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CARDIFF. rjlHEATRE ROYAL. L?SF,)' AMBSIJNAOtR Mr. :DW D FLETCHEB. 'Ip IAIET and wmiSiO THE WEEK. Granl:£¿;I;11 a.dir.; Hf F:¡ty of Gr?t Britain. li??tnrn Vi?it of Mr. GEORGE DA.VENTRYand his Celebrated London Company, inclu4ing the Accomplished Actress, Mine AltE W0 lr Aif,) in a Military Dram" of Cwnedy and exciting Inci<funts, entitled rjlHE JNDIAN JUIJTINY. Nobu S:ng Written by Oeorgo L?,ty. r«oou Sing Reader-of th R,lsl (WOR P DAVENTRY (Jbuz.ua (supposed Daughter of the Khan) Mirfs CLAIMS HOWARD II The Boat MHitary Drarua evov Produced." Prices—6d. to S;2 2a. luai-ly Door.s, 6.30. Doors n Ilt SÐgen Cecwnoijce at 7:30. Booking Office at Messrs. Thompson and keU's (Ltnitdi, Queen- .treat. Telephone N.. 521. BOXIJfG AY-])-,?,ber 26th, 1M, at Two lockJ Grand Production f the Magnificent C1Jrmtmu ^antomiruo BEVE BEARD, direct from the àake1'e Thentn?, Iáverpool, where it wus pronounced to be tbePineat andTimniest Pantomime jn he United Kinsrdom last your. 26514 Ã. L H A M B R A ONE fEEPORMANCK NIOHTTA". TO-NIGHT, rem?e't? Woticlcrful P«*forming Siberian Sears, Supported by a See BiVi^- lJ;ü PRIC'L-l". Woo Is., 64., amI 3d. Half-price at Ni., la. and 6d..Season licked, ls _,I 103. ?i. f'J<o. HARRINGTON, :l1.l"i(ÍtLl CARDIFF MUSICAL SOCIETY SEASON 189J.94.-PfR,;T CONCER'JX PARK-HALL, BOXING NIGHT. DECEMBER 26. 4 THE MKSSIAH ABTlsrF.s.- Margaret Hoare. Mrs. Meryth. Elliott. Mr. Jauics Leylano1, Mr. Musgvove TufnuM. orchestrtt and Chorus, 220 Performers Organ, blr: H. C. Tonking; Conductor, Mr. T. E. Aylward. ?p.. t 7.10, t. Commence 7.45. T,?lt- holders admitted through the Upper Entrance i. Park-place fifteen miuutcs earlier. Admission Area tRfeaerved), Gs. Ditto Unreserved, 2s. 6d. and IH P a of the Hall at M ?,ssr,?. Newman and 8on,?' Qu and aftr Monday, December 18th, 1893. 25M B'ARC'S GRAND WAXWORKS DI'll?,'TOP.Li-ROO'A' ST. MABY-STREKT CARDIFF. CONTINUED and INCREASING SUC CESS 4?f., Z1.WGARA." Ladies and gentlemen arc specially invited to her Scientific Palmistry Receptions Z?ily, from The. to vi" ud Seven to Ten p.m. No money to be gi?.. to the ZINGARA. Prices of admission as usual, 3d. children 2d, 122 The Original Ahsocicioll Established 1889 FISH! FISH!! FISH!! FTh,, MI1ÆORD HAVEN FISH SUPPLY ASSOCIATION Deliver, Carriage Pil, to any part ?fthe Kin BASKETS OF FRESH ?, 1.?t Cl?ed fo f df?"b n, from 2i. 6d. to 5.?. F1674 o Hotels, In?tittiti ?dLargecon?ers. Fry? applied with Cbeap Fish. 23804 R. J. HEATH AND SONS 51, Q-UEEN-ST., CARDIFF, 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD tmw AND INCBEASEO STOOK OF HIGH CLASS P I A N 0 FOR T E S. B,rall-tœ Best Makers of-the World, FOR THIS SEASON, {ttithe very Lowest Prices for Cash, or on our New Hito System JUrfHOFICENT CONCERT GBAND FOR HIRE. A-GENTS NOR BBOADWOOD, CCVLLVRD, KIRKMAN, BBINSMEAD, JUSTIN BROWNE, AsAatt other English and Foreign Makers of Bepiito. fiwPuilic ara intited to View their flue Exhibition of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PIANOFORTES OBGANS, HARPS, 4e,, From 7s. mouthly. CO. OPERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH. R. J. HEATH AND SONS 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. IANUFACTORY-LONDON. Pianofortes Tuned and Repaired in Town or Country by expeirenced Workmen. Best Terms to Teachers and Schools, Canvassers Wanted in all Districts, JNFLUENZA AND ITS AFTER EFFECTS This distressing malady hasmpidly spread over our untry once more. Its attacks are of a very severe "h.r_t,rd in many case" prove fatal, In lighter cases where the tient8 recover, it is a slow process, and thousands admit that they feel more depressed and miserable AFTER all attack of Influenza than ■while UD.R ITS IFLUla;CE, and more than they feel after any other ilIDC" The feeliagof D^spondeucy and HELPLESSNESS is Almost unbearable. NOW WHAT IS THE REMEDY? The best way to banish these feelings is to take Nourishing Food, Moderate Exercise, and a good Ve^tuble Tonic, such as GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTEBS. A- a preventative, there is nothing equal to GWfLYI EVANS1 BITTERS, A few strong d03es taken iu time have often warded of! attacks of Influeuaa, and always succeed in miti- gating tbi! everit.r. When suffering from this tnaladv yg EVA?ll, -BITTERS bh.?ld be in double dose3, '.a twi' as often as are prescribed in ordinary cases. Sena for pamphlet of testimonials. CAUTION. Above all see that vou get the right arti??IL with tti name" ILYM EVANS" ou Stamp. i,?b?l, SS Bftb?, wit^ hout which none i?, gemùne. Refuse all mutations, and insist upon havrns NOTHT\ft BUT GWILYM EVANS' Q NTNE BITTERS PTM^I, 1". lid, 2. 9a., nd 4.. 6d. each. SWlb,?ll Ch""t' Agents ??' all Pt?i of the ?-?id. Eq4.lly stated for all chxaates. PROPSIil^OJiS 2ININE BITTERS CO., LLANELLY. A,,VW.. Depot—Mr. B. W. D. WIILIAKS, ply. B n month. Pa, 26185 TEEMS OF SUBSCKIPTION. ■^T EST E.R N M A I L ONE "PENNY DAILY. POST FREE, 9s. 9D. PER QUARTER, jgJVENING EXPRESS, HALFPENNY DAILY, POST FBEE 6s. 6o. PER QCABTEE. WEEK LY MAIL, ONE PENNY WEEKLY, POST FBEE Is. 8D. PER QUARTER. NEWS OF THE WEEK, ONE PENITY WEEKLY, POST FREE Is. 8D. PER QUAETEB. CUQUES or ORDERS should be remitted in preference to Postage Stamps. Postage Stamps are not refused but, as they are often lost In tkic Post, they must, if remitted, be sent at the Subscriber's risk. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN I ADVANCE. ChequesMld P.O. should be Crossed and Mad Payable) to D. W. THOMAS. [25019 TEETH! DENTISTRY!! TEETH!! Prize Medal London, 1862. Gold Medal Paris, 1867. MR. KEALL, SURGEON DENTIST (38 Years' Fxfieriejioe 28 Years in SwansKi). 199, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. (Jnet below the (ir-t Western Railway Statiou). to intimato tit he produco a pef..tly .thug Set o? Teeth in one <!tSr ?'" The very best workmanship euatuutoed. Painless Dentistry by Gae =kb;axø:r{.lt¿:jdSB EthyY ?"' ?"?'Seti.fro,a5. per tooth. Upper o/ Lowcr Sets from Two Guia1œs. KtALL'S TONIC .\?D NEUBALGIC MIXTURE. Sure t=¥Ol:IÙC Doioreux Rheuma, Toothache, and fm NerToas P?na. lid., ..d 2?. 9d. p.r bottle. Through any Jherwst. Card?; .Mr. Mund&y. Chemi.t. Duke.atrMt: nr. Roi»b, Chemist, oath. Newport IJe?n. sarrett Bros., Chemists, 171, Commercial-street, !feathMr. J. G. Isaac (late Haym"n), Chemist.  MU,y: Ur Mor?c W. ia? London ? Newberry 'm?Soc. 330 CAlIDIFF ADVERTISING. BILL POSTING, AND COtCTOUAB DISTBiBUTlSG COMPANY (LIMITED). Established 1877. OFFICES: CASTLE-STREET CHAURMS il'A aNCmTABY, PRA?NK B. SMPSON.  Ymmmwt ?°?"'? StttMM in q. ?d MaghULQ.?=.Mte.=g St"i? Mr<a?ttMf. CiTe.?' Bistribu ing, Ac. "?""  AH Mdem?ettnt? ?tt4.dd t, public Amusements* CARDIFF. THE EM P I R E. •y A N O N I QUEEN OF THE FRENCH VARIETY STAGE. Mdlle. MARY VANONI, T??l?? Month. at the Empire, L..d. VAN? 6 NI, The dem?(I for whose services has until now pro. vented her appearance 1D any provincial towns in the u it'd Kiu P y =h?,to- i. t,,e VANONI, Whose salary is Lu-^a enough to make even Enterprise turn i>ale« VANONI, The Rage of America The Idol of F-. I The lvdatl{m to Britishers! ?A'NONI? ?' Despite the expenso of whose engagagement, there will be liO advance in the prices of admission, TO NIGHT ALSO:- J. H. MILBURN IN ADDITION TO VIVACIOUS VANONI THE MUSICAL PALMERS AS WELL AS CJflC VANONI FLORA LINGTON AND ECCENTRIC VANONI PALLES AND CUSSICK AND THE IRREPRESSIBLE VANONI. ARTHUR LENNARD AND PARISIEN VANONI. JOHN MARX, FRANK SCOTT, AND THE ONLY VANONI. READ THIS NOTICE No Advance in the Prices of Admission, but Stalls will be Reserved if One Shillini; Extra is paid for every Two Seats booked in advance. N.tL..th?. Two S:ats wilc Reserved for any On?? I'tircha?r. S TOLL S PANOPTICON. Philharmonic-hall, St. Mary-street. OPEN ALL DAY. WAXWORK EXHIBITION AND NOVELTY PALACE. RoUer ting, Gymnasiiuu, Variety Entertainments. Wonder of Nature. LAST WEEK OF THE GIPSIES, Who Attend Every Day from Twelve o'clock Noon. Positively their Last Week. Varietytert..w1Ucllt3 Daily at Four o'clock and Nina o'clock. A.K S?, The WouderMAeriahst. MARION GRAHAME, Vocalist i ?-C AND JIM, The Oontincntal Eccentrics, R. E. MELLING, Comedian. FREE PHRENOLOGY BY PROFESSOR ALLABY. Guiuca Prize Gymnastic Competition every We le.?, Eveniug. Guinea Prize Skat\n C01l1petition every Friday ]veuiu. ADMISSION, SIXPENCE. NOTICE.-I. Preparation, STOLL'S,GIANT XMAS CARNIVAL, Commencing Boxing Day. The sight of South Walos. NEWPORT. rpHE JgMPIRE. Manager OSWALD STeIL. TO-NIGHT. THE STRANGE J\&:NIGfI'l'. ASSAN, A PUBLIC PUZZLE. THE STOCKHOLM WONDER, mE LNOTTI, On a High Telephoue Wive, S4adng, Dancing, and Cycling on this perilous fundament Menotti will carry on his back across the wire any mr.n out of the audience not above 11 stone weight. Persouij with the requisite nerve may oiuutooJt themselves. Another tartling Spectacle, THE W R'E ? L? N? ?" L ION, In a Critical Contest with Ul. Coloured Trainer, Han'y I)orter VARIETIES BYH6??EP. AeriLp ARTISTES, In Addition to the Abo" PO\'etu1 Attractions. SWANSEA. NEW THEATRE, SWANSEA. NL.??.?,, and Manager Mr, A. MNLVILLE. TO-NIGHT, at 7.30 a.n? During the Week, 81-11.1 Engagement of Mr. J. H. 31.rt- -d Company in the Society Drama, THE FOLLIES OF THE?DAY' Act 1. The Village. A?t2.IU,?-ig-t?dG-d?.F?t? at 3L?.. Major Montague's. Act 3. The Paradise Music Hall. Grand Variety Entertainment by the following u?t A?u.,t. rn l e, m Nellie W"¡lace, Mr. Fmncis Hope, i.s MeUnd.. May. ? Act 4. London by Night. °?' ? ? "? X.By 4XlNG-i)AY 26), Grand Ch?i,t?. Pantomime, ROBINSON CRUSOE -d his MAN FRIDAY. Day Performanccs Tuesday &4d Wednes- day, December 26 and 27, at Two o'cJock 31580 T H E E M p 1 R E OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! THE WONDERFUL pERFORMING PANTHERS, and RICARDO, the Intrepid Trainer, NORA GORDON, Sweetly Intoning Melodious Ditties. GEORGE NENO, The Quaint Siuer. LA BELLE MAUDE. The Maid of the Air. J. P. CURLKTT, The Eccentric Irishman. J. W. WINTON, The Whistling Ventriloquist. THE DEZHONTIS ON THE BAR. And, lastly, one of the most original Comic Acts ever conceived by RAE & WESTON* The Exceptional Eccentrics. NOW READY. PRICE SIXPENCE. Postage, Ifid. "Y ANKEI.E LtND AND THE YANKEES. REMINISCENCES OF A JOURNEY TO CHICAGO, BY LASCELLES CARR, Editor-in-Chief Waatcni Moil. DANIEL OWEN AND CO. LIMITED), PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, ST. MARY. STREET, CARDIFF, AND AT ALL BOOKSELLERS, T EETH. AafERICAN "J^ENTISTRY AT CARDIFF. TEETH.—F. DE OWEN, THE OLD-ESTABLISHED DENTIM (Complete Set Fitted in a Day), Attendance Daily 9 till 8, at 42. QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, 4. OXFORD.STREET, SWANSEA. Artificial Teeth fixed by Owens Patent Suction, requiring no fastenings, &c. No pain whatever, no extractions. For Eating, Artioulation, they are equal to the natural Teeth. Warranted to last a lifetime. A Tooth Fro £0 5 0 Upper-or Lower Set From R2 10 0 Consultation Free Daily. MARRIED WOMEN..? Amested -t-.TJL MeN?MHon?)<K?e)y B?.t? red by Tkig REMEDUX GLODUL- pWnrr*nted safe and convenient. Price 96. 91.; by PD;í;tf:¡:d XCMyJ B, St. ?hS'?q?M CM? DA-N,v-L OWBN AND CG. GENERAL AND FANCY STAWONBJBS CARDiFF Busiinestsc 3bii reuses, Ll I- T 0- N S JPOB QHRISTMAS & Nruw V&.Et CAKEs. TONS UPON TONS TO SELECT FROM* QUALITY—PERFECTION. Having one of the largest C"ke Bakeries in Great Britain, thoroughly equipped k the newest and most improved Machinery, and capable of turning .at. 200 to. f C"k Sh?t.?,r?t per week! ,)??,-y process of the manufacture of which fa -r,a on almost untouched by the hand, I am in a position to 8upply tho public at about half the money charged elsewhere. CAKES, CAKES. CAKES. DAINTY, DELICIOUS, RICH. ONLY 4D. PER LB. The? f=ous ?(I Delicious Cakes—Sultana, Cnr rants, Royal Gi-g-r, Seed. Genoa, Madeira, and Fig- rtt?-,? h%t doubt, of tho greatest luxuries you* c"n ltac on the tœ table, and at the same time are about ??l? Bread and Butter* They weigh from lib. upwards. SHORTBREAD. The fi,,?.t .d.. Ornamented with all kinds of Fancy D?E;ig- ..d Mottoes. From 6D. TO 7s. 6D. EACH. Delicious Shortbread, not Ornamented, FROM 5D. PER Box. These Shortbread Cakes are the best it is possible to make, ..d .tt??r 't.1 .-?y p., ,p, o:ibl? q,?.Kty cannot be bought. JgROKEN SHORTBREAD, FINEST QUALITY, AT 4J D. AND 9D. PER BOX. DELIGHTFUL SHORTBREAD FINGERS. DELICIOUS SPONGE CAKE FINGERS. ONLY 3D. pkr BOX. Rare Delicacies for the Tea Table. LIP TON, THE LARGEST TEA, COFFEE, AND PROVISION DEALER IN THE WORLD. LOCAL BKAKCHES 7, HIGH-STREET, AND ST-MABY-STEEET, CARDIFF.  Arcade-buildings, High-street. WL,LOVAANNESLELA Y 9t ;pucy.?t-t. BRISTOL ..?.? 22, Wi.?..t?.t. Branches and Agencies throughout the World. [ e543 B. EVANS AND COMPANY INVITE A VISIT TO THEIR GRAND CHRISTMAS B AZAAR, WHICH CONTAINS THOUSANDS OF USEFUL, ARTISTIC, AND FANCY ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS, CONSISTING OF DOLLS. rpOYS, AND GAMES MUSICAL BOXES AND FIGURES, WORK-BOXES, WORK-BASKETS, JEWEL CASES, FITTED DRESSING-CASES, BAGS, PURSES, LETTER AND STATIONERY CASES, CARD CASES, CIGAR AND CIGARETTE CASES, ALBUMS, PHOTO-FRAMES, And every Description of FANCY LEATHER GOODS A CHOICE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS UD NEW Year CARDS I BUYERS for CHARITIES will have enor mous SELECTIONS of SUITABLE GOODS, such as BLANKETS, FLANNELS, QUILTS, SHEETS, &0., at PRICES THAT WILL AGREEABLY ASTONISH THE KEENEST JUDGES OF VALUE. TEMPLE-STREET, SWANSEA. 24743 BUT THE EVENING ExPREss-' jgMARTEST JjWENING J3APER IN THE PROVINCES. JJIOHEST HONoRS. f IPTON'S JQELICIOUS TEAS HAVE GAINED THE JJIGHEST AND ONLY Å WARD IN THE BRITISH SECTION AT THE WORLD'S FAIB, CHICAGO. These famous Teas are to be had at all Upton's Branches andAgents, NOTE THE PRICES RICH, PURE AND FRAGRANT PER 18. AND le- 4D. LB. THE PlNBST THE WORLD CAN PRODUCE AT PER ls- 7 D. LB. No Higher Price. LI P T 0 N TEA AND COFFEE PLANTER, CEYLON. Ceylon Tea and Coffee tfiiiwfow Warehouses T:m. Cinnamon (Sua^n, Colombo, C-lo. I Offi? Upper Ùbth. Colombo. Er.- T.. Shi wwehouses -d B st- U«e-street, Sfiauuf, c:t:-=: ??'??TY?S?'I.oSSSS' QAees: BATH- bs-?4.tA- CWsa=lom,B.C. B)MadM«nd Ag-.0 th.?.gbo?t tb. W.Ad. L10366 D I G MNE. D IGSWE. DIGENE. CUBES INDMBaTKHf? BIMOCNfBaS. DY8PBMIA WITH A)tAz8fe 51?nAnN?D" 33, W*h.hbaM.ads, Newport, 11th September, 1880- Jfeelvei^ mnch indebted to you for tAo valuable jXtwdeM yon seat me. I tMMe &)[en theat J). The remtt has been -.Uoi?? For ten years I have been suffering from indigestion, and had to be careful' ?.tl ate; now I Mn pieteet to teS you I cm e?t anything. Youvboj UMe what uae jsouKke of tbio. as your v8d»hle ''PiffMut'' S<rm4fm ?ot be too wi Iœowu.-I o.m., y- tdtht.4. ot "kHoi8I, 1fewpørt. 'Wbat:eW"i J:Irfor ISPIOI8IIO »4" YOB-can hare-Vliu cur, now b, VUag DIG EWE. Jt-8 a :=: ÐIHQ ?"' ,o-t4r.arm WiLoo to DWEM ORUM, 84, ST. MAEY-STBEET, CAltDWP. 2617*










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