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f £USinr5S WHY NOT HAVE VALUE FOR MONEY,j MITCHELL S WEIGHT FOR MONEY PRIZE CROP VALUE IN WEIGHT. PER OZ, CIGARETTES. 1.1 6 m CASTLE ARCADE, CARDIFF. :'='=- The LONGEST ARCADE in CARDIFF, affording a covered way seuly FIVE HtJltDFED FEET long from High street to Castle-street, and theac, to Canton Bridge and the Sophia Gardens. =-=. -=, .=.-=-=-=" -=- rptni RESTAURANT of WALES.-The DOROTHV will be foundi fitted through- Wit n everv comfort. Excellent euigine, J^renchj )!1_1)1;¡' p Vovpitiw^i_n Csk«. ESDA31ES WHITAKKii A JONES, Ko. 4, Dress and Mantle Makers, are Now Offering. at Specially Low Pr;ces, their Surplus Stock of Costumes, Uantlet, Jackets, &e CASTLE TAILORS, 16, CASTLE ARCADE. High-class bespoke'Mof. ing at ?he?u?uat nrice?(jU?'tmR_'eady.?)ade garments. pICTURE FRAMES.-IF- YOU Want your Pictures Framed Cheaply and Well, you cannot _do better Jhan ory.—2J. CASTLE ARCADE. HENRY HAWKINS, DEALER IN Old Furniture, Biolis, Old China, and Pictures. Goods bought or sold on ennmiseion.—23. CAST! MJCAHK. WHEN Buying Goods Don't Forget to Call for Trading Stamps, nnd Beautify your Homes Free ofCharge.-Cardiff Premier Tradins Stamp Co.. I*. <'a«tle Arcad». CRIPPS AND HART, OUTFITTERS, MILLINERS, &?., 29, Castle Arcaw Large A Choice Stce': in General I'nderline.i :ind Baliv L.rifn Corseta a 'pe?ialitr: TITADAilK MARIAGE, COSTUMIER, 33, Castle ArMd< Every requirement, ?15,cillity ne?dy-mn? French Corsets: ric? frt)m ?t !s. tn fh ?d PROFESSOR SCOTT, Oculist Optician, No. 37. Customers' si??bt s?!enHMy t?steLi: idvi? free. Oculists' nrescrintinns! hre t? purchasers c ?edicit •jnectaclee. MRS. S. CHAVE, Ilroprietress, THE CASlLE CASTLE ARCADE. Strings a Speciality. Guitar.Jlanjo^Yiol n. Mandt.line. K^tablished 1 £ S7. W S, TOMS AND SOXS, TAILORS, 41 and 43, CASTLE ARCADE.- » FASHIONABLE and ECONOMICAL TAILORS^ gtjTS TO_ORI>KB H10M oM GmaT QUESTIO OF THE DAY.-Where to have Sy\iRh ?Hitinery at a ? _rMSona?e_pr?-e'_I c:UL?°'n'"?Ji-L'iL'?''J?-??'??_ ARE YOU ILL ?—GENUINE Homeopathy will quickly cure. Guide Books free from the South Wales Homeopathic ^nnnlv. 12. CASTI.E \PcMlK ( VKDIFP.— FOR CHOICE, FULL-FLAVOURED TEA AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEE, GO TO SUJtMEBS. TEA BLF.XPER. 13. CASTLE ARCADE. WESLEYAN AND GENERAL BOOK AND STATIONERY DEPOT, 8 and 10. CASTLE ARCADE Theological Bo'ikM'rotfstam Literature. N>w_paper<.Bookbiiidinj. \\TOODMANS Castle Arcade Bazaar (No. 14., for Workboxes, Writing Deaks, Photo Frames. Albums. Purses. Leather Bags. Tow, and Basketa of every deletion. WILLIAMS, 19, CASTLE ARCADE, Every description of Engraving; also Artistic Decorations. Swords. Helmets. Cuirasses. Gnns. Ac.. snitableJo-JialU^ibrar^ N°' 17, CASTLE ARCADE. MAX MEYERS, Picture Frame Maker, Vliole- sale and Retail Glass Cut to Any Size. 2d. per Squrre Foot. MJ. M?RTHT No. 21, Umbrella and Sunshade Manufacturer. Cmbre))M ?l Sunshades re-covered and repairs Jle!ln,? stic? .n ?MtMr?. W and Hctail Butter, Egg, Pullry, aad rult WK. TALBOT, WHOLESALE and Retail Butter, ESS» -E,tat 4jf J" '1 Salesman, and General C<min??nA?Mt?5,?.?TLE?RCAl?__L?b).?? THE" GEISITA" C\FE 26, CASTLE ARCADE. Ices, Swiss and English iconfe?onerv Sweet. C?r?'?rettes.Minerat Wate?-§,L. BOULOX. 1-r.pn.tre? ??nfectioner,?, Sweets. CTEWART AND STEWART, ART TAILORS. (SPE CIA LITE-AirE FI^ CAN SHOULDER). 27. CASTLE ARCADE. Sole Agents for thp cplphnted SL SF..IRAl SERGE REGISTERED. Warranted to stand the Sun, Sea, nd Ham, Utl to measure. 50s. The Raglan Coatu_toeasjKe^9:=jtewart and tewart. Tail, JOHN HALL, TOOL MERCHANT. The largest and best selected stock oi Tools in m ADAIIE NUNNELEY (LATE OF -\IORTO S'S), 35, Castlo Arcade. High- class millinery at moderate prifes. Wedding and Monnpng Ord r, i r..mi«ly exernttd J TA* MES KEIR, No. 38, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, M npTICHN Et EPTEn-PT?ERj"?ILD]RR_J;hMpe<t shol' i-0!o_t!pall' T JLi UFF, TOBACCONIST AND CIGAR MERCHANT, 4"CASTLE ARCADE. fiipiirmfM made to order-a speciahty:¿ MIR L(FV, P'S IIIIIES. CALDER, 44. CASTLE ARCADE, HOSIER AND GLOVER. NEWEST A. I FOR C,AING SEAO FOR HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY. Go to Mesdames CATY and TAYLOR, 45, CASTLF ARCADE. nh Vov, a speciality. A trial onier re«pee,Mhjrtjg* TT ROSE, FRUITERER. 49, CASTLE ARCADE. Choice Fruit, English ud H. Fore?n. Best attention to orders PltlCES MODERATE  lo per ieTLJ!I'C' i¡O W OnNCTE .c-. T1 WWi'l t SbHHOUPrSo, uOi FFICES and CELLARS co LET.' in tht CAgTLE ARCADE ir.? frum iw per year. Cellars from £ 10 pa BARGAINS IN ROLL-TOP DESKS. CLEARING LINES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. SEVERAL VERY HIGH-CLASS SWING PEDESTAL, ROLL-TOP, SELF- LOCKING DESKS and LIBRARY TABLES TO BE CLEARED TO MAKE ROOM FOR LESS EXPENSIVE ONES. AN OPPORTUNITY THAT SHOULD NOT BE MISSED BY PROFESSIONAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN, These Desks are handsomely made, and fitted in the latest style. They woard b. 1\11 jmament, to the most elegantly-fitte d Oflicc or Library. TO BE SEEN, MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES IN THE LARGE HALL OF THE WESTERN MAIL BUILDIXGS, ST. MARY-STREET. CAIIDIFF.4 STRAW HATS FOR HORSES are .c? worn in London during     this advertisement, howe\"er, IS to point out that Niortirn e ?s  ? Croup Mixture is an infallible remedy ? L?.  Whooping Cough, Croup, &c. ICED DRINKS FOR DRIVERS  but why cough v?hen a Is. bottll of Mortimcr's Mixture wi 1 cure you? Apply to the acare?;t"wt.