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S'ALES BY MESSRS. ARMOR. EXTENSiYK SALE Of Ar W I G F A I R H'VIfty¡j{ NEAR ST. ASAPH. MESSES^' BAYIES & jkibtOB lIaveheeo honored aids I instruction*; fromXthe Trait»Mtfi& o 1 eN '-i'.ItE Á:i1Ö& ttiEMIIsJfI., ;¡ H Situate about Two HUM iiam Saint Aaaph Stail- Two Miles from Tralnant Station, on the Va1.oA> flso Kailway, • ■ t\ -lit. RHUDDilOT; • Extensive an& attractive SALE;'eF FARMING STOCK 7mpkmer^ts'of/ffmbat^m, fairy Uten8ifl ?, ancl a i;?d <M?)'<NMK< of, useful .a?t?<? ?!'M??MM,. Brewing ?f<m<, ?'c., J;c. L ».. j 'J' MESSES. DAVIES & ARMOR Have b"a fviound $A fom Ji?. JON.. wh» Is hoogg tha F.,m, ? 11 TO SELL 1|Y A U CTION, ■ On the p*>WU«S 811u1e midway frO{ll Â/I&ph Jp 4wgele", !,d ahOIl\ IiIlledrom'RBli.ilillall 'ft16i11 on ii4 ""1118 ?fUJ. ).hJ1ii\r OnJfllnrBWy .Frl¡iU .Ä'ptí;J5\k:18,,1 TIVERTOO&.—l6taat-yeMo1dP<:me?t -J Bollock.\ ? fttn<'??'o)e?ttN*M<f. *et ? J!<t«.yoMt? wren Cows, 41 three iand teb»>ea»-aldiTsaw mMblpUwASM*. rs'Ioc?, 7 two TM?fM'tMe?OtO?h?Bet?Hh?Mc. 01 8 &OMhie<t MUklngCoW'i, wt??tTMro?tM? la»ni?o»e well bred 2 y.M old Untt,-t.Tt?)tO<itx<?M<tt\?MM Hones, iB good condition, 2 U»rrl»ge or ddl. Horex, tetO/to??d?t ?* ,?. '?*'t ItfDtMENTS OC 'HVUA"NDRY.?l, broad WB 1 -row wheelWaggoB,4 41t*k,,k4olAUr$., ?* eompktt, < thmt?pitctO ?l- Ban- ad &wo. W.d j a. U:[i¡WÎi.l OrODT::g it:Ji; 1 ditto K.k), 4 hone ThTMhin? .MM!M)M..<?<!Oj  .tw_ hn)f. s,,?,   ?  ? <h?o')Aife9iH<t.W!m?Mt< ¡;I:U:dil -;ier¡ '=; st"¡:rÙd WO)!? W.ISbIbS MMbht wtth bW:'ï&v'ral 8et.lofB.. ^Ing.ia good «ondtticln;'tts<(|W<Mg*«a<*Ult Bess,eWheal- BeeltaWs,PlgTroogfr, btMw Ota* LatldMy i), Y V-4 'Mo. <&tM. Ft.X.?t.t.< M. 0-d Tb p ahMM?MM ? ?Mtf?tH? hr tM*t ?t?.! ?).Ft)kti< Bindst., GhM.e<)?Md.TM.;t..?m? 'Mtm«ato(MHkpt?,? tt<tTutt;,M<!jt<mpbar ot?ther 2& ?'3"?'= ?'!?<'mi;M?t 'B?i&!( \?a.? ''t'' y 'h(  am,    -ali & .'t<)' ?'' 1id:rIlO'f1t'hi.r¡ ..X?*'??" "?'. Copp<r., Leaf TtUM, CMct ''??????'?!}??'S'??L ?   '?   &O ?hM '«'?M ? ??,<?&?3 3. BMMM?,(?t?ar?M.a?? Q,a.      ?'?M?   ?''?  .X:'k), yt?B?.A?'??bet?M' f?r' ib" ir, I.:ç only: ,iJ, %,ek ptlorto ,U:r.om.mtlODOO"; flîelre. "??'?t<t?'?'H?MMe!MBM)fU4't%n'nL'R<t.' ,¡, .oJl 111 '18AJ.!J; ;1 .J, j «d dJ' jSssiiw** ?Mttt ?<??:? !tt? 'wmMe' I 1 fm ,.(, y<?*B?<??mt.ttt«.tMtt< ú MhaUlaa.l 8IIo">O..lIIthl!lr.;a'8 *"? ""R? 'BMht U?U. 1  S ¡.ndod '?"?'? pUM^ •  wIjT^J retre Qwjp^flel, iieap Llatddulaa Station. VBRY ATt'ftACTnrE~AND OTTfl&SERVSD BALE OF VALUABLE LivE AND DEAD FARMING STOCK, ri i./1.;ing (JOWl, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Implements in Milking Cows, CfHa¥s, Dairy Utensils; and Household Hutbandry, and Household Furniture. MR. (ftOMS FULTON UI1U, &I1JJ011J10.l1d1at "B" ;"ftlÍÍrald with Inltructlonl from M^snra. Baynee, 'L"Un:.?dOd., (4ho arB lelinqaiah- h'?MmiB?).t?  y ^L: BELL BY ??C??Mr, At the PA.. YA?D, M itbo? dmTmijt?A? the 8\h dM &t AptI Î6' •; • 'I!'If' THE whole of.iths valotWa iFaimiDg Stock, comprising amongst (he JU^dlSfci aleven ban Mome H.d ?SSe Milch <?M ?e?a)Rc'M S ?  bart-horn, dMttd .?- d pro de M Ga., o":ica=-'ri,Ií'íH':}:: three yearling Calves,' mid "• prim# :;w#y«ar-oid ]gall, tw? p.ful -d ti, C?d'Hot J a, l»Jf ■Sanda-hig'i, kxoeileat ork.lIfIy'x Very-I)rtM& E?i?bbg?V*6 heviot ei?o?sed with Bh^opahlre Down ) twelve y«n*B«8r JSwaa, some iniamb, ft 1::I:ftø:$:' ,w::t'fb":ir:; :ó,¡ GOd etMBK-SteM M: Ma t'otpittt DoM:?.  THE IMfLtà IN'U?8*.?NDRY Oil Friddhj,J 9tlt t I At the -borwan, ?.4 hTWO StMks'of PRiMS HAY,.?ne oMhem thg growth of l?Wi,'ind tiiel Ath?ot.]85f, liv h*, to isnit purchaaere. T8« property o( Mr».- JONES, Dnrid 8h <■•" i Credit till Oorwen ?air, June 8Qth, 1^9, or diaooont feu cf ash. ■ •' ■ ••• ••• j SaWlV4o'o!6o^. — i F A R ,j,li.I' j VALE OF yT*~ T, TOBBLBT, ) A MOST DBSJfPABUi' FABM,^ CALLED,. I I PL.A.S CQC.H:, N the pariahe? of L?nycha); LHnynyB, and UL Lk.gy.h.f.4 now.oecupiad by Mr. TgoMA.8 JONES, and contain log about 240 acres^ of first claas Ar.bl? ?.4 pastnre ::JÐh :\iYÍ1'ig;e :¡e': Varm has b.I.o.t Iitil.lk 4,.L.00, anS' 18 acfes of it boned. The home acijomwodatioB is good iCDd amp e, witli. jtbe necoowy Dairy omvionenci?s ozoWIdAt Baus, Co:? OUI88, Foodn,? She?s, F,)Id-y.,d?, Good Stdbles,'and ,y? The -hoti»e i? wlwi 2 mXi&g f the Rh?,wi? 'b;th, iRk;ri.rO:nihBa p mU?s f,?. D..bigh, and S miles f?.?. Rifthin, botb ex- cellent market to*bs—with which there is Kailw&f Gom- u leatiou-and about 28 m,,es from ogtdt. 9" POI888lloo of the LaM'may be had an |ho SOh of NOVEM- ER next, and of the H.uto and Build t1l" "&a til., jLf d.l.d, on the following firot of ItfA,j. :lj:N: :'1a:.tlr::Ö; .+Nr ¡"frIII': t to.. to the F.W." i Further application may be mdi \Q m. ltu.u.uuai iWtNNE.SO'«)itOM.,B?t):h: !WfiIÎo:g. < ".1' I AB Wi.RTH ,'VSTALW?DU, 16i dmJd o lreh&r yn !el.C04H¡¡"tltdblr.é1' Yii HuB?r,;M yn f?t "Teitt i r,h, 6 ,h <)tr.WÍÚûm;.IIN. j? .l,} .I.t .?"?'?.. I '?-Mtet?Mtttdd. A FIRST <?A1M'??; ?r?ALW,; ? ? feuitablo for a Qentteman ot ? Oommereta? j  'TMv?er.:? .'?';  .?. ÎTT is set upb'? fO.ur rÏJig$'h wheel; J*- Messrs Holmes ,#f Derby, and OjHifljga's Patea^vAzW,. At D.,by, and P.tokAlq. I It b..d.e. ?oMti?oat !5 bonds high, t,M. ?? ? VlS°i!M 0,!l1 ?"t. *aAf *t?aa *31 ? "'A w»c V,! niul,r*«WP' ex?, Md i.ld Imply w.r.. ^ke,rw>iva V *hlc!1 wiU Mcomw?? 'ouh. purU.?, 0w.vjd have no objoc¡Qn k?X?J?ti?cmM? w^doio.' !MS,. 't?ER O?Ms." ^enoigb. J ?"??'?'???? ? ?.i:.?'. ¡ 11\ !-J'?. ?. j !YN AWE YN BAR6D, PRIS SWLLT, S ■ y ^ORDOFIGION: j ^iODCIAD ATT %V OpV ;Ek?El)DFODAlD: LIVERPOOL] AM 61 A 1869; Vnghjfd SBRIEif IA15AET H AU Biraeihog, GY n<M»lw, Cre,n- d&fnfab,' tit Barchn. :1>. Sannders J. Bnghoa, Kiwis*; a J. Jona. (VOIOAN). AUffnW fOl) archebion i ). ?"??)?jo? '2c.:) St. Catherine's Terrace, 77, Ylne street;" I '"u'11, Vfn* Streat;' 1 • HAY\ ir&a SALB. -'I T^l i ■l8'tl!i"j^ BddetttMt for Ladies, Bnowdaa V"s, U?m'Btmtgo? ?orthWa.JM, l MISS LEISHMAN, t? X.3.?tO, for ?i?nyyean,.(?oudue?ted the Educa- W tioaal BsiaUUhmet t. Black rook, aad UM MMtXcB- >»1 Sit L«dlw, &)*et .Ftt?wUiiMt t?et, MezMot) <i—>■ ? ? 1, i, .1 < ,,IO be mMh?M thtl?MtBtM Mht Lsaw3c" Btd?mMe.Pppm?tttM.. [!?:. ?.?.??"iftY?oo? [' I "'y- IXUA-? g OtXRZtG. /fdoL r,Jtqn À;;A nuJJJtrG. ?<??ELIR lol; BMUda? M gjrf« ) 1 4i$bath tcbol%01 Yp'neiUdUot &r Wir p 1 lMt N*1H»a,* 1 *io Bo AD, North. Y« Wtanegol at y caBgHena* arferol o dityifWIlMth! AeM?t<??''4<?'?'I'*?'?'?????'' coi c?h?y ti:ir:ecI4l¡1OD( ?S?'' aW (^fiatrierad^raetb.   ,cbtcng 0 wjr ieuaiage fel 8otWd;w, ar dsleraq R«h a y Tann nessf d44dlLIUN, Io8aw» 4»4d, 1««». j ?<??b?? c?S?'yt""M.. P?' '?M?M*. tad nrn> am ne ? ? y eyfm?M?e Mhea:  {.,) TO SRO ONS,A?eirou?s 7of tond?Hng, for the' sme&oh M tWtXh CeDpexttion?tNt*?. ln AlMon ra'k. S?.mtyMettM d.wiup ajd 'p, aJl!i obt?M?tanMtim', Xt .oyoaee.ontHd. ttttt tAMmB?, ?.???< M.Mh The TMd.n to b. Mttt..m ymMttt. ?'?tS?.- Nopt<a?h glvi. "?ft, lmot"or -7 ?.r,   4..mOMAaM..M(KWMDj. | 8«,. «tw»t, MMot 1«1>. W89- TO BDXIiDEEB. EBåoNSdt!Sirous of TettdenB?fer the éred. jTMmoftS??th Bob, I B?Mtn< tt?M., BMrtMRt f,,pir' g,?.th? P).M ?9 Sp.d6e.M.M M thtTt.? h,?, ,c" 4.thdbt Ch.p.1, Bi.t Agph.   ) ?M?tJA.&h. ? otb???a?y. Ap.ill? d..Ir.r., .iaa. do ?,4 WRttb4M-lvoo 0 l?o 1-t lt,oøEítYJ ,J il( ¡ A RARE (jpnfir.tanity, for &ay person de?rotta 'k, !Zi- the GenM? henmoDM? Bf?". TO.MDI?QSEBOF, An Old EetaMsJied iMnmongery C()Deer{¡:' iA ?b-" 0"" or WR4XIIAM,:?otiA for t? B?mb?MMe'p6ro<%?M'?b'<<f<tW'.  The SteSt tt) ?-??'?.y '? '"?" at ?o* ion, 6.4 rows?M'? h^d FT'r lartbOT parucuJar^ ^ppiy TO Mr. WILLIAM COMNOB,, Anotio^^JsWW.1"i ? '??.—?MM. f WANTED, ? f\NE HUNDRBD 'POUNDS for one year, v/ ?10 per coat., by a GOIIFO!?an. Two U08l1ll1t_tIts gi'n. 1 Apply at onoa. Address, No. 7408, at the Offioa of this: papsr. » VABMD) ;■ j A 'rd, TreI()n chool (Pirloh of Llanm ) ,a A- '<?h)aii? MM?e. ? *? be ?q««Mte ? hag. o 0 1 th. l, ieto,ol, b N Sobool, and altuated in a t amowbrt pofinious district. Holywell ?.: .?. a PANNWB YN MeMt?t c "? q f UP.BI9 „ !? WMT.E[IqgF&it4 gwl?d. '„<< I— ■ aotlifttir u. K;i Cwmeafan, Talwm,, ?.I -?.?. .°°* ''CMMMt?., R. ROBERTAS, Silk MerqW, aiff Qejteral Draper, <T PP494 Sfopsf, Btoyl, t ¡ HAg,& VAC&Aey for a tall, respectable, and well Q edoMitod'yonth as an Apprentice. ,-A^iiwasmm; < ■■ A IA CF,RTIFffiA<fJJJID;;Kaater for tti?UMtoA' KaidT'*«**MMed British School. An MtMcuM tp d. Th. P.O;P..t. god. -ApOy, tg tb. P. P.ix,)LU&4_WOW, ) ?TO -DPAV*  In-rANT£D. a ffood junMr to the Goeral VV DMptty ?db.6ttte?t..Mt<t[?)t&dMp<titMt: ° AppJftt&.T. ?'?t??<??K,TM?' ??". —- r .« ■—■—! —; yM" )\, .l.. ): ( ,¡Ítr).W •Sn'UATIOKF. —±~ X, J» W ANTUD by a- ,Xm&. (trf ttttttH •trnot. G«ml owOivm*. Aa*9S. tt?'Mt?tBMht ?6bjootM#.P'e<e)!t? Omy..i 11 AIdjT.71? IJ41LO. Qf ihis Paper. r t „  n„.i ,;■•,<! >y IMPORTANT TO Êij:mn AND CORN Mä CIUNS,mON FOUNDERS, SLA'rE MANUJ' FACTUEFIUS,. AND SAW OF EXTENSIVE PE«BI8B8 AT IIDTI BWKMp To be SOLD BY AUCTFON by M-R W. DEW, at the Victoria Hoi;], Mb? ?ll Bti?t, on go?4-y, Kth April, IW, ¥8 II I! 1.% the'afternoons si^tjeotip conditions there sna ilj«ntto t? 'eltgible, rieniWi;'kho*a w Uu» ;'V<1um.. ""u ".l.'u .v. -v, Th. B Id I'l?' -b d. <? Igh uo.t.i. IhThêaml, It Is BuUable for bt. al a Foun<lrYI ur'-a 60tlvuted Into a <t?????M Warehouse, or m 'oth^ Stores-being 10 cen   eQlll.llniI)' MI thellral. aJa()'(hailllf aI. 4 w.tar a\ 9Ø!'J).'88!<u 11 a.on taftll1alefÎU" for 'b e MlteMatdaiab Work.. XTie part** w iMNtt?? !<«< <a);M uMxptM<!tem?<< 'I fMM,<M!m theltttMtaM?, ?<9/<n< Mtata?omMd mt e( ?tt. A)M, MUB W, T?Ea Md nedtt tM maM ?Mt, ytemn: ° Maa<! Kmt<? r ef A either In O..?ox .Oft OtA. For: "&I>pIy te:M? W. THMOAS, B'?); M?B? B!M)W,?tet!MtM"< W<!MtM Moout, AR ^rasaawji -rawr aY^niijasB w Cy itINAUROL, ?A'LW?NTROL HARDD, DU-LWYD VN tg<w\i.' chwe ?!wy<td/c? \?!?J? jL .?t.tt?tB<t?.MyMe?<<i)??'t)t? 0. 1. d.o i= 71-01116.BlegdldoCt?t?-m j?., YmcfyBM a Soorr M I..AR.% Cb.$FaCW4 MMttt?t, <erBh?.' '? '? (" ¡ t VsftOL BA?MJ?GOL CAMT?A&t'ON. "i.T.' 9AF, y -44M h""an .l teóbøu a Ptr tom?.10 at mtttlo. t' a* r"mgouwyr am y ttinfd?fMUi a' tMt =.ad P?, An, rot. ParD\o1r Paplls yn barhani ar lyfor 7 Ro7aJ College af Surgeons, Civil 111 yu UMVersity Middl e Clan Exami- nations smC' hyd' e J tabiy., U wa -rod t?.y yr aiholiadaa hyn yn llwyStennns. bidd b .a no f.1 U)" Kidderbynir ond nlferpennoaitelBoarders. GrallUllU Cyfelrler v f ¥en Athraw, Mr. H. Gi-afta hool, m OIL (7371 CYS'ABJ'oi} CYSTADIAIUOLI YSOOL | ^SABBATHOL BAItMOt. BOAD, BOOTL.R. Hyjwlt]Bp, wee. pHODDIR DAU GINI o WOBR am y -tt t?AKTHAWD I gi)i? yn OymrMg u4u Fn V K?Cm?SStLLTtAD Ttt EttLWM YN NGh <tmu. ?3,S LT )r B< lrnlad, y Parch. Jahn Hughes, Hverion. I Y evfansoddUdaui 6>d7U llaw y* Ysgclfetjydd Mrbvu Modt- tt, Y Tr,.th?wd Bn^dujol 1 fod y..IdAo teIÅO 4.; JOHN W1LUAMS, ytaurtsiDD. B.<. 34, now* li?toot? Boo 1% mL < UTJmMOL. .,l. ,J, -ii 6,>L,¡