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LOCAL finance. I

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides

LOCAL finance. I [rT OVIL financial editor. I CARDIFF, Tuesdat. Businew wan again reported dull toJay. but the transactions recorded numbered rather more than yesterday. All the Looai Railt; were ottered, with very little result. Buyers are holding off, and only one transaction was returned. An idea is abroad that active markets will not be realised till the turn of the year. Quiet markets are expected in 8.peculative stocks and shares on the London Exchange and however remote the psychological connre- tion between the Kaffir Cirous and, say. Bute Dry Dock or Rhynmcy Ordinary at Cardiff may appear, quiet markets in London would mean quiet markets here. This, then, is what the concensus of opinion leads one to expect, but it ie, a8 the veriest novice knows, a very worn truism that it is the unexpected nearly always happens in Stock Exchange matters, and for ourselves we de<"1ille to prophesy. In Rails the heavy lines have apain put on an oil-round improvement, and look as If tliey were on the upwarcf track. OtherwUse, the market i6 unchanged. London and Provincial Bank New Shares were in request, and changed h: d. at the middle price, though otherwise shares had a arooping tendency. Bristol Gas were up, and Newport "C" Seven per Cent, were done above the middle figure. In Coal North's Ordinary were off oolour and lower, business being done at the bottom. Bute Dry Dodcs were better, with more buyers about at the same price (571), but, busi- ness being done within the quotations, prices were not changed. Despite the favourable report. Mordey and Carney Shares (£10 paid) were (lOOO .at 14—the lower figure. Mordey ana Carneys fteMn to furnish an example, in a small way, of what has occurred in Rhymney Kails, The recent advance has arisen from anticipatory purchases, and an idea seems to have got abroad that the dividend would be at an en higher rate than 10 per cent. The Mining Market was steady throughout the d.y, .k though -I-- were slightly easier at the I-, an 4d--m was m-kz on moat of the shares chicoy favoured at Car- diff, PríN'8 for the day. together with last night e otowng quotations, will be found in anotlier place. BUSINESS DONE-OFFICIAL MARKINGS. bTOOKS AND SHARES. Birry Preferred Ordinary, 124. Bute D" Dwk. 5?? l-ondon-Provincial B..k N?? 19i. "r,dinI:e;¡d4, Niwport Gm C $?,- l?- Cent., tM. rI:h PAi?. Df'?'ed' N.fth KM?mo 0<<timMy. 1? Nertfa's Navigation '?)n per Oat, l'ref. 5;. MUlES, &0. r Famato Banibs, 1}. Hendersons. 2 17-32. Oceaoas, a 1.)6. CHANGES IN QUOTATIONft Rises. Brid.1 CN ".e w 0-t. 124?-? to 125-6. ^n-13t?U&» ThrM?nd?-HaU P" *nt., 117-19 118-20, I Oreai Weøtem Rail. O!\IiDao:y, 160-1 to 1f102-1!- GIW Rb raw P, Oat. Debentureo, Wl-T to S-l^ '«« Gaat. Dehentum, Lojgon^and X-th We- 0-Y, 180-1 t) Midland Ordinary, 163$—4J to 64. BOOM IN FREIGHTS. 7b. i*" 1911 oommitta did -11 to t?e ? .?t. What M,? vainly M?hno bring about by 1-g and '??'°"' discussion report, xferox-?. Monttf-refereBee. report Md  hM ot? dnhM th. period ?.p?  ?-?!!?'ij"??'?? ?*? Ie ØOIl.1Ii I to &a.è Market, \v.'ii«;h w.n; di.ll und lower to-day, freiplitc« were high. There wa, in fact, some. thiiiK like a worn ill them, and at times the market was quite exeittxl, an all-round rise of 6d. to 9<1, per ton bein^ reahVud. The cau,e. are fornd in 1he low rate of homeward freights i-nd the t vunny weather, whid, has kept back tci'ina^e till or d ers have Iv.rome niDismg. J'ttitfht^ for Marseilles were done «-t Vjf-, und i. ix. steamers were tidcen foi- Port Jitid at 6:3. All thy porta were done t un advance, and price, :>.re 8till rising. CARDIFF MILLING PREFERENCES. A eorresi>ondent writw that he i. unabl to Mnd<rstandwhy('M'di(fMi))h? Company Pre- ftrenees liOulù 1x quoted at so Iowa price a 3s—^ fw tho .EM !'?t'. H" proljably ,not the only one who 1ms won d ered at tl va g aries e l: Jti lO\l¡;') l::i; :i:llwf\Ùli l !.le ri: shares .? rtii?Md ai StoL'k Hx?h?? ?ist?'' ? n ay be well, however, to remark, 1,?4t tlw I ►nisctptibilitics of anyonu should be wounded, that our correspondent evidently attributes the low quotation to influences outside the Stock Kxchanifc, for ]>rocveds to rrtfue with thoHH vho fail to recoyrni<e a ::«]0(1 tiling wh"" they Ewe it. "Af, If he write*, "the preference ne reducK' to, cuy. x)5 and tho orrunary to £ 2 10s., tho to. would be off, and suftic-ienb working "rkin capital ooulu b2 introduced, anù, then, taking the profit for the year l.ndiu¡( .Tunc !r"t (and we auy reasonably look for larger next year), there would he ainple to pay debenture interest and a divi^dend of 6 per eent. on the picferenoe and 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares." A word to the wise is suflicicnt. GOLD. in accordance with th announcement whic. we mado in Monday's Western Mail," when d?hne;w(ththe(iu.ttionajK)pro?ptptsofthe Chal.tprl Compstny, and 'U?' promise i'? Tues- day s Western Iail," we now give \he (-colld in our series of sketches of the history and '01' of leading exploration and mining com. ¡¡¡wi" for which we hay" selected BARNATO CONSOLIDATED MINES. formed in July lasl, the Barnato CWoli- dated LJ\t, (LilUitt'd) have become .1?e of the mc?tuct.YHofthcK.bHistudM.'J'he' ?d.? ""pIta I i.? LI,D?;0,000 in ?,l sliare?. Of this amount £750,090 [u!lv.paid shares went to the vendors. 250,000 being issued to the ]>ublio at pwtv of the liwnpany has just been published, ajid consists of — ti) c.ouu claims, practically the whole of which ,\fe .3itua.ted in the Witwatcrsrand, and imme- di.,t,l cwuth of the most successful of the I'-and Mines. 508 of t1t,e c].m? have t? Fold to the Chimes Mines (Limited) in ex- okange ior £ 275,000 .n fully-paid sliares of •.iia* comyxmy. The Barnato Consolidated luui alfo subscribed for 250,000 additional hare in the same company, They now hold tho total capital of the Chimes Mine^(Limited), unionnting to £ 325,000. The lojnpany has also sold a number of olaims to the Rand Central Mines (Limited), and holds £ 130,000 (out of ;6200,000) (if that company's shares. (2) One-eighth, of all estate in Delagoa Bay. (3) Options over SOO claims and a number of reef-bearing farm., which they are now proi- 1>e0r.ii\L' .M)ilstofthe2.500chimswa..?ive))in th'  'Y't"m Moil" of Monday, from wh'ch ?wnH,.?.)t),atth[.varti,n,untysittmteto the south of and immediatelv next to tlie series oi outcrop mines of the Witwatorsrand, wh Vh mM9t,);Qdu<?d gold of the value of .67.000.000 and WiSich t1ti ycat'wiU produce nver LB,OGO,ooo worth 'laking the piesvnt price of Barnato Consolsat 'h'S would work out at an avera^po of £1.?OO ]jer claim. Tliis average compare mt'tarty ?3,000 ,)er?tm, at ?ino!t?e d?-pl?el property cf the Rand M?ues ■»Limited) i. valued on to-davs price, ",hilst, it -mother instance be taken; the Geldenhuw D?. with 21S claiinis, stands to-day at a pncc of 6i per Pi share, working out tOM average—r>.ft«-r allowing for the money spent Oil (iHtelopmeiit—of £ T,800 per claim. IHB .MIXIXO MARKHI'-TL,};SD.\¥'S PTIICVS. y!e f!'0V'"if Hs oI (j\1otat!otJ. Monday's clœing r,Jj-» n ii'e (wrentheses inUDe- fliLtely «afih; tiic nai>ic of thc company: Bulkis JAU-d, 7s. 21, 13-16. mto Consolo (2D, 13-16 £ fch* Exploration* (1 11.16), 1 13.16, Big Blows (A). Buffels (3), < 3J C'.Q.SUB fH), ?. Derbau Ucodepo}.'t. 71. t:Mt ?a!t(b(? ?. I, 1.16. CKrg3andMay(l).l'M GlcHcaims C3g). 1, i Gol<lflclds (11 7.1I, 12,. Hend.nns (2?.27-16. 2& (b;d). Johnnie6(?).4.?,l.M Kleiksdwps, 14s. 6d. bid. K?ts? ii6 Vloi (15-161, 1. Lyt)enh<.?Eottt<-a(I?. 1 3.16, M?Con.<.(2;).?IM6..5. Oceana (1 15?16), 2. Primrose (6 M6). 6. Iiamifontei-i (2 11-16), 2, 13.16, 11-16, Kwtfonteins (3J), 1. Spes Boni (lj). 1J. Dilited Rhodesia (I), I. Wcstraliu (j), 1, NEWS FROM THE MINES. Sr. J\hdd:n's T,t 1,Tt, return ? iM-i: four w?'i???" ? of g,.Id (?proximate value :64,950), 37?3 tOM of ore have been ,?,h,,d, 1,074- ,d f..?- l?.? f ,?,h ore '?v' h"?n ?npped. ..tiing 277-. '?'? ?Rhod?ia).- TI?,, (,?.,?d. Conw]:- dated Company have started work on t?n dif- I)It??-ks iii the Buluwayo distri"t, and <i? era,) ?afts w 11 be sunk to a low level. The p.(Mpeets ?f the ohum. ?re prouuM.? aJid ivarraiit extensive ddvelopment. Two reefa have been struck.  ?L?'?"? '??Y w been suo- ?'true.tM), u.nd the directors are n??" .tm?tn' ? for a \?t Astral' property, in HalW ti?e property of the oomp?ny at Ba1lamt, CWl Gold Cairns (Limited).- :\Ienzi". 00n801 Gold (,l"im. (Limite<l),- Th. \Jrllr. I»eid, ?'?'" ? '?n revived fro'n :Mr, I{{,id, (he loea l (lir?tor RoHin- ton Cnwoe Last Claim. 190ft.—Have driven m 2rL to the ide 1,000 Ka!l?ns of ^er P £ .r homi. lL.oocIe iI: ooks exceedingly p..i.- inz." Transvaal-Westralian Gold Concessions (Lmrtecl) -Th", ti.t batch of letters of allot- ?J?tn the ?.?ibove company have been posted ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS ll,qllili?- ?dd,,?,,d to the ??" "M b, ??.??we? ?d.M??fM co:ttm.M,pMM(?d ? ?;t.r hi? ??d f,,Il ad,l. as a ?l' good ?.'?' We cannot ?P? £ letter to such t?tMt-Mf!, but telearams with ? p??d, ,H receive caref ul attention. Ill,, ?<?"?<! br.?. or ?<er. ? &??:?'- ?"-?? Edu^ IV estern :Jfail," Cardiff,

daili STOCK AND shake list.I…









