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• Fishguard Easter Vestry.

» Fishguard Petty Sessions.

» Fishguard Parish Council.







'»j Good Friday at Vachelich,








HAVERFORDWEST GRAMMAR SCHOOL. OLD BOYS GATHRRIMC. PHESEXTATION To LATE HEADMASTER. ft" On Thursday there wa.- a gathling uf (rid boys at the Haverfordwest Grammar School to say good-bye to the late headmaster, Mr. J. S. Tombs, and to show their grateful recognition of his services for nearly 19 yeais- by .making him a presentation. The movement wa." set afoot by a ÎtiJ\f, of the old boys when they learned that -Al i- Tombs was resigning his charge, and a com j- mittee, with Mr. A. M. P. Meares, and M. H. H. D. Williams, as lion, secretaries, took the j hieps which resulted in Thursday's gatheiipg. Among those present were ir Owen St/om iield. Mr. James Thomas, J.P., Mr. If. i. P. W ij- liams. Dr. and Mrs. Greenish, 31 r. \V. J. | Roberts, M.A. (University College, Cardmi. Mr. R. v»ulams, B.A. (Oxon;, Mr. R. I), f.owie.s (rows clerk, Pembroke*, Mr. V. M. Turnbull ex-second master), the two lion, secretaries and a numbr of the old boys. The presentation consisted of an illuminated album, containing the names of 126 "old boy" subscribers. The text of the address was as follows "The undersigned old boys of the Haver lordwest Grammar School desire, on your leaving the town after over 18 years' service, to express our high appreciation of your important and valuable service in the cause of education as headmaster of the above school; and beg your acceptance of this ad- dress, together with the accompanying purse of gold, volumes of Plato and Lucretius, and a pair of silver candlesticks, as tokens of our e8teem and gratitude for the labour and attention given to us. With every good wish following you in your new sphere of work, we are," etc. Then followed the signatures. Mr. Mears opened the proceedings with an account of the preliminary steps which had led up to that gathering; and then called on Mr. R. D. Lowless to make the presentation. fr. Lovvless said he appreciated the com- pliment which had been paid him in asking him to make the presentation. His desire to express his esteem and gratitude to Mr. Tombs was his best excuse for standing there as the representative of the old boys. During Mr. Tombs' early connection with the Haver fordwest Grammar School, it made progress by leaps and bounds, and had it not been for the increase in the number of the county schools brought about by the Intermediate Education Act, it would have become one of the most important schools in Wales. Not- withstanding the disadvantages they had had to labour under, the school had not suffered in reputation; and when he recalled the boys who had gone from that school, and had made their mark in the world (some of whom wen ? present that dayt, it made one leel proud of having belonged to the school. (Applause. P He ever regarded ir. Tombs as an ideal head master; he had all the qualities which ap pealed to boys. A fine athlete, a splendid cricReter, a good footballer, and an oarsman, he was an athlete in every sense of the word. (Applause.) Greek, Latin, and other learned subjects were the merest child's play to him. Above all, the boys knew they had in him a just master—(applause^—and the boys rt- spected him more because they loved him than because they feared him. In handing over the presents, Mr. Lowless said that among the 125 subscribers were many who had attained to positions of dignity, who were an honour to the school, and he be- lieved there were others who would yet add to its prestige by rising to positions of distinction; and he hoped there would be none of his old scholars who would exer soil • their names, or the name of the School by any act of dishonour. He hoped all .would follow the high example and precept of their headmaster, and each strive to lea i tire world lietter than he found it (Ap- plause.) In bidding their headmaster fare- well, they all earnestly hoped lie would find in nis new sphere of labour, wealth, long life, and happiness. (Applause.) Air. H. Williams and Yr. W. J. Roberts, iwo old scholars, followed with brief appie cialive addresses. h. Tombs in replying, said he was gratified to find that the names of a large proportion j 11 the boys who had passed through his hands, about one-fourth were enrolled in the allium. He referred to the Vicissitudes through which the school had passed. They had had as many as 126 pupils, and had been as low a: 42. They now numbered 67, and had been steadily creeping up for the last two ov e, three years. lie next referred to t h* many valuable gifts which had been given to the school, while he was headmaster, by Ih. Henry Owen, who well deserved the name they sometimes gave him of "Our third father." and other donors. He had always steadiiy opposed, and hope! they would, the sub stitution of the new name of County School for the older one of Grammar School. He had even gone so far as to inform s high educational authority that leiters would not he received unless they were propt-riy ad dressed. He thanked the subscribers very heartily for the presentation just made to him, and wished them all good bye. Mr. R. T. P. Williams, the chairman of 1h Governors, said Mr. Tombs was leaving the school with the full confidence of the Govern- ors-, and carried with him their best wishes for his futuie prosperity. lie might hI proud of his old pupils, many of whom had achieved honours and distinction. Sir Owen Scourfield said he was not only | one ol" the Governors of the school, but his j family had been associate*! with the Haver- fordwest Grammar School for many genera, tion?. In the middle of the l&tli centurv. j his great great grandfather was hcadmasier of j the school: and a! various times repr. f>ni.i tives of his family received instruction 11,0< One or two of his uncles were in ihe school, under the it-on itile of the Rev. M. James. 60 or 70 years ago. Tho school was very different in those day-to what it was now when it had passed into a pi-ove, b. { "How well the Grammar School boys ai( lo,)Izirlg! The opening of so many inu-, medLite sclltlols in the county had somewhat prejudiced its success but he was sine those who sent their boys to the Haverford- west Grammar School in County Schools, had no reason to iegret their j vise choice. Ile wished Air. Toint). kli. sperity and sucress in his new enterp;i,-e. h. James Thomas also spoke as one of I hI; Governors, and also an old hoy. and said how pleased he was to see honour paid to M-. Tombs. Mr. Tomb*, having a second time responded, the gathering terminated.


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