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fjublic j CARDIFF. t 0 1 A L TH EAT R E  OYAL M&n3germ ..Mm KDWAHU FLE'TCBB. TO NIGHT AT SEVEN. THK llOTAX, PANTOMIME, p 1 N D E It E L L A i snu. ItUNXIVO TO C110WDKD HOUSES. LOVKLY WOMEN FINNY COMKIIUXS! CHARY, INO 8CKNKKY I KX^JISITE DTIFASES, DFMOHT- yrL Ml'SIC! and, abGft aI!, i IJ X F II N I I F II N i I I Making it the Kinctb t'tntcm.tM Produced out of London. Publio delighted. Hundred* Turned Away NirbUy, The whole Show under ilie lJirect Supervision of Mr. EDWARD FLBTCHICR aDd Mr. J. PITT HAKPACRE. Ñ the Comwlv Theatre, XUnchMter. DAY PERFORMANCES EVKRY SATURDAY at Two. Door. Open at One Earlv Doon 61.5, Ordinary Door* 6 45, Commfnoe at Sewn. Ilricts 6-1. to £2 2t, Children Hatf-pnce. tio 8I:-t. Guarantenl Booking Office". Thomson end .Shtokell • (Limited). Quee!i-.tivet. lroni Teit till Five, Tole. phone, 521 49736 f 1 RAND m H E A T R E I' b. Premier JL Theatre of W.I". 1A.w Md Manager Mr. CLARKKCK SOUNBS "GOOD WINE NEEDS NO BUSH." 81';¡': ASD m:LIKn: THE QIUND AND MAGNIFICENT .SUCCESS OF Jft, SCENES THIRD GRAl) CARDIFF ANNUAL, for wl>!c-h he )iu tet urol Mr. H Ormaby Trench'* (iiaud Manunotb Kalry P*ntoniluv:— OINBAD T H 10 A I LOR 4,?iAILOR o OR, THK LU. KY KJ OOF BIRD PUBLIC AND PRESS UNANIMOUS PRETTY! ABlWM'TELY UPWARDS MAUNIFICKNT! THE OK 100 CHARMING! hET. ARTISTES. NOW IN KI LL TIDE OK SUCCESS. Htutc Packed Nightly with Delighted Auditnoee. &a,ly 1-. open at Rbt; Ordinary, 6.45 ? omnicam 8i-ven. B x Office open daily at Theatre from Ten to Four. Teieplioive, 725. Prim imm 6d. to £ 1 ]A. "rly Do.. Et.. R.GrHiy A'41) DAY PKHFOKMAX? TOMOHBOW (WEDNESDAY), January 13, alKl EVERY SATUR- DAY. 1)-1.. 1.30; commence 2. 49606 EISH. The Milford HIven Fisli Supply FA?ciatiou J)<h*tr, CfrHMe Paid, t(, nUJ i»iti t of the Kiiiffilozn, JiASKKTS O* I'KKSH FISH Cleaned for Table from o. 6<1. to 6.. Sp«cml Mriiw to Hotels, IlløtitutionH, AIKI Large CO"OIl'I1el". All ((•■immicatloiie to TIi'j*. Jeaker«oii Milford 231 ASK FOB JJ U D D E N 8 S B E 8 T SUPERFINE gHAGO TOBAOCO. <8883 P. F HEEDMAN AND 00 COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISH SRS, Are Making a Grand Dlaplaj of BEDROOM SUITES, BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, WOOL AND FEATHER BEDS, CARPETS, LINOS, Ac., AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Such Sacrifice Not, Before Heard Of. eultmltet8 Dealt with At WLoieeaJe Priem A GREAT BOON TO THE PUBLIC I 18 THEIR EASY PURCHASE SYSTEM miBMII T ROUSES CAIC BE TUITNISHBD FOR A SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENT. Oatelocuea Gratia. Goodt Nti,eml Free. Wo Security Bequ red. No Employer*' nefu- P. F REEDMAN AND CO, THE LEADING HOUSE FURNISHERS, 34, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA, IALLIOTSTOWN, NEW TREDEGAR, 3 and 4, MARKET-BUILDINGS, AND 76 AND 76. HIGH-OTRM, NZWPORT. 463M INSTRUMENTS RETURNED FROM TUB EXHIBITION ARE NOW OFFERED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. eOME EARLY AND SECURE A BARGAIN. R. J. HEATH AND SONS PIANOFORTES by BROADWOOD Oollard, Kirkman, Brlnimead. Erard, Pleyel, ScWeimayer. Blutbner, Steiavay, Becbstein Neumeyer, ko,, Ito. ORGANS by MASON and HAMLIN, Bell, Smltb. Otrpenter, Sterling, Story and Clark, Doherty, Earn. Sm., fto. H ARMOXHiMS by Alexander, &c., Ac nil FULL-SIZE oRASD PIANOFORTH UIIBD AT MADAME PATTTS CONCERT FOB HIRE FOR REOITALS. tARQEST POSSIBLE DISCOUNTS FOR OASH. EXPERIENCED TUNERS VISIT ALL PABT8 Of SOUTH WALES PERIODICALLY. RRPAIUS OF ALL KINDS EXECUTED BY FIRST. CLASS AND EXPERIENCED LONDON WORKMEN. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR PLACES OF WORSHIP, INSilTUTlONS. AND SCHOOLS. Before Purchasing do not fail to eend for our Price tiita and Verdict of 900, and Compare our Price. tod remo with Otuer Houae*. SHOWROOMS- 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF iO, TAFF-STREET, PONTiTPRIDD AND 31, WINDSOR-ROAD PENARTH. MANUFACTORY: LONDON. AOKNCIKS AT IBEBAVON, CADOXTON BARRY, CAKRPRILLT, BRIDGEND, KAKffrKQ, kc., ko. CANVASSERS WANTED IN ALL PAUTS, ON GOOD COMMISSION. !>MJ I fJIEETH! JQENTLSTKY! rj^EETH f pEETH! T?ENTISTRY! rpEETH ..tore MMtictticn, DifeeUoo, M? &aut,,1 MR, KB ALL, SURGEON DENTIST (40 Yean' RaperlellCe; 30 Yean in Swaujea), 199 HIUH STUEKT, SWANSEA (Ju't Mow Ih. OWR. SUtion, Same Side), Ik. i t. it?.. t' U.t he .n "MU' a perfectly O?t; ?t of T,ti? j. oue 1e6r day. The Yery bei» .k"?.hip guai^uteed. !'t.D)Mt I'pnt?trv by 0"; al.o b A.-t ?t., -d Ett.r gpi.y. Fttrt?t Scl« t, 5& per tooth. Upp!r or Lower sets from Two Quivit". TESTIMONIALS. In a letter addrewed to JoIr, keall by Dr. K. 3. Blade Kin*, MD., M l; C.9 M,.hr of the 4.y.1 ('o¡¡,. Xi of '?ysic inn&. London, h a mmrk.I hne nry .wfide," In vour kill a» a Denflat, ad I I'v e hll many opportunilica of wlbuah\C your aucwmful D,.t.1 Su T?n<ont*t< from the late Sir John Hcfktth 11t\- bridit" bar! —"Sir John Hwketli Lethhridge can coufldentlv recommend Ur Keall a» a Dentlat. Sir John alii Laov Ix-thhridge moat heartily, wi<iU M. Keall every 18 earthly aucceM 33113 T 0 P L A N T F, R 8 SEVER AL A'.HF.S of heauUtully-gTown ehoioe Ornamental K»erk-rte £ .i and DccMumu Flowering TREKS AND SHRUBS To be SOLD, cheap. Iiupection Solicited. fBLIT TREES OF ALL KINDS. Tbouaauda to Offer. app!y APP'T PHILIP BY. SHAW, TBS "OLD" NURSBBIES, ABEMAVZXKY. I. NEWPORT MON (E.tftbli.hed 1870 THE DE REES BILL-POSTING AN D ADVERTISING COMPANY (LIMITED), PROPTUCTOR8 of 150 of the LARGER POSTING STATIONS in Newport, Pontypool. Riam, and Ka«tern and Weatcro r.,isys. hflH (ui aiiull ■*t cu to M4. UOMMKHCiAIrffnUOn. fluOlrr amngrmfHto, CARDIFF.  Tl* ID nonala w C,inaW !j but ""U 00 _m 1' f £ | H E Jg MP IRE M.Sagiog Difeetor OSWALD STOLX*. THIS WEEK. j J^EEVES ^1MS REEVES I Sims "OEEVES ON vyEDNESDAY AND TTIRIDAT. On the other three nighbo of tIN week his piwe will be taken by mb S1"3 iierves tms„t. JM.  MHS SIMS K EEVES TH^Bir ?i. 0 "OEEVES THURSDAY T?/t RS. ?IMS 'REEVES JM. 0 JL? SATURDAY. BEt?AMdBUOU THE FOTHERGILL8, WILL MMCIlAM. MAUD ROSS. THE FOIlHKSi' TOMBINATION. COllA AND CALty THE I.AVKNDKR TROUPE, And the l'eerlem MOliKIS CllONiN- NEXT WEEK- Sjiecial anangenienta have been effected procuring the lelurn for ou.ell: of THE COLIMIIS, l-HE NINE LILLIPUTIAN WONDERS OF THE WORIJl, With tl?ti, Elephant*. Ponie*. .a ("Tiagc B(¡':ihm;i,le/r: View, i"d:1I: inr for Circle, Fauteulla, and Priyale Bosee. open dally at the Empire from Ttn a m to Four p.m.; Saturday*, Ten "no to One p,m, Lettei* sucloaiog Puatal Orderl promptty attended to; P3ILHA11MONIC-HALL A STOLL'S JT l'ANOPTll)N, ST, MA?Y-STMKT.-MoM. and Madame Klrira, l'hrenololilot., l'icturea of Tlch. borne Trial anl Antwerp SootaH.t., Tlie Galatea My«tery The L?,yt.1 Mate. 'ri., ,Iwlkle Th* I'hono- rraph. M,r,3, 'i,ilty CWtage*. Opt4.1 lllmloo*. Mechanical Noreltiee. Relrethmenta, .NEW yum. rjl H E JB M p 1 E E Mttiiafluf Plrtttof OSWALD NTOIA. TO-NIOflT: TRI COLIBHI^ THK MNK T.ILLU'UTIAK WOKDKK3 OF THK wour n. with their I)wwf Poniee. Oarria«T«. ami Klephant*, in an entirely unique entertainment. Varieties hv other .hle Artlotof. Day Performance* W^lnmdav, Th\»r#Kiay, and SalIr. iUj, at whicli the entire pr<;gra«nme will eonemt of two hourp' entertainment bv Thu Colibria, Sim IiKEVKS 18 COMING. SW ANSEA. NEW THEATRE, SWANSEA. Proprietor and Ma.,iager.A. JDEIVILIX. TO-MGHT. at P.M. and Every Kr?nin? at 7.30, Speml Engagement of MISS SARA MIGNON, Supported by Specially Chowa Ompanr, in the Great Play, EAST LYNNE. Monday, January lb.-THE SCALES OF JUSTICE. T H JIj E 11 P 1 K E. Mauaglng Director OSWALD ITOIJ. TONIOHTI THE ENCHANTCD PALACE, By the Jteen..li..y,. Oomb nation 01 Six Principols and TweWo Chirming Dancer*. AUSTIN liUDD, Dngmar, The Korrice. The Webster", Herbert Nieholtn, To. 0 rah am, atid Cbnl«y and C)tre?. XRXr WKEX' SIMS REEVES on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Mrw. Siml Uecna on Tuesday, TliurmUy, Saturday. NOW READY. DIMT Ovo., &00 pp. WELSH AND COMMISSION. A DIGEST OF THE REPORT, BY THE SECRETARY, MR. D. LLEUFER THOMAS. kARRlSTVR-AT.LAW. • POPULAR WORK. Containing a Clamplaw SUMMARY OF THE WHOIA REPORT AND THE J'ULT. TEXT OF THE MAJORITY AND MINORITY REPORTS, BIOGRAPHICAL SKKTCHS8 OF THE COMMIS- SIONERS. AN ACCOUNT OF TO PROCEDURE, With Oonrenient Inlet both to the Fall Bepen and the Dlgeai PBICE, 4a. BY POST, SIXPENCE EXTRA, LONDON: MESSRS. WHITAKKK AND CO., Tfbita Hart-etceet, Patersoater-rov. CARDIFF; WESTERN MAIL LIMITED. Mad of At; BooktelJditk 48401 JpiANOS plANOSl1 AT LONDON PRICES. rjlHOMPSONA gSACKELL (Ltd) The Flnett DUplay of Muitral Initrument* ew alionn In the Prlncioality. ESTEY ORGANS. Newest Styles. NEUMEYER PIANOS. Latest Models. BRINSMEAD PIANOS. Improyed deigns. KERKMAN PIANOS. Inlsid Panels. COLLARD PIANOS. Esquiiite Finiah. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOB CASH. DELIVERED rREI OLD PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Ail lu t rumenta Supplied o. New Hi. sydt. If di:.J: ESI1Iê1.an ,Nfer:mH. 8:1; &ouilfully llluttrated Catalogiw Free by Pod on .ppli.tio? to (?.,diff, Sirantea, Marthyr, *r "X tbe Uompany'a oumeroua Branches. SCHOOL BOARD MODEL PIANOS (A* 1, Supplied Card I# Aany School Board* ) ONLT"? OUt\8? CA?. U??'rtct M ad?Mx. 1,300 INSTRUMENTS SOLD YEARLY. IATII. FACTION GUARANTEED. Send for Price Ltat. Red for Price Mat LIST OF ADDRESSES. CARDIFF Queen'a Mualo Warehmue, Que«n-*lr»*t, SVANSEA 33, Oaetle-atieet. NEWPORT — .3L3, Comniercl*treel OMUCtNTKB 146. Weotpmte..tsti, MKRTHYlt Hi*h.*tiee». PONTYI'UiDD T.ft..ImeL D.AXKLLY .tO. StOp-Y-NtMt. KHOXPDA .tl. Tyi"vu-road, Penyrralt. BUHt?KP 1, Wyndlum-*lr«et. FERNDALE 37, Strand. FERNF)ALS i i "Holton.rmd. DAnRY DOCK 49, Holton-road. With ASentA 10 moat of the Town* and Tilial" In the rirelpallkv. L26017 E VERY ONE OF OUR RFiPER3 SHOULD AT ONCE ORDER ONE OF oua INDELIBLE PORTRAITS. Purinf the Part Three Month' n?ttty 1.000 of oar reader* liaye "k?n adantap of tbe ifer ?e in&& of a ltrautlful I LIFE-SIZC CRATON AND INDIAN INX PORTRAIT, For tbe Small sum of 61. 64. Full Partiaulare In Another CVhunn. 48010 D" RUNKENNESS or the LIQUOR DHAIII'R po*itiyely cmum b1admlnl.rtn. Dr. HAINKS' GOLDEN SPECIFIC Itinap.?dr which be give. J. bear, collec, or tea, or in foo<l without the kus?ledge ot the ptl..t. It I* ham- leaa, and will aBeot a nn.nen' and opeady ours, whether the patient i. a moderate drinker or an alroholfc wreck. It has been given in tbotimods of cane*, and in every iuatanc* a perfect core 11.. fol- lowed. It tvar fail*. Tbe .,atem 0- hllprep&t d with the apeoilfo, it beoomea an utter lmpoaaibllitr for tbe liquor appetit4 to exi.t. Thirty book of particular« on raooipt of po.Mme atamp. Can be :poH:. O7:f ,ake=t. Qom "ree', ,ad at 126, Oewht6lg*.rml, OanliS; &W at B-T Dock. Duck ami 8oo«, St John'Mnuara. dt? a:.J/II:"ø¡:j:iO"&r.:t '<"don. :M795 THE CAMBRIAN BOX COMPANY JL (LiMrnsD), 4, BAIT CANAL wruur, CARDIFF, FOB. HAT BOJUBB. 486M A B 0 RAILWAY PME TABLBS ruBusBBp novrafct, mi nwior. JBttgrne^g ntrrtøtt. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC BY jgENJJVANS AND CO. (LTD), S W A. X 8 1 A. 'fBJi1 (RmAT 0LEAEANOE g A L 111 T O-DAY, T UNSDAY, JANUARY 12th, 189T. AND DAILY THROUGHOUT THE MONTH. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. STERLING BARGAINS OFFERED IN HOUS15HOLD DRAPERY, FANCY, SHOWROOM, AND FURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS, CABINET FURNITURE, IRONMONGERY, CHINA. GLASS, Ac. SALE CATALOGUE (36 PAGES) RENT FREE ON APPLICATION. ORDERS BY POST CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. J^EN -glYANS AND CO. (LTD,) SWANSEA. 49534 X OB! isir Jill, I VORGOT X TO GIVK rpUDOR ILI,.IAMS jgALSAM OF HONEY TO MT 081WRSN BRFORE TBllif JUtTlkBD TO BUD. i an certain tbfy wil. Cough all Night without li Xtere II nett ing on the Market equal to it; thoroughly up to date. ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THE AGE. TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF hONEY. No motlur aheald neglect to keep this Infallible UNud, in tlie housfo ready for any eniergeucy. Remember iliat it II wiser io chick a (light Uougb it tlta oomaenoeiaenk than to allow It to develop into erinevai ilaint. Ask (lisiavotly for l', udor William*' Balaam of Honey, and Set that you get (lie right ariloie. rtnont nulTering (rem Difficulty of Breathing abo, I ki ti" it a trial. LARGEST flALE OF ANY COUGH MEDICOE IN THE WORLD. BRONCHITIS, There are fhouiand* 01 ohtMrtn who die nnuallJl from broncbttil, whooplDf cough, aed croup. A Ttion broanrce bltis,  a& 0=10 We ure of such gmiul dl_fery )tM beu made or the eurt ot aueh ?compaints, nam-ly Tudor WlllUm*' Wma of hich ooi.t&fno VVeUb m:s an -o:: MtrMttd frau a «)tation of the pure*t and axxt ':= A gwmas lady dociam ittt tht< Baliam Mt< like mteie on her children whenever they are afflidtd wifh ore of U- kindred plat?le, Give* tnadisto eaae. Sold hy ty CAutniit* and Store* ID U. lid., 2?. 9&, and 41 M. bot' Sample botues neut (post paid) for U. 3d., 3* and 61., from the Imentor— D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, MEDICAL-HALL. ABBBDARE. sinis A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. gEECHAM'8 pILLS B Idg(JRAM'S pILLS jgEECHAM'S JpiIiLS rom AW BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, »cca at SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMTLAINT, Aan VEMALB AILMENTS LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. In Boxes Oid., 131d., and 28. tel. neb. L81239 WRIGHT S COAL TAR SOAP Tor lateatioun I)UWAO WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP For Skin DUetM* TO-RIGHT S COAL TAR SOAP ▼ V For Delicate Skin w RIGHI"S COAL TAR SOAP V T For FirApi-m and Blotches TTTRIGHl'S COAL TAR SOAP V i For tbe Completion WRIGHTS OOAL TAR SOAP For Toilet Bttbrocn, asid Ntirter; SOLD IVENYVFHXIIX. TAbLETS, lID un Is. BOXES. Is.,«»,, AKP 3D. L 13364 rjTttE QUEKX OF TABLE WATZIW." A POLMNARIS. L13M.2 NOW SUPPLIED M BBMM MNT?.9 l.\ M ERIC AN DENTISTR? ?. THE NEW SYSTEM OF ADAP"NO PRIZE MEDAL AMERICAN TBI;4 F. D. OWEN AND (JO SURGBOK-DENTimtL SPICIALIST* W MIMA. '.0 A MNnamtY. 42 QUEIN*ETEMET CARDIFF. mA 4. OXMBb?TMtT. ¡;t.urau, FOWEN has Kftined a high rejmttt F* t?on .1,(., !IOWa, M .6-C? *wk. <M<'i<nt ? ever "1, <<[i)Mty Md PSI& lewly adiueted, &I ezceedinaly wdtrat* ohargta e"' lllt#t,")AA BM<f ohange oolour, ftlted to the moiith without the fxkso- mom ot otunpe. end are II) lifelike a* to defy the moat axperleieox cbeerver, and being made epus the raw q-km are piaoed within the reach oi all trltftTft ArMAeiat Teeth on tbe new baae, Iron 8a, tltÛ. Upper or I-own Bet from €2 lOt. Teeth Mopped with Whitt anand. ta Id., OL; All e*i>e* ouanntooil Boun at §Ltftdwm. 10 to f. BALl T() 11M kM AIID /JI'RDj1 S1.AN i WA.AA a adVI,61)AYM fvti T?/jTARMi? WOMBN?A?tM ."1 bx "'¡¡t. «dNlaJu.=. Iii



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