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auftum Atimmarp. Mr. W. BRADLKT. 12 Souieh^d Vurniture. 4c., at Sale»rooai» 4 r»r t l 12 IOhO,j Furniture. Ac.. at Cardiff April 13 MMirs.BOWLINO BROtt. Leasehold P",ttl., at Pembroke Dock April 17 TULi>UlCK»STKErr AU<Tli>N A>DHt>hA<ieHW^ (J. O. MAOnoXuii 0.. Aucti JfornUure, at 114, WYIl,lham-ffMOoOI>t.. O&rJitl.ArrillO Hou*ehoid F.1111-1 Ac at P?ms April 11 :'¡':lhU::="t'R'W 12 I Tobaec mist's suvk-tn-Tra '-e. at Cardiflf .1>.11 16 ict*cconi»t's Fiature* ..d lmttta., at Cardiff.April 16 M- OOTTWALTA aad CiOWRCNU Bnp"'¡Or Funtiture. 110" at Hocm*. April 12 NV<9 Brim,at W*rthou»e, Dx* April 13 B't-Ming Material*. ,d?ff April lb ".t gf., t P- Aprii 16 Office Furniture, t Room* AWI 16 Pftpcr)Mhgln g.. t. «. April 17 j Annual fiun :4ale. at £ «cbange, Caraitf..April 13 Five HllH:en. at Ec\ ruiga April 18 Aninnl H»mt. *t Kt^hange April Id AliI "l;.t=:I;R:t" ."i' 'Iii :¡"iii..¡'nt lti Freehold "actory. Sboy. &0, at Vewporfc April 24 Mr. J. k(1t;N I*9eho!d Properties, at Cardiff .&prill1 XI J, nAJUU. Hc:s".ho!d Furniture. Hw. HOVtfcr.L, DAVIKS. and CO. leasehold Propenv. at Ynyshir April U Mr Mrs. Jt.NK4N^, CLAKKK. ami lfcAdUALb. L*r^«eli>/id Prup-rty, at Car Hff April 15 i Mws. KKNNARb an d CO. H^usehMd Funriture. Ac At ^ale-roomt .April 111 Mr.. 1 H r;«s, Canutes, Ac.. at Fv>rrejt Fach Fair April 17 Mr. LATTV. Me v* J lKhDKR and SOS. )flc!1inry,.Lt W" April 12 Mr. MoKGAN MOKUAM. le.¡.i,1 Pt<¡""ly. At c.iraiff Mr .1 >SWLA>U Oi Painting, at wi"rf. .4prU 9 Jtovn. gTKPIit.N* »N a,1 ALKXAX1>KU. Th Garth W. Ioa, ,t Cudllf .Aprli 13 Fal C..tt; ai.d Hheep. a: fej*niar« Fair April 1 j III. TKAK IUICI B.A. CV.tle, Ac., at AN-rtfavcnriT May 2 A3 Mr. JOHX THoMA^ t' owfcrtlg*u F*t She-'p. c April 30 "r'" JOH THOMAS .,d MuKGA>. IIIH..l Letting of rK*<irrMw S,?.ig? Pr. Ap-it 19 telling i>f Yny^t ii idoii Farm April 25 l-ring »>f Brrw .jv vVwa;>-t'vii) May 2 £ >AlfS by ^urttoii. MAI. hI the 6 ART It WOKK4 ar.d 11 COTTAGES, known ,s JCSCTIO OW; a>, the KEMDtXfK. kn "0 a' GARTH HOUSE, ,i":at a, WALNLr l' (w Alf. '\i E slsS RS.ST F, P II E N S 0 N and 'J. ALl:llA%"DEU ,t?. ri.ote-1 t,y th* }".("t.. 1. "at.Nir, jGt,bt.4 ELLB?A ?MO.14. Ue Park Ho *i. C'm ff, SAT Cy l?D4Y.tI,@ Ijih ;8T9, it Thrw oclook iu IIJC Aftc U1 n, tue PROriCRTIES 1.0' t. 'r-e Prti«»a • kxiown as 11:& Oar'h >V-»rks, aUnat. :ti,h cpposifd the Taff fii« ROlU" At VValuat 1h.. Urid^«. 0.> n w iu Ve xr pi, 1"" ?f 31.4 Co., ui.drr at. I sg'to-iit for 18\ r*nt*i of .400 p.r Annum. Th. PrvmiMa cooaist 01 extensive bull .In; er^et«d f« r th^putpoaaaof .Arrrinaona m DU facturing thev couu l n of 7a Or. 7p, or cb<r?«bv-ita. 'rhy AT held (or ah une<plf.-d tarm of '4 v rs f?,.? (he 2?t 1, !sæ. 'ut.'t tuapp r: ion l d .croun! rel1" amount- ing to ii-5^ 1.. lCd. per annum, and have be-n agr^eltot-e i.d to VMHI Audouy and Co tor 7 or 21 or for ih« t+mAi -dtr tnm. Lot. 2. 11 Co" kllown u Junction-row, adjoining Lhf& turnpike road Ita,1tnll from Cardiff to Taff's \(1111, eoiitaining 2,.4.di square Tarde or thereabooU, and which 8r I., At a rental of la, 6d. r week eacb. Tb4«e Are hold for the unexpired term of 74 fmrn the &th M,,rob. 1&9. a'¡ ar* suhjcct to ground rents Amounting Co O 13). td. pr annum, Lot 3. The G:1 House, (t)rmr:" culled P,)rtübfo:ro. .¡tuate at Walnut Tree. lift, and n8r to the TafT Tale RAilway Station. The House Is conveniently .nd well arranged, and is now let t?t?) a 'p. )b, W. 8. 1314 :?etrt-rtal 01 &70, term of seven years from 1st January, 1888, The Premises Are held for an unexpired t^rm of 75 years tr,) l the 2nd February, l £ ?9, anJ ate mbject to a groun^l rent of HOC per arrnum. Further pHrticxilArs may be obtained upon applfe\tion Messrs. 6IBMand MOXOy. Or to Ih A\I'i,'nrs. 5. Solicitors, Newport, ;9-5 Or to the AucMoneers, 5. High-stre«t, Car'liff. 8^9"5 PESMAKkFATiTl^VPRTL.iWa MESS H 3. STKPHENSOX and '¡\I ALEXANDER will SELL by AUCTION, th,, Fair, on MONDAT. the 16th April .?.t. at 123C pnt 250 VEItY PlDIE FAT SHEEP, 30 VERY EXCELLENT FAT CATTLE, TI. 1'p''tty or some of rbe le»rttnf Agriculturist, In tb' dlitrict. Tlie Fmt St cW at thi. s. it ot exceptional "AJ.I TO.JfOIllWw MR. W. nn DLEY wil1 SELL hy Å,Y. ACCTIOy. at his 8ale-r>onis, North-road, on 7DA?l 1>, HOUSEHOLD FD1UIITURE. Din inT.bl,hfrO?l P,dnwni"CO;'Hlretl •porting Print,. &0. Sale At Two o'clock. 4\olZ -J63,i""õwÏ!RII'GE.¡¡Õ.Ü" OA BdTPF MR. W. BRAHLEY will SELL by Au CTIOL. on SATURDAY NKXT. April li. Ih. whol.. f til- vjoeriof HOUSEHOI.il Itijaive ldfoboArÜ in Ebonv with Britiih ¡;IAt.¡¡!A$5 tIoock, Drawng-ro«>m S itc». OJ: P.lntlnr. 4c. 8al« &0 OO8ImeJtee at Twelve Oft* Xortli-r»ad. OariiiS. 4292J!3 5 Lg THI-I DAY TNTSHIR, FORTrr. MESSRS. HOWELL, DAnES AND CO, .1, !Jav been In.trod..1 to SELL brPl'BLIC Arc- TIO',W,HTO-NIGH?R ITKTRSPAY, the Uth <Uy of April. 1889). at BJO o'clock pm ,.bie?t t.h Conditions of W? (U Ilull be then and there produced >, all that LEA.SEUOLD HOP AND DWELLINU-HOCSF, 6i(aAte anJ being No. 37. Ynyshirroad, Yiivslar, in rile occupation of Kr, Da.id Will1am., Tailor, Ac., at all ann rent uf £ 26. ITm m¡ are held for a t,- ,I" 99 yu (!S ten ,lay.) f,). th 1st 1., or J"lwAn". 18SL subject :0 an .rlp?,t?.n?d an.?l gnmnd rent of &1 6e. 901, The Property, wh'eh is w1I built, I, situate on the main road, near to the National, 8t«ndud, and Ynyshir C<>ilWle8, and affords a d<MirAble opportunity for •nreatment. Tbe Property maT be Viewed by Applying .a 11M Premises. For further Particubtni app!v t,l th A,'ctioneon, al their 011\<,< Iron Bridge Hotel, AbenUra, and 33, Lewis-street. Aberama or to Mr. B. WALIEU WILLIAMS, Solicitor, 86^93 AberUare. ATTBACTITB tiiTLA PROPRITTY FOR sIlb; FITZALA^PLACB. \,fF.SSRS. JENKINS, CLARKE, and -.19DA i-B e 1 1. SPLL b, ACC- tíos, "hS Angel ;,C-??liff, on stJ y 16th A t,il, 8F9, h. followng VIZ. 15.t;ÓhD!"ILLlG'BOI'SE: VIZ:- Lot 1. All Lbt well and ""II."tiA'ly.IJI¡ilt D"I'¡nll' ►■••use and Fremises, oontaining 11 rooms, bathroom Ihot an d «>ld water), twn w. c s ^antry, scuM-ry, jjr^»*u- bouse, ai-d other conveniences, situate and t^ingNo. 2, FJttalan-pUce, now In tho occupuiion 01 W, W. W. £ eq., at the annual ffr. of £ 46, LeCt. All that well and snbstAntitJij-boilC Dwelling* house and Premises, contAining 11 rooms, bathroom, two "C: pantry. leuHtrr. and orh" cOnYlIidnc.. •Itaate and being No.<, r):at')on-p)«-f.')nwint? oecupatlon oi G. H. Loxdale, Esq., at ti,? annual rent of £ 60. Bach let is held under a leaae for 99 years from 29th >eptetnber, 1870, subject to a tow aunual ground rent of to Its. The foregoing 101. eonvenlently situAte within Uiree minutes' ..Ik of 't- and tm. Cnivers ty Col- tfe. and .y V",I. Rh, n?? 2?kil??y 9tAtious. th A portion d the pur?bw money may ,Mai. on ,he IeeUnt, of tbe Pr,m,- 11 desired. ØaJ" at goven p.m. Further Particulars may be had on application to the Auctioneers, Cardiff; or to Mf.W.)!?DAY!i!8.S?)k)'or. •6^82 36. MMi-street, pontvi-ti M. S A I g~T H I fc> 1' A1. CHCRPHaTMHET 'A)J! KOOMS.C?RDrFF Ml'^iSRS. KE\ XA RU tnd CO. will SELL TH UR; L)A Y, the 11th April. IEHOLD FUKMTL'KE anJ EFFNLI T?,, !ron Tube,. nuii Lot ot &> t, iWd SIl, Sale at Two o'clock. 430:311 SALB TOMORROW NA-T DOCK ENGISKBRING CO., MIERB sTKgkJ. ST THOMAS. SWANSEA MESSRS. JUU.\ M. LEEDER S(IN ?:i SELL by ACCnON un.ler <n BitMution from the C uintv-court), a* the above Premises, ou FRIDAY, April 12th. 18%, the following °'' MACHINKRY, (kmpri!in8. PUI.cJJn. and .shína mcrlln. vertical boring and drilling machine. 91n ?<?cr?' cutting lathe, 8(t. bed ICiu. centre gap It¡'e, 16ft. bed tü2e. kr with the sh.tfttn. pu leya, aud belting overhead the flJe to c*>mmenoe at Twtv KroOn, yorftjrih'rp :¿;c:r:fr,Jšm[! BL't-?, Ba im 11 to the Anctlfmeer,. 3w«n<ea. ''6<64 ? ?m IH)9 DAt?"——?—— DUKE-STREET 4UC'TIO ROOM". CARDIFF THE WI EKLY SAI.E OF THURSDAY tbe llth Int, »ill include a wee variety of wer..made FI RM TURK AND GN-ERAL HOUSEHOLD SUNDRIES, T3:Ttb acing ^veral dining :ind d.?ing room "JUites pier- glasses, sideboards, cabinets.a ,,à :t;e,:?;1 ease, by Q o, L. asuperiorS^top Harmonium -1,t e-. by rånd,,Å%. Ac., :;¡: W.rmnI suites In w*,nut aDdasb, 'Qllct ublesand ?va?h- 8*an«s, wardr^hee, brass ami iron French bedsteads, Ac., and the nsual appointment* ol Urge or small e.t&bl..h. men", Bntriee for this B.I..at be IIIAde Day Prior at tbe Offices. J, G. MADDOX and CO. 86*93 Auctioneers, Ac. SALE TO-MOKUOW TO LIBRARIANS, 1I00KI!81.L&Jl,q, AND OTHVKS IOOIL eALB ON MttDAY. APIUL 12, 18S9. At tbe ACCTION liOOM?. DUKFC-STREF.T, CARDIFF, Commencing v.t Tweiye o'ck Noon Precil, '??S??'J. G. MAlRDOX a.d CO. are m it" ?Lmd to 8ELL, Withou Re?'. a, above, THREE SMALL LIBR ?RI&4 *?' Containing N,l h.dd T.lumes 01 Hlatori, 'lbeol.al. Å8t'nOlnl. Bnajnrifll. ..d other Ih.aoc:brd Work." the property of a Clergym&o. dec^avtl (reID0ged flora 8n-cl.>'I). al1d "two loeml &f.I"ltJemeo. a;80 dectmitxt, including a hw Btetiinga, Kngraringi. an,\ Oil Painting,, and a valuableTele»cop« by GHn and GIA-4 L,?.d-? Caia.ogne, may be had on tpp tton three day, prior to sala. 8K174 TBB CIGAR AtD KKPRMaMMT DIVAS. —— 27, CASTLE-jTHBET, CARDIFF. On MOSDtY, Ap? t5*h. ;8S9, Comm"'clng at Twclr. and ti«.r*n p.m. p,-?-l TO TOBACCOXHT9.*H?T?I.'S?PER9 HD MH KR8, MESSRS. J. O. MADIX?X and CO. are l' 1.?L,td by Mr. J. B.oml.y, whO ¡a ?tirh.z lrt» the sualr? to 4PLL br PC6LIC AUCTION* opon th? PMmtM* M ?o* With- R- th. wbl; *f hti W.U-Mttc«d Md N?r)f Ntw TOHAC<U?'T-. STOCK tX-TRAnR ?n? SHOP FIXTT.'R arid FITTINGS, &c, CompriBinK ab ut 260 bou of Larrjnagas, Prlnlp8, I"I .ni1Ja Cigars, Ac h? and oth.r tobaooc of e".ry drlpt¡'m. cig^re'.te^. Wlendld ra»erei:!jaum, brar. and útb"r pip.. c,gar and 2p 'te hldm. l?ther rur:" ?A Vd'-h"' ti?y # w.UInc"io" ?)tM and ), ?rg." "d ??ih «M«a. together -itb the whole ?f the future, nd '"?*?*' '?"TJH'° ??" and <?M mahoianv-top tMnt<r!.9tt md 3DIt.. f?, cw.?r <?wou« w*)! ::i :;clr lo "'by-colourea plash, witb V?r o< 12 t. lOfL eartain,to tt?b tbre. tf.e ??T?"'? '?'- ?" ? ?o??? ?b????" '?'?' ''<' "? e"?'r.. ?th he ^gii as. window shelving, ,h?n.<)<.t.u. -d tbcpcbtirt b- _ff? 'tb.MtnJ & mpp? t« ?"'d -ff?. u-, the MfMhlr-t .?. nd pi.t,. &I. OD View Morning ot Sale. »,ld "?<?o.. ?. D..)t..?M<t. C.rdiff. ]Mxt?? will t)? 8-(d at F-, .1-k. [8E2L4 8ALB Tme D*Y'——— M27. BWH STRKFT, SEWPORT. K. A. Ni.VV LAND hMbeenmotru??d 1" ? Maneh-«er, to SKLL Oy AA^o>rr.. if.. J??" '?' ?'*? TUKSHAf °"i9th h..SiS.arui TD.ur),?? WIr, a hr?MntCti.a Oil. PAINTINGS, By 1hU.lmow,. Vad. Art..u ?eto C. nM-n«? Th? In.1 Mven X.h Day. Th. "? ?'?'"? *"« Pnrchmade by Private -il-r T.„ f Arh )).y M 96 FOlt f1* extent and variety of its oonttnts • or in ffn r" 1, anequalled. alt5 bp Suction. CJiT VIGW THis DAY. IJLF. TO-MOKKOW FKIDAY» APNlt 12, 1m. A LABGB AND MOST IMPORTANT IIALE, Ll.'ludlng tli« Vr> y SUPFBlOU FURNill'UK AND EFFECT*, (By direction of W. McMillan, Esq., who is l«a?in« (B i;c':N :Ec 1nI:L h'Fl!" From a Largs R..Id,- 1. ,he !i'trpõrl'f<Hd. %O'IT\N'A 1'r ?,?d liOW KINO l.' hAv. r<œ:ve i4,SXLL b, AUCi ION, at their &xlnlj. il. High-street, C,rl?tY. on YlaU¡, 1.'A b A?E! I. ?, 1."(. LU:¡:lJlt:lr Č(ÿ F?kLiltURK u EFFECTS, Removed ns above, and comprising HCPBRIOK BR4SS iii^DSlEAl).- some 'i'h datmsk L .mg;ng4 tho V R KV BLKC.A^T BKDkOOM 9UITKB and APFOIN1 MENTS of PKlNUlt AL and other CTIAN higHS. in LitiNa and Viruimux \L1,;r. OAK, MAH uany, and BIKCH WOOM. noble toikt tables, large and medium s'ze ward- robes, l>ett Brussels carpets on bedrooms, landing, and i". SL't'¡';K8 \VII.1V; P1LB and TURKEY CAR- PETS "nd rtch rll1 a arLK>i»io ihLaiD Rt)t.W\)O\) DIUW(G-ROO" suiua In expensive W, -,td .HI( and plmb. a :>It. ,ø'l'&D nm'T cun'ln" wi»h bevel pht.. overmantel tn IW:t4. inlaid occasional tables, chlr', ¡a"\li" gilt girandoles, and noble pier glasses with carved frames, ormulvi "lOll biass "1\IA\lcn. curio r.iblnet, 7 OCTAVE HHr H-CLA^S COTTAGE PI tNOFoBT*. a -1-tY -1 elegant r<>)ev*»HKi d,.?i-f,,r,?itu,? :r..1 oyel\ rï, bdrw'tt, fnn\ beAutdul man!l and cAbiuet ornaments, C)abl1lUt. mUi() and coiner rabin-ts. MASSIVE and .HANDSOME OAK DIN'ISG-HOOM Fl'RNllCKK in • udifig 7FT. Hi DEB ARD.ch «irs with padded backs, a 10ft. dining la1 ie. leaf stAnd, dinner wagon. car tA^>k-, and chimney 111<5, also OAK HALI 1o.t:Rt1t'K¡' 1\ i., c P. MIC 8LPPMKI) POLL^Rl) 0K SUITE. COVERBD in KNUl.ldH MOROCCO, marble clicks, tine bronxes, incJu Hwg equestiian hoise'; EXc'ELLKHT and MOST St"B^TAN 11 AI. MAHOUAN Y and WALNUT 1IISI'IG.N()<IM and LIBRARY FCKN1ICBK, ooinpri«* ipg sad.iletwg covered suite, "retalr bg?k?w and dining tableo o match; ant^ue oak hall chairs, two "hhUt'bai oovercd e«Ay chatra, contents "fchim* pan- trl"" fncluding qrk&. PUS- by K" dish c'Ye". dfnn.' old dun"" d.iiort Scvvice, taide ¡1.u., kitcheu, and Qut.dt"r effects. ON YIKW THW DAY, Catal guee may be hout of the Auot oneers. 86092 WAliEHOVsir CARDIFF, MESSRS. UOITUALTZ and LOW RING ..1 haw IJ favoured with instructu'<ns t. 8LL hv AUCTION, At tbl aboce Warehouse. B.t. D-k.. li, X, ve, ouiiAlCKDAY >LXT, A^ril l&U, at C00 SVCKS RUSSIAN RYE BRAN. It il purposes, andij far superior to Wheat Middlings. ^amplee may be obtained at the W"tehou, 86221 11,b,h .t.t. C., 1, ff. 86nl TALWORTH HOUSE, KOAIH, CARDIFF' j MESSUS. GOTTWAL1/ and BOVVUING Li?)'frN%'AI,'I'Z a[id BO AUCTION, on tf e PremttH. Without Reserve, .bo\'u ou MON- DAY. 5th ot April. at Two o'cl- ok ALL THE VALUABLE MATERIALS of TAUVOUTH fiOt:}, LODGU, null tTABLEti, U-ath, comprisin g ¡¡,h, AND BRICKWORK, Slate*, Tit-, Timber, Floors, Bashes, Doors, Chimney Lead Gutters, Cisterns and Pipes, ¡¡"!I.eo, Ac., lelongiiig to the above buildings, STONE COPING, SEVERAL HUNDRED YARD OF EXCELLENT IRON RAILING, TWO PAIRS OF IRON ENTRANCE OnEil AND PILLARS, al*o th* STANDING TIMBER, 8hcb!, Garden Tilea. LARds GrkknhuI'-SB, Fowls' H >use aji 1 Run, and Miscellanies,all 0f which nnist be removed at once on account of the ground being required for budding. May be viewed by cards, to be obtained of the Auc- tioneers and cat.I0j1;neS, when re^dy, may be hd of Hr. E. W M Corbett, Bttrveyur, C,¡k..tt; of the Auctioneers, 11, High-street; and B. H. HEARD. 8OWClfOR. S5941 CARDIFF, 11. HiGH-yrREBr, C RDIFF. IMPORTANT SALK OF 3b F!RST-ChA8S FIRE AND 1HIEF-RK8ISTINO BAFE6 On TUESDAY, APRIL Ict*. 1&9, lit 2.30 In the ES'HS. O'¡JTrW'At"tïBOWRl:G 1 have rece\vN ¡nitruciOD' from Yejsn, J. Cart ?rig??t and 6. of West Bromwioh, the 1tJr&!+!d a'r Manufacturer) (established over 45 )"UU), t, SEIL by AUCTION, as al). 35 Sl'l'ERlOU FIRE AND TIIIEF- RESISTÜG SAFES, yor <arded direct from tJitir Mamifartory, R.,Zi,? gii 1'3f @MLfL 11. to48iu. high, both single and d,,? including large do. .9? Safe, 36' igh with m, keys and 5pltrate com- partaunU: also an "it'& 'banded Safe, single <Igor. 4tiin. high, with two cash drawer* and three movable thf'lv; also another Safe, 'illlh door. 421.. high, ,u!tAb¡ for Pawnbrokers, J,?; or U.?.f??- tUrrt; small Safet suitable for private houses and small tradesmen also medium siz»s in Handed SAfee-all fitte,t witb sii, eight, and tw?lvc?le%?er Powuer-proof Invincible Lwks anJ DupllCAte Keys. .V1/TM Auctioneers re-spect/utly and confidently call /ÍJ/ attention of jøl_j. manu/actunri, pawnbrokers, professional and bu4ine$s gentlemen, and houstholders tv Ihe, Sol. a* Safes, OJ thet.qllaL.ty ami fintsA arc Jqxaid t4 ftre puTdl46 perfect .ul!ftwn. Oil View Mo ..day, April Isli. and Morning of Sale Descriptive Catalogues are preparing, and may be had trom the Auctioneers four day, previous to Ba!t' 86222 ON TCttoDAY. Ai'HIL lb. 8ALEHOOMS. 11. HIGH >TRE;.T. CARDIFF. TO SULICIIUIIS, MERCHANT^ TivADEi>ME.V, AND OTHERS. \I E-SI1S. G Oil WALTZ and B iWRING 1" are In receipt of inst?tiotis to 8LL by AUC- no, at tLeir Salerooms, 11, Hi.h-,treet, C-diff, on TUESDAY. April 11?9, at Two .'?l-k In th,3 Aft?,- ,q t t?, of )F?'ICE FURNITURE AND FITTINGS, Removed from Two Offices at Bute Docks and from L:rnCkherbtown, and includill mahogany, oak, And walnut ¡.,de:51Al office tables, otficech..in in walnut and mahogany, riti,,g ?l.p". clerks' desk, A LARGE PAI.?;Tll ?PEN Bt'8KèArI;1ahe; eiaed 1, l?tt,?r copying presses. MAHOGANY and OAK gtt.¿:tar,imS; .I,i'Bii ou pedestal of drawers, a 4-. MAHOGANY CYLINDER C A?S E.P*A d,.d chests, t.ti..tr? ,e,, oak and .I deetal. "I drawer.. euclosed ?&3h- stands and 'It" 1, Mtry and 8m_Is c*rpets, fenders, fireirons, .g,, aud a quantity Of mbcell&neou8 office fittings ON VIEW THE MORNING OF SALE. ,ti()n Ofti., 11. High-street, Cardiff. 86223 On WEDNESDAY, 17th April. ba-eOi- First Portion of the BIoCII of HIGH CLASS ENGLISH PAPKRHANGINGS, Numbering upwards ot 10,000 PIECES, Ail In perfect condition aud of the 11I0st handsome, modem patterns, consisting 01 GOLDS, SATINS, AND GROUNDS, For every class of room. Removed fo Cardiff direct from the manufacturers, whose repetition as Paper Stainer*. for excellence of I' design and WOtkII,b,p, s ands equal to any Jirm in  ar's nd. MESSRS. GOTTWALTZ and BO WRING are instructed by the Owner, to 8ELL b, AUCTION, Without the 81, gh e,lt the Bale R. 11. High-,t,.t, Cardiff, on WEDNESDAY, 171h A11. ;889. o unmenciug at Eleven o'clock, the Ab<we euenavc 9i<x'X ot i PAPERHANGINGS, f lots to 3.1 'I'L.- of pu "huen, the whole of which will be 1!,u.d d.t?i Id In full descriptive Catalogues, to be bad seven day* prior to Sale. NOTE.—The Auctioneers desire to ca'.l the specialutten-1 t i- t,M,, ck Tiers of house property, a" t.ie general ■ r,jl:\I'L:II'" ,y P"1ifr':r..>l' ¡ (tt'AiM are notv depoetted upon the premise.i of Me A.uc- io,.u, 4't.uli,,? Sau) Qt guaranteed 0/ tM hiy\t c'ass manufacture, It us affording a rare opportunity of pro- curtnj-lf,'st-c'.QU i'operhangingsa: .fa?.L-.j/ trifling «jjt, ?6,93 (st, ('Aim/n'. tS.9J i ANNUAL HUNT S\LH, THURSDAY. APRIL IStk. 1889. mESSR.,z CO'rfNN'AL'I'Zatid HOW RING ifX will HOLD their ANNUAL HUNT SALE at the Horse Exchange, Cardiff, commencing at Twelve o'c""if, of J 100 HIGH-CLASS HUNTERS AND HARNESS HOUSES, 5 HORSES. t.h* Property of Colonel the Hon. F. C. MoRQaN. M P., which have been reguiarly hunted ■ dunn¡ th p',r >a"OIL Ti,, HV.I;T FIORSFZ?, the Fra- perty of M. T..ou"'TT, E-q-, M F.H., which have been carrying he Master ami Servants this Season. .r?.? ROATH Cof'hTH?f HOt{sSs.!? );f' c. H. WILLIAMS, Esq., M.F.H. 2 HORDES, the Property of F, J. OlBRtDGB Bo LES, Fsq. 3 HORSES, the Property of JAXKS TL*«'XER, Esq. 3 HORSE" th" Property OF Kn.n*KB ALL?. EM. 3 g;: Property ol L?wt? '¥ ;i:jq, 2 HORSES, the Property of C- FIRHANK, K^q. Also HORSES from Sir MaTHXk-DiCKdox. Bart., HIKBKRR B. CIJRY, ES GOPKRRY T. CLARK, Esq F. MATTKHM. Esq., T. H. COWPKR-COLES, and Oihcrs. Also TWO PRk F" DACHSHUNDS. Immediate Ap plication ior StAlls is request- d. 86G96 HIGU-STitEKT. NKWt OUT. MoNMOUCHSHIRK. VALUABLE FREEHOLD "HOP AND FACTORY PREMI8E8 OF FOUR STOKKYS, WIIH A FLOOR ARKA Of NEARLY 12,000 FEET, WllfCH V1ES.SUS. \MH IAM GHAHA, SON, JL and HITCHCOXare instructe«l by th"M,)rt¡ale.1 to SELL by AUCTION at the W?Mto?)Mt. ?? rll W b; DCSIIAY. the 24th day of April, ""). at 2.30 for Three o'cl.<:if in the Afternoon, subject to such con- ditions as shall then be produced, ad that Modern and \\(.J!-built FREEHOLD SHOP AND OFFICE, B,i?2N,36 In the High-street, tg.th,r with the t i Or:i)UI;t tIt:h::t and the F.? "i?? Arch.. CeUau and BoUer Room under- neath. The Sh,p is of the followlngdlmensi >ns •— ft. in. Length, 29 9 Width, 14 10 Height, 15 3 The Office is 8ft. 7in. square by 13ft. 6in. la height. Th Factory comprisee-on the Ground Floor. Cutting llcom vi the following mn dimensions — ft. In. ft. I.. ft. In. 76 4 x 36 2 and 13 6 high. Capable, with the filed machinery u^ed by the late oWnr. of turning out 3,fc00lb». d tobacco per d. The Hrst floor is divided intQ four room, of the follow- ing mean dimensions ft. ft. In. ft. I n. Stoving Boom 37 x 34 :0 and 14 6 high Spinning Room 30 38 10 and 14 2 high to ,q"" e and open to ridge. rM?)n(?tqfn ?9xHtOtndM9hijj? Fitter'. Boom 21 7 0 Three w.o.'s and Large Iron Water Tank" On a Second F oor— ft. ft. In. ft. In. Packing-room Z9 x 14 10 and 10 9 high There is a capiUl business entrance with truutaie to the street at the back. THE CKLI.ARS, which were especially designed for bonded 5\ nre siU ate undr the shop and factory, the main entrance toifc^tn beini from th bruk aUeet. Th- I. A well en tbe p mf. which supplies wa-er ?"% qiiireme,it. The Shop, ffice, and F.ct ty I.,? .Inc- their rec. f?,r Iti?:, h n ?;,d by the lat Mr. Oponl F0ttjOflliH for ths, purpose of U!I bu,i- of a Tobacco Manutt;. f; which they were d.1g.?d and erected t ??!,y &_t ;}b i :b lj: t'jthe;lf:t. b? u.w1 In connection wIth wholesale alldrtal! businesses. Tt!e Cellan have for many y- been occupied by Mr. W?l,?, Henry Williams, 'W??'?d t?!rtr M'ero)M.t. M yearly tonant, at tbe very low tent vI £ 30. Ih. pmise. are subject to an apportioned annual Land Tax 01 158" and ore al.o subjeci t, Agree- mnt witll Lord Trp.h>¡ar &5 to fhe basements shown upon th Plan. and aj acknowledgment; therefor 5s. a year. Tlioftxed plant atid machinery (au inventory 01 which will be produced at the1 time of _Ie) must be taken by the purcl,?r at a valuation t.b: -d- by th A?,tio?rs. J b amount of such valuation will be stated at the time of sale. Immediate po'seioncalJ be ,bt,1..d. Further Particulars or caids to ?i,? apply to th Auctioneers, or U\ Meuu, WILLJAS Rnd CO,. Sollclton. M Newport, Mou. -cOWï\ÑÏDfH; NEWi¡RIÜ7t- MUNRE^Ei VBD 8ALB OF FAT SHEEP. R. JOHN THOMAS has rceied in- l' "tru('t.11)JU ? Thom.?. The G*. n. t BELL by AUC'110?i. TUE-4i'AY. A, i I ?j I h.I t9": by "'l:CTl? CRO?-XREU APÄ''i: A Week-, Keep Given It Muired. 8al» M Kle»en ,.m 8£027 LiVDIES cannot ?Mp breast with th? thf!} unlew they reguUrly rvad Faj<tKi>tE 1'4)<CI., l"UIU.U. A I'D lfaamowt In Hi. "WKVLT ILnur, '*?*'?*'??'?t<M9<I?ttt baIts bp Suction. PEMUROKE DOCK PBSIBABLti LKASKHOLD r«OPBRTIE5. MESSRS. UOWLIKQ UROS. (AUO- '\Hnf'r. to the L")rd Commissioners of the A,l Y) been instructed to SELL bv AUCTION' (subject to S""b conditions as .hall be then produced), al the Audi on "'1, Commercial row, Pembroke Dock, on WEDNESDAY, April 17th, 1839' th;> f-.tiowlng LEASEHOLD PROL' viz Lotl. All that double-licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE .?,l pK\stl t 1I';I:n'r:'I: I No. 20, L,wer p?l pwt-piitoo. Pnabroke Dock, containing "I l 11 littillg# Wttle and jug \pvartmlItt t. ?..U,. dwl?i,, at b.?k, :u"" .lItfY. four bedrooms, dresai.ig-ioom and w.c., spacious cellar, front and b.tck garden, and usual out oiffocs. This is offered suej oc to a lease granted to Mr. Eimm-rson. the Prt:I,ttAn\ntt for a tforo1 of the yea. (cow Decvuuuer 26th, 188b. at a low annual rent. Lot 2. Shop and Premises, No. 21, L>>wer Prospect- PI let W 'd Thomas Sloggett, Grocer and Irou- monger, at .1? P., aDnUaI. V" 1 A De ached H,,?. 1. tbe .r 01 Lot 2, I. the occupation of Alt. Dlx. at £10" year. Lots 1, 2, and 3 ace h*M under a loaso t<>v 60 years, 29th September, tlo yearly ground rent ot £ 2. equally 1\p¡iortlou" betwe<«n the three lots. Lot 4. A Cottage, being No, 78, High-street, III the occupation of Mr. W. Rogers at £ 9 a year. This lot Is held for a term of 00 years, Septemlter 29th, 1343, at au apportioned yearly ground rent (f 27s. All th property is substauti&lly built "nd In good condition. Bale at Two )'k. 10 per cent, 11 I'll Purchase I y: v;'aCIe c:¡: lJth}): when tho purchase h completed YOt particulars apply to Mr, W, Cox, Solicitor, Ade- laide-chambers, Swaujca, or to the Auctioneers, Pem- brok. Duck, For fail particulars ?e«» po^t-TS. 862C8 A LE THIS DAIT SALE OF LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. CANTON. PBNAKiH ROAD, AND CATUAYS, CARDIFF. MR. j R 'UNN has been instructxl to Z; L; l,y AUCTION, on XHUUSUAV, the llth Jav Of Ai)ri :B:. at the Royal Hùtd, l\"J.tr,l\lI1HCn o'olock In the Kvenine (nubject to ,uuh Conor.lulls a, shall ue theu anJ thvio produce J), 14e (ollowini; valuable LEASEHOLD DW£LL1:"G,I10t::3ES AND SHOP, COWBRIDCIE-HOil), CANTON. Lot 1. All tirat Dwelling house alld Premises, known a Torbey Houl. No. 36l, Cowbrl lge road, Canton, helol for a terui ot 9") veats, from February 2nd, 18io, at a ground rent of L? per annum, aud now in the xcupa, ti m of Mr. D. Edwards, at a weekly rental of 12s, The Preniis? ?ips st of front and W?4 parlour, kitchen, fitted with range scullery, with not and cold supply; coallhed, Ac., four bedt<>om" bath- room (hot and cold water), and titled throughutu with ^ai. PENARTH ROAD. wt 2. Dwellicg-h >use and Promises, known as Myrtle House, Cortm-terrooe, Pcnarth-road, now In the occu- pation 01 Mr. Hellier, at a weekly rental of lUs. 6d. Lot 3. Dwelling-house ftod Premises, knowfI. Salls. bury House, Coram-street, uow In the occupation of Mr. Thomas Jones, at a weekly renUlof 10.. Lot 4, D"ellin¡.hou.e ållù Premises, known as Stam- ford House, Coram-terrace, now In the occupation of Mt, H'o¡ob,f, at & weekly renta: of lOt. 6.l. wt 6. Dwelling-house and Premises, in Comm.ter. race, now In the cccupatlou of Air, George MlII, at a like rental. Lot 6..Dwelling-bouse and Prom I. in Coram-ter- race, now in thu OCcup;\tivn of Mr. George Gray, at a liko lental to No. 4 Lot 7. Dwelling-houie and Premises, in Coram-terrace, n w in the occupation of Air, Herbert Geoland, at a like rental to Lot 4. Lot 8. Dwelling-house anrt Premlsesln Col'tlm-tel'n1ee, now in the occupation of Mr. Henry Davlcj, at a like rental to Lot 4. Lot 9 llwllln,l,nd Premises in Colkm-te now In the _?."t i. of Mr. Morgan D""jc., at a Jiko rent1 to Lot 4, These Premises are held under leases for terms of 99 years respectively fro. 2lst, 22nd, 23rd, 2-tth, and 1; 't blb Ah' and 7th J.1y. 1888, .1 the following ground rr ?'t' viz.Lots 2, 4. 5. And 6 at £ 4 wb boim Lota 7, 8, and 9 at X4 41. tach bouse. LLANTR18ANT-8TREF.T, CATHAYB. Lot 3. All that Shop, Dwelling-house, and Premises, on th corner of Llantrisant-street and Cathays-terrace, Cardiff, held for a term of 99 years, from 2otti March, ltSW. at II ground rent or fin per annum. Thjt:" Prtm¡'es COf1si:it of shop, bakehouse and h ft, parlour, kitchen "lid scullery, 8 bedrooms, bath- toom alld w.c., 2 stables 81hl loft, coach-house, clIa", and large y.rd in rear of prmt& For (u'lber particulars aplY to the Auctioneer, West gate-chambers, Westgate-street, Cardiff; or to il COUSINS, Eq., Solicitor, 36CC6 16, St. bry-'tt, Crdiff. SALE THIS DAY. GREAT WESTERN SALEROOMS, PENARTH- NO1ll C&nVIFF, MR. J." HARRIS will SFLL by AUC- ..1. TION TO-DAY (THURSDAY), April 11, al two o'c¡""k, a Q ua Ity of HOUSEHOLD FC KNITCItE. AliI) &ml,¡¡raIJJ Pianoforte, under liistrew for Renl. 43J6-.U riUSLIMINAUY A.lNOU.lO:J.I¡';N1', TO BREEDERS OF PUKB-HRHD SHOltiHOILNA-ND HP.REi ORD CATTr.E, SHKorsuiuE BILEEP, and TO AGIUCUI.TURISTS QENEKAU/Y. MAINDIFF C 'CUT FAfUf, ABERGArENNY. HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE AND IMPORTANT SALE. MKSSUS. STRAKLR and SO ba,e 1,,1 n favo1re.1 with instrut¡iHj from the Kx^eu- wn of the late Crawshay Bailey, E*q., to 6ELLby AUCTION, at the above Farm, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, tue 2nd and 3rd May, 1389, the whole of the valu ble HERD OF PURE-BRED SHORTHORN AND HEREFORD CATTLE, Flock 0' Pure-bred Shropshire Sheep, Berkshire Pigs, Team of Cut and NLarge Assortment of most approved Modern Agricultural Implements an t Machfnery, and various other Effects, which wtllbe fully partlcularisffl in Catalogues, to be obtained Four- teen !Jayi Prior to the Sale.( Auctioneer' Offices Abergavenny and Pontypool. bp Pribate Contract. JPOLFSALARY PRIVATE CONTRACT. THE DAMAGED BARLEY. ex Weatergate (a), on Breaksea Point, from Noruronlak Blaok Bea, which will be delivered to purobaseri at any port In the Bristol Chanll<I, Offers slinu d be sent at once to JOHY BOVEY and CO., Lloyd's Agency, But. Doek., *ijtp*, kr., for &lilt. FOR SALE -Th e Paddle Stcamer F1: LADY 9AnY." Length 173 feet, breadth ZO feet. dopth 8 feet 3 inches. Two pairs owillating engine), by Blackwood and Gordon cylinder, 38 inches, stroke 45 inches. For further p.rtlclllar..pply to E Iward Finch and Co, (Limited), Chepstow, where the vessel may he seen iHyac. 86267 CrnUfiss ana Contracts. JG 11 0 FCARI)IFF. ROATH PAliK, CONTRACT 2. The CORPORATION of CARDIFF is prepared to RECEIVE 1ENDEHS for the CONSTRUCTION uf ROADS and FOOTPATHS, including TWO BhIDGIiS over Cmtll Brook, around Ih? 8 uthern portion 01 Park. AI." the DIVERSION of N vntwedal 8.,?d.11 Other Works contingent thereto. Drawings and Specification may be seen, and Forms of Tender obtained, at the Offie^ot Mr, William Harpur, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer, on and after Monday, 3th IlIat. Sealed tenders, endorsed "Tender for RQaù., Ac., Roath Park," to be deUveied "t ray Office on or before MONDAY. 15th Inst. The lowest or any tender will not neccssaiily be accepted. 11\' Order, J. L. WHEATLEY, ToH-n clerk. Town-hall, Cardiff. 4th April, 1889. 86204 Bl*IU>EliS desirous of TENDERING for ADDITIONS .1 LLAN"A.-ilON can 8« PLANS nd 8PKCIKICATION, nd obtain QUANTI- TIES, at mv OFFICE on and aft<T APR] L I .1&;9. lender, to be sent in on or before FRIDAY, 19ili April, 1889, addressed to Sir J. L. E. Spearman, itart.. L!anlIlIJor, near Cowbrldge, and endumd outside, '1 Tender for Additions." Bit J. SpeAtman does not bind himself to accept 11.. lowest or any Ten Jer. J. P. JONES, Architect, 27, Park-street. Cardiff, April 6, 1889 &za TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS.— TWANTFD1.?edi?l?l?.FSTIMA'rEg for R!' MOnSG LAHG: QCAN'TITIBH of SLAG IIP, and CLEARING a SPACE "I GliOUND.-Alply Pombrey Copper Works, Burry Port. £ 6210 LEWIS AND LEWIS. ^LTERATION OF PIZEMISES. EXTENSIVE ADDITION OF THREE LARGE SHOW ROOMS, N°, 23 & 24, DUK"STEEEI' cARDIFF. GPECIAL ^INE JYVRS' (^ALE, APRIL 4th, £ ^h, 6th, 8tb, Oth, 10th, llth, 12th, 13th. LEWIS AJSTD LEWIS I Will OFFER the whole of their Immense BTOCK of Valuable JlURNITURK, BEDSTEADS, AND BEDDING, AT THE ENORMOUS BEDUClION Of PER 20 CENT, FOR CASH ON PURCHASE OR DELIVERY ONLY, Goods alllowed to be Booked will be Charged at Usual Prkes, The Public should take advantage of thla Grand Opportunity of Purchasing Hlgh-cla,, Good, at Lower Price, than ar. obtained for Inferior .lIole. ALTERATION OF PREMISES, EXTENSIVE ADDITION OF THREE LARGE SHOW ROOMS. Na 23& 24, Duke'Stueet' c All-I)IFF. L E W I SAN D L EWIS. I J lJ 86m JONES BROTHKRS, PRINUIPAL lULL- POSTBII8 AND DRUVEKERS. HIGII.arI RE;LI. NEATH. AND BRITON FERRY. lrcu\.ar8 Addressed and Delivered. Bill-po,tet« to the Great Western and Neath and Brecon Railways and the Principal Auctione n, LeMees of the Principal Poailng t>lllc"- 33613 INVENTORS, would-be inventors, and all interoted In Invent ons .hould read the Special Illustrated Aniuie wwoli appear, 10 Lbg 4, WzjvALT MAU. orerj weeit, local Boarli eittttmw. Y" STR,VDYFtSirWonL6CAl7^0TRD JL ELSOTIOZr. TO THE ELECTORS OF Xo, ? WABD. LADIES AND GKNTLKMIQC,—I beg to thank you most Ooi dlally for the Honour you hare do lie me In returning ME at your Bopresentative 00 the above Board by so substantial a majority. Trusting that you will have DO cause to regret your choice* I hare the Honour to remain, Indies and Gentlemen, GRIFFITH THOMAS. Mnr-ly House, Mardy. 86283 ,bIte i^otfctiS. I-I-\X;X):d'-Ã:'TI:Có'ÙlíõiiVí.; AND AN1T FOUL1NG COMPOSITION FOB SUIP0' BOTTOMS. N 0 T 1 0 B Messrs. W. B. DICK and CO. (Limited)* of London, 1.1v"P'?ll, Ul-,g,?w, the Assig.'i-es ,f the ltt". P.t?r N?.7?. o?t?iO' tI:tJ'I"O ;Ë;e:: LANTYNE HANNAY, GI.g.?, for"A new and improved Anti-foulingand Anti-corrosion Oompound or Mixture, Applicable for Preventing the Fouling of Btrpi' Bottoms and ?!h,, Submerged Structures, ItE Ul ?'NjlCN t?.tt tb'y h.. COECE1>n ACTION AGAINST the eali JAMES BALLAXUNE HANNAY for au InJunction to _train the said JAMES B?LANTME'?A?NA?f?n' Manufacturing, Selling, or U?)t Anti-t.??ng and AnU-corr08ioll C?pound? M?nuf.?tu?d )n the "er Protect? by the Mdd L,Uc'u p.tent Md W. B, DICK and CO. Further Give Hotice that they will take LhOAL PROCEEDINGS against all Peru ons Manufacturing, Selling, or Using any Anti-fouling or Anti-oorrosiou Compounds that I imruige the saul Letters Patent. L7133 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ? PAHTXbRSHIP t?eiy ?b,i,t,,? between ,S,IEI'JUOIIAH ^AVITS and EDWARI) N,? L) ?N MSMXULRLH ,RI J,OMHNISO,N, aurrylng ON HuslneM at Cardiff, und?th..ty? or tinn of I?vte,. Joll and Co., has this d.tv been DISSOLVED by mutual consent A- ?it. Ind. th,. Fourth dav of April, 1889. TH ? Ag DAV1ES, ? itnCM to the :)f:r?nc hereof by ThomM DtftM. Hashit 11. I'LITLII, Solicitor. Cardiff, E. .joHN'ON. Wi:? to th?)e..ir? hereof bv Ndwjrd??)??n.  A:hQLKD!W'Ic:.l.!fli._ PLHSLAN1' to the Aot of Parjmment. 22nd and 23rd Victoria, Chapter 2S, <nt,tuM"An Act to Further Amend ?'' ?" ?'? and to Relieve NOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all Creditor, and other P<r?m tiavit!g ,D.ad, pi,,st :,e,r.ïD.t 'lvIIL"Ite':f= Puntypoo) and of T?ywit. n?r P-1-tY -1. bth In the,tlp .?..1 T,?,tl?in IldItp Motinioutli, Grocer aud Provision Merchant, ?ecmted '"ho dfedon the 2tu day of Nor^nbef, ??, and ?hoM will WM .r.11d in the Llandafr Di"rict Registryot the probto Division of li? IJ&j.?tyI. kIIV Court f justice oil the 2.3 rdd.y f18W, Ree, W? I IlJ. of PfUMth. n<-er Cardiff. In the Countv of GUaioriran, ?tr?Groc<r.?dth.?Mr.dJohnW.tti.m..?Lo?.r W-ti,?d G- Fontypooj.tfortMid Baptist Minister, the t?ecutort ihereln named), are Htr<b? Required t?,,nd the Pariicular. In 7'?'? 01 their Claim, or ?"°" to me, the undersigned, the Solicitor for the -ld ExecutOM on or before the let Day 01 ?U,Y' 1889, 'f"' which dM the ?'d E?utor. will pr 10 ,t., the i?d D_ amont the pf-rM?t ent?ied th.n-to. having r?rd on!v to the I 8b¡;atæa;,ifey t:bIh. 1I01l, aud tbey ,Of t be Liable for the AMett of the said D-d. any part Ibereol, 90 Dlatrlbuted to i R"y er*°" or F" of wh-l' cl-l- or De..ud, tby Ill' I "h?v? bdN'"I Dated this 81b d"v of Ap,il7le89. .<-? T. W4TKlNR, FontTtW)), I _92 Solicitor for the Eitcntort. NOIICE.—Owing to alterations, A, and G. NTAYLOR,S Pho?grtphie Establishment, Du?e- "?' Aardi1' wil1 be ^W>8ED for EIGHT DAYS. from 'JUDAY, llh and will M-"FBKED t!A?X HOUDAy. Owing to re-bu?dtn); ot .tudlo Md esle",lon of preml- we ar. timl compelled to refuse siuiugs fur the time mentioned. 4295s20 rpiIE BANKRUPTCY ACT; 1888, IN BANKRUPTCr. ? nTrs HENRY PARKEli, of hb.r, 1111. CaI:" :,me.:f;I:ilct itílewt Monmoutlishhe, Solicitor. Caerau-roadN, EWPORT. MO. No. tZ f 1%9. ReoeIlnj( Orû<r ,,d? bth April, 1889. b-?.rY Ad-iilt;-til)?, 6th April, Date of Adjudication, 6'.h April, '889. I)aef lirt M"ti". 2: tb April, 18M, at Hth,e OfficiUa,l Recei.ver s office. 12.Tredegar-place, Newport, Monmouthshire, at Twelve Noon. DaLe of Public L'xamlratidn, 2nd M-T. 1&'9, at To"o. fa,ill, Aewport, Monmouthshire, at Eleven A.m. G? H. LLEWELLYN. Omci.t! Hecefver. »II 'T'e;.I;.)ei,cotece¡ver, I HN at. ed V.1V 0th L April, 1BS9. 86"96 'pIE BANKRUPTCY ACT; 1t!83, IN BANKRUPTCY. THOMAS DAVIII,3, TS5, Duffryn-street. M-un- tain Ash, Glamorganshire. B llder and Contractor. ABKKDAHE. No. 7 of 1839, ]ce¡vinl Order lDad March 27th. 18". STUM?1 0RDTR '°' SU,NMIRJ' AdMiUl3tmtlon, April 8th,I&;9. Date of Adjtilimt ion, March 27th, JM9. D?to aud Place of First Meeting, Af),il im, at Tydtti" A M t lhe omci?) I'ECS.VE. A oaice. M?r,hyr Tydl,,? .fAI)rll 29th. 1889, at Vate 01 Public Examlnall'JII, A",II 29th, 1889, at 10,30 a m" at the e''i'i, 1;¡iltI¡(Cel\'er, Aùd. 65 HIgh.streel, Merthyr rydlll. Dated thj Ib" Y "'A" ??' ? 86301 THE B.\KHl.2'Y 'Ü5't;-i883 IN BANKRUPTCY.  fk THOMAS MORGAN, of 13, Uuiou"treet, Ponty- pridd, Glamorganshire, Butcher. of 188\ NYPI 1)D,,f 1&19. H'cctcing Order made ,6,? March, 1089. Date of Order ?"°'"? Administration, 28th March, 1859. Date of Adjudi?tio, "th 31s?h, 1889. D.te Mid P?ce of First M?eti.?. ?rd April, 1889, at Twelve ??)on, at the OHieia) Receiver's uaiee, Merthyr lyd uL T.V Late -1 Public ?tMttntton, 3Cth April, 1889, at Two p.m., at the ('ort-h?u. Pontvprldd. W ? DANIEL. Official R??,tv,r, Ad< M. 6? Hie?treet?r't?r ??.' ??' t'Iiori5;í'1tpr,.í TydIJI. æ.JJO ?HK B.k,S?kft L??l 0 Y-ACF, IN BANKRUPTCY. Re ALFJiPD HILL, of 6, Hope-cott.igej, CwmtUlen, Monmouth,hire, Clieckwelgher -J THMI) EGAP3 of 1 Bn. Rtce??nj; Order nmde Aprt) 3rd. t889 BTHFV' °RJER '°R ?'? ?"'inittr.ti)n. API'ill 6th,1809. Date of Adjudication. April 3rd, 1889. Date and Place of first Meeting. April 24th, 18S9 at Tydfil P m'' at the Omcf.) HeMivtr'.omee.M?h)r TY, Dote 0' Pub!h Ezaml, May 3rd, 1889, at 10,30 a.lII.. at the County-court Office, Church-street, Tre- degar. Recover A Ire,, 65, nlgh"lr" M.rlhyr Tyda) D-t,,l d;l? of ? I, 1. 1881). SRMZ ht\VUE A.UAL Sl'OICl'.s AND  ROME HACKS, APRIL Z?h.-Ope.. Mile Uandip and Qu!\rtr.mile H'IIIJJcap. Eutrie. J!o,e Apnt 17tU, to E. W, Nell and A, (hrnett H? BF-,CT- 8&82 J ,f'i IIEAT WESTERN RAILWAY. 'r'lT EXPRESS TRAIS ut> run DAILY (S..d.y. etcepted?. ineof?unctiun wtththe London and North K-E?TfRIL "'I' 'Y' 8 t,R?"WSBUHy .hdHERE- LINF"CA1,DIF'dL iVEI,poOL. MLAMOW: and AKDIRJI HUKSH. and the NORTH n< ENGLAND and "COTLA,ND generally, leaving CARDIFF at 9 25 a.m.. 350 and 7 15 p., DY TR?L' wnnectlng w'th this Mrvleeto.tnd frurr LLA?hLL?, .-WANtiEA. N .ATH. BmM&KND "KFJ -tt." itaftou). the ti.??l O^»PLED betw,,?!.? Tlt!o\LtttI:: le NOXTH ¡CIE11'L I/ElJl'CED. THMOtGH CARRIAGES If?o. CARDIFF, and 1UROUGU FARES are in operation between all principal statious. ^7109 HY._ LAM BERT, General Manager. Y?AT' HFUIW and CORK, and the whole i' ollhe 80UTU of IRELAND, pel Faat Tr.l.. ou tho GREAT WI?d,Tl ILW -rf"] AI'KAM.SHIPS ria N1ILKORD HAVEN. The Waterfoid Steamers mn dally. The Cork 8t<?et. tM?New?or't Tuesdays. THURSDAYS, ?""?'' and "'? ?on.!?,: Wedtie Y?d ,da, Jfnefuranrc compantcs, c. ACCIDENT IXSURA??COMPANY A([,IMITEI)), 10, KT. BWITHIN'8 INNE, LONDON, E.O. Oisuui PKRSONAL tMURlM. L; tIO: Agents throughout W. Its. ^0 ?""? '°"'e'.° ?AM!NG.Mt.)tger. cA V E N D I S 11 U S E CHELTENHAM, Attention 18 re. )p<'ctfu?y directed t-h. S 'lor A K I N G pc?-M for THEVO8 TA RESSMAKINO, d-ll* of High -1-^ .1.. DR8SE8 and MANTLK8. We have secured the services of Cutters and Fitters ot the tirst r-k. and Can Guarantee the Perfection of FiL and btyle. aud btyle. M ENTI! belUII: :ad DYSIGNS, t,, MODRL GAR. PARIAN Artufes. U°M ?'' ? Beoow? CIOSTDMES, PATTERNS of MATE- cRIALS SKETCHES of PTYLES W,,t on ppil.ti?n 35, 0, 45/ 6o/ 63/- rot DBES?'Ea' °*?''° CAVENDISH HOUSE COMPANY (Limited). [79370 KNl I T T I N 0w ORSTEDS AIND K NIT T I D II 0 S I E R AT MILL PRICKS. A CARDIFF BRANCH OF THB GREENOCK WOKSTl.D MILL YARN STORKS HAS BEEN OPENED BYTRR SPINNEILS AT 26, HIGH^TRKET AKCADE. Branch. AgenU In Bvery Town In Bugland and Bcothmd. Aten? W?ttd"i? the S.?lIr T.$ in W.I.App y U? FLEMING, REII), AND CO., GREENOCK. 81898 T ) 1HI-. HOUSEHOLD Column in the JI. WR?LY MAIL" ULL Housewives should look for Mr«. Helpful's chatty and invaluable Ar?)cie<on'HouM' hoid Mmsiiement. 4c for Sew ami Tl?d Help, ul all "It- dlr-ctl\' or Indirectly connected with Ho.w work and the Household. II RE:\D;; IDBI8WYN'S. Comm\!ntion Welsh XV M.N Md Matters iu THE NIWT Ct nm WW." ^uWctCompaiur^, t. Tbe LIST of APPLICATIONS will OPEN on THURB- t'bD¡í8rlft?If?tJ<J P or t?Coa.rJi:: ])4Y: am 15th. 'or TOWN, and the 16th, for ti, COUSTRY ¿:rIoS: om 60 Old-established B4ken' i?.w yiel,fl-g .el, prolUs of Z,9 b% per Fit r Mill, hl,!I? Itt, the preaent trade of 1,)9i "I'll p r week, lecured by the h'pl, w\ll yield (e, Accountants' (Vrtitloate) further p -fit' of 43.&00 per annum, Or Iu all per annum. 20 PER CENT, ON THE CAPITAL ,P THE COMPANY. which income is ?.pet,,d to considerably Increase. THE LONDON AND WESTMINSTER TBREAD COMPANY (LIMITBD). Incorporated under the Ooinpinioa Acts, 18?2 to 1886, whereby the ii.bl:ity olto the amount of their Shares. Oapll.al £120,000 In 84,000 Shares of.e5 each. Payable follows 10s. per SWare on Application; £ 2 per Share on Allotment; £ i bs. per Share One Mont h alter Allotmeut; and the balance, viz., £ 1 6s. per Share, T* Mouths after AU"lmel\t, or Siiareliuldera m,p???v in full on allotmeut, the Hharea ranking for Div f d,,jd rd g to the -.1 pid up. It I. intended to :d; leom:O,I I,,r;u U;Of:lttt?o';<; st- Exchange. Allo tnit)iit.wbe made, as far as practicable, in the order of application. DiRxnofu. •PHITJPP GEnTTAlt L) (Past Chairman of the Camden aud Kentish Town Association of Master B.ken). 63, Prince .1 Wales-crescent, N. l. FREDERICK J. BKNNE1T, 9, 8t. Andre,Ntree¡, Holhorn, i/ondon, B.C. (Director of the Lomlou "nù County Breail Company, Limited). CHARLEM SPENCER, Beaufort Mansions.Queen Anne's- gaGtel, LMOUR, Leadeuhall buildingSt London, B.C. (Director ol the Loudon aud Cuuniy Brvad Company, LludteJ). -a FORGH HOWE (late Man"Rer of the Western Coun- m H.?.1iaIIIAlÎnr,:fOp:e;{I':n'G: Bath. "JHlona' DIrrctor. ,Il) be elected by the Share- holdr. at the Fir,, General Meeting. "Will join the Board ulI"lInll'lellol1 oil the Purchase. BAKKltRS.-Tm: i ONSOLIDATED BANK (UMITED), t-2, Threadneedle-street, London, B.C. BROKKR.—J. YKLLOLY WATSON, fttook Exchange, and 6, C"plh"lI.buliùIIlK', London, E.O, 90LICI,WR. ?"HNTH MASI?ATSON.23,Leadenhall- street, London, E.O. AtwlTol<S.-JOllN F LOVERING aud CO., Chartered Accountants, 77, Oreaham-street, Loudon, B.C.; HERBERT WATKINS and CO., Chartered Accuuu- tants, Moira chambers, Ironmongei-lane, E.C. 88CRKIAKV (pro tem.).—ALFRED UPRIGHT. TxwP'HAny Offices.—4, CUPTHALL-BUILDINGS, LONDON. E.C. PROSPECTUS. OBJECTS 0" OOMi,NT. This Company is formed for the purpose of purchas- IUIIIIÙ taking over 60 Old-established Bakers' Businesses carried 011 for many years past in main thoroughfares of various ile .sely pocuiited parte of London, and also an extensive and valuable Freehold Flour Milli ilh mpa??ity sufficient to !upply the whole 01 the 8bopI, tbu. forming a "tied" trade In it0 -ziner as licensed houses are tied to a Brew? PROFITABLE IUTURE OF BIT8IRB&9, The business of Bakers, even as at present conducted, h very profitable, as will be seeu by the Accountants' Certificate herein, l ut ou the large scale upon which the business of this Company will be conducted iln. P..t.,?t economies wIll r.,ult be.ldeo wblch the Com- pany, having it. own Flour Mill, -111 I.t., the profits ..w '11 by 1¡:1I:r !,Oí.II,r;a; t': Shops, and the result cuuuot fall to Lv highly lotbfaetory to the Compauy. FLOUR WILLI. Tbe Steam Flour Milis ncqulred by the Com any are tu.t.d t Milit,?,?kontgeb..?k. of the Tbam"e, and known as the Imp-rial Mills, They are of substaniialconstruction, and are equipped wilbau excellent plant in thorough working order. Pa" WZT PROFIT*. The Baken' 8tUY ,elooted, and have [- ,e, .L. t=, Y. ,,f wi?i?l? can be stil,further ro?n w". an I a. the trade is entirely a cash one, all ilk of bad debt. 1, eliminated. The Book, ,,d A-t, ?f Sh,, h. 'e?,, ,?d by M,.rHerbert W.tki- ?,?d sh 0,,t,? ed A- kill. (who are well acqu.lnwd with the 'Inde), od they report that the average consumption of Flour was l,l wks per week, and tije net prollit, a ,f14irr paying all usual ..Per- .1 I?, Shops, was pw.rd, I, 219"0' pll I Runtlm. Thv have also e1amin the Books of t? Flour Ill'nd find that this weekly output of 1,194 1.?k,, d,?liv md to the w,, Shop, P'.?..t :d':t a further :II:"£:; .u" The total profit therefor". flom them two oure? amount t? over £23,30 Perwhieb is nearly 20 per oent. ou the entire capital of Ihe Company. PROFIT SHOULD INCRKA8K. The CompallY InlId at onee to e't an ed<1nlJVe stBuffi e t t.upply all 11. Shops, and from h. estimates, hil, have been prepared o. the basis :'h'tblt;,W.Iln:at,lIofï..ac per week, a mving of £6.0&; peranimtu in making the Brend may be c-xi?:ed.The I)Lrwton are lAegOtiaLl?g for A -it.b 1..1. near the Miil.. ¡ 8U':lii¡': 'al.'b.(, that the Pl. it, from these various sources should result fit divideiitis of from) to 30 per cent, on ihe Capital of the Compauy. PROFITABLE NATURK OF DREAD COMPANIES. As showing the remunerative character of Bread Com. panies. reference is made to the tollowing — TheAeratedBrtadCompanv's £ ShaitSarenow guoted on the Loudou Stock t 4:5 to A:5 per cent., or 400 percent, premium—-the last dividend paid l, the Company billK 4b per Jlt. per annum. The Bristol Bread Company i>ay dividends of 35 per c per annum. cent, (Limited) (Capital £ 280,COO), a B ad COin- pany ,Irtd In l. b, I n, May I..t, declared an "i di. Novemr last of 10 per cent. THE PRB.ClS AND JOIST TOCJt UAKhRlKS. The Financial News, of Wednesday, 9th January, 18K9, in a leading artxlo on «Mut-Siouk Bakeries," lays JOINT-STOCK DAKKRIES. "Every year 1.. it. b. m. Wh^t will e the b- of 1rert;!r:Î ,i fo-m of 'Iltl¡i wI)Ib tielk to have a boom of more or kss importance, alltt that indus- try 15 breaU-baking. Some Umt" ago the FitUViCial Aetcs took occasion to polu" out that the manufac ure of bread Is not less profitable than the manufacture of beer and other wrom. "i?l's too '.u .u. to mention. The A,t,-d Bread Company, after passing through broken be>«s, has uIHt"ubtd!y ?ile,i I,?w .th .d ple.aøallt watu, l Shuhohter who I, ,t Mlislid with a divideud 0125 per cent.—exclusive of Hit share bonus allocated by this Company in Oo'ober last (of 5s. per £ l share) must. inli?d, 00 difficult to pl?ee It I. obvious that what has been done In Lc,?doM.; very well be done In the luge towns in all part. of the country. Nor Is it In the lust degree surprising, for brnd. like water, 110 household can do without. The demand b universal. It is true that the 8upply Is forthcoming, but it is not the best that can bo reasonably expecrel f,p,I-tld.r, Bak?ries III pop ul.us towns ,variiall y re profits to their prol',ldon. Itlewhm the trade requlr upwards of 50 .?k. of Hour thai the advantage ot machinery (3 at once ex- perienced. From that level B,?d Company mav enlarge It, business step by atep, with first-class uit? I to Shareholders. use ° modern machinery aud the 't h:nprovd patent o?? will give !uch an underl:l it" dvaiiZge over competing b.k?, At I)r?ent, iotwitb.Landing our bo"W advance In .t., I- and be operation of tbe F.?-? Act., but too much of tit.I,ofIit? 1.uf. 'u, ? 'd?r I.- jurious conditions, of which the consumer knows little or nothing. Only In a well-appoiu ed modern IRCtory can Immunity be oecured from the objectionable in- of 8m lit' aud dirt. A Company with a relatively moderate capital, aud vteil-oMceied. which can guarantee su h immunity, and supply a superior and uniform Iual at Iho ord imty price 01 -1?let?l)ld bread, nnut, sooner or later, attain conspicuous success. MANAGEMENT. Tho Mills will be immag' d by Mr. Sidley, who has .cted in thRt cp?,city i.1 ..111 f? a col"' derabi. period, -d who w" I knowH on .he hi r. ;N:(p rt: i:tCIt'¡Ir'hhi\'ell an d Kentish Town A,-I.ti-, of M.,t,?r H.k??, .?d Mr. Georgr Howe, late Manager of the W eSI ern Counties' Bleam B"k.rIel and Milling Company (Limited), both tboroubly practical men, will ma -and personally Visit each Shop every week. PRICE T) BE PAID FOR PH PKRTr. The price fixed by the Vendor for the Fre^hofd Flour Mills, i1lClu,1I1I11 all Machlllery KUÙ Plant, with the Mxtur s, I'ittln^, .,I L*KS<?S of the 60 }wp" has been Ihed tC 03.9&0, of whi?h tw.-It?i?d, Iiii be Oaøb and .a hi,d I. dhares or Cash, at the option of the Directors, CONTRACTS. The following are tile Contracts which have been enie.ed 1,,t-( C ..L dated 8lh April, 889, between William Westrup f the one oart, Rnd C. Brown of the 01 h.. part; (2) Contract dated 9 b April, 1839, between William Evans of the one part, and the said (J. Biown of tn othc part (3) Contract dated 9ih April, 1889, bt.? C. B, the one part, and F. IInwlll, a6 1, a. f., Le Company, of Lb" tl?er part, The Vendor, Mr. Brown, is the Promoter of the Vol pany, and wi I pay nil in coiineotlon with the t't;: ali\l) I the 'ë:epI,utet1o'C:1t: including Printing. Ad -g,il LI?",g.. ,?p to li?e first,n reintlo?i to these the Vendor h.. ?,.d Into certain arrangements, which mav oonstUute Contracts within the meaning «.f be 38th I'wllou 01 ,b c't?- le'it. 1867, amiappl on storStiare3wit lW,?uir?z t) waiv. ti?e ins-rtion of the datesand names of ;:tr'h:' to any euoh Con- -qu' d Y such section. In the event of no Allotment being made, the Depo It will be return- d in full, without deduction. Should a less number 0' I:Ih.es. allotted than that applied for, the balance will be applied in reduction of tll", amount due on Allotment. The above-mentioned Contracts, together with the Articles of Association and the Accountants' Certificate and Bcbodule of the Businesses to be acquired, cau ie Inspected at the Ofti e, of ihe Company. Prosp otusesand Formsot Application can be obtained of rhe Bankers aid Brokers, or of the Secretary, at the Offices of the Company. ACC0UNTANT8' C.-IIICAT.. The following I. the C,r: I'i?te .f the Accountants before referred to t— Moira chambers. 1tonmo"Ker.lane, II Cheapside, B.C., 2lat March, 1889. u GUTLE1UUf,-WfI have ezamined the huoks alld amulkl. 01 tl,,I Bake. I' businesses proposed to be taken over b' Ihe Lonùn" and W,?t,.ih.tir Bread Company (Limited), comprising lo all sixty shops, of ?1,1?h a Sh.dul? U attaclied hereto. IV fl,?, therefrom thaI. tue present aggregate consumption of Flour at the a*>d Shops amounts to 1,194 sacks per week, and that this is brlngiug iu a net Profit at the rate of £19,ë04 per We understand thai your Company have also acquired the Frmho!d Flour Hilh known the Impe- rial MIIII, ?t Weatmin,ter, iLu.td ou tt?? b,?.,k" of r. Thames. To the prolit oertifted abovo should, therefore, b. added tbe h')I-i -It' t?i.I? .1'*u'd '-u' on the husineM doue by tbe Mill in .u iyi,?, the-bop. I wilh Fl" ur, On n-utg)ul Of 1,l) o Backs per week. bleh trade would be Isurd by lhe demand of T-l Shop.. this should "pp"lm.t 1.0 frth, u..1 We .,?, .r ttal of M. 3 0 4 yjFium. £ 3.800 pvr onnum or a total of £ 24,304 iH-r annum. GY..re Iitt? ?u,ri (Sig.,d) HERI ,T WAI',nd CO., H Chartered Accountants. "To the Directors of the London and Westminster Bread Company (Limited)." L7136 sIMNEL QAKKS. ALMOND pASTE CAKES, SPLENIID EASTER PRODUTION. Thotuand. sold In Lancashire and Yorkshire. 28, 6D. BACH, IN BOXH3, ONLY FROM g T HVEN S, FRENCH CuNFEOTIONEB, QAItDlFF. SPECIAL CHosti HUNS FOR GOOD FRIDAY. Order, now being taken. 86269 WATERPROOF COVERS AND HORSE LOIN wCLURHS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, COATICI) WITH PHILLIPS IMPKOVED SPECIAL (;uAI POSl rWN. Full particulars on applicativlI to he Manufacturer, OHARLKS D. PHILLIPS, NEWPORT, MON. A good covering for Ihe loins of ahorse during the cold and wet weather I. as good al ao eatn, feed of oorn peQ, 83188 IOANŒL ()WhN & OO/S ABU K¿¡LW4r T'lMB TABLES, ,U. Only one pt, D"i iD Wm. rri-Id. 2-. P?-I by i. It. Mary-street, ÐtImt55 s PRING, 1889. B. EVANS AND COMPANY Have now displayed In their Showrooms a 1\1 A G N I F ICE NT S T 0 C It or CABINET FURNITURE, CARPETS, FURNISHING DRAPERY, 4!IJ) HOUSEHOLD IRONMONGERY. DBAWIKG HOOM, DINING-ROOM, LIBRARY, AJTD BEDROOM FURNITURE in aU Woods. WICKER, RUBH, AND BAMBOO GOODS, BRITISH AND FOREIGN MANUFACTURED CARPETS, Including Brunei,, Tapestry, Kidderminster. Royal and Patent Axmln3ter,Fereian,and Turkey Carpets, The Carpet ol the Beaton, "THB IIOIAL SAXONY B8U88ELB." LINOLEUMS, FLOORCLOTHS, 4c. KARA, CANTON, CHENILLE, ORIENTAL, CBOSB ORRIPE, AND OTHBB CURTAINS, And CURTAIN MATBITIALB In Great Variety. HOUSEHOLD IRONMONGERY AND DOMESTIC MACHINERY of Every Ufscription. BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, &c. All Bedding Made on the Premise, and Guaranteed Pure. MAIL CAUT3, PERAMBULATORS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. With all the Latest Patents and Improvementl. DINNER, TEA, AND BREAKFAST SERVICES TOILET SETS, aw, A VISIT OF INSPECTION RESPECT- FULLY INVITED. Temple-street, Swansea, April llth, 1889. 81496 LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEATFor Improved and Bconornlo Cookery. The onh. sort ever ranteed genuine by JUSTUS V, ON LIEBIG. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT.-Pluest Umt-Plavouring Stock. Use It for Soups and Sauces. Uset.t ),a Di'h.. Use it for Fish and Game Sauces. EM.I?nt T..I.. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEATHighly reoomraended as a lflahtoap Inlwad of Alcohol. Gflnnlne only with facsimile of JUSTUS VON LI KBIG'SSlGNATUBBln BT,UF INK across Label. ASK FOR LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF U MEAT With BLUE SIGNATURE. L6932 SWANSEA. B0HWEITZKK8- u_- c 0 C 0 AT IN A. (QCHWEtTZ HR'-?COCOATINA. '? Antl-Dys"ptic C?oa or Chocolate Powder. S CJIWEI'FZER'S COCOATINA. Guaranteed Pure, Soluble Cocoa. SCHWEITZER'S C- OCOATINA. The Lancet sa)" this Is Genuine Cocoa, oontalns no Sugar, Starch, or other Adulteration. Is very soluble. Au excellent article. SCHWEITZER'S COCOATlNA, Most Nutritious, Perfectly Digestible Beverage. c 0 C 0 A T I N A. J L27224 45. FarrlngJon-street, London, E.C.





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THE ABOLITION 01' .C,%'i'i…

