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UNIONIST PARTY IN WALJES. RHONDDA. DIVISION. I MONOTONOUS POLITICAL I HISTORY. THE ALLEGMD COMPACT OF I 1895. HOW OPPOSITION TO I 'MABON" FIZZLED OUT. I PB08PECT8 OF THE UNIONIST PARTY. CLUB FEUDS-GOOD WORK I SPOILED BY MEDDLING. WANTED-AN APPLICATION I OF COMMON SENSE. MR. ROTCHK18 AND TUE I KHOMDDA, TWENTY SECOND ARTICLE. I [BY OUR SPECIAL COMMISStONKR.) I 11le poJitioal bietory of the 1Utondda j., 11(" lID 1M it it 01OB(.. tOOOU8. Industrially, the dwaict ia 1IO,,binl but oœI and ii or up to a very period has hold-none but Radicala or RM\ie8.1. dÏ8,uWd Iabou- has the from 1885-whøn an a h. the LiOOral noniitiee, F. L. by 3,851 to 2,992-to the prHent time, e.mee in 1892. and In 1895. them was 16 of olipositiyik. The OOriOU8 hew the teDed oPJXlllition of 1892 out in is in the of then with the RoY. but th" of bow a in 1695 N.. yet to be written. For two or them was a talk of to and "Ywul were named oandidatew, one. being announoed as the can- was for Ur. 'r. LittJej.hu" o! Ferndale, and MI'. R. ,1. ?.;dmrds, the Coll!evative agent for the :ho&1dda, waited upon Lvrd and the Hon, Ivor Goost, in witb a oi the latcer to becoDle the candidas, 1,0rd Wimborue tu (MId after- actually paid enr) £100 towlml the of any other Cf Mr. MidcRe. ton, otIief agi-itt, to £2:íO, and tibere wu about £150 a11loil. I bl. loœlly. JDakinr a totuJ of £500, whiclJ baye been ampl. for oontiM 1..tin" a or lotm. to have 110gged the of the on the ground meetinr DlesLing was and the raferr-A kwwdlt and this ao,jden..1 ill pert, designed, playøJ the of t.hOIl8 who &<:> ayui.1 a (,nte8t. When, It the lut noniont, Mr. id. dleton wu reqUt!81Ed to IIOOd on he so ,nfonned, It IVonld be through (;on.t<rvatíve fur South Walea. l'bia 011 the eve of nomination day, tbu of the cheque through bon-ever vrupw or woll-iiitentioiied audl lIIay baYe bow, Blade its r4ceipt in the Ithuudda in for "mOlt Ilu¡:o..iblt'. tbia rt?iii?dikbout m.,h,,d d 'n the u?..?y w,u adopted in ignorm?e of tL nity for pi-otiiptitude. or it was the of CIt, by time Mr. was aware of, &Ad in aympatby with, t'lfort.8 to a are, ques- t'i.0 n whieh many Comervatives in tiko I;L?otbix: Valley would Y'elt'ODl6 hiht. F(w i? is taM there was into of the "der "Mabon" was to be m a walk-over in fie on condi- tJ1I be abstained from in other 10,a1 In some quarten it ia thA4 the for this e'Om¡>al-t were by on tJ1e Mund; III the UlOY'I1lent ia attribuW to outidezi, witb lir. Holohltia as the iJlltoNW8IIt; Nld in all it ia that powerful iut!uelloe_the 80UrcN Of wåidl were nemed to m&wertI at work to the d.red ?bny dot" were liven me. which not be here related, for wh&iever mAY or lIIay uot have ùone in 188:) the illcui40'nt Í8 only of import&nOe 111 its l, n th l futurv If Ute policy adopted bea1r 811 ?g ii w b* regarded M iDdloative of that beo followed In the future. theo tb. ot acti. CotiYe in the RhOllclda ahould be borne by thotte who hope to 100,. in other by the of It is ehe "ut. of time. money, and llnergy on the pert of the rallk Ale In the if the fruit of All their elfort ia, tot the time of gathering, to be from their Here is a qion wh,h the COJ\tIenati\'e  in the l{Jwudda ,I h ¡.Hle t o worki.g for a definite t-,(I. Z,,?ejy, ,a figm 7.1 the 81Ct; or ;hi:et;  is muM '0 them; if the had heUer to the-ir tentel IUld stay 1'11- ia one other in te- course of 81Y the MeUM thPir end8 aDd at the eave a aud trouble of 1Úwil,g the 3IId that Î8 by a i to a If it i tb1lt he proved c'OlUplair.mt 111 1835, be ?rdiwe d !o still firti.e, dibr8 t l ie d hi. ] r*ally independent bour pWy in the Houte. The rmtributiono bv nwous of A,Iiic:i Le is maintained are, I 1m informed, drawn front indel)endent of tlir 1100. thi ..0, "Mal,.m" ma.y be to h, OCIrniction tftt he allO Ikont of IlOlit.i''81 partiee. -his achieved, a aappy. peeceable miseh-, be to in the Rhondde umin which both 1)artie? ditfereu,,ft, ard Mr. Botth- kis would be lIIyed worry. TUN PRHSENT POSH'tON. I A«u'ninn. however, that future the Unionist tMdera in tlb. Rhonddt intend to txka pohttM *eriou*tv, it M necessary ¡hat I thuu'd dett with the divLtiun and it< "Jï!1Inl"ation M it Mitt to-d*y. F'n? to to tte ?eot?ph? it IUrû- ?Ilhe l:: of the two rl.=d. said 't"rtt ? Forth, httwe?nwh-ch ?nddo.. Gilftohgooh the boundMy ?h'ch dj pttee rnd ?)de< th* Mondda. from the Southern DivMicn Of the countv ruM !M*roM the outbt* ot the DinM <ftd I'so grag f rottte. 1'he Rhoodda D\viAion lanlted oiL the tMt tnd i we?t rttMotively by the EMtwn M<t MK! i,nd ?hicht t?o mM? M<<QM th? nfMthmtt boundary of the and cut i? c? from BMooMh? I" Pr-A the Khondd, Div,on t. the ..m*He? in ?the wucty MId co.iu of M.44C Me*-19.M2 beinx land Md 108 wtttt. The total elftlw- rate is tbout 15.000 Totort. divided between teventeen ]M!tm)( ditfictt. In teTef)J '9ntlW of the Rhond,d. t Divivion the Uniocitt ptrty h<n yet to be cretted. and it wtit not be brought mto nlatenfe utuwM and until prop-miy-mmaged CoMtitutiontt ctub*. w,,rking o:t ftncMv political hcet, M< estab- Imhed at 'e pt)n.« tt'u* d<&cient. P'p" organï.atlOJ1 Kmtt in all the <eT<Mtteec polling dMtricM in the division, but it is moribund in mo't p!Me<). Tb<re M< (o"r Ilourifting Con OwTat,v. c:!ubo )!i the Khondd* propet and two on the, b«und<MT. The former are Fero de!< with about MO member)). MMfdy w)th dale, TytorMtown with 2SO. )md Hwycyp< the tttter are Pe'nt!rti,( jomt with South 0<nnon;<M.. Mtd Forth, at which ttreo <-on«tt- tu<-ncie* (&'<t. South, and Rhtindda) converge. Pontre ie abmt to be ouppfied with a CoBtt)- tutional club, and for a lonll time" bM been afoot to e<t<tbii'h one at Ynythir. <o ftr without (leanite reeutt. The nc-ent hittorr of ,)ne or '"o of the debt hM bem <o!newt*t <'he<I,erad. t'M eMmpie, at Peny jtrMt the late manager wM "cMpetted by the committee Ilor the mditcretton of inviting t ftw friend* one Rtinday--a d<y on whx'h the chtb WM then cto'ed. The oommittte pro t"scIed to ettremitiet with the ma-Rr, n(1 pfttentJty found dIffllaeln. tt to<fjferhp<dt) *tth th-* bctk of the mem?ro. *'non?<t whom the tt!e ntxntjftr w«t ?er* popu)*r. tor toye tirae a M? plit tppMre?j itnmfntmt. t'ut Mr. R. J. RichttTdt. ronMrvtti''e t?at for the Hhond<t*. who rented how when the manager ttfuted to give up the key" he <ni)outK'ed his }nt<ntion of remtin'nt; in tbe ctub all niwk asi;ljred me th't now &tt was pe*f<, and that th.) ttie nl\UIAKer. tmoinot whom he hjtd ta);en a nnn sta-nd, count* him (Mr. KKhtrdt) "one of hi' be4 friend*' The ctub will take Mmt time to recowr the thi< incideitt. but lip to the the has not eventuated in an *elite oonitllionaJ qUe.tioD. emnia to tv,. th-, at Ter?(lale. "h,re tA)e C'h'b I tMtM to hRve ttrfwn out of the local CoMerv t the A?"?'"ti< c<ft)xa nm!cot)te<tt< ht*e M 'en )tnd ftTmed "a o<ttf." They etteb- )iehed )Mt _¡\Ûnn, and then rosoly-d to fortH a rm)w ph'b. hot when thit propoMJ. in the fortn of ftpptic?tion tcr ttt?re. «une bet'jre tbt ditiMoatt Mtooi'tM'a ?< ottMMim (Mt. W. ruled it out of <)<d<r. It M this ruling 'Muoh tonM the keftei o{ gran CmAitutioug << which nfw Mptttet. the UmonMt paty in the Rhondttt. ).„ the agent, who M tito «cret*ry of the diviaojooalllUlOOiaiion, Md who doee not d11gUi(\ UtefMt th*t he doe* not rogwd the Mhou of the teofdeM *< ultra vtre*. tbmwht it nght to suibulit the point to oublirtI. wbom tt <tetL'hba<f M hit "I()tMler<"—H' othef word*, I t<Mn ftom oth<t 'ourcM. Mr. HotohkM tut be<!n M)pe'M to and Mr. Hotohine hM dectded MMtKt the oh?tfMtm't t-ulw?. It M umforM- MM <t*t Mr. Hotc?K't retda? o? ooMtitu- tionfti 1*? *cd UMt? iu ?'?oti to ohiunuM thoutd JP? h'm <o ttkw ihi< *t*&d, for, judg- ing by pfeotdent fMta, H it 'tot tikeiy th*t cxt dtotunt wiU be tM?pted. I found in J?mdtl* t Tery 'tKMX feelwg of Mt*<o'u'mt tp mttr- f<KUM by uutMdon), M<d MpecmUy by Mf. Hotohkit. ol whom it if ttle<!<d tb*t. ooiu¡c oul,e invited to nt M Mbittftor in the uh)b dupute. he thowed himM? a ptftt?M, <?ud )<ttr in the «mw <vMuc)f sticdrlt: 'mn, &ud At which ttte dneectMuttf to &'rM ,lMjparate orou. 1'he ofifto 01 fbe ditptte M obtoure, while the pr?nise tt<m<ttt<<[ and lit a[ the 'iitten- tient* M not otwtf. At Femdale I WM tMmwd thtt 'ome of the tetdett o< the (tttttectMBtt Me men who for vtn-iow* reasoue have I*on Mpetted <Ktn th< FMwMe « ntligbbouri otutb*; while the agen4, Ao, coMfMy to whtt w<n the OMe tt PenygtMg. DV.. ttnd« h))Mtl{ oo the tide of the m&iooo<<n<<, dacJend the eeoedeni tmve good fround for theo- Mtion. It M alao tttted th<tt thlr dMouotaut M <h*Md by other* who am y.)t in the otub. I h*ve. boweYer. h<d ounveMtAion witt <o<ne o< thet. tttd failed to note tmy tigas of di)Mtt)*htct*on. For m- Mt-Son ThomM. ttte <tMret<ry of the blwnikehau Aoxx>atiwk, who was eo BMCtd, spoke eiithusiastically of the work iM the ne))fh- botu'hood, tmd remtrked <)Mtt his br*ch was financially by åbe Club. Aft<r do,omibing the work done )tt thf) Imt tion Mound Bi#mlloc4mu, a,t which the SMtota tnd Rh«x!da DivMionf) join, Mr. ThomM *M<1. The Khondd* is not <eU orpnlleØ, we w .a:jøltld by Mr. HotchkM *t the htt eteottOtt. He titomifed Hmt IDNl ehouM aDd withdrew iii tåe lui moment Th< flloOl¡ of the mwtter M that tte coHiery pro- ptwtert decided the tf*t lbould fot he c<'n- t<tted- The rank and Ole wtM r«tdy, but a few offi(" blocked the witole affair, Mtd Mr. HotoMtu WM their itWtl'lIIIIØnt." "Th*t M dMooutWt to the tank and ile." I rormwlfki. "Of 0:>\1J'M :t x. Thefe wowM be nothing done in th<) Rhonddt but for Ftfndtde." Ttxo Mr. (;,okiewonhv, who WM tt*o ttmed ro as on of the mahx>nt«ltAI still in Herndale Club, and who was durina a portion of my oonveon witb Mr. Thmnas, took up his &1fa.ÎnØt Mr. HctohMs. whom h< described M htTi? 'VAed up tt-s malooutent. who were expell?l from thit club." If Mr. Goideworthy (tym- }NIotbi.- with the All was to me, b, a 8iugular way of it. I from Mr. Holds worthy thttt th<. difffTenoeo botween Ftrndtde Con. and Mr. HoiLd" da4e baok to the d*vt of the farmer *tfent. Mr. Kent. Fe<ro- dale bt'ieved in Mr. Kent. <tnd Tttued hie work, wbich ia eyeh now re d with faco?(m but Mr. KeDt sema, unfortutately, not to have won Mr. H()oohki8'sapprobatw:I, and h.. I,Dt.agon..m thus commenz tus amou- tmtttd. Mr. Sam ThomM here interpo<fd to retPM'k waø lid well done in that dietrWt J n 1896 lid in Rict.an1s," added, "sent a man from Peny. to look after whitt we were here. took that so an insult, not work  Pfissing i,?to reminill'enœ of former figlits, in which he I. ad sMn muoh servIce and done mw h work, Mr. Sam ncimm Illid that in the E: Glamorgan c?)ntea of 1835 the Blaenlleolxau Coni.¿:tive C-ommittoo could obt*iit a room in 1It.irh to JDeet, and took refuge in a œUar u?ic6r a pr'vato h,)uje, from wlik-h pl- they were ;i? ejecteJ, owmr to Wplrlt of Boycott all who with the Conaer- v&tive aindidate. Of the work at  being "ri-ied on by the Union pafty m FAt tnamorgan Mr. with the utmOift and the way in whioh he was supported, !,b-. Sam The m'lney is kept b8ck by the troTH the in the name nf th9 work- men'ft "'mlDi, and the Ittttpf pty it over to thb RhM''id* Litbour and LibtMt AMOcittion -1.. a YOOl from man. I lIhould not oppoee him if he were a member and n(1t a Radical. It is øin¡{UIar that thov NPollnot live in aooordanOlll with the prir.Qjpleo< of voluut.lry18m. In Anytbing ron. nClllted with the wow I would in to Ñle majority, but too majority no to in ter- fere with II politic.1 views." I:tERVlKW WtTH THE CHAIRMAN. Yir. W. of the the in hi. interviw wt<h m<, I.Kribed the orgoni"Ai,,ti as workmft from the out into the diMt. With rwpec4 to the C<Jnteet ill 1895, the moet in of but tby Mr. Hotahkia and by Mr. Ho"d, aud it wu for t-he of a to the thm If they had had a they hue -the 1I&rty in the division, and would, haM, been iu a muoo potuioll for at the nnt elect ion. "WbAot ,f Ntr. Hotohkm'o wotk!" I Mkcd. "He ahodd a WE'11th agent to him," was the reply. i n,q tQ affairs, '1'homl)tOn -aid tht at the ,*k,'n," meeting Mr. U."hki, th. obair without beinti invited to it, and ob6d tQ the ar?t being "ked w Mire, only yielding when one oom- mitt4w insWtfd INTSRViEW WITH THE AGENT. It WU A little to find that no had been made to prevent me obtaiJling ttiformation m to the Ame of larty affairs in the Rhoudds. w So far as ite tb. ueooiatÏOn are cenwaod-ttie [Of iuatam,&-l wee any SUM from out4!Íde would have been to failure: tlhey would brook uoing ci t the kwd. But I was surp to tind the agent complai.nt and ready t,?d?lwum from evw7 point of view. He wid IU" (in to my qumtioiis) that he had not a 01 th6 fajmou3 oiroulu with other .nl8 and had be-en f.vou d ?rninif them in8t me. He said that Mr. lfotohko, when he met him once at, Oardiff, had limply inquired, in a plaoid  whether be b!\d .een me, adding,  & negaliv?- reply, thst he (the awnt) would pro- a 01111 11'0111 me premyitlv. Mr. Hctohtfie now re*Iit« thoot the effort to obtainiug infonuation involved who t-niered upon it in all unequal COli. teNt.. Anyhow, I apent with Mr. R. J. Richtrdo ou the do.y I met !?int by appoittme,it, aid I ieve i% all lilY (lueotimij straightfor-wwdl 'v. i illning at the top of the IUwnodda Vawr, "'(0 followed the valley down to anrl then went up the RhotKM* F<teh. Stated Fen-rally, the aummillf up of Uniool&t efÏort on IUI as we can." to detaae, Rjoha.rd8 is Bl&enrhoudde, and 'a 'I'm?h Ual we halvi? an ii*titute whielt t?rveo the two dikriots. We may have a club thel'6 preeectly, but the peopie on the ground think tin)(>j¡ ar-3 too bad to f!.œt a 6lub now. It Î8 not for me to a alub; if you cannot got the 10<:801 men to c-o-opemte you cannot At Treorky we Mve no organi- ottion. We want <t otub them, but they are hesitating tbout it, at) though <mttble pre- m available. With regu-d to 1 expeot the pJAU8 for the club premM &VffZY dAy. A OOIUpaDY has been to uroperty Mi<} pfOTtde premioe*. Thie is the bi1(¡¡a¡t of thll division, laid ..bout 5,()<M etttotoM oat of t totti of 14.000 to 15.0CO. A committee exi*t< here Mtd at Y IIInd Khoudd* 0*1 p*pef. Farxmeton wt* tnmttd at the iMt meeting of Ae divtoion&t t«ucmttoet to form di.tro'.ct t<MOt*tion< the<<&. At Mwynyfi* there is tt club Mth 300 membeK. ttl tontnbutimtt to the dittnot MMcittion. No, I do not &nd thtt t*t<'M worianeo'o Mtxtl oiubt MMt m the etme pt<MX M the CoMefTttive club* Ou" they mjute the )ttter. <Jthout{h thfW Mtbt'of'ptiono M'e tower Mid they Mt OJJl'n ionifer on Sund&y<L The Peny)frxi(t 0)ub na. I øbout a yimr, and bu 300 iyom- beft, who Me *J<o m<ttntent of the M*oc<*ttoc. 'The !o(*J MtOomtioM hrict together many monbert o< the pMty who do not belMve in and wi11 not join cluba even when they are Hot opened on Ie "Pute at the Penygi-&iK (n-(ib I took up t pomtion ageina the ttte Ulanage, and he M now one of my be<t fneMh ttnd hftrdeot workero. A lot of the member withdrew, but they have oome baok. At Mtrth thf!-e it a ttrontf locftt Mto- (Mtion torvmj)' three divitioM Md t club Mfeat!y opened. At Ynysbir a niovwnont to form ''tab was umifrumted two yeM<t ttfro when it WM thought thtt t(ood pfemite* oouUt be *ecurt<). Some ti<ne ?ftef I MW ? t?Mment ic the 'GlamOrpl1¡' Ttmo! <am'tmtins' from a ocrt?n ?eot!MMm, to the ett't? A'M w)tb itncther ttenttemM h? WM quite prepMred to fonn t club, provided twetv otherx would join. A lootti <Kton?tion wtt tftfrwMdt termed, and the )etdert. tuch as Mr. ,Mlkoe, of Wtttetown, tnd Mr. ThotMt JMKt. YMyfthtr. nrpd that there WM tto hurry for fofrntftt <')Mh. 'Let mt tee.' they md, 'how the attention vkll erow nnft.' After the fcni.ttKn of the moo6atiim we held amoking t-Mteert* f' nth<'r meetinp for tte bm!dH)t up of the t have (riven Mr. Richtfdt't statement with4Dut brw. bat I <m bound here to mttr- ject the re)ntr!< that in refftrd to Ynythir there exiou t0tt<< d.ivt)t[<MM<' ol ittttement M to <ht I chrooooloø¡,JIfJ tfq('en« of tvtu)<<. At fem- d<te. Mr [.itttfjnnn* Mwured me that the tMt tnotion for e..taMi''h"tjt a cl lib at N UY*hir C*nle from ?emti<Je: th*t. *rt<t thtt. the vmt tp['Mr<'d Oil the wwroa, and ttMt theratftet nothing M been dof.e. Mr. L«He)oBBt h<M- I itig of until the Mtae of the tgent't etforw was MleD. "The next p?M?" contn<o«t Mr. Rtt?Mdt. is Poatrr:w'J:h ;tb gt4cle?.t6own and Tyiors. town- 'm'lre ))) itt thi* !o<-<J«y a otub with 180 ttMwbert al4 to 'he %so DivWwn. W. tM tfotiM- to «ttbMt M twtetttMa th*M t<t (' meet the caee of Usel who wtU not Jem autx. to I *"itet< M <t ttrong atub there, I <m told," Nplied i?he "Icmt. 1149to ia an'ooi&t.ion »t and club." "Were the sesoci&W)n Mid the otub fomd! toa?har?" "No." I "Which ae the oMeff" club i. the outcome of tiM Mtooitttoo foHaed m 1893 by Mr. Kent, th<! tMBt t?t thtt tMM, W?th th« MtMttBCe Ot toeaeI<'«JCotMt*T<tiT9t." "And the otub grew out of itt' "Y<n. I beü&'f'eo." "A,a d more t4y tawther moooil*on has boon fonned!" hu "Yet." "By tbe olabt" "Nthe chtbt" :o." may speow N88OII'I" "WM thare Mty tpecMl MMon f" niunber who t*d beett tnembeK of the otub, for faMono b<Wt !ut<)T<n tu thenM?vtt, withctrew <.<td aent t reqitiaition to have thacMeIvett fanned lato 80Q "W<xdd it <t0t be okvwr to b*w only one orpnli"ou?" "Y.M; but 1 '<tU hoid that it M better to have <m )X)!M*<*Mn." "I* it MeopHMd? "Ym; b. formation wM <MtttonMd t4 a meetillJl of the diviåoall asomation he]d tn Perth TU Meocottttom WM formed in S<p- me*, I of #Ute- meet. wMch mo<HBctt'onn. Mr. MtdwiohM *t*!tM <&<.t the tpptKttion to form an Ullo('¡ation was **6 to the and he .iMtted circotM invitMitf CoMWT)ttive« and Unx)M<« to t CMet t M, to brin¡¡i.ng the before the Mtd, fufthtr, thtt hefMt the mMting WM IwW, the diviai(al ueoci..t;on tfRet, bu* M) notMe of the Femd,ls RMpoM: W a# IP.von. A.t the oloee of ')he diTi<MM4 nmvti4 the otuMtWM et the membtre—ttbout mine <? ten in aMmber, the bu& t?in? ffom Mwynypit--w«fe ?vit? the room to Cttch t?Mtf t ? MM, put t)M queetioh, "wheth<f Mr. Rt<ttt<ltt thotJd oome to =: d<de cr net." The lority voted in the t?rmttive. The negate w« tMt put, end t<t9 meeting m?ted aw?. ( "Ie U<ere <mythM? tiMjojtomt between <hM <pHt <tt t'erntMe Md t at TeoypM?!" 1 Mked '1 don't tnMW," ?e!)?ted??? ?. thohM?t. 'I dom't tcuow their reeeon ? tw?kinc aw?y. Soote tty MM tMc? MMi acme M pthtT. "Woufd 't mft be better to haie thtm Moon- <"t< "Y«, *od «Sortt tt MooMt?hJMMn Me bein? *,Y El!forts at NOOncili!iOn In! bein¡J WeM *ny of 6t<M mem etp?'?d fr<M)t the otubr' i "Idon'tknow. ? "But, ?mrtty, you )mow someihir IU-hlbat Mduced them to le?T?T' t 'I am told tame of ttem Me (heeont??ted with ttte otub't baknoe-sheet." < "Mr. Hotohktt has been buey in this mftttef!" "He ww) ttt Ftm<Me the evenidgthe Maocxt- tion WM fonned. He WM inv]t«t by the otub contnitttee to meet th<m, tnd 4inf'd the minute ixxtk, and he hetd th't :.o Mtocittion existed at Femd*!e. The oonimi<t<e ttked for delay t'?  into thM tm*ter, and M!\ HotchitM, ?)o ttftarwMds t?ttend? the meet- infr hdd by the dMMnti<nt<, 'tdvited them I tdjoufu theu- prooeedinp,, but it wM then Md there camed by 59 Tom to 11 ,;0 fonn an asomisti<,n. The inquiry Mked Mr by the club committ4* WM hetd on Septæibef 21, and Mr Hotchkit took the chair, but I WM ow, of êM ro= during a portion ot -U* prO"XR E raesit- moetingH and At the November meeting of t<)e divHoct! amooi#A-on tpplicttion WM nmde by the new tt?toowhon tor panniteion to eet?Mfh ? otub. T?M w« mM MO ?roi.%Ier by the cimdrman, and that, ruling M now questioned. No, I have not houd any u.pr,"io. of dieconteot *t Mj. H?ehkM beicg .ght in." "Mr..Uotohkit M vwy tctire in thi* divi. *Y<t. "Mofe active here than in Mi)' othtf otVt- eion f" "He may be. I do not know the othen." "And hM toMvity, I t.Tn totd, gofe to the point of meddlMomeneøs P" "I have not heard th<t optnion McpKaMd." "What do you thick of the '!()uth Walett t" "I know Vfry !itttt itboot it. ] t<tvt MVM &ieHII a balance-stioet nc,r a report." "And Mr H!1tchkisr" "He ie ;tlw*yt rMdy to Moxt ma in wlatever I Mfk bini to do. At M<tfdy," e<nd Mr. Riohttrdt, ooncluding the round ot tbx divi- tmn: thore ie ctub, but no aMocittiou. MoMy j!f :e:t:: m thia divMion to work tt properhr. We itepd t minnKunt oi' JB200 a yetr. The p!*nft," he tdded. "Me ?H retdy [or intended <.ew club premisM <tt Dwynypit." Mr. RichMd<i'< a.b<eao9 from t ponton of th' 'rocee d "gts on the occwjion Mr. in'í"o "trbt)<tte" betWKen the dit. 6t;itionts apd the club tkmmibteo )?robllllly ren. dc?ed him unable to give me pwti(?,j tar* of tio ;K'(' whioh occurred wh6n Mr. Hc,tehki#3 bur*t, ou L against Mr. Littlejohns, acoui,.ing tike latter <.{ writmf! to the p&pM* "tgMntt me" (Mr. Ït:øhir "'cd the ?uth Wtte!. ¡i5; Mj T< wh*t M!owed when member* of the oh b commtttea remonatftttd with Ur. Hotohkn tj-.d tdvited him to hold hit temper ttuder eon- Uo!. LVrLRVIEW WITH MR. LITTLE- I JOHNS. _I "The Hhonddt Cowif?hve AttootttMo,  Mid Mr. J. Uttlejo?mt. in *n mterritw w??)t?? I h?d with bua pnof tc. th** with t?e ttftnt, "wae <t*rted at Hwynypit, in 1890, CounMttoF J. ThomM txdMr tiepttd piHumum. Mr. A. Hood preeMent. Mr. W. Hood tn<MUMr. <tod j Mt. J. P. Kent, agent, dqmoting s, portion of hi* ) time to the dutitt of th*t ofiim. B"INA"i work WM done by th* iDI- org&nL"on, *od.[ from Mwynypi* it spread into H< di8t:rictr. After tht Moral deotioa of MM! Mr. K<" tt propoted tt<tftinz a bftM-h et FeKxitJe. A meetint WM hold on JtHtttMy 25, 18M. iii. wti e)t thirteen  wwt preMnt, and within :h, week* & tm)? olttb wM etttbtiehed on te)n <«- rav-ie Imes. Lad wrA run in diM n iane aru r. O1'er two Thoo the pnmÎ.le& proved too small, and we exine to those we  at preMnt. and whi<?h tittn tte now too ttUfSi. ,Wt have elected -yw 7l1O memben..lId 1 tkt nGrnuù number in giod atm"g is .oout; 350. {or it it <t nottinj! population. The otub 'dot? not undert<ti[< r?Mbrttion wott, bat tt, doot) tJt it Cfm to eduotte th« cMtf'et by mtttt of literature, open-MT meeting. Mxt am iL (htt winter programme ia nrr fuJI, and 1. up to Apll. after whim a sllmn of opt-a-&c work will be elywiged. In ""ua-uat, Mi)5, we hetd M open-fir meeting <tt Mttdy, ..00 followed it up by forming and vranging for a colub. ] IlOO the same work has beeu dolllt in other pI So good but in the of the divi. sional lla6ot'i atlon 1 was told by Mr. aOO. others at Ferndale then; anve o&uae for dinatidaction, because, ttmonptt craser Mtmgt, meN ja DO provialOn f01 a quorum, and in pmet" allY; nUÐ10er of gentlemen who tum few, may MBume to ft <m d speak m the DMM of the divi&Í<JJ1. Thus has a &t which thjto reprMpnt<ttivf of Femdtte hOllROO the whole ohow, there bI>;inlf but two oth perl101UI thtro. Thie Ie a of thing th&t Fern(12lo people don't like, ad wou!d Mt amended. 'ITien the association poø_ee no finltllce eODunittee liitJ, tinance. OOI18illts of 411 re out&- tivEw of diet-ricto and on an *bout fifteen persons turn up st?tbe m"titi often, I #in iiforme-d, men iokc. C&rry little weight in the divÎBioo. Now, yefndaJe people think that the for the ci the ouAht not- to be 1- ¡tåa¡1 twenty, "At to money," remaÙEld Mr. Mttletotmt, "them iø money in dl8 if skin in Jt. !ŒA. bmlobe8 objeot to <ub<cribo to the MMoiM on ,'btOMMt the fMt't i. ,,0 UDder cbef thumb of Mr. Hotzhki& The sumistion, ought to draw out t c,,in* fw the ::t me]4 f d .a d it.t ti. to ry it out oeeded at Yny8hiT, Peatre, Tteherbert. and Treorky. 'Ttreeoutofthenve in oxittenoe in the diVWOIL' heve rMntted from the elfort ot Famdnte it <Ae b«ftnnmt of I 1893, ninety, Ferndaie. M«r<Iy, )n)d Ty!o!wtown Clu1». Ar"d-sloli-kiousy, btellllUlli. <«ttd at the Mttvity of MenMt? tn tettbUth-  inf, What do vou think of Mr. ?.t<?M*r "He hM er?t on<rM. < Ht ttka* ton? )tM)f- Mya 8I1d 'l>uei. hi,. dml, but w.i4h !itt)e re*u!t. We h?t <)iaeH)ty in tee?in? preMite* for t<w ot? ? MMtty, tad Mt. u,,t,,hkie was ..ked to tm hia idlu$1<:e m a rtain dirwti-n. made a note tn his 1X'Qkt!' w4nt and we ver beard t I' !t ffott n!)m ntaio. In tht mtMttme th< kmat olftntuited, Mtd finally 'tM OWV way .4 7,itwiA for m to b?y t M<M* <? !M?M<?? ?<(<A dti, tnd !et t porttnn to tht, ?c!?b Mt. 'Hotohit'* p Iz?;a to e?HM? Mt. &tMoMoc M to Mrm!- gtmtMon of ?Jub )U)d? M)«)C)<t<oB, and tntde t not<* of it, but 'M h?M ??<? nothtnt fof tix "Watt of tnit d4 icotty xt F<Md<t<t" I "ked, "The men who <wetMd out from ttx dun MM the committet) to MMt tbUl1. A date w<t fited, but wtxo the c<w)Mittt<' found t.htt Mr. notchkit had Mxn inrittd t)xy re!uM)d to mfet third perll(Jfl. They h'd oppofpd Mr. H<'t<-hhi< at Prtb4 M'd knew hi' tpifit. He would (?o against m tT<!T time. N< rotMt to out- tntetinfft ond t'«MW U? ditf-Mt everythin)! "Whv dnn't ,r ? ttop th? notict' bf? tent hm: Mr. Ri<-tmKt< it your agent?" ''BeœU8e we <htft no nworjm. A few neopte vote in thf. ntmt of the, lIIIfocittion I it M not t rtpMte<tttHye mettiDtf t: M'. One mnlution pMMf! m thf .Mme at the aswc;a- ttoa wag thtM c<. Cor.%MstilO Cltnb <<)<MM be olx,nw m the mond< V'!t<T M<-ept with the MpMM Ie. of the avociption, Yet nnt tmH c!ub Sa< b«n *tMt<d by the t?-'ttif.n. They f-tnnot on)!n them thx??ive"; M"y wont let u< do so. We tM not to wofkeMtpt by Ir 1ea'fllt. t..y t 20 e.t Ieut oaP* to be t)K<ent eat of 4Ø 'momben to fomt S' y<t four, an4 somtltm- eoty thfM. to's "JA after ftœirint th. weloulys L i eb-1- 24 ho)M bet<we the mt«in)f, we tJuf tpttt )B th< ntm* of the M)OfMt!< ?? ]Uvinr,i"V .«)!W!y i-Td o< W! ? h I <1e8ed tt duk" t) e!Mf w. I tw M* l?t?S&MOt' yOther ooèaaioa, Mtd ?Mn h<)B Mot?td th? fotlowta? ?!:ir ?ny OF TtfB 1895 tNOlDBN?f. "A meeting of tht dtTXton*! MMdtt?M," <MM! Mr. LitNejohM, "w*< h<td at Poft t m AprU. 1W?, '?ea it wM Mto?td to oa .t«t t.bó ooD8tÍ.tueJl01 at the n eleotion, 1our"@f tMMMdMjXM<tbt*cMdid<t'.M, t.e., B&?.w ThonMH, of BryntWel; JMr. Ajrthor d? (]QunciHor JtJkn 'Itwmm, and mys6f. Kent wfoM to <Meh. I tubmitted the t? ? f tent to m<t tt .Mf. Hotchkijt—1 WM UBdM ) ?. diMOtioa *t th< time, betne <Mt* of the je- turwe of the Notimei UWOI1. Ria reply ,hot if it WAI the Aenerikl dalro Df the 60 ttM?t I <tbou!d <?nd, be htd no dt<j<tt- t iluu. Aia tht, others fan? « M?nt m October, 18M. Wht??t <ji<oti&n o? ]?<S wtt) upon ut the M?oaMt- tion ag?ia tOMlved to «Mt«t the t?tt. .ad .t ]?r. ]%ichnrds &ad in a% the Hon. I Tf8 Uuavk lln!' 5 toLo.u.7;k to t?t, but M* f?tf ptom?d jmOO. ?eS? IU. Mid& I and C, i!:d d Xi.. %No extent <? ?25(). Thett two <mn*. to(t<*het?it,h "'M' We could haTe aot locoll)' Iwow d??'hwaiv?e teen ocproxuo*t<iy tMU?h fof t thort con- t.xt." "I Mn WId )'011 W'Ould meed. tl,OM!" "N<)M6Me. W< wer* wtUun A funIJIIIIR of ?M?IectNC." i Mn toM Mf. Mfidltton't crier M4 with- dr<twnt" "No, it w<M not wi<'M<rMm. Jboèt. JDMt. Mtj; WMbeld tt Y IkM, when it "a &pin decMtd to aotttttt the tMt, deM<<it 46 oopatt- ddoided to oojvkmt the seat, dt* ;cl? Ing tion tion of Mr. HoKAitt). At «M<. "-1111 I dtdiMd to oontttt th<) tMt. Md i «jpomt<'d tt comtttitttt of fomr {O' In I WM o te) to peloot;§, O"id&to, $i'I'Îna' powen. I went tQ Card1!f M1". W n, btlt h? rofiioed 10 come out. (hi i okma that B ?ht I M<w CouBciHor J. ? M ftrnM for a moment, Mtd t? ut?td ttne acHo ))t<od,jtddi<)t 'Let m< !Mn? a!y 'WM Ait txM t' I?6Lwr c?tpote you <?M!t.' TtMtt WM twjt ?y< txfoM Bomtn?tton. I wtv?«t, )md ?tt) owt?m b! <B)r fhatxi< per?tttded me to ttM?L I vn?d ? L?rd W<mbofM for hw ohtqoe, ?Mh <xmf t« ht.oo on the  w red to Mr. =ie%p for hia  he KpH?d tJ?t it woaid. be «n<t dMrMt ?Mr. Hoto?. Mr. Hot??w dMMtjntt?MBf id ooNmuniotttott ?i<tt &e 11..u6Y, d <N) ooo Id n<tt &td hkri;p.,i t'?Iw o'.itoek op notMM?oa dty it f j uM?)ere. We <nr Mr. MMdCetoc ?boot a .for)?? befoM ilominuion. rb- is 1)0 dou $4 w?o dlUy-da1bed tMt d?!. tnd the ?m!t WM pM?y our TITE CHjT M <SPUTE. I 'f then tooit Mr. Libtle}rtw thMufh the hit- toi-y of the friJtion whiM hAIl ø Fern. d81e, and thlot nmoh itu been by mÎ81pprMen.¡iDc J; which a little judî. oioll8 handlinA ha, "1 long te<) Incidk-z6%lly, ha to{d me <h*t t 0. ment is likeiy to be enecfted at FerocWe by ttie of 10 olub whiioh will ovur the whole CONMIA, and 1pIJIt a Vpm-kd OOIIP] in ohar", !?Whe? ?? ?'?'' '? *?'?' "? '?*"  out. T-.e codmo. ne w he -illy Mked m,? tb ?!ook ?ter the elub u'ttH it f[ot on ito !<<?. W' now. meatbtf of <.hitt ctab— 726 M the lall n\tmbtt <o ditte—is tM'Hnber of the ben in 1M!. Now ttlre M M oeoocd Uft(IOi. tiol at Femdade. ":}tII11ed 'thftl" out of the 6v<' clubs m the Rh. -lndda. I hf'ped th*t the Ilit would Nrard me as an alay working on t:U&nt linea.. Inate*A he bM looked up.)u me fpom d) pMt«t poict oi' vie?. He h)u Mud, I )un to)d. thot th'e Wt'r)< x imtcnded tto M <t nMt in !ttt Otean. They h?ve pMv<nted ?me eat&blilbinø more clube." J't this point I (imel3, queationed Mr. LitHe- jottM on t otaiem oat I bad heMd tbj4 h- wtx a rivt.1 oandi<kl1! for the 01 Went. I need not &,0 but may tbai Ir. me that, though be was In <frt<in IØIIIN' -4, cendidttte, tte never WM a rivi4 of Mr. W dwds-a f which. I Mm Mr. RiA'n'dt, I took the cccMMn to ilDllftJS8 upon 7%0 piiv ig that tblMe twc men-Nilepfii;. Rtchtrd* and Litt!eJ<<MM— CM)Oot meet t< aether alone and (lipeim their diNtMtMM—tn'my of which <ft ephttntMl, Both dMiM th o profp-e*' of the pttrty. both 'Me :&111'1 4i*A in his p&lotA"nW a; barl wc-rken, ?ted to "p'd h'is on WAY the ri? t one, bu t both. ][ better, fM Mnenebte to TWAOD. PR()(HI:F.AS OF THE CAUSE. I rinr;' the pro?MM of UmKNuet pnn- Ft?outMOfj. 'Littlejohm Mtd:— ctp!M. Mr. "Up t« J.?t93 there were no OonMrrtttTes Fendttle. ? Now the (lOMtrv?v'tt her* Mw atrottf: <!M<))?h to turn Nie «xte *t )my eleoHott, eiro Y ly did ec *t coumty counot! ooate«t between two Li4Mt*b. But we m'Mt hay, olube, run ))011. tM(t! itYf M, everywhwo, !n the :RhcKadda, if we &r9 to < maoet<t, and a winter al-d I wmw pro- gmr,me {«f <Mh oiub. Thi- Jeoturee tad ttpftehe e delivettd tt our c!ub <p]))e'ur in the GlI.m,. Ttm* tpd we have thetn f?. pro<Qoed in pantpMet fonn. Yee, we need Omxo-vMivt) J.P.'ttt Fenida4e. Mr. HotoMd** YM, <? it ttcttve in the Rhouddt. He corner to 6" p6!'ty meetinlc. MIMOt without Mr. 011 band, and tht thMrmtt.a '){ the ttMOoittKXi oeaact rute t met trm o<tt of order withottt Mr. HotchtM'o Optl tÎoo beinlf IlØbd. No. the about yoi ) int)\tiry wtt not «t)t here. It would be tf u*f) tending it to F e1mdaJ(¡. MR. HUTCHKIS AND THK RHQNDDA. &'r. HotohkM bu!h) More IN'KeJ;r' in riie th«n in any other that I Mve written. Jtt itt meet thjt it shou'ld be "o. Moudda DiYition is di8tÎn¡fuiøllCd abovE' mOdt, if ttot <tll, the other d:vnt<uM of South Wtlet. Herx the ohtet t,ftnt M ,Mti/e. He hM mtde tM Rhondd* DiYÍliol1 tnrt of pet t)f pfut.M'e, Md M tttvtyt on band whfn tppttled to by the agent retdy to twilt, any may be ouggtsted. The l&ÐioriuiW.e pMt o< thit otherwite htppy MT80pil1f1nt M that nitmy of the MembtM of the p)Mfty un the ero<Md do c .t t*t[< idcdty K it they athjeot to Mf. Hoki. evwlaatll a&tertwrMoe with the toett organ¡sllt.iim, Md M. )M:f'0 tjte pity, Mr. HotchkM h<M failed to oppOOoo by the brjllilln 01 his th- IS IL to him down a m !dd!e<r. The <t<f.t'< Me is.,therefore, not t h*.ppy otw. On the one tide. he tt*< hit own dirxiooti iom.ia- tion to ?hi?h he ? (Hreotty MmoMi'htt. and wt'OM wi*he< thotttd tmde hM oo"dwt, MM he 'e<MB< to !Mtve oonoatved the td<t, on t? other hM)d, t"t h< 8<'wM1<JW oopuptet t. poei. tion in tome wty suboixbnvae to Mr. HotcMcie, and .tha\t tw should, t)n*reh)te. tdvift him of tH U.'et' and movement& in the wvman. One 'w?y otevoi(i iaL whet threaten! to prove *n tmp*<i*e wou!d 'be ?oufd in the divniont! M'o- Mttioo Te)ie?in? the wt of the oMoe of ittcre- ttty. lft the ttent do hit own proper work- M. indeed, he tppe*M to be ttrivinK, to <?e WnO of his (* nity, to d-and 1e4 him l,e peHevfd of <tn C; cp in ?bich, owinjr to hit ?)efott-deM!ritbe<! oli:a W':1:' ,,1in :h he « in danger of co<<tinutUy beinf brouot mto Mt)f0tu<m to hit f<.now-o<Bci&)<t in the <moc!ation. Anotter m<<hod of aVOMtMl08 he< in 31r. Hot<'<h!tu' hRnd. TtM-f are cM)- <titu«noie< in South Wx!e< in whioh row--& qmve (owtitu4ional orm- 7 De a god-send to t%- TTnooiot party, whic 4 now, in thnfe Two,coftxl with the placiditv of &atb. 'Let Mr. Hotf'hM* tn'hmit to $614- denvin- ardinsiice tnd ¡ft him«'!f for time \from thf Rho\ldd1lo Divieinn—I have jtkdi(sted <ph<re< fcr the {lXeroj.. of hi a IUpe\ij>uOOant theN is doubt now mi,,tent theM will wot<k ittdf out, and the conmrrent onthwttMtn Ie oontolidated mte Wgo. rot" me.













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