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IN PARLIAMENT.—SESSION 1896. CAERPHILT, Y- MARKEV. I (New Markets buildings and approaches Maintenance, a l teration an d improvement of present Markets; Slaughter houses, Tolls Rates, R..nts a.nd stallages Prohi biting ,aiR and exhibition of cattle Live Stuck and articles in Public Streets; Prohibiting su"hter of .?i,, ?al? except in slaughter houM? of Undertakers Forre?'t?n.)? dr?,-?.g of cattle; a\tering times of h.1d?.g markets and Faira: Bye litWsa.ndM?u)?- hons; L..nit. of intended Act Incorpora- ti.n of C..ila.y Inovrpora.ion of AGt. and other purposes.) Application is intended to be made to Parha. mnt next Session for leave to bring in a Bill to confer upon David Lewis of C-rphilly in the County of Glamorgan his heirs and assign^ or upon a Company t?; be incorporated by the Bill or otherwise?the case may be ,hereinafter rc%?pE?ctively referred to as "the "U ndertakers"¡ all or some of the following powers and to n'ako all necessary provisions for effecting all or some of the following purposes, that is, to sav — 1. To establish construct regulate enlarge extend improve and maintain and to discon- tinue Mark ts and Fairs within the iiiruts hereinafter mentioned 2. To construct erect or provide a Market with all necessary buildings stalls standings and ether accommodation therem for the bale of Meat Fi-h Poultry Vegetables Garden I Seeds, Fruit, Com Cheese and other Market- able provisions commodities goods wares and merchandize in lieu of or in addition to the present Cheese and Corn Market in Market Street Caerphilly, and upon the sites thereof, and upon the other lands next hereinafter mentioned, or some of them namely :-Ih» Twyn Caerphilly in the Parish of Eglwysilan in the County of Glamorgan, or within other limits to be pre^Tibed by the Bill; and also to proy,de for the maintenance enhrgment and improwment of the present market Hall Markets and Market Place and for the appro- priation and uses thereof for the purposes of the said intended Market 3. To erect or construct and m:tintain a Market or Markets for the sale of cattle horses shp pigs aud other live «tock and of hay sit aw fodder and roots with all requisite buildings ar)proach nl other works and conveniences ?'pon land now belonging to the SQld David Lewis, and known us Tonyfelin Meadow situate between Cattle Street Bedwae Road and the Cledar Brook Caerphilly all situate within the parish of Eglwysilan in the county 01 GlalrtOrgan 4. To make all necessary approaches to the said Markets or any or either of them 5. To purcha* by agreÆ>ment or take on lease such lands houses builcbngs and ea5e)nnt.; as 1Ila-y be necessary for the purposes of the Existing or prcjposed Markets end Fairs, or any other purposes of the intended Act 6. To cross, divert, alter, stop up, and inter- fere with, whether temporarily or permanently, all streets roads highways footways railways tramiv/avs watercourses drains sewers pipes tubes and telegraphs which it may be necessary 80 to qi,,?rt lt- ??tv up or interfere with for the purposes of the Intended Act. 7. To erect and provide slaughter houses and to prohibit the slaughtering of cattle and other animals and the dressing of any carcase for sale exceipt in slaughter houses erected or pro vided by the Undertakers within the limits of the intended Act 8. To levy and collect tolls rents rates stallages dues, duties, and otiher payments for and in respect of the said Markets, Market Places, Market Houses Slaughter Houses Fairs buildings and other works and con- veniences to alter existing tolls rates stallages duties and other payments, and to confirm continue vary or extinguish exemptions from the (payment of any such existing or other tolls rents rates stallages dues duties and payments 9. To declare the limits of the intended Apt to be the Town Ward of the Urban District Coitnc,il of Caerphilly in the County of G-lamor- gan :—To prohibit the holding of any other Market or Fair within those limits and to prehibit or restrict tho oele or exhibition of cattle horses sheep r>icrs or ether live stock and of corn hav straw fodder and roots and of any animal article or thinsr in the ftreets and public places within the tuiid limits, except as may be authorised bv the intended Act-, elsewhere than in the Markets and Fairs authorised by, and in such manner as may be provided for bv the intended A,k. To ?lt, aH or any of the existing :c:.tori" for tb,? ?t)lding of the Markets and Fairs and to fix other davs in lieu thereof or in addition thereto To regulate the mode of or prohibit the draw ing or leading ov conveyance of ("ttle ho" sheep pigs and other animals in or through any of the streets, roads nr thoroughfares leading or adjacent to the said intended Cattle Market and to make provision by byelaws and otherwise for the government and regulation of the nreser* and ,nten"¡, Mnrk!-t, and Fairs and intended Slaughter houses and of peri<ons using or fre- nnenting the rainc and for enforcing such pro- hibitions restriction* byelaws and regulations by penalties and otherwise 10. vary or extinguish all existing rights and privileges which would or might in ajiy way prevent or hinder any of the obiects of the intended Act being "ITjed into full and complete effect and to confer other rights and privileges 11. To moke T>rovisicn as to he purchase hv the Caerphilly Urban 1): ¡0t Council and the sale to them by the Undertakers, of the pro- pertv rights powers privileges aaid advantages nf the Undertakers in relation, to Markets end Fairs at such time and on altch tenna and subject to such conditions as may he agreed upon or as m.y be prescribed or authorised by the intended Act 12. And provision will or may be made in the Bill for incorporating a Comoanv to carry into execution the powers of the intpnnocl Act, and for the <:ale and transfer to such Company of the existinar fairs and markets and all right* liberties privileges and advantages now vested in or belonging to th" said David Lewis, nf boldinar and keeping Fairs and Markats in Caerphilly. 13. To incorporate with the Bill with or without alteration all or some of the provisions of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act. 1845, 1860. and 1369 The Companies Clauses Con- solidation 0t 1845. 1863, and W9 and The Markets and Fail's Clauses Act 1847, and any Acts amending or extending the same 14. Printed copies of the Bill will be de- posited in the Private Bill Office of the Housa nf Commons on or before the 21st day of DecernK->r next. Dated this rlv "r November 1895. DURNFORD It CO., 38 Parbament Street. Westminster, RW. Parliamentary Asrents.





