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Masker's High School For Girls. HA.VERFORDWEST. HJILDXISTZZSS.7-M IS S ANDERSON, BJL, (Assisted by highly qualified mistresses.) Fns 21 6a 8d per term. Special subjects-Greek, German and Painting, 15s per term. ¡ Re-opens Tuesday, May 1, at 2 p.m. Country Pupils are only allowed to board at the Hostel, specially provided for pupils of the School, or at houses approved by the Govern- ing Body, of which a list can be obtained (with any other information desired relative to school grrangements), either from the Head-mistress, Or from Mr. J. W. Phillips, Solicitor, Tower lInl, Clerk to the Governors. St. David's County School Chairman THE VERY REV. THE DEAJ- OF ST. DAVID'S. Vicb-Chaibmak OAPT. S. ROACH. RtiD MASTBB: MR THOMAS THOMAS, B.A (London.) Assistant Mastxb Mr. R. P. JAOKSON, K.80. (Vio. ASSISTANT MISTRESS: MISS K. M. GREE> IuLjl. (St. Andrews), Cambridge Teacher* Diploma. Assistant Mistress Miss E. H. MOSELEY, B.A. (Wales), with Honours. Pupils prepared for the London Matriculation be Oxford and C*jnbridge Locals the Legal, Medi- cal and Pharmaceutical Examinations; the Entranot Scholarship Examinations of tne University College* of Wales, and the Bouth Kensington Soienee ucJ Art Examinations. TUITION Fsjm -.fA per annum or £ 1 61 8d pei term; two (brothers or sisters) £ 7 per annum oi £ 2 6s 8d per term; three (brothers or sisters) £ 10 pei annum or 23 6s 8d per term. Pupils taking MUBIC will be charged an extrafee For terms and further partioularb, Prospectus, At 4ply to the Head Master, or to MR W D. WILLIAMS, The Registrar, St. David's. Haverfordwest Grammar School FOUNDED 1613. SUCCESSES gained in 1901-2 include the following: Exhibition, Magdalen College, Oxford ( £ 7° per annum). Exhibition Jesus College, Oxford. (( £ 50 per annum). Entrance to R. M. C. Sandhurst. Assistant Clerkship E.N. (9th place 01 over 100 candidates). 1 London Matriculation 2 Oxford and Cambridge Higher Certificates, and 1 Pass Responsions. All the above obtained direct from School. Haverfordwest is a Centre for Cambridge Local Examinations. There are a few Vacancies for Boarders in the Headmaster's House. Apply HEADMASTER, School House, Haverfordwest. TOOGOOD & SONS, ROYAL SEEDSMEN. ALL KINDS OF FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS. SPECIALLY SELECTED SEED CORN TOOGOOD'S SCOTCH BLACK TARTAR OATS. TOCGOOD'S BLACK TARTAR OATS SOOGOOD'S NURSERY WHEAT, a most productive variety. OKDKB EARLY FBOM- R. E. THOMAS, CARTLETT MILL, HAVEBFOBDWIST. Report OF County Analyst OF A SAMPLE OF "SODA WATER" ,taken by the Inspector under the Adulteration of Foods and Drugs Act Manufactured by T. Lewis & Co., Fishguard: "EXCELLENT"^ RABBITS! RABBITS! RABBITS GAME! GAME! GAME HI Fresh Babbits and Game, any quantity, bought daily, by THOS. JOHN, Croeswen, LETTEBSTON. Best prices given for good dean rabbits, &o. Carts will call at any address by arrangements. P.&-Try your friend and you will be pleased. sel4 THE. SWANSEA MERCANTILE BANK, Limited, OF 18, PARK STREET, SWANSEA, MAKE CASH ADVANCES DAILY FROM a5 to 9500 To FARMEBS and ALL CLASSES of respect- D able householders upon their own Note of Hand, and other kinds of securities. ALL TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY PRIVATE Apply to H. B. JONES, Manager, Or W. D. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, Haverfordwest, Local Representati Personal attendance every Wednesday afternoon, lmd at other tiroes by special appointment at Vio. toria Road, opposite the Dock gates, Milford Haven, 881 |H HARDY'S F3 19 taMPTON CORSdMPTMM & COUCH SPHHFKL Ijjjjl Kjr'fl "e for Ctrasrhs, OoMs, Con- |§| H pi ggj Q HARDVS E9 Ed BROMPTON COUGH LOZENGES. H ■RV The OeaaiztB and Orlgtsal inboxei i"l IM Hewnr «oid loose. Price la. ljd. See tint K5B turnI btuj» wrapped in Gorooaneot Stamp wflfl l^l Depot,ttWMer- RSI BBS loo Rd_ fiUB. Insist at hm»h* Baeity% 'HfrNhl'Awl Tiawrfy vwutmj < I Sole Agent in the District for The Wine and Spirit Stores, Fishguard. hennessy's Brandy in wood and CELERRATED MILD & BITTER ALES ROBERT LEWIS. Eo"le In 9, 18, and 36 gallon cuks. WHOLESALE & RETAIL WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, SEED MERCHANT, MALTSTER, &C.Fine Old Irish Whiskies. Tndia P»1P AIP in Fine Old Irish Whiskies. 111 J^ouie. R.L, invites attention to his choice selection of old WINES and SPIRITS: GOOD SHERRY, pale or gold, from 15s t° i • ,1 j"7^• i. f TVyT 30s per dozen; superior ditto, pale or gold, from 30s to 42s per dozen. AMTILADO, pale or gold, 30s to 60s per dozen- _Age in tlie district lor ivlessrs. Port of various ages, including Cocksbura's and Offley's of the best vintages; sound Clarets, from I5s to 30s per dozen. UUinness Jkxtra btout m Cask and Ingham's MARSALA. Oar noted Special Olub SCOTCH WHISKEY, guaranteed pure Malt and well-matured, at 21s per -Nicholson s London Gin, Old Bottle. gallon, or 42s per dozen. Jamaica Rums & Jersev Brandies. lli VE NOW A CHOICE SELECTION OF GLASSES, CLOVERS, &C., IN STOCK. TIMBER, MAHOGANY AND y HARDWOOD /i, TURNERY and jr N 4TXOKA.I Tnsraovi 806 JOINERY. x-Vr/\ jr N 4TXOKA.I Tnsraovi 806 Av y/v>/ 5, Albion Place, Cumberland Road, TwMriurBlo &J>DSBM HEAVEN, BRISTOL. t POI RTHCAIN QUARRIES &BRICKWORKS, These Works are now re-started, and are prepared to supply BRICKS, SLATES, and BUILDING GRANITE. Also Unbroken Granite for roads on reasonable terms. Please apply- MR. THOMAS BOWEN, Porthgain Quarries, Ltd., LETTERSTON. In C4 MESSRS. JENKINS & SONS, Jeffreys Square, I LONDON, Have now decided to supply tea at wholesale prices to private families it exceedingly low prices for cash within fourteen days or the tea, if not suitable, to be returned free of expense. A very superior quality from 1/9 to 1/11 per lb., not less than 41bs. The above firm has been doing business largely in Pembrokeshire and the six adjoining counties for the last 30 years All ordel s and communications must be sent direct to Welsh ad dress, viz., Pentre Parr, Llandilo. It is important that you should give it a trial, and the above- named will be glad to send samples free of charge. Local Agent-E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, SOLVA ATF'J.CoMs Brownegs TheORIGINALand ONLY GENUINE. MS The Best Remedy known for Admitted by th* Profession |jjl M MllflUO Pill HO BfOlH the MoBt Valuable M SB IfUUUrlU, UllLUO, jgg SBR 9 Remedy ever discovered. nj B ACTUM A DDfllinUITIO I Effectually cats short *11 Em H AOl FlnlAjDllUnunlllO, 1 attacks of spasms. m CONSUMPTION. PII nmrnklmmK 3 M Acts like a i NtUKALulfl, lUUIHAbliC, M %m*ri«h<ea. 3 60UT. RHEUMATISM. M CHOLERA and Overwhelming Medical Teati- JEbj DYSENTERY. MMSBSmea moily Accompanies eACh bottle. I SOLB JrX BORZLICS JgY AZ;L CKBWSTS, -Ji" at 1/11. 2/9. and 4/8 saah. ■iiiirr- — — It 0 W Jc'/ft m a d«oble tita value a* half the cost Um in H. SAMUEL'S GREAT InOS FREE BUYERS' GUIDE 1/ 3 vharaby yoa «an avaid the middloman and » a F ff vnt the differ UK* b«twe«n wbola«al« and JEr« a AT Jf r#taI1 FJrtw la jrcar own pocket when buying /b&y < J Mil WATCHB8, RINGS, DIAMOND lwS 7 | t R^j Y&c. ||Wy SolW»*-ct.Dumo«MlRotit>tha.l Rir»g«,10,'6; Re*l fl ftfllj C 1 BiMWiBwRr C«W Brooches, act choice Stones, 6/8; Eleca'o- rur Km L»1fi E. l< flmraSnSRH Silrer Dinner. Cruett, 4/S: Eight-Day Marble ■Hi J Xk fl Clock*, aerikinf honn and inlfes, 87/8. SOLID SILVER LEVER. i lA ? iWA MOHTH'8 FRKB TRIAL ALLOWBD ?"PfulLU>r WW Jii% Wr ssoi-i.fiss's w,th pr,yi- 7u|Ju iu wear. W H. SAMUEL'S FREE 7,.n. PR I Z E 1 Full Lists ^and all j^urtk^aAMto Big Buyers' 25-^SB No. 20 MA;IKIET ST. PITNE PRIZE 1 11 SAMUEL IE py mabsiyb jMLiP j SILYICa ALBUT. CYCLE DEPOT, ST. DAVID'S. f WILLIAM JONES, NUN STREET, ST. DAVIDS, Begs to thank his numerous customers for past paticnage, and is how prepared to-supply all leading makes of Bicycles—Rudgs- Whitworth, Star, Coventry, Eagle, Royal Enfield, Swift, etc.—at prices which will compare favourably with those of other local firms in the county. IRONMONGERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Phonographs and Records kept in Stock. BICYCLES ON HIRE. .v IMPORTANT NOTICE. Georae Bennett & (20. WINE AND SPIRIT STORES, FISHGUARD. SAJLE TO CHILDREN ACT, 1901. TO PARENTS, GUARDIANS, and EMPLOYERS of CHILDREN under 14 YEARS of AGE. On January 1st, 1902, a new Act of Parliament came into force which prohibits license holders from selling or delivering any intoxicating liquor to children under fourteen years of age, except in quanwies not less than one reputed pint, in corked and sealed vessels. On and after the above mentioned date children under 14 sent as messengers should bring a bottle, as it is impossible to cork and seal a jug. Every person who knowingly sends any person under the age of 14 years for the purpose of obtaining any description of intoxicating liquor, excepting as aforesaid, will be liable to a penalty not exceeding 40s. for the first offence, and not exceeding £ 5 for any subsequent offenee. TOM DAVIES' Great Clearance Sale £1,675 worth of stock must be cleared before removing toNewPremises in High Street A Rare Opportunity. Genuine Bargains ,rerms-o urictly Cash during Sale. Note address— THE COUNTY CLOTHIER, 11, Market Street, HAVERFORDWEST. EVAN JONES, STONE AND MARBLE MASON CARTLETT, HAVERFORDWEST, (NEAB RAILWAY STATION.) Tombstones and Headstones worked to any design in stone or marble at prices to suit all classes. Designs and Estimates sent free on application. Watches, Clocks, &c. The Largest Show. The Best Quality Goods at The Lowest Price. This Season is as usual at BISLEY H. MUNT'S Watch, Clock, and Jewellery Stores, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AND MILFORD. Show Room on Ground floor for Silver Mounted Glass & Leather Goods & many low-priced Novelties. gambrian Hotel, Solva. Mrs. PROPERT, Proprietress. WINES AND SPIRITS OF OHOIOE QUALITY; ALE AND STOUT ON DRAUGHT OR BOTTLED. CIGARS AIM TOBACCO. GOOD AOOOMMODATXOW FOR G-XTSSTa M A Good Appetite ■ comes only by having a perfect acting liver and good digestion-both can easily I ■ be obtained by using B I tScec/iamj 0 I H They are a reliable remedy for the cure of I ■ BILIOUSNESS, LASSITUDE, POOR APPETITE, I { IMPAIRED DIGESTION, COSTIVENESS, 1 H WIND & PAINS IN THE STOASACH, DISCOMFORT AFT?2* M1JALS, ■ I and all other troubles wtrich arte* fr*m a disordered .>« *• *r ot«>aiacL. I ■ They cleanse the system, give tone to the digestive organs wiiL & I I according to directions, restore you to sound and vlgotMi health, E I BBBCHAM PILLS .eci.J1y ødtAble ler Feøulu .11 a¡;:e.. 0mywmtam V JQK who values bcmltb should real the iaatructioms wrapped e-rndt Smju SoM everywhere in prkc 1/11 (36 vilh) & 2/9 (164 pills). 1_.0( GEORCE PALMER & SON. ——— Per SPECIALITIES. bottle. Extra Special Liqueur. The perfection of Scotch Whiskey, of great age aDd soft- ness, equal to the finest French Brandy T"S» as a stimulant Glen Stuart' Scotch Whisky. An ideal blend of carefully selected Pure Highland O /fi Malt Whiskies, well matured and mel- O/O lowed by age Dunboyne Irish Whisky. Very cho.ce, pure Pot Still Dublin Whisky, guaran- O teed over 12 years old, in Sherry Wood O/W Port. Genuine Oporto Wine, excellent value 2s. Invalid Port. Specially recommended.. 2s. 6d. Old Lodge.' A perfect type of a really old Tawny W ine, stored many years in O O Oporto *3/0 Sherry. Pale, dry, superior is. 6d. j Champagne. Ackerman -Laurance's 'Dry v Royal' (t bots, Is 2d 1 bots, 2s 2d) 4s. Pale Brandy. Suitable for domestic pur- poses 2s. 6d. Cognac Brandy. Genuine French, good age 3s. 6d. Eau de vie Yieille. A pure Grape Brandy great ace. An invaluable stimulant UOi Martell'p and Hennessy's Brandy 5s. 6d. Rum. f"ine old Jamaica 2a. 6d I" Very old Jamaica 3g. Hollands. De Kuypers, Anchor Brand 2s. 8d. Coleman's Wincarnis, Hall's Wine, Quinine Sherry, &c. Cigars and Cigarettes of the choicest brands, at Lowest Store Prices. High Street, HAVERFORDWEST. Branch Office -Barlow-street, Milford Haven. TO GROCERS. THE FAMOUS CABLE TEA Is the TEA that every GROCER should push the sale of. It shows a SATISFACTORY profit considering the HIGH QUALITY of the TEA. It is sold at a POPULAR orica. « And on its merits should be an increasing Trade with every Grocer who keeps it. DISTRICT AGENTS: WILLIAM JOHN & SON, HAVERFORDWEST. HENRY HILLS AND SONS' CHEMICAL MANURES AMLWCH, ANGLESEY. IV/jR. W. REES CARVER, Auctioneer, oi ■ VI Fishguard, has been appointed Agent for the Sale of our Manures at FISHCUARD, COODWiCK AND ABERCASTLE. A good stock of Manures will be stored at the various depots, and all orders promptly atten- ded to. We solicit the continued kindly pat- ronage of the surrounding Agriculturists, and assure them all of our best services in the I future. do LEWIS HUGHES, Manager. THE SLADE TIMBER YARD, FISHGUARD. J. 1\1. GUILD, (Late W. Williams & Son.) Timber Merchant, HAS a large and varied stock of Good Boild- ing Timber (in Red Pitch-pine, White and Spruce), Flooring Boards and Match- boards, Yellow Pine, Spruce, Archangel White, American White Wood, Carolina Pine and Oak- sawn Boards, Prepared Mouldings, comprising Architraves, Sashes,Sills, Skirting Boards, &c, also Split and Sawn Roof and Ceiling Laths, Wire-cut and other Nails. Speciality—Welsh Oak, Ash, and Elm, Shafts, Spokes, aud Felloes, Shovel and Mattock Sticks, Ladders; Cart Material cut to size. Wheelblocks turned and Gates and Barrows made to order. Estimates given to supply Buildings. OFFICES—SLADE, FISHGUARD. SOLYA AND FISHGUARD. JOSEPH DAVIES, Carrier, Solva, runa a Con- veyanoe •▼ery Thursday to FuheaaRL Wtim Solva at 7 ajm. ™ At Croesgoeh LDl. Mathry Crow Roads 810 LII1 -r- ^I^ORTA*rroToTH £ R?^ W9 Every mother who values the He*ith aa4 Jr Cleanliness of her child should use A HARRISON'S A "RELIABLE" W A NURSERY POMADE. A W One apj»Beatk» kffls all Nits and Vermin, 9 1 A be*atifi*a and itrenffthena the Hiir V A la TIM, 4** & »dU Postage A y CO. «. MAIBSM. MEM1ST, MMB ST, KEAKKB. W y CO. W. MAIBSM. ftTMST, UMe ST, KEAKKB. W EVERY WOMAN SHOULD RAIN ""WOMAN*S KEY TO HEALTH," which will be sent rssa on receipt of stamped ad 4rmwd envelope. Itoocteaa informatioo of vitas 'intaceet to every woman, and tella how the varim aflwaents moidimtot to th« aez oan be ented and "health leatored withwrt owdieiTwiaor drrua. Addzaaa> 1bL fflga D-Jfacnen^gSZ, Hi^-HolbonvJUMkUa,: -.0. Ude" j: I FIRST SHOV of the SEASON. YtiUtam 3ames, The Draper and Outfitter, *4 FISHGUARD. is now prepared to show the finest selection possible in MILLINERY an.d Fancy Goods, the best and largest ever shown in the neighbourhood, and can confidently Invite inspection & comparison with anyone in the County. There is no necessity for William James to boast that he is the largest Draper in the County, And the leading Draper in the County. The volume of Trade which he commands will speak as to that. J The two beautiful rooms which he added to his premises last summer adding greatlyto the facilities for atten- tion to customersj and he begs to thank his numerous friends for their kind approval and appreciation. A CARGO OF SUPERPHOS. PHATE FOB THE TTESTEBN COUNTIES ASSOCIATION HAS JUST ARRIVED AT PORTHGAI N. Apply to the local agent: Mr Ed. PowelL p3mrl5 Haverfordwest and St. David's THE City Hotel Omnibus or Brake will, wtfl further notioe, run on Saturdays only between St. David's and Haverford- wort, leaving 8t. David's at 7 a.m., returning from Haverfordwest Q8 the arrival of the 2.49 train. FAMSBAD 4hup for luggage. G. MARTIN, Proprietor l f A A.