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-= iflonrp. ^I.ENDICantinued). —^XsCKs AT A VAIR RATE OF INTEREST A N,,DFI,AY. -NII PITBI,ICITY. C.SH. in Ampunh from £ 20 to £ 1.000, -OTKP '» ANY PAKT of the KINGDOM, owu Kesidence if nqnii-ed." .?,?EMyM'tMyc.T QuMter)ytn?)mtatt 1 Terms fpr Advances upon Deposit of Veeds PoUci«Rever«.on», *«. ANNUITIES ARRANGED. F. LOCK, 36, South&w.pton.ro, Holborn. 1'°"?"?JL — r. .Vr f n t Notice. — if *ou want Moue? flJp: 'f;f;¡C0lt1 I „ r{ -ti and Pertwee, St. M*ry ..» raje and Imurance Brokors, 1*1 •* •wdiately available for F« tv>- ??'? ''?' ,.?s.?d'\?*t?eMtT?M? ??? n.-t;?hoi't<-ream"ubtMnCMh f °-sV I vnis. Write or call. I>i.«- J.U 11 m v, S gh,ll Vill. 011t. v M Ll,' ..d Upward* L,n, P'N or country, on Ifoto of Hand ,? f,;t:t!i1i » voV nlv H. Thomas, Mauser. 25, -17 "?JY ^KXT N T..?' ll..I. :\ATI(:X:'l )1F.t;AXT'U; RA"K T''??????rR??T?R!?0?'??? -Tu h# n^tors of this old.e«iiabhi»hed, Th, lands, otter unusual ftt;; ?''?'???' '"?'" ?"'?'?'? • r.vmir* either temporary or uerma p.'iit & '• » •' O.h i»5 amount* from £ 20 to H|| 1>!4rt9 of tho kingdom withoct f3iXX1 J V puhlioitv.and on the security only of the e iro*' >• vo rf.pay.These advances uuy tv^row'" nionthlror quarterly instalment ?0¡:(:t \£:;m:ri::t: \r \'1' pl-I ,p?l remain *o H^ig as themto '?" ?..f«t'?.<?'?'"?'? ,?.?. Y «' **<•,>aner or gazette [2^452 I; Gv .ii.nPr&1 M af¡;: !-OT??' *'ivuvt*k.vousteraH for Loan*on Life so '.rf ( v a Si ftnd I'd M" n-i\:I\t;! >" ¡ ,,¡ P0lmd" to Invest. We Are 'H'?'?'' i ?.. 'Ait?':M a L?'' Rate of h- ?, ?,.i. )f. UttCf t?rMce. C.rdiff. SP uirpMlM.iPS. Pawnbroker, Wholesale Jeweller. f.ïFt,ri;,{'iæ; !F..???.iK'?wHM?.ttut<?t. [.M? iBarlimfrn, Cools, &r. "> •. FOB SALE )B" "RY T, 'PI" FOR SAI,E H i .• "O;z ô¡ i ¡ t .tAmps for \y ;« \,1 ,)y,'r ;,Ow I.t.? I\.r!< of l-i'-vland.-Ad. r. x K <• •. I., h 1)93 • 1{, ,• >v >nipr*S'">r, ^-ui cylinder,$m. H • • » Horse Pump. no\v On, Hor- i>' ? flywheel; One Wall Pump r L'dVV '?r'.Uft.b?'4ft.*eO[?' in Hartlett 600 ?rd, ?f ',5i Wr  h' tr tv A;r A.>ply Neath 2^y 304U 'O 1 "TEIGHBRIDGES' jf)AT>' WAGON. < ? .?. BABTTETT A SON. Ltd., lalLWAY TRUCK MILL LANE, CARDIFF. r Itractors. for the Annual Maimt«nanc« of Weighrajr Apparatus*. 30402 nr Sale. cheap, it good condition. To.hm i[;¡ F? ?t?'A S?. th ?'" Jib.—Powis, 2<" Duke- Cd l'.ff. 32glo2l 'FC:'0:¡f;. "lv new Donb1o-ared Si2:r r Machine, with upr »nd dies complete, to screw £ >♦ 0 *0 Whitworth .-d 31- Oass. with W)iitwi?th ?j J M?te)- T.pt-Apply Iro.. WeMfrnMt el'sj^or 5?8?.1!. (¡A¡;g;lf'-S for l$. eaih or D('frd-t;;t G*??'?  "?'?'?'"?"'<?? ?''?*?'' -pTojTsa>. Brick Plant, cor.sistin* of E Machiue, f.°f,fEF::¡:'{Bi;: k. a" a S ?' condition. "??? Brirk^ard, R 0. 3073019 CHARLES pHILLIPS EML YX IRONWORKS, VEWP0ET (MON.) AND GLOUCESTER, $4l<? R^iiresentativo in South "Waled and MOUllwuth ahira for HUDSVVKLL, CLARKE, uid CO'S. celebrated LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, tETHIED SPECIFICATIONS ON APPLI- CATION. WMTMDS: Maohiuerv," Neirport.. 24^K 1'eIt¡rra"'s: "!llachioery," NeW»Ort. ,2..m F P. h'- Private C ontract, Two Sheaves, 15ft. i f2}:J't¡:Xli I W rv, Cftorpbill>. 2.m MTLN. \il\ I i P .n h WiudiBf; flrst-oUsi or d er. — It;: geld, Biickworki. Toudu. 30;5018 )r'R-;iC PortaM* Kufine for tn!e Marshal!: 8 uoox,d ovelhawd.-Lewiô. Brickworkv. Roth. ectJ 3027ol8 P"OitTo\BLE Engi!11 Mortar Mill Pan. 6f,. &cd be?c complete. )n rail; :(end for liit of toiler., post free-Clarm':e Wharf, Nwport, M>H 2735o2l BOILERS, all Bite*.—Vertical. Cornish, Lancashire Uco. Tvj^e.also Vertical Steam Enfmes—The CrtruhaA Crank and Iron Company "Limite. Gran k< 753 'Hie:hi-b\gEl:' ..d lliniaj i. Pb* is "? Tr.de.-l)ouble Engines for Driving, ..d H..li.g. fr.. 6in. to Mn. E; Y Krl^-Laacaikiro, Galloway, Cornish, Vert;cal, and E.B( 1 Pamps all sizes. —Edwar d Ratcliffe, Engineer, [;jr1E;I¡Il;,£;tF:t «»:" 29782 Bl ARVELLOVS Success of Bamford's Patent Mow I Z;. SË; machine guaranteed. :f. f., C?r?til and Di"r??, T. L,? md Sons, T>.» Havej. Cardiff. Tedding Machines, Horse Rakes, Îre$FdiI1:r, b? all t:rl8 Ldi Mo?.r. Ground by Patent Auto.uatic :-0ne 13^14 HODGSON AND STEAD 1852., S A L Y O R 0 Manufacturers of WEIGH G MAVJlINEJtT Of Inry Detcriftio* for Railways, CorporatioD8, Iron- works, Colhel"ls. Jto. Coal T'raT8 Machines a Speciality. Uins?erfer So'i^h Wtwte^n District FEED S. BLAKKMORE, 124, Newptirt-ro t#T° Curdiff^ pECKETT AND SONS LOCOMOTIYK ENGINE BUILDERS, BRISTOL. Hsn i Largo Stock of NKW LOCOTITOTIVES If ,j.:OtIS Siz1 "ith all the Latent IznproH!1.enh ErR'ly for Immediate Delivery. Particulars on Applioatioa. :Itu:l:1;liB:'d with Prompb'9 'arch. and CO., ENGUTPRRS~A"TITVS G i.)-J>i,fdcl:ro:;tJ1,ÃTL \8 P^ru blc -Id Vertical Eogrino«, Mortar Millq, Saw f A Large Stock 01 New ..d S?,o.,I-h.?d k;, ff)m MiliA u? the Cheapest amd ..lIHI Co. )Ionar KUlA 'UtiI the Chea..r,c5t aJrid M,:¡:Ier Cah or B:r.Puchase Sy..tem. "S B-Sol Agents for South \V.,¡èi and Moumouth- • f(l;' Msruhill, Sons, and CJ., Ga\n-borough, qlC ^n> 0: Kr!^K| P;;ii,ierB jp the K\1rdom [20625 {•nsiitanrf CompanifS. A CI DEN T INSURANCE COM «- PANY (LIMITED). J. ST. SWITHIN'S-LANK, LONDON, E.C. UE.VEK4L ACC!D*:i«r8. j PKRS0J«4I I^JTRIKS. »4:R.WAT J DHATH BT ACCIP £ -VT. Agentti throughout Wales. L1103& C. HABDING. MaMor. 1'HR EDISON. BELL PHONO THU?B'APHF COKfOBATION (LIMITED). Tb;-Conp.-iny arc Now it a position t. Lease the ^MM^RCIAL PHONOGKAPH, ant! they invite .MU of tae Machino at their Brauch Ottict\ "v Kridge-chj»mpers, The Quay, Bristol, wkere it :-e ,?n in practi" use. is now used by muy P1-ifteipal business an"! pvofeoaioaal men in :e;:ll' an<! proiessioul me1l in on R'Pp]jrati<m. HEtDOmct: ?DMOKHOUSH. IDI?ll,,z HoL'Sk'?ERLA'D?AVF,NtTE, ?"? LONDON, W.C. St, *r<1 | -A}'i'Assortul.n' at the ''?h<MM NURSEK';?. ,?' CO>VBRn>GE-KOm i'i)S:-Th-i is a Lt'adiug }ent-y Bt'l:E'¡'S I E<talol¡.hmellt. All orders exccmed i"* Flowers un(i 'Jesputf tied promptly. ^etds of tlie linest obtainable quality ':d;;¡-¡ii \V I L L I A M T R E S ED ER, ??ERYMAN. SEEDSMAN, AND FLORIST, CARDIFF. ."•rtrticMrw !f" Treseder, Florist." 3087rlo BALSAM OF HORE HOUND, tkemost Cerfitn aud Speedy Remedy ? 'm. CoBiiim^tioa. Bronchitis, Ceu?hs, Iu I ..J WL,O°?INFR COUKII, HOARSEAEGS, AO. ? Proujpt raUfi and ofMN e«nt$ ? j.6tU? "roPS COLD, CCRES COUGH. '? ?'k''??"'? CO., LONDON ,)i tvarvwi,ice Is. ld. .?cl -?_ ?.'M?  L!0238 ? ¡O;;1tTANT'-f1,)).tO;& RP' 'i tdd to cureull private v the urinary f)rg¡\Us -I', H^so tfftivel and p.Lln ( ?,on, post ?' '??' ?,? "?- E.? '?.,?t? i:I\iï'/(i.;EF; i' ;,h,n3iv.^ B>MBe.street, and J M Pontnior Z' V,1 str^*t Swansea—Lloyd, Chemist :.r"\h,c-W,t:ï\ .II.b I ii ?'? U tl.L'—s if"ta MeMt?mt??t. tt?; ^curstous. BRISTOL CHANNEL PASSENGER SKRVICE (LIMITED). By Lady Margaret, 8i."JtilL, or Bonnie Dean. (Wind, weather, and circumstances perwittiag). DAILY SKRVICE BETWEEN ^ATtnTVP AND WESTON. Leave Ô;¡iÎÍ- Mou., 18..8.0, 9.45. 4.0, 6.0 'lues.. 19 ..9.30, 10.10, 3.45 4.45, 6.0. Wed.. 20 0.15. 4.20, 6.30. Thurs. ^1.9.10, 10.45, 6.0, 5.4tJ. Fri..2J .9.10,12.45, 6.15, Sat., 23 ..9.10, ;0.55,1;<,50, 4i. 30. ï- Leavo Weston. Mon.,18 .8.50,3.0,4.50,7.0 Tues., 19 10.30,3045, 5,0, I 6.1070. W.'a., 26..10.5,5?'.?0. 7. I Thurs.. 21.10.0, 6.40. Fri., 2210.0, 5.2<1. 7.20 Sat.. 25 10.0. 11.45, 5 35, )' 7.?. ??RDIFF'TO LTNMOUTH AND c ILFRACOMBI?. BY LORNA DOONE, Ac, 1,_ve Cardiff. L..?? I1fraeom. I Tucs., Juue 19. 10. 1 1 Wed., Juue 20 10.15 Thurs.,Juue21.10.45 Fri., J,?.. 22 10.50 a.m. ¿.:n I TUM.. Juue 26. 9.30 a.m. Tues., June 19 ..4. 0 p.m. Wed., June 20 .4. 0 p.m. Th. Juue211 4.15 ?'.m'. Fri., Juue 22 5.15 p.m. Mon., June 25 5.30 p,tu. Tues., June 26 ..5.30 p.m. Through Bookings, to Stations on the Londoa and South "Western Railway. MON PAY,"18, CLEVEDON (DIBECTK BU?XIEIMON L?. C.-did 0 am) L?ve Clevedon (b Baunie LORNA 1)0 0 NE Doon ) 8.46 p.m. LOR. P.I F 1?.d M. ~M( lNDA Y7"]8! CHANNEIT-CBU1SE. BONNIE DOON Leave Um?diff 7.45 p.m. 7.45 p.m. Fiuc. 19. 'TUt:St)AY. 19, BONNIE DOON. CLEVEDON (DIBECT). or COTlA, l.e..eCardi!! ?.. I ?. 6.50 p.m. 6.50 p.m. LeaveClevedon 8.45 p.m. ~TIU'S1)AY7~19, CHANNEL TRIPS" S?'TtA, L?. C.rdiff 6,0 -d 7.50 p.m. 6.0 -d 7.50 pm. Fare I'. For Full Particulars apply (,0 Elhvarù., Koert. son, and Co. 105, ButeDocks, Cardiff. DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN CARDIFF AND WESTON. WAVIIIILEY I (Weather und circum.stances permitting). j UNE. Leave Cavdif. 4.15 p.LU. Tues., 19 8.45,10.39 a.m. 5.0 p.m. Wed., 20..920 4.30 'Phurs., 21.9.15,11.0 a.m. 5.45 p.m. M..22'9'.?S.lH5a.m. &t.. 2'3, .9.15, 11.0 a.m., 1.0 p. Leave "Weston. 8.15 p.m. Tues. 199.30 a.m., 4.0, 6.45 p. Wed., 20 10,5 a.m., 8.3i p.m. Thn?"'2I.K.Ot.m..<.45 6.45 V.m. Fri., 22..10.0 a m. 6.15p.m Sat,, 23 10.0, li.45 6.0 p.m. SPECIAL EXCU'R'SIONS o By the Mugmificent Saloon SIMmer, WAVERLEY. MON L>\ AI/L-T>AYEYOUF.SION TO a. ""h CLBVEDON ("'0 WB8TUN). Wuerley. Leave C.,diff, 10.0 a. and 4.15 At 10.0 l. p.m. Returnin from Cievedon, An 1 ?Md7.M??. r _4.i'¡i;Jf' la. M. and 2s. LYNMOUTH aad HFNACOMBET TUESDAY (??. W?.t.) Juue 19th, L.?,. C.?dity 8.45 am. W??,?t?.,d H. Ren'rning from Iiir.?o.b?,4. 0 p.m. and Lynmouth 4.40 p..? Waverley, W,?,f.r Cardiff 6.45 p. CHANNEL CRUISE. Leave Cardiff 8.0 p.m. R,t,?r.ing W..erley. about 10.0 p.m. p all over the Steamer, I'?. For Fares aud Full Particulars ,ee Bills, or apply to Mr. Wm. Guy, Agent. 70?, Bute-dtr^pt, C.,div; or ? an d 0,1,lp? 11tLi.it? Rrist.)1, 29437 C A R D I FF AND BRL S TOL JUNE. "THE lo!ARCHIONES" From Bute Docks, Cardiff, to Brsitol. 18 Mond 4 15 morn and 4 15 after 19 Tuesday 5 0 aft?r 3 :ct::då): 3 :g; 21 Thmxtay 6 0 after 22 Friday 6 0 after 23 Saturday*,CB.i i 45 8fer j From Basin, to1, to Cardiff. | ISaMonday 7 15 morn 119aTu8Rday 8 0 mlun ?W'dn*?y.830 morn 2laThursday 9 0 morn 22aFriday 9 45mo-u 23aSaturday 1* 15 morn t?tar ?.? 9 0 after a To and Fro. F\ft!iter Cabin, 2s. 6d; Fore Cabin, la.6d.Te. ..d F, Ti,-k,t. for return ?,ip ou same d., a-, ftdr:elt I:'l?f\l. :OF:¿Ö:brP2U 'd'.mT'n'\ F,. Ik?, "'in be issued on Saturday, ii.bl? for return trip UR M >ndar JOHN THOMAS, Acnt, 5003 Packet Office. Bute D?,?k,. Cardi^ dipping ^ottrcs. STEAMSHIP BOOKING-OFFICE, for all Lines. 9, Edward-place (near T.V.R. Sta- tion. t'ardi.Ko other address. N,. ?glnt, [?4" ?XLY'jM"toNewYork'rCaN?cta. ?; Cape, £ 10 10,. Australia, X12 12s. (from any st!\tlOu).-Davis. 45, Charles-street, Cardiff. [olg EDUCED FARES.-Visit yotir J I Friends in NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILA- DELPHIA, or BALTIMORE. X3 every thill* found. No extr.i ezi>ezise. Cheap Ti,k,?t? .11 Part, i the ?r?.?C.???CUDLIPP, ::gl; ti tlk Castle-road, Cardiff. 3368o22 (-A R_EAT REDUCTION IN PASSBN" Jf GER FAKE" TO and FROM AMERICA, by Rn"Kl bil Steamers NEW YORK. PARIS, OHIO, ,6UTHWARK. ic. To New York, Bost(n, Phila- delphia, or &Uiulole, fr.?- to.L in U,"t.d Klb«omJ 93, Everything Found. Return fare, ?3 JSs./ with t,'iu!i)M'pntHet;fa.?F<r Through fck: a;h to T. i:f' J(J:,il:V);;I:Ufl M'?H??at'?r??.tre.C.trth'J. ?" 2971?IY PALGRA7 AND ( 0.'S p'LINE OF STEAMKKS SWANSKA TO HAMBURG. CITY OF CADIZ Captain Kolioe. CITY OF DORTMUND Captain Codd. CITY OF All?STER p.?,A W Hoare. One of the above or other Steamers of the 8Rm Line is inteadcd to leave Swansea for i,,?burg every Ten Days. for Freights, Ac., apply to the Owuers, Palgrave, Murphy, u»d Co., 17, 'I." Quay, Dublin, or to th: )Turphy, aud C 17,i U.(,E,;s and CO. Swans" ?<-? at Htmbu'? :-D, FUHRMANN. M'Mt i:_7Tr"7TXRrFTF F AND BORDEAUX. The Cardiff Steamship COJUp&nyg first-class Screw Steamers will Sail as follows (circumstances per- mitting) — ELY Cardiff for Bordeaux.. June 20* TAFF Bordeaux for Cardiff. June 16* • Ou or about. With Good. anti p:L8sen!{r. .Tor rates of freight, kc., apply to Mr. A. G. Todd, Agent, 31, Quai des Clmrtro\ls, Bordeaux, anil at the Office? of the Company, No. 51, Mount Stuart-s«juar-' (;itrd'.e ° HOOPER, CAMPBELL, and CO. 67745 Managers. 1- ONDON TO CARDIFF AND Jj SWANSEA. The London and South Wales Steamers are in t<-n.)? tn ';AIL W:EKLY  from ?'' KINGAND QUEEN WHARF. ROTHERHITHE, LONDON, with Goods, for CARDIFF and SWANSEA. Fiuwilliam..Londou to Cardiff aud Swansea Juue 22 Cornel London to Cardiff ft.l.lttSWt\lIsfOa June 29 For Further Particulars Apply to Matthews an Luff. 102, Fenchurch-street, Londoa F. H. rrncke amI Co., Swansea or Matthews aud Luff, Vienu Chambers Cardiff. 25565 PTLGRTVE. ;tttP COTS REGULAR LINE STEAMERS FROM HAMBURG TO CARDIFF AND CARDIFF TO HA14BURG? I CITY OF AMSTERDAM crn" OF BELFAST CITY Ol' BRISTOL crrv OF CADJZ errr OF CORK CITY OF DORTMUND CITY OF HAMBURG CITY OF LISBON gn OF trff(A CITY OF OPORTO CITY OF HOTTER DAM One of the above First-class Hteamel"iJisintendctl to leave HAMBURG for CARDIFF aud CARDIFF for HAMBURG at regular intervals. For Particulars app!y to Palgrave, Murpby, aad Co." 17, Eden 'Q??"DHMh?.or«. J. T. DUNCAN and CO., C.Illiff Arreut at Hamburg. D. FUHRMANN. 7153 NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. TENERIFFE, CAPE TOWN, TASMANIA. AtrSTRALIA (VIA HOBART), AND NEW ZEA- LAND. Monthly Service. Excellent accommodation. Liberal cuisine. Special arraugemeuts for bookiug passage* at Rcduced Fares aud Round the World Tours. RUAPEHIT, 4,202 tons, June 28. Apply to J. B. WestBY and Co., 138, Leadenhall- B. W?.t'?y ff, strf(;t. London, E.C.; in Cardiff, to Edwards, Robert- sou, aud Co., 105, Bute Docks; S. J. Davies, 9, Ed. word-pluw; HellderslJU Bros" 35, Mount Stuart- squaro, Bute Docks; or C. J. Cudhpp. 32, Castle-road, CditI. 1,18110 f -h ALLAN line ROYAL MAIL ST;AE.RS TO L?fTED STATES ?ND CANADA Vii'lcr contract with thu Cana iian Govirnmont for r -ya f tho Canadian MAlh¡ from LiverlJ) \1, Quebec and Montreal ..June 14 .a KTil A(rl N AX. For St John's and Halifax June 19 Bt'l.N'iS Y EAN For Q..b,? and Montreal. June 21 sAKOiMAN For Quebec and Montreal.June 28 :)Jil J'nH:f: NUMIDIAN F.r Quebec and Montreal July S :q;II1)liËS'FJRrO<tJr a;1tJ\2""JuIy Saloon, 10 to 18 guineas. Çabm und 'age at L"I'' Throuh Tickets to all Stations at 8peCH\J Rates, Pft&vuRurtf are \andcd on .ilroad wharf and tr?a. ncd from ship to train without any inconvenience r,r. 'p)!0 Conjpau.v's special oonducto- l/.nc iirov: i'i th« c leapest ..(t most con I,. ;i; :J.i:\i;Io tho Nor*n r Biitish C-nui.f.ia. and the We.it-rn C'to tur>v.i iv.:o Australia •/ i \:1:,1.:011\("1', :.f1It Hur:.t)lnh. 1-,n<A;:r:caltu:aillxp"rj.jnce iuCauadi M, lJLH:;u ¡;omm,mil:t0 with Allan To 'fO[' ?,iI.Ll, SPOR) Trip Ticketd to the VI onJerf Sccnery nd .P(,rtng Districts of the Roc*v Mountnin< and British <;oluinbia. and other ,,ace? 0 11 terest in United 8tatoK and JSritih Delegates' New Reports and all the latest MItI and Pamphlets free. Direct Services from (,)MMW to New York Md Bu.st.n ?nd Pi?ii.del aU the yer ..nd. Full particulars ou application to AI.LA B«?t'???', ??denhtn-'trMt. Lou- don on<)!9. Jtmes.<tr<et. LtMrpoo). o[toS..Ln*nM. °Ed?rd-pM<:e Captaiu J. A. &0tt,fcml ?noaO.'h.j. 47 eat Cdi I: W. y J.iLr::08'; Jt; <S T C H 3 1. MMunt Stmrt'?Mre. C.udt<t; W ? V?ugli? Phn?r. 47 .md 48. W.nd-O.Met. and I. K W M?n ?dU? 8wM<e?: ?. H Keej. Aactiuiu-;i- CharlesviUe-place, Neath; Plubp Davtci, Oeoree Jotji Brecon Wk. o ?"?- St. Joaa'j^uaM Abergavenny John ¡". Fnuiclj H?K?.t: Milton Locke, ana FhiiUpe, ■>, Co:u- meicia; street, j. Y..?W. I, Trede*»r-ptape, S??'*m?nS"&i?" ?,°'?.M?SM?, Dac?MMe., p Mon.; A. Tilney. Steam Saw Mills, Abertiilery; ¡;'jPr:o¡'¡t 1t;e)ilb t?-r;r?i Davies, 62, (ilebeland-atreet, Merthyr 'fydJU; D J. Re. TrM)? P.?ttypfMd; J. UtYie?, BtiMug?r?: D. How. ?? Peuv?nHf! nal' Pontt'pridd; WllHaw S-Itt 4, ??'?-??.? K. M.'D."? ?u.ch?, cridd'^ 'Elitls Thom^74(i >ytfr^ f'Mt-o!tt.?, Font). f: '1i:;}:r ??'???'???", H^,J3T ??')d''?e?r?jMd? Bws, 7 Tr.v5w.twot, rKMtMH* Sal'  Parsons, Hairdrewer, Armoury J«v.. b»»» VJa1»'?*• William Biuuham, ^r.roh-ro* ■•j0", LaiuWrt, Emigration Atf-nt. h« rt. p ? rth ?.? 'T?!'? ??rd'?."r. Thu CT.?. Murrkton. i. U. Bona. N«w Cut, Bath Bridge, irgal ^ottrts. ^Xamor^ COUNCIL. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTS, 1838 AND 1894. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Glamorgan Conuty Cùuncil has madA aM. ORDER under Section 57 of the Local Government Act, 1888, relating to Parishes in the Neath Union to the following effect (1) The part of the Parish or Hainlot of Bloen. hoinldau that is situate withiu the Urban Sanitary District of the Muuioipnl Borough of Neath shall be transferred to the Parish of Neath Town. (11 The parts of Ih, Parishes ?r Hamlets of Baglan Ij¿e;ha¡åK1co:at:i::r(\rh)t. :il:gi: Urbau Sanitary District of the Municipal B??..gh .1 A ?all be transferred to tgti Pari?h of Abinufon. (S) Thc part of tho Parish or Hamlet of Baglau Lower (if any! that is within tho Local Government District of Briton Ferry shall be transferred to the Parish of Briton Ferry. (4) The part of the Parish or Hamlet of Michael- ston Higher that is withiu the Local Government District of Glyncorwg shall be transferred to the Hamlet of Glyncorwg. (141 This Order shall o me into "peration P.. the appointed day d fl .d by Section 84 of the Local Government Act, 1894, but for all purposes connected with the preparation f List. E ?t.I the completion ef the Register of Electors, and for fixing Ute number of Guardians aud Rural District Couu- cillors, it shall operate and be deemed to come into operation from the date of its being approved by the Local Government Board. Dated the 14th day of June, 1194. Copies of the Order amy be inspected Rt this Office during the ordinary office hours by any owner or ratepayer in any r,. sff??t,(l by the Order during lpa,tre ir;"f Fourteen Days from the 18th dy of JUNE, 1894. T. MANSEL FRANKLEN, Clerk of the County Council. Glamorgan County Offices, Westgute-atreet, Cardiff. 30432 GLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTS, 1888 AND 1894. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Glamor- gun County Council has made an ORDER, under Section 57 of the Loeal Government Act, 1888, relat- ing to Parishes in the Cardiff Um n, to the followiug effect:— (1) The part of the Parish of Sull, which is in tho Barry ana Cadoxto* Local Government District shall he united with the Parish of Ca"o%ton.juxta. Barry. (2J Thearn known as Sheeping Moors shall be united with aud form part of the Parishof Cadoxtou- jUItn.BA.rry. (3) The Parish or extra parochial place Highlight shall be united with the Parish of Wenvoe. (4) The Order of the Local Government Board, dated the 28th ef February, 1878, uniting the said place of Highlight to the Parish of Merthyr Dovan for representative purposes is rescinded. This Order shall come into operation upon the appointed d.?, defined by Section 84 of the Local Government Act, 1S94, but for all purposes connected with the prpr,'?i of Lit' of the completion of the .d for ll.ili, the representation ou the Board f Guardian., it ?k- operate and be deemed to come into operation from the date of its being approved by the Local iOo: ment Board. Dated the 14th day of June, 1894. Copies ,¡f the Order may be inspected at this Office during the ordinary Office hours by any Owner or Ratepayer in any area affected by the Order during a period (\1' Fourteen Days from the 18th day of JUNE, 1894. T. MANSEL FRANKLEN, Clerk of the County Council. Glamorgan County Offices, Westgate-street, Cardiff. 30431 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, J3| that the 16th day of October next Api)h- cation will bo made to H??- M.j,?t3"- Justices of tb? i Peace assembled at Quarter Sess.wns in and for the County of Gla1Uorpu at Swansea fdr 1m ORDER fnr certain "TOPPINGS UP, DIVER- 'stoKS. and IMPROVEMENTS proposed to be ,la;v "j'3HJMli,ttt:J&PE, thO: following HIGHWAY, viz. The Highway leading from Llanharran to Llan- trisiint in two pl?.,?, namely (1) Where it leads from Craigmelin Cottages to Packmau's Hole, and (2) at a spot about one huudrod yards to the Eastward of Packman's Hole for a dis- tance of about 350 yards under Garth Isat Form. And that the Certificate of Two Justices having viewed the s<» me Stoppings Up, Diversious, and 1m. provements t?, be ?.,d? as aforesaid, ith K?'P? of tfi:oö!Je and l';q aN:rHiw:. will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County Oil the istdav of JULY next. Dated this 11th day of May, 18^4. T. LLOYD EDWARDS, .10060 County Surveyor. rilo THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF L THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN TO THE COUNTY ELECTORS OF THE ELECTORAL DIVISIONS COMPRISED IN THE SAID COlT NTY, AND TO ALL OTHERS WHOM IT MAY CON- CKRN. WHEREAS by Section 2 (3) of the Local Govern- ment Act, 1838, the Quarter "cre empowered, 8ubjeet to the directions in tbe Alt, toùt.er!Hinc the Electoral Divisions (other than those comprised i. Boroughs) in y County AN? WHEREAS the Quarter Sessions i. and for the Count] of Glamorgan exercised tha power con. ferred upon them by the Section aforesaid by dividing so much of the said County ItS is not within the limits of any Borough iuto Sixty-three Electoral Divisions, and the said Electoral DivitÜOU8 include (amongst others) the Barry, Caerphilly, Coitv, Cwmafou, Cymmer. Duffryn, LI?ti,imut Liantwit F?'S.'e? Merthyr Vale, MofSs'tfM). Newcastle, P,.t, Pontypridd, Porth, Resolven, T,.f.?.?t? Tyrd?.-?, and Ystrud Electoral Divisioas AND WHEREAS by Section 54 of the said Act it is provided that wheneTtJr it is represented to the Local Government Board by the Council of any County that the alteration of the boundary of any Electoral Division of a County, or of the number of County Councillors and Eleotoral DivhriOllS in Ar County, is desirable, the Local Government Board shall, unless for special reasons they think that th* representation ought not to be entertainod, cause to be made a LocW Inquiry, and may make au Order for the proposal contained ?u such representation, or for Riic h otb. p,ol) Ithey -?,y ,e., ?,.pedi..t, or ,ty reftse such Ord(?x and if they nmko the Order may, by such Order, divide or alter any Electoral Division: AND WHEREAS a representation has been made to the Local Government Board by the County Council of the County of Glumorgan that it is desi- rable that an Order should be made for the followiug purposes, that is to say: (1) The formation of a new Eleotoral Division to he called the Morriston Electoral Division, consisting af the eristiug Morriston and Tyrdeunaw Electoral DivisIOns i D?,ill ?h transfer of so much of the Hamlet ?f Michaelstone Hiher as is outside the Local Govern- nieut District of Glynoorwg from the Resolven Electoral Division to the Cwmu.îouElectoraJ Divi- (3) The alteration of the common eounaary or tRe Per.fe mid Ystrad Electoral Divisious (4) Th* formation of two ne" Electoral Divisions to be called the Penygraig and the Porth and Ovnuner glectoral Divisions, consisting of tho exist- h}Pol'th and CYlUmr Electoral Divisions (5) ?I'hi? tmnsfer of the Hamlet of Ynysawdre from the Coit-y Electoral Division to the Newcastle Elec- toral Division (6) The formation of a new Electoral Division to be called the Barry Electoral Division, consisting of S0 much of the existing Barry Electoral Division as i, included in the South and West Wards of the LDistrict of 13-y ?.d C.d..t.. (7) The formation E:lEil:i,Y:itint; I called the Cadoxton Ele 'toral Division, consisting of so much of the Barry Electoral Division as is in- cluded in the East aud North Wards of the said Loc,tl Government District of Barry and Cadoxton'; (3) The transfer to the existing Llantriaant Elec- toral Division of so much of the Parish of Llantwit Fardre, in the Llantwit Fardre Electoral Division, u" is outside thQ Local Government District (If P,,Iy ,?ld (9) The formdion ef a new Electoral Division to be ?l?d the Cil?t,nddPDi7isioll, consiRt.IU of the pirt ?f the exi8ti\l Poatypridd and Llantwit Fardre Electoral Divisions which comprises the-parts of the Parishes of Eglwyailan and Llanfabon within the Town Ward of the Local Government District of Pontvpridd; (19) The formation of a now Electoral Division to bo called the Peut,fpridd EIctoral Division, COll- sist, iusr of the part of the existing Pontypridd and Llantwit Far. Ire Electoral Divisions, which com- prises so much of the Town Ward of the Local Government District of Pontypridd as is ia th Parish of Lhnwonno and the Rhondda Ward of tho said Local Government District; (11) The formrltion of a new Electoral Division to be calle4 the Treforest Electoral Division, consistinc of o much of the Local Government District of Po-:typridd iu the existing Treforest. Llautwa Fararet and Llantrisaut Electoral Divisions a is Wit included in the aforesaid n" Cilfyuydd and Pontypridd Electoral Divisions (12) The alteration of the existing Duffryn Elec- toral.Division so as to include therein so much of tho Parish of Llanfabon as is comprised in the Local Government District of Mountain Ash aud in thy existing Llantwit Fardre Electoral Division (13) The alteration of the existing Merthyr Vale Electoral Division so as to include therein so much of th, Parish f Ll-.fb. is rj,?d in the LrocfGeO:t W!tf I:dfi dtrl th(? e.,i??? i.g Llmtwtt Fardre Electoral Division md (14) Th. f.,?n.ti.. fEl,?t?.1 Dii,i.n to be en-led the Caerphilly Electoral Division, conainting of t, Local -Government District f C?,hilly, \¡jei' at ?n"tfrslitrh': ëh¡íI'yhd Lla.utWlt Fardre Electoral Divisions. AND WHEREAS bv Sub-section 4 f S?eti.. 59 f tJa:lf:J,'U;:dti?: :B:0f51! Act may, so fm as may seom necessary or propor fci? ,h ,? f, ? (!. i,,?h Ord, pr.?id. for Jl or ?.y of ,lft7tBr'ef(P{<??' ih;J-t 1! as)' AND WHEREAS the Local Government Board have directed Inquiry into the subject-matter of tV. said representation and all other matters relating thereto NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Major- general C. Phipps Carftv, R.E., one of ths Inspectors ?f h,, said Board, wil attend at the OlSces of the said County Council, Cardiff, ouTUESDAY, the Nine- teenth Dav A June, 1894, at Ton o'clùck iu tba Fore- uoon. for the purpose of investigating the proposals numbered (6) to (14) inclusive, and at tho Police- ?..rt, Aberavon, on MONDAY, the Twenty-fif h D., of June, 1894,.at Eleven o'clock in tho Fore noon, fort.1.eo purpose of investigating the proposals nmDbored (I) to (5) iaolusiva. AND NOTfCE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVBN thut any per90u i'4trest.c1 nNY attend at such Inquiry and ho heard with rei'er8¡1U6 to tho said rpr(ja311tÆlton and the other matters aforesaid. AS WITNESS wy hand this Eighth Day of Jnu, ,t the 061?, of th L 1Board, lWa 9l,4 i"k??ll, London. D. iDRI-kN. ALFRED D. ADRIAN. ?t,,rf, 30282 Assistant Secrebr!. fimltnitg; ^»onrties, &t. ERTFIYR AND DOWLAI8 jgUILDING SOCIETY. Chairman, Mr. Alderman WILLIAI8. J.P.. Gwaelodvgarth House. Merthyr Tyddl, LOANS ADVANCED IN SUMS FROM £ 100 TO £ 10.000. Easy Re-payments in 3 to 17 Years- Favourab'?e R "I? ? 'S",r,Y_Lo.n. on B.ildi?g. in Progress—No Management Charge B¿lple;;ï;: M???BWI?AMS, S?e.r?t,?ry Glebelaud House, Merthyr T3 or r.1.1 Local Aents throughout South Wales. o'K 1 MOWLB'S PENNYROYAL and .L PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct 11 ir"er.ilarities, remove I\H obstructions, and relievlJ the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex Bu" h. l d ,'d 2,.9?l. ?h? ifttter c?uttuM theo time. the quantity), of all cheiftist3. Sent any vvh r. nnMo?t'')f ?5' ?'M atoitpt, by the Maker, E T. jB(!6ntfs.9! SOlUregses! pARR Y AN D ROCKE, s WANSEA. We buy more Walsh Fleece Wool than auy othr Manufacturers in Wales, and invite offers of Fleece Woolri from Farmers. We have at present a lot. of (light weillt for SumUl(Jr wear) Welsh Home-spun Tweeds Manufactured by us from these Wools. Magnificent wear. We are selliug those at very low }trices. Manufacturers of Guaranteed Welsh Hosiery, Flannels, and Kuittiag Yarns. SUPPORT YOUR HOME INDUSTRIES. WHOLESALE ONLY. Should there be any difficulty in your obtain- ing our Manufactures, please drop ns n, pùHt. card and we win at once send yon adùrcli8 of nearest Draper or Dealer. To be had 9} retailers in every t$wn in Wales, L1I885 c ARTER'S L ITTLE LIVER TOILLS SMALL PILL. SMALl, DOSE. SMALL PRICE. FORTY IN A VIAL. SUGAR COATED. PURELY VEGETABLE. CURE TORPID LIVER WITHOUT FAIL. le. lid. c A.RTER'S J lTTLE LIVElt pILLS CAlfEO CIG ARETTES. c AMEO CHLlRETTES CAMEO CIGARETTES. MANUFACTURED OF PURE VIRGINIA TOBACCO. CAMEO c IGARETTES. CAMEO CIGARETTES. CAMEO CIGARETTES. HAVE A CLEAN, BRIGHT, DELIGHTFUL TASTE. CilIEO c IGAITETTES. ClllEO c IGARETTES. £ UMEO CIGARETTES. A PHOTOGRAPH IN EACH BOX. £ UMEO CIGARETTES. C. AMEO CIGARETTES. CAMEO c IGARETTES. A MOUTHPIECE WITH EACH CIGARETTE. CAMEO c IGARETTES. CAMEO c IGA-YTETTES. CAMEO CIGARETTES. BOLD EVERYWHERE. LUll BUY THE jgVENING EXPRESS: SMARTEST EVENING pAPER IN THE PROVINCES. SPECIAL CARTOONS EACH DAT. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. CARDIFF ADVERTISING. BILL POSTING. AND CIRCULAR DISTV .liUTiNG COMPANY (LIMITED).. Established 1877. OFFICES CASTLE-STREET CHAMBERS. SECRETARY: FRANK H. SIMPSON*. Best Permane Posting Stations ill Cardiff and Neighbourhood Contractors for sll descriptions 8f Advertising. Circular Distributing, Ac.. All orders promptly attended BLESSING TO LADIES The most woudennl medicine ever discovered for all irregularities and obstructions, howevr>- obstinate or long-standing. Thousunrh have been r. leved by tbi" miraculous remedy, and thereby HY trouble, illness, and expense. Perfectly harmless and astonishingly effectual, as testified to by hxuidreds of married And r¡in]e Numemiis unsolicited ?tiMouMh. PILLS ARE USELESS, Md only bring disappointment. Stamped addressed envelope for price list.-?k. 'A S 26., L.d.?., W thainstow. The only effectual remedy on earth. Try &ad iiidfre for Ebli,hed L1117.3 F A R N E R S! FARMERS' j' FARMERS 1 Save your MOHey and Keeo your Health by having ;0 ,,j N WC OOL, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, LANKETS, ?I'OCMNGS. Ac. Patterns forwarded, aDd. Carriage Paid to and from the Mills 011 all Orders over £ 2. TYLE n, AND CO.. MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, SOUTII WALES. 82933 rJpL HE CA DOXTON A ND BARRY TBtr,L- PRSTING COMPANY (LIMITED. 5, VEBE-STREET, CADOXTON-BARRY. Secrctary. MICHAEL DAVIES. Best Positions and Largest Connection in the Dis* riet. 902  T HE WEEKLT m -UL. ''RICZ 1.. $

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- - - -__ - -GLAMORGAN HOUNDS.

i - , ' - - - - ! CYCLING…
