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SBatb St Mkg of eitfflanU £ >& oto *"—■ *— JJATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND sHOW, NEWPORT. VISIT QHAJILES D. pHILUPS'S LARGE AND VARIED COLLECTION, SHEDS 1 AND 22, STANDS 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, AND 134, Clon to Entrance on Left-hand Side, FOR JGJNQINES AND JY/JACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, AGRIQUI/TURAL IMPLEMENTS, OARTS AND WAGONS, RICK-SHEETS AND WATERPROOF COVERS, L EATHER B ELTING, PATENT LOCK-JAW ROOFING TILES. PROPRIETOR OF PFJILL113SS MONTHLY MACHINERY REGISTER." JGJMLYN WORKS, NEwpoftT. BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW. BY FAR THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF CARTS. WAGONS, VANS, AND CARRIAGES, CAN BE SEEN AT THE BRISTOL WAGON CO.'S STAND, No. 190, 224 FEET LONG. AGENT- CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, FARMERS' GENERAL SUPPLY STORES NEWPORT, MON., STAND NO. 134, CLOSE TO ENTRANCE. ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE. 80728 JJATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND >8HOW. ^ffPORT MEETING. TO LARGEST COLLECTION or AGRICULTURAL JMPLEMENIS in on SHOW YARD A* D UTFIELD AND FROST'S STAND No. 183, SHED N0. 20. 10775 gATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND I' SHOW. ¡- NEWPORT MEETING. SHED No. 6. STAND No. 81. J. gESSlONS AND s ONS, CARDIFF AND GLOUCESTER, LARGE JGJXHIBIT OF ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE GOODS, GRATES, HEARTHS, kc. <0773 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW, NBWPOITT KBBTING. SHED NO. ♦, STAND 48. LMON AND SONS, ENGINEERING WORKS. THE HAYES, CARDIFF, Will EXHIBIT their NBW JPATENT CHAFF c UTTERS, WHICH SHOULD BE BEEN Br ALL BUYBRS BBFORB PURCHASING ANY OTHAR. No jointed tplndltt, no oonapiioated parts, one quarter of the gearing, twice the ttrength, takea le" power. lmpoulble to choke, and BOLD AT SAMS PRIOKS AS OLD COMPLICATED MAOEEINES. ALSO LEMON11 PiTENr CORN-CRUSHING AND BRUIBING MILL. 80789 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW. NEWPORT MEETING. SUED 25. STAND 138. THE CARDIFF AND COUNTY c OAC H Bu, LDING c-IOMPANY (LIMITED) Bee respectfully to Invite an INSPECTION of the SPLENDID II QOLLECTION OK QARRIAGES WHICH THEY WILL HAVE ON VIEW AT STAND No. 139 At the abo,e SHOW, and whloh will be found to be of the MOST APPIiOVJm STYLB and FINISH. SPSCJAUTS—lbt CARDIFF AND CODtfTXOABT. for Tandern or aliigle Harnew HENRY G. LONOBURIT (Labe of MoNaught and Oompany, Woroetter), ] 80786 MANAGER. STAND 63, UNCOVERED GROUND. JAMES CRISPIN AND SONS, NELSON-STREET, BRISTOL, Exhibit Spedment of their PORTABLE ORNIINHOUSNE. AN ORNAMENTAL CONSERVATORY, AN ORCHID HOUSS, with Improved Syttem of Heating and Ventilation, A LARGE SELECTION OF UARDEN FRAMES, HAND-LIGHTS, HOT-WATBB BOILERS, and APPLIANCES. 87580 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW. SHED 15. STAND 114. jpOWELL JJROTHERS AND wHITAKEIZ, CAMBRIAN IRONWORKS. WREXHAM, J Are Exhibiting on above Stand ( MOWERS AND REAPERS Boyal Boeletyl 7int prin I POTATO DIGU E n. FOOD PREPARING MACHINERY. Bait X OTfSt of GnsUnfli BATH AND WIST QF ENGLANl) SHOW. XBWPOBT MEETING, IMS. JOHN FULLER AND COUPANY, 14 AID 15, WORXING-STREST, CARDIFF, AND ST. GEORGE'S-ROAD, BRISTOL, CARRIAGE BUILDERS !? H.B.H. Prt- NMry of Batten-I. TA.H. Pftb" aD4Pit- laui ofBtMMbtf?. Prince Bdward of Baso-Weimar. Pdo" Tlftw .a hmme. HI. Graea the Dah" awgeork Duke of RIIU.. Duohtmot Aberaam, Dowa««r Lady Wihitnu. Wynn. Ac.. Ae..Mm<IT at STAND 18 7, SHED 24, A LUGS COLLECTION OF FOUR AND TWO WHEEL CARRIAGES, Of Hlgh-da** Build and ftish. comprblng I- Four-la-Haad Drag, Leaden, Brougham, Single and Double TlotorUu, m Waggonette, Sporting end other Phaeton*, Dog-outU, Polo Cart*, &0. N. B .— J p and CO. M< p)'epM«i to Receive Order* to N.J Bildda'Bp:t4IV' to OMTtt?tM. )MM6 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND BBIFOW, NEWfOM'aMJfDM?! BRBD E& W. I. VAUGHAN, OENKRAL BAR-FITTER AND CONTBAOTOB. OILS AT FRBriCRICK-STRBET. CARDIFF. Has fitted some ot the Handtoineft BeatewMte and H.W. In &be Principality, tneitt?ng the Gru$ CtM <md F.utaum"t of MMJH. Culle1 and ?rnttt. MVt)< H?twtv Mtfmhment =. Cf?ttt AnM Hotel, J:1alsct:tn=rH: 1!tel. Aft Xtndt of Bar BeqottttM tept Is Stock. Xxperienoed Da,Zioit %kep Lin Stock pMt of the eouatry. I't any Ng:gltw and DMtptton AppHettton. W744 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND .U SHOW. THE GREATEST NOVELTY IN THE SHOW YARD AT STAND 159, SHED 28. THE gINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 8, NEW DOCK-STREET, NEWPORT, MON., AND 10. QCEEN-STREKT, CARDIFF, ARE MAKING A FINE DISPLAY OF TRBIS SEWING m ACH I N E S, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, RANGING IN PRICE FROM t3 16s. TO 925. DOKTT FAIL rro SEE THB TWO JlODBL BNGlJfBIt. DHlTBS aT BT Hilt FOWJBB. 80810 NEWMAN AND SONS' piANOFORTES, ART DEPARTMENT, BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW, AND 1, CORN-STREET, NEWPORT. NEW MODELS. NEW DESIGNS. SPECIALLY SELECTED. 10831 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND JLt SHOW. HEWFOBTKBBTIJS. 5.. 11. RBFKBSHHKHT STABS. Can a" oft W. M. TEAGUE, OF THE BABLBY MOW WlNB AND SPIRIT VAULTS MOHMOOTH. 80640 CARTER'S DISINTEGRATORS IN ?/ m,L wom. SEE STANDS 80, 81, SHOW YARD, HHWFOBT, JUNB 9. 7, 8, 8, 11. GRINDING BONB8, OOBH CAM, Ac. J. HARRISON CARTER, LONDON. L6433 BATH AND WET OF ENGLAND JL* SHOW. THB NEW BBVBBASB, AT U R A L J^EMONADE KAY Bit BBZN AND SAMPLED AT STAND No. 253, OLOI. TO THB PABADS JUNG AND GRAND STAND. 80816 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW, NEWPORT, JUNE 6th, 7th, 8tb, 9th, aDd 11th. R. J. HEATH AND SONS ARN BIHIBITIN8 A FEW SPECIMENS OF THEIR PIANOS, Vakea out of Ordinary Steek. Intending purohuen (hould be lure to Inspect theM WONDERFULLY FINE INSTRUMENTS, AND OOXPABB PIUCES. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. I 53407 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND JL3 SHOW. NBWPORT. MON. STAND M. IIBED 4. The LONDON AND W.8T or ENGLAND TBAST COMPANY have made emngemanta with Mewrt. T. COLLINS end CO., Brletol, Menufaetum* of the BTKAM OVaN at Stead M, Shed 4, to have their "ELECTRIC YEAST" Used la BACH BATCH of BBBAD whleh It Intended to be BAKBD In the OVBN DAILY. The Manager win he la atteadaooe eeeh day from Blevea to One, and Three to Five, with Staple* of the Yeut. whleh may be exemloed under the Mlereeeope. The Twat win alia be fermented la the Tubes, and the Manager will be pleated to answer all inquirt" relative to FermtntaHon, Ao. Citar Omen-LONDON ua. BRISTOL. NawPOu ADDRMA.—BOLTON-TBBBACB, BANBS- WBLL. CAiimrr ADDMN .-8, ^ELLIIfGTON-TBIlBACB. 80M8 BitIDGE-STREST. BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW. NEWPORT MKETING. BBBD 31. STAND 187. FOR SADDLERY, HARNESS, WHIPS, BITS, SPURS, fcc., DAK BABE TANNBD, OBAHQB TAKNBD, HELDTIA, end all other ilIad, of MACHINB DRIVING BANDS AND STRAPS. HYDRAULIC PUMP LEATHER. Rl VETTED HOSE PIPES. INDIA RUBBER AND ECTTA PBBOHA OF ALL DBSOKIPTIONB, BRATrios CLOTR, Ie., to. JOHN L ISCUMBE, 10, OOMMB BOIAL-STBBXT (Opposite Wettgate Hotel), NEWPORT. 80838 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND NROW. NEWPORT MEETING. H. J. AND O. MAJOR (LIMITED), rM PATENT TILE WOBD, BRIDGWATER (STAND M). 0al111*å1 etk8" W 8ooJ. ™ ^■P^aesaaraiag*ftKa C)1Ü7 .A"" -ïi m.aa. 3M £ Swiraa;S^ij~- .reo \0 00IW..AppU" a HintPiium, >whkflue!h k Oekmre tbe WI*8 mwwtm of ow 'IUe. therefore, euaet be reneftl Wlad Proof, Bain Proof, and Snow Proof. elacilc lUll. 1D8it.. or mn pawny. tb ? Meg of CnIIantr Mote BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW, NFwmRT- ART DEPARTMENT. VWlort to the SHOW ehooldnot fall to ftu "d so tho VtaeA OolleaUea of MUSICAL INBTXUKZN" In MONMOUTH 8HIBB, at THOMPSON AND SHACKELL13, L IMITED, 35, COMMERCIAL-STREET, Who are eleo HshlblUng a Small 8eleotlon In the Arte Department. 80841 PLANOS, 10.. MONTHLY, NEW 131fw SYSTEM p JANOS, 12s. MONTHLY, N EW HIRE SYSTEM I pINOS, 14.. MONTHLY, NEW HIRE 8YSTEM p IANOS, ]5.. MONTHLY, NEW HIRE SYSTEM PIANOS, 17.. 6d. MONTHLY, N EW HIRE SYSTEM p LANOS, 21s. MONTHLY, NEW HIRE SYerEN RJLHOMPSON AND QHACKELL (LIMITED), QUKBN'S BUILDINOB, c ARDI". T HOMPSON AND QHACKELL (LIMITED), 32.0£8TLB.8TUBT. OWANBEA. i THOMPSON AND QHACKELL (LIMITED). 118, HIGH-BTRENT. MBIUIIY8. rjpHOMPSON AND OHACKELL (LIMITED), 35, COMMEBCIAL-STBEET, J^EWPOBT. 1*6. WBBTGATE-STREET- G LOUOESfER. 88, TAPF-BTBEBT, PONTrPIUDD. AWD X 12. WINDSOR-BOAD, p INARTH. TWENTT-FITB YB¿US' EXPERIENCE IN THE SELECTION OP GOOD AND BOUND PIANOS. PIANOS. By beat Makera, JL EXCELLENT IN lONE. PIANOS. Cheapeat in Wales. JL TO SUIT ALL BUTERS. PIANOS. Iron Framed. JL AND WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS PIANOS. Newest Designs, JL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE PIANOS. Largest Stook, JL AND GRKATB8T VARIETT. PIANOS. Uaaranten len Years. JL BXCHANQKD IF NOT APPROVED. rpHOMPSON AND QHACKELL (LIMITED). THB OBBAT MUSIC COM PANT. LABONOT BUTBRS AND LARGEST BELLEB8 OUT OF LONDON. CARDIFF, NEWPORT. SWANSEA. MERTHYR, GLOUCESTER, PONTYPRIDD, AND PSNARTH. CATALOGUES PBEE. CATALOGUES FREE. tasniktr BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND JLF SHOW. SPECIAL NOTICE. EDWARD ROGERS AND CO., CARRIAGE BUILDERS FOR HOME Oil EXPORT, COLLEGE-PLACE, BRISTOL, Through Prenure of Order* In the Repairing Branch;, of their Buslum, we not exhibiting at Newport hes NEW AND SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES. BDWABD ROGBRS and CO. Invite attention of '"MMUMrafebMeM to ther Hztent?e SALLBMBa ?nd n:iBö'OW At!it:J:pê:AkÄi before de&dlng on Now or 8eeond-hand Curkpa. CI"JUAOE R EPAIRS. BDWABD ROGERS and CO. have made thl. a Special Branch of their Builneta, and are prepared to liepeft caniagn, free of .r, In My ?Mt of the country, and ad,ise M to Repairs, with dettfM 941. o: of Paintiog. 1e.tI. SpRCIAUTE.—By a recent conception we are enabled to PAT HAIL CHARGES ONE WAY on all Carriage* eent us for Kepeir from Stations within a radlui of 100 miles of Bvistot. EDWARD ROGERS AND CO., CARRIAGE BUILDERS, BRISTOL. [80843 JJATH AND- WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW. NEWPORT MEETING. SHED 5. STAND 85, C ORFIELD ANI) 1\1. ORGAN, ALBION STEAM SLATE, MARBLE, MOULDING, AND MONUMENTAL WORKS, CARDIFF. ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY-PIECES, OVERMANTELS FENDER CURBS, ORATES, HEARTHS, &c., &c. 80906 SHED 80. STAND 176. SAMUEL WILLS AND po., BRISTOL. HABD ENAMELS FOB BNGINRBB8 AND HOUSE- HOLD USB. VABNIBHES OF HIGH CLASS FOR BRIPOI Utili AND QBMBBAL WOBK. 368001 VICTORIA DOG Bisouiw AND NEW PATENT MALT EXTRACT boo BISCUITS AIr STAND 217, SHED 37. WAf. BAKER AND QONS, BRISTOL AND NEWPORT. i 3-- o 8 41 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND .L* SHOW. 0T6 S. sT 0 N B WILL EXHIBIT HIS FIRST pRIZE Q A- B 18 AT STAND 200, SHBD 3S. Orders for Implemente Heoelved on the Shew Ground. Newport. Mon.. 18th May, 1888. 82140 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND  BHOW. O. E. G URN S E Y S LAMPS FOR 8TREET AND SHOP LIGHTING Are admitted the Bett and Cheapeat In the Market. CARRIAGE LAMPS lOe. 3d. PAIB, Unequalled. LA RGB STOCK. LAttPBMpAIBBD. USTCFBBB 0844) Worb-43. MEBQHANT-STBBBT, BBKTOL BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND JD IIIOW. NEWPORT.—STAND, fibs SUED. 4. BUUDEW MATERIALS. T?AVINS JgROS., LONDON AND BANGOR WHARVES,  I NEWPORTI m ON. luI- ageo? blow$ in b"d of BLATn, OBMBNT, M?M*B. Md ORNBR&L tBONMOBSeBSSBT: jMAMM? B?M)?<Bp?Bjjt. RAI us BA EM. w?.t, nr,^r^ • snssi ?T?U?& A'< =4 LtttMy Mw-. d" um k™SJ £ £ L!&&M.gS?i ftm at West Of ftmanb *bob gATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND CHOW. NEWPORT MEETING. ITAND 10A BHED 11. W ALTBR A. WOOD'S m OWERS, R EAPEHS, B INDERS. 672,484 MACHINES SOLD. 1= FIBST PRIZES AWARDED. "yy ALTER A. yyooi), 36, WORSHIP-STREET, L6486 LONDON, E.C. STAND 96. BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND B 8BOW. REOOLIFFE CROWN GALVANISED tRON COMPANYP BRISTOL, WILL EXHIBIT THBIB PATENT BEDOLIFFB R ICK COVER, THE CHEAPEST AND BEeT SUBSTITUTE FOR THATOH (Testimonlate and PrlctI on Application), IMPROVED 8HSEP DIPPING APPARATUS, AND GBNBBAL COLLECTION OF THBIB AGRICULTURAL FEEDING APPLIANCES. 80857 JJONT VISIT STAND SHED 28. STAND 1M. JOHN JOHNSON AND CO., LONDON AND LIVERPOOL, Manufacturer* of the following celebrated Artlclell- NICKEL SILVER BLACK LEAD. NICKEL SILVER GRANULATED BLACK LEAD (PATENT). Finest in the Market. ROYAL PALACE BLUE, used in Her Majuty's Laundry. PATENT KNIFE CLEANER, cheapest ever offered. SOVEREIGN KNIFE POWDER, carefully com. pounded with SanitM, destroys all vegetable matter. tliat Poitoo, cbans and dllinfecta. PEARL PLATE POWDER. disinfected by Sanitas and thua forming a sanitary powder. Free Samples of BLUE AND BLACK LEAD on application. 80885 "W SITORS TO THE JgATH AND WST OF ENGLAND SHOW WILL FIND AT THE rpEMPLE OF JflASHION THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY. MADE CLOTHING, SHIRTS, H ATS, AC, IN THE COUNTY. IN TIIB XXSPOKZ DEPARTMENT WILL BE FOUND WEST OF ENGLAND AND SCOTCH rpWEEDS, SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. gUITS TO MEASURE FROM 37S, 6D. TROUSERS, 10s. 6D. The Whole of the Stack It Quite New. having been iuit purcheetd tlnce the let* Fire. ADDRESS- 41 9 COMMERCIAL-STREET AND 1AND g LLANARTH-STREET, (VfEWPORT. 10861 1.? MM7 gHED 26. gTAND 142. g AND A. FULLER, B A T H, COACH BUILDERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. THE LARGEST CARRIAGE EXHIBIT 1H THB YABD, Inc)ud)n< PaIhorM tmndMt. Cob?tM I?nd?u. B)-ou<btatt. Bmh, Omntbut. Waggonette*, Four-wheel i Dog^arte, ?"O&V8h&$ra ltn ndem Out44 D?t. c*rt,» '"oy Carte, ha.tnC8. M?< fhMt?tM. VtetotiM.Bee?btet, Pony PhMtoM. M.. Ao. > Any Oarriage Sold on the Inrtalment Syiteaa. (80808 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND siffow. NEWPORT. MON.. JUNE 6,7.8,8, and 11. STAND 120. H ARRISON, JYJCGREQOR, AND CO. Are Exhibiting at this Show Specimen* of their Celebrated ALBION MOWEHS AND REAPERS, CHAFF CUTTERS, AND OTHER MACHINES, Of whleh they Betpeetfully Invite an Inspection. Lalt Beuoa. at the Great Field Trial* held In oonneotlon with the International Exhibition of Touteute, held under the IUllpIoe8 of the Frenah Qovernment, THB HIGHEST AWARD. PRlZ. OF HONOUR, OBJ ST DfAHT, FOR KOWBI, AND TO HIGHEST AWARD, ligir PIUZN GOLD MEDAL. FOR RBAPBR, WERE OAIXBD BX H ARRISON, jyjcGRISGOR, and 0°''8 MACHINES, Betide* Eight other GOLD MBDALS and 1.6C0 FBANCS .,to them at Uto Mn?p? i;Z hld In tnme< 'wiD. the Tnr IM. =&)dug a tow of 311 FIBST PRIZES, GOLD AND SILVBB MBDALS, OUPS. to., G?Jnod *lnce 1873 In Competition with the M*ch!ao* of all the t?t?.t Mam In the Werid. ALBION IRON WORKS, LEIGH, LANCASHIRE. 80938 STAND 77. W. B ROCK AND SON (LATE BROOK AND BBUCB), ALBERT-ROAD, BRISTOL, Are Exhibiting STAIRCASE IN PITCH-PINK, With Mahogany Ball and Newel. CHURCH SEATING IN OAK, BURMESB TEAK PITCH-PINE, DEAL, Ac., DOORS, MOULDINGS, SASBES, GLASTONBURY CHAIRS, PORTABLE OYCLB HOUSE, IMPROVED PATENT WOOD ROOFING, M PAVODILO" MATCHED BOARDING FLOOR- ING. 6:c. 80881 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND JD BBO". AT STAND 148 G. P. BRAGG1NS AND CO. Exhibit Specimen* of their ORNAMENTAL OAK GATES na PABK8, LODOBB. TIOABAGES, VILLAS, ?- Fitted with .,r 31 ft4m. AMO WAtttMMM. BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW, HBWPORT. AT STAND NO. 149 MESSRS. RIDGKS AND SONS, Or WOLTBBHAMPTOH. XxhlMt their ..11. MHDAL ttTMt OPMICO BROUSSAM, LIOHT MIWWAIL SMUORAN. AND LADIW POITT 4)ARL jtuwgkw to ow PW Gad ether Hlgh-«ia*t Journal*. lavited. 80031 DANIEL OWEN ANB OO.B ABC I IWLWAT mu TABLM. MM ?y MM Mt tabedla WalaCe, Id' 8*. forauuat im iefvpv-ee"u ■MUry-etnecwrtUU jRatfj X «Ht<t of <ngUn& jmft BATH AND WET OF ENGLAND VISIT SHED 98, STAND 166. "g E N S ATION* SOAP. SAMPLES OITBN FRBB. Alto Showing Sample* of All Kind* of HARD AND SOFT SOAPS Manufactured by JJAVID RJLHOM AND QO., PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. sosos SRED 29. STAND 169. gUNLIGHT SOAP. LARGEST IALB IN THB WORLD. SAMPLES GIVEN TO ALL VISITORS. ArrXKDArn. MR. HOWARD, CARDIFF t ilL CRAVEN, BRISTOL, Ø07 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND .D SHOW. NEWPORT MEETING, June 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 1888. SHED 37, STAND 243. ILILWALL JJROTHER8 AND CO., BHRUB-HILL. WOBOEBTBR, WIU Exhibit an AMortment of their Celebrated CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS FOB HOBSES, CATTLB. SHEEP, Ao., At the above Exhibition, and lopwully Invite a Call. 8MM gTAND 72. J>JEWPORT JpOTTERY CO. na VASES, GARDEN POTTERY, FINIALS, RIDGES, ARCHITECTURAL TERRA OOTTA. TDATH AND- WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW. SPECIAL NOTICE. "G LEN T A KIT" OLD SCOTCH WHISKY MAY BB OBTAINED IN THE BHOW-YABD. AT THB REFRESHMENT STANDS. ASK FOR IT. 80686 JJATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND gnow. SHED 27. STAND 150. SHED 27. STAND MO. J. W. G WATKIN, CLYTHA CAKRUGE WORKS, NEWPORT, MON., ARE EXHIBITING CARRIAGES OP THBIB OWN XAY"ACTU"I. SPECIAL EX HI.. THEIR SAFETY CROYDON OAR. 80934 BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND JD 8KOW, M'A?D 67. GENTRY. NURSBRYKBN. and GARDuaas theuM tntpeet this tt?nd im #at K? XB?MKot Tn 1= .A::#rf, Ml??Pi?-?tS m,,W,A n; V ,APPARATUB, tmm 43 1&. IC Pipe. all GOMAltt RSZNKOUEIXB and PATENT BOOFINO, Me< un pr" feoe?e T. WOOD And CO., HOT WATBR NSGIMMI. BABTVMLII. BRISTOL. JMPORTANT TO PUBLIOANS. See STAND 83. BHED 6. for LEONA BEER RAISER. JJARDEN GTAR AND Q NCLA R /^O., 114, CANNON?TREET.L&NDON, K.Ct L6446 ASHTON AND G R E E N (LIMITED), rpEMPLE GATE. JgRISTOL. THB BEST nousm FOB CIDMNEY PIECES AND GRATES OF ALL KINDS, R ANGES AND KITCHENERS, QLAZED HEARTH TILES, 4c. M4i I I gHORT'S WALL pAPERS AMR IU BEST VALUE IN THE TRADE. T>OOKB of the If. PtttMM M? 'n 'Iw JD "no of um pdneiva Dwomun. and EytM. 1b <MM))? unir MheUMM. shodd <<M<t epea ..w. gHORT'S jyEW gOOK OF ARTISTIC WALL PAPERS, Or Pattern* can be had Free front M, VICTORIA-STREET, BRISTOL. W Soaae Special Value on Offer for Wholesale Bayer*. (80SU PETROLEUM I pETROLEUM I t p ETROLEUM 11.1 JGIRD AND SON, EAST MOORS, CARDIFF, ft So sumano the AMMI fm thefr aooouat of tbe Ftrat Cargo of PETROLEUM I Imported into Sonth Walee, and ther are la a poetUon to Promptly Eaecute 811 Order* as Bett Terme. MLMZAMM ADDMMt- "BIRDSON, CABDIF F." 80188 ii — i T» emmy the inter eat of the oea«nmrr le. In tbe Ung run. the reel latereet of the prodeorr." j JJDWARD J^OGKRS & IDOMPAN Y. II CARRIAGE BUILDERS FOB nowe Oil fcXPORT, COLLBOX-RLACY, BRISTOL. Before deoid'ng on Bepaln, Hlrlag*. or et?tt?'. •jHata wd laws" ef OMt.t« ce'MpM*. '\?. ????tttt???tM??OtM??t Dbm58f. THREE WEEKS* SALET IMUME BXDVOUW. 11 PER GPM. OFT MARKED PRWU. I "THE GOLDEN IOCKM RAU>WUf-8TR £ ET, BRISTOL Z-ABM AND DfTOBTANV SAlI OF "krlSgTSSbJS0"0- O&T AU06 IMOLMsk MATI AND KA"M 0? AU DUO ose, MOI. gi?6. d& p&ss???'c???'?'ss ftplt aly ddwfttwa bwm &sun dew so ?——<L-*?  jSRf5tMUtt5tie s! =-a ??"< ?"?"M. .)' AM?MI- CMpttt oaf" Oupot* OWWA CM?f OMff OW" OMt?* OM?t* OMpttt CM)K« == owpsta Oarpet* Oupete Oarpet* Oarpete CMptM llr"t& =:: Carpet* Carpet* Carpets Oarpete Carpet* Carpet.8 Oarpete Carpet* I Carpets carpets Carpet* to I Oarpeta Oarpete Oarpet* Linoleum Linoleum linoleum Linoleum Linoleum Linoleum Linoleum Linoleum Floorcloth Floorcloth FIOcrow" Floorcloth Floorcloth P.oA$tea,i, [ BedMead' Bedsteads Be4st"d$ Bedatcad* 1 BedMead* Bedatead* Bed Bed* Bed* Bed* Bed* Pillows Pillows Pillow* Pillow. Curtain* Curtain* Cafteiiis Curtains Curtain* Table Cloth* ltble Clotiis Cloth* Blanket& Blankets 6h4eU- Quilts Quilt. Quilts Q uilta HfttMM Firelrons coal Ta-es Coal Vaeel '??&?s°?** %A XAM <MB«tMf?MM MOMtM. Mp?etttt.? Kafted Prioes. t 8.800 Yard* I Of Hard-w*aHag fCMBA Somad OaalHy, tf?ndtd =S! In Uw A DismonL ?000 y11 Be*t <DDB< Otfpett. all Wool, Beautiful Ptem., 16 per cent, off Marked Prloea. <OOTMtK t Bert UNION KIDUEK, lmu"t in Bri.1 -It. %f- in tbe 0 DlM'OUIlt. INDIAN, A)tT, and other SQUARE", In great variety. I 160 Piece* ) Or UNOLBUM, Bare". Nairns' and Esher ?iny'». Maker* to th. Prl of W?tt! 16 per oent. off Marked Price*. 12.OOõ'¡ Of FLOORCLOTH, from tt 7d W 6 ards wii,. t jT!f: ebl:;¡: I 1,000 -= FnENOB and ITALIAN BR 188 and IRON BED- STRADB. of all Descrip- tions, from 6/6 to 30 Guill" 2.300 -I PFATHXR PILLOWS, (BATHER A MlLLfUFK BKD8, Wool Mattreioe*. Spring Ma ttm«e>. Wire Sanitary Hattresses, all sorts of MAl<TBES«V:ff. 15 per cent, off Market! Prices. • CURTAINS. Lace, Tapestrv, & Chenille CUKT'AINB. Most Elegant Designs. TABIM CLOTHS. Tapestry A otlier TAJtLK *p< CI.OTH8. BLANKETS Of every kind and tire. SHEETS. Eider I>owo and other QUILTS, 15 per cent. nit Marked Prices. FEN DEBS, Flft BRARSES.and FIRP IRONS. COAL VASB8 In Wood and Iron. Thle It a genuine and itnafiit Sale, a. the Businea* it Sold, and T. C. STOCK retiring from Busi,yess. a" beenis '? Bnweelt 8M 1"11 =::== ""18 B*tHnttt<tt Beu SMONIG I Bett Bru*e*U Next Quality N<tt< t?Uty liNen _lItJ NMt Quality Nest Quality N?t ::H N?41 luaiitj Beit Kidder t'tHHddM I:: Bett Mddtr B<tt xt' Bett Kidder It: Unloo Kidder Uafon Kidder Caion Kidder lUalon Kidder !g: f: UntM) Kidder ¡Union Ktdd o Linoleum linoleum Linoleum 1 Unoleum IIADoleum iLinoleum Linoleum ^Linoleum floorcloth Floorcl.th Floorcloth Floorcloth 1' loorcloth Bedtteadt Beiltteadt gedet?mdo Bedtteadt I BW*teade Bedtteadt HtdttMdt !Mtttr<ttM Matwowe Mattrettee Mattreate* M aU. M"ttresse: Mattrette* Mattreeset Mattresae* Mattrette* rurtaint Curtains ICurtalnl .Curtains Curialns Table Clniht Table Clolht jTable Clotbt Blankets i Blanket* Eheett Quilt* Qumt IIIltI '?uiX.t I Find"" ¡Felld..n ico.] V"'I Coal V.- 807M SPECIAL NorIcE. c LEARANCE gALE OF pIANOS AND ORGANS, PRIOR TO EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS AND BNLARGEMBNT OF PBEMISE8, AT Jg E N N E T T AND Q O.' 8 PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE, 142, NEWFOUNDLAND-ROAD, BRISTOL. O*, NO SEASONABLE OFFEB REFUSED. 80845 pURE WARM MILK I I With a view to a Begular Supply of Pure Warm Milk and of affording hit Patrons complete aatltfactlon at to the Healthy Btete of his Large Herd of Ayrshire Oow., MR. W. S. WALKER, "Y^HrrEHALl, JJAIRY FAUM, RUMNEY, NgAlt CARDIFF, llep to Inform bl8 Customers and the Public Generally t.. he hM submitted BjmMt SA?fLM OF MILK, drawn In the pr-nee of Inpt'n..nt wjtnetMt. from "? M. C.W. to the CAMW BCMUMt A MA lt*t tt<o. th<H h* hM had Kac« COW ExAMUtM <t AN :'i-= V:If: "o;:r: whom t: beg* to reproduce at follow ?°'!?*&J? i,M* ''?"? for a Frequent a"d ¡BeID- X*?'?? Examinee of the Whole of hit K_. wtm a view in bll Ouetom.n' and hit own .U,- factlon a* regard* the Healthy Mate of Each Beparate AolsnJi Ma. WALKER has pleastirs- fit beinit able to stute that he bat been eugaged Ju tbl. butinett Mo". TXLK A QVAKiah OF A Cxxrvny, and during the whole of Iltl, long period he ha* NKVCRBekn SUBJBOTSDTOA FINK aiid though on tcoret of occationt the Milk hat beeu anajytioaliy examined. It has RKVEH oxen been pro- nouDoed ADULTZRATED or IMPURN. and be hegt to assure nit Outtoaert tbey can rely upon receiving from him regulariyTtnoK DAILY PUR. Warm MILK AS draw* FaD. TO eow. HE GUABANTEEB ITa ABSOLUTE PURITY. His Herd oontltte of about 35 bett bred. selected,  Cowt-to just ty Ctteb?t?d tor t&tf ottMormty rfeb and tmtrjUout Hmt. T" Animals are )Muttd In tp<c?))y-?nt!!tted houses, whleh !?*S'?'? "?" '"<' ? ? pro cured ? U"'uptr)ofq.?))ty and kiad which ?WtX Uttf ?h.MMetrtttned by exerience II bMt calculated <« f tulpyly. of good Milkp. The ""?< adjoining am most s, b t'-Mf. Tbe (ttnM)..n)t.ry arrangeatente of tbe premise* are of tbe bett design. ??wMu?? kept q..i.w?by b.?, dedtaloluUUi Mr. ^Aj^F.Eg **■* n/P^i'uliy to fn?t.- hi* Cut kI:" :A:V':o 'w::rUL ÃtRyh£M, wM? h ?ttbfyM< the t?p ot RtMenty Bit), to MHit? thom"lvos Ih" the M'tk they use In their homes, and wrnah larmi to Important an dement of food. tt pro fOM'ttottMwy Cttt MMn.r. He t?h ?r. If his CMtyMncoutdpertootUydoM It woukttn..we the oonBdenpo be 80 rnwluJl,. acknowledges ?"' nIpOMIIla bin for 80 long a time. f*fl* the M?QBttbmty << tb. position he wupies Mttt ''M?? 'e MOtttMyM Article of Diet. and 1'espente thai I be the U04 and supply of ?Ulm MILK. Morning Delivery at Boatb be.g" ins at 6.30 Afternoon Delivery at 2. 0 PRICEI (DELIVERED). Pure WM. M..X. ?? Milk f. ?' or Bbies. guaranteed "?.??. ?' ? < "'?'y. 4d. —WM?yteh?tit D?ry nm, Momnty. "bI¿::llla,. law. CERTIFICATES OF PURITY. CnrmoAn OF TXOMAO Hvosaa, ESQ.. F.C.S.. Borough Anal yet for Newrort. Hon., Deputy b-jrouu*h Analyst for Cardiff t- "The Laboratory, Went Wharf, Cardiff. "May 10th, 1888. ..I hereby caruly that I h.r. microwopically  M'm I of Milk .«..?d from MF. W. B. W :8IZnd intt. 1lrlln.i'Ij'I" of a disused '?*?** In any of lb. nmolei tubmitt?. Pro. aw remits of my <?'°'M?tea I am of opinion tbet. with u.. on 6( a minute ?<tMMty of foreitn SX??l?''?t'?' *?' ?-?"M'oM'M. out, thMt WM i;Ujog pMttBt of M obormw nMUM, orhMompMtM<with<M.ttia.M<tt.M,yM)<)<. THOMAC HUGHES. CnnncATB or CKAKLB lIora. Eeq.. M R.O.V.B.. and Veterinary Inspector for the Boraugfe of Cardtfl- Carole, W may ,IM M iiv^1* ta fJT"* 1 ^»^ivtmmliiSuhe Milk COWt UM pf.p?ty of Mr. W?.M. tM.M.. and I them port4WAy < from any d' h?f or ?.. •UtationaL "CHAELES 1101., K-ILCLV.B. ke.. Ø48 Vsterimry lnspoftw im the "MS Borough of Cardiff. Ø8 GLORY OF wok. T HIE SMN THE PEIDB OF tux.  npHE ALBION MI,K 1 A" rpHESKIN?ULPHU? SO Â V, T IIF, UL*i L'.omoulpnt, &" met *oil- 11E SKIN <?fe<*U t?p*. IIYtaa ? oAt Wda *c. aocI d8etN4 aU. tt H te?'MM* tw *bit& rTI lHF REIM epeoueilod for t?' -pleaJon. r r °?'" fM ir?y *I" U". m It «M povu iro%&" the .¡ tUn. 'I UlE D»"Boatel» P??"M<- *< ? all mni' SoKirItN M tt<.tfMtntftu'Mty?t?tMtTtM*M J. a" MM.l Y E W P) H 1' M U H .?i ttftM?'??iff.) J JJ. J: K S, ii.i.t, FCBTBF ASP AnTBHTH.ua AOBNT, I'.NTt all the PBINCIPaL POSIiNI PIL&tltllt%il, .v«i,a».a AembwMtao^t. Z«ro font Imil P.Q-a UC." and Imp aw. Addi* i:». COMMdACla^EOAD, ONs