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I CHESTER TOWN COUNCIL. j THE LATE QUEEN. I FUNERAL DAY OBSERVANCE. I CESSATION OF BUSINESS. A special and memorable meeting of tl.e ;Ciiester Town Council was held on Monday after- jnoon with reference to the death of our Queen 'and the accession of Edward VII. to the throne. The Mayor (Alderman H. T. Brown) said since they had last met in that hall events had hap- pened which had. affected them, and not only them but the Empire at large, and he might say to the very depths of their hearts. After a long reign of upwards of 63 years, full of years and surely full of honour, our late Queen had left us. She was now succeeded by her son, whom we would henceforth know as Edward VII. This was an occasion upon which it was impossible to be silent, and yet extremely difficult to speak. He felt that any poor words of his would be utterly inadequate to express the feelings of his own heart, and he was also satisfied that his words would be perfectly unable to express the depth of the sorrow which they (the councillors) were feeling in their hearts. Before he proceeded to business he was going to ask them, in lieu of! any poor words of his, to allow him to read to j them a few extracts from utterances which had! fallen from men of high eminence in Church andj State during the last few days. They were f WORDS MOST ELOQUENT & m themselves, and most touching. They couldj js not be heard too often, and they could not be committed too closely to their thoughts. I H "We are echoing the accents of sorrow V-hichi reach us from every part of the Empire, from every! part of the globe, which express the deep and" heartfelt feetiigs--fo-eiings deeper than I have: ever seen—of sorrow at the singular loss which' | under the dispensation of Divine Providence we? ?-ha.ve suffered, and of admiration for the gioriou? ? reign and the splendid character of the SovereIön4 ?whom we have lost. The late Queen had manv? ij'tiues to our aamIratlOn; but the one which will most attach to her character in history is that, being a constitutional Monarch, witn restricted powers, she reigned by sheer force of character,^ t by the loveableness of her disposition over the* t hearts of her subjects, and exercised an influence; in moulding their characters and their destinies' which she could never have done if she had the most despotic powers in her hands. She has been' S a great instance of government by exa inpie, by, esteem, and by love- It will never be fuliy known: how much she has done for the elevation of he-H k people, not by the exercise of any prerogaiive, ?not by the giving of any command, but by the-? | simple recognition and contemplation of the; S brilliant qualities she exhibited in her exalted position. *1 suppose there is no Sovereign whc ?ever sat upon the Throne of this kingdom who has exercised so wide an influence, who was so greatly ? beloved, and whose influence extended not merely I to the people of the great and extensive dominions ?over which she reigned, but to every civilised countg throughout the world. I should think  there is no precedent whatever of a case where any Sovere'gn-I had almost said any individual—has g been so greatly, so sincerely, and so universally mourned as has been our Queen." "For 63 years  through sorrow, through suffering, in moments of weariness, in moments of despondency, it may be, she carried on without intermission her share I in the government of this great Empire. (Hear,  hear.) For her there was no holiday, for her there was no intermission of toil. Domestic sor- j? row, domestic sickness, made no difference in her labours, and they were continued from the hour at which she became our Sovereign to within a' g very few days of her death. It is easy to chronicle1 -the growth of the Empire, the progress of trade,! the triumphs of war. All these events make' history interesting or exciting, but who is there! t that will dare to weigh in the balance the effect which such an example, continued over 63 years) has produced on the highest life of the people?] I (Hear, hear.) It is a great life, and had a fortu-j nate and, let me say, in my judgment, a happy lending. (Hear, hear.) The Queen had her reward th. undying affection and the immemorial ?recollection of all her subjects, wheresoever their ?lot might be cast. This has not always been the' ?fate of her ancestors. It has not been the fate of ?sorne of the greatest among them. It has been? [their less happy destiny to outlive, as it were, their; ?fame, to see their people's love grow cold, to find j |a new generation growing up around them who] | knew them not, and problems awaiting solution | with which they felt themselves incapable to deal. ? Their sun, once so bright, has set amid darkeiiin9 Iclouds, with the mutterings of distant storms about to break. Such was not the destiny of  Queen Victoria. She passed away with her children and her children's children to the third generation around her, beloved and cherished of all. She passed away without, I well believe, a single ? enemy in the world-(hear, hear)-for even those | who loved not England loved her, and she passed t away not only knowing that she was, I had almost said, worshipped in the reverence of all her su b- jects, but that their feelings towards her had igrowu in depth and intensity with every year in (.which she was spared to rule over us. No such f reign, no such ending, has been known in our history before." "It is impossible to look back 'over her Majesty's reign without feeling a deep k sense of gratitude to God for having given us I such a Sovereign to reign over us, a Sovereign (whose influence as a woman, and, I may add, as [a truly religious woman, was far greater than any- fe thing that could be exercised by the wisest states- ;• man or the cleverest administrator. Her influence, = the character of her Court, the character of her £ domestic life, which her subjects were allowed to know something about, had a penetrating power j which reached far beyond the possibility of our i being able to trace it. There cannot be any ques- S "tion that all society has been the better because (the Queen has reigned. There cannot be a ques- j j < tion that it has been a blessing to very many who know not whence the blessing flowed. Thousands upon thousands, I have no doubt, at all, are living l better lives, although they know not the reason, 8 simply because there was such a Sovereign on the throne, a Sovereign who gave the people all her jj i intellectual powers, who gave the people all her ,extraordinary knowledge of what affected their interests, and who also gave the people her very [heart. The loving sympathy with which on all occasions she spoke to those who needed such s-vm- pathy, the words by which she made us all feel .that she cared for every one of us, the readiness with which she responded to every call that wasH made upon her; the influence which such aZ Sovereign has exercised it would be difficult t find anywhere. In history it would be difficul to find the equal of it. It would be impossible to find anything that could surpass it. She was a?f religious woman. She prayed for her people. She Lwas a good woman. She set up a true standard s of such lives as Christians ought to live. Sh made us all feel that we were hers, and that sh ,desired to be ours. And so throughout the, country good people are lamenting her departure. Throughout the country I do not think there is a S single heart that is not penetrated by a sense of | gratitude that God has given us such a gift, an we look forward and we trust that the influenc which she exercised will not die with her." g "Happily, the grief which we suffer from this terrible loss is in some degree assuaged by our l well-founded confidence that the Monarch wh ,succeeds to the Throne will follow the same lines S of public conduct, and will adhere to the same # f principles of life as have worked so much good in the past. (Cheers.) It often happens tha when a new occupant comes to the Throne he is an untried prince, unversed in public affairs, it ,may be, little known personally to those ove I whom he is called to reign. It is not so with King tedward. For the greater part of his life it has fallen to him not only to discharge a large part of the ceremonial public duty which would naturally fall to be performed by the head of the State, but [ also to take a leading part in almost every scheme [established for the benefit, moral or material, o the people of this country. It is, therefore, not I: only that we hope, but from our past experience we know, that his Majesty understands and ente into, and appreciates and sympathises with th t desires and needs of his people, and that he wil ( devote himself even to a greater degree than h has been able to do in the past to the promotion of their welfare. In this, perhaps, I may be al-S flowed to say it is an additional satisfaction to us I to know that his Majesty will have by his sid :• his august Consort, who has reigned in the hearts of the British people ever since she first sPJ f on our soil. There will be but one universal j feeling of sorrow for the lamentable calamityS > which has befallen the nation, and of hopeful con ndence in a happy and prosperous future." B Continuing, the Mayor said those were words very pregnant indeed with the feelings which m aotuated not only this Empire, but the civilised H > world, and certainly conveyed a far better idea of W their feelings than he (the Mayor) could hope tojgj have conveyed to them by any words of his. On occasions of that kind the Mayor naturally looked 3 ? to them for guidance and advice as to the suitable L ?way in which to shew their loyalty, and also the deep sorrow which they all felt at the lamentable J. f circumstance of the Queen's death. There werelr ?many things to be considered which he would ?take in rotation, and upon which he would ask? them for advice and assistance. On his own t responsibility he had, immediately on receipt of the mournful news, sent a telegram addressed to the Private Secretary stating "The city of Chester ? mourns the loss of the departed Queen." To ?that he received a reply in these words: "The j ¡Royal Family thank the city of Chester for kind ?message received." The following day he sent l ? a further telegram addressed to the Private Secre- | tary, in which he said "Will you kindly convey to | ^his Majesty the King the following message:- | A'The Mayor and citizens of Chester respectfully ? tender their most dutiful homage, and venture ? ? to express the hope that the health of your Majesty and your gracious and beloved Consort I ? have not suffered from the overwhelming sorrow ? through which your Majesties and the nation are ?passing." To that he received the reply, "Am | g. commanded by the King to thank you and | itizene of C hester for your kind expression of a £ sympathy." They were no doubt aware that the! t. funeral of Her Majesty would take place next p. Saturday. As soon as the time was announced j the Dean was good enough to come and see him )' (the Mayor), and tell him it was the intention of Lthe Cathedral authorities to hold a special fj S MEMORIAL SERVICE f [ at twelve o'clock on the day of the funeral, aid f that they hoped to make such arrangementr,i tin the church as would enable them to seat as I many of the citizens as could possibly attend.; They were aware that the limits of the Cathedral jj were somewhat curtailed at the present moment, j rbecause one of the transepts was undergoing I t)-Iaccornmodation was re- £ .pacity of the church was 4 1 was good enough to say required by the muni-j own Council and majris-i ed for them. In addition Toe representatives of the 7 — d others, and, as far as large were to be admitted m connection with that lie m himself to assure the I Dean that the Corporation would Rtie?d wi?h him at the Cathedral on that occasion. The Loan thought it advisable that official deputations should be seated in the church before the doors 3 were opened for the public. That would necessi- ?taie the Council meeting somewhat early, and he ? (the Mayor) suggested that they should meet at a qultr-,er past eleven o'clock, so as to get seated in jttiie Cathedral a quarter of an hour before the ice commenced, and to enable the public authorities to be seated in their proper places g before the congregation generally were admitted to the building. He had ventured to suggest to the Dean the desirability of having some sort of I a representation of the schools present at the I service. The Dean had been good enough to I consider that, and although he hoped to have I been able to have accomplished it, it had been found that the Cathedral authorities couid not 1 with any hope of success make such an arrange- ment. The Dean had told him thac the service would only last one hour, and that there was to! ibe no address on the occasion. He also wished to inform the Council that a deputation repre- i'ng the Nonconformist body of the city had I waited upon him on the Saturday. They asked whether it was in his ,the Mayor's) mind to • arrange or suggest to the Council that it should be arranged for a public service which should i f embrace all the religious churches and places of worship in the town, and be as largely attended •as possible by the citizens. He (the Mayor) had never thought of anything of the kind, and he j thought he satisfied the deputation that such a thing was not practically possible. He also in- j, formed them that the Council had been invited to attend a special service in the Cathedral. It was in accordance with the custom which had always prevailed upon occasions of that kind, that a public memorial service should be held in the Cathedral church of the city. The deputation had told him that that being so. in all probability! they would arrange for a public service of their own, which would embrace tM|-various Noncon- formist bodies in the town. He (the Mayor) had promised to mention it at the Council meeting. The next matter upon which he wanted their advice was as to how the day was to be kept, in addition to the memorial service. They would have to consider whether it was desirable that! there should be a cessation of business, and! whether the shops and market should be closed! during certain hours. He bad that morning been,? called upon by a deputation representing thei Licensed Victuallers' Association. They were! very anxious to know what was to be done with! them on that day. They told him personally their? feeling was that they would be very glad to see: public-houses closed altogether, but felt that that! being market day they should keep their places open during certain hours in order to accommo-j date their customers. The Council's request to the licensed victuallers would depend very much upon what they decided to do in regard to the! shops and market. The deputation from thej licensed victuallers had said they were willing toj do whatever the Council wished, either close altogether or only during: certain hours. I .1 VOTE- OF CONDOLENCE. 'f The Mayor then moved the following resolu- tion That the Mayor, aldermen, and citizens of the city and county of the city and county borough of Chester, in special Council assembled, "record with profound est regret the lamentable i death of her late most Gracious Majesty Queen 1; Victoria, the memory of whose long and gracious reign will ever endure in the annals of the: Empire; and that the Right Worshipful the' A Mayor be requested to convey to his most1 | Gracious Majesty King Edward VII., to his! gracious Consort, Queen Alexandra, and to their ? Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of! Cornwall and York, and to all other members of! £ the Royal family, the humble and respectful! ? assurance of most sincere sympathy in this their k great sorrow. g The Sheriff (Mr. Edgar Dutton) seconded, and i I the resolution was carried in silence, the members¡1 up.standmg. I ADDRESS TO THE KING. I I The Mayor then moved the following resolu- ,tion That a loyal and dutiful address, under the corporate seal, be presented to his Majesty King Edward VII., and that the Right Worship- ful the Mayor, the Worshipful the Recorder (his t Honour Judge Sir Horatio Lloyd), the Sheriff, the Deputy-Mayor, Sir T. G. Frost (senior alderman), Mr. John Lightfoot (senior councillor), and the Town Clerk be charged with the duty of preparing it and seeing to its { presentation." The Mayor explained that they J.. were hardly in a position that day to decide as f! I to the form of the address or how it was to be | f presented. The Sheriff seconded, and the resolution was 8 i. unanimously adopted. if I TRADESMEN AND LICENSED VIC- fI S TUALLERS TO CLOSE. I p The Council proceeded to discuss the question of the cessation, partially or wholly. of business 'I Dn Saturday, the day fixed for the obsequies of ??the Queen. The Mayor explained that notices had been issued to the marketing people that the k market might be closed on Saturday and sug- gesting that Friday should be observed as the t market day of the week. During the discussion, Alderman John Jones (St. Oswald's) mentioned that the Nonconformists were arranging to hold f a memorial service in the St. John-street Wes- ileyan Church on Saturday at noon. ? The Mayor moved that Friday be substituted for Saturday as market day, that a request be issued from the Council that all business be sus- < pended, and that so far as licensed victuallers are l concerned, they be asked to close till six o'clock in the evening. Mr. D. L. Hewitt proposed that a small poster S be printed and circulated in the town and country t intimating the change of market day; also that there be a request from the Council to the rail- way companies that there be no excursions on Saturday, either to or from the city. Mr. John Lightfoot seconded. Mr. J. Gooddie Holmes questioned whether the Council was in a position to make the request to the railway companies. I The Mayor: We can make a representation to them. f Alderman John Jones moved as an amendment Mr. Hewitt's motion with the exception of the part referring to the request to the railway com- ipanies. | The amendment was carried. I THANKS TO THE HIGH SHERIFF. I ? The Mayor said on the occasion of the pro- H I ?ciamation of the accession of the King in theI city the High Sheriff (Mr. B. C. Roberts) was I good enough to allow them the use of his trumpeters. He (the Mayor) asked the Council lf to thank the High Sheriff for his Mid assistance. I I The Sheriff seconded and it was carried. The High Sheriff: I was very pleased indeed, !I Mr. Mayor. SHOULD THE TRAMS BE STOPPED? B Mr. Egerton Gilbert suggested that the trams FI should not run during the time of the memorial 9 service. FL | Mr. Haswell made a remark to the effect that he thought the trams belonged to the Corpora- 1I tion. The Mayor thought it did not matter much H whether they ran or not; he did not think they I1 WOULD get many passengers. ■ NO resolution was moved. ■



