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$ui)iu amusements. CARDIFF. T H E A T R f: » » Y A L I BMTi and Manager KOBERT REDFORD. THIS EVENING, AT 7.30. THE GREAT J' KIN CK 8 8' PLAY-. HOW IjODON IlVES. "EXT WEEK:- THE CAlilUFF AMATELK8 I\ TWO PLAYS- THE LATE MR. COSTELLO and THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. New Box Office at Theatre (St. Mary-street Entrance) open from 10 til 5. Seata ?.. be t(¿kdcebY °reoi.() 5. telhla b,ked y THEATRE. ROYAL. (By kind permission of Robert Bedford, Ksq., Leasee and Manager.) The CARDIFF DRAMATIC SOCIETY (under I)i«-ngui-ihrd Patromige) will Give a FIVE DAYM K&PhRTOIRK, in aid of Hanta, Claud," Commencing December 19th. 1898. The following will be the programme THE FAIK tyLBSTBlENNE. 7.30 Monday. (Faroe). Dec. 19. ARABIAN MUHTS 8.0 (Farcical Comedy). bllOUl D TUIBMEET TUI EYE 7.30 Tu88day. F-) TI'" ?11-Y. THE L4TE MB. COSTELLO 8. 0 (ComeJy). T H E~F'AIB E(J IEN N E. 7.30 Wednesday, (Farce). Dec. 1. ABA 111 AN NIGHTS 8. & (Farcical ( omedy). THEFAJB ');Qi;'E8Tlm;Jõ Thur!T, Iit?e), Dec. .A.'AN N(UHTS 8. 0 (FardcaJ Comed,). bHOCJ D 'tmb Mt:?l TMt: EVE 7.30 Friday. 'F.). Dec. 23. THE LATK MB. COSTELLO 8. 0 (Comedy). LADY ARTDSTE8. Mr*. Lila AtMtm. MiM Mary Pwott. = 1:Ct,a'b}'. M?s Edith Mm Ago Fr?nri?. Mi- Mildred Waters. Miss Nancc Samuel. '4i? ? Nellie Woodi. GENTLEMEN ARTISTES. Mr. Har.ld Crow to. Mr George Ireland. Mr. Ernest Fne. Mr. E..1. Rhys. M r. W. G j Mr, Bertie Samuel. Mr. Cl..e".t'Il? t Plan at Messrs. Thompson and Shackell's Musio Warehouse. No. 24, yueen-street, Cardiff. PRICES OF ADMISSION: — Dress Circle (Numbered & Reserved) 4s. Od. Orchestra Stalis ditto .38. Od. Rtalls Z?. Od. &:ÿ. 2s. g Pit I", Od. Gallery Os. 6d. Volunteers Wanted to Sell Tickets on behalf of 2.000 hungry, hopeless, ill-clad little children, to whom Santa Clal18" bring-s once a year a Yuletide Trent never to be forgotten. Application to be made to Mrg. AVSTIN, Lady Editor's Roception-roora. Western Mati. Office, Cardiff. Any day from Eleven to One and Two to Four. GRAND THEATRE. Lessee and Manager.Mr. Clarence Sounes. GRAXD RECEPTION OF THE Grand Revival of the Great Adeliihi Drama, THE G IIEEN BUSHES. _P!Iar pric and time istLsual.a2M /CARDIFF TRADESMEN'S FANCY TRADES-[E?N'S FA.CY Tickets to View, 1. PARK-HALL. DECEMBER 28th, 1898. HANDSOMrl COSTUMES CAN BE HIRED At Reasonable Charge*. AT DUNFORD'S H:\JRDRESSlNCr SALOONS a2814 ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF T^IS"?.—The Milford Haveu Fish Supply Association Denver, Carriage Paid to any put of the Kingdom. BASKETS of rRMH FISH Ct?n.d for Table, from 2a 2s. fd.. tc 5. gpeci?i Terma to Ht,?le, Inatit ona. a ?d L.?g? Consumers. To Avoid D ?saal)' pom*m*nt and to AMure Despatch and Beat Quality. Note the Old Address. All commani- cat-ons to Thog Jenkerson. Milford Haven. 23804 IIIPORTA-NT TOTICE. JMPORTANT NOTICE. THE pUBLIC JJENEFIT BOOT I £ OMPANY Have for years past given a souvenir of the year s trading at this Festive Season in lieu of the Old-fashioned Almanack. Their enormous turnover i. absolutely done on goods PLAINLY MARKED at cash prices, so that the Christmas Present is really GIVEX AWATI Last year the Conipani- gave a unique present to each and e-#rv Customer, consHine of a Quarter of a Dozen CHIXA pLATES, And they were appreciated so much that thou- sands have requested the Con.panv to repeat the Gift this Christmas. ConsequentJy, for months past, the Potte-ies have been busy and THE pUBLIC JJENEFIT JJOOT QOilPANY Ilrreby announce that Customer3 making a Purchase from DECEMBER 19th to DECEMBER 24th, INCLUSIVE, Will receive a Gift of THREE CHINA PLATES, TELL YOUR FRIENDS! PARTICIPATE IN THE UNEQUALLED VALUE AND SPLENDID GIFT. BOTTOM PRICE! WEAR GUARANTEED! pUBLIC JJENEFIT JJOOT QOMPANY. LOCAL BRANCHES.— 90, QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF. 79, ST. MARY-STREET, Ditto. STOW-HILL. NEWPORT. 16, VICTORIA ARCADE, SWANSEA. 61830 "JjODERIOK DHU Old *IIIGHLANI) WHISKY THE LEADING SCOTCH BRAND. EECOlfMENDPTO BY ANALYSTS AND PHYSICIANS. THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. WRIGHT AND GRTTO, LIMITED, GLASGOW, Local Agent:- FRED. DUNKLF.Y. Black Lion Brewery, Wharton-street, Cardiff. This Fine Old Scotch Whisky can be had from most of the Leading Dealers in Cardiff. 54829 EVENING AND TRANCING SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. I hold tho LARGEST STOCK of LADIES' OJo;íTLEMJ';YS, and I.lfTI.DI:EN'SDOOT8 arid SHOES for WINTER WEAR in all the Best Makes. Quality Guaranteed. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT PROMPT CASH. W. O. PEACE, BEDWELLTY HOUSE. 78. QUEEN-STBEET, CARDIFF. a2828 NORFOLK SQUARE HOTEL, PADDINGTON STATION, OPPOSITE ARRIVAL PLATFORM, NEWLY DECORATED AND LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED BY MAPLE AND CO. \FOBTY BEDROOMS. SPLENDID DINING, DRAWING, AND BILLIARD ROOMS. PRIVATE SITTING-ROOMS. Electric Light Throughout. MODERATE TARIFF. NIGHT PORTER. BAKER AND CO., PROPRIETORS. LiollO milE CARMARTHEN BILL-POSTING lA COMPANY. 13. BBIDGE-STKEKT. CARMARTHEN. BUl-poetiM and Advertising in .11 ite Br&nchw Throughout th- unties f (?tnt?t ?M. Pembroke, and-» C?rdipm. Sublic Simi&rmrnts.  CAltDIKK. Tis not in m?rwo to command UccC6, but 1 wo'U da more-deserve it." X H E J] M 1' IRE. Managing Director OSWALD 8TOLL. TO-NIGHT! THE EDISON-THOMAS II OY AI. VIT AHCOPF., With a most, interesting selection of ANIMATED PICTURES. Including the SIRDAR COMING HOME, Leaving CUlais-Arriviug at Dover-flis Recep- tion at the Guild.hall, [,olldon, Gordon IUhl The Si rdli r A Street Scene in Cairo -The Seaforth Highlanders leaving Cairo—War C?rm?ipotid,elits !?""K the Sphinx—Panorama of the Nile. RETURN OF THE GUARDS FROM THE SOUOAN. Also many other Entertaining Views. LILIAN TRAVELLI, 8erto..eomffi' 80nltstres and Dancer. THE FOUR MAISANOS, From the London Empire. An Artistic, Eccen- tric. Novel. Continentiil Musical Quartette, MDLLE. MIRA AMOROS, The Neatest, Prettieft. BMt of Trapese Artistes. HERBERT URLE, Vocal Comedian. SAM DALTON, Cornedi&fl. A Circus in Miniature, introduced by MDlJil U AHOLA. Humours of the Highway! THE W H E E L E R S lu a Comic Cycling Interlude. Next W MISS ALICE U;AItIAH. also THE BOXING KANGAROO. Box Office open daily (with exception of Satur- 'tay? 11 t in to 4 p.m. "nd 7 to 10 p.m. Satur- d- 11 a. m. to 2 p.m. d111 of Box". Fa.uteuih. and Grand Circle. No Booking Fees. Telephone No. 625. a280j NEWPORT. THE EMPIRE. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. CLOSED FOR KE-BUtLDING. Upon an enlarged Beale in modern style. The g:d ft]-me;'irJt!fm:r'\Yfen1: i convenient for A'isitors from Newport. ?t28?34 T Y C E U M N E W P O R T. .J Proprietor & Maua?er.Mr. Clarence Sonnes. TO-NIGHT, at 7.30, THE SENSATIONAL DRAMA. L 1 E Prices, 6d to il is. Box Office Open Daily 10 to 4. Telephone, 158 Nat. Next Week:- 61847 A T LO„ Nx. DO -V MY S T E R Y. SWANSEA^ — HP H E E M P I R E. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL TO-NIGHT. THE INCANDESCENT DANCFII! IN THE FIRE OF LIFE. MDLLE. DE 1)10. The Brilliant Beautiful Personification of the Poetry of Motion presented with entrancing Effects of Light and Colour. A fillli,ti.g Performance I Varieties by other able Artistes. a2805 WESTERN MAIL LIMITED, NOW READY. PRICE 3d. POAT FREE 4d. gEVENTY-EIGHT QRIGINAL COMPETITIVE TUNES TO THIRTEEN SELECTED HYMNS (COLLECTION No. 1), RE-PRINTED FROM TIIE "WEEKLY MAIL" MUSICAL COMPETITION. 78 Pages. Demy Octavo, with Preface and Index (Old Notation and Tonic Sol-fa). EACH TUNE BEARS THE NAME OF ITS COMPOSER. Edited by ZETU8." To be Obtained of all Newsagents, or Direct from the Western Mail Offices at Caidiff, Newport, Swansea, and Merthyr. Price 3d. Post Free 4d. Special Terms for Quantities to Organists. Choirmasters, and Conductors. COME AND HAVE A QUIET CHAT WITH THE MANAGER. P. FREEDMAN AND 00., P. THE  LEADING HOUSE FURNISHERS, And tell him what kind of House you would lilts Furnished and the most Money you can oonveruently spare, and he will arrange to FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH GOODS ON GRADUAL EASY- PURCHASE SYSTEM AT CASH PRICES. WITH US YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. NO SURETIES NEEDED. NO INQUIRIES. GENERAL TERMS, f,5 to £ 20. Is. 6d. WEEKLY. 12.5 to t5O, 41 Z75 t?, CIDO, 10,4: LIW to E500, 2N. Monthly or Quarterly Payments Taken. GOODS DELIVERED FREE TO ALL PARTS. k REPUTATION OF 50 YEARS' STANDING. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS. Estimates Free. P. FREEDMAN AND CO., NEWPORT. MON.-75 and 76, HIGH-STREET Do. — 3 and 4, MARKET-BUGS. ,9WANSPA. DOCK-8T. SWANSEA. -34. HIGH-STREET. NEW TREDEGAR.-ELLIOTSTOWN Customers' Railway Fares Refunded. 46333 A LEArHER MEDAL Indicating supreme excellence in Footwear has been awarded us by the Grand Jury of Shoe Buyers. The mercury is not more sensitive to changes of temperature than the feet are to their surroundings. It hurts them to have more room than they require, or to be pinched into a smaller space than they should occupy. Exact fits in soft, easy, yielding shoes are abso- lutely essential to comfort Our footwear com- bines all the fine points at prices as pleasant as sunshine after a storm. JgOYLE AND CO., HIGH-STREET, CHURCH-STREET, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. AND BRANCHES. a2234-1 C L E A N W H I T E WASTE NEWSPAPERS, TEMPORARY REDUCTION IN PRICE. CARRIAGE rs. r»D. PER CWT. PAIDa O TO CLEAR. TO ANY PART OF SOUTH WALES OR WEST OF ENGLAND. SPECIAL TERMS FOR LARGE QUANTITIES OR FOR PINK PAPERS. CASH WITH ORDER TO WESTERN MAIL, 0ARDIFF. M1746 SESSIONS AND SONS LIMITED). MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CEMENT, SLATES, TIMBER, CHIMNEY-PIECES, RANGES, GRATES. AND ALL BUILDING MATERIALS, PENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF F. D. Owen and Co., SURG EO N-DENTI*TS. i O QUEEN-S'lREET; CARDIFF, and 42, 4. OXFORD-STREET. SWANSEA. F OWEN has gained a high reputa- F., tion as supplying nothing I)ut t. claa, work, excellent in e,,ry detail. Mod tll charges. All cases guaranteed. Hours of Atten- dance, 10 to 7. £ u0inr35 S3UUrrsges» BEN EYAXS AND COMPANY (LIMITED). A MAGNIFICENT SELECTION OF REASONABLE, A RTLSTIC, AND |_JSEFUL pRESENTS Will be Pound in Every Department. THE B AZAAR. al<1 visit the GRAND BAZAAR .vw ?,™ and see the Unrinllled Display ( TO?S.I??"l?O? GAMES.  LEATHER of T()YSI Bo()K4, HOCKING "???' PERAM- BL7LAW", A( CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS. NEWEST DESIGNS AT SPECIAL PRICES. 1 rivate Cards Printed with Customer's Name and Address. Sample Books on Application. THOUSANDS OF DRESS LENGTHS OF PRINTS, GALATEAS, SERGES, OXFORDS. TWEEDS, &c., &c., Most 8uitable for Presentation. MATERIALS FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES. B. E. and Co, offer the Best Value obtainable in Real Welsh and English Flannels, Blankets, Sheets, Quilts, Serges, Tweeds, Ac. BKX EVANS AND CO" L TD., TEMPLE-STREET, SWANSEA. 61579 F ORTIFY YOrR CONSTITUTION F ORTIFY YOUR OONSTITUTION BY rpAKING GWILYM F,Y A XS' f'\nIXF. BITTER. GWILHI EYA^S' QUININE BITTERS, WITHOUT DOUBT, THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE, THE >EST REMEDY OF THE AGE, FoIt INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNES8, WEAKNESS, LOW SPIRITS. SLEEPLESSNESS, CHEST AFFECTIONS. NEURALGIA. GWILYM E VANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS'QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC, GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK, HEALTH TO THE SICK. ENJOYMENT IN LIFE TO ALL GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, GWILYM EVANS'QUININE BITTERN. SOLD I J in Ht.t?M 29. 9,L and 4,.6d. each. EVERYWHERE and 4, 6d. el\ch. Avoid Irnitatiom. See tho name "Gwilym Evans" on Label. Stamp, and Bottle. Sole Proprietors: — QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (LIMITED), LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 26185 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. B EECHAM'S pILLS JJEECHAM'S pILLS JJEECHAM'S pILLS FOR ALL BILIOUS NERVOUS DISORDERS, SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. In Boxes, 13id. and 2s. 9d. each. L15233 ELLIS D AVIES AND CO., 39, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, Will during December, when desired, supply their CELEBRATED pURE rp E A S IN 1LB., ?LB.. AND 6LB. HANDSOME DECORATED TINS FREE OF CHARGE. In qualities from Is. 6d. per lb. and upwards, AND PAY CARRIAGE On all Orders to any part of Gteat Britain. Head Warehouse—44, LORD-ST., LIVERPOOL' 61678 "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LTFF." SKIN and BLOOD DISEASES. SKINanù BLOOD DISEASES. SKIN and BLOOD DISEASES. J CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD lIffX. TUBE. It is IL guaranteod cure forall blood 811,1 skin ;HeD.5c,. It i. the moHt seavohiuij blood-cleanser yet digoovkrecl.aiid itwillfroe the system from nil known blood-poisons, lw they animal, vegetable, orminernl. It is war rnntad tooure the worst forms of skin diseases, blotohes, pimples, iuid eruptions, nlso glnndular swellings, 'Ii. MCBof tbebone., wliitesivallings. bip-ioints. an. RDiua\ iliseases T?LOTClUs PIMPLES, SORES. IgLOTCHES, PIMPLES, SORES. BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, SORES. Sltln Diseases, Erpti. Dioti?.. Spot. Pimples, HoitB C.r)mMc)69 Ringworms ); }Jr;7í) e JRrCrSn i Aill; oftI.ebk.uHumu))?, and Dioe?ee of t?e Skin, of whatever name, "?"?.<' 'itar?tv. carried out of tho system in a short time bv t.he HM '? Cl?,?k" World-tinned Blood Mixture As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste and warrantedfreefrom anything iuh)t-int? to the m08t delicate oonstitnt,1on of either Hex. the proprietorssolicit sufferers to give it 11 trial to tot itq value. C<CR?FU?, SCURVY, ULCERS ? A nSCES8ES. S. CROFULA, SCURVY, ULCERS ?9 ABSCESSES, CJCROFULA, SCURVY, ULCERS o AttSCESSHS. Ho? i< it that CLAKKE'S WORLD-FAMR11 BLOOD MIXTURE h? .twined auoh great .fríll:: a question wlileli has perplexed many The Mswerif) that it is nuque-itioMMt tho Hneat Blood Purifier t)mt science and medical ?.n ))M. brought to IiJrht, ..ud thoumuda of tvouderfni curea effected 'bv it bu" ?mred)tM OU" ot the mOst Mtraordi- narv aiscoverieti of modern time. T? C?EMA, DlSEASES?'' E CZEAIA, DISEASES of the SCALP ECZEMA, DISEASES of the SCALP .L? A mere Ifluuce at tbe orprwbelmine teufi* mouy MContpMyin? Mch bott)c. M.d .t th. :ie eII):Ifffll;ltlbhUti of patient., wbOHe mmea and <nMreMef) are ffiven toother with eOhflrmat.ory •ridouce, will .utHoeto.,ho?H?ttbi?m.ticin. i, not solely b<-uRticm)f<.ronce)nM ofdiss?. n;,? It is "?" curative^powersinall Wood and ?.n' ;UMMe..andfo<- <?][?Imeutt?ris)n<rfrom d??ency?rwe?MMot the bi.I, o, it hfn been coatn.minetM,either by an nnn? -.) w?ot Ii"in, brel\thhJgfoul or no?iou.tir or "^kif'^jierulcious liquids aud eating unwho) of c LA?KE'S World-Fanied BLOOD ? MIXTURE. CLARKE'S W or]d-Famed BLOOD MIXTURK. c LARKE'S Woi-ld-Famed BLOOD MIXTURE. 80ld in bottle., 2..9d. each, Imdlu oue. conhuntn? six timesthe quantity lis.—sufficient to effect a i>er m*ueNt cure m the groat m?orttf of long-stauding By all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendor) throunho?tbe world, or .8nt to ?y &l.)re«oa to( 53or 132 stamps by the Proprietor.* the L{Ñ3¡ÕI. 3Ja,t13iL'ÄJY ct8t Fn'1Ji'u COMP AN) ,1.iocoln, Trade Mark. MBlood Miiturs. 1/63 FOR THE LATEST SPORTING AND FOOTBALL. BUY THE "EVENING EXPRESS." PRICE HALFPENNY.





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