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f.JubllC J01l5tfS anO :tiU9U1tfSfStfS £tj: ,lv1I. tr:w1'! or £15 wf't'k: t.o IJl!-hl"4 lUau i:,j. ;:1DrB; D l'o 1l';3- r-D. :tl ,=htr:. t: '1wI Hat.w&J', tho 28th JwL, 10 tb. Ab<>rd&I. Trecynon rt.l'r, 4:uJY (¡mt(tl. AIrtRre. o1e; Marlc..t I1l1rl It,I. 8tauon, N."pOI1. Mar. 1110' h!I¡' '1ùt"nN",t Lult'4c.:d liO\11e.-AV¡;I, c.o J. \JUlI,iI', Aal:llflucer, }uí. Kija l;i 'I (¡'lli'iL: ')()I'! C"WIt'D..r..bJlnr. &c. L')1f rent. CWl,I¡'l IH\'t"Jt",lry, I:h J:2{JJ. No .2en-Adllr.l'ropriOlOr. till' (JÙhj\. QU ",aJnInl frliW CO .£5(1). or lh IIU:IIt! L'ohyeruI .).il'b l'&UfW\. lJ"ll.ly bt, had uuJt"f dOt,Qt.. tH \rtJlJI8 tbo amQunt. J'rinte Lj. Post I'rfe. l1undre.M ¡"u1ilr. COIU' I: ¿'e: It:tlte. :¡.t;J;"tr{¡i:: .:()ø 'l'aternl, Lü.Jrtul'houl. GrOOtf)', l'f.l1',f)', U,.kluV. )nlv.hen', '¡r.(},rl.IC"n'f To'b.cooui"\A', HI.kt.i(jlt.f'¡'. Hul. m"'<I; };gefJ J};rl{)tloD. £lû to £.3O.¡Q-AUOt10U onJ. 1. :t-I,on lIt.reet. Hrltd, };.r.WI&bed Jóot3. f8i711'i7 t l" ;:J:f'\iKÔ'l- I; f:;etl; 1¡¡,Jut1l(\ tr"ùl"Jvbn D'JWzJDI. 1. 1\e!lkJu 'Irf't. P,rh. jt'1Z}:¡?ra,J ;I: :D'It. -if,r "1 t' .a;1.C), lH.-oói.!dtJ 100 h('h4.h U\jfnlJl: ";utUu/ t'1Pf'1!1eII very wvJcraw. lJo"tJIUf. Aucao1\t'r £40. -(;: iif,\I:.ze I'P (jt!;f; èi1 JlUlIthJy ,-l)(J"ui'JI,- ].On Itl!8.I.- 4<l)/)j1¿j CA!O;i(£IÕ.o,-¡""trh.llU l,rnf'r ¡..Irft Vmu1t (tI:'1 l! Jl,t wJr, JT,, "¡c, k8ome furnltlil;d" 'V J li'¡. ;:I\¡,;()rt-J,ád ::lftlt1/1)1; t.wn: cub, M.to(m t;tl.l,l.-])()"nlrlg. Uri,tol, t .tl"!7 ()A! -I!vr¡;¡;; -,üg:ItÔtï;u t4.;t:, "lltrt'; IICraoJ. ()vv..rtm.itf. DowoiDI. J[o('! Ill-r. £:300. ::r,tf: s¡\ :;¡I, l;: l',t .t:J!); bau,iaoUJo lII..r. \0\10. rooUll fura..ddl.l JJ \4, lJltq, allf' It .bJh;1>uwniulI. t:ho .t.reE:t Url\.()I. 1: 2; No TF:WAGrST"'ï.T-F.D('Y ne.dJ I"y /!uI, ,I,. lW Wry ft'&IIOD!1 for lC'diDI: 1m \boroulfbt..n.' ,ftll) K »'(M>'m oJ/ail. V"rdltf. 41),2a 8 :{'fJr:e:a'bu;¿¡ stj ¡: 'JJalr.er aht.l mmiu!f; Ituck quite Dew: .lsht"IY H:.¡}U' vheo.-J 17. WUrtrrl .lllll. t'm.Utr. tal;)'Z' i'O't)'(.;I "bAi;u' 'I '10 ¡'liilvOO-lïUï;ï;W;¡.ïr;ëïù.nj¡¡;¡ï,Od;ï.ïo '01 íc.t lucr. l'ituUou11,r!t', iDcllhllu f\tLIL¡' :t '¡'Jlt.f4}.. U. JI1¡L', /;g t rJ'O J th" Duwlal.ot -\)litf T.vern. PõîÚï¡;faovr rU,"1. ..I.. Jot Muors, CarJ1Jf. ntAr 1>0.1&11 Work: Ilu!neclfatt 'V:f [r J.m1I1'tI'8teTM. Oll\h(> J'hIU:'4 Iv' LX)R ".Ie, tho L'nh"e l'Yt.'ru, Uono.eluoH; WlU rõ;,l; C,tt' .I. to Itd.lon.-AdJI'tI8 l'ofrce nnrn. Jrt.!trn "'{nl awl PuD" S¡lriDi 'I'rap aud Crank'.lle t'IUt, 1'wo ..t4 CJf II.rllNl'. T..o JI.uh1 Trud8, .0(\ about 60 I"rt>('z'!t!I "'l!h n l1'Ci',f,to}:bÅ:l r:e Ñ ',m.1, UPI",r 0. ".rillll, 4¡>4¡¡t btLill'.t thorougbfa.ru iu C..rdhf: laW Ilttl1t" and STABLES. 8:c. TO BB LET. P-¡'i-AltTU,-UCW tab]t. wt\h l'O.:t.ch an\! Loh. to [" AJ'¡.IJ J.oO:lbce Hoult', WlUd"Of ten ace. <iSt)¡,; S- 1'ULE and Lott-to- Lt t ;ttui8Tü \lbi;U)' tOIJ.A l' J, M.u:int(>.b v!&C(',l:anHII. niS! G'UUD1'wv\411'tabi8 ih.-Uacli (,-r ('I."to .tr.AppIJ Horn. IUS, U' ,1".1, ] X t; ¡,¿¡:rrJêo ¡'T.'4lè. iJdf: _6 y ;J1DJ;;J:'¡rnirfO: -A;l¡:Y. "f teuùer or ¡u:rsdu.ly, Hompuey l.'&IItle (near t' Irmt1. t'ftl. f',731.S litllak'll De..r d'e ¡;rtd Inn .:1,. ur&r ('"niUf.-A(1l'l)"u r.f bet.re t!:f!I :?1th in.t,. bY h,tr, W :\11. G;JH )d, 'rr¡f,nw;,) C,'m:hY. O, E :teJltr.t, Caro",litf, 'H'D r: f;, :;£rlIi;r.Áiti';i; JhX; XJI' Stilt", ¡"IU')l,1 F,\ftu, 123 acre', chh,rt'I:u:ttn (IiO'lÙf, .a. and House UUI!'¡IIJ" tlt'aJ' J&"Ia.II.-}ur Phf' "ut.1 to i"" fJrw aJtr(' Jdm l\1Qr'&II, Lam1 AKut. Pp.urOse>, ..farm anb l8arbrn :Rtquiøttts. kc'Il:bl",t "I So. l'be Arrlcullur..llI,cu" 'ilUd fru r:{ :Il!>ijl:f 1tl,,Wtltf: Utlntl..w"o', WlWlfODN; U VrUI' .,uz¡¡,uaJJ.r.l'1)!I',1 to. 1\í-t'l"' ('ttld-¡¡ïcc ¿1'lJh ;II ,;i lrerh'g r :i'ltN, L'llrt1ltr. 43:1. L""1:1:ITFnF. P.t'Mlrt"\1. Hupbohwâ:Jl ¡t;! rO:I:tk,\ J:qtW to Sew,outb 'lt'I }'UltJlôulu¥ l'Ohl.O\"r ,1. Cr ;;tIE' .ret:'t IG[)p.;lte the CalJt.e. CartJltr. ics1,5 'AST.U(t'}-Cldtlt3 nilU.:ht L7 tna, l'rter. 4G, ÜrÕl&r;r, Itoa\b. ('atllltf. who (':m ¡iu q,tJAfSl't.or, 1,rice f(q Iidje,¡'. Gentlfnjn'ftI. anc.1 Chlldreu'. Clothee. Linen t;hf'. 80¡¡t9. :\n'\ fe.\bneu11R Art1del: l,enud CMIt; i\f: :t\i bf:r[i;tc,1t &olili kq t I;I.' 1\1 .:M!i ,;¡1:n! 11:;i:l:¿fj',¡";J'¿: (' t.1\TLt:U:IiS-l.et, Qtr \:lob1ut: BJUht.lU1:\);,tI ;J; ('cuafry-llrl1era JlroJm\'ltly attMm.eJ t\1 1¡' r. H Grt..n. Ih.l.mÜ¡t' HI.u,e, i, t:,roillø .tree" ('¡\tI1ilr, 11:(_i¡\ ]: -1:Î:T:î ¡'I'-t j,; 1.1' Hlî"i r-ffn-:1f.I!' 'I> .A itr"I', 1\t1f\Own. Cw.rdlff. Pnrah8M1I d I,(jl'ti' "'h' (iemlear''u'" "rlni' ÃJ)I't''I, Ac. A11 OTLI.u 1!1111\'UU¡h "I", ry. r; !r' r.l'1.I.H'I tl1lt J.I!t kn.'ot l:1(ltl';n, tjvltI!I.II., U town or cu,ulry, .Jrddtl vrOWLI\¡, tt.fjll\.h:1 tu hI :\r:l, 1\1 A t::I.I;I:1QI:,m' P)i:>s tll;: h\'ll GO\), ¡. rattemR lent frt"l" on -'Vlllk:loo. to.ne aU 11.1\enl¡ÑIte profiu. ,,>;I: lotI!i¿¿"Ï:}R1I Hh';M((!irr r¡¡" XII ¡II',1', ,J. ¡..r ¡;,¡¡, at Buillh,-Anly \I.,u- I,il b. ";i'; J I. I:i ,1;iz1S;)f li"4J;u 'ti," l:I:l; ;t:Jtn: (),r. )1erch:iutA' Y.lchau¡;t', C'ardHf tlIn '1''4'0& 8ah 21 tootH(I"t,' t.wiYIII,Tr'kc-"ilh-i(0îî k.:t' a'lIl .a.: kef'i80U. tuall(1l1n. 111,hler, 1)1f,lt n. .ÜXHit J )'II,t, hOD ("haiu, A, & ¡'Ikl to :'n illllUl'lUate 1,lclJIr, £5 AJ!tJ 10 {'>lIt runt. wlth ¡I¡,jr 1>ard, I)mu ro"lclCk., h' 1:.1': t"f'¡t'l:'¡;I\/ rr:l!, t:t.-AJ)I'¡, ':j:1 .r)iï-o:' ,,<.i ¡-II) :;I: U¡¡"t-Pr h"f- l-aÎt; .I: l:(JY,, h'¡"t l'ùUl.r11) (Limlted).- AMf(' J I, Jt"1. ,fl (' ,r\HiL 4:fOp:J'j ) li ::IlR:Q :ï\I: -ftJ-IIII. f.F'i;; h .l:I; lWulùle dlACùU" I¡,o'd' UI itfl f('r t.elIUi to Hurtllu )., Jj. U'frll Jllulutt¡¡. (IU,lItT, ,U.-A th:"y)1,J1\ atAoW (It' H:urd, ",uJ u t.LtcL.IJ4I'»J. Alt.' at U. Qt!l ¡¡nl, "'r( to llirount. f71';L);'3 LU KïStilõ'ur-N6wPr¡v.ta Hlrë S)'Atew,Hi'Ih Wtllt"l .r f'wlJl!lhlll Comu)'. 31, (;f\IItle "t hL,n t) AlIg- }'Ú °l::13î:e \i:fU; }- 1"l'"R:\IRH onõurNew Pll,äteUi,ê :It.etUq\"ttï\V:I:t .'l1Wlllh!cir COW¡WUl.y, :n. C:L8tJØ Itree'. l'udi.f. Nt' "'l:RNJSHOõonr-ÑewPiI'.te Hire S)'.tem.S0uh W;I- .1" .'uruiehlDC COIUPI'Uy, 31. (.Ile atree\. Car,1ItT. Ntl "i;'mI:l (JU our New rinte Hir 1.tew,rJuth '¡\lfI'4 }'um:hilJl C"mpaD" 1, Caatlo IUeet, t'IHJ! :\1 VÜRŠIHU on oure" PrJvà Hlr., )'it.enl.iôit,¡; .I.' 'urn!ohl"l ComPIIlJ. 31, C.lle .tr..t, Clfld,n. C..h }'U rri '=:i'r: r:7S: .1:- 04:"UH:'ilSH on 0111 New Prin,\e Hi-8outh 'YnlE' J:'unli.htul Company, 31, CanJ(' .nt ,"('oct \0 AI1el Uotell, u.ùld, J:Jlbi. Prl. =¡"URNl!>i õõOar-Në.Pri.àt<i HIr. Sr>In,-sõíïiiïWäiõ. .I." Furnl,hlnJ CompluJ, 31, Ca. '\reel. CIOlIlII!. Ea'1 "¡¡'iHH on our Ne.. Printe Hire Sr>tem,-Son\h WI I., } .'urnbbln. COD,nr, I, Cu,l. OII'O<t, Cordill, No 11111 01 S"I., }'li !1j :P:7l8o:ï. 8:IU '1. m I £400 :I:Yf¿Jld::S: J¡btcr. lrnll"etf)UO Co.ull &hey,I, I4?MP25 IX) ,.biirar;q.in,l Hdd  AW'f "itb Paper.  ),? P. Ilutben tor 88( O''br T\bl eíTrl,¡f;. r.1:. :.oy aliI ,ultlru.. r fe-turn. ThauunJ.. sol,¡.-eW'port Rut, :R,5i;é;r:?   0.m8" "?" IUu 8,?,p,r Any Aetronomk.! CijtMA,N zil,VER T.1-?. (21, 1-1. ilh  liver In Mahmuy Aiw A.Tmtiomfml (L? f. the 1141f In?cnt In all Hi?trifyll)f  \VOOLrIC: UI300I-?, IJ"I.U.J Tic'>: 3.. lJopooU.. biloo !ly 1'001 or Othe,. wluo. -t:j.7",20. I 0,0 H:L'r:d'; ¡7tbf¡:; I..ù,]', l'u"'l,nt.-Rure. 1'rI,IOII Wor", Arcade, Krlo- 7  A-B1r;jf¡n?OoDFfJ:¡a:r:l; !ru'u L'ne, hculvtor, Ab40Ñ..o. 3971<1 H  tr.U.!J ÊT:;T:110B:re .?MT th?.ushl7%6 i?  l:euu.lI1t1 t,laiou; 30 .\amP'. PArill b, Nllht. 0", I.He 10 Pari!! il!ultra1: SO Ir.amf.K Howker, 1. Ren .h..w .trt' Lhl'rvool. (F?tblihdlal2.1 :S10hl I.1IIOliFru.<. ollfceand -H'bOp\õo<l FllllolI', Couuter U¡MI ('I& &l., f..1 Tra4e1.-BAnlett. Li OD I.hnlt.11 Wel"il Bk Bristol ";i'd': t.,IJt:lfI. 1m" .ue.-t'Wh\'r Co.. JJroadwf'ad. Hris. 'l't¡t:,I;i;-¡niri' Ttlt'1 (.¡utlUCtt Krelolll to aud comfort:' å:r ji A¥I'?I'D3Tlbt.PI;1.1:=   IOS l{ A 1-fA'f.k:"cI:: 1lu>d. Hrilu:' l? W. Rocc:>.edù' "Ju. t"'O Š¡I(¡I":tl\t.'(''P:f.url p;tltue IT;  !.ø,t_a!t_UI,o_- I.O:8fie if :br\rA1 oDj¿:lnH: TIA\ EU, IrolJ,(.;ö,bJ lIousë:i.rtJflïruatl, Pt:lJaHh. :nml j;,H).¡ Ih'!í:¡\Q Ooe. Auiwer to tne U line r J""I)L'f')uibole nward for return or GAhle. j8p4 J tÏ'r. ou.h 'i'èrrir llÚëbu (In,)u!l ç..tômJ ,'t' eÙDè.di'¡ ..A Ut"III1I, AII,\>oIl, kHt')tDIif u:Lle "HI 00 pr(¡II!Ct1ù,  4Sl'.6, I t,ver u?l: seer 0, 1"? hn aft> r thli ,h,tt.-Hoata l'alJ.: H(tel, t'atdltf, Jun 9t' .8,24 l U,l:;n" fù:ttt J):k c:c' Any lf:D¡; tiot f the ume will 00 rtwo?led.- R t;ILB, f:\1"lwr, \Ia.e.t.ell. 4iOO,23 S'1'i: ;ltr,ï:-Ur'nlf KeY 'I ii. L!uy". BosbeatOn Rct.ory. PtD1brolie 4;2D4 j Ulf, (rOIll :13,I¡;lthTn-KÑ,ï: t:ur.1í1f, oD1ïl'\V¡¡¡-¡ë j Halll' 1)0- 'jk sJtOt butt of uJl; I(hl. re\far\t. h. L{)c::1-¡:b5 If retnrltC'l t(H)Wuu,-John Jvbn. Uuut.:b "1 'j"P-' y "I' High t_e.t1.. M.rtl!.r: _ti41l!- I},Jr:s   1¡Ol:f,,C-'1pOJ. ;!7: I: e!. r.rl'{ln "1 rL 4:5 L b, \.a)ln¡;: l'11I1t' AV1>I, to 3;, Lowl'r h Hut t'I(,HH. TfOØo.lrhiw. n(' hrthrr. 48Z-2L t3onltl'p', ¡)lgeoIH1, imporL.el.1 &rium. Hnrntr.1. l!i'J; l'urIJ\.t;o:t ¡JAIJ oul1ve ÙOUOD :otit \11t! 1l1w,'rll.-Adib't"3L'. keUolI, Newin"tou. Hull, {9..ltjt8 3.i. I'Il;.dtr, HWalllca. (9U:!3 Wf'lfttrtl iff. 92¡j75 J!Ol'6t5, Qtal'l'lages, 1.Ibt .-ètorlt :uh on rewo\l tdea:ram.. aud letter. prolul)U, o.tt.II.lt'11 to tI,ml t,:dJ fllr: t.,xpetleno.d wen I.lLto.!uJ 'dtriu;,u, lJeDt1emen f\ir dtlleCtlon \HlrtUlte8.  09" TlIOMA, I!llaghc,rer, '1'0.1. AV;l¿';11,lfl:i\:17 f-\i-bel' i: l'ar.1II1.-K  I Q:, rd_ l;;¡l :t'L'r I ,t' A'}I'hi'1Il;¡:k:rIir:tv..r 1)IJI;t:iR1; :¡;4;¡:ii,t4' U,¡}l'f Ulh.:k, WI:;t', am! 1. :Sett.elll.rt1s 1J1\t:11; .'lH.'tv tu,t uther fill' )t'l iJhl from bar.l,woIII'UIí parents; nUll'" TmI;l.r,¡;  t7   hOltcsï;bÙ lIV¡. .&: rl..h:¡.¡ I" -1.1 "Y Whittl-. Driwu; bt'llcv(,\ to 'tt "t:rfctly ,(',Lll lolour, d"rk brown: to be IICi'n, d"u d. IJO: kt' LU\ut be KlYtD. &I b')r 111111 n¡;uJ,u \to,llk ¡1'1( to i\1:IJt',¡.-U\\u"r, "ho Ihl. Lto- :uln!\t.t-r- 4bU¡24  U,t grtet)gt?r.-A .?,ly 6  "co,,I'II;U: l'ulr.heel t'o'bur¡ for POIII.-Awn. )JoeL. !¡,H "'It ,h\!L 4j;'i," 1Ult :J"c." (;I;ù.1ù.%ïõluh' iD:I tl:1i.t:iïl I: tlOl¡", .1 .10 tJ.ru. ""hlie; qU¡OI 0,1, !,I( ,o3/¡i' ";hrand!1. 6¡ ).:tr. dMK C4)lql:7f:ï/\  UcluWh' C"IJ, tuu.. )'o.r., It,t 1°01.1 bODE', \'t'f)' JI"WY, .{en\\ill n.ctJon, f' hL: "'A1rau\ 10UI.(\, at!) in Inrrl"I'i.,I Mle: ,dL i,l.v\lec.1.I:of'n. 52. fchJ øtred. t'c- dIY. fW2f 1ft I l-I,t ;'i:tt:i!¿'¿::Jl:: .u¡ t It¡ l'out,pr., ;"1..71I,2f 1;I;f:rsC;i'k'¡ If'- 'J}:r:: \7 A;;i;:RI)ir ul/r3 n. 4¡g4 CHnfp:'t1.l"t'l\t:h 4i,2J¡¡23 )f\i!i;ÐfJ:c'4t 1I\' .haft" ('vUI¡ll. It': Dr..J,bel Thom:1!. (¡'f \>(111' 13 I:tl' l:uA.ler, Herb. IIIn-et, e"l)Ort. h  Al:ll ,I L,4-Co 'ehbuilders. Cullei:e .,¡¡out'. ll, :t. j-t.it,ùlltl.tu. 11I:ar1).'1\ Ct'II\Ury. 4&7.1 L",(Jt: ,Ic. t\ t"l"e.t;ál':lloiU(;-nlc¡-Newtollnl,¡:rntÎljõë; L' t,¡:htt'n Can btl ken })c.twecm 6.20 aDd tt'ln ¡',1I1.: .II, W., ÇS, L"Jlt K!t', 5;'I"U'iiCït;tiimí:-¡):;I-:d-t-;õ,j!nd .r thrt' III IItl1l: 80U¡) ,lu, f?,?d fhlld, .111 f):,t. l;ri'¡';t'I..t. 46"8,,2. "lt:f'ItC!.i c:tt: (, ;I\'ri trr:I:4:'I,rcd 95 b, .0 .??k? Tg2,.yld,  A.N IIr, U.y    4.cO7l p25 Dt'tu1 HOIlIt, 'w I. & Ilnrchl\$tI\\ nn" Rerooytd nt the bortu¡to'!tr' -I,I, \llidmr,'h f'llr,lIn. fII1923 MONEY TO LEND (,oJbhlg')¡(lO,e K"CI'l't:oi, atut All Cla8f of Hmuehl1ld.-r' Fur J:tIol "L;' to ijo!. Jj,uneU,. 15. D,nevor tllce. AI)VAN(FD by from rJ; :'0 ø\1h thn 1.'OlIv'nio.!l1l'8 or Rono"1'9. DO utJ"t.- ApI1. Krbolia,ly  I,y lelkJ', e,  vn, ST'?,EITB p d.Ii.1, h?l,. N.U '-Ad,.?- I'ub (JU ¡,I.ILt', jl\\el!l"Y. \\atche, kc.. at a reduced nw of ,'y tentH IIf r"I)':II"IIt.-cret.rJ'. J(lhu Jt.'nklr! C.A., 'l'hl. c'lJ:' Adunc" HUIIIII from liIlKTI&. rrt\J1JecUjo, K11t1 PalUculiUIR bee, A¡I.ly to III, Cbarl"'lItrt'I't, '¡",HIt, 90ICtl D- Ü-'1'l;VIÛiout-Moll'):t.'lI" II -l.aii-a-¡;,i)¡cuu,it Otkt"l'H.Û\ Lnt. frolD 1.0 "nF nl0110t. fit I,"wør In(,(tr.1t thtUJ f'lut'iI't'J by Otbunr. to Mid. or FáJmUtt HurrtJwen-F.r:uen, Uardeuerll. (.¡,rrh:r!'l. (,"0"- kV"n. U..lr)'lJ1ol.l. 'l'rat<.lt'am.u. Hbopkecpeu. CI\?rk, Scbnt..ltu:\lt4'f.i:, Clt!!fIYUlen, I-\Ild aU olher )'rr'f.siuu:\l t:'utll'wt;lu. Lod,lnC'hoUH K('!)1Jers. I)rlute H'"l;j,.n"r< :\1111 Uthers. on their own :'ot'CLlrlt1 (,¡th)ut Ikul.;rlltIIJ. \toll'\ Not4 HJonl1 aJollc!, Re¡I;6pt),e hy Yo:") tay IU"a\JlHt1It' t/) nlt. In ever, C'. BorrD"8h' uwn t.1oI'j' All \.oluuHlnkal1oullo L,, l??,e, or oth.:rwlac, It.:t  "pou at tiIt o"n  e   al)plkatl')Ð ev&r ctfUIilCù. It cun()t. from Us sou calln() l10 II) de.her,-A"Llly &0 UNAOEt: !:<ITUNDA I!UILDlNO. FIRST FLOOR, ST. blARY-STRIET, CARDIFF IClose to O.W.R. 404M llull,ll?, Tu.t 1. Full In TtirF?e Ir Y.r,. A,,nts W.Ute(I.-F. uartiet'. fe; tWD. DO SUI"t-l1tj lred, no bill of lale. Dor aer ADVANCE CO.. U. =11 BWANSEA. JlOYET TO LEND (a-DURUNI. ANY AIDoUn\OD eood IAàïehoid.rilf.õPrõëilÑ- ttou reel; 8u,aU la" cbv.Wm. ".¡¡¡leu auJ :"lvu..  t'- £S to'el 00 oil Ciames 01 H,,wiold- F.w -?."ty, 1. .tgi,-t ll,"I.i..7 'eet.-AppJ" by tetter onl,. 123, Wijl(lwr toild. N.1h. IP23  (p23 A'¡iMtk' ';I:D ,\¿M"K M\1: haviuK a (u(J""Jer"L¡u 11ilü -t U:;I.I;fJ'RlJ 1!UYBY. I. MAME It, \1 Ic)(.ubted If'JiJI.,ct,.¡¡,tli.t,. OS THEm l?wlq p u Ici ?V (/n;, WlTKI¡U'h\¡{I!\O for 8URIITU: ur ¡;l-;eUI:ITY, at LOW aD<lIU-:ASUXAHLt: RATY. 01 tur ah,rt ur h.n, ¡..tri¡y.ltl. A8 thfa ll<\te,tl!l8W'i.t i. IW- with any Ihltl HOCllt}', Jt" rqlløwd ihlittthabiLuW oorN"wUI uot &I¡¡..I,. }'r fulllJ"nlcuL.n 8'1\it ¡>t",ollall, or by Iirct t-ù the Louder, AkTHUR WYNDH{ HADDON, 10, CORPOItATION-STR?.E ?. 341iù<1 1tIA.OH&TY.R :\1 I: Inl xJ! f:e£bAO;I 5 per Cent. I ur" \(, Mle or "male, iu Town or CouDtrl. whbout Bill of (If Hnretl4M, tritlt4i for st-Y L'Ntud U()t; elOct:iube:,¡rLrià 'Il:  15. V"r.d,  .I JõID1fj1wN.r,Àn;LY ON 8IMPU: Non: )F HAI', WITHOUT sunR'l'n., A, M()fle.td "t cHIr1 K",y Ite-p?yiiieu N, F aU COUll.llUwc&tloOll bIDII z\rk\lr I,rtute,-Ap¡.l)' to M J! V,.?, 11'J. tit.. MoIu1'It.reet., CarJift tOpl CbW'ch_'8uee\). 9367j  jl.-A    UO"lcee4in teu )'fI&n.-AlI¡ll, for vrOlt«tll'll'ud eofre-pa'lut:.w,1.o U.11. ,,nI' :\1 ONFa;wtèf(: h)i:' h:b: ProLQIaor, o'o Alùno ¡lull un the lSUrr(H,er'. Own dr:I:D :trl   the, us Iodl Pvly to Phi i"5:s1   bt'LlJfe borro\ttDK tløwhere t, Mr. l'lle.   i.g., D.,k Itreet, :ftYiport, 6tun. No J. X,abUah(!¡', 931!q?_. *1 ILAN D. at Short Notio? I)Y tr". ;elo to el,000 a, Pr UUIDfllWle. ú. B:\us  .eijolllnble a"pllcant Clln (.ùt.&1n QQ ad,.nce 'i, wirboQ HDrltlel Ind th ,"ual 10rlDa1iU.. o! I- Udi.? F., .bo b.. t :.o;r:: :t e, ;:i'Ut:=: :t':m (\Ut.;nce ol,j,?t), Jtiired th. Inter. can be l,a.l1 t4u&rwrly. or liult-yea"r a.ø wa)' l,¡ arrAD£'ed, thertl. fore \h aVJ.lUc1Jt ,e the fuH beuciÏt ",I caa!l ad,aucell -AI\I')Y In canfi\le. t'J Ih..clulll.nel.r, H. BUNTI,I:. r'i" nl). Wl"l\min!itr Uri'e-ro:<J..lJoudoJl. L7,12 '4j;i' ¿a:ttI:IUT:W,;cDn°d:°: I b, oWI,IDW br 1.llor )Ir.  A.,I,,w.. H. Lo.r thout "I I I Sat. or on, Ilublklty wbale' Nu I.e..t<luJretl "YIOUI to I4fró1Ol1ltioli trao.cinIl1. 9'lí7 tj;I)11 :&vt 1::VaY\"o C"VttjLl is wlHiu, W .raut.lklullcei uixlfk no of ban'" alone.   n  16;iTs, from 915  (ltti, It)rmtJ ItllI or um 01 "It'. DliIt.allce no (lbjct. Mull ÃI lM11I Of Ihl' )ttrd i. p'lit! cAt C,I""(I t:al& rlmai, No "t.!OuiU6 .pllh.hun rt'f'f\l. All conUUtlUil.1\'louI IlN VA I)ly tli,ItRL, E'1.. 87, \"tJrk foD'.1. WfJt-lDtlJ!ter "rhlre rœd, Loudou. LI21 72, t:t. b'l"ettreet, (,'»rdUf. Ate N.¡'srld to £dtaw'e £IOJ £IUO,WU ou 00.1 or LeutMkt l.ltJNQKb or ww.t. \eI. CII (,11& "VI.Gte.! "t:uou.1    u.t the :\Iallftier. 3. lJuw tetuce. C,illtJ.  cowmun!œ. hunl repli. U b, re,urn o( pOtl, 8'Jl16 JROVSi,llOLD .ALLY ANI. El. 1II':iCI\lI'TWN OF TitA  or Cuh. FI:()I t5 TO A500. Wltl??ut Uela" ",I In S',lc' co.,G?l Without Loan OMm Routmu or PrelhuiUf\rl Feet. 1\110 Without ..I .Ie, bltl ntír"¡, on their On NIIIDN "'11.\ ""ty (f rronllrJ' Note. or  by LetW to- lb. Ihldjelltrept, NewL>Qrt, )Iou. S.R.-Thi.1I oo A Compan: Iiecnt!J l""rool«1 ID .rIUD8 Ai ret.luJrell. il::179 $ou wool A-II.t  I- the MPF'RIAL DEPOSIT B&NK. WIll !'bow '011 at I 'è\lIce thl elact. tUUoan\ JO\l wit( ba, Lo I'=-'), f!1e trauüo.:t.wn j. PRIVATE. Th. onl, Se.:urltJ rt'l!\1lr.-J bJ Ihe BaDk beW8 IJOIWOWt;l\j  NOTB OF HAND, A,I,le tbrùu.;}¡out tbe United Kingdom to aU <uøes, aud tlice is L7791 ART"IJI-V"R .S'.EDGWICK M. ;i-);p  ¡Jll:.III\et"i¡:t' tCI):l\'¡¿I(I"d W,ilt'f;l; '-HUtty HCll1. CH'rphtlly. V" IN .s?l.lit, FR.)l %l: ALilli-lN I  BAI, ))%VIN-,TliEl,r. BRI$TVL. B:mk Are   dwant"eo to all ;oLl .L. .1 1. in .1 C\:>I1I n,t'Drtotl at. nay',  ny  t- or  smilen rt? l??yab a bJ eU7 iustalweu, or kI. and 011 To ,n: "Dil)¡e ",lran. o¡{eretl IIJ tho BtoDk, the lu!lo.ln8 nn:  NVI I WHICH LOANS A1Œ Ni! fill: ¡'I\' OF CHARGED. Oil PRI. Till' OF RIAU, PF-P,%Y'4ENT3 l.xn:D. ;.li(, (,Vil'. A Pt;IWII) OF 1'Uu,; lJoNVUH"T "I I- rill, UOUIu.t:Jt. :U,-Nn IHII. r,1 A1. are taken. %oil the are ),ubllálH:' llu iW)' D.W!l'Pt r or -,ue-ue. MOIITOAGE Atlvl\ntf'J :-d'o 11\110 011 murtal:ø ur d¡)(ÆfC of of N\JtrtJ, WIJ1è. a" (i., \:t.lt1 a' )0",)1" .tU ther !'articlÙti.13 a pvls..tatiUg a.mount to .t.t \I_r. i: c. ,IHHt. enù _I"/II"t'r. t1i1l'lJinel" ool, &t. MACHINER.Y, TOOLS, I:c., WANTEO  ?ble :\1 (ï;: :};t:II"a :.tY:a  Â-}i. :9/i)¡ïif:¡' ,i;lliïbore {or4I¡;¡. Itln.. ]6111. ,aut' to¡;I., Oiu.-A., T. Junea. \i:.dw"nlle_ H- -¡Ui,IÜ-t:üilù..ouiiäï.,P;;ir.tiïu.,Tõiü:-¡¡¡n,ItIiï:. :JAOIIIUBItY. TOOLS, kc., FOR SAI.t. i f'fU):- :err,,j::t ,1IIJ Baby. Car.W'. f.i42d4 k.kl.g M. I. Power }JfI;'MI. coml,le. A The L1D()IIJ. 6ft.. 9iD. by ift. "nh IU "w" Helt, Tbree Ha"J 15, ,II! 4¡S6p;d  t1tnK'" d7Øb.r.-N' ,'h..t Uul, £iG 10:1, lir .1 .ep.ralel,2J, c.;ullllU.,ci.1  IJltt(". Quilt' 'lew 3.Horlle RorfzoDtal EDllue: br.LU ,'r"t, libbw Val., 1711aj 21 t:vMët" !i:7:  fiul"CiI, rece;vor. "1I tlPlu.iou jolo; allO \flou,ht ¡ruJl "atee t.,m" ..nd turntablo. f'. IOiu. In"1:6- .Ol Sa\. ROod St:cou.l-h!t.ud DiRVUhJ t;;ciUb w-iucil,-1In. Su)_1.2. YI.it'!1. et'IY.l.):Ilmer:v. ührJ.l4í1p2S <'1I1D<I. thorouah'J o,erulnl.1I Mnd In IplelldLl cODdlYuu. AI. N. UorlwtltAl Ir.u"e, IIII, qUod" b, t¡!&;riI_ JJltbOU. nllt, auJ CO"teas !>"gino .\1111 pall), In Kood onler. fllf hMJU be i(en w('Irk'nll mealltITDI;App:, 1>. lIurtes, 8taO:ord UVUlae. 4311 ?a5 1 ii¡¡N-\Y"kr;i¡;r 11, 11" 14*Iy A rt¿:  CheDP.-t!s to ;\1 U,     H'r "? l,r ll.h, .I term. A. it ,-q.i,e4.Apily Ctrl.. D. I? ? lllir [\111\ Saw [kucne, For Jowea\ pr' I&nd b& k,. GeorKe N, D.-Role Agrnla (or 1,4,1. and fUf å1..rlb,I, :)lUl,. and 93016  Ne. P. Law. (.IWU" from M. to abo Maehluel ot u11 fiellairp\l, "lilt KDivCII t u h ff tJ,    Lutte, uo com¡}\iet.ted plUU; quarter tbe lrlDI, lwlce lb.nglb, "n<1 I,"pollible to choke: Bold t Ibo g,riew as olll (,Ill¡llc,,t madJiue3. Å Li\rll 8wet!: ot 8econdluIH\ Chalfcunerll. P.bi. ;nd e,, 11 1 1 Mo.  M.- .11 III.?d L'. keL-T. Lemon GA '¡,;iliiMâïõ,&i"li,iiièï;¡ateiT Improffiiient. CIIIh a. ".rend I>"JlDon,t'/el'¡llI. aD" Piall, olou'. ter. \HOl7 ell I L.?.hi. 3?'  'Ïm¡;;wvR'fIllWTu¡iUMÍ'lifö ENOiNE COMPANŸ Mo". D'I. ro; E and ev, 0;01. f- lo II &CkllowlclJled to be the ,¡nd Su Worid. l"tic.âll, no n¡la!rll. No I'. RTF-F.), oml III." of the "vlIDg of the Pump at Colllcriel iu all ¡1rtd of Ule dstrlct. 1 letilld Boiler FO6dOr, hot wld. H.W &I,. 1.1 St.,?k t or colli. DYNE ond 1 [9.1 IV. hi. ii BOILE AND BRIDGE WOnb:S-WIND30n.ROA.D, ADA.M800WN, CARDIFP. All Kind. 01 81,uclura\ Jrouwork For. 8hio and como" RepaIR PrompU, AII.n4ed To, Paleotool of e1!-ùO':kl.8 and rOIl- and FloaUnc t"'p2t pECKBTT ANn SON, LOCOMOTIY& BURLDERS. r.oCO}IOTIVES OF VARIOUS IN "Dd Splclfi"UDUO oa !mil 1",0 OWNER IIIIQUIRIIlCiI BOlLE US 0' BIG 10ft CUIIII.IID for Prlcea fond 10 a. X. :8TOTHEMT It 00" 1011 UGU.B8K8" [_I!ØIY_ I.rO!\TFRF.F.. on receipt of P.O.O.-Alar? I.S?b. 9d., l?. 1.. 6 i.. io.. w. oi,, I i .f:lfl;i;i'\ii .t a P¡.c2:' 6t :JI:  .td  Sac.bl. W rkl: Puntyp rlda.- re(,It ('Alli? P::¡; £f1i;lt:  orkø,.I)'ulil)"\lr.M.- j- 94 15.. 94: 1;k  (.'ambrian. t5 l??. X5 il,. e, A:, .0i.  r3;'l'U' c;be 'Ir:u;  I'ARI.E f.IU:I;:I!I- Wur.!J'LPU1.i'l  :tqUlsittS jclo L.,z- -t-k WANTED,   .I;:o j to W,o. I" -hand ;i-1.0 wo tfJ M&.itime Coal t;OlpaIiY (lJhuiteJI. j'QuLnd1. H.39 \¥' :o: '?\f;r:i: ('olU.n' \Vtiahl1ll Machiue, wehrb 3Qcwt. BlUr F.ur"II.  Horh:ou"il Eu.ilUl. E£;r;fE: "#1i:   ..I.  4 7 9 is W ANSEA W AUON COlllPAXY SWANSEA, RAILWAY CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDERS AND ENGINEERS. NEW STANDARD COAL WAGONS POll CASH OR HIRE. PLANT, TIP WAGONS, TIUM8, AND GENEHAL IUONWOf<1[, WHSiL REPAIR$ (ENGINS AND WAGON.) TYREe FASTENED BY PATENT IF [46 k PfHEX cÃltIâÃ(;Em\Ÿ ÁciÕÑ 01, ?LOMPANY, OTOKE-ON-TRENT, Manufl\{,\1rers of RAiI"AV t.t1'tatt:5 r\(hl W"p.ont or J\r)' lil!!K'TiptlfJn for Cash. or 011 l>eferrf:d P,}'mt'u\I of Three.0, sud OVOII YerI. PROVIDEXCE AS U DRASS FOUNDRY, NEW POUT, HOi. I' Telt¡¡r ap/Jic Add. l'11I2I1i"l'Î_eWpolt, or 8:0l;e. on.Tr.t, _41OC'<i- I -¡;'Op.):OUO1(,)1'lVE AND HAiLW A Y WAGON BJ.\I  BLOCKS Inqlllre frolD PONSFORI) BROS.. TIMELit AU;UCRANTS, 87892 Nli%VPOI?. MON. 11 A1LWAY \uu¡-'¡ N I) LOCU "L' RE.Tymm AD TUit,'ED. PA'I'ENT MA' HNL'MOUI,I)EL) SPUR BErEL AND HEI!ICAL TEI..Tll WHEIo:Ls, RlCRARDS alld mON NEWPORT. MIJN, 93C'JZ ana q¡;ontratt.. TO BVILDERS. ERBCTION OF ROAm8, JlXTENSION OF FOR TENDERS. The Gt:AHIJIANB c.1 the UNIO the EICECTJObl HOMBs a FAltl) I'L. }'Ilill, and 6pecificatiolls may 00 Rt the Office of the Architect!l. AI!ln. f:h,wI\f,J an,J ThOlUU, Queeu'chamtwrø. Ctjiff. Irllm whom  I.e? may be bll.,d pay .t i ? ?p ?.i? .,f OIt"  un rec<,p .9 a /,¡mal,d. .,?d,r.  applkalion" endor?d Tonder for CoLUge Homa." with tbe names aUi' Addresses of .m-etie.. to be ?.t to 10" un ur bf.r.TUHS1)AY \he h\ July. The lowen or any lelidt?r wil IIO "ec.adly be By Older, E. C, Clerk. 12th JUM, igga. S¡J81 N0 B TO AND HOIRL, TONYPANDY. TI¡NOERS are In,lt.d (or th. the ,bo.e wail-known HOTEL for a terni of 14 alld 21 \'fa" r.'ptctlvol'. It i, '¡t!lOt-d III the epntre 01 themo.t in the lU¡unl.hta Valle\ "nct Is \1010« 1\ (Al'gu and Incre:uiug trø.j. Principah on1)' with. 1'he hlKhe.t or allY not nt:c6ISui!y wept (I. For Furtber 2PPIL to 91477 nays, Hulel, TO AND COTHACT(¡li8.  InvU.d for BUILDING CIUNC'F.L. TLIANSEP'rs, U., to ST. MARY*8 CHliHCH, COUlif PL"nl aud gpt"l'Hic"ti'JIl ma, be by app,in mellt. arlit applkaliuu to mQ at LlandHo frow til. 16Lh t<. h. oh hat. 1,d?,. e1. "Court Heur ehumll" an?l ,j .,y V,.3 by Ihe 30Ih otyJus ig0, '1'hl lowet. n 1\1V Tenl1r not neces,arily n('PPtd' 1). JENKIN, A,H.I.1!.4., LDERS !'ÕÑl'HÃC'rl.iÜS, lor the CONSTRUCTION I f NE%V BANKING PREM ISES (I I C.Idiff, tw the County of Gloucester Batik 4d). and Spe('HiS\tiiJIJS may be Itfn. and For. o!  .d  ohtl\ined. .1 our 0 ?e, from 11,? 25th iustallt. to tbe 2nll Jul)'. ferule, enltor!td 'ft''lIùt'r. for Bauk," to he lent. to th "I'n"er t11tt County 01 Gluuceter Bank.  on or bcCure the r(i .FJULY. ,?I elowest or all)' Tt'1Idrr not. IIt'c.'dily accepic?l. JACOll and 4rcUiloct., Banl¡'I,\l,IS\:Ö, 94175 j?, 81 0 94t75 2Q -gff?Y?? ?NUAS-C-UMPA NY. Co' i ritACTORS, MAOY8, AND OTHBHS, TEN1>2R9 ar.Invlted by the abo\'e Company f." II", of a TANK, BOUN- ,) AltY and other \VOItK8. P,,l fi,t n, he Il"en, llY appFlint mlIt. nny dy up to the th û:ty of JUII" in,Lallf. Kt the Olftcn (,f the Comp.Il)', Aben,)chitu, 1\1,,1 a.1\Y iuformaHolI rehLtinl thereto may be oblallled (r1lm Mr. W, 8ted.tiecreta..y to tbe C\Jmpan)'. 1.lIdu..se:\ll. j&IHI lHtorae\J Ie TlalHld for Tank and Willing." to lie S11t. to not laler 011 rUt::>D4Y, Lh. lot day July udat, to tbe ,¡¡¡"ed. WILLUM BTERn, Lo JUllt 9.8 ¡MUJJF1'-(Üs:LïiTIÜ' AN :UK Î\ V COMPANY. FOR COALe. The of are Prep. red to TENlJBH8 f., *jL;PP LY of :1,(,00 'l'O.1I of BEST L4HG: COALS, 10 ,I?li,e.d J,,I)-. liA Jun. MI. I,. Montbly Qualltitie' 111  "11 tt, t'vecificu- Tendering may Jo '0 (or the whole quanLlty or for quaDtitiH frum t.on. Foro.. 01 Te"er allll Spiticatlo" of monthly dollnrlea m'y be ob!.IÍIIOtl application to Mr. Ii. Morley. the Sealed TCllders to be !lt'flt to th" not later thon tht 17\ h of July nut, addrened to the Ch.lranln of the "Tender for Coal." Th. Direotor. do not bind fo accept the fowett or any Tender, anl t. them,el"l tho dgM to apportion th. w ii o le quanLlty as tUey may (By Order) GEOIIGE CURRY,  Gu Ollie." C?rdim.20ti J.wo. 1800. 944  PORTH T( )NNIN-IIALL CO.MPANY T(LIMITEL)). :.R8 for the BECTION .1 TOWN-HALL t FURTH. OM fC..P. Cloth.I..II. 8tatio"trett, P.rth. S.1.1 T.lld.n, marked" T.Dd. (or T.,?.-h?ll." Rbouldbeinmyb ;,dsonor bdore 30th JUNE, The Company do no bind \Uemeelvo, to &wept tbe lo\e.t or any Teud. Clotb."all, P.,th. 17th June, 1690, WH. BV g¡ AND t,'Ol'ITRAc.JTOHS, are Invlte,1 for certllll ALTERATIOYB Pion, and 8lftC.tlo", to be oil the 1'IOI,e,ltb the who does no bind ¡dill' ,ell to the or any All Tenden to 011 or before the 26th of JUNE, to JOHN MORGAN, .1 unction 94119 ( ;"fz C.,Iiff,.  invited for tbe ElmO- E,NDEITS are invited for the El,F,,C- TTION of New GRAIN WAITEROUSSS t CAII- at the lIuderlOentione.1 office. The Proprietor! do 1101 bled LO 1ICC<'(lt the or any Telld. JL:N S, addrelaed JAMES DONALDBON, C.R., care 01 Jobn Hibb.rt and CoUin¡Jon-ro.d, But. C.hff. 943-  BUILDElls, ("0-1- .I. TRACTORS ANL) SCULPTORS, 01' DEAN BLUE. GIIEY, AND RED  QUAIIRIEd. AD PARKEND BroSE, eAWIN3. PLANLIG. AND WM, DAVID ANI) CO" PARKBIID S'CONB Near GL09, BEST QUALITY STONE, Uniform ?lotir. supplied In  or i,. al ,horte,l nnUce (to specift.t on other"lse), Band   d,? d, F-d, for QUOTATIONS PREH, Prompt Deaplteb 919!3 N J W i' U 1 U N 1810.1 J, ll. H JJ: S BILL AND ADVERTI8ING AGDNT. RICK" all the POBTING STATIONS In TOWII .nd lfei¡¡bbourbood.  Bill P.I."a Town Rnd Neigh =09i T". kept, 8Ilirau-Ua..c "MUMBOLAIROAD.  d. b Mr D. L ANs D\Juble.Uct't1't'J Hou:tO, lit .MerlU)'r 2 MjSn. t,uTI F,t It J, 24 'r ill illiy z I H t. Wi Z'rj n. June k3 ?,,o,Y. ?r Car,,iff June ?4 FrtelJOht 1.11f' ¿í:' C.,ditY J-iy )le:ur6. )IOOaL au!} Cu. at Jun, 2.3 ,5 .\1. JAI&. AIL.Jul" .3 IS: J. C., -N, jwy  .June 26  26 SALE T -MORITOW. TO AYD SALS OF '11(. ))A \'11) 1t' InttrUC:IOWI to tHLLby APl:HON, 011 tl,t 11,?,i. Tt7ESDAY J,, 24. 8?,(-. ?t Ok,e. o'c[nck in the t;flII1nl \t.'Ject tlJ suøh 8. bt- FRE? IUI?d)..1 1 Li?.t THF. TAVFH,11, 8!tu<k:t: in f-li"h-Slrt:i!'t., MUIIJ)'¡ 'f,¡dfll. ThA Premi,s un hld uS to ¡,art lur lllllt tt!rm lif 9w' Y. frorr\ th.)5th .Ioy ¡ /llId aj 10 tit" ,.m"ind., for /9 .I'.IU frolll th" 2bth d.fr It. ll, ftt annual Ground lIt f.. J.:l t'j .J. "t"('tlvt"h'.lInd ,U6 nvft'iu the ùt,:upatJ'd. oJ r. be:tll!lj(.¡, Htlwlandl. al yt'arJ)' ten'"L. '1'h. U..u!e. Irom close ll1.1 ty to I I 10 the an'a' "I. 813tioll (out 01 &111,1 ¡ntù wldch Sløti<111 thprtt 1\1" C Tr3in. daily)  a KtJ\'j' g."I J'u"I"'r apply t, and JOII. to ..he AUQt illne.r. all_o( 8p, fAtS (¿U¡¡U.!l1'IŒiT; OXIIEL l?. ".TILL?(!AHF:. OFF Kf.1>O:I\OAIJ, caltdii-il. »ALU OF AND U:AII¡,:1101,D ROUSEI. MIt. Jo;, bas been to .if- Sf;¡. by AU(,;TIO,aHh.Grrat W..t.rn Holel. the 3rd day of July, 1,9J,.t eyell o'clock l!uhjN:t to 8Ul'b (;onditJolI' at .hall b, then aud tl,, rPRd. Ih {lJllowiuR vlll1Bbh, LMEll(ILV PR?Pi,,It'rlFs, 8PITAI, 1. All War.h""se, 'oiether wltb tho Piecc of Lot 2, silu,t.AU,1 anù hnmediRtt"ly faduK U¡e 'l'tT \Ie llailwJ.Y C.nJitf, hí\\o'in.: a fnJllr:,p to ÔjJÍlä'-qUHtI.tOrt'sl.d 01 17ft. lin., or tlltr"abuutl, :\uJ now in thtt occu.. tl°L:m;t::r::lI'a;;lng Lot ],and b.,i.g a like fronta¡:e, S\lIlluow or In th occupation of Mr. W. Y' W. All,?,'l?. ?.. Pr.p,,t i are held under a I", f, M. Stacey fur tbe t. f 99 Y' the th or Vtt'mu,r, löB:J, ut the rent as to each Lot "f t:a Lot 3, All that lj%velling-iii,u?e, 'it, 33, OnIoU..treet, Sploc.'&l1d. I,t ?L 7,. 6,1 p?r w??k.d IIOW in the OCCIJ- pation (¡f Mr. Johu Driscoll. 4. All DWelling.houte, No. 35, it i%t is. 6,1. per and now in the occupa- tion of AIr. Jnhn 'I'hom.l', 1.0\ b, All that 1\0, 37, afor.,aIJ, Jet at 7s. fd per 1"<1<, ar,d IIOW In tb. lion or r. J"hn Vavl." Lot 6. All thot 39,Oret.U.streo\ aforesaid, ktat 7s. 6d.pcr wet:k. and now lu the occu. patiou of Mr. Hobl"rL J1)nt.. I"t,  ."d ti are  for the unesp!red 'N" f 6 re.rs, t h. aiin i Krouud muL cf a 1°'. Lot 7. All tho,. Three 6 ,7°, alld n, at 7,. per ecli. and now in the OCCUpatiOIl 01 Me,¡4r., Kellurdy. JOIICS, and tiadatow 'hi. lot I. holù from the lion the .rl of 8raùforet for a terln vf 9 )" from the 10t )f.y, l?77, ,t t h. a?,l M,.U?,,t ,t f 7,. 6 1. RLDON.ROAD. LotS, All thAI Villa Bel/dellce known a,113, EIJon. to&J, Cardiff. Jateo in the occupalion Mrs, M('lrl\n. at tie of Ss., and h, hi 11e from tilt" Md. Stacey for a term 01 99 from lb. 2btli Alilrch, 163Z, at Ihe anliual¡¡rOulIJ relit of 9; 59. For r..ll.icu1.rt applv 10 the Au'tiont, r, Wf!'tJtatech;t.mlJt'r. \\t"atl'.8t.rt>t, C¡udHl; or a!l to 1" 1 to 6, to M, A. II. Olinr, o/icltor, Newøort; awl as i,) Ut 6. to Mr. V, W, Jo!?es. 1301ieiwr, A!erth\r 'l'ydlil, H11 IALfJ OF VATXAIILK PROPERTY IN lil(OAI)WAY, ROATH; JAM D(ICK,: rt:1ii h?r,I;'J'ik J>!1T I A.'iL' %t'?)ItKiNU-srhEL't' CAI(i)l I 11 ANEg!¡,I\VI'tHtU} will SELL: 1 6AUCTION, at the ltos.?-Hot.1, c.diff,.1. MU.1,DA? the r,1 day of June, ite9O, at SLven p.m., v..lu¡¡ble Viz. Lot 1. All thlt  ,IIinK No. 179, Svern-r().¡uJ.. C. tog1:!ther "IWa capital garLlttu. car. de way or i?s3 t the uortheru Bide tit?!reof; helJ ullder 1ea,e lor W9 yearl from April 1,, 17b, lit a.. (}lhlt1 Cor.r Shop a.1 IJilk.hou!l8, .,tuate .lId hel.. 13, Ül'ell.!treet. C.udirt; held untltr for M?r,h 2,th, 1870. at the low annual gr)un.t reitt of i Lot 3. A I I t I ''t aP I"" ? () "'own Prince. bull?ing$Cardiff; II under Id.t,i 18th Al), 11, l,.J6, for Ih. ??,i.u? term of 59 year,, at a n" of 4. Ail thilt adjvini.ig. litua,o &lid being No" 170 O'Ht 172, Br?)ad. l.?ih. C.,ditY; hld ule, I. for H Vt'au f, 2.lh pptember. lbId, t the }t'al'¡V Klvu.ud refit. of 1;6 130, 9J. Lot 5, Ail those Two seljo!d Sho[ls,  a"d  No,. IT?, JU4, B?.d..?y, R.,11,, C?,,di fl, "old t)1l 8 Jt.'e for 99 "t:an frolll 2,Jtb .sL"lJ¡t.'lnr. h.73. the ""I!rly t,(roulh.l n'nt of 6. All that 8hop an,1 alld belnll No. 7, IIOW In thecx:culH\tion 01 Mr. }'aY1l6 ;\t feat nt 141" 011 a le:1p .L\t..d the 6th day llf AIIl1it. 18RA3, froan :5:11 M,nch. lHô5. at :i}'eariy KcuuluJ rt'lIl of J310. tot 7. All that 1' or ¡'.re.1 of Lauol, with the AJe,ulI.f3 Qr OutbuiJtJ IrIJ. Bud Premies crrC't.d h I't'on, lUnate anù beillg 30. Great now It) the occupallon IIf Dl\hif"ll'ïlllJ o!Jal:ra at a groll anoll.1 .t.1 .1 S::A )?j., heh! Oil li?twi ditc? the Lli of ep' ":nber, IW, frgm William Vachfoll An,1 "tJother, for the 0)1 198 year. f.m 20th D,c.œr, 1837, t yearly rrtt of £ lvli Lot 8. All Ill. M"J"I1I\ce ontl Pl't'mhe!, known a. No. 59. ,lAmpIstreet, !Jock'. on a IM5e for   b tmbl.' 1" ut the yearly gr,u,e,t ;,t ?,ekly rLt.,f I,. 6d., t('II;lnt. p:\ys taxt' For Further Particulars a"ply to the 94, St Mary..t,.et.. Ci?i-(Iif, 0. to David L?e%vis  80llcl\or, 3, Churl.s.t, ]fr9 L-n'lY8, C A It DI FP,- 1, 1-, of I!O(¡S:. COBS.?d PONIES. 1,?r AUCTIO'4. jkelb. at &ntrle. lue rt'spa:ttuay ""hclted. Part.iclJlu, on l',itJ: 9':487 -I: I. I'. '1'U.M()¡¡¡¡ù\V. CARDIFF. On  TlIURSDAY, JUNE 24th dndi:6th, I,Vj, 4 T,, '?i,,?k fr,?, ,Iy. ,i.tLE: OF ?0 Ul SEIIOLD J'F "liells Oompr¡'lu luvel'lol' ".ties for diulul aud .Ira. hili .Nm., .evera! pl.f??? L"i C1Iilltt.. aud -1,. hail f"Itu, Ir, .d bL'd "g1,,dr- it" ducheue toilets I .rdr f which ill 00 801,1) b)' AUCTIO  J. 0. ?ADDOX and CO., at 11 tht!rr ltwma, AS a!Jove. 011 Vie. of Sale. All Iuto"de,\ lor the,e 811et must mp,1e not toter tI,all day prior \0 \be 4.\3 QUBEN-8TRlŒT  EMPIRB- JHiILDlYG, CARDIFFI  31001,E and CO. have  i"lIruete,¡ to BELL by AUCTION, on MONDA 'd. Lor"e (¿"anllty of SuperIor New eeond.ha..d VU RN ITIYHL AC. (UPWArds oJ 450 10l'), r.move-l from varlolll r..i,h'l,ce. In the for COIIVtulence of HAle. get. 4615pZ3 AIOUNTAIN ASH. SALE OF A PUBLIC. H,JU81, HOP8, COrrAGES,&c MESHS. MOltlHN and J.\[ES have r.ccl.e,1 ¡II,INction. to 8P'L v PUBLIC at the NlvielLion Hotel. A!oullulll 011 THURSDAY, July 3rJ, ISSO, ot pm. jeet to slleh condll lon, of !!al. aubln be then the 10I10"jrlš¡;OLD In the following or In such other 1.c. a,  be detr. mllleJ upon the limo of S'l?_ !.at 1, All Old,14bll.hc,1  PUIILIC.UOUSE INN, k,?. th. 0> NBW INN." Olf"r.I.!treel. Mount.t" Ash, With the .tAble and 10ft., cOlLChhou.e, alld var,1 thereto belon¡¡in¡. a. now in the occupAtion of Mr. W. 1', Eynon. AIIO .he Two Cottag.. at th.ar alld ?,di. w I" the occupation of Mr G.ore LAwrenc .lId anot.hM'. touether with the JJl,,k"mitb'(l Shop, t-t. t th,r of the ,aid Newlnn, which coU"lleø and blaclumith', .hop a ¡¡rolS anlluAI rent "I 20. Th. fnn. upon which a Jorge trade I. ""1011: do no, 1, .tlu:\te ill the centre or AI. Ah, "lid com. :-Latg bar, ..Ith jllll 1111'\ bolllc d.pa, t. ment; two \If it II ter, smoke room, tJar tap room, long room, eood celllr, ,tor. room, live W<itOOIll', let 2. AU that 8hop and Premleei, now "TIle Market," or lie. Inll and oJjolninll the New Inn, .ndlet upon INee to Mr. Georac t'hi:llp, (or & tf'rm ùf 21 yean. computed from the let d4}. of AU¡.tu!l. 18[-3 (,letrl1lill.ble by t?, "e. at Ih.¡or. 'he tint N,('fl or (ourteell at lion annual rent 01 j;{.;J, to 3. All thlt Shop, 14, O.tor<1..I<t, un 17 to f 21 <JfternJinlt.ble hy th levon rent of t1. '.I'he hole of the ul1lJv" Premhea are 11,.1,1 untf' from the lale Johu Pryc., E'q for" term fJI 99 yeoar.. Irom the ht day ui J¡dIIlRr}', 1815, and are ,uhject 10 t low apl>Orlo".d  d  ?lit of C21??., which will œ Char¡:ed I) t 1. The Pumb.se, of the Now Inn willl. reqnlred to t?ke At 8 the umal wav, the tu,t,. fixturE", trad I.IttÐ.lb. And .t.ock.jn.trade, anlt poue"ion may tJo hAd upon oolllpl}\lon of Lhe pnrcb..e. of 8Ale anet any other Information may tv obtained of the Auct,ri?re M."yd'erwen, MountAin Ash, or of Mours, LlNTON and 4794 and Art and Note. the L' Wam- Ahn.l'riceOn: Pi. 9ALB JUTE. AT TWELYE ,),C LOI: K' ROATH :.I A nK I' l'Aal)lfT.  GVrr %A LTl and Ill )WW:\l i .r .1?l RI.L by .&l:cnos. "t II ,atll Y"k. 0" II,. ?? a.t, ktt" ll,.t",Ly u: C II. W'lli,m" B.4. C rnDIE 15 11 AT :lIIŒP. Oli S?lut.IIAI. .IrSI:8T8. ]?W?  /lnd BuWIU:\lJ l' \\id 11'0 a LAhG"I"ClAL "ta l.t lILSn;I:S, tlll;\I';S. lI\¡j:t.:S, COBS, AD At 'hI! Hunt' F>dlII". Canl¡(i I)n t tt' ft,h.¡\c' Ihtt'. 1). 10 1I:i:;llllunsl.S, rJ anù II YEAH..>; OLD. FLlrttler Hr.triu olh:it8d. "IIIh to I\pp.r in 1rt. Jilllin' caulu.u.. n1llP\ I", r.'coi"d by Tt;ESDAi. .I,2'¡lh, 94371 TillS DAY. \'1 H. W. Ivill SELI, b, l" A {'C'I'IU:-t .t 111, 8alrOo'm', [tOI"II.r"A'¡, v;. .3, HOU"IHlil.() Fl'liStTl"RE oi Couou anJ t'apcr A;(!. nt 487p2J.- ÐAU; SHUP, AN]) COtTAGE \IES.'RS. JE:'iIŒ CLAHlŒ, and cn. I).r": l'lIrdltf. on TUKSUAY. the 24th JUIlf'. Hi. I e\'elll)'c")Ck ill thr, tn or 1'\11.,11 ulller Lot. U IU.\Y I,¡NU, the rul:o\"a"l f R U PER T 1. Xv. 13. O"k1iu;.t-itr.:t't, in tlJ" 01 II "t an 1\111111:\1 reohlöl A:.3G, ;r:"i IIltl'rw" re¡nf.irs. ûI'L)ul\.1 ae!lt. £ b.. 6J. pdr Lot, 2. 15, OAo¡J..tre.t, In th. i. z, l.f. Jpudy, lq.. (\t. aU ftDJ:U¡¡¡ rCII!al 1t:llt,.co; ù per .:lOllun.. l'AR1'HI UGF..ROAO. Lot J. No 84, Parlll'¡je.,v,J, 1(. In the oe<:up.ti, nf.J. H, lilhlvl: E'"lI.. at the Iv\ KrJlllI" rII"-1 uf £3-1. f):Ul1tJJ reut, £Z 17.. &1, ,'r Knno:lO. (orr Queen-street, CArdiff). Int 4, 25, .:d"Kr.t.rra, ill th. occl1\>ation 01 tho Rev, Thum.. Jellki" at an ."nual .nLaI uf £:30, (irouiid rent, 94 6. ,r anliunt J,LAS RLIW III A S .GARD};S. Lott5. 6. &lId ¡. u. 9. 1. 1.5. g ,i.n.11 let to V,,d hw\Ut.. .,h t t i.e. I.xi two reception-r(?ing, ?ix ttrOt.'In!l, hl.>t I'd ..I" U.th, ti eel..3 we 11I u ol back olitmu?. Ground relit, £ HI. pp.r h('IIIe. 8. No r" Pla".t,.lreet, let at the rHt.1 or J!aJin" aU r te.. Lot 9, Nn.  adjui"¡II the I.t Ivt. Rnd Jet aL" wel'Jd}' rnt ,I of \I! ttJ lanJtúr. palirli Ial. G""UIIJ mnt onl)' £2 10" i?, hoU'  Lot 10. No. 33, lirn Ho.tl,. lately by a lHlt-cher. with the t"ùl, cuachaht>u!le..tc, at tlUI T"IH. L, II. u I'.o f :dr. Riccarli at of per aiiniiin. Ihis Jut has ttaL:e anel cOAch.huu!e at the' rear. Lo t12. No. 45. lot. th, 94 On ILI, II, and 12, To new to the tenants. and for Fur. thrr P.,Itl a,, to Auetivr;l.tJ" .1:f!I!r., Jenkin., Clarke, ftU11 Cambriau-chln1beU, or to Mr. Jam.. lIIorgau, tIolicltor, 37, t, CKI ill M ABERAVON. i)Oli'r TALBOT, AXil FERRY, C, IANIOttGA llill(E. BALE OF Al 'EItA ?livit FIŒIUlOLD AND LEASE, AND VILL.  MAJOR JONES ia I laYoured with ¡".tructiu". to BELL by PUBLIC AUCL'10'1' t ti?? W.lnut. Tr,'o Hvtel, Aborovon, on MONDAY: J..? 30th, IM, M F.u, -'?l.k in the After- AND LEASEHOLD PKOPERTI&o, oy order of Ule u".I"r tbe Will or the Mr. WHham Whit.ela" Lot I. Th. lI",el.llIl[-hou. 8hop, and B.kelit)us? witi, ".t. i, t the -r, 'JC'CUPVilllC C'Pit. i I., Hlgl,tmt, In the T,lwn of Ab:r:?, And iD tile t.l.pry -up.. tlolI of Ir. Confectioner. and con- I t.ailllng by WmalUI"D1.nt 120 there. by the lawlllr, White, law Iv" 0140 yun prior to his deatb, and in which h. carried a Lot 2. l'he L.hold )(u,u&ge. Shop, and Otllc" erry, In the mups- lioll Lowi, and Mr. for the trm of 80 yean from Lhe 2bth mbtr, lb.13. g,u,?d rnt, 'ea 10 The Jut willb, t- to Air. W. M. a,1 for the ttnD ol6ö 11'001 the ótb 1e68, at the annual of £O. The,e Prl'ml. occup one of h. bt.t osl\lon. III lIriton Ferrv, and an elCtUenl .vestm nt. Lot 3. The MnuaKe or it ".w Number Ó, Chal'l".atl't't"t.. Br,toJl Ferry. in the oceupaUon of Dr. Elia, anrl others, held 6ame t4rm as to In unda-lem to the lAte F. B. Normon for the t"rm ,f 21 ye.. f, lb. 24,b JUQe,l882. t ti?e ann\1 rnlal of R16. I or*r?"IjtT1Il6bUis REE8, THE OWNER. By oiiL)Lit attracti\'c 1\1)11 wf"lI.pl tCesiJel¡ce knowu L?t 4. Tlit? .1111 wli-pi.l M..id., ?. k".W,? of the Cliaiitiel, wllhill OOlY of tho 8vit and 61&IODI, and III ,"b"8"tial douratlvc orler. The Jte.sI\C4! tnd.  g,o"n, pri-ing an m. ,t ,5 .r, or t about.. fUld IIA' R lliwn frunt utck. plauled with boice shrubl. aud 7 lood bal1. ample domestic srr"ugemelt1 sand cell&ra"e. alou a Kuud c.uch,hou,e. arne?.-rwm, ,te.' witlli? k ite 1,ien t. w :}r;5":h; :ek;¡:nI:;=IrI8r to aud and A wollo>( The    ,e p,(,p,,ty is 1,,l j f,), tl,, t?,rm of 99 years  lon, .utJJct to t.be anuual ground r.nt ui 12. Plell", may be Viewed and pOllenlou For kurtlit-r apply tba or to Me" and dol it.,s, Atwmvon. OF VILLA AT MR. iltOOJIE has been in- SELL I-), at tho In". t.rptJill)". on June 26, 139J,at tH:,en o'clt)t'k in the I::veuiu- Let 1. All I JIEIlJESCE, wllh its laid-. ut kuùftn um .h1e HQuJe, wHhJn haJf a WMJk tlte hld undr leue datr4  M?rel? 873.for t??r. f 53t a )'eL:![ FrA,, ,t DWELLING-BOUSE nd t" t". "'d BI monthly ,.nt.11 01 £1, held a 1"10. dAtod Wth March. I 1866, ftl r., t of .i:ll23. ly a yeariy g ?t 5, u r pl) IV to D. Lew[,, Eq,, Fur P.rllcular, ApplV tu D. Lewl'. EICI.. Solicitor. 3, Cudiff; or to the 4g, Qu.u.,ta'h C-liff. MEliCIAL STITRET. iEWFOIIT. MU q. M R. has in- ..I.. ,Lrur:lIoli' frvllt th. 1'1't" under the will 01 Esq to 8Ri,L by, HOPS, AND In the follo.I"1I Lots, or In Oil. I,(,t. ma, be d<tor. the,, ccrtaln (NlldiUon,) the commull of ti, 01 thl' )Josimoutheblro ¡IIcolporatM Law     01 Mr. B. Ki..g s )early \enallL ai the relit 01 £60, 2. All that Bl?.1p, ..A bt: om;I"te;Va;;HI:'IIi t- 4N,u:¡. ¿ 'P;ÜïS:¡¡i'r'I'nu1.t:'n:='¡r the 4ti? I.y f MArch. )B8, at. the yrly ?.t fc?0. The .bO\ p,ei.? ,I.11, fr.n, the Trt!deg" Wharf  residue 01 Lerm 01 69 yer Irom file ?Lb Al..h. IL'9. ,t the 5-eariy grouiod .ntol £616'.&1., whicb will be equally .porlione.l bet" th .nl"l'. !o,hoAuctloll""r is III a position to tttb.t thel're.!g.r wi, I Ire,b I. 01 the .hove PI'I'pert, upon vprv foir t."n,. whleh "III be f\lIlIomlce\1 nl tlu'! tillH: of lI.le. tO the Atictloncer, AIyï:¡er"u "'fd, ;tr::e AucUoDHr, Mr. A. P. WILLIAMH. Slicit. June 9tb, 94436 BEAD HOTEL. NEWPORT. 8ALIo: OF CARRIAGES. B4RNII88, &c.  !'AltHY b.A been favoured M itl? 1. 1, the Kst'OlIto" Of the i.t? J.P., to BELL by AUCTION, I,. HI'   on WBD. I'L SDAY J,,Iy 2 IM C?IlWi,),,f CARIIIA?ES, HAH;8. AND 0 rHER FFFECfg. Bole at 2.30 p.m. ,944&6- COUHT, MESH: ISTIL\IŒlt and SON have M œ.n IAvourtd wit\¡ I",lructiun. fMm Rodn.y, l? ',q., to SELL by AU(,'TION, n \h. b.,? I,THUIL,A Y. .26l,i? J..??, IBW. a Larle ,i?y-If AlltiqueRnù M?d,r Q.L6U:4 i,' I] OLD FU H.NITU?F AND OTBER EFFI.,C I S. Which be fully d-li led In Pottert and Cata1°lue" to of the 8.1eit, At One Ti t.Plaw, Abergavenvy. 9431. C., to ltt. TO HOTEL ASD OTHER  he LEI', and Entered Upon at Micbael- Tmam N. all thot Verv DLslrabio ?d Old?sta& 1i,liI'd I-'AMILY ..d COMMLItClAL HOTBL -(led 'fUI> ROYAL T'18 ll..t11e contAin, 4!fJff{'fI, cl)mrnf>n:'ial. and 8itiu" ;:l::jO:I:A: i'.1 and coach- With sip) be let acr. of escel. lent. UM(Ii}\ I'\11i1 I'utllre L"nd, l'lre the ¡¡rinelp,1 t.be Town-haU, where tt.fI cr'UI'" of .1,0. quarter ..stC)n" ovuutY'COUI t. aud oouncU are held Vi;itr)r. and oLhen t.yi.g t the Hotel hue the 01 lur r,ve mil.. on the bank, of the Tolly. not ed orIt. and trout. For Furber P.rticilla" appl, DORAN, 0& Ifav 31st, 1890, 9421¡  wbo desire tG aeod a newapaper to t4eir friends at"roa,t cannot do L?tter UJan ,?d be IW' Of TU WEn." -J!lbll__trt5, OF VIRW3 0" Till COA8I' or &»8 DEO, IIi HAI(C. F-S A. 1I\,LJ'"n" tl, z" WHHIUlI ItOlliL  by AMr. C?C Or.n f.. Too t. @il ].> ,1: 11. I. n:I!j CU!It'WHlr c'I' CIULLNGB Otb., C1et" a\. F\iur Itl, u;. J JIH 2:n I.)?-.i Th" '=;2t"' .m,1 f-N I!, Z.6<1, faetl I!H r or il.rtlculv,'I>p: j¡" Hl,,ti:llr_.r'th. io4cil nll LI. TIIO lIr:CE-SID; NTíëË'I Wg  VIv/h èo HFRE.V 01, r..N. I,   @Aldt:Fl, I ao)dAS, fj,t"l¡'r (who \ilt'IoI n'Lt. :¡ I,I Ii' 'v\thj,> r. "Ua:rfb :t;!I JtjC!¡ebVPr:u Dj: \Ji ltI ;1111 I h Ip:III.llf ::¡ r""i:f¡!b: u'd,?    to the U.teJ tlli.. '-lit ùay "I Junl IS9\)  'IIJÇIl.&1i¡'MI',JAY¡' :J.. au"" 5-). IKh..trl. Nt I.), 91480 ?leitol, f, ? 111 ,i.J t.tCtOf.  to an of the HA.N,IIHY IJlYl81ùY 1 1., Hh Coun ?i it, d 4th M-Y. 889, ?.d. i. the -4 Lb. I::Ivalid IlItQA C)llmOn.. IR the P,ri,h d L'a.da!! "Iht nflr\)uh of Card,rr; aDd lu the )¡I-tier gf the C.cll t IIIVIGVem.ut 1815 &nd in Matter of tbe Lot-a1 G\vt!nmnt. nart1'5 Pr. ONr' COllfumauoc¡  IBU; Bud.II tbe atter 01 the LAM,CIau. 184; and plinUlli1. to the dirwtUoa lilt tbe Omcf. H..ft"ft'e to "hom thf PrOt'eedh: undtr th $:{hl Or,ier Il"@ rtlferrtd. the Perlol! "to On lhe lilt¡ uf July. 1'18, Weed' entitled (\r hteleltM iu Ûlf (,)mmvlllble \,If ot4..r riahtl in oro'r CauLøIJ CQmllOI ¡II tbe P.rl,b vi Llanll.Ir, iu the an-.1 ,,}u,), by de\'<Jlutwn or (¡Ù"nlt.e. U't utr .0 nt.lletl vI" tlll.ef81. are by th¡r oHc¡t.ot. 'f pinon, r? ,r I I?ro "'a 12th d&Y 01 Jt'],Y NEXl ,?)I'. Far: I"L?l.r. "I th"'0Ilis? in tL. Form at the of tb. nlJ OIIIcIII Her.roe, I"-on, Z,3, I,v)'al I."U,t. d JiUti. 8t",o.l, London, W.C., by p,).t o-"Ili-e. -1 in' d?fult rl. iá be p,pWiiy ucluÙ811 from Ibt b. fit t t r ?.Id 0, l'vlJÎt" of the aid F0rm may be obtained t. 0( charae at, tb.ld !to'ID; or at the Ollie. 01 lb. 1M, WIUlim Gri tli, SolicItor. Cudiff; 01 Me. m&ttbow.  wid of Mr. J. L. but4ey, Town. lbi. Ilivllce 1. ppli"bi.  Clalmanta, ?hghw t t?,y or b.,e ,?t 1, dy ?.t, fU'tlou ?t their uudtr the Nollce u!JuV\! oy tlJe Chipf Cierk. t lie 9th ofjtily I TiJ t: Its VAy,tI.. to of NoU. at IWQ I O'C!IX'k, is mpinted tor prucee..l1U¡ (;}D  i-)ek, 277, g).1 Oour I. 8 j we. 1).t?d tbe 14U?  ENKY W. VNREV' 1, nd Address f Cli.?t. 2, Vo'orltJ'!lIand Situation of Property to mpect 0,1 .hicl1 Claim m.o, giving mppr?ximate Area.. 1 01 \if K4Md &lhl N u.W, Nam. or ROUN Or ¡¡" if any. 3, Cououlon of l'roperty 01116U1 Jul" 1878-wbttber or Past u. or (farden, IUId if then corerel! wholly or partly with bllLldinp It&t. Ixtent n.tur 0' such building', 4. N.tul. 01 1 t.n 01 ("Lether C\aillWilt or prodece?sor) In  0.1 16tb Jul" 146. .b,ther -h?) L-.b.1d; II l?p-b?id for 5, If of 011108 16t.b Jill" \618, .4t. h.? and b.. qui.d. b,,4,r claim for Common Appo.,d.t or Cemmoa Appurt4itmant or Commoll nein-  ORDERS, by Colollel JLIL C. H. PAG& Co.di.g Z.d Gi..?rg.. ALtillery Volun\e. Cardill, 211t JI1De, ¡!iSO, Para". on Tlmrway at 1)0 1.,Drill Baoll onll I.:ycli,u .&tt.ud. C.,bi.. ,.d C..PY Drill Tonday t 138. Gu. and Rwu.t V?t. Mond.y, W.da?,dy, and ftdsy. a\ 1.30, C.¡ueJ'racUce W.dne,day aod uIyt2 'y P.d? I ? U. ,??y 1 (;,othlu" 1.poc\iolJ for No. 13 lIa\ter, T.d.y at 7, Hop'lJry D..illlor Sh,)eburyo." n.\aCh..IDt 11011. d';iaIyp::¡, \3oJ."nd 11 &tt?rl. o. l'ue,day 130, is tiotifieti for infamation thalthers witi be a mmp July to the ill.i Âuu.t. AI a limil-C,j u'Imbt-r onl, will be allow., 1 to .ttn.t. rDU sllIJulL1 be Sllbuuttê\1 to tbe AI lOOn AI 1''WpufY.'t>eu men wjJJ be alJo""ed durin. tbe WHir :ptAllI Ha.tt, 1.!lutenallt Birrell. Grlftith" er".ant "'Ie. Corporal ¡¡vao.. PrIce, DP.TACHI&ENT. The Church Parade of the I'enarth Bolterlfl, 214 Glamorgan Artiil,, Volllnteen. "Ill '?-k$ PI,? ou B. d.vitilie E9tli. ,? ein I, ro ut Cardd! B,Il?,i,, I. ot åUt.'lHiing .l1la1& iu aL "De PeuarUl Unll ritJlj ¡. Tali ale &t&t¡on, 10.1. J leave 10.4 >: 1'.I1.,tl1 Dmk 1.;41. By Order, (6ignod) M. 8. STID, ¡ Çaphjn 'IJII jdj'Ita88.. A- HE1YSnWI1'H.-W&;T- COAS1'OF AWAli- i$wrin;: Air, G. el:t"ellnt Srol\ R:t.hjnw, and Huntirl6C (F.utJoun,h and "'tb abundant 01 purd Water lrom J? ly,?ii."n l?ke.    llqwli"ltiit to inootti" at inmt other watering plllC.8ir Jam" Clark. Q;ÿu canriot have a bearthfer "n pl. 10  W?l,, than ABliRYSTWYT -4.. W. u, ji*rt. Lime-ttreet i&atlou, Li. Thmugh Carriages from Lime-street $"on, LiM AND mSnÜOT CHRY- 8ANTHRMUII SOCIETY. (Affiliated to the NaUollal Tbe SCHEDULB 01 to be give. at I.b8 lor1.hcomlnl Show, on the 18tit and 19th flex!, II now ready. and can be hid OD applicatioll to SEARL, 94443 21, Cllve-road, Canton, Cardl'. p ATHLETIO SPORTS AND HOR8E RACING, MONDAY, JULY 1890. ASD AuJ !;e.eral Other E.&ott. Fer P..tiou! 1). BtirollISSOS, HOI 6.0. 94H6 GREÃT.-WETEiilÙLWAŸ  RUN DATLY (8.dye E:cr:;rV\ Jtl, I I., NL:'luYa,"KJ: \'I..t. Hallway, rIoO HREWSUCBY '> 1'0ltD UNt:, CARDIn" L"¡¡OOI., I. MA.KCIIESTER, CHESI? R, CAI?LISLE. GLASGOW. 4, and EDINBVHGH,an-t it,, '(,th of land ¡(o"orally, CarlIf at 9 Im, 1220, 3, alli'i; conneetln "Ith the Bervi. t. and I- LT?A? iELLY. 8WAN¡;]fA,  B)tlL?GENI), ..I 'I   6uUTH WALE3,?.a ,AltittAGES IW:; IrvluCAIWIFlI,4  IA RLS r.. pe-ti-11 betw8l0 U Pd-' st.ti 34 BY, LAMBeRT, G..oulll(an. $ \VA'1'IŒF1HW and e()IJK,an,ithe-bo:S I" of the OCTI{ (,r mp.LAD, per ,tit T"¡, oø ,h. CFTE?T W¡':HTERN RAILWAY  .4TRAMSitIP-4 MIL'ORD  1h. W.1W,e.d Th. I'-I? st, N- mjlf.14 Tu..Ia)' ThQnd.'I ,?l fo!atmb, and retUrD M-d-Ill \Vdne8d,1\ L77t1 'I THE REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. BLAKEORE A N DCO-o 80LE DEALBR8 lOB 80UTH WALEB AID 118D4 for or Call and See One. 8iE9l DANIEL 0 WEN AND I &IUfeRÁL Álm FJ1'Cr WESTERN NAIL BUILDINGS 8'L MABY.STRE&T. CARDIFF, c ARDIFP ADVERTL"IG, BU.L-POST. J ING. AND CIRCULAR 1)1-I?LAIE; IING 00* fÁNY (J.JTEO), OFFICES:  21, CAKLI? TR ??F?T (AHDlP' I!RCRETRY. I'KANK n.  ik.t Permau.nt pott¡n StatiO",  an4 ?Neighbo  boo. t')r All d.at t_d ?el't l,e. D't,ibtl- Circl!lLre.I. AI, c". rr(,wptly a. uded W,