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IN PARLIAMENT.—-&ES61I0N 1866. p ORT TALBOT RAILWAY AND JL DOCKS (SOUTH WALES MINERAL RAILWAY JUNCTION RAILWAY). (Railways and other works connected therewith in County of Glamorgan; Junctions with South Walee Mineral Railway and Whit- woriifo Railway of the Soutih Wales Whit- worth Mineral Estates Company, LimdUd; Acquisition, Compulsorily or by Agreement, of the Whitworth Railway and (by Agree- ment) of other Railways of the said Com- pany; Breaking up Roads and Footpaths; Purchase of Lands Compulsorily and by Agreement; Agreements with public bodies, and power to them to apply their Funds therefor; Running Powens and Facilities over portion of South Wales Mineral Rail- way; Traffic and other Agreements with the said Companies; Providing for transfer of South Wales Mineral Railway to the Company Additional Capital Exemption from provisions of Section 92 of Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1645; levying of Tolls, Rates and Charges; Power to pay intwea out of Capital; In- corporation of Aote; Amendment of Ajobs.) APPLIOATION is initended to be made to 'Parliament in the Session thereof, by the Port ^Palibot Railway and Docks Company (who are hereinafter called "the Company"), for leave to bring in a Bill for the following, or some of the following, among other pur- poses, that is to say 1. To enable the Company to make and main- tain, wholly in the County of Glamorgan, the railways, herainaiflter described with all neces- ..ry omi. idinp, -pp?" -?k.- nd oonveniencæ oom?ted tlu?with reep ively, and to stop up or divert uoh streets, roode, or fbdtparihs as are shown on the deposited plans hereinafter referred to relating to the sadd rail- ways, as intended to be stopped up oc diverted, itihnrt is to sav — A Railway (No. 1), commencing in the parish of Margam by a junction with the Rail- way No. 4 authorized) by the Port Talbot ;7?lwly and D-k, At, 1894, now in course of construction, at a point on tholo Aid authorized railway distajnt 25 yards, or. thereabouft, measured along the centre line of the aaid railway in a south-easterly direction from the oentw of the bridge carrying the said railway over the Oakwood Maflway, and tenmdnaifcing in the pariah, of Bagl&n (detached) ait a point on the western fence of the field numbered 69 on the sheet -No. XVI, 15 of the 25-inoh ordnance map of the parish of B8glMa, distant about 8 yards measured in a southerly direction along the d f, f- i#. j-.N- with 't!he f;e f:¡n t6 South W'j: Mineral Railway. The said railway well pass from, through, 11)., or into the parishes of Margam, Michaelston-super-Avon, Baglan, and Llantwit-j-uxte N eath. A Railway (No. 2), wholly in the parish of Septal (detached), oommenoiDg by a junc- tion with the aid intended Railway No. 1, at the termintllbion thereof, herein- before d-i?b?d, and to-,i..4ig by a junction with the South Wales Mineral Railway, ?t the o*<ntee f the bid described on heet No. XVI, 15 of the 25-inch ordnance map of the parish of Bag- flan as Pont Aber-gwen-ffrwd. A y (No. 3), wholly in *he parish of Baglan (detached). oommenciug by a junction with the øeid in- tended Railway No. 1, at the tor- snvnaikin thereof, hereinbotore, and, torminobing by a junction with the (finite railway known the Wcftarortb Railway, belonging :a\:a.oy Whitworth Mineral Estates Company, Limited (hereinafter called the Whitworth Company), a.r I di.?,t?t 400 yardi?, or tbLe?b?ta, ni?r-?d along the -??tv line of the said private railway from its junction with the South Wales Mineral Railway. A Railway (No. 4), wholly in the parish of Margam, commencing by a junction with Railway No. 1 authorized by the Port T?bot RtHway and Docks A?. 1894, n?w in course of oorwt.ru<:tioIl, at a point distant 22 yards, or thereabouts, measured in a northerly direction along the centre line of the said raiiway, from the level cross- ing of tho 8\l;:d railway across the publio road leading from Taihaoh to Dyffryn-isaf, ai d terminating by a junction with Rail- way No. 4 authorized by the Port Talbot Railway andl To-ks- Act, 1894, now in oourso of construction, at a point distant 421 yards, or thereabouts, measured in a south-easterly direction along the eentre line of the said railway, from the centre of the bridge, ,?.,ying the ,aid '? "? over the O"kwood Rail way. 2. To empower the Company to purchase and acquire the said Whitworth Railway and th" site thereof, situate in the said f.ih of Banian (detached) avd the parish of Michael- storn-super-Avon, and lying between th,p com. meneemont of that railway at its junction, with the South Wales Mineral Railway in the add parish of Baglan (detached) and its termination in the same parish near to the Blaen Pelena level, belonfjing or reputed to belong to the Whitworth Company, and all lands, buildings, bridges, aiding*, junctions, approaches, pro- perty and rights, powers and privileges con- nected -therewith, for such consideration, and upon, such term. and conditions as may have, been, or may be agreed on b<>tw,"<"I1 the owners, j lessees and c»xupi?rs of that railway and site, I or, as in default of g,?nt, may be .,?ttl?d by ?biiration, and, if thought fit, to extinguish all existing rights in and ?er the railway and site o. acquired, or any p.-rt cr parts thereof, or to maintain and improve the said railway or any pant or parte the;-eof, a*nd to utilise the same, and the before-mentioned ma.tters appurtenant thereto, or exercisable therewith, for the purposes of the said intended railway, and as part of the undertaking of the Company, and the, Bill will seek power for the Company to acquire, compulsorily or by a.gTee- ment. the site of so much of the said Whitworth Railway is constructed on land belonging, or reputed to belong, to Sir William Thomas Lewis. 3. To vest in the Company the u8lIal powers granted to railway companies for the construc- tion aT>d maintenance of railways, nd espe. ciallv the powers granted by the 16th Section of the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and to authorize them in connection with and for the purposes of all or any of the said rail- ways and works, to make suoh alterations iio the line, width, and levels of the roads, streets, or way. with the roads. streets, or ways intended to be mMle, diverted, or altered under the powers of the Bill as may be necessary in constructing the said intended rail- way. and works, and to deviate from the linee of the railways and works hereinbefore men- tioned to any extent within the limits of devia- tion to be 8hown, on the plans deposited as hereinnfter mentioned or defined by the Bill, and to deviate from the level. shown upon tho sections deposited as hereinafter mentioned to any extent which may be defined by the Bill. 4, The Bill wil'l extinguish all rights of way over, and willi or may vest in the Company we site and soil of the portions of roads and foot- paths rendered unnecessary by reason of any diversions thereof, or which are shown on the deposited plans hereinafter referred to as n- tended to be stopped up or diverted, or whioh are included within the limits of the lands shown on those plans as intended to be com- pulsorily taken, and whch shall be so taken, or which the Company are in any way autho- rized to stop up, and will or may provide that every new ,or diverted or substituted street, road, or footpath to be constructed, dinded, or substituted under tne powers f the Bila h-11 be ??,nt.in?d .??d ,?p.ir?d Oy t'¡e 'e B\:fy or 8;:lda.b the same in?nii m other streets, roads, f-i- p:td. or highways in the parishes, townships, or places within which such new, diverted, or substituted otreet, road, or footpath will be situate, are for the time beine legally repair- able, or in suc,h other manner as the Bill will oil mav prescribe, and it will or may ahre pro- vide that as respects the said intended railways the Company shall not be liable under the 46th Section of the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, to maintain the surface of any turn- pike, highway, or public carriage road which shall be carried over the said intended rail- ways by a bridge or bridges unless the level of such road be permanently altered so as to in- orcase the gradient of anv part thereof. 5. To empower the Company on the one hand, and any municipal, sanitary, highway, or looal authority, and any county, urban, rural, or parish oounoil, and any company or person or persons, and the owners, lessees, and occu- piers of any railways or lands taken or acquired under or affected by the powers of the Bill on the other hand, to enter into and fulfil con- tracts and agreements for, or in relation to ths execution or modification of any works, or -he substitution of any other work or works in lieu of those authorized or agreed to be done cr executed, and the cost thereof and incidental thereto, the construction rep..?, nd main- il of 3nsst:en ro:f.irr footpath,, and the taking of any lands in which they mvy respectively be interested, and to enable my such authority and council to provide the necessary funds for the purpose by borrowing, and by the levying of rates, or by either of those means: and the Bill will or may confirm any such contract or agreement which may already have been, or which, at any time dur- ing the progress of the Bill, ;nay be entered into for or in relation to any of the matters aforesaid. 6. To avrthorize the Company from time to time for the purposes of the said intended rail- way. and works to purchase or take on lease or otherwise acquire lands (including in that word where used in this notice, houses, build- ings, mills, warehouses, sheds and wharves), and other pi-operty, compulsorily or by agree- ment, and to acquire, compulsorily or by agr?- ment, emc?mt?nt6 over, under, or i t f :.and to e:l an d ;:tgistexi 'rta¡ pri?ilt?g<?s over su??h lands and properly, and all such rights and privileges as it may be necessary to vary or extinguish for any of the purposes of the Bill. 7. To enable the Company to purchase so much of any house or other building or manu- factory as they may require for the purposes of the Bill, without being subjected to the liability .imposed by the 92nd Section of the Lands Clauses C0I18o:iùation Act. 1845. 8. To authorize the Whitworth Company to sell and the Company to purchase by agree- ment, in addition to the Whitworth Railway, all or any other railways, or the sites thereof belonging to the Whitworth Company. 9. To enable the Company and all bodies and persons lawfully using any railway of the Company, to run over and use with their en- gines, carriages, wagons and trucks, and their offioers and servants^ and for the purposes of traffic of every diescription the following rail- ways -d portions of railways (that is to say): — So much of the South Walw Mineral $&il- way as lies between the termination of the in- tended Railway (No. 2) and the junotion of the Whitworth Railway with the South Wales Mineral Railway, with all way,, sidings, turn- tables, stations, buildings, offices, ware- houses, approaches, water supplies, telegraphs, telephones, signals, machinery, applianoes and conveniences on or connected with suoh portion of railway, upon suoh terms and oonditions. pecuniary and otherwise, and on payment of such tolls, rates, and charges as may from time to time be agreed on, or as in default of agreement shall be determined by arbitration, or defined by the Bill, and to require the companies and per- sons owning or working the said railway no afford all requisite facilities for the purpose, and to receive, book through, invoice, forward, and deliver to and from tho same, and at the stations, warehouses, booking offices and pro- mises of such companies and persons, all 1raffic of evuy description coming from or destined for the undertaking of the Company, ?tion such terms and conditions m may be agreed on or as in default of agreement shall be determined in any of the manners aforesaid, and to enable the Company and all such bodies or persons to reoeive iolla, rates, and charges, in respect of passengers, animals, merchandize, articles, and things conveyed by them over the before-mentioned portions of railway, and to alter the tolls, rates, and charges to be hereafter taken thereon or ia reepsct thereof, and to confer exemp* tions from such tolls, rates, and charges. 10. To enable the Company on the one hard, uid the said South Wales Mineral Railway Company and the Whitworth Company, or either of them, on the other haad, from tune to time to enter into agreements with respect to the working, use, management, and main- tenance by the Oarapany of the said South Wales Mineral Railway and the Whitworth Railway, or either of them, or any part or r.e. i-h?ref -p-ti?.1y; the supply of roll- I r:s dm¡;, ed '¿:¡'oe":ø r se?*Lts for the conduct of the traffio of such railways; the payments to be made and the oonditions to be performed with respeot to such ;Ftorking, use, management, and maintenance; the interchange, accommodation, and con- veyance of traffic coining from or destined for the mp(?.etive undertakings of the e?.t??.tipg Companies, and the divisi.on f -d appropria- ti- of the revenue arising from that traffio; and to -firm -Y agreemeni &beady made, or which previously to t" passing of the Bill may be e,.touliung any of ,-tt.'s .1o.?,. mid. 11. To transfer to, and rest in, or to provide for the transfer" to, and t1>e vesting in the Com- pany of ih undertaking, lWe» and PvTortY of th South Wales Min-I R-1-Y' Comp::Y, frbd or otherwi^ fr? all ,a. dAA% iibiliti?s, -d ?bli- gwi,se of tht Company, upon such f:iI at 00IlJ: m :'b&yibeea: wbwb. durijw A* ==rm of 4* Da W jo agreed on between that Company and the Company. or as may be defined in the Bill or TJiescribed by Parliament, and to confirm with or without alteiation any agreement or agree- ments with respect to the maitera :¡.(or¡¡¡¡a,id or any of them., and in the event of such t-nuisfer being etfeosed to enable the Company to exer- (?ise and enjoy the powers, rightm, md privileg of the &'uth W&tes Mineral Railway <Jon?)? including the powers to levy tolls, rates, and diaries, with respect as well to the undertak- ing of any other Company as> to theix own undertaking. aJid to provide for the payment or application of the purchase money or other oo/1sideratio/1 for the transfer and for the dis- tribution thereof among the mortgagees, credi- tors and stock and shareholders of thai Com. .?d fr tl,,? wi??di??z T) f the ff.i. f iv 'C:Ir1.I td WhI¡;¡uïtr hdï.:o and to authorize and ri?quim the hold on¡ of debenture stock and of the several classes of shares in the undertaking of the South Wales Mineral Railway Company, to -p? in exotuuiffe and substitution f- their said t-k and shares, debenture or .tl- ;t-,k or shares of the Company of suoh amouIÜ, and bearing suüh nite of mter?t, a« may be prescribed by the Bill, or suoh gums of money as may be agieed on or prescribed by the Bill in discharge thereof. 12. To authorize the Company to levy tolls, rates, and charges, for and in respeot of the said intended railways and works, and the said rail- ways authorized to be aoquired under the powers of the intended Act if and when ac- qui red, and for the purposes of the Bill, and to alter existing and to confer exemptions from toils, rates, and charges, and to exercise other rights and: privileges. 13. To authorize the Company on the one hand and the South Wales Mineral Railway Company and the Whitworth Company, or either of them, on the other hand, to enter into and fulfil contracts and agreements for and in relation to any of the matters aforesaid in which they r?, -pe,!ti,Iy int?,-td, and to confirm, with or ?iti..t It-.ti. any such agreement already or whioh during the pro- gress of the Bill may be so entered into. 14. The Bill will authorize the Company to raise further .,um. of money for the purposes of the Bill, and also for tlh" oompl"tQon of wcrks already authorized, and also for the g"ne""l P U rp""es of and incident to their undertaking, by the oreation of neW shares or stock, W'lC!h or without a guaranteed or prefe. rential dividend, or other special rights or privileges attached thereto, and by borrowing, and by the creation of debenture stock, or by any of such (means, and also to apply to all or any of such purposes any capital or funds now belonging to the Company or hereafter to belong to them, or under the oontrol of their Directors. 15. To enable the Company, notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, to payout of the capital or any of the funds of the Company, interest or dividends on any shares or shocks of th,? Company. of 1ihrnfY ilJ vary or ?t-inguiF?h all existing rijrfits or privileges w^hichwill interfere with its objects, and it wiM incorporate with itself such of the provisions of the Com- panies Clauses Acts, 1845, 1863. and 1869, the Lands Clauses Act-, the Rail- ways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845 and the Railways Clauses Act, 1863, as may be deemed expedient. And it will or may so far as is necpssary or expedient for the pur- poses of rhe Bill. alter and enlarge the powers and provisions of the Port Talbot Hail way and Docks Act. 1894. and of anv other Act or Acts relating dir?,t] or indirectly to t.b. Company or their undertaking, and tli* South "\?!? Mineral Railway Act. 1853, and anv other Act or Act. relating directly or indirectly to that Company or their undertaking, the*Rhondda and Swansea Bav Railway Act. 1882, and any other Act or Acts relating directly or in. directly to the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Company or their undertaking, and any other Act or Acts whioh may interfere with any purpose of the Bill. Duplicate plana and seotions describing the lines, situations- and levels of the proposed railways and other works, and the lands in or through which they wil] be made, and also duplicate plans "howin the land* and property intended to be compulsorily taken for other PUI1JQ,*e under the powers of the Bill, together with a bock of reference to such plans, con- taining the names of the owners and 1,Bee. or reputed owners and lessees, as*} of the oocu- piers of such 1-ds, hou,;». and other pro. B £ ity; afeo an ordnance map, with the lines of railway delineated thereon, so as to show their general course and direction, and a copy of this notice will, on or before the 30th day of November instant, be deposited for public in. spection, with the Clerk of the Peace for the oovnty .)f Glamorgan, at his office at Cardiff. And on or before the same day a copy of so much of the said plans, sections, and book of reference as relates to each parish in or through which the intended railways and other works will be made, or in which any lands are in- iendid to be taken, and a copy of this notice, will be deposited with the parish clerk of each such pand, at his TAsidence, and, in the c?ae of any extra-parochial place, with the clerk of eontp parish immediately adjoining such extra-parochial place at his residence, and as ,??rd. any of the before-mentioned Ir'-b. or T)Iac? which is a rural pmifjh for %bil.? parish council has been elœted, also with the clerk (if any) of the parish council of every such parish at his residence, and if in any such parish there be no clerk of such council, then with the chairman of that council at his resi- denee. Printed copies of IIw profJORed Bill will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons on or before the 21st day of December next. Dated this 19th day of November, 1895. CHESTON and SONS, 1, Great Wim-*) Solioi- chester-titr?t, London. r tor! L.G.Wn,HAM8,8, Ch.rl::?f?rt.?. 'tr..t. Crd,ff. Bill. Dyson and Co., 24, Parliament- street, Westminster, Parliamen- tary Arents.


