Mary-street, Corcù!! A Lady's u dditch,r"' Safcty r Cl i ncher tyr*; n> A :rdf'7:; .2 tall rider; qui new; "-d; -fl,, £ 8 1^ 6? ,d ??bitworth (LimiW, M, 8<. M?ryl?t? Ca*-  Ai,adys liudge-Wnitworth; Dunlop tyres; tnM"rr't- AL.,u,d,yd 's t, 'Pr?tt3- ?w bii*; perfn-t,y sound a-" d ('od deeign; strongly r-Ild?d; pn^-e lJ"- d¡; bltWOrtb ILlmlted" 103, St Mary_eft, Cax- dim. -¡- Lady's "Marpies" Safety; Bostonetres; Caret XI. gcar^ase, witt 0" bath? -Pl,.d;d di¡u; -ü.. built, machine; can I-Ileld .1j.hl, mak»* £ 7 17s. 6d.—-Rudg^Whitworth ?j_,td', 108, St X.T. street. Cardiff. 4 Youth's Safety; feiosl make ("The Magaat^n; X\. Warwick tyre/; m gexxi. s.)und wirkii.? c r^fr £ 4 5e.—Rndce-Whitworth (Limited" 108, St !II. "4t. Cardiff. St. M? ARudge-Whitworth '•Special"' Pat-h 'lUoerTIhinlop tyr?; Wefttwoud rii-: in g,_d condition; ma-'hine; low d,.pld handle-bar; 1at _?,,h tr »-n championships; L8 17,. 61.-Rdi,-Wh?,??rlb ;Lim.ted. 08, Sr-rdill. X-?-dg'-Whit?.rth-l?Sp,i.l,, t7 25m. frame, light, fast, reliable; £ 10 ,?w,itworth (1?imited,, 108, St. Mary-street (or- -Rudge: Whitworth -;Sia!1'- &.ad- Raou Z7 oT i\. frvme; Palmer t.vres; any -h-P, b-d'?-Mr 'I,d; nay gear; 1899 machine; £ 10— Rud^-Whirwrnb Limited 108, St Mary-street, Cardiff. A ;Vi2;ot&D;, Dur Top lyres; 25i". frame; strong, etnnd machine; £ 6 10&-—Rndgc-Wbitwortto fLimited), lœ. 51, street, Cardiff. jL Great Opportunity to Secure a Bargain is Now j\. Oj>en for a Few ll,L Number .f 1899 Machine on b-d, 'd -,h Palmer a.-jd D..I?p ty' bi,h ?', ?ligbt"y 8boJp-&Oi. we now Off rSame at Very G?ti dutM P,i- to clear Ladi* "Scia\A:' X1;.6 161. 11> ach æ. 1899 mae. &nou' i-, offered, to I.r, £ 12 1>. cash; Gents.' "Sp<cmtew and 1,15 15s. and £1" 161. DJi>cl1in" 1899 bu, kl, Roadsters and Road Racers, offered, to cI""r, £12 12s. cash. Ea-h machine filly guaranteed as usual; sent on approval with pleasure; this offer is open up to Easter, &8 01 then every ma^hitK- is 11re to be s^jd; ii.speetion in1iv-d; easy payments arranged; lists frN>Rudf;e-Wbity(\ti Limited' 108, St M&fY-6trel'i, Cardiff. a6981 ~i n Guinea Lady's High-grade Pneusiatie S ^etr. M XO new, w?lb Aoeeesoriee; 1". k6 la. approval — 0 81. Western Mail Offloe. Cardiff. 632*10 C-Yj\£5d: ¡ç-.=- Ladies' Gents. monthly payments srrsaced. How much cash down offered?— Potter's Cycleries. Sor. wich. 706*11 POST Free for 5d. Scamps, New Road Map "n WalOI. "Bnqw. Within," Tips, L^te, h. ftrao Cushions, 50L each; Four Pneomaties, 90s. essh la- pam, Enamelling, and Plating Promptly. One 8aD8 per Month, Lady's or Gent's, to order.—Mocrk Broa. CYcl. aod Motor au Wwki6 1151-44 GENT'S Bl!:b" 01eIa, sew -01.14 guineas; guaranteed U -W Pt; a- Mollis, 1900. throughont Westwood rint; plated issa bell, PlUÐP. cyclometer "pleie; bargain, £6 1!)1,; as naa to owner; appmval ?th pk nn; worth K Fear. Seatoo He. Wedob4.an.. ?eH SACRIFICK.—G^t.'s clipt"-t,. C-fty wty; genuine bargain; ao 8M 10 owner; -w month; all acOP.8lronH; b. machine; bargahs £.5 156; approval before cash is paid.—W. Jama, l Willow Oottsee, Weston-saper-Mara. 27ji LADY'S High-«rade Covestty Safety; beaetfal machine; detaebaWe tyres; machine ostr vti • week; as ae., gear eaae, Ulht sad atwDc. plsted 'amp, purap, =1_, .p, 1111 sew; leaving; sacrifice lot ZS 190 64, bargain; will «eod cn pp.LL-Kft Prtg, Rdith Cb-4-4 Weston-super-Mare. OKI RNTAtTIS '25 Year*' Repgtattonl eepiag C-Eifr2S1=-o.aa:: Irom sio 10s. ar 21.. monthly; tree wheels small erfer charge. Imperials, tboraaghly rthsbls, valMlnisSM marhines, £ 8 80.. or 11. 6d monthly; tras wbeeis £ 9 90 ÁDY Suitable Make of Margins Oaswertai tt Free Wheel at Lowest Prioa New Tyvas, Ta>a k*. Fitted. Re-plating and Enamelhsg.—W. TlUfcea, tSL Bute-etreet, Sole Agent Cardiff Diatnot. OBKRT Bevan is now Offering the fotlealm wefW known Odes at Fopnlar Film, tth. 0-b Easy ej723 OVERS, from Tes Gotneaa Osmoads, from Tea Gurnesa. Sunbeams, frem Tea 0ulnea«. New BucI&GlII, from Eifbt CHriasaa Bevan's Cyats Oepot, a/5723 Castle rtiest. a LLD V Y'S C h elae.—South Wales Dp?C 49, Wes^ 'L,ï:-80 =of c:r: v Select From, ftevaral Seooad-hand lerd. b, 1I0Io E. pairs a Bpeeiality. ^tephose Wo. Q. efijl AOuadrant CyeW, Railt to yott owm Bpeeileatieea, for <10 l(S. List post tre*.—Tb« Qsadraat Cycls Or>upaay Tomitedl Ii. Cardiff (JIat DMI fr the Angel HoWl a8t q^iTdrant Cbsisleaa, Fitted wft* FVas Wheel aa4 th. ffasiest Rassisg II: as Earth; noiseless; so oWe slips and so fit. W»h and press DOliCOl stnt pod free.—fVa Qusdrset Cvde Company iHmitei), 85, CsKlu slmoi Cardiff rYM 800, to the Aacel BøWI. 0181 A Quadrant F,- Wheel I- 11-1 0-11 it 9*11"K d M. b. ?iddo. Wittent my DSVPL lasts P.0 "fte Q..d-i oyw 0-7w (L:mited>. 35. Cadl Cord", Ofext Dasr te the pø..1 Hotel). oG A QLdy. Qrele 1. Most P»rteft AM' ,b- M: -t..td -@ .ttft aatd scientifle principles; send for iflostrated C'8fa\ —The Quadrant Cycle fmaaaciy fL-nvted), 35, ea". street. Co" Tfert Thy t" lb. Ange' H'>tell- .6!11t Carriages, arn, &c. ÚT A:HEI> Buy -;lioli -Dog:ort 56i!l brat Mdea; most b.ctz-C; The 672,111 TV "IV TANTE'DT"Second-hind-Gent's Wagonette, w-.th movable .d; to seat ?h, i.,d,-S- pn. ""d full particulars to wg.-tt., W. Mail 00?-4 Swansea. 618,?O :ia¿:<i by carriage Company; *uit 14 hands horse. —Ai'^J The Laurels, "it!burcl1. riiff _969P1 A Two-wheeled Covered Medical Car, with t- p. i >r Sale; cheap bargain.—Apply trD; B. •nu-mas, Eastfelds, Newport: 987,16 t IGl{l: i,!i.;t;;hdro: • Lis-' h t Gig, Thirty Business -d Pl,.Il, TT Carts, &c., uit from 12 to 15 hands; ('heaflR,(U'r, H;'rberHtre<t, <"pn" 91 sTYE: by Brainsby; ? -11 d.„t.r: 50 wm<as ost £ 1^0 Very C-fb Mare, about 10 bands; knee blemished; £ i« qcj. Western Mail^Cardiff. 964.t.16 rrio-Bakers and Confectioners.—Two-wVel JL excellent condition, for S a *.< built W(>xia>.—Evans. Steam Bakery, Lampoter. ST'RRMY Dogcait, with nibber 7r, -t" -?.-Battt-D, Cob=4t.Teeu Cathay?, Cu- | f;ff. 'fc*9 L-fGHT Landau, equal new, under 1 5 cwt.: Ar.otber, L;(;l-lï:t ;;rry nine' £ 12 to £ 35- j;;Olr"Ugball¥t' ':i C' l$t4Dn4tr?t, Bristol 7k? ROI'iHAM; in excellent condition: £ 33- Two-wheel New Show Dog-cart: u*- d <2? ™ ?6. 003 £ 25 —Mr. po-u. SnowshiU-cbambers, AGONETTE for"SaTeTmed".um eiae; cushions, Ac.—Apply by letter t?, '00 45. Western Mail, C.rdl!! b 'J Fluc,?7iy suit doctor; La..dau, f;fiå[;f& FrNjenck-street. Cardiff, ar.d Bristol low pnoe: Wagou.-tte. suit gentleman.-rerry a- It F) 'I ?l td t"zi" nd "I'' i; 00 &¡Jpllrat¡f,n t,. Mr.  W Morru., a. PnPtlu NIP. Cardiff I6S:J- CHF.VP" "l.sndau -d Wagonette, -.th ■* ■ Apply John Fuller ad Go. St eecrr,Q., 1 Bristol • vew-i I.arge Furniture Van, 1 Aerated h^rl^c6.^ rr^>T^'» ? .R 2^ Calw 7 CA-J 13?t,b C" 2 C^red Pe^-verv Chrts, 8 C, ru II.Ti?,4C. 2 9-d C- GaMen ann C' t ictf^r*' Ra'T'-w? ¡ Gp;.¡;;1'{(lr.lker' $lD. 1 m •, Wagon. 1 Furniture Van. 1 Greengrocers was■ b- Crank-aile Carts, 1 Crank axle M k «'• OobuJ. 2 But. hTI' Car 1 Pouto Menbaat JOHN" XfWMAS. Cv»rt> ar.d *J> B-r.« ■■ JOÐ;,oi'D"'b, :T" ,¡\rFF T.l toD Trams pass SbowTOc-t* and W >T T.1 470 STEWARD'S Hamw and I-de, ?' F8('i('1CA:1I' L8rt. Cheapest ?d BNt BI-' in •• — STE;A'S H<»ru«* is Warranted 130 Se? -M rnM t ?' I-Il-'d- d- STEWARD'S"—Carriage Paid on Orde,N: f- £ 2 *° ovrr. Any Article in Trd. Supp>d. -1 T) Sample Carr.^reJ-o- rs*. Cr. value. Oompetjtir-n defied. S-rd jr STEWARD'S.—PiK-skm Saddles 'varra.V. £ 2 10s. Rept valae er^r nffprcd. K(t»i'. O r S TEc :<=dd'3B:t Taken ^x' change.—Note address:—3. Wood-street TWEWBJTIXO TAT'GHT AT THE TYPTE?"F'?'S-TRF,11'?mN MAn OFFICE CAEDlr r.