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Family Notices

Family Notices

SCALE OF PREPAID ADVERTISE. 1,1 I'NTzi. trvi-$*.1. does not apply to Business AdTerUse- ments ot!ca f b.teddfod&u. Sport, Cou- eerts. or to Announcements emanating from Public Bodies. it ) T l j Si ime Dailv and •» OD('. Jhw Six once in ir«rat> ;| Once. Times, Times. ^y,»ekW. TTa. ». -¡:-I-d •> 0 II 0 9 1 6 2 0 2 6 28 23303 8 1 4 30 4 0 I 4 10 44 18195060 J'h add,tlo.¡ i, 0 4 0 911 0 ¡ 1 2 g^ggg'l 'TT 0 9 1 o I 1 2 .1vt."rti¡.'m('nts :SihlRt'lnn5 Wanted. or ()t!tl"t.d. hi,h -ti l?- L<Ht J.ud Trtund, M:soeUaow- Fbops, Offces, to ^Let or shjj, orCific Articles for Letsl, Be Artiel? for If the i.t?0- b-Itt credIt rate ..ill rp cha.1, but 0 "1,dr ?:11 be booked fr less ùon Tb" hi11in" «V»««d 2s. M. «*cb. « Marriages and I £ tf» ue f'1\3t"{fd 2" 6d E'.{\t'b ""ot e1.rec-tii1t 31' word.. Rnci  ej:b addit1('O'"l rto co .1 r.. ut"eutkt"" by the i!(t1atllro and nddtciS f)f,,heP. tlal}t ('Are is t"ktn tc\ int't. "d..ertimet8 »ntbe d-1- ordered,  thtnr \'I,n -t!y pri.tld totwo f» ot be r1tf1nlhl (or iimocunwies in either of Tl\"rds, nor for any f"IOnsequMI<E"!Ii arÙdnc trl.'n'fr(\u\. Cheques aud Posts Uni rto^aico(mBicc e 0vrdrr, shmlM V CKMSIT aud l*.™1,1* t0 Mr, D, W, IM0*1S> '"Postal Orders ""nnot be -It-illd .dVertisrs are requested to sent Halt-penny ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECI A I NOTICE TO A-,IT L,t"r, AA.zL.A tI. Initials or Fictitious Names, to be « £ dhr are not dp!ivHeù from any Post. 'ei" but are sent to ^be Returned 1.,tt., Office, to be imme. diatfly returned to the senders. ORIGINAL TESTIMONIALS ehonld never be sent with applications addressed to tho of this raver. The proprietors cannot undertake any Mre- sponsibility anould valuable document, be oat. $rr0onal* •rXVX T^TED^roncTwi^J*^ W ;>Tt1rtrI¥Thttr;.hrOJ,:t: i rviM In* k** bicMv resuectable, a:: 1 good -TMT, ,n Ma.i. Cardiff 1^4:24 t'IHditf 12'2424 glatrÜuomal. .I Er,I. t/:h:Ali' Dgrbí' VMt' aTRIMONY. Gentleman (40\ with over £ L<K0 ï\i A ;r:,(I1åbfé]eM: \4õSilrtt?:ea,1: ret"rs''on of i4C4 vearlv -Photo and fnn part}culan, «ri confi «ence. address Box 194. Correspondence Ofiv-c. Bristol- 1126i4 Tl r ATRIMONY-Ladv. orphan, living in -?.1 d is. Ï\I FJ:: (\r::æ' JtH'\ ¿ali; ano £ 5,«0 -Address )fl H unmiton, JdcertnerOmee, Bn$tol- 95??23 THE MATRIMONIAL HERALD and FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE (;AZI&M. 011.:01 Organ of The World', Great Marriace At««c!». tion .Linired Its valuable organisation suproit.d \t e:d I; t;tll:CyOrairtV V?ppy and advantageous m&rTisiz(?? \ee Notice in current I(U. Kv>Mlant #v,ceess for 1893. Enonnoul inrrcMt' in Association'* lurri%ge? c.x?e any ye?? during 4)lf?,e war*'establishment 1'Je Pireetorate Jiononr^d with the entire P.itronage of the Nobility, Professional and Bnhmei8 C1atS throa,h0ut tue Brit-¡h Empi! Jb,'t: luir "C1"fV Sent in plain sealed e'»' °I'e. 5(1 Lamb's Condnit-strfet. citriral. fh,i,??t; Ui.l. ^^jEADERWMteTrwiinenisriTfhe^ -Apply H. Lloyd, ESQ., Plus Ci-JJebyl. Swan- bid -Apply H. L10yd, Esq, Pltt' Cl:'y:,Jt,'b.'1!i2¿'26U' "I\T> T ANTED immediately, an M.mtiul "YAi'{ priest \;rt;E'iSJ; "ifh: ien-"S, Vicai of L'.ananh. Llandysail. 932123 tblral. ^LriV' OrXLIFIElT ^Velslm>oakinr X^ \J in Coantn Practice in SouthWa.cs ??,ly w?, T29. We. Mail Offic, Cardiff. 136 W' ANTED, immediately. ed A.i,?t to W A1J'l a:Btraél&ll'; knowledge cf Welsh tMuued.-T 15, Wester. MaU, C3xd?,T? 1213;25 ANTED, ?-Tc;tTcued th as Apprentice- J. Myrddin Davie., Ch,mb?, 4, Oxford street. Swansea. 914122 UNQFAL TE A, tDe'ir:d Engagement with Medical Uan v.e'.i accustomed toall kinds of practice first class ,eforcr.ce.-B., care of M. ^e, Peni-^tn, Maesvewmin^r. rbolastlr. TTACHE^S WANTEPr NETTHISBEY SATIOSAL SCHOOLS.—Ranted, b, the 2r.d f April, a Head-mistress tWelsh.; ?!a-'r L. with one-fifth of Goremment grant.-Apply, 1\ith testimonials, Uev. E. Them., N?.tl, Abbe' (M ,,IIGVIA GIRLS' NATIONAL SCHOOL.- FI\nnd of 'eh a 1;t.tr.Hh; a-eve L""I?Apply tb" Igrr 1258126 A- SSiSTÃNT. MISTRESS for Mixed School (National i, under master; saiving; £40- References and testimonials to Vicar, Llantraant, G lamorgan. ANTED. Tutor for Two Bovs; l:t:nE:'fJ curate preferred sub j ects Latin ?E and UI.:nematies-T 8, W?,t?,. 'dil, Cardiff. 1193i22 "I\T\ TANTED companionable Nursery Goyerness for "1" .Lf;ghi1C:STC1:d ;ed:,eo: -Addr??T 19? We.torn Mail Office, ?Cardiff.[1247i26 ■w/OUNG Lady in Newport Requires Lessons in Y OUN'Gn l fiehJ:Jdr:qW{den:8\V:tt M.1 Ofli, 136)!?4 TEACHEBS WANT EMPLOOTENT ENARTH —Dailv Engagement Required to Chil- '?oto' gh Eng'ih "'i', .dim? French drawing; e.lrienced with hil. d-n-H.. Library. Penarth 23?i25 Y?-O-UNGi,.?dy 20) i?c?k.it .at" Nursery 1 G?ve-ne?: ?iu?ic.1; well accustomed to chil- &?pn; ""d references -Apply 12, Malvern terrace, Swansea. 1413i27 O0\ ERNESS, thoroughiy -R-liln,ed. -tiil,.td, GoDe-irep Rngagemnt (or Compa ion ;through taeiiih, accomplishments, good musiei; Cburch^; e I len? r'!rrcc.Alm.. Westorn Mail, Newport. 1220i22 W ANTED, gmf¡;t Pl Oo}tjoth:¡r¿ bealtby and pleasant part c)f Monmouthshire efikicnt overnes, termam-H., care of Jo,ce. Bookseller, Newport, Ion lio8 4 1TCJATIOK as Govcrne.. to Tonus Children English, kindergarten, music, drawing & aed 2' Cardiff preferred.—P. E Western Mail Omce. yewpo^. 908i22 CCOMMERCIAL Com»Dondence, French, Sp.?i, ) Ital!an, and G, private tmt1on. Classes SI.orthan"I Candi.^atei prepared 'or BChoIarsinps, ;1d l::lrl¡inÆ¿:rifaoL t};l:y: \T Haines, Public Tran^ator, 25, Park-street. Car- diff. 4650tl .9Ittøíral. T\X\ T A:-¡TED.ep.cwbl Young 1,.dy P,an! who I?re Timp a' Domestic Work-pply WANTEFDI, IIR, i;I Forth. 1232u5 P j .t.t:i good Vi.calist W.n'Td t n, li'? out.—State age "'I terms Williams, Globe.^Tre- ADY Pi..i., and Vo,.Ii?? Wanted -Apply, per- 'L A o;a< \VlJi11..tc'th;,J'¿ c)41 i?Z ANTED immediately, Piani.t and Vocalist .-State age and f un ?i,, im to Evans, Angel Hotel Ta.U, M..n.jT T)d!\1 878i22 MDME. BOULTON GRAY, RAM, Accepts Mi?M?ll '?OU TO- IIAY -M Revives Pupil" for Singing in Enh81, Fr,.?h, -6 Ok 'Idtt,dtff. 127512ó I%IR? I! VERNON PIERSON, S.10 Fl..tit Oxford ïR Ji,.Oh\R:Op:.t V: (ht! forr(?ratorio. Le??ons Given -n Flute. Guitar, Mandolin, 1'ianoforte, FRnn-6. Gor- F,, ute ,iff l?'5i26 pL{!fi: orb coed accompanist and vampist; moderate waees.— Pr,, .r COM Colman Hot ant.??oel, 896;2 >} Quarter.—Lady "'ir" F-d 108. 6D 'Sin,I. Senior Honours, Tnnitr Col1bc}-Âddre!; S 26, W -to?,n Mail. C?'diff* 9'íO..>3 PROFESSOR WII SON Gives Music and Eloc"»on Lessons, and Accepts Engagements for his o t .ti?.f I Memory Enttrtaiuments C1íve,oad, 0- Cardiff. !!?rL. l\lIer.rJ!Jf;1'g: .truption in Pian?forte ?(I S, ^ng at 4, Glosip. T,,x?, C.rlill; t,,?? n-. 22,,d2 ^ousrhfrprr^, Companion^ ¿!P.!lFASIOSS,A COrTi(,le.cr;i¡!IR' to Look Af, Widower's Houte, vath Youu Jamlly a'ceding ilool: comfortable hO!n; pleaatlt1. t tl at e il-Apply V T. Weatgn^A&wansea. J143h27 "7 "\Bl::l1:iTt and by .?l 11 ? D. F.!ofio.Jd,;re Warehouse, p.it1"t!. Rb"ndd, 11,, r 12 "TAED.. re.ptet;b1c-Wn1;n-:Í.W-riïi'¡:Hõ\ keeper or jrood Plain Cook.-Applr  ct robe, 45, Qneen-sereet, Cardiff. VV ANTED, respectable Person as Workinj House- :FI;I':TfI:: age 7 frr I.Var,cua^.arrbs, t.-» .lohn Trz*t Drapti,Pouttot- f;n 1165i •irfxV TANTED. AssistinL Housekeeper, for HoteL'Apl; WANT i1:amlt Greyhound Hotel, Abe^ea- ▼ftnny llT^i ^W TANTED, exrerienced Housekeeper ;!r preferred aired abont 40 £ 20 per vear; t«<, r, .?n kcDt state f?lll i:fiil.D:Jltr;!r;:5 .i  ,ly T S. *Is, Mail.C.rt«. tia nfAe-Cõ1];tÿ:iyfibMïâr-a Cook-Housekeeper; about 35 muet b? thorouhly experienced, and an able manager, a good bread mak". and able '0 undertake the w ork "I a aU dairj occa- aal'y £ 25 t- £ » .-Apply, with full partieu- lars. to S 3.1, Western Mail, -ard'ff. P'Z71 "TÃ,i-:I; 1r;;i: i), n t zteo. one r,f familv. S 28. "'stt.D 11.i1, Cardiff. Q66i:?3 \VXV taNTF.1). Lidy >!e'p experienced r.^okin*, or d.,11.9 -dnIto t-h music -State act, F.alar, X' 'ta?p Offlcc A ?r. gavenny. 11571?! S" UPERIOR yI Grl a.- C ,ïl-)¡bef:iiëijïí; Young Children ;?untr., .r,h; ..od needle- .O!Ð'lnttfelO"S, t\11)t W. Soutn Wales^ljri Tepby. :4_ 1065i23 aOUSEKEEPEBS, COMPaM I°NS. ,c, WANT jTUATTOiTaTneosekee vr Wanted by- respectable Penon: beat -eferenc- s or would Wait on an ,.I,d L.-so. Western Mail. Cudiff 954,n WANTED, b, S,t.i.. Hcosekeeper widow, with little gir I eight ,.t:. r.rred: weD n?ndod, -T I. ''t",M 11?er iff ITMZ7 \\> AM ED. Sl macion »• CoiapamoD, Lady Help, or ,1;; šJ==.7 mn>:cal aOnfI bii'besl ,efe,encel-Lily, care of Mr. Caffrey, Mon« gioat h l i27 JS\ VTKWS OF THE WEEK. J- BEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. S nvmiTlS ^^Me V auUonedthat Posuaaaters are Not Allowed to Pellet Lettets Adireased 10 Ini- tios v JMctitioiw Vauee »t any Lette« addressed to Initials or Fictitious names mW bear the addreoK of the a.lvertlser or eye of the offices of the WoovT the u i Kw i nd -■ Advert^ettv v of is.6 d .onw.wu,«. v 1- !"1 ,i 0 whole of the .ive una HVfferM AVir* l au'i' V V i Mer-urif iBridtfwa?- Snotcrt'f 1RM7.V W* Tivo. tou, *nd Ad,ti,, Chard .?d 1 • nt 1894. Send stamps <> • pO"'f*'or,t omce.Tftuntoa; or to ,?, mentioned pai»ers. Copy of either pa^ ,ir V> i*f r\NTED immediately, Plain rook, or exi) ^nenc«nl V V General Servant Apply Mrs. Jlathias r\ rxponenced 1'ook also » Housemaid required —Apply Mrs.. er .;m.s i -P> Penarth. A' :'1 Vvr i^YElJ* iimnedhtelv, » uood pT a^n Co'-k; two VV 5emnt, hopt: soven in fami jv eood r anees L E„ Bank's Libary. Piomona^, W"' competent Cook, General, Parlourmaid, bv i:iiddl? of Febriaij. i" D-x or a tJ;i?i;y.-Apply Li ll,. woman preferred; dairy.-S 45, Western 112124 A >\ TXvTiTo, Cook-General; wages up loi! !l' ing wages ,lip IIlb. !b- 35, Western Mail Orf.ee,^Cardiff.. 1 I, i24 ■itrlWfipT s foS Plain Cook- also House-rarl.mr- W maid and &udei.Uousem»id.-St. Mary s ta«t, Newport. t\~¥V 7 4,NTED. jtood Plain Cook; country place no dairv, baking or washing; three in Y. Grav, Stone Hall, Wolfscastle, j .'mbrokeshire, [i25 G".Y, "d Plain now Wanted fr Small C Family in w*?i?h Village; no -i-tance; two Mm M servant- English and Churchwoman; A Vetera Waii cmice, Cardiff. 1212i26 WAN'TRD by eud of month, good ri.? k abel bke; must have very good references; kit?h.??. ..id k? P' Morgan-Richardson, Nojadd Wilj m, Cardi gan. in- 1TCHENMAID for South W-I-; weU np in ^her IV d'Iti _t h.,? good references ,id k,pt?-Appil Mrs. Colby, 8, Iirst avmue, Brith- WANTED immediately, ?-V,tnt. and trustworthy He u.,3.rwlo=maid; nurse -(I t?..ther- k,pl- -Aoply, ,,ti,g wages ?(i references, w Mrs. x. James, Penvdarren Ho is. Mertnyi Tydfil. 27118 TTQl/SE-PARLOV ItMAlb Wanted assistance H given in Ik usework able to sew (mending).— ?e ul, particulars Mrs. C. P, Cwmrythen, Ll- 1V1V 7ANTED, by 11th F.br a good House- Parlourmaid.—Apply, ting ptiv,,Ir,. to the Matron, Infirmary. Newport, Mon. ljqi.' WANTED, a House-Parlourmai d —Apply, by letter, statin? a,,?, reI'g whrre last in service, to F.. Kilymaenllwyd, uear Llanelly, Carmarthenshire. ANTED immediately, Rood Housp-Parlourmaid« Thoroughly Understanding Her Duties under- Lou.-emaid kept; gentleman's small family; country situation —Nicholson. Llangib'iy. Monniouthshlte. [i23 W ANTED imniediatel)', House-Parloiir- w&i(Id wpt6;?"%14 ea?pbell Covy, St Pierre, near Ch,p.t-?. Kwi-S WANTED, good Housemaid, wh.. Parlourma-u is kept; 0 ,h person; state wages good r?f.- rences. A?plv Miss ?lc?ran-4trat for rd St. Ath Rectory, Cnwbildge, 8-Ih N ?,.1?-. 43 W ANTED, a Housemaid; able to sew.—Apply 8. Park grove. Cardiff d, bl. to WANTED i.?,,d4-I,. Young Honsemaid; two in family two servants kept; state age. wages, and reference. — Mrs. Meyer, Dilston, Mumbles, Swan- sea. PI2!!6- H OUSEMAID Wanted at once —Mrs. Rii son, Hearne I,od„-e, Debbeche street, Swansea. UJ9i-6 WANIEI)..Liwi Family s-at a and ief?-r? il?o?.-Apply Llaiicaitch House Llancaiach, Ti. ar Trcharris, \ViV t ANTED immediately, good Housemaid good A VAN;TED good houaem*i" tgood Kenshole, Canon street, Aberdare. ENERAlTservant^Vanted.—Apply ?? St.- road, R<a- l? 1337i24 WANTED, good Generel; small family; must be clean, good-tempered, and sat i factory refereiice.— Apply, af.er four, 53, Wellfleld road, Cardiff. 1j41i27 \lT ANTEIMmniediately. good General Servant; aged V » 18 to 20 good character requh-ed country girl p,eCc.,r ed. -A? pp, Ir,let. Cardiff. IRri'girl WAITED at once, good General S,?, two :1, family.—Apply 3. utidgo road, (ar- difT. 1393j*4 A-iTED, a good General as Plain Cook; hons?maid kept-Mrs. Webb, Brondeg House, AVrbeeg, near Newport, Mon. 1422i24 CLEAN t.b!? Girl Wanted General Ser- A CLEAN r =, Family-Apply 9, Plymunth-roart, Penarth. 1409i24 "IVTV TANTED, a uood General Servant who can do Plain Cooi-.mg housemaid kept.-Apl a>ter WANTI;DC, ool-. p lrt read, Cardiff. l  li23 four O'?l?l,, 124, Newport road, Cardiff L-il — T? RS. FCRNIVALL W. Several Young Genera ^Servants lor g?.d homes; small families; IF., aid.? Penarth Select Registry, Cardiff. Ji26 ANTEl\ good G,?,.1 in Small F,:?ily aged over 24,-Apply 35, Wcstbouius road. Pen .g.d over 24.-A 1,1, .1, 13i"l?3 GOOD G,n,.l S,r? "?t W?td ne r Swansea; two in tamil Y; highest references il6 ye.?. il? )11 W 6. Western Mail.Sw??es, H35u.f "ITT ANTED t once, a good General Servant.—Apply W "), The Parade, Cardiff. 1275123 WANTED. an experienced General Servant; home ..id kept. —Mrs. Edmunci H..d,.?k. 187, ,t C. ?ff? 1^0)26 'NVANTED immediately, Young Person a* General 16 to 17 we. 31 Evans, Newsagent, 11 Nelson street, Swansea. l £ £ iuo WANTED, thorough good General Servant; must WANTLID? .nd e.ly -,r; t?. m Ap!>iy 16, Oak ,ld iCardiff 1169?25 ANTED, a gmd General Servant—Apply Mrs. Thos. ott, Commercial House, Pontnewvdd, Mon. i25 WANTED immediately, in F?bcii;?, near Car ,ff,,Oodto do plain ,?itig satisfactory references wages £ 14; housemaid kept. A, y T 1, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1182i25 ANTED immediattl?v experienced General or Plain Cook —Apply K, Box 21, Neath. 1158i2o ANTED, a ()gG,r.1 Servant; able to wash and iron.—Applv. with references, Miss Prosier, West-end House, Ebbw Vale. 1152i25 EXPERIENCED General Wanted; strall family.— I lj Apply, with reference, to Evens, 1, \\estbourne road, ,n,17Mi25 WANTED, in Miniater.8 Family, where a nurso is kept, -o.d G,.?,. Servant; cook well; willing to do "w"?" 1 14; good veferencesve- quired. Graii;w,ii, F 1166in ANTED, a respectable Gi,), about 18, as General Servant. -Aprly, with s, 64 owbrid. road, Cardiff. 1187i23 WANTED at e' "'r tti good character wages, ?l4 to il6 family of three. Also Nurse Housemaid; wage,, £ 12.-State particulars wjdreie. rences, K 49. W,?ler. Mail, Swansea. H39124 G" OOD General in Small Family another kept Apply Avondale, opposite Llandaff place, Llan- daff 1055i24 WAIlll ?,,e Gn..l S,nt; th ? in family; :?r I good ?f.?e; wages 4-12. —Mrs. B. H. T)?.m., GI..t.,?? Ho?. Yniscedwyn, Y stradgy nlais. lU37i24 WANTED. experienced General Servant; country V? house two in family good wages good charac- ter indispensable.— Apply Mrs. Hirst, The Pop'a», Pontyclun: (SOOD General Servant Wanted, bY Febr".&"T 17 T small family* .-Address Mrs. Coe, Redclyff, Llan daff, or auply from seven to eight. 1051iZ4 ENERAL Servant Wanted about 18 y? 'r waces to capable girl.—Apply dd, ,3 11 F?* oor rofld, Penarth. 1091i24 ANTED immediately, expeiic ?,?d G?,,e.1; no I?i.g. Also Nurse for T Children — Apply, evenings, Mrs. Payne, 6o, Plymouth road, P^nr. rr.h. 1093i24 WANTED, for Country, a good Geu^r-1 Servant; VV able to do plain cooking reference* —Mrs. Thomas, Boverton»p!ace, near Cowbri_ dge. I i W A N T F General; plain cooking, Also House- t ,?, .1 .b State .g?' -g.' good fer?. indispeusable.—S 31, Western Mail, Car- WANTED immediately, experienced General; must be a good plain cook.—Apply, ,ith f*fer«nc"s, Nv e??H..?t Penarth. XW \TANTEDT good(^neral8ervant; able to w-as h WANTppElyD7. 4  .ki. f998 Apply 74, Miskin street, Cathays, Cardiff. f998i23 WANTEI) for Cardiff, beginning February, expe- VV rienccd General Servant; mnst cook well: no wHshing family three.— S 27, Western Mail Cardiff [i23 WANTEI)7 i,?Small ??-mily. good General Servant references re Wir d -App y. t Six p,,m2:.2325 Hamilton street, Cariff. ANTED, in Business House, a good Country pi?l General Ser able to p ?ng; enclose photu.-Applv Mrs. Davies, London House, ire.9"6i23 "aTnYeI', by F?b?,,??) 5tb, good General Servant; ?8 to 20 no ?'a8Wng k?p IV Mrs. Thomas, 5, Ninian rmd, Roaih Park, Card'i. y977i23 WANTED, General Iler,,??; must be able to do :Y?alo, oking good wages.—Apply 18, Plymouth road, Pe nar th. W^XNTED at -.?, a good General Servant; ablo to W do "I?lil,ImMr?. Hoiking, 'rap,r, ?\ Holmcsda'c street, ")"n. Cardiff. 926i23 "tVlV TANTF.l) t1 ? r:rn 'r.eral Servant.—Apply 57 R; -I 9a3.53 W" ANTE! j'Stjivaut; able to do plain covkii: \'K-n well; early riser rood reference. ;,rvdwen, Treherbert. [22 good G snted immediately.—Apply 3* ff 913i22 \VTV 7ANTED, Earlv FI,ary, General Servant fov Small Family g^d wager -Only iespe.ctable gorvsr.t? need apply 81. Walters road, Swansea ;874i22 VV 7 ANTEDin^mechTtew7~e.xT'erienced General or 'i.i. C.?k. -A pl,, with references, Mrs. Noncarrow, Trefuia. S» .Thomas, Swansea. 22 \\f ANIEDV- once, pood, strong Girl as General VV Servant. Applv 91, Stacey road, HoatU, Cardiff- 837i22 WANTED immediately, a competent General ,4"g t: from 25; satisfactory references r^f<nufd. -Apply 15, Windlrl.? Cardiff Mi2l, \S r AN TEpTi^rderNur?o who i? -good u* yUewoman. .'AKbti, bo.t 19.- Iiinton, 5, Lltniaff plaee, Liindaff. 1330*27 ANTED, Thoroughly experienced Laundu w widow vitl: grown up daughter preferred; cottage and all lannarv requirenvnts found.—Apply 31 .< IT O.tkd n Fisher, Radyr. iK-a Padift. W.?NTEI), 11,? ly r" T^ den'. Laundress.-Apply Monkt.on House. Paradf, Cardiff. P25 "\V \V 7ANTED, T" S= r^U'd\ anded Lanndryroaid must imderstar.u b^v vtrK 'iiovoue h lv. stating wagos, N>il, Tl:<» Grange. Wtnvoc, Glam. ^ST* 7ANTED, a Third or Fourth Laundress; mu-t b? 1 s»r,)*fc ..d a t. to iron well; w&;m comioeni. ing at ^12 and i ll Xdun ^Dkpersoitaiiy^ to t)v\ Matron att!j& € a« f f m ry^ mr ^^r>irs Ttrek'be l ore o'clock p.ui. 27127 WANTED, imm' a Laundress f. the s?.t Wales nd Monmo.tMhir. T.?" School, Qua k er's Yard wages £ 18 per year, pn. able monthly, and rotions.—Apply t.o E. Stephens, 13, Coartland terrace, rZ7139 FEMALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES. ADIBS kftnairing .I- ?.-I, 11 apply Jones, 152. Cardiff M..I??t. Nursery Governess, Housekeepers, Nnrsei, Generals Diseagayed. 1289i2j LADIES Sui^Twitb AU (!I. of S to. tionsSwuadfcir,?-rv?ts. Feela? M i..1t?r, 30. Page-street, Swansea. 1434i27 \lfA>TpI\ "Situation M i.0p?k, Also H. ▼ T ?o-.1d .d feforenoes.—Apply T 82? Glearoy .tl B.t, ,?.7d, ff. 1410i27 ITUATION Wanted « Cook or General; 3J years' excellent character. Thirty other Servant. all Classes Diwntfaged.—Mrs. Coster. Registry, G'.ouces- ter. 13min jÐmnttitit trbalttfS. FEIII_Y_ANTT PI:A'2E_ JContmued ADY Hi,hly Recommends ood Plai" Cook dairy L ?n?;' family leaving ?hSnrt.'<*od.-°Apph 'lane 'l'hO:_P_ U5M3 -iVVV f aN"lrRD,Situtioi> bv _d Plain Cook in Gentle; W n?M'. FM.U. Mtchenm.id k? wages, £ 25. -M 131, WeMcrn atreet^Swanssa. [lli^i^ ANTED, Situation by experienced Cook where ?V I.ItelienmSwd tg kept thoroufMy undrrt md) h.tkmRMddtiry.-Addrtt. 8, Gower r'Me. 1 HWl\uGca 11)3.,)i23 wÁr:it fur«)ïnodcf:; awistarre given four years' good referenc e .?cdN'??o't??.'?tpU'e'y'? ?WEtrj ????' gBveMY. 1001123 S' ITUATION Required, Wtit cn?n tnv*)id L?dy, or Mot her's Help where servant i. kept.- T., Up,f.er yarm Cottage. Llanishon,near Cardiff. 1."?5:'tt-i"'¡'O'i GEI;r;l:A ,c? 'Z:l1' in ;r1?n At. Y8n ?i)?' .m?t ?)?"pp!y T 22, W?,t?r Mail, Cardiff. "a strong, wBling' Girl, ,gd 17, 8,,?-:k; Sit??on m = Aitl1Oi.Áí;'  oJ\aJI\ttw Monk street. Abl,g.?,n 1123i2 "V 7 ANTED, Situation as Kitchenmuid where I" Scullervmald kepc; twO Address E., Post-ofBce, Sc. Hilary, Cowbndge. [921122 ï};eefÆ¡j,¡ t., nient; laundry and cottage pretemd.—Adniest. B 6, W..t"rn Mail, Cardiff 83Zi22 Y01J: Woman hf"8 CODstaut Place. Mondays. Y???d??'"?..??"' WM??' c?mmi:_KOod ;.I!&)j']:ï;>t:MJf2 ?MALE RERVANTS WAITED W ANI;,fl;Otb:l '$tlJ ï W -Apply, with [ef'r.-ncM. VMheti. G'aumnr, N?wl)nrt. n17123 need t".nd W???t. 0;l:Jlef$'t1::fi \a: to cows, and g(?n? useful; wife for lanndry. —Applv, g? ..dllr. R,'It" NerporL '23i G_ ROOM-GARDENER. -Wonted, thoroughly capable Man to Attend to Garden and Stablo; wife '?ttr? ?tt?('?).'?d??S' 'iK?ocd.T.tM to MmpeMnt persons.-Apphi- to N., CM. of Mr. GMtn?f. Workin &treet, CfL it- "?'? NVTNT experienced, smart, active Groom; in- \v oDFof,;et Û;e\:£e t\?roo: —Applv, stating referenoe. n.. and w.e (hvery And tt.M..uit?found? to Dr. m?, T?dgr. [H<5iM TVTV TANTED indoors an active Yoiuig Man of Light igh? u Groom, and to Make HimseJ Geno- jally IT&eful about the House and Surgery .-Address, ?a?nF ?. ,Ight, W8R, and reference, toR?. WeMtrc Mail OaM. C.,diff. 27050_ ANTED, smart Boy for Indoor Work; "'t W AhOo:Ohiafd:.ta:h ;ht m:J there ? bly k." ? dti b-'I wages —Apply H..f,.y Llannon, LianellY. [OMi24 MALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES. MPLOYMENT Bureau, 45, Charle..otreet, Car- ?d diff.—Waiting Ro-engagement Grooms; Coachmen. Gardeners (milk). Farm Bailiffs, Married Couple R::n tc.Baih!9t Married 1¡;gN11e ti?. -ighl. 6tt. II ^OOTMAN Wants Situation; aged 20; height,, oft. .r good chtmettrt from prtTiOM tttMtmus.-G? N. Dw?p?. Gt.n-.omn.hir.. 125j'i AS Sinf-!e'ht?d ??????."??) t years' good h?r-t., f, i.r-I 111-1?; C,, 21 *W. T" Sh&Ckson :Sonan, "'Nt CroM, ?M'Ma_ 125 A s iide::l (single-handed); 10 years' axperlenoe Asinsidt3 and out; good r?t onnef'&; 61.-9) Ptate ?e!'??t??o H'SM, Lower ?ttimht? Here- ord. 3 £ !r_6 ,TIONl,v..t e:?? ?,udentr gi-11 b no ob i Mtton to Mw siy e niun. ,Se8 \v A:rhI;tWe M gi:1e;lir'i or W wh.m h.)p ). given; <ood references; abstainer. -Apply J. Green, Devonport place, Watlington, 24 ?i 2  tg? Groom; thOtOMh tttNemM; rid. nd drive A 1fílOiih\hOig ;8eJD :goefenc Apply Jefferies, 36, AUlusta 'tr.? C?dtft. MO.S NTED situation as Groom Coachman 'VÃad) :Stitl:1dgung,o also di::rl dr!ving: ,-d refereucM.-ApptyCIarkt. Garden road, Llandovery. 1.5ó0127 1 ROOM or dG.C:o(f) Seeks Situation IT rid. and dri' we)!; good ref<reace -App'y Pon'om. S, King's rowl, Canton, Cardiff. 1104i?p4 G"'lt06mT'OACHMAX or Groom-Gartlcner W" Situation 15 months' .d charade* r de and drive ??cil.-Coachman, Bryn B?dw, 'rYlo?n, I ?yp?dd: ° L_    'V ATE;W;Cattl., andibk' liim.e!!  VA?.TED sr it?,.y ed 18; good character Apply Us e fill ??I a,?344i24 W. G., Pc?omee. Argoetl. ?. L \VAfED:Situation g \Vor-k;í!lJd t;al11 I norkd: good cliai'ac ter.—Apply to G Il.Tort- office. Argoa. !-Wl24 FEMALE SERVANTS WANTED. ADVERTISERS are C.utloned that P-?-te?- are A? not  Allowed to Deliver Let?<rt addressed to Initial or Fictitious Names at any Post-office. Letters Idd'r?e? to 'fn?? °?'??'"?. »nst bear the addreo, 0 ftj ?0, rti. rr" of the ofhces of the 1Testtrn Hail 1 WANTED, B,il, of good App.?r. A. W ;:dD't :idcn:T:'A'i/ci r,?ttnt reference. ,p ter Evans, Caterer. Aber- ir-5i2S WVNTED, Under-Barvnaid, Used to QnKk Connte  "T strictly h., t. with go,Id ?r,? 8 5, Western Ma11, GMdtB. MZi22 C~ VookT-Mfs. 1,10Y CMtIe Hot<)_ Tredefor, wiJ ? Sbort)y SRequire an txpeh'ncod Woman  I'P1.tatin re¡.,ence" -1?v. & 949-,al 1TCHEN Girl (,.pri.n.d) Wanted, at C.r?. K. ?rnM Hotel, Swansea; .t?t?ge.   rece. 1034125 WANTED, Housemaid, to wait; Wso Plain Cook \V A, G'.D?'°?'t?'' H\; :i10d. Newport. 1319126 ANTED, a good General Servant or Plain Cook; \V .)so « Housemaid. ?ood rtftrenc? -Apptt Mr Evans, Biack Lion Hot"l, Cardiff. 1172>25 WANTED, for Small F-m ily' go"'I General Servant ?V A;!t cS p?n iig;nLln8e{¡o Bridge otre't, Car _,iy.lE?,i25 WANTED, good General S-1-t aged 18 to ? \V DO WMhin<; tood reftr.M.Tt? CottM., St M?iy .treet, Cardiff. 991123 ANTED, a Servant Able to Do P)t!a Cookie?, and W tko t GM M (XMnH.-App)y Ship Hotel, Pen. artb k"22 WANTED at once, a strong Girl a? General Servant; Vt good refereMces.-Appfy Mrs. Evans, Vu)cM "I Ad"m.otre.t, CardiJI. 981 23 R EQUIRED, t.id, eerienced Person Head- ïfEJtaid"ihsxBágalr;.iS: to Mrs. Sarvis. tb. Ctl. Hote1, Mertbyr 1035i^3 WAITRESSES, L16, Bamaidn BOOk-kee T?rit, ,,h?.- ?V?Si?t'??id??' Barmaids, Book-keeper, £ 25, Chambermaid., Ho,?, #d,C..k,, New- port. tb, Pontypridd).-Davio'8, 45, ChMlf..3trMt, Cardiff. 1440,24 FEMALE SERVANTS WANT PLACE ANTED7""situation as Barmaid, by thoroughly \V n(-,?l Person, would .iMHt house- work if required -E., Wrille. of Wa)M. Coyc?h. Bridgend. 1414t27 TVIV T ANTED, Re-engagamenfc as Barmaid steadv ?V dh h..?",7 '.? ?""i.ke entire r-Apply Kate, g27, Francis terr,C: n"artnM. "°' 157i?47 REQUIRED i:i:tld Situation as Barnjoid; t h oroughly experienced good references tull M.?A.?'f ?'B?k?.e.?et/ ??, Car.' di" '?'? WANTED, SimMion B.id; to quick counter trade; good references able to take cbrrgo of business if required.—Apply Dora, King 8 H??d, I."Ily 1 417i25 ITUATION Wanted B? r-a d by an e.-e,in,,d Yourr Lady; good rcfercnctl: ared 25-Appl:f A. M. Gi-ndy, Summer House, \Vt?hurch. Ross, Herefordshire. ?'? 'XT ANTED; by a ?oeati t)"?ll,dy SituttiM T?rmtM Mtd 22 not b"<'H ?-?t be ore ?eT pott We??Ct :idiM f fp,r "fei,re d!; little cxperience.-Address r r. a. Cardiff. _? 92o?5_ ARMAID, experienced, Desires R:¿gn;el accustomed to gol( cgood rer?, nce -8her'ewo?d', G?illim, N ?de?r.Mcu_ 6%i? I WATÊhY M experienced Youne Ld" Sitm- Bams d in Hotel; good references, App]y R.T.7. WMtern Mail, Newport 910i22 NV A"IED, by Young Person. Situation Barmaid o. any Similar Business; gi?. little t time.— S 41. W? Mail, Cardiff.094i24 "ANTED"byung Lady, sn asBarmaid W'? ?rt ..ppc?nee; vtr'y q?*k°°wi)'int to ?.Te BhMttime.-H. StraM. BmoTt. "?'M ANTED, 'it'I" '.id,lt?q ick W A; a;,ior .T=t UB;i8nib experienced Young L*dy.-A. C., Western Mail^ .?- nor! 9Q9i22 DISENGAGED, experienced Barmaid; aged T\ -Particulars W., Western Mail, Merthyr l')dfi1. E94i22 X\7ANTED. Situation as Waitress, or WMtress and AtuT{;e¿Jl0ëo:bi-:itteodr :fi;(' ddrs A S, 70, Gle?,? street, P.th. L^il~!l. MALE SERVANTS WANTED. ARMAN vBilHarda), Boots, Potn:n, I'a-e Boys, Carver. Cowmen. Farm Baiiiff, Coaenman !Gar.??? BuHd? C!?,k, ?r-? Clerk, Other? Wanted.—Dnvics'tj Registry, 45, Charles-street, Car. diff. 1430123 BOOTS WMted for the Crown Hotel, H?y must ,B O?'¡;er'Tigtd d i,n ï¡l: good references.—Address Manageress. imi ANTED, Third Boots.-Apply HMd Böotii1t- W ?Hot? Newport, Mon. 1222'22 ATEDTCeTfairrnau7forAles, Wines, Spirits, and UottHr.—Sf-ate age ..d .I.,y r?q?.d 1 o9. W,,t,r? Mail, C",iff* 137.124 TTT ANTED ?t once, smart Lad for H?tli Work; to 'W'???h?m?rse?]y''u..?! .-A?pty W?d? n (,t?l, Iiiii2s ANTED, a tr.ng Lad for General Worlr-Apply W A;tt O:t-[lrili WA'ITED a" smart Lad for Hotel Wi, t? Make \V?Hi?-"if nG,}tÕrklo; refe- Knce), Dtnnfri? Hot?), bt-L t:?ot,u?l,h r diff. ^79i24 WANTED, a :l:kr:1ed Himst-f Useful; W' nne used to hotel L,?d t-1444?24 h?a H.tl, Cardiff. 1444i24 MALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES. ANTED, Situation at Ostler, Post-boy, or Fore- man of Yard understands duties eight years ?'od e1'??r.-?St't'm)" 3?"e. At?T?M?. U-A 13 °Rn.h \wo =eotof.VJ B En?t?h; 'f?d M two yeart )M'. hoteL-W. Hoole, 1. GreenSeM.plMe. Rhyl. 522i22 YOUNG Man Seeks SttnMion M Boot- cr Billiard- marker; aged 23; good rtf.reM.-C. B..5T?m.. "re"t. Ct?pf.tow. Mon. 1346i27 A-sïJ;;C;¡š I Head or Sinle H-dd) in good Comm-r* cial Hotel; exnerie?d: p reference.! ?:?. Tucker, 46, Wood street, CaruiIT. 139oi24 WAI-Tf-, li ..Ii.n 9 ?,?nd \V?BM?m F!?*?H"e): ?o? Hf<'rfnce'Ap!))y 137. !20a(t Ft M"O., C::1itr 2 MAN AND WIFE 'WANTED. BA1ïÃ-f;ÑtVFRS B?' A? INSTITUTE—The C.-ill" Require the 8cryi('e of Steward -d ,n,d., (m?C!.I, Wife' • wae. £ 2 2?. p, week, livju roomR, g. ,Il coal found; security, £ 50 required.—Apply, by 1,tt with recent testimonials. Secretary, Dock view cham- hers, Barrv 27108 ??r!t$ ann ?tana?rs. CLERKS AND MANAGERS WANTED. S VN >nyoue Pvccommend to its a Clerk who is really C ???'?f 'Ke?)?? S-?o?o!« byD?? Eu'rv ProdLt e a B'l:mc.st. and Profit and Loss A?'??'" '?y* 25. ??,k.-Apply A.di?, WMtMn Mail, Newport. !NltM ANTED at ouev, thoroughly competent Book keepor one Nt?.i.t,,d with b-,ryrb-k4r.. C—arAdpiffpl.v Stephenson -d Al.d,r, 5, High 27 WANTED immedtMttt. OM]t. W,n Up in Di. -'V ADi""ii=r,:tnP_pi:. Edws*d8, !xt°.:d.StT.t, Swan. 113ê'i24 I LAW.-W7t,d, .h.rth..d Clerk; must engross w»« -Apply, stating "?' and wages, T 17. mil, Cdilt. 1234125 Clerks anU iManagertf. <l!Itrlt an)) :fflanagtr. I ,J CLERKS AND -E_2m (C! A WV:Want«i,an Engro58ine and Copying Clerk.- Applv, stating salary and experience, W. R. D i. Pontypridd. -— 1 — TTTANTKP, a Youth who can Write Shorthand "iA3y. Af,githJ. w,at 22,r!;&'Ft Cardiff. —,—. /OFFICE Boy Wanted for :f;Rt'-f;l; I in ,c- 0 'liff mnst have good "reronccs^ Ap ^y. nown handwriting, 't ti.g g?. to T 36, '.Vtt\tr! Mail, Car- diff. 1327i7 OLKUKS AND JtfANAGERS WANT PLACES. T| T>bsT OFFICE — He-engaceuiont Wanted Clerk ifemale) competent take entire charge of count-r, accounts, telegraph SN .).-Oymraeli, High street, Llandovery. 13 6LZ7 C.¡-iiÃll'iE-RlN¡}cik,sSiI,-op;;n i 1 J R*->nira;rement: first-class experience and refe- 8-&\I}'5ai1j Cardiff. 1336i27 TTTANTFiD, Situation as Market Clerk, Chartenng, W Buving and Selling, Book-keeping; excellent t??.timonij:f« j alary or commission.-X 16, v^Rtern Mail. C.rdifT. 11.) TtTECH\NiCAL Draughtsman, 32, experienced blast M. furnaces, iron and steel wotks. Desires Enwge- roent-S, Western MaiU>fflce, <Jardift;_ 1l2212 Ëi\fKfb It:fC:T¡ ,p,n,llnt? .b.,th.ndl .i l^9J?J"0flie -T 12, W.,?r,, Man, Cardilr irrh±_ (:i;\¡;fb1p jod.Õl\Wu=i A^. Kewnort i« Open to b a stood, bright House Cl on Oomniission. Apply Hem', Western daii Ofllcca, Newport. ] 119i21 RUII;ÕER';¡'¡;d) fleekoKe. merit. drauehtsman, quantities', accounts, account52'; ifTlTDFR'S Cl^rk Wanted with previous ex- Irf;;)rf;d Vti P1;iAJ;:ot;X; 8t, salary, leforcmccs. T 14, "cstprn Mail, tn':dUL C25 P2o kw:tri:;e;i R 0 1, r,,h. a tra.les; moderate Mlnry-Apply R 48, Western Mail, Cmiff. [B46i2? ANTED, by Young Person, aged 21, WFtu-at?'on Any c?s, or ? Cashier; good reference.— S 34, Western Mail, Cardiff. 105?24 ANTED, Situation as Collector, Timekeeper, Storekeeper, Weigher, or any PI.,?? of Tr- by Young Man; 27; ..?l reference$.-14, WI.t.- Mad, Portb-cawi. 1005123 JUNIOR Clerk Requires Situation; good writer, or" ,t i?f.t.,y I rences-Addrcss T 27, Western Mail, Cardiff. (JZ7 WA14TiD, to PI-? Lad of 17 with an Auctioneer, It' Estate Agent, A??.t-.t, or A,?bit,et in I whose office he would have plenty of work and super- vision, in Kxehango f->r which Advertiser ?..Id k. another Youth for a Like Purpose.-Addrees, in.confl- 8 4o, Western Mail, Cardiff. TRAVELLERS, AGENT &C. WANTED. To Hat Travellers.— A ,r,,gl,l, ..Vt..t .d TxH&e:J:.b durcl n:fotr8,r:ft tre.teith.-A"ply, by letter, t.ti?z references nd salary required, X 14, Daily Prn Office, Bristol. [VO70 ESSRS. R. W. MILLER nd CO. (Limited), iVPk:foü }t.w0iltotnoëO;J.)¿ Appoint Pnrchuinc Agents in an unrepresented ? ? .t ri". for their P??i. Md.1 Ales ..? Stonts Liberal te-ms. These beers have been awarded Prize Medals al.d Diplomas wherever shown, and are the finest values obtainable. 25761 'V1 iULndi,t8 in Bottle.—R- VV. Miller and Co Limited, Wiue and Spirit Importers, StokeMrott I Bristol, p? ed to Appoint Agents in all districts fo their Celel)r?ted B?,ppOin ? Ao!ents and Spirits. Whole or part licence pid, according to arraneement. J 25762 GENTS Wanted; salary and commission; Itate present employment.—>endl«bury and Co, 21, Fc^atherstone street, London, E C. 957i23 CYf'LE Agents, Ironmongers, &c., Wonted to Sell Starloy Bros', celebrated Tsyclio Cycles in Towns where not repreaented.—Starley Bros., S'To»m s Works, Coventry. 1355i22 AGENTS Want"; liberal tl- ? ?ol,, or ?p, time.—Address Finance, 222 to 225, Str?nd,'I?., WC. 136'1127 TXTX 7ANTED. for Swansea and District, a Represcnta- tive, with co i,?etion, to Sell ,g and Cylin- der 0118, ra;nt, Varnishes, &c.-licighftm and c. r.ute Street, IJarturr^lm^ G' ITI, W-tod to Join Small C. npanvto Work Concession for the District I r ClAanin- rtiisiness—will cloau almost any textile by new process large scope most reasonable terms enormous Erofitr- uractical man willing to invest liberally treated w^th!- Reply to U M J. B.miley, St. Olave's Hone. Ironmonger lane, London, E.C L1U8Mj 7?ENTLEMAN, having Old.?.t.bli.h.d Business lj geU¡nf too Irg. for htB management, W onid Entertain Syndicate or D?b,t-?? ? £ 4,000 must be sub-cribed, remainder having been taken up; ever investi'tation ?-u,t?d; per (!??nt. guManteed. an? bonus ample "ecnrity It money .t,,d would he given; solicitors' and bankers references.—Harlow, 43, Nichola^strcM^Bristol^— ^>l)op Visitants. SHOP ASSISTANTS WANTED. IRONMONGERY -Wanted, Assistant Furnishing and General; must be well up, speak Welsh, and abstainer; outdoor,—Preece,Portli. 13Mi23 IRONMONGERY.—Assistant Wanted must speak Welsh; good rderences-Apvl, John B\vn°n, GROCERY.-Wanted,an Improver.—Apply R^J^rds, 8wana, 14J3i2,J I Grocer, Ebbw Y&1e 946123 -PRAPERY.-Wanted. :l Young Man; good window D d r must ?p,.k M',I?h.-App ?l y. ?tti"g rience, E' ;ry: and ago, Thos. Yorath, Swansea, f i27 UTFITiTNG.—Wanted, an ;f.rMrJ;:j Man; good door and window dre6@er.-Morris.i C..? Clifton street, Cardiff. 1186i22 AWNBRCKING and Outfitting.—Assistant Wanted immediately outdoors.-Apply, with references and 8ulr.rr, to H. haac8, Dowlais. ,22 B^O^Tvnde.—Bovle and Co.. Cardiff, Require a B (101 b..t 2D. C8;I\:ref: lence enclose photo. 871122 1 3 00T Trade. —Macager Wanted married good fiO;n J;:r-r:dr 88 Re!s .g to s18 Western Mail Office, Cardiff. 916u2 WANTED, quick, puahii,, Hand to Manage Small Branch Shop in Newnort.-State full particulars No 6659. at Locke and Phillips' Advertising Offices, Newport. 907122 \V AEYwfl Lady as Indoor Apprentice to the Jewnlbry and Fancy Business. -Address T 35, Western Mail. Cardiff. 1328i27 SHOP ASSISTANTS WANT PLACES. DRAPERY —Wanted, by expeyi?nead Young Lady, Sit?tioll at Fancy Counter; able to scnc th??.,b. :?A? p to R?? Park tr?it, Bidg,.?d. 1339127 ANTED, Re-engagement bv experienced Person to T.k? Charge of Small Rm-iness, r any PI.,? ?f Trust; thoroughly dome»t,cut?rt.—Apply R., V Mail, Newport. 1024:?J T- OBcuõi;t-o-M;\n'\er:;ÚI;ti(n TWanted 8S above by Yonn Man married aed 30 has had thorough experience in wholesale and retail; Z? il up in .11 branches f the tr.d,Addr,??? T 6, w",t"!n Cardiff^ »«H25 UTtNITURE.—Experienced Man Required for the FUIJ-f.1:or:fn1r Itd practical, nd mut bo a .-intorncd to Welsh trade and ,on??.t in Weleh.-Appiv, b iirst imui.co, 26. JJff street, Pontypridd. 1297i23 YOUNG Person 123\ Requires Situation in any Light Business little kuowlec11e of book-keeping,— Address E. M„ Western House, Andover, Hants. [i?7 MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS WANTED ILLiNERY. — Wanted (for New Tredegar), thoroughly experienced Milliner, Accustomed to Serve-Apply, giving full particulars, to John Price, Pontlottyn 1 lwi-5 ILLINERS W&ntd .1 o?,?, ,tyli.h Milli,?,r to take own orders Welsh preferred.—Apply, ?t-li 19 fun particulars, to A. ? ?l,, P,n'?- 891122 MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS WANT PLACES. BRSSMAKERSl—Wanted, "a Sit'tatio.i, n.doors, where flr' t hand kr\ (our nar: eipentnco view improvement.—Winnio Trac), li oodftc.d ?tr?et, Morrieton. 140 iWisifUattrotts Situations. SITUATIONS VACANT. ANTED, thoroughly compett-nt Foreman, News and Jobbing Welsh indispensable —Reply, statin? age, wages, and references, T 13, Western Mail, Co {:1ft, ^i?5 p::e:1 With Little Experience in Printing-office Welsh good chance of learning nows and i,,bbin-T, Erho Office^ Fish- guard. 1j>3.2j ANTED, recpectable Young Man for the ????tc?i???R?'?''? ?''t i?St.?. —ApPpP ly Witc^ell, Butcher, 136, Clifum street^. 2i22 diff. '52 i22 TO Bntchcvef—Wanted at once, a good Man; single; T° :\Chb\n a:oÂ= J(??' Ho?U; Abctaman, AbTdare. 27*26 man norhopwork; nni6t bo tip-top tradesman, UTCHERS.—Wanted first cla^s all round Slaughter- with good refer 'rN: wages £ 2 per e('k; pe"ional ?pplio?n, ?po?tbte?-DM Dtvic)!, C?tt)e 8?'«mftn, Merthyr. K3M7_ TO Bt,h?r?.-W-tld, re?eettMt YouM M*m 'n t Above Bn?ineM-Appty W. BeU*my. Moteor str??st, Cardiff^ 1192i25 ANTED, Slaughterman, Able to 14 Him^lf W Aaui.ntïè rteJ'& Ji!îI: Butcher, Rhymney. 123li22 ANTED, a" clean, aetiva Lad able to Mould .??d ?V??iPer*Br?'-?p'p)y C. Hurley, B?r. ° 12, D?mond street, Roath, Cardiff tM?iM F1TTEBS- Weighing ].{;ï;h¡oorw;k W.nt?d but all-round e. ?,d apply-R 46, WrdAian(rari ? ?' men "? 'PiÎ2R TJ?'ECTRtC'AL  Engineering.—Messrs. Sydney F. EW.1k?r.?id C. C??diff have Va?ancic??fr T*o Articled Pupil. 1105124 T 0 pf8-A g,l W,,k?,.n; .??d t. ,d h. water and 1ral ??,kL-A,ply Georgp BaB, W'nõor road, Ne.g,7 h 537123 ANTED immediately, a good Tinman.—Apply J. Halmer, 10, Taff street, Porth. 11A4I24 COACH.hI.TNiER8. WRnted, an e.peri.ncd Workman; constant siti/ition to steady man — A\lply:1 Prohert Aberravenny, 142U27 ATCHMAKERS.—Wanted, an Improver and AV ApprentK'e.-?Appb' ?'' .? Tho?M, Jeweller. 13, Canon.rreet. Arrlare 1040iJ3 IV! Ai;: Wd for Four-cutter Moulding Machines; must b firstclw mechanic. — Western Steam Joinery. Cardiff. 1142i24 .1-? § i TTT ANTED, a Circular Sawyer accuBtomed to work VV rack. Ac.—State age, wares, reference, and last place, T 20, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1236i33 C1ABINET-MAKERS —Wanted, fl.t.l.. Men; u.d ) to hard wood; constant job to ood hands- Apply Western Steam Joinery, Cardiff. 1141124 ANTED at once, Two Wheelwrights and Car* John Thomas, Builder, &c. Llangibby. Mon. 1l55 ponters Accustomed to Country Work.—Apply ANTED! a Foreman Platelayer to Take Charge of the Cyfarthfa Railway.—Apply to Cmwshay Bros. 0yfarthfa (Limited', Merthyr tYd6L 27142 RICKMAKERS,- Wanted, thoroughly experienced Man to Make and Deliver Brick "I" reference must bear investigadon.-T 11?;t?rn Mail, Cardiff 120?i?S OOT Trade.—Wanted at once, a good Repairer • BÕ<[fol.; .nt ,<îô'egDOt.f;ié\: th 26, Glebe ?tr??t, Pcnarth 1306i20 G"a OC BY. itnmediatMv, respectable Y, b' b.. t 20, to D.1i?,? Goods ,,t be used to horee«.—Apply Griffin and Davie,C!?d tOD 14l2i27 WANTED, an Apprentice Boy, for the Hairdresfcing and Umbrallr- Trade. —Morris, Hairdreaser, King- ton, Herefordshire. 1161i25 SITUATIONS WANTED ASONIC.—Will .y B?.th.r M«st a P. W M 1. obtaining Employment as Timekeeper. Watch- man, Any Place o? Trust; good scholar, testimonials and "'W., Western Mail, Swansea. 13l2i23 AUuSrESSERS.—C5 ood Gents' liand R Sitwtion disengaged good references t[.-H???''I?.???.?O?SS?I'flWM f iHtgceUaitfotts Situations, SITUATIONS WANTED (Continued). AIRDRE8SING?—Wanted to PtMa Youth 06) H AWtcECB6,Ï: in Sl;h h6 kDOW'??ofthe trade; no 1UgC3 Mqmr<idtor a time (indoors i — Hodges, Tenby. 12o9t33 A" resectable Man Reeks Situation as French A ''?t??nd 11.,t?r. -G. Y? 14, Dr.,d. ¥rome, Somerset^ 1075;22 rtlO R?k,,? .d Confectioners. -Wanted, b sl)ec T ti:eÿ tH ltin"i;:tn\f?' ;'td Smalia good references -Parry, Post-office, Mount win A*h. 12,37i2,3 ]iWk;,?A, Sinlo nr SMond H-d u8d to cake X !md Mulls; good reference -Hctpt. 19, Eureka p?re, Ebbw Vtte. 'M?37 S" TRONG, willing Lad Requires Situation as Im- pi-over to the Slaugh',cr?rt nd ?l.k. Generally Useful.Address S 32, Western Mail, Car- diu. lO&h24 SlpartmtiUS. APAUTJ^NTS%V ANTED. ETERSTON.—Advertiser Requires Sitting-room and Bedroom near Railway Station state loweit t'm< ?8?9', °?e.?? ?t?'t ?co. Cardiff. nMi24  E9,UmED inllucdj"cl: in C.?diff. Comfortably. XV Furnished ApartmouU-sny Diniiig-room and Double-bedded Room, for Gentleman. Wife, and xwo Children; piano, bath, &c.—Stata l«Jw^t inolasiw ?'r'? ?r pcrn???M°WestMn I&n. Cardiff. [)M DVERTISER Requires Bedroom and Sitting-room' ?at.'?'?°fv??.; plain cooking and attendance tate i1-Juiv8 terms, T 33, 'Vcst6m Mail Office' Ca :diff 1338124 ESTL~r.MAN Requires Apartments and full board in Ivivrside good | cook:ng and attendance no other iodgers state terms.—T 25, Western Mail Office, la,diff. E1294i2? APARTMENTS TO LET. WEit!/En'[rleg and Bed Room u'' of ij.ano bath Kcnd -83, Albany road, Roatn, Car. diff. 1353l27 SUPERIOR Apartment*to Let; very eonvenientfor S a traveller.—14, Edwards^fcerrace. Cardiff. [i22 COMFORTABLE Lodgings for Two Young Ladies in Business; quiet home.—22, Ad.-d?- '1e, Adamsdown, Cardiff. vicui J BURNISHED Apartments to L?t. Apply l7, t< DMtModdiM-tMdeM, Cfdia. ?'"? cOrrTrB':f:; p,r:er J friends or married couple; piano, bati; .1?r conMS?; M?r? C,wbidg,, r..?, Canton. 903i22 FURNISHED Sitting and Twe Bd Rwmi to J Let, suit G?ntlemm or Two Fnendt-WiDA'OT p?M oeatt? pomitiou.-Addr? 8 15, WesteraJUi11, CMdit. — Untamiahad n?, pl?tly .1t..t.d .? r?.t-ry ..d C-d- n"chS??S)??'???S* cXdS. '?tN OMFORTABLE Home —Wanted, Young Gentle man to Li" With F am,,?y7 L,?Vd.ff no hild.. ?MO?e"<?*?' ?' Western Mail, Ard? ° 8600 PENARTH.—Good, pleasant Font Dedro to Let, P with U«e of oStM S?s, t? Gentleman Dfm!? Out; good \¿eah;Tr3J('VeOM<tdi1fDtnn ENARTHLausdowne Private Hotei and Boardinr Rcsideuce.-Bxte.nlive channel ?i, -P?li- tcconn?d?o? m?ierMe chM?es; ?p,?i.1 t,rsto per mancnt residents. 957d DWELLING-HOUSES WANTED. LLANDAFF or Neighbourhood —Wantfld to Rent L IJtln.rF=Jtr;nl le: grounds, stabling, &c -Gottwaltz, Bownng, anrt Perry, .?ditt. 1205pl ENARTI-I.-Wanted, in April, Convenient Houss Bemi-detached and near station preferred.-Occu- piers contemplating removal please particu- lars, T 3, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1171125 All'11'.1,i,i. doing W??oo?ra?"'Car'din?-'?o?.?df.Utp? tt. B.be?*?. lli?3 w-,dL Exchange, Bru. toL 142:1iU DWELLTNO-HOUSES TO BE LET.  0 Let, FMr'.icht.'?nw Park, Newport.—Tho House has Threo Reception Rooms and Si. Bedrooms, with 'K"teh?° ,d All the Necessary Offices. The hou commands a fine view of the Bristol Channel and !he'' SOD1cet COQst-Apply to Mr. Jt ° D. ?'??. Car8w8, Xryn?wyn-ioad. Kff-t .)rL 26596  ("1AIIDIKF and Penarth.—Residences to Let !?o j Messrs. 8, Hern and Pertwee's Register, 94, St. Mnry.c:.trroct. Cardiff T° Let, 240, Newport road, Cardiff rent, ig-ArPli 1;?xt Door (212 B?4 4 2? G 'fd"[rfo'HaJ¡; Register G~ for Properties to Let and for SMe, Cardiff, Pe.?h, jtc?n. High C."Iiff. 667? rJpl O Lct T House in Senghenydd road immediate ow I chambers. 8. St. John's street, Cardiff. 987i23 OLst. No. 15, Charles-street; possession at Lady Day next.—Apply Lewis Hopkins, Estate Ag nt, 10, Queen-street, Cardiff. 930i23 Ta Partridge road, Roath; convenient residence, 49, ?h?room??t??e.?a]'f?aS?, )o?'c.? honee.and .add)e-ro?n).-App)y onPremttet or to G D" 6, Woikint etreet. C<rdi<t. I?'-? >1 I Severn road. —This spacious, excellently- 1 H4. app?td?eidfnM'f)??M??o? co.nenience, with very large well-stucked garåcll and good tennis lawn also stnbleH, 4c., attached. Apply Jenkins, Clarke, and COI Cambrian-chambers, C.- ditI  97Œ3 ILLA Faridenceg to Let in Cowbridge-road hot V ?? cold cater b"tn'A PVly Morgan Morgan, Albert chambers, Hi 'h etrcet, Cardiff. 12021-5 V6 Lot?o. 20, Windsor place suitable for a medical gentleman; together with Ptabl? and coach h ouse if desired.—Apply 33, Park place, Cardiff. 1204u5 ILANISHEN.- Semi-detached Villa, two reception ij Md nTe bedrooms, bath room, )arsece)'tr! .1,. to t.ti.Apply Hi?hm?d. HantfiMa.??M ALESTON HOUSE, within two miles of Bridgend, L? to L.t With, ,,r ?illo- Land a genteel family r??id?nc, healthy icigitbourhood.-?Alpl to the O?er. Mr. Robert E?r. Brynteg, Bridgend. [KtSiS M -BLES For. Let six rooni3 i fu;-r.hJl ne?r 8Ö;C:tS[ low rent.—Apply ?5.t'n'o'"tM't. Swan..?. 1218i25 TT<?S??° Let, Hamshen street, The Heath [ma. healthy situation; every convenience Mt-App)yPh)i)ips. 8, WOl.{in street, Crditf [12?26 OD Honse and Garden to be Let near Pcnylan. (y?p??Wcs?rn''Ma?). Cardtft"?' ?UM_ Nrt r? d-S mi-detah?(l? ill. to Lp't' 7,5. l,.X? D? eght r'al '?ffices' carden with mapniflcent frut 'r ?, sde n?l V.,k ??r'cc?I'ur'? 'artleulrs "pp" T i!, W, ter, Mail, Cardiff. 1291126 fX |!0 Let, 53 High tr,?t, S?., -pp it, 1'0 li.\ .it'y Be"ti:4,eÎire;¿r c:tt F1308iz'6 SOMERSET HOUSE, Newport-road, Cardiff, to Let SO Contains twelve .O n offices; sanitary ari an e m?n? P'?-f-t' and no Z y decoraed.-Appy L"I, Hopkins, M, Qu^cn-strcct, Cardiff. U&\Zi T-O-Lcl;i;t Villa R??,d?-7 of Waterloo T road, "ith every modern convenience ood entrance haU o"po'ite nm park fine views of coflst and Chenrel.—Apnly O?k. Waterioo road, New- port. 1370i27 tiypool, Nine-roomed House to Let suit- ,.bl,, for D i iiin7-"0" r Offices; oppos.te the Majk?.-Mr? L?n-i "Pl. tI t'?I416i ""(7LeToii the 1st nf M,r,l, ,?l, ifõnf T No 4, Ne)Mn terrace, Cardiff—Apply to W. M. Jonm. 't Vill., Swansea.! M?.27 DWELLING-HOUSES TO BE SOLD. 4-C¡;<I;dfi;ei¡¡htro- MtchoM; 4''). tmthro<m. tc.; ear]y posK?.on.-Aptdv on the Premises. P7'^ RUnJD}on or Financier Rqnjrd to Buy HOU8 H? n? ?r ° Sa?'" ?oo'? )o?i't'y' refiunes aitcra. — ?n,;?nant rea.iy.-S 9, Wc.tem M.i?Car- dl!! 856122 F?'??a'.m?T'eet, Cr?o.d'' D.?? Shop. Str;\tnmUrn-l'tTeet Crw)"Aoroad, 138, Castle^road, Carniff. Albany.roM. Írodgkmbon. 138, C.tle97rt, TITI OUSES for 8c)eor to Let in rl"tu W.d Jn). !:?er .treet; f.?,, six, aDd eight bedrooms two and thr? reception-roomBi l"?"i, fin?-h.k 111 D?avic rton avenue, !O_ TC? s'l W,Ilfi,,Id.rll-d FORoteh¡,,o:1 cold bath, ;.r:à w e —7. Hoxard-Kardme. Cardiff. l042i2J ILLA, in Albany road, for E.?? ha! i?.t, back v IA IIf.r b'tr??,.th, and every co ? i?n? pply Geen, Builder, Omce l?, Albany road, Cardiff. IIIOi2 T"On. Sale, HOUEP. in .?l parts of Cardiff; "lso 1. F° Llanishen, C'Mrphi?'y.ADp''y °' Robert J?M'. Estate Agent, Charles street, Cardiff. 120"'2S O- aKFIELD-STRKET. WeU.huitt, Semi-detached ()AR:;?I.;ëo'¿:; Just renovated throughout; very cheap.—Jenkins, Clarke, and Co., Cambrian chambere. Card?'. 12QJt? —CCOUNTRY House For Sale two ?,llpti ) five bedrooms, and omce, two-lItal1ed st&blo, coach-house; half Rcre land three miles from Ll.?d.ft, mile and h?lf from R:,d fine "ie?.?ptyB?n Gwlady. St, Fa fan a. 1173l. I>' Kr.Enbi;D.To be Sold, with Early PoMC?on. a Residential Property known as Little W,?l,. Farm, and ?ate at T)t?. Powi' near Cardiff, an? ibout ten minutes' walk from Djna Powt" Railway Sta- t'ion" whence there I, M MceHent t'.i. Mrvice to cti;h:r8e to Cadoxton and Barry ri{ 8ihce: I dence is detached and contains comfortable bedrooms, ?t'n'roon?? ?'m'?ic offices, ?" the ?t'Ntnt is! detached from the r,id,n?,, and b., .eve,,¡ t.11, for borscq, cowgheds, poultry, ?,dthr o,t-b,,1141n, ?e ?'r'o°t'ndy of ab?.t10,% "P, ,t.1,,? madow". w.fhMMteMiye frontage to the main road hetw?.-) Cardiff Md Cadoxton -1?- Bower and kitchen garden, a splendid orchard (about 11 »cre\ well stocked W!th tree? of boj(" I pp, ?s pears, p um, chern', and other frnif-Pric f ir to freehold and other parti?ulars may 1)? had on app?icMion to W. G. Latty, Auctioneer, Cardiff. 3217iZ5 w-Ym'iol:nïd.:ir:ffï very desirable Houses to ho Sold price mode- rate low ground rent.Ienkins, Clarke, »nd Co Cam- ?,,i n ,h..b, $N-tg.tl Ir?? t:Clrdiff. 1195i25 S OTACE-Y-ROAdTNo. 62 ground rent. f5 le. nrlce low.-Jenkins, Clarke and Co., Cambrian chamW s, n, ?:I,and Co., Camhrian eb 's, 12. •M il"*rA?'HEN-PI/ACE73fo. 16: ground rent £ 3 17s. fid. Iow Apply Sir William Williams, (Wtagr, 119 St. MarMtTMt._ Cardtff. __? in5i2,, I;P-r,4B to "E.TF:TtR&CF.-Fin. bargaiii to I 1mmedinte pnrcnaB r-.T. (hlthhert Gonldfnr. St Mary street, lnext Theatre*. Cardiff. 18g7ufi Each Cash only R»quired to Purchase ?1?0 ?a ?d?c?.?'re? .nh?o Pr?.a.. M?'?a?. t)t.mt<-d in the h??Ment?) p?'"n Cardiff: ~ub'tantially built,; finished in o stmerior nm;)ne"! food opportnmty for" requ.hin ,)  for own occupation.-App)y n.da'f, ?«, (Write r-d. _r:- RICHARD STREET, Cathays.-For bale, a JH conMnfmt HouM in good M!?PP?'?," HonBe, Coveny street, South ?p??nMf__?MBt?/ BUSINGS PREMISES WANTED. WA1:iiiia;; W with or without HYmfraccommodfttion cen ?t Adme" S 4!. W?emMM), Cardiff tH2tM ATER-TOWER and Buildings Wanted, for Manufacturing Purposes, on Railway or Carsa MMlprds or S!?uth W., ,lrcss S 24, ?..?rnM?)' Cardiff ,%U23 CM?e. _??_? 1123 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. D'n'TE-?TREET?To'T? Rhop and JQ."X;; B pjatc.?Ms front: I ion T%t, ;C70.-ArnlY Lewis Hopkin" 10, ?UMP-atreet. Cardiff. Y82\ii T MARY-STREET.—Large Donble-front Shop and Premises, in b,?t position, to Let.; early posses^um. "?fSi??h?. 10, Q'?en?!'Mt. ?Id!<t? _? )?7 O Let, convenient Premises in Large and Growing TO l;b\tJn;{iirri::t.oG wst? maker and jeweller.—Addrew Q 30, W..tem Mail. Car- dUf. HM? A-Sh{\P -md Warehouse to Let 46, Stuart..tlët:-= A A?).?, Bn?t?. Crdll!_ 6W T- 0 Lanndr ProprictOrJ. 'Fclhnongen. Engineers, T?B?iSrmSn.r<. °'' VM"-bl' Pr?i?."YMd. War?L honses. St.bl?., cioM :anwt.y.-App?y Per.n, Wtc?or road YM?. A?mtde?.Ctrdie. M?N 2. tion yearly teDoLnZ. _!Zd ";?l t, B" -a Perry, ?°HiS ?Mt?CMdi)t. ?''9 HOPto Lt, M7. (iib. t-t'p-.rth ? cer.r;\ road. -at end of h.-AppV 7. PiJTOOtt"b :¡aL'tmist. BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET.—(Continued ^~ANWMb^-Shop~ to Let, Suitable for any 1 close to .il?.y station —Apply Mr. W?ilb. Ree«, Grocer, Brvncoch, n»rav Bridgend. fi23 SPLENDID B.,i.,?. P,?.i, to Let on Lea* in S-p r\jrR Or;:rlijo t it any J: -Apply Jones, wall. House, Llandilo. 1314i26 pOn?£.£..Å:\i', 1I0: tre.t.Xpply Mrs. Lewis, Plasmont, Pontypool. 14l5i27 'r O-;i-1;&Jhib} r:;bti. X front: tack entrance suitable for any bnsiness.— R. Exton, 270, Newport road, Cardiff. 1030i24 N Eb;ITiJ;U;ent Shop, with D'?11i.A,.I?.????.It?,h' r??,t immediate possession.-Jenkins, Clarke, -d Co, 12, W??tg-t. s'reet, Cardiff. 199i25 IIor ROAD, Bnrry Dock.—Commodious Shoo ?nd Pr,i?": early pov,?sion low rental. — Apnlv J,nki. Clrk., .?d Co., 12, Weatgate street, Cardiff 119gi?? SHOP, in best position Queen street Aroade, Cardiff WOP lI" f. ?(?ff" .,??n.-Ap?lyA c tnr, 1283126 G °2}tbJBtF.Oit i in prominent position imme. IT low rental.—Apply Secretary, 9.en ?r?J' Arcade So'mp?y.Tar?i(f' ''????2? BUSINESS PREMISES TO BE SOLD. OUlTrwnTLIAMTsYREET.-Hous7anFShop for Sale: rent, 1^ weeklv splendid investment. -• Apply W. Sanden and ons, N, St. Mar?v tr, Cardiff. H8li25 OFFICES TO LET. OFFICES to Let, St. Mary's-chambers (over the National Provincial B,k,A S,iit, of Superior Rooms are now Vacant.-Apply to Danks and Colouhoun, EDginúerø, St. Mary's-cliambcrs, Car- diff. 27026 WAREHOUSES TO LET. BAiiteI0.;r. St. Mary-street.—Spacious well-lighted Cellars to Let; spwially suitable for wine merchant, general warehousemen, and others; 8. shop front to Westgate-street, opposite new post-offi?, could be put in. -Jfinkim, Clar ?-.e, ad Co,, C=bi-im. h=ber.% 12, Wejitn?treet, Cardltf 1197i25 P Rt.Ilí:1orelf&ÁpJh: Csrdiff; sititable ?. r at,,res. &c.-Apply to the Secr t_. 1281i26 STABLES TO LET. To bet, L.T. -bl? nl Left, "ten' situated TO!jtt,.n.I;t'i:r,Z.:=: ..d,r.t.t._A?ply B?.r Hotel, A?.r n 1.1i STABLES to Let; two talls one I-. box, I.,c? S T Acehet a::eol.I.lptbo:Jj:d pi-, P?.&rth. ?S6i2.! STABLES to Let.-Apply Collett and Isaac, Car* C diff, 26583 :6tttnt99t. PUBLIC HOUSES, Ac., WANTED. FULL-LICENSED House Wanted; also good Single FUi.Er H?M'A?ctt.??r ?fv\ Newport _?_ t22H22 PUBLIC-HOUSES FOR DISPOSAL, ToL,t Ho I)itality Inn, Pontypool,—Apply T. JL 1., b ,11, ?, Cwmu ?ad, !???. M 0.?i23 TO Let, about 12 miles from Card'ff, Free Donblc- licenaed House, with 20 Acre? Grass Land long !t?e; !o?' r,,nt, ply, p?tSOn?' W. GiU*" 119. St Mary stre(!t I C.1d?f, 1264J26 põ;r.' Well-ltuown D.nbl.. li,i??,d Hour.e; good er trade. -Pow-11, Ro?h, and C. B. St. J.h.'? str,,t, C., diff. 984i23 -N, Cardiff—Compact County Inn; £50. -e ?niCj,°ot RY1d Ië.; Temple chambers, 8, St. John'. street, Cardiff. [996i23 CARDIFF.-E260.-B,,rh?-, g callers "Y —Powell, Roach, I Co., Temple- chambers, St. John's street, Cardiff. 985i?3 A. Md P. DUKE, Hotel Brokem. 2]. Bridge ttreet. A Bristol.—Selected List f L,??.,?d Housos. all Parts, Free on Application, 1015i23 F R Qiir1tJ a;;¡y extremely well-paving concern, taking s ,60 weekly; incoming, £ 1,200; fortune- makin concern: near !l1r)rinl{-Duk, 08 ahove (i23 CHARMING Country Public, with large Garden, cHil t'i,{:, ¡YiO'i';i:ge:jg?nng horse, trap, rn't" turn it.r,, C130?' rent, 112 good trade splendid iraventory great bargaJn-Dnke, as above. 1017i23 S TI{¡î;;G tar; netr CUfton Sutpension Bridge; taking nearly £ 20 weekIv i 2DO cash r? quired It'h??; r q?R nd £ 100 — Duke, ',iLinrM?t,l.(i23 65TTYPRIDD.- £ 300. DouMt.XcfM?dHoaM doing good trade; net rent, £ 35; large club-room lil pp?rt-i ty.-Dk?, b?,,?. C1019i23 OQK Including Piano.—Sterling Spirit-house; iS^OO« ?l,d by manufactories tr ?h?Pt f??5 monthly; low rnt-Duke, 21, Brid" ? tr,?t, Bris- tol. 1020i23 FREE, Full-licensed; good position in Pontypool seven years' lease, with renewal; suit good man no hrrwers or agents.—Address T 2, Western Mail, Cardiff. 1450i25 OUBLE-LICENSED BcMcto Let, Full Moon In, DCI,p,w -A,,ply Will H-k and Co. A.,?.r BT.?.ry. N,?prt, 26650 pum;;gfutt to Let in the Centre of a Populous t i,.t f the For t of D, tied nlf.?pb ?r: incoming by valuation: fixtureR about 92D returns ;Lo per Mnt h_r? orftillparti?.,?r??ppl y N,?1,. an1 Poole, Auctioneers, Monmouth. 271B UNNY HILL HOTEL, ro¡:Y:°e'rlYPCr; desirable F,??bold Hotel for Sale early t.. 'etion invited.—Full particulars m.iv 1. obtained on t?e Pre. mia:s, or of Thomas Jonss, Auctioneer, Ac., New Court, E]'M?)?er. ''°' °°?' 12mi25 C1ARDIFF.—Grand Free Double-lice?ed House to ) Let; hartomo bar, smoke-room mdelub.room; long 1.e.-GIll, above address. 1265i26 1ARDIFF — Splendid Double-licensed House; eleven ) years' leM"; nart pilr(?ha? money can remain; rent low.—W. (tilt, above address. 1266i25 ONTYPRIDiX—Two of ??,t D uble-licensed POfl5tiri:iwe: M¿.il: —W. Gill, obove address. 1267i26 NEATH-Best Douhle.lieen'edTn-t¡; ..?kot .tirely free; 1.? rent.—W. om, .1.? address. h68i26 To Le' handsomcly-fltted Country House; three miles from Cardiff; piggeries, stable, smithy, large garden long le e -Gill, above address. 1269i26 CENTRE of Cardif!ost hand,omely.fitted Sin1c. licensed House in this town long lea?.-W. Gill above address. 1270i2o EAR Ab-y?b? "-C, (I Doublc-I!ccmcd House to NLet low ,?.t no oodwill stock and fixtures at valnation-Gill, above address. 1271i26 X2,50 Will Take 0 f the B,?t Double- £250 W.tHo:' ertgerd:tncPr°(. diff long lease.—Gill, above address. 1272i26 /}Q)7K Will T k- &t Sin,l?-Ii..?.d House in 27 5 ¿!lr:tftnli;rîflirend plno 1"t.-W. Gill, above address. !/3i26 X50 Only—Cheapest Single-llciwed House ever c*wOv/ off onpnvynlais, near Cardiff; im- mediate possession low rent.-W Gil!, above address. 1274,26 TO be Let, Talbot Inn,rred double-liceiK^d. — TApply J. T. Jenkins and 're- dfgar. 1 9j26 rpO Let, a Commercial Hotel and tlir F??IT, ,il TO Ji'leI:dCe:: fl Aerli;;Yt(, and district: terms arran?od with approved partic^— ;{ 1ct:;t \rlr :aÄy:n,aK.ed Pfnf24- rpo Let, Windsor Hotel, Merthyr Vale, for 7, li, or 21 if vears -For further information apply, ;ê;6¿:11; to Messrs. R. and J. Thomas, Solicitors, Castle-street, Car iff. 853i22 T Õ be Di'po.. Of by Private TrMt." tholi", Branch ,nn,4.e.0 ? mer,al road, Newport.—Apnlv, on m ,,? J M. Leonard. 90Si22 INDOOR Beerhonse almost facing railway Nation samo tenant nnmb of years; statements as to trade l1UuraT1('crt.-(]age, Nicholas street, Bristol. [i27 t FASE~~ond Goodwill.—Fully-licensed [nn Bif- T j mincham trade £ 50 weekly enormons profits beer trade £100 monthl.r,-Gage, Auctioneer. n-to1. J W&L aO 5. —Remarkabiv well-pftving ult¡:R Honcc; rn^in nnpitiori U nii><5 ne»mt station splendid country baTl;;in-Ga(>, Nicholas street. Bristol. l4QJi27 —On main road near Bristol Out. £4-Ö. d\' :n q?ll n;i\):o:lf o r>rrA;? hind if wntr1 rent £ 25.—G;ige. abor^. 14^^1.27 RE¡Ilhc;¡E'tf11ir:.t;Tli;h; 7se of the finest, old-establ'shed Houses in th» dis. t.nct; denth cause disposal.—^ge. ri't.l. 13%i27 WALES (North7' —Purelv velustion r.o goodwill I W ALlt ({hlFlniiI. "dt)iOit tr?».d^: ««rr.o family in,,? 18^*?.—Gage. Birstol. 1397127 .—Bristol.Noted Spirit Vault*; lost 5>1 I t^nnnt. gr^at manv years fine hon»e trade o"r £10 wtk1v-nn, Anctioneer. Bristol rin PERFBCTLY Free Fullv-liccnsed House, not^d 1 -1 ,3?, tr o? nearly £ 3i wee k ly: long Vfl'M*b o lfMP :D:ll(':díi{:et;i-hvJ1 l'q'ilO CaslTwiil r^ure one the T..?t he« d £7 ;) -JyW;irAHJ:r:: .l n1:fne- 0aP.'e. Auctioneer. Bristol. lni27 O FT::r:icf'nr-e and General Business: solerdid subur bun district favourite brewers hnd, b.p *nd premisesr tr'\o .+1,000 yearly; cheap inf;1' l?l 177 —B^r and Wine Vaults /billiards, bn^a-1 telle, furniture included posiMr.n. —H J Ken, White Swan, Maudlin street. Rris. tji. 1, i Ullb Original, Largest. Most Reliable LlRt. Hundreds Gen^ino Hotel* Spirit VEmlt. Breweries, Beerhouses. Tern. perance Hotels, Bakers*. Drapers'. Tobncr.OT1iltS', Busi- nesses Every Description; £ 20 tn M-110 loans arranged-Downing, 1, Nelson-street, Bristol. J1.stb- lishrtd ™»27 — S"P» rior, eleeantlv-flt.ted Beerhouse. 5 'Ffr;'bi\fl1rftt:E.;x0: I fpntury. Another, Old Market; E20,hT, in. 1583i27 TRADE £ '53 Monthlv, Proof.—Macniflrentlyfltted Corner Besrbon^ebusv town G\VR: nø'J b"ilt; capital stabling.—Downing, Hotel Vainer. Bris- "TvTork Cash.—Handsome Corner Spirit Vaults; nearStokescroft, Another near Stapleton road. Bristol: cash, £ 50.-Downing, Nelson li2ft, ^I rSOTJXTRY Hotels, Tnu^. and Postinflr-houaes, it, and without Land £ 30 to £3,000 Lirt post. free —Downing, Auctioneer, Bristol. 1386'-37 BUSIN7ESSEWW?i ANTED, a Grocev^nd ProvisiM1 In WANTE D',iti. r ? Shop suitable for samB-S 36, W"rn Mail, C"dff 1058?24 W* ANTED immediately. Light Business, Suitablefor Ladies' Management; must h.gdff. house ?tt.h?d; an outdoor licence .?t ooiected to — Reply, stating terras for ccfu, to 37, Hamilton street, Canton. ()atr_ ?SES FOR mSPOSA 1" AW Practice"—TO Solicitors. — For Sale, capital of pr?. n -d i M, Fnniiture. T(?nancy and Introduction 100 gnina-Apply. by tt, ,w?bb, r and W?Mon, Queen's Arcade, Cardiff. TO-:8itíe Dealers.-Compact, well-paring Bus i ness, in good thoroughfare stock quite new— could b jeduced, if required; low rent d,?t ?f pro- prietor cause of relinquishment.-Evans md Hugbes. ?o?o°.'e? S!?n?r? ??cnBtMet,CMdm.' 110HM GROCERY, nuin thoroughfare, Hfracombe, for Immediate Disposal; old-established business: (ood tra.dc-Fnll puticnlan Bailey and Giller, Groco, Valuers, Cardiff. 124 GROCERY ?rl Bak@r7 Business to Let; '-xe'Uent position in main thoroughfare, Penarth: incoming low.—Proprietor, Hafod Wen, Cwrtyfll road. Pen- arth. 1349:27 A PrpSt<tN<. OM-«t*bM'hed GroMry -d ?' A BMinem for imm?di'te DiapOM); Mtutf*cto-y ;ëuont¿:élJ.Ad=T :5:14 di IT 1^0^ BOOT -d Shoe BminpM )Rep*it') ,MMU<ctt,o6i- BogJ\ p r+unity; stmk=d .ft\ ?; btf?iD.-MiM I?wt.. tM, Gr_enor   rjpo be Sold, Sawmills ond Fireweod Works, Cardiff rrobe gold, S" *)! "'¡.ïan'Z':lrk;ór ai::¡ tt: no goodwill required, merely value of plant- Apply in fitrt instance to S lJ, We&tem JIlal. di 848123 O be Let or Sold, with immediate poMtmie? Foupdiy &Dd Engineering Works in the ColLery Md W.,k? Ditri' f South W.I.-? -d Monmouthshire. -For apply to T 44, Western Mail omoo, 4 Sporting:. 1 flft Guns—Hammer! Rreechlcadrrs, Mi-xsle- ioo 1:3fttJ:r.Dr;aínf:Jle Field Gl?. great bargains-Jacobs, Pawnb.oker, Herbert street, Cardiff. .} 2L03t anb JfotutD. "t AS Reward Will be Paid to Anyone lUturuin j M 1 0821W'd;\1ht::it tr¡'nllJtBlf.o between th-re ?tUM'i!')! Station IJ34L4 TRAYED, last Fridavrifrown Fillv, tliree i: short dock, and Black Colt, white stripe down foreheadJ very thick.—Mor_gaJ n, Maesmawr, Ponty- cl.in. 1147i24 LOST, on Saturday, January 13th. at Tonypsndy, Rh.'??'dd. .T:eoitTrPsf: Hitch-Any person r?turni? same to William Davies, Court ViLa, Tompandy, %?il be rewarded. Any person retaining same ?ill be prosecuted. H2si^ I5ATH.—Lost. Seven Cheviot Ewes,- three brown spots on back. Finder .I ,.?.rd?a m?', iOIl to A. M. Hutchins, Neath Market. 1071 i24 I L °W'årt?a¿url:ír3t':rfi:1 ta;l\); L a nin?e Charles panic any i.r- I returnin flam to IJci'"is Wi1HAmg, Quakers ard Inu, j same will lie prosecuted. 893i22 returning P:t?i?sto I,c JJO Reward.-I«ost on CJ-ristmr-* Df. X2 S,.nZ?, Valley, Black and Tn Toy Terrier; answers to rhe name of Nett." 'flieabr- ..1 n: l to the nam? of same to Sergeant Joh'is ?,t-ni. the to "ri !t F? oln^ Hound Bitch i?, and BI- 11 17th f .t I.i?,,d \'itl:rrth;ccRU¿J1:n ¡' b;; oJd-Hath Hotel, Cathays, C,rlil. 134¿i24 FO;?y Black and Tan Setter Dog, with cobar.— A, ly G. Hill, Gamekeeper, Llansannov C^urt, Cowbr'dre. 1(161/3 ^tstcellanrbug. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Wanted. Two Tons -1WF, Chaff] Chaff.  Tons C Weeklv, to Sell *?'°' ? 8 30, Western Mail, Canhff. 994123 W ANTED. Secondvh-d ?t. %In Steel Round W A1DRO;e;0;'ejl pee'iReeIt'i VsJe 1426i27 FOREIGN Stamps.-Pri?te OoUeetor Wants CoHee- or any Stamps issued before IM'), Old Colonial egpecially.—State partleiÙus, T 34, Western Mail, C.,di 1322127 LD (U.d ..d Unused) Z.rlih and F?r?ig,? O Postage StarT W?tea.-R. Lloyd-Jones, Cast II Mai, ne?r C?Tttr?* *° H94.24 ENTLEMEN'S and Ladies' Lcft-off Clothing t7 B,-bt T*- or Country.—Orders promptly ttt<B<!e? by Mr. or Mrt. B. 1. .N, CMO)iTM-!treet* Cardiff. Established 1164. 6M27d L EFT-OFF Clothes.-Nn. Roddy, 9, Sandon-atreet Newtown, Cardiff, P=hmer of Ladi?' and Od:' Pl: t,I? attend to in town or country. G00 prke gi,e, so LL Kinds of Gentlemen's aud Ladies' L,ft. A L10\ B,g'¥' o,,e;t and Mr*. S. L. Green, Dnmtrie House, 32, C'Mohne-?tre-t, Cardiff. Established 40 years. t!:047d M CARTER, 11 Brp,dw,?.th. 1.(Iil, Cna M Ri;eA8f:V :kf':Li::1Grt1 Children's C.t..ff Cl?ihinr terms ?tl?c? cMh. 4696,1 RS. KAR?L;'13 Broadwa; Cardiff, Purehaner of IR'ad:Snlt1: cfg:I;W1: Boots, &c ood prices given. 833i22 ANTED, Large Quantity of Second-hand Furni- W A;I;d f)1\uStlR ()fSlng;t Apply W. Pradl," and Son, Auctiotleers, Co?,,r of Apply W. Bradley and Son, ? Correr of Q, ?t?,?t, 23  ANTET? Left-off Clothing, Furniture, China Pianos, Jewellery, of Every Description.— Bost price d i,,?-Apply Mr. and MI.. Mance, 52. Cl.r. road, Cardiff. 1230i25 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. SAFE, very stron, 30in. hy20in. by ^3in suit jeweller or pawnbroker, Also Smnllor 0111": bargain- Webber and Wilkinson, Queen's Arcade, Cardiff. fi27 C-:ÜiPEÑT'F.R'S ARMS, Rumney.— About 12 to 14 Gallons of Milk Daily For Sale. 1175i25 fu'itNING! Tnmin,! Turning!-All Kid? c Wood T?.,r by E?r)eo?ed \Vorkmn-A Deacon, Barley Mow lane, Canton, Cardi, and at Bristol. [127 RA.ZY Patchwork or Fancy work; 150 ci?rmin? satins, ilk?, brocades, Is. 9d.; pattern work en- ??tinf?. White, 319, Commercial road, Limehouet d. N London, E. 136-29 OR Tale, Drawing-roem Suite (new ) in Rosewood, inlaid, upholstered with Genoa velvet.—On view 123, King's road, Cardiff. 1049i24 T^iOR Sale, Chip Potato and Fish Machine, ;Jrwn by X' Pony good condition complete; bargain,^ £ 9.— Viek.t?rid? str'eS.C?rdi'ft' IOKJ24 CÏoéa::s.eg:;t Cure guaranteed £o.:b -?tf?-2?. 9d., 4? 6d.- Li Trobe- bc,?n C,sea 'I*Pich.,l.-hill, BristoL 8lli22 Chemist, 157, St. A-S)OL ';t&;e;eilin marriage busines Apast events end birtvtim fees, Is. detailed, 2s. 6d. scientific accuracy guaranteed.—^Ers C?'t?. 57, Carlisle-place, Bradford. 346d »> A A Gallons of good Farmhouse CidT; 6d. pr 300 '?]'?.-?AtrS?tM!?''??ern''?i) Oa? Ne?.rt. MI9iN U F A, 6T R, Horaforth 'ffer-, ?, 0 .,)d" D from the Lori .? at ,i?l .r)ces, Serges. Fancies. Cashmeres. Beiges. !felton8. Mantle C1otha. PBtrns sent fre on application. Save all in?ermedi.t. profit. Special Lot of Dress Meltons, all shades, at 4d. per A(ldress: MANUFACTURER, HORSFORTH, NEAR T""m: 028 MARRIAGE, Business Prospects, Past Ermtl; birthtime required, 11.; nativity, 5.; year's events, 3.. 6d-Brook", 22, Cl-mll- street. Lower Dr)nntcn, Manchester. lOb'¡24 ?6200 ?T?dr<.?''61/Bro?.vl?' 'ft*. rim. 0 ?er p_ Add. 61, Broadway, Car- diff. 945'^ \BERDEEN Gr..it?? Monument ?r?- ;E5, carriage nRc:r;i acr::d frb:u{pil and ri,?e. from Legge, Sculptor, Aberdeen. IMOD all siz-^s, for Gi?,k? Figures, kc. G:ph9'Fi¿ (}t;bsJ .CiDi;i i', cheap; aUo 4a.Ko??c?° c?i!t. °? '?'? ?ai' SHOP Fronts,Shop ,.d 011,?W..d Fitli?g. C;onnt;r C' Glass Cases, &c.—Bartlctt and Son ?Liinite ,r dsh B ?k, Bri?tol. ?59 I rrEETH-ComPhte Set, One Guinea. Five years X warranty.—Goodman and Co., 10, Dukc-strept: and 6, Queen-street c.?di 20472 RARE Books.—Neighbour Raymond, Is, 6d.; The Bride, 1,. 6d. ;Ari?tti?'. W?,k?, coloured platese medical book, 2?. 4d.; B.a,i.' Famous Decameron, two vols:, comi'l? 3s. 6d: Rahda18' Works. 3 7d Six photos, Is. New Catalogue, two stamps.—Rosen- tb? Park Ridig?, Horns?y London BstabUphed 51 yen, I'lOsSQ S ALE or Exchange, 'b' lVi(I ?' .0-"ng in S??i]k"'a?''??-?Fm. T '3,' W?'S?'? omM? CMdiff? !?6 A7\A Business Cards,Billheads, Memorauaum, 000 Tf?M, Ci?r B?t 4.. PuMtc?ns L<?! HRndbm, CircutM?. un,q??li?d -R.r, Ste n; Printing Work., Arcade, Bristol. 1553 Kt Af ..nt;/ïI!o9:tfO¡d}r( mi MAII'-I tc. for Hue. Ei?'MMfodtu. Horti. cultural Shows, Banquets, 4c.—Apply Jonathan Jones 1026i23 1? ?7?? <?''<I HMdbint. 3s. M": ].OMCmrd j.U,U?U Hemor.ndum?. Ruled Billheads. 4s. Bottle /.ifbels, best ?'?-I'r'?'' Co., Broad mead, Bri?toL 6166 A BTIFICIAL T,?th.-F.r Ifigh-.I.. Work, t }\ l1r.;tIe;ehib C!d'8oÏi; Denture Company, High-?t t, Cardiff, and at P?,.?,th and Barry. 2042 IjlOR Sale, thoroughbred Bay Mare; 15.3; nine yeMi JC .1 remarkabiv clever hunircts ridden by lwiy; sonud-CoacLm=.n, n&nGrftry:1, Llandys.nl, 8 zith Walo^ 1411127 C ARRIAGE Horse, Chestnut, rising 4yrs., 16 hands 1 warranted pound, clean-boned, quiet, -,i o il? price ?3?n. ?<?df, °Ki*?? ?22 FORSale, a Useful Mare, Suitable for Light Htnlin F° —Apply 21, Davis st.?t, !?d?.°?_MS?J C-. RAČXEDHe.h, Grease,Tc., Quickly Cured by Condy's Flu{d; 'et"i n, r, fr ?-d b" suffering from sore shoulder.?, sore bwdw. broken knees, &c, cured in .few hours b, bathing with diluted Condj s ).?uid'? M 'S)' chemists, eoL I.. 20es., 2s. l?,t on 'Ilg °Óoa8enf,idZVP:i;nZ';¡ fi6to Condy's FWW?rk?, 42, T\trnm1l1.8trcet. J!)n-I don Til0 £ 46 CAB for 8?)«, <o Maro f<u:?Me for hrmorcot C A TIr' \y Ãr!:S Troubadour I:,rstd: Swanaea C15]22 J" OHN NORMAN, Cwto?, CMn?Work.T rdiff.- fO}:R1;:Vtt6nSifr:,roIèl?1 Waggonettes, Phaetons, Dogcarts, Pony Certs. Rustic Cavts, Governess Cars, Alexandras, Station Carts, 4c. All our own manufacture. Unsurpassed for style, com- fort. and dwability. Ca ni,? Trams pass Showroons and W'or?' '?" ?' ^r-V 1" 1 ^OR Sale, a Four-wheel Dogcart by Windpt?r. Bond 1j'£f'O one. WlrDIO¡):lOBr ManorbiM. P.?br.k,?hi, 13,SP3 'OR Sale, New Square-fronted Broucrham, New Wag- F gonett-s, T, o" Broughams, Two Sfn- hope Waggonettes, Several ew and Secondhand Carta W Li8, Coachbl1ilder, 2, ?re-?reer. C-.r- .M 'J"?L "10 b 6,ld, by Order of 'E:tèntõ a ÏA;f-(;on-e X har8 "r pair; morocco lining recently re-var- ni?h(?d £40 A ?b-??cn?'?h h«id; <?. A Pony Phaeton; JM.-CM be 'een. on and .1?,r the 24th ot'January, at S. and A. Fuller's Carm?.: orks, Bath, of whom any ppirricnia -y b,? '?7157 Sle, ?10 c' a P?ro'br? Ped?-<9 Scotch Foll '? '?er'B i t di; pri4?a 431. -J. P4 rt J T Temer Bitch.price 40i!J.M.:ir,MM.?'n.P. rt Talbot lj12it-1 VYrANTED, good Laving F?llI? (,r Broody Hen.. WÃ1-eff-11JIiP;onOT :,or'I; Snit Pony 11.2.-Address T 4, W??tt" Ha?rM- diff. XXTANTED, Two White Ig {¡r«;r¡: i: W old.-Apply ?, the Bail!ff, Cast.e, LlandUo. ?° L ?-.?  OW and Calf for Sale; good milker.—Appiy J Price C Supply Stores, Ammanford. 9M:22 S^IRE*GILES' Worm Powders for Dogs sate S effectual; 3d.perSS[et. °'' ? l?t S'QUIRE GILES* DistemperPills for D?, ?.th,.g lik(! 6,i.4 1.. p,, b?.. Of ?ll ?,d mer- chRnt" !c 18311 P" AY the RedFin &CõnG:pipô-;d;;s fiAT ?e pigs t? fatten in half the m-uai tlm cure ,,Id,, inflammation, 4c.: Id. per packet; f all proc rs, necdsmen. Agents: Hibbert and. Sons: Nra.i Cardiff.—Wholesale Agents; Kernick ann Son 1 l.-rii Cardiff. -n ?tcpdpg, ?Mfpd?, ?f. CJAFETY cushion tyres, Diamond, ball head fault- s r..TI);Ji'UI); Di:¡nlë' :£ f';i ?U. going M?y-'Addr?M T 28, W??-n MaU, Ct, d|ff. _?.?.? nr¡i} iVrOTI, 1J(') <1;Jr1"kf;i;;iv£:V- :¡ lislicd 1872;, are Offering Stock of S;?f • j':i< 1 Children's Tricvcles at hir,du,ti- t. ?54 i¥lonep MONEY WANTED. An 4 0 6 Rd F.- Mortgage at ?3,400 ?"?C?. '?t.-?''?n? interest paid on the day dne-Ar41, \Ve.-t*ni ?'i'? r?tf. °° 13t6p3 COUNTY BOROUGH OF SUNDER- LAND. The CORPORATION are Prepared to RPICIIIVE LOANS of £ 100 and Upwards on Security of the Rates .f the Borough, t Six No.thr.' or for a 1,??i.d of Fi?. Ten Y- Interest t T ,e p?, Cent. Ser Annum. Applicationa to be addressed 00 John H. ??, ?'a, Borough A4?co?wiit, Town-hall. Bv Order. FRAS. M. BOWEY, Town-clerk. SunderUnd, 2nd u..a- i MONEY TO LENT)  ONE .-Important Notice —If yon want M M Mn! fJr??t<ctn< ?r. ?tke. ?. Setitbttry-KM? Ctrdie.-B.titNi'hed ttf8. Mi<l MONEY AdtMoe? DtU? from £ 3 to ?, Few  H. N.tt E?D.U f?:. i 3p t=t;im Ad. wFnce  l'199d 30, N.W?rrot? AC- VP? ff. »Wd ..ffl-oltflJ. 1 MONEY TO LEND) C..Ci d). | ONEY lent privately Biil of W< 1\1 Sureties on approved Promissory Note ail 1()Pü; G £ 20 in 24 Monthly Rei)xym?nt, £ 0 17 11' '0 £ 50 „ tt « i2 4 10 £ 100 „ £ 4 9 7 Lar&e£8 prcj)obon o 'èom;:r¡iJ;Jn9 CharnA Distance No ObJect Apply D. WILJ.!u" 15, York-ioad, aterloo Bridge, London, 8.K. L137M THE DIRECTORS OF I. S. FIELDING ASj) Advance Daily Sums from £5 TO LI, Method 01 Business: FAIR INTEREST. EASY RE-PAYMENTS. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. NO DELAY. NO SURETIES. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Pr" P'r""I", "r" Av. at either Addresses below — Head OtUce-THE HAYES BUILDINGS, CARDiPP, Hlatll,:c:m:Íf riS s¥1; \f'.?(W\J¡' ARCABE-CHAMUERS, I'ONTYPRIUU 23, ALI'RED-STREET, NEA1 If 8 GRUGOS-TERRACE, PORT I A'OT. 9J1d £ 8. CLATtKNCg-SXitE y r. !1'< t"'J- D 0X' T tie Wr.ivr.lt-I.V.- t» all cia.^ m tovn■ —-W ot H,nj !?uE,)iE:¡: "'¡¡"t ;:i;; rest no delay-Apply H. I hom&1 Manner, 25, Bri^^ street Bi.,o 2w HIL PHILLIPS, awnbroer, Wholesale Jtfe¡!r ,4, St Mary-stre»-'t, Cardiff, Advances Monet' oi Plate. Diamonds, &c, at ow Rate of luWrest. 3S71q iV Y LE, ON Nor OF HAXD THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BASS BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL. The Dir.,?,- of this ü1d-t;tčlV:J, v,'eii<knoti Oftce. having large available tund. nf'!>r unusu.a facilities to all respectable and trustworthy p?r sons wh require e!t"r temporary )r perma nent assistance. m amonnta froia xA tQ £j 000 iadC in all parts t'1¡Itti;; bo to V:o i, dI, d publicity, and on the security only of th, borrower's wirtten promise to re-pay. l.iese aovancea may be r.rt b;,nlO:th;e¿';¡;f, adi= Mending over a wr od of time conveUlnt to the bor o-r: or the principal may remain w long as t&??te N oHm. of Sale taken, and the transaction* naI p.bli.h? in any newspaper or gazette Apply, astating amount 1'eq??I? d, to NOTE — SpecisJlv advantageous terms for Lows on L:f NOTE.-SP I-IIY -d- and Second )tortga.te: "ONEY on NOTE of HAND, ?e-iyor, NOTE f ,-kND, And Ml Other 8ecnritie8. ,And th-r Ad,-? from £ 30 and Upwards. 268333 Address, by letter only, H. LAWSON, 7, Plantag??net?met, Oardt!. —onEYTENT PRIVATELYat A fewhoum f 1;.l?.A Gentleman having a large amount of c?ital is willing to grant advances upon "to hand alone for any term not exceeding 15 years, rrom £ l5to £ 1 00(5 at 5 per cent,, to Clergymen, Farmers, Hotel Pto. prictors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen, or w y :ato:rJOr:OIe relere Crf):'1 wifnout loan office formalitis or bul of sase. Dltan. no object and so long m the inter?,11 ,-?d the capital can remm iogenain4?apolimtionrefu,ed Ali munications are treated strictly private m1n¡tûOn:br:CZ::ïttt!fi iijU30N, Esq r1 Yorro,d, Westniins?r Bridge-road, Loudon LT28 ??E400, £ 500, £ 5^0, £ 600. £ 2,COO. MSin?,Ready to Advance 4)u good L holds or Freholds in CarditY-.Tnkms, ?,k,, and C? CL.bi.h.nb?r, 12, WI?*,g-t?-?t,'??t. C- diff. 1200125 1\IEa;cli HERN and PERTWBE, Estate and Fi I Agents, 94, St. Marv-street, "dif Pr,prd to advance 9100 1- ;Ell? 'o110 on good Free« hold or Leasehold Property, Borough or County Rate 38941 ONEY LENT on NOTEof HAND, at Short Notics by Pri?.t. O?-t ??l1-, £ 10 to £ 1,000, "15 P" cent Why apply ,ional Money Lenders so alled Ihyp Pgatk.r:l ;:puùe!.Îi can C,)., an advance Pri-l?ly ?ith..? Su, and the usual formalities of a Loan Office, Forthebenefitof Bor. rowers I am prepared to grant &dv::mce from one to ?n 7"_ in any Prt England or Walei, to male or f,?-1, '(distance no bie" and if desired the mtert b? paid quarterly, or half-yearly, or as maybe arranged; therefore the applicant gets h tull benefit or ca*h advanced.—Apply, in conftXence, to the actual louder, H, HUNTER Esq., 130, Westminster Bridge-road, L?. don Lj822 agon anh CaUierp 3Keqin5it?si. THangn Wagon and Eag'ne Company (Limirefl) have for Sale 15 Secona-hana, good len-toa Waeons. Rido .?d nd doors; .1.. 2Z Ejht-t'n GWR., af vcrv low prices for ?li, or redemption hire; aUo a "'Y I" £tf:\ T; to: J:P:fl:t;'o prices ?id inspection apply Robert, E? Mwi ?,-k,. C.rd,ff 975r'y WANTED, Tbe To,, of Second-hand Rails about N F ?. the  rd, i. ?" i. ?, !,d I81bs. to the yard' immediately.—App;y to Mana Thomm, Glyncgwr, Brid,end 1136,2' AILWAY Coal Wagons and Locomotives for Sale or Hire, also New Wagons always in Process M 13WIdi.g,-A;ply J. H?.1d, Crd¡ff Boiling  r r\ Ten-ton Wagons, bnilt to latest regulations, ttoe< OU years old, for Immediate Sale. F or particular! applv Howard nport and Co, Esllw a Y Ws ?)?l Contractors, Cardiff. 1332in SCOTCH P r Sleepers, to -elif! ti?- Pli,,?.-Appil? c. W Richards, 66. Doek.m-e<t. ewprt. [i26 jRarl)intrp., Coold, &r. MACHITORY, TOOLS, Ac., W ATED, T\TCV T ANTED. 4Mt. cf 2in, Piping f?,rE?h-It St. second-hand.—Particulars and price. R«s, Merthyr Vale. *ii! £ L 'V A;:S)OO "o"J''tE¿::u\. (two f.ues ) also d Stean Engine, about Win cylinder, 32m. stroke.-Apply Aipha, Western Mail Office, Newport. I-3lai-i MACHINERY, TOOLS, &c.. FOR SALE. HitEE-QUARTI1R H P. Horizontal Steam r; pump, and goveroot verv little used ;hoaw flywheel, tflifton-street, C«- attached.—On new Miles, 134, Chiton-street, Cu dif'l. 2:1,19 AS E^ffines C-ho,D,? d PaymtntA g"Id LIf -d,l.-F! 1, ,n. and Pla?,. Cl,? cester. %1 tJ6r Sale, the following Second-hand Bnpr.e» Jp Sale, the following SeconLi.h.d One 1-h.p Crossley's Otto Gao Engine. One 2-hp. Crossley's Otto Gas EngIne One 6-h.p and one 8.hp. Steam Fn?in $ -d one 16.hp Venical Boiler 12ft. 6in by 4t. 9m, with 4 cross tubes and all mountinis All the Above nearly Equal to New, and Guaranteed NEW AND SECOND-HAND GAS ENGINES, Sc., FROM ALL THE LEADING MAKERS At Reduced Prices. 13814 Don't Forget LEMON'S PATENT CHAFFCU TTERI L;TE 1, P TI Slottin. Drilling, 4c., Machine .A ?, Hawortb, West-end Ironworks, fc«ge/» Bridge. 11 ô31Z9 GAS Engines, np t0 2C0-h.p., coaTor Dm\'èo:1 gss X 4-horse Griffin Gas Eugme, good woiuing Older 4-horRc Tangve Gas Engine, good working orn- 4.hor?? 1'.ng i ? I.t, G Fielding and Piatt, Gloucester. 5¿1 pECKETT AND SONS, LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE BUILDERS, BRISTOL, Hav, a Large Stock of NEW LOCOMOTIVES of various Sizes, with all the Latest Improvements Ready for Immediate Delivery. Full Particulars on Application. Locomotives thoroughly Repaired with Promptnesi and Despatch. ,,678 THE "HANCOCK INSPIRATER TI g P l? OVED )ONKEY PUMP AND INJECTOR COMBINED. G. K. STOTHERT AND CO., ENGINEERS, BRISTOL. OILERS, all sizes.—Vertical. Cornish, Lancashirj Loco. Type; also Vertical Steam Engines. -T.i< Grantham Crank and Iron Company (Limited:, tham. "ENGINES, Boilers, Shafting*, Pulleys, Machinery, I li Bakers' O^-ene, Castings.—Applv for catalogues ana prices G Davies, :M, Lion Engineering WQr. I.M Lio,. 3712 FOR Sale by Private Contract. -One Air compressor nearly new, only worked a tw D10ctM steam ami air cylinders, 15in. diameter Two Sheaves, 1? diameter; Four Boilers, in good condition Cast-,ro» Pip.s of ?riou.) ei?s. V.rtieJ B.i).r, a ? Mn<ty o. M M<M). &c.-Apply n !?Ild c"'ditin4ty244?5 philly. 244°5 THE "BUFFALO AUTOMATIC IN JECTOI." THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET SOLE AGENTS- G. K. STOTHERT AND CO., ENGINEERS, BRISTOL. 24703 .HP Portable Engine, 6ft. Mortar Pan, cnmplete; free on rail for £ 90.-Pritchard, ictona k. C-. Fbb? Vale. U30i27 '}'O,lfo:'inOt:.iryJ:;¡Á: j? Winch, IMneh stroke, in ttr.MtM' -ld-? AW One 7-in(?h Horizon?t 8M*m Winch, lUMh ?rokc.? frames and cylinders.-Aopiy to ?' MCallum an< Son, Engineers, Bate Docks, TardDiff_ c HARLES D. pmLLIP8 EMLYN IRONWORKS, NEWPORT (MON.) AND GLOUCESTER, Sole Representative in South Wales and Monmouti thim tor HIiDSWTILL, CLAEKE, and CQ'S. celebrated LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS ON APPLJ CATION. TelegramsMachinery," Newport. WQ OR^Sale, 16 h p- d c Portable Engine, neariy ne* r suit Mw mill or 'ricku orki?, or *M heavy w i t.tt?Iing ?hMh. nw 6r<-h? and tnbt..?< Md Co At)M Works, CMtpn_C.?'e. ?' •-REVOLUTIO N IN _on ENGIKE* THE HORNRBY-AKROYD" PATENT SAFETY on. ENGINE. A Plll!?,CT 41?C MABVELLOUS IN ITS S'-W'V N. Oliver No Boiler. No Coal. nNo o ^r..»r« ?''  ?tMn)?° N? GM. ° No Chimney So J\u6ttmeo Eleetr?t,t!.tra Insurance. No Igniting T.b. -t I lf:ro'!Dr.:rlc;'°lóYr. (;IYJtp.¡8Ó1I sol't Aglll ]Omdll,CMtIe.Mreet.Cardi< CQta!og:l,,fí;I ;:i.giication. The above Oil Engine can be ftror.eiy recommpnecJ or Electric Lkhting! Chaff Cutting, Grinding, ? tn?r ?mnf, Thr&lblD, Pampms. ?f. and well anap.ed for ?v clog of ?''??E'?' U'?MMU? WOM Portable ?d V!.rt,i? Ste? En?.?MR"? ChaffC,JttcM, ..d Grinding Mill,s. Hc," GeaNl, Turnip Cutters, Ploughs, Sheep b.IO>Ü:, Tr{¡G.14. and Implements and Macliinerv of'all di -??.WA??'TR??S"TRAP?c., Bv the Bristol Wagon H orn Gompany. Price Lists M.d Fnll Part,]" fuo. 26189 JOHN HIBBERT ?d SO!-S. MtM CMt)<?'? Car.- FF R3 for Mt ?r J0''1''w' OF:ai te'flrtolfl\ tlJ; oent of fue1.-App1y 5, S? Vt.w. Gr.n?,?? diff. —— — ?OR S??ood S<M.nd-h*ndPc.rt??? En<nses also a L.rg, S k £ je Baw Benches, and Our Imporved JTnrtar  d best in the market—Kyte and Co, Atl. Snton, On«S. K.B.-SoU Agent for Sooth*•, ^ar.^ Mommmththim for Me?h?t S-m and ?o. —, Ioorou.h.