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-> f3ttbht Amusements. CARDIFF. Theatre royal. ¥>9**e &a<3 Maimffor Mr. Edward Kiktckkb. MONDAY, June 18th, 1894, and During the Wwk. rrom, nICK, AND JJARRT, Ti?.f?I Farcical Comedy from tb« Trafalgar b".d.? h. d ir" .ti",nt lui. CRA.R hawtkuy, MR. YRAXK CURZON, MIS.S CARKIK CBONYN, And Powerful Cooipauy. P1"eôtdeJ. at 7.30 hy "LADY FORTUNE." Prk*#, ód. tD12 2s. Doors on at S^ren. <2.°'men at 7.30. j rilHEATRB ROYAL, CARDIFF. X MONDAY. June 26th, \B, for Six Night. ui ('no Morniuj? i'erforuiAiiu#, Satanl/tj. Jvnoo0— Dootk oixHuat 1.0. commence at,2.0— 1) OYLY C"TV??, Ct"LFt" Trio OPERA COM. PANY IN UTOPIA (LINIITED) OK THE FLOWEBS Of PROGRESS! Written l.v W. S Gilbert. l:om}.)01il by Arthur 8tdiiv.u. TKEATRK AKRANGKMENTS. T Y R -l)Q Thurs.Uy uuU steumiav, June *3th ana 30,h, tb. ill ,?. Pti%K-ASrMWTraiu will le»»«SWANSEA for OnluS ou Thursday, will "t 2.D p.ui., t.'I.U .1 «11 Intermediate sutious. RetulU 'lram leaven ('.¡nUffl1ûpm, See HiUs.. rt S l* m usual. Bus n»« Now Own. Messrs. 'r:IO:; dlUh.if¡ (L7ltí) eh'N: 621. 3lJ:430- SDPHIA GARDENS JjUfciLD, WEDNESDAY, JLTNE 20th. PROMFV VDK CONCERT AND CPYSTAL PALACE FIREWORKS ar loock. GMss Ofvr. at 6.30. Admiaaiollo 6<1. CbihtraJl, 31. [30439 D- -ARC'S GRAND W VXWORKS, V»«to»i»-iwms. St. Mary-streol, (\uuiIf. THE C.IiW Oef:N DAIl.Y BY LKILLAH, THE KilNOWNKI) ZlNGARA GRAXD NEW ADDITIONS JUST APBED. JIKCEPTIONS DAILY fvoin 3 to 5 ami 7 to 10. ote.-S.. Mousy to bo Giren to tho Zingara. ri:)-( -\dmion SH 3<:l ehil<.tr:l(L [018 TjM S H FISH!! FISH -1 The ILFORD RAVE FISH SUPPIA ASSOCIATION Deliver, Carfjxsa Pai. to any udvt Kingdom, BASKETS Of l'it?IISH 'llIi.s,t,ti Ck&uJ i'ov Table) from 1,. 61. 11? 5,. 81'ocial t. Hct' ins; Mixtions* and Cousuawi*. Fryer* luppli.l with Chmp Fish. 33^4 R.«] IiEATfl ANU SONS £ <ARDl*\b\ JpONTYPfUDD, AND LUNDON, pIANOFORTE A ND Q UGAN l\fE1WHAN'1'S. (FROM S0C1U WALUH t'.tlLY SEWS, 9fH JAMAIS, 18ô-I., "Vkrdict ot- Nink Hukduihd,"—Uuder this titlu NesJ>rs. H, J. Heath and Sou*, Queen-street, Ca,.<Ut1:\ pixaoforu> makei'6, <>r*au builder*, aud !nHsiu waio- housemen, have ooi ,ll'f6d au uU!lo:nu array of te<U* mouiaJs auvi :PCdS ()oaaOUa r<»iuttu^ to the quality ot the H\iical iUturu.lllt.ut. biippded liy tbem. The Hrui known 111 Có1hlin, and, indeed, tUroujfUout South Wale* aud tue We*c ot Kugituid, tUAt it Ui hardly neoegfcary to dwell u¡,on its infln-Mwe aud commiindiiii: positiou This CllU.UI,)J1 ot t^^t n'.ouiaJi carves, however, to úo toutothtug more thau certify the of tù. furuiahe.1 b, 1\Ieilud. Heaiu aud !:SöUIi. It MhoWI, )uftsea<»e, bow Bteidf I. th. ifrowth umoui? the jreuerui public of a desire lor tL knowledge or mUS1('. :Uld how incroAfciUjjiy IlUUldlOU8. ere- 111 ü. houlv. Qt the workmtr oj. Uti i ianoi. orí,aUd. KU harwol1illnt.. The iffest majority ot tbcUrters ir UÜ. h8t relate tQ yiuuoa ana while manv ot the>n have reference to rnoet coi, ir:"tr\i.wul. contaiuiuy utl the latest improve* munte. supplied to th* weIl,tu"J,o, tù" urreaur uuja btr relate to ^erficeable invcnuueiitc purchased /or the hotue* oi the wage-euruintf povriou of the con*nm»itj. Tliisj/rowinK i.»ve fv>r reunui* ua art asmusie is a most lavoumblo For though iu the Prmcip«iit> uiuaio haa for a'UI..tiu. the chief recreatiou of tbd people, It t1 'for Wt »\(Jilt art been choral music 1n conuectiou with c)iurche« and chapele that has occupied attcntj^a. Iujtru> mental music j now, however, rl:1)g Its fcur s are ot attention, uuct .11 t1H,)Ni ;u true syiusvathy with tile art mute truet the uiovemeut wih i Bu.lllv ouward. These tC(II.llÎ;,ual hafu hoeu I" cetved fiotu crerr gmu'Cet* of the I'riuoipajity, while not a few cctne from otbor porlio.vs of the United Ai.dow, aad some froiu "th Aiueric:>> ludia, aud other dietut vouutries. An ?:lcok mo>t favourabiv of Mesart. Heath's hu»Uie«»^ method* aa well its ut thtir iusiimments. R. J. Ji™fu AND 8°S INVITE TOLL ILLUSTRATED LlaXS AND VEKDIC1 POST PHKE. aJ417 TEEl'H1ïËÏ1'H! TEETH COMPLETE SET ONE GUINEA, 8INGI.L TOQrli 23. 6a. Vive Year*' W"rruJltv. I'r; M",lw, J^JESSRS. OODMAN ',50. OITKEN-ST. »nd 10, DUKE ST.,CAKr>m\ AKTlFICIAL TE^TH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmoai'herio 8uctiou. at oue-tUiril their usual eharges. No Eitractions uecee^ary pevfeot aud ver- Ill"uent life-like appearance; .potu.) SOFT] PAT.ATHS for TenderGnm, Derfert for Maatioation and l?p..h. COUHTB? PATIENTS bupplied iu pVRui?,,y fc':ive allowe d ,??CIAT, 'T¥kTioLr11!}:vÑ¡¡;r() REPAIliS. KXTRACTIONfe, STOPPING, Ac. I. TESTIMONIALS.—Dr. ANDREW WILSON Hate ] ItS.) sty*" I can recommend Goodw;.UJ ■9f very skilful Rnd huuiane Denli.-»ta. Theiv rOil:¡Qna.b. barges should attract to them all classed." COH$ulta.tiot1it Free. AeeiUity in WHITE SNAMtil, and OOLD FILL- ';IE\1nJAJYd c:,l¿tJ;; PAl-A T:j». Defore enteriu* look for th Name— MESSES. GOODMAN, 36, QUEKN-ST. a:1. 10. DlfKiC-ST., CARDIFF. 36, ,,d ,t 15, AST ]?-ST,, SWANSEA, Pontypridd, and Barry Di>c k Hoars 10 to 8. P3Mrg.T uVdPIj'ut:O )}..8r, I Goodman warn the public asainet giving orders to te djltt' ttJ)Ur;ld :lnlhri, vme, nd tb?y -.t be respouaible for any work » tept that made at their establishments. fLUoj THREE YEARS' SYSTEM THREE Y^AHS' SYSTEM. OIANOFORTES BY BROAD WOOD jpiANOFORTES BY COLLARD, plANOFORTES BY BlUNSMEAD, piANOFORTES BY SEUMEYER, pIANOFORTES BY KIRKMAN, jpiANOFORTES BY ERARD, AND ALL THE LEADING MAKEBS, FROM lOs, MONTHLY Until Paid for ,tter which, and Without any Vui- ther Chuge whatever, tuo lnetruinent bvioumet the Property of the Hirer. jJTHOMPSON AND SHACKELL, LUUJ El-I QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREltOUS CARDIFF. J^HOMPSON AND SHAOKELL /LIMITED), 32, CASTIE-STBKET, SWANSEA. THOMPSUN AND SHACKELL (LIMITED), 118, HIGH-STBEKT, MERTHYB. IIOMPSON AND SHAOKELL (LIMITEP), 6, COMMEBOIAL-STK BET, NEWPORT. Also at 30, BRIDGU-F-THSET, A" 124, KI-:WFOùNDLAND.ROAD, bbistoj. MAESJ tlG, BRIDGE" f', ULOUCESTBB, TENABTH, PONTYPRIDI), .tc" &e. 260 fJVEEIH. A M E R I C A N DENTISTRY AT CARDIFE. ritEETH.—F. De OWEN, THE OLD-ESTABLISHED DENTIST (Complete Set Fitted in a Day), Attendance Dailv 9 till 3, t 42. QUEEN-STKEET, CARDIFF, 4. OXFOKU-S'I'UEET, SWANSEA. Artificial Teeth tixed by Owen's Patent (motion, requiring no fa¡;t,minvs, &0. No Sain whatever, no extractions. For Eating:, Articulation, they are equal to the imtura) Teeth. Warranted to last a lifetime. A Tooth F..20 5 0 Upper or Lower 1,et From E2 10 0 Consultation Free Daily. BC'N ESS yeast. BBEE BRAND. For ui in Household or B.ker1. P,.d??.. the Eineat Bread, Order sample for trial ajaiust any oth- Y-.t from JAMES CAIjDER .,?d CO. (LIMITED), Bo'sex JUi*tiUa>7 i or o. 9, Load.4-m _lQ aiMgow public amuscmrnts. CARDIFF. T R F, E m P I R E. ilanajer .OswAt# HTOLL. TO-NIGHT! Stirring Naval Spectacle, depleting an event of natioaal tflory, The gATTLE OF rpEAFALGAE AND LORD NELSON'S DEATH. Scene—The Deck of H.M.S. Victory. Admiral Lord Neieon.Miss Florbnch F"run,uLL. ;iiil)"(:;IX :J Mr. IhRT Boon. j1 )r¡ ¡Is"' Tùw of w, National a Sonis'ti au d Choruses. Realistic &i:) Scene ,aÖrC:J.ife at a. Varieti{1 by alde Artistes, iucludiDg H. C. BARRY. Whow soeff, 41 The Ghost of Slwriock Holrces," Was the subjeot of the chief article in" Tit-Bits," q,h. MMs l.t\rOLE. &rh),COJDic Yocjlist aud Dancer. HORAOK WHITE, the Musical Ventriloquist. The HOLBROOX, American Artiete«» And the celebrated WALTK BELLON IJfL QTOLL'S PANOPTICON ►O (Philharinonio-han, St "Marr-sireet ) OPEN ALL DAY, ADMISSION 6D. WAXWORK EXHIBITION AND NOVELTY PALACE. Sbige Perforuiaacos anù 3.3Q at 8.30, at which will OVID AN$lrioSS, Mr. H. CARSDALB, ARTHUR R'JSKDON, ATLAS AND VITLCANA. CURIOSITY 'a KLLS FULL OF INTEREST. The k N')* The MIRROR MAZE, 4 The PHONOGRAPH, THE ILLUSIONS. The MAID ON THE RACK, Th. Ig); AIAID. A,B And Numerous Exhibits. l'rof. ALLABY, tho PHRENOLOGIST. PUreuology aud Palmistrr Fre*. BOLLER SKATING FLOOR. The most Va, '1 Assortment of EntertAinments ever Coueentrnted L'ndor i-'ue Roof. Admission, 6d. NEWPORT. T H B E Y P I R Ma"r OSWUJ) Stou. M.-g ?6, ?.. !!Wt)m TOU. The mau who divide* with DAN LENO and ALBERT CHEVALIER tho supremacy of the Variety SUf*. '"?'' (?H AXLES COBOR "The ManwuoBrok6»the BA.uk at MoiiU'Carlo," the original of Two Lovely Black ";Y" -hicL h,? sinffs iu wveu dithwout huigaayes. Varieties by oth? ab a artistes, Next W«ek—MISS MARIE LLOYD. BAY AN SEA. T?'EWTHEATRE, SWANSEA. ? Proprietor AND Mavairar A. MKI.viu.f. Great Succors of Mrs. Gordon HicUs' C,I.b.t?d ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY. Powerful Comuduv of First.class Artistes. Full Chora*, Augtweuud Orche«tr*. 1, A IT S T Tu^ay, "HTr?atofe";WedNesdt7. Fra "Faust" Saturday, Mr»ritAua/* DiavalA"; Thursday, "Bohemian Girl"; Friday, DooiaOpeu 7.15, Early Doors 6.46. Box Office,! Bnt?'.Wmd'.eu-Mt? H58J | rfir E jg M P I R E Muiager Ohwax.ii Stoi.i. TO-XIGHT. THE GSKAT AillE J^LOTD, Whose name is a fortune. Whose faoe is a fortune. Whose art is a fortune. ALSO A SPECIALLY STRONG PROGRAMME. NOTJCS. MARIE LLOYD WILY, NOT APPEAR ON TUESDAY. adame ADELINA patti- iTjL NICOLINr win cit? "GRAND wm;lXG CONCERT at the aLUEKT-HALL, SWANSEA, on THUXiSDAY, July 12tb, J894, at 2.30 p.m., for the Joiut Benefit of the Swausca Hospital aud the Poor of the Neighbourhood of Craie-y-Nos. Madame Fatti-Nicoiiiii will 'U .?.i.t?d on the 000&' &10:1 by distinguished Artistes. llesewd Scats, 21)* lõô 10. and 511. Tickets to be obtained only at Messrs. Brader and Sons', Wind, street. JOH N W MORRM. ) Hon. 6te< 30345 I},o'tRA: ) SwMtMt. jgPEClAL SHOW OF gUMMER J^ASHIONS B. EVANS AND COMPANY ilavo J'ltaiurc iu Stating that they are o W SHOWING A very Beautiful Selection of NEW AND CHOICE GOODS FOR THE SUMMER SEASON, loeliidiuf the J^ATEST "pASHIONS AND N OVELTIES IN COSTUMES, MANTLES, CAPES, JACKETS. BLOUSES, MILMNKKY. I LADms' AXD CHtLDKE?'S OUTFITTING, LACES AND MADE-UP LACE HOODS, RŒBONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUNSHADES, SnKS, VELVETS, ENGLISH AND FOEKIGTN DBEBS MATEIIIALS, TENNIS FLANNELS. WASHING DRESS FABRICS, &a. The CARPET, FURNITURE, FURNISHING DRAPERY, aud HOUSEHOLD LINEN Depart. ",euh are all 8plomUdlr Storked with (1-d,? 0 the 8boice.t and Moat Reliable Kind, and Customers may lepend on getting in these, u well uiall other Depart ??t. S?BK'? 'M'?'B?E Ûlt¡t: Lud carehll tt6ntiov: tü all eommauda, nX pKMPi/E STREET, CJWANSEA, .L O 24745 rp EETHi JQBNTISTRY! fJlEETH Restore Mastication, Digefation, and Dutl J J MR. KE ALL, SURGEON DENTIST (38 Years' Experience 28 Years in Swansea 199, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. (Just below the Great W#stem Railway Station), liego to intimate that he eon produee a perfectly fitting Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workmanship g'uaru!1t.eed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by AuKsthctics, Oocaiue, and Ether Spray. Piirtial ^>ets from ¡; lw tooth. Upper 01' Lower Sets from Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE Sure iind Speedy Cure for NeuraUia, Ti? Doloreux iae T..tb.?h?, .d .11 er'ous Pains, ts. ljd., .d 2?. 9d. per bottle. Through any Chemist. (S?a: Mr. Muuday, Chemnt. 1. Duke-street; Mr. Robb, Choi,t, Roath. Newport Ne?sri. Garrett Bros., Chemists, 171, Commercial-streot. ,ath: Di?? Isaac (late Haymsa ) Cheaiist. Llanelly: Mr. Horgau W. James. Loudon; Newberry sod Son. 30131 WILLIAM pULLING & CO, DISTILLERS, WINE AND SPIRIT HERCHAKTS, AND BONDED WAREHOUSEMEN HEREFORD. Holders of ono of the LARGEST STOCKS of FINE OLD BOTTLE I > WINES In South Wales or Westot Ennland. Full particulars and deta11e,l Price List on application. Dr..?h. ?? (^UST0M JJOUSE-ST. CARDIFF, Aut> HIGH-STREET, ROSS. All Foreign Wines and Spirits imported direct under bond from country *>f production. DISTILLERS for Saveuty Years of "PULLING'S PURK HEREFORD GIN." Bottled Cider Merchants. Mamifacturcrb of aU kuids in British Liqueurs and Cordials. [28967 JMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS. PATENTED INVENTION. A PUBLIC WANT SUPPLIED. A Shield for Encasing Workmen's Drinking J(trs, l'otsid t):(i.'i:,o:)ar:, J: othe V?, ?it, li,bl to breakage when in use. Offers Solicited fer the Purchase 01 the Patent Bights or I,ice1\oe to Manufacture. Al,ply- JONES BROS., MORGAN, AND BEVAN, 15, iiherwood.place, Idwynypia. [2877o -j^PPS'S COOOA ( GRATEFUL. COMFORTING. BRKAKFAST OB SUPPER. BOILING WATIaa OR MILK. L10 ?d ARQUEF,S AND TENTS TO i-TX BOrr, WIDE FOR HIRE. 81wp.wnwow BUNDS, OOAI. E?OS, ?N0 al,()F.WINIIOW BLI640D; .?l, COVERS (K vvoof or ()tLo,? l ON B.i BTBST N O'f • B. Apply THOMAS PUG-S L,K if .i rl 00. HEWPOBT. MON. A REAL NATIONAL WORKc Welsh Author I Welsh Artist! Welsh Publisher SHORTLY TO BE PUBLISHED. Imperial Ho, Printtd, otv Highly Fiuithti Stout Frietion-glantd Poptr. Honiiomel Bound in Cloth, Gold. Smbotttd. Price 10.. 6d. WELSH MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT EDITED BY cr. MARCHANT WILLIAMS, AUTHOR OF THE "LAND OF M'F FATHERS," 4'1, ILLUSTRATED BY WILL MORGAN, THE WELL-KNOWN WELSH ARTIST AND CARICATURIST. The Book will contain FULL PAGE PORTRAITS, etched in half tone, and BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES of the following REPRESENTATIVES OF WALES in the Present Parlianiont:- Mr. WILLIAM ABKAHAM, Glamorganshire (Khondda). Mr. e. F. KliKKTON-ALLEN, Pembroke Dibtrict. Mr. K. J. D. BUKNIE, Swansea Town. Air. W. K. MOKUAN 1JA Vil".8, 1'euibrok*- obire. Sir. EKANK EPWAHDS, Hadnnrehire. Mr. T. K. ELLIS, Merionethshire. Mr. S. T. KVANS, tilamorganshiro (Mid). Ur. D. LLO V U-UEOKUE, CMmtfvon Dill. trict. Sir PRYCE VRYCE-JONES, Montgomery District. Major E. R. JONES, Carmarthen District. Hon. Ci. T. KEN yON, Denbigh District. Mr. J. H. LEWIS, Flint District. Mr. THOMAS LEWIS, Anglesey. Mr. W. Jf. MA1TLAND, Brecknockshire. Col. the Hon. F. C. MOEGAN, Monmouth. shire (South). Right Hon. Sir G. O. MOKGAN, Q.U., Den- bighshi, (F,). Mr. J. LLOYD-MOKWAN, Carmarthenshire (West). Mr. W. i'mTUHAHU-MUKUAN, Merthyr I TydHl. Mr.- A. U. HUMPHREYSOWKN, Mont- gomeryshire. Mr. T. V. X'RIOE, Monmouthshire (North). Mr. DAVID RANDALL, GliLmorganshire (West or (Jower). Sir, W. KATHBONE, Carnarronshire (North or Arfon). Sir E. J. KEED, K.C.B., Cardiff District. Mr. J. BKVTN ROBKRTS, Carnarvonshire (South or Eition). Mr. J. H. KOBEK'TS, Denbighshire (West). Mr. W. BO WEN-ROWLANDS, Q.O., Car- diganshire. Mr. SAUULL SMITH, Flintshire. Mr. ALBERT SPIOBli, Monmouth District. Mr. ABJn. THOMAS, Carmarthenshire (Exit). Mr. ALnOJ) THOMAS, Glamorganshire (East). Mr. D. A. THOMAS, Merthyr Tydfil Mr. C. lIL WAJtMlNGTON, Q.U., Monmouth- shire (West). Mr. A. J. WILLIAMS, Glamorganshire (South), Mr. WILMAM WILLIAMS, Swansea Dis- trict. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY DANIEL OWEN # CO. (LIMITED), CARDIFF rjIREMENDOUS JQOWNFALL AT L I P T 0 N IN THE PRICE OF B A 0 0 N CHOICEST QUALITY, My Own Killing and during, FROM 4D. PER LB. The Best Value ever Offered to the Public, in SIDES, ROLLS, and CUTS, at EXTRAOKDINAKILY LOW PRICES. JJ A M S! JJ A M S SPECIALLY SELECTED, A PERFECT TREAT, THE FINEST IN THE WORLD, Now Reduced to PER 7D. LB. NO HIGHER PRICE. OTHER CHOICE QUALITIES, 6D. AND 6D. PER LB. L 1 P T 0 N. THE LARGEST TEA, COFFEE, AND PROVISION DEALER IN THE WORLD Local BranchesT 7 HIGH-STREET, AND ST MARY STREET, CARDIFF. SWANSEA Arcide-Vmildings, Htjk-street. 'LIjANELLY '?.'?.St?pufy.ttreet'. BRISTOL 32. Wine-street. BRANCHES EVERYWHERE. L11194 JUST WHAT IOU NEED. GWILYM EVANS- QUININE BITTERS. GWIL YM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. TMi ptepMttion hM cow t WorM.wide Sale, and 1 the BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE for WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS, BLOOD DISORDERS, CHEST AFFECTIONS, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINTS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTRHS. THE BEST BEMEPY OF THE AGE, CAUTION. Aboya all see that you get the rirtit Article, with the name Gwiitb EV"S' 04 Stamp, Label, and Bottle, without whioh none is guiu(? Befuis. a l I insist ?' hm?i.VOIH??l. A.TGWIL?IM EVANS' QI(JMNf)j11:UT GWIL Y J\I EVANS' Price Is. ljd., 2s. 9d„ a" 1 1., 64. Sold by all Che- mists. Agents iu all pal. of the world. Equally suited tor all climates. PROPRIETORS QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTU RING COMPANY (LIMITED), LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. [26185 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX DEBOHAM'S TR ILLS rOB ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS sica is SICK HEADAE, WEAK STOMACH IMl'AIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT, AND FEMALE AILMENTS LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. In Uoxes 9id., 13id., and 2s. 9d. each. B E P, C ff A. U S TOOTH pASTE —EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMIOAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH— L110091 PERFUMES THE BREATH Iu CollapsiMa Tubtji, One Shilling; Each, CHOLERA AND FEVERS PRE VENTTED. QANITAS" "J^ISINPECTANTS Kill all Disease Germs. Fragrant, Non-poisouous, and do not statu. Fluid, Oil, Emulsion, PowLlerl aud Soaps, ..nd Á¡.pJiUlOet fr* aU purposes. saND FOR 1'.U1PULET. The SANITAS Co" Ld„ Betnal (in. London, E L19852 rI iTiT^^MARTHEN BILL-POST i ING COMPANY. 13, BRIDGE-STREET, CARMARTHEN. Bill'postinc and Advertising in all ,t. Blanche O.Ch.t th, Mifit. B-.te, Oarmarth«n, Pembroke, and C&rdiga BM''JAMK8. ?Mt?f. Married women. Arrested 3i-.tu.ti.. Positive! v I-t- .d 101 Taking BEMEDUX UI.PR. Warranted safe Prioe 3«. 9d.; by poJt.2«.10d.— Descni.Tive em-tlar ?itil-o-h P1" Ageasy, U, 6t. "J.u'I9.- OtMUa.








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