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PHEPA}D SCALH. Sjt{J..tfn Offered or c\tu"tmh. -Lost and ,"(lund, W fflt< aud Slp, Hoosm to Let • „ 'I IF PRKPAID And oiilir-il t'or -v. l ut vn 'nlM'10ns »re 1I1rt('d in the Mmi" slid gTtmcg Eipttw" at the followin; ratw:— WOEOS. ONCIt. TH I{" tX TIM Its. TIMKR, s. d. i-I! d. 12 or lent 0 6 1 0 16 13 to 19 0 9 1 6 2 3 20 to 26 1 0 12 0 3 0 27 to 33 1 3 2 6 3 9 34 to 40 1 6 3 0 4 6 Kaeh pxtraj j i V Worcii orj 0 3 0 6 0 9 1 part of In aU ta6 nøm and address are counted as par1 (If tt advertisement If -t\'n1-:1t lL,rti""l' are revjniKd ot the Advertise- mruf 1" r, t r r-t ;v«V credit r.ite* will be chrlt. and IH .rl'rt'rt'1:'lt wilt h. hocked fùr a teas amouu, thai) IIIHKF S HH.I.I:\ liS, fTKis Scaie tJf3 n'n apply to ntrr Office and Bt'8fnp!'t l't to AdfHti::sewal1h 6'J1Iulatin¡ hom Pubh. BMlev RE MITTANOES. Cht>qllooA or P.r «>rn Orckr" sh^n'd 1* remitted to r,1J-n:n('' to Postasre Stamps Postage Stamp" (HaIrr. cyt are not refused, tut. a.1tõ they are often lost 1n the P>-»st the7 !H\1;ot if remitted. be sent it tht' Oncer's risk. Cheque m,d P O. should be aDd nude payable to D W THOMAS. The C;I.'rk5 at the vatinll Office* of the "Wvstern Ml\i." hate instructions to render every assistance to Adver- liser- in prepannn and drawms up their Advertisements, •o a.. to givt the fullest information in tro lcaak powibbj numUr of words. ANSWERS TO ADVEBTTSKMUXT5. Kep!i<»s to Advertisement directed to the -Weeteti Mail" Offt(,fI wilt be handed out on production If" ti^k^t which may be obtained when th* advertisement i* ordered, or tbpy mil e forwarded to the Advertiser's Address, providing stamps to cover postage are sup. plied AY)RF TISERS ca"tin.d th,t Postmasters are OT .11%,d J)a.er vtten Add,i to Initi:Ù «>r Fiot'tinus Xaine* at 8H1 11()t-{\mt' tetters •ddrev^d to Initials ot Fictitious N-?-?-t b, th- address of tbe Advertiser or one ot the Offices cl th. Mait" I In replying to Advertisements Applicant* h(m1d remfm »t that, a* » rule. Advertisers require the foLow. ins nfcrtuation: — Ap*. height experience, name of present and former employer, and wage* required OUTDOOR SKRVANT9. A- @riII. œanied or !'luf> Jlumber ,t f..ii, I m4rrei'td. rirem'eui and former employer, and wages required CFmrXAL TFSTTATOXfklg should never be rurlosnJ with replies, to advertisements addres^^d to the "Western mill, Offices tCOFIES ONLY 110(:,L» FE SENT; Jrrsonal. ALW AY8 your*. Idy. 8Wpet»t. Time seerus lonet 56 4d28 J XlTiLL LA M~ OX I. K Y!exDptectIvH^r^tot ('a :d iff f ? I'olke; confid 'ntial iuw*ticatirnm conducted r"nanr; missing: ftiIida traced. —\Addross 6. L^wet C."t..1ral-,oad. Cardiff. 3591z1 2Lost anD jfOnnt1. LOST, 1Ytnrning to 199. Newport-road Cardiff. >nil 00 ,ew.,d.,< 3648d2^ L.'T, No ?.b?, 15t11iTr nl Whit, paniel o D, detainer prosecated.lpply B.t,, II"'d, l int:r\lt1 3657d20 •| As. Reward.—Lost, on Thursday last in Caii.ffT Wyndham and High-sm^t r:i- a Il Green Leather Xote-book; silver roruem and patent claI<p.-If fouud, p take Ie Exp/e&s 0111"" 71043 STRAYED from OeUi Farm, nvar 2 Li::yd;a!lrt::d; 4 Fillied—2 Dark Brown and 2 Bay; all under 13 han4ø-nYI)n advising G. WUiteombo, Gelli Farm, of their wher^aNJU^s ft't)1 obti^. AU expenses pild. 71630 latrn110l1tal. "tll();r:) reflnod. dompetiratod. IT Desires Corrrs^'nlvn^o or K'd-v'y O.-atleman Seeking Partne.r,-Partlculan B 29, W><t<rrj Maii, Cardiff. 3713^29 iflusiral. MANDOX.IN by Corodotti; nearly new j case, tnuiic, f Aoi JY rc;:ti r:ard; c:'r:t: Waite. 18. ChaTles«stre*»t« Newport. 353°d27 Pr and Judy Show, with P<v Toby, w Now Ofea for KttKap^ment* during Christmas Holidavs, end will Remain in Cardiff at Same Add, till After TitMia.—Mi. Th Hamilton, 37, MiUicent-street, ('<lill. 3óS'd Co¿.aJ: and r.uhs c 'tpnded: vrn?? moderat,Pllf-r 1),, F.i'to 145. Penarth-road. Cardiff. 365^3 PI1-O; iron frame; full trichord: nariy new; 15 guineas.—Richards, Tnivereai Hutel, Bute-road, (',u<\i1J. 3451d3Q N-T"EW SOh5-"üre and 8tt'*1ft" (Bnys' Rri^nde 11 S''nz aDd Choru*) and Otbpr SoniS by J.]dtJ V. Charles -On sale at Mevrs. Thomp<inn and Shai kill's Q!ID..tlect. Cardiff, and at aU thdr IJrancb E^tab'^h- ment.. 3411d2a HARPS 8oogh-Beoalred; 26 Jean' pti(äi "no. Mlail-I 16B A,d, 26B'r'i=l pI.Õ}Q: Heath and Son* term«—Cardiff. 6d. Instru- ments Repaired; estimates given.—Address 8 Care- ?tr^ ^r,,iff- 3555d30 pL7t-,?IDFORTF.-T?-dr, J-i. her husband i. South Africa, off'P"Iy elegant Irp,i?ht. Iron Grand. in 'nvely wa1nnt r&?o, with Chippendale fr, nt. 7 0ctaves, fn!1 trichord, cheok action, delightful tone and tonr-b. quite faultless, and T1PW this season; oTiiDal priee 56 guirwa., take 20 ¡:uilJeA$; superb bar- gain; fit for any drawins-room; fi0nt on 8f1[lrl-.baton. carriage paid hoth w^vs- it not :;uit-3bc-ItJ W ,353. S<in:olf3l1.tnaJ, F^iest Ht\ 1.17960 ;ftlc1:Jual. WANTED, c"miw»<nt Pispenser; ithf 'V'' ;!r;; ::s/();tbf;o::(i¡Z; — Aply. with full dd.ai1B, Dr. Be, 'estern Mai! Swim- se. 71656 VV AVn,'D an Indoor Vnalifled \.v <. f>at Irecent'.y preferred): must be thnrouchly tteady; small colliery practir-e-pp1y, pirin? references rarticulara of salary. ltc., to i 41. Western Mail (or. ^.1 71457 LAPY DiRpemer (Qualifled) S",pb En; w.th :Ye.b'al 3n Of P!; Tru!\t in ('hí'mlt'8 rtwat.?tpply Di-re?,,r, Infirmsry, Cardiff. d30 -VTrAVren, Outdoor As?i*tanVhip or Lo^iim » «insle; experienced.—A 95, Western Mail, 'ar- fl ff. 3518,IM \v à:i:aV'?3 m Duirvnjer, Drewer. ",d "? 1.r a7,d 10= Partly c^ U-r> Th • "pTafh', I'ontvpridd. 3426d?3 THf N OirrtiC-Appiic 1 J 1 Jft S30■ 33??,Z7 Clrnral. THOROrGHI-T efRci»nt C'irat,> Wanted imme- TB¡.G !ar;I>r'rnkt(Jn. R.£-): Vicar 3695z3 WANTED immediately, good Shorthand. E; and TypewriRini.' P'^rk.—Anplv. stating as* expe« Ti^ore. "nil sa'iry required, to Stockwood and Wil1inrn. S-.Vitors. Undcend. 71655 P7;;k;r'æ A 74 IN'? ?t?. Mail Offi-, Cardiff. 33'P?d2a S tr"'d \.Dt::nur:C\;f'IarTC rxp i r^nrMl o'ercyman avai'ab'e — Clerieus, TeVnhofi« Rtnhnn 167. (hopotow.w!\d. Newport, Mon. 3379d28 /Si'R_ ACY Wanted Diocese of St7~DavidV~br^ I'r• 7, 97. Western Mail. Cardiff. 3372d27 DEACON W..t- Curacy with Titl^' for Vr^t'n DO,d,. ']Dj of T.landaff -Addrew Deacon elf) Rector, Llansantffread. Bw)ph Ureconshito. 1334d tho(atfr. CLEKKSHIP.>; £ 35— £ 450; Admiralty, War E ise. Custom* Offl. ea; vacancies nnw i open to »u. aivd 13-23: »xpi>r:ence imnece«nrv; special explana- f;,r\' 1)lmp!J!t ♦w.-Semtou-. Civil Service B.'? A Vrt-UWall. M.i. nhurgh. 3603*1 Offl't. CiHtom* Appointments, S^ V'.ur ^noancie. now Otter-d in the ;:t:IZ tor (bL, '15-18': ?5 Customs Offlefts n'"ircd hv r.()\"rrnmpt. a1so 400 Yontl)* ;15..18) E^llout cliance 1 ■» au wn,in« to undJ70 :?id course of po-»ta! lf^«c »^- -MHl PMt fret: 8003 successes.-Clark's Corre- Si" Co.lew i. Chanoeo-lane. T.ondon. 4593otc ^Kl.l. Cvd Scr.- cc and T*niverBity CoHeBe k 1 n 1 lr\ !■m- )!fdknJ. College Entrance, and a i.,i EXi&nl1nahOh: thorunh. raPid, no" 1111 rrepHa.tw'D9; day, rosins, and correspondence {'a,H" v 1 UT,:f|U,? — w'ite Or t ail tor infor- r i C. Slœrry'ø College, 24, i,'in (t!c-9- Teachers Wanted. SEVERAL NU"rrf.;wqn-i'iDT11; dlfr- d:a?ly; muical?tgency, 5, Churi h-str-'i t Car- d,' fl. 3665d2 'V .i?' ¿'j)PAd Pay Governess ThVe Hours Daily, Girl 13 and R?)Y 11; ?lemento FvencV and n, and references apply B 12. Western !a' 3óQô7.1 'lV A ':iJaI1dry Ltt-1, I"?, f f must b.,? had p,?,i.- experience.—A 89 NV, tern f.1E Carfliff. 3478-129 SCHOLASTIC —Wanted, a Gent'emaii Jn ?3 who 'It the Preparation If for the Preliminary La* Examination in (,,nr.1 K ledce; would require three or four hours' attention per day.-Apply A. B.. Box 6, Swamr. I (lflh-e. 33S£;ù,¿, Teachers Want Employment. YOXn::l II:r;& SituatrorTrus Frt>nc h (ii<\>.rn^ss r C,,uip?nion; English rtferemo* aalary.—Mademoiselle, Lilleshall, Uplauds, Swan.4J.'a. z3 l)ouSfkfrperj), <CompamOm.1. HousakeaperHfi Companlonti 40.. Wanted. T^¥7*ANTED imniediafeJy, Mothe-r's Help; f T *iiii chi;dr»'iu -« o troctd General. Small family. —Apply S., 13, Heathft.ld.otre<.t, Swa" 3668^3 ^VITORKINO Housekeeper Wanted.—State a*e, salary; t v Tvfprence. Richards, 136. Wiuds^r-road, Neath. 3 THE Headmaster of a Lar Svhwi in South Wa!? TH"' -i". experienced H.u,.k?,P-, to Tak, Charge of his Establishment in Jnuarr-A!>!>ly, with full fsrtJOalars. toO Housekeeper, ¡O-1¡oo! House Sher- borne, Dorset. 3607d28 XCT ANTED, Youa? Lady as Mother's Help. "toAs%irt «n teTT ,,1Bht H?ehold Dut5*» and Teaoh 0' "1UI. Oirl, ag«d lix' comfortab* home; Nonconformiat "retm"8tat<> salary M* Walter l'hiWpo, 19 (Wi nexciaHoad, Tmfta4 3361<128 i/ousrurrprrs, itouipanions. Hciuaekeopora. Companions, 6c,. Want employment. n t;r;¡I:t;;iig:J-OI86,k{7:: {r r ,llV** idow• 40; lefercucee.—A 86. Wca- "¡,, l.iI "hit 3472d29 VV'v A*TTi':DV K^n«»^aieul as Housekeeper,-Miss l Ivy (.'n.dicot, nenr Chepstow, d^7 Somrstir ^rrbants. Nursoo Wanted. ""reeD Wanted. 17I,Lt\j: :)(:t}fi\(f;¡:f[l t T X, i NU1W. „p<l ,jvi,t a. (ii,lr ,.hl.Jr011. »•}• ><■<>,• ,.nt r s„i..ia„,m °>dvworth-aveiiuc, Civrd.rt, d29 "r »miuidmtcly Ccouutry;, Nursemaid for \» y Anus; must be well rerommeiided and k-. » (" ustomwi to country.—Appiy Mr«. L. Price, Til >> Huu; mat Llandilp. 3320d21 Ck;Want;-= \r,f1.lI. g<)o,ic:õõTh"¡;.I; Iwo io t.wil! 7 ¥ hOlllk-¡mr,ourwaul kept-Mrs. J. S. Fruzcr, rfy-. 3676^ l D exPer^Uced Plain CV^k; uIwj gwd Jl»»u«e. )V A.fa:;I?l)'l<íth: s; ':I :SwüttaE'&. 717 ",r i:v¡t'K;:n.al.:Mt;:t 25; h»u.v maid f *>l'«-wVppiy Mrs. h\ Ma^gs, R«j*e and rsov.u Ult(-t. onh'I(,tù. Cal{liff. 3651<129 WAN1KD, December 4th, g(K>d C-ook-Geneial; must W'^istauU small daiT.v; good wages to ateaqy, re iiMe [W(lU; got>d rdl'J(,Lafl indiapeusable.—U lb. Mui' CaM,ff. 3615*1 \1YJ i.J !d Cook; can bake; fmuii huuse; T r" d wa^es. £ 201 all found bat h. r .— 2\j .Ib. c,. ]., Cottage, Mfrthyr Mawr, Brid^- ^'a 3J77dr¿8 'V." A¡'f;DTl1Iru?()1;¡("'ïY:-('tH:k.GCnetUl.bC.to-U P'aia Cuo!jw: Bake, "Mh, liou; f8!]U.. two. A.so Y(llm Houseiuuid; g.WMl rcferetuM'S iDd\slXtaalbc. Apply .If: Trehanitf. Ynysiiiio. Treherbert. Szt WANTEI), gJod Plain Cook.—Apply Mrs7~HU>T>eIt]' i O(>iv-(icucrai Wanted; amall family; housemaid C"s k'pt.-Apply, with refereuce, Mrs. G%o. Evans, f ^yd( ;v"n! Poutypridd. _d- i:v A:f¡::f;b.-1::Ji. go«id Cook-General; l»ou.si<maid kept; two in family.~Apply, stating a, and references, to Miss Taylor, 5, ¡"iflalnu.. plot.e. raldilt. 3451d29 \V A.c N'1K1)- P°od A^tn Cook.-Apply Mm. JoneaT "fA;úo:tt:.}:Ot:PIY }(r342288. WANTED, a ein d Plaiu Cook; also House d lourmaid.—HazuUiurst, Sully-road, near Penarth COOKft. Cook-Generals, Kitebenmaids, Honse-Par- luimediately; excellent aituotiOt1! Di8cnga¡;N1, House- L .p, r?l Jdh Cooks, Butlers, Cl.iu.rwomt'u-l1i" Ih.trr. 20, Ptmbroke-teirace, Cardiff. Established (0 YtM, 1'89;3 VTrAAJKD, >:ood Plain Cook; swd wages tnvL'n.— V > Ai-p!y, with particulars aud references, Mn 1 K eanva. Swansea. 3551d27 \{! j¿!1. for a small. famiii'7 espe- rtfner d Cock-Ueneral. Also Housemaid.—Apply t'jJ Tnhn Kiai's and Co., l'ont.vpridd. 3318J27 TOUSO and Parlour Maids Wanted. WANTED. Parlourmaidl niS- under 24; watres £ 18 —Miss Justice, C^stleton, near Cardifl. (150 HOVSEilAID :.n;r:Po.i::r;Ail;i,tb particulars, Mrs. Harrap, Givaunforren, iler tliyr. 35z2 WANTED immediately, a strong" Housemaid; wait at tab.e; m (.-entlemau's familj' .-adJre.^ Itoi 4-1. i'i^t-.>fllv..> bWtUl8\'a, 3689r.3 WANTED at once, experienced House-Par lT .urumid T 1 hoasemwd kept.—Mrs. Wallaee, 28, Xvwyort-rotid '"lfl 3(;50" HOT1SE-parioUtmaid Wanted for S!)ll Fauí; a", 81M1Ut 20- -^i p u Stone, Ho¡¡uwood. Clytha I'.ri .N .wpm, i l 3627/: 1 ,f'iú¡!IW 10th. House-Parlourmaid. JL;_ App.v Mr?. 42. liathcdral-road. Cardiff, il W;t; i:;I¿]í:U\f'd '.ob: nci:es: w-u-s; all f.und except beer. -Mx? rs. N'ehoi1is. 6eu, Cottaye, Merthn Mawr Bnlj- SS78d28_ WANTED, a good Housemaid, thoroughly under- standing her duties and able to help wait on t:b:e-S(ll1tb1\'1l.Jon'8. Casth:1D1d. Chepatoiv. 3547d30 WANTED, experienced House-Parlourmaid; family thre« 6ervants.—Mrs. H. Peel, Mumbles. —- 3549d30 Two Friends as Housemaid and "r A J.;i i ,;o t':Idgboo,-u\:t(\ I'c"a.rhu3521d30 WANTED, Housemaid, Able to Wait Table. Also f. l>ori aiD Cook.—Apply, with referenie, Viaduct IL-ra ('rnUl" "n. 352-^3 'V:\J;'a1;:P;;1]:;J'a:w:]i; cook, nurse, and hour?-pa/lonrmaid kept; man cJeans ^ts ana kni. cashing out.-Apply Aisbitt 153 Xpwport,road. Cardiff. 3S41130 W;.rloUrma¡d Apply ilra. Wain. — Sully 3443d29 HU8.B;I;:lfl. Wuuod referents.—State age, wages Mrs. Taifouid Strick, WostcroM, uwbl. 3400<128 WAN^ TED, Girl as "fDder-Hinstriuatd.—State wncrei Mm. Lowe, Shirenewton Hall. Chepstow. 3373d28 1Y:ITf¡, Hou.«e-l»ariourmaid; two in family.—Thomas. The Ferns, Brecon. 3317d27 Generals Wanted. WANTED at once, good General; about* 17T—AppJj 51 Ta;bot*stri\t, Cardiff. 3694z1 TXTLVNTED, ood Gcneral;ab!e Ú) cookT-Martiu A'vrcynon. 3714d29 C^ LNERAL t'nant Wanted; no cbildren or washing. i Smith, TrafalgarHou^a, 3691V,3 WANTED, by December g?-d "'neral f^r'tbo if Country r.ar iMiarth; small "'i?' h,lp I-,pt I cood refen nces required.-Apply, flrst instant, Tredegar Hotel, Uoath. Garclift 3634zt Resinctable G:ri Wauted for General Work.-Appiy Mr>. kinore, 3, Romidy-road, Barry. 3617zl WAN n:i). ;:o*»d General ScrvantT one *ho can cook prtferred.—Apply 4, St. Car- d-ia- 362.4z1 "IXTANTMJ at ouce, strong General; also Housemaid. AW J 21o. Ntii'port-road, Cardiff. 3602il W A "I i I'cner.il; no family; ab>iT~2o7 '■ t? ??p.b!e PCT60n.-ADp:y Fine 'Lr' 1 00 76:1 WAMM). tioml (lenernl Servant ,fuaiih rout; -9- b.?t S14,-M.. Williams, Weak House, Blaiua. 3568(130 (?l!ItONG (i?n?,l h? 1-?, I plain cookine" n .nted for Hotel in Xortb W,?d, Western )1a¡!aldifC 37__1 'IV .1\D.d6:r,tn&e Country uear Card iff.—Apply, 6tatill? in tb, ? try C.,dity.t? A 93, WA-NTED. 1-d02 29 comfortable home.— 4 9, Cromwell-road. Mont, 1itc>r. Bristol 3496d29 'V A:dtx::e;n\ro General Sen-ant; able to l.k ..d wash; two iu iamily.—56, Park-place, Ca,di! 347Qd29 GENERAL Servant Wanted; experienced.—Apply GF4'; OL'L-t,!(I"t"t. R,.th, ;Cift. 3474d29 'V:\E;C: Servant j smaUlamiiy!—Apply 133 PearUtrpet, R, ?Apply "f ANTED, pood -i- 3. 3da9 nurs-j kept; gocni wages; .t"t? particulars.— AI)p' Buoknell, Archer-road, Penarth 3452d26 GENERAL Servant Wankd.-Apply 69, B'Ilor- GE??l"t Park. c-Iitr. 3453d29 4 good Home Offered t? a steady Widow Woman, 1\ ld(>IID :ef tf' ;;gil8i:}k A116. Str,T-)ii:l, Newport. 3435<129 GENERAL Servant Wanted; two in familv^MrT L'antrisant Vicarage, near U^k. 3444d?^Q WANTED, by 5th, a thoroughly expe- poripnLed General; good refereuce required.—Mrs. ){r;1'rt Dayson. Park-road. Ebbw Vale. 3377d28 nSPERIKNCED General Servant: good waees to J P i j-'«pib'e T'er>on —Mrs. Biggs, Highfleld, Neath. d27 WANTED, ear l y December, experienced General S' rv.tnt.— Apply 115. Albanv-rnad. Cardiff, u^ Kltchenmalds Wantod. )V A, 6;ltiäi;()rre- )II; Apply, statins wacos and references, to Mrs !brt2. Sanndersfoot, Pembrokeshire. 71614 Fomalo Servants Want PlaceG, very ■ -p. jij-necded, Temporarj* CoolT hy the o December 4th; English. A D.. B«i: tt C.r<If 3711<129 DI>EN<iA«i».i>, 4. v ;,uk?., fionsemaids, Stir^p^ U- !ii s KitciituuiiViili.— C astle Registry, Windsor- Miv. uir-nil. [&MZ3 LADY Wishes t-o Recommend Youn? House-Parlour- Brain, 1V!U^ 71649 WANTED, Situation Kitchenmaid.—Evans, Pros- ped Cottage, Oxwick Green, Rcynoldstone RO, Glain. 3619-1 ?SITUATIO I W-tl(l Illd references; S ITJY:¡tr Jc-n?, Brcadway-road, Diii?s l'¡¡wis. farditr. 3600028 Gl:?, l?.L: ?o?id all-round cook^ City Registry (adjoining Empire), Cardiff. 3593zl COClv-Genera clean, steady; good cook; w^liT^ City Registry (adjoining Empire), Cardiff. 339421 Gi; Jt mended.—Gray, 8, Queen-street, Cardiff. 359521 Mate Servants Wanted. W "\?ria3fè';);;d:O be useful V U1, Maytteid^ Poutn'ridd. 37uCd29 'V:iri.ii!u]n¡-G.rl; Apply B 28- W-t"- M-il, C.,diff. 71&52 WAN i tub, for Wint-er Month^ rst ible-hc-iper; wii^ 'V-:i:¡ tl:' ,t).lei:hi;: dllf. 3656^29 \;V A;Git::e,rbelsI:aiOf\:t1ï:5 Gr^nu-Gatdcnet, vrfao understands fruit under ?,. ms; lUanH'd, no family; B few cows ,.d pigs 1,,t; assistance given; wages £ 1 Del week -.d 1-dg?.-Appiy I: B, Western Mail. Cardiff. 71625 WANTED, Groom-Gardener; must drive wel!; "iome g' "I -i g?-11-1!Y uecfut-O, Si?,, _rtr i H",bnd 35W30 WANTE1; General; good wages'^ WA*,Tv,],, r 3$06d30 I I?a:" >t"fto w.;X:;):r{i¡:i: iii'i" ■' ■■ i. ij useful; good character n, M<ito wage#.—Apply Vicar, Liauilar, 3507d27 5 .5 nvi',u. smart, active -Go. under jl V ouum light weight.—State capabilities, age, I ,g.Ùr;;f-;]g:: WANTED immediately, respectabte Groom.(lar. dener; married; boy kept: bun'hman; 17?, ald fodse*. ac !tvc; wd character—Miss Aadrew, Ightfleid f', ,heot, C'h"Ntow. 3511-127 W-KNTEL"Hi."If ;,1 Trap and Make Himself Generally Useful—A Nv M..l, C.rdiff. 3477d29 'V A:Edlil::ld;iu) Otmm, a-bie F".l :d drive, and be willing t- make himself useful; good references necessary-Apply, by t?tU,, ith full partku\aJ. Bayntoo House. ?:andaff. 71603 'VA:ab[-ë;:)Cor-i{iœ¡er Coachman; experienced, with g,,d reiercnoe,— State age and wages A 78. Western Mail, Cardiff. d28 Wt, strong Lad .16 to 23! in Hunting Stable" ,y Jt; l;'at:'ii6pt oUf;Si: cothi. Nantgatedig. 3312d27 WANTED, a Single-handed Gardener, who under- 'VA;n1?'t"iein:b:raho::r:r;1 idrI1l1ÍII.Ii_'Ier__p<>rt:?[,ot574_- Male Servants Want Places. W -1:¡titf "Farm Bailiff; thoroughly understands -ii kid ,f farming; life experience- wife understands dairy if TeQuired ten year, refe- 'e.11 2i? :¡r; v:r. Y1rtf: I eau., 5549d°7 Sonusrtc .$frbant. Male Servants Want PIaCO- Continued. CHEF, thoroughly experienced, Undertakes Job at Gentlemen's o?. lixidences or Hotels; weil up iu banquets, wedding breakfasts, bait suppers; at mode- Bryn-y-mor-r(?&d, Swa? 3669.1 aARDENElL-^Situatiou Wanted by experienced t i. N%'a.t,d 6F -.PC, i, .'t?d both inside aud out; Boüd rdrDee8.-Edward, Red ('ro&<, ^y-CSTbett, Kidderminster. 3618d28 'VOl:\rw w Estate bailiff Desjies Re- cnguk-eaivnt; wife experienced duiry d ¡If u1tn"; highest restimonialtr.— Address Davivs. Tyu. ((»•■ I, J¡L\11"HlIJ<udl. Brtconshire. 358002,g \V: -v'r'.u as Gardener or Groom-Gar- » » make himself useful.— 7 tiard- we ¡. >1 ;111,:('11 3434d29 "¥iV7"AN'i i.'ii, Mtuatiuu as Uardt-in'runderstands ^ar- f T dening in ull branches; married; no children; good character.-Apply Ii" IL, Yard Cottage. Stat.ou. road. Abergavenny, Mon. 3374d28 Man and Wife Wantod. WANTED, Mau and ife jCook and Groom-Gar- dener .—Mrs. Williams, liectory, A^.nas Po*is, Cardiff. 71593 J!Dltl trbal1l. I Servants Wanted WANTED, by the 20th December, for Castle Ilotci^ H/vioij, Tmlvr llott^vmaid; ageil not under 1 7 .— .ApI,ir. paiticiilars, Manager. 3712d29 W, refe- T T jtiice.— Castio Hotel, Shaftodbury-itrect. New- Pet, — 37Qla3 'V' f'F' 8uaf;t1cia:pe1 Hotvl aud ltestaurant.—Apply Crane, Park nc'vAi l't'ntY1\ritld. 3707E3 SMART, txicrieuced Barmaid; quick counter trade; biMd rt'fvTOuces.Apply E. E. Morris, Dnmuies Hotel, Pembroke Dk. oYG8d29 S'1'Il.;ÛC:l:l Servant, Able Assist it r "Bur at Nmht; gckul refcieiicea.—Apply E. E. M- rris, Vumfr¡(":t Hotei^Pembroke Dock. 3709d29 WANT'ED, thoroughly respectable Barmaid; used to quick counter trade; in working district-.— Apply, with referenda, B Z5. Western Mail. Cardiff. zJ WA.NTFDi,i,! t lld p,r i'l?,,d Cha b?r nln:d (i"?d r,fer, indi^peasab.'c.—The County, L? bb? Va!o. YM.3 'V A :r=1it:;r1 -l: cxiM.-nt.iurd in restaurant work; clean and smart 111 appearand.—Apply, hcfllre eleven a.UJ., Head WaiteT Uur(,thy U.taurant. St M.ry?t-t Cnrt]¡1L 3?71 29 'V¡WidÔ'C;: YN lig Lady a, i(I -0 ly t),?- ?ilh .(I references need apply Pavilion Hotel, Hay«j, Cardiff. d28 WANTED at onrc, trocd General; nbie to wa^n and iron.—A.ppiy to Ryan, Raaway Hotel, Trehorbcn. WA.nTED, Barmaid for Cardiff: cood iI'-¡.r: Apply B 3, We" M t ù. 3543d27 WA':BJ1¡1I- 1 1; 1; I i:d, undeirtaJid- ins Still-room !•. '-uUervmaid; re- quired at once; rvt>r i:Addiosa Manageress. Esp ana*1e Hoti»l. PNthl..åwl 3524d30 WANTED, respectable (iJ;e:I5JHelll, a kept.—Mrs. Hart, Foresters' Arms, Black* "00. 3509d27 WANTED, Young Lady to Attend Bar and Fill \v -\r: in the Housework.—Apply A i,d'2 tcrn Mail. Cardiff. 0517d30 W ':ö <Od1 Servant, Willing to Assist in B,r f required; state age. wag?; g od reference,—Lower George Hotel. Cltoue&fRr. 3^^6029 WANTED at once, good General.—Apply Mr*. )V :l.t Th; R:n8 (Ig::M Vf Davids, Station Inn, High street, Swansea. d28 Fomale Servants Want Places. I"1XTANTED, Situation as Chambermaid; di.senffagvd T ¡W\r T. g: &gam'¿¡; O!}. 3674z3 RE-ENGAGEMENT, ex'rÍJ\Ðl"d ?id; reife- rcncet*; tewn or lli",y ditri?L-B., W.t,?r. Mail, Merthyr. 362601 RESPECTABLE Mtirru-d Person. 25, ll^quirts EverT ing 1:.P!,Y.?.t; bar pr,f?,r,4.-D U, 'Vœtrn Mail. Cardiff. 3592»1 AS Hotel Cook; experienced. Also Kitchenmaid^ ASJt;,c:;ri:et Whiteladiee-road, C'lif- tu:! 3505a?? REQUIRED, Post Manageress or Housekeeper, Hotel; lifetime experience; good caterer; highest rdtrenct"6j could take chon,:e-A 82, Western Mail, 2" i_ 3459d29 Ma'e Servants Wanted. WANTED at once, Ostler; live in; refrrenee re- (|uirt-d>—Castlo Hotel, Shaftesbury-street. New- 1)<rt 3702z3 "tl?éa7;'r:;Õnde 3f. Conservative Ciub, C.,diff ?"t under 30 -,? n?; toI off the premises.—Applications to be sent in writing, not later than November 30th, addrewed to the Secre- tary, stating age, experience, and wages required, with copies 01 three recent k'gtimonjajs, 89122 THIRD Boots 'V¡¡ÏiïedpíY-n.ad Booto, West TH()tel, Newport, Mon. 3629d28 WA NTE Young t, T-1, A tr ..I Trap nd Make HUDseU Generally Useful; al80 Lad to Attend to Skittle Alley; good references required. "pply T,pMgar Hotel, Roath, Cardiff 3635*1 "T/SfANTED, experienced barman; must havo~1good ? T i■•• 1>T'V)ro4.—x\ 93. Westem Mail, Cardiff. d30 'V) Jt1;\I:d tlfI;kl)ICK Uuder Tioots; also Billiard Marker.—Apply ??yudham Hotel. Brid,?- HJ. 3421d28 -I -=ün;a:T,hDW; W hous*s without eiHumbnuuo; ?it, ..?t be a g'04.td (,o0k: enclose re!ereCJOO8.\ddn: M. U., Western Mail, Newport. 3696*3 Crahrllrrs, ÇI!JtntJ &r. Travoller8, Agents. &c.. Wanted. AGENTS t;š; C,p,?y (iiniii ANI,ply 1-.l 0& 16, The P.,ud?, Cardiff, be* twe n two and six p.m. 364?d30 TRAVELLERS with First-closs Connection amongst ContracU'r.H, ;¡:¿s ::è:y loé) peteufc wan.lWfere.nœs, B 19, Western Mail, Car- d:1T. 3647z3 s¡¡: Or?nted b;rÑ:;1 CgbJ;U:i Otneial,. &c., by the National Guarantee and Suretysbip Amociat on LTd S si?,pb,-t ..k B!3tõl.AHe G. Whit-taker, Secretary. 1026eto SOAPS, Oil*, Chemicals—Agent Wanted for Soutn S o.\6:;i- ¡:>:el;;t::t C:iro for 7f6rn 22' 6d. WeeklyT^L Safary of 7&. 6d. to 22s 6d.~6ffVred to Either Sox (who can write} for their Spare 1tIomntll; work may be done eveninw.—For particulars send addressed envelope to M. Truscott and Co., Sa. Glendower, Torquay. L17950 SMART Business Man Wanted; trustworthy; not afraid of work; suit good salesman; outdoor employmert; libn31 commission; splendid opening for eUH.:etic Ulan wishing to improve bis ptASltion- Address A 68, Western Mail, Cardiff. 11179 40 Traveller8, Aarems, &c.f Want Employ. ment. ADVERTISER, 22. Seeks Engagemtnt a.% Traveller or trade ore. 'I frrred (râtal 8v8ilahl, ith wide ('01\nty ronnedio n, and highest references.—Jame3 Huut, 39, Broad-street Hr;t, ^llzlJ I-AliVl:fÜTISER is Desirous of Several Good Commit sioaa; referenw i security.—A 67, W?.t,. M.ii, Cardiff. ?336dZ8 I tlartltt'l'5JJips WANTED, Partner in Seaside Hotel, ?ith El:?o; W A;é¡'Dearlin i:titt110;; £: -> d li,il1-Write B 2().Ver'\II-S:r5.9d29 PARTNER Wanted with £ i50to~Put in the Market 12 Specialities known ?d i. 4,dt ?,,ry remu- nerative; genuine; this ??i?ld suit lady b. ?..Id I l;nrl:: :OT tnt: l1r;r-JY par- lr1\'ar, Patent, c/o GriQths, Stationer, Thespian-street' _U"'I)'twyth.. 716.,1 P:ror:iëViit: bottling and jjrc>- vision stores.—Mr. Wilmhurst, t('at. (]:1* 358121 PARTNER., with £ 1.200 and Office exper i ence Wanted.—Mr. Wilmhurst. Accountant, Cardiff. yt\ PARTNER, with £ 250. W.?,t,d i. Gent. Ho<i"i' B?in? .-M Wilmshurst, Accountant Car. "!fll 3583?l d,!}'3.5.83Z!- P.dU5\Íi.OO "(t, 011; 'urdilI, 3.584z1 PARTNER; with £ 1.500. Wanted; family coal trade. —Mr. Wihashurst, Ar.{'(ntnnt,zl WANTED, Partner or Partners to~Join e: in Printing and Wholesale Stationery ^rade; or would Brin Over Large Connection to Existing RnU8e —Z X., Western Mail, Swan5ea 3550d30 Clcrfes anli Managers, Clerks and Managers Wanted. WANTF, a Clerk ill Estate AgentTIOfflco; able 'V 10 take c11arge of the- rental department; suaian- t'v required; ooù calury tu euitablc man.—B 21, Wca- terfl Mail, Carditf. a9110 W ANTE I), smart Oii,, Boy for Card.ll Branch W À;pyt w: to {\\rl'l ISrid^nd. 36C6U CLFIIK M anted; one with a knowledgo of Sto^k Exr 'usnse b-iok-keeping.—Apply, statin? ase, ejci e- ricncc, and salary e:Lpcc kd, to B 13, Western Mail, Car- diff, u9106 WANTED at once, a respectable Youth in Philip mo otfli e — H..p!» B 15, W..trn Mail, C4??dift. ??9107 W I table (.itBce J3ov; must lie. good H IU own haudwrltins, \Vootrr- F.vans. treet. CardiH. ;538zl Ci' KUK I.- Evans and Co. (Limited) "have V.icancy for pood Junior Dissecting Clerk; must have experience iu drapery trude.—Apply, pt:r:JUJlir. or state fullest varticulariJ tù lien Evans aud Co. (Limited), Swansea 3572d27 ABE1U1AHE.—Wanted, a Junior Clerk; _shorthand necessary.—Apply, by It?tter only, Jack. 1%.?th. inirton's Ston-e. AbEordare 353MSO W'DI::)eJ;:a:+sie:I an ex D Ti,?u(id Book-keeper; aLe us,?i to o. OPflative a.?t, p,,I,r?,d; must be ,ell used to double entry, and must speak Welsh; asred 17 to 20.- Applications, stating salary (outdoors), to be sent not IlItr than Thursday, November 29tb, 1930, to O. 11 T!>olDa.. 11. Church-terrace, Blaengarw R S.O., endo-sed "liook-keeper." 71615 WAXTED immediately, in Chartered Accountant's Office, (.ardifl. gentlemanly Youth, with tho- rnnb b(J..¡ee of Shorthand and Typewriting :M'!wmton)\l>pl. tatig g., w.6-, &-P'-?A ig'7' W",tern ?ail, Cardiff. 3o2ld27 ,\tY_D,feUfeem:ld t: p.atT VT office; single needle, and some Idg, of counter work.—Apply, '?ith references stating l?ry (ind ?, A 96, W..t.rn MallrdiI9d30 WASTK1), Junior Cl,k f-r ?hilbrokees t)fn?e7 shorthand -ad typewritins.pply It.ting ex- p rience ad w?g? leQ.uued, A 92, Wwttru Mail' C.udilI, 3499d29 I. KS{j'fuNèE.-mc. Boy. ;të<Jont 15. Required liy Cardiff Branch of Leading Company. :-Apply A 66, Western Mail, C3rdilI. -7 Clerks And Manacer8 Want Places. S31,?12 S -,tb-4, 7?,m-iting, -d (iiionrul C:<-rk I SJ;S=.5:t;: w:C W &W29 Clrib j an11 jflèma!JCr. Clerks and Managers Want Places— Continued. CL; 19-20, Seeks »Situation; three jvnrs' expe- rience; exiollesit reff ;vn<>-5; young.—95, Shaftos- bury-p.enuf, Montp«-.ifr, Bristol. 3612z1 ^00p 9i3S!lS)taitt5. Shop Assistants Wanted. WANTED, experienced ;iî[fb" General Drapcri -G^se and Roberts, Neath. 37u^z3 DRAPERY".— Experienced Yonng Ladies Wanted for Fancy and Show Rooms.—Apply, giving full par- ticulars, to Powell ond Jones, 24, 26, 28, acJ 30, SOID"wtrœt, Abertillery. 3680:4 OUTFITTINi?.—Smart Juniors Wanted immediately; literal salary and premiums.—Apply to the Bon Maruhe, 24, 26. 28. aud 30, Somerset-street, Al>ev- tillcry. 3Œ1Z4 OUTFIITING.—Wanted, January 1st, 1901, expe- rienced Man, used to Bespoke Trade and Window Dre*«mg. smart J unll" for Gent's ML'lCen,- Apply Lewis Jo. Blackwood, Newport, Yon 3643a3 "iAD, Assistants.—Apply (^rdey's Storcrt, New- I G};r; Mercery.—Wanted immediately, smart Junior; outdoor.—Apply, stating salary, &c., to Tmn Kvans, Merthyr TydftL 3625<1 AS,SISTANT Junior to IronmongeryandFurnitureT able to speak Welsh; smurt and 8ch\'e.vv:r J, Minshall and Co., DBrmo"tI1. 3620.1 GROCERY.—Wanted, Junior Assistant]"to Deliver Ctfiods aud Assist Gcucra y; Welsh; iudoors; salary to cowweliCe £ 33 a )car.-Eva.. Royal Stores, Swansea. 3520d29 D1L\ PERY.—Wanted, t.icn;htn\: Mr.neheater Department; Welsh.—John Price I'oiltlottin- i572i«b Dr;n\ immediately, Young L.-tdicM. Showroom; Welsh. Also Young Men, Manchwvter and DrNu ei1Jt years' experience, Bnd well-cdueated Youth App[eut1ce.-D. H. Lewis, Neath' 3567ù30 WANTT>D, respectable JJadMAVprenicet;)ti) Grocery; higholass f.uuily trade In Cardiff- wape* throughout; outdoÐrs.-AIIUly, br letter, A 99, Western Moll Oft!œ, Cardiff. 3532d30 DRAPERY".—Wanted, improver. Also Apprentice -Apply, it:. particulars, Thomas (Limited). Vslra? Kho,ldl^ 35Q3d30 WANTED, pushing Young Man for Boot Dopurt^ meat; h\"e indoors.—B 2, ,trn Mail. Cur 1m. 3542d27 DRAPERY—Junior Wanted; W; good wajjes to a suitable hand.—Apply Rhys Jones. 123 VVjnd^or.n, Neath. 3513ù30 D1tAI'J-:H\ a .!< 11, Youug Men; liberal salary.— )1, Cardiff. 3357ù27 APPRI-Nii • Ai -rs. Evans and ;1l (LtTnftedT Lon '.i il -u-i, Newport, Mon., have Vacancies 1M well-edi;;}ut,d Young Ladifs and Youths M Al1prcu- tices to the Genral Dra¡wry j indoors; lJrcmiuw re- quired.—Partloulara on upp!katinu- 3492d29 PA\"k NBROKING.—Wanted immediately^ eiPë. rien-ed Soesinan as Manager for ,T(!wIINY. Clothing, and Miscellaneous; mmt be good 1findow.. dresser Bud marker.-Jacubs, 195. Dock-street, New- port. 3493d29 WANTED, an experienced Young Lady for Ladies and Chi'dnn's Outiittiug.—Apply, with full par- ticulars, to J01Hl EV8IlB Ulld Co" Draper8, Pout.y- 1!'C1_3.9_- DRAPERY.—Wanted, Youug Men,, about fh'e years' expenence.-ApNr Jones and Co, Ponty. PT'dd. 344Od9 OUTFITTING.—Assistant Wanted at once-, state experience, salary, when disengaged, and references (living out).—Apply Jones and !t'lln'b!t,_ GUtcri-;líll: 7 T 7~ /"TntwdlKand and Two smart Juni up; indoors; nh"t.ni:1ers preferred.-A pi f n\ vnrtkulnr3, "ï\!iam E\,UI. 1, Ch\lrdjd!'1 i, v,n ;.ey. 3433d28 SMART Young Men for MauehrstVr, Uent-s Mercery i Dresses, and Furnishing Departments Wanted iwmtdiately.-Give full part.iculat3 to D. I,. Jor.:s, Draper, &e" Tonyrefnil 340Ch1.3 BOOT Trade — Mauager Wanted imui^dtftteiy -State references and salary Roberts, Ponty- ^mer. 3404d6 OriTITTING.-—Smart JiiJJW'at,'d.-pp-6fiifi 8rtlcu18f!. L Lewis, Wyndhain Shop, Tr*herl>en 3330<i28 DttAPERY—Wanted, experipnepd Young Man for Maiuiw-stcr and Dre9EPs-DaTld Evans and Co. (I'iwil'Hl), Queen-street, Cardiff. 3358d27 I PU)f8.:L,I-I\d,l:rY-;=F Peglej, Polity- pool, h/v V.i. v r pew Men. Also a Couple of Ju:ti. t Apply, stating ful) ^a^itA1iaL8_J9'! 1 ,1, ,perience. n_ù2'? TRONMON(i'l.li\ if Wanted at once 7 mu,st IUO be r \\(i of ,:d [;I{(l:pfy,O;Ot: or spud photo with part.n uisrs as to D¿:ler¿nJ: I height, <nd salary required, to Cross Bros., 3 and 1 St- Mary-street, Cardiff ^997 Milliners and Dr.8.make, Wanted. WANTED, thoroughly~exp^tiencpd MTli'ii7r~T7~nnd M. Thomas. Temple of Fashion, Abcravon. z3 iRisrrllanrous $'ltuaUüll$. I Situation* Vacant. I Slt.tlon.. lIacant. TÀ!ThlS:: a Boo TSneranEfand.— Griffiths' ('h Xantymoel, Ogniore Valley. 3703z3 B i7::Ë:f¿-r;t:1;:MI wavt'a paid and permanent job to one willing to make himself genera1ly useful.—State age and reference hi neUinm Aud Cornw6\1. Miford HavCD. 3679d29 WANTED, Three I'ainteix andPaperhangers~^ Apply to P. T. Evans, Deoorator, Hay. 3678^3 W^ ANTED, smart, rt^y~You»ir"to~DitiTcTaiid Collect.—Manageress, Steaui Laundry, Abcr- dure' 368Bz3 WANTED, Plumber and Hot Water Fitter, accTiTT tomi'd to ork iu Ironmonger's Shop.—State aœ Bud references Bunning, Ironmonger, Ponty- V',ç1. 3645d29 WAGON Smith aDd Striker Wanted; good men — i _I_?"n_)- MouliPlive indoors.—Apply Mrs. Collins, No. j, Jlamte-Mimi Ear<i'?: ,637<iZ3 \\f ANTED, by the 28th. good Haircutter änd RI;;l;¡ f -35. 0I"\¡"'8trœt, Penarth. 3599d28 GItOCI 1RY.—\Vanted, a Ycunic Man to 1Iàv and Assist, in Warehouse.—Apply Jones and Rese Victoria, Ebbw .Yale 3575^1 SSISTANT &<k:;rct8!l¡t>d'a a }f{yY "n. of O id character, in a Factory near x^t eath: must be used to h..rsC6 Dnd general stahle work; va^cs, 22t per wck,-H., c/o. 01 •.Vhittingt.m, StRtioner, ("1h. 71629 W- A;D, 8 fMlv\etab!e Man 83 'Bus DriverX Marnier, Park Hotel, Cardit! 3574d27 WANTED, Two Slaughtermen a W)UUlr understand the trade. Also a Sausuge Maker (by steam), 8cQuajntrd with 8ma glcb.-¡)V;f Tom II. HrnwD. Butcher, SWUM. 3571d30 TO Saddlers.—Wanted at once ] an ImpT over"^ Tliomtw, 17, Castle-street. Merthyr. 3558d30 WANTED, experienced" Er^iT^'DriverfoF^Tin-plate Mills.—R. Roster, Son, and Co., Cilfrew. Neath. 3504rl27 GU<?(a-Ry-Haulier aud W'dtfhouseman" Wanted-' single; indooIs: ()Qd wages.-Metropolitan Stores YMrad-Rhondda. 351bd30 WANTED, a good anLs, Boot Trade.— Apply A. G. Stenner, Lalestou. near Bridj fnd: Jó16d27 WANTED, tiustwojfhy Mai D.v, r BiUTfrom Hou.kr to House H wa-ts £ 1 Is, and train fares; ptr1l!, ■ _]>. Tudor Williams, Da1.p.sm Honey 1bl1 \i ,f¡:-rrel-ci¡;è ln-i1 Works; premium required.—Apply Rees and Kirby (I.imít{d)) Morripton. 3428d28 WANTED, a Journeyman Sweep.—1\ WilUums t-tomncy Sweep, Ltanarth street. Newport, 341 £ z5 WANTED, Hard Heading Ground Men; top paid to good njen.—Apply J. Phillips, Coalbrook Va'e Colliery, Nanlyglo, Mon. £ 3J7&5 WANTED, 8 Few good Timbermn; ood wages given.—Apply to Price am1 Reeves, COl1trators. Trrd^gar Dry Dock, Newport, Mon. 3364d27 Situations Wanted* rpO Tailors and Outfitters,-Cutter of w){rn: X Open to Execute Orders; style aud workmanship guaranteed; costnmes a tipN'iahty i aU orcir: promptly attended to.—For terms 8ddr M. T., Western Maii No!woort. 3697*5 RESPEOTABLkE Seaman, good Handy Man, »i>eaks Frem rh, k lEmploynx'iit; good references.—B 23. Western Mail, Cardiff. 3670d29 S-rrUA'i\'Ït;dr-;drïVè R'ngle or pair Or would Buy Imnmhúe Bnok.-I DIY n., 77, SL Johu'3-road, Uvr Hulloway, J^ndo^ ^37J<127 9partmmts, Apartments Wanted* GENTLEMAN (32l, constintly 8:'it1Y would Like to Share Rooms (not separate with a. really pkl\S3u1. sociable Bachelor, not uuder 40. preferable u-;ing hotels; torim secondary (\rlhsjderDtjún.rrjt-e fully, ae. &0. {110 lodginG.hol1e-keepeJ& apply), B 22, Western Mail, Cardiff. 3doTd29 Apartment tc. Let S {J !!NV!);i:;{g: if desired.—33. Bai l or-road, Roath Park, Cardiff. z3 rro Let, comfortable. Furnished Apartments, 'i5.Ne«^ X port-rond, Cardiff. 3653^3 BOARD Residence for Two Gentlemen; every con- venience; moderate.—18. Dumfries-placc, Cardiff. 3ó05z1 APARTMENTS or Bedrooms, by Day or W'eek; J: fortable, clean, Quiet; central for shopping, amuse- mente, &e.; terms moderate.—13, Bernard-6trect, Russell- equare, London, W.C. 3G23d28 SUPERIOR Apartments; good cooking and'attcnT danee-99. Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 3545d30 FURNISHED Apartments; every comfort; boarcf l f wished.—42, Cowbridge-road. Cardiff. 3385d23 œt Z¡d8 ;COJ;DUd..d-( venience; good cooking and attendance.—I5i Colam.ro>d, Cardiff. 33S9ù27 V1fg tRl;íon v7;irrRd thiTWiiton Hcitef ad j oining Station Victoria, S. W Comfortable and f'8pecitlllv convenient fur reaching ail parts ot, London either by direct omnibus or underground raU- way; Paddington underground to Victoria 20 minutes Night porter.-Telegraphic addres6, Tuffato, London. 3356d FURNISHED Apartments—Bed Bud Sitting Room! —14. Hamilton-street. Cardiff. 3346<127 QUIET, comfortable Apartments; gentleman dUiinS out; near 'bus.—24, Bangor-roa-, K<jath, Tdift. d27 PENARTH.—Lansdowne Boarding Residence, oppo- -qte station; sea view; epecial terms permanent TP6iJeat3- SQletc tarfntlf. Dwellinlit-house8 to be Let, A House in Cbar:trE4.2t.t Cardiff, to J.æt.-AV!}jy W. C. Clarke and Dovey, 33, Queen-street. Car- di1t 3672z3 LLANISHEN.—To Let, Furnished, e. Detached Rosi- dcMioe. with good gaiden; moderate rent.—Apply HHn and Pert.wee, Hou6e Agents, Cardiff 3662z3 13 Craddock-street, convenient House; &T~ciear; new l j pap red. —Harris, Park-etrect, Cardiff. 366te3 39, Charles-street. Cardiff; renr j £ 40—Lewis Hopkins 10, Queen-street, Caidiif. 3539d30 I¡-P" -.iRK P1aêëIToWD ndT.=To Let, Residence; three reception, fhe bed rooms, kitchens, &c.; ceilars, glass-houses; electno light fitted.—Apply A1md Lewis' Anc\.io¡¡oor, 18, Q_tn>et, Cardiff, 3631430 > J rtu1lt. Dwelling-houses to be Let—Continued. è;ï;t;'b I)FR?R M:ËSSlli!Uá'rol\"], v :L}imS,¡'ERTWE£. SURVEYORS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, have the following H"' ?es for Sa'e or to Let: — PARK-PLACE, NEWPORT-ROAD, and CATHE. DUAL-ROAD.'—Several excellent Houses to be Let, Furnished or Unfurnished. CAJ<1UPHH,LY,-Det""h"d House, 3 re<ption, 6 bed rooms; standing in Mle; rent 40 35, NEW PORT-ROAD.—To be Let, ihis capital Resi- drnce, wíth good nrden. t,ao¡mg; rent moderate. CHARI.ES-STREET.—Good House, with stabling; suit- able for doctor. Lr."iJrII?D.tarhed Rtsidanw, with 6.scr. of 1,950 Acres (360 BClt" wood) in GJou. cester. I atrlulni:git)i (Free) of Estates, Houses, and Business Premises t, be Let ?, S.I(l SPECIAL DEPARTMENT for the MANAGEMENT of Estates, Houses, and Collection of Rents. a8368 Omt\e8: 93. St. Mary?t., CarditL 74. Richmond-road, Cardiff; 2 re ption, 5 bed rooms; 'ft. I;1;r':eiÍf3a"r;;nit.f 72 (next door). 3596^1 74, Q¡rd¡tf-rõRrLialJJiii6illin 3 rccepfion- 7good kitchen, ecullery, and "doe cellar, 7 large bedrooms, bath (h and e.i, lavatory, w.e., and dre^ing-mom. with large gardtu.—Key ,L.t door. d30 fpU sE t.L?t, P.,L-.Ill.l?.-Appiy 49, (lard iF. W^29 DANYCASTELL, Crickhowell, Breconshire, to I^t Dfr?, March 25th next; contains three reception- rooms, six bedrooms, servants' ditto, kitchen and other ollloes; lawn and 9.4 garden, t.hli?,- and hard; í;fUI1:py :tI'nÐ) n C. Herbert, Crickhowell. 3413d28 COUNTRY Hou-oc; 7 3 reception-rooms, and usual offices; stabling; 1 acre of garden; land, 5 to 15 acres, optioIlal.-Bœston, 5, Corporation- road, Newport. 3416d28 mO Let, Detached House, 15, Plymonth-road, Pen- Trt; also Semi-detached, 11, The Green. Llandaff. 39. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 3401d28 u4 Cardiff, close to G.W.R. gtatim; rooms, bathroom (hot and «x»!d "aœr. 9. per week, including rates and taxes.— 1. H. Cruftcr, Western Mail, Cardiff. >7666 &ï,o-¡;-e-to be sold. r Offer.—T^o Semi-detaehcd Villas for )rt.rnad (oppoflite Inftrmary Grounds); t t quarter acre, well stocked with iniit <> iu».)deru sanitation.—B 26, Western 33656d29 -1 'on; price L2'600 mortgage £ 2,260; ] '¿drJi,,=ro[.lgÕii 1' street, Cardiff. 3601zl 1- on. SaJe (Macheu-place), convenient Dwel1illg-hou. i containing four bedrmw, with bath (hot and cold). c,?nyit,,utp']; fmlI-ftfths phu(? ,ouey on mortgage if required.—Williams, Solicitor, 119, St .4ary?tr?et, Cardiff. 3525d30 IjMlEEHOLD Cotrai, 19 Acrcs 8betered Land; pile' £ 660—Evans, Heiillis V.1?-, Cwmbran. d30 WliY do you pay rent? It -??ld b. to, ,he per 'Vi\lo[;ïtti:nrÍ!fàtp: Manager, 72. Bishopsgnte-street Without, London, E.C., for copy of illustrated booklet, explaining "now to Live Rent Free." L17939 Business Promicoo to be Let. Tudor-road, Cardiff; close to GiW.R. Station; n 1 thirteen roonks; ljuthrsmm (hot and cold water, Are.); rent, f, Is. p^r week, including rates and taxt-8.- Applyjo r. E. H. Craftcr, w,> Man. Carditf. ,7W To ?ith imruwlMit*? pofpe^ion, Shop .1il TO :¡:8-i:-it7t;f;i-7on nî; Cardift-Ap1,1y Heard, Sou, and Clogg, 24, Trinity- street, Cardiff. a8388 SHOPS iu Bute-stn-et, near Pier-head.—Hopkins, 10. Queen-street. Cardiff. 3539d30 ST. Marr-strt, Cardlff-Very fino Premises; suitable fN B clothier'a, dralwr', bootmaker's, or othr retailer's hmin¡il\s.I1ply John Jenkins, 10, Westcate- street, Cai 3526d30 Stables to Let, STABLING and Livery.—Private Gentlemen Requiring Same should communicate wIth BU, 98, J]aDt"lf- ¡rad C,,diff; ifr?? c!a- accommodation; 40 years' ex- perience. a9104 (CONVENIENT Cnnch-house. Rtdb\, and J7i(" back 139, Cathays-trirace, Cardiff; 11" low ??579d28 puhlif-housfsi aitD iiusntrssrjd Publlc-h.se.. ror 01""08&1. ROADSIDE Inn; taking £i2""kl" splendid pIue. \¡ pigs, poultry; £120 b"'Hal Oruer no.-c.'a.ll | Ilillmati, Skinner-street, Newport. 3699^3 COUNTRY Hotel, with vaiuabU p Turf L and "fine .611orting district; it. t,t Z5 Y'.M; entirely free; easy ingoing.—Hillmau, Newport. 3700d29 rr\0 Let immediately, good Bee~ id Win. Houfie^ l'Õi:ll;œ:ina C., dil! 3642d28 EAILW'AY Hotel, important town new Gloucester; handsome bars, 15 bedrooms; commodious (;t:tblit1; uet profits estimated about L400 per annum; through illness of proprietor, I can sell everything at valuation, abont El,ooo; no goodwill.—Apply Mr. Tebbs, Valuer, Victoria-chambers. BristoL 356M30 Coxr:d Corner Fully-licensed House, cer T t'.11Y ?it,?.td Brit.1; d.i.g nice, I.p?ltbl? counter trodo of £20 weekly; rent £50; tied beera _I!,(Jnli1!- £450-pply Tebba, Bristol 3565d30 Tj^ULLY Licensed House, centre Bristol; taking F{Tlot £ 17 woekly; rent £ 29; incoming 7 thoroughly g,,?"ih, "e-.Appy T,bW, Bristol. d30 FULLY d House, r?peetisb!e part Bristol; FG -d ..foiOeeb!Trfí6tt easUi l)V1 nft'"T(Ld -^PP!r Tcbbs, Bristol 3565d30 FULLY Licensed House, Bristol; £ 12 I'?kly; comT FÜttt;k;t V11,t Public, six miles from Bath; £ 160? Another aix milee froru Bristol £ 220w—Full par- Ar,,?th,r i. Uk. ft.. li,i?t.1 4220.-F.11 ATTRACTIVE Beerhouse, Bristol; face* three Im- )?7p ?t?T p??ion wranged X,100 —Tcbbs. 3565d30 f p O be Sold privately, Freehold Single-licensed Hotel, X best position in centre of Cardiff; good oppor- tunity [or investment.—Apply B 4, Wtern Mail, (Mf. 354W30 BEEltHOlTSE, paying brewers £ 25 month; rent vt;ry low; same hands 13 years; £8llk:¡ (JMk, Auction""r, Clare..tr>.t, BristoL 71616 TO Let. with immediate possession. Empire ArmT i I:rt:lf:ta1: Á: house; newly done oat, Hancock's alee; r3UM of 13>in, death —Apply on Premises. 3418d28 Fu1,LY Li,M9 p. 1',? d,?.,ht beers alone E40 .tbl;trdo proved; ingoing E430. Others aU pricea.-Tomkiua and Co., Ba.dwin-chambers, Bristol. 71604 BATH.—Family and Commercial Hotel; well fitted aud furnished; price "I""t' £ 600, u at; ,t nominal; eaU1e hands yours.—Apply John Downing and Co" 6. Quay-street, Bristol. 71578 MASON (Limited), Complete Bar Fit, Decorators, t Billiard t;ratt:)[: in Stock. T,?i,d Mn ?'.t Any Part of South W.I,. Call or write for designs; estimates free. Works. Dir mingham. Buy Direct from the Maker8, Custom House- Cardiff a8356 BU81nessos Wanted. POWERFUL Syndicate, vith English and Foreign G:°vrmncnt Contracts, Desire to Fnrche Welsh Collieries, Steaiu Dnd Anthraçnc; strktly private.- Writ* Atlantique, B 9. Evening Express, Cardiff. d27 Businesses for DIp08al. EXCELLENT Fried Fish Business; iiiett-i-ho in Cardiff; good prospect*; situated in thickly-popu- lilted part —Terrui and rC8FGlL."1 fur disposal QIl appiica- !ion*?•Mnil« Cardiff. 3616d28 O_ LD Established Fish and Fruit Business for~Di^ posal.— B 10, Western Mail, Cardiff. 3r86d23 REl RESHMENT Business, centrally situated"~Bri £ to!; profits guaranteed from £ 5 to £ 6 weekly; rfnt £ 27; last tenant near1y 20 years; incoming for everything a« rtands, including all furniture, £ 160; guaranteed thoronshly genuine; every investigation allowed.—Apply Tebbs, Victoria-chambers, Victoria- street, Jlri>int. 3565d30 D, N!NG R. IB,i?tol; two ban;hwe ,I"r(,ow, 12 ""wm. free beer; "me licence; business couple c^n take £40 weekJy: incom- i,ig. iE570.-T,.I,b,?. 35d30 RESTAURANT and Commercial Hotel, Bri,tol; very nice business, suitable for lady; incoming as stands £ 330: genuine investment—.Apply Tebbs. d30 COFFEE, Refreshment Busines Bristoi"; pood COt::=:tini:55.¡\ T: 3565d30 SALE. ;JfCllir:/r r;i: fre« of~waterl a<res* further development; near railway lC..mawn)-A as, Western øil, Cardi«. 3475d29 AN old-established Auction and Brewery-Valuer's Business for 8.1,: death cause ?f di?p???l; ?t?ff will 1'min.pply Auctioneer, Hayward's Ictter )1. 71577 T, Newsagenoy, HairdreRsing Bli; n<:aÂ: positiou; moderate ingoing.—Roach *_L Cardiff. 3323d27 r-roeci1:aüdrroi spten- ?s and position; mflin thoroughfare; station; colliefy and tin-plate district; 1.-A 6?, V'csteru Mail, Cardiff. d27 iLaitt), 1 rrlcuiturai Lanci. Little Whitelnnd. St. Weonard's, Heri> X f1)Id..lire; 24 oores good arable, pasture, and orchatd land; suitable for poultry farming.-D Sparkes, Home Farm, Kentchureh, Pontrilas. 362Izl TO Let, Five A,, Land for Market GardeninjF' Tdi,t n?Ll.?d?ff :i)tnr:;l RJùard I'hom?, Andrewe-buildings, Queentr{;. Car- ff -9067 dil! 90_6} Bultdina: LandT WA:tndo;tIrl<7: Land {for Works) or abandoned Works, near ?ho,?, th plentv f pure w^ter and railway conveniences; important —B L Western Mail, Cax-d¡í! 3537d30 .1ilÚ3rtUantûu. Miscellaneous Wants. MI'S- Gorman, Purchaser of Ladi<*S~l3?i5RS?r Oiii.drcn's \V ardrobw, Fnrnituie, Boots, —13 nd 3, Bridge-street. Cardiff, taoli.bcd 1863 d30 'Vi' fX> Second-hand ? 'ittttii, buitabie 'r a Clotlfler.-I'uH particulars, &e. t!t letter, Lydney Godwin, lllmk?ood, Mon. 3öœd27 L l1gt.em;ÚU:. CliUdren's Warcirot« Bought.—Mrs. McAllister, 13, Frederick-street Cardig- 3420d29 GE'S{lrt:;t,,hj Bought Boola &o.; hishest prices.—Mrs. S. L. Green 3z Caro l !2..ean .901, 'V A;t\\t fF: premium.—L. TW??t?. Mail, Swansea. d,28 ADIKS and Gentlemen's Wardrobes, FurnTturT L B-t?,B..gl,l, Town or ?." -O,d,. punctua;¡y ?tt,,d?d to. M or 3:£re, S. I, 30, C.in, Eitatb ,,ish ? 1864. 68577 CLO'rHFN-G-L.d?, Childreu', ",it: off Clothing Dcubt.-Mr. Itich, 109, eMtIE.wad. Cardin B3t p!'k Ord punctually tt?n4pd to 241M L:'l'.()FF Clothes,—Mrs. ltoddy, 9, Sandon-street; Newto"D Cardiff, Purchaser of L&djæ' and Gen- t:f:men' Wmr,ng Apparel, &c.-A.ll orders punctually attended to i town or country. Good prices given. 69 Miscellaneous Sales. I.l; Sacrifices LonKlSct T Cased Guar* Muff Chain; as.; wo 1 andsome Kiugs, (uazantecd eased ISct fold, t ft??t ?;?d.ome Riup. 9d. eaab; approval.— Mm. G" 28, DeIaJIIeIeqeeoel>S, Loa4oø. 179¡4 jtllrfHanfOu. Miscellaneous Sale?—Continued. EATHErTBc^. nev7r U5c«r6iX~x^4Tt7"6i"n.; Bolster, I IVo Pillows; 50s.; ca6h needed.—Write B 24, \(>8te;J(;itJ' i C<16D needed-"1nt36.;t' LA:D SiIk Umhrelia with d: Handle Lost l>etwee« Grangelo«-n and Penarth- rond Bridge all :Mod:lr afternoon.—Finder will be jwarded on returning &awe to 36, "'œtkrD Mail-chum- bu., C?rjm. 366&<29 I ASTROLOGY.—Know thy Future and all Important Events in Your Life, Marriage, })artnN Full f)!8(1riI>tion of Photos Given. Private Advice Upon Any Matter. Magnificent results.—Send birth-time and 12 etamp? Mr. F?con. 181. 5t MaryVroad, 8hcfBe)d. *1 VISIT Aladime? Proctor, the Renowned Lady Palmist, Phrenological Practitioner.-Wharton-etrett, Car- diff. 358721 PORT Win« Pipes, freshly emptied, holding 120 põ\u,:lY hfu:a:b p;;£ Port Wine and Brandy Hogsheads, 60 gallons, eleven shillings. Whisky Barrels, holding 40 gallons, eight shillings. AU carriage paid.—Apply F. Wa Benndt. YaHon, Somerset. 11609 CURE for Pill-P?lf,,t C-,e 0 t,M in urnst Cu;" P:P:t f.e .ua9.te jïd: Trobe, Chemist, St Michael's-hill, BristoL 3429^5 rrVAIJ.OR fJ7a!:y clb Fr)i?rGcnt?*0?? X t? 31 br, ?.,l 5 0 ?., t-k? 25-. N-,y Blue Jacket-cut Suit; stylish; worth 4 take 25R.; 36 breast. All new, l1evu worn; Dp?2 i; great ban;nlns. -A 84. Wee tern Mail, Cardiff. 3468d29 pALMISTRY. I'hrenotuxy, Cha?cttr Rmdm, by I, the Celebrated Uiy V.,n,it M.d ? M.,t, 31, '?, M- 'Y?t,?,?t, C.?diff. Fee, one ?hi)ling. 3479d29 ASTROLOGY.—All important Eveuts iu Life Foro- A d 3farriisg' Partner Described, Children, Changes, JmuneylS. Legacies, Planet, &e.— Send b:Tth cl!lk. 12 8tamp. and stamped envelope Mr. Cole, 30, Chelfrnhain-ptoce, Brighton, bunsex. 3485d29 APPLESf TOlD OrOWU8 {Finest); boxes 5*- upwards fret3.—Howard Bevan, Pendock. T-.k,?b,?r,. 1.6 Clfg1T:arj: 8nfJü1!ÍJï China Cabinets; Naut-gary 'r- ..d (-?,ff? S?,- 1'100, 40 pieties.—Pearce, 115, Queen-street. Cardiff. d27 BE"'l'E1'.r,b.i.g Wth., ery, B%.prr,ak;n;=1: &c., send for Catalogue. Single articles at actual whole- eale price; cash returned if not approved; unequalled field for agents to make money.—Smollena and Mitchell, 52m, HatUin Garden, I,endon L17915 AN Invaluable P-k to AU E.g-g?d in Trade.- AN R1,1:bo;n7:K 5.¡: culations; price 2' 6d?, p,.tg,, 4d. extra.—Stationery Department, Western Mall, Cardiff. DREAM k -d Fortune Teller. Is.; post free, DItFA?4 -BW,?K);:t?.Mii Li,it?'. H'FRFjwuXT"r?fr'>or~cVrt^~Waf^ons. nd Every Other Purpose. Hors,? Cloth Driving Aprons, &<• as supplied to H.M. the Queen and HU n. the Prince of Wales Best value obtainable only from the actual maker, Charles D Phillips. e". port, Mon. 30 year»\ "DItIti?. in home and epo" tT d?.-App,y for samples and pri?. 13 UNION jack, ei £ e 30 by Z0, in Colonrs; price one penny each, postage ^d.; 6». Per 100. carriage 6.. per100, 50430 PATENT Automata Office Paperweight and Monthly PA'RE?%T for Four Yetr? 1s-Stationery Depart- .,nt, W<wtera Mall, Card; !lII-õ;-d'\k"iïJihel;ÃdiniØtY iH. Th" Sequence File." "The Warwick File,- "The Standard File," "The Common-sense File."— Stationery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff, K- HAKI Notepaper, is. per packet, postnsn 4<1; V Kh^kl Envelopes., is. pn 100. p""t3ge )d.-W. tND Mail$r*tionery Depflrtmeot. Cardiff. ADHESIVE Linen Tape for Repairing Music, ifro., A 3d. ,-t fre@ per raiL—Stationery Department, t,m Mail, Cardiff. MILKSELLER'S Delivery Book, 3* postage. 2d. if?E:M'miÇa!Æ Cardiff. TICKETS, in Rolls of 1,000 each, for Bazaars, Con- certs. fire.. Is. 3d, p.tg. 3d,- Western Mail Limited Cardiff. PHIL Phillips's Sheumati'* Cure.—Send for pamphlets, free. OOTOACHE Cure-Try Phil Phillips's rtäiîí 'f1"; I. boWe, by "t '0 d PHJt;i'8-;ftN:: te:4'; doctors ..d baths b.. failed.—Note tb? .44-, 4. fk :\hrytret. Cardiff. PHIL Phillips' Rheumatic Cure have cured for PHI' 6d b"n ron have paid more pouDdA. TOOTHACHE or NeuTf¡Jía Certain Cure.—Phil Phillips' Toothache Cure, Is. per bottle, by PMt 1- td-24, St, Mary-street, Cardiff. 86261 mHE~Lat^sTImproved "UtleTFile, The Mo^r-p7 1 File; 40. fd,-Stationery Dep.rtIDfD. W..tern tail, C..di1r CCYCLISTS' Pocket Case, containing Pnenmatie Tyre J Repairing Outfit. Medicated Court Plaster, and Insnrauce Coupon for 12 months; one blllil.-Sta- tionery* Department. Western Mail, Cardiff. rriRAVELLER5'^ri^tTrdier-liooks; 50 leave* in trf?licate; 6d. ea6.-Stationery Der.,rtm,. Western Mail. Cardift FOUNTAIN T?,n: carries a week's supply, I. post -FO':ti' (Dtr:n:1örl:ù t:: diff. PHIL Phillips' Rheumatic Cure, 28, St. Mary-street, T RACI E the address: FT?'. it chemists, or from 24, St Mary-street,. Cardiff. ^porttug. SOMETHING I am now prepared to S,??pl, S OGro);IE );;rut;:t>!Pi for particulars to Robert Bevan, Gunsmith, Cardiff. a8342j_ GUNS, Cartridges, find Shooting Requisites.— Hammpr Guns from £ 2 10».; Hummerlees Ouns from 7 \lin"us. 000(1 Rabbit Cartrir1;:œ 6s. per too; bo*t. ^mokckvvs C8rtri.k(>. 9«. £ d. w'r 100-—Chamber, Guumakers, Cardiff. Ihi¡;tùl, and Shept^n Mallet 86305 J;)Orgt, ibt tork, &r. HORSES Wanted.-M. UsHey, Giller, and Telfer ara Commi-fsioned to Purchase 30 Coh, 14.2 to 15 hands, not under 5 or over 7 years; wOrkabr sound; for riding only.—Full written particulars, with rriee, should be eent to the Corporation Horeo Repositoiv, C,if- I di!f. a9105 F;E Sale, Five-year-old Cart M. b?.t 15.3: F}'' Rt¿)%ed M:;y -y; -:f; reliab\e-Carver, St Clears. 3710^3 EXCEPTIONALLY pretty Turn-out for Disposal, Ex consisting Pl.tt, NV??b P??F, 5 Y, 12^ hands ,),rf?,tly -I. DIend¡d ti n and p,,d; stylish Doc- rnr1, feat two or four; Rugs. Mats, Lamps, and splendid Rarn(\<II to match; complete turn-out, regularly driven by a lady; price of lot ,35 guineas, cheap, or sell sepa- ratelr-Edenholme. 33, Clare-street, Cardiff. 3636?l FOR Sale, grand Mal^~5Tear8~15 3~lna "ke" hunter"r "i'?t' harness; Plil? X45. Also Dog-cart; lamps cushions, mate, complete; suit 14 to 152.-B 7, Western Mail. Cardi!! JS66dJ0 17OR S.I?, p,,tty ""Y P", four y^ars, 12 3; suit }-mo; ?r.-Lane,L3; Blaino. 3441d29 A -o'\n>:ro. TolŠÕle.-Ar.ply Tramway -W241-7 S-NIA.UT iflrlil;?ownrr b- no further Use for it during the winter.—Apply fiow*»r Hotel, Cathays, Cardiff. # 3324d27 FOR sd 1' y?u? JI-I I., FO:I¡p¡, :;J,.t C;;fd,JuJ;'I, rd ily. 33; ?27 COI.IJK Puppies; bib Wt prise-winning Cõft8 'Ur;atehiíe-d¡7e ;W i!J Cardiff. 3446d29 be.lthty Pi,?,, 14. to 16,. each; earn^TJ 20 (1g a;t; TI;¿i\dJ' ';¿itO; Ledbnr;- 3646z3 Carnages* !anir<ss, &r. RALLI Carts, 7 fashionable npw, all sieefl including 3 rubber-tyred; 30 various Dog and Light- Bu¡;inc Traps; 3 Second-hand Whifcechapels; inspection invited -Anry. Coachbuilder, Newport 3698tõ LIGHT Brougham; 30 LighFPony, Cob~¥raps. Rosier, Herbert-street., Newport 3562z2 THREE I;Q(¡cj Brougham8, 'VKonette;'itllm(;ah head. St,nhcp. Ph. Polo Cart — IVrry and Co., 44, Frederick-street, Cardiff. 3658*3 LARGE Crauk-axle Cart., with movahle hit; .,ïi¡ who¡eale t.radP or ?rrit?r.-IL Da?ies and Ron Coachlpiilders, Bristol. 71623 CHEKP Landau for Ba'e; prke twentv poundsf "ûit jobmaster Also Other good Landaus.—Fullers Coachhui'dsra. St. George's-road, 13ri,t.L 144^ SMART Brougham (9c»rtX T.bb tyr; Single Brougham <84cwt); Light Brougham (Perry'sl. 45 l1inp:¥d(í!t:1:i::l (P789451 ("1 REAT H8rain,-GenUemon'lS Hunting 8t1d\ conT T p'ete; nkke\ irons. Al- tiut-daM Double-rein Bridle. Nickel Bit and CI1,b. Lot 450< worth double- sent on approval.—G. Smitb, Great Skrrrid Farm near Abergavenny. 3556430 CARLTOCAïtRUGE COip.- Only Add, Co.AcnBUILDERS. 3A, Q ATHE D RAL-ROAD, ARDIFF. For gale, Larsre Stock of New and Serond-hand rrn1)¡:høID. 1..8n\18\11. LîrpooJ Gi, D07alt.. and Carria"6 of all descriptions. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Carriage's. Oznnibusw Sporting Carriages, & Any Carriage Sold on the In; RysteOl Carriages Taken in Exchange. Car- n8!lPR Sold or Purchased OD Commission. Etim8tJr for repairs free. Agtnte for Connolly's Ideal Rubber Tvree. 89020 Jfg-tOn, &r. GItET Parrot, sis months in England, commenced to G P;O;'n:dl: rï% l'enarth- r,x,id. 3655=3 BLACK Orpington CQckerel for Sale, trom Tennyson Fawkes' B!t :f.gp; guaranteed; can be seen anr tim.; price ¡¡. 6d.-26, Orbit-str«:t, F-th. Cardiff. a9101 INDIAN Game.—Two Cockmla. 1899, 7». each* Several Hens. IM, 2. M. -,h; "'C. IKIT 19, l%a, 5s. e""4 Sberwnod.-Two Cockerels, 1899, 3'.61 ouch. Anrlahudan-Two 131ue C(}c1.t>rc. 1900, 3s. ea.'b -Jnhn Eównrd5, Ruperra Castle, Newport. Mon..129 OO I:ar;; ''hte G-AIo Du()71'ur.ey;' v and Cardigan M:ir 'h-hatrhed Pullet^—O'Neill. *3' Penypoel-road. Canton, Cardig. 3008^29 S \Iiie:;I: Wkeofoe8.f Ptii? ?Otb??ig ,ike 'em; four DiL?kets for Is.-Of n.1 Com Mer chants, or of Sqnire piles Company. C.,dift. 5?060 PAY the U-mt -43gii" 0 1,jPo..¡en Care COtJa, Whín> .d Inflammation: t".t for stores and breeding sows; caose pigs to fatten ,"I half the usual time; 12 packets for 104 62060 })I!vrlt, rrrvclt. &c. BICYCLE, Marvellous Bargain.—Gent's S, Roadster, W.?t.d rim. Vtry bt p-ti, tyros; most expensive and high-grade bicycle; only ?.d on m,?th I not "?il,?d; bt?utifuUy fl.,b?d; with a.coeMOfJE'8; new: 00 to owner; -h L5 1.; ?ju send on approval.—R. Fear, Sea ton Houae, Richmond- .t, Weston-super-Mare. 3675d °Rt:eeEn_dtjng; ti8deprié-rrriï B-, Cy?l.d Motor '-Ik., 1..tnl,d& 85144 iRonep, Monsy Wanteds Adf Mortgage*.—wiSteS] X30& i £ 550. £ 700. £ 1100. «nd £ 3.000. »t 5 per cent, on property worth newly double, G1&:Do.r..bln aai iltfMinirHntfuliiFi —W 1Ii. WeÄlO1 ØaiJ. CntiS. a16D iBoitrp. Money to Londt Money to Lond. i M;1t(:dí.:nlJvf;J' r:LBI: j have Numerous Sums Immediately Available for Irce- liol: leaseholds, Reversions, aud Life Interests. 3891 DVANCES.^ £ 10~ & on"Note of Hand "r Other Security No Bondsmen Required. Advances øhm Me upon Farniiniz Stock. &, Without Removal. Trade Bills Discounted. TPTn1S and re-payments arranged before completion of buaine:«s. Letters or per?ouai applications, town Jr ntitiy, receive prompt attention. Straightforward Transactions Guaranteed. Apply fn .\dual l?,ndtr- 71583 MHAMAt-THHS.Enttdah.Hnnw. ? 71583 10. Zetland-road, Rmtol. Tel. No 6-731 !?ft: L in N G » r 1 M 'T ?'fTs b7 P-¡ )J.t.AÍiLl;ED-FI.:I8T ¡-¡j: .IRF, TO Abv.\NrK' sr?)S'FHUM £ 20 TO L3,OM, AT SHORT NOTICE, On Approved No? of HALI, l'con31 ,r Otber Securities. C'har¡.!e8 Arranged Defore Transactions ore Completed. Mortgages on Property Effected at Current Rates of Interest. Property Purchased, Trade Discounted. Annuities Aud Fixed IoccmM Arrangtd Deposit* Received at 5 per cent. per annnm. Apply direct, Hi we have no 8U'Dta- H. YES.HClJ,DlGS, THE HA. YE, a8933 FLAYES CARDIFF. MONEY to Ad tn Mortgage; moderate rates.— J IÕ'%eH(f,1(a: C;:k 37- X?"i t, ZI.060 Lent DailY. 13orrowees Own 8?uitY: £IofI\il:;Ab=:li —S Ranis,S. Park-st, Cardiff lopposite New P.O.). a8?0J5__ LOANS Cheap and Privatelr ou U.,y Terms. L OANS 'rg S:f;'{. (Jtnè'. Ea.y l;n;1i 149. Penarth-road Cardiff. Herbert Rimer, MBI CHF,TP Fail Loan,. P, I-Any Amount from E20 to ?E5.OM Lent ith-t 4\8Y or trouble, to aU respectable Persons on Note at Hmd or on ?v Form of S?urity (,ff",? Th M,. b. been making advances ?. lb? Wot of England ant! Scu'h W, for ,.t twelve fpau. ?d it I.. II known and rf"c):nm.:>nded hy all who have had dealings yjtb it. Terms and re-pSY1-N'Du;' arranged to the (om- phte 8stÜ::facti,), of the toironer.— Fot.ns free on appli- cation to tbe Manager, London and Bristol Mercantile Bank (Limited!. Baldwin-street, BristoL Bristol Tei> phon., No 1.24L 1884d PHIL J)hillTi;-Pa1\"ïnok;}:-atld Jr",cller Advance M-11 on All Kin4p of Jewellery, Deeds, and 1"'N'ro;n }; ntes:' ^2 4. St. tr: C.r.jjj!. a3Tn THE SWaNSFA mercantile bank (LIMITED) Make Ca»«h Advances from £ 5 to £ 500 to 811 respectable Householders, on tbír wn Xnt-e of Hand, at a Te8rionøble r;it.e of interest: strictly p,I, ??d confidential—Apply H. B. J. Manacer, 18 _t, Swansea. 66356 LOANS from £ 5 Upwards ;U:=leBO:pr O'n Not" ')' Hand, t a reasonable rate of interest, to Respectable Householders, by THE SWANSEA FINANCE COMPANY (LTD), 16, GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA. Easy &.paympntB to suit the oon9e11ieDCe of borrowera. No feee or expenses. 71330 £ 250,000 to Lend by ti?p Provincial Union Bank. Jn sums of X10 X500, Not" f Hand alone, or on any th,r »ecurity, at a few h. notipe, to all ,lwesin .any .f the country; rc?-payable by emy instalments; with and without sureties; no delay Thi i.w ld!?t.bWb?d Bank d-, the Jao:t bn¡npy in the kingdom.—'Wri^ te or call upon t-1æ Manager, Mr Stanley Dowt1in,eo 1, QUè(>n.IJST, Bristol, nr Messrs. Wilkin- son and Co., 3, Working-street, -ardill. 71296 agon ani) Collirrj? Rrqutsttes. WANTED, a Supply of 60 Tn. 01 SIi"tly D,f, h,'e Flange Rails, about 601b. p?, yard, with p?ii?t. -d cril1ge, fih-pj"te. OltJl" &(', all to be (jehTPIPd at Own. Midi-d Railway.— Heallys Vale Couipauy, Upper Cwmtwrch. 3551d27 WANT D. 30 Tons Second-hand Bull-head Rails, about 851b. per yard, with ti.b-pl?t.P- Anrlrpw8.b1U1d1D. Cardtff. 352OdZ( COLLIERY Sleepers, ('OgMOO, PifwocA, Dunnage Boards —Sbaplaud aiid Sods, West Dock, CRr- diff- 3598zl TIIR-BT.;TE-WORKS-SUPPLYCÓ,: 1, PEARSON-PLACE. BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. TeleirTams, o'Gething, Cardiff." T(>!f>phone, .o. 45 P.O. and National. WAGONS.—A number of perfectly m;w and equal to new latest leJ:ulation8 Particulars on hearing as to number and what doors required. 20 p?rf?,tly new Oak F?- P,il?g b.ffe. both ends, i.?de dimensions 14ft. 6in by 7ft. by ltt 9iu ?d,, each side falling full length; ready for ktterin 100 10-tou Hopper S'agons, iron bodies, self-discharg- ing, D??., b,?ff?'. h "ad. illg -P- laminated body springs. STEEL n..UL:<Bnd., Flan, DoubJ. and Bull Heads. About 270 tons nr", .1.drd fiane, 4in. high, principally 30ft. lone, with fastenings if required. BESSEMER PLAT (by Davey Bl(.)-Con.ertênl, La.dle3, Carriages, Cranes, &c, LOCOMOTIVE.—1 4-wheeler, 8in. x lZin, by Bagnall, 3ft. gouge, cood for 13010, pressure, wheels 2ft. dia., wheel base 3ft Zín. steel firebox, S6 Bfceel tubes, ("d steel tyres; now at Cardiff, and reach- for immediate w01k MORTAR MILL AND ENGINE —t ood serond- band Dll 4 wheels, with shaft, &-c., cheap to clear OLD CAST IRON ROLLS.—250 1,?- in picces not exceeding 5 t.?. each; chp to cleer ('AST SCRAP.—200 tons for cupola purposes. 100 tons SŒMENS STEEL PLATE SHEARINGS, 6'n, "ide and up, 18in. long and up, li.? thick and up; cheap to clear. FOREST HEMATITE ORE.-12.000 tons ex stock, delivery 100-200 tf1I p"r day, ooDt&inin ?b-t 40 per oeut. ?i' "01!il iron in the raw, híh in Hmp. low in 6ulphur, and low in phosphorus; cheap to clear. IIA- TFD. BALL MINE.—State quantity and price to.i, nsmmg Station, a6201 MIDLAND RAILWAY CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY fmmlTFD), MTDLAND WORKS, BIRMINGHAM. Hamz'aftnrPr8 of Ranw8Y Wagons for Cash or Deferred l'a1VJent8. Cani&«, Tram Can. Colliery Pit Tubs, Wh??t, and Axles, Axle Bomm. Cutinp, and Wroughj Iron f.. r, kind. WAGONS REPAIRED by Contract or Otbenrllo in c-reiv district Second-band Coel, Cok., Irolll<wne, and Balluj Wagons for SALE or HIRE. E JACKSON. Secretary, Chid Omre-Midl.nd WorD, Birqli",bam. Branch Worn-Abhty Worki, Shrewsbury. iaacbmrrp, Cools* &r. Machinery, Tools, &c.. Wanted. WEIGHING Machine 8 cwt. Wanted; also Small VertirAl Boiler—L. U., Western Mail, Swan- 3488d29 Machinery. Too", &c.» For Smla. BEFORE Finally Decidinc, ~it will Pay —Y? B 'HAR 'D E- D. PHILLIPS'S STOCK f NEW and SECOND-HAND MACHINERY for SALE both at Newport and Gloucester "Work rt",pæti1'ett (Will Let on Hire or Purchase-Hire on -.bl, tll.,) bargains for prompt cuh 11 ?,;AN ng OF TO? OF AL? KINDS AND CLASSES OF MACHINERY. LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STO^K OF CONTRACTORS' PLANT, Including LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, PORTABLB ENGINES, VERTICAL BOILERS S-KW BENCHES for various site saws. And Other Miscellaneous Wood-working Machinery STONE-BREAKERS. STEA-u WINCHES PUMPS OF VARIOUS KINDS FOR LAND AND MARINE PURPOSES. TREMENDOUS STOCK OF NEW AND SECOND- HAND PULLEYS ELECTRICAL MACHINERY BOUGHT .nd SOLD, and CONTRACTS UNDERTAKEN. SPECIAL! Send fOl a copy of "Phi1Jipø'a Monthly Machinery giltcr," 6, M, copy, subscription, &. per annum. R"gi-t?, 6d. CHARLES D. PHILLIPS. ?"°- M T NEWPORT, MON. Tele:sm8: "M„ achinery," Newport, Mom Natioual Telephone, N, 18. 58813 FO::ler;i7 ?f,7-t?. f." nates ea^h, with crow-tubes; 9-,A .?,d,ti.n, d atiitabie 601b working pressure.—L. W., 1Q2, Whit- church-road, Cardiff. 34900129 Tp OU Sale, Portable Hoisting En TndBctW"com- JL bined; also Horizontal Engine, 7ia. cylinder; cheap.—.Jones, 75. TreJlsmt>road, Landore. 3430d28 OIL F-ti.Th,Ch.il,.ttM best Gas Engines, Steam Engines, Chaffcuttera, Crushing and GrjndÜJ Milis, Cake Breakers. Turnip Cutters, Cattle Cribs, Sheep and Pig Troughs, Sh*ep Racks, Ploughs, Cuitivarom Harrows, Corn Bins Sheep Nettin F Milk Cbum and D.'ry Utensils, Too 01 Every Description, fS?,?d.. Shovels. Hedging B-11-. i :iDf:oc. ;8:"nl PI-gh r,:r:: State requirements. Catalogues I"' F)'t'-d p.y- ments or bjre.poHhBE-c may be arranpd OD all c?assei of machinery —John H?bb?rt and S-. 10 rd IL UMt!MtrM'? Cardiff. °' ? '?7?  -FOR-S-le.- One 8-uorse-power Portab i e Engine~ by I" Wallis aud Stephens; good working. Also Qu tity of Ligbt li?j]s aDd One Wire-cut Brick :h?.?.-AVDI; t? Te.,i., UPD,, Brickyard Car- '? ° _?_ ?27<f2? -AÜLINGEngiïi(;B for Säk-=¡''õur-F';8jlî¡:be¡ H b' 12 iD(>b; reiidy for 1-edi?tl delivrv Âo Two Stone-breakers, 12 inches by 9 wc!JN-InqulT6 Howard Kyte and Co. {L.m.t<:d" Whitchurch, Cardiff. 71596 FOlt Sale. gôõdLB(JilE>:r; <ouh?'t.;r!iMM? cross tubes; ar present insured .1 601b. pressure 1..gtl? 16ft. x 61L 6?. -Appiy A 63, W?t4eza MSI!, CRr. ?!?: 3H2:4 HORIZONTAL Engines (High-class Second-band! One 42in. cyUnder, Two 36in., Two 28in, One 26in, Two 22in.. 21in., 20i.. Tln 18i. and D..e. 01 15m., 14iD, 13iD., 12in., 10;0" 9ia. and &n, & b, stock anywhere—"A Speciality." Th?.. _Mith?',lll and SODS /Limited), B-it-. 715 T)O?RsTLM?h.K).-30it.. Mft™~27ft.7^ft724ft™ BOILER'' (L.hi.30ft., ??t27fi.. ? ?fC-94f-t- 2GIt., and 17ft., rp to 7fL 6iiL dia?ter; prmur? up to 8Qlb. PUMPS.-5o on Stnck, inOudihs CMi?n.Bd'Oti?M t up tc doa ble 161n. crhnders; capital M.?tinn. Thomas Mitchell apd onø (LimiW}. B.tl.n. 71520 T?OXOTTTES?Capi:.r??t?(?ni?-? J? c?ind?t. by 11,?.,?in;z? W, ready o I work. One 6..hl8 '?' by ??"?' Clarke, l1in. cylinders, (nlir box; ready for wort Ono lOin. 6-wheeler. by BaTcJar IAco Cranes (Five), 5. 3. and 2; ton. Por?Mes and Scmi-portabl?, up to 40 h.p. LOlDlnal Th-.?5 Mitchell and Sons rIJmiWi, Bolton. 71520 ptiblirattons. YN AWR YN BAROD. Prla 60., trwy'r post, 7o. Y DIWYGIAD METHODISTAlDD A J^OWELL HARRIS. ATERlAD I HAEBIADAU A CRYBUDD- lADAU Y LLYFR. "DIWTGWTB CTUSU." Qua "MRISWTN." r- enel o Swrd ia-r "WantarK Van," CM*. dydd, ac oddiwnl rr Atrdwt. II. Tndor-road. ON &ALB AT ALL BAIL WAT unnygpiyti iiusinrsss ahhrrssrs. READY THIS WEEK. WESTERS MAIL ^LilAXACK; AND ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR 1001. PRICE S I X P EX C E. CONTAINING- THE NEW PARLIAMENT AND A MASS OF USEFUL INFORMATION OX ALMOST EVERY CONCEIVABLE SUBJJXT— POLITICAL, LEGAL, STATISTICAL, SOCIAL, DOMESTIC, ATHLETIC, Ac. NEARLY 3 0 0 PAGES, PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED BY DIAGRAMS, PORTRAITS, Ar„ UNDOUBTEDLY THE MOST COMPLETE AM) VALUABLE BOOK OF ITS KIND. PRICE SIXPENCE. From all Booksellers and Newsagent*, 0," free by Post from the Weetera Mail Limited for 5d. extra. ORDER AT ONCE TO ENSURE COPIES Of THE FIRST EDITION. XMAS CARDS. LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT. AUTOGRAPH CARDS, Box conUiDms 8 Neat Cards 6<1. THE BLACK AND WHITE BOX. contaai- ing 12 Card., Aasorted Designs y. THE ART BOX, containing 12 Assorted Curle, Floral ,1). THE HEART .1 HAND BOX, containing: 10 very Ptat Aasorted Floral and other Designs 11. THE CHRISTMAS CHIMES BOX, containing 8 very neat Card 11- THE GRECIAN BOX, containing 6 Assorted Art Desire. 1. THE HEMEMBRAXCE BOX. containing 8 Assorted Floral Depigns U. THE STRAY LEAVES BOX, containing 12 Neat Cards y, THE GOOD LUCK BOX, containing lfl Assorted Cards. Various Designs y. THE GEM BOX, containing 10 Npat Card 11. THE HEARTY GREETINGS BOX, contain- ingr 10 Cards, Bicycle Designs „ 1/. THE ECLIPSE BOX, containing 25 Assorted Comic Carda \j. LA DUCHESSE BOX, contaaning < Assorted Card*, with Silk Tassels, very Neat 116 THE HELENA BOX. containing 6 Cards, Assorted Tints and 116 THE EMPRESS BOX. containing 8 Parch. ment Cards, Assorted Designs 1A5 THE PERFECTION BOX. containing 8 High* class Cards, with Silk Taasels 216 THE LINCOLN BOX, containing 8 Specially Selected Cards, Assorted Designs 216 THE ROSE-TINTED BOX, containing 10 Assorted Cards, very Neat Designs 2 £ THE EMPIRE BOX, containing 8 Assorted Designs, very Neat, in Patriotic Box. M THE DUCHESSE CABINET BOX, contain- ing 20 Assorted Floral Designs M THE ELEGANT BOX, containing 6 very Handsome Cards, Silk Tanela ZI6 THE CLOISONNE ENAMEL BOX, contain. ing 8 very Choioe Cards 2)6 THE ALEXANDRA BOX, containing 9 very Neat Assorted horine Cards Zig Large A wort ment of Single Cards at Id., 2d., 3d, id., 6d., and Is. each. ENVELOPES SENT WITH ALL CARDS, All Orders by Post d-P-t,-? B? D?y POST FREE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT— WESTERN MAIL, CARDIFF. TJIGH-CLASS fjrYPEWMTEB AT gALF pBlCH H J!I"E H P IHo .11\ £12 ul a- VTKLTING ALWAYS IN SIGHT. SOUS AQKVTBt— ^TBSTERN MAIL Lnm" ST. IURY-STREET, CARDIFF. THE TpiMES" Ä TLAS, BOUND IS HALF-MOROOOO, GILT EDGES. PUBLISHED AT £1 So, REDUCED TO LL CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY ADDRESS. REMIT CASH WITH ORDER TO yy ESTERN £ AIL LI-CM, CARDIFF. This is the Best Atlu erer published at tho price. >6329 NOW READY. 1L POSTAGE, 24- rpIPK nPABLi-S roB TEN JgRISTOL QHANNKL poRTS, OoBtaistsc TIMES AND FEIGHTS OF TIDES. SAILING DIBiXmcitS, Ae. OCLOURED CHART SHOWING FOBTIfOI OF LIGHTS. rrausBm BY ypTWTKRX IVfAIIi Laum, -C"="- P&M