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FLINTSHIRE POLICE COMMITTEE. I THE RADICAL CHAIRMANSHIP. I PROTEST AGAINST MONOPOLY. I  A meeting of the FLin'.ah*ro Standing Joint Committee waa held on Thursday at. Mold. The first business was the election of a chairman for the eawuing year.—Mr. J. Philip Jones (Holy- well) proposed the re-election of Dr. J. Hum- phrey Williams i.Flint. This Iiaving being seconded, Mr. J. H. Ellis (Rhyl) said he thought it was very desirable that the constant friotion and rivalry which accompanied the election of chair- man should ooase. In August last it was sug- gested by several members that an honourable undoistanding should bo arrived at, and it wa& generally foit that in furure the chair should be occupied alternately by members of both sides representing t,h9 Quarter Sessions and the County Council respectively. The Chairman at that time also expressed a hope that the annual rivalry for the- ohair should terminate. In Den- bighshire the alternate election from both par- ties waa the rule. He had nothing to sa-y against, Dr. Williams personally, for he had filled the cliair with every credit to himself; but he objected to his election on principle. Dr. Williams ought to s'*> that the other side wero entitled to justice. If they voted from a politi- cal point of view, he had no doubt Dr. Wittiltms would be elected by a large majority. It would be a graceful act on Dr. Williams s part if, having held the office with every credit to him- self for t.he last two years, he now relinquished it in favoui, of a gentleman on the justieea' side. It ha.d been said that the retention of Dr. Williams in the chair by his supporters was because the Quarter Sessions had not shewn them an example by changing their chairman. Dr. Williams: More. than that—for not ap- pointing a single Liberal magistrate among them. Mr. Ellis: I don't think they have anything of t'hat kind in their minds in appointing jus- tices. It may be a. coincidence, but they have ha.d no fooling of a political character in their minds when thoiy made the appointments. I hope Dr. Wiiiiam-s will not suggest that tho Qu-aiter Sessions is influenced by political ele- ments. Pioooeding, Mi-. Eilis said it was con- tended by t,he Liberal party that because Air. Pennant was chairman of Quarter Sessions they had every right to retain the chairmanship of the Standing Joint Committee in poipet-uity. He did not think the two eases were a-na-lagoiw, because Mr. Pennant's office was a judicial one, whioh ought to be held by a man of judicial knowledge He hoped Dr. Williams would lC- I linquih the ohair in favour of Mr. P. T. Davies- Cooke. Mr. C. P. Morgan asked whether tine elmir- manship of Quarter Sessions was not a life appointment. The Clerk (Mr. II. Bromley) Not neces- sarily. Dr. Williams said he felt, bound to intervene against his inclination. Ho was entirely in the hands of his proposer. It wa.s no use their saying this was not a pa,rty question, far the fact that not a single Li'eetal magistrate had been appointed by Quarter Sessions ail these years was proof that behind it was a political element. It onoc happened that a Liberal member was appointed, and they knew how ha was ignominiouslv turned out next- year be,- cause- he gave a Liberal vote. They only asked for fair play, and if they were only treated fairly they would be willing to most the magis- trates. They maintaincd that a county council- lor ought to be the chairman of the Sra.nding Joint- Committee, because he was directly Le- sponsible to the ratepayers. r Ellis: There are some on this side. Dr. Williams, continuing, said he hoped that. tllvi present excellent Government would do away with t.he Standing Joint Committee. (Laughter.) They might laugh, but ho could whew them why it was an exoellent Government. (Renewed laughter.) He was in the hands of the ratepayers, but personalty he would have been glad to retire in favour of Mr. Davies- Cooke. Mr. J. Philip Jones aid he and others pledged themselves last year to support a nominee from the other side if the Quarter Sessions would appoint but two or lhr;:08 Liberals. He was willing to fulfil the pledge at tho first oppor- tunity. Mr. J. H. Eilisi: Will you start? Mr. Philip Jones: No: you have l>o»:<n at it for eighteen years. You have had 'ihe oppor- tunity, a.nd have been asked year after year to take advantage of it. and you have declined. Continuing, he said they muse- admit- that the Liberals had been very magnanimous in con- senting to the appointment of Unionist gentle- men to preside over tho Licensing Committee a.nd the Education Committee. As to an hon- ourable understanding, there1, never was one beyond what he liad stated. Mr. G. A. Parry aaidl he could not undo:stand why Conservative members should beg and pray of the- committee to allow them to make a chairman. They had twoh-e members, and why did they not tum up and vote? Mr. Ellis sa.id some of them were- relying on the honourable understanding. Mr. Parry replied there was never any hon- ourable understanding. How was it that the Liberals were always in a larger number oil the committee, unk-58 it was because they were the healthier and stronger men, best fitted to con- trol t'lio business? (Laughter.) He did not like this arrangement, this "cutting and oarv- ing." If they were going to conduct- their busi- ness in that way they might as well btay at homo and allow the clerks to do it for them. Lot. tliom appoint a chairman upon his merits and according toO thr circnmstano2<S. i Tklr. P. T. Davies-Cooke asked thai his name should be withdrawn rather than appeal for the sympathy of tho other side. He realised they must fight their own battles. The Clerk then read a letter from lVIr. G. A. Tavernor expressing a hope that by the mutual understanding arrived at the committee would see their way to elect Mr. Davies C'ooke. Mr. Davies-Cooko's name having boon with- drawn, thoio was no further pop{)sition, and Dr. Williams was elected. In taking the chair, Dr. Williams congratu- lated Major Webber upon his restoration to health, and the Clerk joined in a similar ex- pression on behalf of the officials.—The Chief Constable briefly thanked the committee. STATEMENT OF CRIME. I The Chief Constable reported that during the quarter ending 31st March t-itere were 22 indictable offences reported, for which 18 persons were apprehended, two proceeded against by summons, and two cases were undetected. Of the 20 persons prooeeded against, 18 were dealt with summarily and two committe d or bailed I for trial. There were 135 persons proceeded against for non-indictab'e o ffences, of whom 155 were convicted, and in 30 cases the charges were withdrawn or dismissed. Of the 155 lwz-pom convicted, five were for assaults, 26 under the Elementary Education Acts, 53 for and 17 for offence,, against the Poor Law and Vagrancy Act. One fully-lioensecl house was proceeded against during the quarter. The estimate for pay and contingencies for the months of July, August and September shewed I a total of EI,700. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. to I Mr. J. PhUip Jones c&Ued attentio^ great damage done to property, EOPOC?I)' 1001 HolyweU district, and aug?eat? that;f  should take special protective me?t?' ?? r ThQ Chairman strongly -,t,,p,,thised tW comp?tnt, and said it was  people oould wUfui!y do sndl 2,1 00at „ THE MOTOR QUESTION I f tll" II'" A resolution was received from 1 t?  Rural District CouncIl, calhng atten '• n tOj. exce?ivc speed of motor cars and ?"' ?,eq,10 great danger, and requesting that ill,,tr UC,ti0o should be given to t.he police to ??? 010, stringent action. t be gll Mr. H. J. Roberts moved that cS? ? ilt,4 to the m**)!ution. K Mr. J. Lloyd Price a?kcd if any -?o??j taken p!,aœ in cone ,e 1,Lnee ? a?? ?t.  descri b ed a? reckk-s? driving. Several member" gave in?tancea of ?'?j and narrow c??cape,?. Mr. A. J. R.en.rO'oiI1g hM experience of pa?i?g- a motor car =„o^ \i a mail train along a narrow road ,.?'J Northop and Connah's Quay. He   time had come when they should have ? ?H"? speed limit Fi-nt?hire waa the fl.( which had nOt adopted a speed Itillit.CITO "No, no. lo? In reply to questions on the .subjf^^ {i)ecK #pPj said a nplal apeed limit oould only g to certain ro?ds after application to tile ?' Government Board for a f?pecial ? Pvr?bjoL w., rarely granted, The Board r'lli, -d '40 upon section 1 of the Motor Cr dealt with reck!cn?s driving. The ieg? 20 miles an hour. 0,1bi Mr. A. J. !Wney spoke of the ?''?n??. to chiMrcn in the ?reeto of C'onnai) .s ?  motorists who drove at f?rty to ?ftY ill?to y hour. ,ty Mr. P. T. Davi?-C?oke tlls, 0o numberM of cars complaint of shoiiW and reported to the Automobile c'ltib, vl" a.gent in every town. and were ? ^jio^^ stop rec!de<M driving as the public at u&' J Mr. G. A. Parry, speaking as a rr!°l'ry, Mr. C,. A. Pat-rv, sp,ak!n. a,4 a he agreed with the resolut!ŒI. The c<>IIJd b; he d'd not go faster was bccat?e he ?]d?. (Laughter.) It wa? true that the it F como to stay, and it WaB al00 true ? It come to a'ay. (Laughter.! The Chairman said the d:?t nu'-?? dange.)- to h<-ahh Mr. Ellis: Tar ihe roads. ?'  The Chairman: I ?hou!d be very for t.h.e roads and make the motone? ??.h) He hoped that in the Budget ro0tOr'?,40100 taxed 00 that public authorities d tar roads and make special tracks for t-Ilell" The motion was carried. .A

THE SPANISH SWI?' { A. ? _,a,…








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