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THE :\.\.TI(;A':I'meK DIS














Thk tJOKKN OF Hbitimh Hkrm —" Golden Sun. lit Ale"; P"le Gold, De)M*nt Flavour. Wonder. ful nine. Gold Medal awarded for grat excel. lence of quality. Mr. Uowland Cox, Councillor-at- Law, Broadway, New York, wrilea July 3rd:- My neighbour pronounce it by very much the hghteat and moat delicate nle they have found," Sir Char/ell (iitiern-t. AU>, (i ieaideut of the lloynl College of lt rosenibie. in appearance bright eherry." Dr, U ullace .t.tea It resanihlea in composition the l.apl' Beer otOennanT." "UnHen Hunhetn." 9 ine, Mt. 8d.; 18 gallons, 218" dehveratt to your house or station. It ia also Sold in Bottles by the leading Hottlere and Hotel-keepers. Insist on hav. itig ilia 41 (iolden Sunlight," as worthless imitations may bp offered you. Welkins and Sons' Gold Medal A)M and Stout (10d to ? 6d. per g<i)on. are delivered, carriage free, by Charles Wat kins k Son, 72, St. Mitry-strestCar?iWorby t he dittr?t.a?ent.* "I h?rch?))' throughout the country —Cardiff E_?M< and Co., and W, A. Hofdor. 35. St. M*ry. street; Neath, Stone and Kappel; Newport. WtthtM nnd W))u<mM; M?rUiyrg GunMn awanMa. Gordon, Brydone & Co.; Llanelly, A. Davies ic Co.; Abergavenny, ilr. Phillip,; Mon. moutli. l'oole; Chepstow, Ellk (jk, Itivflfa, Pontypridd, R. Sinythe Bryntnawr, Connop Jt3on; Pembroke, Ormond; Brecon, Mcredii ti; Atioca, J J. Haines; Pontjpool, H. Peach New Tredegni J. B. Jones Milford Haven, I). Uqyd Davies, lenhy, J. Merrlman and 8on; filaina, Tliomas Phillips; and numerous other places, i he lleraloid H«w<irv fR.tnhti«l.»,J Te o.QCOIUI WwEsraa.—Pepper's Unthtne and ApnaUte. Hsattli Bkiwcth, sad BOUIM Ith BU*NM. P Buoab Is <) about Id, a pound ?**?' but ?3!?'' C:^ Dmwi,, and Bwobeft P F1= -=re:- 1Ii&be Wmm.. Hwoot D=Tutv, I" VrML PO". MB lite?. >> Iff' W«fer»r, wfll j "D YIIIa, 8&11- hiIwr. pnbiirattone, SErENTH ANNUAL INDITION JNOW ^BBPAIUIfG. DA-NIUL QWEN AMD CO.'8 | (WKI GUT'S) QARDIFF QIRECTOUY, FOR 1889-00. INCLUDING PENAIVIII AND LLANDAPP, nun TOWNS AND VILLAGES ADJACENT TO CARDIFF, And COPIIER-PLATE MAP prepared expressly for this work, Price 0 Subsvibers, 5s. Non-subscribers, 6s. td. The P-bli?l,?,? Solicit your Support and Subscription fo?l:. ,I:Ir.1IItI;nfblet P-")Il;d June, and1 Subscript ion Copies will be ?" Lef?, th" Dlnctory b plaoe-i on ¡<'lwrnl sale. f. ''i'?.'??? will 1). g, ?'d to ?,c(!IV? "?' corrections for the new book al early a. po..lble. r V™™ ) for Advertisement. Spac? and SubMrfpHon -Lo-ld We,.t ?i?h,lilt,? I 11-Y t,bi, to DANIEL OWJIN ANi) CO. (LIMITED), 86530 PUBLISHERS. Now lteady, Iloyal fivo,, 416 Pages, cloth, Prl.-el0s.6d. ""HE SOUTH WALES COAL TRADE TAN]) ITR AUJEU 1NDCS1TUES, From the Earliest Days to tho Present Time. Dr CHARLES WILKINS, F.G.8. Published by Daniki, OwKx and Co. (Limited). -————— C."Ii£f, 65"8 Now lI<'9.d\ \)eOlr 3vo,. Ctt-¡;O; 8 hlllln1l: i'E"U,Ml31N(i AND? D%OTtK by I'mMM VAOB, 1 M?.)?) um..wot H?!th. Bi. t<ent.(.d. Hh.atn.ted bv upWMdf .1 :M Woodcuts. N. householder, medical .d ?..dt.?y ¡,uum', 1u'j;I. I and sanitar y be WllboUI a copy, JOHN REYWOOD, Deanøte, ?fa?)c??e??er. <nd l. Fatirnustt-T-buitJin^a, Ixjndon. [U7042 "T^IGESTION AND  InrUE8TlON, D A New W,k l?3- I),- P.'tt-fr??.M. 1r.? 1.1 Medical Juorm)" OfM., 6. Great Uussell. strw. Bloomsbury, L ndon. Can be ordered through any l>ookselJer. All students of and sufferers from lu. "i.Wlf?11 abotal4 J-lds excellent book." 87Bet Read "the law OF popuiX TION," by Annie 11 want.—A Work designed to induce married people to limit their family within themeanl of tul sisten.-e.—stilt post free by W. H, Reynolds, Publisher. New Cross, Loudon, J'.C., on r(>C@I\lt,,1 .I¡¡ht ppnn,V .tan! IMEd o 'DAVIE  GROUND LIME from the,. Works is now being SOLELY U^72D Is living tt;e extensive concrete foun- dations f-r THL DOWLAIS IRON COIJPAN Y'S NEW WOIiKti on the fast Moors, CaidilT, by Mr. T. D. Ridley (of Mlddlesborough•, Coir.ra< tor; also, for the foun- ibitlons of Messrs. CORY fJKOS.' NEW OKFICl'S, west side of West Bute Dock, Cardifr, by Messrs. Chris. Shepherd alld Son (f.linit.d). "f|0«r.Jirrj Contractors. The "LH\"eConlri\ct (now in ai e well worth a visit by Engineers and otheis iutecMcd in Water Woiks. Docks, Railways, and Hydraulic Works of magnitude, where so!id a.'i.l i-cllable foundations arc of e sOllllal importance. Among other Contracts, too IlllmerOUI to mentiou, this lime has been applied to— SI.VKhN T0N5EL WOUliS-Mr, T. A. Walker, Con tractor. BAliliY RAU.W.V i and other Work—Mr. J. Mack.ty, COIl1t'Mdm', GOVbiiNMENf WORK AT JffiW YORk'-Meisrs. Smltliand Prodgers, Contra, tors. CHIMSE1" SHAFT, HliYAL AllSJi.VAI., WOOL- WICH-M.sl", Kirk and Randall, Contractors. TAT,Y%VAIX VIADUCT, BANJMJJtY AND CHBL. TENHAM I(Al LIVAY.I other W, rk—Mr. n. Lovatt, Contmctor. Conduction of WYE VAI-mY RAILWAY and i ¡¡;;c ï:tlIc:,LY Bmg.. Contractors. Const ruction of NEWPORT AND l'ONTYPOOL RAILWAY—Messrs. Lucas Bios., Contractors. Alexandra Dock, Newport. East Hot.; Dock. Cardiff. Poutypool Gas and Water Works lU-servoir. Stroud IVittei- Works. Wetford Wllte. Works. Maesycwinmer Yiaduit. Dublin Tramways, Itailway. Leominster and Bromyard Railway. Golden Valley Railway. TlVirjis Copper Works, Cardiff. Nettlefolds' Works, Tydu. Cape Co; ] et Work. Briton Ferry. Joint Counties Asylum, Abergavenn'y. Collieries, Iron and Titt Works, Churches, Mansions Ac., &:c, Quotations mid Testimonials upon application, and Samples forwllrl\e,1 if desired. No Agents. Delivered to any Railway Station by Truck, or vessel's cargo f o b. at Newport. RXOEL1J2NT IN QUALITY. 8£9 PROMPT IN DELIVER Fits. — epileps* or FALLIKG FSFORNpili. GIDDINESS, SENBAliOX?, AND PAINT?. I ill to tile l?.w ti?.t nit dreadful of ifl. c-ompliants, which has been r:' o:o'lid Sl" r .t 1111 j' l:')I:e cured, without thechance offallure. All Mili'd jn write With f'llI )mpe and confidence 1too Mtllr?. Ww\leIA.HA.«i.I5>, i10n, W Oxford-terrace .Hyde Park. London, who will ,id 1. 1j?,, to any p*r*»n r. f .11 ?? t?.,Ze. pIANOS I p IANGS 11 pI ANUS II PIANOSI PIANOSII IIIANL)Slll THOMPSON AND gUACKELL J^JMITED. NEWEST DESIGNS, BliST VALUE, LARGEST DISCOUNTS, FROM tEN POUNDS CASH. ORGANS I OJIfJANS ORGANS [ t FROM FIVE SHILLINGS MONTHLY, ON NEW IllJtE s8 T E M ^lT!ln.f\T0CK i°' ''HOMPSON Ind 811ACKRLL ihiw Mn} "'Dip of Ih. Choicest Designs ."r petition! ?'"='p'y. at price. th.t Df)' Com. petit 1011, ALL ItECEXT IMPROVEMENTS are to be found in the Inslruments offered for Sale by rpiIOMPSON AND SHACKEt.I. (LIMITED). BE BURB YOU CAM, AT ONE. OF THBIR B8TABLISHMENT3 .— QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF. 32. CASTLE STKEET. SWANSEA. 35, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 148, WESTGATE-STREET, GLOUCESTEa 118. HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. 88, TAFF-STREET. PONTYPRIDD. 31. WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. WRBII YOU CAN SELECT FROU TUB j^AKOESTgTOCK OUT OF J^ONDON. A8pM?im°Sl.e,fciWiIi' Su." R.rMe.tkrt ot t).e WtW BtM plication. and M.?. Free on An'. for tbe Wb.t,.a Gold Medal Ph,,e, .d A.eA rifftii ??"" °""?<?? and 6?U, Wain, p I ANOS I pIANOS I I pIANOS II DIII7I ??HE URRAT HI,WI) i'UmYf)!h-    PlUM I'u.et. th 'v.a'1\=.'I -Itb. o== :2' b, "'no "'OII<I.rI'01o ..b- d. could 0'" \fa .1 h" 1II"n, "n111 11" JlI1 1'¡'ln' hI \.09" ,t 111. 164. and la. M N4b, bt nil- allY id.s-. 100 N w p 0 R T MOM.. i.? <?t*h)Mt? 1BT0.1 J D. RE ]f, S BILr. FONTBR NI-)   0 A9B. HBWW ^rif'^Bpju»n?PA?V £ J8BBT' TGwa "'4 Rdshbourhmi. a-d 0 Bill P?st-?d "??RSJM??.? U]B & ?fTf?y()AT). P3W, ?Am?m.tM,???M, 61. IP*rLos-a a"48\ll.. lJ.w^nTVr (¡v." NOT=* In the "1' 1I.u." bIMIa fa L-tW& aM  ?K?MMW aM?'M? Br()?B?i!?Hrs"'? ? ??'?W?A LES A ND F??RTERs??y?iK ???' IN *J GKSl'I'WAIl0S, ?.? !?y ?? ——?. ?.— ??s? BREWERY BRISTOL. CAHDIFF STORES 0, \VOPKI\r S'l-rnT KXWPORT STORES COM M EIU 'i a if BP n I i i v/-< u CHEPSTOW STORES, BI.ALTOl^  AGENTS IN SOUTH WAI.1«._ ABERCARN T. PR1TCHARD, Grocer.  ABERGAVENNY S. O. PUG LEH, QroMt. &c. ABBltGWYNFl B. SALMON, Ale and Pur?r Meiefmnt. BARRY.THE SOUTH WALES PROVISION STORES. RIDGUNI) D. Wn,L'AMS. G.n(.?. &,?. OADOXTON.SOUTH WALES PROVISION STOKER DOWLAII T. LLOYD. Grocer. £ BBW VA E W. DAVIES. Armoury-teirnce tF,RWDALE jolt N JON ill?4: CHLL?YEK  M. RICHARDSAS03. Gr.?<-)?. GAUN IIIFFAITH II. 14E;?IIB l?T G-. Ac, HAVERFORDWEST J?,0. BROWN, Wi,,? and „ 8plrit Merchant. ( Lr LANELLY W. 1). EVANS, 13, Market- .treet. MEKTN?)! G. M.tif. GUNSON. HiKh- .t.eot, j MILFORD HAVEN D.LLOYD DAVIE8, Wine and Spirit Merchant, I (?kRI81,()N. G: h\'A:iS \"drrl.q" KKW KADNOK T A *A\ Mr-??'? ?-? .?,"????????? NJ!WTt<i:DKGAU.A.H.?WH,.L.<2.c.? i PENARTH C'  roo PENAIZTII I'hlt'I'lli I;G Ek C.. PENTGRAJG TM) HTtt\f' ,,?; ?.?"'<'< POBTSPRIDD M. RI^ARlJs^o.^ 11AGLAN W, B WlfTIO?« ? ?- BAKGOED r *■ 4t'' SAU *1 DEITSIN)OT M A I Iii "?"' ST. NICHOLAS. .vJ yA I^HKOMAS ttT,,I'!4 An% T I l?I. ?W?LA I. 6AIE P G. K I 1,L. P WOLM C?-i? J '?YAi<D6 ?: 5U7 APPLICATIONS FOR PURCHASING AGENCIES IN SOUTH WALES TO iiH 1,0 J. B. MAD DOCKS, PENARTH. tiRxurational 3imouncfmc«ts. SWANSEA^ "'?" -SA, QWANS):A HIGH SCHOOL FOR ? GUtLS. A BOARDING HOUSE for PtTPILS attending the above will be OPENED at Ihe Mid-term, JUNE Ith. by MIS FALCONER. HiRhbury. Walter-a?d, ?-wansea Particulars on application. S6894 /'?ivn7SERVICE'COMPETTllVH \? EXAMINATIONS.-Ceyton C?detsh?t. Student IokrpM?r<_ T.leK"'phlsta, Bxct't ( )M)<t. A!<oLM)on. in Clavsics, Modem Languages, Shorthand. lu ?)'U ?"'? *?'" ?'"?' A"?B*?UMONT. 2!. Fill -p.rde, 30i4d ST; AndiTEW's s(;iioGLrsTriia^KN'S a ROAD.  Willi SCHOOL will b. ICOAD. for BOY8 on the l1j¡f?ll .I,N:I ;CI:, On tho I Kor Prospectus and references apply to A. BEAU- Hpxr, B.A.. 2). Fttf))(p?-p))r..d,??,,?_3?; PENARTH. pE N A It T li 1, 0 D (I E t PREPARATORY SCHOOL, FOR BOYS RKTWKfcN THE AGE OF i and 14, Principal: HBRBKRT llhXU. M.A., late fi holar of Queen's College, Oxford, and Senior Classical Master at Ruthtn Scho.,1. Boys sjieclally Prepai-ed for Entrance to the l ubllc 8chf)ols. p &rOi"ene I l? permitted to amni)g?t other-, 'i?, Prof?st and the U ?n ot' Qut-ftt't C.?tg? C.?')?.'? )'t* <Mm)WMt. M.P..Rnth.nC)?)t! ih'y.Wtu.rtceF?ona. M,A" Penath; Rohert. F."nst Esq.. bt. l agan's. [86656 MAESYCW.M M KR. Oi Hj'l'i I WALlS r:'UtHi<7r. FtTiT"(l[lil.s, 0 IF)-t i -I-I' I N V A-1 I MALSYUWMME1;, CAKDii'l. Principal—Mrs. N)CHOf,)?.F.)<.). t'.S.bc. Gold 11 nd Silver Medallist. [nu))?t)w?hTnhityCu)?nrtLt?nd.t!.).)ht-)?f<:?<(tut Science, Au, iwd Letteis (LinnIon), nnd tiie )lldva CorcxentM..t)r. Patrons— Bight tfonouiaMf Lord Tredegar, Tredegar Turk: Hon. hoï"M'a.or"¡;II,:cJi;1 GI:I I WKU:n.?rL..CMt!ftun;J.A)?n)?)).HM..]))t. Hendre. ?o.nnout)i:8hW. ').fx-wit.AhfrMr(.<<- Also Clergy, Gentry, and Ministers ot au Detunmna* !ionl. U?rhm .he last T?rpc ?'? 60JCmi:?.i'ee, 4CG Dis- tinch<.f)).tn,d 5&0 8]>eciyl CerdtieaSes have Iw.en gained fruui Trinity Ooilegr. Boval Academv. ot Pie- Science ami Art (London), and ()n.rni\Krsit?? 01 Oxford, Caml ride, and Edinburgh. Also hil' I irom Trinity C"Ilg( and Science and Art, a Hronze MI?ial forP&Iii(i from tho InternaiioiiHl x i it)ii (Science nd Art'). Si!?frMcJ. forM.?. a)' 'lf.?H? :i;C;ro hrinté:J ctMiCnl 48 Jjê ¡ ti-t,1 M rfor P.i,ti, (OU nd W.t,, .ne:l:r:I:rI(\,lI *?) Fees fM- B.mr<?M.m<.t.?? T.n:io. Bcholurshif* Jay FupiU—One Guinea. 61 '*0»>e ■ f the !>est Schools in the County.— Vide Ptefs. LONDON I ('-IVîC SHRVIC!? KXAaMIN7A7J10NS.1 ? KING'S COLLEGK — Messrs. BXAGlXfON, HtSKS. UAMCOUttf. COMYN. Some recent ^uccefses MI'< kF?t-.), 11 of '0 hppoinl,I; B.'v! Clerks (Jan.), 8 of 35; Telegraphists (Jan.), 2 of 10 lioy Copyists (Nov.), 28 of ilO; Customs. F KM ALE CLERKS (M"r,), ¡6 of ?O pji,?ted. Fein nle Telegraphists (Dec. 8 of ZO; r?nnk SorlfI (Dee.n 12 of 30. HIGH KB DlVISION.—B. Cadels. 8k. Interpreter*; ?vy-En)!. 8mJct)H. A.?l.t. C1.r" 1).cky?.d Appren- CAKUiUATK f.om Booksellers, CIVIL iEIIVIOE CADlVÀn;" flolU Book. 11dp'I;' on application to Fecretarv, King's Collie, London. I/fiiO 1 CHELTENHAM. DOLU'.GIATE SCHOOL, NORTH- I ?MHOXHUUSK.?HKNENHA! Principal, IV W. H.UtWKL), t!M)tMd by nu excellent- 'a" ot Alast?, Tl»e Course of DistrucUon embrace* tho ordi- ?ntry Jtn?tth Sub]<?-tt. r?ttn. M?t)Mtnttt?b. Dok. keeping. Commercial Oorresj>ondeiic. Ftench, G,t. i. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Dnt\.ing. and Short- hand. Cme(LIJ wral training. Very healthy aitURtint. PA'feet. sanitary arr<tugemeuts. Large 'Bcereati^n Gr'iinds, Bpa"e Ledt. J he (.Mt t!i»t aithout ?))'nt" Highest references. Trm' from 27G>dneasper Aunutu. Vh. Nut Term will Begin MAY 8Mt. IW. "?' ?5 NEATH. Neath p»opi:ietaiiy S(?U(?.- Hculthy Situation. M«triau?t)o..C?M.-A!.t.'( 11 Arc)id<?<'on of Llandatl or the HMJmMter. 787? R. J. H' u" AKU f5,is' AGESTS FOR AND KEEP Hi STOCK PIANOFORTES BY BroaaWCto\1. Collsixl, Rrartl. Kirkman, llopkinson, Bdllf. me-ad, l-chietin.yer, Pleve WoltT. 1!imlJnr, lbaeh, Ncumr)c. Hulling and Spangcnlierg, lioi-d, Kuauss, Bteinway, Ac. OliGANS BY MASON AND HAMLIN, Bell, Doheriy, Smith, Clougti and Warren, Carpenter, Dominion, Ae. IURI, SYSTEM EXTENDING OVER ONE. TWO OB THREE YEABS, PliOM 6s. MONTHLY. EASY TERMS. TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. LIBERAL DISCOUNI FOR CASH. ONLY ADDKBSS- tit, QUEEN-S'l'RELT, CAliDIFF. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES AND RSTIMATPS FOR RliPAiltS AND TUNINGS FliJSIi. 1,3407 (J o L D M E D A L AWARDKIJ HEALTH KXHIBITION, CARPET HEATING COMPANY. BKtC O?tCtt.—?. FWRA hT CjLtBATS rjmNFf VANS CALL F.i? E DAO.T tKCAHbn-? PENa It l'H A 85730 SEND POST CAI'.D. SEXD  CAlm. GOLD MEDAL, ANTWERP LXmBI- TION, 18S7. FTWE IMPP.RIAL F)RE EXTIN- < 6U<!<HEKCO.(HM)THn?w))?)o)J PKAtTtCAL TE Ti ot the "tMPEMAL GKENAOK FIRE KX- TINGUISHKB" on FKtDAY. MA? X.th. 1889, -.t4.M p.m., on Ground at Back of Town-hall, Cardiff (by kind pet mission of the Mayor). These Te.U will be 1..11 reapeds .imnsr 10 those given In the pre"ce ?f Their ry?i highnesses tbe Prince and rrincit" of Wal. PKRKINB BROTHERS and CO, froumorigen, lit, Mary-street, C.dl. Agents for Cardiff and DitAiot. 87016 PATTfSHKS POST WKR. DIRECT FROM THE MILL! < Stockings. Skirte. Vests. CombinR. tions. Qlovefc Mils. Tam-ol. Slianters. __fl_ THE GREENOCK KNITTING YARNS AND KNITTED HOSIERY Are the Beit QUALITY nod Valuk iu the Market. CARDIFF STORK .— M, HIGH s'rNE ??CADB. < iocks. Cardigan Jackets. Vests. Jerseys, aDd Jersey Suits. b U-LUMIIYG, HE ID & CO, THE WOUSTliD MILLS, GREENOCK. IS* atom or Agents Throughout Putted Kingdom, jg 868<3 II&VINU. IHAVING. RAVINU, ?HAVIKG. 9HAVLNG. NVBBTONR WHO SHAVES sht ould use tbe ALBION MILK AND SULPHUR NO?f. -hich yields a arm, creamy, and Qfrembi "kthw. sat?'.10a tl; beard, p,L MKtto). $?.ften eimMd ted3!mt< .1". X "In.. and rwk4edmg ttm passage of the nuor rapid and miy. a Toll" emp it 1s unequidt% DrtkiaWjr ty??. My"? '?) Dftlm n pmtumwy I& I. CAW ILOod *tOL.4 Tabk;U. Lou JINE JJUX OF 01,Aili[n JJ 41 finA llwamew to all 4  "=ci=.SleII_.r.=w'I' a:-M; .u go  DnwOilllitiDl, 1A81118. pipping ^iotiasf. I T. wi "irln ;,G'Ér": .JL 8ATURUAY. L3 10. CANADA from CARlllKf sw IS.M.; AUSTRALIA. BL'ENO? AYRES, „r iu CAPE, ?.. "had of Mr. B. J. It,vies. V K, p)Mt.w<u'T.T.)t Bt*Uon.U..rd.T. N(? 4)tlln Rd" A"tborl8ed a,"OI for P. and O. Co Li, W 4' .I ——— The (tar, ttNUt)th)t-<?..?t, r.. vJ.. 6cr.. St.- "Ul ?.! 'l I StiRi kSt??K" l*• 'or Cardiff M'rt' ^UnihSOi oodsnn5 a .Cardiff for liordeaur Ms'?29 pMtseugen. *or of f'?t'?.tc apply to Mewr.. Jolni Wh.t?., ? !?'fMtt. nor(le (tt: a&. "h. OI'IOM ° Company, No. 61, Moiuil StniuWi1'ini. "Ila HOOPER. CAMPHKLI,. ant CO. jitiorxit. ?A R D I F F TO M E X I C 0 CliMpest Route for .^ending Goods. S e.ifn i: uilin* montiily for Vera Crur. Iliraunh Rntes quoted in« all towns in <^re<it Britain ? "——' ?"? or -? "? on Meld" Railway. -*?'yj°?J'-Z*C?' Ca'diff. S6709  pAUIMl'- V\ s W A NSA V/ AND VKWPOltT TO gflBGa^jj^g: BELFAST, AND FIRST-CLASH ^'j'KAMRRH ArtilnttndctUoSafl with gor'tlcaud I'iuw nt na* follows; — ('ARDfFF in :\lolI\iu, 11.m. tide. MWAXMXA toGrA8(«OtV. n'n MfMt. <Tc? Wt?,M:t, I.vcutng. Tsi;\>TOJtT In CT.ASOOW, lift 8aa:iac:t Mid Uvnii» "? Hitermde TueinUy U1e. A^ove route hft't'!t':>.J¡ faronrxble «»j j Mluuiti- (ot' njAkltci .Il"inlll nip lo lieUmd or ScolUmd. Pasftengers will Cil.blu a"'C'OIU1llWlnl iw *n^rinr. ani during Suuuuev Mtn.u t lu addition to regular Me»r*rd* a blesarflMsais «urie»l C;d»lu. 17;i.6it.: Ht^erme. I0«.; W""I). "aUu.Ms.; 8ti«rsire,l}s.«d. Sol.liriM.i Haíínl. H. nt.;htrns-Fart ami a Unit, atailaMe fur two nioutli-. t?rtbcrrt'ticu'a?t. M. Jironu t Mhtr.fx.n.?t It Burton ami Sun, Nvwji or K. TA Yf.tllt 1.1,1 CO.i. ??? IJWnn.AU fsKI!V10K M s?p'.S?3t? r.r.t.dt!< ).'?!t[?J STL.?' ?t?3??. ).ftMMt. m'ht{r«<< (; ¡WI l'L ■' (tiieal ^1.1 nii.l input IHrcrt ttente Tht!)[Jt!r.[K"?t:<K)tAt,?n;A') UIIU'i IX.: i '?""?" CAI'TAI 'OOK, 350 Tonp, Of other Miiial-le aUan.tr. to »Aii i. «v.i» «aoei.tsll nu)tt?N '??t" Kt.???'.M')'<? LIVlCItPOOL loCAliDH'K 1"61" An¡¡:u" MiiifTi/vy Jn ,i: i • "l,J ?,)Vt![troo). B :'IIU:'U.AY. Vor Kt.te?)).) F?t.)tMP..?'c.?M aunlr to i\. hu- ?m..M. Nnrlh W;). t)?tin: Ii. J. ')?f..t. It.nnd.-?.? 1.&rt'lvool; or lù "t M. J. BIXiG uuj (7(1 r.,rt1iff; 1' Doctis. JNMAN 14NE HOYAL )!AH< Jt. bTKAUUitS, JNHAX AMI iNlUIUtA'M.JhAL Hili* Mllt"(oM^ANV (UMlTkb). J "PMI. "0 K*W VOKK KVKHY \1I1'sr.lI'AI'. Culling at Queenitown ivverv ThmsJav. *)?y to )hcnA)t! illJ:m:l 0" U utirr sueo Liverpiwl; or lo T. M J. ud 8ons, Aberavoti. b. J. Davies* ,:dwtH'?-) ?'e. ^ccn-piieel( CarJiif. Is C» Howe .u" Co" 6leanisl;i|j Brokers C. J. Castle-rosid „ g M. t?M.. i?S.?,?i.?)M. Swansea. It Jo<hu? Morgan, 81, Qeorge-sUeet- T. H. Au?tn, N?mh.t.wt. Lt?'or. H. Lt wfL grocer, Ol i Mm kct-»lrot*t, Nr.itli. Joseph Morgan, i'osl-oftlct, Poutypool. !lJ(;J3 J. holrits, U<-MtM )'o? '.?t. t?'?i" !(5t.M  (:AlImH!Œ 131USIOU flBSt MAY 1'. MAIUillOKKSS. nan mile nfll" « (l. ?. Ihisttfl. 1 8C\'<lhlq 45 Stfu» XT)?'?:6j5.;f? 3 r'i'I.: C 0 after 4 Katur«lM> 6 1 afu-r t;o)fOIl." 7 J5»;<-r:» 7a l «>umtav 7 30 worll Wednesday. 8 15moiu 9 < T hU»v l ;»;' 8 o:! o)r» n i lOiNrWtuy ii 0 morn J1.t.ur.l:'f 12 15 Mier l^»Mon«la>- 2 14after HaVueadav 8 0 !!f? 15 WednestUy a :s¡¡ .rur 15 .7 FA,! 4 18 Hurar<ta)r 6 0 after 18.¡ 7 15morn VI Tuesday 7 45 murn tE4r(({\f ¡E; L'SuTlirusiuy. 10 5 morn 24« Friday 11 Miuurn f<tM?n??.'?.Mittttr T", ?. ir, 3 IS af er 2» wed, ,«)„■ ..{♦ 4?xy 31 Piiduy 5 0 alter Ir ?.?))?)'.)?. "?' M. l"{"eolu"*I. 8 30" | 2 ('flinreituj 9 0 !<"•» Ftt.?.9?!? 'S*??'{ | 6 Mondas lv 45 m 1 T«w '.nj 11 i^iu^ra ?Sl? }"?'? I it 'Jí1l'iU 2 0 hta Cum. !Jalill) 3 16 af«« j } :I' l.i Man due C Ihti.tf )4 /"uem.ny 7 0 aiue 1& IVf'tues-lM)- 7 4o .UK< IGiTiiurs<bty. b 0 i.m«is 17f1V¡hu., .0." 8 0 n.ura i? .?.u?" { 8 1 90 Monday II 0 n-(«* a Tuw.iii) 12 Ouuta i '2 WilueMity 1 0 afUc S3 Thursday 2 I aft8 '3Thw<J.)r.?)5!!fMt '6 \.ar:) 4 45 IW ?0'r'M.?.T<?tM j 2«J.h"S\a)' 7 30 m»*p 3t««TiiurMtar 8 15.- » 8 30 mom a To and Fro. l'An"Afto, ('"l.ln, .Cd.; k.? C!«btt«, I., "J. .?K't tetter i?M')' for ?nn"' tall' '?. '? marketl A' <Mbln, 4*. fws Cnbiii, 28. «M. TnsuHl-Kw JcVetK • "'II'. :-<1IU,ïa) :>T;tliniile* !>>t il-iel<"4 rlUS, JNO. jpi RUY, M.Ii.C.VA SuaoKity :—35, CH A RLES-STREET, CARDIFF. POll THE BLOOD IS THe. LIFK," UL.<\RKI' VlJORLD-FAMED J £ LOOI> MIXTUKE. THE GREAT nLOOD JJUKIl'lKU and l.'I^STOUCR Ij'OR CLEANSING and C!,i:A!MN(5 <h* t BLOOD from ALL tMPUHH tKS it cannot bt tII highly reconitnrmied Tor ScrofuIn; bcurvy Eczema, Skin and Dloal Disfases, "lid 8"r. of al kinds, it is a Mwe.f",U.. and ¡ænn04I11Hlt Cure. It Curel Old Pores. Cures Korea 011 the Neck, Cur"" h^re J^cgs. Cures RiackheHd, ? ?"?* ou .Ace. Curea Scurvy. Cures Ut?ft. Curel Ulnod and Kkhi DI.ulel, Cures blnndular bweilini(f. C,-r, the Uhtod from all Impure Matter. From whatever cause aiising. As this Mixture is pleasant u» tbe taste, and wif* ranted free front anything in j urious t' tbe ?4 d,ii-fle eons? itulion of A)t.'rtt)!"th<' ?rot"?Mtt :'í:e ï: .e. 'r:- MMttt. A. John <nd Co., t):Utt:Mt.tf.t<? ar=. A;rf::lldrd d&U ::=I¿liJ8:' u f* Iowa ?. Nookuud 1.11. H?, Sut?ton Kf £.ney U&o Vi?-my of 1.di.. C?).eT''X).x? "i?, ;y. \r  S Clarke a hUMy?tt..?.? i,t.i., A?Mo.te. <« Attnt* :I" tf you c<M.'d tuppty Use MtOMtt t? ditp<nt'? Sold In b?tAl.1, 2a, 9d. and 11a h« Jk CHZMMM I,d _h, by &# thM?hout ?. Wod.t. ? ?.t ?Mor 132 ??,S I tlulII(I'?3 21 AND VID14NI) COONTttS SR? a,iTRADE MAI1K. ,v'04o MlXWUK" Li 11001 II TU.UE MAII.K. -JlLOO Ask lor CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXltlltKand do nottM P.n?ded !?! take ao Imitation. 122320 J N J E V T^I ON DAY. An INFALLIBLE JUfil uur and certain our. for all Discharges of tlie Urinary Organs in itim ms. whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic cures In.. re. day.IU,o, In boities 2s.Od. each (by post 2s. 0.1.), by all oh_I. LondS* agents, P. Newbury and Sons, 1, King Bdward-stiesl I.C. Agent for Cardiff, J. Muud.y, Cl.eini.1, Blgtt .t.r-t. VTSSb H\Nn5aMtStM ,VU"1?.TKN MJHdJix. R.A.L.MS..AM OF HOlt& filTS: £ 3* DUllelll UI'tIMhIto" HIlI" of 11100II, n""I' 00t1I8I0 1108_ '1.t. or Vol" at:, .??-SB?SSS? 'I'o8t.ItutK.!aI8.e I\rJ' wi..11.% raaollr IJ HwNo Wake trI"i"N  mWSZS,of It. sod tak. •   k  »fter»is« lie wiit.out It. „  *r MII rhnmixu. » ,,<>♦. ifm nf tMJ»yTT.. ?'?'?! 1 MLH»«' ANT.—One 1m of n.f?.t?J! ^-rnisue«nrssiM Weun.'l, Itr.ie an.t««Ma oraaua, wbetbet "bTd n.< j »i f—. rawl and p«s« 18 tM ir<n f«* M«m| ::r", 0, \>,8_. o.t »»•«. J'o,A. ommw .= K.li— H(^y.erl>a,>n««ll»^  0IMa0 HI, .II,-n_ I I'CM: :;I' Iu. 16. 1'1" n«s. 3 AJ ?'' ?" '?' '9 m Use>ru«l< ■ '.vaaDAY, tir N.18. M