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CHEAP PREPAID ADVER- TISEMENTS. Our Prepaid Scale. ONE THREE SIX Insertion. Inserts. Inserts. words or under. Is. Od. 2s. Od. 3s. Cd. 3S.. Is. 3d. 2s. 7d. 4s. Id. 0" „ 19. 6d. 3a. Cd. 6a. 3d. And EO 01] at the RATS of 3d. p: seven words on the First Insertion, and Half-prise subse- quent Mneecntivp inpertioaa. TJRESSVAKKJG—Wanted good Coat and 8°dile bands. Apply Whicher & Jamieson, Milford Raven. apl0_; WAXTED, HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS.—Ap „ Salutation Family and Commercial Hotel, Haverfordwest. 14aa AXTED, Groom-Gardener; take charge cf T Y garden and assist in stable; marrW • fc/°; ^ood references indispensable: t gaiYlen-—Apply. Colonel Williams, idaroldaton, Broad Haven, Pern., R.S.O. — 3:)c10 AXTED a Strong Gir~one accustomed nlLS" v'"ai^in° preferred. Apply, Thomas' Haven 11 Eoorn:<' CharIes Street, Milford W AXTED a Situation as a Clerk or Book- keeper; anywhere in Pembrokeshire.— Apply, c., County Guardian" Office, Haver- fordwest. 30c16 ANTED. Cook-General, early in October; W no dairy; must have good references.— to lrs. Richard- Son. ( ilau Wen. Dwrbach. 3'Jc13 ^1), ^"oun» Housemaid; two in TV 1 1Carver, Park House, Fish- guard. se25 VV ANTED ^an to look after heep and Cattle; house found. Also labourer, able to do general work of farm; house found and land for two c-ows.—Apply, Pike, Rosehill Farm, blebech. jfor Sale. FOR SALE, Waggonette, Cob and Harness; Lob goes well, quiet, passes motors. Miss Monston, Portciew, Lamphev, S.O. mr20 {^1 UN.-Double Ereechloader; quite new, 7H I fSt iniPfovements; finest steel barrels; hinshed; nicely balanced; splendid kuler; approval; bargain- 38^.—13 Newcastle Street. Merthyr. 6o'c30 Gun Bargains. THE BEST 2 GUINEA HAMMER GUN. THE BEST 3 GUINEA HAMMER GUN. THE BEST 5 GUINEA HAMMERLESS. All thoroughly tested, regulated, and proved for Ultro powders. Al English material and build, and of fine qualIty; w ell-made in every detail, beautifully fitted and finished. Only want. seeing. Ap- proval on deposit.-Apply, "Gun," "Guardian" Office, Haverfordwest. 6no6 at Llndigige Fach, on August f- «Mth. a stray sow. Owner can have same toy paying expenses.—Thomas Evans. 3009. v jfarmg^anifr ibouses ZTo %ct ■ T° BE LET, portclew. House, containing 4 re- bath £ om ?b bedr°°ms' 3 dressing rooms, ( v? } ?n,s couri fumished or un- furnished, with or without garden.—Apply Miss Jtfonson, Portciew House, Lamphey, S.0 mr20- TO LET, the small Dairy Farm known as Tavt. ~D' situated in. the village of Am- bleston, conta. 27 acres or thereabouts. Well watered, anu* fMtd., with convenient dwelling house and ^Mings. Possess- ion 29th day of September n Apply, James Williams, Farthing's Hook, Cl:t1.xJiton Road. au21- ril 0 LET. The Mariners7" N^lton I i HTVen; ^vv Tent»' ear]y possession.— « Apply, James, Brewery, Haverfordwest. 18se m* to LET. {IOMMESCIAII ,JXX- ME^N'F BNCLGC HAVER- fordwest.—Apply, W" H" Geor^e and Haverfordwest. ™ TO L £ S). SHOP AND DWELLING HOUSE, Xo. 11, Bridge Street.—Apply, 14, Hill Street. 3oc l Miscellaneous, < Clegyr Boia, St. Davids. 1 ALL Persons found Trespassing in pursuit of Game or Rabbits on the above farm w il1 prosecuted. All previous leave can- celled. ] 3oc9. W. G. t)AVIEg. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ALL Persons found Trespassing on Rhosson Land, St. David's, either in pursuit of game or wreckage, will Be prosecuted. EBENK2ER LEWIS. Oct. 6th. 1308. 3oc23 SbippluQ Notices. SOUTH AFRICA ROYAL MML ROUE UNION CASTLE LINE.—London Southampton. To Cape Colony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beira, etc., calling frequently at Madeira, Las Palmas, Teneriffe, Ascension, St. Helena, and Ljbito Bay. Weekly Sailings. Fast pass- ages. Superior Accommodation. Best Route. For Rates of Passage Money and all further information apply to the Managers: DrlNAtD CURRIE & CO., London, or to Local Atjents. myd-M jflDusical instruments* IF YOU WANT A PIANO or ORGAN do -m- not be persnaded by any interested person to parchase until yon have ascertained the extra- ordinary value we are offering. x on will save many pounds, be most iiberaiiy treated, and get the easiest possible terms by purchasing from us. —DUCK, SON. & Pinker, The Great Piano Merchants, Pultney Bridge, Lath. Catalogue and boek of advice free. Name this paper. Oar tuners visit this district and all parts of South Wales at regular intervals—send us a post card Md finer shall fall. 19a.p52 WE BRING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TOGETHER When you want to buy anything, sell anything or exchange any- thiug when you want to find a sitnation or an employee, or let a house, advertise in the classified columns of this journal. The three or four lines you insert may be scanned by just the people you want to reach—people you would find difficulty in reaching any other way. I lines, is 3 insertions, 2s. Advertisements relating to Auction Sales Public and Legal Notices. Tenders. Forthcoming Events &c., WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE 1. Business Bfc&resses. EXCELSIOR." EXTRA SPECIAL SCOTCH Has been before the Public for nearly a QUARTER of a CENTURY. 11 Perfection of Blended Whisky."—LANCET^" A Whisky of very high quality."—" BSITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL" "A safe and palatable stimulant for the sick and convalescent. — "PRACTITIONER." V.S.O.P, LIQUEUR COGNAC. A blend of famous vintages, of great age, and FAR SUPERIOR to the HIGHEST grade ot Brandy in quality. 'AN UNDOUBTEDLY GENUINE GRAPE SPIRIT." Lancet MARGRAVE BROS., LLAMELLY, COMMERCE HOUSE, Ltd., Are now showing m all Departments LATEST NOVELTIES FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER SEASONS The DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT is now under the charge of a highly qualified London Fitter who for several years acted as Head Dressmaker to the Army and Navy Stores, and also to Peter Robinson, Ltd. We guarantee Correct Style, Perfect Fit and Finish, and at extremely Moderate Prices. The MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is fully stocked with the choicest specimens of French and English Millinery, Flowers, Feathers, &c. This Department is under new and capable manage- ment and we will be pleased to shew New Styles and to copy and adapt to any individual taste. COSTUMES, MANTLES, COATS, BLOUSES, &c., in great variety. We are making a special feature of FURS. We hold a magnificent stock, and are confident we can give the utmost satis- faction. The DRESS DEPARTMENT is replete with the latest productions in correct Materials, and we also have a very fine range of NEWEST TRIMMINGS in all shades to match the new colourings. GLOVES, HOSIERY, BELTS, NECKWEAR, LACE GOODS, &c., in endless variety. Charming assortment of Childrens Millinery, Costumes, &0. Everything in Household Linen, Eider Downs, Winter Cut tains, b. Blankets, Flannels, &c., &c. Post Orders receive prompt and eareful attention. -:0: COMMERCE HOUSE, Ltd., HAVERFORDWEST. /j§K§^ C. SYDNEY DAVIES, Jeweller & Optician. HAVERFORDWEST. | e: 'i¡y' )¿' ..¿. 0 .'f ¡¡¡,¡, "> Large Stock t: WEDDING, BIRTHDAY AND of Watches I KEEPER WEDDING by the I AND PRESENTS Finest Makers ENGAGEMENT I RINGS Eye. T.st.d Scientifically W ^iSP Free of Charge. Metal from 7;6 and COneet Silver „ 17/6 ( I Lenses Gold „ 43/- |f B SUpf6d lowest possible w priceg. Best Selection All kinds of REPAIRS Executed Presentations in the County. on the premises. a speciality. 4oc23 ANOTHER INSTANCE OF THE I SATISFACTION INVARIABLY EXPRESSED BY OWNERS OF THE DARRAC- At a general meeting of the New York Motor Cab Co., Ltd., held on May 20th, 1908, the Chairman made the following statement As far as the cabs themselves are concerned, I may tell you that we are very satisfied with our Darracq cabs. OUR FIRST 300 CABS CAVE SUCH SATISFACTION j THAT WE HAVE ORDERED 400 MORE DABBACOS." i Purchaser of Darracq Cars may rely ,Jpon getting the same excellent service as is afforded by the Darracq Cab. Full particulars will be forwarded on request TRIED RUNS TO INTENDING PURCHASERS. AGENT— ROBERT E. WHITE, THE GARAGE, MILFORD HAVEN "MEYS" Separator YIELDS More Butter. We are not only willing—but anxious that you NtNM should put this to the test, f20 not only willing-but anxious tbat yon I tL And will send you a SEPARATOR for a. 14 DAYS' FREE TRIAL. Try it, and give us your opinion on its merits. Call or write to the sole Agents, REES & ROBERTS, HIGH STREET, <• HAVERFORDWEST, "Comity Guardian" £100 FREE INSURANCE (Applieable only within the United Kingdom). SPECIALLY GUARANTEED BY THE GLASGOW USSWGE CBRPLIAATION, LIMITED. 103, YImi Gsorge Street, Glasgow. A. REGIXALD POLE, General Manager. To whom Xotice of Claim, under the foliow- ing Conditions, must be sent in case of injury or Death within seven days after the accident. R be P^d by the above Cor- poratiuu to the legal represen- tative of any one who is killed by an accident to the passenger-train in which the deceased was travelling as a ticket-bearing or fare-paying passenger, season ticket-holder, or trader's ticket-holder, or who shall have been fatally injured thereby (should death result within seven days after such accident). Should such accident not prove fatal, but cause within the same period of seven days the loss of two limbs (both arms or both legs, or one of each, by actual separation above the wrist or ankle), the person injured shall be entitled to receive zElOo, or for the loss of one limb under the aforesaid conditions, £ 50; and should such person meet with an injury caused by an accident as above defined which shall not prove fatal as aforesaid, but which of itself shall totally prevent him or her from following his or her occupation, then the above Corporation will pay to ach person £1 per week during such disablement, but in no case for more than ten weeks for any one accident. PROVIDED that Le person so killed or in- jured had upon his or her person, this ticket with his or her usual signature, written in ink prior to the accident, on the space provided below, which, together with t giving of notice within the time as hereinbefore mentioned, is of the essence of this contract. This insurance holds good for the current week of issue only. Railway servants travelling with a pass or ticket in an ordinary passenger compartment of a passenger train can hold this Coupon In- surance Ticket. No person can recover under more than one Coupon-Insurance Ticket guaranteed by the Corporation, in respect of the same accident. f Signature. Coupon expires at midnight on Fridav. Octo- ber 9th, 1908.



THE OUTLOOK. ,..."..----.