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IN PARLIAMENT—SESSION 1896. B ARRY RAILWAY (New Railways, St. Fagan's to Walnut Tree and Aber Branch Railways of Rhymney Railway Company, and at Barry Island; Maintenance and Repair of Roads; Run- ning Power. over parts of Rhymney Rail- way, faff Bargoed Branch of Great Western and Rhymney Railway Companies, and in- tervening portion of Great Western Railway (Penalltau to Taff Bargoed Junction) and part of Taff Vale Railway (Hafod to Porth) Agree- ments with Rhymney Railway Company; Additional Capital; Provisions as to Pay- ment for Shipping, Discharging, Trimming, &c Liability for Lose by Accidents; Amendments of Acts.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that appli- cation is intended to be made to Parliament, in the ensuing session by the Barry Railway Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), for leave to bring in a Bill for effecting the purposes or some of the purposes following (that is to say) — To authorise the Company to make and maintain the railways and works in the county of Glamorgan, hereinafter described, with all proper stat i ons, siding?i, h., :t:ksI,îrv:i :"edh:;¡:; viz.: — I A Railway (No. 1), commencing in the I parish of St. Fagan's by a junction with the Company's main line from Barry to Hafod, at a point 7* (lira-ins, or there- abouts, measured along the said main line northward from the mile poet or mark I denoting 7i miles from Barry, and termi- nating in the parish of Eglwysilan by a junction with the Rhymney Railway Com- pany's Walnut Tree Branch Railway, at a point 3 chains, or thereabouts, measured along the said branch railway in the direc- tion of Walnut Tree Junction, from the mile poet or mark denoting 10i miles from Cardiff. A Railway (No. 2), wholly in the y?ah of Eglwy?i n minmmcing by a junction wit', the intended R.ilwy N.. 1 h?,.i.- before described, at or nmr a point on'the north-east boundary fonoe which separates the enclosures numbered upon the 25-in. ordnance map 2,290 and 2,291 in that parish, such point being 1 chain, or there- abouts, from the northernmost, corner of the Raid enclosure numbered 2,291, and terminating by a junction with the Rhy.y R.il-y C-mp-y'- Ab.? ¡hebail:r a :i¿?iIlLi'b: ther?bouta, m~ured along tho "id branch railway in the direction oi Cardiff, from the mile post or mark denoting 101 miles from Cardiff. Which said intended Railways Nos 1 and 2 will or may be made in the parishes of St. Fagan's, St. Brido«-super Ely, Radyr, Pen- tyrch, and Eglwysilan, or some of them. A Railway (No. 3), wholly in the Parish of Sully, In the county of Glamorgan, wmmeming by junction with the railway authorised by the Barry _^rith way Act, 1894, at the termination thereof en Barry Island, near the junction of the roade known as Ivor-street and Plymouth- road, and terminating at a point on the foreehore 10 chains, or thereabouts, measured in a southerly direction from the outer gates of the entrance to the Barry Dock Basin. To authorise the Company to aevuwe I laterally from the lines of the intended rail- ways and works to the extent shown on the plans liereinaftor mentioned, or as may be provided by the Bill, and also to deviate verti- cally from the levels shown on the sections hereinafter mentioned. To empower the Company to cross, stop up, Alter, divert, or otherwise interfere with, tem- porarily or permanently, all euc^i roads, etreeto, footfiaiths. haghways, bridges, railways, tram- ways, &.PA., rvrers. and streams, pipes, sewers, drains, telegraph or telephone wires, and poets within the aforesaid parishes, as it may be ?eamry to up, *tter, divert, or otherwise inUHem with, for the Rurpoon of the <<nd intended t?ilw?t &ad -rue. To make pr.,Wion to -m-- ,_I'IIIiÏl, ? ?wMM in the execution of any of their worfcs, wfeetjaer past or future, and of brideu over the Com- p&ny'ø -i?.y and the roadway ti. ana approaches thereto, whether made or to be made, and :'dmhe obl.g&tiou for suoo .,a?.t- -d .p., r t. -th.,i," having the -w.1 of s-h roads -pwt,,?,,iy* To authorise the Company to purchase and take, either oompuleonly or by agreement, lands, houses, and other property, for the pur- pose of the intended railways and works; and also easements, and rights in, or over, or upon, Lands and other property. To authorise the Company to purchase and take by ooanpulsion, notwithstanding Section 92 of die Lands Clauses Consolidation A.-t, 1845, a part or parts of any house, building, or manufactory, without being required or oorapelled to purchase the whole thereof. To -P,x ? C-mp-y, on such term* and -d,?, on Pym.44 of such tolls, rates, and charges a. may be agreed on, or may be settled by arbitration, or be provided by the Bill, to run over and use with their fcnginw, carriages aud wagons, and clerks, officers and servants, whe-fcher in charge of or 'MjoompMytng &ny en?rinM or tr?ms, or for =;l:Il: for the 0;=, or thf: t'tttio of ev?y deM-ription. the railways or portions of railway hereinafter mentioned^, viz. All railways of the Rhymney Railway Com- pativ, situate to the northward of the juno- tion therewith of the intended Railway Xo, 1, described. The l lff Bai twd branch of the Grrat Western and lihymiiey Railway Com- So much of the Great Western Railway m intervenes between the junction therewith of the said Taff Bargoed branoh and the junction of the Rhymney Railway with the Great W estern Railway at Penalltau. So much of the Railway of the Taff Vale ?utM?y Company liœ between the Jun_??!) of the .B?ry J?.J?y th.,?wl,h at H-" ?-d- the Porth Station, incIudMg that St.tio?,? Tof?thtr w.th Uto rt?ttimf? on the MJd nUl. ways, and all roads, platforms, points, sig- 3!»ls, water, watering plaoes, engine ehedt. standing room for eng i nes., carriages as & wagons, booking and other offices, ware- houses, sidings, loading aud unloading places, turntables, junotipons, machinery- works and conveniences, of or oonneoteJ with the said railways and stations. To enable the Company to demand, take and recoyor tolls, t atee, and charges upon, or in re- spect of the intended railways and work., and also of the portions of rail ways, stations, and work., to be run over and used as hereinbefore mentioned, tnd to oanfer, vary, or extinguish exemptions from tolls, rates, and charges. To authorise tho Company to apply for the p-jrposos of the Bill any of their existing or avthor.sed uipitu.1 or funds, and for this purpose said tho general purposes of their undertaking to() ,jse additional capita] by the creation of new ordinary or prefer- ,h.- or t.?kq. and by bcnowlllg on mortgage and by the in. of debenture 'took. To enable ohe Company on the one hand and the Rhymney Railway Company on the otiher hand, to enter into and carry into rfttxx agreements with reepect to the construction, working, use, ement, and melintenan08 of the e*id mfc-nded railways and works, or of any of them, or of the existing raiihvaye of the Company, ajid the Rhymney Railway Company, or either of them, or any part or papts thereof; the supply of rolldng stock and machinery, and of officers and servants for the oonduot of bile traffic on the mid rail- W'8; or either or any of them, the ooms, charges, and expenses ci such constr„otion, working, use, management, and maintena.nœ; (She working, rogultion, m»nag«ine<rt, and transmission of the traffic of the railways of the contracting Companies; and the collection, payment, apportionment, appropriation, and dirfriim'iion of tihe .c.jIB, rates, and charges arising from any such traffic or w.tb respect to any of such meitfters; tfhe guarantiee by either of the said two Companies to the other of them of rin-teresft or dividend on the capital, or part of the capital of such other Company* and to confirm any agreement which may be made between the æiil two Companies, touch- ing any of tike ffilJ.>M.ers aforesaid. T. fbake further provision with respect to fbhe rates to be paid to the Company in respect of discharging, ^li^ping, weighing and trim- ming coal, aoo other things, and for other work, labour or a,v:c, performed by the Company in respect thereof, and for the vee of fchiippfing, loading, trimming or discharging appliances, works or convenances, and so far &. may be necessary for that purpose, to ex- tpnd and a.m<Tyi the provisions of Section 99, Sub-section (4), of the Barry Bock and Kail- ways Acit, 1884. To relieve the Company from liability in -pe?t f I.F. or d-nL?W arising 'fr? fire, t eft, .t,x-, or ,tl,, causes or -ig,t. not ,i,?ing from the defailt 01' i.cglcct of the Com- prny. To alter and amend, so far as may be neces- sary for the purpose* of the intended Act, the Barry Dock and Railways Act, 1884, and any- other Act or Acts relating to the Company, the 20 and 21 Vict., cap. exl, md any other Act or Acts relating to the Rhymney Railway Com- pany the 5 .,d 6 W.. IV, p. 107, and --v rAct or Acte relating to the Great W?tic?r? Railway Company the 6 and 7 Wm. IV. cap 82 :dnol:a. io 'ih'TIJ' v':i Railwa.y Company. Hie Bill will vary and extinguish all exist- ing rights and privileges which would interfere with any "f its objects, and confer other rights and privileges, and it will incorporate with or without exemptions and modifications, the I .and. Clauses Acts, the Companies Clauses C01 solidation Act, 1645, and tlie Companies Clai#es Act., 1863 and 1869, the Railway Clauses Confolidation Act, 1845, and the Rail- ways Clauses Act, 1P63. On or before the 30th November instant, pl9n;; and seetiona of the intended railways and works, and plans of the Isolds which may he who compulsorily under the powers of the in- tended Act, with book of reference to such plan. containing the lJame. of the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lee-, and occupiers of the aid lands, and aho an orManee map with the lire*, of the .id in- tended railways delineated thereon, and a copy of this notice as published in the London Gazette will 00 deposited for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peaoe for the oounty of Glamorgan, at his office at Cardiff, and 00 01' before t 11'3 bainc MY a copy of 00 much of the said plane, sections, and book of reference as to each parish or extra-parochial place in or through which the said intended railways are to be made, with a oopy of this notice as published in the London Gazette, wjU be deposited for publie inspection in the case of each <?uch parish with the Parish Clerk thereof at his residence, and in the oase of any .ucl1 extra-parochial place with the Parish Clerk of "orne parish immedia- tely adjoininlf thereto at hi., res:dence. And as regards anv of the before-mentioned parishes or places which is a rural parish for whioh a Parish Council has been elected, aleo with the Clerk (if any) of the Parish Council of every euch parish; and if in any suoh parinh there be no Clerk of such Council, then with the Chairman of that Council "t hi. residence. And notice m hereby giren that on or before the 21st day of December next printed copies of the pro" Bill will be deposited in the Pri. vate Bill Office of ale Hou-e of Commons. Dated th;s 15th d.v of November, 1895. DOWNING A"D HA?'OCtf. Vienna Chambers, Cardiff, SoLcitore. DYSON AND CO., 24, Parliament-street, Westminster, Parliamentary Agents.

