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[PUBLISHED BY SPECXAI. ABBAS GKMESU] A DEAD CERTAINTY,! BY NAT GOULD, Author of "The Gentleman Rider," "The Pace That Kills," "Racecourse and Battlefield," "The Dark Horse," "The Double Event," &c., &0. • r I [COPYRIGHT.] CHAPTER XI.—TONY CRASHER SUR. I PRISED. "It is a mistake, Mr. Dtmbar-a grave mistake, -and I am sure you will regret it I quite agree with Gilbert Honey that you are unwise to enter- tain such a proposal." Thus Martin Mill, when he heard of Arthur Dunbar's suggestion that Henry Royston's horses should come into the Glen stables. When he mentioned the matter to Gilbert Honey the trainer had not said many words, but he ex- pressed his sentiments in no measured terms, and had given his employer clearly to understand that such a course would be most distasteful to him. And Martin Mill had not been one whit behind the trainer in giving vent to his feelings and strongly condemning the whole thing. Arthur Dunbar was annoyed at this formidable opposition, although he expected it. He knew both his trainer and Martin Mill were in the right, and had by far the better of the argument. This, however, did not soothe his ruffled feelings. When a man is determined to adopt a course he knows to be wrong, he is generally the more obstinate and persistent in having his own way. It was so with Arthur Dunbar. Had Pat not expressed a wish that her father's horses should come to the Glen, he would have declined Henry Royston's request in a peremptory manner. But _h e could not deny Pat, and had no wish to do so. He tried to convince himself, against his will, that what Pat desired must necessarily be right. The three men were sitting in the trainer's snug- gery at the Glen. They had often sat there on previous occasions, discussing and planning racing coups, and there had been peace and harmony among them. This was the first time a serious disagreement had arisen between them, and there was a majority of two to one. "I don't see what objections you can have to Mr. Royston's horses coming here," said Arthur, testily. "He has, I believe, four good animals, and expressed a wish to me to buy more useful racers. It will be an advantage to us to get good trial horses in the stable. I have no doubt Mr. Royston would be guided as to which horses to buy by you, Gilbert." The trainer made no reply. He was deeply grieved there should be any difference between them, but he knew he was in the right. He also knew Arthur Dunbar would have his own way; but he wished to make it clear, in case anything happened afterwards, that he objected strongly to the course he was taking. "When you have more than one owner in a stable," said Mill, "it makes the execution of a commission more difficult. If you will take my advice you will let things go on in the old groove." "I have promised Mr. Royston his horses shall be trained here," said Arthur. "Then that settles it," said Gilbert Honev, to whom a promise was sacred; "but I am sorry you gave him your word before consulting me." "'You'll find it will all come right in the end," said Arthur, "and that it will be to our advantage to have the horses here." Martin Mill shook his head. He did not believe in it at all, and felt confident no good could come of it. When may I expect the horses here?" asked Gilbert. "T will write to Mr. Royston to-night, and ask him," replied Arthur. Martin Mill remained behind when Arthur Dun- bar had left, and had a long conversation with the trainer. "I am sorry this has happened," he said. "You can't be more sorry than I am," replied Gilbert Honey. I never expected anything like this to happen after all these years." "I'll bet a trifle there's a woman at the bottom of it," said Mill. "Has Mr. Royston a daughter?" "Yes," replied the trainer. "I heard Mr. Duti- bar say she was to look over the stables, but she has not been." "Then you may bet your life she has influenced him in favour of his plan." "You may be right," said the trainer. "Any- how, it is a bad day's work, but we must make the best of it." "I shall keep a watchful eye upon Mr. Royston and his doings. I know several Australians over here, and in the first place I will find out how Mr. Royston stands in their estimation." "Be careful how you act, and make certain of your ground," said the trainer. "I am sure Mr. Dunbar would not countenance .anything shady, nor would he on the other hand condemn a man without sufficient proof." "If there is proof to be had he shall have it," said Mill. "I tell you, Honey, I don't like this business at all. I don't like Royston's looks; and I firmly believe he is merely anxious to have his horses here to work his own ends. If he makes any proposals to you that you do not approve of, pretend to fall in with his plans and see how far he will go." "He will not propose anything underhand to me," said Gilbert Honey. "There's no telling. Such men, as I believe him to be, have but little faith in the honesty of trainers, or any other men," said Mill. When Henry Royston received Arthur Dun- bar's note asking when the horses would be ready to go to the Glen stables he was overjoyed at the success of his plan. "Pat worked it well," he said to himself, "and he must be deuced fond of her to give way to her wishes. What fools some men make of themselves over girls! I never did." He wrote back stating the sooner his horses were housed at the Glen the better he-would be pleased, and that he would order them to be brought from the South of France without delay. In due course they arrived at the Glen in charge of a man called Tony Crasher. Tony Crasher came over from Australia with Henry Royston, and was about as unscrupulous as his master. He was one of the lower type of men connected with horses, half trainer, half jockey, and not very skilful in either line. He suited Henry Royston, however, because he always fol- lowed his master's instructions and risked the con- sequences. Tony Crasher made a very unfavourable im- pression at the Glen, and Mrs. Honey said if the master was like the man there would be trouble before long. Gilbert Honey, however, had not undertaken to provide a billet for Tony Crasher, nor did he mean to do so. When Tony Crasher was making himself at home in the stables, superintending the horses he had brought, and ordering Gilbert Honey's lads around, the Glen trainer said to him quietly, calling him on one side, "Those horses are under my charge now, and I am responsible for them. You have handed them over to me in good condition, and there your wor k ends, so far as I am concerned-you under- stand? Tony Crasher stared at him open mouthed. He could hardly believe his ears. Gilbert Honey or- dered him off the premises—that was what it amounted to, and had done it none the less effec- tively because he was polite over it. "I understood from Mr. Royston that I was to remain here," said Tony. "I have looked after The Rake ever since he has been in training, and I don't mean to leave off now." "Then I am afraid you will have to take The Rake away with you," said Gilbert Honey, quickly. "Take him away!" exclaimed the astonished Tony. "How can I take him away? And where the devil am I to take him to?" "You mustn't use bad language here," said Honey. "I thought this was a training stable"" said Tony Crasher in disgust. "I believe it is," said Gilbert Honey, "but it is not licensed to permit bad language on the premises." ,-Well, I'm blest r" exclaimed Tonv. "Fancy that. Live and learn. I never heard of such a thing before. I suppose you'll tell me next all your lads go to church on Sunday." This sar- j castically. "Most of them do," said Gilbert, causing Tony to exclaim: "No gammon, you're chaffing." "The next train from Leybum leaves ia an hour," was the trainer's reply. "You don't mean I am to catch that," said Tony. To"nV?u have caught my meaning exactly," was the short reply. "Then I'm —— if I'll go." Gilbert Honey looked Tony Crasher fairly in the face and said: "I have had to deal with men of your stamp be- fore, perhaps not quite so far gone as you are, and they have generally found that what I 8aY I mean. The trap is ready, and one of my men shall drive you to the station." Gilbert Honey hesitated a moment, and then said: "On second consideration I think you lkad better walk; it is only a couple of miles, and it will not hurt you." "Mr. Royston shall hear of this," said Tony, using somewhat lurid language. "He will certainly hear of it from me when he comes here with Mr. Dunbar," said Gilbert. "He'll take the horses away, that's what he'll o. Fancy a fellow behaving to me in this man- tier. A nice place this is to train horses im Why, you haven't a decent gallop on the place," said Tony Gilbert Honey's fingers itched to get hold of the speak ees, cottar, and bundle him out of the yard. He reetmined himself, however, although it was with an effort. The mere thought of such a cad as Tony Craaher running his beloved Moots down made his blood boil. I "I do not think you are much of a judge of what. 0 tuning ground ought to bé" said Gilbert. "Yes, I am, a very good judge. There's few men know more about training hones in Australia than I do." "Then rm aorry for them," replied. Gilbert, and looking at his watch said: "You have just nice time to catch that train" Tony Craaher did not like the determined look on Gilbert Honey's face, and had no desire to risk a personal encounter with him. Without saymg more he walked out of the yard and had the mortification of hearing the stable lads laughing at his discomfiture. Gilbert Honey watched Tony Crasher off the premises, and thought: "That is the first jar in the new arrangement. I expect more serious differences will follow." Tony Crasher walked to Leyburn in an evil frame of mind, vowing vengeance against Gilbert Honey and everything connected with him. During the journey to London he was still at boiling point, and be had not cooled down when he entered the Hotel Victoria and asked for Mr. Royston. He was kept cooling his heels for nearly an hour, and this did not improve his temper. Whea at last ushered into Mr. Royston's presence his employer said coolly: "You have delivered the horses all right? You did not make a long stay?" The vials of Tony Crasher's pent up wrath burst forth and he poured out his tale of woe rapidly and incoherently. "Have you been drinking?" coolly asked Henry Royston. "No, but I have been insulted. He ordered me off the premises, and made me walk back to Ley- bum," said Tony, sullenly. Mr. Royston laughed as he replied: "I am airaid you must have misbehaved your- self, Tony. It is a nasty habit of yours, and one you ought to get over." "I understood I was to remain with the horses," he said. "Then you were under a wrong impression. I told you to take the horses there, but I said nothing about your remaining." "Then what am I to do?" asked Tony, in- solently. "Keep that tongue of yours quiet in the first place," was the reply, "and in the second place obey my orders." "And what may they be?" asked Tony, de- fiantly. "At present I cannot tell you. I shall en- deavour to get you a jockey's licence, and I may want you to ride for me. You are not a good rider, but still you come in useful," said Royston. '.1 think I came in useful when I rode The Rake in the Cup," grinned Tony. "You rode a bad race in the Cup, and you know it." "I rode to orders." "Did you? Whose orders?" Yours. "If I were you, Tony, I should not repeat that remark, it might get you into trouble." "It is true," said Tony, doggedly. "The truth is better left unspoken sometimes," said Royston. "The Rake was a 'dead un,' and you know it," went on the persistent Tony. Henry Royston glared at him angrily and said: "If you repeat that again I shall find some quick means of getting rid of you." Tony Crasher turned pale. He knew he had gone too far, and he also knew Henry Royston did not stick at trifles. "I'm upset about the way I've been treated," said Tony. "You'll excuse me, sir, but when a fellow's had charge of The Rake for so long it's a wrench to hand him over to somebody else." "You are talking nonsense," said Royston. "If you behave very well I may be able to put you in charge of The Rake again at the Glen stables. You were foolish to quarrel with the trainer, it makes the matter the more difficult." "He aggravated me," said Tony. "It was enough to make any fellow lose his temper, and all those stable lads giggling behind my back." "Perhaps it will be your turn to giggle at them some day," said Royston. "By the way, how are you off for money?" "I have not too much," was the reply. "You never have." "It goes quickly here." "Gambling as usual?" "I have a flutter now and again," said Tony. "Then you had better drop it. I cannot supply you with money to fool away at cards and dice." He opened a drawer, and taking out some sovereigns handed them to Tony Crasher, saying: "Remember if you breathe one word about The Rake's running in the Melbourne Cup you will re- ceive no more money from me." "I'll not mention it," replied Tony. When Tony Crasher left the hotel he thought to himself: "He's a bit frightened that Rake affair will get out. I have a hold upon him there, and he knows it. What a narrow squeak it was. I fully ex- pected we should all be sent up, and it would have been no more than we deserved." CHAPTER XII.—NO SATISFACTION. Henry Royston was well pleased at the success of his plan. He knew the footing he had obtained in the Glen stable would be of inestimable ad- vantage to him. It would give him a standing on the turf he could never have obtained other- wise. When it became generally known in racing circles that Arthur Dunbar was associated with Henry Royston's Australian horses there was much comment upon it. He's made a mistake," was the prevalent tone, for Royston was an unknown man, and the Glen stables had always been above reproach, and solely used by the Dunbars. Arthur Dunbar heard about this expression of opinion and resented it. What right had anyone to interfere in his affairs? Because people thought him wrong he was more than ever deter- mined to follow his own line of action. It made him angry to think he had not yet convinced himself that what he was doing was right. Now that Henry Royston's horses were at the Glen he became more familiar with Arthur Dunbar, who had not bargained for this, although he ought to have expected it. When two men are associated in the management of 8. racing stable they are naturally brought together a good deal. Henry Royston determined to pay a visit to the Glen.alone in order to sound Gilbert Honey. He had no faith in trainers as honest men, but luckily for them, he was not a competent judge in such matters. Henry Royston's ideas of what was right in racing were widely different from Arthur Dunbar's trainer's. Pat's father travelled down to Middleham in a perfectly contented frame of mind. Everything was going well with him. Some Autralian stocks he held had suddenly gone up, and he was wait- ing for a further rise before he sold out. The first shock he experienced was when he arrived at Leyburn. He expected the trainer to meet him there, and treat him deferentially as a wealthy and important patron. Gilbert Honey, however, was not there, but he sent a dogcart to meet Mr. Royston. "Where's Honey?" testily asked Henry Roy- ston of the lad who had driven it over. Mr. Honey is at home." I expected him to meet me," said Royston. He never meets strangers," was the reply. He only drives over when Mr. Dunbar comes down." Oh, indeed!" said Royston, mentally vowing he would have an alteration. There was no one to be seen when he arrived at the Glen, and he could not help contrasting his reception with that accorded him on the last occasion when he came with Arthur Dunbar. He walked up the path, banging the gate after him, and knocked at the door. A neat servant maid opened it and ushered him into the morning room. I am sorry to have kept you waiting," said Gilbert Honey, but I was very busy when you arrived." "I thought you would have met me at the | station," said Henry Royston. I seldom drive to the station," was the reply. I You meet Mr. Dunbar there?" Oh, yes. I always meet Mr. Dunbar, but that is different," said Honey. | Henry Royston kept his temper with difficulty. He did not relish the somewhat abrupt manner in which the trainer treated him. "Would you like to look round the stables?" said Gilbert Honey. Certainly—if it is not too much trouble," he added, sarcastically. Not at all," replied Gilbert, ignoring his tone, and they went out into the stable yard. Henry Royston was anxious to hear what Gilbert Honey thought about The Rake. He had heard a good deal of the Glen trainer since he had been in England, and he knew he was highly thought of. The Rake looked well. Royston saw that at a I glance, and noted the improvement made in him in a short time. "What do you think of him?" he asked with a tone of anxiety in his voice. I have hardly had time to form an opinion of his merits," said the trainer. "He moves well in his work, but I have not had him alongside any of our horses yet. I shall be able to tell you better when I have given him a good rough gallop." ga !'But you can tell me what your opinion is as far as it goes?" I think him a very fair horse," said the trainer. "As good as Whirlwind?" I No." You have not tried them together?" asked Royston, suspiciously. No," replied the trainer, emphatically. H ave you "Have you galloped Flannel Flower, Schnapper or Gill asked Royston. Yes, and I like Schnapper best." Then you are wrong," said Royston. "GiH Bird gave him a stone and beat him. I won the race and claimed Schnapper." "Indeed!" said Gilbert Honey. "Then I ex- pect you got Schnapper a bargain." I got him cheap." He is a good horse," said Gilbert. "Barely you would not compare him with The Rake?" I am, inclijned to do so," was the rel Henry Royston laughed as he answered: "Then you have a far different opinion pf the horses to myself." That is, not at all improbable, said the trainer. You'll allow I know something about their merits ?" said Royston. They are your horses," answered the trainer. "And therefore I ought to know all about them?" That does not necessarily follow," was Gilbert Honey's cool reply. Henry Royston felt inclined to swear. The trainer's manner of treating him was aggravating. After luncheon, however, he felt mollified and commenced chatting to the trainer in a familiar strain, but he received. very little encouragement. "1 suppose we had better run my horses in two or three races first to get a feeler," he said. You had better have them well tried, and run them to win, said Gilbert. 1, "It is throwing money away to back a' horse when you are not qmte sure of his fottr^ wbqln 'if make sure of that before I a'qvifie you to back one of them," said t? trainer. W?ba are you training Whirlwind for? He is getting fit 7" asked Royston. "I hardly know at present," said Gilbert. Mr. Dunbar is anxious to get a good win early in the season. We had a very unlucky time last year. and I tnust try and make up for it." I heard Mr. Dunbar lost heavily," said Roy- ston. "It is a bad plan t. plunge to recover your losses. I never heard of Mr. Dunbar being put down as a plunger," said the trainer. "He has that reputation." Then I should advise you to contradict it when you get an opportunity, because it is untrue." It is no cfa«inenp of min*. ..u"? -1]!1'. :I{ "But you aro Mr. Dunbar's friend, and, there- fore, ought to make it your business," said Gil- bert. Thank you for your advice, was the reply. but I know how to manage my own affairs, and one of my mottoes is not to interfere in other people's business." Gilbert Honey was tired of the conversation and wished Henry Royston would take his depar- ture. This, however, he did not appear inclined to do. You treated the man I sent here with my horses in rather a summary manner," said Roy- ston, with an attempt at a laugh. I treated him as he deserved to be treated," replied the trainer. He came to me with a tale of woe, saying he had been insulted," said Royston. It would have been impossible to insult him," said Gilbert. sa, V You consider he was past that?" Yes." "And yet I have always found him a willing, trustworthy man." Possibly that is your experience, but he would not suit me." You have to make some allowance for a man brought up as Tony Crasher was," said Royston. A liberal allowance, I should say, judging by my experience." Henry Royston's visit was not turning out as he anticipated. He could make no headway against this sturdy Yorkshireman; he might have tried to draw a badger from his lair with more success. "I do not think you are over pleased at my horses coming here?" I bad quite sufficient to look after before they arrived," said Gilbert. I am not so young as I was," he added, smiling. Then it is useless my buying two or three more?" I do not say that. Now your horses are here one or two more will make very little difference to me. M?: Do you know of a couple of good handicap horses I could buy cheap?" asked Royston. Not at present, and it is a difficult matter at any time to buy good handicap horses. You had better wait until the season is advanced." But I thought a couple of good performers would come in handy as trial horses." A horse may have shewn good form at the close of the season, and gone all to pieces during the winter. It is always advisable to see if he retains his back end form before purchasing," said the trainer. Henry Royston knew Gilbert Honey was right, but would not give him the satisfaction of saying so. He left the Glen in a dissatisfied state of mind. He had gained nothing by his visit, and had no inkling as to Arthur Dunbar's plans. One thing he had learned, and that was that Gilbert Honey was not at all partial to either himself or his horses. Confounded impertinence," he muttered. "I must speak to Dunbar about it. My horses are there to be trained, and I'll have civility from the trainer or know the reason why." When he saw Arthur Dunbar he complained of the reception he received at the Glen. Arthur laughed, and said, "I am afraid you will have to put up with Gilbert Honey's ways. He is an old-fashioned trainer, and not likely to change much now. You'll find he will do far better with your horses if you let him alone." "I have no wish to interfere with him," said Henry Royston, but as one of the patrons of the stable he ought to answer my questions respectfully." "And did he not do so?" said Arthur, sur- prised. Not in my opinion." "I will inquire into it." Please do not interfere on my account; it may only cause unpleasantness," said Royston. Arthur Dunbar, on his next visit to Middle- ham, gathered from his trainer that it was Henry Royston who had tried to ride the high horse, and come to grief in consequence. You did right not to tell him what Whirl- wind was being prepared for," said Arthur. He shall know when I think fit to tell him, not before. Meanwhile Martin Mill had not been idle. The commissioner had a wide circle of acquaintances and friends, and generally discovered anything he wished to know. Henry Royston forgot there were several Australian racing men in England who knew what his turf career had been in the Colonies. Tom Orford was a Colonial jockey who had come over to England to try his luck in the old country. Martin Mill made his acquaintance soon after his arrival, and having taken a fancy to him got him several, mounts. He thought of Tom Orford in connection with Henry Royston, and sought him out with the object of gaining some information. Tom Orford was grateful to Martin Mill for the helping hand given him, and knew that in the commissioner he had a good friend. When he received a letter asking him to dine at Martin Mill's house he accepted it readily. Martin Mill was not long in coming to the business he had in hand. He prepared the way for it by saying he did not like the change at the Glen stable, nor did he care very much for Henry Royston from what little he had seen of him. The jockey smiled when Royston's name was mentioned, and Mill noted it. "Did you know Royston in the colonies?" he asked. "I should rather say I did," said Orford. "I rode for him three or four years ago." f But not lately?" No." "Why?" Because things got too hot to be pleasant," said Orford, and I did not care to take the risk. He is not what you would call a straight goer out there?" "Not exactly; but lots of them are not." "I am sorry he has got into our stable," said Mill—he always alluded to the Glen as our stable. Mr. Dunbar will have to keep a sharp look out," said Tom Orford. I was surprised when a gentleman like Mr. Dunbar took up with him. Mr. Royston is no class for such a gentleman." That's my opinion," said Martin Mill. I'd like to know the real reason Royston was taken into the stable. It's my belief there's a woman at the bottom of it. I told Gilbert Honey so, and I repeat it to you." ai?l I shouldn't be at all surprised," said the jockey. Then you would advise me to steer clear of Henry Royston?" Yes, let him do his underhand business him- self," said Orford. He goes in for that, does he?" "When he thinks there is no chance of de- tection. I was not in Melbourne when Tony Crasher lost the Cup on The Rake, but I heard a good deal about it, and received two or three letters after the meeting. A jockey who rode in the race wrote to me that The Rake was de- liberately pulled, and that everyone connected with him ought to have been sent up." Martin Mill did not remain satisfied with the story he heard from Tom Orford concerning Henry Royston, but inquired from other Australians he met at various places, and they, all oonfirmed and added to what the jockey said. It was quite evident to Martin Mill that Henry Royston was a bad lot, and that it was a thousand pities he ever became acquainted with the Glen stable. The thing was done, however, and Arthur Dunbar was so obstinate that Martin Mill knew it would be difficult to persuade him to change his mind. He'll never consent to any underhand busi- I ness," thought Mill, and if I can prove Royston is up to practising his little games here there's ¡ sure to be a burst up. I'll keep a sharp look out, and I hear most things, good and bad, that are going off." Martin Mill happened to be walking along Regent-street a day or two after he had the con- versation with Tom Orford, when he saw Henry Royston and Hector Bexley on the opposite side of the road. Whew!" whistled Mill softly to himself. He knows Bexley, does he? Wonder how he I came across him. I'm not surprised. They are congenial spirits, I should say. Let me see—it was Bexley's sister Mr. Dunbar had a serious flirtation with at Scarborough. I have heard about that and also that he quarrelled with Bexley over it. This bodes no good to the stable, for Hector Bexley is a decidedly shady character. He owes me a trifle, but I'm Dot the only one." l Strange to Say,the next mornings post brought Martin Mill the "trifle" Hector Bexley owed him. "Got money, has he?" thought Mill. I wonder if he obtained it from his new friend.. If Henry Royston obliged him I'm open to bet he'll want something in return." (To be continued.)



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