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PEMBROKE TOWN COUNCIL. A meeting of the Pembroke Town Council was held on Tuesday, the 10th inst., at the Town Hall, Pembroke, when there were present: The Mayor (Aid. A. F. Beddoe), Aid. A. McColl, .S J. Allen, J. Hutchings, D. Davies, F. t). Reed, Counci llors A. Young, W. Smith, T. B. Tombs, J. Lewis, J. Ward Davies, J. Grieve, W. B. Wall, J. Jones, \V. Griffiths, T. Davies, J. Lawrence, J. Morgan, and Rees Phillips, with the Clerk (Mr. R. D. Lowless) the Surveyor (Mr. R. McAlpine), the Sanitary Inspector (Mr. P. Morgan). VETERINARY INSPECTOR APPOINTED. Previous to the Council meeting a meeting of the Disease of Animals Committee was held Aid. Dan Davies presiding. The question of the appointment of a Veterinary Inspector was discussed at some length. Mr. W. Davies having written that lie would accept the post for iClO per annum, he was finally appointed by nine votes to eight. DILLY DALLYING WITH THE COMMITTEE. Conclr. Ward Davies asked if any reply had been received from Mr. N. A. Roch with re- gard to their demand for money due. They woul reccolect that the Council gave instme- tions that he should be summoned if he did not pay. The Clerk said that Mr. Rocli had paid C8 10s out of E10 4s 5d. Under these circum- stances he thought he had better come before the Council as he did not feel justified in tak- ing proceedings. Conclr. Ward Davies :He was ordered to be summoned if he uiu not pay. This dilly-dally- ing with the Council ip treating up with con- tempt. A-u. Jones said that he considered Mr. Roell had paiu plenty. How would they like to pay money like this. Ald. Allen suggested that the matter be re- ferred to the Joint Committee 10 report upon. Conclr. Jones proposed that they accept what had been paid and this was seconded. Conclr. Young said he would like to know what was the reason why Mr. Koch ol>j<< eii to paying the fee? Aid Hutchings and Aid. McColi both eon sidered that Mr. Roch had paid sufficient, and it was explained that that gentleman had (1)- jected to paying the fees for messengers. The Town Clerk said that Is per day was charged and that the total amount was 34s. Conclr. Grieve: Has this money been paid, Mr. Mayor'? The Mayor: Yes. Conclr. Grieve: Then who is to be out of pocket? Js this authority to be out of pocket to that amount Council*. Ward Davies proposed as an amendment that they enforce the payment of this sum. They must, think about the position of the Council. They Intel determined to charge a certain amount for a certain speci- fic object, and had sent their to the gentleman in question. Now having fu ly dis- cussed the whole thing through, continued the Councillor, were they going to stultify them seelves by telling that gentleman that they had dlargeff too lIIuch, :tnd let him off the bal aace? Was that a dignified position for a public, body to assumed It was either a reflection upon their honesty and integrity as a public body who had charged a person too much or e'se they were guilty of a dereliction of duty as regards the ratepayers, in not getting for them their honest and just due. Several members spoke on the good qualties possessed by Mr. llocli and Mr. Lewis said there was not another man like him in South Pembrokeshire. Coiiclr. Tombs thought that if the matter were explained, Mr. Roch would pay the money. Upon the matter being put to a vote, it was decided that the amount paid by M. Roch be accepted. MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT. The medical officer reported that there had been no cases of zymotic disease in the Pem- broke Ward during the past month, but in the Pembroke Dock Division there had been four cases of erysipelas. • ARY OFFICER'S. REPORT. The Sanitary Inspector reported that dur- ing the month he had made a house to house inspection of Thomas-tit rt, Orange Uanlen, Morgan's Terrace, and South Terrace, in the Pembroke Ward, and of Fleet-street, Grove- t street, Castle-sfreet, and Nelson-street Pennar m the Pater Ward. In many instances the ashpits required cleaning in both wards, and the occupiers were requested to attend to same wV prem'ses other respects were almost diVUnit exppP<ion i" a very satisfactory con- 10.n: ai>d showed a marked improvement serv d*S ,nsPec' >on- No! ices had been "fur 6 °n several persons prohibiting them Channl?g SOap 8uds' etc-' intu the street isj and during the coming month he hoped to give the matter his special attention. ot'uvijx'jw b itLj- vjiii. Tlie Borougn Surveyor leponoa that the w ater-pipos at Lawkct Reservoir had nut yet been lowered owing to the illness ot Lile Water Manager, who shouid be present at tHe work. lie Hoped that in another weeK he would be able to assist in this important work, and no time shouid then be lost. A good be- ginuing iiad been made with the Pater sewei- age outfall. The iron outtall pipes had been uncovered for about 100 feet, and the first pipes had been brought to bank the prvious day. The work of lowering the others wouild now proceed with daily regularity. With the advent of Spring the dust and manure were being swept from the streets daily, which was a good preventative of the dust nuisance, as well as from a sanitary point of view, a great addition to the general health of the district. He hoped they would allow him to proceed with this form of street cleansing through the Summer months. THE DOCKYARD DISCHARGE COMMITTEE. A long report was presented by the Dock- yard j^iscnarye Committee irom winch 1l appeareu tnai on Marcn £ £ iid Aid. Alien and Con. iTiiliips went to London to interview the .Borough and County members and do what- ever tney could for tile' town. They were joined on March 26ill by the Mayor and Town Clerk. They interviewed Mr. Wyntord Phi.ipps, and Mr. Owen iJhilipps, and impresses upon them and other members that vessels of the "Dreadnought" type could be built in the Pembroke Dockyard, and also the fact that if no large ships were built in the yard it would mean the ruin of the town. Mr. Owen Philipjps asked a question in the House and elicited the fact that 200 would be the extent of the discharges for the year. The deputation saw a number of Welsh members and gained the support of the chairman, Sir. Alfred Thomas. They -were informed that it. would be wise to postpone a deputation to vi.t Lord Tweedmouth until June. They also in- terviewed Mr Lloyd George, and that gentle- d an in his private capacity said that he would i.u,) them in any way lie could. In con- • k.sion, the report stated that the Committee were now far more hopeful as to the situation, and they believed that things would eventu- ally right themselves. The ieport was adopted, and upon the pro- position of Cjbn. Jones, Seconded by Aid. Reed, a vote' of thanks was passed to the gentlemen who had gone up to London. Con. Ward Davies: I should like to have had a report from the Emperor hero THE FIRE BRIGADE. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Fire Brigade asking the Committee if they would delegate certain members of the Com- mittee to act upon their Committee. It was decided to delegate Aid. Reed, and Cons..Lewis and loxubs. -1' I"T"r-,o __e J\UXJ±AJ\<jr l-ELii, yUii.il,A S FliiM). A letter was read'in reply to that sent by tfife Town Clerk asking for a grant from the Queen's Unemployed Fund be made to this district. It was stated that there was no chance of a grant being made where a Dis- tress Committee under the Unemployed Work- men's Act had not been formed. drIfE RECALTRCANT FERRYMAN. A letter from Mr. Rees Williams, of Burton, was read relating to the Ferry. It stated that he and his cousin were the proprietors of Pem- broke Ferry, and had the right to charge any fare they desired to. lie would be glad if they Committee would give any reason why they considered the present rate charged was too high and lie would consider it The matter was referred to Committee. IS IT DISRESPECT. Pursuant to notice, Con. Ward Davies moved the following resolution: That the Surveyor or any other official be not empowered to e11- gage or discharge workmen unless authorised by the respective Committee. He said it had become apparent to him since lie had been a member of the Corporation that they wanted some improved method of dealing with work- men. If they were going to keep their ex- penses down they must look into these matters. At the last meeting of one of the Coniminees lie asked how many meo were em- ployed and lie was told seven, yet when lie looked at the charge-sheet lie saw there were eight. Under the present system pressure could be biought to bear upon the officials to fengage or discharge men, and he thought that, if this resolution were carried it would 1 ft an onus of responsibility from them. Con. Rees Phillips seconded, but Con. Law- rence moved an amendment to the effect that the matter should be referred to the High- way's Committee for the two wards. At this point a number of Councillors left the room, and it was stated that there was not a quorum. One Councillor, however, returned and made up the necessary number. Con. Ward Davies remarked that it was a very peculiar thing; he did not know whether it was done out of disrespect for him, but whenever a motion was brought in his name there was a count out before he came to it. Con. Tombs said that it was an unfortunate thing that the train was leaving about that time, It was eventually decided to refer the., matter to the Committee.





------_-----PATRIOTIC FIRMS.


---------------FARMERS STORY…

-----------PAS8P0RT TO POSITION.








--------PIT :dj.-iiaps.



[No title]



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Family Notices
