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tPVfuisiono* SSTOL CHANNEL PASSENGER BEiiVlCE (LIMITED). DAILY 8ERM0E 0A1UHFF AND WBSTON BY r H 8 I. A l)Y MA HO A It KT, *T."KVVK i'A KDUW. I LKAVH WESTON. MhiU> T. AUGUST. tat 3,7 0 aiui 9 20 a.m.. S:it, ?0—310 a.m., 3 15, 6 45 3i) 4J0 an < I 7 3J and 8 0 ii.m. SBP1 KM B12 :i. SEPTRMBHR. lion 1—7 9 id, aii.1 10,401 Mon. 1—8 0 and 10 30 a.m.. .vm., 5 la ana 6 16 p.m. ? 0 and 7 30 p.m. Inr». 2—S 16 and iC 3. a iu. | Tiies. 2-9 2j a.m., 6 fv 6 30 p.m. | and 7 25 p.m. I bpecidf Kxourslniis nlid Pleasure Sailings ov the Maxni- flc.iiit Saloon Strainers of the ahoye Company. 'T"J7 Tulir*KHKAt>. LYNMOU1H, AND SATU HI)AY. ILKKAUOMBB. ,& t, g. 'A), 7.30 a.m. At 7.30 a.in. Ufrneombe. 4.0 p.m. By NllAVrhiNJ I Lvn'n.?th. 5.0 p.m. UUNHAVMX. j ? Mi.?h?d 6.0 p.m. AI-I'EIZNOON EXOURSION 'PO At ;;¡,iö p.m. I BAKUY AND WATCHIiT. av E:.JtiL OF I Le^ve 0..rdiff 3.45 p.m. jMlist-Yor I „ Wotctint 7.30p.m. L.i itL v PIB.rrs, 8.45 p.m. ) Special Fares this Day, to ami fro- Brry, 13,; Wv.tchd. Is 6?.a".?9. I TO POKVISHKAlV AND Uf THE SATUKDAw Y I UIVKB M;VI kn AND UP THE T?.?7'U.?,.?: j '?? 6MVEKN BEIIJOE. -? AUL??50Z, J I Leave C"nlitr 3.5 p.m. Portlsliead. s:?p?: xo ~\v ATC h KT.MIN E¥E A D7 LYN- M'>KDAY. I MOUTH, AND 1LKKACOMBE. Sept. 1, I Lc?ve Cardiff. 7 30 a.m. At /.a. I I'?c?mbe. 4.0 p.m. Bv BAKL OF | „ LviiiiKiutb. 4.45 p.m. DUNikAVEN. I •> Minehead 6. 0 p.m. „ Watohet H?5 p.m. '???DAY——t———tO"\YNMOCTH AND Stpteiiiber 1. ILFWAOOMBB. AH'.t5 by Leave Cardiff a.15 a.m. HO??tN ,i Llraoombe .4.30 p.m. DOON. i> Lynmoutli 5. 15 p.m. 1- I MOONLIC.m' CHANNEL TK1P. At 8.0 p*m. Le?e 0?'mff .8,0 p.M. Fare-, 19, and Is. 6d. ■ TO "WESTON. LYNMOUTH, AND TUESDAY 2, Hl! IUtJOMBE. September 2, Leave (?rdiff .SISx.m. At 8 15 a m» Hfrac?n?e ,5.30 p.m. BONN1L Lvmnouth .6.15 pm., DOON. ? Weston S.30 p.m. 'WES DA Yi TO" illS ft AMrLYN*MOU¥a, 6? 2, AN1) tLFRACO?H At 7.15 a.m., I Lf?'f Ciriim 7.15 a.m. ?? I!fr?oombe t.O p.m. EAKLOF Lytum?h 4.50p.m. DUNKAVKX. •• Buriiham. 7.30 p.m. fOTYNMOUTli' 1LFKACOMBB, WEDESD.ÅY. AND OLOVELLY, a.m. At6 t -i??L??N?NIOVTH. ILFIZACOMBIC. I. 4. 0 p.m. BONNIE DOON | llfr*c>mbe 6 0 p.m. | „ Lyinnoutli 6.45 p.m. TO WATCH ET. MINEHKAD, LYY. MOU'l'rJ, AND ILFKACuMBE. At 7.30 a,m" by I Leave nHrdlff   !i,m. EAKL OF I ? l?c?be 4H.45 P* '1}' DV.il\ÄVJ: ? Lvmnouth 5.40 p.m. Minehead 7. 0 p.m, ? Watel?at 8. 0 p.m. "loTp?NHAM FOR GLA&TON- I BURY A?D WELLS. It 8.15 a.m.. by Leave Cardiff 8.15 a.m. EAUI. I Of Buriiham b.15 p.m. OF JERSEY. I KVKMNG TlUP. I Xieave Cni\iiPf 6.15 p.m. ) „ Barnbam 8.15 p.m. "IHUR»DAY! BURNHAM. ??' T. BU?HA? At 8,30 a.m., by Leave <:udHY 8.30 ..m, U^nl, '"0? ?S?m-?p:m: JtRSEY. _— <1'q WATC1I i-:T. LYNMOUTH, and THUR-DAY U.FKACOMUE. ?pt 4 Leave C?.iN 8 15 a.m. ttois?m "b? ltacumt'e.ol&p.m.  ?KL )F" ? ?"'?'? 6 15 ??- DDUUN NURAAVVaEa N. MiiMiead 7.30 p.m. 1%'nteliet 8.15 p.m. — To_MINEHHAD, LYNMOUlH, and FRIDA lLFHACOMB, Sept. 5, Leave OrdiCf 10 30. a.m. AH0.30a.rn.. Ilir?combe 6. 0 p.m. Bv EARL OiT Lv"mouth. 7. 0 p.m. D'UN KAV'N. ? M.ne)??..?'5j?m. --1I AU'='HO¡JTiAT£xctfTfsiör 6ATC!:DAY. I To J.Y?MUUTHandILFHACOMDE. Sept. 6. Ltave Cardiff 8. 0 p.m. At 0 ■) in bv 'trdcombc.7.)op.m. BONNIE ? Ly.imoutb 8. 0 p M. IIO-NNIUI I St'?cl? F"?9 T??is Day F?re l'eck, 2s.6?.;6!ttoon, 3s. 6d. TJ A- ilOl.ILKW l,.XCUI-SION to PO HII, 11, BA 1) and up the Severn towards the {TveT.. U.idire TO-DAY (3.tturdav). Atigust 30, by Bonnie Doon. C. rdiff 3.15 p m. L"ave Portis- bead 8,30 p.m. Faxes to and fro. to either place, Is. 6d. slid 2s. NEWPORT AND WESTON RERVIOR. LKAVT; RODNEi LEAVE WliS'lON. WHAKF. ) AUGUST. AUGUST. Sat. 30-9 0 a-in., 4 30 p.m. Sut 30—3 0 .ind 7 45 p.m. Wiiul, WeiAl tier, atid (ttlik!r circumstances permitting. The Company reserve to themselves the right of sub- stitutiiit; any Steamer or Steamers when circumstances require. 911 j!'oc Fares of the above, ice Hills. tDWAKDS, ROBERTSON, and Co., Agent*. 105. Bute Docks, Cardiff, and 60. Dock-street, Newport, MUll, 94464 Mon, GliKAT WESTERN RAILWAY. On WEDNESDAY, September 3rd, THURSDAY, Beuiember 11th, and WEDNESDAY, September 17th, CHEAP H 4LF-DAY EXCURSIONS to PORTHCAWL will leave XEWfO.iT 20 p.m., CARDIFF 2 âi, and Bridaeiio 3 0 p.m. 1,8366 On THURSDAY. September 4th, CHEAP EXCUIi- blONS to hWANSEA, Cardiff, BKiStOL, JIATH, Weston super Mnie, launtoij. Tiverton, KARN-l'APLB, EXi.rKU. luiquiv, PLYMOUTH. Truro, Falmouth, St. I\t$I'ENZANI E. A' uiict certain Stations in the WtaTOr LNGliAND, will 1-ine NEW MILFORD at 633 a,t1\" Johnston 6 4; IIAYERFORDWISSI' 6 55, Pembivko Vock 6 15, Tentiy 6 45. Suioderstoot 6 5b, Narberth 7 .5, Whitlaiid 7 40, CAR- MARTHEN 7 55, Carmarthen Junction 8 10, *LI'lIelly 8 45. SWANSEA 910, "Lihdoro 920, »tNeath 9 40, "1'ort Tuibot ai 10 0 a, rn, 1t.'Ii ot to Swansea. tnot to ''Yt  rtT.n?'ct a( l O Oa.'n. Caoiff Also to I A U N I O.N. I I l,'RACQ.\l BE, Barn- staple. Tiverton, KXl/l'l.li. Torquay, PLYMOUTH, Trulo, Falmouth. St. Ives. PENZANCE, &c aiid certain Stations io ihe WEST OF ENGLAND, from BRIDGEND at CARDIFF Jl 10, Ebbw Vale 8 0. Nantyjjlo 8 0, Btaina 8 5. Abertillery 8 12. New. briiicc ? 34, Aiieveavn 8 3(i. Itlsoa 8 W, Biaenavon 720. At>eib\chan 7 33, PoNTYPOOL (Crane-street) 925. Upper Pontnewydd9 37, Cwmbran 9 il,and NEWPORT at 11 3L) &.iu. L8364 llonSJ SHOW AT CARDIFF. CHEAP DAY EXCURSION'S will run on WEDNES- DAY. September to SWANSK and CARDIFF from NFW MIl.FOKD (5 b5 tt.fn.). Milford, Johnston, HAVERFOi! • W l*.S 1 (6 25), Clat bestow Road, Clymler- Wfti. Wtii;land (7 b), St. llears. Sarnaii, Carmarthen (7 3J), I arm irthen junction, "CARDIGAN 3 0 a in.), "Kilijernin, *i] o.cath. "Crynunych Arms, Llaiiijlyd- wen. Ferr\6i'l«, Kidwellv, and Peinhrcy C'Also In Cllr- mat then); and ta) CARDIFF ONEY from LLANhLfA (8 to a.m.), Lou;;hor, Gowerton, Coc.ett, SW AN8l'A (704:> a.m.), Laii>.t"re. LUnsainlet, Dynevor, Ne.Uh, Brito, Feiry, Potl lalbot, Pyle.and Briduend (9 0 a.m.). On THURSDAY, September 4, to CARDIFF fiom Uindare, Neath. BHton Ferry. For Talbot, and liridjjend (1 45 p.m.). On WEDN'I'- DAY ami I HO nsDAY. September 3 and 4, to CARDIFF from CHEPVIVW (It 9 a.m.), P rtskewett, Sevtrn Tunnel Junction, Mayor. Abergavenny, Penper«wi:i, Manty.iert y, Pontypool Road (10 48 a.m.), Newport at 9 35 and 11 18 a.m..and 12 52 p.m. 18365 BRISTOL FAlit AND FLOP. IL FETE AT BATII. On THURSDAY, iii,er 4. a ClihAp DAY EXCURSION to BRISTOL and BATH will leave OA xilFB'at 9 40 a.m., NEWP><E1' 10 5, Mngor 10 20, and Sevsrn Tunnel Junction at 10 30 a.m. L8367 6T GILFS' FAIR AT OXFORD. On MONDAY, September 8. a CHEAP DAY EXCUH- SION to (iLut Cl.S'I ER, CH RLTKNHAM.and OXFORD will le»ve CARDIFF at Itow 7 5, and Lvdney at 7 45 a.m. Far Full Paiticulars see Hills. L8363 HY LAMBERT, General Manager. jn 11 ASlTrlE>lPEiTANOE XiALA DAY. CHEAP EXCURSION TO EASTNOR CABTLE, MONDAY, Septejnher Jsl., 1890. Monstre Demonstra- tion in the Park of Lady Somerset. Speakers: Her La'lys!dp, It v. ilugli Price Hughes, M.A.; and other Distinnuisbed Advocates. Cheap Excursion from Car- diff (0.W.K.) 7.65 a.m., and stations between Newport and Abergavenny—4-, To and Fro, Everybody should avail theiinseives 01 seeing the Al•■•snitlceut Castle and JB&tuiifui tJrounds. 4291w30 PIANOS, QUGAMS, jpiANOS CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. P:n"9 trom 10s, 6d. Monthly. Organs from 59. Monthly Tlie Public are Invited to Inspect JJ E A T H AND O N S' STOCK OP PIANOS, ORGANS, &0., As Pounds will be saved by placing their Orders with them. JSvtry Instrument Guaranteed Rnd Kept in Tuna On Year ,f'e of Charge. Large Discount for Cash. JJ EATH AND SONS, PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, TUNERS, AND REPAIRERS, 61, QUEEN-STUEET, CARDIFF, AND 34. TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD M407 c AVENDIS" H OUSE QOMPANY (LIMITED). CHELTENHAM, Bolo Agents in CHelt«?nh*m and Nelghbaurhood for BCARBOROUGH. NFPYTEW.tid C,).'$ CELKBRATBD FKAR-NOURHl HKRGES (REGI9TKBED). Bun, Sea-Air, an<l S.lt Water detied. Will not spot with rain; will not cockle. Suitable for all climates. Made iu Navy and Black. PATTERNS Free on Anpli- cation. 79370 rX i^KKTH AMERICAN DENTISTRY .r'pjfliSTH, OWeN'S AT CARDIFF. X From London (Established 30 wsars), ABB I ST ED BY Dr. CHARLES KNABB. ATTKND DAILY 9 TILL 8. AT 42, QUEEN -STIt K ET, CARDIFF. AMERICAN rKETH.—The New Dentistry. Vpper or lower Oct, from 12d. 50c., equal to ?2 lOe. <)){)-Tooth. Id. 25c., „ to 6s. Warranted to give every satisfaction. F. OWEN, SURGEON DENTIOT. 91446 4. OXFORD-STREET, SVYANBBA. oonoult%t,ic,nq Froa Daily, noua Nnu tki, Siaht. *tnbltr fHniudement^ RJPHEA'HW KOYALP CARDIFT. LKMKtt AND MANAQKR MR. EDWARD FLUTORBR. ACTING MAXA^HR MB. JOHN SHHUDAN. TO-NIGHT (SATURDAS), AUGUST 30. Magnificent Reception of Mr. FHED GOULD and his Povveitul Company, in the Great Drama, by Henry Pettitt, The JJLAOK JjlLAG, Jr. ESCAPED FROM PORTLAND. All the Original Sensational Mechauical Effects. [42356 MO N DAX NEXT, Sept. 1, Most Expensive Eiiganemeut of J. J. itl,,t P. Stallislaus' C,)nlpntty. In the GAIETY BURLESQUE. LITTLE JACK SUEPPARD. Box Plan now ready at Thompson and Shaelcell's (Limited). 42356 r jS H E E M P I HE. Maunger OSWALD STOLL lO-NiGHT, THE BURGLAR! For I do hold with him who aiugs To one clear harp in silver tones, That men may rise on stepping stones Of their dead selves to higher things. Next Week: LIITLE MARGUERITE, by Htld. Wil- Ilallls and Company, Straight) from Loudon. Lookout for The Century's Sensations. 3766w30 y I C T O R 1 A 0 0 m 8 ST. MAKY-STBEET, CARDIFF. D'AIIC'S GRAND WAXWORKS. Constant Changes and New Additions. Amongst others MR. and MRS. B. M. STANLEY. Automatic Novelties, Mechanical Models, and The Great Fortune Teller. Admission, 3d.; Children, 2d. 4314w30 p A 11 li HALL, CARDIFF. Mr. R. VERNON PIEHSON lias the honour to aunounoe that he will give a GRAND NOVEL CONCERT On WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 16, 1890. Artis'es: Miss Mtredyth Elliott, contralto, London; Mis. Davies Evans, soprano; Mr. Davies Evaus, tenor. Instrumentalists: Mr. Oh. W. St. Cross, the eminent solo banjolst, London Mr. R. Vernon Pierson, solo flautist. Oxford University and Crystal Palaoe Concerta, solo mandolin and banjo; Mr. Pierson's band of banjos, mandolius, and guitars. At the piano& Madame Cl. Novello Davies. Plan and Tickets at Thompson and Shackell's, Lrwirs, and Newman and Sons', Queen-street 4285 SWANSEA. EW THEATRIC, WIND-STREET, i,\ SWANSEA. TO-NIGHT, at 7.30. Mr. BAI.SIR CHATTBRTON'S COMPANY, with AN ENTIRELY NEW DRAMA, IN THE QUKKN'S NAME. Extraordinary Cast of Characters. New Scenery and Effects. New Moslc. MONDAY NEXT, and During the Week, the Cele- brated Comedy, PINK DOMINOS, From the Criterion Theatre. 31580 SUPREME 0 s la the Furnishin" BusiueM of 6outh Wales &04 Monmouthshire Is the WATCHWORD of JJEVAN AND (JO" LIMITF-D, REGISTERED AS "T li E C ARI;IFF F Ur%NISREM.' Their exceeding low prices have attracted to thorn tha ORGEAT Trade of its kind In the Principality, wiihth. t'sult that they are more determined (ban ever, not only to retain, but to Further Increase their Extenslv. "Tad". No "bart tlill bospared in Giving every Customer ht Highest Satisfaction aUto Prices and Quality, while D»»immense stocks givp Purchasers the Best and LArgreti Selection in the District, and oomprlse evVrythlng U quirnl ior furnishing thioughout. All Goods delivered FIM b Road or Rail within Ono Hundred MIWI OI Cardiff. Illustrated Catalogues Gratia Olul Poet ""RTF. o> Application. SPECIAL attention 13 directed to tho C)XOCIECnt -%Ilt: Y-Al durable Sxtiti Walnut Bedroom Suites, at fottMTirt PRITTCS (Glass Door to Wardrobe and Marble-top %ndillo tack to WITHSTAND iu encb Suite) SF VEN-AND-A-H A LF GUINEAS TUN GUINEAS, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS. Very IIandJom; Bedroom Suites in American Blacir Walnut, je22 10s. Od. A VERY FINE SELECTION OP CARETS. Linoleums, Floorcloths. Hearfhrtigj, &C., Tapestry Carpet from IOtd. per yard, Brussels froa- la, lljd. per yard. JJEVAN AND (JO" LIMITED, THE CAliDlFF FURNISHERS," DUKE-STREET., and ST. MARY-STREET CARDIFF.3w tiT. PETER'S HOSPITAL FOR STONE IO STRICtUr?E, AND URINARY DISEASES. HENRIETTA-STREET. COVENT GAitDEN, LONDON, PATIENTS SEEN DAILY "ot T\fo, o-#,pt on Wod-.«sdays, "ud Saturday- also Moud'iy, WeclueR,I-y, and Saturday Evenings at Five. Fridikys it Two, Women asf Chililren only. Without letters of rcoomuioiidatlon. L5277 °° WALTER E. SCOTT, Secretary. EARLY CLOSING MOVEMENT. On and After TUESDAY, August 5th, THE LIVERPOOL CHINA AND INDIA TEA COMI'ANY (LIMITED) Will OLOSR their ESTABLISHMENT on Mondays, Tuesday, and Thursdays at Seven, on Fridays at Eight, on Sat urdays at Ten, and on Wednesdays at Two. In thua atdmg the above movement the Company Trust they W I ,f Not Suffer at the Hand* of Their Customers. 14, QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF. 95284 JJAVID gHEPHERD, ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND INSURANCE AGENT 1, FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF. All business personally superintended. The entire management of housn pro perty undertaken, with monthly or quarterly settlements. Merchants' companies', and other ACCOUNTS adjusted and audited. Sales of all kinds of property by public auction or private treaty. Private loans and mortgages on propt-ty effected (at low interest) in conncoti -n with life assurance or othirwiuc. Insurances of all kinds in be:t ofiices. AGENT FOR- THE PHG2NIX FIRE OFFICB, ESTABLISHED 1782. .'TAR LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETT. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL PLATE-OLASR INSURANCE COMPANY, AC., <*C. DAVID SHEPHERD, 1, FREDERICK-STREET, CARTJIVV. 15821 JJRINSMEAD piANOS. B RILNSMEAD pIANOS. JgRINSMEAD piANOS. JOHN gRINSMEAD AND SONS, PIANOFORTE MAKERS BY SPECIAL APPOINT, MENTTO R.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES, 18. 20, and 22. WIGMOKE-STREET. LONDON, W- as Free, and of the Leading Music-sellers. 8207 Now Publishing, in 6d. Parts. "OES Y MERTHYRI. A "DETHOMON 0 IIANJE3 YR EGLWYS." (ittu Y Paioh J. D. XENRINS. D.D., Vicar of Aberdare. CARDIFF. 94128 T E)ETRI TEETH!! TEETH! Prize Medal, London, U62. GoldlledaJ, Paris, loa7. MR. K E A L L, SURGEON DWNTIST (32 Years' Experience; 22"Years In Swansea), 199, HIGH-STREQT, SWANSEA (Just below the Groat Western Railway Station), Begs to intimate that he can lJroduce a perfectly fittin/R Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very best work- manship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gaoo. IÙ-, by the new Anaesthetic Cocaine. Partial Sets from 5e. per Sooth. Upper or Lower Bets from Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Bura and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Dotoreu Rheums, Toothacba, and all Nervous Pains. L. ll, and 2s. 9d. per BOTTLE. Through any Chemist. Cardiff: Mr. Munda>v Cheml.t. 1. Duke-et,rect.; Mr. Robb, Chomist, Roat-ii. Viewport: Messrs. Garrett Bros., Chemists, 171, Comiiierflai-sueet. Neaths Mr. J. G. Isaac (late Havman). Chemist. Llaneliyt Mr. Gwilvm Evans. London: Newberry and goii. 30131 NANLEL OWEN t lXI.jS ABC RAILWAY ILMK L^BLEK, the only one P-h lished ii Watoa, price Id. IIW (>v • T M t.JI\ V-'TRE»T "¡, fiusuirsid w RIGH'r'S COAL TAR SOAP W For Infectious DISOMOS. w RI(3fiTS COAL TAR SOAP V For Skin Dideam, WRIGHTS COAL TAR SOAP For Delicate Skins WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Pimples and Blotchcs. WRIGHTS COAL TAR, SOAP For the Complexion. WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Tellet, Bathroom, and Nursery. BOLD EVBKYWHERB. TABLETS 6B. AND 1s.; BOXES Is. 60. AND 3S LB201 >^TTARK WHAT THE WILD WINDS Ji SAY."—Unquestionably there 18 no remedy up to t?pre?t. ?equ? to TUDOR WILLIAMS'S PATENT BALSAM OK HONEY for all Cheat Affec- tions. Fortifies the system, increases the resisting power against disease, ueals the lungs, and cures a summer oough when all other remedies fall. If you, children, or fritnds are losing your grip ontife and scarcely able to breathe you should t>y Tudor WUURIBSV Patent Balsam of Honey. For weak-chested men, <i6lioAt« women, aDd ohildren. It cures when nil other medicines fail. OurM Coughs, Colds, Bronohitis. Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. Oures thousands of children from Bronohitisand Whooping Oough. Cures for one shilling when pounds have been spent in vain. Do try it. Bold by all Ohemlsts and Stores. 95834 ■NAN ■■ II »1—MM—■——





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