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^acbinrrp, Cools>, #c. 'C jyEB* T t»OIA FOR SALE. 'I'7Í>í' ft;t"t: 4: ;:k'" — Henry 'lWiey and Son, Engineers, '"I '«lle One El:!hthorse Po",er Poble I<ine, yO!' lf>. 141 Shurtleworth Jl Irfect ('oncbuon and tr»vellin«-»heeU.Ar>|.Iy .V V' &Vl' 2 5 Pbillips-par-.Kli', S»»ii«ea. 8P0rf2 Plant t"' Sale, complete Small Modem ;;wõrk: pt;t'¡:feeri:!lliI'l' :V ;jl.rt.on and Co. (Limited), rontardawv, ?VF te7 » 8ft. Moriar bë y.>, Sa, Harris 8r. Dry Dock. Swansea.- L' r ,l> l> 5b. h p « i *:ed • t *ifh ,s anr^ antifluct\iaU>r: ju'toW- 'v, A!«o 3-utiit. Com- ?]i: '2::2,\1 r Si l & e.P- |Alnf1"' m,i.v t»e seen running by r ItH-r1111;S;;R 45:<'S;:lilto:, (';n!q71; hy t t« bf <,hpap.-Po!yMauk, Swansea. rl7 Bargain, S>w Ho:i*outal En ne. 14 hx a* H/*i*ontik] Kngine, 10 h 15. -Stiand Eriginrering *«k». to* 52?rIL_ k.n;'riÎl-'l;r S.,i:Ont! lhj)'IW-i. I^ ff i2.hon«e power. how double cylinders: jJL 7. h on.#» p»wer nnd One G-hors* power; 1'hilJ:t"er F.p Onfl(1å-r;itJ.po'fVt'h; :'O;o:)r:ta",r'8o}0iw..ilin¿ •r V,»rv-tl 6 and 8 horse pow«r; Two P()ill! ?•" Tank. Two Sa.' Benches, Three "¡If r Mill*. 5,OCOfi. "olk Timber (second-hand), 50 "aw S^l K»')*—all low pners, to r.!e«r.—Clarence {Srf Sf*port- MOM. 258r21 :rl: :in-'irh"ÖII;¡ition Plt;w :.r"'rt Rope. kr -Apply to Secretory, Weraddu '^Vrt :it;nk-"ömotJvei fór-sajk ('p' and p.rt'ul.N' apply Maker*. 'Mwmu Spittle -itltt). Cam}J;\f\ Foundry. Kewport. 4169d 8l1t1'1 .It Corn'Rh, ln('ah1l'e: I 'rpf al Vertiv^al StPam Eng"lr-'rh r:'nthllm frank and Iron Copany (Limiced), 0n/iiteiD- 87'j63 JJK> BUILDERc. CONTRACTORS Ifyou want ft really «*>od MORTAR MILL on the Mtt t«nn.4, either f-»r cr:1.Mb: or }h:e «hw. *ire' OT to wnw, CHARLES ue D. PHILLIPS. NEWPORT. MOS. Telenams t, Miiohinvrv, Newport." Nationa To!j.hune- N o. 18. 5ft, 6ft. nd 7ft, )[ûl ;&J1\Y8 kept 1n stock at New rt and G'ci v.h^t ready for prompt delivery. Also £'pOP.1HII:t? from 4 up to 30 u.h.p., ■hiet 1,a<i ° n terms. Phillips's .J\c.¡ SW JH;NCH;S are tha be.t ,wll chewpest in f.ot of other Wood-working \iiehiu«6- stock in tfce kingdom of '\C"nd;OO },oJ Pinnt. Shafting, Pnlleys, Belt- eft 1 K*& 'or qllik deHver.v. First-oll\ü ft. j as new; Portable 6ft. Self-rJelivnug Ir' b, Stodd. DOW. Also in stock EighteAll JJoco- ?arioos sizes, from 8in. cylinders to 13in. #7ji2K}t>w, wme of Vkiiich arc ready for immediat Barfonl and Peikim Patent W.IRr Ballast Je Jfnr 6m. by a ha.r.Jn. 2ii)flgon6 altl1llI:OUtfl1! }\rqUtgttt. Vioted Immediately. Four Contractor's Earth W>J1t,ed ImmedÍAt.I.. Four Contractor's Erth |i f:2z.£:F:=P T«^.ntv Wo-d<»n Colliery Trams; swond band; 5t 3,; Ih. 2u- 10;n.—Apply Manager. Cilelv tiWerv. near Purth. 790x31 On Safe, for Cash or Deferred Payments. 50 TW-'»'IH: RAWWAV C-.il steel under-frame*: tid swt óQ¡;> emi doors; hoilt in strict accord- ance with fk.srd •">( fra*ie roqtitrcnunts, and ready! lor d.:ivery.pply PhœlUx "&goo Com- p"'1' !!Wk,.oll.Tr.nt 656.1_ R: WaioTi and !.e Wheel* Ke-1yred andTuna=d r \v ?' New Speciflcfltio* Now <xlEF, i'vrfM ("Iosed, New Skeleton 1" Spur, Revel. Helical, and "b and Hopkins, Engineers, « Xew^ort^Mon. 36677 1fIDL<\ND RAIi'VAYCARRiA:GË 1U AJ) WAlWX COMPANY (UnTED), MIDI AND WORKS, BTRMIXGHAM, Uiwifcciurers of Railwy Wagons for Cash Ot Jh!erreà Payment), Carriages, Tram Car*, CoHh,r,y r: Tm*. Wlue)8 "TIft Axles, Axle Boxes, Casting, f u of every kind. CPAIRED byContraet or Otherwise ¡- Coal, Coke, Ironstone, aud Ballast A E or HIRE. •! \CKSON, Secretary. CluoIOffire-Midlu.ud IV, k Binu" ^Bmich Worka~AM>ey i ks, Shrewsbury. ["729 THE BUTE WORKS SUPPLY UO. 133, Bt'TE OOCKd, CARDIFF. ff!epli<-ne So 45 (Post and Nah0ual). Gething, Cardiff. JI.\ILWAY \\AO>NS New and lOeconrl.lmnd1 lor ,h rcdetr.ption purchaue, or .i.œple hire. rJu p.rtieulan on application. ¡.rv:S-jQ Side and Knd ef]e1;, 30in giufc, WW frame, and new tope, tsteel wW 's, and It. **la; £ 5 rach I.ot. Cardill. k.\IJ.S -lIrid¡r.. Flange, Double Bead, aud Bun Heart, WIth or without fS5tI1:HIi S:.KEPF.RS.—W#od and Steel for all Gaugea. l')( uMo't'lVRs5.— Sx Wtieiia Coupled, hy (auniJ\g. 1f,xd¡e. and CfI., laD. J: 17in" now at Cardilf; Si Wheel* Coupled, by Avonaide Engine Co., 14ia. x 20in., no* npu L'a.r.litf; :1ii'U di- wheeta coupled, by Sbarp, Stewart, and Co.. 17in x 24in.» ■•»w uear dill; all recently thoroughly overhauled aud ready for insUat work; chf-ap før caeh, or three years ¡edeLIPQ8n purcnade 31b21 J. txaye (i.iMTfEm 18&1k BAHAVVY WAGOV BlILT^ERS. DEKBY, )hltturei uf Kvery Df.q¡:r:.pticj} of Homn Stock, with Oik Hd Fri naes J. R. NICHOLAS and CO.. A\iETS. lJ. EXCFIANGK, CARMFF. >-RT» A.Vi) SXi oM; H.yyi> WM.OXS READY rOR 1,I.WH:I:Y. 40399 onltr", HFOlIg, ^c. tor Sale, Orey Parrot; four veara old; one of the 1roJI: diflt;f"t talkers living; can be heard hy appoint- went-Apply Parrot **re of J. Jenkine, Kewt.aff.^t, SW11""ea 91r22 fJ^se «nd for SU!e; warranted all voing Carditunshire Pullet: March hfttoh.—Neiil. 3, I'W- y -pee;-rt<ad, CUnion, C^NIIFF. £ 12T21 })\wrlrg, CrirprlfS, ^r. Mortf eye:" Works. Pentyprd-J —List 01 1I8n¡o" and ew Cycle Lod, free 6<1. .tAm, t'ew B- 1'r.rwJPtO with Piated Bars, f(M- (.h-f'!nkå1i, lio 6d 1ar, 29s ód, Kepaira Trade. ffil46 l1ill Q nno ul\tt'tnents. durational Slnnoutiermcnts. CARDIFF. TRW SOUTH SCFfOOL OF ]\:1U81O. 94. QUEEN" STREET, CARDIFF, CAKTtttP, VXCTOKIA-KOAD, PKNAai'H PATRON "YE In'jHT HOU THt; MAKOUKSS OF BL'TK, KT., &0., lie. PRINCIPAL DI¡,. JOSEPH PARRY. TEBM COMMENCES MONDAY OCTOBER 7TH, 1895 tus, containing full Particulars 3S to Suo. J;& T4uSht- Fees, and ^laminations for !hilin Del'6WOOr Next, D",y bad °" applicatiou -»o« Priucipal, J^IKrticulare of Dr, Tarry's Day Lectures and ¡; Ctanses at UniveMity College may be bad the College Registr>rr. 35m J)AXCJNTG, Deportment, and Physical 1Cr i: ? S £ ue J ? j3 ? <!3 Ev-"1S w«1 Be-uuie *°t<k. (:(.di I d :r;h bu:ï J:)t:r ..¡ IILP. madÐ "ith Schoohr-19, W66tboU",ne-¡ ?.'sl'u. i%2r21 DANCIG i\ND CALTSTHENTCS- v ■ CLASSES are Resumed at p. ;iV 'u Lo s0"' GiTon and Cl ".t' Hetn tior —' "f-' ^AKAOE, CARDIFF. 40602 )la JOr;RG;N¡nï'-I v f om ReS?iv*» rL"Pn,s in PAI'flNG an,I —'ll1 -aludio, So. 7, ST. M A RY .STR¡';E [59 — LODON, (J1VIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS ,.it¿ "I:e &tfu;(s- Col1. Correspou- v i (,1Lia^an<a^8, Messrs, l1ton. :llnks. Rccnt 8UCoe 2nd J>iv (Feb i ■"•Vs 5 Boy Clerks (April), 40 of 150 Kxoife •v. v0; )7S:?% (Oct.), 6 of 29: Male from SECRETARY, King's Co-lege, -=- yi655 S'V AS}o;A. A. RNOLD COLL, COJSSTITU- s, HON HILL, SWAN'SHA. 5th, 1896. "f4lttir¡:1 fot úH th 'lie Examiuasions. -■4^5^er. 39194 TAUNTON^ [ RJI^I KTTG'S COLLEGE TAUNTON. T InG'SCOLLEGE:- TA UT()i. '\l ''O<I: :,h}j:thwj"J B:: ». l"" L'4 ,ear' &°y*> !0 HUID" Half- 2nd. Details on application. k tiîr(.,011. 40M3 P ^KKIN.S BROS. AND CO. *'il C*^» tlH Per.h:to be C1el\ At J ^T £ <r 1T^LMAIL AND NEWS OF nli: V ■; ft K <■' E pp\ y ?i)!pptng: ?Loturs.  ?c. C* A RDBiDAUXA N D'I BORDEAUX. ^^J £ rr Sr^K Te Cardiff Steamslrip Company's ftrst-class Screw Stoaiuers will s>ul ah tOHOW8 (circumstances permittin) DORDOGNE Bonl""u. for Cardiff Oct. 18* GARONNE Ctr.titffor Bor?M?  O?t. 19* •'BO ho.i7WM Goods and Pa.ssengerõ For rates of eight, Ac., apply to Mr. A. G. Xodd, Agent, 31 Quai des ChartTons, Bord?ux, and to ? e n W R. CORFIELD. Telegraphic Addr eeg. Exchange, Cnrdltf Welcouibe." National Telephone No. 154. QARDIFF AND BRISTOL THE MARCHIONESS. OCTOBER From Bute Dock?, Cardiff to Bristol. 7.Th??.d-y 3. 0 ??it?r ,I?'Pri y ? 330 ?ft? 19 Saturdsy (After- noon EIcursi 011 (CB) 4.15 after 21 Monday 5.15 morn and 5.45 after j 23 T.?.t. 6.15 ft,, 23 W?d?,?.d.y (Kv<?t?' Ex(?ursim C D.) 645 .ft('r I Fiorn Basiu Bristol, to Cnrdilf 17 Thursday 6.30 after 18 Friday 7. 0 after 19 Saturday (CB) 7. 0 aiter 21aMoaday 8.45morn 22aTuesddy 9.30 morn 23a Wednesday 10 Oinorn (C.B.) and 9. 0 after a TO mCt j- ro. FARES After Cabin (siugle),2M. M.; To and Fro /available f.r Seven Days) 4s.; F(,r? Cbi. (single), f:Ja:h]Tof:d S¡;a{;£l:'i/e.¡1"J: JOHN THOMAS, Ageut, 5(m P?ket Offlee. Bu 15?cks, C?diff. PALGRAYE. MURPHY, AND CO REGULAR LINE STEAMEM FROM HAMBURG TO CARDIFF AND CARDIFF TO HAMBURG. CITY' OF AMSTERDAM CITY OF BELFAST CJTY OF BRISTOL CITY OF CA l?l2? sm: gt; g:Z ClTY OF DORTMUNJ) CITY OF HAMBURG I CITY OF LISBON i CITY OF MALAGA CITY OF OPORTO CITY OF ROTTEROAM One of the ;;hove First-class Steamesr is intended to leave. HAMBURG for CARDIFF aud CARDIFF for HAMBURG at regular intervals. For Particulars apply to Palgrav m-phy, .,?d C'h,P;t'¡y:1fltli; t&V Murphy, and J. T. DUNCAN ..d Card,n". Agent at Hamburg, D. FUHRMANN. 7153 NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, TENER1FFE, CAPE TOWN, TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA (VIA HOB ART), AND NEW ZEA. LAND. Monthly Servioe. Excellent accommodation. ?Lii,4"-l cuisine. L«>w Fares, Special Terrnn to k;ilis,:eRol\íWtí\;rl:UT. to KAIKOURA, Oct?17. RUAHINE, Nov. 1. ?, Apply to J. B. Westray and Co., 138, Leadeuhall, ,t?et, Londou, E.C.; iu Ct??liff, to Edwards, Robert- ..? ,.d Co" 105, B.. Docks j S. J. ,:d7,Ro rt- ward-place; C. Stewart, J* Mount Stuart-square, or C. J. Cudlipp, 32, C-t4e Cardiff. L11662 PAg:l:tSo.nmr ALL ROYAL MAIL ?d Other Ste ???)?i to All Parts of the W.rll by the Autborised Ageat, ^EI^J^ DA VIES. 9, Edvyard^piac^ ^^diS^rW MORTIMER'S ÜOUP COUGH .l. A*W WHOOPING COUGH M EST USE IMPORTANT INFORMATION! C'KOCP Î8 a disease which mostly attacks young children, anù ttH wit) have once had it ere mo>e BuscepLble of it than befo s tut this gradually wears off as >hey grow oider. 1* srrmitinies teiininate« fa Hr thin tweuty-four hours, although whe1 dtu.1 h h&ppen it mon etmmcnly ccours on the fourth 01' fifth day. 1t coirmeii.-es iwnally with a slight cough, h01\røeDe, \,&(1 SIICe7.n" a8 in a common olù. but soon JUl!fd8 a peculiar fhrrilrjess and RiUgiHK vf the voice aM :1 the »ound were dent through a btasexi tube; then comes the dreadful and (ii,?,i.g hard I.gi, -d cr.wng ough, ?t ':n;lfio;.Rd W= Ii" øteu:J with diffiuttv of bl-?hil?g it- ce ('a¡¡i; for ilnme 8 att" iHou nnd :nœt ative rreatme X In this 111Af" persons generally begin to get aUitned; but as it eome. or. mostly in the middle 01 the night It ofte i proves fatal, bf>(,4U!!Ie of the delay occasioned by waiting until the morning without medical aid. The Proprietor, having found llis CROUP MIXTURE b, "d 8FJ a means 01 rtorilJ his children repeatedly from this arp..J1in cti, he thinks it his duty to pnrents to give it a greater ptiblic-it He b. I d already the b rttelk gratitale of "-y mothero for being th,fth, 'IA)'I'.n tb.t gi*«m 1Ip Kj While we hear of w many deathn from Croup, what a rrr»ifort it mint ne to have eu?h a remedy rearty at hand. What love can that mother have townrdf hcr di1ft that will not procu e tor hersrtf what has been such a blessing to others, wteti it can be obtair-ed at such It. trifling amount. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. In Croup, a g,i teispoonfnl j to be taken imive dtnlely and repeated every ha.if4hout' until ehe chihl vomits (ûpr.\te@ f1 :\0 eavhse). and jt the symptoms will not ahatei:r\ a ftw hours it 9hould he given in the same way, and a lfannel dipped in bpinU 01 Camphor appherl to the throat, and w-tted fre1) In Whooping Conch, at the C'( imnen' 8meut, a teft spimnfoi e"e,y half-hour until tpe child vomits (OI.c'I'&te8 M an emetic), and a teaspoonful continued t., or three tlI1e a clav In Coughs, Colds, or Sere Throat*, a teaspoonful two Dr three ttnte. ill day. The following are Q, fe* .-om among THOUSANDS O' OENCIKL TESTIMONIALS. r, Or??in't? may Je S n at the Proprieton'; Qny oiie doubting their yen nneness mav write to A<idress«rs given. C-ohden Villa, Ferryside, Camnartiien. Mr. Jotdf¡('iB-J)e;r ^ir.—Please seud me another b-ttll of that valuable m ctcin for Ohildrei-— Mortl- :10{' r't- Croup sr-1 Cough Mixture I never like to b4' withnut It at hand. From long experience I "an truly say it is the best mtdicin^ I have used for Croup, Whooping Cough, and all othr Cnughs in Children. A r ever failing r,!??.?y in an attack (4 Cftnp. Yours faithfully, D. T. MOIiRIS. F*vn» th Be. J. THOMAS. Baptist Minister, Penrhos, Newnham-road. Bedford. Sir,-l "6ived tlte three tottles of Mti- Group and W?-pi"" Cmgh Mixture. Please Sf nd T S?lve more Mt.tls. as mv chHdren have all sot the Whooping Cou?h. I find it does thtm so iihkt) rP.it:hin1 else; iud:tlt;[\ known It fíI in Croup or Whooping Cough. K:Dd) 5tellt by return ."nd nHge, Yours truly, A. REUS. From the. Right Rev. the LOUD BISHOP OF Dear S;r,-O., hilir- frquenti? %uffer from HtPr l<« o( 0 -;«p, and we have nl-.vsv« found Morti- mfr'¡; MixtUf? a ?u-e and ?afc rrmedy. Mv wife ?av.< Kbe would not for -?Ytl,i.g he without, H'1n the house. Having had experience of its OenefiNa effects upon out" children, we gindly take ever*v oonor tmity of re :.).:nmf J,(11'1. it to our f, Yours very trntv J. SWANSEA. Tahermde Villa, Csnrtsvthen. Dear Sir,—J have great • leasure lI:j testifying to the Mjhacy of Mortimers Croup and Cot.gh Mixtllre We ?l..Y, have it the house, and find it a m03t in<* Coiigl* mTalj;ibl,i remefly in Cioup and Whoop- Y«irs truly, J. THOMAS. PA'fHONlSKD BY THE PUBLIC FOR OVER 00 YEARS. Mo. be obtaiMd from any Chemist, in Bottleg at Is ld ^JHARLES ^NARR BELL I'OCNDERS, BELL HANGERS, ISMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM (SHIPI POC, SCHOOL FACTO RV FOR LISTS Uahbltt. and Pins". MKal. O.m Metal Caeting@ "i. to One Ton AI! Kind, "I Phoopho.};rvn.e Steam Viitingp. ASK AT l.T,AXTliI3ANT, I'lJNDOYLAN. BEAUFORT, OR BIITTWS. f2639 They -.Lve our Bells Fttinq.. [2629 Ip £ BK>Wny | I(ov^rtJoTrit| 1 Warms the Chest. Jj Out. the Phlegm, Q Ubrlcatss the Throat. |& t/ 219, 4/8. J JESSE WILLIAMS, | PARK HALl. SUIL0IHGS. CARDIFF B JJ^AVLEL QWBN AND CO FANCY STATfONKSS, I IIAP-Y-STR-EET, CAltDIE.V. ST, I.IARY.STREE'f, CARDIFF. !THEd'CÃDOXTÕi-BARRY BOOK AND BARRY BILL-PORTING COMPANY 'S l. CADOXTON-BARRT; eoretary, MK'VIAEU DAVIES, le:f P,.iti0/11 s,. Lo.re .n1'\9ction inthe ni triok WEEKLY MAIL AND HEWS OF TT-1V TVT:FK. o\-),^ VFA'NY.


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