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CHEAP i iU'PAID ADVERTISEMENTS. I M ?.d., 0,? FCD Do, Thrift: lB. M. ?' SL"??" t*.? 117 to 32 -rd-. 0. M I 1><, TI,?i. ,?? .? ? Hi'?m.a 30 OJ. 1 M????'.?<?g3:wor<)j!Mt'ch!irf;t'dftt Mm rate of 6d for every additional eitfht words for on J 1\ reduction wiTiai-oBdln* to thj above wing madefor three^ 4uU aU rti(tu& Tb- .hars"" 'PI"Y on!" t<> the ""?'?lug clu? 01 .i. ,!3uem Til are st.ictly oonliueA to tlu»e that are «**>» rati ]'J:\ ¡-HiS '10 l>suuu>N Hui'SlH TO *K l.KT, IIouhks VAN ;;I». Hm-Af'??' B??, ?,, V 1'P?T'M'? ??'? &I-, ?. LKT. FAIMNKUSHIPH WANTED, Livsinkssks l'lH\ ijAL. MOKKY WANTED, MI.?ll ?1,A,?. ,W. AIUICLKH LOST on POIND M.?&N.OUH BkL? }\<'11<:o" may be in&de in Pos'nyc Stamvn. CLERICAL. V\1\ 7 ANTED, l>> » Young M»0. in Jiwe, place as L«r 'V A.; \J)l{on[t1:èe.la: a Et(t\tr. I'tljtOt1ICl', Urn-sot J, (Jardifl 12Jl: \y :tJ;<I:dI:¡ftil; ,,):t¡I}\\JÙ':¡t': St. l>a. id' o Church. Liverpool. Amuf to the I.e,eieud Jehu Jam,, B)) [IÔ, H.mter-ntrcct. liivi-rnool. 115: d'J SCHOLASTIC. 117AKTI I). tor three or four lid-irn » n-oei. an cxperi- "7 A;\ I 'l}rt.i\t't:'ab f,vritl'rAd:'B!:t till)11i lurticrlars, oliarge Vlæ hour, au4 wheu dim usage!, tau Master. College Mouse, Charlei-atrect, Ca.rdiff. AVoiuiu Lad), au •ocoui-Ushecl PM»k». dl\->Î!l>tl.. o' IW engwment 88 D.u Music JYaclier. Wll! ?i,it dwob aud un i1"it> Kuwait or vioimt>Audr»»»uiym. l-iKier'u Uraecl. l'ost-ollico, I\ew¡;o Mou. 1l o U';¡.l' li),;ti!f. an orgiiu. Two rows of keys. swell, a-ad octree of bourdenyMals.-Lessons if nece^ar*. at ^\tr DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. N PHSE ('Xl't'rit'llcl'1i) wantcd, for tift' )"H[]g ('hilrt:[l w"6t.'rul\iJ kCIJt-Appy to t'(t'dtnck JOUf:S. In ?,11k?pt.App,y t?L -?u i' "u,. ôlVtw4 ':n th :\ul:l)ílc:J,a,t i'btrb\ no WAaNt T?,-t 4 A ..?ud::g A ■ it. Mho has keen kitcheumaid m good i .'?)■.?.«» irkf't ?ult All fonud exceiiting beer. a;:ei, .t:l-Add.h'tÍÔ A. H., l'oit^Hlci-, LlaiiUysai^ -Ilth A, V??2d3U ■ 7 ANU li in tte country, a good House aud l'arlour- 'Maid. All tmind except li'tr .ht!sA l?., Post-jBice, Llaudyssil, tjouth ales. ol'SE ar.a Tarlour-Maid Wanted for ,I,trbf: II 1 »»« 25.—Ad<U«M by letter V. 10, NV-t?,- ,j,<W, Cardiii. a311 \«»\ 7 ANTKD iirmetiiately. a goo<l Ueneial tHrvau;, who uu- "1 A(:.i{nJla)sll'IU't ":l: pick Cottate, rtwaniea. VJdSm3 "7 A;t.ii:iYJ. au experieucwl Servant.—Apply at Ko. 5, W oriUworth-stieet, Itoath, (:diU, ltá:u' ll'AMl'D ft good Cook in a small family, where two W Ctlivr Wiiaiitsarekeirt. Alw • Uomeiuaid. wait: at tal.le. C!.ara.ttfr i1:diH¡I'li,J.ùil" l.i o-J »•!«» gi'lkU to villii B ai.u i.:u^lr.oui 8l"1't$.-AdCM J. 1. 11.. Box No. I, Ke*pert, M<m. (;};fl\l; ;v Ct}l' inu>t t«ao.earlyri-er »TT Also il Is'uisc •' ? Keedlewouian.—Apply, with relerences -'i w-g?? y,! to (: wc'? bo^ue, Ntth i2.3 IV 1"?, -k I a, I?i6 1 11 ke rw.-pR-aie audreis, stating age, wa»«. relerewvs. Sc.. s., Vc„t-o!t.ct, >«ntu. r™1?-. •uiijANTi:I>, iu .4 6i;.all fwni'y- A Fiaiu 'C<ok; al»0 a f lloubcuiiuu.- Api'lj »tO*k^»6t*, ueav stating wagi.s, a; J, biuumcr hiii-viuas, A1iiÙC. \t; WA-Tl?,?",t.,i. Cardm-ro ^^w- V\1V 7ANTKD, » VemnX Servant. Uood J¡t:"i' '%VANTI;D, ¡;'J:.la:: }'lŒ}; VMlcH' ATiON 10 \lee",l"uù to Farm SorvauU iSd I,i Vcrvauts aud Aw»sW«l Ito (1 1, here aimM.cV.laub for jmrticulara an-ly t?, hi Owcu Mor««u, l\llll¡'J.-tr"t.t, Fomypii^d. bOjjuia 1W 17AVT £ D. Ma:i aud Wife; former, cjacbman, auJ to niako i.iiuH.-lf useful; wife tor dairya>o«lUjr.^o Add.. A H" "V"teru Alii I!h' Swau-a. 15a:?S "r An:D, i- Gentle" -îarnilr, .n experienced W KwSi; chid out of arws; guw necdlcwjmau.- Aaare? 51., tern dil Ott, riwausei. 122"18 (I"D:'¿l- \i!}:¡¡Ú if:¡(I(r< a;K,. iJW. ail found. 0«,ptWur. drea. x Y. Z. "'hbtdU Mail' Oftiw, bwanita. ll'ANl'ti*, a strong, clean girl (Jo"k,AP¡;C::12' f\ Ctiulu-fctiti*, Carditi. |j WAKTKD. a rc«rcctablt: Girl, about 13. —Aw»ly to J>IiM Wilde, Conftctiuuvr, 4»c., 3o, Bnd^e-sttce1 rANTKi> a good General Servant.—Apply at 10, ,\r A:Lai\;f:jY¡, IG, «>\ 'ANTKi>, a Jiuvseuiald.-Apj>ly at 2, Oakli^ld-street, 4i A?NTFI,7?, t 2, O"ktidl;i[t, WANTED, a g-I General Servant. — Addre?B G, 40, Tl'.ouias-streel, Merthjr. 1j')¡lul 'VA¡, a BO<h1 (.k-neral :f,i forn:i:f;\ oookitii;. Liberal g?', 'l, one w.. th,rtlghly uudentaud* her -Apply to Mr. LvoUi, tUeauat, Ateruare. *1J,aHL ■wtbtanTFI) iiumediately, an exverkuc\t unw tli i yml-Add:^ V 5, U WudWra Msil DiUw. Cardiff. ap;;o %A/A>'TK1>, a good Cook.—Apply to Mrs. C?ry, l"uchl<f HoW!< Ü.rwll. 6W<aJ0 "■"l^ANT'liD, a GeMral Bervaut, :ilgdaa¿ ff ai- d can wAKh aud iron. A houaesuaid and man are "Pt. ?-g- rcierences, ««., Mra. Koborts, 4!, Aortu larade, AU-ryatwith. n^Utt^ 117ANTKD a good, clean G:neral .Servant in a BUiill 'VAÎ: ù'kll 'IT,>,e:¡ S" link&. õJ1¡ja ■rAls'XriJ, in the country, A thorouih House aad l. Tf louLi'HM, AMititiiuce giveu. Wag.-s il'). and ali loiuid.-AuareM MUa Harrb, Godigaer 1Wctol'"CnhU:. wulnil -■a 'ANTl'.D. a Lt^dy iVrnon as (Jeueral Servant.—Apply > 1 to Mi.x .SiuJiU, 1, lii^hUud-Yiili»a, Alcrd^r Sx7 At;ítfiÆt:Ïèl, Gi.P;1;:Ii. f f Ali'iy u Mrs. La>- Lioa ilotel, liuiith, t>r^' ^^htre. «7ASTK.D iiun>ei i »te!y, a CI,l to ?.it at t,t)l? ?,l 'YíDj:Jl¿\;k,i t 1rloAl Hotel, lllf "It. \I4:S<1 ANTKD immediately, Cooks, Nn»i?s, -I Farluiu-iJiai-i^ Utueral fc>ervauu>, ic. — ;?ervaut^ Rtf.1.tr)', Cr.et Cat, 9, Royal Frumeuaie, 11,"01. l;ád CLERKS, ASSISTANTS &c., WANTED. rpu MILLiSLUS.—'Wanted iuimcdiiteiy^ a ejmpetsnt 'lo 'll,iUtt a good ,l'i ta(lA; to Mrs. KoUit>, 4, Teiuple-street, Swanie^ cl. ??3,pl" O Fn cK YOl'TH.—Wanted, a wei.c'acat^d i'outh (one wtu> las a knowledge cl liook-ktei-iug prelerred).— lpJy to ÙN i*ro\ incial Insurance Uilie. t>i>, DT. à1.u.)6t.r\J, L.rQifl. 1ïow4 MJLLIM'.UW-Wuntfd immediately, a Youug Lldy of Hci:t<»:l appearance and uW addtest.—Apply t, G. Lee, Muml Glainorganbhire. l^riinl 't'Ol'A¡:¡"r,A:\D(;l'AUlJL\:>' Wanted iu a While .1 sale Fro • oi-m Merchant's UU1cu iu Cr.Ülf, a r!ii-èct"h! Lau Apjucutiix- Lvery opportunity waU be "h'l' to learn the ()ttC rounue and hUbHWH generally. A piogressivo ti" I.I?d I)uiut Western Miii"Odicj,o'acditf. ri O DltAFl.US' ASSISTANTS.—Wanted, a Kteidy re- l'{ 1{ :(;:t t.i)?'tl'õ l)?"¡l\WCjXVgCi junior not oV:èchu to.-tatù age, reference, and salary, to Jl'ntch.1, Diaper, bwaLsea. 610idJy V|1\ 7ANTLD iniUicdiAtely, Two good Assi^tauw to th'j Drt-tb And Mantle Making.—Apply tu K. WilUimi, 14, LioQ8trct, Bay. U M' V%T ANTKD imnjttiiatcly, at tb,- Dlaeut»t)rch:m OoUiwy, a "t Alit¡t: tfutJc h,r::r;l: hWlY' lew t'. ill L. \000 !.tf&ir v&lu4ti,)u. -For par. tic"l..r. J,I D-i?l, Mining Ktigi- ueei.i, &c Mmket Houne Vh.wh18, Fontyp<x>L lfliapfrj "■ vltAl'KKY' Lewus Brothers, Drapers, Noith. have X vacancies for Improver* and Apprentices to tho Midi- nery,-AppJy immtdiatcly. J200;n4 \\7Amr.V, A Builders' Clerk ono ?h. h*s bJI;\ t-i to tb,, 1.,i- None b,,t compear, men nee I apply. Stt,?,1&rywdrtltr??nw. ApplytuTu?.. W line. hlÙhll" Swansea. OOijmj ri^O TAILoliS. G!r:. good Ha«t!;> wdatul at oace, _| understand Sing«i'a maeluue. Log tro:u 2U to 3Js per 'Wek-: Audn*s J. Atarrbs Tailor and Dr»p«r, Cwmauiau. A Hiuate. ljJ;J:1 .}l!lf.ff\illi:C!lU;l¡;,r;r, men Lately, statingfull particulars au.l encioiiag cartf to 3'. Lewis. Abcuiaie. 1454UJJ «17ANT1;D, an expeiieucctl Young Man fl;- ;;r1 W Count*.r and good Window Dresser. -Apply W l),ieø, Drav?ryW?, 71. Cominercial-atrect, Aajrgwt. 51 OIL tHuli\Z:; WÅNTÐ. several Young 1¡¡¡"iic:i for Fucy C,Juawrd.- W Al?pl) ?? W. Davim, 1)?-D.,Y };"lUf, ,1, C? dlUf-'r cialwstrt"4 yewport. Mon. ;Iul,2, ANT1.U Y?-g Ladiea. Juuiori ami fria A I,p?yt (, D'.D"'Y 1. Oomm-:rcw!- alreet, NewiorOU/°- tilVl 23 A FFRENTH'KS Wanted.—Apply to Dnaws, 1), A to ^ar! H. Commercial-Street. Import, Wje dr iwiliy otlio0 of _a iar<je IIT^TCNTG^TlN\iL"ih7v KtiJNNUG -TAo O XP» arent?aud Guardians. — Afavour- I otinwrTi°nt Work», for an iDtulhgnt YUUdl' with taJtc v v. tit em Mail" Ottce, Caruitt. u r draiu as Vupii. Kmall preiuium re.|mred.-Addru3B 'i t::Ij:¿lJ:ll:)'¿lI(t'i: tion, stntU'W ''ua.ihc itJOUft <.i.. « t ;i14J.JL;ši pauy, Liuateo, ^aneuy. — J Ti ^RAVLliY.—WanU-tf. a Young Man as Junior-Apply to A. eiiLvr, Udbury. x ANTi'.I>, a competent First Hand, ,,d t, !ttt'I iot t F?d 11 I.dai. 10 Mine Ftdiera, Drwamaker, St. John,sudot, tardjjj67ft29 fW lTAKIEP, an eiffcient Clerk, with imcxceptian^l refer- AC, !?' .?t. i previoiis en- yageineuu Aut! uhny e1pec, t4.,Po."2iw, Hu Dock., (;ardit!. a .liuiior AflaiRtant to tho Groct-ry ami Fr>- W A:rn;1.U1lwct,.¡I'vjl'Äc;;rh;; lí:: IJàrri. Uf. 111,?i-?t?,?tt, Merthyr. W3h28 1>R1CKMAK1SKS.—Wanted, a good Moulder. Price ]-; 1\ILDJt:ut :lo:ueAPi tb" Itoyal Oak, Roath, Carditl, 1I44J.9 \V TANTED, a Second Hand Milliner. -Address, atating "1" A:t.f ¿1 Jt::t. lái-t: (tlf. kib,ty, tIj ri?iL CLERKtS, ASSISTANTS, &u.f WatfTKL*. I>OOT TRADF. -WantM huniojiately, A cood, steady, > pcretverinfi Man to Manage a branch Knt^biiahtueut. Aho. an A¡¡¡.taut.-AppIJ pcrbouaUy 11 poeaible at w, Cttfitle-Htreet, .Swansea. ú921a28 DltAFJ'-RY.-Wanted iimnediately, a Junior As."i5hl1t. Apply, wIth (uU patticuws. to Fhlllips and Evau>». hmtYI'rhl<l, 113-AJO 1110 DRAPERS AND GROCERS'ASSISTANTS. Wanted, ft Junior Hand akmt 17 Y'f.. at g" Ono v. J;n tws a knowledge of both tru>H. A It,, Irmac Webt, Cwiutylery, Abertiilery, near Newport, )Iou 1*7 ANTED, au energetic CO\n.trllllU fnr tbe Groc,'rr tern Mail" Oiffce, Cardiff. a \v Trade. Address, ntating full particv.lArs, û, > »•#• rl(' il(flJ\ ¡;. r t;1:I: ta iïrl.I: CO,"PClt-llt }'m;t Haud,-Apply I/CtSou.Uy 01' \¡y le¡¡'30 r1 po DRESSMAKERS. -Wanted irn;no«l»«^ly- Greenish and Dawkin'a establishment, Havertordwoot, competent >'irst llaud.-Apply personally or by ANTl'D a K.ipectailie Vour.g Mat) oti ri'l'^1' W^piyioF.W1. H^tley.dO.OJfora^ireet.^au^a. SITUATIONS VACANT. WA^"lo yoiucrysbire. fnrthcr ¡",rtie<ù.rø ai'ply to H, nuth, aud Bon, Mining Office, hwainea. MWa "llJTIibt..tÿ oJ;iO:Ilor; Konie inU-lliuen! and re.nice^lile iouug Men for roHce Constables; a«e between "1 and 3-' \:eu8; height nat tortha" n [I feet 7 inches without shoes. 'agC8 on 1omlu:. 'i«i.c r (Vl. after two mouths, 5s; after one year, 2m; after tyTovears S(V;aftcrfourycari.28a. A {ta,'sle "e e't!ry f°rtuigh t. abo seven d?y? annually -1 1-1?,?d wIth pay. be ected rardidutes who mav remain Bil moutlw in the forsawill hw (be cost of their railway JouruJ' to Manchester repaHlto them —Apply per-snnally, or by letter, witl1 testimonials, to Captain l'alin. (hief CTowu-hal,, Manchester or at the Police Station, C.,ditL 5W;w wf ("1OOD NEWS TO ;Ga¡¡¡í;3:T4,i¡ 1 I.b,,?? .g. high, and no locU-outd. Mr. Down HailB g.il for Canada by Allan Royal Mail steamer, /<th June irom Liverpool; he will take emigrant* with h .t ;l;,l'{(::t'i:li¡;all tce;:g:y:1tuiOl fortably settled before b, rctun13. Tho3B wldhtng to jom i?p??ty are t,o.glya?L,,ttos ply oarly,? tho number I \\i!l be strictly limited. Labourers aud female do.??ti? 811 VHM,-H It d every week; Mall every Thui-sday. Iu a1' is certain.—For further particulars am; • i' -v.n. Emigritiou Ageut, Viotoria-street, Blui »: i.M unp tor reply. 5352w WANTI: 1), an aCti,, li g Al?. .? I'c "t 1I,- "r -A,,I,IY t. 1) r Lplry1; ? "i mercial,.trc.t, Newport, Moc. blUlaaS 117ANTED, an intelligent La<1.-Apply, b,t?.. ti? bourn ,f ten and twelvc, at the Western Mail Oftcc, COJditL 1"0 TAILORS.—Wanted, Two good Coat Hauls. COll. I atant work.—Apply at I Argyie-street, Swans^^ Il'ANTKD. a rteady, r.ol^er, bone*t Youug Mau as Rtl- W liiird Marker, w'th ^oini reference f l place — Apply SKrsonally to b. T. Ðal1eu. WtatgnU- Hotel, Wtbms Mou. ¡;I)¡6m3 f"?7 ANTED, any Nuin?»e? of M-n for fa'.liug aul peollug W oek. Goi.d wigvb given to couipct-.nt IUUD.-Apply- to Tut ( B Puwf-U. XimUr Fuller. Llaudowror, Dear St. Clear''s, Caiuiarthea. 123:jml S ADd J lT Ts cud IIA RNKSivM A K 1> RS.—Good Genftrul AI:,¡:J.: t,.l -Apply peisonahy to U. Jones, o. Tru* 603Oa33 ■jj ji i.< !,t"t, a ?.1 M';ll\kl' aud Olf J> i t a prices giveU.-Appiy to Wm. Hnlc, >;rick) :lL,)ll, 1230ml rficT' PA1KTEKS. W..tm immediately, T-. tld) 1 H:J¡:)t1). t "tï:iî;'tei, ili l'ti,d 6i4llil I 1\¥lt:;lt,AJJ.:}\t Ti?, t,?z Kheola, Neath, South WANI.ci; "I -i a but re- W apectable ai« d |sj«- d wotinuen »ie»l Apply to Ge1 Bali, House Decorator, Orc4alÙ-titrt:et, .Nca.:i1, :;o,Jt2;l8 I lTTANTJ;T>7^2ood Casl; Cleaner.—Apply to R. H.SUej, The }:v<' .ury. Bridgend. 1204ml ri'-vTTAfu))i -Wanted, at oa.-e, a goad Hand.-Apply J. kto T. una D. Evans, Brynamiuau. 1 _™_ rro TAILORS -Wautsd, iix good General Hwds; also, J. a M:;ehi.>;idt One who uuder^tinds the trade pre- fcncd.-Al1l'lV to .1. {;UOk;ik}, Moor-streer, Ch-pitow. ri^O BOOT CLOSERS.-Wanted immediately, a good 1O 1uThI5SIR:FgruC::lj,ppf)) to 1,1- E,?, C"" Ab,?,6 ?.y. Ggj,1.3) ri-tt\ttilftow Merthyr and A X ,are, as t)t? lock-out btill exi?;td. 604Ciul To QVAliRYBiEN.—Wanted, tkvo sober 51?.. T,, ex 'IO jY ';la¿iOu::Jf.: Ad,l,.? Be,, "Western Mail"OHice, l'ont>pridd. 5jôli (7 PLUMBERS, PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, & PAPER- HANGERS. —Wanted, aeveu or "Igo plain Paiilt-1. None but 5e&Ù)' men need apply. AL,) g ,I Plumber; one who Can do .d gU/iug, .ad illi?g to it. plain P.ItiLg "he. G(?,,d to competent YA\'toWbJ C. -,it. li?.?,r.t. gaH:Jluy. 1l5aZ'J rpo BOOTMAKERS.—Waate».1, a lirat-class IT-,A on '1 '0 I)b: :¡:l¡?¡,t :3'n¡ rccll'r\u&U{ need UúL apply.—Apply to Legge and b?., Walters-road, Swansea. 6A7 "7 Atl.:L:no;Elv lu f.a), f?tiolkcry.-Apply tto F. A. Miles, groce r, Cowbridge, 113d"S TO BAKERS.—Wanted, at once, a good Bread Baker and | Confectioner.—Apply to E. Bishop and Co., SploManus, t'arùifL lllS2. 1 BAILORS are re«iiieited to KL?p from iUacuav512IJr&8 ■ the L^cli-Oiit etui exists. PAllTNERSHlPS. ASH1PRROKER and Coal Exporter in Cardiff, estab- lished several ytd ii"ig with Partner, with HOLUe capital, to join him in more fully ùcve loping and extending lin Already gOOi1 ocunectiùu.-AJdrc38 D. D., Post Ottice, Docks. Cardiff, 12UJa3Q AGENCIES, TRAVELLERS, &c COAL AGENCY.—V.auted. l»eat Welsh Stenu Coal to COÎ1¿t,rut1\'}¡l\"jl si1nh I wiU, largo COU6IlWeI1\1 aud cb on e istouiera every m mth. l inst-ciass fdCfcncc&. — Address U, 2?U, c.}r of H. Greeuv/ tod, I AdveitiBiiig Agent. Liverpool. 14(IÀ2 \\f ANTED, a few pushing Young Meu to Canvass corn- ¥ T pleto Works.—Address E. Christian, Post oihee, Swaa- f*'1. 12Um4 AGKNT.*> WANTED. Employment f7r 4!000 ;l;1r.J1t -ur¿IYl1\/ UJlÜ' particulars, to W. M. Hlake's Manufacturing VOu L\b, Giauge-road, Bennoudsey. ?l?Idou. 122).?l il/ANTED, at a small iron works in Glamorganshire, a ¥ ? Mineral Ageut, to superintend the codieriea and mine patched iu connection with same. He must b?, capabi of k»vpiug the undenfrouvd plana aa t,ll aa to survey on th? t. A. I. Co., Box 3, Swansea. 60i6ap30 117 ANTED, Agents Wt, ¥v \ario' .w Birmiugbam Goods llhutrate<l wholesale I'ojii IJ(st tree.—Apply tu Henry Alai, };irmiuha.lH. II.>J"p3J AGENTS re^iuired by the Provideut Fire lu^ur*n?e Com- pany, 17, New Bridge-sUeet, Loudyn. 1l2d.3 T>EltMANENT EMPLOYMENT. — Active, iutellige-t 1. men can earn £ 3 to £ i weekly in taking orvlors for our Sometnmg UW Sought It). alt c'aisei. Rare ti,portau:ty Nfl previous knowledge required.—G. E. Bacon and Co., 127. Stmud, Londou. 100Ja30 AGENTS Wonted for Jewellcy and Fancy Goods, illus- trated cat;vlogueo free. -Apply to Pare aud Compauy, Manufacturing .Lozell,.roaù, Ðirwi11¡:ham.. lloraft SPECIAL DISTRICT AGENTS Wanted for IVnl.roke- S PE ,IiLu;J1:tiJra }'¡?t Dt For t,-?, c' apply to Inspector, W.tLr. ??A.i utrce, ,!Iran."&. 5215<1 u-. DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANT PLACES V17ANTED,a situation a* Diiry-maid, or Working lioua-j- \'71)'(Vr7; .r, \1r{[1:iF OftlC. N tWPOl t. 6Q{ul1 \\7 J;lraíi.;tlr(:i;a Situation as HOUJO ¥¥ .ad Par our d S. If?.?;iy C, be well roe") mended. Addicts Fana), Ku. li, StringstQu, Holford, lHhf Bridgwater. 1?"2I 1l1):!i H li., Poet-othcc, Swansea. 5.'74a2;> CLERKS, ASSISTANTS, &c., WANT PLACES. V\7 ANTED, l»y an experienced Lanu and Mineral Sur- Al'là H,,? h? ?a ¡'c;1}luSt\:Jr management of miuts. Addri.v> W. H. T., Post-othce. l'ie- d,g. 1273.4 7 ANTED, in Swansea, a situation aa r.t??,P\)t w 1) '-A,idl, A. Western Mail" Otlice, Swansea. G037w3 TO GBOCERS.—Wanted, a .Situation an Junior, by T yl. ¿,,i& (%¿u:¡f::¡l: -AúJé, l_.lofltf.¡t!l, ltoth, (JaïùHf. 6093ap29 "l>i.RMANENT SITUATION Wanted by a respectible ^( uijy^Maij.^age^l 24, a«i Bookkeeper. Tiioroushl^ '/K •' ■' S I i -r:; v; n- M:, r. 'ui3 ANTED by a Y'oung Man, a Situation iu a Merchant'! f¥ or Shipbtokex's Oidce.—Address Z, Post Office, 1:{7¡t: ll:;li{\ asdunl.r Aisi.'tatit to %N'. Kit by, t lladdon, R^^y. H4ii29 l rANTED, a situatiou a< Rirmaid; or u:iy otl.er li^ht • ¥ AXt;dia. br rl,t;dtuU :î?1aif!:)re,t Mcr'lur. fi'31a'd; I W Åf:u:r.;}Ad: J.ady. Situation iu any light ?i.A., I" iigh-.t?,,tN?wi,?rt. 30?28 SITUATIONS WANTED. ,X;;D=fuÎ: I waiter. Llandrhidod or I,hmwrtyù WIL nreierr.- l -Acl?ir.? W., P-It -tli-, 1203ml AS Groom. Willing to be u-efu!. Good reference!' A S Single. Age ,Jdr F. C., Rhymney, Cardiff 22S.28 A YOUTH, aged 17, seeks a situation as Footman under a butler; good character.-Adurtos Footman, Western al1 Ollice, Swars?a. 1.)15.28 -117 ANTED, a Situation as Baker. Good reference*.—Ad- -1- E" Poat ottice, Uak, 122i)ap2S AS Gardeuer. Wt?U up i?' the profession Good refer- AS ('Ädd:.U¡;¡3:t¡;elffJt't, (th: ùHf. llG2u2 j)-?Z1,7!ffD, b, a h,ide'iihtJl:lOYn;a. ¥" Watchman,Cmter, oi auy light ?ploy,? :at, wh r a total abstainer w >ulo be ru'pilred. Good references cau l»o eiven. Can roi1 fud write,-Addtcsa T. N,, '"W^teru Vair Office, Swansea. 50 APARTMEJNTS TO LEr. CAA™RDII. FF.- rurniBhed ApaitmeuU two sitti"S-* (1ARIHFF.-FlJrnIB1Hd or »el"mt,)-APl!i5y«,na7' "h;}föj¡,tt.ÙCI or øav&rat.-A2t i lARDIIf'F Apartmonts to Let, separate fcuvl' llu f T C AIIj at the Cambridge Hotel, Wiudsoi-road^o,aidnl. 1\.TI':WI'ORT:A.partm'-utS for a OcnUentta.- J.j Yjjlt- .1-' place, Stow-hilL _G<!Ii!.WU L'WASEA,AJ\artmeuts !"uml,hed with. (Itl!ct .(nUf. Mail- in o l.. I b oociLlitY.-Ad&? Avery, » £ *>.» lice, bwauaca. 1ATHAYStinfilmIshed Parlour and Hedroom to Let (y »t 2?, WoodviUe-terrace, (Ja;hays. Childieu '"?dI SW^SlTA~Oomfortftbie"Loilglngs for a young man engaged "g the day. "rwn modorate. -Adlreaj A- ,c.c,:s,1\g ¡:il ..tllicra::ol'al"'6út;t'd3 CARDIFF.-A Gentleman can be accommodated with C;llN;¡(<r ,1(:ÎIl': I at 50. Partridg(?_m.tb SJ3-U^ 1\'1 En1'HYR,-A.p.rt!ll'nt.-t'it;t; bedrooms ami 'J. sitting-room, at Lower Thomas-stroct.-Apply Q thd "We.tern Mail" Omce, hi?rtiy l 5?38,28 SWANSEA.—Comfortable Front Sitting amI Beùroom to Let. Gentleman D,,f,d, Tcrm 10s iturwc?k. Glamoruan-tenace, nun Christ Church, t)wa.nBe i IARDIFF.- -To Let, Comfortablu l-hu-niabed Apartmenta, V.' for a Single Geutleman. -Apply at 5, llrl¡¡l1tou-Iorraco. Carditf. H- APARTMENTS WANTED. A Y'OUNG GENTLEMAN, dining in town, requires Furnished Apartmeuts. Neighbourhood 01 Roath or 'l'n>.de¡an;lIl'Alldn,4"). fltatiug terms, Y U. Weawra Mail" Office, Cardiff. P Efogle\Re:ed"¡( BED-ROOM wanted for a single gentleman PgW,. town. -Addre s s B n n P"st-e!hc<, CCdiff. 1'247m:; DWELLING-HOUSES TO LET. I'O LET, & House (with stable attached) I. ROTe-stre?t Roath.-Apply to Sergeaut Hmtou, 8, ^r0/^}/™u £ Roath, CardifL 116mt CAEIIIFF Tb,, a comfortable pweUin^I mv, No 1 Britfhton-place, Conwuy-road, Cautou, Cardur. with or witbovt coacb-houpe, stabling, &0, Gu htttnd awl water on Immediate possession.—Apply to J, HuckweJ, Esq., next door. J2,íJIU'* (jAfglFJ°C(1B Cp°:ih",iï:lg: Dwelliit^- house And commodious 't"?p, with lAvge plate-gii« fH\nt Redback trani?. Suitable for aUf trade, Sitmue at :!50, IjUte-stiect.—Apply on tho premf5eEl 12i3.i29  '"t or Sol'. au Eieven-Roomed Villa, o^i^site To IlQt'8lt81:'I; to (.cor?. .(31.r:1 blr""t. Roath, Cardilf. 0%u*-{5 IRALF Ol,' TOWY._N_tg" To be Let, th?lt f July next, a g",t,?.1 R??id wHIl Garden. Coach-hous*, Stahiea, &o, Jtb or w^ out 4 acres of Grazing Land. Rent ,ory wodurate-Apply to Lewis L?.i?, Draptr, Swansea^ 1231.1 CAhif-7t"11àac¡"r. .or, h! "(),?, iif It?.t t;t particular*, apply at tho above a?ldrem. *IIU 1JENARTI1. -To be L,t Furuiht'd. & HUH, pleaaautly 6ituated on the Beaih-rcad.~Apply At in?or ViliA, I'enaith. Terms moderate. uH-ni i To lAt, R Ni:è(.roOlIlId Hovje, Mtiuted in Vj a healthy neighbourhood.-Apply at crwya Hot.d.nejr l'athR)s, 1Lu"l-j CA ;r J.ihJri,il';r Nos D an d 7, NorthcU street, R..th Car.iiff.-l'or particulare apply tti i? (.ieorge Hotd, l>nte-Btreet, C'ardiiy. lOiOwf PKEM1SES, &(, TO LET. TO bt- Let, two Farnn, within ;,iree miles of Newport, the om' cm taining 67 acres, the other About 1W re.i- For particulars ai»ply to G. J., Post-office, NewporOIou.^ KI H ES TO LET.—Two Giound-'Jooi Roonu in the ()It i, ':t;I).:Jittr nnd Schroder. JJocb. Cardi♦?. V2j1uI4 YbTRADI-'t;LVfl:, RE.-To be willi immediate J> .nsol 1 laaymouut and l'enddaufrju. contain lvl acresaud m acres, three miles from Gij<. N- •• i-on. Apply tn Mrs. Vau0han, AU'rllia, near ihnnun, Abwdare. 60x»m3 1^0 LET, a Room, suitable for Stock or Traveling Drap»:r. TO Lt:T Ed. "Western Mail D,"P, -Ad?;??..). T., blill IV' L:1;i1:át. il 1:ri p; !oc;;ril street, lirst-cKss Business Premises.—For particular? apply II) Mr, J(lJk.)u Daviea, accountant aud audir, };luk- chambers, Newport, Mon. G(iLÍIj.,l CAnDlJoT. -To rt, inHmt1ia.tclJ' 'Vafho1l;-ad Loft, j where a ood Hay .'L Cor Tr?.t been .I!i b ?, 1: -Apply at 2*7, Bute-road. 21 ,1 TO a1;:) i¿)teRtf];; Lot, a laitfe Shop ami Cellar, in ccutre of th'A town. Fixtures, ic., —Address Y'. 4, Western Mail «.»ffice, Cardiff. a2) W ANIOÙ-To 1. Let, P.oOtll_ for offi,. s )r,;t.,koo. &?e. -Ad W. L,lJa.n" Photogr kph -T, 20, igh t, Swansea. 6mtfai» LJWANSEA.—To Let, Ilt,l,li,, "C, ill, C?t- n tuge, ii required, at tho l>f»ck of Waltera-road, Swa:i3ev Address William Andrew, l'icton-place, Swansea P.M. t-3 PREMISES, &c., WANTED. 1T7ANTED, a H(;Uf>e. Rent not to "1 C40 A ¡t:¡n::)l.olt;t,(t ri:j.d.D;, "W,.t". Mll" Utllce, Cardiff. *& BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL, rpo LET. a Pawnbroker's Business, adjacent to the Dock '1"0 (7I;tI: I't:ck: 1i:dJltt.htf?; ll8f be secured. N.(??k to take to, -d ,.Iy t 0 b plfilges.— For particulars apply to Mr, T. H. Huntley, AiKtroneer and .BwdnC¡)3 Broker, Swiss Chambers. ti, Cr<><h)ajrbtown, ()art.li1f. 0177myj TTJL H T OUTFITTERS.—To be disposed of, in thubswtinc- rouglUare in Cardiff, a small business, in hflllG 1'( ung Man, with a capital of £ 3(K), may make a good return. Stock, lixuire? and furniture under JEIOO. —For partiaulars, apply to Mr. J. Samuel, Auctioneer, Drapers' and OutrU- t"l't and Valuer, Church-etreet, Cardiff. I249aS by private treaty, three double-licensed Public-houses in Swai sea Splendid business p<>ftition»i. —Apply, with stamp, to D. R. 01 Western Mail' t)l1ice. Swansea. C,)3 "23 ri^O LET r the ship luo, Park-row, Bristol (long lease the '1'0 l; ;Il: ï}: ing -()frBiI:Jgo¡l badq: hkl:U an Hotel in a .ty town. IL,18.1 ÚmS1'ÍlI.Walli'1- C:-Á;¡;eem" Bri?,tol Bridg? D -Monty Jitnt.—Free Bririt Vaults *ith o)ucert-h»li nud bowling saloon; commanding pJ9HtJD; only £ 190. Fi»e Spirit Vault: long lease near theatre; a bnre;"iu. £ 130. Fleo Beerhouse, midst shipping. '1'0 au immediate i-nichaHT £ 20 Fred delightfully situated; a KphNtliu position CID. }.¡èC Corner suhur'>au Beerhouse prttty ar; incoming £ 50. S»VANSKA7-T'H'LRSONS DESIROUS OF EMBARK^- f ING JN THE INNKEIIPING BUSINESS.—A w", respieiable and well-situ;ited UùU5tJ to Ld.; most centrilly Placed ior trade, aud now in good h\1il\n>8; ahmt £ ^.8d ft-;¡nirt .1 This is a grerit chaucc A.PI)Ucations to bû lù<i.lo to E, H. lLlth and Co., 6. Calvert-street, Swaasea 691j.-i<)0 "77T 2. All cv i OV' change, Bristol, li instructed To Let, w4tii .1WlUtdJtt.k Possession and Five Years' Le, nioely-titted Spirit Vaults, taking zE14 weekly. IwproduK aud densely. 1'oJ,1113t ld neighbourhood. Also Beerhouse, £ iW. I)EIBROK KDOCK-T be Ùï, t)?? ",I ili-?i, and Premises 01 a Pawnbroker, at Meyrijk-stteet, Pembroke Dock. A I.,g? ..d lucrative b??i.?. 1,. been carrii u on here for many years by the late Mr. J. Fitzgerald. -Al,¡;lj. to Mrs. }itl.ben"d, as above. Ifj1a'J"J TO Lit a G.o?,,y Business in R.ti?.-Apply at 13, Old Wharf, Curdig. 1121.?8 CAl,-RARE (Ji'i'ORTUNITY.-T.) ne Let, pos > set-ion iu about L, month, the splendid Busiuess Pre- nii*"8 1\v. t, St Mary-street.—For particulars apply aa aKive. Hl>ia23 J? C8;f2i\g &Ji- buy or aoll can e»fciJy att?in their obit??t <iuickly -?d quietly through. Mr. T. M James, Auctioneer ?,l ,,A? Valuer, bwauaoA X U.—19 years' exper;ence. 12 of which in leading L, i,io. t1rwl'. 5t),'l¡l -+ BOUSES, LAND, &c., FOR SALE. ('UOA- FH¡r Houses for Sale, situate inunediatjly j tx-bind tb. Companiefc'-row, in the Parish of Cogau, neav Penhrtb, Cogau. lOíd t..llants in each Uoiwe. —For V&lticu1an¡ 811111, to 1\Ir Chandler, Grocer, Pou:w1:h 1*74:m4 riN/ t;E SOLD by Private Contract, an Eleven-roomed, '1'( },i;Vst i.jit \)iJt;t::l;t,u:f\' ëb:: voau. ( anion Inquire of Mr. Daniel Jones, Surveyor, ic., Canton, Cardiff. (IARDIFF.—FOR SALE, Elsven-roomed Vill. t -top J of Castle-road, P,?.tb: Th Houw and Shop il. Maria-street. Two HOII?3 in Emerald3tro(?t (off Clifton- stn:ct): Five Homes in Sun-street, eizht rooma 6h F.epaiately or in block SemUletached Villa 1n Crockherb- town (opposite Edward-tenace), 111.omX903 Psir of Semi-detached YIIW iu OaktleU-street, £ 1.300 Three Vdlas I. evil crescent, L??.th. XI ?l Splemlid P. with a f..te of 240 feet to tho b,.t tb, ghf,,?? In ..th.d. TO LET, El.d ViU.1,,C ?l rent £ 45; Piece of And within two mileeof Cardiff, with a frontage ffl?t to Gl=iorgombirc- Carnal: Shop in Bridge-street: IR 1. Coldstream-t.Trace, immediate ;?l!-it:e Vr! IU101gtH:t 8, wr;t Cardiff. ¡;¡6ùJ I)E,N?liTli itll[;){ CIC::eS;JL X 8ti?t, Ti, well painted and papered all tbmuyb. Water and a.s laid ou Excellent stable aud back )?rt sto.-A p?ly t? Mr. D. Evans, Plymouth I£OUd. Peuaith. 1-ltml CAt-'3U,{!Ùl:eeta:tl\safc>:tIt I Agent, '?l, iv;illkent-etreet, C.r,litf, has for Sale three DweDing-houses -d Shop, Bakehouse with two ovens, aud lot t o\cr, detached. A splendid invbRtment. 117:'ai^ T?REEH()L1> LAND.-For Sale, Six Pieces of Laud, on r the Fre ehold, Llandatf-yavd N. 14, 15, lii, and 73, 74, 7.Apply to Mr. David Daviea, Carpenter, Fn'hnld Lu>l, Ilnndutf-yard, Carditi 11 MACHINERY, TOOLS, &c., FJR SALIC. SECOND-HAND rix-hor:e 1:ortablc St-am Engine and new Mortar Mill.-Apply to Barrows and Stewart, Engineers. Banbury. # 3ti ONE First-class BOILER, by Musyrare, 3Ult. by 7u two tints, l'no plate iu one piece, ontid angle iron And mountings; workinR at 6jib.—Apply to C. 11 Berrisford, Wellinkton-chambers 2, Victoria-street, Manchester mO COLI.IEHY PKOPiUtiTOKS and OTHERS TO -<tltLJ.¡¿\{"'tnr ::1.¡t delivery, 8 U, 18, 26, -,1 35 h.r,?o power Portable rryKn: tb 25¡in'kIOo::err; ing drum, gear, Ac., complete. Also a 9 borsa,power Vertical Engine, with link motion reversing gear, suit- •ible for mining operations. For Sate, an excellent f Ðrl,able Steam Engine and a soven-fp"t pan Mortar ill.—Apply to rowe and Stewart, Eu¡¡looo", Ban* y, 5044ws 1H7t((,ilí;ksO6 r;bl' !E t two ues Hopkinson'a safety valves and t clars U!ol1l;.tiIJG:n; equr.1 to new; Ollt, awl revly for i^ mmediate lh'\i\'t'I1'APIIh" to C. H. Berrlaford, Wclliu¡JtoIl.ehf\mhlH"8. 2, Victoria-street, Manchester. 512", MACblnititV, TOUJL-5, &c hX>& ciAUhi. CHARLES D PHILLIES "Patent Its- Pump 6-1 %i Engineering OOttl MOD po,vTABl.« ENGINES IGI MaJ. or Hire. 4 b pby Hor.by. 8 b.p Portable by Brown an<4 ay 8 h p. Portable, by ClayoJ>, Duubie Cylinder and ilia vtrnUi#, Hear. 8 h p Portable, by J ewln. ii Benm Kngiue tor Winding, 16Ln. Cylinder, to be 80ld chCAD 6 h p. Portable Kngine, by Clayton. 7 b.p. JV'HaMe EIIi1Je, by H"lJy. 8 b P. Portable iue, by «-i-wton. Double Cyttadors. 10 ILp Portable Engine, by hornsby. SUNDKlEa. 6ft Pan Mortar Mill. aw Bent\ tahe aOiD. RaWI. aw fienci, take Win Nawa. Two Sin, Pump., Lorry, .1?-I to 8 toJ., cheap. 6 and Cin. Fl.g" ?ip"' Patent Universal steam PampH, all size*. Grindirg Mill, Portable anti Donble, quite new. witb iron frame, and two pairs of 4ft. Fieuch Stones, will be sold at a great nacritke. All the above, with exception of Lid four engines, can be seen at CHARLES D. PHILLIPS'S Machinery Warehouses, Newport, Mott. See "South Wales Machinery Register" for other mil- chinery, "I-li ?artienlan on application 6084.?$ MORTAR MILLS f),t con^truetiou i"?o POltTAULK }}l O1flN)t!J'{ XJ\íil\l; t!u:tL/,lP 501,H X?NGINEH.—Horizontal, Portable, VertlMl, fr.. to 30 J.J b. p in stock or in progrem. Marine Engines .d I lc',PMbi;; off err3riPtioarti:t .f18::m -Apply to Wilfred M. Robertson, Engmoer, 1&3, ^'{een- 6treet, Glasgow. 5,02<1 ENKY PARKINSON, FOUNDRY STHBKT, BOLTON. FOR SALE.ENOINFA On« pall of 26-inch Hurizontal WINDING ENGINES, 4 feet .troke, winding drum and break Rear, One p.1, f 2-!?.?h Horizm¡t!Ù WINDING ENGINES, I :t!b:;Onrkabalthe abo,. are fine engines, wrouaht iron ?r..U nd .?dtt. One p" ir.1 18-?,,? HOJizoDt.¡ WINDING ENOINES'I .t"ke 8 feet, winding drain and break lIeM. Three pain of 16-inch Horizontal WINDING &NGlNE8, stroke 8 feet, winding drums and break ev, 0,, pirl I iLh Horizontal 11?IDIN. NGLNZS, .t,oh,? 3 feet, winding drum and break gear Two pairs of 12-inch Horizontal WI \DI.IGBNCJINE3, 2 feet stroke, winding dram and break gear Two paira of 10 inch H urlzuntAl WINDINO ENGINES, i.cli., r "?, gear. ENOI "K'S FOlt RUNNING. One 22 inch bih pre",o' e BEAM K ^GINE, VO,7 strong and 5IelfroDtaID<l requires no engine h .uso. One double cylinder VKKTIOAI. KNGIi-llS, with apar fly wheel. 1 10-inch HORIZONTAL ENGINE„. 2 lS-inch » I 2C-inchfiingle HI)!Iï:();\T4.I, ENGINES. 144 inch vKKTlCAL Ki,GINE. 10incb II I. t 7-inch II II 1 6-inch „ oj-inch VERTICAL ENGINES. 2 Tl inch HOIU/ONTAL ENGINES. POBTAliLB ENGINES. 1 SS-horse PORTABLE, with slot link motion, by Clayton and 6h.ttl.?,,rth, mounted on toW' 1, v,b,?, 1 SO horse, witli slot link motion for winding. and mounted on (uur strung wheels, by Marshall and Cn, 1 20-horse, with slot Imk motion for winding mounted on four iron wheels, by Koby and (it). 1 ls-horne, with slot Unk motion for wiudii.g, by mu- shall and Co, 110 horse power engine, by Koby and Co, 14-hor^e power port«Me, byClayton and Sbuttlewortb. Ilb-horse, by tialt(,n wici "b"I"_rth. BoiLEKS CORNISH BOII.1mS, 30 feet by 7 feet, safe at 80 Ibs on tb? square inch YJrt1"Ure. 4 GALLON AYS P,%I'KN4 BUILEM, 30 feet by; feet, Galloway's tul" aIlr,tR'i',t,;ey 7 feet, 2 fl-?- through. 2 TWO FLU ED KOI i.KItS, 2a feet >y 7 fnet. I TWO IT.UK 1) B >ILKK, 21 teet by 6 f.t, 1 ONE-FLUI D BOIL&X, 14 feet 6 inches by 6 feet. Iditto 13 feet by 5 fee,. 1 ditto 11 feet by 6 hot' I ditto 18 feet 7by 6 feet. 1 lMiorse VERTICAL BOILER, Field's patent. STAM HAMMERS. 2 21 cwt. STEAM Ha.MMKKS, with anvil block. 8TE4M INCfiES. 2 STEAM WINCSHL F,,4, to Whit 3" cwt. lb 2 Steam (lib CRANED, to lilt 6 tons each, suitable for wharf or uilwny purposes LOOOMOTIVS ENGINES 2 10-inch TANK L'Ji OMOTIVE ENGINES, Copper Box and Brass Tubes in tirst-cl11is" order. 1 14-horfe Koby IU) VD STEAM Sl'EAMER, with Thomr.son'8 patent india rubber tyres 7NRY PARKINSON, VULC,N FOUNDRY, FOUNDRV-STREKT, BOLTON. fi!R1<f TiolLEKS, TA«KS, and CISTERNS of vanouj JJ are always in STOCK, t Th"inu Willm, 6ondon ?oile' and Tank Wuru, W?t Side We.' Bute Dock, Cardiff. COLLIERY TRAMS, WINDING BUCKETS, and IKON GIRDERS made to ordar. Price list post free 6(8Sd IK. COMPRiSslNG NF8 OF A, S Fi, A I'kCt?TYJTh1ILtf/)?l;K;ff ING ENGINES, ROCK-DRLLLLVG and COAL, curriNG MACHINERY. TANUYE RROS AND STEEL. BfdruHc and General Engineers, NEWPORT (O,) AND SWANSEA 5170d I)OE:\OÏN'U: with or without Windiim and Pumping (i?r, in excellent order, Vi¡, 12 H P. by Hust?in and Prictor. Ditto by Cambridge. t htyCtN1.nd Shattleworth Ditto by H L 'y am! S,)m, 6 H.P. by Clayton and ShuUlewortb. 6 H,P. b? y Roboy and C?. Magnificent p3ir of new H,I,ontd Windtg Ennes, dir,, diameter by 86iu, stroke, ready i., imme- diate delivery, V?,tiv,l 6 H.P.. with fIttings, Ditto, 4 H P, with tHt1;¡S, Ditto, 2 H, P with titt?.g?. i FaDD(:)2 fPiJiof,rill:hao9ting, 8ft. dlametor. F.. (LloyJ'a), 17in. diameter; good condition. Saw Benches, for early delivery. C"st and wronght-irou work, .,I "earn b(,?? of ev?ry description at short notice -Fiofdirg and PUtt, E.gi..ers, Boilermakers, and F;)nnit Lll11,11.111,111 Illd H0RSES, CARRIAGES, LIVE STUCK, &0. 17i 0'. Bull, Scotch, and Skye T,i, pure and gauie; aJpu, L»e Vox and.Live Badger.-Apply .it Golden Tea- pot, H.vcrlurdw<ot, II", f^VATKIN'S CLYTHA <JARKIAGK WuttK.t Clarence place, Newpoit, NOW ou SALE;— Price. New lWiaggoDCtte (to carry eight) ^5 New occart (with J"II1P'¡. 32 New Whitechapel (IfibAuds) 3 New Lome Car (with lamps) M New Doucaster Whitechapel (with lampd) oJ New \> hitechapel (for C-.b) N,, 1)Jt;¡;"iïrlc;f]:rf1: *2 yaw Butcl n.r's or Market Cart *0 Ntw Flour or Grocer's CArt 20 Ntw Flutir I)r Grocor's Car. .2 I Secoud-hanu Flour Waggon .15 ,.??.aLancLi'lour 24 W.,VgV,agg(,?,ugwdco.,Iitio.??.w ▼ » four-year-old Cob, -A,?ldrms T., Post-ottice. Metthyr Ty,l ?il. l?OR SALE, a Loudon ¡milt W?gg tt? (for one or a pHir), nearly DeW, cover»nl in bluo cL)th, with brako.- Address Coachniau, 6, Crule-strect, Walter s-road .Swansea. 5:ti.3 11.0R SAI?E, a handsome Bay Cob. Good action anl F(g.d in h. free f;¡VitiOi:t, 1 fiv" years -Awlfat :J, Cutc'>troot, Caxdli^ n^^i. 1 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. TjiuiNOFORTl^ the cheapest I)IA:O!;pat\I:SLOdjntdg;; ¡ makers, at J. KobiVon's M,.jc W.,3h. 23, 0-f-ld- stieet, Swansea, b.i. -g?nt for i?'a spleudid organ- toned Harmoniums. F.hi?.tr=mtg"mitetid. T a organ, pianoforte, hamonim, &C., taC Piano- fortes, &c., t-,d and ?ap.i,.i. 50<J2mw 1^1 OK Sale, a Field ot utclie? and Rye, UOW rt:ly for .L' cuttinK, at Coed Saisou Farm, Sketty.-Appty t the Farmhouse. ûù5:Jwl LIGHT wdbaik Brahm* EKJI. from prize birds, 7SL OA a dozcn.-Ailcl-ciS il. Dtau, 2Oô, Bute road, tJli11 WAI 'T'2 6-1'X(?HAYW Kinmiu Piano by CoUard, nearly equal to new &ud ,ahwd Jt 20 guineas, for a Harninniura or African Organ of tbesame value. AWly at IS, ^,eru- ro?d, C..t. Vùilf. d 5û.:J2J T ARGE Doublo | Iron Fireproof Safe, 3C inehos a'luare, 1.1 Ai with lWIti.'ITff£:Œc;:t:I: gain.-Mr. li?,t?hi-, 20, Bridge-street, Bristol JJal CiIDER for Sale, a f,- hogaheaiU. sweet aud bright, in cl?Flt?t,f So .1. t 9d. t::(:rl l>ee on rails at Bcn:foru. Cash wfth order or retertacf.. Add, li WUliams, Bui*th. a3 8FCOND-HANI)Hining-Room Suite, solid mahogany, riYv.-n- d in real leather, comprising couch, two easy and G chairs, £ 16 16s.-Mr. ilutcbms, 20, Bridge-street, JMbtol. [!I7 \1\ t;Y2, ini'l;¡:a8iR1D:; beautifully iniaid, VV £ 12 12s also Gilt Frame Glass to match, together or Bl11Iua\t;' Hutchins, 20, liridae-street, Biistol. á80 ]- AT11F Uiu. centre, 'It- blll Drilling and Screwing j Machines ready.-spencer. Tool Maker, Kci¡'k)', W2!d tJl-LLNHID Al-?h-9 YB.I,t?,,I, .1?g !it b.. rl i £ 6 lf«. Solid Mahogany Wardrobe, with drawer at bottom, large size; £ 5 15a. Mahogany marble top Wa.^ h etand £ 1 cS.—Mr. Hutchina, 20, Bridge-Street, Bristol. &DSri SKCOND-HAN I) Walnut Drawing-room Suite, eooiirrisiug Geriuaii-head sprifg-stutled lotm^e, two ?l?g.? t walnut aøj; and six cbairs, solid walnut, covered iu rep; (J Guineas. Also, oval walnut centro table, on carve 1 pillar and claws; £ 15a, Walnut chitfonniere, with plate-Klass back and dcora, marble top; £ 558.-20, Briige-street, BristoL 5,61 EXCELLENT Cottage Pianoforte, full c )inpa89, in splen- dJd walnut cjse,c*pital tone, 5 years' wntteu waxrauty given. 20 gUlueaa, about. halJ-price.—Mr. Hutchins, 14, High-street, Swansea, KIRK MAN Pianoforte, full compass cottage plau), in ](Ñ: :(i¡Y-ijlYr Huteiiius, 14, HiBh-stieet, Swansea. 51:SI) SPLENDID :1 Wa'nut Drawing-Loom Suit 4covered in l.estgreen velvet, eousistiug of Gerinau bead com b 2 carve l eisy and 6 Bplendidly c1.fVL'(l cb u H, MJo, a ÙfHaiJ1.-Mr, llutchius, 2U, Bridge-street, BristeL 5j?i) I^3 AGATELl.K IO\ 8ft. long by 25ius. wide. Con- dition u« new. miti iut?,!a-rul) cushions, lulls, \c eomnlete 10s.—Hutchius, 20, Bridge-street, B?l: 571 IHCTURF.-FRAME MOULDINGS.—Hia. Map1o, IC?.; 2 i n 14 in., S ?.P,,I.T1 (12 feet).-For Trvle List, ,)I' t jtvl'm Picture-frame W.rU, Splotl.uela, C.Iliff. I[)d CAPITAL Secou.l-hand Drawing-room Suite. Good con- CA;ftf, g¡;'¡;d chnfIJ:f:;lat ?- Solid walnut. A bar<;aiu,—Mi. Hutchic3, 14, High-?.r»»eL MlbCKLLANKOCS SALEH. J V>ONTYl'(>OL FIItE BRICK k COAL COMPANY. ] )O?;LFI:lt;k;:<' > &tiy A.8 c; quantity.- tjuotAtiona on Ppli-?i- t f Mr. F-.t Deacon, Mining Engineer, I u.t) pool. 6&jod (^HIMNEY Glass, Ur^e U <>. b^t Plt-?. £ r. A bar- (nEl:J':fõ:II.A; lati.£J£¡ri'!t Higb-atrtet, bW"UM. GJ8 1 '0 SMOKERS AND TOBACCONISTS.-Tbo i,( i di. Rubber T,?t- -4).? -Ipt 12,. M. i. stairpa Auùn)Q. Abhot, aud A??i?-. will 8t'Uti a l.rg. ,i", ",it, "g Tobarr/> PO;Ih, with your name or any n:ottn einbo^ved on the front in raised t?tt'.A liberal amount to ibe t,.d?t. h-! A,IY at '1Z6 i aud 17, 0-til -t', t, bwmim P-. 5112J I)LU .\1 BAUU.- For Sale, a -niautity tinest Nuitn German washed, lump, and powdered, £ 12 to £ l» (..r t,u f.o.b. ri. or atr. Sumplec, terois. ic.. apply to Wheeler, Maples, and Co., 7, Rumford-street, Liverpool. 12>J.'IU4 IfOhL'rbn:tt7;}i .h,?k lever -1 arm, ?ajoement action,^ haudsome walnut caM;. ? "am'w;irrAiity, quite new, cost 75 "Ulll! ?'i giiint:? cash ",w Pianos from 19 guiUCLi; R \'cral sa ond-liand Pianos, cheap; Harmoniums at a grct reduc- tion; large: J'edal Harmonium (1)rria1d Lessons given ou tlie Pianoforte aud IlarmouiuuL— J. Webb, Book awl M!1lilc- .0l.r, 184, Bute-road, C.?diff 70emw FFl?.gH Tlircahed Wb(?st Straw for 8 e. -Apply tp Mr. F'\E:(lTiijl¡:8r:GOriePi:f- JiiON Fire-vrcof hate, auJtcd for a private gentlem a n. ll:nh-ih By eur:Jttcn:ïr'1 PílilíC'taJ\11I,tl: e.-iUnt conditio^. t3 10, Mr. ?,?l 1. 14, High-atreot, RIt. r:138 S (¡r;rtbr: T1!II;: with ¡;¡:r ex- 1) ??p1'r and sliding leavv?. To hold ,aat Mr. Hutebins'fi, 14, Hjg[¡-btrcC, Swanaea. ftfSf "1 ARGE Mahogauy Wardrobe, with c4?ntr(? pla I.Lgi(1(? r. Ji A I 9,,i?. ALo, Marble-top W"!ihhnd and Too, Table with glaas attached.—Mr. liutcuuu, 14, High-street, H,"aL,{:8 6jd" JEWING MACHINE.—For S&'e, a -;õ;SlnVr'1 CabInet Scwjn I*cll,, in WB'Dut case with appU>vrCJ8 tor all kinds of work. C.?,, prf:e £ 15. Vt. be so.d to an imm^lia-o puichatier f r tn ((UiDCIUJ No etter or more lieautiful lwuhine can be obtained. E.j.?, ty?bi?. C., pr?. ,t to a la<ly. May bo ae-n at Mr. Huntley a othoes, J audio, to M-F t,C. kh.bt. Cardiff. 5211 Swias Ch-b?M Ciockhe/bfcown, Carditf. ola*d fi"* O lioUSEK EEPERS.—A -o- H()- Wah r, wash- Jl ing. wringing, and mangling combined, ou very advau- tog"ow; terms,—Address IL S. ,,¥03t'Jthc< Cardiff. ,2, IilANOS, SECu.VDHAND. -ceverai very good ou«w, re- turned fi orii hire. tol»e Bold ch»;ap,—Apply to Thompson and Shackell, Victoria liause, 4, Quewiutieet, Cardiff- 52J3d I^OR SALE, Four large Stoves, for heating schools and churchea. Can bcoeen at'1'rcode¡¡&rvil!"Cha"el.-Apn', tv Mr, KuJIJ, £ 8, Systeja-atreet, Splotlanda, Cardiff. 51>3d "W/HITE LIME (burnt entirely from selected Cork li, t v atone may be had 'l,ly th,, C",k White Iml' Company's Workj. Ea.it Moors, Cardiff. Prk. fic., on application to the Manager, EL B Moriton, II mol- *illa. Boath, Cardiff. 517?,v MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\7ANTED, the Consignee for about 53 tons i gun "r \lt r:(',S} ¿, a',?jjnotl i,, f,tl:lt 1:d L.y d.3? ?21?th ApriL—Apply to u J. Bcgg and Co" Ship Brokerw, Cardiff. RS. PURSE'S MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS M^h 1\1 Rtr,i!f:Io!iN:I1rtl,I;'i: Ji:}t tiei!. HSyd 1 IIIIfTtiWi:rilayolloO J)¡lf .) ronghw ..d Watts's Li?lir,l 1)1,, 11: C),??. p!< te — Apply for terms to the Proprietor of th, r-sain House Hotel, Llmurinuod Wells, Radnorshire. 5^i,3 \\tHATTs YOUR MONOGRAM?—Send 13 atAmps to f f GLASS ",k (" 0C-r-Ji tf' who will forward you 12 sl »-et« of notepaper a?a 12 euvplo E-%mr?,d in c,)I?il with "Y one, two, or tl,.?, l?tt?., or lady's name. Al.? ? send for one o( GLASS'S COMIC PACK KTS, wut ?iu- ing I ditreænl designs, Bent post /roe for 13 otamp", Fi ve i.g of i»aper and 100 envelopes stamped i..y .1,).r f?, "'0 UR CA" SIR* Send 4?. Gd. i. stamps to ia' JdO, :iPff,S¿ !Vo BJtli your name, ..?d print JOU 100 Ivory Cards, al1S forw '\rù them post free to any d(l??.. To Merchants, Traleiuien, ani othera—Glass's Patent Endorsing Machines, engraved with your name, bus ness, and ?ddr-, from 16e kL-V,, UR AMK, SIR? Your name engraved ou a brass or zinc plate for )our door, f 5s.-Glass's Stencil PJ,.we for mtkiug linuii, &C, Initials and uatiie, 2i &1.; initials only, 18 Gd. Sent post free to any addrc** on receipt of stamps to Glaw and Co., Engravers, Die Sinkers, And General Printers. Car- diff. 5O¡'d IT having been niaioured that Mr. And Mm. AUSTIN, o IT :3::tt-h,-act:r':rI:' up buying second-hAnd clothca, they take this opportunity of anmring their patrons that such is not to l"tLI,?y prepared to ùh:r 1m unusually large urice for ladies, geutle- meu s, and children's left-off WIaJ11Jj( Apparel, Boota, kc. Parties w aited upon, or parceU forwarded. P.O.O. instantly remitted. 31P.?d MRS. BEER, No, 30, Caroiiue-reet, C'irditf. 1\1 Rl:i, Ir f/;e hJr CLjtf ami Gentlemen's Lett-off Wearing Ap.,?l, Boots, kc Par- ties waited upon, and P.O,o. remitted for parcels. 6217,1 YOUR FUTURE4, seven rears, Rix etamin; Lo:1,I T-ilis mIlD, sixteen. State age. -•U Mt.hrtWll, <2, Uu:i- 8t.tt. Daveiitry. MONEY. CO :l: J.j/t; ia:i:nr;: ;I ga Advances npon their property may xecure sums of any am unt up to £ lf0 OCO by Applying toMr.T. S. Huntley, FU?.,icial Atut and Public Accouutant, W3c113wt>er.i, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 61O,JLûwt rpoWN OR COUNTRY.—DISTANCE NO OBJECT.— X TIt,'LL)E 8MEN o kd, 'y obtain nine cn deposit of Surp.oa bt-k. Ot UusdasoaaWe Goods, imult ?i?'* application. "VANI?ES 11, also made upon dtmdt of Jewellery, Plate, Old China. Pictures, Furniture, itc.. at a d1>ccía\ ratd for each transaction. nOlJrve tho adÜ.r1Ii, Mr. J;Jhl\1ipa, Carlton House, Cluilea-fltreet, Cardiff. &22kl IOANS .?d MORTGAGES.-Money to Lend i.?.,o I,I n ,r?oual ??trity, at 5 per cent, per annum interest, repayable in t,) seven years. A., several eunia «• on mortgage of freeholds a )dle;iaelohlii from 34 percent. Terms. 10 to 21 fearn. NocommRi'm chaived. "A 1, to Weasra. Btvan, No, 10, LinoouÚ inn-tielda, Lon- ?o. W.C., persona ly (preferred) or by letter. N.B -IntereaC aable h?lf-y-?,ly ..d ia ..t ,q.ir.1 I. advance. &Ui7d STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL IMME 1)1 ATE CASH ADVANCES to Householdera, Trades- men Farmers, Cowkeepera, and oth. The ab?ve c%u it, advaur? an th?ir furujture, stock ? and ?ty.m. from £ 10 to r,n:t:g\ti6i:cgl' I i?l t,? re<iuired, .it t pUblie1t,Apply to Mr, {. Bu, nctt (Private Ho?), Belmont HOWIe, Ch.,I-.t,.t, Cadit!. No cliarge unless the money ia advauc<d. 5010,1 ESSRS. W. nnd S. HERN, Estate Agents, Accountant*, &c,, 8, Working-street, Cudiff ?t- prepared w Ad- vance from .£W to Q- ,L'W, murtlto of fIcdlOd or leasj- bold 1'.1",ty. HARRIS and CO., Loan and Discount Ollice, 220, E Bnt'vroid. C.,ditf 'I 6C^a, Queen's Clumbers, Deanagate M&nch8:er, Iromediate advances made to farmers tradeanieu, And others, ou personal security, their furniture aud etff ctl, witl:out removal or pu")lica1. it reo qltirw. Trade billb diacouuted au ?.y t. Advances m»de also on plate and every duoriptiou °ÅItr:\t No cliargvs unlesii th? .?y:. advanc.id. All coininuuica- No 1, :1. d,3.tW., -d to be dar?.?d to the ',bu- ti("' 'tr .t ly cbi.-6ter Ollice. olded R, E D U C T 1 0 NI ND 18 C 0 U XI. Householders, Tradesmen, Victuallers, Cab Priprietore, Wheelwrights, Daiijiuu, Fanaera. Arti.:ios. Mec.iauifs, and others can have C'Ask ADVANCES ou thjir llouje; hold Furniture Stock-iu-t.rade, Cattle, 01' Horses, WlTllOll REMOVAL. Distance n,. object. Distress for Rait, hl'li1f&' or County Court Execution paid out to auy 3mOW¡t by l,]i- at th, w 'L 2 -F ENGLAND LOAN AND DISCOUNT Oh FILL, ANU Hou.se, Chavles-i trett, or 2, Bute-terrace, Cardiff. N.B.—Applications t ,?d'. t," Cash adnmccd :\lo o. dt:P08i fpiilnos, p'?ate, diaJuouÚ. or unseasonable stock-iu-trade. KGOmtwth S.BLAlbLRG, ans;er- nX i,HIrIHKRTHYR A DOWLAIS BUILDING SOCIETY are PREPARED T,j LEND, at the 840rt,01 bunco. Sum a of Q t,) £ loroo REPAYABLE in MONTHLY or QUARTERLY BORROWERS In th>s Society have SPECIAL ADVAN- TAG IS not obtained In or-her Soceties, or fro:ii private Individuals. The legal coats aN paId by the Sociy, ao-l the indepecdeLce of the Borrower, so lODK ? his stipulated re-psyments are .d, is secured by tlw iV/gistiar under the Prfendlv Society's Acts. The utmQ6t secrecy h; m,iuthllit. F,Z?? ifparttatiii U** to M r. E, ROBERTS, at the Ottice of thefety, 34, VICTORIA-STREET, MERTHVIi.^ 1\1 Odi:I:Jty ADVANCED, without 111 "?,ct ?l' in ?t'i" ?.i'leuw to respe.-tahie liorseholdtTs p,,f,?,? gcntlcmùU, tradesmen, l'AK- MERS, cowkeeperp, car and cart owners, and othe.-s, upon xnortgAge of thdr ?ittir? 6toc, gmwing t?mps, Agiioul- tuw Implements, cAts, caits, A.al eft?W, &;id, 1i rCtpirel. without pnbümt, No '1 ?,rg? u.1- .?y adv"lced, C. )? aho immeliateiy Adduced upon \hf)odt of plate, jcwelleQ', pianoforte*, surplus stoet.—Apply to Mr. A. Collins, 31, Queeu-tqiwre, Bristol (private house). 13321020 A GcnthlD'C haa the followiug Bum of imney to b 1,.t ou mortgage on freehold property. £ 12,000 t 4 p?, cent iu large or small sums. Appiy to F. U. Peavoe, Auctioneer, 3, Church street, CArditL 5o2/d £60 °1=!trï;tOk; Biisiuess iu one of the leading thoroughfares ofA-Applll in unit instance by e ter to Box 25, "Western M..ü" 0,,Crlliff. MONEY LENT by the N;tiooal D,p,lt "-1, 11 and l' 11, Russell,street, Covent Garden. Londou. from £ i0 to £ 1,C00 at a aY'8 notice, for short or long periods, i. t, or .tr,? it"?t pu?licity, to JUal or female, on their note of hand alone, or UrOD deeds, life policies, furniture without removal, tre stock, plant, Cropd, or f.r.i., im- Elements. No sureties required. Iuterest £ 5 per 'I'?t, Distance DO o'Ljecl The Bank having a larg amount of C3vita1 at command, no good application i. rdld Al, !y p,,r.Ily, or ifby Icter ?tt?, -?-t required. R P> nell. Manager. {Ill "JVfONEY TO LEND, to Borrowers residing in Town or 31 Country, from £ ;0 upwards, repayable in One Sum. el),?utry, years, at 5 per cen* Interest, or l or d inal Security; to..¡ on 08Jeror"¡';e!:)idetrL 'i:i'i Propersy from 3 per cent., for a term (f yean to h agreed um Ko Commission.—Apply to R.. l'rC:iwa, E.iq. >o. I, Southampton-row, London, W.C. WIM T and CO,7" LOAN AND DISCOUNT A• OFFICE, No. 0, N^son-terrace, f. ,y &har,ced from £ 2 upwards ou stoc" funuture, &0., wi.hult removal, or on pcrzwnal security, and repayAble by eaay instalments. AU correspondence "tv confidential. Crwh advAnced on plate, diamonds, Ac. 51bld IH fJ] L OXEY immediately Advanced, fn.un XIO to £ 300. ou 1\1 oililr,ct:!t\t.t}: fiu.f180trtt:;tå; dence "P.s.?bl? by easy instalments. I)jl*ll?.d Execu- fillljCf:tbkr {+i1i)!;dY. D1Wdiut Apply by letter or personally, to Moas Phillips, Carlton (we, h r) 522iM ^i | USE ONLY FOTHKRGILL'S CIGARS. FSOLD EVERYWHERE. WHOLESALE-4, STITART-HALI, CAEDIFF. USE ONLY FOTHERGILL'S TOBACCO, F80IJ) EVERVWHERK. WHOLESALK—4, 8IUART-HALL, CARDIFF. 1>.d IjUUlLlKli REd 0 V 1 G JL1 (BY ROAD OR RAIL) Are respectfully informed that the ROATH FURNITURE VA-N Can be lecuied on the shortest notice. R. BRIOE, PROPurETO El, OAKFIELD-STUEET, ROATH, CARDIFF. 635lmwf EDUCATIONAL. ] ADIE8' SCH >OL, I^AUK VUTT I J TREDEUA iVH.I.B, CAROLE. Pr1n"¡l,al-i I ;s 1'U LUs. TheSummer'leiu: will GO;,nN(;t; on ?!ON )AY' tt? 3,d,f 51-). hiM'm C(JWJiR'D(JË.Thi88e' -DJ;S) ) BCHOOL for I'?. g lali-? ,,ill the Sum ner Tern;, oa "'))'jl:}; v :2; for a >v. rwKs Pupil. T-nnsmni»-rtte, LJELKCT ,SCHOOL tor YODHO LaD-Kk HEATHH,ED, ,o.¡,¡¡;A.. -¡"an. J-TJ AJ,TAKJ) r"œJV8 r. lf!lit"l nom""r 01 V'MJVCI LADIKti as KErfl;ENT Pt'l'ILSor D tY-SJCHOI. Vits Qieat e<lni:ot,ion»! wi-anti'.eef are ofTttv* with h.» c niforta.—PKO-)PS' TI'RON APPMCATloN. ARNOLD OOUEGE, WALTKKS ROAD. SWAN.-jEA. Kv It", ¡ ,k W JX1AMS. M.A., li Voting Ctu-.iom a ,r„ received •> IIoTders r D'iy Soi.i J ai.-j ?y t tf tb, r. ?,. ,,I!ug .;Y .•idvantaces are aHorded to puiii. t,, j :rl:rt: cerfe8iDUti;,r 'I an.< M IBS I G if T U ¡', (MRS. W. O. TitTK,) (-"isO( iate of the Londi n Academy ol -'I. J PROFESSOR OF THE PIANOFORTE, 3f. WINDSOR-PLACE, ( AUDIIF. Apiil -3th, 1:75. fi-.irmw L~AUGKARNiT"OBAMM7VK~8i5HO!,L RT LCLVA&,i, CARMAKTHENKHIRB. Head Maater-T. J. MoR.. A- Paplll r ;cei7.< ar. Education adapts to tLe 4/' *C ProfeMions or Commercial .Punnit!! r.Uroe .dtu." DC", t!e sea, on o! the mo^t h?,Ctb? pi.- ID South Wales, ant! ii peculiarly adaptel to .le.:e*te boya. The Education*! Stafl Is wiirely En<»h T.«ra Tnry moda-t'e. t > a a LUSLNKiSS AbDRES>SK3. f' r. ^^lLWAED'SENGI^NEKIilNG \VOitK8f STRAND, and NORTH DOCKS, SWANSE.V, have for sale, And in PI-Kft-, aeveral a b.p Hon^otai Engines, with or without link motion and tirimi for wicdni#. Also Boilers to suit. No brick-work or stack building required Consumption, About 10 cwt, per day; quick .team generators. Six, 10, and 14 hp Vertical Cross-tubed B"i:e:'1, OS" and second-band, in st<K:k. These Engines and R^LJers Are of flrst-clvn material, ana workmansh'p, wHh eCVnUa), d:¡. 'lltf. and eailY aceeal to ali working parts. PriceR uoapolic? tion r\tt OOlJ,(Mlti;1ŒO.N iJ UoJ., ST. GE I' G k;i lxi. HULMX, MANCHESTER Hate tbe lar^wt _nrtmnt ir the trade of PAT. IJLNS or SPUR WIIPELS, BiCVEL WHKEL.S. aod MITKK WrlEKLS, witn Teetb CsJt by M iCaindry a' fly Wheeb, Driving Paiieya.aL J. caj c. ja->p.»e-i B ored MdfUrLOd, If required Catalojmea on application Also Mannfactirere of E!iSt Kntfaes, c.)1!pr.1 .U tb. dencrlptlona of Btati »narv E"¡lin.wd Houerg, Mill Oærwll, CrAces, Ami Turntaolei., *c. London Ofiices: 6, We.nij-.irjiter-chatnoers, Victoria- 8I:reet, WdHtxiiwter, 3. W. 61 AND CLOVLIL SEEL)I. UKD CLOVER, BYE muss. A-c. Simples a.nd "1pt:d: <!1lI)ttlun:; for certain quantitlei fre by post 00 arJlaJ.un.. AI-i,), Wnt.1 ÍJr laying.t iwi beeda for pasture. JAMES HUNT EE AND 00.. Cfl, CL2mitK:. BRISTOL. 51W 1 TLIE MIDLAND WAGON COMPANY MIDLAND WORKS, BIRM.VOHAM, MANCFACTCRKR3 Or RAILWAY CARRIAOM AND WAOONB 01 e'8lJ description, for Cash, deferred payment over a aerieä úf years, ùr on hàø. Repaus by contract, or otherwise, exe^atad at fche following Stations Afcerdare. x.ghl. Brent Junction Rea-iing. Chenter. Hooo1 OÜ Crowe. Shrewsbar,. CheflU-rton. Staveley GL/U St. Helen's. i'toJre-on-T!en8 Leicester. Toton Sid.4 London Ditriet T"?U NEWPORT (:\Ion. 'ell:ug'JT'" NKWPOKT (MOEL Sta!, Nottingham. Wor?t r. PetorbjrooKh. Winston Jnncttoe tontyp .ol Road. And The Docks, Ca-liiJ, and Penarth. Second-hand Coal. Coko, and Iroostono W ¡)jf.;EU tol Sale or Hire, Including Repairs. D. N. ARNOLD, "dana/ei ;10 we B. JACKSON, Secretary ORIGINAL HioTrSTRKBr ivID I0, S?VA. NSEA. :s, ii-. W. L. CANEY Bts« leave to thank the INHAlilTANT^of S-V'ANSE.v anil the ieicbbourhoo.1 for thei' liberal nupport given him ltinr3 be soccedei to hiä lJll8ioH. formerly c uri.d on hy Mr. Saro:II:1 Chapnia1', an'l woula call attê,.ti -D t I liit atii'eiior finished I ii I'i L1 r S trow (J.\H.ll: I-I!: VISl'IKflZB to LIFE, plein of as oil paintintp ",1 tlJ.t rte-tineas will » carri" oa in a manner Hut "iH give satisfaction to Lis ¡ntrûll J-'■ -m*t QI H.P. STEAM ENGIK3, £i8 18a. Ditto WITH BOILER AND FITTING- Cot WILL DRIVE ANY KIND OF MACHiNSRY. Larger size. in Stock. CIRCULAR SAW BENCHES, £11. RAV, MEAD, and Co., ENGINEER- and BJfi.EB MAKERS, 3S, Opper Ihamtd street, I C. 26Sd NOT ICE 0 F REMO V A li. E. MAKTIN, 1 MEKELLA MiNUFA('rU2Elt. H," tú inforiu ber Customers and the Public generally that she haa liEMON-ED TO No. 1, QUEEN-STIiSKr, Where Business will be conducted a, usti U. Ca. diff, April, li75. SSiTaiw^ RA PHE SOUTH WALES COLOUR COMPANY. VARNISH, JAPAN, AND PAINTMAMTFAOTUR*h» FOR HOME AND KXPORTATION Hotisa and RIp Painters, Coachmakera, sa.i the trad, generally supplied at the lowost prioea, cousutect wvtf quality AUbualnese comic an! cations w be addressed to W. LZICH MULUX5, (Late with Nobles And Hoare, Lonctoa ) N.B -Manufscta^ors of the 8ate"Bi.v-S Lead WORKIv-FOBKSTKiJ'3 WHAHK, HWANSi_4 TRCTH MU 3T pRKVAIU"-COH*OS 3s .sk SILK AXD FELT HATS AVD CAPS OF EVERY DKSCKliTtJN. S. WEICHERT. ¡AUF.<CT(;REI:, 3). BriKsr.; DEPOT, t, h!H- ,r. Established la5S. Offers nothing eitraordinary, but really I()"j id. at !.lÍr and re:30Dbl prices. He uocs u .t lIinnnense stock," but sufficiently br for any MTI m to select from. He does not cheapvr t-aa iay other boose in the tr3Ù," but quite IU .Leap .a au, A VISIT WILL AT ALL TIM IS liE YE;iY MUCH APPRECIATED. Country Orders punctually atteadei t,), 3:J-IU?t-f gEND FOR PRICE LIST OF BLA;E'5 First-class Stun* Iton CIRCULAR SAW BEXCILE*. Planed Table, Fence, Pulley^ au I Ca,t S..inJk No 4Sin. by24in. will hlle tin Saw in •> 2.-T3bl" !'tin bv30in wiil '"b oOiT .J i. w „ J.—'Table Coin, by Kiin., for SOin. Saw No 1, with rlig ana falling spindk «•»" ■ :» 1 JOHN B 1. A K E, 1 ENGINEER, OXFORD STRBET WORKS, AtT-Hi^ '1^ T-O-TRADESMEN. -&i=Foi ch-1, an4 JL modcfRte printing, try *he "WesUTi :.r;:ill.st.< PrIDtln« 'A'.?kN C.&ff -d-"U', i'voices, Alvlc O,!t. bnsfaevi cards, cícc"¡" pri e r: ,-<, a:uI m<lW' r&lUJI1 fliTi1. Å("\ù1:.n books fll:e: V) cr..et "I tr.o ierate tonua. Itrtluiaici 08 .p;>ü::1I lo le_" KanaceN