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REVISED A OVERTlSE\I ET RCA LE Pitnati-, Off-rel. Apat nU Wanted. Money WantH. Partnerships. J.t amI .nand. Misce'. t» neons Wants ant! Sales, businesses, Houses, Shops C)fll?, to Lot or 8*11. it prepaid. are tnm"?d in th^ "Western Mi\" ?nd "Evening Ixprens" at the following rates: 'WORDS 01>7"1: if F, "1'1: WORDS. IJ:I TIMES. 20 Words 10 2 0 3 0 Eaoli rsfra 8 Words 0 4 0 8,1 0 The lollowiiiK specially roducod rhargofl will he mado for the insertion in the "Western M ai" and "Evening Express" 01 Situations Waiifcl, Ajiartmonts to Let:- IIRKK. SIX wON,11. Y:Ol<.n;¡, ONC. I Tl\< 20 Words 0 6 1 0 2 0 ) Kiu' h PXI ra 8 Words020 4 0 8 T bin IICA:" d" no :\PIJY to/'unu-ifui I liouvj > <> • » I(!f'\ REWITTAXCE^. Pheqnets "r Pot office Orders shou'd h remitted in preference to Postage ftt impp. Postage Stamps (Halfpenny) are not Tefased. bnt a thev ar* often lout in the Pot. the, mn«t. if rernitTM. he -pnl "t the Sender'* ri-k Cheques and PO.h<>l1ld ho crossed and Made1 Payable to fl. W. THOMAS. ANSWEK8 '1'0 ADVKRTISKMKNTS. T.etters addressed to Initials or Fictitious Vamps are not delivered from any Post-office, bnt are returned to the render through the Dead Replies to ad..ertiwm..nt" directed to the Mft/V Office win be handed out OJ1 production of a, ticket, which maY be obtained | when the advertisement i? ordered, or they will b* forwarded to the Adverser'* Address, nro-I ▼idincr s*nmr>s to cover nnqt-ig?? are vyiplli?d. zi,1 testimonials should n,?,?r bp Pnelo?zpd wi?h replies to advertisement* addressed t,? the I "Western Vail" Officer (copics only should bo APVFETTSFttS are Cautioned that Post- mll.'e"" are ot Allowed to Deliver Letters dd.qetl to Initial* "r Fictitious ame" at nnv Tout-office. add^ossed to Initial* or Fictitious Names Ynnqt ber»r the -iddres* qf the Advertiser or one of the offices of the "Western if nil TJrreonni. 'V:: [:'i. ¡ va' )\<i(,)-:c:'I\;t'i;i Tn \,(",ti¡tj" n conducted personally; raisins? fr."nd traced.- Address 17. Green-street. Car- diff. 27z19 SorTH Wales Provincial and I"d"" Conti. dcnti.W lnr,uirv Aircncy.—.Ml Ki^da of "a;¡M Investigated.-Arnntasre and ('n. 1j. We-tcrn MaiN hatubers. Cardiff. 2731*19 ~g. "Reward.—Lost. betwren I-landafT and Rich- • ) inond-torra« e a Pair of Spectacle*: tfohlen framed.-Apply 3. Rirh'11'>lHI,t..rat'('. Cardiff. 1.15 ifclrtural. MEDICAL.-Wanted. :i Locum Tonem from I Eg"i)\'i-2,() ':I};rl'l ;pro; A T. Jones, Trvic-sticct Surgery. Mountain A-h. 20197.16 WAXTEI), a steady T)ispen^er Ninsrlei: must 'V 'i;; :I'll:IreAil('Jg. I{\ tNn.Mail. Cardiff. 61859 \\fANTED, Iter Christmas. Ontdoor AssN- wtit: erhiÄ\¡iv °.fIh;d Son (Limited), Wholesale and Retail Chemists. CardifT 267%17 PRACTICE for Immediate Bale.—AveraEe, £ 200 per annum: splend,d pro"d for Welshman and graduate; eood paver- and di triit opening; low premium Apply 67, Western Mail. Cardiff. 28031.1) .HUStfêll. \\TANTED. Yonnn Ladv l'ianiste and Voca- 'V AII'of:l hadho:,ZI'1;<lstti i,rms. t. Mrs. Price, Rising Sun, Merthy:r. zt4 mHF Ooodwillie Hinders Requirei Male Alto I ;mme<liate!y: Rood remuneration. Apply, !,ter. to Ir. J. W. Stoker, I.landaff Cathe- dm1. Llandaff. 2512z14 PUNCH and Judy Show, with Dos "Tobv." will be Open for Encasements Durin Christmas Holidays Apply T. Hamilton. 3V. \1iI1i"l'nt-trf'E't. CafdifT. 2770zW MP. t Howar d Shackleton <lato Tower Pavilion Orchestra. Hlarkpool). Teacher of Vlute, Kncli-h Conrerti'ia, Ae.- 11. jMlnnv- road. Roath Park. Cardiff. 2742.19 1>1 A ;1'tfaintfti- rë:.fr¿r I I Mes-rs. Heath and Soiis?; tcrmj. 3@. 6d., wi'hni the borough.—Address 8, Clare-.tff«t. < t rd'ff. 275?19 -I t, Repairs to Pianofortes. Harps, iTar- moniuins. and Small Instruments of Every "Description (20 years' factory experience^ — N' flib. Wyndham Arcade. Cardiff. 26637.17 (lON.fl'REK^, Ventriloquists. Lady a?,l tleman Vo..a1its. Cinematoeraphes, lat"-t Film*, for Ift?zo?irs. Concerts.—Write for Enter- tainment List Gannon, Hillirrove-strect, Rri:-tol. U63,t MANDOLINE, b.v Valap'mlia ,Naooli; rose- woo d inlaid, sweet, ringing tore; case, tntor: est "Ss. 6<1.: very little soiled; accent, 16. 6t1.; apnroval — Miss Violet Wilson, Sh ine's Castle. Devize" 2723*19 Clrnrni. "ITrAXTKH. a liOcnm Tenons for Four to Six 'V i' .;s.1U';r x. Apn! Hn' Parry Davies, Puncheston. Letter- wton R.S.O. 2653x16 IVAXTKli, Solicitor's .Tunior Clerk; prof). 'V inS¡;th:;l"I::I)on;ek;)wrt; I "f accounts essential—Apply, with particubr of are. experience, reference*, and salary ex- pet led, to Z 70. Western Mail. Cardiff. 2581z15 (I}olattr. "h- C Bri Service Examinations.—Rapid and Brilliaui Success by Joming Clark's C??,resp,,nd,n, C,)iiege ",mdon; tour-fifths ot th vacancies are taken in all L?vil Ser?ice t'xam. for ladies; women clerks 41 of £ 0. tele- graph learners 117 cf 170. sorters 34 of 40, first place in each, second division first place; male I"an.er, first place; boy c:>pvists first place; Kxc lae first place; most thoroughly organised HJ: successful conesponoence :-).?tzn; every' assistance to backward and anxious pupils; large guide and prospectus free.—Clark's Civil Service College. 2 und 3. Chancery-lane. W.C. 102eto 1'.Ü;fslClæ;õïig-(.iivl'n by 8pani;h-P-r lessor iRA.). Apply Z C5, Wetern Mail Cardiff. 2707etc SURVEYORS' IntilItion b uninations.-Mr. Richard Part'8.1.. of London. ha. Ap- pointed Ir, T..lame, Councell. P A S.I.. Ac., a hi- Coach in the West of England for the ahove Examinations.- 2. Queen Anne-buildings. Bald- win-street, Rristol. 2752.1 MINOR Canon Pric?, M.A., LiandafThas One l' vacancy: priViLe tuition; experienced; successful with backward pnpils. a2800 ,4 SSISTANTS of Excise jdle:;ILy'<i cies £ 8?— £ 45(11. -All. under 23.1] do ?ll to Investigate Particular4; experience unnece.. sary, explanatory pamphlet free Secret;, ry f .1 Service BnrfMn. Albert-hall, Edinburgh. z!4 Toachorn Wanted. \-Ü"(;vern¿'iUdcnt- Required-In laidies' School; small premium preparation for «laminations if desired The Misoes Monk, el'otity!iri(1(1. 2818/16 "'1' à :Tn. Temporary Head Mistrei. fro1 » » .lanuarv 2nd tOth, 1m; a!so Assistant Art. 68. experiencedi for National (mixedi School: 59; lodgings f.>nnd. -Apply Vicar. Ewenny. 2796z20 (1ARDIFE g?-h-I Board. Wanted imme- ('A\t. A'tlantR'T,:Ih% 1UI(i-: and l:ncertiifi-atedi for Bos'. 4iiri?' and Infants' Schools; form of application and scale of s-aJaries will be sent on rcceiPt of stamped addrp.sed env..lo-John J. Jackson. Clerk of iiy Bfkard. -S( hool Boar«l ()fli"?. Howard. i-,thT),?,nb,r. 18J8 "28r. WANTED. Article 50; commeiicing7f45rrising W A N'r F, 11. rt i ].- 56. ?o 1nI ?' ?li. Y4,?.r'? .gc £ 5. Also Article 63, of some Teaching At") Arti, 68. 'If T,hit,g ^>ousrUrrprrs5, Companions Houseke*p«rs, Compan.onn, &c.. Want Employmen. WANTED, by a respectable, stai d I'ersonT » » Situation as Workinc: Housekeeper or (. neral; ?."Il faJntIY.-Addr A 70. Western Mail. Cardiff. 2Ulxl6 'ol'n Woman Seeks SilUation ait Working Housekeeper or Any l'lac» of Tru\ A<ldress M A. K.. Redgate. lok 2718z14 iDonifStic dwtiaitts. Nurses Wantad. -N.Tl'RSF.HQ"eWaid:-t Look After Two Chit- it d-,? and Å.t with Household Work; good home for respectable pirl fond of chil- uren.—Hall. 4. Cunnaught-road (Oakfield-street end). Roath. Cardiff. 2570*15 'V A;:fg l, to ;kf:e:il'f:if- B-y?,; mast be ?t,?d to and fond of c h dren; good ne"dlc""oI1I<UI.-App!y Mrs. I'YIDan. tioytrey House, near Poutypool. 61302 Con* Wantad. TA:-¡TF.n. at Bas?lleg. immediately after C?Lrist mi?, a good Cook-Ueneral. Mrs. Wilkie. Rogeretone. 27471115 \\T ANTED, Ooik-Creiieral First Week in January; good references -Apply, after AN'TET). F4"t'Week in Wi.inniLr,v; wind after p.m.. Mrs. Wiliow5, 2, Dnmfri?-pla??Cir- IT ANTED. December 14th, gnod Plain C<?ok; H aiXWLJO; two in family: no beer.- Full -particnhirs t^ .Mn. Price, I'reswyUa. 3&,tth. i!6 ,r-?" Doinrstir ,i?cibani^. Cooks Wanted Continued. ,t:¡¡:" I a unary Is!, (', "k.I:LPI't 1-1 '» Hoi scm,lIl: must bo early risers.—\pplv 1. Kdisington-plucp, Maind:e. Newp; rt. )I"u. 7,io "1 \y ANTED, Cook for Country; kitchenmaid » kepc small dairy: inii-t have good refe- rences. A 49, Western Mail, 27J5zl7 V\7 ANTED good Cook — Annly Maidstone. 37, » (:athe, Cardiff. a2773 AV mh" 29th. a good (??.k. 'V (-¡;hKín,t:reL If¡'l \;It Newport. Mon. 2567zl5 ■fl^ANTKI). experienced Cook-Generai fcr IV January 51h: 1,.it?heninitid willing o ass'st w• tii housework; vrages 122; 11 1 wa-ii- 111 -)h'<, Valentino, Bryn-Mair. Llanelly. 616)1 \VANTED, )soo«i Plain CôC;Jt';Ùillrchwoman: I I over 25 years old; small dairy and bakin" good r!?leren(," required; z?(i wages given — (I)'(llv rt'Hní:i.'i:;rrdV';Ieg{r8i¡' Pembrokeshire. 2493zt4 WANTF.D immediately, pood Plain Cook; "hout 30; tAo in family; no beer—Full "narq Mrs. Price, I'reswylfa, Neuth. 01855 tiousa and Parlour Maids Wanod. 1^01 It S'rv.,? t?, Wantcd-CookTiZSKitchen- .I.' 0 \1irvR W 1ht-1Zf6;; -Ki }fd Housemaid, £14.Write, t?tti,ig age, Ashbury IIlL. 'I'uifley:a ventlC (,Iou(-eqer, 2751 z 19 tv ANTI,,I), for Country, experienced House- » » in aid; a -o experienced Parlourmaid who understands lamp,: good references required. Z 99, Wo? trn Mail. Cardiff. 2704*17 I Jöt:8ïÙ:(ÜDWnnte;¡ ini,.?edi?tt(Ily; maid kept.- Apply, ,Iating age and refe- rerices, Mr» OottwaltK. Hillside, Penarth. zl7 "fANTKl), superior Servant; tall: recom- » T me-ided by lady; as Parlour-Sewing Maid; iiec,?,wnmztti; knowledge of dressmaking, I> 7i~). Western Mail. Swanse i. 24%7.17 0«n*ral« Wanted. .r ÃNrFÜÔenër;;f-;ïnd-I'¥ccpÜ-nall..gõm! v RboelDg Smith for all ela,b of Ho?es. At ply John Roberts. Bonvilstone, 283/zl6 VN ('x!IÙienœ.i -(i-('n;¡-'¡.i('f'JI1t "í;t:ri .4?.,r,y .1i,nu.r),, smail Family. •- ••M'ply Mrs. Enoch. 7, St. Jnrms s-cre-cenl, ".r A;I1-;Ii- General; able to do plain cooking. » Abo Nurse; expeiiencjjd with baby <11111 T""fl needlewoman; wages £14 to 116. Wight. wick. Ely. 2824x20 í'" (¡Oil General servant Wanted; voung. (IOOL) c«lum-road. Cardiff, 2804z16 WANTED, middle-aged liø;;a\' S"ranl; AV A',T?:1 charncter; able to wah. iron; two in family. Wrs. Hamilton-Roberts. The Elms, 11" n'.lpph,1. 2797zl6 WA.VTFT) at once, experienced General Scr- IV, ""nl: two in family; hon'el,t"l kept; st" to wages required. Apply Mrs. Thomas. Maesyllan. near Neath. 2172zE, (- 'I OÕr'-Óe,r;¡¡-o¡'cookÕë-n-r;IWall\'ed .hnuary 5(1), Also Nurse-Hoasemaid; three children; youngest five.—Lynwood Man- 2736*19 WANTED, an experienced General Servant ""r!y in January; family of three; tott:-? kept. Apply Mr. Gumnn. 20. Chin.li- 'frect, Mprthyr Tydvil. 2?17,.I'l \\rANTED, in Country Rectory, Geueiar.Ser-' w vant; country girl preferred: Ti,; cook- ing: help given; good training.-Z 87, Western Mail. Cardiff. 27QH14 WrANTED, oocl General; plain cooking; » ma\l family; n> other kept: abont 25. Statn v.ages and references, Carnegy, Ash- "oume. Ahergan'nny, 2691z14 WANTED, a:Irrc::1 i Servant; tru-stwnrthy tercrencos required. Apply Mrs. Little, C%vmpenitir Houe, Moun- tain^Ash. 2609zl6 WANTED. General; family three; very small hou<c; boy kePt for rongh work; £ 13: aged bet?en 20—3D.—71. Park-street, Bristol. 2646,16 -VITANTEI). in the Country, capable General '■ Servant; goal plain cook; housemaid kept; references.—Miss Williams, Llanfrechfa Hou.e, Caprl.,n. 2595zl5 MISS .J?nes, Select :tF¡g- for Ladies and Servants — Noto r.ddress; Brynmill Post-offlcB. Swansei. Two good Generals Wanted. 2531.zl Launde..e. Wanted. 'V\V['Im.- experienced Single-handed Laun- W drv-s; gentleman's shirts to do: chil- dren's ':i-te. :CI¡ln ;¡ I 1;{1.I Bri: Tvmaxvr, Lbntwit Fanlre. Pontypridd. 28Z3z16 I Fomalo Servants Piaceii. \xrANTED, Situation as Kitchcnmaid in Gen- It tleman's Family; "an give iirst-class rctereaces.—Appiy B. A. Richards, 12. Sion- ,treet, Pontypridd. 2Î71z1 'T'1';D'18itu'atiO-1 as General in a SmaIl Family aged 21; two years' good charac- ter.—Apply 25. We,thury-streel. Swansea, zla WANTED, by respectable Woman. Daily Wa-hins, Cleaning, Ac.—G. H., 6. Pont- canna-plaee. Canton. Carddf. 2768zl5 DISENGAGED. Thrt-e Someisetshiro Servants, I Breconshire ScrV\Dt. cook, wash ( £ 10— £ 12). 10, Montgomery-street, Roath Park, Cardiff (formerly gttinil). 2776z.15 SITUATIONS nt as Gen V, nt4 for H1TJr;nt\e(?i7tI 81a, f:' ladi", suited: testimonials tree.—Mrs. Coster. Registry. Gloucester. 2698z17 WrANTED. Situation as Housemaid or House- I t l'arlourmaid.PI)ly S, W„ 27, West- moreland-street, Canton, Cardiff. 2687.14 WANTED, Situation experienced General; W four years' good character; gentleman's family; cook well; early riser; strong and respectable.-Mary, 71. Park-street. Bristol, 1.14 L ADIFS Suited with All Classes of Servants. L ADJ¡fta:ll:d'ir ll;:t Fee. t: MissWaltera^30^ Page-street, Swansea. ii54d Male Servants Wanted. I -n.- CtOWMAN Wanted middle-Kged married t man without family; tnn-t. he good milker and understand htting sti ck, pigs, and l-ou try; willing to make himself generally use- ful.— Ap'jly A 71, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2838z20 "YITANTED. a strong Lad ,v good Man to 'V A! (I stt: L! ,ie g¡).'l,111 'fir Ferclt Gryno, Kntiidir, Cardiff. ?d6l\1 TITANTED, a Man as Working (Jardener, Able \y to Undertake Management of Senii- publie rdeit?. Vit 11 Wife or Daughter to fk? cii:,ri;e )f f1 iitrttice Lodge; must he mal\ in family; house, light, and firing found,- Apply, stating age, experience, references, and salary required, Jte., to A 61, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2761.19 ,i\T A:T .:£¡imn-icdiä'teïy-exPeIi¡;;¡-œ;¡m Groom- Vf Gardener; live in house: wtlhng to make himself useful; one cow.—C. Peel, Perth- cawl. 2688zl4 ROOM U..rdlIer Wanted in Gentleman's G Servi ?e; must be good stableman, s.be,. and willing to bj gpnerally useful; wages 12s. a week, with houye and gardell.-HiIlycr, Solva, Pembroke shire. 26837.17 -L'- ?.- "lA7"ANTEi). a strong Lad, about 15, to Look » » After Pony and Trap, and Make Himself Useful about the House.—Mrs. Thomas, Cog Farm, Sully. Penarth. 26701.17 \'TA: ED-t'(.spectlblèCóuntr,. L.d to Look M After Cob anJ Carriage. Make Himself Generally Usefnl.—Apply Stansfield, 68. Dock- hee, Newport. 27z14 Malo 80rvants Want Plaee» I ,fOU:-i(:1.i;¡;;Seel¡s Situation as Groom; expe- 1 rieuced; rld and Iti,o cU: aged 21; t'cod references.—B. M.. 48, Brynglas-voail, New l?art. 2842.16 SITUATION W;mted as Shepherd or Ba uœ 8 and Shepherd; well up in r"aring and feed- in for s,l(' or show; nearly ten 'ear in lat situation.—Shepherd, Tho Court, St. Fagan s, Caidilf 2610zl6 G R?;! EIr;I¡e-:ed begnning 0 f the new year; middle-aged; married man; u-eful all round: milk and drive well; glass- Address, A 66. Western Mail. Cardiff. 280U15 \\rANTED, by a practical }r:greím3t' wi?,iiiiiliff; married-, aged 35? wif, thoroughly understands the mamÎgement of dairy, both raw and scald cream; good testi- monials can be given.—Address A 50, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2714.15 ARDENER; good a!l-ronnd man: under- Gt?,tldz, vin(' peaches, tomatoe, melons, cucumbers, also kitchen garden; thoroughly understands horic or eow; 39; mantled, no family: good references.—Z 69, Western Mail, Cardiff. Z/03z14 Man and Wife Wantod. lV :D;hf:t:: WT b):? (¡:: w?"' (bachelor); wife working house- keeper: man look after horse and garden, and to hp generally u eful: without incu1nhr:tn('(' C. 'P.. Emporium. Cow-bridge. 7947.16 ferrule Servanda Wantoil. a,, I War. AV maid. '2?; g,),i references.—Appl\. v.:th full particulars. Welsh Harp, Abcr- dar. 27917.20 'iT ATt;rCäïï;xpritm;éd Barmaid, of g(?d I address and appc.irance; able to i,l.y piano.-Apply. pndoBing photo and Icstimo- mals. to D. C. Davies, Kmg' Head Holel. Aber- gavenny. Mon. 2798zl& HOUSEKEEPER (business house: carve). £ 35; Barmaids, Wattrei?ie?. Chambermaids, Cooks. Kitchenmaid*. Generals.—Davies's. 45. Charles-street. Cardiff; Arcade-chauibers. New- p,?rt. Maie Servant" 2708z14 SERVANTS Wanted immediately; one must I be a good plain cook and well up in general housework, the other qualified to (ill the post of waitress and chambermaid; a really comfcrtable home for two not afraid of work. Apply Proprietor, Wyndham Hotel, Canton, Cardiff. 2692x11 W ;I;mI(;e\:(Iro thoroughly re- .pe,t?tble Young Ladies fcr Hotel and Vaults Bur.—Apply, with references, Man,,ge,es, Mackworth Hotel, Neath. 2666.14 WANTED at once operienced Barmaid, also t' General Hcn:lnl.-Úpply. yerwnally, Oid Bu?h Hotel. Newport 2550zl4 WANTED, strong Country Girl at once; able l?') ilk; V-(t wages.—Apply Mrs. B??ing- ton. Old l'ost Inn, Bonvilstone, near Car- diff- lz14  Female Sorvants Want Places. VOUNG Peron Wants Situation .s H?e. X keeper in Hotel: assist in bar; g?d refe- rence.—A. T.. 27. Bond-street. Newport. Mori. zl9 Malo Servant* Wantea. "TI11;tI::I:'1UG\\j wTiiiiiarri Marker ard to Assist in WLit- ing— App'y, with references, salary "uir(xl, to A 64. ??-t-n M.1, Cardiff. 90z20 'V Á.1?:ig:;KfiÕ Understands Horses, id Willing t. Make Himself Generally U<efui.-Apply Bridg.?(t Hotel, Pemtre. 2777tb >otcI ^rfbantG. Male Servants Wancd-ContlnuÐd. wAl,"i a siroiis Lad for Work. ♦ V — App.y, bitwven twelve and one, Great ^'estern Hotel, Citrdifl. 2773,15 WANTED immediately. Lad. 18 to 22. to Look After Skitt'e Alley and MakA Him- self 1,, ,i11 7-, per vek live in.-Jone-, Alex- lI:dr; ¡ktc'1. "elltre. IU!.O. 2720z14 S 1\l"WJ;:ktr{/t t¡;-3: i. Billiard sAta!-kLi- and to Ben e Behind the Bar When Required—Apply Proprietor, Terminus Hotel, Cardiff. 26937.14 WANTED, a Lad us Billiard-marker and to Make H'liiself Generally Useful.—Apply W. J;, (iearge. Park Hotd, I'enrhiwceiber. 16 BARMAN; respectah'.e. trustworthy, w1\-np in business, and make hi.If 11sa! must produce good references.—Mrs. Curtis, Freemasons' Arms, Tredegar. 2S43zl4 Malo Servants Want Plaeoa. IlE-Sl'l/CTABLE Man Hek3 Situation as Bar- V man. OeHarman. or will Take Manage- ment; lH: good references.—Griffiths, 1. High- etreot. Abereinaid. 2728z15 T*7"ANTED, by experienced Young Man, Situa- 'VA¿;s 1t7:h;'1;;11 ";gi"8tI; B?otp I'll ,ler ,ta It( ii billiards.—Albert Bird. Grif- fin Hotel, Brynmawr. 2685z17 XKTANTF.D, by respectable Young Man! » f: *T engagement as Barman: thoroughly ex- perienced; used to quick countertrade: high?t references.— 63, Western Mail. Cardiff. A14 jè1rrnrrtmJ<3.J I 'A n .1, ;ttJeh1I'¿rbfl1 n; :1" I -Apn'v, with particulars, A 55, Westem Mail, Cardiff. 2734z19 WANTED, a IlartnerToer a wC('Iliery; f1t-¡:, e srais. Partner, Wm. Morri3. Engineer, Bryn- r: 1\'1'. 2555Z15 Ciabrllrrsi, ralJtnrtt, &r. Travellers, Kønts, Ac., Wanted. YOUNG Man Wanted in Cardiff or District; good opening; experience unnecessary: whole or spare time.—Richiorde, Snow-hill, Lon- don, 2817z20 ANTP:D at, (lin e. Men of Influence in Swan- l "r A:f:g\(\ijt(:nrrJ.;r.l;n:J villages, to Solicit Member, for the Gresham Hpadin ('Inh; excellent remuneration; forty shillings per k easily made.- Apply for par- :I J¡;I \:['IlI;(I't'lPlrnt;i: Fisher-street, S vansea. 2785"19 w ANTED, an Agent with influence among f Steamship Companies to Represcnt an Old-established Firm of Oil Merchants.—A 52, Western Mail Office. Cardiff. 618-19 \N cn"rgetic and trustworthy Man Pe(juired Awith good roferences.-Addrom Z 64. Wes- tern Mail, Cardiff. 2523zl4 PI Weekly.—An Income of 12a. 6d. to £ 1 per week ?ii be caried in spare time or even- ings by any person able to write.—Proof sent free anywhere to those sending addressed enve- lope to T. Smith and Co. (Dept. 9 B), 16, Shaftes- hur.v-avenue. London, W. L1552,) -n:=: _=-=::=:=- Travellers, Agents, &c., Want Cmpiuy- ment. -1 CIOAL. -A Young I'ellow of Push and :Enerv c;in Appointment with good Firm in Cardiff, Newpoit, or Swansea, or gt)" Agent Abroad; "od experience in each 11ort.-AdtirC3d: C'oal, 69. Newport-road, Czt (lifr. 23057.27 fpKAVKLLKIt, first-class connection, best t bii'.crs South Wales, open to represent liour or Provisions; Salary 0 r comini-sion.— A 63, We-tern Mail, Carditt. 739zZ0 rpO Vv'itic and Spirit Merchants and Brewers — I Gentleman, with considerable experience I' I,'Iedge of the trade. Seeks Situation iii Swanse.i, to A??ist Generally, or Could Travel I Town and f)j -trid.-Applr 8. n" Wcsterll Mail Office, Swatisca. 27647.19 iL"lrrk3 ilntl ii-mnncrrrg, CIcrltQ and IWanmera Wanted. STltANAGHAN and .Stephens' Stores ifjtd.). STî\¿ at rM.PhfUi)r 7\ Clerk for Cash Desk M,.16 WANTED, a Junior Clerk (temporarily); fast and neat writer; state salary expected. -Addre, A 58, Western Mail, Cardiff. 275415 WANTED, Clerk for Docks; knowledge of ironmongery; good references necessary. -.Atate wages and experience A 60, Western Mail. 112, Bute-street, Cardiff. 27607,15 XITANTKI), a Junior Clerk, who will Learn V t Shorthand and Typewriting.—Apply, by letter, A 53, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2733*15 Clerks and Managers Want Placos. I l'IIK (24) Requires Engagement as cferk or J Traveller; knowledge of book-keeping and typewriting; ten years' acquaintance with large firms of general business work and office rou- tine; first-class testimonials.—F. E., Western Mail. Newport. 2784z15 G E:TLEM:Sek-s-EmplõY1ncrïtTnŠhiîipT G Offices: has gnme acquaintance of general business on shipping lines; writes and speaks fluently Portuguese. Spanish, French, and English: wants to bo useful.—Address if, 69, Western Mail, Cardiff 2562zl5 A rA'ElITISF.R. thoroughly experienced Office 2\- Routine, Shorthand. Accountancy, Seeks Appointmen*. would invest £1.000 end twelve months for suitable ap!JoiIltment.-Z f3. Wes- tern Mail, Cardiff. 24717.16 assistants. Shop ASfllstante Wanted. WANTED, Two smart Young Ladies, from 18 to 25; salary.—Apply 81, Woodville-road, Ci'lbays. Cardiff'. 2830? 16 "1 I^URNITURE. — A I,ini.r Salesman Wanted; ] ¡'Ù J;,F;r¡I:/r i\:I::h rth¡ trade.—Apply Atlas Furnishing Company, Hayes, Cardiff. 2825z20 CI ROCERY.—Wanted, at once. Junior, an;CaJi I IT Apprentice in-doors: good referenc6S; state age amI sal¡¡ry.-Ap T. Lcwis, Groce,. Llan- dilo. 2796z20 DRAl'EllY.—Junior Young Man; age; salary; photo—W. Hamar, Presteign. 2800*14 G ROCERY.—Wanted at once, Smart Junior; (}R?Ir: 'Idricr, i:)e:S; state age. salary, reference first letter.—T. \tobins, Abertillery. 27937.16 DRAPERY.—Wanted, a Junior Young Man for General Drapery.—Apply, with full particulars, 0. Wilkinson, Commercial-street, l'ontY¡JOol. 2802zl5 HATTERS.—Ben Evans and Co. (Limited!, Swaiis(??t, have a Vacancy for a first-class Hatter and Salesman.—State full particulars. 27327.15 DAVIES, The Porth Draper, Porth, 1). Requires Young Man for the Outfitting, also One for Drapery; Welsh.-Send lull 1) 11 ticular. 2749zl5 | \:y A?t;oI(:\dm¡r.o used to family and w*,u'll,, -,it once; good Ptn?,?g to an industrious mail.—Apply to W. G. Moore, Ilorfield, Bistl. 2713.14 GROCERY.—Wanted at once, an efficient Gu,)e?ry Hand for the Xmas Trade; pro- Imh!y permanency if suitable.—Apply, stating .ag?s, to Jones, Westminster Stor", Barry Dock. 2700.14 DRAPERY.—Wanted, smart Men; also Young I DLudie,.?. for the Drapery.—Full particulars (personal preferred) E. J. Re", Paris House, I'orth. 2546.14 GROCERY and Provisions.—Wanted. Five Gg?)od Juniors and Assistants soon after Christmas, and a few nice Boys to Learn the Trade.—Apply William Pegler, Pontypool. z16 I) itA PER Y .=\1 riled -iulIl:;cdTt;tèiy.Bm'rt ?luiiior for General Drapery.—State full particulars E. Jones, Cardiff House, I'ontar- dulais. 268417 DRAPERY.—W;vnted, smart Junior for Man- Chester Department, also Youth as Apnren- tice.—State full particulars J. Mcrris, Top Shop, Briton Ferry. 26957014 ])I"- Watit?(I at once, experienced Voung Ladies lor Fancy Department.- State full particulars J. MOl ris. Top Shop, Briton Ferry. 2594zl4 \\7ANTED, Three respectable Youths, also' Y.? Ap ,,iti?e!3 to th?, Drapery and Millinery.—Apply M. D. James, Th Temple, Ammanford. 2661zl6 C? Lo,riiINC,IV?,, t?d. ILind: ¡ígad I about 25; to start bt January; Welsh; reference must be good.—Williams, Cloth HalI'1 Abaravon. 2'?54.15 "\XTANTED at onep. Several good Hands for 11 (ieneral Drapery; also gooil Juniors.— Stale full particulars first letter Adams, Lon- don House, Llanelly. 2544z14 "WANTED at oni't'- Young Ladies for Show-! VT rooms and Fancy Departments.—Full par- ticulars first letter Adams, London House, ]kme1\y. 2544.14 TEA Trade. Branch Manager and Assistant Wanted.—Stats age, experience, salary, and when disengaged, Chinese Tea Company. Castle-road, Cardiff. 25077.14 Shop Assistants Want Piaces, r|M) Grocers and Provision Merchants Re- J engagement as Manager or First.: thoroughly understands provisions; excellent. reference.—S. 11.. Western Mail, SWan8efl. 28337.16 itfisrtllanrous »>itu, tt JUS. Situations Vacant. -GÙ)ói)-ïi;lr'nts'-s-;tu,ttiOIl not ¡¡fn f Gk.Appl?s- 3, Marti1ltrect. M orri-toii, Hwant';L 2834zl6 lli;9I\¡(Ür,thN,l I w??rks.-Addies? A 51. Western Mii, Car- ditr. stating age, references, and wages re- quired. 61848 "l^TA.N'TKD, a good leading tur::t\ » T chargo f about half dozen men fitti.g up large special machines -Apply, stating ae. experience, and wages required, A 65, Wes- tern Mail, Cardiff. 61857 IIÓNMONG!RY .raïlie-d:-P;le or Ware- houseman; handy )nai?; generallv useful; preference given to one who can do sundry repairs.—Bunning, l'ontypool. 2774d5 'V Ã;l f(l:h::e:èiaiJ-cJl; Bristol Channel, a flr4t-class Foreman Ironworker; one accustomed to piecework and de,pateb.-App! stating age. salary required Ac., to A 62. Western Mail Office, Cardiff. LU15 WANTED immediately. an experienced Maltster.—Apply Jame3, Brewery, Haver- fordwest. 61835 CONFECTIONERS.- Baker Wanted; well up in bread, calte, ,malls, fancy; live in- 8t.'t references, wages, & 60, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2508zl4 WANTED, Monlder. used to Heavy ,id M.edium Work.-Fieldiag and Platt, Gloucester. 60167 .ftl t Sf t 1Ič1 n r 0 \15 Ù Itatin lis. 8Ituatlona Wanted. AS (,ook. I'?istry(?(iok. ;tii?i Attiorougity experienced Man (Orna- inentahKt) Seeks KntCii^ement; highot refe- rences.— U., la, Bridge-street, l'cmfitr. 2C88xlJ> WANTKJ>. Situation as Forewoman in Steam Laundry: excellent references.-Apply C. D<-ery, 60, (ilebeland-place, Merthyr Tydfil. zl9 QJJARTMRUTJ. Apartmentu o Lot. APARTMENTS t u- moderats.—Appiv r3. Awet)?ter. ?b. nride'strcet, OardiK. 2Wz2o ^PO l et, Two or Three Unfurnished Rooms off 'Misiii.?trwt, Cathays, no children; c<m- veniont; good lo?lit;y.-A 57. Western Mail, Car- diff, 2739zl9 V PtRIOR -Ap;ïrtnlcnts;-gn-¿;-d cooking and attendance.—99, Cathedral-road, Cardiff, z14 A Ladv, living in her own Wcll.furnished  House, in best IHUt of Cardiff, ii Desirous of Receiving Lady Who 1,eqLtim? a Com- fortable Home; reasonable terms to a com- panionable person.—Z 72, Western Mail Car- diff. 25;5,.15 IpURNISHED Apartments to Let; close town; suitable for married couple; terms moderate.—Apply Z 61, Western Mail, Car- diff. 2509z14 PENARTH.—Lansdowne Private Hotel and Boarding Hesidence; oppoite railway station; extensive Channel view; special terms 11 permanent residents. 2467d $mnisrs» Dwallinir-houses Wantod. W-n¡)rnaíCFiurni"h"'I' House or^Part, of WH,),i??(, ,itlii,, of Cardiff; must lie superior.—Apply, stating full particu- I.r,, A :;6, W,?.,teru Cardiff. D-oll-nc-ho..Qa to be Le V Three-roomed Cottage to Let near Loudoun- A. sqnare. Docks; rent ,s. x?klV. AI)Piy Mr. (feo. Hees, Andrews -buildings, Queen-stieet, Cardiff. 2a52zl6 DESIRABLE Clountry Resilience, kuown its Brodawel, Marshtield, near Cardiff; stand- ing in its own grounds, half lere; situate in a pleasant position, and commanding extensive views of the surrounding neighbourhood; with coach-house and stable. Also Field, if required. Ten minutes' walk from the stalion.-A""ly W. Rowlands, Michaelstone-y-Vedw, near Cnr, diff", Mon., or to H, Ellis, 83, Upper (leorge- street, Cathays, Cardiff. 2814za> "1'0' !ct- WllrrÏishe.n-Tl1ajip.iHë: PorU;. 1- cawl; seven room,; hath-room amI w.c.; rent, 21s. weekly.—Apply A 69, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2838z16 r110 from 1st Febrairy next, Cwm Court, 1 f;1¡;t::g;y':ws'Jè in new colliery district; adapted for medical man, in whose occupation it has been for some years —Apply Edmund J. Williams, Coed Iorwg, Abertillery. 61775 TO Let. in January, 9, Oakfleld-strcct, Car- J- dilf.—Apply at No. II. 274z15 "I LA (,onifortably Purriished I House; every "nvenienre; wuth aspen; high ground; reliahle servant left, if required. —7j aa. Western Mail, Oardill. 2702zl7 KINGSDOWN House, 12, Partridge-road, Roath; two reception-rooms, flvo bed- rooms; hot and cold bath; good garden; back entrance; imnuliatc fI"csiol1,l'hos. Lewis, House Agent. 14, Longcross-street. Cardiff. zl7 NO. 53, Wcllfteld-road. lloath Park; perfect sanitation and good condition.—Apply T. A. Davies, 15. Queen-street, Cardiff. 2598zl5 fPO Let, desirable Country Re5iideii?; three TO riJtf.en a't:'11cbí:I?¿llh awl cold); usual offices; coach-house, stabling, outbuildings; 29 acres land, including orchard, gardens, tennis lawn.—Nurtori's. Tintern. z15 TO Let, Cliatsworth Villa, Conway-road; an TO }ti;Hitts;àll;:i;hthn.;¿-;f¡' bedrooms.—Apply Kerne, Suffolk Houge. Man- <htf-ro'td, 2604z14 rilHE South Wales, Monmouthshire Property X Registry for December Free on Applica- tion or Pi.st.—Hern and Pertwee, Houso Agents. ituctioneeie. Valuers, .fcc., Cardiff. 28815 Owolling-ftouaes to be Sold. 13 KneiJog street (Cathedral-roadi.—Well- 13, built, nicely-finished Eight-roomcd Resi- dence; immediate possession. Seymour, Builder, 15, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 2636zl4 CATHEDRAL-road.—For Sale, several dcsirahle Residences.—For prices and particulars applv Venning, Builder, 59, Mackintosh-place, Cardiff. 2439z20 MC. DUCHESNE, Auctioneer and Estate « Agent, Albert-chambers, High-street, Car- diff, has the following Properties for Sale:- Cathedral-rd,—Large Residences, S,850 to £1,300. Colnm-road-ice Houses. £40 to £&>0. Romilly-road.—Large Residences, 3 rec., 7 hed. Roinillv-crpscent.—Corner Residence, 6 bed. Dogo-street — Let at 13s. 6d.: cheap. Severn-road.—4 Houses, ready for Shops. Connanght-road.—Close to Roatli Park. Bruce-street, Cathays.—Shop and 3 Houses. Arabella-street.—Nice Villas; close to Parle Mov-roa<I¡ic Villas: close tb Park. Upper George-street —Ready for conversion. Also Properties in Every District. Full particulars on application. a2361 I EXCELLENT Investment—30 New 7;e0/ Ej. new colliery district; 7A per wt. guaranteed on purchase for 50 "ears by coliiery company. They collect, rent (and pay Quarterl}). pay all rates anti taxes, and keep houses in repair.-Y 67. Western Mail. Cardiff. n?703 Promise. to be Let. pASTLE Arcade. Cardiff, To Let. fmlbtautiäl V' and Convenient Shops and Ofncei; mode- rate rents.—Apply Ivor .1. Roberts, 'Chartered' Accountant, Caledonian-chambers, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. u2820 rPO te:t0:fr;p:.326. A): I street, suit any business: No. 6, Part- ),I(I;.1' (, Vilia, with Stable, Fidlas-road. -Apply David Rce:" Fidl,ts.road, Llanishen. z20 TO Let, Warehouse in West, Bute-street ;ei>n- X venientiv -arranged; three floors; rent moderate.—Apply Mr. Coum;eH, 24, Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff. 2807,, 27 lki:g3-fi;[h:?,K1:S,\ü'\?tT[;j 27, a boot and shoe business has been carried on for upwards of three years.-Apply 37. Rich- mond-road, Cardiff". 2748zl5 TO Lot, No. 15, High-street, Cardiff; large T"lioi), with two rooms above; the premises have just been re-built, ad are situate in one of the best positions in Cardiff.—Apply to Mr. K Bernard Reece, Solicitor, 7, (''ha, Cardiff; or to Mr. S. Rooney, Architect. Quay- street, Car(liff. 261 717 "IJCJ'AHEHOUSE, Centre of Cardiff.—To Let, II loiurr.odious Three-storey Warehouse, with cel'arage and ntabies.—Apply Mr. Kelly, Clytha Park, Newport. 624.16 R,A);9fjf.°jI;¡riJi1?;s Premises, juit rc-nnv?ited, Salisbury-road.—Apply T, A. Davie.?, 15, Queen- street, Ctrd;ff. 2598zl5 C01iLf,r'f Iif;;TJf Let, cif. J the East, Bank of the River Ugk, a Well- fenced and Convenient Yard (area half an acre), with a Large Shed and Railway Siding.-Apply to Wnj. Gr¡:hlUl1. Hitchcox, and Co., Bank- chambers, )ie",port. 25947,15 TO Let, commodious Premises at the north Te11(iof West Bute Dock, consisting of Offices, Yard, Stables, and Warehouse.—Apply Hills' Dry Dock, Cardiff. a27"rt> EXCELLENT Premises ill Cardiff; centrally situated; two floors; dimensions. 33 x 274'; suitable for Warehouse, Stables. Coach-lioase. &:0. t would suit brewer, contractor. or cr.b pro- prietor; rent 16s. per week inclusive.-Apply Mr. Joseph Stanfield, Lion-chambers, 77. St Marv?trect, Cardiff. 61004 BUTE Docks.—TO Let, capital Shop. Store- rooms, Ac., In main th"rongbfar; rent .t2?OO=. ?ddr"?,3 Y 12. Western Mail, èar:'Zh | Business Premises to bo Sold. C1LIFTON Street. 37 and 38.—Commodious C LIF'7'0?.1 Street. 3' ,?t.d for Sale; price moderate.—R. Langmaid, 157, Newpoit- road, Cardiff. 2811z20 I(ofhle.5t position Oeaal:[¡'k!i Shop and Premises; n ar docks and beach: suitable for any bnsinesS.-Particulars allply P.. 3, Plymouth-road, Barry Island. Z778,,19 SHOP and Premises for Sale ;:o:tt: Is site railway terminus. Nop.rt; excep- tional opportunity.—Apply Young, Estate Agent, Newport. 2548z14 ==-:=:===- Offices to Let. OFFICES to Let. 27, Custom House-street— Two, Five, or Eight Rooms.—Apjjly T. Harrison, H.I-te?t, (' 28167,20 rPO l',t Qn-street, Offices; two rooms: fir?t TO .¡. -i:' 1':he;24{h:r :h -Apply Z 85, Western Mail. Cardiff. 26787.17  Let, with immediate poSsegglOn, SUite of TO Offices, situate best position High-street, Cardiff; rent 75 per aJWum.—Apply A. Trevor Roberts, Hill, and Co.. 23, St. Mary-street, Car. diff. 61507 OFFICES to Let, in good position In St,. Mary- str-t-. elet?i(, lighted and heated by 8team; moderate rents.—Apply J. P. Jones, Richards, and Budgei. 14. Western Mail-^haru- bers. Cardiff. 52150 i 'VEF:üte AffCjt;f;!f,O' ?n Snites of Two. Four, or Six Rooms 011 Each Fi?r.-Appl:v to Mr. E. H Crafter. Wt"m Mail Office. Cardiff. 50076 Stables to ..ot. f 1ARDTFF (off Bute-street).—Stables, Ooach- house. Store-rooms; central position; 'ow weekly rentals. Apply Sessions and Sons (144.1, Jle¡,arth-road. Cardiff. 2674,17 NANA. Building1 Land. C1WMRBAN.—To be Let 011 fluilding > 79 Plots of Land in the centre of Cwmbran For full particulars and plans, apply Bailey, Giller. and Telfer, Estate Agents, Cardiff. z20 "TIXCELLENT Building Silc to h, Let, f;dng Eon ma.m road leading from Porthcawl to Newton Village.—For particulars apply E. Upton ,k.=.ae:.4- Agricultural Land. TO be Let, LTI House, Farm, and Lands, TO c:r?;in;íoJo'aj "t1hTf of LlaDstephan. Carmarthenshire, as from 29th September next.For particulars i3,, to J. eli;Sx5'-Hi;s tg, 6f?s/ ''I.1ŒEIIOLD Land.—For Sale* to c! an X ?tate. abont 30 Acres of rtib P;,?;tl" L i.d, si'uute i.eur Br.ngwyu Church, Jtpunded by the main road, and mdv,?y betweeh-the ?t-vri,s of Ab?rg??e2ny and M,-?n?,,vlh, within two ml!" ){ Rzkgl3n Post and Telegraphic Offices and Railway Station. The land h well wate?d, and t h ere is cri it an exceptionally bt' 8rtd{;Wc il'¡¿ of t:SIC:s':¡. Apply to Mr W. H. Williams, Church Farm, Llanarth, Raglan. J 2197%14 ^UBLIR-I)OII5RS anij JSUSMFSSRS' u 1b I c. h o Us 4sWan tod. "\ST ANTED, Small Double-licensed House, \V where there i" a 'Mod Opening for a Coal Bu-ir.o-s. ('" Western Mail, HwaMPJ.L 2766z19 MANAGEMENT Wanted of Public-house by 1t Man aHd Wile: thoroughly experienced and highly iecomm?ndcd; applkant holding licence.—A 34, Wetcm Mail, Cardiff. 2730zl9 Public-houses for Disposal. NEWPORT.-To Let. exceptionally good Single-licensed HOl1c. in tlio ).?,h- fare Iran' Docks; 16 barrels v.eekly; c.ub-rooius Hnd spicndifl De Rees and Stevens. Auctioneers, Newport. 2S<t0z20 N E?V b,,? (?oricr, Fully-licensed N ;W !J;?,l'i¡;1:1l:ltl prt'; f1J;'e:& —Apply Dc j' .>-• and Stevens, Auctioneers, New- port. 23M TOe I;c tOI:ce!):fOt\I; X house 111 the place; comfortable living trade ingoing low.—Colliers' Arms, Penwain, Aberdare, 2792ÛO fPO Iæt: with iimuedinto possession, Ihë X Antelope Hotel, Mumbles.—Apply Buckleys, Llanelly. NEWPORT. Re-built, centrally ,iitu??ted N ¡.r[c:" (c-bt;ie I;A pI, letter, Pruican, Preston-avenue, Newport. z16 EN'I'1R EL Y.I,'rea Fully,llcensedEp¡rit House; main Jioroughlare; Bri8tCl: lease 1 years; ingoing £400; convenient premises.— Downing, N»lson-str<.et, Bristol. 61826 r[ï'OLt, Three Wine and Spirit Vaults, situated r1)(-?t positions in Hereford; all doing good trade; ingoing 111 each case .tbout £200- Apply, with l'cference" to Jenkins and Co., Hereford Brewery, Hereford. 2611zl6 NEAR Bridgend. Double-licensed House; It llrid?z?nd.- tied to W)od brewers; NI 'l.b3 1,(?id; ti,,l t,, g,).d Bridgend. 2614zl6 rpO Let (immediate possession), Double-licensed j I House, Alma Hotel. Margaret-street, Bute Docks. Cardiff. For terms apply W. Hancock and Co. (Limited), The Brewery, Cardiff. 2577zl5 (-IARDIFF.-E pti.Ii.tied fresh beer J House; Koath district; tied fresh beer (;r'; f\7¡'k;;g,111te;Ik; re? £1eigoI'; £ 100; late "wner retired a fte r 21 years —M. 0. Duchesne, High-street, Cardiff. ;?2785 BRISTOL— Foord's Ù (-teC;djiDingP¡:Úlcë Theatre; magnificently fttd bars, pmoke- ru IU, hllliard saloon, two tables, bowling saloon, promenade; .piofitahle,trade; healthy domestic dwelling (furnished); incoming about £ 1,200, part of which eouid be arranged; illness catse of leaving.—Cluiie, Brewer, Old Market- .lI eet. Brbtcl 2540zl4 BRISTOL (Main Thoroughfare).—Free Spirit House; Coorge's beers; hagawUe, skittles, singing licence; present family 14 years.-1,262, Daily Press." Bristol. 24997.14 13usineaeou Wantod. õMAT;Le,'llil'rY-R;;r,uirèI-¡;¡g:Îp; 1.? ferred; house or steam 4?oal; ?i(litig accom- modation ne^ossary. -Full particulars to 7, 84, Western Mail, Cardiff. 2672x17 Ouslnosseo for Disposal. ('10\¡;-I; !f)(¡],;u;(1. C;l-r-;inpt\et Refresh- ) ,pent. House and Tobacconist H; modcra!c rent.- I vans and Hughes, Auctioneers a 11<1 Valuers. Wii-irt.oji-street, Cardiff. 2815z20 fPO Let, 11. James-street, Docks, Cardiff, f.rst- TO (\ \I'n;e;i:tl&,}P:r :t ness.- Apply D. M. Meredith, Holly Bush F?t I Llancdavne. ne;ir Cardiff. 2744zl5 COLONIAL Me it, 1-;u?iites.? for Sale, in mouthshire; hC¡B ,p!endld,y fitted ont: l>esfc positions; exceptional opportunity; low ingoirij.—i. 1'. Satmders, Auctioneer and HlbineH Broker, 2V. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. z16 SWANSEA.—Outdoor H; Porter Stores; trade, two barrels week; good bottling: uit wnrking man; ingoing, £49.-PoweH ami Cooke, Bi idgend. 26137.16 ROMILLY Mews, Canton. Card ff, to Let, as Go¡n Concern; eight-roomeil house, hot alld cold water throughout; eight-stall stable, harness-room, loft, largo carriage shed, six horses fail quiet and good workers), two lan- daus, two landaulets. hansom, and dog-cart., six Het sing-Ie. two of double harness, nnd stable utPll'Ji1,-l'rice and pirticuiars applv J. Hryan, on tha Premises. 2514zH '1' '0- be Sold, as a Going Concern, a First-claqq X Hairdresser and Tobacconist's Business; algo 11 zt.?ii,(ioiii attached for hot or cold baths, all fitted throughout, complete; best position Llanelly rent low: moderate lease; takings; in season abù:lt£6 per week.—Apply Poole, Auctioneer, r,lanelly. 61804 ■JTIOR Disposal. First-class Milliner's aid (,'oe X tumier's Business; established; gooil con- nection: capable of further development with little capital; South Wales distrid,ddre,;s Z 59. Western Mail, Cardiff. 2501z14 -o. ,#o. Money Wantod. 1,000 Af.,tgag,- n Leasehold Pro- perty Paying 10 per cent. -For information apply Z56,Western Mail. Cardiff. 2502zl9 Money to LoriC. dfFrl>AGES.-S. "fern anil 1'enwee, Kt ?i M Mar.v-street, Cardiff, Mortgage and 111. suranca Brokers, have Numerous Sim, Imme, diately Available for Freeholds, Leaseholds, Reversions, and Life Intere.<.s 3B941 CARDIFF ;??ld County Advance Bank CJI/ ma Cash v;,t. preliminary fees or reductions, re-payable easy installl1{\nb, to :-11It. convenience óf borrowers, upon personal security, ilf" policies, reversions, Ao.—Apply Manager, 9. Carolme-street, Cardiff, — ii547 +- THE Carlton B??nli (Limited) Advances £ 5 to £ 200. quickly and cneawy.on Personal Secu- rity: reasonable ilitere-t easy rp..paytl1('Jlt. Apply Branch Manager, 119, Penarth-rd., Cardiff. 2621z23 i NY Spin from 11?9 t? £ 30,000 to bo Ad- {Ñ :r oOt;f-t::I¡f c F: hold I'roperty at fí'01\l'3j fo 5 per cent—M. Duchesne,JIigh;street,-Car<Uff. 2WI7,9?3 -ÕN;Ÿ -¡o-J:'ntl-;J-Ûo'rii:indi;;t; .1 Advances on Good S ccnnh" Only in Car- diff—Roes, Dumfries Hotel, Dicks, Cardiff. z2l FHIL PHILLIBS r PawiihrckerT~ Who i c J cile I FnJ-J,LLWS'Bt Pt7: W)7;IJjW Money on Plate, Diamonds, Ac., at Low Rate of Interest. a2762 REVERSIONS OF AH 11r1!1U1f¡'i£ ,?. Mortgages Granted Upon Them at Low Rates; large sums preferred —Send full parti- cul;,r,t. Box ?,6. Ilt)st-ufRoe, Npivl)t)r?' ,N lon, 61EA i culars to Box 26. I'l)st-offi, Newport, Mon. 6154 i £ O TO £ 500 ORANTEDON OTE OF HAND O OR RILL OF RALE. WALLACE AND COMPANY, ':Ig3 Cl id; fr. TV/1"ONEY, PRIVATELY, PROMPTLY^ ¡: An WITHOUT FEES. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BASK. B A LDWIN-STR E ET, J1RISTOT" ADVANCES CASH fro-n 1?0 to £10,000 on Approved Promissory Notts, on following lerm3:- £20 repayable by monthly instalments offl 159. £40 „ £ 3 10.1. £ 10J E315, £ 500 £ 43 5s? Or by arrangement over a series fN?" re. Quarterly and Half-yearly In:llments received. :-10 Default Interest on Biiis or Promissory Notes. IUII3 discounted and every clas of bnsiness entertained. Absolute privacy guaranteed.— Apply to the General Manager. 747d I DeteIõidíoIJi-:fe;; on easy terms, to Ladies and Gentlemen of Position, Officers, Professional Classes, Trades- men, Hotel Proprietors. Agriculturists, and Householders, on Note of Hand alone, also upon Furniture, Farming Stock, Ac., without removal; all communications considered strictly confidential; no bondsmen, sureties, fees, or any loan office formalities; would wait oil bor- rower, desired, and make advance imme- diately,—Write or call Mr. A. Masters. Rosedale House (private residence). Zetland-road, Bristol. 61377 W W -Money Lent Privately £ r to <• | v/• to any Lady orGent e- man, on Note of Hand alone, with or without sureties, at few hours' notice. Strictest privacy guaranteed.—S. Harris. Central Private Advance Cfflce, 5. Park-st., Cardiff (opposite New P.O.). a432 IJ1 I E LD I N G 3 L 1 .14 1P, D F r E L J\'I Daily Suras from I or f U ) £10 to £1.000, Method of Business: — FAIR INTEREST. EASY RE PAYMENTS. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. NO DELAY. NO SURETIES. • TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Prospectuses and Particulars Free. Our Only Address for South Wales and M.nm,)t?thshir- ii.il" ES-BUILDINGS, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. RIPHE SWANSEA FINANCE COM- TI)AN'Y (LBIITED) are Prepared to Advance Money Privately, from fi to any amonut, to Responsible Persons at a Few Hours' Notice, on Note of Hand alone, at Reasonable Interest. Easy Re-payments Taken. Borrowers can rely upon all Transactions being kept, STRICTLY PRIVATE. No Fees charged. A ppi y- 61623 15, GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA. IOr5f£?f 3UBC tort;, &r. ..r /"(ART "(ir- for SRie.-OVillers and Bakers c(i,i Cardiff. 2762z19 I^OR Sale, a AVell-bred Newfonndland Bitch, .1.' four years old; in splendid condition; quiet with children.—Apply E.»Hopkins, Western Mail, Cardiff. 61548 V■•■Camaq-fS, }i\rnr,5, &r. rpiIREE Light Four-wheel Lorries (Nearly T111n, ,Le,Fdi'a/o1r :[. size Crank avle Carts; suit provision merchants, dairymen. Six Sets vanous-;dze Harnoss.—93, Kil igs l?.d-r-d. Bristol. 268%17 MINIATURE St..h.p?. (Ú, Cr:\nk-ale Milk mCirts, Business and I)lcA?ure Trap3. Floats, Rave and Butchers' Carts.—llosser, Her- bert-street, Newport- 26 £ 6zl6 NEW Trolly Icarry 30cwt.), £ 20 cash; New Ilony Carts and Traps, Ctl; Second-hand Cart, XZ 10s.—Avery, Goachbuilder, Newport. 2593z15 ^OITMA. UN.—Douhle Brow-jilQade left choke, barrel 12 bore, central hre, to lever ;won. r(? boifhding lo.kj, pistol grip. alnllt, to"k; in perfect order; :8- -Sportsman\ 1. Tudor-street. Merthyr. ■ 2828121* wW?A,'?TE NEWSPAPEP_S FOR SALE. l T T WESTERN MAE, OFFICA,. CaFWFF. o\ultn). Iligroiis, -Srr. WANTED. 200 I/ive Pigeons: state price. Also ,V A;; 2vîi.:eW]j,¡ }. ;,r., 1,,?"t price delivered.—Uigwerry Hotel. New- port. 2659z16 PEN Prize Ayleshurys (Digby'n strain). 2A?.; Pekin f)"ti; ,md Drakes, i)rize strain, frnnl 3o.—Davies, Mayiiole, Rluwderin, Newport, Hon. 2612;16 s HOOTIN(I Pig?n!v?-Stmag Common Pireons. 10". 6d. dozen; WAID Yorkshire Selected BI- Rocks, from 13s.: III carriage paid live do-«n lot< amI upward3.-C. RE.A 189, High-.nreet. EulL York. 2104d i OLDEN, Silvcr Bufl'V\'a;1f)tts. Buff L?g-; Gliorn.??: Prize Strains. 3ix Pnlin. (most lay- II ing) anti Cockerel, 42,;r-Godcy Poultry Farm, ])lir8kv, G!oure!fter8hire, 5,2371 JSirprlrs. nnfl:s. r. C^YCISE Repairs prompt, cfl'eient. and mode- cY.n :.¡; P';Yl"l !r(7¡' Supplied and Fitled.-Nortm. Salisbui-??-r:)ad, Cardiff. 2813z20 SPECIAL Clearance.—3 Solid Safeties. ;;2. fid. O cach; 3 Cushions, 50s. each; -1 PI1't'lmal¡''s, £j each. Cash only.-Morris j?ros., cyck Works, Pontypridd. I!pair3, Er.ameli-'tc. and Plating. 60430 jtlH>frJJ¡W. '<1. Mlscellanoouo .Vantcj. MRS. GORMAN. 13 and 1:5..Bridge-street, alioj H Wyn<lhaw Arcade, Cardiff Purchaser it Ladies' Gentlemen's, and Children's Waid-\ robes. Boots. Established 1363 2537*14 I I EFT.OJT Roddy, 9: Sandon- I J street, Newtown, Cardilf, Purchaser of j L:die:r:d 11n ar:in/r;{ I All orders punctually attended to in town 1I 01' cpuutry UOf'ri pnf'(1S given. 694 MRS. Bryant, Purchaser Gent?'. ;ind I I Children's I^lt-olf Clothing. 61. ('-tla. road, Cardiff. Orders anil p,mels promptly attended. Best prices given. 2675zl7 ("Üi),l\RiÑri'LadC; Gentlemen's, Children's ) Left-off Clothing Bought. -Mrs. Rich, 73. Caatle-road, Cardiff. Best prices. Orders punctuallyattended to. 2732z17 IADIES' and Gentlemen's Wardrobes Bou gt. IA'I' own or Country.—Orders promptly attended to hv Mr. or 1N S. Beer, 30. Caroline- street, Cardiff. "Established 1864. 68527d LADŒS" Gentlemen's, and Children's Ward- rohes Bmght. Orders attended to, town or country.—Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Green. Dumfries House. 32, Caroline-street. Cardiff. 52000 Miscellaneous Sales. "'1"°'" Fancy Dealers and Others.—For Sale, X Stock f7 -i, i)?g up business. —Apply 3:vnlo!h:oBI: I!1j:7I. C1URE for Pile?.—Perfect (jiro Guaranteed In v most stubborn c t?"; V()t free. 2, 9d., 4,. 6d- -La T,.be, Chnib.t. St. Michnel's-hill, Bristol. 278u,.?b /"J.KNT'8 Dark Grey Real Jrish i'Vicze Clotli GL');k :;ri:tl dl:lt7'iezh:lt! I breasted; e.?vet collar; unsoiled; cost ":)"I take 25. Also Dark Nav' Blue Serge Suit, ia,,k?t shape; cost 45s.. take 20,. Both W'JI fit mall 38 breast; approval willingly.—Johnson, Locke's Advertising Ofifces, Newport. 2719zl7 F po Shop-iPters, Ac.—For S?Lle. Fixitire? Fit- T 0 t: tj¡:Ide fi;; Fi"r I>:t i ;r.' of Shan, 96. St. Marv-street.—Apply Jacobus. 2, Duke-street,. Cardiff a ']'YPE\IlITElt (llamniondl for Sale; Ideal X key-board; condition as new; trial allowed; price £7.-Z 81, Western Mail. 'Car- ditY. 26587,16 ('A-:C:¡:f"IrQia>T¡;S-fo-¡;fe:33 CaSt:irm Flange V' Pil)?s, each 9 ree 1,)??g by 13 inches diameter, with faced joints; never been in U: in )erfect condition; euual to new.—Apply K !I)!)::(¡;¡"tIIf:;tÙjs;}. I 4 STROLOGY.—Yonr Fitttuv Foretold, Mar- J-V riage, children, Changes 111 Circumslances, ¡.Jonmey;, T,egaeies, date of birth. t?el,. stamps, and stamped envelope, Mr. (Olc 30, Cheltenham'place, Brighton, Sussex. 2626*16 TO Fishmongers.—For Hake. Megrims. DabiT "(I Fish for ?rN-irg (1,. 6d. stone) write P, Molyneux, Fish Mer,hat, Milford Lavcn. TNms m. 2532d TiLANKETS.—Splendid Offer,—Lady, wanting -L> money, otfer Two Pairs real Witney l.lankcK 1u;1 sise, qnite new. worth "I 10s.; a,<,ccpt 215,; approval frc?(?.-Z 57, Western Mad, Cardiff. 24?4.14 I "ORIMK Clover for Sale, best quality; 65s. on x rail: cash with o?der. Also first-class Hay ^»rloe).-1 |a.IH11 gpn, Lydney. 2E38zl4 RICH Stilton Cheese, Direct from Maker.— II P,ingle Cheese, Ii. per lb.; carriage paid. Special Terms for Twelve. Quality guaranteed; h'gliest, testimonial?.—Address W. 8. Miller, forest Lidge, Precon. 2127d ( ^llhiSTMAS and \*ew Year Cards.—Grand nelectinii for tho Coming Season; best vVa-l^ ue ever ofiored see samples at once. Largest Stock of Toys and Fancy Goods in Wales Immense Stock of Haberdashery, Drapery Statwnprv. Hosiery, and Afillin?ry; wholesale only.-Morgan Jenkins. Wholesale Warehouse- man, Waterloo-street, Swansea. 184d BOOTS'- Shoes, Slippers.—Largest Stock! Every Description; lowest net cash whole- slc price to the trade.-Boyi? and Co., \V omanby-stroet, Cardiff. a!E62 I?IR?,WoOD, perf,,tly dry; reduced price, 1" 6d. per ewt.. delivered any part, of borough.—Union Workhouse, Cardiff. e7062 TOBACCONISTS Com mencing. 8?, Illns- T () n S(i{; S(25:fe,. f :¡: 'r O, i, I:: O"tfit? il 1 g("()m)a f] v'?p6'Emstoon-roid. Lond,n Ila i r(l,ese? FilttM Manager, Hy. Myors, ?414d q^HK B«st Selected Stock of Perambulators X and Go-Carts "ow on Show at pnCI'3 to euit all buyers.—Cross Bros. D.T?,'I'ABT,I-,Ptii?s. l?er box. Cardiff.Stationery Department. We.?tern Mail, fpiIE Trvpograph Copying Apparatus~ pro- T HJ;i)i, 7fi.J ;qh,fI: writing or typewriting.—Price list on applica- tion to Western Mail Stationery Department, Carù/ff. PATENT Automatic Office Paperweight and Mont!)!v Calcudar for Ponr Years. 1- Stationery Department, We4ern Mail. Cardiff. fPHE Edison Mimeograph, the Standard Dupli- X rating Device, invented hv T. A. Edison, for Dnplirating Handwriting nr Typewriting; price list on application; machine to be seen woriv.-AVe-toru f4t?,ttiotio,rv Department, Cardiff. —Duiilieating Ipjg and Stencil Paper PARLOUR Games. Is., )o?t -free'; Obstacle Hacl" Quoits, !?eL,t;,t Ny: the Penalty Kkk" Tab!o Football—Stationery Department. Western it ail. Cardiff. 51)430 I 1\ f ILKSI';LLI.:n;i'f I);;I¡vêr;;R(;õk:-1-P;)st;;iie 2"]. extra.—Stationery Department, Western Mail. CHllif:. 50430 A UTOMATIC C,,rt?;tnt f,el' I?W,4t:t?d /A. 1,. 2d., post fr-o.—Stationery Department, Western Mail, CardL'f, 50430 CLEAN WThite ,i'-erf:j ¡;;r ,r'6J: reduction in price; carriage paid. 5s. 6d. per cwt., t,) Clear, to any part of South Wales or West of England; special terms for inrtre quantifies or for piulc papers.—Cash with order to Western Mail al476 frtJCKETS in Rolls -f eac h for Bazaars. 'fIC :¡;:c; l,At: ,õf 3J:i[; Mail Limite<L CarilifT. 50430 À V¡; Time Letter 25 for 4;d.. T).,t free; an improvement on the Go,'crnment rard-Rtationery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff. 50430 FIVE Hundred Thick Buff Copying Sheets; 1 extra strong: adapted for type- written letters; letter-size. 2" foolscap, 2s. 6d. —Stationery Department, Western Mail. Cor. diff. 5;)430 'r' 'XKO: m)'S:-f)-¡:-á.ddre.;íõg. bo.?,. &?.. Id. ?'d 2d. per packet.—Western Mail Limited. Cardiff. 50430 gr6: Universal Portfolios for Letters, Ilri,? Li«ts. Ac., 4,?.: fr.m ,d. —Sta- tionery Department, Western Mail, Cardiff, 50430 INVOICE and Letter Files. All the leading styles—"The Sequence File," "The War- wick File," "The Standard Fil?," The Com- mon-sense File. "—Stationery Department, Wes- tern Mail, Cardiff, 50430 rpHE New Game, Table Football, Is., post free. T-Stitioiiery Dcpartmcnt. \Vtern M:Hl. C.?rdity. ?0430 THE Latest Improved Letter File, The Modern" File: 4?. 6d.—Stationery D"part. m,?t'Wstern Mail. Cardiff" 50430 STYLOGRAPHIC F..ntii. P?n,. 3s.. post free; invaluable to every hnsines man.—Sta- tionery Department, Western Mail. Cardiff. 50433 ONE Thousand-Page 1,,tt- C-t)yig Book; 01, ?lf" d ?,lf, 5.; special line.—Western Mail Stationery Department. Cardiff. 50430 A DHESIVE Linen Tape for Itepjrio Mu,ir. A3d.. voit free. per r(,11.-St.ttionery Department. Western Mail, (ardiff. 5ow T HP Handy Book Marker, 3d., post free Stationery Department, Western Mail. Cardiff. -p 50430 ONE Dozen "English Make" 'Plackl?dl;, 4d. 0-Stationery Department. Western Mail, Cardiff 504?o oi t r i) ítf I NEW AND SECOND HAND U-TON (JO A I* WAGONS to be iuiu <-0 I suort Notice from th CA ROH'!>' ROLlINu S'lOCK COMPANY. CARDIFF. JnupecTioa Jnvited. 46627 Macttlnory, Tools, &c., Wanted. WANTED a Lancashire Boiler, for 301b pres-. w"-r?.-Apply. Cwmgorse C)Ili,?y Com- 1 pany, Gwaun Cae Ourwen. 61853 HAULING Engines.—Wanted. Pair of 10-inch, with Hmglr- Drum ?N v or Second-hand!; also Portable BOI,er suitable for same.-S:iml. Llewellyn. B!ldgcu:1. 2690214 Machinery, Tools, Ac., For Salo. 1,-0R Sale, Pair 22in. by 27in. Horizontal Haul- ing Engine, with Pair ol Drums 5tt. uiameter, Spur Gear. Ac r all complete; in good enter—Apply Penrikyber Navigation O., Glam. 61758 I FOR'&i:-tgrÙy- rëda;:dpris';¡: Speciai Lot of New Engine.!r' T?li, principally by American maker., consisting of La',Ia?. Tur-j rett Lathes. MilJing and Eatary Sh?Lvinx Machines; Vertical, Ifori ontal. and Sensitive Drills (one to six JJindJ8><J. Automatic Screw- making and Gear-cutting Machine*; Motors, Turbines; _};m<iry Grinding Machineu, Ac., Ac. Can be inepccted at Shcflield —For particulars and catalogues apply Thos. W. Ward, Albion Works'' Sheffield. Telogruphic address: "F.c. ward," Sheffield. 61934 -r."Œt'&1e: good 10-h.. v inde, Pari- Fable Engine, by Emwm. May; new tubes; thoroughly overhauled.—Powis, Andrew's-build- ino. Cardiff. 4 M%t7 M^ctilnerx, ¡:r 1 Aontlnuetl. .1 Most Varied, and Best Btoc.k of LAlif:gTÓer¡: J:rK'lI'da:, 'I"Mt;'rs;B1tt up U) 30-h.p.; 21 Mortar Ndis. 15 Saw Rench?p f" vanon* siws ma?g; 7firea.L?"; 68 Pnmps. of vnriona kinds and sizes, for land and marine purposes; Depot lor Workington Pumps; Machine Tools. including L"b-. Drilling Machines, arid ""Mng Machines Wil I I"t ?M Hire or HirvPurchase on r«monable tcrm» Thousands of Tons of All Kinds aud Classes of Machinery. &'nd for Copy of Thillips's Monthly ,achinery Regtrter." 60 p"r "npy; "ul"rjption. 5,. per narti,niar,4 'fro T Charles D. hN;¡;'N;Je;rt. hir: Newport. Mon." iTat. Telephone. No. 18 !?%13 PECKETT AND SONsi LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. HRhlTOT,. LOCOMOTIVES OF V.VRIOUS SIZES -VLWAY8 IN. STOCK AND IN I'ROGRKSS. Fall Particulars on Aiiplication. 58874 p 0 It, T A It L E E N o r N E ST HOl.TXONTAL ENGINES, VERTICAL AND OTHER BO'LERS PUMPS MORTAR MllbtS. SAW BFNCFIFS. TANKS, WI.1CHES !>HAF10,G. PULLEYS. For All Classes of Maci inery, either for Cash. Hire, or Hii«-Purch ise. a|.t>lv to the I i ATLANTIC ENOIVfFEKlSG WOl'KK COMJ'ANY, .Shaftesbur.y-ch:ub-?is. fchafteL'buiy street. Newport. Mon. Tel., ,73. SenrI fo:- our Decemlner H»?ister, |»st free. 61026 T?NGINES atitl BDILEPS for Winding, Hauling, or Driving; various sizes; good jjecond-hand: "heall RATCLIFFE and ;.os. H\WARDEN IRON \WIRR-. CHESTER, "Ratcliffe Sens, i'awarden. [61646 1,t:r:lttM'" A DAY WITH HOTTND6, AND WHAT CAMg OF IT. A Romaitic Historical Noel. By "COVELITFIDF-" FaR cloth, price 611.; pcetage-od. The "Spectator" P's :The tale rpems with st hunting day, and x-lt- the adventures of the hero. Sir Charles Norwood, who is much concerned with G-mera! Monk in the Restora. tion. One Kichnrd Gamhle, the Tillain, is a thorough-paced specimen of the type, and is nephew to the oW knight, who raoets his death at the hands of .a decr-stej: ier. The author Knows the histoiT of the time when Monk and Lambert n-pr-ntNI different- rwttee. There, is plenty of ittcident. tbe interei^ is well-sua- i tained. and it in a distftictly re;idable book," 'fhe "Hereford Times" says:—Tiue theme of Koundhead and Cavalier has ja&wer been treated in a moro entertainmurmm thsaii in the story of A Day with Ho?(b.' The ^cthor has ilUparted conside^ablo vividneaa to his descrip^ ticnB of the troublous oeriod "r the Protec- torate. while all his character# are endowed ?it? life ,?d fIil :¡C':ri;a::er:t purve s so comnnn U> pm*m"ay fintim. The portrayal of Mi??ter Gamble i% specially skUh.'¡ Most lovable J9 the heroine; in ler. womanhool shines at its best. The author's acoronit of tat chaso is also a feature of the nrweJ. and should prove a keen source of delight to fcTXJi'tRmen." Tho "Scoteman" says: "An historical rcraance, full of racy incident. The hook, all a whole, is thoroughly interesting, aNod th% liroduct of a literarv ability of no mean J'Ùer:' rJiuid and Water" nays:—"A rtory of g\«at n,r?l and rou»in{? imideni. Walter S-11 k ift here pupIl and a cl, student. Tbe lnrtvicnc^ cf the master-Hand mov be detected on wer> I pasre. The comparison is not altogether in favour of Scott. for. it he tausrht more. he ..a" distinctly les4* int.ert.tin<t and exciting. The I i-9 nominally oi the love affaiN of thre« prettv trirl^; incidentiilly it, presents a picture f the England ,f Cromwell. The anth?r is t. he congratulated npon a well-written and highly interesting production, that cannot fail ic niake for him a reputation as a novelist." "Dryasdust" ("County Gentleman") saya:—I am delighted with 'A Day With Hounds.' The style of writing is so good, and at every turn something new m'opo. iil-. It abounds with j startling im'iden'; ?W; ?iituLi?Wns, and does the | author infinit.?! credit. "The .NewJ o, th? World" says: 13res?nt?s .,I bright and stmng picture of the ?t?ugg 0 between the Cavaliers and Roundheads. With ii dexterous pen tbe author weaves the main features of that interesting period in a fctory as fascinating as it is well conceived. The ordinary peruser of a catalogue would never dream that under so placid a name HO entrano ine a romance was concealed. The hunt which oj ens the story is described by a master hand." he "Western Mail" says:Th. ari.as cbar:>cteB stand out with life-like distinctness, and at times we follow the narrative with ahnoHt painful interest. It, is pleasant to be able to commend *i story which, in its iceneig. Its characters, its vigour, its robust humour) and its manly wholesomeness is thoroughly English. 'A Day With Hounds' will be appre- ciated when works that make a greater noise in their inception are thrown aaide and n elected. NOW READY. NUMBEn TWO OF THE CF: LEIm A TED WESTERN 3 JAIL 1 FOLIOS, Containing 9n SONGS. VOCAL Dt'ETS. AND SACRED SOLOS. WITH PIANOFORTE ACCOMPANIMENTS, For the Popular Price of ONE SHILLING; BY POST. 18. 3d. The Sale of No, 1all expectations, and a glance at the contents of No. 2 (given below) will show that it is even more interest. ing than its )Jrdl't'!J80r:- CONTENTS:— SONGd. Afton Water Hume Angel's Whisper, T ho Lovet Arab'L? Farewell, The Blockley Ash Grove, Th Wel?h Habylon is Fallen Work Barney O'Hea Lover Hay of Biscay. The Da,* %berd.vey Welsh Mow High. Blow li w. Dihdin Bonny Mary of Argyle Nelson Camptown Race Fster Cycling Ditty Maclennun Darr.o Margery B.tt-n Darling Nelly Gray Hanby Dixie's Land Ylm?tt Down Among tho Dead Men English Ellie Rhee I-oster Evangeline Blockley rr)11!n;ih'I! Gent1. kn Foster Good Night, Good Night. Beloved! Bnlfe Hearts and Hornet Blockley Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still Wrightoh | Here's to the Maiden Sheridati I Lovl) the Merry Sunshine Glover In this Old Chairfv lather 8at.Halfe IV Gwine Back to Dixie White I«le ,f ]3e?-t? Whitmore Ivv (;r?n. The Russell Jingle Bell, .I Ilierp.nt John Pco?l Old Hunting Song •folly Young Waterman. The Dibdin Ki,?gd,,? Coming Work L, ,d o' the L-1, The 8?nth 1, that Ix»ves a Sailor, The Dibdin Light of Other Dys. The Balfe Lily Dale Thompson Listen to My Tale of Woe Bmitb T.ochnagar Gibson Love in Her Eyes Sits Playinff Handel jove in Her yes Sits "Madoliue Nelson Mary Blane Rrker Marv Morison Old Melody Meeting of the Waten, The ..Old Melod Michael Roy Mollv Csrew Lover ;7' :Jí: My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair Haydn My Love is Like a Red, Red How.Old Melody 0 Firm as Oak .I Bishop O Give to Me These Early Flowers.Enlpnstein Oh I gt-r mv B-,k Nelson Our Hands have Met Wallace Ontlcw. Tbe Loder Pilgrim of Love The Bishop Pilot. The Nelson Pcllv Wolly Doo d .e Rage. Thou A?;yStorm Benedict ry 0"4r)m Lover Rose Sof*lv Blooming Sp.h, Pea i. England's Glory. The.. Glover Solomon Levi Seaer Spanish C-avalier, The Sweet Genevieve Tell Me, My H.t. Biritop ;g;J ;:iaTr HÓrd' Grev.B: The Green Trees Whispered Low Hatton There is a. Tavern in the Town Th,,r?, The Shield +; A: orr,eTh"J Thon Art Gone from My Gase Linley Truth in Absence Harper Tnidee "Wait for the Wagon .Jlin"t",1 Waiting MI11,m1 I Wanderer, 'T'bl' .8ctJuhoort Wb." the Ti( Comes In Millard Who 1° !'1vl..ia' bubert 'W}¡,R 'f1, CRlIi"v: .0 Sweet Uvnen ,V' d? T Weep for Th-? Wallace I 'h. Shield VOCAL DUETS. Flow Gently. J)?,. Parry Vet to the Convent Bells Rloc.kJey Minute Gon at S" King Our Tilt Redeemer Psttison Ou nlt R.-de\7;{I-:ri"SOÏ.:ö8. P"ttion But the Lord is MiuMnl of hi. 0" M,nd,las.h? He VM Despised.Randel Honour ind Armq Handel In Native Worth Haydn ;i.Ñ: ORDER AT ONCE TO AVOID DISAPPOINT- MENT, Price ONE SHILLING (by Post 1.1!. 3d.). through your New?gent. or Direct from um Vubli,,em, SPECIAL NOTICE. PRIVATE XMAS GREETING CARDS. SAMPLE BOOKS NOW READY. LARGE SELECTION. WESTERN MAIL STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, CARDIFF. &2414 Order at once to trtntt diMtppoataeok I publications. tHE t. E E K LW! MAIL" CHRISTMAS NUMB- | ?NLARGED TO ? PAGES. I ENLARGED TO 16 PAGES. 112 LONG COLUMNS. pRICE ONE PENNY. E L7 K L Y MAIL-4 OF DECEMBER 24 WILL liE ENLARGED TO 16 PAGES, AND WILL CONTAIN SPECIAILY-WRRMN AND SELECTED CHRISTMAS STORIES, SKETCHES, AND JNTERESTING MATTER, I IX ADDITION TO ALL THE rSCAL ATTKAO TIVE FEATUBES. Amongst the Stories which hare been secured for this LARGE CHRISTMAS PAPER are the following: THE CHRIST CHILD, By FLORENCE MARBTAT. A pathetic story of an old couple who fear they will have to enter the workhouse on Christmas Day. They think they see & vision of the Christ CJhild beckoning them there. They bravely make up their minds to go, but are saved by the unexpected interposition of a son and daughter, who have all the while been arranging a comfortable home in which the worn old couple shall end their days. THE OLD CHURCH CLOCK. By MARY H. TENNYSON. Miss Tennyson has written a tale impreg- nated with Christmas sentiment and strong in dramatic situations. A returned emigrant rich, and still young, reaches home to find that the girl he loved has engaged herself to a miser, in order to shield her father from an attempted forgery. By a deft manipulation of the "Old Church Clock," and after many exciting incidents, the girl is rescued from her engagement, and restored to the arms of her true lower. THE MYSTERY OF MARSDEN MANOR, By MARION WYMBORNE This is a Christmas etory of the old. fashioned kind. It relates how a man of great wealth has left all his money to a hypocritical nephew, while he has unwittingly disinherited his favourite nephew, who is thereby unable to marry the girl of his choice. But it turns out that the death was a bogus one, the two young men having been submitted to a period of probation go that the reality of their pro- fessed affection could be tested, and t! tory ends happily with the resurrection of Bir Henry Marsden. £ »HRISTMAS AMUSEMENTS IN THE HOME, By LUCIE HEATON ARMSTRONG. In this article Mrs. Armstrong gives some most useful information for the providing of amusements at Christmas parties. If her pro- gramme is adopted a most enjoyable evening for young and old is sum to be the result. QUR (IFIRISTM-CS SYMPOSRUM. TALES. SKETCHES, AND EXPE- RIEXCES BY MEMBERS OF OUP STAFF. TIDI "W E F: K L Y M A I L CHRISTMAS XCIBER. 16 PAGES-112 LONG COLUMNS. pRICE OXF. pESNY. PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER 24. AGENTS SHOUT J) ORDER EARLY.