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r %uttoil £ >ummarp. l tíon bttmmarJ? Mr V~ BDLBT. utehntlJ Furniture, at C.rdi .Jone 9\ Furniture. St»>w Cm«, Ao., at Cardiff XkiF DU'Kg!"l?:?k KT AI ( TI ON AN D STORAGE ROOMS CO.. Auctloneem). aG. allery of Oil VP.aintings, at Rooms, Cardiff, Household E(Tects fwm Howard Garden#. !i I"* Itooiu June 19 and 21 Furnltuie, As., at Room* June 19 and 21 M»*«rs. DUNN and CO. Yacht. at Ilfracomoe June 18 Mexsra. KVAS9 and SON. Household Furnitm-e, at Cardiff June 11 PAr. J. FWKKESTER. Forfeited Pl,dgs, at Mertliyr June 13 Mr.. F.gAi4, I li. Freehold Residential iiatnte. near Carmarthen.June 16 >lwwm. OllTTWAL'fV anil <<<IVVKINU "'ui Other Hants, at Exchange .June 91 l'rrlr.. Carta. &c., Kt Exchange J"e 12 Leasehold Properties. at Queen's Hotel June 12 au-lIl'" Prmnses, at Que'lrs Hotel June 12 e"ellry. Clocks, and Ornaments, at I(jom. June 12 and 13 P,?blic Hall, A- t Aneel Hotel J 19 ,:?: 'e¿/:OIH;J;J21\: 22 Stud Sale, at Rxclnui^e June 2J Woul&ale, at July & ,t, 1. K. GUNN. freehold Property. at ii:;dÓ:Jl1ne 9 t;lt Property, at Cardiff June 11 Lotli; Leasehold*, at Cardiff J,?n? 11 1-huld Picnuses, .t Cardiff. [.June 11 leasehold Property, at Cardiff .June 15 W. and is. 1H.lt. Leasehold Property, at Pennith June 11 Leasehold Property, at Penartli June 11 Residential Properties, at June 21 leasehold Properties, at <ar.fiff June 25 freehold and Leasehold Pro[H i-tv, At C.ruirr.JlIlle 23 »le#sra. JKNktNS. Machinery an I PWllt, at hwansea .June 20 Mr LV1TY. Horses, Ac., nt. Cardiff June 9 M««n. (L NICHOLS, HON. aud ALDER. Quarries, ai ciiepituw lune 19 Mr. T. n.OWKN. Freehold Property, in, Haverfordwest 11 Messrs. B'l'EPIlKNMON "uti ALEXANDER. Freehold SHOP, A. nt Cardiff June 12 Freeiioid Propert y, at Cardiff June 16 Fanning Stuck, Contractor's PI mt. at Cardiff .June 18 Fre I FrupurLy at Liwitwit Vardre, at CArdiff JilIe21 Freehold Land, at Cardiff Jlln" 21 Freehold .Laud, at Cardiff June 21 Mr. W. THuRN Y.. LIve Rtock. at !lImh"ran.Jllne 11 Meemi. TOWKKH. WILLIAMSON, and BLLI Freehold Properties, at Chepstow June U i.l'ttËln:Ê lKï::p Hïë'Ë: 'd GOd 1 lion works' Machinery, at MiUwall aIr5 bp Auction VALUABLE F11EEH0LD BHOP AND BUSINESS PKEMISKB, Situate iQ the Centre of Si. Mary-street. Cardiff. TV/T^Sn KS ST LP K ii NisON and l' ALEXAN UFR hit instructed "y tht! Executo" .1 Uj lalb Mr. ()Iouwn JOl'h to SKLL bv AUCCJUL? at the 1:"v,,1 Hvtrl. Cardiff, on TUKaOAY, the lXlh of June, 1M. at 11. u'cIvd. ill tho: Aiternojii, th" valuable KULKHOLD SHOP, DWELLING-IIOUSE, AM) BUSINESS PIE-NILSL6, Known as No. 24. Saint Mary-street,, Cardiff, recently occupied by the late Mr. rioiuiuou Joseph, IIn<.lllpoll which for many Jenrs lie successfully carried On his Fawntiroking Cosiness, which is still continued by his fLi"w. V ?l I'. Prop,rty 1, situate 1" th" centre of St. 4.ry- ItreH, between the Cardiff Cott. Hotel 101111 the Manila shop and Premise* occupied by Mr. K. Finder. It Ims a frontage of about lYtt., and a depth of about IC¡tt.. The p: emises wrt erected by the late Mr. Joseph about twelve years go. *rl??y are very .u:uII¡\UJ built, of ilnec 'lQrit' in height,, and com- ptl«j:—un the ground Door, a lar^e siiop with plilt- Itlass wm<.low. parlour "lid l»rj;n kitchen; on the first floor,or-twin^-room, three beiirooiuj, nuå 1' oil the second flvor, lour iieuruoms and on the third floor, three 1>o.lrvo" There is also a larh;L- cellar in the base- ment with rolling way from pavement. m i,,t ?iti, W.y will be i(iveu,anda large pro- jKirtton vt the putulius-) tuouey can i-etitaiu on mortgage H desired. For Further Particulars apply to the Aiietioaeers, at their Othets, Nu. 5. High-street, G.irdifT, or to \Hl,Ll.1 UKADLl Y.Kacj., 8033 Solicitor, o. Hith->treet, Cardiff. BAtiE _O__F _VA_LU_ AUlTt; FKKKHoMTFKdpKui'tT" Within IA short distance 01 t lie Town 01 Cardiff oil the Newport-road. 1\ 1'- ESSRS. STKPilKNSON* and ll.1. ALKIAjiUEK are instructed by tltn I{cpre- •ent.aives ul tile late Mr, George Parlitt to SELL by AUVflOS (unless pieviousiy disposed 01 by Private COli- tract), ut the Paris Hotel, (,:I\rù 1 I': 011 CJAXDKUAY, the llith JUlie neJtt, p.m., about 'l'W 1';l\TY ACRES of FKEEiiOLD LAND, Which will be flru olt..red in oue Lot; If not so sold will then be offered in tfie lollortiny order or such other Lots as may be determined upon Itt the time of Sale — Lot 1. A Piece 01 Lallll, O E AClt6 or thereabouts in extent, having a tioutaxe of about 38 yards and 1 tOolt to the main road from Cardiff to St. Jdeliou's, and being the nearest plot to Cardiff. Lot A similar Plot, of I he same extent and frontage, •djflining Loi 1 on l he eastern 'III. Lot 3. A similar IluL t > Lot 2, and adjoining it on the iatne.aid> Lot 4. A similar Plot to Lot 3, and adjoining it on the aanie SId". Lot 5. A Plot. being in extent 3 ROODS. 18 POLES, 25 \Altl>S. or theivabouts, having a fioutage of about 29 varus to the main load aud to a proposed new road of about 140 yanu, at.d adjotniug Lot 4 ou the eastern tide. IJot 6. A Plot, containing 2 ACRES, 1 nooo. 24 POJjivS, and 26 YARDS or thereabouts, with access from the proposed new road oil the southeru side of the hill, and .i tight of user of the said road. Lbt 7. A Eio;, containing 6*02 ACRES or thereabouts, &I'd tit,t" to the ,outh of Lot 6, and having similar access. I'NS is one i the f.t building it, in the 7:it. l":el.e,"¡If, l1i1 include t: propuoed new roau, subjtu? to the right of user by the pr .1 Lot LIE 8. A compact piece of Ground, containing 2 BOXfDS, 19 POLhi, rbituat-e to the south of Lot 7, wi VI accesi from the lower road leading from Xumneyto M. Aleilon s. This lot is a most elikgible bnilding site. Lot 9. A Wot, containing 1 ACKE, or thereabouts, having a froirage .1. about 33 yards and 1 foot to the main road fronv Cardiff to Newport, and of 140 yards to thp proposed new road by which it is divided from Lot 10. A similar Plot to Lot 9, having a frontage of about 3b yurus and 2 feet to the main road. Lot-U. A similar Plot to Lot 10. having a frontage of about 45 yards and teet to the main roaa. Lot 1<2. A almilur to Lot 11, having a fronta;le of about y*rus aaa 1 toot to tiie main roau. Lot 15. A Plot containing 3 ISOOD.S, 34 POLES, and 13 TAliilS or thereabouts, having a frontage 01 about 123 yards and 1 foot t;) tile main road. iiscii of the Lots comprise a Plot of Freehold Land adjomuig "rurtY ot Mr. Hearv Heywood. Cae Cutell Estate. Mtiuited betw?ii Kuiimev atuf St. Mollon's, dis- tant Jrom the centre of Cardiff tlira» miles, on the main road l?ndi, from Cardiff to suitab for the ,rm I. ,f ccui.'rv l??u,t?; the whole of Which form 9 mOft attr.ictive building sites, commanding flue views of the surrounding couutry, the Bristol Channel, and the £ otiier.«*t3h!re eout. For l'articlli" Plans, alld Conditions of Baleapplr to toe Auctioneers, Car.liff, or to Messrs. UAMILTOX and HUM, m. Solicitors, 19 Working-street, Cartllff. REI) FAKAM, CRWYS, OAKIJIFF TO BUILOKKS. COM'RAOtOhS. FAKMEKS, ANI) OTHKR6. MESSES, siepuenson and 1\1. ALEXAN IJER are instruiaed by Messrs. Jepson j¡?b. (on uceounr. of the deatu of Air, Jamee Jepson) to MSLL bv AU10.N, Without Keserw, Rt Ked House Farm, Crwya, Carditt (to which "lac"" large "orLion .1 the Plant am! M',rlah will tm Removed for Con- venlem;pof Sale), on MONDAY, the 18th 01 June, 18a, EtXweive WII p""ctulIv. 16 Valuable CAITT, THOROUGHBRED, and other HOKSI;S, 10 TIP CAKTS, 24 Sets Cart, Shaft, and Trap 10 TIP CAliTS, 24 -,t, C,?t, Bi.aft, f, nLI Trap &H,,r,e Power POKTABLE ENG[E. Bprln¡ Can, W utonette, 4 l)o^r Carts, Quantity Oak. Kim, and other Timber. 9 Contractors' Tip and "hi" NVAGUNS PILE-KIUVEIC iu,Zity Df PILE-}) IUN CON?litACiOltS* ItAiLq. of TOtlJ"" \vlth Valuable LoL of other CO N X it A CXO.KS' PXjAM' aud MACHINERY. 32 UKt;k?HiUK nod cuoss-uufcLi ptus, Rud a quantity of TUUKEY3, LUCKS, and FOWLS- 13. the iolloiviitg THOKOUGHllKEU arm other HOIiSES Lansdowu, l.y thorouelibred stallion, by Carac- tacus. out uf VillegUtitra, by .Itockueil. CUevr<«iel II. two-year-old bay colt, by Chevronel. out of Dressing GOWII. "Drrs,i,ig ri.mil," dark brown mare by D'Estronel, out of L»itJ If Cuafc-*i brtd 0y ih« *ilr, Bit'tikirou. with toal Mt root by AlciKle. Bay Mare, three years ohl, out of Drenllll GOWD. by Vlctori u<. Hay Yearling Filly. out of Dressing Gown, by Lans- dewn. Dark Brown Half-bred Mare, out of a heavy cob mare, by LaiisdoH-n, and hi-o'y to make a good hunter. Dr.l,,¡( G,I) "I lIe1' of many first prize* at local anil olher shows. Full Particulars may te obtained from Catalogues, wh)c?n)ny be had upoti application to t)m Auctioneers. Cardiff; or to Messrs. JOHN JONES, MACINTOSH, and DIXON, Solicitors, 80&11. Sr. IN THE HIGH COUKT oF JUSTICE. CHANCEItT division. IJfBOHTAXT KALE UF 1HK FIRST PORTION OF VALUAhLE FREEHOLD AND LEASEH'.iLO PP.Oi'Ela'lKS, l\ THE COUNTY OF til.AilOltUAN, iiicludinE tile MELIN GRIFFITH WoifKS.u, the Neighbourhood ol CARDIFF. \1 K S SIIS ST F.l' HEX SON and ±TJL ALEX?HUE?trcimttUctp.t hythel.iqu?ittur An«el Hot<-<. C?iitr. on THUlt-SUi'Ci. i ihts «t Ju.?.tt)8{i.t? 'i'«j o'c?c?iu theAft.fH?un.thewhoteotUte FRt-?HOLD AND LEASEHOLD FARMS LAND, AND OTHEI{ l'HOPJln lE, With the Vt?UAB?FM',ERAL' Mme.t<tdc<?Minh? about 00U Acres. A.?Hie biLLIN (iHlM'll'H WORKf, Situate near Cardiff tl.e YIS HOUSE and LAND, NMr to Tttfr?Wttt Station, and a large number of FREEHOLD and H:A:iHHOLD HEREDITAMENTS "nd PREMISES, th?who?e'?intt the Properly ,f the CARDIFF IKON AND ,tLftbêt.r::mhË!D :11) m .J,i tnd)U')?«'"t?etFvfr?) F?mhe) of WHITCHURCH KADYR. pHN'n'UCK. LLA?nVfT VA?UKE. ami JtGL>\ WOAJf, in the County of Glamorgan, and all neur to the Xuwn of Cardiff, cotuis'.ing of the lollowlniKr loot 1. MW 0 MERlO FAUM.!n the Pulah a. 1', P' FREEHOLD FARMS, *«., v,i. 75 33t of  î5 3 31 of,FeiitjTCyUh EDCAK FAKM»»n tbe Fkirisb of75 3 3! ?)tJ. yUX&'ACH OJ?LES. in H.e P?r?h of 03 x 3? Pcii^reU desitubie FHKkkiOLU HKSI-12 1 2 DtLl C?? i t,d Oft L) t:IiljS Y?s Ho Ly"I'. P.r,.Il .1 6. MUt* of tho town of C-,r.itY.?d oonUin- inn b."t. 11 2 22 l.ot>'6. bf<r:t:HOLU 1'I\Ot>t'1' belli!: I ,t of 1,Lj.n tho P*rithoffentV)eh 4 3 0 14? 6. LLA, FA R.1d. i?? the t Li.,?- kl,!?,L-rcl, I. 131 » m I twit l??d?iN,d EW Y bi) FARM, i,, Ll,. ? '? c<U)HH;"nV)t.dre 9S 311 t*.m. <?Di)KtS F4HM, i? the Parish uf J..t<mwtt.Tttr.)rf ?g 3:' TI?e vaiuAL)!e se-ins of c-i luul,(l it, tile South Waiu Wtiti are to be found underlying these pro- i ..ert Ie,. Lqt 10. The Valuable MELIN GRIFFITH IKON »tJd'Hl £ vfPLA/r £ « >J{K6,to|Crth«r with the Freehold and Unas and i'otUi|;ea helll therewith* cotuiar- hie "f the Leckwhh W«>od», 4\.1 Freehold CotllOj&M. 13 ú.hold Cottages. Frethcld Ochre WOI k, aud Garden, and P&rt of thn 1r?liolti C?tt HoUlo Etna. in the ( P*»1ih tit Whitchurch. It is lnt^uitea to offer the remaining portion of this ?")tfte n)o)tU) of ¡'i, tll;. tl  ?'"? ??' &pwar in due courae 111 the Particulari, P)?m, and Condition! ff Ute mRy be Ob.Up\'jd onjn'tII'iVsq J t,W.tttt?.k Luiuton; or to Mt??. Link,ater alld i CQø;¡j)&hY, °""c't< 2. B..d .vurt. W.1b,-k. Londoll; Of CO the ?uct?t.<?r<. C.,diff 78697 J DA MEL Ai\l» 0U.'6 Ahc I DRAIL%'AY T1MK TABU:?, th..n? ene pu. X."?'? price Id. ?' per "«m.h.ty tMt. Mar" 'ü8. "alrs bp Sluttiom 8ALB OF FBKEHOCn LAND IN THE FABIBH Of MrESSRS. STEPHENSON and u ALfiXANDBR are instructed to SELL by AUCilOy, at Uie Angel Hotel, CardUt, on THUJttfDAx, the21stul June uut. tTime o'clock in the At«rao<n. the 1.110-ing  ? FREEHOLD LA?D, Irtthe Pariah of Llandaff, In the Coutity of Glamor- gaa. lA,t 1. Two Freehold Fleld of Pasture Land. a little less than 12 acres Its extent. lying between the Penarth K<)rw? and the River Ely, in the Pul,h of L?nd*e. and uumtMT?d BW )mdM2on the Orduanoe 8u,,e Lot 4. A F?id uumtwed 419 ?< the TIhe My;PTfor th, Pariah of L,?d.ft. containing &<. lr. 2&p. The aaid Fieiu is nmnbeftd M7 on the Ordnance tiurvev for 18^, aud contain* 5,. kr. 29p., or thereabouts, and near to Canton Common. In Uie occupation of Mr. Daniel Donovan E?)L 6. Two Enclosures of Lnud I. the same '191'. COi;¡1:6'.no:I':a"flU:.IlIIn l'umbereck Z? ,Id $;) on the Tithe Map, IIIU near t? Cantou Oommou.ln LI,? -.?pati i of M,, Willimu <!rimttn. i-ot 4, A small 1,.iickusur? of L?itU. over an acre In extent, and numbered 340 on the Tithe Mnp, aud near to Ely Common, fit the occupation of Mi. Thomas Kees, Kiy. Further particulars as to Lot 1 may be had upon appll- cation to Messrs. a. Matthews and Moll, tiollciiora, Cardiff as to Lots 2, J, ami 4. of Mr. L. B. Keece, ,iq)licttol., cavtiiff.I,i to the whoie ot the lot s 01 tho Auctioneers. 5, HigU'Street, Cardiff. &C608 GLAMOKGANSUIRK. VALUABLE fiALii oF A FILIEHOFD PROPERTY (i>UKFaOE AND MUSKUALS), IN Ttijl, FAKibU OF LLANTWIT VAJ(DHL, 13 Tafi COUKTV OF GLAMORGAN. ME8 » US. ST E r H 1 '■ N SOiN and JLTJL ALEXAN lJEII Hre hotnfCf'-d to 8HLL by AUCTtON. at me A'?ft Hotel, C-rditt.-u TUURbDAX, the illst ot June next, imuudiitlely after the Cardiff (ron and Tiu-pliite Coinpauy's "ru¡¡enl" the I'liEKKOLU ??M KNOWN AS CELYN, Situate in the I'Aristi of LiAtitwit Vardre. near Fonty- coutultiinK Jij Acies, or It,e'8bolll.. The Darry una I'nlltn,ridd Hallway rllll tlnouch a potLioii 01 I h6 Property, till, coul under the adjoin- ing Units Is aL "r't beini; worked Uiroii|>li a pit which ? ?ithh) Yr,j't th" Ue)in t?nndnrv? Fuller PArtlciiUrs c^u be had upou Api<liuatinn to Me..r., S>|)lieii3ou Hiid Alexander, the Auctioneers, b. High-street., L'ar,t,n. or In Meaai s. UKUVER and GKOVEII, bolicitors, Cardilf, BALE THIS DAY. 30. BEAUCHAMF-STKEliT, RIVERSIDE. CARDIFF. Mii. lil,AUL I', Y will ShLL by AUCTION", on £ )ATU JCDAT, June 9, under powers 0, "Ill ok c^ale, the whole of the Superior HOUSE- HOLlJ ITCJ(F,, AC. dAl. at lilwo o'cluck. Auctioneer's Office, Cardiff. 4057o9 a. w. !•:Y win^rxir^A uc- ll.1 TION, »t Ills Ihlll ttoono.North-rotd.Ott MON- DAY, June llth,» laruequautityuf HIJU3EHOLD FUK- NITCUL, Two Large tiliow Oasea, good bolti. Bicycle, Ac. —Sale at Two. lijioll SALE of Yacht at ilfkacomue. 'Hi KOE liTH l'<i\ Db?? and 1'. CO. 1.?e received Instructions to bKLL b" aUv.I'ION, on MONDAY, June lth, 168S, a strongly- built and lu9t-3ailiu^ CUrrKR YACHT. Dimensions, 33fr. x 9ft. Sin. x ?Jtt., (ittetl with slep. lug berths, complete set 01 s.hIJ, "lid rendy for at.-a. 'the Sale wih take place tit Three ".111, alougslde the Yacht at Utr.icoMibe. For Further i*.iiileuUrs apply to the Auctioneers, Meichuiiva' lixcltanne. D,)Cks, C.rdift. 809o0 MESsliS. D. EVA?S and SON are 1,' i'otructed to 8BLL by ADC'i?ON. ou the I'leuiues as above, Oil MOJi DAY, the 11th ot June, 188S, at Two o'clock, u quantity IIf 8u|ierior UOUdEHOLD FURNITUkE, Comprising.. mahogany sideboard, ilitto dining-room t,\tJl" (two insertions*, aid. table, 2 Whatnots, book- case, 2 liirije i;i.l-lraiue pier glasses, oil paintinus, Oievm-ipiij, dessert service, 2 dozen wine glasses, hat and uiubrella aIUld. 'I lull ohairs, a massive brass and IrulI bud stead, an excellent mahogany waidrobe, and aundiy ortiameuis. Oooda ou View Morni^ig of Sale. 80872 Mix. JOHN l,-ORKESTEl\, Auctioneer, 1.1' has received instructions from Mr. 1::ù"1 ftieuic, VawnbioKe;, Fontmoilais, Mertliyr Tytltil. to SELL, on the Fremises.ut Three o'clock in the After- noon of WEDNESDAY, June 13th. 1BSU, tha FOUKKllKD AUCTION i'LEIKtKS I'ledced in the months of January, ttbttt.try. March. A^ril, and ilay ot the ,)c.Lt 1837, .I I.bOb. August, ISio. soaM I'AKISH OF Alt_V_ lioWILLV. C A It MART II ENS II111E~ iAII'OJiTA.NT cAW: OF A VALVADLE FKKLHULU ESVATE. M 1, JOHN FK.\?UiS is instructed to J. UFF?K for CAL? ?- AL'OT!0?. at tha Iv' Bush liotei, C'.irumii.hen, ou BATUliDAV, June lb, i888. in one or morll Lots, the ALLTYGOU ESTATE, Situate about It Illite from Abergwilly and Nant- K^redi); l^iilway btatious, and four miles from the TowlI ot Carmarthen. It comprises Alltynot; Mansion House and Grounds, with some exceedingly valuable meadows on the banks ot tho River Towv the farms ot Alliyjjoj: ..u,,1 Feubryn; Faikyoeilian Dwelllug- hotise and Laud; Ctvplev CotU»e and Garden, all having an area ot about iu) acres, lying well together, bounded by the Kiver Towy lor atout one mi.e, aud having some of the bet aalmoll poob in that cele- brated river. FartlcuUra, Plans, and Conditions may be obtained of W, Morgan Grittilhs, Ksq., Soliciuir, Carmarthen or of Mr. John Francis. Auctioneer, Land AKtmt" and Surveyor, JJarmartheu. 80520 pKKEUOhD PltOPEirff, LLANGAN, OLAiIO«<iAXsiHlKf. Ml?. J. K ?UKN has ben instructed to J.. SELL by AUC'HO?..(t the Wyndh?.n Arms huicl, Bridgend, on SATUltDAY, the 9th day of June, 18S8, at Four o'clock In the Afternoon precisely, all that eligible FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE And OUTHOUSES adjoining, together w ith an excellent Field ot Fasture Xjmd, about six acres iu extent, with the Duildinjfs thureun. These Freiuises contain lead ore, and can te better Identilied by reason of its having been formerly exten- sively worked ua a lead mine. For Further Funiculars apply to the Auctioneer, at hh Ollices, 64, tll. Alary-sirect, Cardiff; or to Messrs. John Jones, Macintosh, and Dixo", Solicitors, Cllr- I ù¡fl. L 80549 FKUEHOLO BUSINESS FKEMISES, CAUDIFi. MK. J. E. GUN.\ has been instructed to SELL by AUCTIOV, aT, the Iloyal Hotel, Cardiff, 011 MONDAY, the 11th dsy of June, 1883, at Four outock in the Afternoon (subject to such conditions as Khali be then and there produced;, all that FREEHOLD CORNER SHOP AND* PREMISES, Situate on the Junction of HIGH-STlttET AND DUKE-STREET. CAHDIFF. It is let on lease to Mr. John Munday, Chemist, for a term 01 25 years troin the 24th day of June, 1885, at « graduating rental, lor the lirst sixteen years at ;CJ80 and lor the remainder 01 the term at £200 per annum. The situation of this property is unequalled iri Cardiff, | and.notwlthsfandlng the fact that tho rental is inade- quate. the property will be sold to pay a rJOOU return on the purchase-money. For further partiuuUrs apply to the Auctioneer, 64, fct. Alary-street; or to II. M. KEES, Esq., Solicitor, 80541 lib, Bute-road, Cardiff. CAKDIFF. —— LONG LEASEHOLDS, IN CtiNTKE OF TOWN. MK. J. E. GU?N will SELL by AUC- l.T. i TtO?.M the Koyal Hold, Cardiff, on MOMDAY. itio Hth day of JUlie, 1B88, at 4.30 p.m., vy order of the Executrix of the lale David Christopher, all those TIVO DWtLLLNG-HOC'SES AND PREMISES, Situate and being £ »os.3 and 5. Ebeneier-street, Frede- rick-street, Cardiff, in the respective occupations of Alr. Waits and Mr. Fhilllps, at the reflective rentals of 8s. and 7s. 6.1. per week, and held for the residue o! a term 01 19iJ years from 1837, at the very low anuual apportioned ground rent of Hi b. ihe Ptopftty Is fit good repair, centrally situated, and always OJiitnunds «uud tenants. Further particulars of the Auctioneer, at No. 64, St, Maty-street. or Mr. WESTYR-KVANS, Solicitor. JLr~ Market-buildings Chambers. Cardiff. SAINT -MAKY-BTREET. CARDIFF. SALE UF VALUAjBLB LEASEHOLD BUSIXE88 PREMISES. It/pii. J. E. GUNN has received instruc- XtX tious to 8EI.L by AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel. CaiutiY, ou MONDAY, tho 11th day of June. I828 at ♦.Jt) o'clock ill the Atcerimnn, subject to rllch conditions as sintll be then and there ptoduced, all that very LEASEHOLD SHOP AND PREMISES, Kitunte oil the corner of -;t. Mary-street and Quay- street, and known as No. W, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. The premises comprise a capital Shop, havini; con- spicuous plate-glass nontage. tll St. Mary-street and yuay-stteet, with K -Oil cellm-s tluoughout, convenient, buitet of ouiocs, h6\toflt., ami w.c. '.i oil fii-stand second I100n. with »p4ciout appiu.cfi from Quay.street, and are held on Ie" lor a term of 99 years, from the 1st day of January, 1B33, at the annual ground rent ot A:160, and are let to Mesne. Htead and isimpjon and other tirst-clasi tenants at the yearly rent of JC'i37. The Auctioneer begs to draw the particular attention of investors and tra.icsmen to this verv valuable corner property, situate its It is In the best, business part, f St. .\1,y-str..cL. adjoiiiiiiB the old-established Griffin lilli, within two doors ot General fost-ottice. near all the liaitks. alitt WitililL close proximity to the new Castle- street Arcade (which is now approaching coitipletiuii). For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, lA, 6t. Mary-street; or to J. U. WISaTYj;.EVAN'S, Esq., Solicitor, WHl Market. Chambers. Cardiff. RIVEKSIUH, CARDIFF. SALK OF A DKfiLEASEHOLD RESIDENCE. iVrU. J. K UIJNN is instructed by the, J.T.L Mortnagee to BELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at 1110 Western Hotel, Cariliff. on FlilDAY, the 15th \lay 01 June, VSS8, ut Six o'clock in the Evening (subject lo such Conditions of Sale as shall then and there be prooucrd anil ieari). all th«t LKASEduLD ME.>SUAGE OR DWELLINU- DOUS"; AND PREMISES, Known as No. 14, C'.are-strfet, iliverslde, Cardiff, in the occupation of Mr. Armand Beaugtoij, at the low annual rental of ?4j (ian())ord payi?n rtte: and taxes). The Premises are held ior the residuo of a term of 99 years from the 91h day ot September, IS¡; at the annual ground rent of £6 11.. 6d. For Further Farticulats apply to the Auctioneers, 64. BI. Mary-street, Cur.llft, or J Mr. D. W. JONES. Solicitor, MerthyrTydfil NEW onCHARD-KTIlEET, SWANSkZ Mii. J. JENICINS has been instructed 1'1. by Wm.Davies. Eiq., to SELL bv AUCTION, at tile aoove address, on W'MDNESDAV, June LOLii, 13S8, aL Tlwee p.m. MORTAR MILL. AND ENGINE, By BUfrows and Stewart. quite new, pau 8It.: also woodon shed 17lt. by 9ft. WTe°'k>rt.;Z:t:I£;,t to the PurchaMr. II reouired■ ?itti the use .1 the For Further Particuinro apply to Mr. J. Jenkins. 68, Hwvvd-teiraop, Swaiisea. 80912 IMFOi<TANT bAI.E A-G A L L E R Y 0 P 0 1 L PAINTINGS. FOH ABSOLUTE DIOPOSAL, TO COVER ADVANCKS. THE SALK-KOOMB. 25, DUKK-STIIEET, CARDIFF. MKSSltS J. G. AlADDOX and CO. bave 1' received Instruction* to 8ELI. by AUCTION, at their Rooms, on TUESDAY, June 12th, 1W8, and fol- iowtnx .tayt. an important Gallery of Valuable OIL FAIN It N(id. removed to the above rooms for con- velllelle601 Mile. and lucludlng examples by Armtield, W. Yates, Clark, Larpent, Roberts, Clare, Davis, E. Itortou, A. Hulk, Leslie, Clemliuon, Broome, and L'oilhieofi. Also s(*Vf rat EXHIBITED WORKS, □atalogues of which may be obtalud on application at :ke 10 ons. On View Monday. June Uth.and MorntnM of 8ale. ?he Auction will commence at Z.Mand 7.H p.m. eaoh I.Y. ?uotton Sale-rooms and Omcej, 2b. ?<??'?.JOardU!.? Bc.9? ?-????'??' AUCtiUN ROOMS, CARDIFF' OW 1(, to the OUii:A.T SALU of OIL  ?!?' WEHKLY SALES ot ?UUTSMUOLUht'tEUTi} ?d?fUted for Lhe 12th and j4V NOT TAKE PLACE, but will be held on CUESDAY and ThUMDAY. June 19 a.? 21, *,ben ^eie will be iuciuaed a va?uab!e cona?nrntht of imifteiioid kisrnILui-e and Effect removed from Lyn. e»gh, Howatti OarUeiu, by oruer of M«tWUha«tt.aad rom oth«r ipideucei in ?'a neiehbourUood, &uod< on Tiew Moruirif of Saf,. 8& e at Two o'clock precisely. DeIn. G-od. ,Ifeow 'cloc taADM? ACID.. And. 8096a 1. 0. JD IPakØ bp aucttoit. -I  ?AY. A.TTWa?OtOOtt. IPROM TH, a? TIW,I MtOM THE sl. owY'4 UB/4E1t ii. HMBPORD. BT ORDBE 0' MX. WILLIAM CXOVB MESSRS. GO MW A LTZ and BOWHINO have received instructions to "HLL by .UC, ,a the Horse Exchange, Cardiff, THIS DAT (SATURDAY), 9tb June, 1888, at Two o'clock, a UHOiUK SWLISCTION OF GREENHODSfi), BRDOIRO-OCT PI-ANTS. FERNS IN ORBAT VARIETY. PALMS, POT ROSH8, OBttANIUMS. OALECROLANAS, LOBELIAS, AGERATUMS. VEJ(HE u. PETUNIAS, STOCKS. ASTERS. DAHLIAS, PBLAB. PBt¿\\t:s.f::iJl.:¡:'t.iuk!li8B. FUCHSIAS. ±u. ON VtEW M ORMtKGOPaALB. 130680 ON TUESDAY NEXT. ANNUAL 8PUINO SALS OF CARRIAGEO AT THE HORtH: EXCHANGE, CARDIFF. MESSKd. (tOTf\VALTZ and BOWRING will hnid a SALE on TUESDAY. 12th June, t as. it Two o'clock punctnally, ol MODERN OAKlUAGiiS, HARNESS, AND SADDLIIRY, BROUGHAMS. Including ■WAGONETTES, DOQCAltTS, Full Site, Cob, and Pony, PHAETONS, SPUING CARTS, Ac. Catalolfuea will be forwarded on application.$j921 ON TUESDAT NEXT. 8ALB OF EXCELLENT LIJASEHOLO PROPERTIES, DWELLING-HOUSES, AND SHOP, Situate lit Coirbrldgti-road, Oardlff, and RESIDENTIAL VILLAS, its Severn-road, Cardiff. MliSSUS. GOTTWALTZ ancTROWRING J.YJt. will SELL by AUCTION, at. the Queen's Hotel. ClaiuiiT, on TUESDAT, 12111 Juue, 1883,at Seven o'clock iu tbe Evenl,,u. Ihe Aboye Desirable LEASEHOLD P?'!?1'?<TIES:— KING'S-HOAD. CANTON. Lot 1. All that Shop and Dwelling-House, sltuata and being the first on the left lianti side Irom Elv-road, held under lease for 199 years from IcOth Mav, 1287, at the yeariv ground rent otCG. let. to a respectable tenant. 8EVE)!N-HOAU, ???{TO?. '?' Lots2and3. Alltlinse Two Villa Residences, being N03. 1'3 and 14, Severn-road, < anton, Cardiff, situate iiiablocko three, opposite the residence of the lale Mr. Daniel Jones. Each house contains dining atld drawing rooms, live bedn>oms, hot mid cold water baths, and out- offices. The properly Is held under leate from Mr. Gomer Jenkins for a term ol 99 years Irolll the 20tti December, 1886, nt the yearly ground rent of £ 5 house. ELY-ROAD, CANTON. Lot 4. All that. Leasehold Dwelling-house and Pre- mises situate and beinu No. 317, Ely-road, Canton, and tiat, first house of the block oppusite Mr. Giles's Pro- vision Stores, and containing Jtntnt: aud drawing roum, five bedrooms, hot, and cold w iterbatij, kitckjeiis, and out-offices let to a respectable tenant. Lot. 5. All that Desirable Leasehold Dwelling-house ami Premises Immediately adjoining the last Lot, and being No. 319, Ely-road, with similar "ccollllllodation let. to a respectable tenant. Lot 6. All that Desirable Dwrolling-lioutf- and Pre- mises sltqateaml beinc No. 325, Ely-road, ClIlnll, nlld similar to the last Lot; let to a respectable tenant. 'ihese Premises are held under three separate Leases from J. G. R. Jlomfray, Esq., tor terms of 99 years from the 2nd, 3rd, and 23rd December. 16SG, respeclively, at the annual uround rents of 46. A:6. and 1:5 os, Further Particulars may be obtained of the Auc. tioneers, or Mr. HENRY HEARD. 80339 SOLICITOR, CARDIFF. ON TUESDAY NEXT. SALE OF BUSINESS DtEMtSES. MESSRS. oornvALTZand BOWRING _-liave received Instructions to SELL by AUC- TIOJS,?? the QueMn'i Hnttt, Cttrdiff.onTCKSDAY, H(h June, 1888, lit ."even ("clek In the Evening (t?eet << C."dltiOJt of alt to be thin and there vodu,ed), ail Lbat SHU1', D?ELL'i?'G.H ? ?? AND ?" PIUMlSE, Known as "SMOtLAjrDJHOCSN," situate and being No. 24, Mnir. .ce, Splotlauds, Canliff, now in the occupation o ?r. Comley, at the yearly reutal ?t £ 52 10s. I. The Property Is held for a term of 99 years, at the low annual "roulHi rent of £6. Further particulars. mav be had of the Auctioneers, or Mr. HEN Iff HFAKD, 90575 SOLICITOR, CAIIDIFF. ON TUESDAY AND WEDXESDAY NEXT. JUNE 12 AND 13. 18b3. SALE-ROOMS, 11. HtGH-STR[;ET. CARHtPP "Vt EteSHS. GOTT WALTZ and HOWJki?G AT J. are in receipt of instructions Irom Messr.. Cas- tiglione and Co., of London, to SELL by AUCTION, at their Sale-10 >ms. 11. High-street. Cardiff, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, June 12 and 13, 1883, couimenciui; at Two o'elock. A VALUABLE STOCK OF DIAMOND JEWELLERY, Sevres and Vienna China, Jce.; alst) a Quantity of Electro-plated Goods. Cabinets of Cutlery allll Plate, Fish and Dessert Knives and Forks, lintr<e Dishes, Soup Tureen.. Cruets, &c.; "? up TureensM, AKBLti CLOCKS AND BHOZES. Ou View the Day Prior and Mornings of bale. Catalogues tnav be hurt of the Auctioneers. 8^911 BALK OF P HOPE Iff Y. '¡J" ESSnS. vOTT", ALTZ /Cud nOWHING 1,1. have received instructions to ^ELL by AUC- TION, at the Angel Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, 19tli JUII, liJoC, at Three o'ylock punctually (subject to mc.i Conditions as snaU be Mell and there prudueedj, the lol- lowing VALUABLE PROPERTY LARGE PUBLIC HALL. CAPITAL STABLING AND YAIW. PARTICULAIiS- All that FIECFI of LAND with J,4HG: HALL, with the FIVE STABLES, Lofts, aud olhtr BittKli.i^s ub- stantlally erected thereon, situate and being at Canton, boullded on the north hy the backlels ot the Jiouies receiitlyerectod by Thonias Gougli, facing Cowbridge- road; on the west br land belonging iiilir. Charles Bitd, and on the south and east by a back lane leadiii" from North Morgan-street to Ficton-place, Cantou, Caroiff. The property is held on leate from Mr. Henry Hurry Jenkins for a term of 91 yean, from the Zlilt June, 1864, at the yearly ground ieiil oj £ ■) Further particular* may oe had of the Auctioneers, or ESS S. B. 4IATTIIKW. AXU 60S. SOLICITORS. 80791 CHUJCCH-STRELT, CARDIFF. On THURSDAY aud FRIDAY, 21st and 22nd JUNE. ises. SALE OF GRAND HOrSr.nOLD APPOINTMENTS CONTESTS ot a RILLIARD-liOOM recently fur- nulled by Messrs. RUlillUCGHl-.S and WA'll'S A CoLLbCl'ION OF VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS. LIBRARY OF STANDARD BOOKS, SILVER PLATE, THE USUAl, HOUSEHOLD I FITTINGS AND OUTDOOR EFFECTS. Uemoced from Gloucestershire, By permission will he included in this Sale EXCEL- LENT HOUSEHOLD iUttXITURU REMOVED trom PAKK GROVE, CARDIFF. Ml'.ssus. GOTT WALTZ and BOWRING .Ni have received imtructio).! to SELL by AUCTION. at. their Balerooms. 11, High-street, Cardilf, ou THURS- DAY and FHIDAY, 21staud 22nd June, 188a, at Eleven o'clock each day, the EXCELLENT CONTENTS OF Till] AliOVE RESIDI5NU1-.S, Which comprise the whole of the bED CHAMBERS, including Fittings in Sulib Mahooamy, WALNUT, and Asu and WALUL jt.wlih MASSIVE BRASS BEDSTEADS and rich Wood ditto, with I)o furniture for same- 10m" of the Wardrobes wirh p:.itf-?tatt p.meis.and to.let tables on pedestal and le supports, A VEf{Y\!A?'D??H WA'M?'?'?CHAMBER SET, with Wardrobe of special ue?gn, hUed ?ith?writtnt table centre. A HANDSOME BEDROOM SET OF FURNITURE, With large and beautifully-fitted wardrooe, toilet tables, &c.; hair-stuffed mattresses, leather, bedding, linen, chamber aeM, ifr?e ?nd small chest* of drawets, CAri?et3 and ru¡s.lIlIcn 1J."ets, &a. and rugCs, ONTENTS n< a GRANDLT-OARVED MA- HOGANY DINING-ROOM, comprising a FULL SET of CHAIRS in real morocco, a VERY HANDSOME SIDE- BOAKD, with bl1t pt?te-R?ti h)Mk. a MAHOGANY BOOK?ASjt. a dhmfr wagon, a coal VAse, lar¡:e û¡'lill- .11 en 4t,; -OPECIMLN EARLY EtaNbGleL, ISH SECRETAIRE, chimney-glass, dinner gong large Indian c*rpet, MAKBLE CLOCK and UK?A- MbNTS in bronze and chinM. two j?trt of costly chenille curtains, it fender and Irons In brass, with dogs to match. The CONTENTS of a BILLIARD-HOOM and HALL. Including chairs and stand, a carved 0..11 needlework an sEeXttCeeE, LLENT BILLIARD-TABLE by BURROUGHES and WAITS, the SLATE KED 0f EXTRA THlCKNES6. with BILLIARD. POOL, and PYRAMID BALLS, MARKING BOARDS,CUlib, nnu all the ACCESSORIES of the GAMLI, ALL IN CONDIilON LQUaL TO NEW. Brackets and old vases, jugs, mugs, Ao. j Wilton pile carpettlng and massive brass rods. The DMAWt?.-RuoM FURMH'PRE, in beautiful t?tf in Old English, consisting 01 a PAIR of CADI- NETS,%VALL?ilititOltS, and d*l expensive i i:f'1 ff. s;t,;c: CMr<.?M.t BEAUTIFUL INLAID SUl'i'?. withtXtM ooMred in Ilk; a line EAGLE CU?SOU! TÁI[iLIIt:d Gr Êfilk;; ?rthd fvt,. ¡:a;e TABLE and rug to n?teh wall ttghx. a rnaulv brass fe?Qer. lions and dogs; A SCFEHJ; COTTAGE PIANOFOKTE in ROSEWOOD CASE. by COLLARD and CULLARD. A COLLECTION OF OLD CHINA. Including IIUlmCI1S of Suamea, Crown Der?y, Wor- <:Mfc-)')?<. ?tr?M.xnd?tfM! among the most Im- portant lots.ue a pair of SIOVKES VA6K3. aud a pair of Indian H Iiri, afternoon tea gets, cups and saucers, AC. A COLLECTiM 0*t"'StL ?f?'t?'?' A K l }"  A .L  COLOUH DKAWIXGS. A LIBRARY BEAUTIFULLY FITiED IN WALNUT, comprising a WALNUT SIDEBOAltD with glass back, *?rnewnHnet<t)tt..tVmtY f?h; WALN8"t IIOOR- ? LA ? with painted portrait panels of ?e)? Aa?tury" and" Lord Handclph Churchill," A SUITL oF liUIt, Kaxy asu Wrtnna DitTO, a slue iabl« and SMALL Libkarv OF Booxs. TheFURNITUUE OF BKEAKFAS'C ROOM. compris- ing a bi- r. Bkavtifiti.lv Carvkd Sir.i'BOA all), A grand set of furniture in morocco and the dining table lo match, a set 01 hunting scenes, carpet and run oriiaitiejits, ke. i«E PLATS consists of spoons ami lurk., cruets, punch bowl, a set. of carveis in Case, a FINE SET OF Dt?U COVERS, kntiike DISHE., teapotn, Ac. the contents of Pantries, Kltchcns, lId Otttslde Effects, Including LAW MOIVEH by MAN&OME, SlU?.a?.d CO., garden seat.and tools, iSIMti'Ôù,¡;l\o' DAYS DttbR TO SALE. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers, Cardiff. 80j76 CARDIFF HOKSK EXCHA?&R. MESSRS, GoiTSVALiz and BOWRING 1" will hold their hcxb STUD SALE Of Hunters, Harness Horses, Cobs, aud Ponies on SATURDAV, 23rd June, iS £ 8. Early entries solicited. 80956 FOURTH ANNUAL WOOL SALE AT THB HOUSE EXCHANGE, CARDIFF. MESSRS. GOTTU al.TZ aud bowring .L.:J. wiU Hold < SALE OF WOOl. On THURSDAY, bill July Next, Early Entries for which" ill oblige. Bhrcts tor Tacking senL Free 011 application to the AlIcll meers. Cardiff. n.e Auctioneers beg to call the attention of Flockmusters to th" a. it Inl, be found the best medium Jot the ino. 2vsal of Wool. itoviQHt bales tuive been tceil attended and prices satisfactory, 80*64 BY '.RDER OF TRUSTEES. FREEHOLD PROPEIiTiES, ONE FUJI OCCUPATrON AND ONfc lOR INVKSTMBNT. MESSRS. TOWERS, WJLLIAMSON, l.VJL and ELLIS will BKLL by AUCTION, at tha Beaufort Arms, Chepstow, on WEDNESDAY, June 13th next, at Two, the DETACHKI1 RESIDENCE, "Athnetd." Hardwick-hlll, Chepstow, overlooking the junction of the Rivers ttevern and Wye, and command- iim very <tM views. Fire bedrooms, dressing- room, and box-room, drawing-room, dinlnu-room, and usual offices on the ground door, double conc h -liouie, and ,twL-"Iled stable. The charming grounds of nearly two acres are well ttMbert? and laid out in lawn, Md- dock. ?. For many years p"t let at £ 60 per annum, but now sold wfth possession. Also tlie IiiTMtnant in the flve-storeyed WARE- ROUSE, Lower Cbumh-ottfet. Chopotow. lot on lease to the Chepstow Bobbin Mii Is Company at All. „May j* Tiawed and Particulars, Ac., had of Messrs. Walters, Deverell, and Oo., Solicitors, 9. Now-squmv. Llncolti's-lun, London, W.C.; Messrs. j. ilnd T. and P. Bvans, Solicitors, Chepstow; and of tita Aoctlonrers, 141. London. W. rPHE VV kr KLY MAIL, tha Largeat aad moat X Poiiuiai tut M X fAFBB rriaud. "alt. fag awttom tAaM-PLAOB. M. AOOOamfM.ttMD. AND 8,Llg Oll eLSNt-BLACt.PB?AMS. SALE 07 VILLA AND COTTAUS PBOPEBT1, ComprlMiig Uie following t— ,Nov. 4 2, andC3 0m?pA(lgLA.PHAX]'tTit, well-built, duul¡le.lruh Houses,immediately facingth«Peo»rUi Hotel, and bavfug frjmMe* of 39ft„ Mt.. sold mt. :t:ev,;r: 5u:na., tto' 2 reception Mortt, e«<-et. and ouUauu- (with th< exception of No, 3, whM has Of.I bedroom ..), Bos. I and 3 are let at <? a you each, aud Mo. 2 «t Ttrragiyesri. Ground tons M Mt. per house. OOTfAaB. tt. AufM.MHt'?M?.rtnMtb. a capital Ym. Retlde. p'taaanOytttuate. .b a sea view, and oontainint 6 bedrooms, bath-roem, w.o., 2 sitting-rooms, 2 kitchens, Aa. t garden. and back and side entrances. Term 99 years. Ground rent <3. Not. 14. IS, 16. 17. and lg.GLHBR-PLACB. PENARTH, being capital Seven-roomed Houses, all let at 7s. 6d. 4>er week each. Piivale improvements done. Term ears. Ground rent tl 17&. 6d each house. TV/fESSRS, W. and S. HEUN have ATJ. received instructions to SELL by AUCTION the above PROPERTY, at the Penarth Hotel. Penartb. on MONDAY, June 11th, 1888, at Seven p.m. Further Particulars may be had at the Aucti,)n-t-S' Offices, 72, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 807W) CAHDIFF, AND CLIVK-KOAD, PENARTH. SALE OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. COM. PlilbiNG- Lot 1. A Capital Villa Residence, situate and beinit No. 64. itic. MOND-ROAD, CARDIFF, r. Erected in 1679, and containing live bed and two smaller mums, hot alld cold bath, two reception-rooms, and the usual domestic offices, held for the residue 01 term of 99 years at the annual ground rellt,,1 iC5 12s. 6d. Imt 2. A convenient Resldenoe known iii Radnor House, and being M. 87, CuWJnllDGE-ROAD, CANTON. CARDIFF. H contains six bedrooms, hot and coM bath, three recep- tion-rooms, and the usual domestic offices and cellars, garden with back entrance, held under lease for 99 voors from 4th October, leb4. at the annual grouitd rent of .e 17s. A large portion of the purchase money may remain ou mortgage. Lot 3, A thmbie-fronted Residence, situate and hains No. 327, COWB(It DOE-ROAD, CAN'rO. CARDIFF. Coiitftiniu^ hveb<tr?ou)5. t.?o receptioti-rooius, nu.? the usual domestic oHicej. Held for the residue of a teru of 99 y ears at l ground rent ot £ 5. Residence, situate and being No.. CMTB.KOAD. PENAMn. Containing six bedrooms, hot. aud cola bath, two recep- t¡olJ.rO<lnl, and the usualufticel. Held for the residue of a term ot 99 years at a I(roulld rent ol H ESS MS. W. and S. Hi'iR$have been atJL favoured with instructions to SELLtlie above by AAt the Royal Hotel, Cirdift.on TJLUltiDAI, 21st JUlie, 1889, at Seven p.tn. Further Particulars may lie had on application to the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 72, St. Maty street, rardllf. B(¡,I Cardiff; *— PLANEI-STITHET, DIAMOND-STREET, AND RICHARD-STREET. Messrs. \V. and s. HEliN will l?JL OFFCH fOr SALE, at the Royal llotel, Cttdif onMONDAV, 'ho 2?h day f. e, 186s, at Seven o'clock in the Evening, the following Valuable ?-;AS'K'?LD'' lïlllia: f  Loll. All th",e 'hm LlullCIld Owfhinx-huu?ts?ttd Pniiiltci, situat.! and beiuu -3. 3 a)?d 4, l'lance-sireet CaidilT, now in the occupation ot M.. )K'tH<mdM)t? 0%*?its lespcctively, at weddy rental of 8s. Ld. e«cll h..u?. H"I foJr a term oi 00 ears, tnim t).?5.h <Jy of March, let>7, at all apportioned annual around rent of X0. Let 2. All that Shop, with counter, gas. and other flttinus complete, aud the Dwelling-ht>u-.e AsidPreniisto thereto i/elongiug, and all that Dwelling-house and Premises ilojoiinii);, situate and bt iiig Noa. 58 and tO Diamond-stieet, Jtoath, Cardiff. Hela f. term of W years, tt^m 2cth day ot .Marchiifc70, at all annual ground lent Mf Aft for the two houses. Lot o. All that Dwelling-house and Premises situate and UeiiiK No. 3, liicliard-streci, Caiiuy,, Cardiff. Held lnr.1 term of 9!J vears irom £ 9„h dav oi September, 18a0, at an unntiiil grouud rent of j;4 ltisT2ri. The above Pr-mlses will be Sold separately or in lots for the convenience 01 lJul'ehu.er""1 W.y be deler- inined ut the Sale, <md the ground relts will ?. case of a division 01 any lot, be equally appor- tioned. For Further Particulars at to Lot 1 apply to Messrs Dalton, spencer, Corbett, and Evans, solicitors, Ctruitt; und as to all the iu? to the Âuc:lnlleeu. 7-. at. MM V- Street, CMdift; or to Messrs. JohnJonet.Maootoan and Dixon, ?otiotors. Temple-chambers, i?. St. John s- tqn?e. Cardiff. j?g &ai7e oi-'vaLUabLTeTFhi.ElfOLl) A?b LEASEHOLD PROPEKTY AT CARDIFF. CoMPKIblNl, :— Lot 1. All that LEASEHOLD CORNER SHOP and PREMISES, situate and kiltl: o, Ii9, 1IRUAUW A Y, ROATH, CARDIFF, together with the Piemisesattbe rear thereof, used AS -,I, Aerated Waicr Works, held on » lease for 9a years, from March 25th, 1873, at au ap- portioned ground rènl. 01 in 17a. Lot. All that MESSUAGE lIud PREMISES, compri- sing CORNER SHOP and BAKEHuUSt, situate and beiugNo. 14,UUKEN-STREET, CANTON, Cardiff, I" the occupation ot the owner. Held under lease for 99 yeais from the 2bth March, ltTi), at the low anuual ground rent of 12. Lot 3. All those SIX LEASEHOLD DWFLLTVG- UOUSES- It[ 'title and being Nos. 141, 14e, 143. iaj 14b, aud 146. WELLINGTOVSTREliT, CANTON* Cardiff, held under lease for 99 yeai* from 1st ber, 18o6, at all anijual ground rent of 47 6a. lu. The houses are let at, ct. per week each, antf the shop at Lot 4. All FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE ■itnaie at aud having a trontage ol lalt. to Wuison- road, Llandaff Yaru, near Cardiff, in the occupation cf tile owner. L-.t 6. All that Capital VILLA RESIDENCE situate and being o..5, cOWBIIIUGE-ROAD, CANiOx Cardiff, containing 6 bediooms, bath-rooiu, u reception- rooms, and ofli-jca ;tj.d klek lleld on lease for 99 years from ;;9th September, 1880 at the annual ground rent o; J.5 17s. Possefsion oil com- pletion. 11j';SHS. ?.and S. HEUX have received i list s \0 SKLL Ih" above liv AUCTION' a?;,e Royal Hotel, C..)?iff. 0), MONDAY, h?'?h June, lbifc, ut Seven p.m. l,'urt bet- Particuiars may be had of the Auctioneers, at their Office*, 72, St. Mary-street, or 01 the Solicitor Mr David Lewis, Charles-street, Cardiff, lOiil SALE TO-D.Y. THE GLAMORGAN lioil I-, DEPOSITORY (OF PO. .4 I'kL T. V. R. I O.N). C.A ic L)i L., V. VI 1!. W. Ü. LAITY Legs to announce that lie will HOLLi a SALli of < CART HoRbEs, HACKS, AND HARNESS HORSE On SATURDAY, June 9th, X68c. Early Entries respect- fully inviteo. By Private Treaty, Two SlylUhGiiiSfuewi PRESENT ENThiES INCLUDE 1 Horse, the Property of J. Williams, Esq.; 1 Horse, the property of T. Lewis; I FOIIY, i Cob, I C:art, Hurbe, I Cou, 4 Cart Horses, 1 Cob, pony, io Dot Carts. Gigs, Ac. alt at 2,30. fcntries m.i y be made up to Day of S <le. SD796 IMPORTANT 8 TE-u A-, i i PRELIMlNAIiY' AO VERi'ISEMENT. TO STONE MERCHANTS, QUARRY UWAEMS. AND OTH l.jt.-<. .lEssn, G10. NICHOLS, SON, and ItJL ALUt?mo?EK fo. $A LH by AUCTION, at Chepstow, on TLEiDAY, the 19th d?y ot June IUllaut. all those extensive QUARRIES, Situate at Llancaut.Tu shill, Fhst Cliff rilli, alid Land adjoining thereto, ali III theFattsh ol Tidenham, near Chepstow, and lately its the occupation of Mesirs. Egel- stall, and navitig an area of upwards of !2 acres. Each Quarry comprises excellent limestone, building stone, and sione suitable tor road making. Lot 3 also contains all extensive tjyer of good sandstone. Fol- further particulars apply to Messrs. Tribe, Clarke and Co., Albiou cnamhers, Bristol; Me-srs. OSliOUNK WARD and CO., ;?olicitors, Bristol: H. C. TITAPIELL, -"?-?"?'. Solicitor, Bristol. 80S47 HAVEliFOiimVKST^ SALE OF VALUABLE FHEEUOLD PROPERTY. MR. T. JtULK OWEN has been in- 'l"' 't' ucted to offer for SALE bv PUBLIC A?CT!Of. at the Swan Hotel, Haverfordwest, on MONDAY, Jultell, IUS, at Oije for Twt) o'clock in the Afternoon, the wholu ot the s-alumble FREEHOLD PROPERTY Described and allotted as below Liit 1. TWO COTTAGES in the respective occupations or Mrs. Ann Matthews and Mr. Fentou Moore, at rents amounting to *10 per annum, hndtotd r'?vmc out- Kuin?.TWOCOfTAUES ()n ruin:) adjoining, and ti,s jC':f :J.. J;u::J 1\iII!c, :1\j¡Iu the ilar,tue. This lot, having a trontage to the new road lea dliig (a-oni North tiatt to at. Martin s, is of coiulder- able and increasing value. Lot 2. And Piece of Ground (lornierly slto of house) situate in North street and at the corner of Kiln-road, and now vacant. The cart right-of-way to the three other Kilns is reserved through this Lot. Lot 3. Auother LIMEKILN, situate in Jforth-ttreet beine the Mcuud to North of Building held by the .\Uti'u At-iii%. and )?- vacant. thtboundar?tof LoU 2 and 3 will be marked out on the ground before day of g"Ie. Lot 4. All that Building, formerly used as STORES. situate at the corner of North-street at its jutiei ion with llolloway, and now in the occupation of the Salvation Army at u rent of £ 26 per annum. Also so much of the Garden adjoining same on the East side as would be cut. off by alill extending parallel with the run of the East pine end wall or the above Building across the Garden northwardly. Tlu. boundary will be marked ground before day of bale. A substantial division wall. At least eight feet high, enclosing the severed pieces 01 Garden is to l/e built by the purchaser of this Lot. Lot 5. The remaining part (If the GAHDEN men- tioned in Lot 4, and now in the occupation of Mr Tamlyn. Lot.6. A lIOUSE In North-street in the occupation cf Mr. W. Junes, aud FOUR HOUSUS in Chapel-lane occu- pied by Air. Thomas Lloyd. Miss Harries, and Messrs Lawrence and Jettkisisi-espectiveli-, at rellls anllluulillg t<> i'31 tis., landlord paying outgoings. If not so.d in one Lot each of these Houses will be offered separately Lot 7. FIVE COMA?BS And Yards .if (? side of entrance to Castle, In thi oecupati.Mi .r w"tkly tenauts.it rents amounting to £ 23 i:?'' t?ndtutd pavlngoutgoiugs. ?' the ?ui)? 01 a tton? witli ?ronft?e to Qucen't-sq?ioe t?d iaige üardn behind, :)tu?eittCa)ttc-back. Lot 6. A COTTAGb) ill the occupation of M. A. Lewis at the annual rent -1 A'o ;O?., out^viugs paid byland- )or<). ThM vacant COTTAGES'?d?n!? K'o ?'?p!?! r !t1('i':Ic;aGoI: it!, d V ¡H:'ucÔ\1 held by Mr. WillUin Morgan at the rent 0 ?3. outgoijigs paid bv landlord. Lot 9. A DWELLING-HOUSE Pk Qileeu's-square, called St. Martin's Cottage, ill file occupation ol Mr. George Roger.), at the annual rent of kt. Lot 10. A BLACKSMITH'S BliOP and SHED, situate at I lie corner of Church-street, iu the occupation of 3dr. James Davies at the annual lent, of £ 8, landlord payiue uu?uinj:). (Part of the Ynd at Ihe back of Utebe Pre. mises lie.ongs to the Corporation of Haverfordwest.) Lot 11. A IILACKS.UICR i SHOP immediately ppo. LoL? nt 10. hi rile wcupitNon of Mr. H. Lf?;). t.n the annual rent oi ? 4a., landlord paying outgoinus PARISH OF ST. M.UlY'o-SHL'T-vrRijVvr Lot 12. TH11EK HOUmj <md QAKLt?S, ill Ihe respectivo occupation* ot Thomas Summers, George Morgan, and Thomas Jones, ?t rents amounting toe l6 per annum, landlord paying outgoings. u)" 13. HOC SB and CAKDEX .,Iji-?ing Lot 12, held by Mr. Georee' Jone. under a lease for an unexpired term of 51 iyears. at" ground rent of per annum. Lot 14. TWO HOUSES and GARDEN, held by Mr. Peier Jones under a lease lor Ills own life, now aged Ut years, at a ground rent of jN per annum. One house is occupied by the It-osee, and the other House and Garden by John O'Couueli at tint yearly rent ot K10, lessee pay. iUII outoin¡¡. L<?t 1- ?'0 HOUSES aud GAI(DgNb. situate h) Grafton-terrace, in the respective occupations of.Messrs. Clifford Davies and John Boweu, held under lqase by Mr. Henry Davies for all unexpired term of ninii Years, at a ground rent of C.5 lbs. Lot 16. 1IOUSF, GARDEN, and STORES, at the corner of Horn's-lane, in the occupation of Mr. James Ph.Mips a. t.nant from ye*r <? year at the rent of tt5. Lot 17. TWO HOUSED and ARDS, one in the occu- caHan of Mrs. Harriet FhUhp', at the rent ot t7. land. tordp)tyinj{outeoint<,the other ttCtm; ?M&TABLE or( I)ayinainf d C gACH-HOUSE wfth Wto over, in the occupations of Messrs. John Brown and A. Lewis respectively, at renn &mounting to ?6, all <ttu*M )n HQf/I'lalle. Horn's-lanA e.STORES (vacant) bulula frontw to Shut. street and Horn's-lane. lot 19. All those very rich and well-watered MKADPWB situate at North Gate and now fit the occu- pation of rl. Walters at the annual rent of £28. con- ltig by adtneasuremejit 8.. 2t. lbp.. 0r thereabouts, Ind numbered 286, 288, 301, 302,341, and 5*3 en Tithe M*p. M;t Further PMttcuttrt apply to Mr. T. Bute Owen. Ù bit OMes, High-street. Etverfordwest; or to Ir eftff. DAVIhS. GBOBGE, and CO.. laicism. ..trf8. JOiSES UKOTHEHS, fUNUlPAL HILL- yotmexs AND DLLYRRSUS. Mtoa-WMMT. NEATH, ANp BftlTOB FBRBT, „ Circular* Addr*»»*a and V*Ur««d. £ lll-po«c«r* to tW kv" lWtWoypd Priaoipai AttoUawwrst A«ISSIW 61 un Vnucipal r" r 9MU "alt. bp Sluctioiu BM?Toimmno'? LLtiiUa.u, IMMMAWT &AU <? COCTfMs. 00? AND o B'l'IBBS ,\liD .KlPall,  °<MSrt???M"S?.? .UJL tnttntt'ton* from Mr. ThoetM Williams to MH* Ay, '.LYCTION, oil MONDAY, June 11, ISN, via. 80 Oouules. -ti R..dnor; gto ooa* "!0.w. C*Wet *t Foot, .n good milkers; 10 BMMn Cewt, tn tefWMd Mnd?on < Tw< TeM Old tM<M. ditto; 8 Heifer*. dttt". 18 1b' R.I.. i 4 Ditto Bleen. Four months' eredit will be given, on the usual con- dition*. < Refreshment* at 12J0. Sale at UO, S0830 PRELIMINARY ANN OO N CEHBST" THE MILLWALL IKON WOKKtt, MILLWALU LONDON, h. CLEAKANCB SALB OF THK t'XTlRB CONTENTS OF THESK CKLVHKATK1) WORKS. ]\y|"E->SRS. WHKATLKY KIKK.PHICE, iYJL and HOUMT "re instnicted to SELL bv PUEHC AUCnoN.tt mi E.Ily Date, U? whole of Lb. 'EKGt?ES, BOILERS, MACHINERY, HXED PLANT, AN.0 UTENSILS Upon the above well-known Works. The Catalogue wiU inctude t p?r of 100-b.p. horizontal reversing mill cx?tutt. W)i.p. ditto, <&-h p beam tOt?tf. several other v",Ucal aud horiMnt?t IL8ln engines; 6-toti. b- on. 4-ton. aud other steam hammers; 46-uifi steam crane, alld iitinietous other steam, liseii, swing, jib, over-head travelling, aud lmiid-cranes from 1 ton to 30 tons very tine armour-plate rolling 111111. to roU plates 10 feet, wide up to 24 inches thicit. plate, bar. and roughing mills. xOix. <md KH'.roUt: et?ni sheariu machines; rnll-iurnlng htho; numerous smith &,if forge cmnft; 60-ton weighbridge; rtt?. m?Mtv? i:jJl¡:C::h,;ne. tp':I" j(lfr.IH feet wide and 8 feet, gli. numerous nuuchtug )md th?rton, screw- In". drtdine. pt"te'?ndit.c. *<.<( nUttf machines; <<oukty pnu)p). hot nud cold 'r?n-tit?top machine*, II;e U'arllII: 7 tett wide and 2 inches thick, with engine 22in. stroke slotting nt?hihc. multlpl drill with 22 spindles, It-iLin"rilliiig tAw admit ^1 feet by 11 feet; sundry wood-working machines, G vertical hollers, and a horizontal ditto; about 1,000 tons of loose plant and other effects, Ac. Catalogues may be obtained tlmrllv from Wheallry Kirk, Price, and Uouliy, 55, Que-n Victoria strreU KC.. I.(llIdnll, and Albert-<qn:L.v. Maiiciieiitcr. L6tO ?!? ?P ?rtbatc Coiuracu 0- -S -A I41 1ti,l L), ?wtu! Slock of GNIŒÂL DRAPERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING AND HOSIERY. Tenders will be received up to SATURDAY, the 9th instant, and will U. Opeue., io the Presence ,it the Parties Tendering at. NoilN ou MON DAY. the 11th. For Full fatticutur? uud thvexton apply m  GEO. n. DYE 1(. 81835 Alliert-elijtihlK-i^s, M)t:h.?)(.ft. Cardiff T.? OK SALh, Tiy I'KiVTfh "iuJ-JaTY, tlie Olo-established "USINUSS of )tehr.. IRISH aud **ON, ot BARNSTAPLE, a Going Concern. — )?,„ further particulars app y u, Messrs. Sisun y ?..t Sisiney, eoliciiois, 11, Serjeants'Iiiii, Flee-sfrn t-, I nudou V (J ■ ainlWr. H. M. DalsUm, M'f)ii<?)o? ?], S..uthai.ipt,.n- stre*t, 131o.,rnsl)urv. ]Alnf]Otl. 'nf ¡(' ^ATTYBRO'JK ^^O.MPANY (LIMITED), Oftlces1, Sr. iim-HKN's Chambeks, llALUWIK-SThKhl', Bkistoi.. (ERNbT E. Stkiskt, C.E., Managing Director.) Manufacturers of Red, Buff, utiu4 iiluo FACING BRICKS, Red und Bull TEKKA COTTA. Specially Moulded Bricku for Suing Coursa Quoius, At-clie-, kc. WHITE GLAZEJJ BRICKS, .FIREBRICKS, FIRECLAY, &c. Blue and Brindled VITRIFIED BRICKg "or Engineering and Hydraulic Works also for ytublen, Street Paving, and Coping. Agoiccltuxul DUAIN Pipes, &C. Carriage paid to anol Jaj{Ica.' Statioh. __181- OF T[I.&, 81,.4S(JV. ar THU BUST &f?f 0? THK SKA SOX. r HEU.Y Alt AND ??HIKKS' CELEBRATED ^RT JpAPEi: JJANGINGS. JI The New Book of patterns contains ^KAUTIFUL DESIGNS. CHOICE COLOURINGS, MMVNBE VARIETY. ^HARMING DECOltA TIO8. 32 VH.nOIUA STREET. I JJlilSTOL, PAlTKIlNS POST FREE. ACKNOWLEDGED 7-0 BP.- 2-IIE LEADLSGFJltU. m59 FULTON. DUNLOP& CO. WUOLKHAtK AN" 1AMII.T BMMtOttC WINK' ALF" AND í' ¿D SPIRIT, PORTER, TIliVK MARK. MERCHANTS D u X E-ST R ELI r. CARDIFF, R B ASU [67C28 W IN D • S T R K E T, SWANSEA. ALLSOPP AND SONS, BASS AND CO., And others of the finest 1) U R T O N ALES MAICU MIEWINGS. Tobehttdof I be bad of FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO. DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, A SX FOR SOUTH W ¿\ LE:S CELJJiRATED JAMS AND NIAIUJALAOE, SOUTH WALES JAM AND MARMALADE COM PAN X. ( LI.M ITED), CAN T O C A it D 11« F. [78800; w ILI,IA'f pULLING AND c o., DISTILLERS, WliJE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. HtADOtUCK. DlSi'lLLEIlV A.X'P } IHT lllHI> Lt■* i i; fO\Rn rL)\ ?OKP?WAMBQ?tt f HEREFORD AXU Ar BltKCON. 8^6 #" Y^TALKS FOR EVER.' ??jj?? MK68RS. TYLKK ?? CO.. 40 MtMSLLYN MILM. LhANDYabtL. OUt'J{ WAl,, ??BM? H?ve sgatu obtained the ''HIGHEST AH'ARDKD hO?OUR ? the AMIi(t" Kxhibition fnaiidltion to the "mGUKSTAWAXUEX MEDAL $at Lt%-?:rp?l for the Ptirit E*0< l U'iice i> f 1,ÅJoLÑ\J'JëiUI H'?t?l?'. X?KS"?? HOSIERY. AaKKTS iff Cakuikf Messrs. HOWBLL and CO.. St.. Mary-st a-eet. 808.7 "UK TUB iibuou is tmk i,iga ^LARKE'S yyORLD-FAMEU JJLOOD MIXTURU. ,?OH CLEANSING and CLEARING the ■ DLOOD trom ALL XMHITKITIKK, wljeiuaor the rl ilult of Contiijioiw Diseue. lietediwry taint, or totit nutter of aoy description, I '11" '<• MIChl1 recommended. l'or Scrofitla, SlIi.II, UluoJ 1> .,UII surem t «>| UhitU, it. hiiiI ,rru '1\' Ii CurfivOKIHotex. Coxes Sore# ou LI," N..L, Cures Sore Lev*. Cures Bl"kh.i-, ov Pim)>ir» «»n th- at.. Care. Soo-t?. Cures UtMt'. Cure" H)uod and Hkht Uttt?.t. C?M OlandlllJr tSweliingF, t:lurll the Blood fioiu all Itu^uoo Alatt- trolil w)i»te»er csnue A. tl:i? Mixture U pleMnut tll the taste, .d werrtmu d f. f-t. anything lujurious t.o tho mostdelicete cou.lfIu. Uod of either 9ex, tton ot ttthtraM. Hx Pt..(.tit?t< *uHcit tat<t«f< to ,he It hl..1 t- telt It. du*. QOMETHING FRIGHTFUL. :7 1 caunot ."I?et gii,,ir you the particuUrs .1 .7 enraordIDal, cure, fnr I feeI n a ilutr my Jile w. itilMiry 10 in* from U.. tmllde ,"lItriol arfallll: from .1.08" dr,?di.1 au.ce-.o n" chem ".I »M». Lb. 16- ellu,a from them bfmt somethlm frilhUDI. l.u Uaasr medical treatment, luuwi no teUrI. At hut 1 tfM'tMd'Otr)ftt)tir<??'<tmut'ttM!tt.urtJ Theeflrct was beDeflclul from the frt doc. I am l?- |*rfectl, cured.—Yoors truly, I -'T Kkmt. ktakertoo. near iiucoln. Jo. 2. /CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMLD BLOOD MIXTlJKk. THU (IRKAT KLOOD VURIF1 Kit AND RKSTOREft. It "J" BotUM:t.9J.<M!).nu<H).eM«.eouttfutot six Mmm UI.uautl$1. 1I1I.-aud\o1ell to ellec\ 6 Wtuament e'tre In tbe great majority of lonc-staudinc cue.. BY ALL I Vlr.:J IJJ1To¡,LIJrt;dIM'tts m?. 0'" thl world. or Milt "?r 2 almupm. by THI? LINCOLN °A&'n'M?AXt'' C?rKT'i'?'?:??? PANT. LICOLN. iRAUK MARK. "BLOOD MIX ?_ CAPTION. PURCHASERS of CLARKE'S BLOOI) ?- MIXTURE shooM Utat 'MF M' the (eunlna mtkie. WettMtMtmittttoutMttMMtfatM palmed 8. by unPrifA?Iedvndwp. The w(mW MBcetn an4 MjMan4 CoaDU" 1>1111 ColI\paD,. LlDeolo, a..d." are ett«M*d ( TA& PM ;E!i ift I POPI 1 -D? C.» the Ooorrninent Mwm. and "< LARKE'K WOULD- WM "jBLOOD M1XVURK" Uowu Iu Um ButU*. -¡bOWl 'WIUORN); AU UDU¡1fr.. Lm TMPORTANT,—One Box of t" ?JCJ? riUt J*- mnuistMd to cur* »U srlrata CUM &n4 cmpuca- n«M o< tha rwy cwp uimd or otheivi". '? <MMt My 'tttn in Ux back. eee? ?tt ?« r: ft11w 811deI; U. H or ion. M.P.8 cbm Oeaeral B@14W). ANOU-Y*&d. MIF?IUSHM Acaots 1 CardlC—A, a4ob. ch"aik 39. Bh?t-tt?t Mt?yt—WMtt CbMe?t. PootworUls .04 Uf.r?te'm xm wwMft-1v Oisalst. Cxford-etreet. Newport- VOUIK CNiaiii.B8ft MW bMt t?tt. t.. <tH Isnin mwiitna «m ^bfpputg ^otctrie npiCKJBTS for AMERICA, CANADA, JL ACBTRALIA. or the CUB. by Uo" <xm be of. or Paroel8 and Mom bandise forwa ;WtIoti??. i pan* .01.o ,?O:id at low*" toc'tttt? nttft. by Mr. R. J. Davies. 9. Edwant-plaw. near T.V.R. SfAilon. Ctfdta. 361,9013 AlmU'J.c' .mOBA\JX, JBbK ThtfMdXt Møœahfp Cn?ptn?'t <?t. <???*????<)M* )h)M< -.Q"wn "IU H*t) f «)' K • • • CanllB fee Uordeaux Jn*.M 11:=::r,= Jane N xtUtUooth Md ftu?mM?. Fnr ?* T'"?"" apply t<> N- Jol". W""b- 'rt.?*?'!? Rue lafayetta. Bordaaus; and .lu,u.odm vfr.4bt* &?. liuo Larsis" Pordeux-. &at :t the -.1-0" .( &he cm"wf. No. b U."§ t:_ur. HOOPJCK. OAMPBKLL. and CO.. IM43 Managers. ^WANSEA TO LISBON AND BILBAO. .1 bt $8. P,UIÁY" will BAIL as above oil or about 20tb JUNE.  For Might. Ac.. and CO. M95t B?HGESa ?nd CO. ??A. ?AHPIFi', SWANSEA ?MZ??? ? AND NHWFOitf TO BRLKA8T, AND OLASUUVT. FIRST-CLASH BTKAMKBS Arsintended to gall will, goodsand Passenters as folluws:— M CARDIFF tn GLASGOW via Swaessa and ftlfmt 0,0,1 Moutiay nan. tide. ??NaKAt.OLABOUW.?.tMfMt..TMy W?n?dt, hrenlnt. N K.WPOKT to GLASGOW, via fiwsnon Lod belf" O"rl alternate TnesilAjr p.iu. tide. A bore rout. offers a farourahls opportunity for 01&"1" p"t trll' to 11.1"'1<1 or&oÙIID<I. P.u¡:cr..IU a.,l tb. cabin ??"?" "?'?'t"< S'uu.Mr Months Iu addition to n\II.t, ?M..n)< ttSttw.tt?tttCtth? f..t: <')?ht. l;:«. er, too,; ?tM«m- Ctbiu.M. SUt-r?f. ,1. M<.)<).fr,<,r?t?r;;);.? l'Itturus-IrSfO KVII a II, "Habl. fur t"o nidnths. Further I'a. tlcubi* I 0 M. Jour, aud Urother, Swansea It. Knrtoiiand 8011. Nevp i .ir .Zc; U. TAYI.Olt .I CO.. C.,dlff, ??-? liOULAK ?)';?V)U); 0: l"'r«t-<,lass ponorfnl STKAMICUI I,t.un I,IVliKP>X1L, AI;lJH' and "lIr"Jle.t and u"t Direct J(Olll, TheUUnUN «?.t<K«A?"8Tt:A? \sU'?t\(: < (t. hUI S|i|>u.nt. it the ?.S. CA!'TA!X ?'OOK. 3?O Ions, Ol Oth^v Kultalile »teaii>*r,%o NAu. i.iCid«iii« '?"'?' OUI1LIN 1 A KIM I I'.very TUUIIM'- AV. LIV to CAII DI IIF SA'rTTRI)AY. "?' LIVKRPOOL E I I A Tor Itateiiand Further I'artlcn,am apply to M. Muridi t'u.M. ?..n'u"W.t)t'. U'?t.)*' ?".t'?''?"?n?t?-c?'? f,it"q,ou¡; or ttt M. J. BK?C nu? CO.. 1J,>c". ('L ?fLH'AY T.'UX.S AND CRUISES I.AU OF THi: MIL>MCi;jT ?U?<. WILSON LINK OF ROYAL MAIL PASHENCKR .STJiAMKits,Willi .Saloons ami ^K'<~|uim Accotnino.tatloii Anililships, bALL htlm HULl, TCKSDAT, lllUIlisLlAY', .mil to NORWAY, nnd BAIt'liDAV MORNING tti SWKDKN—Irom LONDON cvrrv THURSDAY. 10 NOIfWAY—and present, tha qincurst and best opportunities of visitlug tlie luairui- lioeiu. l'jonis nod Mountain Scenery 01 NORWAY; at very m il. Spciial TAUIITiNG CRUISES to the North Cape. Lolot. n Islands, mid I Ill' .)"nl. icHYt HULL 13th June, 10th Jnl^ lh AUJl".I. hL Sejileniher. -lIe." Uifts an* )t)?d('i? SMOOTH %ATI- ir,?." tile tk-a h.v the lrinm* <it l&laitdsou ilir Norwegian (,;0"1,1\114 ufford nil th» )ileasure» of Yi « htin^; with IIOII uf the Utlplt-IH:i¡UI(lle8.. alld nie verv lav.niiitJ- ones. Hull to hI. Petersburg. First-class Passenger Steamers Weekly. For Programmes, with lull Pai-ticuUis, to TiltpS. WILSON. bONS. and CO., RULL, Or to Uie Cardiff Am ntK, JOHN BOVEY and Co.. HQSiQ l^t>tClmuibers, Bute Dek.. G. MAIL JL STEAMI^RS ^FROM LO:WO To BOMUAY. (jUtRALTAR. MAL'i'A? BM?DiM. EGYi'i. ADH?. tn'd?EttryWttk. COLOMBO ) CALU<'nA. CHINA. STRAITS,)   C¡'ClU:lJtAL¡ttIJ ¡ Ever)' ?tterMt. ZUALAND. and TASMANIA J »eek. Dil{t;CA' 6K!;V!CEH nu.u MAHSE1LLEH, Md iiRLNDlSI to IlIp ICAST. CMftt- RKIUUN 'ncKtl-s. For particulars apply at the Company's Oiffces, 122, ts.w. LM73 1VTJ':W Xi?ALAN? AND <WS&r?!?? ?.? AUSTKAHA ?;. Teneh<te. C?p. jgr^gyg^rown. aud Uobtrt. MhotMtt Tropical » JtOYAL MAIL SKKVICE, under Contract with Govern. moot vf New "a¡..n.1. The NhW ZiCALANO ttHLPVIXG COMPA.XV (lilniUd) will 11c.tch lh^r MiiitiiiUt^M Full^powerni titoun KlMpyHtT, ?.tS tout, froiu ?&M'S'.?'?.?. ?*?*" KAJK'¡UllA. 4.4,4 toll'. hoU1 L^AlJUN, July 2G. L??viiir 1'IJIIJuuth Lwo d*y» lawr. Cbml, return ticket# Be<«t ^ccomniod*tioo I.. ¡¡ j" and superior Ueck state sootu? Full infort?tiou to be obtained ? tL. ?mt?nt't OtUots. 136. LcatienimU'ftreet. Loudon. K.C. 6136 J^^ F?DIA, CEYLON, JAVA pER8ira»RICDAUR^,i ?gS??C PERMA. t?AMi' ADi. CA,. A BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA- U TION COMPANY (LIMITED). BRITISH INDIA ASSOCIATION. MAIL STEAMERS f?m LONDON to CALCUTTA Fotttnt?yjHAUHbAD.. F.,talghtlp MADRAS. ')MATAVlA.r?..X5< 'OLOMBO I BRISBANE ?A'?UUO?. „ RUCKHAMMON KURRACHJvK ,„ I ZAKZtHAK.. lellverlng Mailt, Paseengcr&, Specie, aud Carlo a' aU ')Ll'i u ci F INDIA, BURMAU, ^AS'l^AFKICA,QUEENSLAND, aDd JAVA. Every COllllort, or a Tropical Voyage. L. to o?y. Dawes, <md Co., 13, Austin Frlan; or to Utlhittey, Uaukey, bewell, and Co., Aibert-square, Man- i:h«isi«;r; 1 Ci, Pall Mall, lUu, Leadenhall-street. Lou <t' "'? DOJlNION UN"; ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. SUt)RTF,8T ROUTt; to CANADA uiua WE^TJiKN bTATliS. Lo»>eei Inland Fares. FieeFurm* of 100 yortjsuf fertile laijd. SAILING fj oiu LIVKKIVuL WKKKLl, and BiCl^TuL KOJUMaHTLV. The .IWIUCI8 of tliia Line are ropieiu "Ith inodtro comfort. Fun.. troiu 10 to "W. lu!A!rllle<liat.o 0 Kuiuea«, SU»rico Xi. Aiiply to ¡-¡hili, Maio. and Mootgoiuery, LiTer|K>ol mid BriKiol; K. benjamin. it. Trinit>-street; N .1. I>a»lcg, 9. l>\u\»id-plaoe. C'rockberbtowu, Oarditt; J. Hobtrts* Kmifration Agent, Foutyprida; or to T. 11. Austin, Neath >oiui. Lan-Iore. ^033 ALLAN LINB hOYAL MAIL J. L STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED MTATFS. Saloon 10 Ui la Guituas, Intermediate C6 6s., Steerage £ 4. CHEAPEST AND MOST J XPEDITIOU8 ROUTE I. all parts of Canada, Manitotia. t-lienorili West Territory. and Britlbh Columbia; also to the Wes.eru Slates ol America. Special Kiiii^r.iui and Tourist lates. Prol. Blieltfou'» new report "nd all the latest maps and pamphlet s free on application. For Steeraf Tickets aud ftnther Information apply to ALLO BROTHERS and CO.. Liverpool; or to thu Local Agents of the 8013Z 1NMAN LINE ROYAL MAIL J. STEAMERS, IXMAif ANI) lATKHKartONAL 0TKAM- miy CtlMPASX iLlMilMJ'). l.ivaiii'ool, io Nlw Y on it Evmtv Wkdnssdat. Calling ..I, <11t'ell"'WII Evrrv Thursday. Apply io RICUaRDSON. SPKNCii, ami CO., Zi Wiit. V slree Liverpool; <>r in Ii. J. i)avies, 9. jMwai'.lti-pl.tCf. Qncen-street, Cardiff. George Mum, Draper, 46, Dute-akiect C. J. Cinllipp, Casthr-r.'ad 0. H. Perlmis, 17. Souicrset-plaee, Swansea. Joshua oM "all. bl. George-stieet t. Ii. Aiisllu, Neath-rotid. Lamloie H. Lewis, grocer. Old Market-ntivct, Neath. J. Roberts, Uralg Fost oilice, Ponlypriad. 7849 KOTAL AND UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS o- (' tJ 1 U l\ J, l ¡\ I, T MAt). TJ;AlIms,L1.. follow ?JS?.?B&??'K ? ?'rt?-tf.u's (tdi ?uw?re.) STEl-MSllU'S ?'MEMj? wal be <U':i|utclir.d Irom IV i ttill)(.i. ?' ?'  t:W VOlik r./?ti't:)?V"? ALASK'A Saturday. JnuelC tv: 'Ti(;' 'è,r, ,f' N»tur.!a>, Juue oQ ^alurua). July Saturday. July 14 NL-;VADA J,,Iy 14 l'Qleu;.er: FawetiKtrn booked thiotifii to J¡"r."Jci.uf ?*? Maisitoba, uutl till foluud Towob *tt )?., ?. riuloou ruBHuge from Liverpool to VorU. from £ li to X25. Inttrmedlate at att J^om* JI". a. by other lint-clu.. hteerauc atl^ow iUlrn tel N, »tr iWMUMt.auU i*hiladeb pbia.liicindiiit' ajiJviitifur eui^iiy oi c»Hiked uud .rn,t by thtol!oIllLIi6uS"ltøwanb. 1 currjc.s.ir^fu.i an,I NtuwunteMca free.audaie 'Iro.hhll with sin«>ki-r<HMiiMa:Hl ludicu'loiso^c-t-mumr ^eck. and batti f«M;ii:rlt«rlow; ai^o}»i.uio^. Koi l'Vcik'bt &Uhi I'.tsrutcn to Union and Co.. 3, Ba1I <trMt.<)t2).W<ttff-tM<-ct.Litt')?".t;?tt<t«,ri'?M..t'(.t'ti)' AHKUI)AU».: M. lUino. ;S. Oardtn-itrctt. AKi;hO\Tr,NKY: A..1. ttLh.M.. M. fru^uore street. H¡.AJ:A\U; 'n. it"11 It. I'uljh,.t>lltt". liKii»o>N'D: .K»an«,Cfao.'trfextnWv. BI.Al.l. A. H. Tb^uias, 'i Church btieet. (.'Attun-'ir Hurley mih! \1,,1..tII"b.. \h"lut. t"¡ul""tu. JlciidfrM>u Lia'k.. Mount Mtuurt-niuar#. <■. J. CudiiyK t.n? H.?U'?ui. ""?*' Landohk: T. U. Auutn.NcatU-road. I L '.i,v- W. j<.t)ttiit?..?'teet MakM I.O: D. U.l'owell, I't. lOl<I':II J..hlll and FJyjj luti. ^w»•onT: Win. M. l^»cke. S'S, UIuIi-nIitri, t r«'NTYrK;!UJ>: Jamt-A l*ol»e*i». «iraig l*o»t-ottcc. Joliu Ymna. Utid.Q.&.rf' '?' :Mt NRatm; W, .lame*, King A Aruif, Wj»dsor road, | s\vasm: fcnnglit aud«'o.. 'J, So.u<*r.ict-v>iacr. ICCt A KUI I' I A11 HUIS IX f| I.AIIY MAILV OR QTJEKN OF TIIE BAY. from liulu thirkp, Cardiff, to I ttfitto). June I" 'I¡,Ia,. 8 Otnorn l'<i.*Sa'.ur<lay ?l I.MIH, ¡:;d' ???H4.n)!!m fu l iiewlay lx :« aiu r UaWedtiesilu) i *?j ftr inTiiur.daii 3 15 after HaJ n.lay a 0 alter a Saturday 3 30 uft^r I HMon.? .{?? 14 45 after .13 Tiiesdsy b 30 after 3 3 IVedurd 6 0 tk., 30 .it- lfaiFriday 7 in,,<,ru t?)H.ttt.)ty 7 30 worn ISaMnii'lay 30morn ISkiTnewU* 10 4Dii»ro ?"y? '?' a..Thunda, 1 ufur ?'y'????M?!? •a t4»tmilay 3 0 after KM?., .{?? I !C Tuesday <, 30 »n»r I ?7 G ,T?. 'r 1.d:S? -4Yc ? ft, Thursday li tfitiiorn '.Offl-riilay 7 Utnoni 3U.Uturd-, 7 ?) M<?n ""Utl 'h.tf1l1r.f t, Mrieto!. to Cardiff. •Tune i Krldnr 13 15 after XM'nunf? .t).<nr«r 4 .Monday 3 45 41 Ur Turttlay 4 Mi afu-r r WodiH-Mlay U'J aire* 8 J'rtduy ti <0 altoo. t N.W.JY 7 l.'» after UaMonday ?.Bt5t? IsuTiionl^)' S>46uioru t:U)uieru !<Thur?.?? 15 Y,J.I;,y 10 45. JO /Saturday ll 3'uioro JU MiHi'Uy 1 ,"k) after t9 Tnr»t1ay 2 4.'» after •jo Wedneeday 3 46 after 2J Thunda, M tfM 22 YT\oaj 6 4 > a/Ur :LJ "&IUd., Ii ,t .rr 2NaMø'II¡", 9 u mvru L&iTue»tlay i 45 mora ?Wodut<j?. V 'O uioru ?Th?d., ..{??'? Friday ll 0 tnoru So baturday U 45 moeo a To aDd Fro. "&"&>o.Af&8r ^e.Cd.; Fore Caldn, II. 6d. To- und-rro Ilekew leaned lor return trip on eatne day a* .1 After J iclict* till lit Ueiifu nit h«tur>l'i), afnilAlilf (or < Im r"JI.. t II" tn. 1 Uh4h. :iOO2 HREI.IKF pi:<»M corcH IN tt? MIMI I'I.H. AYIdAN.i BALSAM OF H?in:. ijorynj>. '"<JØ cerwel wml pe"lr ready AS" CootmupttM', KroiichUU, <'on?<. ?*6o!t?' MMtntt BreaUtin^, btUUlog of jllood, Uooolof 9 C.gb. C="v: ot IIIOthI, 1 ool.lul C«..t* oc, <t <<)'<* tutttntMXOM void. <M") ntttMtf effecte a <u« A MCI*T I-LKAmKra dou". TnUwvn!:ae ..a U. -IF ? f_U, b, ftI-Lb %V.1- iiax not oro«ed IA *Me". I" tto..u. W IIJ. WbII 1m t;Üs1:lc' 881e. It I' tnvaiuabl#, ciildren are fond -t It, and take U &early. lmguod?ttly it. to taken eoufitiui oeaeee, reetieae* »eea U gone, and refrMiiinf sle«p«n»uee. ?No 160 nff -— on4m tW?-t <t ?ontd ?<T ftem"d. 1. ith-t 'tt*? P)m<M*<<<tn? ? A llaeman and Co. <)M<t<Ktttht U Atbttn <ht?t?M. St. JoM, lmdm tt.O? .?te? 67 .U Is. Ilk SL m "I" 141