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HAWARDEN GUARDIANS. .—— 4 — HARMLESS LUNATIC ACCOMMODA- TION. A meeting of the Ha warden Board of Guardians was held at Broughtcn Workhoueo on Friday, Mr. W. Fryer presiding.- Mr. John Wright reported on an official visit paid by him and two otbo," ddcgaks of the Council (Messrs. R G. Roberta and S. Vickerz-), to Denbigh Asylum, a.nd said they found everything satisfactory. The delegates sug- gested that if there was room in their Work- h-cuso they should accommodate the harmless lunatics thero and not at the asylum, provided, cf course, Dr. C-ox, chief medical officer at the asylum, consented. This, ho thought, would beiuefU tho patients, and alrlo themselves lLnaneialiy. Another suggestion was tha.t the Clerk should occasionally make inquiries on behalf of the Union as to tho progress of their patients. Mr. John Millingtcil moved a vote of tjianke to the delegates for their services, and sup- ported tho suggestion with reference to the removal of the harmless patients. The motion was carried. "The Chairman referred to a case in which a woman had been sent by tho U:i:on, at the t'xpenso of the ratepayers, to the asylum. It had s:nco been ascertained that sho possessed means to the extent of three or four hundred pounds. Th:s monoy had not been placed to tho credit of the guardians, neitflbr did they know where the money was, nor where the bank book was to be obtained. Alluding to the suggestion of the removal of the patients, the Chairman said tiro surroundings of the u-yluin were not conducive to the improvement of the harmless patients, and if they were re- moved to the Workhouse he thought it would bo more beneficial. The nation, he thought, ought to provide a homo for harmless lunatics, ttnd not leave them to the caie of unions and county councils. The report was received, but no recommenda- ticn was made. CAERGWRLE WATER SUPPLY. SCHEME ADOPTED. At a meeting of the Hope and Tryddvn Water and Sewerage Committee it was pro- posed that the Council be recommended to accept the scheme of tho Wrcxhaim Water Company for supplying with water the districts of fiopo and Caergwrle. The scheme p.-ovdes for bringing a supply from Cefny bedd, II h b.unchc,s in Caergwrle and Hope villages, through Penyfford to the top of Penymynydd, the estimated cost being £ 4,590.—It was also resolved to inform the Parish Council that arrangements would be made for supplying wiJ;h water the places not included in the scheme. Mr. Skinner said that in adopting any jcheme at all they ought to adopt a complete ic hcme, fio as to include Penymynydd, where ihere wore 50 houses which were not supplied with water, and the people had to carry the water a distanoo of half a mile. lie proposed :hat the committee's report and recommenda- tion be adopted. Mr. Mjillirigton seconded, remarking that thero had been an agitaticsn for water for that district for six or seven year, and he thought the time had como when the matter ought to be settled. The Council had tried in many ways to supply with water Caergwrle, Hope, Penyfford, and Penymynydd, and they had been told many times that the local supplies were inadequate to meet the demands of the whole district. Therefore they had no alter- native but to adopt the scheme. Mr. Lewis moved an amendment that the echcme be not adopted until it was altered so as to supply tho districts of Cymmau and Caer Estyn. These two districts, ho said, had been wanting water for years. The Wrexham Corn- pany could not force water to the two dis- tricts, and left it to the Council to fight out tho quest to.a as best they could. When adopt- ing a scheme they ought to have cne that was Complete. Mr. Parry seconded the amendment, stating that the Hope Parish Council would unani- mously agreo to the Echemeo if those two dis- tricts wore included. Mr. John Wright, in supporting, said there was oulv one pipe, three-quarters of an inch in diameter, to supply tho two districts men- tioned. and the pcopio had to come a long dis- tance to obtain water from the small pipe. Mr. Ford said the Council had to consider many points in arriving at their decision. Their medical officer had reported tho necessity of a proper supply, while the sanitary inspector had stated that there were 1.460 people requiring water in Hope and Caergwrle alone. To meet the requirements of the Local Government Iioaid, Mr. Barrett had had to gauge the local springs for throo years, and lie. reported jfficially that tho supply was only sufficient for the present needs of Hope and Ca?rgwrlo, not reckoning Panyffordd and Penymyndd. The Wrexham Water Co. owned tho district, and '.he Local Government Board Inspector and iUieir clerk impressed upon them the absurdity )f trying to get outside the company's powers vifchout their consent. The Water Co. would lot, aftar spending £ 20,000. forego their rights. local .toheme would be infinitely more ooetly. jnd would Load the Council with responsibili- ties and risks. The Council had stated to tho Local Government Board that they wero con- rincrd that a proper supply was needed, and \hey were doing their best to formulate a jcheme. They could not, therefore, now plead a supply was not ncocssary. If a thousand jKople voted against a supply, the Council "Mist 8:111 supply the 1,462 people reported to be in want of water, and this could not bo done rxocpt through the Wrexham Water Co. They Wi-oved, however, that the Council could sup- ply Cymmau and Cacr Estyn with water rbeaper than could the company. Mr. Lewis asked if tho people of Caergwrle md Hope bad ever asked tho Council to BUp- ply them with water. The Chairman: I am not prepared to say, but petitions liave been presented to the Coun- cil several times on the subject. Mr. Lewis: Not from the neighbourhood of Hope and Caergwrle. Three-quarters of tho people voted against the Wrexham Water Co. 's scheme. Eventually it was decided to adopt tho com- mittee's report, only Messrs. Parry and Lewis voting against the motion. FACILITATING IMMORALITY. During a discussion on the report of the Sanitary Inspector, the Chairman referred to several oases where it was reported that there was only one convenience for a number of houses. He dieelared that this state of thinge was facilitating immorality, and he was of .tho decided opinion that every houso should have its own convenience. PIGS AS SCAVENGERS. Tho Sanitary Inspector also reported eases where pigs were not kept in proper places. i'h3 Chan-man said that the inspector was only doing his duty in bringing any such case for- ward, but he thought they ought not to be so strict in rural areas as in urban areas with re- ference to tho housing of pigs, which were the scavengers to be found. WATER SUPPLY DIFFICULTIES. Several applications were made for water Certificates, tho water to bo obtained from the 3awaidcn Water Co.'s supply. Mr. Fox asked whether the company could Supply tho water. Mr. Vickers said there was very little water 111 Shotton on Tuesday. Mr. Fox thought it was not right that water 'certificate's should be grant.edi for new houses Rhen the inhabitants could not get water. Mr. Spc-nocr again called attention to the fact Jhat although there was a shortage of supply xt Shotton the streets of Hawarden were being watered. The Sanitary Inspector (Mr. Barrett) ex- pressed the opinion that the streets needed Catering. Mr. Millington said it was a blessing Mr. ppoiiccrr did not live on tho highroad. Mr. Spencer did not get th:) dust in such clouds as did the people in Hawardcn village, Shotton and Queen's Ferry. Six or seven hours after the roads had been watered, the motor-cars ircatcd as much dust as ever, and after they lb ad passed, it was a long time before men or tad passe d d be distingui?hed. ;relliclc,s could be distinguished. Mr. Fox said it was much bettor to have the water to drink than to have it put on tho roads. Mr. Millington That is true, but the reser- voirs are full of water. XL9 matter then dicppetf








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