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f i ufiltr Amusements* CAKl'UF r- CARDIn' THE.\TlŒ Roui, (}\RVIFF. I.eftsee ami Manager K011K11T FEDFORD. Tins KVKNINU. at 7.30. Tm; SIGX OF THE CnOs. Kow playing to crowded bou.e. at tho Lyceun.1 Tha reo London. Ne,?t W.,k-Th,? M-i I Comedy. "ORLANDO DAXiHV Bux office at Theatre, Ten to } n"c. fele- phone No. 362. a5610 rA i^U EATliK HOYAL, CAlUUFF. PUTTEES (Arranged bv Mrs. Ashley Bird, Penarth) }L\'¡1:\EE. in Aid of the Mayor's R""er\'J.¡ MAIINF:E. i,iA?(i of the Fund on pm.. at the Theatre Royal, Cardilf leiit for the oTuaion b' the less?. lir.R? Red- ford). i'atroils: His Worshipful the Mayor (Alderman Sir Thomas Morel. Kt.), the Kight Hon. Lord I%Iilltl ti? Iti?,ht Ilon. Lord Tre- dl'r, and the Military Otti('?r? eoiumaudim? ill lU District. liuxe?, IDs. ód each; Orches- tral Stalls and nrf.tI Circle. 3: Pit Stalls anu lpper Circle, 2* Pit, b: (Jajlerv, 6d.; Chil- dren Half-price to all except 3;. seats. Doors open at Two pm. Commence at 2.30. Car- riae-s for Five p.m. Tickcts lIlay bt; obtained at the Theatre Royal; at 31r. W. Lewis's. IHike- st oet: or of the Hon. Secrotarv, F. C. shacUel. Church-tftreet-ciiain')er9. Cardiff. Arrangements have been madt, with the Taff Vale Kaiiwav Company that passengers travelling by the 2.10 tram from Penarth will be allowed reduce! fares on presenting tickets of admission to the Theatre. a5621 GRAX}) 'r H F, A T It E Leber and Manager.Mr. Clan'pcc Sonnes I.e TKE.MKNDOl'S ATTRACTION AND SITCKSS OF -yyHEX gLEEPS, Popular Trices and Time as V^uai. 10 Office at Me-wrs. Thompson and ShuckeU'e. 24. Queon-stret". a36j £ MONDAY NEXT: — HIm WKDIUXG DAT. IQARDIFF ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY. THHF.K GRAND CONCERTS. :on;mYi' 3'1I'Ai?i'.EW'u. 19. The BALLOT to Determine the ORDER of ROOKING takes place at the 1',uk-hall 011 NOVEMBER l'-th. All the åre., Seats at the,e Concerts are Reserved for Subscribers, and application for these Bt',H mu." be made to the Hon. Sec., W. A. MOR(;A??. Glen Lyn, C.th?dral.r.,d, Cardiff. Late Trains on Taff and Rhymney Railways. aC627 F 'II.—Tut -Miiioid Haven Fish 1 blupply .)U\:l..l1ùli Deu»er, carnage k'aid to uay V.,t ot the Kingdom, BAiKKitj t;.iËûUjr'IW JL;'d 11:;¡. from I b. 6ù.. to 5o. Special Term. \0 Hotels. b.t¡:g. Vcns, aud Largo Containers. To Avoid LJ.eap- p04i^.rre:a and to Assure Despatch "I." Beet QUttllt, Net" ihe Old Address. All cJQ\mwu •a: t>us to Tfao3. J enkeraon,M ilford Haven. 23004 JJEAD THIS cAHETLLY- We have something to offer you that cannot be beateu at the price. You have seen our Enlarged Portraits in 1,, Ink and Crayon. We 11:\ ql sold thousands of thee Indelible Pcrtra,t<¡. We call them "Ihe Iudao." BuT WE ARE ADVANCING— We are still supplying "The Iudao" at 6/6, and are now also offering A SepIa. or Warm Brown-imted Portmil for lè. AP(, tr,t?? Beautifully Painted in Watr Colours for 12/5. And An Oil Painted Portrait, in massive frame* for tl 18, YYHAT we ARE OFFERING— "The Iudao," the Sepia, and the Water Colour Portraits are three-quarter life- W.(? Ihead and shoulders onlvl. mounted on crd 241n by 191n.. ready tor tramin Th",? t??,t ,n w, jio I*ke, to I d,orn ) n r rooms with coionrd pictures I t fail to m DELIGHTED M'lTTI THE WATFIE COLOUR AND OIL L'AINTED PORTRAITS. The Oil Paintings are ou caavas, 12ui. ty lain* ?t,?t,h,d in the ordinary manner, in el?g-t .d massive frames. inufciuf a picture about 19in. by 11in. TOU CAN SCARCELY REALISE THE BEAUTY OF THESE OIL-PAINTINGS UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN ONE. JJOW TO GET THESE POItTRAllS- Send us your photograph, or tiie photograph of a friend or relative, It does not matter how old or faded tiio photograph. Write your name and address on the back of it. State whether you require "The Indao, Sepia. XVitt-r Colour, or Oil Painting, If yon are ordering a Coloured Portrait, please state comp,eX1úU and colour of brur. eyes, and dre69. Enclose P.e_?,r 'i ?Td d d"?-, h,, correct amount. Adarb': Western Mail Limited. Cardg. jpRAMKS FOR PORTr.A:TS- An illustrated price list of frames suitable for "The Irdao," SCPIa. and Water Colour Portraits will be sent on appli- ?tiom The frame for the 01\ Pailllmg is included JD tbe ch.uge of one guinea, bat when ordering one f ?"j 'i?erb rt ,,t,. r:n;ayon"h/hehh tT sld'\ be *h;te and bronze green and gold, or chvcolate and geld, or all gold. All Pictures ar-» De\iered Carriage Paid, iat One Shilling Exira (U5t be S,??t f?r P. ldng ea". when Ordering Framed Portraits. TOOTHAME CURE. I usE Plull IIHIIII.Ills" ACTS LIKE MAGIO. Is. and 6d. Size. By Post. Id. extra. J^EURALGiA CUPR, USE PHIT, PIULLIPS'. NO FAILURES. Is. and 6d. Si/e. By poet. 1d. extra. TX ^EUEALGIA CURE I USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. Has Curod for 13 where it has Cost yon Pounds. fpOOTHACUE CJREI USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. TAKES AWAY ALT. INFLAMMATION. Is. and 6d. S'M By Post. Id. extra. fpOOTHACliv; CURE I USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. And see that yea get it. If yon are not cared hv following directions, money returned. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATBSJT MEDICINE YENDOE3. rpoOTHACllK (jURE I USE PHIL PHILLIPS' NOT POISON. BI T CERTAIN CURE. J^EURALGIA CURE I USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM AIL PARTS. rIlOMTT.kCHF, CUREI USE PUTT. PHILLIP?!' TAKES AWAY ALT, IXFLAJfMATION. Is. and 6d. Sire. Bv Pot. 1d extra. POT.T- AT A VT*V ACTURER: pHIL HILL IPS, 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. NORFOLK gQUARE JJOTEL, PADDIGTOX STATION", OPPOSITE AItPrVAT, PLATFORM. KEWXY LLC 'RATKD AND LUXURIOUSLY MAPLE AXD CO. FORTY BE DROOM8. HPLENDID rTN"NC-. IiRAWrNO. AND BU-LIAHP ROC-SIS. PRIVATE S IT T I X O-R 0 0 M S. Electr'c Lipht Ttrcogioat. MODERATE TARll'F. XlGHl PORTER. B A K E R AND CO.. PROP It., 1)". L16642 RIWETH! J)KXTISTRY! TEETH! R'*tDre Mastioatiou. Ingestion, and Beauty! M ii iiL ALL, 5>l li^LON LLNiiSi' (4a Y,?ul-' Experience; o- 1 ears in Swansea), 19) Ulii-H-SiJ KELi', &WANSKA (Just below the û 'IK atauon. same side), Be to lntiuiaie that he can produce a per* fectly ntUn.; Set of Teeth !D one dear day. Tbe .-en -Et ? .,k. "-11?iP gull-?t?(-d. Pamle>i Dentistry by (ias, also by AumiiLbetiui, Coc..we. and Ether Spr?y. i)olrtiii Set? iro s. per T..th. Cpperor Lower Sets from Two Guineas. TES'llUONlALS. In a letter addressed to Ifr. Keail by Dr. E. J. Siade King, M.O., M.R.C.S., Member of tae Royal College of Physic, ans. London, he leinarks:—"1 have every confidence m your skill as a Dentist, and I have had many oppor- tunities of witnessing your Bucce.-siul Deutat 6¥::[.¡;;lI1al from the late Sir John Hesketh Lethbridge, Bart.:—* SIr John Hesketh Leth- fcridge can confidently recommend Mr. Keall is a Dentist- Sir John and Lady Lethbridgu Itoet heartily wish Mr. Keall every posslhle tarthly sucoess. 39111_, THE GHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER.- IHOMINON'S BCKDOCK PILLS purify the foulest blood and relieve every !.)¡;erl3e of Stomach. Liver, and Kidneys. Pure Blood gives RcaHh. Thousands have been cured by these wonderful Pills where di8ase could not be ""ooed by any other n%dicie. Sold by all t., in b?.?. l?. l £ d. and 2? 9d. each. Bent by rail to any address from Ille Manufac- tory. 44. Oxford-street. Swansea. A 45601 pifolic Shmisnnrnts, jt'AUWFF. J,EMPIRE pKRFORMAXCES j^OW AT rjIHE pniLHARMONIC, ST' '?r-?KY CTREE' ST. 31AItY Q lO-XTGHT! OTTCE. The Celebrated Liclit Comedienne. UtriSS IFfIlI COI.LIXS, Of "Little ^"idoiv" an<I "Ta-ra-ra" Fame. MR. ln.RT SHKPARD. Patterar. Com£'d':111, and YoculiBt. THE HAVTORS. In One of Their Laughablo Sketches. THE MeXULTV SISTERS. American Singers and Dancers, with their Xovel Plantation Cane Dance. n:xm BELFRY, Co-nedienne, Singer, and Uancfr. THE M'HARIEX BHOTIŒRS, And their (Jnaint Helpers. J. P. APDERLEY, Vocalist, LOTTO, IJLO, AN1) OTTO, The Most Popular of Trick Cyclists. Two Performances Nightly. Early one between 7 o'clock and 9; L.t? One between 9 o'cl<wk and 11.. All the Artistes Appear at Each Performance. Rox Oftice open daily (with exception of Satur- days 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Satur- (iKy?.n*:t.)n.to2p.)'? Plan of Boxes. FalHeuils. and Grand Circle. u Booking Fees. TLI,:p??one No. 2J. GRAND FASHIONABLE MATINEE Will be Held at ANPRKWS'-HALL, QUEEN-STREET, On SATURDAY. Nov. 4th. at Two o'clock, In Aid of the RESERVISTS* i<TX1). ?ic Performance wiU b? under the Patronage of l.OIJl) HIS WORSHIP Tili: MAYOR (Sir Thomas Morel. J.P.); Col. CresswelL C.O.S.. 3rd V.B. Welsh Regiment; Col. H. 0. F??h, 2nd Gkim. V.I. Artillery; joL H.[:heJèv lllDi Olito;\aiJ l:l;i- The Incidental Expenses* will be defrayed by the Enioire Company, and THE WHOLE OF THE RECEIPTS, Without any Deduction, handed over to the Fund. By kind permission of the Commanding Officers THE t NIIEI, BANDS OF THE 3rd VOL. BAT. WKLSIl REGIMENT. 2nd GLAMORGAN VOL. ARTILLERY, and SEVERN VOL. DIV. HOYAL ENGINEERS Wiil piay the Ooening 8eleetioll. including "Soldiers of the Oueen." Curtaiu rises at Two o'clock sharp. Tickets may be obtained at the Empire Front ()M, which was untouched by the !1re. The"" Tickets will be admitted by an Earlv Door. Eariy Doors open ..t 1.30; Ol'din:uy Doors at ¡W6ù5 "??TY?j? A V Y AT Tim PIILLHARMO-MCHALL, CARDIFF (Sr. MARY-STREET!. FOR TWO WEEKS. COMMENCING MONDAY. NOVEMBER 6th. Every Evening at 6. Doors open 7.30. MA'l1XEES-'YF.D:\ESD-YS and SATURDAYS at 3. Doors open at 2.30. A BLUEJACKETS CAREER IN THE SERVICE, Commencing from h¡ entry on board a Training Ship, as shown before HER MAJESTY THE QUEEX, Also at St. James s-hall. Crystal Palace, Qneen's-hall, I,or.don. The Y<UiOU9 scenes in a Sailor's Life are illus- trated by 40 of G. Wo;t and Sons', of S'-uthsea MARVELLOUS ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHS, interspersed with still pictures of the highest artiEltie merit, showing the various phases of a sailor's life, graphilly described by CAPTAIN F. EDWARDS, R.N., A few of the animated scenes [lre:way Aloft-Working a Field Gnn-Cruiser at Full Speed Discharging Torpedoes—Fun on Board- FIt Getting Undervvtigh—Barbette Guns in Action-Dancmg the Hoi'npipe—Blowius Up Torpedoes—Two Bluejackets having a Rough and Tumble Boxing Match—Boats Racing Round the Fleet—The Ship's Barber (humorous), Ac.. &c. Over 16,000 baited OUR XAYY at Portsmouth last August, and the -a,i.. ?,,?e? Hokoo the utmost enthusiasm and applause. Newcastle Chronicle." February 2J-" There has never been an entertaillweIl so attractive in Newcastle before." 0. WEST and SOXS have secured also a mag- nificent animated photograph of the Launch of Great Britain's newest Battleship, the London. Besides which they have also animated photo- graphs of the Yacht Shamrock racing for the America Cup, and various other exciting yacht rarng scenes. Prices of Seats:—Reserved and Numbered, 3/ Tnreserved, 2c and 1/ Admission. 6d. Seats booked of Messrs. Thompson and Shackell. Oucen-street. Cardiff. Carriages at 5 and 10 c,dork. la7j NEWPORT. qriHE E?f'PIRE. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! The Pantomimical Farcical Absurdity. Those TKRRIBLE ROYS, Invented and produced by John Leopold, Including the ORIGINAL LEOPOLDS and specia!ly selected C,p??ny. SISTERS -A I DOW. Musical Specialty Artistes. PAI L LANGTRY. "The Black Beauty." THE cH \NNINGS. Vocal Duettists. BENNETT and MARTELL, Great, Quaint, Knockabout, Ccmic Lunatics. SISTERS SPENCER. Duettists and Dancers. BROTHERS ONDA, In their Nautical Comedy Art-On Deck! JULES KELLEn. the Human Enigma. Next Week:—The Famous Lottie Collins. a5606 Y C E 1" M X E W P O R T Proprietor & Manager..Mr. CLARENCE SOUNES TO-M?HT. at 7.30. and SATURDAY NEXT, at Two and 7.31, the Comic Opera, FA L K A. MATINEE SATURDAY NEXT, at Two o'clock. Is. Rox omce Open Daily Ten to Ten. Telephore No. Fa Nat. '° X"?'' wJ..?'WnY ° 8MrTH LEFT HOME." Matinee Saturday. November 11th. 66163 SWANSEA. m H K EMPIRE. T Managin.- Dire tor ?, ?U,D STOLL. TO-NIGHT! A Graphic Real;)i¡GJJ;{ Animated Phot?- graphs! Gibbon 1.'AFFAIRE DREYFUS, mth the pathetic and thrilling incidents and epi- d);'tt :;h \t1;,r:lia¡[(;cJj* t"hii; Historic Dm ma. SISTERS DE C??STRO ?n? ?\rD STOXEHAM in a F?re;,al Sketch, enti- t L "Iti?i Lordehip." ?r. MARK !1LTOX. Comedian. Lieutenant FRANK TRAVIS in his p?'?'s ?e.n[?"f?!!? Realism. Miss ETHEL CAMBRIDGE. Serio-Comedy Songstress and Dancer. COLLINS and HICE. American C<>medv Arti>tes, Vocalists, and Dancers. The TWO BEKs in hejr Comic Exemplification of Song and Stery. a5607 GR A N D T H E A T R E G R.. [oren ;n}; ek.R E Mouillot. Proprietors. MODA Y, October 30th. 1399, and During the \Veek. A GREEK SIAVE- Box Plan at Gwynne H. Brader's, 17, Heath- tie)d-strret. Telephone 291. Commenoe at 7.30. MONDAY, November 6:h, THE GAY LORD QUEX. JJECHSTEIN piANOS. SOLE AGEXTS FOR PEMBROKESHIRE, rTTHOMPSON AND CHACKELL a.mn'ED). BECllSTEb piANOS. SOLE i.1EXTS FOR CARDIG AN-SNIRE, mHOMPSON AND QHACKELL (LIMITED). gECHSTEIN piANOS. SOLE GEN'TS FOR CARMARTHENSHIRE. rpHOMPSON AND SHACKELL (LnnTED!. LECHSTEIN piANOS. SOLE TEPOT FOR WEST WALES. • 32, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA. JjECHSTEIN pi ANOS. PRICE LISTS FREE BY POST ON APPLICATION" TO THmœSON A?D CHACKELL fl.miTy.r?. ? CARDIFF, SWANSEA, LLANELLY. BRIDGEND MEETHYE, or PONTYPRIDD. N.B.—Piai:o3 by Other Makers Taken in Ex- change. A Liberal Discount for Cash- Sole Agency for the ESTEY ORGANS. 26107m wf NEWPORT, MON. (Fbli?h?d 1870.) THE DE KEE* Bi '-L-l'OSTI"G AND ADVERTISING COMPANY (LTD.), PROPRIETORS of 500 of the LARGEST POST. ING STATIONS in Newport. Pontypcol. Risca, and Eastern and Western Valleya. Tems on application to 21. Bridg street. J. DE REE8, M-.Ci.g Director. milE BEST NEWSPAPER TO SEND TO FRIENDS ABROAD. THE "WEEKLY MAIL." PRICE OXE PESKY, iitietnrsfj 3iiJresi>fS. T. c. PALMER, THE CASH TAILOR, 66J QCEEN-STREET, CARDH'F, AND 35, CASTLE-STREET, SW ANSEA, WINTER GOODS ARE NOW COMPLETE. Blue Reaer Overcvit £1 10 0 (Velvet Collar; Plaid Lining). To Measure Grev Twill Overcoat £ 1 10 0 (Fashionable Shades). To Measure 5 0 (In all the New Cloths). To Measure Blue Melton Overcoat £1 10 0 (lnd;go Dre) To Mea>nre The Paddock Coat £ 1 15 0 lIn all the "ew Shades) To Measure Frock O?.t and V.t £ 2 2 0 Silk Facings). To U?o" Dress Suit fS 3 0 (Silk Lined). To Measure Garments, lut cute another one. T. C. P ALER does not a.lter unsawfactory aM49 DO you SUFFER From CHILLS, alternating with SUDDEN FLUSHES? SEVERE HEADACHE, accompanied by DIFFI- CULTY of BREATHING and symptoms of CATARRH? Pains in the Chest, under and betweeft the Shoulders, and a SUffne. and Sorenesli of the 31use:es? LOSS OF APPETITE AND NERVOUSNESS, or are you oppressed ith gloomy forebod- ings and depressed spiritb? If you suffer from any of thesli Bjmptoms know that. they are the forerunner* of JXFLUKNZA, And it behoves you to resort at once to an effective and suitable remedy. GWILDI EYJ.xr QUININE BITTERS. GWILY31 QUININE BITTERS. U WILY3I E VANS' QUIXIXE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Sold in Ilotlleg. 2es. 9(1. and 18 6d. enoll. Beware of Imitations. See the name "Gwilym Evans" on Label, Stamp, and Bottle, SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTUR- ING COMPANY (LIMITED). LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 26183 BOOKS FOR THE MILLION TO BE OBTAINED AT THE WESTERN MAIL OFFICE, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. pRICJ: ONE SHILLING, POST FREE. Is. 3d. CLOTH-BOUND. GOLD-LETTEEED. PUBLISHED AT 2s. 6d. EACH. AS SO LARGELY ADVERTISED. rEE BIGGEST VALUE EVER PRODUCED IN THE BOOK WORLD! 25 YOLUMES OF THE VERY BEST BOOKQ Selected by SIR JOHN LUBBOCK and other eminent authorities. HANDSOMELY BOUND in Red or Dark Oreen, cloth boards. gilt, lettered in gold. AND A HANDSOME POLISHED QAK BOOKCASE FOR SAME, MADE IN DARK OAK AND ALSO IN ART ORliEN OAK. THE WHOLE COMPLETE FOR 30s NET CASH. I VERY HANDS01IE PRESENT AND A WORTHY ADDITION TO ANY LIBRARY. TITLES. I-DAVID COPPEEFIULD.Cnar]m Dicken* EASY Capwn Marryat LIVE1 TWIST Charles Dickens 4—ROBINSON CRUSOE rauiei Defoe 6—OLLi CURIOSITY SHOP Charles Dickens 6-PET ER SIMPLE .Captain Marryat 7-DU.%IBE" ALND SON .Charle. Dickens 8-THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII.Lord Lytton 9-BARNABY RUDGE "'Charles Dichea* 10—THE BELLS Mi?. ii?kmann-Chatrian t??MMLWORTH' Sir Walter Scott 12- NICHOLAS NICKLEBY Charles Dickens 1>—IV \NHOE Sir Walter Scott 14_PICKWICK PAPERS Charles Dic?ent t5-VAMTY FAlft M. Thackeray 16—SKETCHES BY BOZ .Charles Dickens t7-rEM)t?'< IS W. M Thackeray 18—BEN HUR .Lew Wallace ?TME PILGRIM 8 PROGRESS.John Banyan Mt-MO?TE CRISTO .A)exaBdre Dumas a—WINDSOR "ASTLE Harrison Ainsworth JZ—HOME IXtLUENCE Agoilar Mr.. Webb 24-VH"rORIAN ENGLAND Dr. W. H. Stacpool* 25—SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON. APPLY BOOK DEPABTMENT- WESTERS l\!AIL LBfITED, CARDIFF, WHERE SPECIME.N3 MAY BE SEEN. JGUYISG SHOES For a family is apt to be a heavy expense. Any!tow, it is worth saving something on every pair, and it is worth something to have every pair wear a few weeks longer than yots expect them to. That is what we claim for our Boots and Snoe.-a little cheaper, and a little longer wearing than others. They are made from selected material, and tve guarantee every pair we sell. E ow do these strike you for Boys and Girls :— 3s lid, 4s lid, 6s 6d, 8s 6d. Boys' Schorl Boots 3s 6d, 4s 6d, 5s lld, 6s lid, as 6d, 10s 6d. BOYLJi; AND CO., HICK TREET. CHURCH STREET, 1ST. jXA ^Y TRFET. and branches, CAhDIFF. a5435-2 ESTABLISHED OVER FIFTY YEARS May convey to some the idea of old- fashioned me;hods and of antiquated remed:es. but it is a fact that Kernick's Vegetable Pill. have loii £ been the pioneer of Small Pills and Small Doses, whilst they surpasg in medicinal value many of the most modern prescriptions. KERMCKS VEGETABLE PILLS Are mQst carefully prepared, ad -? r..meilded for aU disorders of the Stomach and Liver, Headaches, Bilious Oompl&iDte. Indigestion. Rheumatism. Tic. Ac. Thousands tall. no other medi- cine, and declare them to be a pOMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST. No family £ hould be without a bm Sold in 7id., 15kd.d 219 b- f all Ch-i,t.d Stores, or at the "s Depot—Kernick and 80n (LiJn1\ed 6,?? 'an?6t? 0ar!ut. '*° LIWO









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