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[ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] FASHION AND THINGS FEMININE. BY MISS IDA MELLER. I A DRESS FOR THE + BUSINESS WOMAN. I The height of the holiday season is past, but until September is out people are still coming and going. The re-opening of schools about the middle of the month or rather later takes many families home again, and business occupations forbid others from enjoying any longer the charms of seaside or countiy; but en the other hand the-re are those who, for one reason or another, defer their holidays until after the August rush and are only now taking a well- earned rest from the ordinary daily routine. The return from holiday making, no matter at what season of the year it occurs, usually means a revision of the wardrobe, for unless the holi- day consists of house-visitmg, it is the custom with many to include in their outfits clothes that have seen their best days and can be "finished off" away from home. The business woman will probably require a new dress for everyday wear on her return home, and a simple model that may possibly meet with her ap- proval is sketched in the full-length figure herewith, which illustrates a dress of black nun's veiling, with a plain skirt, stitched many times at the fOÐt. and a crossed bodice, pleated on the shoulders and decked with a few velvet but- tons. Similar buttons, but rather smaller, run up the long cuffs that meet the upper part of the full sleeves, and the vest is of fine black lace insertion and hair-pin embroidery. Th:s, of course, oculd be exchanged for a vest of light lace. The hem of the skirt should be stiffened with an interlining of tailor-canvas, as this keeps the skirt firm and in good shape, the stitching also helping to bring about the same results. The umbrella skirt is another simple and gcod DlDdd that is easily made and econo- mica!' and looks well with a single row of velvet buttons up the front; and the effect is particu lariy g?cd when the buttons arc continued up the front cf the biouee-bodice of mawrial to match, arm.ngcd with a centre box-pleat and pleats on either side. The advantage that a I vest holds over a yoke is that the former, being independent, enables a change to be made from time to time in the aspect of the bodice, the I vest being now light, now dark, now neutral, now touched up with colour. SAILOR HATS FOR THE AUTUMN. I Year bv vear the ubiquitous sailor hat take-s its place among summer fashions, and now it r,mmW to remain with us thron?houit t?e r.rom? agc 'I winter, the new consIgnments oi millinery for the coming month including a large variety of sador "hate in felt and velvet as well i., in straw. The autumn sailor hat is, like the model we have been wearing since the dawn of spring, short of brim and fairly high in the crown, and if trimmed with a broad band of ribbon and big bow of the same, or, in its smartest character, with a single handsome plume curling over the brim or a couple of feathers dexterously arranged at the left side, where the indispensable bandeau lifts the hat from the head and yields the requisite tilt demanded by fashion, the liat poised at an acute angle being still the one most beloved by fashion-makers and followers. Sketched h-re l-s a simple sailor hat typical of what bids fair to be the most popular mode of the autumn. It is of course, soft, black straw, trimmed with black and white striped ribbon, bunched up high at the left side. Similar hats in wine-red straw trimmed with self- coloured or old-pink ribbon are very good to look at. a liberal amount of ribbon serving to decorate the bandeaux. Sailor hat* of plain, coloured fo t. which ring the changes with tho&e of straw, look very well with ribbon-velvet- "1." h es and pompons: and the velvet sailor hat finds a becoming garniture in wide, soft chine ribbon, or satin ribbon, and ostrich feathers; also in big full-blown roses of silk. A VELVET COATEE. I Year by year, with the arrival of autumn, velvet and velveteen are to the fore, and this season is no exception to the rule, but has broug.ht with it a ooilcction of lovely velvets in a range of eolouris taking in all the newest and most fashionable tints. For the smart blou-se or coat for autumn wear nothing sur- passes velvet, and an excellent substitute is good velveteen, which, for blouses, is even pre- ferred by many to velvet, since it haag.s mOfC softly. Tito choice of a smart outdoor costume frequently rests with a doth skirt and velvet Eton or bolero coat, and many an autumn suit is made on these lines. The smart little coat sket.ched is of wine-red velvet, worn with a skirt of cloth to match. It is threaded at the neck with soft satin ribbon in a shade rather brighter than the velvet, and the ends are finally drawn oat tli rough cord ring", and arranged in a series of loops. The coat is cut with spade fronts and ruses shorter at the sides, and the sleeves hang abraight to the elbows, where they are rolled back to form cuffs and finished with lace ruffles. This coat offers a suggestion for the renovation of a last year's model built on Russian lines, with a belted waist and with or without a short basque, the formerly long sleeves being shorn off just below the elbows and provided with natural or added cuffs. The same design works out very well in seal-coloured velvet or plush, also in black chiffon velours, in which character it may be recommended as a season- able substitute for the black taffetas coat that has been so popular a feature of summer fashions. FUR NECKLETS. The Marabout stole dies hard, and although it has been worn to an excess that soon renders a fashion commonplace, and is no longer smart, it even takes its place among autumn fashions, for the reason that nothing has arisen to act a.s all adequate substitute—price and effect taken into cons deraton. Those who aio not limited as to cost will always find charming neckwear in the ties, boas and stoles of good fur, one of the most useful little wraps being the necklet of sable, or sonic less expensive fur, worn as a tight band round the throat and a single pend- ant end hanging below the left shoulder. White fox and eriuno and1 silvery chinchilla are among the luxuries of diiess for the autumn, these; delicate furs depending for their beauty on the. purity and spotlessness of their condition, and requiring considerable care for their perfect presei vat on. THE MOIRETTE UNDERSKIRT. I (me of the most important aids to the euc- cess of a skirt Is a well-cut petticoat, which, unless carefully fitted and kept flat about the region of the waist, is apt to considerably upset the appearance of the outer skirt. Moiretto is accorded a place of honour among materials lX-6t fitted for the composition of a petticoat, for tho reason that it possesses just enough stiff- ne-ss to prove an admirable set-off to the skirt, and at the same time is soft and smooth to the touch and devoid of the sateen-like limpness that has tho disadvantage of rendering a petti- coat too ol nging and impeding the. free move- ment of the knee-s Again, moirette wekirs far better than silk. The newest underskirts are made with side-front plackets, and are quite close-fitting on the upper part and cut with an ample flow below, emphasised by frills and flounces. LEMON JUICE FOR THE FINGER-NAILS for the benoht ot the hands and hnger-naiis it is a good plaii to keep a out lemon on the toilet table, and use it from time to time by squeezing the juice from a quarter of the lemon in a teacupful of hot water. a.nd d pping th? nai!s into the mixture until all stains, grease and cfiit leave thorn. This not only cleans the nails, but makes them more easy to polish afterwards, and with brisk rubbing with tho towel they be- come beautifully transpaient without the use of a brush or leather. However, should a brown ring still remain under the nails, this may he I removed by gently rubbing, under the nail, with a peoe of clean linen, dipped in the lemon solution. It is said that the skin at the base of the nails wou'd' never require cutting if the nails were daily rubbed with a quarter of a lemon and the skin pressed downwards with the towe-L A CORNISH CAKE The old bridal custom of sending out wedges of wedding-cake to friends and relatives is one not willingly cast aside; but the modern "wedge" is often nothing more than a few loose crumbs, hardly wort.h the cost of postage. It is, or was, I am told, a custom in Cornwall to send along with the wedge of Bride's-Cake a small slice of Bachelor's-Cake, the recipe of which was given to me the other day by a friend in whose hoilse it is always to be found among the homo-made cakes, This delicious Cor, nisn gateau is rnaae win. Kalf-a.-pound of flour, a quarter of a pound oach of butter and sugar, two or three eggs, a heap cf teajtpoonful of cas- sia powder, a level teaspoonfu' of V>i co.rUmat« of soda, and some currants and candied peel. The ingredients am mixed together in the same way as for an ordinary plum oake, and, if re- quired, a little milk is added. The eake is then turned into a greased1 tin and baked in a brik oven. As a substitute for cassia powder, where there is any difficulty in obtaining the latter, powdered cinnamon may be used—but in h lesser quar.t ty. The cake should be a rich brown colour when cooked. I BANANA CUSTARD AND JELLY. I Bananas lend themselves to various modes of cookery. They are excellent used for banana custard and banana jelly. The latter is very ouq,?r d azi d j e? quickly made by the aid of a cake o? orange jelly, diseolvc-d in the usual way. and pouted upon rounds of cut banana laid in a ohina mould or glass d sh. Baiiana custard consists of thick boiled cus- tard. stiff enough to set when cold, and poured, like the jelly, upon sliced banana. These two cold dihes are delicious for luncheon or supper.



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