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public Companies, kc. nVlWTnl APPLICATIONS for SHARKS wi:: OPKN 011 rHlït,U.iY. June lb. 2\lh1 will CLOSK on or before rt" :,LJA Y. June th. for TOII. and WKDNEiDAY, June 'nth. I"r COUNTRY. rI i1llK U L.o.U.\LC.\7." I: (JUC!ÜHI.V El{ MINIIS LlMITf.U!. I1 ncorporated under •* The Co»!»arii»s Ac s, 1to 1SS7. In 400,0JO Shares vf 1:1 1: Payable -i, on adl! cation; 7.. 6J on Allotment; 5, in oa.. »ooth, TnU &• *n two ninths after AH dNkeiit, or ti»e "ul wa'" tAl p*id up on Allotment, the ranting fur III?, Jeod from tho dAle, M payment. Hlkl'TQII.8. BpWAKD BISHOP. Rsq, lJiroctor 01 Ih. Municipal Trust Comlauv (Limited). p J. KOLHY. E«(j M.P. Manning 1Iirector Pearl Lif. Company (I lmited>. JyHN 1AYLUH DAVIES, Ksq 9, Carnbri !*e Gate. Regent's Pari*. lJirfctor Reliance Marine ltuUC411CIf Company. Ii,. H n JOHN ABHBCKNHAM, 30, 1Io,er,tmt. t'icc..j¡!iv. Yi jA^kS Y:AÇ1J¡;AR, Eoq. F R9.E., F\ C., 2, .ctoria Mansions. Victoria-street, K W. £ a«k*M —The C'JI¡1ola.J"ted 8ard, (Ltnd).2, Thread- l14teùle.'trt. v.JwJUI1, SC. IcUClTvM —Messrs. Vallance aud C .tl^nibard House. 080r¡e.yar<l. Lombard-street, KC. ItftIJKIR. „ Itnion t Messrs. Jnmes Caivfr! and Co., 22, Tùrog. m.,r'- u-streer, E C., and toc" Exchange. \:III"Ç,VJtn: Mturi Power am1 C egg. Winter* bu, a»,.gf 32, St. Aim-strevt, andStcvk Excnange Bruit,. Messrs. bettva Sayce, \au*haii, and Co., ard Hatb .wi '(JOrt. avwtom t Ðrr), 1'1 t..bet tJ aIJd Co.. CI¡lrtertJ 14, Moorgate-street, wndun. 'UÇR8URT ani> OIFICK8 ipr». rem ) -W. Mitchell, Iùq Warulord-iuurt. 'IhruiCm",rwu.re4:t, ÄC. ABKIDOEU 'l"hlt(,um8.uy I.! b.ttl {¡un,j tv "cq,llre &uJ wlr" a 'rvu¡., v( u'<¡,(r M ,1;1:'1 c.,¡',erllq, ¡\II a.. tlf .toou °x"!cvitn"" It.te of ItoU L'.ti' t'l,t\)I.I!I Hut k,UtJll' t .MII('U. 1'b ¡AortJcular, and ,tate!f1tllt. lII.de 111 th¡. l'rv'Ji' 1\\J t4); :'i'fj ,)rtr.ft :I;:nbter:: Santiago (rvlU 3, mJje liy Mr Charles t urlAr, tbe 'II.kn)wu 11(.n )linillK }:Ive'rt, wh( e.lanline,t i&sw; V\rur lat .I\I canllrHle\ th ,.portt (..II Sn;¡r J("m..IIJ fL1r11I'hd at tbe 1a1Jl \ime further "U¡\\o; j'1lrJrmatlou. u.u.r «h. 'Irrl.ti.-Th.. PI,rtil"s re II!Ù uuJer the millill laws uirect frvu. 1111.' M..1IC811 (j(HflllmlIt, are uul "t"¡'t,ere. f (¡(,m .Ii .v,),tIt':t a:¡l, nculUbraIH: I wlf U ;.f'r:i!JJt¡ocI!:¡;ti:. v( Ct:lt eibiriAT*ox —The mille, are at an average elfvatlvO ,»f&fOCit. above tt.t Pea Level, awl distan' ut 18 f8Îkt$ frllm lhe I4.ti.way :tati.)JI uf Tej»: with wbich tbey are counrctr-d by a jju-xi waggon r'»ad nearly thee 'IrediiLance- The nc^r.-s* Haiiway StatiUH on the main hue between th- port ofTtmpico and the Citv of gun Lui' )JQIOH U .ltInn 12 mile# of the min! Qnoi'P 01 L. TiuMl>al».-Thi» it the principal mille. gr rather acruul.1 of mines, vf lh district, ulI(1 iiereisa OUllllùfrablt fldl:iL amp, with hoiues fvr the miller and overseers, stoteb-uses, and Jar., dumps vi lia'f- treatedor«, e'J!lt4I11ir: altogether u.bo'H1t v{»0,0>X> tons. The lPitH"" which coinjHjse thi; t(:I.J\ql ate (IHr twenty ill number, (If which Ltl principal are lil Muerto, til" l4,(vi". be Tu'uel of l lIdertq. Ban Antonio ue Padua, ani Han A:ito»u » de Guayabo. Kl L!11H\I-T ore at thi mil1 ^ien tlrH oj,. eo,j w*» f'JunJ 10 .v to lhe lurlace and in such gua1«Mi" :hlkt 11 w, worpJ exlnliYt"ly in the usual ire e»J iwd piimltive Meaican fashion, without timber- ina. with b r,ult UJat it j c.J in" whilst in full wurk. This "cave in" covered up immense bodies uf Off, which may be opened up at small t.'<Il A^rojrio l>* Paia'A is the iiuni now principally nwrked. aod is the most roporfant because «»f the extei.* Ii" development and the ¡WUIHJ1&IICfI au" richness 1)( its ores, both as regards pruUuction in tlie past ;e:;e 4, f ere remaining in sight. This mine is entered ty a tUlIlWt b0ft. hi len6tth. the 1orma.tion being limestone, iute seeled bv laversof ore. At themil «» t' this tunnel: it a Isr^e chamber, fr»»m whivh in 1»62 an Immense1 bt¡¡jy 1.,1 ore Wa, extracted. Fr> m this ctulJlbtor to the Kjrth-West, and at an inclination of run rich «* t'anket' deposits of in great abundance, and rJ: tau' atnut ICOft. therefrom a second Urge chamber 1oIl,lr. irciu wIllct! ^0,IX)0 cubio metres, valued !;it i a,<».. were extracted In US1: Workings h, be* «> titended 11\ various directions, t'1¡MSI!1K visible ure in *!l directions. The primitive au>i erratic character of; these native workings renders ititi,,t:c t » c.ncu.a'.e Ui" amount of reserves iu sight, tJm It must l, very ■real. »n«l tbre Is htlt" doubt UJ"t further large b;)J¡j till be developed of increasing nchness and "tulIr it> ,I' depth is a\tallled, Taklug the whole uf th.s rich zom. it may wfeiy t* M«crt«d that It isone o! th richest twd certainly the 81: si extensive y yet discovered. 1 lit whole terra- i* v is permeated witii cinnabar tlrt:, our. capping over th entire distnct. Ure, ill laiger or 'fU.1.( er quantity RII) lie teen in eve.y workin g a,d & tbe hishricoal impo,hnl (f the mines Is beyond doibt, »s evidenced bV th enormous heaps uf slag. Which sll. 011 account ut the primitive manner It tleat- Ui-nt, should pay haut" tnely lù r«*-w< rk. Average sam^vs ot-.irditiarv wotking ores were taken Mr"< r.a.ly tvMr.Char.es Kurber. and Assays made bv Ur 1». C. (,riffi h. A saver to the Bank I). 1-1I1\lId, &i,e tk t.Jliv"frIUi re,ult=- Quicksilver. V. K«!.ul l aj^r ee.it- lf:) Antonio de Padua £ •» do. A iMdo 204 i Hepatic Biack b it m 4. do. Back 2 vi •» la Sin AutJlllÙ de ouavabo.Trinidad, 1I,le. 4-5 » 2a Io, uv. 4'3 If 3d 0o. U-. Steel Colour 3 ^4 Tu.1 Kl Desierto (picked sample) 4537 AHaY' mad m tb laboratory If Mr. JAm! Mactear. K.h sk. F-I.C have given -¡-' Mark* o baMTLB. 1st. 2nd. taJ. AVKEU6S. i g. K«fug<« 270 27:! 2-7C 270 per cent. Sj. i. S»n Antonio Or V,<lu» 72.^ 7'3-| 7-50 •• M 2. Dj. Aura d o J'^[ •• j. Do. Uepauc B!»ck: 4-23 4'25| 4'2t> v.;s 4 IX. BUck ra 2-1-, W; |'3° |>> •ii'O'J 'S oO >$4zo M \O la. <an Aut^nio del (i!uavabo 7" i o) r2' 3 1. 7'30 2a Do 3'7C 3"75, i ;Zt S'lZ ix. Do i-1 ? '<* 2'2»i *■#> lunuel Jtfl Dejierto S V5, SHG^ 9' v i In lurnil!.ÎnM: th(> asjay, r. Mftrtear SAva TIJ ore) w-m tv w of 1.lib class, mid MS regards ituir woik- ItK 1 lun ,t¡,!¡t IflAt, 'com t" nature vt the nICK, fywill U' readily crusbtJ alfU nceedmRly «asy d tiV itment ia tlie fumices A mine producing such ores <1' Ton L.t Wt with roe ,11},I: i rove an «xwd!ti«ly "t:t! l\lJt' VtuR* WvR&I(i 1M» isnM*r*D PKonr.-lt is pr"eJ "t ante to erect a Heduction Plant c<pjble ot tte.ting » tons of N per ditn. whirh weul.t of a"if \it,<:J » hln,J!ome dividend, blot ty the time this plant i. c'mpletrd tne operations At t; mill- should have keen Iv fJr advanced as tt) JI1,'if' t h immtùtate t'rec- ticnof furher plant. to ei. itle 100 tons 1I:l1I pH d ,y tv tè treated, an1 the following is an estinnte uf the which may co'iti 1lItly le exu-ctej on that fr Y&ctar, FHSE, F.I.C., whose high position as an expert is well known, hasjoinelthe Directorate,and 1'.f agreed to proceed to Meaico to arrange the erection vl the plant. Aith -u^h th tes made of UJ! ordinary ore ^excl,udin? entirly Hie high rade ores, of which then' h a con- quantH)') ,In" yield of 4 to 5 per cent, of Uuic^silver. th 'following e,timates are based on au anra¡e Ji.,d of (mly 3 per cent., inclusive Of tbe high trauo ores; 3 per c-nt. on 100 tons of 2.ro:'lb kh■—16.00CP foif quicksilver. >-r SO tUska d 751b. each. al £ p*r fbk (presetit price, 1:10) L7Z0 0 • Lt-" wvrklU expenses as above, Mexican currency, '862'5,,). (,r, 1^3 0 8 Daily net profit £ 582 0 Ð Allowing 115 La) L'1" contiiigenci»s of hwiidays, stoppages, & say 2O work- ing d*Vs in t tie vear £ 145,500 0 0 OHOTk.K36fSKC t>r. ON- TBK aSTlkl CAPITAL of TIH the preient annual cnsumpti >n of mercury in Mexico akvie is estimated at about 1,\ÑO ton" aud 'prlcn rule about £ i per lUsk high-r In .Mexic » thui in Europe; the Cori'panv wilt. th-ie;or-. h.ivr in> n> e<l to seek a market I. Burt pe. It it intended tv apply for a Stock Exchange quota- ti^n for tbe shares of nJe Company. Applicatnns for ShUt" maybe made on tbe accom- pa1'W&" J'jrms, <. t by letter to the Secretary. CU1. Mined by" ince fvr th amount of the dep s.t, Illlilf paid bv thequ-. then p*va' leto tlit" order ot the B:ln,otrs. t■> vi 11"111 t'.r same may be IIt. ar.d Forms of Applical ion fvr Shares may l-e cttained fnm the Banker* and Broken or oi tbe SecreUrv ot thu C.Miipanv, frllll1 whom all inf >rma- tlon CAB be l.baHlt1. For Full Prospectus see Thnrsdav's ?\pen,- ,olfV. y 1 V, a 1 N 1 A D K Ii T f'6'n BRuWN.SHlPI.KY.and CO..ac}lng.jnbelulf i of tb C m-ni' tt« Lt i. g ni» li"lIdh,¡d" in New \:¡r. INV1TK ti,. DtPoSll w,t/¡ them ot ail bECUKU'U^I I the STATE of \"IIIU\1.\ held III this country ur on the (:ont111t"lit. to li dealt wirh ill accordance with the Agreement t1ated 12th May. of \\hi..h it \(,\ W »s (\\1'" lishetl ou 21st June. Secur tie" witt. Juiy, 1S90. and ail suba-quciit Coupons af.%ched, "ill be received by Messrs. Brown, Shipley, andC.v on ami "Iter 1st July lIxt. at their Counting- house, Pounders'-court, London, K.C., ill th terau ot ttj said Å&(t"'I I 17, Voorgate-rreet. 210t Juue, 18"^0. Th Council If foreign Bondholders, actin g in CUlt. iunctioi with the English Committee of Virginian Ben th.iders. directs me to state that, having considered th AgmelJt A")\"t> reierred tl,). it recommends Hokert to d«^ ír. thir Bowls, l'ou¡lou,. awi Certificates witli J4t: Htown. tljJil")., an s Co. !S¡hn.t) C, O'LKARY. fhKt'ahic P. OL'OrT. President Central Trust Company. New \'(Ik: I WILLIAM L. bt'iL, ot M. Edward Pweel "1.1 Co., and !te lv« sidenl New York 8tvd; BftMu' BtixjK. of Messrs. Ha!J"uteu and Co., CBAV.i.m Ji. DICKEY, jun. of Messrs. Brown lIr",tI..u;allu Co., New Yoik; HCoh G..fUI&S, President- Sout\1erl1 Society "f :¡, Yo:k; .ull.\ (iILL. President Mercantile Trult and 1J:I' ? t Companv lIf Øaltim"r" j Committee. AEVHvHY r-'AKnjS 1U2 VXITED 8T'Tf:B ken. Gr"nr Cleveland, late President of lhe ("niUd Mui. bdwuiJ. I'iteips, late United State, iniJter tl) Great Bon. 1 • III., F. Ø"d. late United States ecretlry 01 Ote"f&t Cix*. frejidnt 4:nuican EscbanK8 National Ban*. New Yvi k George 0 Will ams. President CUemical National Baik S ''j\ ACiTHKK^ I J.OSDO. J:, II n. ,'n Jvb" Lutbock, lI,rt.. M.P. W Lidderdalc, Kiq. Dkpositakiks 1 LOSDO. Brown. Shipley, alld Company. Dip.»>rrahin iv Unitku hTATis. Centra' Trust t.. u.p.tn y oi S.-w Yoik, The Me canti!*? Trust and Deposit Company of Balti- Trie 'm N Honk '1 Richmond. [L8177 \\rMI..N th World Over Ihould ,<j • Mf.tns \Nvlsb ùtel Iu \b'o &f411.. 1- public Ol11pa1tt. _r- With riot profits showing Dividend of 10 pM cent, uo the Preterence .Sha- s and i.1Í p-r cent, 011 tu ()(rlilun. SI.arr'i ,f tl¡" ™1 Thi tMofAi^LICAVloXS OPK.N 011 'lli'blHY, Jun«24th mi l »rM" CfcOSKU on ILhJVbVUwA^W, 1s,t' Ju;v. Ift' hr I^wn Coi.1-!)-. S J"t!I. 1.IM11IU) — t:t,7 d iii '^rthe C iinpani-s Ao's. :S62 to 1WS. Capita' j.'}N,(.(¡). divide Hit" I.})" Ten. per Cent. Cumulative l PrpferiTC* hitr" i-f 1;1 each and ().COO Ordinary rV% r f l 1 each l^UK of IOj.OCO CUMULATIVE PHKKKKKNCE SH,E" and 20U.WQ ORDINARY :-H.1HE" of w LjJI 53 333 Cumulative r ter»uce •inirde4 Knd *6,('X< Ur'tinarv Shares will be t«ken by the venors IU pjt ravm-nt o! the Purchase Mm,«y. and tJie Paiance. ^c.^7 Cuimi'alive Preference han'J and 133 33* Ordinary ^h*u*s are now OFFERED hr 1.ttill' SUl^CRIPUON, payable Z*. 6J 1)11 ,plic&- nt, j &.1, nil Ally ment, bs. on the 1st day ul August, ;L ull Ujl ht day'd September. Djkkctoks. FRANCIS llliNUÇH. Esq b, lavistock-square, W.C (Member (If the Council 01 Fvreign 8oIldhul¡Jer,),Chir' E. Ciawahaw Klgood, Esq., 6, Crosby-square, EC (Member vr LIllY. »». H, 0 Hemmerde, I-tq 15, Lee-park. 8.B. (Director vi the Debentuie Guarantee BlId KTestment Cvrn. pany. Limited). Alfred Rid»dale, E*q., 1, Colilngham road. South Ií. sington (.IMrector ofthe General AIt:5 Purchase Com* panv. Limited). •\V. H Hartley, Esq.. 44, Farriugdon-stieet, EC. •Sidney F. lsitt, Esq., 46. Holb^rn-viaduct, K. C i' f -0 t. t; Ö. i lJ::us 'i..c HelUl members of U.e orl¡n.1 Syndicate,will Join the Board alter allotment Bankkm. London and Westminster Bank (Limited), 4, Lotbbury, Brokers. i i Percy. Browning, and 2, Royal B.cban buildings, E C., and Stock Exchange, E. C Messrs. Harry James awl Co., 34, Corn-street, and Stock Exchange. Urhtol SoLtclTOh.—J -hn II. Purchase. Esq., 11, (jueen Victoria- •treet, E. C Aipitoks —Messrs. Cooper Bros, awl Co., U, George- street, Ahllllioll Rouse. BC. Skchbtaky pr<j ten.).—A. W, Gunnell, E»q. Registered Offices—ID, Old Jew,)-chao)beu. r..C. Warehouses anu tore.44. Karringdon-street. EC, PKOSPBCTUb. Ibis Company hl!llJtu formed to Icquire and further develop th well.ku(,¡wn business now car rielS vH by M. private registered Syndicate under the title ot Sequah (.Limited). The operations of the Syndicate have extended over a period of liftell months, the business having previously 1J"1l conducted by Mr. W. H, Htrilev. who, being desirous of transferring it to R public Company for the :trpv'e ot further development, a«signe 1 his r.ht' to th- present Vendor Syndicate, lilch w, farmed WItt] a vi-w t practically test cht: c value lit the remedies fQre- inviting sub- scriptions from th general public. The relllêllK.OI,tlc results nt the Ylldk"It"3 trading lire teen iu the highly satisfactory certificate ot the Accountants given Under tlie management of the Syndicate the business has bu raJidly extended, with the result lhat rtt the present time it II found necessary, in order to cope with the exigencies of un t'luJrmou.and growing trade, as also t<.) establish ttlt- business in oountriu to "hich the ,udic.te has, ss yet, not been able to devote auy attention, to) largely increase the working capital, ami tl) provide a more extensive peUt" n'" PI"II UH" S\ nrfic..1 p h ..Iq. li.1 command JI h well a.lllIWl1ltJät 1\ patent medicine, when fully established and rtc-gnised as au elHcacious rmedy. ¡II most valuable i>ropeuy. This is a tact which has ell demonstrated by tt..llv.y" Warner, and many others with whu, iMtne* tb wd¡loI i3 f..madar. The lHrtctoll Itel confident that thfre i, not at thp present time a patent remedy whicb, Judged by the steadily-increasing sale and results, offen an equally substantial investment or equally 1\ssured prospects IU ar,. offeied by the Sequah Prairie Mower and Sequah When it is borne ill min i thAt. the Vendor Syndicate, conuarv 10 the geiieial practice of proprietors of pant medicine*, has. lJy means lif lh partiouUr system il enabled 1(1 reach the masses of the people withoLJl lh enormous expense uf uuivers»l jourualistk advertisement, the (.resent to" .wh'e proportions ut thto business may lie taken as a fair criterivn of the efficacy and popularity cf the remedies, which, moreover, are vouched tor 'by verv numerous testimonials, not only trom patients, lint ahv frvm clergymen I.If all denoinina- VleVoie ht" Syndicate acquired the vroprty '1 qllah" was reuren-nted by (Jue person vlllv, but it afterwards t«caiue necessary lO IIIcrta3 the working staff, and a IIlHnbrt of capable men were :It'rtE:t1 ami specially trained tor thepuip.se of introducing medicines, these repreientatives have fjr some (iDle past been working with great succc:3 dUJ have largely increased 111" increase ill sales rr<.11l1 M*v, 18,9, to May. 1&90. hn., been ftlI1ir1.rw.ahl, the nuinWr d Wttles Sold, as shown t., th looks, beÎllgls t<JI1\W! June. 1889) l\uriD the months of July, 41.3l3 August. September, i October, } 354,81? Deo tuber, i II Jarnu.v, 39S.845 brci, H i Apdl." > 457,697 May, It ) Rechillg tbe laigetotai of 1,458,70i Bot's. The following U. tupy of the Certificate of Messrs. Cooper Bros, and Co th w.»!l kllo-u chartered j"¡"tU11!5. who have examined I:, t in>ks of tbe syn- 14 Qeorce-strcet, amion Hoi^e. London, wL, .Lo.» 11th JUlie. ISJ. We have examined tilt" WO, (It the business carried nn under the uaine vi t'qluh (Limited) for the twelve months ending 31t May, 18,. 1\ d Wt" And lhat the lUt i.rofit tlu l'1I A*4 '4 12«. i.1 "e IJ:.1\"e also ascer- tained, lJ)" examining each quarter separately, that; hf" sales aull the Ile-t i?r tit hava steadily and lar8;t"I, incieased in t'acli qunrter. Tile pr"tlt, of the quartr.s, l4t.kt'H separately, have beeu approximately al 101. 1.1, Profit for the Attherate Quarter. Ittr Annum of (¡""tH ending .\c 31.18S9£,51 4 9 .£3j,t!C }» 0 Nuv 3\). 1.,I'J.bU 9 9. 3.377 l (¡ ii ii }'d. (!. bW,11.822 1St 6. 47,1 2 S Tli e whole of tte outliy 1d;"rii¡;li; been charged against the plubt" 8111 foil onH8¡\)n has, »» ,.1m <'l'll1iC>lI, been luade for depreciation lf phmt. COOPKK BKOTHKHS and CO.. Chartered Accountants. It alJptan (rom Ile above certilicate that uuring th. lust tlnl" months the net profits haH II attherate ol (IVU £.i.}.)) per annum. H¡\"iIlK re*ird t(1 the Company » increased resume s, the above prot1' actually crtitied niay be aken a. B minimum estimate, and would yield a dividend as Preferenc- 81,ar., of 10 per cent 1°;OO.KO Ordinary Share, 01 20 percent 40.0W £50.0,0 Investors mut tke inlIJ con8tderatiou that even the estimated dividend vf 20 pH cent, does not exhaust the lull prvli'S now actually being earned by the Syndicate, and a. these have been steadilvon th Increase 'Ulcethe coinrneiR-em-nu It h f,ir tn ismm-tl, muh IUK"r divnlen.ls i.1 accrue. .1 hneíis, up to 1 he present the "llllcate hu c.ui- lined i-sop-r.itions to the sale In the United Kingdom ùf lilt: two remedies Praine Flower and Sequah 011 oulv the Company will ab,) acquir" seYera other pro- prietary articles, whi-h mav be profitably put on the ru;ukd audenei' eticallv poshed through tbe Syndicate s \vencie. already established, and as lhe,e Ho not in any way clash with the gjods now being sold, they may tie easily .ntroõucl! to the Svndic ite's present connection, and should, thetelore, provide an important adillon to the Company's business without appreciably increased .xpendll ur. The Company will. more<.wer, have the means m ot ex- tending its operations tv the Continent of Europe, and other parts of the wurlJ, where, in view 1)1 the popula- tions "bil-h may be approached. it may reasonably be t'xvecte41 that the profits should at letut equal tnose ,„Vauy obtained In this country. The population of the United K:) is Only about 3S,GOO,000. whereas that .If rue European Continent alone reaches th enormous 1,re"lLte cf over 3.X).uX\COO. Negetiations with l view to commence busmen in Austria and Russia have already ùten startd by one of ti1 uH'mb'!r5 uf th present management. Taking the t" '\lr4C llf business 111 this country tt,S" precedent, t h Uilc:pr5 confidently anticipate tllt. under the same uianageiueiit, within rt:.1.soIJalø1e time from. the estab- li5J¡mt:llt of lhe Compa-v the results obhtned from the í..>utillellhJ businv-s w II add very considerably to tbe Tile Company "HI COffiluellce with ample working •apital,ami retain lh vrt5enl staff and mana^menl. which have ,urd it.. such unqualified success for the Vendor Syndicate. 111 business will be t.1I ou r us h,'U1th 1st of June, 1S?J. up to Wfiich dale che Vendor Syndicate wlU av all outgoings and liabilities. The price) be paid for th- same u, a uoi'ig concern, including the valuable trade marks goodwill, extensive atovk-iiotr-ide. and th 1-a.es .f premises. n. 44. Karriiuidou-street. E,C,. has l'1I hx- 1 by the "f!udou. wbo are the vrùmot"" at i;«w.CCw, pavabl'as follows .-illDO.COO in cash, £ M.J33 m fully paid Cumulative Preterence Shares, Kud the balance, e«6/«5. infullypaid Ordinary Share3 in the Company, ihe Vendor, thus taking the largest number of Shares permitted bv the rules of the Stock Kichange. lhus ».0t» )¡Rrt.; an:" available ((tf issue as workilllC capital, tiem« the difference between the purchase price and tlJ capital of the Company. II promotion money has been or will be paid, th Vendors agreeing 10 11efm,Y all expenses up to th first al!otiuent of hars. including brokerage. The following Contracts, relating to the sale of the btllnt"5, have been entered into — Contract, dated June 19th, 1890. bet WtU Sequah (Limited) "IIÙ William J.O(\mi, Sheldon, of Hie ollf:" part, ami Sequah (Limited) (bein" thi, Company), 1)1 the otller iJart" and another C\1ntr:h.:t. dated June 19th, 18*1 between William Henrv Hartley, of the one part, and Sequah (l.imil",1) (b-io« this Company). Of the lit tlt'r p\I 0t ..0\ f t'"pv tof tile above Cùutaicts and (If the Memo- randum and Articles or Association can be seen at the ftice lIf the Company's Solicitor. Culltl<\[!; have been entered illto hJr bringing out the Company, to none of which Company Is a l'uty, and there are ul", other Contracts which have bet'1J l1u,\e ill the ordinary course of business in rdatlon to th-* carrvin tIn ct the Stme, Including agreements witll employ*J iuid o»hers. Ai thofe may technically be CO' trac's wi'hin thennaning 01 Section 3d of Tlie Companies A..t. lco," appllca.llt3 lor Share, shall accept the aL;t as notice thereof, anù waive al: > hlrther c onpiiauce with such section. A Stock Exchange settlement and quotaUdn wilt be appti..ù t..r ill dut" TopVations forSlues should be made on tll Furm IICt"Jml)it.ljifl" th Prospe.-tus, and forwaided W Ihe Company's hankers, together willi 1\ remittance for ttu: arn:,1 (111 1 of tile deposit. Where Ill) allotment is made IwdepJ!tit will lie returned ill full. It the who e amount aplied for by any applicant be not allotted the- surplus pIJ 011 deposit will bt.. f\NJnpdatf:d. towaids the 1\1111 do uu allotment. Pro.; ectuses and Forms of Application can be I,L taoied at the Offi es of the Company, and from the Bankers, UrA.-is, (,r Soiicitor. L13171 I^LlUMlUlli; VANS FURMTUUI. VANS! n'HlTU1Œ V AS I THE SOUTH WALES DEPOSITORY, GRFAT WESTEHS GOODS TATIOX, DAVIS • STREET, NEWTOWN, CARDIFF. PI.\SOS, 1'ICTl'RF.S, GLASS, kc. Warehoused, or fiemoved from Jluu5e to Houle, Town ur Country, ùy k >ad, Kail, or Sf" VANS OF ALL SIZE. MODBKATK CHARGES. ESTIMATES FRhE. ALFRED £ MBRY, PROPRIETOR. public Conipamrd, «t. The SUBSCRIPTION LIST ill OPEI; t the National Bank (L,mU«d). !3. Oid Cr ^ad-street. B.C., TO-MO!?- KOW (1 U KSDA \), the "q'h 'anl, and will CLOSE «n or ld'JIC Four p.m. ou the Following Day, for 'o 11 aud Country. riMiK MALAY STAIRS TIN MINES JL (LDl1n.U). .'f.J1a.-Ùlle of tla three Cor.cessh>iis to be acquired by the C"rr.¡,:IIIY has been develope t under the superin- tendence of r. C. C. Thompson, acting under instruc- tions fr^m Mr. de la Croix, anti from this ConceHioll 1 in is B" toeing produced. Writing under lLtf: May 6,1K90. Mr. Thompson Iln I am now raising Karang {I in ore), and, although I .io not cure to make any definite promise at present, 1 am (j. nii ;eut that the 'Mines will turn out well. and (/f if; a Lwe tJ, "ill be showing a hand- some profit. If you can give 1I1IJU"'t'r lo sell tile Till on hce. I?,l ak I r. remiitanc** this month' CAPITAb £ '.00,000, in I 0.(,? Shares of Li each, of wnich 66,7)) .re now FE"Li for bUHSCRlPTION It par. Payable 2?. 6d on (!:if,vI!li!I'n¿'l; merit, and the bat"in cails not exceeding 2s, 64. Per share, a\ III!tn"ab ot at b-t two months. DIRACIONA. The Hun. IJEBY STANHUKE. Chairman. The R ght Hon. Lord Say. and ele. J. P. Uw Rill". Eq., D.L. (.;uIOHt:1 N. Noel Allix. J.P., D.L. Moris. P. Manthes, Ni E D ial Committkf or Mana6k>ifn*t. 111.. lion" Thomas bhelford (ftlessrs. Paterson, Simons, and Co.). Singapore. Mons. J. hrrintfton de la Croix. M.B., F.Q.S., 8lan¡or. Consulting t.lIil!t=er. Baskkr^. The National Bank (Limited), 13, Old Broad-street, B.C. The Chartered Bank of India, Autralia. and China. ÐftOKKR1.-lrllu.n and Wilkinson. 2. and Stock Exchange, E C. SOLICITORS.—Wilson, Bristow. and Catpmael. Al'DtTOR,'—Walter G. (irik-bon. F.C.A. AOBXTS HI blli.PúR&Plitera.JII, Simon.. and Co. l'revenen. Onlcos.-H. Drapers'-gardens, B.C. j ABRlDtiED PROSPECTUS. This Company has been f.d primarily f.rthepur- poJa çrI't Aver-ltam, J: the Btate of SI;1ligor, three Concessions for Tin Mining, d,,t?d May 10th. 1&88, gr..Id by his H'Rbn?lsthe Sultan '•! Selangor, Malay Peninsula (with tb ûftici1 I sanction of 1,?, Britannic M,ji, iit, t,wh o"tlv ,Iet 1, the Government Lt the Straus Settlements), to AI It!! Robert V'Or¡¡:tVII. of 10. Hue C, I.- be acquired by the Company have twcti expressly ratified anl confirmed by the counter signature ot her Britannic .Majesty s Kesident at thd Court of the Sultan. 11.. Mala." Peninsula hd tJeen long famous for the quantity and excellent quality ofiUTin dtpoits. At the present time 61 rail, Till commands about 4^7 per U'lhe following esll&ct from TLe Political Geo- S!rapby .nu tbe Commercial Condithlu of lh Malay Peninsula," bv Mons J. Brriugton de la Croix. M.E., F.G. 8.? published by the French Government, 9140: ^For lbB? the production of Tin in tb. diff.,ent For lbB7 I e pr Ti,, I,% the diff tent f t?, Ni, ..d,, British pruleotioll "Pek lU73tons "Jelebu 45 tons I 14U Ne5trl-SembHM 36 Sungei- L j"" g Total. ,4.3 ton. "Thii total represents more than half the production of the whole world." The 1m, ty comprltNI I" b. tb_ Conc.lon. to b» Mcqulre'l by t his ?p.pan?, was ecured, after careful prospection, bv M. de la Croix, M.K., who i. referred to ablwe. Mmt who is well known as the successful Euro- pean pioneer of mining enterprises in the Malay Penin- sula, ami as tu tJriainlitor and la'e Manager of the first niropean Mining Company ot th Peninsula (La ociéé dos Mines d'htain de Kinta. Perak), which paid for the vear 13S8 a dividend of 16 per cent. These Concessions were selected keeping in view especially fav >urabte conditions of transport and cam- munications (olle of the primary elements of success in working mines), and Mo, de 1a Croix estimates th amount 01 Till available, on a moderate calculation, at not less Hulon one million and a quarter sterling. The Concession at Ayer-ltam (already considerably developed, allu no," produciug Tin) Is Jf miles Irum the River Klang, 1\ 1I:i"t.Je stream that at Ptltaliu¡ is thre. miles from the Belangor RaltWRY, and lliat at Batu is ii I-e miles from Kuala Lumpor. lhe CJpitAlllf Selangor, alld Oll and a half mile from the main cart ruJ ..¡\Îeb leads to the town. The area of each Concession is '50 "crr (450 acres in all>. and I he British Resident at Selangor has given an official asgur-ti?o in writing of further grants to Ii?, I:si¿,i, t::j¿I:In!:et:t of. tb: rights will be secured to Ihi. Company. A lull Copy of 1 he Report o. M. Ite la Croix is enclosed in thi-Prospectus, and lh. Directors call attention to the description IJt the property, its favourable situation, Ibe richness of its mineral fOM&ti,)U, and the facilities i»r eco,Y "ki M. de 1. Croix estimates 'he total cost of production (having regard to the proximity 01 the tln-be.uir.g strata to the surface, and the consequent absence of any heavy over burden) at ¿;e per tOD, while the present market price b 4^7 pr tfln. leaving a clear margiu of £ 37 Per ton netpioht. Ht" (!oluil.1erl tlallt in a year frnm commencing operations th Company will ba able to rai5e tv tons per month, ud that this wid &0 on gradually increasing R5 t tho work develops. An average output of only 60 tons per month on the above basis wou d realise a net profit of £t1,640 per annum, t'qud to li, a of over il per cent, upon the entire capital. The Directors have secured the valuable senlcn of M. de la Cr-ix al Consulting Engineer for the purpose uí ensuring the successful opening up I t the Company # Mines, ami h is now 011 his wav to tin; property. M- de la Croix was sent out to th Malay Peninsula by the French G\I\rllmellt in 18; un.. scientific mission. His intimate kn iwledge of the country and his previous expeiience ill tht"lill)lliniua&: Statt" of Perak, as referred bi above, are a guarantee H-a* the Company's interests will b safeguarded. Th purchase price for t he t! tt" Conceuionl 1111" been fixed hy thl" Vendor at £ 7 .0!0. payable as to £ 33,300 ill fulivpaid Shares allll ItS tu thu lJalauce In Shares or CasI, or part ?d part ?All? At the option of the Directors, leaving £ 30.00J a' working capital. M. de la Croi1 't. that :£,OOJ w?ii b? amply suffi ci-nt provision for opening .,h ,( the three ;'j;p;r01\of; at, nd the au:ill'tb:;all: for the devtlùpmf"nt of the Conc5!h):I!I Bud prospecting tRIHh PL vitw to securing the further Conniuns already reierred to. l'or Contracts see full Prospectus. Application will be made in due course to the Com- mittee of the Stock Exchange to grant a Special Settle- ment and an Official Quotation for the Shares of the Company. Applictions should be made on the form accompany- in the Prospectus, and forwarded with a depeslt of 2-. 6d. per Share to the Bankers or Secretary of the C.P. Full ???,tu.eg, contiliriiiig the Iteports iltid F rms ?f AI'?)li, bt?i ed from the Banker*. Brok ,r, Sol1i,i.n it I,,r,lar; of t tie Cunipaii CON% FHSION OFTHE II.Gprl; BYE PERCENT. FIlFFliKENCE LO. A.N .7 KE-PAYMKNTOF 1Kb EGYPTIAN FOUll-ASU-A HAl.F PERCENT. LOAN Of 1808. 1^(} V PIIA N TH I! E l>AND-A-H A 1„F J PKU CF. ?T IIPEF,cL LUANi £ ^,4'X\Cv0. for th Conversion or Hdemvti"n of the Kxisting Fi'?rCent. Preference Bond,. the Re- payment of the Four-aud-a-Half per Cent. Loan ot P,'? i ?,ai" itt 1. Pro a Sum of £ Kl,304,QX) for Irngati m Purpo$e" and Commutation of Pensions. P.,P. n' Half per Cent. Loan of r88 became repayable at pr. with ACcrued lllhHelt, ell therein iml., in conformity wIth Ihe otic already published. His Highness tile Khedive of Egypt, at the instance of hi, Council of .Ministers, having Issued Decrees authoris- ing the above Conversion and 1..0"11. Mr. Blwiu Palmer and Hi' Excellency 1igraue Pach., empowered by the Kgypti-n c,,a Rctaul ..? L??b.if of the Minister of Finance, have contracted with Messrs. S, M. Rothschild and '0" of London Messrs. de Rothschild Br tliers. of Paris; Messr M, A. von R.U'.h,,d and Sons, of Frankfort o/M ,?d r. B eichroder and 1,. rec,?o, of the Dlsconto Gwlltf'hHft ,of Berlin, to carry out he i.perations. Copies o the Decrees are appended to the ^Prospectus. The Egyptian Government having arranged for the inscription of the perCent.Boudsat the bank ot England, notic. will be shortly given whelt this Pit, it,g? may be .d,ed. Until il?, i,,t December, 18k1, 'he C0,r of the first 'n!CriplolI will be borne by the bgvptian ûlH'erllllleI1t. Tile Egyptian Government undertakesnot to redeem these Bonds before the 15th July, 1905. Under the terms of the DecreI authorising the Con- ve'« rsion holdeis of Five per Cent. Preference Bonds who d nut gi?, notice on 01 b,fre June 23rd, 1S*>, thatthev wish to receive ve-payment of their Bonds .1 par with interest wid be deettied to have consented to tbe con- version of their Stock into a Three-and-a-Half per Ceni. Stock oil the following terms — Every £ 100 Stock will become cOllvert.J into alike amount of TI nd.H.If per Cent. St?k, and the holders will receive, in cash, R bonus of '9r:it Ii further sum of £ 2 ZI. 6tJ. per cent, (less Income-tax), being the October, 1890. Coupon paid 1. advance, rckt)ned at rfile I 5 tl April to the 15th July, the date wplie? ,he Conversion 91: it. J.Iyt. the be effected, and i«t 31 p-r cent, from th- lth July \0 lhe 151h October. Tile April. 1S91. and all subsequent Coupons Will be paid at the rate of 3} per cent, per annum. Notice will be given later of the dates on which hoh.1"rl of Preference Stock who have accepted the Con- version will be paid the Bonus and Interest, to obtain wl.;elt tit. BOld. furnished with the October, 11:9), and ail sub-equent Coupons will have to be deposited for nritictllvn with one uf the above-mentioned houses. Holders of Five per Cent. Preference Bonds who elect to live thdr Bonds re paid must signify their inten- tion not later than the 23rd instant. Forms for this lull," may be obtai'.eJ on application, and when pr- sided mu,t be accompanied by the Bonds or by a deposit of 910 per cent, in ?sti or Preference Bonds; the (aHurt" to deliver the balance ,f the B'mlh whn called upon to do so will ren ter tile deport Uti appiicttion liable tv for leiture. Applications for re-payment uf the Bonds will be received in London, Paris, Berlin, and Frankfort o/M at «hc before-mentioned houses; in Amsterdam by Yr A. G.?l; and In Cairo and Constantinople by the Impe- rial Ottoman Bank. Th date of re payment, from which date interest on Ihe Bonds will eliie. will be announced by a subsequent New-court. Bt. SwithinVlane. E.C. J1H79 piANOS, QROANS, JpiANOS CUKAPEsr HOUSE IN THE TltADE. PiaH05 from 10s. 6d. Monthly. Organs from 5s. Monthly The Public arc Invited to Infpect HEATH A N DS 0 N S' BTOCK OF PIANOS, ORGANS, &0" As Pounds will be saved bv placing their Ordm with them. Every Instrumen' Guaranteed and Kept in Tune On Year Free of Charge, Large Discount for Cash. HEATH AND SONS, PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, TIINKRS, AND REPAIRERS, 51, QUEEN-STKEET, CARDIFF, AND 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. b.1407 7 "1 ARDENEUS—amatenr and profmiona VT -Irmeu. Anlen. 8rhlDeD. and aU in. ter..ted In Rural Matters will find Mr. J. MUies BC-L OT.M" he ;izllz,Ll Malt both in terestin" aud valuable. I H_j(ll_O!lI1I i I The LI"T ?f APPLICATIONS will CLOSE for Town on WEDNESDAY, 25th "un., and for Country on | I IHCRsDAY. 6th June. I" o[ _9).V.0 Fir" M.,Lg?g. Debenture B""Ic, constituting a ant charge, M mentioned below, upon the whole of the property wid earning*of thfe Coropauy,. and :.Ii fstr¡J:e()r:¡ittCn;{:1 is. without t' ference to the earnings of the Dock, pro- ,jd?d b, guaranteed annual subsidies for ?O years frim Her Majesty's Government, tl:e Dominion Government of Canada/ and the M?.i, aalifax. ?iOVR Scotia, ountigto 3O,COJGols" and by the nnu,l he, ,t"11,? r"g?, of I b, last t,,? y",) of the Marino Railways or Slipways at H.1if. TIIE HALIFAX GH.-WING VOCK X COMPANY (LIMITED). (Incorporated under the Companies Acts.) ISSUE OF MR,roo FIRST MORTGAGE 5 PER CBST. DEBENTURE SIOCK. TflUSTSU TO Tea DEBKNTIRE STWKINGLDM- Rear-Admiral JOHN BYTHESBA. V.C., C.B., C.I.H. Sir EDWARD REED, K.C.B., FRB., M.P. DlKtCTORS. JOHN CASS, Esq., J.P., ClAremont, Bradford, York- .bire. cl?.1 Captain W. L. DARKE (Messrs. Temperleys, Carter, 'tr,? D. 8,? ip.?..?..d Brokers), 21, Billiter-stmt: London, B.C. GEORGE BKOOKE MEE, Esq., Merchant, 9a, Great St. Helen's, B C. Sir EDWARD HERD, K.C.B F.H.B., M.P. (late Chief Constructor of the Navy), Broadway-chambers, West- minster. ALBERT WATRISS. Esq., Shlpbroker, 4. 5. and a 6. Great St. Helen's, E.C. Bankers. Londo.-M. BARCLAY, BBVAN. TRHTON, RANSOM, bouvekib, and CO. /JaI'faz-Tbe MERCHANTS' BANE of HALIFAX. 8 Li T?;?? TO TBI COMPANY.—Messrs. POWELL and BlinT, 28and 29, 8'. Bwithin's-lane, Loudon. AvptToKa.—Messrs. MONKHOU8E, GODDARD, Ind co.,L?.d ??,,d*,f,w-,11,?-'I' BZCRICTARY.-F. J. MARR!0 E I Ofkicis.—35, GREAT ST. JHt:TI'W'oN. E.C. The "'r" 01 t.b. Hllllu 0'. vl"g -D. (Limited) invite SublCr¡ption. for the bove-??tiprZ isdue on the following conditions :— Holde.. 01 ,h existing £ 1J7,000 FintM rt Deben- ture Bonds of the Company (of w ,bom a 1.!MD have .1?.dy applied to ?-yert their Debenture Ron into Debenture Stock of this Issue) are offered to nebauKe for every LICU Debenture Bond £100 5 per oent. Debenture Stock. together with interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum from the 1st January. ld90. until the date of conversion. Applications for conversion will be received until the 30th June instant. The Company have m.d, arrangements to redeem, I) .t later t I: n bt 1st July, 1892. any Debenture Bond, t ",) TI?? C on?: ,T, .P.?diriz amount of Debelitt ,? Stock of this issue or it' proceeds to cover such Bonds until redeemed. Tlie b lance of the present issue 01 5 per cent. Deben. ture Stock not claimed under the conversion scheme above set forth is now offered for public subscription at par, payable foilows per cent. on Allot" L.. per cent, on Application, £ 60 per oent. on Allot- ment, &hJ the balance f £ 30 per cent, on August ht. !S9\), Interest ?.,u.. at 5 per cent, per annum on the a:\cI'IDt inrp::J'.»e:nn:l :enp: ball.yearh'. vb, the 1st January and 1st July in emli vear The first p"' t 01 Intero. will be made on the y, t ?.fj.nu,VT?. Otock may be fully paid up on Allotment. PROSPECTUS. The objtct of the present issue is to provide funds for dhchar¡lnll ¡hellabiIlU.. 01 th. Cumpany in connection with the completion of the Dock, to acquire additional equipment, to prgods additiunal work,n capital, to ff-t the c nTer.ion or red p,h..?.ng £137,000 First MortgaKe Debenture Bond., and to pur- chase the old-established undertaking ot lbe CbeOucto Marine Railway Company (Lkit?d). Haiti"' 'i?, H.lif.. Graving Dock Company (Limited) was forAd for the purpose of constructing and wo,kingin ,I' er oi t of Halifax, Soya colia, a Graving Dock able adating the largest cl.of t?. pof Mar Ine in 'd o )I, ronelads of Her A.lMJ'tJ'" Navy. The Dock is now completed, having been officially in- augurated bv the Commander-in-Chief of the North e,i,? ."?l West Indian Stations d,.king one of Her Majut}"hlp.. 1)1,e ?.t.?t from the Halif. E ig Man of AprH 18th, l&W, h.w. that the D., 1. i,? active Tbe Dry 1)" 1. doing a .d business. 1'h"n' J; w. ket:ft St?Tw. vasels are at the qun) one rel ,.I.i. Z, Bile having been In dock, t t e other unloading cargo into warehouse to have repairs done to upper works. The I:rus JuI;tpator:a\ :nO:d'bar: !'Chieftain/are being docked today." 'the prùpHtv o( t' Company consists of th Gravina Do k, wnr.hop. fitted with machinery tor the repair of ,e,l four j?ttl?, or wh.rvel buin¡ 30 feet 01 wtlr alongside, lt.COO square yards ot quay surface available ,Or ?r, ,,p,lt,1? l w.I,?u, for the storage of gocds, s the wh ole being directly connected by railway sidings with the Canadian .?ific and Intercolonial lw t'Y, The Capital 01 the Company Is £ 160,000, tn 16,000 £ 10 Shares, d which L147,650 has been issued. The 1J,k is one of the largest in the wtirld. It has a clear available length at top 01 31 feet, and a depth uf water on the sill of 3G feet. It is a most substantial structure, loundod entirely oil rock, and built of concrete and g,a,?it?, to pi?,?, prepared by ,,It?, J. F. La Trobe Bateman. E«q., Past Presldeut ofthe Institution of Civil Engineers, and has been approved in all its details 1 and equipment by the Imperial Government, b, the Dominion Government, and by the Municipality 01 i.)."ty The comt n1ctlon of the D.k was carried out, by Messrs. 6. Pearson and 80". Contractors, West- minster. Tht C"" pany bue agreed 1, porch a. I..nd lrum' the 1st J"r.'t. the P' P" bulnell of tbe Chebucto Marine Railway Company (Limited), Halifax, an ord-e!taltlbhd and C""fu "n, 'lip", l,pbl I1, Ye3,Js p to2,bW tons, which ,I cleaning and repairing ot M0 ,I.. "1 ly. tWiing e?,S, ?,?,ing the The followiug certificate, dated Halifax, 10th January. 1390, refers to this Company We hereby certify ti at the net (annual] earnings of tijeCiiebucl., for the past ten years, 13&) to 1889 inclusive, hnve averaged 12,77100 dob. and that the pro. Derfy is in firsHla5s condition. JAMIS W. TURNER, President C. J. Wyldk, Secretary." The effect I the ? .,??.t tbe Company w ill possess the ? h,,t ?, fP,h?, i,, d ?k and lip'. y accomme- I' (rtj];:I ;t(t't rlllk :;I:if 'I:irtrr; without any local competition. It will also tribute to the expeditious handling of \'ush, AnJ "ff"t economy in management. Her Majesty's ,r,?.ne,?t, the D'minion .??ern ment, and the Municipality <-f Halifax have each granted ;Is C..pny subsidies f 10,000 d.l,. (or in all 30,(0) doll) P" annum, cundiU"ual upou the D,,k alH1 its equipment nl1t being out of repair. These sub- sidies have IWW become p?y.b:? fnr the n,?', z?"Ity vearv  N. pi?iitg? "r d,-?t,,gl is ?!.i ?,l hi rt-spavt of any fI" .b,i?i i' ?."Pl that of priority of entrance to .lLbt Dock for Her hi,pfu7iier, It hi t the maximum c'hMr" •nch hip' ehdl be as on (00 tons The Dock property 4-! the Company is free from all Municipal taxes for five years from completion, after which it, has to be ssse!iedt.net f,ird of its .?t..l vlu. Oii the 'Hi"e"lon or redempthm of the 2137,000 Debenture Bonds the Debenture Stock ..? Offered for subscription and secured by &Trii?t Deed will constitute tlrt charge upon — (A.) Ihe subsidies granted bv Her Majesty s Government, the Dominion Government, and the Municipality of HalifjAK above enumerated (B) All the property 01 the Halifax Graving Dock Company (Limited) now held or hereafter to be acquired. At least one-third of the net profits of the Company (after provision for the interest ou this issue) will be set aside for the redemption at 5 per tent. premium 01 the Debenture Stock. Power I, Is. taken to purchase in the open market. AVAILABLE NET INCOME. Subsidies$30,000 or t 84-84 per I: 1:5,198 Chebucto Slipways (average of the last 10 years) 12,771 M 2.601 Dry Dock (eatiaiated) 62,500 „ 10.847 Total 895.^1 £ 19,646 ova surplus net income (apart from the London ex- I I.))" a surplu, lIet income {apart from ttae London ex. t't )O:t: J> :l::tl. t¡t will be tl, independently of any earnings whatever from theD'jek, the guaranteed subsidies, together with 1 h average earnings of the slipway?, Are alone 9UOVI'It" 3.38 per cent, inter-st upon thp. prelent '1'1. utimalt:d nrt earnings of the Dock are based upon the tu-c jmpanying report of Mr. David Mcpherson, Mayor of Halifax, whose position and intimate con- nection for the pot twenty-nine Y, .UJI the ship "Ig "I'd I?ip -,), Hall f, ha,e ledp lh? Director! f I?e Company to secure his Sf-nice! as e,, I h; 6,, years. 1,ltar;II()ir:J:r V. C J.c,:aí:ie Chair- mall of the CompAny and formerly In command of the North American !!qlioolrOIl. ha..Ipre"ed the following oviIJion IIpon the Dock "1\1 the Direetois of the Halifax Graving Dock Company—Dear 81«,-1 have always been of oploioll that x Urge Graving Dock at Halifax, Suva Scotia. was in the fupure a necessity, nût. only for Imperial, but Mercantile purposes. Tbe eu;.I M.,?'t,?d. which 1" 60 CIO" to Halifax (under two hundred mites), with the many dangers of fogs aud icebergs, .nd, it impemtivo d,n,.1 too should be ,,d nt no point could a D.,k b..("? ?allbi. than at ¡hliln, ".t only Irum Its proximity to the direct line of ocean stealers )i.gt. America, but also lin(, of (iceari harbour, accessible at all times. Will.ga..d to its hecnmillllavallablolor Imperial puri>o»es. I have no doubt that in the fu tire it will be largely u*?l for Maje.t, Ihip,. From having beeu Chairman of the Company, I am personally acqutut,' with the New Graving Dock at Halifax belonglngto the H.litu Gm"?g Dock Company, Rnd, in my opinion, it, 'I" .dK construction 1\.lapt it for all purposes for wbich vessels of the laigest size afloat require dry dock accommodation. I also think that its position and the facilities it offers will cause ft to be in cood u-quest.—1 am. dear ,Irs, youn fa¡thrulh. 6tt.Ap.11, 10")." J. E. CoMMKR&ll. He r Mj,Y" ."&Ol 1119 (he Nerih American Squadron are s'ationed at Halifax for h.1( the year. Halifax is th only lust-class Canadian port which is not closed during any ptt 01 Ih. year by Ie, It 1, the first po:t iu Canada and the third in America In the number of ocean steamships entering and olearing during tlw year. The position of the Dock is unrivalled. Its site Is at the uoathem end ot the city, a very cOIIeoiellt and well-sheltered place, easy of access, where vessels of any size, with full cargoes aboard, or ironclads can be docked at any season and in any _wNther. Applications ful 11?? Debenture Stock In the Form annexed to the Prospectus, accompanied by a remittance of the Amonm of the deposit on the sums applim for, should bH forwarded to the Bunkers of tlie Company, Messrs. Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouveiie, and C.. or to the "?retary of the Company. Where the amount of ?kallottvd is lesgtliat"11' ?.1 y?,1'ie,. for, the balance will be applied in reduction of the payment due nil allotment. In cases where no ftlhltmellt is made the 1lpll9it will 00 returned ill full. Failure to pavan, instalment at its due date will render the payments already made liable to forfeiture. Copies of the I'rospeetusand Forms of Application can b bt,i.e,i at th Bankers, and at tbe Office. of the Solicitors and Secretary 01 the Company. The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Connauv awl the Trust Deed, together with Mr. McPhcrson's report alld the original ,10CDmentl ret.Une t > the subsidies, may be Inspected at the Offices of the Solicitors to the Company. AvpllcaUon will be made in due course for an omolal quotation of this issue ou the Stock Exchange. 21.t June, 1£9), Extract fros the Hkport op MR. DnUl McPhimom, Ali, v. RKFKltRJCD TO. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 22nd November. 1889. John Cass. Esq., Chairmau of the Hftlifax Graving Dock Company. Dear Sir I- accordance with, vour request I have pleafire lu elating I tayt. OweiuUy examloed vour ;¡3ubltr Companies, &c. r Halifax Dock ..d property Ith llgld to lu prDIt. "I and bel.. my port. The pr perty 1, a filn one, well it?,.td, rd I n:e; t J: ;r:;af.) i :i..wet iitf:, I say the Dock io <qual to any 1 ha.o _n, aud f.r I,e?,i of anything on this heAt[ tw; .,11 take in the largest steamers afloat, fully loaded or water-logged, and it oflers every indacement to tnde, having good workshops, warehouses, wharves, 4c. The income will be derived from the following .u.- z- (A) Dry-docking the shipstmdiog t'the port. The y.ri,fhippi.g entering Halifax ex- ,d 8CO.COO I.on.. (B) Dry-docking disabled vemw. In the 14,(0),000 tons of shipping annually crossing the North Atlantic, the bulk ot wblrOi passes .-¡thin IOm 150 to 200 miles (if Halifax, there are many casual- ties; ice. fog, collisions, and accidents are great !lourct"1 of reytDue to Dry Docks. Disabled vessels naturally rnr\ke for tbe nearest and best polt, a position Halifax holds; but hitherto, "r want of Dry Dock accommodation, the large vessels have hid to make for other ports. But, notwithstanding this, I myself have coffer- dammed and repaired aa many as live !ar¡e Iteamerw in one year. (C) Dry-docking her Majesty's ships on the Yorth American Station, the tODuAlle of which amounts to some 20,000 tons. Tlie fleet Is stationed at f,M ton,, l?,?.d t Halifax In tbe •ummer.lv 8,Umate assumes that only one-half will use vour Dock, (v) Theprofit 01 any repairs executed by the Com. pany and the revenue from the Company's shops and machinery when let out to others. (8) The reVfnue from the four jettlu having the two acres of quays, whieh r. dibly situated for tbe storage of heavy good,. timber, oil, Ac., and the rents for the use of tbe bonded ware- bouse. I have carefully studied the question of probable 1.M,. and, ha\'in¡ had 29 yoan' experience "ith .1?Ippln. =e.I.? t"?rexperience twat I that yr.bly expect a net Income, after pav- =t rt ally tipenws in HaUfu, 01 tleast from SO,OOO'CMldol,. to :5,OOOOOdoll, a year, and, further, that such Income will be a decidedly progressive one. I am, dear Sir, yours truly, DAvm MePizasox. Note.—Mr, MoPbenon wu Mayor ef Halifax when he made bl. report and has since been re-ele^tedwith acclamation. La17. !)"íI1:nng £ >onewsf. Set, COUTH WALES NEUUANTILI5 BUILD- O INQ 80CIKTY. CAMBRIAN OHA1TBEB8, U, W.«- ■atettreet. CAKDlfr.—Th« DIRECTORS an PKH- AHED '0 make ADVANCES on LMMbold aod J'nabold Heel1J1Uu. Inwr.' Reduced H-H per UNL ..old .d N- Adranoca.—JOHN JBMKlNs. A.A. "<4rr. fMU IMTEUTHYR AND DOWLAIS BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 1872, Incorporated 1874. LOANS ADVANCED IN SUMS FROM £100 TO 910,000. Easy Re-payments In 3 to 17 Iftr.-F.ratimble WEa.s.y I:r ?.VU,tWV on Build- ings in ,,Pro ,r.;N-) Manage=t C ?-?r,o on Build- 0, Particular, pp,y .Mr. PET £ Wl'A ..g, 8ecreiary. Biebel and HOUle, Merthyr TycUU I or U t?etiAlrgy ?.4 tb g tg,,W.I. rJpL HE EQUITABLE BU'LDING TBocliffy. UTULISIBD IIf 1667, Head OlBae: 12, HAMMKT-STRSET. TAUNTON. Manager Mr. THOMAS KITH. '.Aal,: ;:rt. 5 T:CB1(T. lo? AL ADVANCED, ERI. 016. XE3KBVE FUND. 911,349. £12.000 now Beady to be Advanced upon Freehold or Leasehold Properties. Uasehold Pr, o:1)?ym ?,,t,, Includ!n. Principal aM In- t..ut. 10«. for each M Ad,?.d. Term Thirteen Tears Four Months. For Prospectus. 4c., apply to the Maoa." or tile f.110.1 Affenta:— Cardiff: Mr. tv. B. HODKINSON. AlberHIWDllen, High-street. .Newport: Mr. HERBERTDAVIE& Arcade-chambers. Neath Mr. WILLIAM PADDISOS. Aotlve Agent, Wanted In Unrepresented Town,.t938B lIutatlonal lmounrtU1tnts. CARMARTHEN. IQH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HCAUMARTHEN. A BOAHDINO AND DAY SCHOOL. PnistDKNT of Council TBB LORD BISHOP OF bT. DATJD", Lady Principal Miss ARTHY, M.R.C.P.,Certificated in Honours, Cam. bridge University; Certificated First Class by tbe Council of Education; German Diploma. Lady Supxriktkndx.^t:—Mrs. ROBDR". Assistant Txachxxs Mi. K. 8, 31LE9, C,tiflut,-d Cambridge, Oxford, and T,I.i,y C.11?R L"doii; and in Mstbcmtics, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Drawing by Science and Art Department. Bout" Kensington. YI" RANDALL. CerUfited First Cl.. by the Council 01 Education; In B?t.'r. Hygien Agriculture, Chemi.11Y. and Drawing by tbe Science and Art Department. 11-1 h,[", ?.t. i?ity C01 ege Theory of Music; .i. n ?- trtatten, Needlework su? Drill Certificates, Miss GILBS, CerWlcad College of Preceptor*; in Drawing and Mathematics by the Soieoce and Art DepaHment, South Kensington. Non-Raati IT-Mi,, BUCKLKY, Associate in Music Trinity College, London; Senior R.A.M. and Trinity College Certificates (Organ, Piano, Theory) I Society of Arts, 1st Class In Music Cambridge Higher Cer- tificate. Drawing MASTElt-Mf. W. JONES, Higher Certificates onuth Kensington. Music M.,TlII-Mr. COOKE, Oiganist of Christ Church. Da.tcinq 3IISTIII!II:11S AILING. The School gives an excellent education on very moderate terms. Admirable Accommodation for Boarders, under the Superintendence of a Clergyman's Widow. Pupils Prepared for Public Examinations. NiXl'TEKM will Commence on WEDNESDAY, M.. 7th, 18W. M,ill Council of the High 8chool Offers THREE ENTRANCECSC'?OLA liBUlFg.f Fiften Pound. Bach, available in September, Ib9\), and Renewable at the Close of Each Year. An Examination 01 the Candidates for these Scholar- ships will be held at the School in September. bubje't. 01 this Examination, with all particulars to .hool F. Board, aud T.ition. may be b,d on application to the Principal on or before 8oPtemNt, S Q, 93411 TENBY. rpKNBY, SOUTH WALES.—HIGH- TCLAS8 BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, conducted on modern principles. Resident Frcnch nd GG. a. ti? air, splan did climate, and every home care. A opecl.1 feature of this chooll. that the Principal. offer alkbolartblp of £ 20 to be competed for by Girls over 14 who have been in the School a year. The kholars ip s to be held for a year. P"pll. entering the School after the Midsummer HolI' days are eligible for July, 1891, Examinations, Terms ,1,1?ti -t .-A"P Pri "I'h Misses WILSON, Gi,Ur Hou.e, Tenby, South W.I. Bele- rnc. to 811 theleading ramlli.ln Tenby, £ LSI 60 "==-=-=- CBEPSTO". QHE.PSTOW GRAMMAR SCHOOL. INQUIRE. [93063 COWBKIDGE. \"T KEAT HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Grfttm?tp.u-Mm. T.. Mtn. CULVER- WELL, 91397 NEATH, JiATH PHU1'IiŒ1'AH Y SCHOOL,— .r Centze of Cambrid Local.. X.t,iul.t4o. 08u. -Appt to Archdeacon ofLtandafl or the Headmaater. 78761 JublttatlOnø. Now Publishing, in 6d. Parte, "0 ES Y MERTHYR I.' A DETHOLION 0 HANES YR EGLWTB," Gin Y Paroh J. D. .JBl'iIUN8, D.D., Vicar of Aberdare. CARDIFF. 94128 New Edition. Now Ready. Y FERCH 0 OEFX YDFA." Gin CRAIOFRYN. Price 10, By Post 1,. Ed. DANIEL OWEN and CO. (LIMITED), CARDIFF. 941irr READ" THE LAW OF POPULA- JL? TIO" "Y Anjiib Bk8ant.—A Work designed to iuduce married people to limit tboir family within the m."1I of .ul>li.lenc.nt POlt free by W. H. Reynolds. Publisher, Ne" Cross, Loudon, S, E.. on receigt^ofjylgh^enny \tamps. C TO-OPERATIVE FINE ART c 80CIBTY, J, CASTLE STREET, CARDIFF. PitINT-SELLERS, PUBLISHERS, f'RAMB- MAKERS, AND GILDERS. A Direct DISCOUNT of 20 per ceat. off ALL Engravings and Etchings. Any Subject Not Stocked Obtained Within 24 Hours. PAINTINGS COPIED, ETCHED, aç, ART GOODS FOR PAINTING ON, STUDIES LBKT Gilding, from 3s. 6d.; Solid Oak Frames, Suitable for Engravings, from 4d. per foot. 181M THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.— THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purifv the foule ,T b!od, and œUe.8 every Di?? of 8tomtcb. LI..r. and id?.YL P,Bl.d "i". Health. Th.u- ..ndl hYe been cared by these wl?nderful Fills whose disease could not be reach-d by any other medicine. Sold by all chemists, in boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 3d. each Bellt by rait to any address. 200 mHE "NEWS OF THE WEEK" 18 the I Beat and Largest Newspaper 10 tbe country seventy-two 10ba colnmna. On* Penny Weekly. > $Ottl0,231111119 £ 001)10. cahpipf OARRY'S HOTKL AND RESTAURANT DINNERS FROM TWELVE TO FOUL LUNCHEONS, TEAS, SUPPERS ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. TBE BEST 24..?R1Y TOr93E73 ..T MUMBLES. AXGLAND BAY HOTEL, NEAll SWANSEA. THE MENTONE OF WALB3. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Tbe .belured p<x)Hon of I&ngknd B*y. w'th tM aouth.,?,t and balmy *)r. which to ne :et .f..a:.el ::e 4'bt¡: Winter Residence. Stro-gly recommended by Members of the Medical, Professioo. For Tariff, Carriapg. 4c., add? 9&) *"?M. P. DUFFIELD, 11- LONDON. LON&N* — SHERWOOD HOTEL, 19, ADAM STREET. BTRA?D.-Thft Hotel patronised principally by Welsh and West of England visitor*. It h.? been r. had and DeeaftKdMd ott?t every mmfort to vMtcrt. Within a few minutes walk from La" Courts. H?u., of Pull.meut. and ?..cip??' Th..t, C.a«. smok and D.-I-9 ?oomr Charges Moderate. Bed. BreJttMt.fd AtM.t_ :s. f:ltOBIIAN':Jj;;d CM7 WESTON-SUPER-MABB. QUEEN'S tTOTEL, WESTON-SUPRR-MARE. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL. Visitor, staying at thla Hotel will And .very Comfort eoed *'? "'?" Charge.- lULU, thn*<tr. 94431 its rit'i BALEB. X-g.r. NEWPORT. THE SILVER GRILL RESTAURANT, 68, HIGAI OTREBT (Comer of Sttat Western Railway SUtlOfk Appmcb) NEWPORT, MOK. WKLIrUPOfMIIJI BIDWM& 9113$11 ALFRED BLAND, PIOREMB, LLAN TWIT-MAJOR. T LANTWIT MAJOR.! CROSS KEYL HOTEL. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION FOR FAMILIES AND FIC-NIO PARTIES. Largo Pio-nio HaiLcapabl. of Seating trom ISO U> ICO at Dinner. GOOD STABLIBTG. 94355] ELEANOB JONES. Proprietrew. BIRMINGHAM. THE midland HOTEL, Birming- ham. THE BXTBNIIVB ALTERATIONS ABB NRABLY COMPLBTBD. THB NBW BILLIAitD-BOOMS ARB OPENED. TEN NEW STOCK-ROOMS have been added, and for Liiht, tpo., and Oeneral Convenience tbey an \1. equalled In the Provinces. A HOME FROM HOME." EXCELLENT CMBI", EXQLIBITS WINES. BICER- TIONAL COMFORT. ?*?'?NHY?MAYMBD. 'BNRY S. MAYITARD, Director. SWANSEA. I /CASTLE" HOTEL, SWANSEA. Ez?Hent AMemmodtttcn for Commercial 0<B- ,t?mtn and F.tntHM. Modemtt Cb.Ig- Central ?t?'oc.-JOUN TBOMAB.PfoprXto' 94U2 jpEAOE'S SHOES, BEDWELLTY HOUSE, 78, QUEEN-STREET, 78, CARDIFF. IN SHOES, A3 IN EVERTTHIN6 BLO, THB BEST If ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. SHOES MADE FOB SHOW AND NOT FOB WEAR ARE DEAB AT ANY PRlca, TRB MARKET 18 FLOODED WITH Offmir IHOEI; WE KEBP GOOD QUALITY FOOT WEAK ONLY. OUR IMMBNBB PATRONAGE HAS BBBN SECURED BY FOLLOWING THAT POlaCT, AND WB MEAN TO ADHERE TO IT. S R 0 E S FOR LADIES. GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDBEN WILL BB MUCH WORN THIS StjMMBR, AND WE HOLD THE LARGEST STOCK TS THE TOWN OF THE VRRY FASHIONABLE LEATHBR OOZJI CALF. RUSSIA. GLiCE. GLOVB, AND CALf KID. I liVERY PAIS GUARANTEED. ALL GOODS MARXBD Of PLAIN PIOUBBI. G PER CBNT. CAOR DIBOOUNT. G PB* OBNT. BEDWELLTY HOUSE, 7,1, QU EEN-STRE ET, 711, CARDIFF. W. C. P 11 A C E. 81724 1 8 9 0. ROYAL LAWN MOWERS AT BBDUCED PRICKS, TO TBMPT THB MILLION TO BUT. 8ln. 101a. 12in. 141.. 1ila. 261. 6d. 29i. 6d. 368. 40s. 441, NW CASH; DELIVERY PRB., LAWN MOWERs. By Following Makert-To 01- Stock. "e Offer at a DISCOUNT OF 60 PBR CBNT. OFF LIST. BARNARD AND BISHOP. ARCHIMEDEAN, GODIVA, &c. GARDEN ARCHBB, WIRBWORK. INDIAKUBBSR HOSE AND FITTINGS. STRINOBS, GARDEN SEATS TIRON AND WOOD), GARDBN FU RN ITU KB GENERALLY. LAWN ILLUSTRATED LISTS POSTED ON APPLICATION. A Quantity of JAPANBSB UMBRBLLA TENTS to 118 Sold a Bargain. SOLE ASEKT9 FOR SPHINCTER GIIP AHMOURED H08E, CROSS B ROTHERS, CARDIFF. 942-11 TENTS, MARQUEES, AND PAVILIONS ON HIR, JOHN SMART AND COMPANY, 2, WBLLINGTON-TEKRACE, CARDIFF, Beg to ".nounce to the Nobility, Gentry, Clergr. and the ut)ii?- ,I large that thev have the Largest and M?.t M?f'ae'? J- o< MtrQUM' tn the FfotincMtnct surpassed ID the M.tropoll,), every style and variety, uit;)Ie for Horticultural EililbiUon., Gala., Bokmro, T. G.thM)o?. Coming of Age FMU'tUt..Wt.M)n)f Breakfasts, Evening Parties, Temporary Ball-room., UI'leddfod', &c,lc. r., ?d B Bl?i.lds,,and Decor.tio 9 in Great Y.ri?ty, at Charges that will Defy Competition. DittMM No Object. 94217 B.UmaU. on Appli?ation. G 0 U T, R li E U M AT I S M- W"Y 'Uff" "0' t' "*tmsing Compisi ? t. be. C?!? ?J i'n<! Rh?!*n<nfc?n' will qu lcu i, < y.u r.Htt and cure in a few d.vt. In Bo.tt 1,. md a. 6d.; P.J. MUhMT. Cbeml, l. Hlgh- !treet.. Cardiff  nI poWLIi'S PENNYROYAL Md STEEL i. P)LM FOR FEMALES quiek'y eMTtct all 1m. .?hUM. r.mo.< all obt?ucttont..nd M)itv< the <)«- frettint <ymptom< so prevalent with t?e m. Box*, 1,. Ud. and 2s. 9d., of all cbemhtl. Sent anywhere on receipt 0115 or 34 sumps bT.M" M?*r. B. I, Towli. U-t, Nottln"h"m 13M ^bipputjl flotitt*. TICKETS for AMERICA, CANADA, ACSTRALIA. INDIA, CHINA or THB CAP8 1 be had of the AutborlHd A?eni cf all ROTAB lUlL STBAMBRS. at the Offices. g. Bdward-olaee. -ie%rT.V.B. Station. Cardiff. Ro other addeess. 4rr eAitmn'BOKUA Mg?? MtOt?M N?MMt Oaasnle M Sen* 8iaa»n wMMf aa ( T>OKlMK)NB Cardiff for BoeAeawt. June If =:==:&"=' «t»ii \woda aDd PII88aIWL ? Mttt of In"t!-J. m- .,h! Bod. A|»nta T Rue Wayettfc.. BmIsisi; mm tke oAeee of the Company, No. SI, IWst StwHitm* 800"R. CAIIPtmLJ. 00- tnts Waaa—»^ ??? T?DWARDy c"waz J?M?j?NiiW TOBK STRAUSam LUlL The Steamers of this Line will be Despatched SO under SWANSEA TO NEW YOKK. WISCHBSTBR (3.500 tons) About 17th JUNH NEW YORK TO CARDIFF. RHODOBA (4,000 tons) About 25th JUNB. Through Bill. 01 Lading issued to and from station* in South Wale, and Midland Counties and the principal pi-9 in Burope, Unit'd States, and Canada. ??F?ettS*n.tot)?rpMti<r)tp?yt_ I)WARD ROBERWON ..d C 0.. -ldiff and Sew. at,b?lmder,E.Iwards.an a Co.. Q..Mn?u.rt.B.HtO: Btrbtf tnd Co.. M. Brotdw?y. N<w York. 91444 I BOMBAY AND I kurracheb. TO BAIL ABOUT THB 26t* INST. TSB M, E NEW 8TEBL STEAMER. MARY BEYTS, 6,600 D.W. 3,000 I.H.P. J. BAMLYN, COMMANDER. Rae Boom Left for CARGO and FEW MMT-CLAM FABOHNGBRO. For Freight and Passsgo Apply to JONES BROTHERS AND COLO 9J. MOUNT STUART-SQUARE, CARDIFF. Telegram,: Brothers, Cardiff. Telephone No. 60. 94472 jkats^ ANc ° LIN& — — CARDIFF. <N???? ?tEW TOHK TO CARDIFF. 8.8. CALIFORNIA," 3 410 Toni Register, is now losding on the berth for Cardiff "I New York. To be followed by other Steamer, Indacement '*?ert<M thoutd Mtn themM?M ot thU oppettamty and at once cable out their ordem n, pull Particulars apply I- "??'"?SS?? tBROTHER8, 9439C 35. MI'll-Ill-rl.19.M Cud,,L INMAN LINE JROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, Imiiw aim Hrrxaa.TtoIil Stu*. .8" CoMranT (UMITRD)- LIUIIPOOL TO N." YORIE EVIllY WxrwUDAI. esill?g at Queenstown Every Th%uldbr. ,puiy ?o"'??A!f?O?" PB:n:¡' co. 't ..treel. LI..rpool; or to T. M. Jone..nd ?ons, Aberavon. Mlff & J'D?'M, 9, );dwtt-p'Me?'M?ft. 7. C. Ho., and Co,, =-hip E.kas <7. t. "di lpCl "?,d i; ? H Ptrk?'. 1. S?mMMt-p)Mt, 8, Austin ..d Sllcncks. ObipWke,. T. H. Austin, N..til-I 'd, Ne" H L..[. g, Old Market-etreet, NCMD. I.ph Po.t-om?,. P..tyMd. esœ.1 f. Roberts, rate POSL-office. PO., ALLAN L I N 9 A ROYAL t. 81Ia: S "UNITEDSTATE'S&CANAD& FROM UVMPOOL Pt.?ASStAN.ForqMbMMdMontMtt —?? 19 NOVA SCOTIAN ..For Halifax and Baltimore ..JuneM ..RD N,,N Quebec and Montreal JoneS* t:r¿t:r.: 'oFo.rM:rai J3' c rH.1it- d H*UUkoi»•••jfotrt t&' :,< :l:f: LONDON TO QUEB  ASSYRIAN .For Quebec and Montreal .J. ane 26 OKEClAN For Qu-bec and Montreal Julf W I?NUON TO NKW YORH. 19 HIcHMO".HILL.. Fo,lq?,yok ?.. PERSIAN MONARCH ForNewTork J?!!t TOWER HILL., For New York ?: J-. 25 HILL.. OCEAN KATMSt- 1-11 3 8.4.? 10'.18 Guineas. Intermed.i.a.te. XO 6s. Hteeraee at loweJt Ratel. to This Line provides tbe cheapest and most convenient retit* 'o.U p.. ot Canada aud the Westero f tates 01 Amt'Jc? Throuch Tickets to a'l Stations at Special Rates, T¥b:.oq¡,;I: X<.tpM lr:IbnI,* e"N?thWet. and BdUsh Colombia. To iTS. SPORTSMEN, and othwt.-Ro nod TickeUcomtål1lDe Ktcnriioos to Niagara 'rJI. aad otber Sf?!*??'a??'"s'? Mf Canada, tK tMtd.r. ful ?ttt?ott).. K?tf MouuMtM and tbo Sport leg DJatric\8 of BriU#h C,I-bi.. Paseengers lauding at Quebec, aDd lOIn. I. nl, and .as» t?ompMiet on \be KtMwn b, "'< Company s specw c..??? th.)ttMt MtptMOP.).  .ntC'1'D: :teod1 \0 MQU Vi418 nl1 pull.wau ou a1'1,1I..lIon to London and Junee-street, Llv6r^ool; or mi k, T Kennard, Auctlone«r,19.<5 03.1 or MI d L.J. D.,10!'I. uaeen-st?eel. Cardiff; j*. Vau.hao, Printer 47 and«, ?..?.t..?T.R.W M?r_.n0?_ Mwao" W' R' Rew, Grocer, 1, Llou-.tre.t,Waun Wen,8w«o- ?: ? .è.?r:¡:r.:ïl: p)"th.b?i< George Hotel, Brecon I rrrik, Ajlsa rt.lan:I¡;ieÅ\ a: .gn.¡, ¡:ci..= itieet, Haverfordwest ;W. MiUon Lock., M, Hlchtreeh y t  < 7. TrtdttM P't0t. M-t He^ybyrM j Vooug, 173, Commercial-street, Newport Mon., A a& nd £ BroSwSni, mMms. Ab^llle^; W R Grog. & £ "sn-0,i^ street, M.,tt?yr T, D. J: KsJilt Tr^ new Po»rlddm ^mi ^RH^2 :'l.ril",pn.t'B; I:: C\: ..=' John Pa"J, It De Wmtou Field, Toa-ypandy; -"? Itur <iM?_PMt-<"BM ro*tTM'M. _—————. 3- Jfl JALURAVE, MUHPHr AND CO.'8  LINK OF MEtMBM. JMM?? SWANSEA TO HAMBURG. CITY OF CADIZ Capuln 'L*? gn g; üNir:8: C CITY OF ANSTERDA .Ctp?nBoM*. 0". of th..b-i. or otherS '»u r. or tbllame Ut, ateud.d to 1"99 Swansea for amb are sisrip TeB Day.. For Freight., *e„ -PPI O t b. ••"•W' .o:t.Q:LI ???MM. BURGESS =d to?kW*15M A.MtttH*-hn"B.?'?'*? ?' "ANCHOR" PNGER OFFME. •^PASSBNOERS BOOKED A8 UNDER Line. I From T? bail" -.S???t? From Toaaillog City of Rom.. tnchor ?. Li'trt..). N.wYor)< Jd)y? Junezo Wi«!on.in Sulon 'U  Take Ontario.. Beaver LM„orntrea.i l JJuumneICT? Oruba Orient London Ju]y 4 M?r Cn. '?P-, ?,?? Medway Royal Mail ?"??? .?-?' Jlsll ISAmerlca JuneZg "TlsT77iii7|>Tiai> and B.st Indian port. by Auchor BLeaniers from Liverpool and fi>r Special Mediterranean C.? by Anohor and orent Stmam?ri. X?oon Onty.  M?R"?"T?P. VICTORIA." to Ft?. foitt.onZSUtJDNE. ?????te. M*p' M* t F. FuU ParUcu.n at F. Routes, M.Pl. .Pamphlet. £ £ Ply^o-oN DROTREKØ, 551724 35, Mi'intSuurt-squire.  1AKP1FF AND BRISTOL JU!rE )!9!) J1Ii1i85 JUNE,1893 MARCHIONESS. k,,)i„ (lute port., f'r,HM in Bristol. "s^Monday » after 3<Tu?*f 3  Wedu?UY .1 t 3° monl » 3't f., Th-l'! el  »ftet C Frl'l^y f J IJO 5 after ?Sttu?'t??? <5).ft<.t 9aMonilay 7 K morn li'oTuesday 8 "5 ulùru HaWe«lneaday.lO 1)- I'- l.?Thurt.? ??.?" )3?f-M? after 14<iSaturday 1 15 nrtir 16<iMondaj .3 0 nttr 17 Tues'l" .{ 4 S 8 Wednesday. 4 30 ><f^r 9 Thursday 5 0 ^ttr 20 Friday 30 after 21 8atorda, g 6 0 ,er ?BttardtT. 6 45 morn ?T!tM?.??.'?".? 5r8Wedn.ta,i Ornorn 26^Thnraaay 1 0 morn ??y.??? 28?9-1-ld- II ':d;' ,1 t I F.- in 11¡¡Aí8. I Crist ot, to l-'aidlif. 2 I ona, 6 30 .Im ?'.??'?'?7t5 l?iter laWedoesday. 774" 5 iTi.ur*dey 8 33 niorn' ♦ViFrid.iy 9 15 mom 7ii?<siurdrvy.lU Oinoro 110 0,f- "ond., H 15 n.or" 10 Tuesday 12 f-after ?"?oX].?'? 0 !"<* 12 Tliurs'iay 3 1' uftei ?3 4 15 aftet 14 lnr,1:\s 6 15 f- \a Nfon-lay 6 45 after i:iil'»iMd»r 7 V mora .Wedu"a, 7' 45 I'll ¡ 1'1111')' 8 15 ÐlQfII ,('.IFd,1a, 9 0 moria SlaHaturday 9 30 mom 9 30 ft., S3 Monday 10 45 mora 21 TIlt-8Ùay 11 1« IlIOra 25 Wednesday .12 C QO. 26 Thure-iay 1 0 after 2, Friday 215 after 28 Saturday 3 15 -fw 30 Muuday 5 15 Itw I 4 Tu aud Fro. ..?-A? C?.?. ?' ?'? CaMn, Is.  'I "T" I" t I"n?l to? retnrn 111. 111-li- 11-1 I -I".AN, .? )?e'S''h).t.6.1. To-? ? I .!o?t<'m! be ?"?' 1.011 •. OTANDAKD J^JSMEDIESe l.oolr for Trade Mark—•'Drowning M.n ..I.I.g Life BIwv" on ..eh Lahel. KEA?L'S TO'<?xy NTRHALOIC MIXTUR& Certalnand BpeedvCurefcr KEUBAL<HA, NKRVOra HEADACHE, RHEUIH, 110 UOLEREUX, Ac.. 1,. lid., 2s.8d.,and 4s. 6d. per Bottle. K E & L L'S HERB BITTERS. Cure for General Weakness, ton of Appottt. Debility, Impaired Digestion, A< a>. i"i., *s. 6d.»aM 11'" perKEALL'S NIPPLE LINIMPNT. HuecUc for Chapped and Sore Jl.pfilw. ?jd.. It. 1t. 2s.9d. per BoU.e. KEALI/S AMERICAN MANDKAKK PILlA tt?Q?t.?BtMd ???'??' ?' '?' ,) 4.. 6d. per Rot. fropbiwob:- tf?ALL. F 1) IC ¡;: A L TA F P. I( B A L Y, 'go,.9 T R P, r 'i-, iA'A N ?R P A. Robb, Chemist, Koatli. Newp.jrl: Messrs. Garrett »ros« Cb, mi.ts, 171, Commerei., -itzett Mr. J, 0 Isaac, late Haysnan. Chemist IJanelly Mr. Sw iy« Eva;?#. l?ndon. Mours. Nc;;berv anp Son. '411iT ONES BROTHKKis, PKINIUPAL ?!L? POSTERS AM) DBI.lVEr.EK3, HIGH-STRBKT, NEATH, AND BRITON FfiRZY, Circulars Addressed and lieliver^d. Bill-post#rs t« taA Great Western and Neatli aD1 hr.;c^n hAilw, and tho Principal Auctions rs. LeMMl ui We irr.oeipaiiMl6 PIMM —