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[COPYRIGHT.] THE TRIALS OF MADGE MOBERLEY BY FLO..E5CE HOPE. Author of "Tangled Threads," The Brown Rosary," &c., &c. I SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS CHAPTERS. 1 CHAPTERS I to III.—Madge Mober ey, plain ,Ing to London to take but fascinating, is travelling to London to take up a position as governess. Her brother Phil is to meet her at St. Pancras. The train stops at Kettering and she is left alone, but on its moving a?u.i a man with a dog whip jumps in. \?hen London is reached he secures a pone!" for hei iu!r-ra,re. Phu is not there, but a geuL ..m? ?mcd Christopher Keane comes up with tne new. that her br?er is unavoidably detained. Madge to see we shops, aad theu th.y  Phil it a. restaurant, and after luncn^n Madge t?e. train to imbledoa, and neanng ine iow?9 ''ru-? home, in a cab, s,es a woma!l's face  I1; her through some bushes. Later on, in her ?n room, SHe hears footsteps stop outside the door ?d opening it sees the figure of a woman ?ust disappearing. Madge faiis asieep in the schoolroom, and wakes up, to hear ^shes'to of a ,mwn al(l the door dosing. She rushes to her bedroom and locks the door just as a scream rings out, followed by a heavy fall. She  not allowed to see tLC mistress, and is depresscd by tle shadow that hangs over the ho me. Entermg the dmfn-room onf night, she £nds the P"'o|rat(> form of a woman, a dark crimson stream trickling  her 'Ps. ?I?T?R9 III. (continued) to V.-Madge AlSv&rs that the dark stream is not blood but mvrf wine In an instant the mystery of the scre,&ml r„n, etc., ;s olear. The mistress of The Towers" i3 a drunkard. The nurse informs M?d? that only Kent Rochford, a cousin of \I re Lovell. can manage her, and also advises her to keep out of his way. In an album Madge discovers P photo of her companion of the train. I  not like his face, and throws the book down as the original of the photo walks m, 'a,- lowed bv Mr. L n? 11, who introduces tnem- It is Kent Rochford. Madge leaves them, and  .going up"tain, when she findi Lo\ell ^peep fnTfnX her bedroom door. In low agonised oL Mrs. Lovell ask3 if Kent Rochford is dDwn- stairs. She says he treats her Uke   and II? bean her. NextdayheandMr Lovell leave for Paris, and in bidding goodbye to Mad.e he puts his hands on her shoulders and ?ays he has a. good mind to kiss her. Madge meets Christopher Keane, who is assistmg; a local doctor. He asks her if he can be her friend, but it is something deeper than friendship he craves. They reluctantly part at "The Towers," where Madge finds Mrs. Lovell at the piano, and is invited to join her. CHAPTER VI. I RESISTING TEMPTATION. I Owing to a rainy aiternoon, it was not uxiui the evening that Madge was able to join Mra. Lovell in the drawing-room, as she had to remain with her pupils. ?'?u"' se?my duty to them must come first," said Madge, making her apologies. But I do hope you will give me a treat now. and she glanced at the open piano and pile of scattered music. Mrs. Lovell wa. seated in a big easy chair drawn up close to the fire, and sat with her elbows -on her knees, her face resting in ner hands. Come and sit down and talk; perhaps 111 play soon. I want to ask you some questions, answered. r Madge obeyed, and pulled up a low chair to the hearth. Why were you kind to me the other mght when I was—like that? Nobody else is; nobody takes the trouble to be. I don't understand it, and I want to know." The woman turned her dark eyes questionably upon Madge. Because I felt sorry for you, I do now; I feel very very sorry why do you do it 7" Madges voice shook a little, and she leaned forward, touching the other woman's hand gently. A rush of tears gathered in Mrs. Lovell s eyes and rolled down her cheeks in great drops. Oh she oried, dashing them away with her hand. "011, you don't know what a miserable woman I am! Why do I do it? To drown thought. To forget misery and sorrow and trouble. It is the only thing, and I am glad of 1t. I love it. I can't do without it-I crave for it and must have it." But think of the degradation-tiie shame and the disgrace," said Madge. What's the use of thinking? I don't want to think, I want to forget." But what trouble and sorrow have you had to make you take to this? Oh, Mrs. Lovell, if I can help you. let me. I am only a girl. but I want so to be of use to you-to help you to fight a"gainst this awful curse," cried Madge. Mrs Lovell laughed bitterly. You can't do that no one -an It tn() late—and the sooner I drink myself to death the better." -N-o! no! Don't say such dreadful things. Tell me about yourself; sometimes it does one good to speak. How did you first begin. "I began before I married-Ah! I knew you would shrink from me. Perhaps I will tell you all one day; I won't yet, thougn, it is too soon to trust you. I have never said as much to any man or woman before as I am saying to you, but there is something about your face that i like. You are true, I think-and good—not a I humbugging goodness, sanctimoniousness and that sort of thing, but straightforward, honest goodness. Still I'll wait and see. Have you met my cousin, Kent Rochford?" The question was so sudden and unexpected that Madge started, and felt her face turn crimson. She was exceedingly annoyed, for Mrs. Lovell was scrutinising her countenance sharply. Yes, I have met Mr. Rochford. He only left this morning, as I daresay you know," she replied. Why do you colour up like that? What is he to you?" Nothing—less than nothing. I dislike him," answered Madge. "Well, listen to me. Don't let him get any influence over you; if you once get into his power your life will be ruined; once give in to him and you are ruined-ruined body and soul." There is no danger to me. I shall be only too glad to avoid Mr. Rochford as much as possible. I really do not need any warning against him." And my husband—does he make love to you ?" Mrs. Lovell spoke in a forced, carelessly satirical manner, but she watched Madge's face narrowly. Your husband has been courteous and kind, all that a gentleman should be, Mrs. Lovell. As you have questioned me enough, I think I will go," replied Madge, making a movement to rise. Oh. don't be offended. Come, I am going to play to you." And for an hour or more Mrs. Lovell sat at the piano, wandering from one thing into another, holding her listener entranced under the marvellous spell of her talent. Then, eleven o'clock striking, she finished with her usual abrupt crash of chords, and proposed that they should both go to bed. Madge was wakeful and excited by the music, and Mrs. Lovell's strange personality that interested her intensely, and she lay for hours, thinking about the woman, her weakness and sin, and her strikingly fascinating appearance. She had said nothing to Chris Keane of the shadow that darkened the home of the Lovells with dread, nor did she even intend to mention it to her brother. Somehow she felt that it would be a disloyalty to do so. as she was living under the Lovell's roof, but she felt glad that. in case of need she had a friend near who would come to her if she wanted him. Then her thoughts wandered to Chris, and at last sne fell asleep, with his fair boyish face in her mind, the tone of his voice in her ear. and the diasp of his hand giving her a feeling of conifdence and security. Of the three men who had iajtly come into her life with their distinct personalities, Chris Keane was the only one whom she felt she could trust wholly and entirely. It must have been nearly four o'clock when she was awa*ve;ied by a gentle knock at her door, and startIng up immediately, flinging the clothes off I her, she switched on the electric light and opened | the door. I It was Mrs. Lovell-who stood pale and shiver- ing in the passage. May I (ome in she asked. Madge's reply was to take her by the arm with gentle touch and draw her inside. The woman w.a.s trembling all over and looked wretchedly ill- 1* I-I have tri. ed, —tri. ed ,hard for thi- first time for ye rs. I have been thinking of what you said about degradation and shame. If I sray alone ..ny longer I know I shan't resist." She spoke fal terinlil-. and tottered into the room. Madge's am crept round her, and her itee was full of infinite compassion. Get into my bed. You are cold and shivering; I'll cover you up," she said. Mrs. Lovell obeyed like a child. She felt the strength and comfort of the girl's strong will, and was ready to submit to whatever she thovht • be,t. Then turned out the light and crept into the bed beside her, throwing her arm round the still trembling form and whispering words of hope and consolation in her ear. Presently by the sound of her quiet, regular breathing she knew that Mrs. Lovell was asleep. But there was no more sleep for Madge. Young and ardent, and full of hope. she felt I _1_.L__I u.£]-- etatea at me mnuence sne had already exercised over this weak woman, and looked forward with wonderful faith to inducing her to break off entirely her fatal habit of drink. The girl clasped her hands together and ? praved B? ?,< ??? felt that it would be an easy tisk But ll"?0 not^5S of the terrible cur? or the fat ^.finai10n °fdnn^ for a woman who oonncce e Lhad d ftaallllen under its baneful influence. Alas! < once 1° conquer did not mean always to winquer   and ?-? a backward step, stumble and faU. However, for several dan. with Madge's con- stant companionship, Mrs. Lovell resistrd the temptation that was ever by her side, and even the nurse remarked the perceptible change in her mistress. She went out walks with her children and the governess, and returned honv With a lovely colour in her cheks and brightnho in her eves. Madge was overjoyed; she prayed that Mr. Lovell might stay away longer, so that he mit:rht tw struck with astonishment at the change in his wife's appearance. When another week had passed without his returning Madge felt sure that he would remain away over Sunday. Ha never writes to say when be- is coming back," Mrs. Lovell told her, "but likes to come and go as he chooses." Then Madge told her of her wish to go to town to see her brother. He had written, urging her to come if possible the following Sunday, and Madge did not like to disappoint him. "But why shouldn't you go? Of course you must; nurse will look after tho children," said Mrs. Love rt. Madge hardly liked to say what was in her mind that it was not the children she minded leaving, but Mrs. Lovell herself. However, a few words with the nurse helped to reassure her on that point. She hasn't got a drop o' anything in the house, and I don't see how she can get any thin on a Sunday. So you go and enjoy yourself, niiss—it'll be all right, and you are lookin' that palo yourself that you need a change. She s got on your nerves—that anybody can see; but, bless you, it's no use your worrym'. If she wants it, she'll have it, whether you watch her or you don't, that's my opinion, although I will say she's been a different person the last few days and brighter and more sensible than I've seen her for years." So Madge decided to go, and on the Saturday morning sent off a note to the address Chris Keajie nad given her, telling him she should go up to town by the three o'clock train the follow- ing day, and saying how glad she would be if he coulu go too. Feeling a little like a parlourmaid going for her Sunday out, Madge took speoial pains with her toiiet, and was rather pleased with the effect of a large bunch of Parma violets she had sewn into her black toque to freshen it up. The touch of colour suited her, and the knot of real violets that neotled in the fur at her throat seemed to accentuate the pretty colour in her cheeks, and suited her to perfection. It Madge was not a regular beauty, she was pretty and attractive enough to draw attention, and many were the glances of admiration that followed her as she waited on the platform for Chris. He came up breathless. I'm so awfully sorry to be late. but old Lawson kept me jabbering after luncheon," he said, as he joined her. Oh, but we are in time for the train, so it doesn't matter," answered Madge. And to Chris that "we" sounde d delightfully tannliar, linking them togetner, as it were. vv nat a pleasure it was to get her ticket, and to hand I her into the first-clasa compartment which they had to themselves! You are like a tonic," remarked Madge, as she settled herself opposite him. I feel braced ti? and fresh and lively; and, do you know, I was fueling tired, headachy and dull." You've been worrying about something. I saw it at once this little change is sure to do you good. I was awfully afraid you wouldn't go, and I've haunted that common ever since I met you that day at the post-ofiice. I was almost beginning to fear you had left. Where on earth have you hidden yourself said Chris, I've not been out at the usual time, that's why you haven't seen me. We've gone out in the afternoon, and had Mrs. Lovell with us," re- plied Madge. Then she asked him about his life as a doctor's assistant, and grew so interested in ail that he told her that they seemed to have reached the end of their short journey in no time, and there was Phil—dear old Phil—on the plat- form—waiting for them. CHAPTER VII. I A PRESENTIMENT OF COMING EVIL. I ror halt-an-hour atter Madge had gone ivirs. Lovell amused herself by playing on the piano, then becoming tired of playing without an audience, she wandered about the house from one room to another restlessly, in an aimless fashion, finally entering the schoolroom, where the two eider girls were reading some books that Madge had lent them from her own private s:ore- sz I wish I had asked her to lend me a book," said Mrs. Lovell, looking over Adeline's shoulder. "I am sure she would. Miss Moberley is awfully good-natured, and she has lots of books iu her bedroom, mother. Shall I fetch you one:" said Adeline. "Oh. I don't know perhaps there's nothing I'd care for," answered Mrs. Lovell, wearily. "Why not look at them?" suggested Maud. Adeline jumped up from her chair. I'll go with you, mother," she said, with alacrity. For nothing better to do, Mrs. Lovell followed the child down the corridor to Madge's room. She had put up a little hanging bookcase, which was full of her favourite books-from Andersen's fairy tales and Jane Eyre" to a clever novel lately published, that Phil had sent her. When Mrs. Lovell had chosen a book and was turning to leave the room, her glance fell upon the silver-mounted waist-bag that lay on the dressing table—the present that Mr. Lovell had made Madge. How smart!" she exclaimed, looking at it admiringly. "That's what father bought her," said Adeline. Your father! What do you mean child?" exclaimed Mrs. Lovell, turning sharply upon the child. He bought it for Miss Moberley when we went to town to get new hats; but he must have thought of it before, because her initials were already on-aren't they pretty?" said Adeline, touching the decorative letters with the tip of her finger. Mother, you've left the book you wanted," I she called out, as Mrs. Lovell quitted the room hurriedly. I don't want it. Go to the schoolroom, Adeline. I'm going to lie down," replied her mother. Alone in her own room Mrs. Lovell's face became white with anger. She was a very jealous woman, furiously so with regard to her husband, and she felt mad with anger against poor Madge. "She is a humbug after all!" she exclaimed, stamping her foot with passion. A deceitful little hypocrite. Makes up to me and tries to be friends and flirts with my husband, the little wretch 1 She shall leave the house. I won't have her under my roof. Hew do I know that she may not have gone to town to meet him now—is going to dine with him and spend the evening in his com pany'?" Pacing the room backwards and forwards, the infuriated woman worked herself up into a frenzy of jealous fury. Then she went to her cupboard. searched it vainly for something to drink, turned out her wardrobe, her drawers, and finding notn^ ing. stood in the middle of the room biting her finger nails and racking her weakened brain to think how she could get what was to her the solace of life. There was an inn just across the common. She could even see it from her window, and she felt she must have what she hungered for or die but she had no money, and she knew that her husband had given orders at every place in the neighbourhood that neither spirits nor wine were to be supplied to "The Towers" without a written order from himself. How, then, could she get what she wasted? The more she thought and puzzled over the ma.tter the greater the craving became, till her throat felt parcned and her tongue burning with tne longing for the drink that would give her happiness. Sne went to the box where she kept her finest ribbons and laces, and drew out from the dainty finery a long cream lace scarf. \0 ry1: Î.L J ?"? "ng?r.empt a girii should think," she aid, opening It <"? to '? full iength. and feeing t?. delicat silky texture. Her ev? s gleamed there was .ometbing of the tigress about her face. Ad her thoughts were now fixed upon the one tthhh-ig. ?She stole to the door and glided down the p?ahagG to the long corridor. It was tea time; she could hear the rattle of cups ana saucers m the schooiroom. The maid wi.o waited on the governess and children would be passing down the corridor directlv; she would catch her before she went downstairs to the ser- )a • She was a new girl, only lately come to "The Towers," and soon came tripping by, swinging an empty tray carelessly in her hand. "Come here I want to speak to vou," said Mrs. Lovell, in a low voice, and signed to the maid to IO.IOW her to her room. A few minutes afterwards the girl stole out of the house with a frightened look on her face, and a costly lace scarf in her pocket. She returned with a bottie hidden beneath her sha.wL "l';hat wall-flowers already! Oh, Phil, what extravagance! exclaimed Madge as she entered his room, and noticed the delicious springlike per- fume. "Oh, but don't you know, Miss Moberlev Phil will spend twopence on his dinner and fourpenee on garnishing; that is his innate refinement-or poetic temperamenr whatever you like to call it, said Chris. "I've found him eating a far from fiosh egg that he'd paid three-halfpence for, and smmngata bunch of Neapolitan violets or a shoaf of daF."Of¡j¡s ?'?' cost him ninepcnce." P? hd.Moberc.y laughed. "It's no -Ood; I can t help ?t, he said. "I hunger for flowers as b?gaj- craves a crust or a drunkard his drink. l f ean t do without them as soon as there is a touch ?f spring in 51o air and tho perfume of bio?om? 111 tne streets. I "Dear old Phil, with his wicked extravagances," said Madge, putting her arm round her brother's neck. and c?ddhng her chcek against his n,?ck-, and cqiddi [Ing her c h ee k aga 1 nst h"*5* nei" al thought he'd have given all 'he possessed for such a caress, and turned away to hide the iongmg in his eyes. Phil had much to tell, for he had obtained the sub-editorship that he had been so anxious about, and was full of plans for moving into unfurnished rooms in a better neighbourhdod, and furnishing them according to his own taste. "Then when everything is done. I shall at last be able to offer you a home. Madge," he said. "It sounds too good to be true," repl ed his sister. "And if only this officious chap, who intrudes upon us so terribly, would get work to do in tov:n, he join us in our housekeeping., he, Madge?" said Phil, stretching out a hand to lay upon Chris Keane's shoulder. Ail! Chris uttered the exclamation and .ooked round at Madge. He t?et her eves, an d Qomet?in,?, in them told him tht the suggestion did not displease her. di ? Well, I'm going now, any way," be said. "I've intruded long enough, and will leave you two to yourselves. Miss Moberley, I'll call for you about eight o'clock, and we can catch a train" back about uine, if that will suit vou." She made a little mouo of dissatisfaction. "Oh dear, I don't want to go at all. Now I've found Phil I want to stick to him," she said. However, when Chris returned later in fhe even- ing she was ready for him. and with a lingering iffectionate farewell she left her brother and got1 into a hansom with Chris. As they walked up the hill from the station at Wimbledon, Madge began to almost dread her return. "Do you believe in presentiments?" she asked Chris. Presentiments No, they are all rot," he re- plied, witti u young feliow's wholesome contempt of such things. "Oh, but i got them at times, and something always happens. I don't why, but I have a hor- rible presentiment now that somothing is going to happen to mo. 1 have a dread of going back," said Madge. "You are too young to indulge in nerves. What's thc-ie to dread or fearY" asked Chris. "1 hardly know; it's my imagination, I sup- pose. "Then don't give way to it. Oh! are we here ,L--rti-aciy Aiiss Moberley—Madge—you are not really frightened, are voti. For her face was pale, and he thought she was trembling. Sho couid not describe the vague feeling of alarm that had come over her, and was ashamed of her weakness. "No, no," she replied, "It is all right. Good- bye, Mr. Keiaie." "I wish you'd call me Chris; your brother does, you know." Madge smiled. "Do you expect me to do every- thing Phii dot's?" "o; only some things. I should like this very much; do you think YOll couid:" "Wed, 1 might perhaps if 1 tried," said Madge, adding, with a soft look of coquetry up in his face, "Good night—Chris." CHAPTER VIII. I 11 AT MIDNIGHT. I On finding that Nirs. lovell had gone to bed, early as it was, and the fire was out in the drawing- room, Madge, feeling tired with her day in town, ate a light, little supper, and went immediately to her room, tailing aö.eep aimost as soon as her head was on tHe pillow. She could not have slept more than an iiour or two when she awoke with a start, fancying she heard someone calling her. She sat up in beci aiert and listening, her heart beat- ing tumultuousiy. No, she could hea.r nothing; sho must hava dreamt sue heard her name called, and was about to lie down again when "Miss Moberley L Miss Moberieyl" fel, distinctly on her ear. It was one of the children calling, and in an instant Madge was out of bed, and, wrapping her dressing-gown round her, she crossed the lauding to the room that Maud and Adeline occupied, the door of which was wide open. "What is the matter?" she asked. "Oh! Miss Moberley, I'm so frightened," an- swered Adeline's voice in the darkness. "Do turn an the light; Maud has got one of her walking fits, and isn't in bed." "Not in bed! Then where is she?" exclaimed Madge, switching on the electric light. "I don't know; it's ever so long since she walked in her sleep; she must have had something to dis- agree with her, I suppose," said Adeline, jumping to a matter-of-fact conclusion, which was probably a right one. "I heard her get up, and she seemed to be feeling about the room. It's so horrid; you never know what she'll do, and the doctor said it would be dangerous to wake her, but that somebody ought to lead her gently back to bed. So I suppose you'll have to took for her. What's the time? It's striking something now." "It must be twelve. There, lie down, Adeline, and I'll light a candle and go in search of Maud." "Poor child! She'll catch cold, I'm afraid," said Madge, shivering more at the uncanniness of the idea of the sleep-walking child than from any feeling of cold. Adeline cuddled down in her bed, and Madges with a lighted candle, went down the thickly- carpeted corridor to tho schoolroom. As she passed the passage leading to Mrs. Lovell's rooms she heard someone moving about, and wondered if Adeline's cries had disturbed her mother. She hoped not, for she d 'dia't want Mrs. Lovell up as well as the children. Pushing open the door of the schoolroom, she beheld the steep-walker standing by the window, looking out over the moon-lit garden. She had nothing on over her nightdress, and must be frozen, thought Madge. Her eyes were wide open staring into space with the blank look of a person asleep. Madge was in doubt what to do—for she feared to wake her too suddenly, she had heard it was dangerous, and had never had any previous ex- perience of the kind. However, something must be done, and she must get the child back to bed; so gently laying her hand on the girl's arm, she managed to turn her towards the door, and so very slowly and quietly led her back to her room. It was not till she was helping her to get into bed that Maude woke, her face assuming an ex- pression of intense alarm. "What is it? Where am I?" she demanded. "In your own bed, dear. It is all right," replied Madge, holding her hands. "I'm so cold; oh! I'm so cold!" repeated the child, with chattering teeth and shaking as if with ague. Madge heaped some more clothes over her, and telling her to lie still said she would fetch her something to prevent a chill. There was a small medicine chest kept in the library, of which Mr. Lovell had given Madge the key, saying that she might require medicines for herself or the chil- dren, and shewing her which was best to take in case of cold. So returning to her room for the key she hur- ried downstairs and across the dark hall to the library. To her surprise, as she opened the door she saw that the room was not in darkness, as she had expected, but illumined by the reading- lamp that stood on the table, and, seated in an attitude of great dejection by the fire-place, was Mr. Love!] himself. The girl would have withdrawn if she could have done so without being seen, but the light of her candie flashed across the dim room and caused Mr. Lovell to 1-k He looked broken down with trouble, and his eyes were red-rimmed, his face marked with grief. Womanly and sympathetic as Madge was by nature; she could not turn away without a word. "I didn't know you were back, Mr. Lovell. I'm afraid there is something the matter," she said timidly, putting out her hand. "And you came down to comfort me? How sweet of you!" replied Mr. Lovell, retaining her hand in his clasp, that was burning in contrast to tho girl's cool flesh. Then, before Madge could explain her errand, he continued, speaking in a husky voice, broken by emotion. "Yes," he said, it is the old trouble, that seems worse when one has been away and comes back to it; it upsets a man to return to his home and find his wife mad with drink. Now you know how my life and home are blighted and disgraced. God! It is a bell- and that woman, my wife, the worst of devils when she is bitten with this curse." "Has she broken out again, then?" exclaimed Madge, horrified. "Yes, as bad as ever. Did you know about her?" said Mr. Lovell. And Madge related all the circumstances of how she had first seen Mrs. Lovell under the influence of drink; also of her struggle during the last week against the temptation it had for her. "Is there nothing that can be done?" she said, tears of pity gathering in her eyes. "Nothing!" was the hopeless reply. "I have tried every remedy in this world. I have been kind, and affectionate, and patient, and-the re- verse-harsh and cruel e-veii-when my temper was roused and I lost my self-control." "I cannot think that harshness would ever do any good. How was it she began to take it?" asked Madge. "She .was a drunkard when I married her but I knew nothing, and suspected nothing for more than three years. "How was it nobody told you—her cousin, Mr. Rochford—why did he not warn you?" "Kent? Oh, I think he was glad to get her married off his hands. She was his father's ward, who wanted Kent to marry her himso'.f. I be- lieve she had a considerable fortune. He has an immense amount of influence over her; she is afraid of him. He advises flogging her that is his way with his animals, and he would treat a woman in the same way," said Mr. Lovell. "How horrible! Poor thing!" cried Madge. "You pity her?" "How can one help it? She must be a most un- happy woman." "And now you know of this horror in the house, I suppose you will leave us—I must expect it; how can I ask you to stay?" said Mr. Lovell, glancing up at the girl, who stood near him, with one hand resting on the chimney-piece. "No, Mr. Lovell, I won't leave. I am all the more anxious to stay and do all I can for your wife and children," answered Madge. --And for me-by your sweet presence in this dark household; it is indeed good of you." In an impulse of true gratitude Mr. Lovell took Madge's hand, that hung by her side, and raised it to his lips. There was a sound behind t.hem-the rustle of a woman's trailing skirts, the shuffling movement of slippered feet, and, staring at the two with white face distorted with passion, eyes blazing with fury and maddened jealousy, was John Lovell's wife. (To be continued.)






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